i L......J-. i-f. . I . - . .- . ;- -- : ..--i-'i ' ; I ' ; t " ; i 4 1 - - - . , , ! ? - , ii:L j fi'cS- " 1 I ' - -"' 1 : . i "r s "" ! ' - ? ... I ? ! .! I . . . . "f " : ; i i i -t ' i - j I ' - I - . . f . ; : I - - I ' I s - - ! : " 3 I ; ! :: - , - j! i ' - j 4 i . . i-- i" j -j ' : ' , t; t i .1 t,.( It 4 ! v i I u j ' t f H u'.iunHi..T.u..Ji ti.iX'SMmUt'm -In one corner of one of, my fields ii iill-ide of gettle Recent frtai a branch jo ''the "Wood,' comprisiog ubout one acjre 'and al lialf.,prceeutiii2 a Weetern front. 'I Iiia blot had lor days unnumbered ben- covered with bropm-8 dgc and ?roaH eft guru si. , Wlilen the origiiud timber ws taken off rdV 'pile knows. j. The surfae wasovered With small, w bite tlitit roek, varingjn rise; from pebbles tp fifty-pmni Weight. Tb ioilif any, Wa colddaru), graiyiali andj itertley ' dj crawfish- holfs were as numerous as -"tU'Btwicir'Jojfi'" aurlace. lii wjp- weaiuer: itus uubfUie vras a sloeh ; fiC water lay pn it and in-t, lut it nevei bojgedIu orjdinary weaiji rr it was top ; damp to work, and in dfy t pells it becauie as hard as a board, li -wiS only ij very dry weaiher tb Urooiii edge wouU lnun, and this end whs ef iectcd !nlhu' Spring of 16D after sevdr fll hiedectujil attempts. ' In Mnrcjt, 18G9. the plot was ptonghed and ross-plOnghed ith scooters, and in A few days beded tip hoiizmUaHy and planted in sorghum cane. With careful culture and fair seasons the yield was al most nothing, not a talk rowjiig higher than six fVit nor larger ihuH-:ue's finder. lt J87 3 an efft'trt ' was nade to culti- rate this plot in corn. In Iiy the pros pect was so unproinii'ing the crop was Abandoned, to the weeds. ; . ; la January last a ditch three feet deep, And as n'arj-ow m n laborer could dig in, was dug "rPm the branch np the centre, und i whenj: half way up ih; hill was branched so as to foiira a complete X.dn thc-bottoiDiof . lh:sjdtch were laid r gu 1arly: two rtwn of pnialL flint stone., and xine tovering these lof leaving an opeu- xing benci tli. Upouj these were thrown proniiscnnadly the Hint stones from the surface oi khe plot until the ditch was one-third! full. Upon th'ee were laid regularly! small pine twigs, and about thrice inc ies tf dirt thrown in upon th?se, which wiisjiamcd firmly with an oidinary wooded maul sawed off square. This jdono tlio remaining dirt was drawn intn jind On tOrj of the ditch, leaving a ridge .or hank jupt where the (litcli had bt.tns -Oii the $7th April the land was iio roughly broken up wi,h Jqng scooters and immediately cross-plotighed; Onhe ay ie was iaia on in nvc reel non- zontal rows, und one acre measured -iiom ine inn oi ine , nui was manuj eo J : .1 . ! .11 Ml 1 . 1 .1 vtth two hundred pounds of Stono Fer- ililizcr. T Ltd nest morning the land fas beded up with shovels, thejtejs opened wtih an ordinary- $coter, corn dropped 'three fceti apart and -covered with a dbuble-foo cd plough. 'or the uext-tt'uj days 'the iweaiher 'as old, very wet and windy. By the 25ih Jilay there was an alujeV-- perfect eta nil of com, and tie young stalks jooked bold, vig6Iou8, nd healthy. On the 29ih the crop jrcccivjed four scooter furrows, when jtas were planted, 'the land being mf lloW and i'riabla and ploughing beautifullyi irxOm the 1st to; the lOih ot Junes al most incessant rains fell, the IJaud becam thoroughly satnratjed; the flow of wter i rom stant the covered dram was bold and cbn- tl ie com grew off rapidly, and not, mlc was to bo seen. On the a crawfish (ISilLJune he corn was hoed and thiuiied gle stalk, being now alxmt ;h and looking very grlea the lauti wa's in high ava .out to a 6i: one foot hit; and healt t son .25th il une, five furrows wiUt sliv- els und live s weeps were given the crop, At this,80aion fain' fell ulutost every dav July 14 peas anrt corn looUeu wj II, though the excessive rant 'discloses "wet, spots , on I io hill-sidei July 2d. four .furrows wit i shovels and heel swteps given" the crop. July ll'ih, furrows, followed by a Iiltr "laid by" the cop; botlr were again three swecj. tied I corn, atid.pt as looking remaikably well. The following: ten days were excessive! v ltot, windy aud parching, but had no per ceptible elTdct upon the crun. July 20. b, Jine ram winch secured the roc. ! October, Sid, the corn was in shucked and measured, (an occasional bushel ctjdars being shelled aud the average tatdWi) and ihc- yield proved to be twenty Bushels, two peeks and--sue Italian, wor ih the day it Avair gathefed twenty dollars and sixty two cents, $0 G2.') 