I 7,, ' ? l ! 1 1 " SALISBURY, JNT. C, NOVEMBER 17. TK71 i -- ; j TUE ' ' t CoHlinnilfltrhn I A: WCft, DERFTTIi MAW m.. , . . .. ',- L XO- O.-WHOLE NO. Tflfl 1 . i H H I tbe laiidii r.f imn mon IT . . . I rrwmrtiyAZ? , L.e. x- "orld, J,ov. 7. I . I WATCHMAN O'OEICE ' : . t i - ( is well supplied ivith A large and elegant assortment of i Pictorial or CUT ILLUSTRATIONS, &C, suitable for all kinds of PRINTING. ' - ; ; ' -j Also Finer and naore Ornamental Types for . ;, ; ; j Business & Professional ! - L S Visting, Party and Wedding Cards ; College and School (firculars of all kinds ; Tobacco Notices and lite e LS fbt all purposes ; Fdr Magistrates . .1 nd Solicitors ; ur anylhing else required in the 1 - Printing Line. AS A NEWSPAPJER, Is candidate for public favor. Its J 'If circulatio i 1 good, and its standing and patronage improving. ., It is one of U;e bs,; advertising inediums in the BUte,kW offecs its facilities on n . t lbeial terms as a ay. LAND; FOR SLE ! f 1 J M ; ! i 1 Aeonf ini A.-l- 1 11 t'n Hte&SI'- .HI- 4 irr""". or Urft ""." eon ine ir : H' 7 arringer, Age.nl,, Charlotte, Anf.25,7iLi PLAIN FANCY i j -, r i j , 1 PAMPHLETS. In ' w Clerks, , 1 . t . . -' ' 'V ' s i ! THE ., II I " " ' Carina ttatr Ijman IED WEEKLY BY J1.I J. I B RTTN P. T? ffiitor ppd Proprietor. ' ,nN!BCOIPTION 7 if ITr10 aavauce. ....$2;50 5 Copies lojone afdjiress, . 1.50 10.00 &de AcCoerttsinq. fa s. if i ; 2ne 8q&.ffirt jnisertion,. .... i For each t.Unni .. " -$1,00 rj . tlt.lt, . . . . dO hi fc'n D11Ce8 fll be chrd 50 Per cent higher than the ahov r 50 AC7!t ad NK'-Order'i will be publish mJ ?ah rf with other advertise pONTI49T RATES. 1 Square, 2 Squares 4 50 16 25 8 50 12 00 3 Squares 4 Squares.! i Colurnn.f 1 Column.! 0 00 2,00 9 00 12 00 18 00 8 00 i I nn! iinnonn 25.00 33,50 60.00 100,00 T ? -t -v VFV 18 00 24 00 SO mjnnn r T"T w.w -.w W 2f 004 00 45 00 85 00 I The symptoms of Liver complaint are nneawr.ew iand pain in the ride. Sometimes the pan in isir.irsorjs' nwnLj.l me snouider, and 10 mis taken for rhetimatismi the stomach is affected Wtth loss tit unrwtitD i.n1 1 1 Z ;v oiv&iicTW, uuwnn in generatUve,lsomeime8 alternatintr with lax aoaoMBk jicau 13 iroiiDieil 4 J fwith pain, and doll, hea- WyB I Fy sensation, oonsidera 1 f ffcle ,OM of memory, ac- 'Mi i.n ia;Et:umpaniea with painful flennation ot having leftundone something which ouglit to have been dfme. Often complaining of weaknew, debility, aiii low Ppirits. Sometimes many of the, aboe symptoms attend the dieae and at othef times very few of thtm; but the liver is generally the 'organ most involved Cure tbe Lijrer with j j ' 1R. s SIMONS' . r 1 if:". , i a preparation roots anVI herbs, warranted to be strictly vegetable, amf pan do no injury to any one. It hn beep use by hundreds, and known for the last 40 yers ap bne of the most reliable) ?theavTous apd hiramjeks preparations ever ofi fered to thcsuRring. If taken regularly and ' r 'c"tl.M';11- '"ssurejio enre 1yspeia, h e a d a c h ej I jjau n d i ce,costi ven ess, oieh. Heg:ulstor. iheadache. chronie dirr. :hoea,f7eetionsof the b!ad lAar .1 I-1 ii win ma hl " "j ;iiervonsness, cnuis, dis-! eases of the ikin.limpiiilty of the blood, melan choly, or degression nf ciun't, 5 fWtwna rf lr Z 1 ... " . . 01 pains in tlie bbwety fpain in the htad, fever? agU .pur, uMip;,: nous, pain in tne back, &c. Prepared Nly by Jjl. ZEILIN & CO., p.." J !, .,r"ggi8t8 'Macon, Ga. Price, $1; bf mail $lil For sale by T. F; KLUTTZ & CO., feb ly I jj Salisbury, N. C. NORTH CAROLINA, ? In the Superior Rowan CouifrY. 