Carolina lUatcfyutatt, INDIANA LYNCH INGS. j j Indiana is earning a reputa tion for violence equal to that which is for party purposes giv en to poor bouth Carol in a. jWitliin a week we have had two decided cascjs of mob law there j one the lynching at Henry ville Of the supposed neirro murders of the Park family, and the un- successrui attempt to lynch an alleged murdorer at Brook ville. These instances bring to mind the Keno case, and lead us to suppose that there must be some general degree of lawlessness throughout thd State. Taking it for granted that the courts are what they should be, there is no excuse for such resorts to lynch law. Indiana has nj robber State government tormenting her from within, and docs not suffer from the despotic violence of the ad ministration from without. In her interior economy and in her relation witn the general govern- men i in ere is every guarantee ot peace, ana unless tne local ad ministration ofustice be either actually corrupt or so loose and inefficient as to be jabout as bad there seems no apology for the lynchings of which we hear. Having this much confidence, however, in the general goodness of human nature as not to be lieve that whole communities will wantonly take life, we are inclined to think that the Indi ana courts are, not what they should be. So long as punish ment is certain, even if slow, people will wait the course of the law and sustain its officers if necessary against molestation ; but if the! conviction once gain ground' th'at the community is tampered fvith in its right to pro tection it vnll not bo long before the unfaithful guardians of the "public safety will be thrust aside and punishment be meted out in a summary manner according to the popular idea of what is right. Technically, of course, all this is wrong; but practically ft a mounts to this: that if the courts do not purjish mobs will.fhis is particularly seen to be the case South. That is almost a purely agricultural country and thus peculiarly (exposed to theft. It is so easy for the idle negro to steal a ho or a cow thatlie farmer is constantly missing his stock:: At length he lie in wait for and detects the thief. Thq proof is so clear that even partisan judges and negro juries -send the pilferer to the penitentiary. In a few days he is out; pardoned by the Radical Governor whose local mainstay he is, and (jack' again at hiscow killing and hog-stealing trade. The farmer misses another fine rkcr, or( perh ips the finest i f his jnilch cows. It is beyond question that this old . despoiler has carried off the one, or taken quarter from the other and left the carcass to rot in the woods. What is the man to do ? Must he sell out (and move off, or bring up the thief for another trial and another pardon, or must he re sort to first principles and de fend himself? Evidently lie thinks thoi latter. The thief is visited at night and receives a tremendous flogging. In revenge no ourns; the farmer's hnnA a barq and then he is hanged. It is a sad crame of wronc .mrl re taliation, but what are men with out public protection to do? Governor Bullock, of Georgia, is recorded to have pardoned one iiimuui qvery otner day, Sun days and ill, forjiis entire term of three years. Governor Scott, of South Carolina, pardoned 205 out of the 486 convicts sent to penUentiary, setting loose anew on uic community two out of ev ery five; The crimes pardoned range from murder, rape, and ar soi to hog-stealing, and where tue paruuiis were tuickest theVe so-called KuKlux outrages qc currcd. Thie same nremisni? wpU made to ixist as we fancy now cvsu in inuiana, and the same blpody conclusions ensue, it Is idle Jp losalize thatuhich isreal- general; to make people think thatit rs KuxKlux in one State whicn is jmero mob law and Jynchinff in another. . Th of