(Carclina lUnkOmni?, I SVMSIipitv, KHIDAY NOV. 17.1 - i i ... , t ,! ' SOUi'II CAROLINA, It appears f-om various accounts, jhas bceii thorott; My victimized and plun dered ly the harpies generated by a corrupt fedc al government and sent swarming throughout the South on re construct ion missions. She is bank rupted by tlJrc whom she desired i?ot, but were objured to accept as her Til lers. She is (trampled and torn by it he mwer engacu to.protect ana cherisi, their homes needlessly and wrongfully, to strange lands Jo avoid the .so-called jutice of ti e federal authority, abu sively cxertd. Hcjf frrends navel no Jover to help her, and so she is friend -ess. It is another example of the wolf an 1 th? lamb at the-strealn : ihe wolf wanted a meal, and therefore 'a l' J 1 A : . i fl ' 1 carry the rtvep.t elections and his dwn t next year, snd therefore a diversry war in Sou h Carolina by which to " bag" the northern States. But is tl ere no renmly for tllcse alarming evils? Surely there 4 in the liands of the people, if they will gternly and (vigorously apply it. (in the South that remedy is, for ev)erv free-born w I i t e m'a n o stand fi r m 1 V i .i ... i . r . k '. together, am 10 vote as a unit acratnst siHulsmcji and corrupt ion ists of what ever name. Root' them xr.it, and put the government, tate and Fedcfal, into the ban Is of -wise anl grwxl men, and ccae not to pray that they rpav be kept from falling. Failing in this, where may we look for deliverance from speedy anate'iy pnd ruin. I MUflCIPAL CORRUPTION In Brooklyn, N. Y., has just eomq to Ji&ht v4ich j tlie World says exceeds that of the 'Jfammany rin. Republi cans and Democrats are united in the. yillaiiiychaAred. The most asttmfad- jng lrauds in the administration! of city a.tlairs are alledsod. Citv oilictals wliosrfealarijs arc two' nr three thfm guiid pejr annunj arg' known to j-be spending th)usaiids per mnntli ; aj'id others are ki own to be draw ing h.fge monthly! pay who are rendering no services :o tile city. The people have' appointed a citiien investigation 'committee to examine into they 3 chirgcs ind bring out tlie facts. Another ring 4s therefore jin danger o(" ex )osurc. But -what pood Xvill it do, in less the rruiltv ones Arc Severely pirWishe(V Ifor, their crime! ? llf all sinlh oilender 8 wort; strimip 5nf j ih6ir ill-bottpn property and locked I up in the penitentiary for life, thclrc i jvouhl be giojund for hop!ig that this ! &iant evil might be arrested. It i a i vile spawn f r m the cess-pools of ecfr ; nipt ion ai Washington which, spreajl i ing thence, h: s crept into almost every department o public service ihjnfthe I highest to1 thej lowest. Let iSW Yol k ;ttnd Brooklyn make fodihal jvbs-hi' ; their thieves, jand they will have rejii I dered an invaluable service-to the jvholc countrj by blurting a ball which j every honest man in tlie land will help I to keep rolling until thieves and cor Jjuptioiiists shMl be driven into! holes and dens, beybnd the pale of decent eocictyj 1 : A WORD FOIt N ATI VK X0RT1I I CAROLINIANS. j A correspondent of the N. C Pretdtf- terian, (himself -a member of thi, I byteiian Church,) ppeakiug of the election of Professors for Davidson College, trutjh fally remarks : , " Davidson Cnllegq onplit to he a jrreut deal better known and de iror to T.,rll. Carolinians that it ij Th.r it cu Po little interest online of it own imm. dMje locality, is mainly us own f luit. It hU never been a H ictly Nun!. Cmoliiia (n etijution. South! Ciirojina influence at oU time,, and Virgiiji influor.ee at another, have mainly prevailed in her coiiiihel..i ller patronnce irs been chiefly tmm Carolina. Hvr feeling a,d uicjudicW fturt intercfts all tend that way. j j This baa been a rerioB blunder ajbd iti effects ard itn in beHiraittd patnih and pr'ncip.il rrputatbn. Il;ividsii Trustees will pcrp (uiU. that Uuuic-lfif they put any bat NorthiVolinuna in lb T4cancie now to be filled. TUn tLould CI "ol aViy teat hfTH, but il p)Mibletbcir own graliiatci.. Take youLg T'uu ,cl grow n,to their placi Tf c i , ..... i vur ocuoois and Ctdleges are always be supplied with Ti to - aim i iu fcisors from abroad!, tto.one need be ...r pijsed. tbat partnu will prefer to pend tucir cinioien abroad f.r e.l.citioa. Th Sectarian m.-inorr . i ;.Tan r"..ii oi :or ...UpW.. wiicge wiii coutiuuc to maid jits prosperity. Good bess men ou4t tolbe Mlccle4.witii.jtrf rrgard to Churfk riauons. wc are interested in the sb- ccis of Davidson: College, au(1 tiivrvtL cohy the extract jabove tmm the PresbV- tor Un. Charlotte Democrat. I The Prcshytcrum of a later date CX jtroVcrts some of the positions taken in tlie ill T extract, and g,ves a very clear and ipatlsfactoryexpla iatiou of lit happetls ftlmt Davidson I Cbllege should have ex hibited feelings ad prejudices and inter Prti tending toward Sou.h Carolina. TiL 'ri8LyterUns of tlut State stenned fA afd and helned to pat.ibit.K i...;t I !!' I j . x-'aviusoil fo ip and that too after iu projector! bjtt Jailed ta secure Substantial aid from iiu tjrn brethren iu onr oivn'State. Tb dordial relation, subsisting between the! ai relation suhwstnig betreen these jb'vrhren of North W South 0andina 4 I abpjvn to be naturhl, and. the influence I farted by dhc latter in Dtvidson, no ports than could teasooably be expected! ? t 4i i i line Jyncu fruit l rade-ik ew persons j j .. j . i- eeu Iiee in our midst, where a large bp.