Uiiitfljmiitt M ' i PUBLISHED WEEkLY BY J.J.I UJtUXEIt. . j? , Editor xh Proprietor. i BATES OF SLIICItlFTION Off. J PAR, payable 'iu advance. ....$2.50 Sit Moxths, 1 " i i.5o fopies to ,oe aJdrvsff .' O.CO i hate of AttverttBinq. . i 1 i & Ole Square, first insertibn $1,00 far each additio'iiaruisehiou. . .' 50 Special notice will be'eharged 50 per cent higher than the abovf rates. luunnnnu .justice s vraerswinue publish ed at th Mine -ratesj with other advertise ments. .1 J i pbituary notices, over six liues, charged . CONTRACT RATES. H c O s 5" (t "1 if Acs. o a c c 6 SO c 1 Square. 50if :i 7' $5 00,.i7 50 $ 12 00 '2 Hqoarea. j 4 501 (J 8 50 12 00 20,00 38iuare. ( 0 0i 0 (M 12 00 18 00 25.00 4 Squares, 8 00 1 1 00 15 00 25 00' 33.50 1 Column. !'18 00 24 00 .10 00 40 00! tiO.OO i jGoluma. iifc!5O0 35f)0. 45 m 8 OOilOO.OO The srm ptoras of Liver jcomplainf arc uneasiness and pain in the side. iSoim-tintes the pain is in the shoulder, and in ml. ttkeiv for rheumat.Mn, jthe stomach' is affected with low 01 appetite and sickness,: bowels in ciiuui .jrti,rt wHucwuirn-nurnmung Willi lax. jiflie hitxl Tb (rouble)! x,xVisiti wjllj uaiintid dull, hea vvMicrvfatioit, considera ble loss of meniorvj ac Konipnniejd with painful fciwuion ol having left Undone soniethim- wight te Have betn dym. Often coiuplaining of weakness, debiliijr, and ilow spirits. Sometimes maiiy ofthe above symptoms attend tbijdiscase inj it. other time Very few of them; but the UTr is generally me orgs Cure the Liver witji ' inn niowt involved. 1 . M i DU. .SIMMONS' LIVKU UEI3ILATOR, preparation roots arid irrbM, warranted to be Strictly vegetable, and fan do no injury to any One. It Ium brc ied by hundreds, and known for, the lat.4) years a one of the nioft reliable, Xficm-ioim and huramle jin-pnratioim ever of frrrtl to the: sufilring. If taken regularly and peisirtteiiliy, it m sure to cure 1 tUyipHia, h e a d ac h e, I lj:mnru'iv-ostiveneSfiek AeSfUlatdr. I beadaehe, chronic diiirr-hipa,arttt'tUm!oftheblad-; ZnZmZZl k'U-r, eainii ilvKcnterv. nf- . , . , , iiiirii I'll 1 1 1? Ull" t of (lie fkin, Impurity of tlie Mood, melan cJjoly, or lff.rebni of j'iirirn, bb.-irlhurn, c)lic, I'-pains in tl.o fxiwd-f, .;iin hi the hend, fever ijt" "KWj diowv. hoi Is, pain-hV the back, Ae. prepared only by J. II. ZK1MN ( ()., , . , i ., ..riiisK, Macon, Ga. rrice, $1; by pn $127. ror mile by T. F. KUTTZ & CO., frb24 ly, ; - s.-ilislmrv v o SALE. r im n0 P15:fy 0 Jnuar7, 187S, I till m at UVe-fJcm t HouM; iloor, in SrnteV Vi.le, tfce ftillowin"; valuable tract and interest j lw,t,ni1g to the estate of JanieH F. WI, awcanl vit : ' NUiMBKR ONE, . Known as the'Irawrfrnce Tract, J0"'1 ni KtalvMrille, ejpHfUaining Three Hundred and Thwty-two Acres more-or lew, wthe walemof-FpHrth Cmk, 40 to CO acre w winch, is ve ry'rlfh cm k bottom, 100 r more let heavily limbered rich upland,- lnd the Wan!,lV,,t S!rt d upland V'hiing the Uh(kof ilavne Dffvii, q., and others. h I " -- -' ; - KNU31BRU 1 ; v ITHaWm L A mm mm mmm WJ? u s 1 wioson vract, con ning no Hundred Acre, ircreor le, three M r!'toS"liIle- onaheTavlrville ronl, "v 7 YY?yrr.V" junuereit, 10 to n0 avres re weni,b,n ail u td Vlj.y upnd VAvMv 0f -prpveaieuL lo broken . washing land on it. ito branches, afibrdini' L t 1 vicir-u, ami i:ie remainder r0nt.fifth Intcreat 1n the T. i A. place, adjoining No. 2, the whole of winch mninf iwo Hundred and Acres, knors-tir Vsmmi I Evenly -four i : . 1 1 N.U3IBER POUR 11 cne-thud. ) p tho txplrsiHin f , VwwlhsJ aa one tlnrdi (11 Vithm. twelve nioi il..' Of aTd. Ihterest bn Cw last payiuenta fron ntm r r T ,i- .... - " .- Note, ajOl'IIvCifrtctirt wift be.Tcqilirt ' snJ t iL I ..'.I I l" . 1 . sndlitla IwitblKld ;vnlil full pavmoil is 1 tu uha .rersoha Vhishinc to examir.p snbl T .nnituvllt :rrati -on l apt. 1. A. I'rite, Mimontun OTenibri22f; lJ7lf 0 1 u AKtUfsiiniiioieriMl place, IwiJlaell sndf MUa iwt other -rlaim- for niouev and J. IIKIiyKY STEVENSON, WeoiUr22, l$7li Executor, Ac LU.tda , 1 13 HRiiwnv daUd September- 15th. 1854 fur 11b it WotK In the North Caro4 11 11,? .Road Cmpany. issued to J..hri .7!0:na beeuht, and that anDlical s 7 , H ,,m!e upw Certificate, falubuN' c.JDer. 15. 