jKorfllina-iUfltrijinaiL ' !J- From the NeW York Sun. PUBLIC ROBBERY IX WASHING The extraordinary rcvelal ions made in a letter ijora.-Washington, panted in yes terday's Sim, in relation to the operations in (hat city of the Sandstone Ring, in which PrWideiu Grant is iti active and specially! interest d partner, cannot fait to excite wide attention, and ipupire a feel ing of apprehension even itijthc minds of thosew lo. have heretofore been the most earnest apologists for the shortcoming of this gift,' takicg and hribe-encouroging Adminiunaiion. That the erection of the District of Columbia into a Territory was li lt t . . I 1 . i . t a job, and tl;' proce dill ETA of the CoArd of jPublic Works fifn. flrant rinvn hecii of ppointed by so corrupt a nature as to have already earned for its members a most unsavory reputa ation, are facts thaT "will not be new to any one who has 'paid, careful atieiitiorf'to event at the capital dining the last year; but that some of the worst! crime t, of-the Tammany Rring, even to the '.fraudulent .1 'it. . Li 1.1 i.: manipulation ui r.rcuuur, puuum ue suri passed undir the' :very8iiadow of the White linage and whit1, the direct com- i ! it: tt i i i . pucuy oiivfle iTit'siaeut, stems almost id- .'erftdibha..,. !; ! ' t jit is not necessary to recapitulate the details of this shameful .'business, as they ksa at 1 Wtmmm A mm- ItAawn bj w a . ticulaity-aa must .satisfy ilie intelligent reaair mat inry come iroiq a source miiy informed of lie Jnner workings jo tin Rine. iLifieflodrh to ih.it l.t nnnn lUion to the known wishes of the Lr.at vij .1 j i . i uvujr ui apaye-pr an enormous oeui iihb been "illegally contractecTin their namexby the creatures of the' Pie dent : that tiie burden thus thrown upon the unfortunate property uoiaers oi tne Washington is infinitely small city of re iter" in pro- portion to the population tlian that, put York by the the rulo cf upon the teople of New frauds pel pe crated undef lammapy; and that a participation in the proceed of the plqnder, uccruing fiom there dishonorable proceedings i traced directly to the President, who of ficially endorses the whole iniquity in his message to Congress. This is a matter which cannot be glossed over by partisan defenders of the Auministraiion, or stolidly ' ignored by the President himself. ; The A Jm - r I diejrracel ful-J facts are too notorious to be ditnutF: the depreciation in the values of property la Washi I'gton already affords a convinc ing proof of the damaging effect upon the interests of the city resulting from the corruption and extravagance of itspreseut rulers, for whose appointment Grant is responsible, and whose action he endors es. If iliere were no other reasons for opposing1 Grant s re-election as President, . It -..1.1 !.. !(. s ib woiuu eeem impossioie to give their support to for honest men hini in view of the fact that he is interested in such an Unscrupulous robbery qf the helpless property owners of the capital. If re form is necessary anywheieit certainly is in Washington, and., more thau anywhere else, in the Executive Mansion. R. P. Waring, , Esq , of SIecklen BURO By the iuaidvertence of our re poster of the Holism the well-timed and just remarks of Mr. Waring on Tuesday, when Mr. Justice had tfie impudence to insult the dignity oi that body ly offWing ks a passe memorial .onn l'otl's resoluiions, ised at a radical meetiil -;.. if..,i.f..j faking slanderous chargj-s against certain pemocrauc memners ot the House, were omitted in the report of the proceedings Of that body. During jhe debate upon the motion to reject the so-called petition, Mr. Waring spoke as follow : !. "He would vote to reject the. petition because the reference aid investigmion could result in no practical action. That accomi ig to the bill o could be put to answe oi ri'tits 4 i no person I't a criminal char:e dui ny indictment,, preieuiment or im peachments. No person cduld be convicttd of any crime but by the unanimous ver- hdict of a jury 'of good and lawful men ; that the resolution under discussion made this charge, and therefore could only be inquired into through iHe courts of the country. That even admitting there were members of the kukhix klan it, the .House, we had no powerjto p u.ish them ; that it is a greaf fundamhtal principle of Keprestentative Republican government, ... peopio nave . me right to choose wim tuey please to epiesent them, yj-wk vtny to me conswutional qualifi- --........ luv loiroquciion or these rraoiut.ons was done to kfeep up agitation, incite partisan bittefnes,-; and manufac ture capital revive the sinking cause of radicalism. The introducing this matter ; over which Joe Iloiwe ha n wa, triflillff with our patie,c,sqnndering hi'iiderine 'Che d business and prolonging the session in OPPOS.IIOO lO thft 'oTr..c :n people. The charge rl.ad refusing-To read these riartiMjtn vanii:'A.'. . :. :. . .. .:ui rl . . Mvuyiug 4 lie right opetuioa is vilej demagn, and worthr onlynsf th infamoujf iouffti from which it Stnnna,.J . iti that hb bad ever been opposel to secret ir"1''! '3fns.. Tbal.,h ,ba cheerfully Voted Uii' session til' ,i.Jk 4.Ji . i w UIU I' Mil tould fee invesfgated and the guilty pna: Ished, and planted himielfupon the broad principle that the House bad no concur rentjuntd.ct.oaio.,ho matter, and that e .mrouccrwell knew such to be the aw m lue case. H Old Mecklenburg may congratulate herself upoa having twj such5efficient -ou iaitniu, representatives as Messrs. " ""S ana neid. a. Sentinel Darn Burntng.--A barn belonging to Dennis Vdley, down on .flat Rriver, in Orange county, was burned a few nights since and two tU..nit ...j. cola cured tobacco destroyed. An incen diary s work.J?a, CaroUmgn. Famine in p'sia.lhe famine in Persia is said lo be terrible!. India daily feeds over twenty.fi ve thousand people. Vyhat were pnee fair won en and chub. 7ri I . " fr.ow h0 moe than anima tedskeletonim rags and reduced ;o rag hz famish beasts. When! feeding them there are almost always some trodden nader foot aid taken away Idead. IiqW TO SECUREjA II ANDSOME1N0OME 1 GOOD PAY FOR LITTLE WOItK. i- ! 1 ' -t OJJice of tiie Morning Star and Carolina ji ui incr. ... . . . f Wir.MiKOT0jr, N. CL, 1871. Dedirons af rapidly extending the circul; r tlie ireeiy Star afid Carol HntyFarmer, ! ut ;tl I of the Weellg Star ahd -CaroliiuFarmerA have B cone luded to ofler pecuniary Irtdticement, toacr rr1 appiui txcw A (riiila mtt mm I lava naml 8U and all the peneral n i r J ' . . . ilie jurwrna runner is a uni ciasg rtgrjem- r llllftl iUUUIfllT i'inntiiic, VUilinilllll nCB of choice matler, original and selected, haa -.iTi- -j 'f.-j known ottered by afty newspaper proprietor in excrnciating pains, ,a!lays JLnAainaiiong. and North Carolina. j fdnrea Congestions, whether of the langsstoiD- fiie Weekly S'ar fs a lar;s twentyeight col1 lachl Bowels or other glands or organs liyrono nmb paperpunlkhed every Friday morning, in application, in from one to twenty ruinutes.no time Tor all the maU, ana is filled with enter- matter how violent or excruciating the pain taioing and useful fading matter. It contain Rheumatic, Bed.riddeB, Infirm, Crippled, Ner full and reliaMe reportt of markets, a complete Uofls, Neuraijric or prostrated with diea mar summary of N. Carolina and 8. Carolina new. ?-mfftfr. RADWAY'S KJSADY KELIRF will rr v n ua iiicr ai v . ariia 1 e uiiai iUUUUIit juiKnune, cuiiimnine o J imjjcuteT'V- r nauurfonie cover anu iiue-page, ana ia prmieati'i '-m --. v- An finott h,r hrA 1th r.AUr fi, fmt f f FOlVltatiOH 01 thS Utart, via u Mink tw j I ir- a M I thalfonndry. I Every farmer 1 the two Caroli- naa ahonld have a copvr and it i only neceaaa-1 ry to exhibit Bpecinien copies in order to secure Hiitpcnpuona. ouuscnpuou price, sz.uu per.t yea cm advance. , : I Kow, if you are willing to act as my Agent, If an!go to work earhestlv and ztalouslr in rav behalf, I will allow you the following liberal 1 :l i " v i 4 ni . nl .in,;u, VZllSSl L f thefir,t ten,$l. In; other words, on all new aubscribers lesa than ten m nunioer, t wm atow vou a cpmmiion r'J.r " OT IH1 in mcwoi ien, i coiniowion X6Q r eent. Soyoo will observe h?t after yon hava secnred tbe rst ten, subscri- bera (for which yod receive 50 cents eaelil. voii are paid $1 for every additional subscriber ob-It ! very libera "offer isiiot mtendel to an- plf toany lwt atrillly newVgubacriberstliote wf o are not now rmnir filfir on. f th n- I :i 1 1 fu irr ri iirr unucr. i . p. Of co,rae. Ilcan make no monev on ah- r.,!!;,,,,. t.s't. I ridnce the