I . C I i , f I - . i 1- : i : ! 1 . -I : : - i . " . - A f 1 ' - i ' ! ' t ' ' ! H ' - wr ii ii, ' TTn '"""Tl ; fsar,F ; -1 ; - L. - i - "A i l ' ' ' "... . , L. I ; x i 'V, Otiliu lUdtcljiiion fliUSBOttt. FRIDAY. PEC 29, 1871. ; ' HALF aUEKT. ; ; Oar readers will readily s understand thai tiijljalf plicot issue is owing to the CiirUtnias IioliJajP, and in order; jthat tjje land In onr office tnight nijoy the leisun aod leutivitR-s ot the season, I he next paper H;til appear at the regu! In tueiiukl.forra. " - time and i I EXCITEMENTS. Oat own baa been full of pUic and meooenta tor a week past, and . M, Ji single sin ill exception, Willi: tie1 I been of n pleasurtthjle char ioting folks of tUU coroniu grille, carrying alnioatev. o (o suit ilhemselves. yng! How free from ed y otin foljca ! earth, jwih"oufJ -u. a; influence tire f I , . ' "hanks are Canjd Jr6 ie docH- Htej afTair eh, for a 'oartrnent comprises a, number among the most e Eclectic fy Jan, eily ; lilaqkwood ; J' riie American Farmer, 1 J'ood'a Household Ala"- i ral Carolinian, Charleston, 4 lCr'a ei,cular ; I'roof Sheet ; -arolina ranger, V ilmiugtoiN.jG , &cZ C. Tho itlireerfirat. as Literarv Mai- Zines, are well known and approved. Thoee wanting agricultural reading can't go kmisa in getting either the American Karmcr, Rural Carolinian or Noijh Caro Ywk Earner Tiny are all good.! Cs7. We tender to the readers of the Watchman the heiwticdt congratulation o( the season, hoping that tin y m iy be blo tO banish all fear kud joyfully acc pt the tidings of a tavior ivho is able ami w-illing b reign inand over them to the complete subjugation of the fiend of cyil, thegrejil dial ni her of happnWss here fttid hereafter: thai they may entiience a rational joy in ack nowiedging his sover- ' cijaty throughout the university, and in perceiving that it reach.- dowji to ail those who obediently eubuiii tlituiiselves tliereuuto and trust in lfini. j It is a most appropriate time to recount the causes of gratitude to the Great Giv er" of uieiciis ( -profitable eieichje at j aayr time, soring that no man hath any- injng mat lie lialh not ixciiveq.) Tl le year ta j closing. Ij records are nude up. Let, each one glance over the pages anjd number the afilictions endurfd which mght have been hi-avier, the dangers es caped which might have crushed him ; thjj disappointments experieu-eejd whicb might have'becu greater; the 'successes achieved which were better than hoped for; thcLpleasnres received which were not looked for; the good that he lias hd the evil enduxei all tempered with mptcy. j Kren in the deplorable ; political condition of the country there is cause IgreutNausc of gratitude to God that it is no worse. left and: men in The evil passions of ru high places have been re- strained in u good degree; oth.-iwis.e, like fie da iilcaruatetlreir l usts for spoils and power would have made ,a hell on eartli t consume th ----- itiustjn tncin. .! lnsurrection. Quite an nlarm- ' lug insurrection has broken out inchicot , county, Arkansas. It originated 4 a dis putc between a negro, named Wynn, and au old white citizen of the county named Saunders. 1"Jih negro called jSaur; dera a liar and struck hira. They el h d an-d. wiile Wynn was attempting to! draw aj revolver, Saunders snatched a knifo (ff the counter and stabbed and.killej him. Hmnders, with two other white1 men were arrested and put injail. But word wa . sent throughout the surrounding Country to come up armed ; and whin the mob was frfern SOG to 500 strong they nded of the ShLriffthc kevs L, tl cmii jiiI-took out the prisars and Am and and bayonetted them. The negroes have continued to assemble, and now defie the i$tte and Federal authority, and say they intrnd to drive the whi-e8 out of thelcoun tryP The tenor of the s-nnl U en.nLi,.f,. u ' . v y-r uif .an wno can are fleeing fro. their some homes, iletving everything behind, rcm not carrying 'off even a chu.jge of Clothing. No relief has as yet gdne to uem, ana delay ma be the zauch bloodshed. ! means of 'i, . o. 1 he negroes have di.bandel and there are no indications of letaliatidn by tke whites. ! PlrtB7y V..f fill . .... oo i nose who prant goo i koines wringer -would do well to read wuat the l'rovidence Co. says of their; ji an aayerlieement in th.V .,nnPr tormatic Wlbh;,li Tweed has cither' S 1 - M a a III m r;Tlnn J . i rr r- ia avoid mmm..,.. i t r " Feed' bondmo : V V i--sivM , n . ,u mi. imu rti v fiiia ii ri -T-"K,t a detMit in n.,k kI e have ,no rcom in tb! liaH-i.i ihc J contributiona of corref pondenta. Their favor4 shall appear i:y. our next. " heavy affliction lias befallen the family of Mr. Joseph Henderson, He an his jittle daughter, Laura, aged six year,, were taken r ck f peiittinonia n ibe20,h j infant, ar.,r k painfnl lHneMi j,f lie week, bom died.: Mri Hedeksoji wa about 40 years of agef and W left a wife aitd several eh ildren1 t exphience the crushing weight of this double bereavement, ' . . t ( !