(Coroltoa'rtDotrljmait. j8ALI$BURY. FRIDAY NOV. 3. TPTi 1 TXT I Vn A XTT TTTTTO fp I ING. FARMERS. iTfc . was once the nrevaiirni conviction: among ; all classes of citizens inai uie mier ui too son, from the nature of his livelihood! must bo uneducated, rude jiri speech, anil uncultivated in manl dcrs a mere "hewer J of woodjj arid a drawer of water.!' In that fwilifriit-fifitlift nirk Aro " ihA iiriiversal conviction was also thai! if a boy or a young man happen?- cu ui ue siow vv 'Hfuru, mm nui so brilliant and ambitious as is uesiraole, it wouiu dc tne Jieigut; of folly io. attempt to educate mm iur any or mo siaiions oc cupied by lawyers, 1 physicians & clergymen ; yci, lie woum iiuiko 1 ar good - larmer. j)iit muii. taef many changes, which have beeri wfrought by revolving years, ant with the developments of science j mechanic arts, new vicw3 have I supplanted theeiToneous notions of. many of our ancestors. Xof . 1 . f ! . . . M tne impression is prevalent that: thc'sciencc and the art of agrjj culture require ' young j men anil bova of enercrv and talent. Witn the change which time has wrought, the once plodding tiller 01 tne soji nas oeen eicvatea in his calling, so that he sees ancj feels that mind, brains land edjif cation cive him an almost irrel sistible nowcr over the ! element J wliicj) he handles.; Instead jbf making a machine of his own qe licately organized body, he n mounts an easy seat and without ujiuutii: uiu luuguu liiciucm irj the wearisome labor of a long and sultry ..day, accomplishes an equj al task In jess than! one hour. More auspicious I times hav dawned on farmers. The prol lem baa long ago ; been solved; that'lie who. directs tlio operaf tioris of husbandry even if hll hatjds arc calloused and! his brM tanned, may be relincd in lahL guagc, and courteous and polish ed his manners. r j ' f j No class of citizens, can haVI '-and none do have so much leisure and s ) manyxcllent oji :portunities to read, to jwrite, tp Stlldv. and to becomn wisor an ft 1 better, than tillers i of the soil, if jujtry. Hiii eiz,u uie leisure mq fments. Every farmer and faf mcrs son may, if he wil appro jpriate at least two to four hours jevery dayr to reading, 1 writing and useful . study, i Ten hours Is 1 as long as any person can labor profitably for any one. A manu al laborer will perform more by .working 4 only ten hours daily xluringlhefseason, ian if he at : tempts -to keep , gojng fourteen bours Because a nian has been Jabormsrall dav in the dirt. If does not follow that he must sit loiincrinirlv all thn HVPninrr ! in JJ a m 1 -T.j -.... ill tliO armarernf a flitAH can sjip off his working dress, wash and brush up, and fee jdresscd; Yfkdy Ipr' the sitting room, in firtein minutes. Yonritr men and bjys, who must frequ cntly labrtrj at dirty;workt should be-taught to dress accordinglo i uuuepi mun, wnen tne day ! is ended jut on oJ 'suit that is ' not unbecoming in the reception j rodrn. After boys havo been Jed oh in manual employment, they should bo taught that they have f delicate bodies to be cared for. An ;cffort khould bo' made to pje rvato them in the scale of bein to higher and nobler-' manhoodl Don't' keep boys on the go from eany aawn tin bed time. Uet the duties of the dav bn i 11(1 IfM. ciously lJaid ont, sk that evejy ; ; one cart see what Is to be pdr '!; fprmed, a,nd how many hoilrs may., bo appropriated to every j)b.:nFarnicrs should strive 1 to L divest their rsons of the notion ; that their livelihood is but kh dndless routineof irksome drudg J I ory. -Parents anl guardians should: tmake an eflbrt to pfe 1 1 Yent Jth& prevalent notion in i; the minds of mbsli jfarmers, bots, thatfcalmost any jothcr placef is moro desirable than home. l.lUt them' be taught that after a few Jhours Jiaye been spent in malu. ai laDprj tiieyvnave;important du vico. tu uciiuiiii ay ot im Proving fhf minfli nrtH rV"8 l"e; J""0; i011" CUllVlt ing ine xougn- manuood, - (whlch wiirmotitd the boV who nssori. iuca wuu uncouin lauorers. it hf is nordaiiy brought under the oi caucaiion;and renncd. society A tToctrl' motto i puppo&ed jj to be -- ; For the Carolina Watchman ' . - ';4'0.t)r-0. F.'"i"fT I Iowa, 1871. r Tlie fol lowing astract i taken from the re port of t lie Grant! Correondjng and Becording Secretary the Grand Lodge of the U. States5 GRAND LOHOE SUMMABY. M . Number Jof Lodges at work, ' : 191 - " lof member ht rrfort, 8,006 " initiated during the year,i 1,451 ndmitted hj Card, ! 