TparQe ev'neieh&oand ms ' wa tr rn f Vt! f mar! fa in .t a i n fs I thj mibscribers now obtained at such heavy ex4 I be2 to call yor attention to the fact thatj win oe cntereu on my nooKa unless it la accom-j panied with the &h. ReqneKta to send pa pen ioljiiihcriber and rharre the -amount of snh script ion to agents will not be noticed. Positi velv thia condition will not-be deviated frefn tnmf cane whatever. I l '' Specimen copies; of both papers will be sent tdfall parties who; wish to canvass for aubscri bera. -'; ". .1, , : ...ft I t J 1 f .... .T ;I alo publish tEe "Morning Star, a first class daily newspaper, at $7.00 per year ; $3.50 for C months; or $2.00j for three months. On all new subscriptions jo this paper I will allow you a ;Coramis!ion of 2- per cent. jSend for specimen copies, readjthem carefully, and I feel sure you can consdntionsly recom mend tliem to yonr friends and neishlwrs." WM. BERNARD, ll:3t Editor and Proprietor. Revenue Tas on Tobacco jj M PO RT A NT LETTER JERO M TUB T UK A SUIiX D K PA RT A! EXT r AT WASHINGTON. Peddlers or Retail Dealers, of Ttiacc j Pay a Special Ta.v of Five Dotfars and may retail ony where in the State. I Trfasury Department, MFFICE OF ISTKRXAL ReVENI E. WlSHIVRTflV nt OQ 1MI : Sir : In rejdy to yor letter of Oct! 21, in relation to peddling manuficturej tobacco, I h vei to say that a manufaer .u.c, m luuacco may sen ins product any paying a special tax as a dealer in tobad c, um ne cau ;se;j only in the original and unbroken Dackan-es. Jin out an employee to peddle for him, who may sell on the same conditions as the manufacturer. ;) I - i "iv-v.w nun lo II Ilk H employee of the manufacturer, and whose B"" 8 i-ceea ciuu per annUm, is liable to a special-tax a a dealer in tobacco foj seiimg manutactured tabocco in the man ner of a pedlller. and such a neddler whk has uaid he snLm IZ-S has paid the special lax for so selling to3- pacco, may retail from wooden package? packed and stamped according to lav. u , Vey lespectfully, , ; J. V. DoroLAss, f I Commissioner.!! W. D. Jones, Esq., Assessor 4th Dts' tncf, Raleigh, N. 0. i i OFFER DAYS On TRIAL. aiOWTHLY PATTIttENTa. Itduce reduced The Great American Skwikq Machine Ckl uve eouciuuea to otier their whole titoc-k t nA n hi i f a t. fii UaA . t . . : , J ucic. i.u uvi, of can hud use for a realty Good hEvr.vo MACiTWEr Cheaper thak Everj' one is welcome to a iioxth's raEB Taiik ,'iT Trrcm nwv II....- r "i,. ' ruu ufx " titTARAKTEE of its mmuty,i a miMth'3 re ti ial. i The obj-4 of giying n rut trial is to'show you How Good Qr; Machine ts. . . f Tliis is tlw Simplest and most, certain wav to iff w iur ami raan 1 1 mm rAM 1 1 i nJ!i!nmJ& fonridTt a'CToolr C...-A..7... 4 OUtltfactOi-V. . All Cftmn- -.i.5!rii you thu, tnw & tinnOt liava 4, SiL Machine miN EXTRORDINAltY m Bay only when V0u knnW ih L j. HP?b.,:!i '1 wake an. hnvr tn w -.j j. "? '' -s '.iinic uocb not , , w o minus's work. BnvoBly when) you find a M.-l;.. iearfy m a m.-atrs to do any ifrf 0f writi Ik abcau rendu A J, w I?lt . y . - -'-1 mil ui araer. i nr:vi v w?ws nd the Tn it YnnI..0ur Worth; irA P oukFflfidenti,,1 Circulars and illnU Wrserf. And remember, that we sell our Good Machine at a Low Pri L".."00? mcriV. It Don't Hrf,i''i ... ' 1 " you s re uncertain whether vnn . . lcrlim Amw .X i lT"'"K -iiacnine or not, nor .u -r.v ftnerni. Try a Good one, they are oW, md will MakeuS ney for you, or help yoVto save it. And if , on have another, oqrs will show too that th. IS you have could he improved. JSSt. j Write forPartieularit and addreaai ; i. GREAT tAf ERIClAjy II ACHINE CoJ- . - W John aadNassaa cWT T a. ...,t I 1 ffl P R R Bad way s' Ready Relief Cares the wors pains ia from . . - - .