- ;!,. .... ... I3r. !Epn4AiM BiiEVAnp, of Lincohi tun, ;vaa thrown from hi horse while g.. ing to Vee a patjeilt; a fw days agq, and kin,uV ' j-;.. :. . ; . i . ; FROM WASIIlxlltOX iTi f"16' Dec' '-An old cannon ex ploded ear Sjymour,- Indiana, killing two and The Miskoiirf Democrat has a' Kpeeial narrat es a rain" on n-roea in San'neeotintr Missonri. A person from hence saw' two h.mgh,2 and three dead in the road. t Mf X"? Wen Foy, of T,'. fatally cut her throat by swallowing the core of kn ani.t; She was eating an apple, an.J swalWing part of the core, it jent tlie lininc of bbitl umul to bleect At last account she kas sinkt uiiu ueaiu,f " - 1 J ' l - -- 1 J KARTELL, OLD YEAR ! J . ,. '. -' j L: 11.. j Farewell, Old Year ! whenother friends depar Fojid lixjpe Rfjill lingers in Uie sad adieu, j And 'en in abenee telh the sorrowing heart, 1 Thjit after fare-the-weU comes Iipw-jd'-ye-doll But tou, Old tear. irt passing from ciy sight ! Thy cheerfuljdays, thy happy hours are o'er!; To nifem'ryVaini domain they take their flight, Anjl from hej- shades shall return no niore. 1 1 si : - . . i Th9lmimcrhi'tda that with their truant wings v lvethe faether of a southern Py,' 1 Anotttnrn, by bowers and gusliing springe, Tojad the wild woods with their melodv. S I?:it ijipy reti rninot-honrs of bliss-swift stealing Ay. away, n pinionabrightat)d ure, E'en In their flight, the matchless joys revealing, To fair to faf too lovely to endure ! I In vai, with beting hearts, and arms extended, ; count ther BtayAna pray that they may last; j They glide away, too soon, with memories blen J ded, Thkl e.owd tlje prec inctsof the insatiate past. Tlmsyearsroll ty, and ea-il. and everjf one bnatehea Bonn treasured uuypi away ; Ah gaceless hejirt Lre ,'vt inl are tjierenone That bear gift witli them, and their backward tenner snail tnpse retunvto mar thy Kst V !,! 1 i It joys depart,; o care's dark hous jjo by ; And time hath pjnver to heal the oleedihg breast, To dry the falling tear, and hush tlje sigh. Or if a sting renjain, the ' oney de v I Of sweet remembrance shall! allay the smart, And soothe regrejts, and kindle hope anw ; Blest antklotejto care ! oli Ui.unklesk heart ! Yes! ycariTrollpn; yet wi.ue.orc sind them forth ... " Wi.th records dark and sad to bear ion high? Oh ! give theru noble tho'ts, and deedsbf worth, Toj swell the ahnals of eterni v. i MARRIED : In Salisbury, inn the 27th inst., bv the I pimple, Mr. JI. II. Cr6well, and'MissS; Rev. Sallie E. Shaver, all of this city. Atlhis residenee'on the 27th inst.. hv 7?r S Scherer, Mr. James P. Trexler and iss Ellen C. Bfger, of Rovf an. By the same, at Mie home oi me ornie, on ftlic 2I.st, Mr. John Eagle and MissjMartlia A. fester, all of Rowan. IN CONSEQUENCE of bavin a larg nds and number of tpn! accounts on our ha1 not )eing Able tb use them in recrui stock of goods, Kve have determined m.t to nig our eute;r any persons name npou onr books on and after the 1st day of January l$72 who has an unsettled account with u prior to this date. CRAWFORD & 1IEILIG. fealtbury. N. CiDee. 27, 187J; JI5:3t ThesymptomlofLiver I Icom plaint are uneasiness jLSISSriSSlS'j jand pain in the side. i J B'n.tnnj ISometinies the aiti is in 'TttT ! ! Mil ibe shoulder, and is mis taken lor rheuni$ijsm, ilie stomach is affected witli loss of 'apatite and sickness, bjowels in general costive, metimes alternating with lax. i' i! "... ft 1 bend is troubled ! i hwith pain, and dull, hea- LXVfiRj livy .sensation, cpnidera- j I ble loss of merijorv, ac- ooua ouuu xuwi L('oni'-lneU With pailifll sensation ol having lft undone something which ought to have been done. Often com pluming Of weakness, debility, and low spirits. Sometimes maiiy of. the above symptoms attend tli disease, and Jat other times very few of them j butrthe livtf is generally the organ 'most- infolvcd.