513 - u JreinsUted, ' 133 Total, 10,23 ; 55 573 Withdrawn ly Card, Suendd and dropped, 543 Death, i Total, 1,223 i j i $,500 Xumler of present nieiubent, . " rejecel, u jof lrt hero relieved; " fof widowed families relieted. 204 302 Amount paid for relieof brother, $4,85: . M ftaid for widowed fumiliea 460,0 i ...t r i i? M M U )nni ior vim mum in urpiiiiiin, i paid for burying dcaJ, 1,953,10 Totll, . $7,391,10 j Annual jfeceiptf, $50,675,00 Thi Rtatemint we collate from the I If art & Hand, a fiirnisliing Kratifyinx intelligence of the condijion of Otld fellowship in the State above referred toi. j Democratic Victory in Baltimore. The rcNMifi of ijbe municipal election yi-Bterdsfy ecu itu toi tittf citizens of Ualtiiaore tbe Hi-rvictrt ol iIik Hon. Joshua Vrauiiint d the May of. The councilinen elected com prise llientire Democratic Gnervaiie ticket exfeent one inernher of I lie first branch from the fifteenth ward, elected over Mr Berry, n member of the last CouncW Sun, 26lh. R. R. R. Radway's Ready Relief Care? the worn pains in from OXE To TWKXTY MISCTRR. ! f" Xot one hulLir alter retliug this advertisement liARWAY'S HEADY RELIEF in sx cure to every Pain. Tt wa the Crj't and nfy Pain lieni;(ly that intantlr f tons tne nuft excrueialiiii; dhidk. h Ihi h Inflniutiniix. ji-.1 citrea Con ti.'ijs, irbetber of the lungs, tttoiii- acn, isuweis or otner gland or iaiiH by , onu aiplicatioil in from one to twenty inintes.no uiuiier now vioiem or excrueiatlng t He nam Khematicl Bed.ridoVn, Infirm, Crippled, Net- sufler. K At) WAY '8 KEADr KKLIKIA' wifl nflbrd iriistint eae. f -i Inflammatpnjyf llic Kidneys . - ; if uflnmiHtjtinn ttf th 1Umlilu.r Injlamwdtipnof the lUKtU, ; h !S . Cimarxtinu. nf the Tnun Sore Throat, Difficult : breathing.' j I I'titnitationnfthtTtrnri Hysterics, croup, Dipthcriu, - Jv -ft': r Catarrh, Infliienza, Headache, oothache, A '' Reuralaia. RTirumnlixni Cold CLUlA.Umi, CkM : TlTL annlftation of the Hmdu JMh to th I' psirior pang wnere uie pain or tfitnculty exists s . J "T "r. " in uuoiu ease ami eonuoit. .. Tweuty drjs in a hiall'a tninMcr of waterwill in a few intjineiits cure cramps, fpasiii.s, xour stomach, heartburn, sick headache, diariha. ilyscnteru. chlic. irind hi Utc botccls. and till iti Traveler kLohIiI aUr c.trry a bottle of fr fnr successive we RadwarR Ready Rt'lii-r' wilh thfin .' A fou-.:Viithma. .,...:r..:.. irops iMwr will prevtnt ,icUr .ichuurtf water. It .1 Letter tUaa i'cenci 14nd,v;or Hitters as a stimulant. T Brfo ' s Fever and Arne. Fever and A true i-iin-tl fr tiiv ft ThLr- L - c - a aa a. net a remedial agett in thi world that wiH cure Fever lilad Ague and all otlier Malaiin, Bilious Scarlet, Typhoid, Yellow a'nChtthF-Fevers (aided ibj Midway's 1'ifis) so quich m "Kadway'tslCeady Reliel." Firt v cents per hit- tle. I : I ' f : HEALTH ! BEAUTY!!' , " H 'ill Strong atdpure rich Blood Increase 1 Ucsh and Blood Clear Skin & Beau tifutVmplexion secured lo all. j 4 ; j ?2l. , HAS WAIT'S ; i j ' Sadaparilllau Resolvent j Hasmadthc most astonish iug Cures : $o quick, 4 rapid are the changes the body undergoes, under the influence of tins truly Wonderful Medicine, that :i KVKIlY j DAY AN lNCUEASli FLIHSII AND WEIGHT IS! IK ;SEEX AND FELT. j U THE GRKAT BLOOD PURIFIER. 