- Kot one hoar after readinft this advertisement .4 !.!. H 1T -need an v one suffer with PAIN, B RADWAY'S READY RELIEF hi a core fir every Pain.l It was the first and l.Lu n: t AM J V. - I niatttinatwn of the Kidneys i , VV r. t B V. r L S' . Couffnttio tSntt Thrnat. Thfltfivlt hrrathinn " . . uysiencs, croup, mcrra, Catarrh, Inflaenx LJ , . . . lrfdaeh toothache. Neuralgia, Rheumatism, u, . . ... . ri-n -. ra he Pl"cation of the Ready Beluf to.the r. i , . piu uruiuicuiij 1' a'uLcVi,,1"rt- , , , t;lWUllLV UfUIIN III fL IIHII R rUIIllliRF HI H HIKr W 111 i a few moments cure cramps, tpasms, sour hearttom, tick hefdvZ, dianhae, ktfery. caic, triad in Ue 6orC. andaUin. j Travelers shonld always carry a bottle of r - Radways Ready IMief' with theuu A few amps in water will prevent sickness or pains lfam change of water, it i better than French Rrandr or UttM a a crimnUnt ? ' ; i eT l for fifty eta. There is f?t a remedial agent m this world that will i?Hre FeT" a"d all rter Malanuus, - 1 - - - v ,i l110?1' W'ld' bellow and other Fc vers laiaea oy isqaicay's nils) so qmcn as Relief Filty cents per hot :P HE ALTH ! BEAUTY ! ! af j?re rich Blood Increase oj 1 and Blood Clear Skin d- Beau f tZ Complexion secured to all. DR. RAD WAY' 3 ; Jl (r Sarsaparilllan Resolvent Has made the ntbsl astonishing Cures : so ( quick, so rapid are the changes the body ' undergoes, under the influence oj this truly Wonderful Medicine, that EVERY DAY AN INCREASE IN j J?LKSLI AND WEIGHT Jt SEEN AND FELT. i - ' . THE. GREAT BLOOD PURintR: Every drop of the Sarsapanlfiaa liesfdvent communicates through tbe blood, sweat, uriiu aud other fluids and juices of the system the vigor of life. Tor it repairs the wasts o the body with newundrtound material, scrofula, syphi lis, consumption, glatidujardiseasc.s, ulcers iu Jhe thr. at, mouth, tumorn, nodes in ttm gland iud other part!- of the syslem, sore eves, stru morous dischart ln,ni ih ,...i Jk ftrms of skiii diseases,-eruptions, fevers, sores, Scald heod. rincr worm. Kni rlmrm ,!..:. ache, black spots, worms in the fleh, canee.-r "umu, huq an weakening and painful discharces. uiirht sweats. In ..i ...,,i ..n I . , ' ....... -i.iiii auu ait pastes of the Hie Principle, are within the enr- itli'n n-wr. i.l' l U .' . .i - i.wc laufc ui iui woimeroi iiodern Chen ist rv.and a few days' use will prove to any per son wishing it lor either ol these forms of dis ;eae its potent power to cure them. i It the patient, daily becoming reduced by the wastes and decomposition that is continually progressing, succeeds in arresting these wa?tes, and repairs the same with new material made from healthy blood and this the Sarsaparillian wi.l and does secure a cure is certain ; f.u when once this remedy commences its work of punhcaMon, and sueeeeds in diminishing the loss of wastes, its repairs will be rapid, and ev ery day the patient will feel himself growing better and strongei. the food digesting better appetite improving and flesh and weight in creising. Not only dK;s theSarsaparilliau In solvent excel all known remedial agents in the cure of Chrome, Scrofulous, Constitutional and Skin diseases; bnt it is the only no-itivo rnm for KIDNEY Jk Runnvp n . 2" iJTnnary and womb diseases, gravel, diabetes. !Pff;8!PPVeof water,incntinenceof B"V deas. Albunnnuria. and in all ;n ' k ' a" v w ater,incntmence of urins. ..una, n,,u ul, UJf!e? .:hbuiwb are onek-dust deposits, or tbe wa tens thick cloudy, mixed with substances like the white of an egg, or threads like white silk nli ri0r,bid- bilious appearance and white bone-dust deposits, and when there ..ia a pricking, burning sensation when passing ner'an? -pam in the sula11 of & back anil along the loins. DR. RADWAY'S Perlert Purgative Pills, perfectly tasteless elegantly coated with sweet mm purge, regulate, purity, cleanse and 8 tre, the -iltadway'. H'la, k.r tile cn.e of ail di ,,d?rl r aiheases, neaaacl.e, constipation, costiventt indi gestion. dy,ia, biliotisns, biLuVfeTer'VnfJam ine internal iscera. Kirrimiuj . . tit. ear... Purely vepetside, co nnTg L Zr cury mmerals or deleterious drops. g Mer" A fevr dosc of Hi0w AY'a Pin a .:r , ajrtam from .11 the above n amei'dTaort m"! 75 cenLs norhnv tii!riiiri,n...,. "L1"1 rice. n format nn Hh ti. ... . l" ne' A In THE GREAT CAUSE or PullU, in a Sealed Emvlope, PHce . f r-c . me ASturs, Trta Brut nii Cadiral iur .in I J1'7' rdicl!r. Ti i I.. ! at 0Wi.r . u . ... " in,, h"u"B Utt. C(JtVWtWELL.S .Mrrt,f,CuMe,pric,25 AAA. . l. . v. ... 1 27 n v v " y- i CO. ,A LECTURE TO TOUXTO ZZ3Z7. Just published, in a sealed Envelope. Price 6 cents. ' I1 rm" miMiB.. .A lecture on the Nat -e. T-e.m.t .