1 1 Court. Joshua Miller, Administrator of J. W. McNeely and j Mary IeNely. U i laititms. Y Summons and Peti- Against, J j tiou to sell laud for win. . Jioeeiy v i Assets. ' and Acetiith Mc- f 1 1 " Neely, alias Aee-f i 'pith Corriheri . IXUhs case it appearing to the satisfac tton ohe Courtnbat5Vin. B. McNeely and Aeenith McNeely, alms. Acenith Corriher. a'e non-remdnntu f 'th r v -.i. Varoitna--ii is uiorvfnranH.uj ...vr: . I tjnno tit Aturiu , 7 h-vj I list, UUVil' cation b msde in thVarolina Watchman, O n A (XT nrn .v ...1 ) r i- . , "'7p-4:k puoiieneq :m Salisbury. N. C., ioreix weeks succe86iyly, requiring said ueienaanis o appeail iat the office of the t,lerk of theguperior SCourt fr the county of Rowan at th Ci.nrt H, on Friday the 1 t day If Decwnber next, aud answer the comnlnint V.f k .,i..!..p. -Hi ?i ri "ipiuiu, urine case will be heard, ear parte. Witness, SA. Judson ; Magon Clerk of the Superior CoB rt sail) j county -at office in Salisbury, the 10th day of October. A. D. 11571. -I 3 r J A. JIJDSON MASON. Clerk of Rowan Superior Court. north Carolina!!? vALDWEfct Count yI SuDerior C.nnrt. Jacob A. Hise, fjonrati Hise. Mrv h;. ThomasJFineainonllaqd wife Mahala, Henry Chester and vlijfe Cery. 3 - lAsatnst. Marvil Hise ElirabethjEmis. Leonard Ennis iu flrj nunii, mtaint under the age of twenty-one years. bySliheir Guardian. J. p. VaV E))sh!Hisfhnd wife Mahala, tmehn Hise, James Hise. MillrAnn Hise, infiuts i under the age of twenty-one years by their j Gulfdian ad Mum J. P. Conly. i - H In this Case it ianrWi ttis ui:...: be made in the -CarJlina Watchman" a newspaper jpublielfed i !the Vwd of Salis bury, for six week, Ntifying Marvil Hise, a non -resident defendant. tKi.t i, ... the SuiH?nor courtf Clt-rk's office in Lenoir, '.'aid well count v. viiithinlihuf the complaint of tjie Plaintiff, or judgment Will h tlztn rv Vvui -fat c. .... . . L: vuiyifw a? II I til. W itoessf Iw R, Waletield. Cl.'rk nf Sa:d Court;:at officfe in lLmoir. tiiia uk j-.. of Sept. Al d. ien. ri ' R- R- WAKEFIELD, C. S. C. ti:rit:e BUY nnL 4 L. Ii'' :.1 ft." 1 ft U I"" U UL V"lp Axe, which is made with Extra Heavy Poll aud warraideoMbr hirtyj;:0) dav. 1 nuhjM, BROWN 5c CO.. Importer and f holelkla Hardware Deal ers Charlotte. N. R. II Nov. 7thlS71. 8:2t Iiand Deeds. Trust TinnAS Commisiione itteds, Sheriff 's Deed Chattle Mfagages, &c. A s 9 i :H o S : g g SPACE. .g I '? ' I a- i, - g r -t if IB- o m I - I " SK.i 7S i "Sri 1 I 87 Kfi Am nr ?! - 1 . a 1 SALISBURY -&! WOiN DERPUL MAN. i . GENERAL JOHN B. MAGEUDER. A Lover of the Magnificent Nerves of bteel A Logician in the BarrubksA Hwratt in the Field A Votary at Ike ' e oj Mature The Envied of Met. The Adored Women. This old warrior aleeps the slecn of a eiuier iu a ruue leiae grav over which wis h u uiuiiumeni. ine craps was growing aooot u in the early summer and there were come flowers there, with- ertcl and faded, scattered by a baud. A votary at woman s the -shrine of nature, and a finished diploma at tie court of Ve- """'jb 1UHt mere ehould be Wgesseot greenigroWing gragf?es ai.d live nowcrc. It roses are the tear-drops of gris, KB wie oeajiiiiui Arab belief puts forth poetfcy, thetf is ibis lowly mound a j . Silt ' . u.ijowcu spin, ana neecs not the ecalp tured stone, die fretted column, the ivy ana ooeiisK. ; Magruder was ! a wonderful roan. ti J siofttt fix reet tour n.rU. i., t,.,;.,K i - is.:: - T - j in ii:iu. aiill had a totm envied of! men and bv women .J- 1 .TT- ! ... u.n u. ziis nerves tvere all iron. Foreign travel and comnuhi upivp iiIih had given to his wit a zeijtt tbat was always . . - crisp aud sparklitig He never lacerated. To ,the sting of a repartee he added the honey ot the cloyer. He could tight ail day and dance all uihL. T a glass of brandy and a strong cicar re- "V"! f eirengin ana caused tbe cup of his youth to run over with the precious Htne ot health and: liifll Btiiritu 11. lovtd magnificeut uijifouus, niauificent horses, magnificent rulers aud magnificeut women. Gifted and ffraceful in pnnvarau I inn Vi was a net in the boud.iir and the harracks. He had studied F reni'h in Pans, Italian in Rome, and Spanish iu the Hall of t?ie Montezunias. The sa bre exercise he leLirntid f mm a ffLr Til.. horsemansip was of the English kind tuaE-itf to say, not gleeful but impoBi bieo be surnasstd lor firm t'uiino- .rl endurance.'