4 j! Every diop of the arapariUiau Rewdvebt ebiuinunitiitethroiigli ihe blKd, sweat, urifji and otllerjjBnid.M and juice of the nyntem the vifror f lift, for it repairs the wasti oi the body with new Wnd nouud material, scrofula, vpli li, eonsutaptit-n, glanduar dieas, uJee'rs in tb thr atjnionlh. tumors, nodtjsin the glands and otherjjparti' of the syxlem, sore evesf stifui morous dincharirt Kfrom The pai Rn.l th forms of sfi-ia diseases, eruption, levers, oris,' wttiu icoipkjin& worm, saitrtttun, erysipelas, ache, bla spots, wonns in the flesh, canceW iu the wotimb, and all veakeninj: audi pitiful discharge riirht sweats, lo. ol sporiri otd all wastes of the life Principle, are within the cur ative ranjie of this wonder of ilotleru t'fcen igt, tv, and afjtfw days use will prove t any per son wishing it for cither ol these furnis ol dls-l ae its pttentpwert cure theinl j - I i It the patient, daily becominr redubed by the wastes auj decomposition that is continually progressing, succeeds in arresting these wastes,: and repaid the same with new material made from healthy blood and this the Sarsaparilliau will and does seeun a cure is certain; for when ncd th reuiedy commences its Trfirkibf nuntica'ii, aud succeeds iu dhiiinishinj; the loss of wates, its repairs will be rapid, and ev. cry day the patient will feel himself gmwine better n4 st npei. the hd digesting better, appetite iipprwving aud flesh and weight in creasing, pot only does tbeSarsaparillkm Re solvent excel all known remedial agents in the! cure ofChrouic, Scrofulous, Constitutional and Skin diseases : hnt it i th far nnlt? vja a ! for KIDNEY & BL.VDDEU COMPLAINTS,-led SUH.k of ' Unnarv and womb diiic dropsy, sUppage of water .iucoutincncq of nrinei CnghlV djsease.-AllmminuTia, and in all case where thtf e are brick-dustiileptit8,or the wat ter is thick, elrrndy, mixetl iriih substjinceslikg the white f an egg, or threads like white silk or there if a morlid. dark, bilious appearanco' aup white; bone-dust deposits, and when thtr w a pridkfyg. burning Kej;satiu when passini water. rtd naiu in the &mntl f k. iv.i, ..' along the, loins. - . ; . . .: RADWAY'S i I 11 Perfect rursntive Pill. r,eci,yielMeIecnl'.vcoa,'dwW'irB Pf.W. pirrify. cleanse and rtrentl.en. stomach, liver, l owela. kidrva , hl.l disesses, Jif sfdaclie, constipation cotiite, iia$r ..tfj.m. ouwnsnesfr. mrioufi lever infiani. raionoriwbowebi.nii. andaii A.rit s ana an derangement Qf arranttd to effect i inosi- cZT1? no nier a j r 'f i s i itiuo win irrf! Kile svstem froiri all tb ihn. nan. a;. .7" - : i " ainuiurn, nee. t nanwli v lAZZ Tkck. Send one letter-stamp IlirlYlalf lakIl:lsiTAa4la V J Ml i 1 T Jo tie 304-26-1 j t; W.uik, fwyriilt. R. H. HcDmiu A Cm.. ltrmgim ; Caa. A(MU, te FraocaM, Cl m4 M Cam Mravi, N. f. MILLIONH Bear Test I m car tm their Weaderfal Carw-tive, Efleet. They are not a vUa Ftirjr Url ak, Mad of Tmmr Ram, Wklaker, Praaf Hptrlta aati Refaae .;- Llaaara doctored, iplced and iwertefied to pleaic tb Uncalled "Tonics" -ApptiKTm," "Rrstoren."Ac, j that lead the tippler on to drunkenness and roiiv,batar a trve Medicinr,made rota tiie Nntir Itnou and Herb of California, free from all Alcwfcelie t$tlMM ! Iaal. They are the IS KEA T IILOOI) Pl'BN FIEKand A I.IKE (ilVIXU i'RINCirLE. j a erfect Renavator "I Invljrorntor of the System. carrying off all poiaonoua matter and restoring tbebluod : to a healthy condition. No person can take these BlU ! ters according to directioiia and remain long unwell, provided their tones are not destroyed by mineral poison or other means, and the vital organs wasted beyond the point of repair. They are Gentle Pergatlve aa well aa a Tonic, posesing, also, the pcctilinr merit of acting as a powei ful ntlctit in relicviuR Congestion or Inflam- ' motion of ttie Urer. ami aii the Visceral Organs. FOR FEMALE COMPLAINTS, in young or ol.i. married or ing!e, at the dawn of womanhood or at the turn of life, tiiese Tonic Bitten have no equal. Far laflnmuiats-ry nn4 Ckroulc Bheima 1 1 sin aad (.oat. Dyspepsia sr Iadlgestloa, IlilioMs. Remittent aad Intermittent Fe Tera, IHaeancMi r thr ltlaod. Liver, Kid neys nnd Illndder, thi-xe Ri iters have been most suoceMsfiil. Sack Disease are caused by Vitiated niood, winch v generally produced by dorangement of the Digestive Organs. DYSPEPSIA OIC INDIGESTION', Ilead ache. Pain in the liouiders, Oonghs, Tightness of tha Chest. Dizziness. Sour ruetatioas of the Stomach. Bad Taste in tfca Mou!b. Bilioas Attacks. Palpitation of, tha Heart. Inflammation of the Lunga. Pain fa the re gions of the moneys, and a hundred other painful symp toms, arw the elspring of Dyspepsia. Titer invigorate the Stomach and stimulate the torpid Liver and Bowels, which tender them of unequalled efficacy in aliasing the blood of all imparities, and im parting new life and visor to the whole system. FOR SKIN DISEASES, Eruptions, Tetter, gait Rheum. Blotches. Spots. Pimples. Pustules. Boils, Car buncles. Rins-Worms. 