- Care the Liver with J DR. SIMMONS' a preparation roofs and herbs, warranted to be strictly vegetable,! and can do no injury to any one -It has beenjiwedby hundreds, arid known for tie iast 40 yeajrs a one of the raostf reliable, etficli ious and hajramless preparations! ever of fered to the Burring. If taken regularly and il I'ciwieniv, u is sore io cure mif .i'.ir- j Ipyspepsia, h e $ d a e h e, I N I I jUHidiee: estiveness,siek &CgulatOI I gin. -tti lehehromc diarr- I I ghcea.alleetionsoftlieblad- ii jj gder, camp dysenterv, af- oi pins in the bdwelsj pain in the head iever agd Igue, diopsv, jhoils, pain in the baek, Ac. Pepared only by J.il. ZEILIN & CO., I I Druggists, Macon, G a. Price, $1; by mill $125. M For sale by T. F. KLUTTZ & CO., feb 2q ly Salisbury, N.C. LAND FOB BALli 1 ;r cout lofli icrcst Seven miles fromiSalisbury, on the Wilkeboro Road, adjoining Inj.' Howard, Jos. Minlgua and others; part of "it feecoud Creek IJottomU, ; Terms, one-fourth cash, balance one, two and three jears credit, j. ' ' Enquire of Jn Miller,, who livesion the premisesor jif R. Barriager, Agent, Charlotte, n. c. '.-.. t . - ' I " A AC T1 - fJt ' kctctbi ni.uiB irtPffui' i;irn i.:r--. .. i . '- . overland Tom ted Ism quantity i( -blooITl feelv, uIWAchT , " " - LT l III HIHHM rections oi itie kuijneys, nervousness, dulls, dis ease! of the skin, Inipiwity of the blood, melan cho!. or dei)ressi&n of snirits. bertbui-n. colic. 1871. Fall Trado loni NEV fiOGDS ! GOODS ! ! ' FtiVfi MX& tbeit New Fall Stock and -s-O. aro seihng them at '; :' old rmcEs, . ?miwB??an$?1 ?rut' advance a Cotton ami y, ollen Goods. They would also call es- l?lf "Sn to their large and well assort eu lock of ! 5- j VA AND DOTS CLOTHING Wlicbtheyjaroite!. Great litrqamB. li O I r mve mony cal1 and "amine their atocK befire purchasing elrtvltr ' Save your Wheat & Oats IjirORTAKT NOTICE .TO FARMERS, ivu1 imPrtant discovery to prevent RCSTin neat und Oats. ifti,,. ,i;r,.ti., .7 Jy fi.fl(wed and the cropis injured by rnst, the o.itt be cbeerfnlly refui.ded. .All I Ilk i Mjwiui.- x-repareu ana for saleml at . v- 5 I . Ilr.m C. Jy.U 7 tf. w Salisbury. ? In ibe Superior KOWAK COCXTV. V UoUrt. V. MeNeely and ) j, ; j Mary MeXeely, C - , , rraiutiffs. ) Sumirrons and Peti- Urf I tf""'' tion to selllandfor "fl u. 5ie.ee v . Asst rrihtr I lulbis case it appeartnff to tha satisfac M if be Court that Win". Ii. MeNWly nd Acfnth McNeely. alias. Acenith Crriher, arej non-residents of the State of X,.rth Carolina It is therefore ordered that publi cation U made in the Carolina Watchman. a newspaper published in Salisbury; X. 0.. fi.rjstx weeks successively; requiring Mid dndants i t appear at the office of the Clrl of the Superior Court for the county of iwanatthe Court House in Salisbury, on :l riday thn st day of December next, and anjwr the complaint of the plaintiffs, or the fasfe will be heard pr nnrt Witness. A. Judson Atsn n,t ..r.v.. Superior Court of said cur.tv ..ff;,. ;.. Scl tsbuiy. the IGth day of Oct. A. D. 1871 A. JUDSOX MASOX, Clerk of Jitwan Superior Court. EXT11A0K DINAR! $10 OFFER Jin DATS Oil THIAIi. i"iE Great Amkrican Sewing Maciiixe Go. i oaye eoneiuueu to otter their whole clock of xupct'ior and icidehj-k-tioun Machixes, npi-n I the-; above unparuilcd terms, to Evervbodv, iv0r where, who havi, or can rind use for' a' teaUy Good Sewing Machine, Cheaper than I the s cheapest Ery one is welcome to a jiosm's fuee tkial ' ATfTHEIi: OWN 11 0 ME. The best, and only tkce Guauaktee of its l uaiity, is a month's free trial. tFlie object of giving a free (rial is to show you i llafr-GoiKl our Machine is. This js the Simplest and most certain wav to I I foivince you that our Machine is jurt vital : ; loiuwant. Tl e Secret of Safety is in one month's trial. X$ one parts with the Machine after trial. All ; ay for and keep it. liny no Machine until yon have found it a Good fine, Eaty to leuru, Jjtty to maiiu,t, titty to ncork, I-hy to crp in order, Pcrfeti in Mechnn iia, Perfect in Construction, simple, llriicble, Satisfactory. Any company who will refuse you this Much cannot have "as rood a Sewing i Machine as ours. Btiy only when you know the machine docs not take an hour to get ready to do a minute's work: Duy only when you lind a Machine that t licady in a minute to do any kind of work, and sis (dways ready and never out of order'. A month's Trial answers all Question?, solves jA 11 Doubts, Prevents All Mistakes, and is the Onjy Safe. Way to get your Money's Worth. jTry it. You cannot lose. rite for our Confidential Circulars and illus trated Pampldet, containing full particulars, which: we will send you by return of mail wih Sample of