Indiana land South Carolina kf ., JNevada and Georgia are identi- r ?nJ?vc m lP w uny of Mew 'Vao.. e'hadyrnmors of vifn- nee cotuniittto IMiing 1 aKnjn a n y Norfolk,-where an .. ,:, . receive uJ foriirlw HUto, . ... C - A A a.. - was made the basis of those ru mors; and in the same way per s nal safety alone is at the bottom- of the Indiana lynchings, and property and personal safety a'one at the bottom of the so-called South t-m Ku-Klux outrages. A defective ad ministration of tbe lavs brings . rith: it anywhere and at any time hi this ronn try a resott to what Bacon calls wild justice of rjevenge. Even so wie a man lood not call it caprice but justice;; and jusiice it is though irregular in it oiatii festations and demoralizing in j its ulli ruate ffects. N. Y. World, , HAYWOOD STILL AHEAD ! A few wcks since we bought a barrel of apples from Haywood County, and m-nt them to tbe Weldon Fair. They took the premium,, and no trouble. f From our own observation jof the fruit jfrowing qualities of the mountain cum tries, Haywood And Yancy excel. : If ail tlie chared land in these two couutie" were well set out in apple trees, and they of full bearing age, AND a Kail Road It UN NING THROUGH ihejn, the yield of one year would pay ihe State debt, now ov-r th rty millions! Make lhj ealcnla- fion i a I see (or yourself then get about it at oner jihis rery fall and plant ill the trees you bay. Why every fanner wbo lias a hundred acres of land, oagiit to plant from 500 to 10,000 trees f Make your arrangements to plant more Sr less every year pntil your whole time will be employed iji looking after your fruit trees. By the time the tree have been plmted five years, you will want to make no corn, wheal or anything else. The apple will make you rich. f -j The Winchester (Va ) News in speak ing of the apple crop says " Abner Hodg son realized $800 off of 40 trees !" West e -n N. C. can beat this and not half try. Plant apple trees lAsheville Citizen. While Holden, through tbe Wasliinsr- toi Chronicle, is calling upon the old line wings to jjom his delectable party, be cannot avejid cp'tting out a little of Ma spite, born of antebellum days, against Governor Gu;hain of this State, who m lhe whignn old line Whiff th at- ever hrealhed the atmoxuliere of Whirddm ! Governor Qraham has always conphicred I he ex ediior of 'the Standard a roliticl fraud of thj fiwt water, and that is an of-. tence never to be forgiven. I f . Salem Picss. Revenue Tax on Tobacco. IMPORTANT LETTER FROM THE l UEASURY DEPARTMENT AT WASHINGTON. J Peddlers or Retail Dealers nf T,IW. Pay a Special Tax of Five Dollars andmay retail onywhere in the State. I Treasury Departmr UFUCE OF lNTKRXAL REVENUE, j vv aSHixgtox, Oct. 28, 1S71 MR : in reply t vOUr Jpifp- nf q.. 24, iii relation to peddling mannMtured tob ieco, I J, ve to say that a manuhc turer of tobacco may sell hi product any where in the United States wlihoin paying a special tax as a dealer in t .hac- co, but he can se I only in the nr: r;-i and unbroken packages. He may lend out an employee to peddle for him, who on uie same conditions as tbe manufacturer. A peddlor of tobacco who i not r ernjiloyce o;f tbe raannfacturer, and whoe sales exceed SI 00 hiiuiu i a nauit' ill a special tx as a dealer ii tobacco for filing maM.ifactured taboeco in the man uer ot a pedh r. and such a peddler ho lias paid the special tax for so selling to bacco may! retail from wooden packages, packed and stamped according to law Very ie?pect fully, j J. VV. Douglass, . : Commissioner. V. D. Jones, Esq.. Assessor iih 'net, Haleigh, N. C. J EXTRAORDINARY $10 3 DAY'S OW THIAL. ttXOlMTllirX' PAYMUNTS. PHIC33 HEDUCEL. The Great j Amkbicas Skwixo Machisk Ho nave concluded to offer their whole Stock of Superior aud tcuiely-known Machines, upon the above nnparalied