1871. JOHN M. 1IOKAII. Oh HtJ'l' it V It if i Carolina LAND 7aTa OneXbt In tho knowh ssThe "Cotton lt (1 ntu,on pi-pot ect,, a.iil mtjoinuig the Mfeffleii; WATCHMAN OFFICE is well supplied with j V ! I! ' i ' - - f s ; ;A large ami elegant assortment of ft 1 Mm Alibi- son Pictoria or (?UT ILLUSTRATIONS &C. 1 ; . suitable for allrinds of i I- " 'I " I . ' M I 1 Mill PRINTING. Also Finer and more Ornamental Types for Business & Professional Yisiting, Patty and Wedding Cards ; Collelelarid School Circulars of all kinds .11 Tobacco Notices and LABELS " for all purposes r Magistrates ! J anl Solicitors ; i -! ' ! 1 ; -ft ( .i. Or anything else required in the I . 1 1 1 -1' 1 . u Printinff Line. 1. 1 . AB -1 A NEWSPAPER, 1 - ' Is a candidate for public favor. Its 1 . !. circulation is goody and its standing ! I -'H and patronage improving. It is one I s ir of j the best advertising mediums in the State, and offers its facilities on as liberal terms as any .MERQ25EY. & pRQTHER, CALL i; ATTENTION TO THEIIl foundry,. Machine Shop A&d rianln; mil. jThreshers & Horse-Powers :reDaired Sashes, Blinds and Doore, made to order. ' 1 CASTINGS ccn as MILL GEARING. GUDGEOXS. t vut sell a lot of Tobacto Fixtures. Also, 1 A 15 horee Tvrtwpr Pnrt a l? 'r x -180- AISborBeriwerPortapleStmEngx PLAIN 1 1 - WILL ! i L I 1 j y PAWPl-TTirT ; i . I i h or Clerks, , ! i - .' . - " THE ':r,1 - f:.: (taroltna ulntcljman I1! From the American Farmer and Register. WORlf FOR THE MONTH. PloHgJiinfVho utility of Fall and Winter ploughing for the Spring crop?, is generally adruiited by most good fanners, whn the lad is pt a tcnancinus texture. It is perhaps Letter for r nch, than upon lighter soils but ;care niut be taken that clayey! soils jshall not be ploughed when wet. During January and February, it frequently happens that the weather will I permit; this Work to be done, and for se veral reason!) it M important that the cul tiyatorf shou d avail himself of any such opporlunitief that may effer.lst. It renders sue soils more pliable by the meliorating influence of thefiost ; 2d. It destroys the "grub; worm which would oth erwise be dominant until the spring, when a resuscitation to active life renders it des tructive :d the early planted corn aud 3j' iu lddUlon t0 ,he nP'-vi tu iu piiyeucai cnaravier or me soil, oy exposure to the ! frost,, it ad vances the work iu the ppiing, when the farmer ha 80 nwinyi daties jto perform, that this, which is neqiessary to be well done at all times, can no receive th.it care and atten tion that is requisite. 1 fences. t roml a letter to us from a practical an(l intelligent Maryland fanner we extract he following concerning fen ces : For seral years we have been re pairing thejpld worm fences' with G bar post and rail fencp, taking the old rails for the new I fence; and we have saved enough to Jceppjhe old ne in repair, without cutting 100 new rails for inside fencing, lor ;jen years. 1 mate my own I make fencing, hewing and morticing the po.ts with a dbub ed edged mattock bitted aie, never boring them, as those chopped out are decided !r better. You can graduate the holes ; t ie rails do not need half the pointiing, arf ; not father edged, and the posts will five years longer than the bored;- ones. PIIOSPHATJtS AND ASHES. Tlie giatvalueof the furtiliz rs to the farmer is forcibly shown by Di. Nichols, j an extract liin wliose address, lately de livered, We I'ave laid off for insertion in our pages A wnjer upon the same sub- ject present somr'rcmai ks which are also worthy of bing published : si: f " Most farmers express themselves per fectly satisfied w?ih barnyard manure, thinking tluit perfectly sufficient to meet the requirements of any crop; and, in fact, they dd not know that one crop dif- lers li rom another in the nualitv of it fertilizing f6od Barnvard manure is excellent ; and, btins home made, i