I 1 1 1 ' 4 v. , 1 . .ft - -' i. ' "i ; " THE TBEMAINE ' iJ , Jr.-' (V, , iPiatrto Fortes ? .r i : -I . .. I'M,- - i r. . . ; y kra acknovicd by All who hare them In use, and by tb first Musical Talent, to be equal In inant tcppect, ,' ! fluperior to any XVXanufactared They combine Immense Tovcer Equality Gtcvcmess una jOnuzuncy j. ivne, ! Elasticity Touch, and , ( i Great jjuraHlity. ' Dealers, Teachers and others h ;.' ' desiring to rjnrchaae a first-class instrument are I ' . . i . li i 1 i i Invited to et&roine these Pianos before making he ir lelcctions eluewhcre. PATENT AGRAFFE TREBLE, Together w th all modem improvements. The aoit thoroughly neasoned timberl.be market af- I i i - ' i ! - -i r ii 1- .i . I -brda U selected, regardless of cost, as we feel . ' -j; i! '; t i i 1 assured it will be the cheapest in the rod I f -' If I I . . ' The great increase in the sale of our ins 1 :i il!..:J' I ' ;ru jments, has enabled ns to reduce our prices for 1 1 . -r ' - . i - First Class! Pianos, from ten to twentr-ilv e Tier cent, leihg than anj other house (offering the same class.of instrument) in the United States. While we: act upon the maxim of "quick aales :and small profit, we make it, at the isame time, a special object to furnish our customer with instruments in no way inferior to the best; in the market. - 1-1 ir- ' i A Many lamilieshavehada deKire to obtain a ! I 'i i ! . Piano, but could not afford to pay the'dcaler a ' !:' Ml ' ! ' J - . profit offroin $100 to $:Wt), Neither do they wisli to purchase a chean made inxtrumcn tha( would cost ; more to keep in re pair than it worth, hence a large dan of our music loving (j j J . , i people harei be'en obliged to do without. e faanfurnish lNew Seren-Octave Piano Fortei from a7 1 1 5 iJO dollars. Second .-!' ' it. (!' i -. baud Pianos trom 4 v to 50 dollars. i CP" Pnrtif s ordering by mail may rely j the best selection, i jnpoh M i i 1 j ' Our Wanes ate fully warrahted for six j-eara 3 - ,v L .'; If - ( j ' DcscifpUveXJirculaw fcnt to all parts of thw : countrr! uiioo imniij uf ion ;j country' upon application I C. M Tremairie & Brolhcii MANUFAQTUKEKS, ! 433 Eroorae Street, TIcx? "STcrlr. o i THE BURDETT i nation (With Carpenter andBtirdcWs New U ;!!. ! I I Improvements. J I The disagreeable ' . 1-.f 1: J . V reedy tone entirely over tomo in this instnimeut. 1 The Verdict It LR&iimocK! The CrcitestSuctfMofihc hull - We Phailemtht World lu Eqf l,! - . H-" i- : , I r - r. And cordially urn the profession, dealers and ihtmuqeat tcorld generally o exnmire thin truly wonderful instrument The Buidctt (jombinalitiii Atita natne Indicate. Inn - "r in, ivu UI all DDF UBd.rdiiiuproveniiH c..h..ii r it!, many new par rvra ntw t ii.rtruM.eata. tHiie tut iu X I eFM OJ iH tt public n.ind in . the dec hld favor of tu ful..t ..I ...... . . . an laitrnaitnt is required either to accompany voicaer to produce orchitstra I ejects. ere tLr With the mmltituriin latrleaU jniutle or the f 'great masurs," ran U iren aic tor tbj weWdeen c.a U playrdhya childj All tlnivarloua Improvements on the Burdett Or-.V-,r,pro,c,!U5j.bjr Ptent' belong exclmively to lht f-.w.If ,nd "" " other ortan. IfuViIl,rd.cU Or'r,"n received the Lost 'eiJiA L,kl . from- tuoiie ranking amoogttenmt of musician, and organists. dett Organ. -I t ia by l the most perfect feed inatrume it we bare ever aeeri." ?! CfW tvubrmy, ;-We had no idM ftmft"'! UI?rDt fUld b? brtBht to f acb rThe ?Ve Fork Ooerer says: '-Its pnritv ofToicinl?rrichneMofv,Ue, el'd wonderful or 1 SirrUVn:- 'f" with a number The printiand public everywhere who have bad an opportunity f listening to it beaS .trams notonly jtive UthririiiqrialifiS.rpr!l without ft rtral. J ."- 1 1 Burf'1 Pren -ang In price from $1354o $1000. iva elan V r-t.:.,'i : . t $100, &c. 1 l c-I'1'Treniaiiic & Bro., r noLisALK Agents,1 U 1 'if . V Bt.,XTew 1TOIL2C Bro 4hV A f SW.tili a atll.'ici X V Comb ' . - ' 1 "wew; McCabbins, .SilUivan & CO. GiU tuiiKivtin nff Pry UooJs, Jlanlware. (hrprie-n sOr-ef kip. l"uiti i-i.d Firm, Hat nJ apH, Ui'n! i'ainU and Iy JStwflk, iron and I Saddle. HsrneMs and Coa$h 'irin nu'rr. .ott-, Up per, Harneng and Skirting LeatLer. Blastinp and Kifle Powder, ftsptrinir- amd Tie In fact eirerj--thing THE PKOPLE NEED. Don't fail to CALL AND SEE US. I , j . T T ; They keep constantly ori hand a large Stock of GUANO, rilOSMUTES, LIME dx. Send In your Order. ! ' H CATAWBA HIGH StflOOL, S NKWTOiN, N. i . Rev. C. f LAPP, 4- B. J. D. Rowe. (late 4.fUui versify of Va..) Tbe H3th Sfssiun ,if 20 eks. Ix-trius I uitioft. f.