-inee U done in dried fruits, have any icfea of tie magnitude of th trnde or its cmmerial importance. AVb learn from oie of I oar merchants, : wbose ; oppor tunities Jtave enabled him tD amvalan-l pfoximle estimates iu this H'lalion, tlialj tiis par of the Slate, (we mean froij dreenebfjro' Westward,) has sold ioi b's tba$ 8,000 barrels of dried fi tilts thi year, th largest part o! biackbefrit-s. Avoraffinir it cofipitutj! o these 6000 bills J I j -- o ? r at 200 ls. each, we lmv thtj rntfiid snmj . , fi0fQ00 ,bs. , AuJ ef.traatii)g frjiiirs atan average- of 10 cjts. per t. it atiioantir to $160,000 as the faluel of thej djitd if nit crop of only a few ot th a . ' i i 'i cduntiesliir Western N. Gatolina; Now! wp:en tt consider that much! the largest portion )f this trade is in black berries; rt sonttfuons production, reqaiiing r.o (il-f i ? i . i . . i . i i - . i t rjre, ana mat me iaoor oi gmuering and for market is almost - .. . . etiiely pei formed by a c!; of I peji- je ubnf for heavier farm wloik, fwe can bi'gin tc realist the value of! this 1 soarcti - i" i .- r ' " i Tt of incoiiie, which, mifil sirce the war, wjis tioJeven thought of. TJie demand is steady. nd is likely to be so for pifttiy v ars!tocoiue, subject, of colirse, ho siictt Hicti(Ht)ns in the price as ae found at tndiiigthe prices of ...other . Commodities. fad iuhis view of the subject, ye dotibt nf)t improved methods of securing the clop ahi of increasing its vilnef ! will J ffund otit and piacticed. t'cibaps ti t! tme may come when it will p-y to select Mie swa tesiana to-st variety ot hemes i ahd cultivate tbem. We hfve h- ard it s:ggestd that worn put grounds can be"" ""borilinaieB, UetiutC thry were rudi- ahd leafing time to do tha work ( All timers;iknow that "brier oatchen" are. I neialfjy rich, and nearly all odrwhi! b; H is!ae fruit be trers. I - j Tl.Jjf i :j ' , . i I 1 lies tacts and suggestion?, m iv lead t, I , J . -i". 0heis; better qualified to look -ditto die ajd'r-cii and offer somethirjg: of m e ' jr tctiiul value to the public.! CerMmlfv. tt lias cuw to pass that blackberries Je. . li.N j 1 1 ..!,.:, JM imt to be despised when it is bhown whfit I 1 i - ., - ,1 1 uin ffy co,,lr,b"lc to Hip annual i j c.rae dj those who own th lands ad I A i iJ3 ' ;7. play theftaxes. I i j JThe citizens of Iredell have orginizd 41 Agrultural, Manat;icturiig and 4autca Association. The j4lUwiiu ate! the officers eh cted lor theyeijr. ! h I Presidait. Dr. Hugh Kelly ; iVice Presli-i d'uts, Tpos. A. Wait, iiayue 'pavfe,! Jolju lavid!,oi, Isaac Harris, J. V. Williams, A. U. Toinijii, lVier Little, 1 13 J Chambers,' U. F. 81ieppetd, A. 0. Sharne, fcj. IL Stiinti. Jir.hii Sefzer, U. I. ilcDowieilj J'. llervey btevensou : TriMisury, P. C, Ckrlldu i Sec rftary 1 li. Drake. ;j ; ! : I Weajjpeud also, part of the IprdKeedins'a bad at tile meeting when the brgauizatioii u8 madf, to wit : 1 i I Dr. J.! f. Lone andLR. F. Simoutun. EanI1 Ifaviug iiadeau ofiVr of suitable grduuds tor iluldiijj ie aauual Fairs if tlieHssiHiutioiii, l'ceof ei-aige, the same was acclpttld, and a cmmittie of the following getlelneu wai iJppointell to select the location: j c. . Carl-i f.n. T. A. Price, aud G. W. Cb pley, au lender tfeir report at the next meeting. f I On iiitiou, the following geetiemeu wiri aupointtli a commit ee- to (iiat'da 4"sl',u4 tou audiliy-Laws for the overiiuu iit of Ui'q Associatlou, to be presented 4t th uexi ineetingl P. C Carlton, li. F.i Simoutouj and W.SlWCabi well. Eaqrs, - r On motion, the uext nveeting shall he Deiu a' t-iie Court-house iu ctatevilleou th first Aiopilav 111 December, ldl7J i . 1 ' .. . . - '1 I uu motion, an. invitation was extended lif every fafiner. mauufactuier. auu 'ntcliauie ni ;ie eouifty to he preselit at the next meeting id the Association, 00 tbe jfilfct 'ifoudaji u Decefi.be ; that 1! I llou AHdersou Mitchell be requested to deliver iin atl.lres t. tl.-j, t i. 1 i.ih Mrg Hid Johu Davidson. Lso.i W-.- ai.H-VJr l ointed L commute ,r.I, A U ; 1 5 t r - " uis nour: I . Western X. C. Railroad SrHl i of iii:-tois At a -meeting oi ihiI)i e4 Jors anjnnted by thoGoverror forth Vm Divioa of the West. X. C. ibilroad. al Morganfou on Monday the 6th it., (he toll fowingaentlemen were chosen bv (he lirivatl ter.kluid(-rs: Col. N. VV. Womffij,, Dr J. K i9' U f,ltrainS uad I- sh iver, El fh2.f n i&nt of the Hoard otlDtr&torst i Tliese.ncwly-elected -ollicers will :u (,lKJ take-stcjHto take the Itoad from Ihe control jot the directory appointed bv Miiirsi War! jren and Jarvis, on the part of tifedcneral Asc:nl)y.. - .j jU j , ' 1 The liriiowinsr centlempn- ros4nI.:....i by the 5 over a Jr. Directors for tt.n k,J....f jDivisiort ot the Western VC., iho inet al jalaive al ilorganton i i l r..Jj rr , r"::aur ucm- uz j.j.3iott iq., ot Ireddl, rep., State' pruxv. -o- friIE UKIK8 IN THK Fi)ira 1 COURT u f ve heretof, ...... A. .11 1 . J! i ie facttlnit the rr- tueu arjentton fp juries 1 r ihe IT..;...a :rtatt1(,rcii.Col.t it, thi, Statelhave n., eeniec.ed accordi, to lawi,h,. a j jno iu4Kike about v au" iweihavl oursejves to pxarnine die act n ref, renco to the matter, a.i jtrouhlk fcongr ti.id 1 i our e atcnicnta a, a it , . a. is hiiiv ana in 1 H Jiriea- have been! selected Ind cnJI moned llv Umjna,.l. .l u 1 J? . .if naa. select..! who,n l Mdc-asedaWrat his nleasW "it i"' "aHone this with the sanction Xt ,h& J idg. , was stated bv them i iii.i term 0 Ihe court. V V 1 UuttecordiiQ to Inw: iliu ..K:JN.i' flie statute, as well as it ..;,;. it- l J,4T J eiatute provides lirCAd liiliiio (1.... a. tetms that the inrifa ,1... 1. in ex- hall be hclected a,,d T - Jl .fM,rr -C I ' as ueariy as: oiay be .kccarduis t6 thi mn.. e.t..i.l. under ihici, iurie, :'iz:iiTr , . . 