terms, to Every body Lverj where, who haveor can lind ue for'a r Good SEwisaMicntxE, Cheap than Every oue i welcome to a uoxth's free trial AT TUEIK OWN UoME. The best, and only true Huarantejc of its quality, u a month's free trial. i The object of giving free trial U to show vou How Goodl our Machine iJ f " This ia the 5&mp!est and mont ortJn L.J . convince ou that our Machine is what The Secret df Safety is in one month' t triaL i ' w.,c pnrn, wiui uie Machiue after trial All pay for and keep it. ' nay no Machine until voir have found it I Good , r y w manage, I$iv to work, haw to keep m order, Perfect m Mechan Tr rf-tm ,tonstrvc SipU, lieliabte, j ou A cannot have as good Bering Machine a$ ours. i " Buy nnly wenyou know the machine don'not take an hor to get ready to do a minuted work B"L, l?:"!" fi"d Machine tCti T alrW.d "nd never order. A mnth - Trial answera all Quetiona, aolv. -"v 10 get your Aloney'g Worth lrv'- You cannot hie. 3 " 75 'n Ufl.?n,ltlt,U,?,. Cil nd iltus- . k i , containing full partieular$ w .ch we w,l end JO by return ofmail fr? wah Samplea of Sewing, that von can jiirfS i rmJ U our Sod fntora-hU teru at "1- "TT .. - jmmm UUU UUVR LAC r own - .D:),n't IfMe oecause you are uncerUin Whether rnn w.f c : "- , . "v-criin . r . aKjiiui; vr Tici nor nnTTi." ' T 'y Try aGood "''y uejui, and wi I Make Mo nev for von. or hln v 1". , i ','r- r . it. Ana u von have another, ours will .hr .u.. .L n HO OFFER Ra Ru Rt Radway's Heady Relief Cares the worn pains in from ! OX 8 TO TWESTT MIXCTKS. Not one. hoar after reading this adrertisement need an j one sofier with PAIN. RAD WAT'S READY RELIEF ja a care for every Pain. It wan the first and onfjr Pain Remedy that instantlr stops the most excruciating pains, a: Jays Injlamations. and cures Conception, whether of the lnniro. Ktoin- ach. Bowels or other glands or organs by ona application, in troni one to twenty minutes, no matter feoir violent or excruciating the pain Rheumatic, Bed. ridden,, Crippled, Ner- vons, Keurai .nc orprostrate: with disease mav suffer. RAD WAY '8 READY RELIEF will afford inita it ease. Inflammation of the' Kidneys Inflammation of the Bladder, inflammation or the Hovels, Congestion of the Lungs, w Ikroat, IMJJtcult breathing. Palpitation of ths Heart, Hysterics, croup, Diptheria, Catarrh, Influenza, Headache, loothache, Neuralgia, Rheumatism, Cold. Utius, Ague Chills. The application of the Heady Belief to the part or parts where the pain or difficulty exists win anora ease aud couitort. Twenty drcips in a half a tumbler of waterwill in a few momenta cure erampsr spasms, sour stomach, heartburn, sick hetidache, dianhae. dysentery, eoltc, triad ta Me bowels, and all tn tern a I pains. Travelers should always carry a bottle of -jtaawajs iKeaujr Keller' with them. A few drops in water will prevent sickness or pains iroui cnange ot water. 1 1 is better than French Brandy or bitters as a stimulant. ! Fever and Arttt. Fever and Airue cured for tiftv cts. There is not a remedial agent in this world that will cure Fever and Agne and all other Malarious, unions, scarlet, Trphoid, Yellow and other Fe vers (aided by Iiadway's Pills) so quich as tie. ' HEALTH! BEAUTY! ! Strong and pure rich Blood Increase of r tesn ana. Mood Clear Skin dt Beau tiful Complexion secured to all. DR. AADWAY'fl Sarsparilllan Resolvent Has made the most astonishing Cures : so quicK, so rapia are the changes ihe body undergoes, under the influence of this truly wonderful Medicine, that EVERY DAY AN INCRKASP. IN FLESH AND WEIGHT IS SEEN AND FELT. THE GREAT BLOOD PITRiriER. Every drop of the SarsaDarillian Resolvent cuuhu ungates mrougb tbe blood, sweat, urine aud other fluids and juices of the system the ui me, lor u repairs tne wasts oi the body with new and sound material, scrofula, syphi