-.. m 10 ti f 22.50 per s-s.-io!i. H ard 4 Uui.Hh'j. fr ..$t.10 prr r Tut v liarter nrihti)H ih .,f snirinu ons liquors w it iu tvvonriiits of the Institu tion I The teachers have lf -n regolarly doc td for thir rr.ffs-i.M. .tt ijhrte CoIIjjh; an: r:g tbefirtt io tht U. id ihf .discipline ami drill arn thorough. Ne toa is reinai kabjf for lea7th and iuor ality. "J" j . Fjir circular and pHrticlarj a '.lr ewtop, Dec. 5, 1S71, 12:(iii.l ID I SAL ' On th 9th day of Jcimary, 1872, I will hell at the Courl-JIoupe door, in Siates yille, the following valuable tractsand interests ini Land! belonging to the estate of James F. Bell, deceased, viz : - NUMBER ONE, Known as the Lawrence !?ract. twomill-s from Slatesyitle, cnintaining Three Hundred and Thirttio Acres, more or less, on the water of Fourth Creek, 40 to 60 acres of which is very rich crj;ek bottom, 100 or more acres heavily timbered irioh uplands, and the ha hi nee mostly cleared upland; 'idjoining the lands oflllayne-Davin, and others. J I. " "J -Kncttrn as the Gibson Tract, con tinuing iwo liuiidrect 4xrts, more or iess,tljree miles t'nlui Stattsville. On theTa 0 to CO acres well timhereil, 40 to 50 ai-res rec ently cleared, and, he remainder more worn, hijt all level clar upland capable of im pi. '.nent. No hrokep-washing land on it. Two branches, affording stock water. KTjIlBEli THttjEE. vurimD jLcicrest in tnr S. L. Rel! l,Iaei adjoining Nt. 2, the whoiv of which containing Two Hundred and Sevebty-lbur Acres, nlore or leasa. 1 l .3 - ; i i v . i One Lot in the iTown of States -ille, knwn ns the "CoSton Lot," (so Uengna-- ville, ivu , in,; eoiwuiiingoneaiHia nait Acres, riontingiin Depot street- and adjoiniugtthe De jxit lots. I i TEliMS OF SALE! Onethird (ij) cah, one-thirdi) at the expiration of hi niontlis, nnd onelbird f) withiin twelve niorths from day of sile. Interest on wo last paymehts from day of sahK Notesjwith approved cd, and title withheld made. 1 i jseenrity, will be requir- uniu lulr payment is Persons whishing to ebtamine said Lands will please call on Capt. T. A. Price, Simonton House, StatesviUe I i : J J. HERVfiYSTEVENONr f Executor of J. F. Bell, dee'd. ovemler 2iid, 1871.; j - Also, It the same time nd place, I (will sell sundry rfQtes nnd other Haiins for mohey and raiknad f tK-k belonging! to the estate if T. A. Bell, deceived. j J J. TII'RYEjY STEVENSOX, , ? ! Exenitcir, &c. 'MfbtrStVlSTl. j- tn:td8j 1 1872. " 1 t . ' .j . j I l'TV-Sl-vif'TI YtAB. i HF.,.j..fi,t:-.i uv vh gn-attlr enhd?f d .rd ir.Hon..rsotu .h- ); ,.t- j iirid inter e.i. , J -Jir, i. : ,:h.;. J wrvbi.vi.er l- .-u.m;Iu'sj p.ii t.d i:-,. prtn;,hd vl g;uil! iiutrutd witi. rHr:?;t;-Kn.rov- iH-scwig. j 'r' " Nw'lhvrtiM; , .V--: :Uks. MH.!'...sjpb-i5i ;iy, lWi,.jcri.Ly, Architcfire, Agric-clturR,- Eiigireet I ii s Siicr.t and An. FARMERS. AiEfHAKluS, IXVENTOUP' EngiUtH-rs. ChemistK.jManulattur4.rs, and ' People of all IWessi.-ns or Trades jj Will Find The SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN Of Great Valuk and Interest. Its nraletical auggptioaa-wiU save' hundred of dollar to every Eoult ludd. Workshop, and factory u the land, besides alTordiug a Cou tmual Source of Valuable Instruction. The Lditois are assisted b- manv of the ablest America and Ifopeau Writers, and having aws to al the leading Scientific and Me rhanjcaliJrnals of thf worSd.lhc etdumns i the Ratine American are constantly enrich ed with he choicest information. - ANFICAL LIST,of all the Patents Issued I 1 Pubhahejl VeekI3'. The veariv nnmiiarJ w ? ' . American nuke TwSnlcndid v0umZt yearly itne Tbcoandl Page, equivalent in size t.. l?ur Th.msand Ordinary Book Pages SPjiUlMEN- COPIES SENT KRKR 1 Termt.-fi a Yitar; $J.C0 na!f Year; Clubs ,',V,7, 'y,,i"e!, ,ur V i ear, $2.50 each, Withja Splendid Premium to the person M,, - :isrQo 01uu,c-uulfttuvgof a copyof the iSSSffS' Steeliate ngrating.: Jfic4 ol Ilc4vnection- with the nnbHeaHon fth 0"- w bpntilc AmericaD, th-, nndeMgned conduct 'he !H0&, exlerfsivp Ar j.. ; ,?,Vi .... .... ,.v iiri cj procuritic PAU;323Ss 1 -Ti,'-1 vj " -luo ) oriu ior Aaeiiesvwayr obtkin an answer to the write t TiUJUTX eL J n T t tu ework. win. h ve had o er Twentv-five For instructions conelrDin American and tnropin Pat(,ntCvea V sL , Laws.tfK:iamroation--4Exten!iiL Lft meutstc, etc. send t which' jvill b3 mailed tri I!!'0." BooK a sincls strictly confifitS aPPllc- AI' - Aadresa Mttwwt ... - mi t"" ' . . 