1 1 j .v uiiiHici ior tiie l''ghest Joaru in the state where? the cir. CUir CojUEt BUS. Wherein lor.o ...13 Ibe law o provides and the terms of tin? t-. iicin.; a. 11. hhutbrd, Esq., bf Ca Idem.; k L. Patterson, Ksq., of Forsvth ,et Capt. AC F. -Crab,, of MclJoweiL E !n & Rr Urencsa Vtatatee jare unmistakable and strict. The tereral statutory pro i.-i'i;3 ou tlie suljeet may be found in Brighiluy's Driest of the Statutes of ibe Unitd Slates, on pag'8 21 and 792. The juries for the circuit court, then, must bej drawn, as nearly as may be, as they are drawn in this state for our supe rior courts, and it is ibeJ p!;si:i duty of the judges i tlie United Stales cnrts to nuke all necessary orders tor that pur pose. j Now jwe ask all men, if it is not sliaiig'alarming ano shocking that the judges t the federal court have put themselves and the ni irclial over the plain act of congress, iudivd Miij inlcd and subverted it in its letter and jfpiiil X W e Itave iiHnud and cannot learn th.it there a fha-iiow of authority fir their extra oidu.Hiy connect in this respect ; and we chail uige any ot the npoh.gi.-t.- lor the conduct of the con it at the late term, to point uU! or show any lawful sanction for what the tourt and tnarshal did iu st-k-ct-ing the jury. The l.ue term Vas an adjourned term for the avowt-d purpose of Irving persons chargi-d with kuktux ofleiist-s. 'J'lu-jury used at the regular term was dischnrgvd contrary to all usage and nihoiiiy, and the marshal, a violent radical, wa scnl out under ii.s:rnctioi:s from theafi.Hi;tiit district attorney, lo select and ettnim:m a new jury io try the kukiux. . All the cir cotnstawcea' ctnnected with the apjvi t meiu ol the term of ihe couri, the seiecti.n of the jury the action of the counsel fur the prosecution, and the coi.duct of the tiials, showed to the satiefacliou of every body w ho at all intended to see f .iily, a set purpose to uvike the trials assume a puittitnl asjti'Ct lor rat'ital parly purposes. in this view, i he radical Lnaohai selected juryjhe sulks of whom as appeared by iiffiuaVit and the otier to pro e it hv tlie clearest evidence were rad.euls se bctcd and summoned by the mir-hal auti ! vus neo Hie court came oii, tins 'vijijr, sip euievicu, was VIUHlClltjll a-i a whole, f.ir the ruii. ui .i-.l . I..,- ie causes Mt.iteil the court: noiwitMimli. .,' r,., ..,... O-.gress to which we have n.-fVi red. a:il i he wiliul and partizm conduct of tlie tiiai thal, refufeil to sustain t he ch il- i i I ( lenge or to hear lestiuionv abouuhe mat- tr. I Tlds comluct, we underlakn to av, waH onlRfgeous as well s;s unlawful, and iU ttaH rt' gg'vah d, eau-e there Wa no appeal to a higher tontt finm the , 1 . , r r. , r.Un g nt ibese judges.' It is manifest ,.at the jmrties chared .before the curt. w bother i guilty or innocent, under such circumstiUiCt p, could have no J.tir m.ti impartial tii.d as lhe'con'tit u' ion and lawn of tt.eii country provhie for t em. And we bilieve and trust that no good man of any pai'ty will Mi.-taiu such rxtraordiuarv, l.lgli-liundcd and unlawful conduct n i th.- part of the court and all connected with ihes.e trials. rl he important, question preaonts itsi ll here: is there no remedy for this outrage Upon every one who ha? huiness bef.ue the federal court, the dispo inn of i!iicli requires llf intervention; of ;1 jury? .Tt it possible that the court tiiay ihtis suspend the act of couprets and there is tio appeal, navrelief? Such juries so M-h-cted aud packed may convict a gudty man they are just as apt to tiivietan inucccnt mm ttiey are st heted to convict, in cotitta venlion of tight as uell us the spiiit and genias of our system of trial. ; e are told there is no ojh'uJ, no rc Iff lhat those brought b tore this couii must submit. 1'ut we su-g-si that th. re is a remedy, and those interested oti-hi to use it at once. L-t co::,, ,- Memoratiztd on th e sut ice. and tee if lhat body will endorse such action oji th part of the c urt h the nation see bow their laws are snpenedd ami public rights trill, d w ilh. Xo true or j.-st. tin -at. s should be spm Utu give this mat'erthat pr. . mi euce and coti'ideiatioii.1 i-s hi-h im porta. ee me iU. We ha e .lorn' oul dut v ana snail continue to do it re -ml r uri h.j i threats ai d consequejices. l(tl. Scntiml OUK NEXT COVKHNOi: . . V '? l;xrv-"r or a nun dosdv ' ideuti- Utfi ie liiiiit-trial: intere- 01 t!,e .Slate. Too m i..'n n n .Norm t aroioi'i t....... ,1 con t rid of the pn.nf j ohiici..,,. ;,t..i loo iiu-i Have tat-imea:id sine, the Lrawiiaml ,.. off of the land had lode, hi, its ovei ,:m. t.ii -l!0.i.d Ik-so no hm.-. r, .-m-l no Un.r time iso:!erel h-r Us , wrrif.iun than ri.-i,: ,,..w je.!-n,inT wiil bri,, a en.isin our ,.o!i,UK !t will the In- M-tnwU ihvr ihe AlJ.x retu;e Camvd In- ,he U:,.;,nN in lhe .U.h,,t ol Lonv, n nm last Ahuust is ,., ii. ni.iihiai.ud, or le iol I -7 qi:rp.,le poiiin- ti ir f.;i Mrei,-i. , ley Hi tbeir foil v,.ie I v.m.cra. v w.ii ,(!r. iv trnrntiui. Jt U.!.,ve , nor ,lire lllita .0 d.-vU.p ; every eiKry a.,.1 make eerv 01 K.n.l..,tv ML Win, well i-alcnbud ,0 ;.Ct , tm an brinvi,lem hv the lh r:,uc i M-J vrt,v. paitv Muha man for (;ove,, ,.r .',. srure the u,. , li:t. hltl(, . 0 the St.- ? A ho elects y.mr (.overe.o, It 1 en. if your vo!. areneees.ry to ktep m.th fabric ..f Koven.mct, wlly n,ny not hra I ;-eliuI into exMe,,.