hs, consumption, glandular diseases, alcers in tne tnr at, mouth, tumors, nodes in the glands and other party of the system, sore eyes, stru mous difcharg sfrom the ears, and the worst forms of skiu diseases. eruntion. few r- wa!d heod, ring worm, salt rheum, erysipelas! acne, black spots, worms iu the flesh, cancesr ..i tue wuunio, ana all weakening and painful discharges, night sweats, loss ol sperm and all riur, ui tiiV me rnnnpie, are within the cur ative range of this wonder of Modern Chemist rv.and a lew days' use will son wishing it lor either of these forms ol Ai . eue us potent power to cure them. it the patient, daily becomiug reduced bv the wastes and decomposition that is continually progressieg, succeeds and repairs the same with new material made from healthy blood-and this the Sarsapariilian wi.l and (does secure a rnr i. . when once this remedy commences its work of Durinca' idn. anrl mMoo.L : j-..- . . , ""vnua iu uiiuiiusQine toe loss ot wastes, its rertairs will ery day the patient will feel himself erowine better and strongei. the food digesting bettef appetite improving and flesh and weight in' creasing. .Not only does tbeSai-saparilliati Re solvent excel all known remedial agents in the care of Chronic, Scrofulous, Constitutional and ; r. r" uul 11 18 lIja nlv Ditive enr for KIDNEY A BLADDER COMPlIIntS urinary and womb dispnj dropsy slippage of water.incontinence of urine Bnght s i diaeaw, A buminnria, and in all cases where there are brick-dust deposits, or the wa h cIody. raixd with substanceslike the white i f an eae. or thrn,ia i;t ISdwwif n0r,,jid' 2' bilions appearance and white bone-dust deposits, and X tK.J isa pnckipg. bnming setsation when nassinir water, and nam in th inu ri. u' . ? along the Joins. " w w UK ana DR. RADVVAY'S Perfect Purgative Pills, perfectly tasteless elegantlv coated will, sweet mm Z. 11' :ri-i--vu,,l,,ws. DiHous fever inflm system from all the above named dTrd"r--formation worth thousand, wfll be sVnt tJ' In THE GREAT CAUSE Ja PulUshed, in a Sealed Envelop. i Mi.f... Tr,.,Be. iiai uiiiai Cait ot Semi lS0v"k,rr;o;nilptrma,,;rr,MB- ' ', ,i iL Kn,,i". Ioii teDcv. Ner. , -.. mpeJline. to Mar Utf. by Self-Abase as D hilit . c ; urers nook." ac. m. u., au. th? WcrM rcno -!U;o.. mil In- - "7 D 'ffectpaily rrniOTeri . . vt a m i fin ii v iiuiLia. . - ' ut cure che ply, prlrWy T4 r,d caliTThuT" tore will may a..M . . ..... ,,- ,eli ln , thpublh it. lUge tars,byaidreM!Bt AUo. DRi CUl Vrn Wr r . ... . . "rnI uuwe," prie 2ft add-rasth PablUher, ! A LECTURE TO 70UZ7O tLH2XJ. Ja6Ad. a nr A Wetnre on th yt of frn,air,rrh. " ' , " .en d ,! "nini w cir aba n'ai and p ric IBtMi.V w, fW : nth r n I hout ltctna and wlu wi J.T ,ff,Bny rrmorea knMH.D,u "wrrnn aurreal out a m- ..e of cure.te A,!?.?,, to,, ewe W-M' r.e.i. .7". C"K y be Ll ...7 ' f LKCTCR W L PoVS A BOON o ioA?,,!r- T", THOU AKD3. "AI,OONTOX"OCSAJP8aa ent, ner seal, 0 an? alM. i . i , Z 2SW ? s.TaS uukiuii oi sue iove a, Diles and all ,i the internal Vira:P,;e.8r'r,2,aed tivecure. Porely vectsb1e font-i-r. cury, minerals ocZZri"? ta,B, no a mode r .. i, ii-it l im THE TKEMA1WE Piano Fortes are acknowled bj all who have them in use, and by the First M usical Talent, to be equal and in many respects, Superior to any 2annfactnred They combine Immense Power, Eouahtv aweemess ana jsrxutancy of Tone, Elasticity of Touch, and Great Durability. Dealers, Teachers and others desiring to purchase a first-class instrument are invited to examine these Pianos before making their selections elsewhere. PATENT AGRAFFE TREBLE, Together with all modern improvements. The most thoroughly seasoned timber the market af fords is selected, regardless of cot, as we feel assuredit will be the cheapest in the end. The great increase in the aale of our instru has ments, enabled us to