7i. .1 : .1 .1 . . nui uiu ims corn cost t;or tin Upon the supposition that th bcne1i to the land pajd for the ditch, the labor Ex pended on the crop was six days with man and horse with the plugh and'tvo days: with hoe hand, worth in th? g "gregte, nitje dollars $9.) The p!M phantxost five dollars aud a half, (&5 do.) and the' gathering and j chucking, etc.,!i:e quired the labor of two hands, a horse j and carl onje day, valued at two dolhtr, I Hence the crop alctuariy eostSlGioO .and ,was wf)rth S20 G2. Our he hind s rcjrted for'4'62 per acre, if the super visor! oc inrown in gratuitously. Plie fodtjer I regard just worth the "jgatuering, jand the pea crop has been ploughed i i as a manure to the oat crop already sown, . r ! The details of this littje experiment Arc given, lecause thSey corroborate three idefls that I liave long entertained. f r First, thj: corn crop is ihe jmost lan- irofiLablo c op we can plant on our tip indi.' WftU the uiojH f'avurabhseaHpus the upland corn pi inter pay at Mast eighty cents per buslu-1 fr Ins crop. The jame land Iplanted in small grain, lor- gum or coUon, will, under similarcircth i stances, .bujv Ithe corn crop and pay a i Juandsome. lent beside s. $ccond; there can bej no better etitnu- miiiui uiu una inai me Ajuaries- ion pnospi ates, aut m far' from bd no- too'! hiffh-priced, they are worth VvWvP cent paid for ithi'iii. i.. .- 1870 a majority of tlie ah iuu Oi, cotton planters in- vesiea . in these, cnmtn frcial fertilizers, urid for what purnose .Miuply to iniikei ;'a . Jjf cottbn ckop. File recult pnived .... . i- 'i. -6 that these tertilizois did their dufv notdv tj jforj' sjey;': firod tict-d 'a immene cotot ';"Pf wtici weiit iiitjlie handrof spcur 'latowhol bought atid sold; a, their wn I VXCV. '.', "fli8 ' plMF8 ! Censeouentiy lost! ; money and tbeetitir I rd'lp tWir 'best friej'ii H ......... . .1 mi .; t entire blame was aitaehJ lic.iVd iniitea'tl of to tlieiJ pw n m prudence. II ad those fcr tiWr lL j applied one half to suiall grain, or olhe cultivated Crops than ! cotiou th Sont! to dy f w0ild have' bejen independent! 1 Third, tjie Value a our lands of 31 ... i ! i 1 ! ! . f I ' t It.. ra. . underl f s. (uiaiuinz is iiicaicuume, naia expeni J ,t war meiit,iwjth others IJiave mde jroves to ne tht: there i not an acre bf land in! the iSoalhcrfvered tfith BKni.tlidt M'ouldtint Aie safScieiiuy improved' to; .pay for t lint Into VectioiU by deep narrow ;ditchej.; 'iFor ikiii' oiit-ratioir not oiil' clears 'the siufaca nn H IttlBlilMltV Ull Ullli'.'9 IU ill -UlllO.lllVC jmost irofitubly. . j " i ; i n If aiduch such as I have described pibove iIjCi dug across the direct ejay: kuob jh the oulh, and -Both eijds Itft j opn, '(the uijprr end by bavingja perpendicu-pa-r bos or gutter? inserted pnto1 ttf touch ng ti sjtoiM-a and projectiiig .a foiitbove Ithe sujace, and l3ip lower tend lift opeu lat thejjoot of tlie hill,) tjiere iwftUbe a k'oiititMnl flow oi air turousli tlieitlrain. and air equally constant Sdrip of water tftoiii the lwer.'"tnil,7,'A' Oerninfouce jvery iiavejy said to, nif, ?4i!ce- ;umu r- (iiaiusjare the lung -f the earthy they jgive breath, life and vitality t-o theiland.'' l nard uestroyetj wet, sour, spot on stony places l! by siui uly ' .digging a - hoh, say , three ifft square and si fwet deepcart- ItlLT "IliU'O CI IV UI1U .Titll)T UU lUli OOIK wiih allhcent stones. ' ' ' D. WYAtT AIKEN; lUotdjmnh, Sfci LISB CRY. PUID A Y 2fOV 10. : Hj ' 1 - T ' "' t-fTT r -'J llflHrEKD, the robber- of the city. Freasily of New York, w said lo'have t raifi red over $4,000,000 of his "proper- :iy tfincip i the discovery of his thefts, to parties; who aro to hold . it for him ' unti) his present troubles with the indignant land outraged people have, blowa over. liut t lie people ana the press reporters are watchijpg his every movement, and they promise him? a warm time! before lie gets threw with it. Bat money is power: w0 hall ot be surprised if f B ss " Tweed eficapcf witwout tlie los ot a