3t:13 fi6w.NeYork. US " i 'I'lSPpClAL NOTICES. Tilly 0RK.VT PICTORIAL ANNUAL ' IIostetier' jCnitcd Slntc Almanac for 1S72, for distribtitit)!', graii throughout the United States, and hi I civilized .tountrieH of the )' int ern Mtoifphtre, will be puLlisi;el about the finU of January ( in the English, German, French Norwegian.; .. -Welah. SweedLh. Holland Do- henian , nd Spariish language!),' and all who wish to understand the true philosophy of health should read, and ponder the valuable sugge- tioti it contains. In addition to an admirable medical treatiiM on the causes, prevention and cure of a great! variety jof diseae, it embrace a large amount of information interesting to the merchant, the Inechanir, the miner, the farmer. the planter.' the professional man : and the cal culation )iav been made for such meridians and latitudes as are mut puilable for a correct and comprehensive Xatiosai. Calendar. j The nature, be, and extraordinary sanitary e fleets of Ilorittter'a Stomach Bitters, the rta ple tonic and liternative of more than hjlf the Cluixtian world, are fully set forth in ita pages, which are alcinterppr:t?d with pictorial illu trations, valuable recipes for the house and farm, hurooroir anecdotes, and other instruct ive and amusipg matter, original and selected. Among the AiinuaU to appear with the "open ing of the yeaij, this will he one of the most use jfuij and. miy bf lutdfnr Vie unking. The propri etorn, Me-.r. Hosteller & Smith, PitUhurgh,' Pa., on recc.it of a two cent stamp, will for ward a copy hy mail Ui any erson who cannot :procUi one ill his neighborhood. The Bitters art w!d in -vry city, town and village, and arc ex'en-sivtly hnbtl thri.twhout the e entire civilized world. if i liE cAi; 1 .: Jf B AND CUKE OF lON bUiMl'iiU.N. iafe pt'.ntiii JcttUob uii cwMuuiii:on ia detange- i'0a:i3. ill a uerangenieiit ioiuc:& J.hceiik uatrU.uii aiid asiii.j.atiou. by ufi..it.4f i jiieuii iu Jv piici'Mi by -w Licit the nu ttrtniritt 04 h?iuu id coaveitcu 111 to' blood, and t,..feijoc '..ijfBi iU 01 ti.e boUy, i'eiMjns with di 6cm.ou ii.iil "ii p.. led. '.having the stighteiil pie dis poa.uii t4 baituonary 4iease, or ,f they Uke coid, pstiil be v;iy 11 .b;e-to iiave Consumption of the Lungs iu Htutl,ot it logins; and 1 hoiU that it wiil le iuiK)s!iU.c-(p cure any caaeotUousumptiou w ith out Ui-sl rCsioiiuga good digestiyuauil healthy as 8'iuitatio4 'he very Urst thing to be iloue is to cieause tijentniach uuU buweia 1'rotn. all "deaseii mueca arflj sliue, a Inch is clogging ttiete oigaris so that ,tlfy jannot perforui tue'ir functions, and thea rou:4ip (ind restore the liver to a healthy ac tion. For tiii puipose the suiestand best remedv is Schenck's Alaudi tke Kills, t hese Pills clean the stomach aid bow els of all the dead and morbid stiiuethatiicalisiasdisea-e and decay in the whole system. I'iieylwilclear onttLe liver of all diseased bile that has dcu&uialted there, and rouse it up to a new and tn;itly action, by which natural and healthy bile i secreted. ThesttpWf, boe!8, and lirer thus cleansed by the use Of genlock's Mandrake l'iiis; bat thtrc re mains ini tjie stouiach anexce.-s of aclf1. tlie trgr.n is torpid: ajid he apietite poor. In he bowels the liideaisare nfeak, and: requirirg strength a up. -nip-port. It ii inja couditiou like this ti.at Schenck's Seaweed t'onij; proves to be the most valnab eieni ed.v ever discovered. ; It is alkaline, and its use w ill neutralizl all excess of acid, making tliet.tou -ach sweet and fresh; it will give permanent tone to this iDiportfint orgaln. artd create a pood hearty oppeiteaiid repsie the system for the lirst pt oeess ot a' guddf digestion, and ultimately make good, healthy,! Iiiur Dlood.j A fter tin's preparatory treat meut. whtt relnainstojcure most cases of Consump tion isthe.'ifree and persevering use of Schenck's Puimoutc iiyijip. The Pulmonic Suup nourishes the system, pi n ties the blood and is'rcadilv absorb ed into tht circulation, snd thence distri'.uted to thtiiseased Ihcgs. There it ririensall niorid mat teis. whether in the form of nbsesset, or tnberi-ies, and theij tMt Nature to e.xiel ail tl e diseased matter, tnj the form of free expectoration, v i.en once it Hjiens It is then, by the great healing ai d purifying properties of Sclienck's Pulmonic Syrup, that all ulcers aud cavities are healed up sound, and my patient is cured. The nlial,t.ina i be in in c-rtnc Con um tionj. 