tin- cheapest iufjillibleresinrce of the farmer. Bat there are crops which require a strong er element added to it. In the majority of farm crops, the moft pnwerln! fertiliz ing mgrediejrts are phosphate of lime and potash Ifp farmers can be practically taught thai the i U rmixture of tl one two elements to theirj manure, any kind of crop can be made jto pay back the cost in a tenfold f io, thus enabling their home madtt manure to gp over a larger surface, a great andfimportant result will be ac complished in the improvement of the a-ri- culture of tlie eountry. ISeet lioo bugar. The Droduction of beet-root sugar, which commenced sixty ycars-ago in France, has gradually ex- tendetf thrriughout the continent of En- rope.ptntil now jabout 2,000 establish- ments are employed in its manufacture. In 1870, according to Dr. Votlcker 680.- 000 (totis were produced.. Another au thority placies the -amouut at 900,000 tons. This is jmorfe than lone-fourth of the "entirn sugar crop; of thcjvholcrwoHd, so far as knownl ; 'Tie manulacture is ealninir groupd in Englan'daud has already be- come Bucci?ssiuny establisbed in the U ttate,s,h in , Wisconsin and California. In Illinois! it is1 hardly successful as vet. Thi Sacrmenta Compnny, of California, made last year MJU,O00r pounds, with an abso lute pec extending 4ieir operations. In Wico,i. the experinient has been enuallv u.na' tui. ; the exDenment muri. in Tli;,a . 1 . i 1 J few years ago failed, more from want of experience than any other cause. Th managers afe hopefulof finally succeeding 1.1 umimg jneir ousmess profitable. Cv Fder.-i. correspondent of the JUassacfiusetts l'ioughman says : flam thoroJngh going believer in corn p.ddi and I aay to ali 4 farmers cr t""-'- iiij: email tarins, more likelyto h. fff.cd by dry season, be sure; ip putja goodly piece of land to fod .y, , f oiec very nanay, even 11 your nay crop j most abm-danr. In my ease Mrely npon this year's growth of corn luf&ier to take eiht head of cattle at least season.' half vay tl irontrti the feediii , line best mode of fatenln- l.rro :,. a stall is tBie Lngjish one of attaching a 1'ght weiglt to the end of the halter allowing ifi tq run, up and down under tlw manger, which should always be bourdon Z If V 71 .1 YT a,w8Tr lcd rangenaent, the hort 'jJif anEcient liberty and yet has no chance of getting cast by stepping o7er his halier; Beet Sugar .houdV sugar factory at Alvai ado, California, has just turned out a large lot of beet sugar , floor the new beet crop. lie quality is said to be the best. ,It in of a white, granulated sub stance, aud is as sweet as the imported sugar V. It has hitherto taken S3.000.000 to supply California wiiU.agVrf wUe now there is a prospect that in a few ream it will be able to export thai article. -Mr. Will iam K. Baker ' kss , broutrht several wild buffalo or bison to hi ..t.k faim at Wellessley, Mass.. and will trv the experiment of croscinsr' them with Jersey. Ayrshire and l)nrham tnV This experiment has been Wed with poor . 1. 1 i results nereiotore. The Canada thistle is makin? fearful headway in Bnreau and I Salle c-untie Illinois There are about sixteen acres in Bureau, and L Salle has at least two thousand acres of them. So it is said. and allow lis to suggest to all concerned that in it few years, unless it is checked and exterminated, there will be two hun dred thousand acres covered with it. WAR WITH SPAIN IMMINENT THE TRIBUNE FULLY COM MITTED TO IT. - ' We have already iutimated that a war with Spain might renew the fast relaxing noiu ot 1'icsiueui Uraut uuou the a-onle of the United States, aud secure his re- uomiiialiou and re-electiou. In striking confirmation of our position. we observe that the JV. Y Tribunc-vnvK 10 spicuous among the Republican jour nils ot the country hitherto for its oppo sition to Geu Grant in commenting up on our ariicle. takes the er&und and we quote its own words that "The wrongs against American citizens in Cuba, which remain unredressed by the au thor.' ies of Havana aud the Cabinet of Madrid are gross and intolerable.' Intolerable means "no to be borne." The' wrongs, therefore, which citizens of the Slates nave suffered at the bands of Spain are noi, to be born or endured Wiiat is not bo borne, it follows, is in 1 nil huiui; way 10 ue rrarec'tieci. 