8cald Head. Sore Eyes, Krynlpe lav Itch.Sctirtii. Oiscoloratioos of the Skin, auntorsand was;! ut the Skiu, of whatev-v name or nature, are liu-rallr diig up and rsrnejl out of the syntem in s short tune by the use ol these Bit ters. One bottle In such Ur7eucts!:0,1mCO th m9St i,K5rea,ou of their curs Cleanse the Vitiated Blood whenever you And Its Im purities bursting through the skin in Pimples, Erup tions or Sores ; cleanse It when you find it obstructed and sluggish In the veins: cleanse It when it la foul, and your reelings will tell you when. Keep tha Mood pure, and the kralth of tha svstem will follow. Pin, Tape, and other Warms, larking In th system of so many thousands, are effectually destroyed ?B2Lr?.mI!Ifd- i 9J, ' '.ltingnlsked physiologist. llZZ lc,'c,J,. lndlWl npon the face of4be w. hi'l"i lHKl!r U X-PP tn pn-sence of ItTJV.." iB Bot P beaithy elements of the nody that worm, ettlst. but npon the diseased humors ' and Sl.my debits that breed these bring moQ.tenof dl5- . N? Srtem of Medicine, no vffajrcl no tfese Bitted " ht ,tt"a wormlike J. WALKER, Proprietor. R. H. McDONALD CO, Druggists and (Jen Aeents. San Francisco. California, a and 32 and 34 Commerce Street, New York.0 -SOU BY A1X BRUUGISTS AND DSALKKS. NORTH CAROLINA- Davie County. B March. Plfff., again at H. l'lelt.s:rMpi. Superior Court. Publication. - AV. It appearing to the Court that thedefen- ant above named. IK Tint ik ritkiilistit .kf ftk! ?tMe ; u Is ordered that publication lw made VeekS IW t :e "Siflishiirv U t e Z v 1 " "l P"? 11 1 i 7 ". J g"X" ; ' 1 er bo,"j- auA 'K'ada demurs at i; him that uuh'ss he tatiu win he Hiiturrl .l 1 .1 . ....... iiii.nus! nun, nun me property levied on will be con.lemued to sat iny the same. The at-eonntof tlie plaiutilTs claimed against defendant due by aecmi.t ai.d note is the sum f live hundred and --nVUi"e d"!,ar8a!l b.rtv eight cents (t.J.45i.) Said wa-raut of attarhuieut is returuabltf tlie 2d day of Oct. 1871. at tlie .dhee of ihe CU-rk of th Su,erior Court of r Dane county. And let the Defeiidaut take notice of this, at his ril. II. 1. AUSTIN'. 3:4t:$8 C. S.C. of Davie. T SVt UM P 15 A N T ! Silver Medals VV,'KI'' awarded tii C HAS. M. STI12FF fitr the best PI A VOS nrir 14 differen Makers of New York, Ualtiulore Alannfacturcrs. arid Boston OFFICE AND NEW WAREK0OXS, N 9 N. L,lbrrt 8 ., llfli'n -rr, ma. . The Stii fTs Pianos contain all thj latest im provements to be found in a first-class Piano, with additional improvements of his own in vention, not to be found in other instruments The tone, to3t h and finish of their instruments cannot be excelled by any manufactured. A large assortment of Second Hand Pianos always o -hand, from $75 U 300. w Parlttr and Church Organs, mime 20 different stylos on hand, from $T0 aud upwards. Send for Illustrated Catalosfue, entainin" names of over 1000 Southerners. (500of which are Virginians,) who have bought the Stieff Piano sjnee he clwe of tlie war. Sapt. 1-1 y. 1871. Fall Trade, 1871. HEW GOODS ! GOODS ! ! Moeolr tfa Walton HAVE received teirNew Fall Stock and are telling thew at i OLD PlilCES, notwithstanding the great advance in Cotton ana oueni uootts. 