'o pet up n to.i a 1 etH.c am) a v o otces-t- n,s.. I'at thr b .iy w vih'-v in rieg an pet ?tr. nr. If a p- rs .11 J -"nn.f - rj-i, uie n :i nr c i.not ri:-- r So Ion a t r y 'em U l ei it p i . W- t ne. ess rv o m p i a n. w r.lt-r t tli ii. I, a jroo f priiif. a d nut i i. n. '1 e oorh to oi ( fl -h ami ifrl f ' : tht-u imtur ishdpvd t.e cav'li;s-;jF he ,hi? n...tt-r iilr en a:i i l.r tl.r.. i a 1 . ai jp? f,u Miri-8. aiid the l e sen rain ellli u.i t'ei,(rth ; 'ijh is U e l ue and oi ly p n t cure C.n u ;K iap(lfa.erg fHs i triy U' the luni iire t ..I entirely 1esitr.vt o- even if .m-'noi; en rilyc.-nr if the - li-polh vitality!, u -j the it ir o heal im, th- r in Ar. I ly I I'Hve etjk an a lulls;, livr awl f-j-iy i fe e- ck'j Vf-llcine v wi I c!r...B oit (he -! I I'Hveiei fan nefU'S nire.! it'i nlv nouml ife to piu.tl Ui ave Th s is w t will 'nto r,i -e Coi.gn 1 . -1 n. T . v m' th, s eeteit a: rl t e irihen t.. t up a to. tion,H i! g vr vfj r the ssis a c- l e need tii tloi'rl he."v lera f nil he isa'e Hat I- in he Iu- HjWtevfr t r mi may b . It is 'nip ftint th tw i!e'ui p Sc" fnck's Me.lic'n s f eK,itI',Hxerci9.-.l n t 'o lke C hi; keep iti.do in cnl ' and fxjmn ea her; - t H rin nir, anl take out J r Xerri-pt ly in a grnia' anrl aim kub Ir.e. ' 11,1 Uispnctly UHil'siood that wi en I recoinmt n ' a iia'ient in, i;e car 'ul to recard totakin. rold, irlitie u-p iiiy'tdf lne. I rfoj o lor p ei 1 reas-n A m i I o h:, feu' i tinlly r. cot- rel f era the ffrlofa had Ciirt ra,r inole hahte rela, ge iIimi one. hohngheen nttr I, :urfr; and l Is jrei-is' y the saine in regard to Ct.nnnmr.tioh., So 1 n as the luna ;.r'e m.t perfectly he ! U. Just i on s th f 1 i. inent lanter . f t II re turn of t e .;ik:e II. . rie it , that o n"-.etu.na v cu t on l-ulnii ttary p-tientsl fa i...t txposinif lh- . lVe o n attn. Fphe-j-1 a' si, f pe ial and uk-.sa t. CnTm ed onsuii.fcttves' )unKia.,a ma oi .-res, which th. Iet eij,, j n , p,.jre in : nnie. It e grands c e o- tu tuq es 'h ritv Sle Ho'iies c' ?its n my il i'A o Mihd.ie' t H nimatjo ins'ead uf i r;v kin !t mrynf I e ffc. i.iy l. n i. fln e ! u-g cai.-.t with -.e.x ,0 , p-, .. nt.ne e -ed -r. the t iiine b'a U ul Spring ( r aututu-. Ii m H'l ii ri atii c i flu nee- l s r, i rifle carif Jv ! . hi. .' ir .me . hi, . winds i s i h-. i-t f i . i " wiv" i :. cur iiiposih.lry.s 'ly p- r,. t ui, tio.d: uigli' ' ; r. - to m t U ftieriKth - s id ii ii e- i'f ol.s-rved in hi pa .ic. lnr liu"tt a y c' n un.s'.Btice- isar. b kepi o 1 e Ms ! i. s tl.e a u h w". ..leom- and nu r: ont'iin ii uptil 'he t c'y iU:i,l!t of llefh anil 1 w rrje'f( ur.d bt thistr t nt . f tie wrrgt km! nf t i:Bi ui fl .ii and U'V li tdt. g-. f,t and heart '! r !'' y it a s i oi.e Umif ni - I ". ai ,-in:.e a : v. ry nianv 'i l"s rat'int l.yi,.); av i .v ri ui ' flrst i f Oct .1 rr I xi ect t ?o e. hr' e hv bet-n cured en t -ke pofessiun of fi ne Pinn i a- the! N. thea,t Corner o irch e ts. h e I s la I b nl o i .. .i Six h a'l advice to ). - rc tnyi.retiit e ;t. f 'ui tire wons sc.- ii, ;,nv p-.rt "j t Ipir ai $ Hem di-s, so t'.at a j wordea b r-auily ur d by same. J. It. !-CHE CK M D.. 'L iNd-'p ia. JOHN F. I EKY. 8 Cu leje p.;i e. New Ycr'", Vi.ole!le i n. pe- t. a' rict i.tsi jii :: .-I :h- e.15:-m Thotisaids -attest its virtues, and from all qtiarters 'if the Globe come testimonial of won de.lul cufes performed Ly Simmons' Liver Kegulator!. - . 11 ow t get uicney is the great cU siro of ali A really Jr- od andervirable Sewing Machine that wiiljmake money for you, or help you to r,!iVe,lt-' F ii be senL to -vour oWn home on fnai for 0 days, ro matter v here you mavbe, and yotr tan pay foi it in small monthly in stallmeus, hy writing to the Great American MachinelCo.. cor John and Nassau Street, JNew YorH; or you can have a Cou;.iy Right iree, as ajrent, and make money fast. VV'e advise smart mpn t secure the tusiheis, as nothini: pays better than the agency for a goudScwirg Machine rite at once. 3:jy KOtlCE TO THE LADIES. Anion the many useful inventions produced hy thj; Nneteenth Century none ocenpics a more proinineht position than that of the Sewing Ma chine ?he cheerful hum of these tireless little helpniats of 6u;r mothers and wives mav now he heard in almost every houe in the land. Theyjar made in endless variety and one is al most at I loss tO cllOOS' wllfll tlir- of decided merit One of the latest and mo,:t lmprveig is the