1 uese wcouzs. then, are to be redressed. The Tribune goes on to say that these ougs aie virtually admitted to b gross i-.l il - t a and luioK-rauiu fty the Ueuartaieul ot 1 ---- Foreign Affairs iu uiadrid." Ilavin-r sat isfactorily established these two points, namely, ibai, llieee wrongs are "gross aud intolerable" aud not to be endured, aud that 'ilu-y have been virtually admitted to be do by the L)'pai tiuent ot Foreign Affairs iu Madrid, liie J ribune eaye : "A joint commission for the consideration and Rett lenient of claims arisinr under these out- rigCR has been negotiated by Gen. Sickle?, at Madrid." But it add? : "The fatal point at which all diplomacj breaks down is that Si.ain h ceared to exercise hiiv authority in Cuba. It fe at wcUm to viakt (?eiUic$ and conrv.tion about mailat in the Antil le xrith Sptiin at it would u to malt a treaty with Oiucn icTontAa6ou JlassachuMtts, because her a aerators once reigtied over that territory. When all diplomacy breaks down, and all treaties are useless it is clearly time that something else should be done. What shall it be ? The Tribune answers with sufficient distinctness iu the follow ing language : are calamities a bad as war and the worn of them all is for a nation to forjret no far its evi- dent interests And its wlf-rtpett a to submit nncumpiaininpiv 10 iiwnn ana onirage. j . n Bna oturaSe. in. 8hakcn by the shoulder and heard a wild Jounson, retu ned the bill to tbe Senate, tS'P1- 1 "I" '.-"d.wbere Storie naU-d. with his objections. It doubt whether "it i- tos- above me ston i my mother w;:h a drawn "a notwn .isu&diug those reasons, it was f iTiic Kuy vi iifii i im vi uuil iCFy ve1i. vnteeis in (Jubn mut i mi. we previously doimt uhptlier : rxu- ... . ible for Spain to apply the proper rensedy." Of coursp. fl l othpr n.f.nn j ha vino- f i"led, as alleged by the Tribinc,lhc only 1 intolerably hoi a it had been. The for reserve b f i for "civilization" as'tbat pa- j ept beyond the dealing must have been per call it muxt be waT. I burning at its edge, and the strong wind 1 lie J rtOiine. tnilS. Uavinf nrOVedth.lt war ii ! inevitable, goes ou to declare, in snbitance, that the only, question remain ing is, when it shall be ' declared. Its words are : "The guestion for our Government to decide is, at what paint Iiall conclude that Spain has j had sufficient indulgence to restore authority and order1 in the Lland." The 'Tribune shows plainly the occa sion the necessity of a war with Spain. How easy it will be to progress from this oue step further, to the conclusion '.hat Gen. Grant is the best, man to conduct this war! See how suddenly this war cry has made a distuiguislifd rival can didate for President a hall-convert to Grantism ! Does not this Indicate that a war with Spa'n will be popular T While the 'Iribune confirms thus strong ly the views advanced by THE SCS, it differs from ua as lo the object of Gen. Sickles's returh. The Tribune says : "He is here to aii as far as possi- ' ble with his measures now Ring": counsels and assistance in the taking to break op the Erie Gen. Sickles himself, on the other hand, when told that it was'rnroored that he bad come over to help tiro English stockholderi' in Eric, replied: ''There is liot a icord of f ruth in it." We do not doubt thai tbe Iribune and Gen Sickles are li.. ..: 1 equally aiucere; but we Jis subject Gen. Sickles submit that on thia bas the best means of information. We may add that if Gen. Sickles had come home for th numose kttrihiited tn him by the Jri'2uie .jio. would deserve iu stant dismissal from office. His conduct would be as bad.. as tJ.hat ,pf General , Schenck in London, when, has been generally condemned by , the American press and the American. people. To clear the reputation of ih'e darioe- and distin- guistied Ueneral trom the blot or suspicion which th rrt-uuwitrjugly, without propose that a committee be appointed by Congress to nVMtir, 7. Gn. Sickles', mission, and the object of his return to the United Statc.