reduce our prices for First Class Pianos, fromten to twenty-five per cent, lebs than any other house (offering the same class of instruments) in the United States. While we act upon the maxim of "quick sales and small profits," we make it, at the earn time, a special object to furnish eur customers with instruments in no way inferior to the best in the market. Many families have had a desire to obtain a Piano, but could not afford to pay the dealer a profit of from $100 to m, neitherdothey wish to purchase a cheap made instrument, that would cost more to keep in repair than it is worth, hence a large class of our music loving people have been obliged to do without. "We can furnish New Seven-Octave Piano Fortes from 275 to 050 dollars. Second hand Pianos trom 40 to 250 dollars. EP" Parties ordering br mail mar the best selections. Our Pianos are fully warranted for mx years Descriptive Circulars sent to all narts of th country upon application. C. M Tremaine & Brother, MANUFACTURERS, 435 Broome Street, Hew York. THE BURDETT Combination t i ORGAN. ( With Carpenter and BurdctVs New Improvements. J The disagreeable reedy tone entirely vr3 omc in this instrument. The Terdict h Enanimons! The Greatest Success of the Aft!! We Challenge the World to Equal IU! And cordially invite the profession, dealers and the musical world generally to txan tne this truly wonderful instrument. The Burdctt Combination Organ Asits name indicates. ijaninreniB.nn!,,,. .,, standard improvement, confined with l anv n- ii i o DeVer. , lntroced or .item,, i " "ikinf iiuiuriran tn ru s VI.THA of mtrun.ents, and ore tbat hai a si r-ady created a revolntion la tL public mind in the decided favor of th o-.r.r.i .1.. . ' . s al Organs, both for secular and satred mn-ie, voice or to produce orchcatmi .r 7 - a. VUVMt IVliL i L . lit. sic lor the b4 pl.yVd by 3. All the varioas Improvement gan art protected by patent, be:0nR ex y to the Company, and can be used on no otLar lrZ o " The urMnt RaNiarr n. . ... rorH;,r.n; K;;w-.r"w?."0 ""received me most rV,MM"1IIB,rrol tboe rankini among the first of m wicians and organisig. 1 The Xew Tort Independent sav of i. p..- " o u ever seen. rt - . . . tb.V: aK ! o idea perfection." bn nhtt6ncb The New Jorl Observer wys: "Its pnritv of voicing, richness of tone, and m w,derf5 o? chestral combinations, together wi;h a number Son " PCrfcCtioaai,tobe lond co The press and pnblic everywhere who har trains not on y tfvti it their nnqnal fied appro Tl e Bordett Organ range in price from $135 to $1000. We have nU0 n. . 645. $75. Sinn V. Bl C. in, Tremaine & IIroM WHOLESALE AGENTS, 435 BrBAma ft rim CONNECTICUT MUTUAL LIFE INS. CO., OP HARTFQBD, CONN. i ASSETS OVER S33,000,000. TUE ADVANTAGE OFFERED TO INSURE BY THIS CONI'AXY Solid becurit, Superior Ecouotuy, and iia Conveuit-ut eateu of Auuual biiideude. ANNUAL INCOME ABOUT 510,000.000, With Lower Expente of Management than ady other American Cotnpau sues all the moat desirable kiuda of Lire and Endowment Policies On which Dividends will be paid ANNUALLY AFTER I (Office opposite I'obi1 JNO. A. BRADSHAW, Ag't, Salibarf - 3C-tt HALEiO), N. PIEDMONT AND ARLINGTON LIFE INSURANCE COT. HOME RICHMOND lcl8 lO It 8entember. 18rd Annual Income over Policies issued to 1st Dec, i UjMI u jio al,l cash reduced by tue annual CASH DIVIDENDS ON TUE OFFICERS W. C. CARRINGTON,... JOnN E. EDWARDS... J. HOPKINS D. J HARTSOOK PROF. E. B. SMITH.... J. E. WOLFF,.. D. W. CO UP TS. Gen' I. A ant for Western X. n liT ACTIVE AGENT6 WANTED EVERYWHERE. 1 Feb 10-1 y. , i , j i ' ! M m iii ryv u l i iw . mHii,9aiiiMm,w,ilrf M Cm !. I. BULLIONS near Tratlmnnr I their Wa4errl Cat-mi re Kileeta. They ara not a vile Faacjr Drlak, Marfeof Vr Bam, Whlakcn Prr hairila m4 RefaM Llaaara dortured. vpiced and nwt-ii U pieuc tl taAte.cmllad "Towic." ArprtiM.