-eto priori,, ,he hiche-t .lsnctif.ns of p.veri ment ? There h- i,!e L i. V.'F St'kcri'i '"! ' educated fan..;r,K dal VU- me m r.o di-re-pect to ihe proiV-si. nd ir.er of our .Stajte when we- say that cl.tim o.V..t to le held in abeyance until Ihe ui-:- -la-ed. j At the prentltime an .du..d nd ac. ompl,-Uri Turner with some , xitWv e . l i he aIia:rs would be them, aUi!:.:,l. m,n .r the T.mn. He .,,Ui Menre H I rwe . o ,:ber o votes ,h no .,ber r.,.d:da. lonhl uel. Jides, m ,he secre of rhd.t, Mali a m;u. would env chum on the nomi,,,, i-o, ve, ' . .. we now u could J.blv foil 10 . :iKf"u .e (-'--- f North i-a. Executive orF.ce. fcuch a n.an as we have mentioned-, lcr headed, practical, upright, cnnK-ienti, J. filter, a busmen man of liheral ,n, he war a p,nt itJ ,im e te , ffJ P, ' J ' f eomhe eonutv a former nicmkr of the State Senate and r e of the most sucjful farmer, i North c'r , W present hi. name, ns the hoh-e of hl cjl buMne and io, kinC men of the Stale a. Uttlkboro Advance' ""w,u"c eonventiou.- Cap . posT, of Xewton, has sent us bythehanUfAlr.j.B.lAKERj ;! men ezrs of Cornraised bv hiln on virg.n.bdttom land, near tI1.1t nl nicasunno- 12 inches, win. i ' rows. He gathered 450 bushel, acrea. " DON'T IiE DISCOURAGED- ;When the Democratic or conservative party was victorious in hi? State nnd the prospect was good for a filial overthrow of the Kep-tblican or Radical arty, th better class of; people generally seemed to be in good spirits and cheerful in view of ttie future, llttt now, siure reverses have befallen the opponets of IJadicaiism, irany perrons who talked big and denounced every man who was unwilling to ruu into extremes, are cowed arid discouraged and talk gloomily and say the country is ruined. To such we would ay dou't be discouraged. Stand up for what is ri.ht and do right. The gre iter the reverses aud tlie glootni-r tlie provpert. the greater the necessity for firmness and de votion io correct nnuriples. Although the Uepnblicau party Beems to he gaiuii g streiJijlh. f.nd 'although portions of the surrounding count ry have been con siderably injured by KuKInx operations and consequently military arrests, yet the coun try is not ruined, aud is far from beiuc ruin ed. T!ios who work will win, and those who play and sit aud stand about in idleness utteriiia doleful lamentations w ill lose and to to dotrnetton l'ej before the couutry is seriously atfeered by the rule of bad men. We are sometime? astonished at hearing gitd iuteliiuent men give way to gloom v feeling!, and utter language which, if the heliexe, will -nd tlie-n to commit suicide jn" leS9 they nntter nnre ctmrage. It is no time to s-.rap horses when a man is in the middle f the stream, and neither is it the proper time to lose courage wheu the dau ger is great. This is a gtw.wl country and is not ruined and must lot he ruined. Don't be disrour. aged. f..r the day will surely oome when I'ro vilence will place t!ie (4overtiment in t!se hands of g r.( men. and the ra.-calswho are gujlty of criiee of ai;y sort will he punished. H'ti while trustitife- iu i'rovideuce keep .iir powder dry rk fr the pght and d'.u't 'ive up the ship. Don't be discimraged. "Troih crusliTTl to earth shall rie a;ain, The eternal y(;. (i (i0l are hers; B.u error, woimdv-tt, writjies who pain, And clin auion lar woriii.jKT-." If you believe th.se li es thm't be d!s-conra-ed. Sutli.-ieiit unto tlie day is the evil thereof." Democrat TIIP: STATE DE1JT. Since the eh we of the war th- debt of the State of North Carolina lm h.-n largely iu cread (to about .4l),(K)lJ.(i. ) and tl.ei eo- po-i. ixe ueiiv.,1 no material ben-hi fro o I 1 iierefore he done ? th e ipie.-tioii arisen what ouht to 11 a rated and set ImI from r.u ihr irujivi fii-iu lie i-eii that contr.ici cil v tiwiudlers Vi:d advei,tnrers ivho have thrt jlteMate fr stealing all tliey could lay haud up'Ui 1 We never owned a tate Bond of any sort and are not personally interested but as a tax-payer and a North Can dip au Ve Hie ailMons to ha lliu S,..,.. .l..i.. j.Iaced ufM.n such a ba-is as will euai !e the people to ri.l themselves of a heavy burden and at the same time pay honest l.-l ;s. "tM-oi'V iir ii tiiiii.ri, 1 1.. .i.i ; ... r the Jia!eit;h North ('. el iroin irt.liuiati. h'r the i, im pose, merely, of direct in the attention of tax-payers and business teen to the matter: thai lot tee Democrat Thk I)i:rt of 0 i THE STATi: !'r.iiii th.. Tor; iiCMiu ng rejx.rt ol' t', Auditor of n-ih';.- acc..uits. l ai pars that tlie land valu ot'tiie tate with all improvements is only about eighty millions, while the HM-eiuiio d debt of the tate w'.th accrued interest about f.,rtv millions dollars. The paym.ut of this vast su:n of money, in the euibai rased :lIrM backward Mate of our peoj,! and the cri) y' .1 condition ..four re ..trees, is simply imj,o:bie. at,d hence no creditor c.pcct dollar for dollar of the j.a per heihohh. nor can hunia i ingenuity de vise appropvi.t'e means fi.rthe hil! vim nts i tin ii.-t.t. ii'T any .-;tem ..f h cihiti- m-Mik-ru law-makini; com.,. it. ou or The holders of our Stite Ih.uus. beinc for the .i..t part business men. have bunj been ready for almo-t any arra'ica ent the State n i-ht in L'x.d faith prop,.,.... at.d b. lievin -th..t a iiimhie xpenee h.-tt.r than a sh.w shiili' they a e ready lor ueh honorable ai rat'ir. nteu' now; and one ..f the verv tirt .... IS to ill Ml Jlie. l 'Mouiuuil .It I1 'I V I I It tiiee ried t.ifs I p-.n Die Leiri-iature at t'l.e a.-proHe.Sii:K s. l-;..u .h-roK.v. the duty ,.f iraiiit. ., (,'n of hom.ia'.le adj.i.-lmeiit ..f t' e :r.. .U!,t. ('poll tiie 1 a duty i.eVcTed aid j..,!-., d .- er h: ihcla-t' Neiou. The -.nly plan of :f.!:l ,b,t i e.iTi !-T..M-M USe, I ut ,o oii- of li "Mi ot ii.rnl cm: j n.ti.ise easy to the debtor but lair tot., e re. I lie .--.'a'e :e!,t will rep.;r,. ,-l,,.e J. kin I. 'to aud carelu! bai-.ihi Tin Col. tract-. 1 ext.-: p: 1 si over i..:i.,v ...... .1 .... ..-1 11 1 .-. 'i 1. er 1 , 1 r ' V Ues dM ir.. v-jir. 1 .li-....l. r a ret c: c fihiiirial ruin hii! .! .) ail.m. The mj.a;:c 8 utid -r w hich tl.U .tia I. 1 fo leiiit'ily ii;. r. aed w'.ihin tlie j-n.