hiitr. . FIR OF THE CAUOLINA?. , Thepist of prcjninins awarded at the late Fair in Charlotte, exhibits a ivery handsome aicecuut. There were Exhib itors tlfcre from a w:derange in and out of the StateJ Rowan's youngest daughter, Dayie,walk!ed ahead of her mother in the number aii( variety her 'products, her sister, Da-vdsorr, leading the way, as usual jr, T. Goodmai of Mt. Olla, ex hibited tlie 1 21 best ye;r old Stallion, premium $15; aud Joht Graham the fbest 2 yar old, S10. fin M. linker was awjarded'$10 for the Ibeet open linz gy. llrs. liijdia MeTronyJa medal or for the jbest iornamental mpchine sewing:. ; and ss Mollie Ilnut'a Afgart took an, other pifemium. .Tlj'se are all of Rowan, Our iidmsruioit of lite lieges, Slud'z ; Fries, sind Ttioinpsoa.jivas filiy .su'slain-i ed by them ut the Fair of th.r ( arolinas.- May thy live always aud bege t a thous and children like themselves. t " f I f I . ' ! I. Itev.JJas. Sinclair, of Robeson county,: commoijly known as the fighting parson and who whs rcceutlv! "cornered''' by the iRobesiu buidittil bat slii!ed ovitf their cltulus by clever taik, char-' ?'' ST. Carrow, U. S.!darshal,as we learn fjotu the Wilmington Star, with forgery I and intends to pit him through- rhe Ciifrts oii this charge They are of family afi'air -yhieh outs ders may pnlr look onlit a re-cfab'le 'diitaiicr; ' 1 I 1 '" h ' - ' ' We rfe-copy the addiessjof lite Central Executive Committee ot tjih Democratic Ceuservnive party, in connection wiih those articles' of the Stath "On ifnnti,,.. whereinfameiidments are Iropdstd. The reader iH thus have the i two! together: juidcanjmoie convenietttlj asecrUiu the effect ofl the changes recommended. It is hoped the people will give enough of theirattentin to this and other sul - ffcets of bublic importance o etiible them to arriv4 at satisfactory diluclusioiis as to theline f drrty they shouhj pnWue. Onvol the greatest dangers which threaten the liberties! of the people is elf imposed ig. norauceof pur; public affairs. li is ims possibles for men to fefl Jan" Interest in inything which they do not ui derstatul. aud it t iluposHibb f.r jthem! to know withoutpaking the naius tp ifafpjwn lhcuxe selves. The gravest duty of the citizen of this country i to ni-efeervW aiwl :hnJ do wu id his children thc liberties bequ eathed o them, by our revolut ionary sires: ana iui pan only be doup by an pro per knowledge of all thak relates to the subjectj; aud by eterna vigilance, ip j agaiust encroachments. guarain jRNER'S ALMANAC; We liave received from Ithe publisher. Mr. Ja. 11. Liifjss, a. shecimcn of tlJL AImio Xor 1S72, witich llfo ws great im provempnts on foruier publications. The Calculalions Are made -lty .Mr. C ayes', piCsidtit of Trinity Collie. It is botl Mseful and interesting, and is got up iu e.xceucui give. , Rufta B. Ballock, radlckl Governor of Georgia, has rcsjgncd liis fficefand Ilql-deu,-ltk;f, left lite State. ! The Lejril.i- ture was soon to assemble! And this radi cal fcotiudrel, whp is charijed with having misapprMd the funds of tlie State, know ing ihal h coultLtiot sustain an . fuvestl gatiopjpf his conduct, iesgntd and fled. What record the Soathej ti States afford urdfcr pe recoustiuctioa aptsof Congress ! The whole scheme, designed from! the hrst ttf work the ruin pf the foath' under the tortus of Iawful authority, is succeed ing to flie fullest measure bf the malicd pf those jho plauircditV , "uliUjl1' ... V,: SENSIBLE -TALK. - A correspondent -f - tho Carolina Eaglf " writing fr'pin Catawba Station, desyryes J credit ;for the, following; VM-y sensible ireinarks and nggetjonii u'a sbjectvwhlcb coriceitishe fa'uijersipore directly,. but incidentally oil classes jf the community! .We commend it, especially the nirmblrs of mr Wept. K. C. Agiricul tural aud MeehaniciinAs&ii-itioQ ! ilip aft iii daugjer of.fejilii g down iuto a spit ot do-noihuig s:tti until the time of the next. Fntr approaches. Our own opinion isthat fh tiroDiiums for the next l air should be atuiAuiutd sow, aud farmers stiinrufated to1 evert thernpfl ves in refer- :1 the vear lonnd. The devel- oVmieiil of! rcsotites atid stimulation; of ,f-i - ' !;- ' 'f- itiGiisiriai ;eiierges are, me greai oi-jtjcisoi the annual! Fair (or'tliould be,) and the bet?t means