-.Y. T otffl. A TEURIBLE EPISODE. Fearful Struggle urith a Maniac in the Burning Woods. One of the survivors and victims of the late fire in Wisconsin relates some thrill ing incidents of these disasters. Sub joined is the experience of a lady : Night was coming on, and 'since noon we had nothing to eat. 1 did not feel hungry, but was tormented with though s of what m?$ht happen if we shouldt reath a place of safety, for I feared that Louis would give out, and that was one reason that made me carry him. My arms ached, and my limbs were scratched bruised and blee.Hug. u I mide good headway, and soon cai.1- to a natural f1firiitn. sn fit, ililil,..- ..:,t i" ... ...... v uir luiuiti eiuc Ol WlllCU V 0 sat down to rest. By this time night had cmc on, and what a night 1 No moon, no ars, but the clouuy heavens lighted uo afar with the horrible fiies of the burning woods The clearing ni which we sat waa th dried up bed of a stream, which for some unaccountable reaaou had thickly wooded shores, and we were at least 200 leet from the edge of the forest in flames. All this time Louis, manly little fellow that he was, had not even aeked for food, nor had he cried since I myself foolishly frightened him. I had heard my husband speak of a stream which had ion dry, but that was in a north-easterly direction from our house, and notwithstanding the tact tlmt I was lost, yet I had a general notion that I was approaching Wolf river. 'I he stars could ive me no information, for I could not see them. What to do I scarcely knew ; and when the heat of the fire be came such that I could not doubt that it as near I determined to press on away from it, and taking Louis's baud I set ou . Hardly had I risen from the ground when iti the direction of the woods on the other side of the clearing, I heard a crash ing noise, a mingled gnashing and hoarse barking, which 1 instantly recognised as that ofwolvts. I scarcely had tine to snatch up Louis, and run behind a pine tree, whose trunk was at least six feet in diameter, before I heard them scrambling up the side of the hill, aud felt them rush by me. I looked out and could see their eyes commg toward me like the wind. They did not stop for an instant, and when they passed, there came in their track a herd of deer uttering cries that seemed almost human in their intense agony. They ran blindly, for something more terrible than wolves were behind them ; they struck the tree and were hurled back by the shock, some of them falling back upon those behind. The stampede seemed to last ten min utes, and when it was over, and I, trem bling with fear, dared once more to emerge from the refuge and look across the clear ing, I saw the woods at its edge already burning saw it lurid through the smoke, and felt its terrible heat upon my (ace. 1 turned and Bed in the wakeof the wolves. My shoes were stripped from my feet, and ; ays, emphatically, that " curses are like my ankles were torn and bloody. Fallen processions, they i'retorn to where thev tree lay in my way, but I clambered rl out." Other things, beside mahdic over and crawled under them in my des- 1 tions, take the same course, and we have perate flight. 1 was agonized with terror b7 ,n m3' rms I must have fainted, for 1 knew notb - ; ing of what passed until I was rudely : shaken by the shoulder and heard a wild I knife in her h".r(. The woo ls seemed ail ablaze, fi ; I !i'J tl ' 'I me airwas not SO carrying iuu iiiiuki: ninnrui oyer tlie smoKt . 