. He wrote l:nl lnv.. Bn.n., that were set t mbic. one ot tbm lmo-rene." had in itiibo 1.1-iir.tivo moi.v. : i- ' - uj i ; ly u a lover and ithe sad rvtbm of ,..? ,1 - , j bugles. lii the Crimea he astonifiied trie French e.fficers byj ' sleeping at the front with the chaeuii uiUler fire In Mexi co Je sent back to thearchbishop a lady's pet fumed glove lie had found ii his pal -acv when the cityjws won, and with it a note which reaii : ''1: is pretty enough to i i.ave i,c-lo.ig.-i to;a Queen. Would she have paidomd me if 1 hud aj.piopiuted 11 V. c"tne :chbii-h!p pent him therext day a brisket of delicious wine, it is sup posed that the lair owner of the glove imist have looked li. iiiintlv u.. it ., handsome American teoidior. Later, and he was riding with den.Scott down the Jong street of lturbide. Gen. Garnett joined them, and ,Magruder diew a little back for his superiors to confer together. A white ruff of an open window, a sudden report follow- ed speedily, and Garnett and- horse fell i i?: ; - V-X W U If III LU hard and bloody, j An ounce ball, intend for hcott, had broken Garuett's thigh, and killed his charger. Fearing another fire, Magruder galloped to Jhe side of his v.iu auu coverea nia body with h s own wh ins own. no uiu luau b eyes never droj his voice changed an illLiitl:! t inn 1 .... . mi itiij. now i 1 rong win intake you to batter down that house?" he spoke curtly to Lieutenant Magruder, pointing with a sweep oi his .... ..w . .1 ... ' pointing with a sweep oi his rone nearest, and from which ame. "At, ho'ur by the watch, "Then open fire at point-blank leave not on 1, ..... . uoger iue on the bullet eame general." "Then opeu fire at point-blank ..r, uu leave not one stone upon ...v..Uvi. It w done, .nd ll A. ..A ...... ' who .aw Mag,ud,r Twrt. . ttced that he ImrJ . imntlr i.; epaulettes be bad beeu made a captain. . r --.wi.Ma uai VJU UIB "ar waa bis element, the bivouac his delight, and the bnl IlitA tllti.of I. ...... riess. Besides, prodigal, fashionable. l,ol- isbly brave sometimes, a sptndthiift. generous, a true friend and staunch com rade, the surrender at Appomattox made bim ao aged man ii. In i wrinkled his featorea. i... k. resisted all the attack of tl One Who Wandered ifr .,.t ...:.t. : him in other lands, in Z T: .1 . , is 1 "v. ctiipiiiii y weather, relates how. frntn V , - - k"...iriuiii I , c,- - , u. .via t 1 u LOt lIi ami lie nee. h won '.-;. 1. r n I - 1 xtii-i uuer an . ,.v uame neias ot tbe Mexican war. a lie tight came back to his nre and del pul: ai. never enriw! nf ... j iV& ool and Worth. Smi.I, ,.A - - . V MIII1 1 Uluw, Taylor and Qiiitmam. and all tho ruoiiroinate,- , who aftervr.l- plajed BU. h blood v r.,,.,. 4 .1... " ' " of Atnencarr drrn "l "iT to Wat'I'o defeat, and that L-nsau una mc aent ataon a thouwand rm. ! . . " " luuusana . 1 he ! U.I 1. . ' t.vy,ci nre xmuj the bill of Chauulte. : ta.rible. Fiftv nh-- nf I.; a" . ! w. massed 4aiust m y 4 . TV ;point-blabk rang" all " ; fbelow iegiJe.a of Uwelt f fc L..i.cei came nearer; 1 eaiUd ! ..sr w 1. La i P.jra.ig una, ulii.g nm r" "r . i ,N j. 01 jre lj ilcCfellttJi." ,T h uteu tnt. 'lake . ri ll..gui,1.eiiu,LlloU,!,r pwcen. Ali I , . . OllfjrV, JVorth was sweeping up the acclivity, the Laueis were routed, and the next I saw t Mc;lellan he was-smoking a cigaretto iu the palace of Santa Anna, his fact as black as a powder keg, nd au ugly wound in his arm. I E- ror,,i A be battle began! ,Sw.