of a'c'cfdnpliffhing these ohjeitrt are well suggested :' by the author of the subjoiued lextract ; "Here ii our owu county we are following iu the Siiinle tracks of our ancestors. We just plow Aud lute, dig and delve and at th end of thefyear, i is all weean d to make buckle aud strop u eet." Whv is tnis ? Yes say a huudred,"oa;1 land is too-poor. "didn't have good. lucWihe sign Was not good." ,3 Wholnadtf the land ptnr ? l)'nt know say all. Why-did uot that Factory liourish? JJul it make g60dkth 7 No! We need Cif-oYieration ; we need a.soei .t ing with each other j ' we neel urganizatim; in plain language something to bring us to gether; ye need societies iu every Town ship; hhere .the people could meet together and eouver? with each other; ech givinjj iu his experience and jMUting all together fr the common good. 15y tliese means a ri val ship would be created, to see which could excel in every vocation of lif. . Ueuewed vig or, iudefatigable zeal aud enterprising ener gy would tnter eery pursuit of lite, and we wouM move mi in one grand phalanx of ir resistable iuvulnerabiiity to l'rospeiity and Success. !' ' , We need sbirte lice men, .imbued with the spirit of progress, to euiHiiienee Ut organi zation ..'tq bviuy together, tlie skill, wisdom and iutetltgeuve of the citizens for the emu mon gouL v AVithoiH unity . of action our t-trength is lost, liyoi couceut ration of all ouo skiirand ability into one raud ceutre we can .remove many heavy burdens that now re.t on tur atl tntean shoulders. Then, let the Farmers and Mechanics or ganize themselves into Clolw hi every Town ship,' and Meet tviyether often, talk with each nlher. a d let eaeh give iu his experience, like they Jo in the church, .Let them jigiee tosee who'cart raise the mosi Com and Coitott Potatoes on au acre of ground. Who can raise the largest ilogs. ,&e. Of couie eve ry body couuected with the Club would do his level best and the result would be all JVould be well paid. . Buncombe county in this state, adopted a similar to this. Tin- Club m;de their trial on au ac eof old "lirootn SeJge" tield. Tne result was, that Nat Woodfin, made I4UJ htJlleis of corn on an acre tliat woul 1 uot before, sprout Wiv peas. ' This is the great est yield f corn ever uui'de iu the state, ofli cially reported. A Mr. Sliaw in Bladen coun ty raised feot) bushels of Swett Potatoes on an acre. Mr. -McKoy of Kobeson rais ed 81)0 biishels of the same. These tueu be- lougeil ty a Huh and were . t( see who could beat." These are acts aud not a they don't pay. ruauiug races man can av Can't we do the same? We thiuk .o. It is a pleasure as well as profitable. ! Can Ca tawba beat old Buncombe on the corn jues tjou I Let us resolve to try. We aro wil ling to enter the conte t for 1S7C. These rellec ions of ours, caused by a re irospec ive view of our past efforts, are made .. . I. ... !.. . . .. J-.! r .i t v oei er our ceuuiiiou lor me uture. W e hope the people will arouse up, and get on a higher road to prosjerily. 'Tis tiie br.ie the unyielding, the determined, that fortune favors. But deserve her smile by your industry and all the has is yours. Tiieu. let us move aud see what w e can do for ourselves, ehihfreu and couutrv, bv in dustry, ecouoniy aud enterprise. (Jr. C. McX. . -q ! TO URN A MET. They hive liiuDi Tournament and Rail at biatesville, recently, of which we liud a full account in tin; American V.f the G;h instant, i It id rcr.rcscnted a h ivi-'o- tw.1.1. , ... l very pleasant affair, and we doubt not was so i. ideed to those who participated in it. r or the inf".. matioti of thosr . I,n f,...l interested, we copy so much of the ac count as to fdu.w the names of the suc- ccssful Kiig,hts, and the ladies whom they chise. Bavs the American : Tlie following is a list of the comnetilom : Milieu ViiIker, Knight of the Silver (Jarter : hoUrt J-ord, Lone !iar; J. li. Uendeihon, Fallen Flag; 11. A. Davkj Sali-sburv ; V. A. Alesander, Ml. Sterlinsi: Jo, lilliiott. IUiip Cloud; M. V. Hill, lilack Sah ;J. A. Hous ton, ivanfio, . Howell, biatesville; Fred. A. Kerr, ltoyal Coat ; Jus. McLelland, Coicord; V. L. iiisCorkle, lied riume. lich completed the Klipulaled number of ridings, the wnici .uarsnai announced Uiehucceilul Kmylitis. im.L.i .f. x.-.:t..i.v - f .1"- L.