1 Hey would also call es pecial attention to their large and well assort AND DOTS CLOTHING in which they are offering Great Bargains. If you wish to save mony call and examine their Stock before purchasiug tiecv 1 1 r Scpt.2y 1S71 tri. SALISBURY HARDWARE STORE, A FULTi STOCK nlwavs on hand of everv arietv Nails. Iron. Ktaei. fii " dies, Scythe, 100 Doten Axes at 'low prices vjuus, xisiois, rv rives ana forks, Fairbanks Scales, the best Wromrlit Irnn Plrv i c....a 0 ' iuuiiu. We warrant them togive satisfaction. Thomp- nn'a Plnv nl SnIumiloM CORN SHELLERS, STRAW CUTTERS, ana a inousand other things you need. 8end in your, orders or cotne and buy. ' s CRAWFORD A IIEILTO, wan27-ly. .. Salisbury, N. C. 18C9. Mu 1870 17 Gold & THE THE MAINE i:atfof ..ortes are acknowled by all who havo them in use, and by the First Musical Talent, to be equal ana in many respects, Superior to any EXanufacturcd They combine Immense Pwctr, Equahty ztcccincss and Brilliancy of Tone, Elasticity of Toucii, and Great Durability. Dealers, Tcaclicrs and others desiring to purchase a first-class instrumentare invited to examine these Pianos before making their selections elsewhere. PATENT AGRAFFE TREBLE, Together with all modern improvements. The most thoroughly seasoned timber the market af fords is selected, regardless of cost, as we fed assured it will be the cheapest in the end. The great increase lu tbe sale of our instru has mcnts, enabled us to reduce our prices for v First Class Pianos, from ten to twenty-five per cent, leas than; any other house (offering tbe same class of instruments) in the United States. While we act upon the maxim of "quick sales and small profits," we make it, at the same time, a special object to furnish our customers with instruments in no way iuferior to the best in the market. Many families have had a desire to rbtain a Piano, but could not afford to pay the dealer a profijtof from 100 to $300, neither do they wish to purchase a cheap made instrument, thai would cost more to keep in repair than it is worth, hence a large clas ol our music loving people have been obliged to do without. TTo can furnish New Seven-Octave Piano Fortes from 275 to 050 dollars. Second hand Pianos trom 40 to 250 dollars. Parties orderiuirbv mail mm- rlr ni. j .-j ..j.... tne best selections. Our Pianos are fully warranted for mx year Descrintive Circulars sent t all mirty ,.r t couutry upon application. C. M. Tremaine & Brother, MANUFACTURERS, 435 Broomo Street, Iffcw ITork. o- THE BURDETT Combination (Wilh Carpenter and BurdeWs Xeto m Improvements.) The disagreeable reedy tone entirely over conic in thi instrument. The Vcrdicl ialnarjimoDs! The Greatest Succcu of the 1st ! ! Wc rhallcuge the World to Equal It!! And cordially incite the jwofession, dealers and the musical tcorld generally to examine this truly wonderful instrument. Tlie Burdctt Comlmiation. Organ As its name indicates, is an ine-pninann!..,. r.n ... standard improvements, con.bir.ed with many ne features never before introduced or attempted in uccu uiS4ui, tugciucr making litis iirgan the HI fias ci.tka of iiiotrunicuu, and one tl.ut has al- riad V frrATil a iwnlntimi in ....t.f:. r . the decided favor of the general adoption of Heed v. uutu ir scvuiitr ma satreu music, where an instrument is required either to accompany the With the multitudinous and sniurisins- rnm.i. tions t hat are contained in this iiisti anient, the most intricate music of the "great insuteia," can be icn dered as on a grand organ ; or the most simple mu aic lor tu utelodeon can be played by a child. All the various improvements on tli P.nrdrtt n,. pan are protected by patent, beionr exclusiTlv tn the Compauy, aud can be used on no other organ. The present Bordett Orran lias cordial and hisheiit enconiums from tlmu nni in.. among the first of musicians and organists. The Xetc York Independent sans nf thr n-. dett Organ : "It is by lax the most perfect reed msuuuicui we nave ever seen. The Christian Leader sous : 4-TTehad nM. Uat a reed instrument could be brought to such periectiou. The Xcte York GhMrrrrr m .-, of voiciuir. richness of tone, ana w-..riurA,i chestral combinations, together with a number vf new and original stops, render it an iutru mem oi sucn pcriecUou as to be beyond com petition " The press and public everywhere who have had au opportunity or listening to its beautiful strains, not only give it their unqualified appro val, but unhesitatingly concede tb. it stands without a rival. Tl e Burdctt Organ ranges in price from $135 lo $1000. We liave also New Cabinet Oi trans al 845, $75, $100, &c ; C. Jtl, Tremaine & Bro., Wholesale Agekts, I i VUUS AU,AS ew It UAJLAA July 2, 1870. s . 