Sewing, that you can judge for yourself. And remember, that we sell our Good Machine at a Losy Price, upon extraordinary 'aiora'jle tenns of Payment, and upon Aer oun merits?. Don't Hesitate because you are uncertain whether yon want a Sewing 'Machine or not, nor because you hare one of another kind. Try a Good one, they are always useful, and will Make Mo ney for you, or help you to Rave it. And if you have another, ours will how von that the one you have could be improved. The company stake the very Existence of their Business "on the Merit, of this Woiideiful and Extraordinary Sewing Machine. County Iliyhtx given free to Good Smart Agents. Canvassers, Male and Fe male, wanted everywhere. Write for Particulars, and address: GREAT -AMERICAN MACHINE Co., Cor. John and Nassau Strpct, 3.1y1 New York. I PTiOSPECTUS OF 3The Semi-Weekly SconomiLt. I propose to publish in Elizabeth City, N. C, in January, 187-J, a Semi-Weekly Newspaper to be -called The Economist. Its aim will be to minister to the Literary taste of its readers, and to promote the Agricul tural, Commercial, Professional, Mechanical and other industrial interests of our people, with all the i npacity, industry and zeal it can command. In a Word, The Economist proposes to occupy the wbole field of legitimate journalism. I'ojUTlCALi.Y, it will seek, without using the poisoned weapons of bitterness, to foster and combine all the elements of opposition ro the reckless tendency of the times ; believing, as we boiesly do, that our Republic and its instil u tiobs re in peril, and that unless good men of everyiclass, unite now, "and nslme man, to stay the title, of corruption that is surging over us, this pjrecious heritage of our Fathers will, at no distant day, be like a tale that is told like a viMoif that has passed away. The Editorial management will be under the mtr; T.i 'III Gilliam and T. G. Skinner, Perquimans eotjjntjH; Maj. II. A. Gilliam and Oct. Coke, Chbwfijn country; Hon. L. C. Latham, Wash ington connty ; Hon. T. J. Jarvis, Tyrrell co.; lion. M. L. Eure, Gates catmty ; D. C. Winston, Bertie icounty, and a number of occasional con tributors, whose reputation will be a guaranty of the! ability, integrity and success of the en- terprijie. , Communications from the different counties in lihefDistrict and from the National and State eapiial will appear in every issue. There will be strict attention given to the correctness of the? Markets and to the Local Department of the, per. T. B. G A KN EK. -libeth City. N. C, Ntv. 20, 1871. 12 :tf i i vtfi i iiier. direction of R. B. CREfrv, assisted by Col. W. FJiMifrtin and Dr. R. K. Speed, of Pasquotank count j-; Col. D. D. Ferrebec'Camden county; IS HEREBY given that Certificate No. 311", pated September 15th. 154 for trl fhares of Mock in ths North Caro Hnft pail R"1 Cmnpauy. i?6ued to John M,JlIah. has befn lost, aud that applica tion Will be made fur a new Certificate. Salisbury, N. C. Dec. 15. 1871. I f JOUNM. HORAH. '11lfmr' NEW AUyKRTTBEMKNtS: The Iflanuracturel so ft he BE blAKCE WRINGER, a perfect machine. They have brought out an entirely Aev Wringer, which - - they call the i "PROVIDSNCE." NEtV. ;JS7i; PERFECT. 4 Grat Improvement ' OVER ALL OTHER WRINGERS, -MP - b as H 00- W 9 ! -l CO ' It brings Faster Hum by Hamt We consider tin Providence sujrior to all others, fur the following reaso:.- : ,Jr S-Ki,e,,T' f ,arSe hize and bt quali. tvof W hue Rubber, are all secured to their harts m the n.ost permanent manner, by the Moui tox Pboces, making tIie bcjlt iofu . the World. .' T PATIT METAL JOURNAL CASINGS prevent any wear upon the journals. shafts of other machmes run, wood wear, and the elbeiency of W nrtjrer istherebv greatlv reduced T 3.1. The DOUBLE SPIRAL tOOs SS tins ringer give the utmost ease and steadi ness in working, while the double step prevents Hiera from bottoming or being thrown out of gear. We furnish either tingle or double gear i rovidener, as desired. 