Empire, roauufactured by the Empibe Sewixg Iachixk Co., 294 Bowery, conseeniously recommend parties in search o. a Machine to give it an examination before con cluding o ptm hasc. Agents wanted, liberal discounts given. I N iuav2G:Jr- Executors' Notice. ALMjwrsonsi having eJrtimv against the estate tf Monturt S. McKetizie. decca-ed, an- lnjrel.y notified to exhibit th" same to the undersigned, oil or before the 23rd day of November. A. D. 1871. f ! C. H. MeKENZIE. ( j JOHN.W McKEXZIE. Executors of Mnntfnrt. S -4f.V,..,: 12;6t ' jfs" ' "wrjr' 'I ;i j ' "i 'fmmmm ,-j ' I "" . ! ....... HAS taken tlje room recently occupied by t . j ivv, ami vcucu a f ' PRODUCE COPilfJIIftninN RII.QIMC7Q.Q EIT'IIc solicits cash orders from abro d. Produce bought and shipped on Terr ihort notice. liespctfully refers to business en of the city. ! 52F"Cash; paid for alMeading articles of eountry'Produce. I L. i DAVIS, COMMISSION MERCHANT, ROOK HILL, C, Solicits ihipments ot Flour, Meal, Wheat, t'oi.ii and Outs, to be sold on CmnniisMuu. Tho e havii g products to sell should corres pond with ii. c and obtain market prices nt Rock iliil, which can generally be done in 24 hour-. Iicfere-ncc: J hn I. Shaver, Lsq., Mr. J. 0. White. Salisbury, Dec. 1,1871. ll:3m:pd lo Southern Teaelicrs and Barents A CARD JROM OEX. GOKDOX. My excuse for addressing you must be the great importance of the subject to ?vhich 1 would call attention that of the ppi-r education of our children, and the proper development of their self-respect and character. I need not repeat any commonplaces in re gard to the lasting efieet of early impressions, the almost impossibility of diverting the mind, from the bent given it in early years all this you know as well as I. Nor need I say anything about the powerful silent influence, in this edu cational work, of the school books from which our children derive their views of right and wrong, and their knowledge of the facts, or mis representations, of history for this, too, you know lull weil. And wlitn I say that having been, for long year-, almost entirely dependent upon the North for our school books, we have been compelled to use many which were very distateful lo us, because we had no alternative, I only state that which every reader can substantiate." Long before the war, we ;t!l felt tlie necessity for a change in "this respec' the necessity for unohnoxious school books for unsectiona'l, up poliiical hooks school books prepared by our own scholars, if that mightJe; and since the war (his necessity lias increased ten-fold. Indi vidual eflorts, of the most praiseworthy charac ter have, from time to time, been made in this di rection by Southern men, but not of a sufficient ly comprenhensive nature lo Hi-oonmliJi purpose in view. To meet the want thus uni ''y felt, sever : siiccissful of ..School excellence. al ol our riisest sr bo of teachers, united in pixparit Dooks unsurpassed Uy any beauty iud cheapness. Maury v.-rote Ueopsaphii-s j;. A enable wrote Ariihim i-is " liLiincs wrotollistorv, Ui.. Astronomy, 'i In as, &.c. .sis anr Kend- ers. .Scheie de Vcre un to French Hooks. Gildd-slecvc wnr.e L:.tin JWioks. Le C.'oute wrote S-ieiilie Iidoks. llunton made IVriiiiiu iionks, Vc.f Ac. And the combined M-ri s is eaiicd the 1'nirrrgity Srncs oj .S'f.oi, JJix l.y; a si t it-snot oniv not ol.jfc tionidile to our pcopu, bul positively attractive to a decree hen toiorc t niiieiv unkiiown. Our history, insiiuuions and ingles of tbooht here receive imparl ia! treatment ; and instead c.fbe injr ignored, the intere-n i f the South here re ceive equal representation. Then as to intrinsic nuiit, who knows more al.out tieorapby than Maury, or of llis:orv. and Grammar than Holmes, o"r of Mathctnafics" than A'enahle, and so on ll.roi.j;!, aJl tnt. ;t y Kaeh author is a master in his sj.eeial depa:t tment. It is for this Seri.s t,f books, so excellent, so acceptable, wo cheap (they are the cheapest books published that your "favor is solicited. The books of the l.'nircri(y b'ti ifg jire present ed directly upon their ma its : you are not asked to use inferior books. If thtse two questions can he answered af firmatively : : Are thesv hooks equal to nny in merit ? Are they as cheap as anv ? Should they not receive ymir preference ? What is more reasonable than" that Southern Schools should be supplied wilii books written hy South! ern scholars, pmvid. d they arc tqcalfy goods with those Written hv Northern n v i- ;, belter both lor us, and for our children, that- Mien hooks sitouni uc ust el : Already the response whirl wag inevitab le, to tl.is question, has come.. More than 5,000 ot onr Lest Southern Schools arensinji these books; several Southern States have aircadv a loptcd them for exclusive u.