2D-tiII n 8JI--73 ORGAN CONNECTlCUTijMUTUALiLIFE INS. CO., OP HARTFORD, CONN. i a i w I M ! I. . . i ASSETS OVER 33,000,000. TUE ADVANTAGE OFFERED TO INSURE BT THIS CONPANY IS 8oiiJ 25ccuritjr, Superior' tcouom)', aijtt iu Couveuicul j'stcu uf Auuual Diridetia'. ANNUAL INCOME ABOUT 810,000.000, With Lower Exp?" of Manigemeut sues all the most dcairuble kiudaj ot Xifr and JEndoiTincut roliclc, - i : . i . i . k . 1 On which Dividends will be paid ' ANNUALLY AtTEH TUEjKIRST PAYMtNT. , S. D." WAIT. Oeneral Afcnt, ' ' (I ItKnu m.fui.n l.... Illi;.. JNO. A. BRADS1IAW, Ag'ij Salislurj.-Sp-tf PIEDMONT AND ARLINGTON 'filFE INSURANCE COT. HOME 03TFICE i r i c h;m o n q ; v a . Ael lO.li Sepl cmber 1870 Amiiml Iiirnnif ovpi Policies issued to 1st free, BBEMIUMS ALL CASlI REDUCEt) BY TUE ANNUAL CAS1I DIVIDENDS Oiy TUE CONTRIBUTION PLAN. OFFICERS; W. C. CARRINGTON,. . JOHN K. EDWARDS,., f. J. HOPKINS, D. J IIARTSOOK, PROF. E. B. SMITH.... m m m J. E. WOLFF,. , y - D. W. COURTS. Cen'l. Agent for Western X. . ijr Auiivt Aiih.yis UA.M Jiii EVERYWHERE. Fib. 10-ly.. ' . ' . ; 1 cuiiLorrE CHARLOTTE.-N. Li RKV. R. HUinVFLL, i I JOHN B. BUUWKLl,, A. M. rriarlpali. The 4 tli annual Session rniiim.niv.'ii. Qntni lct next and continue!-in. til June 3i lh2. Circa- iar n(U itihipuf criiaininp rul I aVti-lar a. to trrm. Xc. forvardi-d oa aiHili.-atioa Lu tlu- Principala. Julj7lh, 27 3m. THE NEW Family Sewing Machine ! ?!4 BOW tilt Y EMPIRE. ..nv. The extraor.Iinary anrces oftWir new and im proved mannractiiriii2 Mai hinr Tor lirlit and hea y work Iium intlurt-i' tl.e KsntE hcuvu chine Co. to Manufacture a NEW FAMILY MACHINE ofthe aai..e style and constmctlon. wita additional orranientatioii. inak it ttjiial in iaoiy and fin .mIi nitli otliei Kamily Machines w heirs 1dsc. fulnecs it fHrnuLt:irw all oftlimnoa- sfknoa- ! .A ... . .. . . wuuinreacn oi vrr r lass; a nd tl. (iotnr prepared to ofTer nioM liWial ii dm i rrM. lo l'uy ! era. dealer and acauts. Arnlr rr -.- I... -j '; aampleato X. S H COXPAKT maj26:l7 94 B. w.rj V Y. Is tsbI Mr MriwusJu. al tW amuKite.. a. - Mlrfrttt, twttl sa4 rMnm MMLLS, ffSCVfS. TSZii. Mciwhmi sal til t-Udlt Cmin. frrfmrttg rrt sas XtlU'.U, aaa siw.jr nj fir Immiiimn m. fi CBIxr. rsTE:ii rwr it. rosin, aad u wiiX xsir ex LXXD CS SXA, te ssjr bssr, t ms It Is nl sdss4 l. ta. as. or WMjMjcn, Jrfava, JT.rftMr. rsnma, 4, aa4 I. la fact, la ry rmptct, lU SrjT YKAST roWDm ftr . Xt(ca, f a Comm. fJU CrnOn. - BOLD ET:ROCraS A rEALEBS tTTETWTtEKE. Maaufartnred by DOOLET &. EIit)TIIEIt, C9 HIV STRECT, MCV-YOJ5K. LAID FOR SALE ! Acont lCAAcret, Seven milt from Saliburv, in the ViJke4n Ko:d, adjoining IU.i5.11owafJ, Jlinjmaiii other. ; jwrtofil Sctol Creek B(luni. Terms, une-foHrth cali, balance one, two and three year credit. : Knqiiire of Jno. Miller, wholliroson the premiM, or of It. Barringer, Ageot, Charlotte, Aug. 25, '71 2iu 3ARBEES HOTEL, HIGH POINT, N. C. Opposite railroad depot. Ten paces from tchere the Cars stop. Best ef porters hi attendance at all train. Mail Stapes for Salem leave this hotise dailr. Pten?ersdipatcUedloaHy poiatalskort notice by pi-irate eouveyanee. Crateful for the liberal patronage of the past we hope by strict attention to the wants af onr rnesU to merit a continuance ofth same. ' r a na. iu. u. UA Ills tZ. Jan. 1. 1870-tf lTonri7tor. WEWrGOODB 1 is r McCubbins, Sullivan &C0. IIavejnt received their Fall and Plater Stock ol New Gooda, consisting of larj Cwoda. Haidware Croceriea, Queesware. BooU and Sboea. Hals and ''aps.Oita. I'aiuUand js StoTs, Iron and St.. Saddle. Harriet. and taeh TriiRmlnr. rnIe. Up per. Ilameaa and Skirtinf leather. UlaIne and CALL AND SEE US. They keep constantly on hand a tarre Stock ol irUAXU, PHOSPHATES, LIME dc Send in your Order. ,'j Salihbory, N. C.Sept. 19,1871.! Pure Apple Vixiegar. ron. SALS, J 20 Wt- f .APPLE VINEGAR, of rt manafactnre, warranted PtRK and vnnlnt. Mar2&-tt . Hifih Toini, N?C. is- RALElGll, N. U. i 82,01 1.00U.7O ...1,000.000.00 3,000 187p.. '.!- PUESIDEXT. Vice Pk ilsidest. iv Assistant Scretart. ' i StCI: ETaKY. ACTUAKT. . .'