-t f w y;,rs mu.t he r.-vie ,ed. aildeverv pul ii.-r-Xeut fiom the b. iri..!,;, of th,. wartll.ti'i ti w t.itiy v. . ii ;.,.! ... 1, .id-red, that 1. .'- l!at th weii ri editors tear co u lii! reai'.iti nj , f th A ..... . K .... 1 late is 1 ci it, . . . i"titini,ii jii mi.i.-;i riie a pp-fKT appreciatiou of tiie cri-is thr..nh which he h,ii i--d 1 . . lh :t a ia:.. n.-i.ts tli e U.-t)f 111 ,i.-t I..- fins. .-!He. Thai wh'ch it;is created behue th r hum of cause uke value, while the manner election, aud the miu.h pi ecede'liCe iM Io j( and inatis of its o 11 otiey reaiiz.-il fr.-IM tM- side of new 1 K'U'tS ll.ll.st III U t..T ' I , ,'- l-ht as bimliug obligation f.r more than value received. (u the pa t..f the Lesii-'ature tie who'e matter shoui.i be at o.;. e j ,Ced in the hat, s iu ae niimtt.-e of co,,.,,. tn' au 1 .iUiut. n s' -ed fi. at c.ers. vihoe di.ty it shall be to T.i:c tufo every e:rriiir:t.,nev attendii K th. creri u and increa-e of the public d. bt who. after aseeitaii ii t the actual diti-ii there,,!. s.houl.Uubmii a ,dau snyettit-K M pro roa of c.ucproii i-e. Iu .he mem,,,,,,.- the r.ejhiture fchoul. K e out to the world by oleu,U resohllio,, H.e ni.a!:erabfe deTei mii.r.,n f ..... io .ii.a .... .. . . . ... i i " "e il ..f l., r H, every puid-.e obhjjaiiou r.tii i.n V. ti Uk..u them: . - .... kiiiiip iiii;ij r r,.r tl.u fi.tii... I ...... jfi.ff.t a lory ol N- rt i ....... ...h uepenus ,. : ,.,, . r j,, v (.h fliesld meet the tiuancial crisis that i. no npou her. It is reported that the Pope Intend to aI.aiM.lim IJome. It is an old ru mor but it survives repetition from week to week until now it assumes more Hie gcmblance of trutli. It is stated upon French authority in tlie rV 1. World, that the castle of Pau m the Lower Pyrenes of Franco, has Uen pluectl at the disposal uf his Ho liness by president Thiers, alter vainly endeavoring to dissuade the old man irom I,w purposc.to leave his ancient seat lau is a classic and historical city of 20,000 inhabitants, health and aim, aim is doubtless a good enouHi place for any body who wants to lead a qmct life. said iucreae; but. as the 15., m. or oblitf . ! ,,til'"'1, f"!'l'cs to arrest public corrup- 1 ' " J- i . r y'-anl U Wi,V' ' V i t - .. tions of the .State are outstan i i I tion, put down public .obU y, pieve ,t ' tZl 0 T" ""''i U:'n' "'-1 At,,,hVr r:,d,tfal CaUor. Mr- A r ,...r,ant that some arranj. ..e'mr : 1 offic. f aud S briery and VrJn !aki fee'r; Z T" t ' il"lJ"A -nent ,huld he made by the Lecture or If the o,k .lops'with N,W Yo.k, lh,- I lr, i. 7i Vre and in V "rv 'Otloii aCi on groa.Ua ,d;-n:ic.i. , by auienuuient to,),, .State coniiiutiori. j Republicans, i,,ead of lie.nhnst. ati,, - U't n end. thty ,i U Le i-o, -id.r.,! s ! ' e v-cuV til y Mr. lleati.e; ai.4 I ..e I"-'"e cannot pay a tax at ;.re,;t (. ,h. ir detestation ot rorr..,..5l.. w '1 ....i I il" !o-l. The I nunr..U aod Un.rv,:i ,4MS "as com.eci! bimreif ;th a tltw 1 n.. I" . . .i ,riv. ".11 Ol.i, ... ii I. t-ir-.i ill I in it iu .................. . i . ... nii.ur i , ran i Ml lllla.rteT . ruE war ox conu.urrioN. I3y the nirl of Democrats rio were dis gusted w iih Uiug tyranny and corruption, the IJepnblicaus have succeeded iu carry ing New Yoik, and their organs aboni.d in swelling tributes to the purity, virtue and patriotism of the great iltepublican party." Tbeie is somctbinjf ;auKst heav enly in the symphonies thatj they chant. They feel that they have fiught the good figlu and are entitled to a crewn of glory. I here was something; horrible; to them in Democratic corruption, and Id Tammany frauds. They could not sleep sound ot uiglws so long us Tweed and ibis associ atcs had the handling of tntinev. Their virtue was offended, thiir h'tiiiity outrag ed. Now that Tammany has bqeu brouglil to grief they have good appetites, t heir digestion is good, :hey can tleep well for thir sensitive corif ciencei are easy.. But how about the fraud and corruption in i heir own party ? D. they trieati to stop at Tamm iny ? What about, i.e thiev ii g carpet baggers" w ho havi-robbed the "u.h .f two hundred ni llion's td tlollai s f What about the Federal officials who are daily ami houily coalmining theft on t'n tieasuiy ? What ftbon: the h falcations aud f-ieacln s of trust that folJi,w each oth er ii!i such rapid: Iv ? The teahrg b tlie iarnmany thn ven does ud altogether anrmut to mote tha: tr.enfy tn llions, nh:le th.u committed by K. publican thieves amount to more than 100 mill ion, (two hi.Yidp d milli-ms io ih 3omh eru Slates lu-ui one item). A e th se villainies right bec-tus.t they have been co innitted by R. ; uhlicans T ? Purely they who were so much shocked by Democial ic phindeih.-gs, for which theV say they I ! o t i.pooMOie, ouglit to UU Still more shocked bv the ro:uii(sof llu ir own paii v associates, for which they aie responsible Is th. Reform n. vemeut," as they teirn it, which w as commenced iu New York to s'op thre, or will they extend it to other communities and tu ike it the grand qmstion in ti e Presidential elec tion ? 1). rnocrats United, with K.-publi-cai.s to elh ct the puiifitauoii of N. Voi k t-oitic- ; will Kepublicans row in icw,ih lJeimx-rats and C have sho ;i ht .r 'ailis.:i..-iiiji, and will have commifed upon the Inneist Ib-tuo-crtts who icuted ith thein a greaier fraud ih tn any vnmmiited by Tanim.io v ; they wiil h ive shown that'rh ir preten tions to virtue w re all a h.un and a cheat, and lh.it their aim w.14 not to vin dicate jmrity and hon sty, but to u-cover political ascendancy in lh- Kjrj iie State. liicltmoml Whiy. ri'ECII OK llfiv lii vrn.v imiv.v.v This ,,,,..,,, . . . . , . , nt!i runt, on Ik.;,,- cailrd to the chiir.1. at the great Dahiuiure iiivli-n.dior i: l.'