-l ' . " "b xk.ujj;uia 01 me ouyer viarter, Lone Slar, Falk-ii Flag, and Salisbury. At an early hour in the eveninzlthe bcautv aud civlry of this and adjoining counties be gan to assemble in Stockton Hall, a moot npa eioiiM ruoin, anu ere long 11 wax well tlirongeU. The merry laugh and joyous conversation re sounded jun allide, and all went merrv as the marriage l.el." The influx of the guesU having, shonidwlthe .ceremony of the corona tion was) proceeded ith, Hie Knight of the Silver Gitrter choosing' the Queen of Lfve, and Beauty, Mti Ik-He Boger, of ibis town, upon whose fair brow jr as placed the crown of dis tinction, (which added r.ew lustre to her already hivety chjanris. . Knight of the Lon Star choe Miss Durable Stockton, another qneenlv belle of our tofn, as first Maid of Honor; Knight of me 1 aueii r jag seiecieo as seconu juaut ot Hon or Miss Mamie lane. one, of ltowsln's bewitch ing daughters, and "iheKuight of .Salisbury, Miss Idii Sttnson as .t hi id 'Maid qf Honora beauty of rare gmce. So' mm-li loveliness be ing ore-sent it would le uniust in us to males a distsnctin inlcanditl truth we coujd not do it. Charlotte, Salisbury, ail Morganton vied with our own pleasant village in i the display of leinate grace aim courtly manhood ; and each oore lae iioi.ors equally. . TJtC pest Government, dc.A gentle man to d us a few days ago that when his income was 3,000 per aiinumV' his :axe weie bill $70 ; now when be makes noth ing, he has to pay annually 300 in taxes. That man who does not own I' this to be lhe begrgovertimeut tbe world ever saw for taxes, must be an unrepentant rebel or irreclaimable fooL Southern Home ' At'i Ehfflish exnerlitinn. tr nlisorvo 'il.a U!r C'LI','..V? xikart October 26ih. MAIL. W? haro.ielegrapliictreports of some of the flt'ctions oncTucsdy last. has gone Derno"cratic W au fstiuiated m; jority of 20,000. Nerly the entire Sen ate will be couserradre, with a large aitl vance on the-.twp-lhifcjs.in the House. Thii-w'a glorious trhxnrpta j'- S ASnixGTO, Av. 8. vvisconsin elects a Republican fjoverqor aud tfgis-' Illinois' elects a Efpulican Congress- man at large, by twenty five to , thirty thousand aisjoriiy. '' ' ! " , Kew Jeucy electa Democratic Gov ernor, aud probably Republican Legis lature. : ' ' I -: ' ' Jsew Yi k elecU the Republican State ticket and LegislatufiL : ' ; lammany elects only Tweed to the Senate and ony thre0 out of lw:et)ty-two Asscmb'vnieu. The Reform ticket for the county aud city if Neur York is suc cessful by huge Hiajfa-iiics. j - The Republicans have earned Kinsas by an increased majority. ; Nov. 7 - A den of tsonuterfeitersi broken up in Ka?as. ; 1 x- p. Y. ? lit rov. -ftxntmc coin 1 wett her in Maine, and fjnow at'Bult Dike. Nov. 7 No ward in Philadelphia clear of small pox, 'of which there arc over 500 cases in the city.. L Arc the State officials of Sobth Caroli t i .... . na aro m iew Xork.i They ufe m trou ble of some kind. 13" The Rutherford Vindicator says our jail is fast being filled witjt U.S. pris oners, who are alledged to be Ku klux Squads of from three to eight arrive al mogt daily. We suppose they will be ..I T .1 ' . i liiKcu io itaieign io oe tried , in the Circuit Court which isits on the 2G:hof November. ' 1 U : - ' 1 mm i For the Carolina Watchman. I. O. OF O. F. :i . ;i low a, 1871. GRAND EXCA M PI ENT SUX1MAUY. juraijcr or ratciimpmentirat work, 41 ot I'atriarelm last year, l,f49 Inhi.itid during the vear. 1XW ii u Admiitetl by Card, j Reinstated, ; 7 Total, ExpeHed, H Withdrawn ly Card, ! Stispended and droppetl, lXaih 1,838 ? 77 10 Total, Now in membership,; 12S 1,765 This statement is compiled from iej oris of the Grand Ofiiecrs of that Jurisdiet Ui to the Grand Lodge of the United States and exhihit marked prosperity in comparison with previous similar report. The growth of the Order has surpassed the expectation of i: most sanguine friends; and the future Is bright with promise of what can be accoinpIiOied. We neetl only recur to facts and ftatisiies, to be found in the proceedings of the Grand Lodge of the United States, and within the reach of all who desire to be informed. In 1819 it had its origin, and where does it stand lo-day ? More than three hun dred thousand contributing members,' and in