1 I our heads. iWy motiier looked down upon me with eyes blazing with insanity. " Uo, ho !' said she, " fine time of a night for a mother and child to be run ning through the woods ! Fine night, this! Nigh:! it is day ! Look at the red light 'tis the light of dawn! Le jour, le jour, de jugement est arrive J And the rocks are burning ! Call on them to fall npon you ! The clonds of thunder and the day of doom ! The Lord is com ing, and the w heels of his chariot burn with his mighty driving! Let us go up to meet him in the mid air! let us ride on the smoke and thunder and weep the stars from the heavens! Come, you shall go with me ! had thrown And she aeized rnu.ho himself upon me. and was clinging in terror to my breast ' I sprang at her, and with all the strength of ten mothers in my arms I struggled with her. Torn, worti, and bleeding as I was, the thought of my child and my j husbaud gave me the strength of a giant. 1 overpowered the mad woman, and, for getting that she was my mother that she was anything hnt the would-be mur deress of my boy I seized her by the throat when she was down rolling on the ground, end would hate-strangled her. Her insanity had almost madbme mad. I felt then what a murderons maniac feci". , . . , , . Hut arltnn I tliniitrnl mv mnthrrni lrini " o j - - v " j almost dead and poweih ss, and the fire ! would soon advance, perhaps overwhelm us all, my hand was stayed, and when ! my mother rose to her feet all ber wild- ness was gone. She was ready and willing to do any- ( thins that I told her, but I kept the knife fast in my hand. Tbe wind had fallen rat ' &"d slight rain was dropping among tbe level overhead, as we went on for an hour or two longer, ind then, overpower- eu w,lu canauanuu, no mngur grcauy dreading the fire, we lajr down ia a hoi YESTERDAY, ffO-DAY AND FOR EVER. We find the following floating in our exchanges. We give it as an .ppropriate sermon for the present holiday- season, when all should take opportunity of do ing deeds bf Charity and Love J: TErrrEDAT. Gone, gone neTer to return that which was once ours is', ours uo longer ! It .rd through lime fioin eternity on one idtrlnto eternity on the other, like a me teor through .pace, but as it passed it recorded all th thoughts, words and actions of mankind, whether good or evil in a volume, and.Swhen its miasion was' ended, placed tljetecord upon the lop of pile of books of a si i.ilar character the testimony of former jr sterdays, which are awaiting i!.0 pay of Final Account. TO DAT. I l is here, the oV.ly portion of tin- to which we can lay claim ; but it is' iv a-y passing, and wul soon be numbered among he lit of yeetrrday.-,he name indiscriminately applied to all to-days that have fulfilled the mission upon which they were sent. ITo day is the time in which we really Jive, for now events .rr actually transpiripg; the. past is gone, and faithfulness of memory is all upon which we can rely, while the future is daikand uncertain. Enjoy the present and turn it to the Wst advantngj; never let chances of happiness slip away nrtim proved, for they are as golden rtrandt woven in a web f ol lif.-, which diffuse light and be.u y through the whole fabric, and, when age has enfeebled u, we wili have a bright pst; u, ), ofc wh;ch will reflect its brilliancy upon our declin ing year, thus lighting our path toth tomb. TOTtEVER. There is con:airjed in this word some thing which inspires us with profound awe something solemn, grand, incon ceivablel How can we imagine a serien of years merging )n to eternity aud necer ending ? It is impossible. An impene trable nientaf darkness which envelopes the futureyears of patient toil has failed to dispel. ( Great minds haVe sounded the depths which at one timej were deemed unfath omable. Reason and reflection have traced and brought to light many hiden laws of nature, but brforej this subject the mon profound minds are powerless all is darkness and uncertainty but Hope persistently points; through the gloom to a point iu the distance which seems brighter than tbejeet, but which we arc unable to see through any other than the eye of Faith. A.t first we see it but dimly, but, afrer gazing a while, it takes upon itself a mora definite form. It is a gAK a golden gate which opens at times to receive poor wayworn pilgiims, emitting a gloriously bright