- ! ...... .1. W hat aLcok his life would make in tbe hands of some men. He once intended to write an autobiography. Whether it was begun or not, we dotiot know-most The brave fond heart Is pnlWlees now The form of the stalwart ...Idler is duTi biitsfar.w.v The N.lVuTb! irriaimy . it was never nnished. Tu i i. re:: he aibe,ed mUT''' V" nd gen. Bac i lie STS no voice wdl come to tellof what rank he takes in the spectral columns, closed ud and ailem, wafting the resurr'ectn dayP which assimilate heaven, d therefore is he foreordained t death. It may be late fa .".S bivoucs ire righ cold ld d'arV we know, for somf, buT afte tLe nioming, and after tL igtny POLITICAL CORRUPTION. L . "J-".T " Bwiruing revelatione jf offic,al dlfhoncsty which the last few monitis nave made, compel thoughful mjti v s ior uie reason and tbe remedy. During and at the end of the late civil war. it w us eailv men t ... i: ' oi uuunc ucuiomiiiaiiou wouia be tire inevitable re suit. All wars beL-et surd Alt wars beiretauch M.nMn..... to a greater or lees decree. T il ' III tries, eo seducing are the opportunities 6f O - VWMU- gviimg Krtai weauu, by dishonest means . , . . I.I i . . when the publich mind and the govern' meut are so engrossed as to forbid cau tiou, that thousand; yield to the temjta- ti.... I. I--... 1-1 m . x i is uoi utJiiKtiy that the excite uicnts and nnnurtuniticB of thr tim.. a a - HU( o brought out bad men. who - uu Ui V I - chandizc of the iiecenitifo ..f tl.a I. and fastened themselves and their para sites and friends upon the body politic. But there is a greater aud more fearful cause ot con uption than the opportuni ties of civil war. We fiud it in the pre valence of and power of that r.l t party spirit which puts party above coun try, sees no wrong m what is doue by one paily, and ad mite no noihilii v nf ,m,.A in a man why belongs io the other. When mis state ot thini'M un wj'U o.i n- (..V...1C, auu ttur. ai ty obtains -so stioiitr a h.,ld in a or a State, or a Nation, as to be confident of pel maueut possession of power, some of its members will become corrupt, abuse the power for their incut, and plunder the public treasury. auu bo uiiguty is lhe power of nartv epiut, that mtn nill read and hear of ex amples, and rt gai d them as true onlu when they come horn the othr-r si,!- 1 hey see no wrong at the door of their owiihons-. Iu tins almost omnipotence of party spirit, we fiud the rtasou of po litical and official corruption. Human nature is wek; the Led of meu need watching; aud when poor wfak human human nature is trusted aud tempted, and a sense of peifVct security and impunity prevails, away gois honesty; the cukio tliau oi the treasury becomes ihe thief. It has been so m all ajjts and countries, and , 1J,mf ,f Bniment, and is T ' a'ld eLalul1 true now iu r. 'er or any where else. TheVemedy is ohviou. batr r " I. i , not 4uitc inapplicable. All the luedicine in thHe univers al not f?T who refusea to swallow a. The remedv. on, r foTm 0J government ia au'ch a .ULti n o .r,..wi j..,,. 1 . r ,. l , 1 SriiMllfte'! as will hold iu ciicck ratjacious. unscrunn! , - r- lulia 011H . . . ... I:.; p. s u7t the nulcit f , i A A " ' , ioT ,uPtQ f" Le.ti0tlel,l rtl P7 f ,Q 6''"'S d of this country u lbe ProiP "ga bf corrup. lion. It ma i.li. ai..t.. . r . i.; " ,. . . . -' 1 ',I-'1 .omaim,-. in view of 3 Uul l- & .!-- pe,,cy- -l here are honost meu enough to I sxwr.rs "ser.." tiau p.ople of this country ai ujuny enough to save the land Irom the thieve that are now sinking or holding ouice. Bui they mut act in conceit. They must assert themselves. , And they must not be so long about it as to allow corruption to have its perfect work. N. Y. Observer. x us v z iiiai . lj 1 a 1 i Tnn ttv T X W j-v i "' U1UA U TIIE- OPPO- SITI0N ELEMENTS, The results of the recent elections will go tar to convince all reflecting men that 1. r. 1 ii, . . c. . w ao uer-ire to get the counlry out of the n. ... .a. ..Til- wft . a 1 - v ia v l AIC party take the field with Democratic can- w i 1 ul win t?u i)i win. it 1 fix 1 1.........:. I 'aia'. .u j:. .7. 7 . .. " ,uc "'cna are mat it will be p e . ir . 1 DOtnoiid fur uimil.... ........ r.i- ... . .7 V1 ?uf J'-r- t ,ur-e wuid drive back into the H 0t Kepublieau party all the -al men who are now striving to or- Whi " - present ad- wU.d opposition that lie scattered thrdu"h rrrr;n aid er'b,u'r,'J 'H-t . , 3" a' e"blt' " ,0 "rry ll.o - - 'u ft 1. u am 1 T I" 1 T ll' 11 ' u rk r .t-ic it. i.uie snoui; I 1Z ------rf . . V. . ..I... I M I ' I ' I T . A -. , . . . . . . : 4" u,: in 1SG9, and if it will enable u lf... . . 1 ? f i. w.i. t . -ftv it a Jiii.i tniiMfi xl i.irt adopt it 1ltichmoiid WUa. " As it respects general habits, a parent A r BAA pu.. 1 I ft 1 v.... Ptrceiy ieacii a child a more valua ble art than dispetch without bustle; nor MA.P.A . I ft ft. ' .k-p-V I i - ".,c that values his time culti- ilaable one for himaelf. j mu any one mat va vatf a mnrc valuable rI-J' World, Not. t. UVMJiflw" CALMER ON MAIt- xial, MAW. Therels arvareeable prosDect of brfi,. S e T 1 U SerfSS H lhe io ?JS?.5!U.Wllllhww"tlll 7, , " w,fc' w neir ownseetwill nnapp, y the issue cannot just vet Uon 2 G of IUIwSl and pirSipJS ? lrl1?' G ehlJf k!.i, 6 , one of Mr. 2'. tK SS. hi . " u. uov. rainier to f,lli tomake diligent inquiry into the circiim- STK'T"? 1 n S' ?ro Chicago ' therein concerned rniy fe i r : ? . roui mw fit he great fire nu Lh.cago to proclaim mar. ual law , that city and autho.ixe a cer- uin resident thereof to raisea regiment of troops, which n g.ment warworn into ce. Bing put upon duly il orders to halt and then cr of this command killed ou the nicht of th Sfi.l, he U. S. service. nth the usual w. f .m-.m vvuiuhuu Kitieu -nr. Grosvenor on the nieht of tl. on.i. uJt. 1 he sentry obeying but the orders by command of General Sheridan, it r. he vine km o ttji MPn P'egan Phill as urimo mownh.i lb Pui,t of killing rests. As Aimt. I J a I 1 . . v - . De.M?,Ifl y Governor Palmer the I U Itl'HI IIIII W M ul ... """"'j'" cane a nre occur in o 3 y ...an otSc-r in the V Mates m Urv .rvi. r.- .L. :t " iT - - in lilt: i j I..: ? . . c rK,u ;w p.....u uriniat-iaw therein and blow ut people's brains. The answer which will be made to thia n.,o-f?n K.. i. not doubtful, and" it i: , - iMviciuin wilii which to-day presented in R.k n ininoiBcamiotbedarkcned wiih an anra-il enactment. In the place and in the person the issue ih unencumbered, and tr.fm h - - uiiwi i ii in a m nirtPfii1.i... i n-ell known snirit of fiwp..i "uIj: ?afelV be taken f.,r..,.l.a;:: ":nr' - m i I win ue prosecuted with .ibilirv anl :...t: to the hitter end. Sucb a been long needed, and in P.n V we are haf nv to r..; ,U I.VV of a chief mai-tr,t, . ' , " i c .. "J over the State iU urtf..i . . , "c,"r . ana t .n injury to even llio l.uml,!.... -f l.i. cans.-. Further Mill ;.. r:.... i i .. .-per to y i -,0D,l.me MniT; agreiatleat ibis time. W- K,, - iL: -....Id bo looked no. a, were Governor Hoffuiau's efforts at the time of ...... !. i. ttic mill .1.- i ... .1 ... WIV IllVaSlOU OI Ihlrt nlv r i ".. 7 V,V "' military infinite tl.... .1.- -e i'ciion, as Ices an ionoi knn.. .1 tuau IUC mOLUpiIllga OI mere party spirit. Being a staunch Re- puoucan Uov. la mer can nmA in Ui outraged law unhampered : i- . . 1 Li - T" . l,n- Frm lhe natme f.P?ltcal persuasion the Democrat ""-V 8J!U".Q ll,m od " 1 mit try can ue raiapn t nmv.ni . 1, bJ 10 P'"1 feA of : . - k'visu. iucu Republicans of the Stale "'t' c iu tuts plain matter of th " " a5..C are ot tbe same oninion CrUc fe,,ow cilizc,'- R other State. Gov. Palmer may also be sure of an Vonal unanimous support le people at lige are wc of ffi lbijJ XiLot ,be bavnt.... . L I"5 . Tf. ,f z' p.-.. a ooum- iii uiaic ixvuii u c i rkct nthi.pi ... ern MHtPit-mi ...... i;l .1 .1 .l,.;.nJ 7.. .TV.?." -M - tusii ".io ,Ta, W '!. m'e ill - . u." a.... - w fever in New l ..ik and of violence if our health .t mere is a in re at author tiea aetk to interfere ; a Hit; desolates Chicago and pU r.-ii'rlii pvut. .1... 