n ' :" I Jj ' I 'll 1' ? . ' f : ' : 1 5 1 ' I ? :i If ! 'I' .. ) 'r ' ! !)-" l" : " ' J ' - I I I - ; - : I i l ;J :T . .: it ; J' j j , . j . W mi ., ,. t ... ,. ,m., , 1 - I " S J Z Hiutljuii lUatrljman. SALISBURY. FRiDAy J AN. 5, - " - aJTCRTI9EMJSir. Having purchased the print mgftocjc and sub scription Ju.t of the (Md Xortk Stale, m aprprd Slice with the term of the sale those who had paid in advance' foe that PfwilJ hok to us I, fiiluir term. Thxe who were indebt ed 'to thU paper at 12 o'clock on Saturday the J6th nit , had their indebtedness transferred to ,,, and i( is a matter of jwpurtance that all Should 4 promptly paid. Those not behind exceed hg; three month" Pay yet pay ai the ad vance r Ues of $2,-0 fox the .Oct. J, 1871. " ' J. J. BRU'EB. BILLS ANlTl-E ITERS, i IUving senCotit bills io all who are ftxe'liin'a on their subscriptions for this pa e are bcritiuiiig to receive letters concerned, in aome canes of persons who do not know the law in re laMon to taking newspapers, ror me uhhuvm-im --v.. re giv the following : LAWS RELATING TO MAGAZINES Ap NEWSPAPERS, j tier, wi .onf ill ame engravejd thereon. The terms are tqo hard for honest men, and heuce feiy ucb arc eeeii jin office. Under John Pool apd Uolden theee wilt be none. i j . . . -j iThe Southern Home has a report from p, Schenck, Esq-, of Liucolnton, of pis testimony before the kuklux committee at Washington. Job a Pool is on that Com mittee. Mr. Sihencks testimony exposed the condiiion tof the country in bis part of the State as affected by the operations of; jhe Leagdes,; and the bitter partial administration of the laws, as calciilaiedfj tq p.ovoke men; to band themselves in opposition, and for self protection. ilt exposed Judge Logans improper fforta to cause his arregt and conviction as a leader e kuklttx and gayjEs aliiatory of; th lawyers' metpprial tp jbe Legislature fuf "1 RuWrUrii who do not kive f xpreM no tice1 to the contrary are cowMdered aa wwn ingi to continue their lub8cr'l''t0,, I full hwriWrs do not order the dUoontinu- noi. of their periodical, the publisher mar coniinue to nfcud theiu until alJ arrearage are P3. If nhacribera nectcct or refuse tp take their TtprSiHlicaU from the ofltce to which they are di reeled, they are held reapoowble till they Have paid their bill and ordered them d'wronupued. 4. If nulwcribera remove to other place wiih out informing tha publinhep, api VVf are iient to Uia lormer airecuon, wvj - ' 5. The courU have decided that retuting to take periodical from the office, or removing nq leaving them uncaiieo lor, ujm" jt dence or intentional irauu. 6. Any person who receive a pecpaper and make uneof it, whether he ban ordered it or not, w held in law to be a suoacrioer. negoliug the e per cent. aireaaj twice auempiea the rempv& p :e had taken le jpnipire in f Logan. He told them tbaii i ' " i; it l)m obligation of the Invii- i in Oct. 1868. That be wal never au officer in the organization--mpch less a cliief ; that he never parlici-? pattd in a klan meeting, and that he left the orgnuizatioo in Feb. 1870 That it fas intended! to counteract the Leajtues Ilirocs of America and Red Strinesi T I I I . .1 . i . . . ' ? io one can; oouoi mat tue invisible Empire, White 13i other hood and Ku Jluxf all oriviuated frnn the same common motive, to counteract tbe forking of the secret political organizations which pro ceeded then. iujchtyu!iee 7 how ion till onr crnhed and w c w votigresr auinorizing me v iople shall ccnetQ begrtund into the new loan expressly n quires that the bond h? WhenKhaU we-have "jieace?" When shall not be !J i than par in gold, ?lnceat onr country, for the lat few years and ,ial no m,ire lban oue hH,f o OIr The President a Dy'aulier. -Tbe Wash ington Patriot of the 28th PeceoSber sets forth at length, the facts apd the figures proving that U; S. Qraut, (now President) while a Lt. in the ! Mexicaa army, filling the poeitipn of pommissary and quarter master, yvas a defaulter to the government n tjie jpm of $6,000. That , subseqaently by acl of Congress he was . allowed ppp thoaeand dollars for that amount stnlep from, bina shile n Mexico . That the Auditor of the Treasury, iraW diately on the passage of this act, appro pnated the $1000 as a credit on th ecvernment claim aeruinst bim, thus reducing it to $,000. That every effort before and since that time, to have the defalcation settled, has bpen unavailing l add that it still appears on the book . against him- The Wilmington Journal, 'adverting to this case, and the; appoint; laent to office of men who ljuve beet dismissed from the service of corporation- fur their crimes.