.SUPEKlKTESUEXT OV AGEyciES. LEWIS C. IIANES, Aoext, C, n, N. C. VITTKOV KY& RIHTLES. j j CHARLOTTE, N. C, JIEnow rwivmp Ihrir itrirene Fall ltjnk (or tbe W'to'r Sale ar.d l.elail Trnde, part of which arc imp. tcU dittct fium uri. An i 25 5ft. - WILLIAM VALENTINE, 5IIE BAKBEK, R'ETCRXS HIS T II AXES to his OLh Will 'EXltS and the Pul.lic fur Ibe lilM-ral rMtrtlibFe heri UrureeKUiidni tohim. lie now inform, theiuthat bo baaiitudup a new and -unjinxliu Shop, in Dr. ZXezxdcrson's Brick- j Uaildlnf. Room Ho. 2, whre" he wi.nld le tl-nw.l t iruardBtec: topire ati.f:u t ion in erery ce. ! lie lia in hi emnlor nf th Wt Ilair'rr..r. iu Weatern XortL (Carolina, lie requests call frorp all. Salisbury, X. C , Pro 17 . 1 50 t f TfFALL and WINTER IMPORTATION. lEibbons, Millinery and Straw Goods, :: IVrmsl roiifi:. C.ilor A: CO. t i iiromu tuv junrm r BONNET, TRIMMING d- VELVET RIBBONS, Bonnet Silks, Satins and Velvets, Blonds. lcus, crapes, Jiuchcs, f lowers, leathers. Ornaments. Straw Bonnets & Ladies' Hat, ' i Trimmed and rntrimnu-d, ' ! SHAKER IKKJI), &c. 237 A 239 JtaUimort Strtrt, BALTIMORE, )1D. Offer the larcrt Kiwlr i. lw. r,...A : .1 DonfttrT, and unequalled in choice, vnrietr and ....i-.-, iviiij.ii.iiil' me isien r.nroean nov '!" Wrdcra aolicitetl. and promni attention " I - V 11 sa Save your Wheat & Oats, IMPORTANT NOTICE TO FARMERS.' Ah imuortant di"orerr in nnrM t r-t- . Wl.tat and Oat. If th ll.r.-'.L " r VT LfiitlS rnLa,h r '"2 hT ra-t. th. uTri'rrriuiir reniracu. All I aJi i a rial. Prepared aud for al n I. J. 11- KXXISS .', DrnjSlirre. 7-tf. ftaliabarj. ItXTY'riVr nT ZK M COALS AWAHQfO tiik flliKAT 6OUTHKUN .MAN! FAC TORY. I f W1L C. KNAliE ic CO. I Manufacturers of ; GRAND, StUllK AND UPRIGHT ; j Piano Fcrtes. 1 BALTlalOBE, MD. iThem Inatranreiits kt hn vr , 1. . t.. v t for oeariy Thmv Yeara, and unon iheir ex cellence aU ne aUained an mmuurrAAJ which pnwi ounce thetu unequalled, in T f . V fc. ....... . . -"-" iwn-u, UJllkMAXfrUir ASI Ul ll.l M B1LITT. '- TV A 1 1 our &mar f'ui V . 7?UiTTWi VKKsrKC,iu cale and the JoVet tr!. e would call anisl iitm: , ; - I ... .nt in mi Utc fateuted Improvements In fraa iaM and svar GVa-ea, lousxl in tM tK,er Piano. which bring the Piaiw nearer ..erection than lua yet been attained. Zvcry Piano FuUj Warmnied for Fire Yean. j 36 We are bj peclal arrangement enabled U2 furnish l'urlor (Mu wl .1 .1. nt celebrated makers, Wholesale and Retail at iowcki ractorr I nee. lllnstraied Caialofue. aad Price LisU promM Irifarnished on a)licalio to i- WM. KNABE A CX), Raltioiore, Md. 1 : of our ulr enlabliahed acenciea. I October 13, ir71. Cmorjllv. than ady otLer American Compauj, it ! 18 7 1 Prospectus, of- -.." "THE PATRIOT." V a a. THE PATRIOT," mdaUe Dewocratac atJ Conswrrative uewsfsaper, la puUiaied i,y ,1 Patriot Newijter Aawociaiaun,'' at 'o. t, atreet, between Ninth and Tenth, ritj tf Wak. "The Patriot" will adrtarate a prompt aaJ perfect rratoralioo the Union in all iu ina and iu entire integrit y ; eualii amoair iu Scati-a aa prrarribed by by tins roouaf imDKdiaia; removal of all disabilities reVhi! from ihe civil war, and tW reaeaikM uf ,Ji muy and fraternal fellowship briaern all ey t'tvn of the cotintrr.whu h the abum-a and au. atioM of partisan power bare crimiiullv Lv bored to prerent I A Tariff tor revenue to eoTer ibe eincndlu area of an rconomical aJminl ration, . meet the Ju-t obliationa of GovemnHft. a. opposed lo the exhaling nrtrn of exhnrUuvst protection tor J'ccial nooJir ab4 fcuj. jui-r.1 artialily tut faeirel manutuinrtr Red urtion of the prrx-t.t odi.Kis and i tire aire scale of Uxiikm, l,h . .JL, to dntiea on imports and on internal rroLe- et-onomv in errtr dT..KBl u , (jovirnmt nt and rHrtncLmctit ofthe txttm: Kcfrro of ihe niUict ni,Tia ail iu WanU,. e, C1-il, Militarr and Naval: A aoiind National rm.cy.' enaallf distribo. ted among the atr. ,d protected araiasa aprcnlative fluctua tions: The righta of intellijent UUsr, araiMi all elfish conibmationsto.b-irrade and detrecuie it LeKulation by which the public land, will be referred for actual artilers and aa a Muarreof National credit, in tpimrn to the Radical jtolicy