4th The ADJUSTABLECURVED CLAMP rea hlv adjusts this Machine to tuba of anv size or thu kuess, making a perfect fastei.in-.' No Wendell pegs or n.bi.er stra,s on the Clamp. T5th. SIMPLICITY, SlREN(iTII and Bkav- y, are combtr.el in this Machine, with all the requisites of a first-class Wringer. Providence Tool Op., PROVIDENCE, R. I. 11 n arren Street, Sew York. lo:tf A STEM WILDER. THE $12, SENSATION, $12. OR Ulagie Wafch. A BEAUTIKUL CHRISTMAS GIFT SOMLTIIIN.i KXTIHKLY MAV, AND UMJX L, AS WELL AS GOOD. A New Style Dorm.E Hi ntixo Cak and open face Watch combined in oxk, with fine first class imported Pol ithed or Fkostkd Xicli P tent Lever, and Ruby Jeweled Movements Accurately a.ljn.ted and Kix;i i.ateI). EleK:im Crystal Cap, showiwp the Exposed Action suid Every motion of the Beautiful Wonus while running, with the eel, bralcd patent stem Wixd ING Attachment (wfndinpiip at the Stein w'ithont the use of Key). Unique in Jein, aiid (juite a XOVEEXY, ClIEAfIT KEAI.LY COOK, Strong, correct and serviceable Watch ever iiuiimt-iririi til Foil PEKSOXAE ie, Epial to fincU ijnalihj hioh price Gori Ciinox j, 11 i n AT . twentieth the eoft. l'rieeeaeh Laiuks' orii;M' sh' with CllAlsfree, in M..n,c Vn.-v, onlvV; j or SGO po- half dozen ; flOO per dozen w.'elnl.s or the tra..e. Sixoi.e Wa i n e-j sent fim k to J J . C , 1 j . ' '. umj vruts. ,-ije otincry r;;arn.ral on neeipt oi riee. e are res'Mii-ili(o 1 'I1....L- T . - f . U. Money Orders, or Kcistered l.etitrs on! v. Or. WE will forW;r! tl-.. in hv i-" v i .n.. TIIK MIlVl'V nl v ..i ...... I.. : . .1 " v.i.i y.,, nit- 'iiie io me rPKtw AGENT (wall Express ( !;r - eK:Ex - TKA tor the tfAvkf i on :l:e U-ltvi rv nl'thciu to yon in Yocn town. Watelus of 'all kinds sent everywhere on hf panie eondiiion. (iiMi;c Amekican Levels, sir. i., It Gold Leveks, Ladie.-,' find (Jests' j l,,:r. and -i;eceeds in .liar.i.i-J.u. the CHAINS, ull styles, to $1W eaeli. 1 VI KY i l!,S , wtc's' 1,s r-pair n ,11 ,. H;il, :UH ,.v. Watch sold renrm-iited, thoroie-hlv HVm,w. ! Vry,1,a-r 1 , l'a,u,it W,H f' ! hiiii- n -Q.T. i-i ted by Si-ECIAEOeAKANTI F, I, nun,,, leercl,.o,lh'lli',r.. ' ' "': P'1 U"' 'k1 dl-enii," hell, r. td at ale tim ia- fr,.fcot o . VT , ' HWUV '.!"'Miijr and Ue-h and we -!. PI.OYID. All soods'at Poet,..,: Pr,,., -X.'.v .in ii inn may want :u nail ihe pnee your jeweler sells it for. Descriptive I'ri. e Eis'ls ol WV.ehe?, Chains, &c., sent free. Afldivs all all orders, ST E W A KT, C; I , H A M & ( O., Jcwihr. 1 ii 1 1 i.ru r, ie., l-3:Cniol G Whitehall M. N. Y. l .....I. . - . -It... mm v y ut.-. c rr 3; t: 7!)' mils 'iZJ mwm i Hi u ig 5 CONSTANTLY A BP IN (J New, improved and ah.alIe Trol.s Inijde n:ents. J!a hines, Cortrn am its. i.:c.. A ., lor the convenience and huilitv of Fani-c.t., Blacksmiths, Carpenters, felioe takers, Tanners, Cabinet Makers, Mason?, Carriaue Builders, Coopers, IIcusc-Kcci'crs. Butchers, Cooks, eve, &c.' In fact, fc.v xr!ions iinacqwaintcd with our establishment, are aware of the wide ranjrc of w ants we are prepared to meet, nor of the exact and Ixantil'ul adaptability of our goods for the purjMjses for whi-li they' arc made. Nor can 'w e descrile them in ii advertisement. They mu.-t be seen. C-mie therefor", to the Hardware Store fr any thing you want, from .a toothtick to a steam enjnne; lroni a pin to a strawcutter any thing almost every thimr. They have A VTTT T Trf !... n i t , e - a vv.ii (iiniiii .in iifiuu oi ritri ,.mvij i .i.iii., jiuii, oivrri, iiovs, vjiam er;t- v..:i. i-,.. e. ... i ti. ... .... , ' dies, Seythef!, 100 IXizen Axe at low jiriees. (Juns, ristois, K riven and Forks. FaiihmA, rfefTrt ii 1 Scales, the Cet Wronph: Iron Plow s to be found. We warrant them toive BatL-faetion. Thouip son' Plows and Sulisoilers. COKN SHELLEKS, , . STRAW CUTTEb'S, and a thonsand other thin you need. Send in your orders or come and hny. CIUWFOEp & ITEILIG, JS.tf Silisbury, N. C. g IB - ) -A.-;.-- -.,.r., . 1 -r, nrrBi.in ' 1 R R. Rt Radway's Ready Relief Cares the -wors paing in from " OXK TO TWESTT HtXCTES. iNot tme hoar after reading thi advertisement need any one suffer with PAIN. RADWAY'S llHADY RELIEF oufy Pam Remedy tl... nstantlf stops tnemost xcrnciating pains, a jay Inhumations, and cures Congeatons, whether or the lungs, stom ach, Bowels or other glands or organs by one application, ,n from oe to twenty minute-. no matter how violent or excruciating the pain Rheumatic, Bed.ridden, Infirm, 'Crippled, Ker rous, Aeuraigic or prostrated with dUe ;e mar snffer RADWAY'S RL'ADY ?RELIEP will nffiird instant ea-e. 4 InJIatHHiation of the Kidney f r- . !"Jt,i'tio of the Bladder, IiJImmdtwMoftheHoweh, ; t ti. Cwgntio of the Lungp, Sore Throtit, Difficult brcathiuej, J it...., .... .. l'01?"''" of thz Heart, v. iw, iiuujt, tsipiuerta, Catarrh, Infinenta, Headache, Toothache, yeurolgia, KheumatUm, Cold Chill, A,me ChiUt. The application of the Head Jhlief to the part or parts when- the pain or difficulty esuu will atlord ease and comfort. 