- "Krirrn."i.i., that lead ihe tappWr on to arvnkeDaeaandrin,btar ate Medicine. made froai the xti Hroa and Hi of CliftornU. free tr mm all Alrebellc MllaiM laat. They a the U EAT BLOOD PIKI FIEKarW A LIFE GITI.O PRIXCirLE. a perfect UenoTaaur and InvtjromWr of tbe Pntrm. cttrrr.nm off all retneneaa matter and reatoring thrbUiod to a hraitb eoeiditle. V x-rmy ran Uke U BlU teea mniIi( f directions and remain Vmr unwell, presided bnee are not dettmeed by mineral potaoao ether e. and the vital orrr waeted bemd the point of repair. Tntj mm n. Getl Paraatlve aa wall aa m. Taeala, poaekia. a'.w. tbe peculiar merit of acting aa a rewerrel aavnt in relieviag Cnrrttea er Inflatn waMen of the I.ieer. and all the Viareral Oryana. W91t FEJIALE COnPLAI5T!, tnyonnger elt. mrhel ee "inwle. at the .-. a ot womanhood or a oe tarn af life. OieneTenie li.Uen have no eaaal. Twr Irfiamattrr aad Carealc Rkeaaaa llaaa aad Gael, Drsaeaala ar ladlceatiaa. Mllaaa. Remlttrat aad larcrmlttcDt Fe DUeaaea af ikr Blaed. Llear, Kt4 aaya aad Bladder. hre Blue re hae beeti moet anccewful. Hack Diaeaaea are caned by V lllatrd iainweraiiy prodacrJ by deratigement he Dle. (I re OrsaaaI PYMPKPMIA Oil IMmf.CHTIOX. Dead aeke. Paia la the tn.euldera, CnnxHs, Tifbtbeai of the Waia, fV,ar ErucUtioai of U f Urnmch. Bed Taete ta the Mouth. Biliom Attacks. Palpltattoo of the le&amaiatloa of the Lung. Pali la the re glaaa or the BMoer. and a hnadrrd other peaaful ama totna, are tbe offaTrtDf cf Dripepsta. They Inrigerate tae 5tr.aeb aod UmuUte tba torpkl L.err asd Bxnrele. whicb reoacr them of unceuailed eRUacr la cleansing tbe blood of all ImjariUca. aad iav artbig aew Ufa x.-v3 eicw u the vbikiritlm. rOR K IJI DIHEAJ EH. lor-. Tetter, at Fhrana, BUteaea. SpU, pimple. Partalea, Boila,Catw aaritlea bar.Ha, tbreab the .k . . rmpl, Kr tion. or Beeea ; eW. It wh w Mh.hM odalagghk la the Ttiaa: elfana. tt whe It W foul, and yaw feeUaga will D n u.hea. Kee. the Mood ra. and the health of the i mteta will fcllvw. Pla. Tape, aad other Worn a, lurking tatka I'U" of tkwuaada. are effect a deetrored' earth hnu i.. i. ,a the worm. dier.. 1 a:".. .... u"n utmn ot ajitbelaiintica ni Kr. .in frM u a . Trm oi lellc1ne aa venoifu. ueae Bittera. iroai aronna ilka JWALKM, Preatieter. E. IL McDOTtALO COu ad St and J4 Coromeree Street. Ke-Vi "waia, "SOLO bt ALL DBLUGI8TH inn nfii. WOTICEj yj.'n i i teacner wan i." ' .January next to take Wdt II aV XT w B" W a, . . "nnAUIA At:Alll!.3Il . u-h !. ;. 1 .. .J i "u me Aew JItcksville road, four mil.. fr... Salisbury. Apply to M. A. MILLER. Chairman o i- t, v f the Boar'1 nf Trustees. Salubury, N.C. Xv. 1. ii. 4:8 EDV7AFDHAIQHT & CO., BANKERS, Wo. 9 Wall Street. XXew Xork. FIVE PECKXT IXTEBEST 1LLUVTFD v DEPOSITS. The business of our firm c,.,. v .. . J,C "ame aa any State or N.,on.l Rank. 7: vol andQ i,' b","k!. r 1 lW I , " I'" u csatne aa with Bnv Bk. except that we allow interest on all ua nance (or five wr n - IIS L'L'.St". Gold, Bai neaa ilm.i.M,.'.t. 4ma arafta 2i rnrna ,Jn0f prompt re- L THE FIRST PAYMENT, fl. 2. WAIT, General Ar c. , --f Or OlFFICE V A .01 1,009.70 1,000,000.00 170. a,ooo CONTIUBUTIOSl'LAN. I 7 PfiKinrvT . . Vice Pkesidkxt. .AhSlSTJkKT SrCHETART. Secreta RY. :.: i Acncaiiv. Sc"IXTEXDEXT OF AGENCIES. LEWIS C IIANES, Agext, Lexixgtox, N. C. C. Ru! X C. WILLIAM VALENTINE, THE BAUBEIt, BETCKXR HIS THANKS to hi OLD Fh'IKXItS and the I'uhlic for the lilral :'ur"ti. p- ueretofure extended t4him. Hi- now new and ! infU-tr them that be ha fitted np a j COBlli'KllliU ,32K)p, in Dr. Henderson Brick. Bail ding-. Room 2?o. 2. ;'WDcre ne wonia be pleaded to see them. He ' ctmrantett'; tocive atifartin iu evfrr f . . ... He ha in hi employ of the let Hair DrenMera iu ) ertern Xortt. Carolina. Herequrft. a call froia all. Mithnry, X. C, Dec 17. C9. .VI if FALL and WINTER IMPORTATION. !' ! 