- . a'C III V . li.fl I rr KIJ! . . !lVDUV.c-B' SO BERT jr. CCLf FB iiVi V Hh'r f theGren Bo..k ''" EIX, M Te oritUf-ii-.i ....:. . trtrj ruffere , n matter fc.ii . .1"'1 h hit fare hi bJwJi'ZT?2? V m' tHUTCKV WILL PUOVI I bpovVi iuA1'' TH ' " THOU A HI. ' 0JiT)TH0USANnsaS ; Sent, rBier aeal, t- any km m. i . , ? t. on receipt of cent, ortk P 'l" . Artrtr. ti . kii r.?'i P' Cti v az. j t ii.. . . . ?i " l HWtOllltiirniii .il .u.i THE TREMA1JVE - PianoForteS are acknowled by all who have them in Use, and by : the First Musical Talent, to be equal and m many reipoct8, L. - 1 Cnperior to any rTanufactured They Combine Immense Power, Equahtyx Sweetness and Brilliancy of Tone,, Elasticity of Touch, and j ;- Great Durability. . Dealers, Teachers and others desiring to purchase a first-class instrument are invitee! to examine these Pianos before making i their selections elsewhere. i PATENT AGRAFFE TREBLE, Together with, all modern improvements. The most thoroughly seasoned timberthe market af- fords ij selected, regardless of cost, as we feci assured it will be the cheapest In the end, The great increase iu tbe sale of our instrn has ments, enabled na to reduce our prices for -! j First Class Pianos, from ten to twenty-five per cent, lets than any' other house (offering the samedlass of instruments) in the United States. ; i " """While we act upon the maxim of "quick sales and small profits," we make it, at the same time, a special object to furnish our customars with instruments in no way inferior to the best in the market. Many families have had a desire to obtain a Piano, but could not afford to pay the dealer a profit of from 100 to $300, neitherdothey with to purchase a cheap made instrument, that would cost more to keep in repair than it i. wortfl, hence a large elasoiour music loving people have been obliged to do without. . Vs can furnish New Seven-Octave Piano Partes from 275 to 050 dollars. Second hand' Pianos from 40 to 250 dollars. Parties orderingby mail may rely npor the best selections. Our Pianos are fully warranted for mx ycart Descriptive Circnlars w-nt to all parts of the country upon application. C. M Tremaine & Brother, MANUFACTURERS, 435 Broome Street, new "STcrt. o- THE BURDETT Combination QRGAH. f' inA Carpenter and BurdeWs Neic Improvements.) The disagreeable reedy tone entirely over come in this instrument. , i The Ycrdicl IsUnanimoiu! The Greatest Sdccc&s of tbe h'tll Tc riiallenge the World to Eqnal'lt!! And cordially invite the profession, dealers and the musical world generally to exan ine this truly, tconderful instrument. The Burdett Combination Organ Asitanameindiratfs. is.a irgeniasouion of.llonr feature, never before iuUoducVd 7 or atUm.Zdin UeeU Orga.,1., together m.ku.g tl Tor n ' 1 . UIIC lliML I MM r ;;.7" k .i serai adoption ef Ket-d Organs, boUi for secular and ai.red music when. n nstrument is reonired ..t!! - M.C V' roic. or to ..ro.lu.e nr-l": '"tlZ. "ly W . v.,.,, ci.eiw. tiona that are contained in thia uW, 0meDt, the L I intrirate nmaicofth. "great insrtera' "an be re SrTYH Ud rgan.; or th simple m ic for the melodeon can be played by a child. JS i0:' Bnrdctt Or lur. i ' pawn, oe.ona: exclui vely to the Cwmpaoy, and can be used on no other organ? coXrair ie mo,t among the first of nxui and organTau. m' h J?fLyew JPeruUnt says of the Bur det Organ : "It is by far the moat perfect reed instrument we have ever seen." V Cbrf.tia Lvuter y "W had no ides Pe?LcSeu DStrUmeDt COUld be Shtfo S The Xw Torb Observer say., .Tt. pnritT of voicing, richness ,ftn -i:J ,my chenral oombinaUon.. together irith rnnmber petition" F ,eCUna,tobe CCI" The presa and pnblic everywhere who hare had an opportunity of listening to U. beaut?ful ie ittheirunqnal!fiedtppTo Tie Burrlctt Organ ranges fa price from S135 to $1000. .etrV1'0 New Cabinet Oigans at 845, $75, $100, &c. B . ,n, Tremaine & Ilro., WH0LZSALX AGE3TTS, jit 3?fii,roo,ao Bt-.Ww voxur - .... CONNECTICUT. MUTUAL LIKE INS. CO., OF HARTFORD, CONN. i " t ASSETS OTlER S33,000,000. THE ADVANTAGE OFFERED uuuu wuiiijr, oujmiui cuuuujy, uuu us povcuieui systeii oi k I I i.l " ANNUAL INCOME ABOUT 810,000,000, With Lower Expente of Management tlian acy oilier American Company, it is sues all the most desirable kiiida ot f ' ! t ; Life nnd F.iicIoti nirnt policies, On which Dividends wiU be paid ANNUALLY AFTER TIIE FIRST PAYMENT. IS. D. WAIT. General Afent, (Uice oppuaiie i'oi-Utce, JNO. A. BRADSHAW, Ag't, 8alisbory -36-tf KALElGH, N. C. i PIEDMONT AND ARLINGTON LIFE INSURANCE COT. 4 H O ME OFFICE RICHMO A8cl8 10 h Sentembcr. 