1 Twenty drojig hi a hulfa tumbler of waterwill in a few moments cune cram; .y nnni. or s omaeh, heartburn, heuhr ,c, diarrhae, ihjsentcry. colic, trind (n the boKtU, and all in. tci Mat patmi ..r?r?Vt'1,Vh" i!d a!nn.vs c.irrr a brittle of Radways Kedv Keller with (hem. A few drops in water will prevent idctnMr paias rrom change of water. ' It TsetUr than French urandy or bitters as a stimnlanU Fever and Ani. Fever and Apuc cured lor tifty ct. There U net a remedial a. nt in thi wrld that will euri- fever and a -m- mul all tl;er Malari.-ns. Hi.i.Mi.varlet.Tri.l.oi.l. Vlb.w and other Ke vers (aided hy Itadxay' M!) so quich a. hud way Uvady Relief." Fittyc:;ts per l.-,t HEALTH r BEAUTY!! Strong and pure rich Iilood- Increase of Hcsh and BloodChar Skin 0 Beau tiful Complexion secured to all. DH. ILUJ WATT'S Sarsapiirilllan Kesblvent Has made the most astonishing Cures: so quick, so rapid are the changes the brxlg undergoes, ut.dcr the influence of this trulg Wonderful Medicine that EVERY DAY AN INCREASE IN FLESH AND WEIGHT Do SEEN AND FELT. TIIK GRKAT IU.OOI) l'fHjFIER. Every dropof ihe Sar,uparillii,n 1,'esfdvent cuinn.;i:eutes thnn.pl, H.,- hlood, ,we, t, urine a.tut oii.er Uutds ii.u j-.i e of the y.-t m the ij?or i.ilile, lor it reiMir the iuti oi the Udy with new a-ul sound inatenal. croluln. k, phi is, cim.-un.ptioii, !a,.(m:a: .iiMMv, i.!-rb in tl.e llir at, n.oi.il;. tiui.oi., 5iode in thetilaud aud other j,.,.!, oi jh,. 0 ;,... Mrt. ,-ves, ru morous a.-1 harp sfr, w Hu- ..i8,Ui.d the w.t tonus , t Aidi,eae,, en rti..i, lever -. ore-, seald h.-4.d, ni.g wono, mU rl.-uin. -ri ipelan. in the wi:iiii!, ;ii-1 uii w al.e!.:i, ai disel .:e. i.s-i.j s..veat.-. ,j. waster, oi tlie lil.' IVineipie, a-e wuh and puiuful rm a:ti all ill t hn i n r. anve raa flhi.t Wo;uler of Modem l'hu:ii.t I I his Wo;uley day-' n -e wM ! rv,anl a i ! sun -;-eiinr it t..r . i .. ' r ii'.V to anv per i i-u p.. v. er t. eure tl.iin. i ll tin- .atn-nt i!:-! i I ...r ;. .. . ...... I :i ! i-s : ) n! .! f :. ... . .- .. " ' i"--"ihm iu:u it eoi;i i ): na: I v j I,r,,r,'V jr,'u,'"l ':re!ii e wa,te. fro:;, heidmy !di-.d- . ti the kir-apa. illian w:.l and does scmr. a cure h eenai?" foJ i " " niJt'' lIlls r,,'! i.v c inii:er.ees i: winL- of ............ i- crVr!n- ,,,H ShSar.-apaiiii,i.n He- "" ii lenn uia; litems ni tt. care f Cl.ronie, Ser i'iiiMi.-,C,.!,t.Il.ii..,lu HIllj Sin di-ea-es; I, iu j; j, t;,e (lhv :tirfJ rnr(, lor KIDNKV ,t l!LA Ml I.K t;(.M l'LA IXTS, 1 rn:ury and womh (iis.Me-. ?rsl el. diahetes! dnpv. -:..pp:u(.,.f water.;;:,. .i.Tn.i.e,. uni.e. Hnl.t's ili-ea-e, A Iliiiii.iiMi: ia, him in ull c ises where there a;e In i k-in-t d. p. r-i-.-.tir the w tcr is th.ek, ciondy, ii;ii d wit i sd!-1 iircp like the white I 'an e:-, or threads lir.p w.rte -i!k or there is a imri id. da:k. I.i-ii.i t i, I a;.d w!i;ie Im.h.mI is; d.-p.i.-it... ai d v. Ih-ii thi-ie I 'nekn,-r. l.nri.irjr ei.safi..n h. n pasin(r ! v.-ater. a; d paui in the small of the h lek ami iuoiir :ue l.:ns. DR. RADWAY'S terfcrt I'ltrafisc 1'iIN, p-.'i (! Iv tH-tr : k- c'.ei m.f y i oatf ! mil ! t i-nm . ,.ii!-i- I' .Ui.l. . !!, e.-in P. i,f., h renti . I .....!.; - , i ;- , t'.c . i;,e ot a'l di- .kKi f t'.e i Y"11' " 'lv" ".:! liilini.. li'n.i. Vi. n. rv.u ! A :tci. leauael.e. eoimt'.mt ,. i, w tt !. Ii di-SP-iion (i.v-pep-u hi iHicu-i. ! i k i:-Ii vi r iiiPam. ! 'a it. on of tl.e lMici.H pilt(i ail !e, r T.p-m-rts rl i ii c .nU'ieai '..- ; ra. ur-rwit .1 t t rictt a UMi I t ie eure. Pure v vc?el:.l.'e . taii.irr r.. mr. eiiiy. m:i.er:.Is or 'eh'lei;n;sc!:". fe a do-e- of i.'4iuv.v Pii.i.s w in free th --,. :ii : (.! a i the ;il.r.-.e iii.n vT, l -i ii i . rjCe To u': t.-jei l-.-x. mi p y p I: I ( . (; j - ( .to : .t I A I. : ." i A- i 1 i.rr. --e s 'I one ! :t' r.j.fciniti n. M:' ler, I .. , . v. i s I db r , ; I r 4! i tnn. ' I. .'J ."-!v t j Tin; gi:kat causi: ; or j J Pi l.li,,' d, in a Sealed Envelope, Price sir cJ J X L: t vie ,.a iu .a ie, I , . . ti. i i . r.e i d d : & i li.r. .i ir.i al .Aa. iu. or j. m ' rt Uae-, n In t "r " i"'. iti..'n i iv i i . ,. i,,.c t r V u. I) I.;: I .,. In,.r l.ii,. ... M U r ,.,,r III 1 l. i I . J. f. , ,.,-. K, , ! '1 -.- (l : Ct i VI UW Li i .a t . G . . kL. ' 1.- VI. D .au T1' ' I r n e u .. r. 'n Ii- I i- b e I rt'a- ' I . M-iy.if A ll.- in V I t ill. o i rii , k a i l.i.i .j.i,... C :11m I f. ., 'IT elu . U t. fiioir'' ' '' Kif Ti -I uni , i..g, r c-i ilil. ut' t n. it- ne l" cut v t mi c : i - i . j nl ff )a I 1 r h r ev-rj- ffr i i. .r px hi (. .. i Iu, Ci" nr. ,-f , l.r ph,(rlv Mr n r j.cIU l'j- I U c -l..rc ill in. .v. a i'.u to I i. mi; au I H ...n Slit uii'l r ral. I" I'll 11 i i i -n ( r iNir.., rr tj.i ..t , x rti,i, or to . l .p '. iu . irr.Jlu Oi )'ib !