creasing year by year. As an Oorganizr.tion the Order possses wealth, j numbers and resources inferior to no similar institution in the world, and have given proof in illustrations of its prin ciples and objects. Thie vast amount of good that has been accomplished in the past, is noth ing in comparison with What can be done in the future. For notwithstanding the late civil war Odd Fellowship hsis nckrly doubled since the surrender, and has evefy prosjH-ct that before the close of the present cer.tury its niemlicni will reach nearly a million of men, and imagi nation can set no bound to the future achieve ments of this great Fraternity. I5y applying the talents that Odd Fellowship possesses, it can vindicate its claims before the world and prove the truth of its professions, its principles, and its practices. Then will be fulfilled its ciii sistency, its truth and it fidelity. "The great moving spirit of the Order is be nevolence, good will to nil men, but more par ticularly to those to'; whom we are bou:;d by the ties of friendship and of fellowship, whereby we are pledged to assist each other in the hour of distress, to visit and watch ove r the sick, to protect the widow, and guide and guard the Orphan." It is about as much use to expostulate with an extreme radn.nl upon the sins and enormiiies of the party he is upholding as it is to pour water ou a duck s back. He will menly-laugh it off, and in the depths of demoralization, congratulate hiiuM-lf upon being one of a party whose infamies have beeu so cunningly devised and 44 1 raartly'" executed. The Wash ington, N. (). Express says it is time that gentlemen should cejise to jest with these base fellows over tliHr enormities. Too long have they been allowed to laugh Uicuy their CMMES. This -only' way : to woik a reform is to irxpose these charac ters 44 pillared in infamy" to the abhor rent gaze of that conimunity whose w orst enemies they arc. Salem Press. It is a question with the Raleigh Cam Unian, 44 whether in! attcmpting"to oneti ...v - . . 1 n,c rtuiiji itiiu peopjo to tne danger which threatens their free institu tion?, the press is ujot familiarizing and preparing them for the worst forms of despotism." This may be a question ; but there is no attention 1 about tl that the people of this country taken en masse, w ill never submit to despotism until so far degenerated as to be no" long er worthy of the liberties bequeathed to? inem. i tiere are some, serfs ! nafme who are wearing the; master's collar even now, and re proud of it; but the vast majority of the American people have not yet fallen quite so low. Salem Tress. Several Texas mayors are fined for car rying concealed weapons.1 ' m-r-T-m atttit. a'tttC1nI I - . - , j r t i - ' ... T - 1 yV ' TiiiTiN parson FAXLsiNTo '! iTUEIK ULUTUiti. v -. -.- !'. ;, li; it ? WHAT TIIE OUTLAWS SAY. On Saturday last, Jas. Sinclair, of this uiifiurtniiate town, went up-to Scuhltowii to meit he brethren of that loil bicality for the purpose, we(niiderstand of inau gurating a tree "skale." 'While1 the - ex-tfrsoti yen 1 taking -a drink in the back' toom of Bute's store, the outlaws suddenly made." their appear ance at the dbor aad haviag laced setiti nels around tjie hoase, II.L Lowry went in and accosted the parson, s-iying that they had been anxinus, for5 sonic tinieyld meet with lnm, and that they would now settle a little account taiidm4 against him for the part he -liad takj-ii igaintt them in issuing proclamations pf outlaw ry against certain of i'her 0 umber. The bombastic Justice $ei to work to explain, his coiidoci, aud succedj'd in con vincing the, outlaws, we suppos, that he had acifd only in self defense, and to al lay certain suspicious that prevailed iu the public mind that he Was hn active aecotnplice and friend of Hie oatlaws.