18 7 1. j Ribboiis, Millinery and Straw Goods. Arniftlrong, Cator d: CO. ! mroiTtu in jntifm or BONNET, HUMMING dr VELVET I j RIBBONS, , i?&fj7 Silks, Satins and Velvets, Blnnds, j ! Ve5, Crrts, Ruches, Fhiccrs, I ; leathers. Ornaments, . Straw Bonnets & Ladies' Hats, Trimmetl and Unlrinttyed, UAKKH H(XI)S, Ac. 237 & 2.'i9 Baltimore Street j j BALTITIORE, ND. i f)fTer tho lirml iw-b i k r. j . ' -v- iuuna in tliia i ivxnnirj, ann tinetjaalled in choire. Tariti nd cteajne. compri-inj ihe latent F.nropn no : chief. Order aolk-ited, and prompt attention .g"?- erJ:3mrwl SlXtt-flVC riaT PRI2C M COALS AWADCO Tnr GRKAT )LTIIEi:. ,M A NT FAC TORY. WM. C. KNAiiK Ac CO. Manufacturers of GRAND, SCl.U'Hi; AND UPRIGHT Piano Pcrtes. ' OAl.TIXOBF MD. These Inatnimenta have btt p before th pMb lic fur nearljr Tliirtjr Ycar., and ujn their -cellence along altainnl un unpurchased prte inenee, which pronounce the.u unrjualll, in TOJfE, TOICH, WORKMANSHIP AU ULKA- BILITY. UA1I our Stjuwe Piann hare our New Imprbved Ovk&stkixo Scale and the Agrafe Br. We WOllld call aCMial allenllvr. r i Ule Patented ImproTemenia in (Jrumi Piano aiKl quart inxtndt, lound in no other Piano, which Itring the Piano Dearer perfection than haa jet been attained. -ErerK Piano Fully Warranted fr Fic Year. ".V ?re b-T '91 arranpeioent enabled to tui-men i i r i r .. 1 r p-ieuraieii maxerK, wholesale and Retail .ted by the'1.,0,Te1 ffto7 Price-. ehHrKe of yttd Uulp. Price Iu prompt- ly furjiiahed on application to ; VM. KN ABK A CX)., Biltimore, Md. Or any of our regular eaubluhed agenciea October 13, 1871. month. SALISBURY HARDIVARL STORE, A FULL STOCK riett XiU I alwaia nn f . rarietr Naila. mn Kt-.l it. r . j-. ' . , . "11, oieci 4dle!cTil,-, 100 Dozen A t Guna,! PUtoK Krivea anc lea at low trtci. Scale, the U'.i.. t ... . i Korku. I- airbanka u " iron nowa to warrant them toglv. aaiavfaction. le kutxl. avfaction. Th6mi- -nd CXJKN SHKLLKRS, I STRAV CUTTERS, nd Bthooaand other thinga yoa need. Rend la jour order or come and bov J Prospectus of THE PATRIOT. TIIKPATRIOT" iJ.IU Ti - ' . " ; - """wine ttj Cnnat-rraure tewpaper, ta publbJted Le tU , "Patriot Newepsj-r AK-nciaUon,' at N6. Wi oetweeai -mih ana lentil, aij f V .t inpion. "The Patriot" will advocate a tmmu aaJ perfect rcuratior) t.f the In ion in all it, and it entire inteyrit?; txjnalitj aor,r iL. rl" ,cbI bj by Ihe cxitut- a " ironiedai reiuoTai of airdieabiluic rrlLtl! from ihe ci-il war, and the mao-atk 4 i., mony and fraternal fellowship Wtwcen J uoo- of the countrr, which the abuae and t, MiHina of partiftan jwwer have crirairul), ' bored to prevent : A Tariff for rttmiit to rorer the fiprndit area of in economical adminiKtraUoA irKj ' meet the jtMt obliaiiona of lh tiortrnraxto. J opj cd to the exiting eyateia of eiWUh proiix-tion for eiul roWc.f,lie at-1 mnh L gut-ed anialtiy for faromi raamrt urm Iweductin f the present bdirxu and ire ac.le of laaaiion, tth a. to dutir. on iruj-jri. and on internal refrt.Oi Rigid monT in cTerr dcparttratM t-f t GoTrrimH nt nI relrencimieM of the txrm niZ . m V .lh PWica.icTin aj it. lVtocL. e, CitiI, Mihtarj and Naval: A aound National currt-ncr, euallr dUribu. te.1 amone the Slate., ...d , rvttrd arai penilative flocl ua norm: fe The right, of iniellljreftt lahr,r, ,fird ,! aelfiel, comKination. to d.rade and devlrv.te tc IKulaiK fi by which the puMk Und. witlU rerrved for aclnal artlJer., and a. . rrwrcetJ A a I hhijJ cmlit, in ippoMlion lo ike lUdieaJ llicy of enormoua granu lo tnUion and corrupt at-hcrnt: Tl.e fulleet and firmed rt'lctiion to A tueri" can ciiiu-na abrttad: An.1 cardial ejninihv with all people. trtf. Rlinjt lor liberty and ee-lf-govrmrmnl. It i inteU-d ta publUJi a nexrpaper f ibt firt cla, and lo eoliM the beat available uWat in