-c in their public FchooN ; County Hoards in cverv Southern State are adopting thoiu ; and the "best private sc.. oolsan replacing books hitherto used, with them. The success of the "University Scries" isunprcce den'ed in tl.e history of school bock yublishinj, and it is dcslineil to le yet greater. ' l) the j people of the South desire to rid then se'ves of obnoxious hocks and pernicious teach ings? (v.,, it be Letter done than by unanimous ly sustaining this hist comprehensive eilucaiion al enterprise of our own scholars, and "hv mak ing the " Univeisity Series'' the " t'XIFOHM SKRIKS u; EVKltY i-oXTIIF.nX 8TATK. (Including, of coiirsepaiiy other hoikl.nving equal claim fo.-consideration. i Gur schools will then be supplied with looks which thev can long continue tonsc; pupils compcik-d to change their schools will no longer l-e retarded in their studies by a change of books, for all will trse the same; and parents will be saved the ex- pcn-c oi present constant cbanires, while thev are relieved of all anxiety in regard to the char acter of the teachings under which their chil dren are brought. This sul ject, in a',1 its 1 csrinps, is of the ! importune K. no nn j..v.-!P,v countrymen, it is not a sectional movement; but a national and patriotic one. It is nut a mere rivulrv be tween different publisher?, t.r I would not pre sume to ask your attention 'to it. It goes down deep into our dearest interests ; it i the form ing of the minds of your children and mine which is at stakej the developing of their self respect and character, which is to he the result. It is an enterprise so imjx.rt.int to us that our best citizens our representative men in even State, to the number of Ct'J and more, the men we all honor and esteem h.-ive nm i into the work, not to make pn.t' out of it, af- inowgii mat is certain, l-ut th. should not be lacking top prise on the largest sc.tle. Will the teachers and p; unitedly sustnin tliese author.-. : men, in the work thus descrilw and ing tlu-se books to tke : w acceptable? I do not rfnni, idant means the entcr-- ' " the South .hcse petit le by adopting .-ion of ali not -ur answer. Jt yo' desire further inf-irmntif.n in ...i ... the books, wrile to lhe Umr.rjify PuolUhinq Compttny, loo and 1 57 Crwbv St., New York or 54 Lexington St., Daltiii.ore.-or to meat Atlanta, Ga., and lllustuted Catalogues, and other information, will Le st-nt lo mil at once withont charge. " ' 12 ' rA - J. B. ooiinnv MEUO.NEY fc BROTHEIT" CALL ATTENTION TO TUKIK Foundry , .tlachin e Shop , , Aad JTaalB g 3IHI. Thre" & Horee-Powera repaired, bashes, Blind and-Doon, ruade to order. MILL Gmiixc, GUDGEONS de A1 it hi IOt f Toba Figures 'a1S. 15 hors Pwer Portable Ream Ermine ! I " ' ...... j Overman, Holmes & Co., in Murphy's Granite 1 W TP W ii ia W j ; -i o I AM NOW OPENING much thelartrsl Stck Gii'la I ever fferetl' in thi market, aud can hold out greater inducements than ever to the Wholesale and Ketail Dealer. With 20 years close expeiience iuth Trade. I think no dealer will run any risk in giving my stock a close examinntiou before making his purchases, either nt wholesale or retail. I call attention to a few leading articles which will aid in reaching the IIP STORE. Drv Goods in all ihe various departments; Notiofls. Iiady Made Clothing. "euts. un- i der-wear. Pant, giinda. Hats and ( aps. Ro.its aud Shoes, Stationary, Wail and Curtain Paper. Bolting Cloths. HARDWARE AND J CTT1I Nails. , Sho I Spades. Iron. Steel and Castings, rugs. Medicines. I PAINTS. OILS of all kinds; Dye Muffs aud Crockery . Coffpp, Sugar, Molasses, Salt, Cheese, Soaps, Caiu'lcs, Spicis of all kind?, Con fectioneries, .s'uts, Candies, Currant, all complete in that Hue ; upper, sole and Harness LK ATII Kit. I deal heavily in all kinds WHISKIES. n.iil MtANDIES, and call your speci ii attention p T . Foster's OLD LO(; CAIUN W IMS KE , unsurpassed by unv. I .nn ai-iii tor the fimous WATT Plow: WheTler, Millck & Co's muisurpassed Tin ether arid Cle.iner, at manufacturt i a price:, STRICT attention given to all orders. I BUY ALL KINDS OF Qf Very ibMukful f..: the liberal patron age given me in my busi.u-ss ronnectio;is