1870 Annual Income over .... j... Policies issued to 1st Dec, J PREMIUMS ALL CASH REDUCED BY THE ANNUAL CASH DIVIDENDS ON TllE CONTRIBUTION PLAN. OFFICERS W: C- CARRINGTON,. JOHN E. EDWARDS.. J. J. HOPKINS D. J IIARTSOOK.... PROF. E. B. SMITH.. J. E. WOLFF, W. COUHTS. Gen'l. Annifnr M'f V D. tW ACTIVE AG ENTA WANTED EVER Y WHERE. a Feb 10 -ly. "J 4m J. W .LKll. Pv.wri.lfl. R M U-r. & i.u a " . 1 - IMUftillUMi.' MILLIONS Bear TrMiuiroT to Ihelr Waadertul ( urmivo Kllrtln. J They are not a vile Fn nr llri nk, illc Taor Ram. W'hltkeri Fr-Mr Sairila and KrUtr Liaaora tl.n-lorpd. ii-l and rrtrno.! to p:iM. th0 tate.'i.i;.l "Tonic.,-- ". i.itixrrs" "lu vrrtKi.c, tbat lwul it.r ii p;.Vt i. to di uiikriii.cmanU miiVrlxit are atma S!fdtciti.niaJe from th5 ttive li.om and Mrrba r.relifmi. frea fr.m ajl Alrakolie Sllma lanta. Thcx arc thr t. K EAT HLOCIII Pfni FIERnna A LIKE UIVIXJ FKIXCIPLE. a vrfrr K.,oa-,r and lr.vi-i.r .tr of the Sy-U-m. can-ring oO .ill i-otwM-oui mitllcr and rntoriiii; tkcMuoU to a ht aJthy rwdition. No prrann ran fcikr Uivm Ilifc. lr aerlirB tn dirM-tlont rrmln lor f trine!!, pri.lra !lrir lon ar mt i:,t n.yrd by BiinrraJ P"mr-m or li-r Kun. nn.l tlie tiul uryana a-tcJ brrwrid tb ! iol of reiulr. Te are a Ceatla Paraallveaa well aaa. T"'- P""'". a!o. the rmlir dicrit of wilrf a (wwrcl ni r.t to re!lolnir CjireM ion or It.n-un-BiaBn of th l irrr. and all Hie Viri Oreana. FOR FE.HALE C'OJIPLAl.XTH, In j.n( , cl ?.m.rril or.innlr. at lliaaawaof wotuanfcood oral u" t I f- the.Tol UlUm Kjt. no ,ua1. Wmrr Iiflninmaurj nad Cbronic Rkeamm tieH ui Coat, Draprpala. ar ladlseatlaa, Kilioitav KoHiiltrat aad laterinlttvnt Fc Tr Diaraoea of lhr Blood. Llur, Kid. aay a aad Bladder, Wce Itinera havo bran tatmt wc-Wul. Mara I)Im-hh are ranvil by Vitiated f-h licrn.T'.ly prlcr. i1 by derangement of Uio I) la rot I e Orgaa. DVMPBFSIA Oil INDKJFJsTIOX. ncad aca. Pain ia tbe HiouMeni.Coiicba. TicbtDM of Uto Cbt. Dlzinr. cV.ur Cructatiooa cT tbe fnma-h. WT"'' ' the Moa'.b. BHio.i. Attacks falpliatton of Uae Burt, InfUaimfttlon of ih tunr. Paia la tbe rt flomj of th aiJuo a. ao-1 a hundred other paicful armp . toV. ar iheolhprtuc'f Dypepla. Jior inncorato tmm Horn h and tlmnbteth torpid ' lAl r m.rvi Kala vkh u .1 . ... 1 u -i in -.n 01 uneqnalle-1 y- rlaa.cr 10 clcanm the Uood cf all lmporittea. aad Int- aarttutf new ura nj Tt-or to the trl.ole irtro. l OU HK IS tHHEAMKH, Eruption,. Tatter. alt Rheum. KUUbe.. ?pota. Piastfoa. Ptwtnlea. Bolle Car- 1... ttch S-nrK n,a.olomlM,a, of the Mtiu' Ha f M',,f 'nr :'u,c, 't"t.aneoriUr7?ta lilmrL'v da up aivl carried out of the ayvem fahrt t!.,e br he ua t Ihrao Biitera. Otir hot? L in VviTh iKTeBraiaT' " "f tttir Clean th Vitiated Bloo-t whenet-er you Bad lt m pontlta aur:lur through tbe akia ia Pi,Bpl, ErU? tlou er for... ; c!eoa It when ro fiad U obatructed an.l.luifVb tha reina: clean.o It whea It ia fU and your feelinea trill teU youwhem. Keep th Mood pure, and the u. aJtb of the amtcm will (oUow. Pia, Ttioe, and other Woraia, lurklna la tbe ysteia of ao many Ujouaaoda, are erTectaaJly aeetrored and ffmoTod. Saya a dWInfulihed phyaioloriat there i acarrely ,n IndWWn.l 'apor TlbC othe VrrLWhiT 7 U rx-" f, the . perwea of and phm. ' deanalt. that br the Ilrla7air?3 . ' " ornt.em of .Medicin. no nmifuM. il ftfi iU 0 the..y.tenWroTrw2rSr,liK J. WALKEE. Proprietor. X. H. McT)0?IAI.D Jt CO, "JndNAlT? """1- P,J '"Dclaro. CaJtlhrBU. and 3 an l u Commerce Street. New Y.rk 'SOLO BY A1X ERLUGIST8 A.ND ngaXtKA. W'OTI 1 A COMPETENT tlrh.r . l9 Pi Jnry next to take elmre of FRANKLIN ACADEMY. ei.ui, i....i on the New 3Iocksvil! road, four inlles from Dausuury. Apply to ( M. A. MILLER. Chairman 'f the; Hoard of Trustees. Saliebury. N.C. Xt.v. 1. 18.M. : 4:3 EDWAFD HAIQHT & CO., BANKERS,! Wo. 9 Wall Street. Uexr York. I1VE PECKS T IMKRKST ILL jULO 0 DEPosm. Tlie bwinw of our (rm U the -ame aa anv State or ISatinnal Pank i Individnalw or firma eankinp with n ridt de posit and draw aa ihey please, the ..me aa'wiih any IJ.ink except that we allow intereat on all oanance oi nre per cent.) Wa Kttv ttn.fi ta) I T.mI. Ci J j . " 04 oc"- "Olrt, nat- nea naoert. and cnilp t hmm j j , . iiuioianu uraua . hronghout tbe United State-, giving prompt r !urM- . 