- ll.iwever, it seems that finally !a mutual understanding was reached,' andj that they, eat down to a fijendly confab, lit the course of which Lowry stated jtliat they, had killed Saudern and Taylor, because they had determined the d-saih of 40 Republicans in the county, the list of whose ii-tmes they found tipottlbe bodv of Zanders when he was killed. Liwry insisted that they had killed Vnly Ku Klux, and that G?AXT WULt NOT Ah LOW TUEU TO BE FOU KIL LING KU KLUX ! j , The above ulleijed facts We get from ru mor .on the ft i eels. We don't kuow how much truth there is in lhi whede Mnry, or whether the whole thing is not a sheer fabrication. ! ' " ' ' We think it most likely that if Sin clair met the outlaws at 'all, it was by appointment, and was done to secure an iuterview wiibout suhjeciing himself to ' .i ine suspicion oi ueieg on tlrietjuly terms with the outlaws. JicUiOuian. Rev en no on fobacco. IMPORTANT L:TTKi: FROM TUli TREASURY DEPARTMENT AT WASH1NOTON. PccUJcrs or list Yd Ih ticks of TA icc0 r,tj a Special Tac of jFf.ec Dollars and miy retail otty.chcrc in tlie Stale', Tkpastry DvpXktmknt, :y DvpXktmknt, ") xaL RkS-km.e. v ., Oci.128, 1S7J. ) Ofi icr of Intkun- ..SIUXoTU.N SlK : In reply to your letter of Oct. 21. io relation to peddling! ni.iunf iCturrd tobacco, I h -vc to say tl(tt a manufac turer of tobacco may sll his product any where iu the United States .iihout payitig a special t ix as a lea!er i?i tobac co, but he can se'l o:ily in the r gi:ial and unbroken packages jlle m tv tend out an employee to peddh ;f r hiiu, who may sell on the same conditions as the manufacturer. j A peddh-r of tobacco who is not an employee of tin- manuuic! u er, and who-e salt s exceed SI00 per annum, in litblo to a special tax as a dealer in 'tobacco for. selling manufactured tabocco in the man ner of a peddler, and such la peddler ho has paid the special tax for o felling to bacco, may retail from wooden packages, packed and stamped accoutring to law. Very lespi ct fully, J. V. DprcjLASs, Cnmmissioi.cr. W. 1). Jones, Kq-, Assessor 4 h Dis trict, Rakigh, N. C j GRAND EXODPUS. The road down FrencJ Rroad River hading to lt nii80e and tin? West i full of wagon., t imilii-s aibil pedestrian : fugitives from justice, leaving Ruther- ford, Cleveland and I In lower counties toi avoid arresi for Ku KluxLtg. Many of. these men eay they- have -en deceivedll and milled by their party leader, aud ar!j sweatieg all .-o f of vei:gMticc agaiiff; their whih 1:; f. it :.d u h i iiavo ' so sadlr bel-siyid ll. m. ! r fi-jlows in ottn h -arts we pity them. Tuii amounts to a veiy s liouH bu.-iness, b ecutse these fu.'ii fives are abandoning l.oiiip. a id cn'tiv.it I ted crop.-, many of them 1 taking their families - othets leaving tlim behit.d. ' The simple fict of rtinni'ig away and evading the law is an adi ertisomeitt or; their guilt. Many of iheri leave debts behind which will of course) be levied oi their little property, (ofteiMimes at th instai cu cf ihoso who hid them intj trouble,) and it will be saciifivd, lloiue stead and aN.AsIievillcTjct.ccr. i '-' ' i KEEP IT BEFORE Tltfi PEOPLE that the grand jar of Chester county: South Carolina, composed if half trhilei and half llaels, hare condt mncd tlm acf of tlie President, and declare that "th! ALLEGATION CONTAINED jlN THE IM.o4 LAMATlOS OF TIIK PKKKIDEn't OFTU UXri'KD STATES AKE IVITliOUT POl'SD. TIOX." ' ' ! Here is a rebuke, Myafllie Ualtimert Evening Journal, to the ottin're(i art tf bof the president which should be Kuott-fl everywere. Let the democratic paperjt always keep it before the philer!in notue form, ull the time. .La us! agitate indigi nation meetitigs as our onlrj safety in adi vance, and we can andTrijl sweep rad(i calism to the earth in lS7i' Si Another Lie We copy' the ful!owiu from Holden's paper : I $ It i.i reported lint f .r -thontlw pmt;a firm in New Yoit city haf been e,lK,i ed in shipping lots of artufj ami nmiulnil. tion to tho southern stated. Tfiey coif aist of Spncer rilles aj tlui umallcj munitions of war, and are? Ucke'd secret ly and forwarded io small; lots j so as to allay suspicion. - The statement is not without fonndl- non, it navicg uecu parties. reported Dj reliable XEWAD VER TISEFEXTS: 1 1 4 " TIIV - t TREMAINB BROS, Burlesciuo .flperetta .Troupe OniENTAL pElL, ClKGEfiS wijl pear oo tW shore dale with ihc foil 1(2 ariutvs.. i,' , . M. IJ. TKEMA1NK ALO.NZO TKKMA1X! FRANK i..Li:i; JOHN (J. plKllsox, WILUK KKLLCXiO. t KAK lURiiY, Jr, i IhiniiicMi Manaser If ! ir' 1? ! ! I VM NOW OPENINtl mnclttheUrce! Stork.' f Go.n!s I erl r ofTereUu this OiarVet. hd enn hobl nut greater inducement (1in fvr to the Wholesale and Ruil Dealer. IN ith 20 years c!oexpeiioce iu tbHTrmde'. I tl Ink no dealer will rn i auv rik Tu'iritiui? rnV stock a c!.e etainiuution lef.re nialimi Ilia i4.i .. .... ..t.l.. I I t . - J J...