-!i i. A.-o. UK Cf VKKWfLL' Mrri-'fc Ct ilv." i.tlc. e ' M M tl.e Tul li I rr, CI I AS. J. c. ki.ini:co 127 jV.wcry, X. Y., I'ost OEee B ,x A .LECTURE ! TO YOUHG E223IJ. Jt pHldishcd. in a sr.thrt Knrihipc. Pi' ice I ccnti. liCur on the Nt -, T t i..i. an4 fll -l cir- f r rii..m, ..r frrr. i l .kii . Ini.lubtar in. Sr De' VUy. i .I Iiiij,- ill-, , i I.rri H.'- sa- ntl'.j ; vtrm mi c.n.i I I ,.,. v( ,v, n K; ' 111 !. P ,icI I r.ti, ,.. i ". .f.t l'i ii Ol-KlT J CCI.VI r I I., M D. .itli r e' n : -Ore- l ll'x.h." Ar. T mrhl-r ti'.mnr ' Ihir. n tl. I.fCcr r-rj v. fn.iu an rxp ruct I ai lh di t.ii q. fi.cii re ! I Ahi.. i.,jr b- ,J ctnalljr rrfnnvnl I'll- ut r-"c'n ami iu i t .ir.r ru jr rl aj-r i . i . . ..,,, i . . . .. .1 , ... V " " " " P a 1' n, im-u ir ui m m rurr ii r.c- c ritr. ' a t-nct alljahic- rjr mnrre , n umt'i t ' at coa j , t ar. it t j br in curr I.I I .htMf'jr. i : rallr-ll. T I.KITI'R Ull L I'UOV . j.iOX T TIIOl SAXra kd I TH"U 13. PcDt, n-'rr f !, 'r m.. , ' in ltn .ilr, en. r. ",; rwl I "I ei i o-.. ) fii,. lamp. AI Dr Cl.e'r.r -Murrisie '-u'llr. p iff cu Ad.lrr'" H'U'''.". ' IMf J . Kl INK A C0 t.' fowety, c Yvrk. Pis OS it II .4o4 Biri-1. n Such horrid feeling as I ex-er'u-iife no one can imagine. I feel despondent, a .though wiine hing awful wa jroinjj to happen: LV Sim niorm' Liver Regulator, if you would avoid such feelings. " ! , r : ! - : ' - I CONNECTICUT MUTUAL LIFE IHS.;ldo.,v ! OF HARTFORD, CQ1TN; f r- ASSETS OVER S33,000,000. n : Tlllt DNTAGI:,0F?EKED WiU,,lJ ouiwr x-couomj, aua iu Cuuvcuictit jitl of - x I Annual DiTidendf. ANNUAL INCOME f itb Lowrr Lxpen- of Managemci.t ue all the most de.itable kind, ut I I-ii'e antl EndoYimcnt Policies, i f On which Diriaend will te paid ANNUALLY AFTER I JNO.A. RRADmi VU- i... e ' -b , leuuii - OU-U PIEpMONT AND ARLINGTON LIFE INSURANCE C6lY. - o- I-IOME OFFICE, RICHMOND ANKctfci lO Ii Krpfeiiilier, IS70 Annual Income over lo(icSc! i ,u u to I Hi Dec, 1S70. "PREMIUMS ALL CASH IlEDUCEl) BY THE ANNUAL CASH M VI VENDS OS THE CONT1UHUTION PLA N. OPPIOERS; W. 0 HARRINGTON, J0(IX E. HOWARDS .L .F. HOPKINS, D. J IIAKTSOOK PROF. K. R SMITH, J. K. WOLFF j n IT' nnTTtynv r. m ...... . . y. ien i. ii for ii eexcrrt i CB1 ACTI K'A(ii:.NT W Uel). 10 lv WILLIAM VALENTINE, R ETC UN'S HIS THANKS t , till US l)S a.dth; Tul.he fu to hio til.lt "o tlje li'n-mi r'at-nua;re r.eretolnre extrr.iled Uhim. He in w informs thm thnt he l.a- litt-d up i new ami e'ifniH'ditis Shop, in Dr. XX?nderson's ZSrick j aailding-. HoomI?o. 2, wljere lie w.-nld le ;.i-a-(l In . !!,r:n. He fii:r.rai..n - io :ie !: ni i vrrv n-e il has in hfS. employ (' the ,( H i-r l;e-T iii (Western North C."o li'.u. Here., : - a ( ..I ln'i All ei an. fcaiishurv, y. C . !(. IT. ir;i tf TALLlrnd WINTER""" I3i P() RT A TSOX. I 18 7 1. XI i 1) 1) o n .s , Millinery and Straw Goods, I : : jArnifcfrosiff, ( alor A: CO. i ! mronrR nd j' r:: i i r TtPNNET, TBI MM IN H C VELVET BIBJONS, Bonnet S,ll:s. Safins and Vhrls, B' -v Ji, '. Nttt. Cr,iJS, But Irs, El ntu s, 1'tathris. UrtttiitH i,ts, Sjtraw Bonnets it Ladies" Hat. ; Trinumd d I'l-trin iiMil, SIIAK .1. ,U KiIiS. 2:;" a . . t ,,'. srrt. Ainnoui;, :rii. iOfTer the ln:t Sn k to te found in fl.i Country, and uimjH..!hl in choi.f. variety aid e!-iipiu-si, coiiipriin' ll.e l.-Oi -t Lur' t nil i,..y. o. i . . i: :. j . i ' eljim. 7iuin Htiniioi, arm pii.mpt :i :-t.i n u f" 'ruj'd pi veil. i stv riv PP.IZE MEDALS inotO 1 the ;i:k t WM. KXAm. .v I Manufacturers J I GRAND, KJAUKE A.Mj Ll'UIl.Iir I Piano x'crtes, j IIALTIMol'.n, MI. Thcr IrtmriKtii have i-iti i t-fore ;he I'uL li' lor nearly Thirty Ytar-, and uj.i: tl.nt ei .4llriiev alone aiinintd an unpunutti,! t iryice, r.iiie!i proituauees ihem uiit-ijml.nl. it: ?TUNt, lOlCII, V.oHKMANMllI' ASV Il"K.