-rtbeifv diihouesty- I iy critical copditujlu. She reached a dwell pertinently remarks : "VVell may republi.- ing, after painful travel across frozen Can senators proclaim, inxth Senate of streams and) thicjugh fields aud woods U nited Stutes, that our civil service is the and reported Ithe case, describing the man I-.. - j " -! ' a - ' ;, j VIC A. -: . I There is a growing demand for thi s ar ticle, and consequently it is becoming more and more valuable. The price now ranges from $1,25 to $2. Recently it has been employed iu,tbe manufacture bf lamp chimneys; and when we consider to what a large extent the kerosine and ft T ' i - . . ' . ; - oiner on tamps nave taken the olace of y r - caudles and gas, it is apparent that its application to this, use must greatly in crease ithe demand, ' Large quantities of Mica are alao em ployed in Europe, and there is little doubt the demand for it will increase in propor tion to the advancement of the arte and sciences. It therefore becomes a subject of interest to; the people of North Ciroli na, and especially so to those of her chi- scum wuu uww proneriy UDOn winch il im j j - a !,!.- found and it is for their benefit we allude to it at preeeiit. Those who luve Mica deposits pn their lands, should examine them aini .endeavor to ascertain their ex tent and aue, for some may possess niinea of great wealth and not kaovjrjitl TROUBLE AT ROCHESTER, N 1 A negro fejlow, aged 25 yean, euticed a littje whjte girl, aed bout 10 yearf, into a thicket, not far from Rochester, apd :....J i ' J)' r voiuujHitu a rape unon Ler oeraon. i i m r : beat her in the face, and left hei u a Ve- For the Watchman. BOUT WELL'S VIOLATION OP i TIiomasville, N. C, Dec 23, 1871. THE LAW Mri Editor: Be assured my silence baa not L 7 f - " been wink to fbrgelfnlpew ; but rather on ac- secretary, lioutwel - Will soon appear count jof cold weatcer, which, for the Ut two or betore a committee of tyongi ess to ex t ; i 'J . - ' k, -.:n- . r .. .1.:.. i.:. r t . r .? .1 down henf Udy and miL- But our thriving lit- $ 30,000,00a f i h U fi v ile town iljiwt now full of bustle, and business . . J tw;t.1 'm . ! i;.i .a,. au. e nas already twic els, riothwithstanding several of them were ar- t,,e 8arac f nce in a political speee.h rested and carried down to KiUeih from whence in unto, ana again in annual report; they have again returned in as high spirits as but both times be has only succeeded in ever. ! By-the way when will these outrages Rowing that he has been guilty of the againdt lnJnianitT cease? hen will our nino- ,r t fc i , ,-ent, and helple people cease to crv aloud for oST'c "h he is charged. Alioihtjrlusticefhowlon8till onrcrnshed and Cotigress authorizing the help! eartH we gla ''. It" 1 in, a verv wickecl wisBar to the lip. Shall per cent, on their amount shall be paid any wonderat it ! Once our country was a vale 'u'f negotiating them. After several pf unsurpassed beauty. ! Once she Mood proudly molt t ha tryii.jj, Mr. Boutwell found it forth a bright and shining light, noted for the difficult if not imp esible to dispose nf the lustre off her moral excellence, renowned for bonds on these trms and thnefore took justice, hnmanitv, truth nnd temperance. But . i . - . . . . , 1 change has come over her. The heel of op- lhv making a bargain with a predion jias maddened her people and d:iven syndicate, or ring, of Lurojean capitalists, them; intd vices an! pas-dons they once held at wherohy, in addition to the prescribed one bay. Inlemperance eiecially, has won many, half of one per cent., he gave them for and as pleads them down toa world of misery, lheir 8erTltC8 i,1BeUiug f,r him $130,000, engulphing bfxlv and soul, and spreading upon . . . J . earth a deadly infection to feed on innocei.t 000 of ,1,eLnw f ihr months in- onesyet pnborn. We see and feel it here; and terest at the rate of SIX per cent, per an- I supjxtKe it is seen and felt throughout the num equal to one-half per cent. more, South, t6 a far worse j degree than in former making two per' tent, in all. The way Y.