heretofore, I hope to earn u continuance "I; the same. My saleMueu, under nrobent urange:neiits, are : I ; Ceo. E Bo-nan, M. F. Hunt, Jno. L Burke, M. A. Vanderford, Mon-8 L. Ued. ! TEOS. J. FOSTER. No. 34 Main street East Ward, Salisbury, N. C j 3m:8 Oct. 3, 1871. IVolicc in ISaiikrupicv. niSTmcT COURT OF THE U. STATES VFor the Cj Ftr DitrU-t of N. Carolina. i IX HAX IItl ITCV. In the flatter of Samuel Crose, bankrupt. JJOTIC'E. This to give notice that a r petition has lcn riled ly Samuel (Sroseof Mecklenburg county, in aaitM)i tnct Court, who has heretofore Leon duh declared a bankrupt upori the K-tit.on Jf Creditors, under the Act of Congress, enti tled An Act to establish uniform' svstem of bankruptcy throughout the United States approved March 2d, 1867. for a discharge' and certificate thereof, from all his dchN and other claims provenbV under the said Act. and that on the 20th dav of Doecrhlier 18.1 at 10 o'clock, -a. m.. in SuHtfbuh-. at the office of K, II. Uroadtield, one of the Registers of said Court, in Bankruptcy at the time nnd place aligned for the hearinc ot the sanic, v hen and where the creditors may attend and show cause if any thev have why the prayer of the said jK-tifion should not be anted. WM. LAHKJXS. cfk ot the U. S. Dirt. Court of aid Dist. ll:2t:pd Nntice to .-v. 0iiees. .: in Dankru4..cr who have l ad .r, .aPI' -"t acceptance pi.blis. . a)!. havp noJ w be same, rcquc to forward amount ( 5J and obii-c . Tin; LIHT011. Look! Litigants! In pursuance ..f an order from thn f;.,Ter uor ot North Can.liria. a Serial Tmn ,f the .-upennr Court for the County of i:,m-n. for the tnal of Civil Causes, will U held ..n Monday, the first day of January, A. I). ls,2, at whMi Tern, ,f Mid Cart parties and witnesses ,n all CIVIL Causes art here by not, Bed to appear and prosecute or de fend their suits. D. A. DAVIS. Chairman o4 xx- '"unty Couiu,iwi..nfr. OBADixn W uoDSON, Clerk. 10 2t Cheap (Jhattle Mortgages, " n4 Tiriow ortw Wank for m! hire. ill rSTAECOOlONft STOVE, j THp best and cheapest design erer yet . Inrcnlod. Witnesses on the cround whow: experience prova it. It ia.tiinplc tr.dci rily nianaged. It has the. largest oven of any Store made in America. Other vari eties 4lao on hand. All sold cheaper than any Store peddler can sell them, and war ranted to perform well, t Tin! Ware on hand, and tin, copper, and sheet-Iron work of all kinds done to order With fopatch. BKOWX & WEAXT. MERONEY & BROTHER DEALERS I!f D01IZSTI0 & FANCY GOODS, ! - i Furnishinir OootK Ilosicry, Dross Trimmings, White Goods, I i I isoots, Miocs, iiats, catis, anocEiuES, confectioxeuies, &c. Z?They are agents for Sewing Machines, j 'Agricultural Implements, &c r PHILIPS & BROS., Main ftreetf tteo doom alote Crurt-Hove. ON SALE Fresh ind salted FISH of all "kinds a full sopplrl of Family Groceries, Liquors, and Yankee Notions. Also, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, Domestics, Yams, fc Crockery. All going low for cash and country pro duce, iCall and try them. fMar 24 WdnUd, 100,000 lbs. old Bones. V. WALLACE Asks public attention to his large & select S3 tools, or Goods, eompriiinp evt-rythlag In the Mercantile line, antl offered as ehenp at the cheoprtt ! hisremiininf I7afcT stock at cost, in which great bargains are daily piven. The high est casl prices, paid in Goods at the lowest rates, for all kinds of Conntrj Produce. Furs! Furs!! Furs!!! Bring all your Fum to WALLACE. PAINTING. C. M0RING & SON, EOTJSS, CI01I & 02IIAHS1TTAL PAINTEES. SALISBURY. J.IW. BITTING, M.IX STREET, SALISBURY, VHOLhSALE A RETAIL DEALER Iu general Merchandise, Embracing all LEADING art icle. Burs and sells all kinds of Country Prwlure. Wholesale Liquor Dealer and Commission Merchaqt. Agent for Navassa Gcaxo Co. Orders solicited. R. w. rmcE. T. J. PRICE. PEICS & BRO., HAVE orExr: . Family Grccci -e .In the new building lately occ .1 bv (J ('.Smith selling a choice selection of j articles in ti. .me at greatly reduced prices j t lour.: Meal. Hcon. Butter, Ijrd. Ac., all freh aiuj sweet, always ready. CofTcc-s. Su guars and Teas, to suit the 'fancy. Bring your Produce and trade with PhiVe lino. BfRTOX i'UAir. F.ait CRAIOK. PDATlf P, ni) irriTt VXiXXXVJT Ci Lv UiA,n iu, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, -V(. 