of enormoaa granu to speculator an4 cvrrut aciiemva : The fullest and firmest protection to Ameri can citizens abroad: And cordial sviupalhy with all people str--plinjr for liberty aixl self .vernment. It is intended t ptibliali a ne;r of il Crrt el.w, and to enlist the beat available talent in all iu department. Terms Inrariubfy Coils in Advance: The V eekly Patriot, per annum, tin gle cope, 2 Jo The Weekly Patriot, per annum, cluba of ten or more, 2 00 Remittance may be made xr draAs orrhctki K yable iu any of the jwWipal ri tit, or by l O&ce order. A dl reason Uhd JAMES O. UERKET, Patriot Office." WasLiajftoo, I. c Xationil Dfaornlie Exftotitt trvJitii ConmlUff. Wa'iusgtox, D. C, Augnst th, We take pleasure in recommending moat car. neatly lo the u(port of oar Democratic aaa Conservative fricisd throughont tle rwiwry "Tlie Patriot" ncwxapex, aa announced m lis orvjroing j rujctus. There i no jonrnal at the CapitcJ thronrk which the voiw ofoppoitKn can how be hrani, or Ihe abuses and imriuitica of the trry in t. er mar be exposed. ISuch an orean has larmana mA.Utj ceity, which we are iwmiadetf will be ably This enlt-q.n-r ret upon a firm tindaiK, and is eniull 10 the cor.udencr and favor ofU men who deire to rtdrem the (ioremtmi from niUrule aixl torruption. and to brinir back the principles, simple Tirtucs, and inlerritv of our ibreuthvr. COMMITTEE: w ST-,f IUmUU' M- irmn, T. M. Smiih, II. . Slocim. M. C, A. r. C. De.,rr, r. SlornM C, R T Merrick, X L Jerries, reUry, Thomas bwano, M C, Treaawref. Coxciiru5ioxAL committee: Eiirei.e ('aaaerly, Cal; John P Stockton, N J; Wm H lUmum, Cfn; II V locnm, NY; John T I'.ird, N J ; JS.m'1 J Hamuli, Pa : D T RiSI.-. I VI; F 8tone, Md ; J VV Johnsiun, Va; h hshober, N C; P Van Trump. Ohio; W E Nil.lack, Ind; AUlUirr, III; 11 WincbeHer, Mdndjrc, M,.; K M W i!.n, Minn; JoVr4, u Smith, Oreron ; J A J-l.n-.Hi, 11 ; J COiu, V M 11 Younf. A lUilev, U; A A C Roger, Ark. " 12.1 IMPORTANT NOTICE TO CONSUMERS of DRY GOODS. m He tail Orders amoantlnf to 620 aaa uvcr iJeuwered in any rxxt ol tbe Conn try FKKi; OF EXRRFSS CIIAROK Il.nmilton Knufer V Son, OF RALTIUOKE. I'D, In order the bettrr t meet Ihe want of tbeir llj tail Cu!l4Miu r at a diatauce bare establish SAMPLE BUUEAU, and will, npon application, pronipUy M-ud br mail full lines of Samples of the 'ewri im mot Ka-hionahle (i.is, f Kiturii. Ercwn and DomTlcilanuCicture.Fuarautein-laJl times ! w 11 as oar if not at lc j,r,ct. than any hon in the country ltuyiuour from tbe i-r fret and mwt celebrated uiauiilacturer in il. d.CV rent ar1s of Eur.ij. and iinpirtiiij: tlie ame by Meamers direct tti Italtimoie. our Ucl is at all liai-e promptly aupplid with tLe dot el tie of IU Umdon and rari markets. A a we buy and all only fur rv. and mete no lad ff!t.e are able aud williu loaalloar rNnU at mom t:s to rim. riu. cut, lu Profit than if we are credit. In nendina for snmjdes Jdfy tne Had J goib desired. f e keep he best pade of ev erj elat ofgoodK, trom the lowest to th ut coolly. riOrder accompanied by the cab will U acnt C O. I). Prtmipt-nayini; TTIIOLE-SALE BUTEES re invited to in. port the Slock tn nr Jwbbicg aad Package iK-parlinent. Add res HAMILTON EASTER SONS. 177. 1 W. :m and i3 Wet Baltimore St., OcU214Al7 IUltUDore.ild- Chango of Schedule. Cotiipauy Shops, Jsae 34.171. On and after Sutidar, June 4th. le71,Uaia wjllb.. run over thi road in accordance wit the rollbwfrjr TIME TABLE U. C. RXiLBOAD TRitrscoixo nrr, vavsaa. asaiva. aasva. aaajva la.ta. - i Ca.rlotir , a f . m -l..lMiry '.;.. MJ: 1 .-lra " Mill , urra.Mrs ..,lt .,a m J . - t - C.S.p. Il.'r. m. Ivr . :- l.4 - II I .v w. t ts t.M ' II a 'IIJ " aii-L . ... ... . OaAaWra' - H V .B) S - f !' i TBAIX Cp1Q T; aatu asrwss. Tsvaea 12. . mi ' Psli.Wary. tt - litis , ill ,ltt fl OfwiiW. It- It titrs 1 a ea c.as., .luai r It.at a ltar iff t - HllMW rs 1 T - ll.;.a ll.l luwirfc. i vi4.r. .. I a.a OoUsaorc' i . mJnvr.u u i .a uMu' Matrof Tranporiatl any Shop. J?n l.ltCI. TT.n GREEN'. Com j Cheap Chattlc Mo rtgngos, and rariou otUtr l!aak fur aale hm.

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