1 U ..t i i ' Chicago and citizen dead in the streets. There is too mi: ucieii tit a. tuiiSEPt hiia luucii oi mis. 1 Iiese P-nitl. nu n i.. 11,.;,. - e .1 : ii.i . ... are the hired servants of the people of til A IT r- . D " . I the U.lited Stales tln-Jr guard the fiontiers, to garriton the forli, . . ITT . . ! uueiuera is u I orli 10 convoy western trains, and protect iiuiiu. eeiuements. ttlitu thus employed we are not indisposed to feed and l..ihi. and pay our military as our civil servants 1.... 1 a "I . , : .iiuuiu mil ue ann nnl naH t. I...... .1 t 1 1 ? I UU1 lien HHfn Uln-ru II1..L .1..... ,1 ..... I . I . v. t .ucic iury suouiu, wneu the bordeis are I. ft df.., U,. ,l .1.1 P Sheridan learn through the punishment I : fJ . 1 I 1 " 1 Lf . UP" llm b' Bf,0ie ciriI "1 . . ----- ii 11 i4JC puiiih;jmfni i ' oiuip uroiesriinu are above th I tv . il.... :.. m: . . .... , .w(. , tui!l(itf ttS lu eTi TV Stul.. ihu - j .1 . . ! 1 quite enough to maintaiu order aud pro tect life ; and that this impudent asuertioti of force upon every occasion must cease. , uc tunniiuita autuoriiies are m T1u' lree J,la,iti9 1 Amended.- J iie L. gilature of New Yo;k amended the act ot 18C.9. i.. r..l-;.... ... .. :..-!. i -- f p..iiuig ree. lo,,gsle of the public highway, y hat ,l now read a follow, : Any in- habiunt liable to highway who .ball, transplant by the uh- of ihe public high- ! ai-y forest shade trceM or truit treesi of suitable rze, .ball be allow,, by ,l,e ! overaeeia ot h Khways ,n abatement of hia il'irhway tax. one doll.ir f trees set out ! hut rn. ,fU.. 1. .11 1. . . ! Iu''!lt' or "'b'f f.m-.t Inc. nearer than ! .. ' i I, " uu lrti 8 aujt aJd L : set at leat fifty feet apart; and no allow- j :"fli? m",,1,io,7t;d' h?" e made, - ...... 0 rut... trs eiian navt re n set out the jear previous to the demand for said ia ana are living and well protected from animals at tire Umc of such: 'demand." i ,, i rom the Louisvill. r.u ?A3? lX THE AFRICAN uuiiuii AT LOUISVILLE- chorch we'r;; 'T.'uc p" r.ih Just then . .i . v. Le the W""?. W "'"S 2 "? be PPfJjid from hi.Vst and aaid tbe floor ws tiukinr door, T(,e clttk" ( , r -v panic Btrick ,1 ........ . j.. i, , "r" m lerrtbie and deadly rush was made for the door. TK !m Hocked, and the n.r fw': ffrw-r - AIM by a"?ih V kib . p,f irom tb kn ot what, S0 10 J. "d pufl at each other, d ln tf KerneM ,0 escape he- ! hl them smed the "e-effJ-fli?nes. and ?gni Pr.ang op jult in the door, and this r '5 Mt? the crowd and PT u d!h k,,dl n persons. "?.a lDe wounding of 75 or 100 nth-. I i i nnrn persons. "nd he wounding of 75 r ion .i,.... ' I irorre cauiked h s rm, . I - wv tit I 9 . doorway rendered the crowd behind more Iranlir inrl il. . ... . . over tbe nartitiont ... ... .r .r. . iMir-n inmi.i.tfi . . . z . ,,: ' T "tt iiieviair- way, falling Unnn tl. 1,- r - - i i - .t ui tuuie De' iu me weaker were i 1 ufiu iurn nmn - 1 st r - I U . . U - -, -y.cu, wpBMeii.. i,,d bod ea ol il.. .. er. Women at d children i men. .h. Z U.. tv""ro"f . . I . r .'r,ucu m go"?, nd Z. ."".'"Rf confusion and death, i uiirnr ii iifarriariiA a..... i m," 5Tl, I!! J',ne" ome who re- tav ih. i tv MtAdaa ? v j rt were broken ,Ci and the suo " d.,(,r- ...A J- "nU lUe .str0I15 . " rru t the bot- , . " " "'TT" M lm'USD had i uveii iriass, t is: j: . .. 1 1 7 "f,.!' T? 'ock, the ,1.1" ,1 ."T ?"e wi.a?w. fcd bn.k- w.,lu: l0t,r ds and tore irT ! u lDC ""lu de of the vituicu me J.lboratnrv of I)r 1 t t i OI ur- J- 1 Har- ui aiijoius tliow indo- , l.i.k t fir, ' ... : , '" 'lul ,i . . v u ipoi.s saved .'.,7 S " i i J . . . . . . The iLrA.. r, J "a"d - ' iico ud iciri iui, I i v, e,?t or -en deep, and a mA nf,..k-.J ..i:. t'. . . -nvU : r" ufS""Bi numan nemi'ii Itino- i Mr,),lt uf theddor. Policoru.. t'...t, 1 I II 1 v. Auiltltt BIIU 3lll,n j"1 r h' at' ooo came to tbe I ' ""u enceavored to -nrai il... kmi.. 1.... . . ' . .VT"1 Messenger .Vsist, Z I t tU ,or rriJV.r"' ' in. ..d7 "rI' ! w" -ned 1 . ' .. v t'iura carnp ru. iin tn . 