.'f I I1.T I sau! : There is one cot.sidt-rn tion, howi-vr, of a Ren- c..o u.uure, w.icti hi,o ..i1 pci.i.uie the people thai the ,.arty in ,-,v,cr, I.-.mitv, H.ul ex.!.,- live, liave not, sine" I lie Uri:. i n.n i.n kit ihe w ir ...i ..... i i.i . ' ..'o.ioo'icreo i if vo . rinnet.c eo .-iy ol m.n, nor .o'tarl Vi,. luZ vnl-i.d m m, ban r .irttd hix arm jin-t The . thorily l the Cnited States, ite. Ii.e Judiciary of mt at ..:. e r.i.i-tiuil .ch I.ad UeninndHll - er Miue a.liKii.i.ie-reel the L'nited Slates w.ih al: in eat.'i ot Hie Mutes which i"i), aid they have ever . 1 . iru ir liineiions, without reMi..Hii. e. Ail the fort in th? Slater have rmiained in po-ei.n of the (Jovernmeiit. Our commer cial marine viiu every Southern j-.rl iti.oui oj.-o-tii..n, : i.d n ,.nle thtre a-, m anv of il e oilier i.rt of the country, the l.JCt liie I . Stale- h.,d been administered w it i.ixit oj j si lion, and tl general a. k.-.ow:,,;, lncm ol authority of the L'nit.d Mwti- ami ol j;v of ao.vM.m. e hn- everywhere jretuiirri. Ki ii ha- its toiv.rnor, U :i-. .tore and juduirv, and h:n eiia. led and adm inirtc.-t d iu. cvtu ;la w- rv-co-roiinkT il,ro.;-i...i ihe puaro.M.i.i au-.b.'ritv o theCui .. No. withstanding ail t..i th.-v nt n WMibjccitd not only to o; orcivr b .t to laws which 1 thii.k'are in .iir- cot.W;ct mhh hr ( on-dtu ion ot the L'nited Slu-m. and iii l... ir r...t ue OeMraelive to ihe lite riioiol the S f,'r n'm cor,,'"t having brought ''h'u a 'e...raii.. of K,HKi tV.-ii,., w,,ica co?od ivc b I'll iicioi... (,-ti.l l.w 1 r 1 ! J....I .. la.ion il mw-uiw, the e' j i uf oe el u.,. k art ow M.ijrcitu io the vrcHte-t com e.v ,, e ..ppr..-.;..n. ai,d :,re e,., r.ght- i,.lf, Ul the 11 oJ oiti'M.i'i.nJi.n.i.. i.ti. t,teti l.v In.- I e ...1 I .- . Mao- u.eln-ei Ve are m: u.-.oiv trv.ited' aa if the h. re ,,01 Ml ot the L i.ion, a..l an -nh eM." (.1 to ,ii tl,e j,,wer not eoLurr-y lijou tnc U..uerat l.ve.-n e;il jow.r, wi.h b-.o..- Io ...rut .0 lone o; u:e i.oii ........ . , oMiKKI Heif 11. '""-'"'"I"" e.;-riiv l.r..v irl i-ir T; ri-iv j-wer- not .id.-!! toU.eLniod r r tint " t e .... . Lie I on-.itiiin n nor ro!.i.Ked l.v a are rre I Vi ij to lh- .ee ll.telillv or to ii-.' who- i hi Now a Mud 1. 1 tw,', morei.. if. i..rt eu.an r . .IZ j'f w d manner in ni.', S itl iC'.l carry ii f ii .ii, .-.real w.r-iih the iVn-ti-in:i.m, a.d iii.i.i..tt with tTt.rj u, c;Tl, poir.l i:hfty. IU n,.ur ii,ejMi ..i l o-r. - ..h of A,.ril 1.171, e-aile.l i he Ku Mi;I !aw- iu ..rt to ei.fc.ree th j rov.-i..n. o the to.irt.-er.th ainmdn.-ru to th, I oitumum of the L i;iu-. ...:e-, at.r! f.,r otf,t r p.it..w." Il w:. I ih a. thT.;0(,,v au. Il.oritv iwe-erled lor li.14 1 .w a. it Let u.t hew ;,,Vw7at tt -T t r vUicn in ,i.c !aw i. w:,i, b i iVi FtinM "f r A .y the 1'roi.h r.t i., er . n , ,f ran,, Af.r iivUiidi;!,;;; r,;: rii. a tiu.kr :le r.u,t . d ,;m. , Jr,,...,i I. t t . ... ....... e.o aciM.i, M,.-t U. wr,,.. i.ane to a cr,.i..n.il , r..i ui.U, ii i.,ovidis : ...i in imam ra-. m.t, lu.mI in U. .i,i l.ca.lejte.1 eflVii,.aM.a'l U- detird: a rei bon ac .il'the L nitcl .Sale-, uinl .iUji.rf the e. , r.. ol H M.f .-vil relieilioll, atol irb- ... oiiiiw. .-iere it niav . x it derit. U.e 1 h. n in hi- in !: rri- .'iu. Ul the M.Uk- a.,f. I. a I r.. wrli ,.f i.L..: . .. ht :r- ii. i a iiIh nz. .1 i.. .,,. . a .. . J .-. , t i,e met that audi rk llln n n.-y be overtiirown." It wiil Wu fio.n IU- title f the act that the only warrant ase. rud for il i ihe f.iirt.-t.th aui.n.liu. i.t. The inferenit fn-oi thi i, thu m Ihe i-id-.,.,lt ofC..,.r(..H, icd-j'ct of that amendment, no such an:.oritv mhiW foend Now, th.,. r.. iK ,-,.r.c.,U., lr, n,r fr , ,, exam r.e mto tbe nie-.mii K of that part of the ouruenih auiendn.. i.t r. Iie.1 i.j.on. l:ael.i.ie m the tirt -anion, in connection with the tif.J. section, Colore... ha anmed the iH.wer Io J.a- the act. IW ihat part "of the Ut -tction it wprov..!e.J that " no M ,te ,hal make or en force any law which hn!l abridge the privilcjr-c- or immni.iih-.of ciiii-n of the L'niied Stat,--nor Khali any State !. ,. rive anv r.n of lit, ' mr , or proi-rty ,ihont .lui-i.r,' rt: l .w; nor deny f r per within lis j-itUiicio. t the ecjual protection of the law-." jr . ! W lion " Consn. hnll hre .-.wo- A.r (onsre. i-hall !truii',.,nr. by appropriate lefculalion, the pnivUionaoflhi. ! ...riT artnie It will thu l uten that alat M w irul.il.itwl in tiie ptvtion of the fin-t Mctic " no State " i.hall do the act prol The net of the-upenion of the writ f habeas eorpw nd the declaration of martial law it to llace the Sute and it citiztna without any ae- oi.sei Vatives . to fjuill purity, constitutional or otherwise. For, was forrectly Mated by the Duke of Wellington, martial law i no law at all." It is the mere will of the tomrnnndt-r, and during its continu ance is an unmixed deiiotiitm. -- tun tlie people fflhe United States be no blind and so forgetful tf the numerous dulirs which they owe to the pien who achieved our freedom m aoy longer fo permit a continuance in power of the party by which such a law lias bten passed ami i be Inr enforced ? It ha been itl by an tnghh tiun that our people are more ind liferent to the hnimrtance and value of the writ of Unbent cor pi than his country, for our did not hint! id, obtain it by-force, in other words fight for iu f The right secured by tnir Coniitulion are, n substance, but a transcript of the conitii (ion.il ru;ht of Kngiand, and espwially i that flie cn?e with regard to the writ of Jkateou? cwtjhia. !any of the rights are included in rt land' treat Charter, was obtained, sword in hand fn m ling John, and our contitutional provision in Relation to the writ in ojertion i taken nlmoM in wrd, from the hnbtar r,rpu4 Jet of Chsrle II. 1 feel i-ati-fxd that it stah a law as tlieone b I have examined, and sue h sr. execution of it a his niw going on in South 1'arolina, w;u p;.ed T t!ie ryf Rtih I arli.munt; and w so nfortei iHy the prt-rnnient, the j-eopie of that tvtintry 'Wiruld wild one voice, drire Iroru tower all the .partus coneerntd in tt. : Are Aner:e.ins I- dc voted to lilertv than be nu'ject of her M.je-ty ? (Vn wc, who of jien Ua-t. and ht n tourc wiili trutli, thst we are j.jn.oug the freest, if not lire free-l cople on jitr:ii, rjlmit to such Jeiciohuion, or will we not jw'icn t!ie proper time com is to sjeak through jib'.