light, while the sound of lrravenlr mnsie comes 1 floating down the highway of l.fe. cheer ing tlie travellers: thereon. As the eye of Faith grow stronger, we perceive an inscription, wrought in golden characters, which is "Heaven ;" let this be our beacon and our watchword. COMING BACK TO ROOST. The English proverb tells that " curse come home to roost," while the Italian an illustration ol ibis now. in ibe rpiiog , tbat dHX l"ac,ed J.1"11 l "o an the ; " tenure office billi' On 5farch the 2d f tut year the fading. President, Mr. Johnson, retu led the bill to the Senate, re-enacted by a copciUulional majority i": ocpair, ana llo4 I the House of Rrprssemtives. That for gotten message lieij h fnre n, and we find in il a course of reasoning which bas a strangi illustralion't now a days. Speak ing of an unworthy incumbent of that day, the President id, among other things, that a easj might arise when a public officer "might grasp at power fcrf his own aggrandizement and the elevation of his connexions and relatives to office," and, hence, h.uld be removed He went on to say that if tlie power of remotal were virtually vested in the Senate, as it would be if their oaeut were needed, " such a body is more likely to misuse it than the man whom the uuitcd voice nf America calls to tlie Presidential chair " Th is was denounced not merely as here sy, bat as the utterance of fnmtie i.d dis torted intelligence. Lrss than fire y ears uave elapsed, and bow we find an accred- iu Republican organ, such as is emi- ..I I -W ww i r . .... neutiy .lie .ewiprlc Krening i'wsf, de nouncing the tenure of office act as the most pernicious of ill legislation, and, as Mr; Johnson foreuld, tending directly to the' demoralization and degradation ot the Donate. It u.h. i'qtriot. Xo Xccdg People in Statesrille. Messrs. Carlton & Co. gavs a benefit at th ir Ska ting Kink last Tuesday ntchi, proceeds to be applied fur the use of widows and orphans ia the plse who uiiirht stand in need of pecuniary tssistance. On suoli- Cat toil to tltpna-ktnri nf llr n.n.f.lM.nirrt. F - . ' - . - . f VVHLI . .1 ' . . . gatious in the place it tuey knew ol auy txlzx persons, a negative reply was given. e doubt if another town in the State, of thd mine site, can say the Same. A beggar is Unknown in the place, anlees he eoiaew from elsewhere. StaetnUe Attriea. Tba StatcsriUo American says : Dr. J. J. Molt, of that pUet. baa presented the congregatiou of the Episcopal Church, in r3tatcvillff with a large and fine-toned n; maue pen. amrru ucrc vimn- - mas Ere, and is a molt raluable rift, tUt wiU bo duly .ppretedJ; ' SOMEBODY'S DAIU.1NU. Tlx-at brauufrt Ium. from the pen of ITm Marie La cost e, of 8Tannah,Oa, arc Ukea from Holme I'vMriX mkr.) Into a ward of the whitrwHd valla Where the ded and ike drift; Ur Woundrd by baronet, nod balls Somebody' darling; m burn one day. Somebody darling ! so yomtg nmd w brava, Wearing Mill om hi tIe, rci (are Soon to be Lid by the au4 cf the emre Tb iinirmog light of boy hood's , Matted and damp are the curl of gold KWing tV enow of that fair young brow; Pal are the hp o delicate Boould Somebody's darling ia dying now. Back from the Wsotiful blue-vetoed fare Brtifth every vandering, silken thread ; Groaa hi Kaoda as a sign of grace Somebody's darliag U aullaad daadi Kia him onoc (or tomthody'i aakt; Kormor a pr?er, soft nod low ; Od bright curl from the ctoster uke Tley wee anmebodys psWe, you kavow. SomebodyV ) .1 hstb reated thee-; Wa H -v ; , aofi s-d vbitt ? And v r; u,e ;.p of a a.ir lair Hffu uaptited m lUm a ate of light? God kaov beat. II was somebody's loTe! Somebody' keart rnhrind torn kre; Somettody wafted his name aboe. Night and nx.rn on tke Mif of prayer. Somebody wept w ben h mariitcd a a ay, Ixwking so handVome, brave, and gtaad; Somebody 'a kit on hi fort brad lay ; Suiacbody clung lo hi parting band Somebodra watcking and vailing fur him. Yearn fug to bold bitu araia tu bar keart : There be lie wok lite blue eyes dim. And smiting, his child-like lipa apart. Tetiderfy bory