1. .1 , . -"h T u ' ?,0,d b " eager crowd I . .7 v rr. vji course Ibis .b"d -....ion. : ..--...r i:u urps. ui course this n as their Demo- n-7 7 "'V1? "element ensued. From other States ihc hot d Udder company, bowev k r . cr, soon threw their l.AA. 1 ... lLC Cr n tbrw frnt windo,ri " dW disabled bodies W inrtw. meir ladders nn m ik. nd the frantic people were r tbe ladder. 'l'l. . . . .. ,, ..." r ud uue oi 1 w removed Imcn lu from of the door, and the dead and dying were disentangled frbm the fatal vestibule. t.rrc or tour dead and wounded were found outside: th. d.r 'ri i.-.i from the bujld.ng only to be trampM I . 1 . I. "uiemr. 1 nose -M- . .uv.qmu oeatu outside. Those . . 1 ""rvu "mmri were Irentied n . t:Qurtt !tur- Tbie one wished i . - nui-. nuiup 10 rcucne a cl.ikj. another a ife. anoilr l,uUl,d H"oltj r a 'r or brother .1 j " 11 UP fu.fi-r i . ILe caf-r. cdrious rmwA j . vuiiouo rrowa also nrt T cr,twn" U(i fqueexed around the doorway, and it reoun--d B ii. .. J , . . I""- " 1,;. UVreXU 1 ,te u? f ,ew humaue, self .1 1" i . " rumim 01 cd gentlemen jto keep thm off. Finally tbeiftiaM dieutaii!rled. and it was fou.d ibat LUvefi had been Killed .. ...i nil risk) . I....J 1 II . . -'b,,ii luietj oaujv wounded, and se- .. ... . .1 . -. .... ct -uvc or oee Hundred a iebtl iniured I 6 j mjureu. 4 The timber lout of which mm nf ih. . j - v. tut. tanchest supptrters of the administration are made is muguUrly illustrated hv rt-ct-ut trial lira .New Hampshire court. i iu ew ii-.mn.iiri. j,.h ' , was. bowe years shice a fellow rejoicing in the "": " x-iovriy uujings lett fjoncord for !.l,c...i. 11 . . , ... ,uc owum. iatJ oaa oeen, like so nunv i .1... t . . '. ' w lue 'oremosi pnuantbropits of N Kne land, first' a peacher and theu an officer of negro troop, and finally bloomed out aa a law miker and eontitntion framer away off iu Florida. Of the ree -cstruc-liou convention in tbat State he was a leading member, then couuted himself in i.- r T- , ... ... ' -'" iuc i--iuiBrf, iua filial y received the approving .ppidaiuent of po.tm,ate from Mr. Grant. Having ia tbte d wTy" .craped together ioma dirty money AH Reverend Colonel Honorable l'o-Ja.ter Liberty Hilling., revisited New Ilamu-hire last minih tot:Iaim the cuatody Ntf i e da ight. r be lU left for .orue Vear, to be .wiiti tur wv uer uiiiernai f riiiii..-.r,t. ... .:i 1.. . . ."7T .i.oole to bu bin off. llow?er Ibal t..ntly on the r defence fir the little child Billings, they! said, was not a fit person to have her jit, charge, and out of the mouth of a large number of witnesses es tablished the .fact. The court held Mr Oram's aukerVut an improper custodian of his own oft-pring, and set him away to ftiI, fnnh mtlVm9Di th g r. - w.v. ,i r irui Iim l.-.l ... J. sunny South by enacting Uw. for ,u people of Florid and upholds in hi. poitoffice the dignity of Mr. Gralt'a ra.ni.tr.tiou of the government of ibeso United Bute.-A, y. World, AGRICULTURAL FAIR AT DEN VER COLORADO. Who would have believed that io tla mountainous climate of Colorada, where toe tnereurv fills o j t. . , - - w " 6- www xcro in winter, one of the Urges t and beat fenced fair grounds, with eotniDodkms DOlIdinrs. has hrt, nm.UJ .k t. r m these L ntted States. Tbe Pacific Jlu ral Press of 8an Frantueo trlh that xe tw. mih from tbe Uty of Denver, coapriaing 0 acres of land forming perfect qre mrrond4 by . ob.t.niial granite wall eight feet uten 1 up imnrmrmu..!. . j . large pavilioo lulls suSciest to bold 850 Jead of bovine lock, ail extensive sLda for $hte? nd A grau4 lUod. at Trat erected this year, two ,,ori h,f h by 34 feet, and capable of aeatinr 2.000 wrsoria. Th 17 of seating 2,000 persoos. Tbe first story - ...uvru iuiu uooiua ana aiatng saioons and the tecood is provided with seat overlooking 11, and armoonied by gy music sund. The pavilion devoted to agricultural produce presented a surprising display f.r this portion of the - Great Aiaenco Desert," evea rivaling Califamis, which, u is said, has do rival oa the coatioent for veretable urtxlatinna fL.'