- lal!ot brx,miiti c ne Voice iIim. nrtl frt.ni hw f tho-e w!io have nlm-t 1 and are alia-in tlie ltt -:.crel provi-ions if our eonMtit itin and Me dearest rights of our freemen? I not the fight which i- now Intiu denh-d in Smth f.ir ifinaoneof the rmw vital to pditical anl civil frecde.m? !us J i f-rt exUt whtre sr.ih a iLlit is l-!iiid? It must be very char to the rompreheri-ioTi of any residing ran that il 7tinct. In the word- of Ilia, ketone h'uaelf j !:e a-lv.ei e f Ktronoveinmn.tsand (he war '"d .in .il e Mip.,r; r ..' the proro-.-aiivci-of tiie I :lrown, in rrf.-rrir --j to the value ol the writ. " if wire on. v kfl in U ,-o.rer of even ,1 it i.i i-:.-:r.i:e io inn ri)ii ..rbi'ranlr u h.uh- nrev- iT he or f.i i.'r.rcr- I bought proji r t :, in b ranee j U daily pr:i. :iced f-v iln-l'n.wn,j there woul.l 4h.ii If au end of all other rights anJ imrauni js. In conclusion, I have but a few word tosar, hd then I submit to the mature conddcmtioii f the (.vntknitn w ho m.iy couiixe the con eir ton which ii to aWmhlr hereafter, wnd who are pped to tne re-efrt ti n f (irsnt. T! e U-t :ml prectdicrj Pr.-xi.ier.tial rr.ritv: ' "oi: Id I hive no ii.;Kt. :.tTf been "-.Ci --fti! if convrnu.-n by trl i, j. ihe car.Jidatis in op fuion to the re-t!Miion .f.Mr. IJr.ct.ln and are U.m.I, I think, in di.ti p.r.d ,-. r; .in .,l. .jini.,ci m vital to nr:r,-, to.b.-l ov with lie present. ih:, I think, is dcms.ndi-d. i.'thev Hve any regard for t lie- future. For l.'.e Cur'lnn II VvAmaa. Thomas ii i.r, N. c, I Nov. Huh. 11. Jfr. Elilor : Having cat :,N..u forx.nie time i Tain ser.h f.ir a Miitahlesu! jec-t on which to tt.T th power of my feeble jer., I bare at lt ride n ilesd hull, and com, to .,.,.,.,.. .1 1 oitrr.:ipMtK n, to d.i-h von down iln.:. Ut., (. ' ...x. , tAKi e inj.r-.vtment an. i.rocre-ior, of ci r . ' .. 1 . . f 1 C,'r . i ' i'1" i.'it n '.r. dear me. I.'n U t, desr me. I t'o J rJ know where to U(in, for there i m much to islv ih.it I really pet o-r.fu . d. nd thiie--crewd ? . ' ! iuY my hca 1 wiocii I L;? IcMMr..,, 1 T '"' 0v ,n "rt "!!:fni rtUn I can wri e Ufcjrn Ii.n. .My m- 'iirr i,.!J nie lh t U.'rn h. ii. - "V "V ' M ' a',.,l-,r' .v. r hen tey rn;e pet .the pt.irt of " ircation can t il. j. ihcm. H .wcvtr y. u : ia not U- surprU tb.-.t I e,t l-.tl . rel i whlr, I rn,u.ni f, ,h-,t ln i u .- I 1 ,u 'V1 vije nnt'u i: ;;'.e m oet in ev.al r.ink rT cr ah. ad i.f Ik r m rS fl .: 'n ii, ;fh!.r. 1 .. , - r. r- ... ' h;Mbe-way, for M,rIie y,ar, rn.t haTe j4.n hither looking .!..u on her even -V the lotJy c.fle Ker i!(,wn fr..ia his actial Krvh on t! inoTc humble part of cn-atiun. I'u to Lu "intiw. The Tobacco Cuctory, owned by J. R. K.-n, J'.)., i- r.-.win full blat, and fr.ru what I ran near, i r.oing a m-hirir Lu-it1M S uct e-s to If. cntert rM.-c j r.-prlctor. At j ri t r cr town con! ..... i-haci, orv-.n't toc. it h, ,vtrv tuvch like the d.-n.ai.ds and re..'!:r. m r t- i f our I-4.'Opl ou-iii tu be , ei: 11. d, j l"1'" iil Manufacfirimjire doin x rrxni btl riMH:-z i-.i i.iilv n well a- at any other pr, lV-r.ce tlie war (ur Codce i now m,hr .! e man ,g, met of il. . V---i'dr-, ar. i ire rn re.ir.1 re.rtii tJw.t 1 hate beard i it. rin?. Mr ; . i . . .. . , 1 . " -r""- -."i.eo, iua-...u..i 1 ..-ni lera.in; nnd tn;! an! ahfcr ir -trt:ctor. lie Crruinly deerve il.a m- l.-.-rprse of ii tht- who have d.vij.trrs to e..'- netje. i.ore i not a more desirable luA.--iti -n 111 ll.e . -lie :.- a fin.ii t ri! il.r. Ti vi.h- for it . : itik. ' "' .ie.ama,e i.e.arv rVt lT,he.:,r:;l!,r M of ,,ui.i! .a....:. . 1.. ' T 'iir '.oil rti r 1 aw .t. 1 . ' BT ' "r CTt r t r-l er a:.d Ihe h,- . . mesinol !.!id.Ii:v trmv -l... ..... i i ' V - .. . . " ' -l i '"V"". U'9 U T ' v' -oi.i eHri.ina. CAKLUTA I HANGONI. J TI I h V A T 1 UN A L G L'A li D, -n..- u rmro, -tnrt Hd.t,e. and mi it try ;ih-,, :i,r..,flX nri.rt.of AiJtru K.dua.u it,.,.;,,,. Ue,t fcth.., i:0;J ih IM in lh rmf.f -u . . . . . I . " uriiA. :mi Io trce vJ. . r. I ivrM r ,'r i " 7 . '" ""; !.Ll'KU ,L ' ' t'iThe Va , " ,? Kr'"Wn r11'' j w'tie ! " Wl" "V' --rvt riS1 - - - u - ey l.SI.w.,u,;,L(iajU ; iM Wi,;h ' iet; ted to ...V U iM'C .U..1 .,!l of ti..- ..,, h . .1 ilin, :r. l .3-7 ' " ' v e'--""1'- 1 l-eau nU AIHl. .lll i.-L iiilil. ....I . LetiSb. :u put .h-wn o:orr. K.t lotJlrt no ou. rin.ii.:,; Ui U n-!. il.unew Ah4-au a-. u.tie.11 Mta f,;:t . a . . Wl. I L I te W ;.. iv;. .-id? it U feHii.d th.U il ohutu if. . - ...v"' VT It pf'-j-tirT. to cv.iirol tl vjn.-;ioi m V - -' w vat my , - v - win. iv.t-Nj .f- K .i t. . It will .. 1. ... . li hf Attend, d iL'o il I.. . w. .- for (J. l'r.iJ. iiiial ieiiion next year V ajV ;d "f ,,"r" JUnl ,,;", '.W- Uh the LraiNh.tuffe of . Stat v wi'.er thtrr ar I r' ;,, of c"t'le, ano rc ' 1 no JtiinX afc..inht ac. h -i, tir- lu enc i ' uf N"' 1 'i'' 41 l .d ' H Mitewah heavy naliit, ttd-t! m. that l' 1 "nuh f'd! t Setter, xli la a 'i I rn.y;U put down. We tall i.pcjuj tl . i-ou'rV I ,-lw,-n d a ihisai.d ...h f ,,f hie Ihere ar uch law., to tjJSl tj ' ' !"'