all ita depart mrrtl.. Terms Intarially Ca in Advance : Jt" &Uv .rt,rio'' nn,,m. 110 00 The rekly Ptno t at.num, .in- c"I,r. 2 Sfl The Weekly I'atriot, per annum, rluba f len or more, j RctnitUrrce. may I made bv draft, richer payable h, any of the priicipal 1 oel OtSce ordtra. A buifirwk, JAMfX; UKKKKT, Patriot Offict," WaaliinytM, I. C. JiliflMl DfEorralir Kirtuliu IniittX foQimitlrr. WAMIlXttTOK, II. i Aufliat O.h, 10 We take pleaaure in recommending motrr neatly to the Mipjxm oftmr Umraiic aad fonecrvalive friend throughout the cwoaue ' The Palri" new-joiper, aa announced in U.V fijrt-jroing priwipcdua. Tliere i no journal at the Capitol throojk which ihe voice ot opinion ran now be heard, or tlie and ii.piiuca of the. tuny in tt. r may le eioM-d. Such an organ haa become an admitted ne cecity, which we are pemiade will be able and atifactorily aupphed by "The Patriut" Thia enlerprj- rrt. tipnn a firm fourtdatto. and t enliilt-d lothe ix.nt.dr nee and fsv.r fali nun ho doire to the (ii.vrrt.n.rfct Irom niirule and corrupt ion. and lo brirg Wk the piinciple, Minple virtue, and iuieeriiv S our forefather. COMMITTEE : Jv,m. J. Randall, M. i chairman. T. M. South. H. W. Slocum. M. i, A M. V,., 1 Stone. M ( , R T Mtrrick. N L JefTric, Sec retary, Ihotnaa Saann, M ( Trranrvr. voyc.Kr.ssiusA i. roMifiTTri ; Kngtne CaMH-tly, (al; John P Slorktcn, X ; Ui II Ilau.iini. .m. , 11 kIkudi, N Y; John T Rird, N J ; Sam' I J Randall. Pa f Bigg, I V I ; K Sione. Md ; J W J,,rt,.n, Va V I., N C; P Van Trump. ih'u. ; W K Nihlat k. Ind : A (; I'.nrr 111- ltt :.t .-. Ky ; (. A M.. af, . T nn ; . Well., M. ( KMrulge, Wi ; '. M ilacn, yiirn; Jrth j Smnh. (Irtxon ; J .Johnn-n, I c.l ; J Cl'ca,r( Teia-; V M R Young, A lUiler, U ; A A C Iu-er, Ark. j.if Change of Schedule. t'-inpanr Shop. Jon Oa;ir:i. On and after .Sundat . June 4th. Ie7l. lra.t wrilHwrtir over llii n ad in Jlk the fullovkitig TIME TABLE H. C. RAILROAD Taatf f f OINC ET: e.e. TlTtr.. Chrlnte.. .. Walotur. . . , Oern.kire . II I . rn tt, . R.lri(k OtUibr',. . llll' iuii tati . W a 11 ix -l.r a. IU I a ra t l r 4.-e' r- - V f ;! 1 n ki n rt t m ' t : ta t I - TCi.a roi w it r HL. tli'l. aeaa M a. ia VhmrU-tU. .l..,arr. nr.finrB, Cm. "li"j.. Ill) r..' K.I ictt C.l- eU. rt' J !" i a r? 4 K a I ' 1 ftA 'I '' r m 1T.1 a la ? it, f .. t'lr i. T 4 , . a t leva ft i?ar ,ilM u ; imi i 4 4 W. !! GRKKV. r :f TraLprtalMn. Company Shop., J;.n.- lcI, 2J-I NEW GOODS. McCubbins, Sullivan & CO. Hae jut received tl eir Fall aad Wiar etoeh af New (Jfwnt. ronaiatia. of frr i;toJ. ilaidwar, i o tries. Vueeware. Coeta aal Si eea. Hata aad 'ajt.Ui', 1'ainUand I'jeMatfa. Iroa aa4 Ml SatiJ e, Harriet aiJ " i'itb Tr.a-biar. rle. Vp per. IIrea aud Skirtine l-eat'.-er. H!atire aad Kifle Pwa der. He rem g and Tira la tacl eery. thfeg TIIK PKjDI'f.K .tK. yoa'ttail U CALL AND SEE US. They keep conatantlr on I aad a lerer Ptaek f GUANO, PHOSPHATES. LIME tc Send in your Order. baliat'ary. X. C. Set. 15. 11 . 1871. FaliTrade71871. NEW GOODS! GOODS!! laZoeolr ct TXraltoxa. II AVE receiyed their New Pall Stock ai are telling tbe in at OLD PRICES, uotwithnandir.g the great adt and Wt.llen Gk1. Tbey would aIeacaU- pecial attention to their large acd well rf ed &U k of MEN'S AND BOrS CLOTHING in which tbey are offering f7rrtf Rargwt II you w ih to wve mny call jumI esamiBe their Stock Ufrc jMirt-'aaj. - rlftwl er Sept .SW. I7I. tn. Save your Wheal & Oats. 1MIDRTANT NOTH K TO FARMERS. An important diMcery to prevent RCfT fa Wheat and (ui. Ifthe dirertiotia are cwret ly followed and the rrop ta icjarrd by ro. tb money will be eherrfnlly refurded. All 1 ia a trial. Prepared and for ale nnl at J. II. KNKIsS' -- Drug Str JbIjT it. SaJ-.Vwry . . j.-.m CRAWFORD A nEILlO, Saliabury, X. C Ja7-ly.

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