..l j. i - l .VIM UUUI of cabbage weighing 50 pounds j onions of immense size t nicir L.I. u.it.. 1. ixe and yield the famed beeta of Alvara do, averarinr 140 tona nr ir. rtse pouters yielding 600 bulb la' to the acre, raised 00 1m nd ir o tw . , . . " - 9,vvw IpT, above the sea level were among the teg. etablea exhibited. Some of these poutoea weighed six nounda. Krr nUm. p...i.r eight pounds, turnips weighed eight lbs. puiopiini, rauea witbout irrigation, 150 pouuds. A 8panisb cucumber meas ured four feet six inehc. Th. ..!U J,1!11 iplendid stock. Mr. A. Wilson, of lopeka, Kansas, exhibited 43 bead of sp.enaid tbororough breds. Large pre miums were awarded for the best staj. lions, the best mares, and the best speci mens of other frm stock. Agricultural implements of the 1 . . aa w v .; cumed a large space, and the minerals 00 cAiuuuioo were in great and varied dii play. It is Said that .lnAw TT.t. J r lbe Dutriclof Columbia, has decided that the U. 8. Constitution undoubtedly se cures to women the right of voting. This apient decision will U reviewed by the Supreme Court, where iu absurdity will be promptly exposed. We claim a hirh ordr nf -iu for our country, but we have attained to if.il.p. IM. .i ! . a - . uK i.ke mil, w it ten u a fact in Ger many. The Minister of Public Id. trac tion has iscoed a reacript to the subordi nate authorities enacting tt io aJj ut9. ly-built schools space of at lest six square feet shall be alloud to each child. A deputation of Americas ia Paris waited upon Mr. WhUuDe. lbe Ameri cu Mtuisurr,and presented hit service of plate manufactured by Meaara. Tiffaay 3c Co., as a recogi.itioo of his a it ices to his countrymen during the siege ad uo der the Commune, lie deserve this tri bute. With a firmness and coorage which tew, if j,y, foreign ministers exhibited, be stood at hts pot through all ibote try ing acenes, and faithfully served his coun trymen and his country. I tit said that iu England, tbe extent of laud covered with trees hs increased for ty tbousaud acres iu the last M yera, and tree planting is eneouraged among landholders by liberal premium. The moment any creature ii found curled up tnd rhivering, there is a loss of comfort which coats tbe cwner mills and e-ut, if not dollars and eagles ; aud it is far better economy tn K...,. ....i, J give them eura teed and care at this sc. son. Examine the root of fruit trees near the aurface of the ground. It gum exude the grub is certainly at work under the' bark. Dig it out at ohm. RL,.m - b" . WOT.'... J UU ance to see a copper colored substance "UUIU8 iue stem oi a appla tree, borer may be found there alao. Spare no pains ia beaatlfybg yovr homes and imnrovinr tha mada tK.i 1.4 to them. Repentance without amendment (a IIV- contiuaal Damuiur in al.;n . r - n piuivii. stopping tbe leaks. Palmer. Every heart has iu secret um t.:k the world knows not. ami ofintimM . call a man cold when be ia onlv aaJ. TruthfulnMa ia a . r l acter ; and ir it be not firmly laid io youth there will alvava K w..w :.. wvi w i iiviic is voar .- - " the wuuuanou. A schoolmaster reinil v tnlTmA t.. pupils that the ft-miuin mmnAmw .k-M be applied to all vessels and slips aloat, except mail steamers and met. of wax. Th" latest extract from " VI.. T l about. Farming :" Catch youx butterflies late in August. RWi it.. A. ti o - - " TCUHl 11 11 . . ut- ii jou would gel good, pwect, w aaJea- By the 15th of this month telr COIamuniulinn will hm nnMiJ tyaun this city and Mexico, thus giving us in- t . m lormation eacn mornicg oi a " greaser ' rtvolntion to match tbe martial law pro, clamations Grant is presenting tbe daily breakfast uble. Homemade and foreign Mexicanixatin will ihn be had in oca