7;ln,J j i TO IN3UM2 BY THIS CONTAKY isfe I j 0 N D IV A .1 $2,01 1,009.70 1,000,000.00 a,ooo 1870. 1 . . - President. ; Vice President. f AKSISTAJ.T S tCRETART. i Secret art. -. Actuart. ' ScrERlNTEXDENT Of AGENCIES. LEWIS C HANES. Agent, r P..K- V n KISGTOX, N. C. WILLIAM VALENTINE, THE BAKBKK, RETntN'S HIS THANKS to hi,. OLl , rl:n:.P.s ami the 1'ul.lio fur the lilieral .itroiinfre htkn-tofi.rfot-nr1ilt4.hiui. Ucium ! iiifornii them thnt he ba- fitted up a new aud j cotiiDitidioi: snop, InriJr. Hendersons TJrick Building'. Iloom No- 2, where he Would b p(-n il to ( thetn II i suaraiitces U pive atifat lion in i-verv case. ; "p ln t 1 n I v of ti,t. hit Hair Dreh!M?r ; in Wetcra i'ortb t.'aroliua. lie rcqueati. a call ; fro i all. ; ! Sal ih n r. ; V. C . I -c 17. 1 ".9. ftf jf F AtL rTWIN TER 1 31 PORT ATI OX. !1 8 7 1. o IR. i b b o i i aS , Millinery and Straw Goods, ;o; Arnmlroii, C a lor A: CO. BONNET, TRIM M IN fi d- VELVET I RIBBONS, Bonnet Sifts, Satin" and Velvets, Blonds, Nctts, Cruprs, Ruches, Floiccrs, leathers. Ornaments, Straw Bonnets Ladies' Hats, Trimmed and L'ntrimnjt-d, MIAKKK HOODS. Ac. 237 A 2-U Ji iltiniore Sirrrt n.VLTI.TIOKi:, UD. OGVr Ihf larptM Slock to be found in thia CoiiBtrv, aqd iin.uailcd in choice, rarictv and cheapness rompriirc the latct Knropean nov- el lie. vyiira aoiu-iieti, ani prompt attention given SIXTY Fivers PRIZE ME0ALS AWARDED .-.. CAI"ri .-.. rL i lll-.K IV.' MANI.TAC TORY. WM. C. KN AiJl- Jc CO. ; Manufacturers of GRAND, StjAL'JlE AND UPRIGHT Piano Fcrtes. i ; BALTlMOItE, MD. These IrtAtrtinietiti hare Wn lefore the Pnb lic for neatly Thirty Yearn, and upon their ex cellence a lima attained an wapwreaaard preeta inenet, whifh proiiomtoea thein unequalled, in TUNK,. TUVCU, WUKKMAXUI1 SI WJB1 ; t Bl UTT. Br3uAlronr vrir Pianos hare oar New ImprweJ Pve&stkcvo Scale and the ffrt TrrUe. 7 BB-t wotild call apecial attention to our late Patented I rnpn.venieni fn GrnnJ Puimos and iouare Grand, lotind in no other Piano, which hriitg the Piano nearer perfection than ha yet been attained. Kcery PUyw Fully Warranted for Five Yean. SratT" Wt are by .p.t ial arrangement enablel to ftirni-h. I'arior (Jrgan and Mduduimt of the mot ceklirmcd rnakerm, Wholesale and lU-Uil at lowest Factory Pricet. IllttMratedl Calalogwea and Price Li.ta prom4 ly funii.hed on application to WM. KNABE in LO, Baltimore, Md. Or any af our rrirtilar eatabliahed agenoiee. October;! 3, 1871. 6montha. SALISBURY HARDWARE STORE, A FTIX STOCK .1 waea on hand of eTtrv j variety .NaiU. Iron, St, Hoes Grain tra ; die, Scytlies 100 D.xen Axea at low price.. ,C,nii, PioiN Krivea and Korka, FairUnka Scale, the bt V rough; lrro plowa tobe fotind. We warrant them LOfflfa mM I lf aaa-l ifi Tkrtev. on's Plow and SoUoiiera. ' CORK SIIELLKRS, j PTRAW CUTTERS, na a I hot and other thLnra yoi :.. r . J ana a thotand other thtnea yoo nt-ed. Bend 2. . . a a jvot orvera or come anu ouv. ; CRAWFORD A TTE1LIG JanTT-Tr. Salary. N'.'c. Prospectus Of . "THE PATRIOT." t::o::i the patriot." adnr TVmnrr.f. I atrrrl, Urtwevn Mnlb and Tenth, citr of tV I : . . inaion. The Patriot" will advocate a pronpt and perfect re to ration of the L'oiuu In all iu parta and iu entire InU-prity ; equalilj ataorg the au as prracribed by by the comaitatioa; lit imnirdiat rrnioral of ail daUUue rmtltuie frotn the ciril war, and the rtstotatioQ of hart atony and fraternal fellowship betweeaall arc tiona of the country, which the abi and DHr patiom of partUan power have chmiaajy J. Lored to prevent : ATaritffor revenue to cover the expendiu urea of an economical aJtninUt ration, and at meet the jut obligation of the Governajent, no opposed to the exiting ayaten of eihorbha'iMi protection for apucial monopoliea u4 nrxJUi guid partiality for favored mamJactoren : Reduction of the prtaent odiotn and otirea. aire acale of taxation, both a mplm to diitiea on importa and on internal Tevennh- Kigid economy in every dt-partmcat of Ue Government and retreocLmti of the upeivad Reform of the public service ia all iu braoca es Civil, Military and Naval: A aound National currency, equallv dbtrfha- 1 ted IRKHir th KtBtM. ,.. mM t. . steculaliv flactaationa: . ,r , cISh rota Uaationa to