6 Co'ineil trfd,oinu the Court Iluune. rRACTICK in the Superior Court of Rowan and ad joining otHintic; in the Supreme Court at Raleigh. jnnd in the I'nittd Stan Circuit ami District Courts for the Dit. of North Caroling March 23, lt71. OlTice. corner of Church and Innix j streets, S-dUbury. ( t . WxL JI. BARKER, i ' Coach Haker, ijL-. Is mcuti fact u ring all kinds of vchich-s at his shoji on Lee Mrctt. Any one needing a rw.'y a and fine job an get it here. Callai.dM-e. All work after the mot appi-oved (vitteros, and will compare with any; erth or south. i jMtr ial attention invitMl th his light work, and to his paint ing and trimming. KT0pc:uei.tal and SIGX Palmin? done with neatness and dispatch. Salisbury, March 23. 44 COME TO BOOKS!" THE SALISBURY BOOK 8T0IU:,' i By J. J. STEWART, is the ph-tce to get Books, from A. B. C. tp vard, uutil you ran learn to talk in lan gUHgtMl,icli few can tmlertand -hool h-Miks- foil wries of all the inot iptilr authors, . Also, any amount of Bibles, Te taincnu. Jl;i,m liooks, Vocal and Instru incntal Music Mfgtgfa Books, Copv Book, BJank Jlf IUVf. 3Ienio randups,;rcn, GiauAajr Pencil, papers (lVritingnd Wall.) Ink and Ink-Ktand', with a long catalogue of Story Hooks. BINjCHARfi CO. rJFFl ! IIOLEHAI.K AND MKTAIL jenocTRs, 3Iain St. SalUbun. Are receiving a rerv l.ir.rf. i .r Salt, i Sugnr. Jlolaiwe, Bacon. Cheee, Candle. ot SP. Ponder, Shot,' Whi' - Brandy, ; ToUkti. W(x, " -. Ware Crockery jr 11a., Ware, and ai, artic le usually in t.. Jr-erv line. nhih e arc ellmg at.M ,.,lealc and n tail the nut favorable ft erm. Now in Store. r0 sack Coifee, CO bbl. Su-ar. 0 boxes Camlh-. CO - M o0 gross Gail & .Vi' mr. Scotch SimfT I FOR SALE LOW, g' The ven- bcf-t Kcrocne Oil. Pure Clari6ed Cider Vinegar. Pure CAmlie. Raien. Nuts, Cheese, Crackers, Com Starch Hecker'a Farina, Cox's Gr!atlne ' f Desicated CocoanuL - Royal Baking Powder Jusrtcccired at BI5GnAM & CO'S. JOHN S. HEN DEE OH. Thankful for past firors his the v to announce the receipt of her Fajt OP MILLINBUY XJOODs, Hats, Bonnet, Chignona. SwhclW rV, , Flowers, Riblmns, 4r, Pht receinng additions to h , S3 ! thus keep, on hand the latlS Her Flovem arc verr beautify 7', and sec. Orders elicited. Berai--!4 done as nsuaL Si HZ1? 9rrn-: the Boy.lvn I - A... N. : ': Si an at- . r as an oi Reception Chairs ar.d Tartor S-t. A!-o, Rustic Window Shades, a novelty f r com' p!etenes.lw;iuty,4;hc: pnesx ami iurah;iitv. Also, many itherartidMi whit h we ar j i'e parel to wll u cheap or hea han ..nv House in the wot em part of . . State. X .-. full a-4M.... en t Rosewood. M' 1 al io and Wahiu! Burial Ca4-. which tan 1 furnihel at '.I bum mtic-. Be sure to call nearly ojiirfisRc 'he 3Iaa sion Hfittl. nct door U-iov the if pr otiie. M-e our tH and hear our price.. Special rd r- (made from photographs in our office) will ! s upp'.ieil. C. F. EAEEE & CO. W'hol'tut . pfiul Irnlrr in Tin, Shsct-Ircn zzi Cqrcr Vtzzo; Cook, Parlor aud (inite Stote?, of every sire and quabl v. STILLS repair ed, hu- R(Hftd. Gutteretl and Sjui;t-d. all at slirt no; in- and i'i the 1-1 itmr-ntr. Work WAiihAMui. Full : k f Ware in Store. We 4 hi. not 1- under-old. Highot pric- paid fcr o'd copjw r. J. ALLEN BfiOWN, ni:i:( haMjii.4. in G 11 A I X, K LOU It, 1 1 A ;. SALISDURY. N. C. v.ahr it, pn:i: pkiuman fvrj.vo, nnd other rcanh'c lYrtilmr. Ali-o. Luie, for building k- wcil m- aik ultural umb. Office at Wm. 0l.i:MAN K S?c SIm- Mi-n, Main tr-et. J ALLEN BROWN, TEPRBSENTS seera. of the lcJiijg and not rc-o,i-ib.e in hi it-..lotU Fire and Life. l-uc polic'ur, at be iow est rate. Office at ' ' Wm. Ovkrman a Svv' Mi4H- St,?re . ntrr wvsi-ii7s:i.;-,r lauur ti:i: Clctc: iTnel iv 1 1 t e use f I . .VA1 K!t SOAP. jmm t "SW W .V- id lor :,u-.iKr ut: I T'rir;- L;t. A(,KMS WANTKI). WILSON, WKKWfMifi. EVF.r.ElT A CO, 1 Mutts m jj y rk V.U 4,-rt.l. - 1, t , . , Xrtl, ,,, rbtd S.tS Car- t l.r r. i.. .: r. , , T R "ETE S. Fruil and Ornamenlal, For Autumn or IJS7I. W iurttelU ltmi!on rf-t,fl muttlta.r l't our lar?tno corny'., . ,lo f UnJaid and Ji.ofl t L.t tjfen. irt Vn.e M4:i fri.it. ruu.fRt. Ire Mitl. nr.1 lltf, ?'m " d,.,:'"' ' rn ' (mm Tire.. -No; . - inc. , ? . -hmU- Aj.',r. ub!'1 ls 4.l4'.r. N. V. Band Leadcrw. For wmHlitc ir.eifSmr. i.d ten :i('i)n t U30. W2 WILL VATSZ f3 A reu tOO per etk to e 1 tnr pat a4 ', d r-oT4?rW. If-roq vant rrwtoetit. Unora'. ad ..usttk piy for rrtict,itr. .cre-. A Mllion Dollars, Pk'4d hut4)'irt ",ea ctt; . al, B f, r-cr 1 1 tealina tie ecretof tL Krlt ui- i j.e r lt ' rr-.ji0 ax. N- WI. Iiand Dcctls, fru?tce Vccd?, Commissioners DmU, Sheriff Deeds, Chattle Mortgages, &o. ' For Sale at ih; W. .si