the (air dead, Pausing to drop on bis g raw a tear, Carre on the wornlrn slab at hi keaA. " Sdbortyt darling Iu burted kert ." Trr.ra the lUleigh BiMicml ReeordrC T 1 1 E PE N IT EN T I A R Y. Three hundred aud sevewty-f ix ennvieta now ocenpy romfrtable enbiu, and are held in subjection by the fesr of powder and lead. The women warb Mid patch. Tbe men work as carpenters, shoe makers tailors aud dirt movers. Among these convicts an 75 white men siid one white woman ; also 17 colored women aud 2 S3 colored men. Of the colored meu there axe twice, as many ouder 20 as there are over 40 years of age. All aeem to te ia the prime of life, and in the vigor of man hood. The new building is only a few feet high, though thtt foundations are so broad that one third of the granite is already laid. The vast sliucture is in the shaj-e of a cross, with its head at the east. Ir length from head to foot is 024 bet ; the distance from the end of one arm to tb-3 other is 36S feet. The building will b two stories with basement lu the head of tbe cms the female rouviria will have their cell?, and the mab in 'he foot The front arm will be fi-.ip-bed in handsome style for the officers, and the rear arm will be dining room, chapel. &c. There ill be 12 towers, for sirevjrth, entilUtin and ornament. On each side of the front door will be 3 columns 10 inches in diameter, of Scouh gr-ni:t. v ry lurd nd hand some. Tbe front n.M.r 'M U- of Tennes see marble. There will be 500 cella, 5 by 8 feet and 9 feet (.itch. I lie tost is esti mated at $260,000. It will b the finest house in the S. air, and the Capil'd ill be insiguificat.t in comparison with it. Thecoovicts re f d dailv it a cost of a 11 cents eati, a:ul the 60 officers and guards at 23 ceiiteeieh. The above ia a Uir ditcipun of tbe rogues, pala:e in Raleigh. It e were a member of the legisUtuiewe would not vote a dollar of tax to continue the woik.1 Sheriff Buchanan. This d facing "her.ff oi Jackson county ha reeen'ly een cacght forging daim against tks county. I he partie viciim1!! got out warrants and had bun arrei-d. but Ls managed in -.. way to make Lie tsep. He had the in i?oce to -ne btk in'o ibe town tl.; ry nigl i d po to tke il to s us ;fe. A pn.y on the look . . out tor utm saw turn enter tbe iau aba mined in lely followed hius, but he sgai made g-Kd his escape thro 114c b a wiudoW . which hia wile raised fr him, having; iium4si-r f shot aeot after hkn.T - U 10 tyrned a ight or two after and was agaia - u eucceseinlly rliMsed by thj party 00 the watch, for him. L'n Laian is aid to- be lurking near Webster, U inp concealed by some ot his friends. Jial. SenttneL KEEP IT BEFORE) TUK PEOPLE that the grand jura of Chester ceun. South Cu roll nh, composed, t-f half, trhtt4 and half Hacks, hate ath ltmmed V met tke President, and declare thai TliX ALLEOATlOS CONTAINS) iH TUI TOC- i,tiATiON'op TBt p&KAttr.arr or rat. cxitkd sTAita ikt wiTuotrr rocxD. TIOX. Here is a rebuke, say the Raltioserv Ecening Journal, to the outeagrooa arte of the president which snoMd " be tnsvn every were. Iyt the d-merstie pspr-ra always keep it before the pepU, in ftOBM form, all the ttmtc. Ia I us agitate indie natiou meetings as our anlv jicly in ad ranee, aud we cau aud ill sweep radi cal Ttm to the earth in 1572. The True Xokluy o EarLhs-The fegU Uture of Alabama agreed to pay threa lawyers, employed in the rlsniou railroad suit Knoxville t20,000. Oiic' cf lXtir9t. Gen. James H. Clanton, wal killed and left his family poor. The 'other tw, Meear. Stoue aivd Cb'pton, traorfetud their interest in the ftc cf 20.000 U Geo. Clanton' widow, A deed lik.t this, c two lawyers, neither rieh. reJeenis an and eoontry. rielG-htress andbve " money-blacken every plge of carreat hi- iQTj.rJifmpfiis Appeal. A young Iloosier once .'.id to a Ifoo sieress j Sal, is there any b! v coartta you nowf Ard lepiifl. Well, Sm,,lbtfta , is one filler n-rur Cfvtl'i' aad.orter not, lu' J nek on is uore or tcr pot, than sorter '

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