degrade aod deprecUta it: . a-guuauon vj wnicn uit paUic laada wubt 4 reoerved for astiiat aettlera, a ad m a rwattma' National credit, la oppou t, ia JUdieal policy of eoormoua cruUto aparuUtora aAd " corrupt achemea: Thefullertand firm rat protrctica VAmrrt caa citiu-na abroad: T And cordiml tibjUit with ill peApUaatrvf. glmc for liUrtr and M-ff-eovemmcBt. It ia intended tj pnUih nee-paper of tbe firt t la-s and lo enlitLe Leal arailaUe taleai iu all iu dtpartturnta. Terms Invariably Caih in Adcomeet !wi,T,rt.rio,.'Ir,u,mun' $10 00 The evkly Patriot, h:t annum, ain- pie copy, 2 IQ The Wet lily Patriot, per annora, cluba of ten or more, qq Remiiiamw mar be made by drata orcheika payahle in any uf ?he princij.l citiea, or ly 1 on Office order. Addreon twiu - . JAMES O. BERKLT -"Patriot Office," Wahit.jtoas 1. C. Salional Dcmotnlit Exrtoliic Ittidnt Comoiltcr. WArniNftTuN, I) C, Aoruat 9ih, 1ST0 We take pleasure in recotumending moat car neatly to the mpj-ort of our IVmocratic and ConM-rratire frit-uda liirobghoul tLe CMtaury "The Patriot" newpapr, as announced la tic foregoing in-pt-ctii. There i no journal at the Capitol throogh which the voice of opposition can now be heard, or the abuse and iniquttiea of the jiartr in iow' er mar be exposed. Sucb an orean ha becotna art afmiftJ cecity, vhkh we are penmade1 will be ablr -in Muniinir wippiieti by I he ratriot. Thin enierprUe nu ufi'a firm foauidaiioa, and M entitled to the ronhdetice and farir of all men who Kire lo redtem the Uovernaneat from miru!e and corruption, and lo bring Uk the prim ipSc, Kimple viiiura, and integrity of our fortfjilicm. COMMITTEE: Nam. J. Hamuli. W . V ik.;. r SmUh. Ii. W. Slocum. M r A i- iaJ-. .' -i . .. n. - r. t, x, u i i,rritk, L Jeflrira,Src- n-lary, 1 homaa wat.n, M ( , Trraaorrr. 0XGI;r.SSIOXAL COMMITTEE : Kncene Wriy, (.al; John P Slorllon, X " ,1l-;5,,;n'. ; H W fluruaa.NY: Join 1 P.ird, N J ; Jm'l J Randall, Pa U f Kijj?-. IK 1 ; K St.,ir. Md ; J W John! on, Va; r l..SI.Ur, N f; P Van Trump. Ohio; W K NiUa.k, InH; A C P.urr, 111; r. WiwWrr, Kv; ( A SUalr, Tc.li; K Well., M- C Kldndpe, Ui.; K M Uil,, Minn; Ju w Smith. r, con ; J Jt.hi.M.n, l ol ; JCttor, Tea.- ; P M P Younc, (;.; A Iiley, U ; A A t Icer.. Ark. ,f Change of Schedule. Company Plopo.Jute3J.ini. On and af!, r Pnndar, Jui,e 4th. Ir7, traJpa will ! run o tf tla. road in aecwdafitc rua the folio ir, TIME TABLE N. C. RAILROAD TKA1TJ t 0ISC tIT: a raa L(.a. aTrica. aaaita ; ta.ta. Charlnitr. . . . .-lobu-y. . . . C h-j II I r.. fh. R.leifh Ot.l4.b-r,'.. . : K. m. Hi: 11. m - I e I ki - , e ral a.t , r - n - it i II ai lllt 1 1 iil.'dr . " i a Itt" j TRAIN ro'M. i airaa. Ttrtoa. Ch.rUt,, K.li.bBf y . n a "T Iu t -. i : " ti a: r ,ia7 -. I r a lillL I " T a j l a a ! 4 . tfr Ui't. lif UK r a StaraU5a - ' m.aaiit.it a a? 1 Ida t aw. Cm. W.,... .. i Mil " , c.vi. a. I xr.H fiKKEV. af aU r of Tra Df portalit'B . Company Shop. J?o S Ie7l. tZ-t NEW GOODS. McCubbins, Snllivan & CO,- laeut rerelvH tresr Pall aa4 ViaUrKuck f" New Oooila. con. mi i a f ry Gaoda, llatlware. (jroceriea. tneeaware. Ita aa4 awN Paif,aa4l - ' ana. O a. i'ain la and Pre StnTa. Iraa aad kImI Sadd'e. Harne aad Coata Trtwaitaa. ftaW. Vm . . j . Vwi u . . 1 1 r - rr. Itara aa4 KklrUaf . IaUar DUaHaw'tat Rifle Powder. Uaciar aad Tiea ia aWVrr7- " " iiiiiiujrLb.iui'. ia l tail ha a-. . CALL- AND 'SEEUSi" 1 it 1 TKey keep ef aaUf liaai a ltTf Ikawk W GUANO, PHOSPHATES. UUE U. .Send ia year Order. i ! - Saliabary. X. C.rtept. laMSTl. -I. 1871. Fall Trade, 187L i a -. 1 HEW GOODS ! GOODS!! . IVIoXeolT' ct9 TTAWkltOZSai : ITAVB reeelred their New Tall trk aid 1 are relliDf tlkem al OLD PRICES, 1 " ' notwithtardir.p the Rraat adraxrr In OOoa ar.d WoMrn GfMKla. They wool d alMt'cail pecil uttentiou to their l'arrt and ell anort ed Stk of - - MENS AND B0TS CLOTHING in which tbey are offerir Great Bcrpit. It you wUh to Mire mony call and examine Uirir " Stock Iwfore pnirha-in; elrwer' Sept.vy. J-r7I. f 1. 1 1 1 Save your Wheat & Oals. IMPORTANT NOTICE TO FARMERS. An importact diVnrerr to pre veot FCSTta heat and Oau. If the dirertiora are carefel ly follows ana the eeonfa h'jared trrtni DlOner will be c.h-rrnl(r r1rim.AA all I . ar Ma. tm. H 4 1 1 a trial, prenartd and for aa Dtnt Kura. . July 7tf. . .SatfT.