-Hor U"ru.T"n rl liear. i.t I : 1 -'5 entrce.1. Vt ;.e:,k not n a pani.4,'- we L f-rrj"'" 'tiu ; wane Thirtr peil..b f b-'-in tJ.e interest of p.-u, ars I order.' It ! a," 1! fc,-r J,c,,bol. and Kit. bin f. " the J:.i!ir:V party not intt uJ to pi nUrTi'! n,n:'-'' !''r U.-h- Ickj titiio . t. e. own criiniiiaU. " It i i:-lf ij4t. ' ,t . T, rrn ir .U k... j;, ,.n div of .vr. .i.ir.iKer of crim-. 1, Jive. .-,,'l ,1 JUiKM' 1I IIAIlHINlif I:. C- it-e.f by the :,-er.cv of the darkeM of i crmn .viro-i the t onst iu:uf, It na virnmUv hrov.t Aiadrica. M'Uvtiuyt.jH .Var. l ll.e (i.iiiitrr rcpuUiie-at.i-u i a Jlrat i ThiH S ,fi, ,r J4. 1V i I 1 V TM " day wan heavy rB!M-ciallv wen l1'"' irAlii tCtloiiK in Cotton lare r.-. i. ho.., l?ly or'4 humliid and fih v bah n, the hipheft prdnt atl.iin. d lh m iou. 'II... cnt?v tnc, f lUleioh are live men which th xbi coition ruaiket in the State or lonntrv. Jook at the auot.iiinn.-l.;i. er lv odds than any other market in the world. JBaktpi Carolinian. A CURIOUS SUUMARINK VEstL A submarine vessel has been by aa Italian who lately exhibited h isfactorily at li ra, in the Bay of X, t1 in the presence c( leading men Italian naval scientific and civil s The invention consists of wrou ht X' plate, divided into ihtee mpj, J of Inch the lowest conuinr 1.OO0 jr. of ballast ; the second or middle ch b.-r is prepared to ccomavdaie t0 4 s ns; the third or uppermost cLimb filled with comprrtfed a' 'fj,: r , prisse-d air, by n-.n. t,f ingenioa.' chmery, is capable of supply,,- sufScienl to sutuiu tLe lite cj u th kos for fifty hours. At oue of th ".T tiperimenis, this vessel deseeded distance of thirty eight f-ttUm, 1 the surface ot the water., and tCl; "T -sabtnerged ruiuntea without U. slightest discomfort Lein ltI- , by the navigators. Tie sc,fi' '. ot luv ballast serves u, rtuil) ,1. 'J in an uptight position, and pcru!urjf simple m.irhm.ry enables it lo m 7 any dm etiou. An attached illum t , ' airangetnt-nt renders obi,xtf wj-j ' U.ge area pe.fcclly viable. 11, of lrLe, "'or s to have for tov ih.nesof cl.flrrut opacities; w.c r -ori b,h.ug another for s,K)t,ge .nd h.hins (requ.nng a deeper descent) 4tl oilier f eipb.rii.g su,.k.-n veg, U 41 i lastly, one for scientific inve:igriya 'm waihko purposes. A liUtiD sl(JX. Among those who opp,- the callofg fttate Convention by popular vote, uue weie more pronounced and ui.n-leutii ih.m Mr. llearne, at that ttme i'jj .ditor of the Iclcyram MeAIlWV .. however, tlie editor Oct Lied 1. day to day, tb it he was iu f4V0r of icloiuuii.g the Constitution in we knows not how many particulars; and an-gratified to find him, now that iL . I. ctiou is over, making g.x d his oVtLrv tions. lie heartily endorses iu h: Dt p 1 per the Ctiroiiitian the reconjuieu jtkLi f the Exixu'ive Committee, and u pr mg eut-rgeiic support w 1 lie pojicy pro. poci u 111 uie vuurc-ta. i i'Mirn.il at K ilcii:h. ilm lir,.'.,.fi Vrn ill Mr Danes t:ow steo i I, A u,, !-urtum the Kucutive i.4lrnmitte- in their tJ.ris for Coititu;iona I:,f.,rail Or will he allow his new p.irtv relniou and cbiiirAiious to bias his j nigtct-iu H amnion (Jautte. On Sunday last a young lady r-i'J:i j in Picdtuoij:. Vi-t Viririiiia. ciiur i-rnilv fiomher side which ucl..il .. j i . S a. Iom e( u i.en Piie .ts nil : nT . ' " "'"V "v'"Ta I ve.ua it had remain, d i,. hr t.,.iv ...... Dulmg imiIv ' T . .7 . li" li Tuilnni I'm riu.t,. .. . 1. . . 1 i lug in Various cut ciio.vt., .-,4 ,u- c .mi i n i.bivr oi di.nuj,iicrp. .ilia,;, on lh? ci'Tni. g iu ju.niiiii, it tu i ,e its appi iirai'ce under the ki in. and v. I X!MC'1-1. SAi-lSliUiiV MAHKKTS SW 17, I lrottIl 1 nro. r "' " i 1 " 'cr hnh ""Umt OB' it. ..., liii.i if to 13 5 1: 2- i: er i u i. . kI ti 11.-.. IS Iu 1 ..cj1. :ui. l - , .. .1 . ., rl! . , 1 A ui& .i.t.De, I " V arr., t-, r iubca, . 1 I -.:. i. re r tun J. ...... . ,. . . ...... 'A, I. I,. t , 1. . 1 1 1 a 4 t. 4 4 I;!. l,,-r- tr.k. l"iL. Ar.i. kf o. I . 'J. 3. Fr'ut. Jrir!, aft l b;-:1. " " Pearl . ift-1. ' orpc.'rd. l.ettrcr. tr rfr. jnr poaaJ. iule, I r r n. hr. c-t:n2. ai rut. Mi.li.-- -"tilirrii irr f 3 tt 4 i !u J u I to " fit. 9i u t, to to ( to , Kimn 1 " T-i i nun ?otjt- IrUl. pcrhlcl. ' r. PTru.d i " '""lfr.1 , " 'r-.Veu !! ere1 alt. -on.t. 1 r cJ. " T.'.V!,., 1. !:.- 'I't.rti. S.n-.ik,:.c. P3CS3I300K FOTJITD. . V, neT w n n.l in Ssli-'.-irr, r 'Vcnin.. Iai. hi. h tf.e J"-i t an !,:. i.- hr - i "n-tMriir .ir-. ril.irj it .ir d il r.i..rt pj;.tp ; It thi notir- nd rewrJii.j: li e fit.dr. At ' lv t th: office ft f irth.ir ii.f.-rtuiii.rts. N. I '71. r?A'v, THK (.()'. F.MNV FNT F St" "-- "f IV. it-, m V.lu- ! a !- r.t ,a ...r,-. .V.nhir ( ir.,,;.,,.,.. t ir.'er. .ry:r.r p t::i-tcd. For .S- ' .W . C " . a : l .!- ' a tt. S:iLi rv N 1 ' - t. lm 9 TMKRK will bfr,ld at the !io-.w f 'rr!r-r. n ."" e-.t.-. ' - ' h !!rrir ct-r. 1 rt- K l.i;i.n, un Jnvxt.v li e .- li t-.' " (Nov.-rnher. fi.l!r n if. Ml v. 1' '': I 'r 31. X7I. lj J ? For Sale ! i AT PTTHT-Tn A TT'TTnTX. t' th. OJ.l. V.:- i.-i t :.i . at . t . ik1 1 it V.t H,J. (,,e., Jemalem V- O- P' iierouiity N. C- aud aUl 11 n.iW 'rtii Salisbury li w l U. .t.).m r 1 bu" 1 cm; ilUAKH IU tne Toiler.. ; 7 I ' Ib r-o-fc A: Valen; a b-t of C-ttle. h Farm Tee.l. Gear. Vaou. llnM-Li'J Kitei.en Furniture, Are. Term ruada Lnowo on day of !e. 2t:pdJ MUS. K. C UKOWN- M' to ' . i.oi' u 1 j : wiu 7. ti, U h,i ; ' . IS to IS :6 t 1 .;. . ? to T: t .4i teJ Htf f. . F0 to C. f' H tn 10 f V-1 I .M 40t' X f t--.r'n"'. w e . n i'- r; Mi i if h V ! 1