-. , iii-rj, nuiiT 11 v noit-(l .If or retail. chII attention ri a f-w !eaJIu"-artie!e which will aid iu reaching the ' Dry Goods in all ihe various department Xtias. ll-a!y Made Clothing, Getiti. ou der w ear. Pant.' "goods liats and''n;.. rMN.tii andfhoes, Stati.u.ary.'U'all aiI ' Cnrtaiu Ri-per.'ohing Cloths. HARDWARE AND ICWLEIf. Nails. Aef; .6 hovels nrd .Qj nfe. Iron. Stef an t Castings ; Ini34. Mediein-s, l'AINTS. OILS ..f .,U kinds; Dye r-'t'jffs and t rtckeri . Tu p.' ,r fT3 7! pa Q Coftrc, Sn-ar. Molses, Fait, Cheese co.ip, . -1 1 ; 1 1 1' .-jpjcej. of all kind. Con- lecnoiM riec, .Mitf (-.uuiiep Currants, all complete i-t lb it li ue UotMT. Poh fllid II iriirsn LhA I IIKIL J del henvilv in all liind W 11 IKI L8 and U R A N 1 1 KS, and vn your ppeci il Attention to T. j' Foster's OLD JAM CAMIN Wfl'lS KVA , unsurpassed bv khv. I am a-'r-nt for the fatnons WATT Vlow : Wheeler, Milliik A: Co's uunsnpased Thi ether and Cleaner, at inanufaclurers' prices. l STRICT attention given to all orders. I BUY ALL KINDS OF ' PKSW9UCE. 05 Very thankful for the liberal patron age given ine in my business connections heretofore, 1 hope to earn .i eotiiiinmnce ot the same. My s liesmei!, unde r present arraniretneiits nte : (5 i ..... Hi-u ni. M. r . Hunf .Tun L. L. Rtirkf, R.td. M. A. Vandciford, Moses THOS. J. POSTER. No. 3 Main street K.ist Ward, ? KilUbury, N. C- j 3m:8 Oct. 3, 1ST I. MOT IS IIEHEIJY given thHt a Certificate r..r tvrb!mr-s of -Mock, in tlr N..rih Cum lina - Rail Kmi,I Company, loej to J.b M Horali. has Infii lust, aud that pplica tion will 1h nm.le f.rt-a new Cert ifi cute 1 SfalislMiry. X. C. Not. t. 1p7. 0, JOHN M. 1IORAII. A COMPKTENT teacher wanted by the '"ilH"" n-xt take ch.e of i lv ACADEMY, which U Xtl on the New JI.M-ksvilb. road, four miles from aiuoury. ApplT to M. A .MILIAR. CharriBan of the lbwrd of Trustees. Saluburj. X. ;. Nov. ,J, 131. 4:8 KESIMESI BUY none exc-pt theRrem. Rrovro & C. Axe. wind, nt made with Eitra Heavy Toll RREM. llKOWX&CO.. linp.rtiTfc ami V boleale Hardware Dwrt- ei?. v.i.arioTte. ,. C. Nov. 7th, ld71. g.t PLANT NOW' i 1-rtrSUI w n l i m w If 1 - - t - 9 0 " "jwinlhV . T.di, Croo,, Ul lien. Paeon ie and nearly U the T.rio.ia liulU. Order tbcm I ft l n II mT a.u ' Hvacinths mixed, $10 pr do. Tuln,50cui. r dox. racknges ictpiud, Send for Cat.loptie iVoficc in IlanLruptr) . ;; "Tb undersiftied limby ijitrs Be4lv , h"m appointment aad arrrjirabr A;.- lLa .7 tt, . .t.l . t If t Ml' . Ulj"opT. of Itarke county, K. C. L' bs ettdjoIirrda Uaokrvpt Iy t). "ft Virt of tbe Uiif Vr Iitrict ,t JCrthCardio. ' C. K. MeKESSCJX. Awine tf R. A. Cobb, lUnkrti t I This Is to Q ive notice: That or ,i M iajr tg -Vkufcti tnt, m, warrmt fa Ikull ttroUf waWU4 ajrwaf QT eut4 vl IT .h SJVSilluttu,ut thecoctlrtriaiiinetd m ! on bis frrrtftiewHj-fiiar hM ifi,r , him or for fcu u, an4 tb SiMiKft-r of at.,- 1 nroprrtj by kim; untfarlUdtn :bi law. Tt .: i a uieetk:c tC lb rcdilorx id iUaln t.t i to proTe ttrir oVM, mi botM ocior m. ' ! roi-M ( Jir,t4UpwiU h fcrld at Cu-': of lUi.kroptrj to4t holJen Wir K. ji 1 at the ..CeV.f tell. )tu&tLrjilJMJ in lUnkruittry.at ib.VIk, AM.m tl 7-5,. day of-NovtiiiUrr, Irtl. j ui I ... ...r , . -, B. T-CAUKOw. , . U. $. Mrt. i r J. T. CrriiiK lu Iei.ct r ' ?t;pd IT. S. Mathl.a Uf.M rr .1 n THE WATCETMAN OOFICE -1 - . 1 : I ia wcllsapplieij with A larg andIcant aswrtmcut of PLAIN S FAKCY 1 j :v 1 C. ! 1 . . hi ,c: i I ... , T ' t f . . : ' Pictorial cr - 'l " CUT ILLUSTRATIONS, CV guitablofor all kinds of Pi PRINTING. Also VlavT and more Ornamental Type for Business & Professional 3- Vibting, Party and Wedditi College and School Circulars of all kind- P A IfPTTT hvrQ x xiiux liijti iej, Tobacco Notices and LABEL S for ull purposes ; For Clerks, Magistrates' ! j and Solicitors ; Or anything else required in the. Printing Line. THE u ... (Haroliiih "iDotcljiiwn AS A KEWSPArilK, E-mm BCato Is a candidate fur public favor. 1- circulation is good, and its ftan;Cf and patronage improving. It of the1 best advertising medio J - . . the State,, and offers iti facilities ov A J liberal terms as any. - I it ! - llarblehead, Mass, 1 - I i 7:Ct:pd