- 111 1 11 V. CrAll our Square ',.,nj.M have our Nn Intpravtd OVLlisTlSLSO ."M..V1.1. and the .1 , TfMc. " f e Hould call jKl iaJ r.ti r.ti n ino'ir I fie l'ai i U-d I n j.n.v. in. iu ',.,,,, ufed i'tptart (iroutim, futii.il in no ilhr l'iu ? I irin the Piano neaur initciion th o; lia vei U-en attain.!. Ifyrry Piano Pally Warrah'd fir Fit )V.i4. tftf We are Ly iii.il art anemeiit enal ln! t f irni-li Pa, lor ry,ut arid M,J,i'it,M .l the ia-t eicirald umkir-, holt rale and lUlail a lowest F::elir I'rit. lhitrated 1 atal' ut nnd I'r;e Lirl j lurnpt Ijf furni-heii on nj.lii alion to : VM. KNAI5K i CO.. P. .dtimnre, Md. iOr any of our regular ffctal.Ii-hed identic. jOclott-r la, 1871. tiiiiontha. ft OBTAINS TflE GOVFP.NWr NT OF ttf State, Holding of the t.V-irt-, ,, . Vain .Ile reeiii.ta, an arnmte Mnmhtr jlrtidsr. jnlcn Calendar, nd tn.mT Amttiiito, .Sttuie- r:.. t. r ?. . . . eip-., niaum? ii pre ot in rnat viual le ar.i! iili..u.i;., I I . . ..I It t I ... i.T-iuiK .i i iMAi.ai a iij'i i;kI. ror rsa I at it, c,. ... i. l . il . .. .. . V ih"iiit in .'i'mn Miiin, j,nu MiActlT & V. alton, CaliaUury, r. C. I " Agento ! Read This ! W. ail' XT riU a Ur af 0 Dotlaaa rr Wrtk a4 wvoaerf I la cawaa ; a4drva VI. W5t 4 Ca.Mar- -AVT IWllv'i-JJLaVM BBaaavaivaBirS . I f ( 1 . - I . MHaAHaaahttaMaBMHar TO INSURE UYTlJISCONPiKViis; ABOUT S10,000,OCO, llan acv other American Comn,,r it i. " W-otopanj, it i- TIIE FIRs'r PAYMENT, "WAIT. Qcneral Afcat. (tbce oj l--. iW.-Unicr, KAI.Kiull, N. C..- V A $e,OI l,00U.7O 1,000,000.00 3,000 PRCSITirST. ...Vice Pkmiukkt. VMIFTAXT SlCRrTART. StCKKTAIlV. -1 Ad TART. Si rECixi EsncxT or Aoevciu. LLWIS C HANFS. Aoest.C. .. . LlXIXGTOX, N. . .. y.i ji (' VNTLl) ILVKKYWI IILRE. I w,ni,,rm. K H M.Iimu. A r - W. P', tat I Ci , b.4 M 1 a n n i r iTu'r . I. 'Ill.l lll tU-mr TrMlaiaar Ihrlr XtaBrrfal taralit Mrn. I'1"1" Kaf Jrlak, Kaor af rr Uatr.. ki.t,ri. PiM rirtla mt4 Rvfaa 1 .1 1 -: . k . . J i it'li. wuww4 Va flrui 11 t.. i... . -! I '.I-! arta." tU0T.-Ae., xt, j-.Tifcu4rtlatraalniwaJtara .r.. '.. ... r ,, f nw.tu luli.f Hte a4 l!rb . r ra rram nil Atraaatle IMIaf i. at, t ... . i.ui it ni.oou rt ati. I tfU - . .1 LIKE GITIMJ PRIXCirLC. t. ' r. ... ..v.4r a Cba AfaVMa. ' '7 ui a.tiur w4 raurt IbaUatl 1 trmm tmm taU gbaaa tab -- ai4 tba tual ararw vaavaA Tir j i-.it a Uratla Paraallir aa aretl a a Taaaaa. - . : It rvuur nt 4 a-t.akBT a , tn r; .ptia, iw if Cvcua a !nAa- r.-X m ,4 S !,.... rr! lUVlrrr fa raa me rMii.t(oMrum,i.("..M ' . - - ' t - n I l ii t anaiaati ji m LX in- :m - u "1 iw l :u lima k raL r IrOnammirj aaa t traair I'.aaa a a J l.aal. U)ar4a ar I aa .a-atlaa, kiosa, Kataillrat aai I alrrailutai aa . t? ru-r af lar nia4. L.lar. KI4 iea aaa Blaaar r. f- e Hill era Ui arM a I Hifk IHaraat arr naoxl W Vtllalr 4 Ua aa Ii it i ti.!t fr)rttj cl tt of C ftra4l Ortaaa. di pr.r-iA ou iMn;r.Tiox. -i. ". " .a tUi aU',Cucia. T va taaaf hka rt.t. !-.ir. . K;r CtM"ains, , r'raaarV. !' T n !l. Van'ti. g.lt. Wart, falatiataa af r B - r- I iu.waiaaaf I LMrv. Paia ta tW - ' K. - . aw! hi.r-; ark-r aaUI aiws I. nat fa . irt f Irali. Th ' -'ilW aUI.aMli.tatWataa4 !. -rr -1 J w r-t-i r tarm af ottaa'Ut : a , i : r. r fcr t-Ai '1 taraare.aaa. aaW laa. larifc- t, x. '... 1 a-ar ".. tka !, .f.via. :H -:t S l)Ni .. fraU-a. TrOT. fJt -. --. - rafKfa.ma.taaaf. .1- a ftao. a tK ffca. QaaaMraaaJ . . . a ajat. ar - ai"- -lri aa- larllli.ui' . it r, ,i,i rarre .,,1 arfii aavtaaa aa a atMrt . . r. ... .a :h -aa liiftra a fca" W ia aa wan laeraiiiau attafU I r:,,. t'.rf V..tta4 tWJ aLrarar raa ta4 ha laa ir.t r. pm- Ui.aaeUtaa tka la Pteaiaa. aWa. . ... t . e'riaH it Van Ml taa tt aaUfMal 1 Hfi In ta trial : -- H arkvaa II la aaal. a 4 r-i? l:-a a .1 tsi vua a. Kara taa) H it Ifci h-al k af ta raakraa nj fcOaT. Pla. Tai. aad aibrr U araaa. aarkiac la taa w.-ra . f M i-a;i tlxMtaa. -a aaataaWy atUataal a-a rtr. .. ,,, a MraltM aaa..lartat. ; rr- . f iM.ttt.aaa! ataa Uaa aaea af aaa I. lr it .canal fra I Ha ar-atara. af laa Walikf ataaa.aU af taa) 't l tw 'Wli i an I baaaaaa t. t tt a. m. ' I t.-.o. -,v.t. T': of M 4rtnr. aa tarat'Iaata, aaa t ' l. -a- tr. . ?.-t 1'. i-'rt ... ira u.r rt.ttaa baa ba auraa Uha 4 At-KLK l aH-ar. R. II. MrItO!AUI 4r Cft. lifaitn'iltil lu - fni-'n ratlaiilrta- aa1 If ir.! il C.i3r.am 'prtl. Jkaaj Tafa. t-y-M'LU IY ALL I EL OVISTS A. PtJLLtU. MOTIC A COMPETENT teaehT waued b7 th lt .f January hrxl to IaL (hairaj iaf F HANK LIN ACAlI.MV.LitU i. Uaiad i;j thr N'f- M,rkviU. ittad. fur in'iU frotn ahhurv. Ajij lr to '-- 51. A.'MII.LF.Ii. Chairman .f il.f It'.ar-l of TrnHee. S.li.Wj. S.r. Nv. J. 4;8 L0WAF.D HAIGHT & CO., BANKERS, ITo. 0 VJzll Street. Hew 1 H I. TlXl . I imKLT 1LL0V i ... r, . . : w.m?uj. ' I ti t r e ' t i Ti e l.tt.irr of cir Crm u ih "7 ;ittr or Naiii-naJ lUrW. im mar d. Ii.(!ii iduai. tir firm ttai raa.ii jm! draw aa iLy .Uy "3ie a ffjj . any i.nux, ri(r4 Ittat e W " orreai o j l alUncia of five per nt , Iloti-1- U t-iT ari aalt l.ortat O 7j.- 1 ne tatw ra. and rollnl ,nrm 0 VT I ",rl H,uwul lu wnii I7;b,J turn.