-! t. i . i r. this was accomplialicd was by accepting A few ! weeks since a band of emigrants left . .. - e, Jnnn our depo for the happy land of the West. Let thr subscription for the $130,000,000 as all those go who are so disposed but there is casU on Ine day it was made, and then something in dear old North Carolina which agreeing liot t cU- for the money cUnJIpever be given me by vast unbroken forests fur three' monjLtf. The syndicate and tnemlling flowery prairies. J he fr.ends of I tft WJ.P.I1-P; tA ,,m ' u,, my ciutdhood are not there; and the graves of , , , ,, . T those ! Iqvp. are notthpr- ,! ihn.mh al once, and proceeded to eeli them, titb- and storms encompass the dear old State, still er for cah or fdt Wllstaudlng six per cent, your; huihble servant will cling to her a a child bonds, keeping jimck the proceeds until to Us mother. CARLETTA FKANZOSI. Uie thres months-were np. The loss on ; i s m ;; ; Mt. Pleasant, Dec. 25th, 1871. Editor. IFocAia?i; Your numerous readers may be pleased to have an item of news from this Village of schools. Lastweek the first term of the present session of our School ended. The College has enjoyed a prosperous term, and its prospects for the next are verv flatter- Ling, j The cheapness of board at Mt. Pleasant, promises to Spanish interests would be surprUing. X. Y. Sun. SUNSIHE AND SHADOW OB ' Affection its Own Ruler.' BT BY EMMERT R. WILLIAMS. CHAPTER II. this transaction, & is plain, was paid by the Unied S(aUtsr and went to increase the cost of th negotiation. Que and a half pei cent, on $130,000,000 is' $1,9 60,- 000, aid this was all paid in direct viola tion of tbe law, . Mr. BoutwelPs excuse for his conduct is twofold : first, that he could not otherwise together! with the uneoualied lreahhfuli.ess of have Sold Ins botnis ; and secoudly, that climate renders it very desirable to those wish- after all he complied with the law in sub- ing to acquire an education. The curriculum is stace, if noiin form. Tbe first branch of as thorough as any in the State. The President the excase is simply absurd. If tbe law Rev, Prof. L. A. Bik e, A. M., is acknowledged j u . j n . j to be a thorough teacher and tlnedisciplinarfan. not be executed, It could not, and The chief attraction of last week was a Con- t,,at w8 lne end of lue matter. 1 he certgivn by the young ladies of Mt. A mama Secretary had only to report the fact to Seminary. Under the principalship of Prof. Congres, and leave them to do what W. A. Barrier, who has been styled " the right might seem best under tbe circumstances. man;in the right place," and with the able as- -i., . .. . , - sistaheej of lrs. Scott (of Lexington, K (J.,) 19 however, that the terms of andiothers, the young ladies enjoy decided lit- l,,e ,aw were onguially suggested by tbe erary advantages. The grounds may not be so Secretary himself. He was confident that attractive as that of other similar institutions, the loan would bei speedily taken at par xt1 'tiS inRl?.tion,more fililhfu iu gold, and that one-half of tbe one per Mrs Scott, especially, deserves praise. With b. ' . t v disinterested earnestness she has devoted het- e"1 wa8 "S toallw for the expense self to the labors of her department. How well of selling it. I; Hiding that he had made she succeeded was evinced in the concert; for a blunder in this respect and that a larger uiougnjioe sciioiars cuu not exhibit all the pro- commission would be more successful, he cond ph'a oufrress liau ice to the was jpnused by all. Misses Ellen Ileili. Wall, holders of the old bonds before redeeming Owtai, and F.-Bost, acquitted themselves excel- them, he would be justified in securinff andhe V.wSo. b7 mLV X II SZ tbe 'J "J highly appreciated! Observer. ,n Thongh the tea was unusually ni the toast JCc, so very tempting, little Et4 st-em-ed t regitrd it a tastelfis luxury, and after pxeusinjr herself, begged leave ti Speak with some of ht-r sclKNduiMtes who.wert just then returning home from the instruction room. Why very thoughtful exclaimed Minnie T. as Etta descended the balastrade and ttod at the treet ea e ! Are you sick ? No, no wit the stilled rejoinder I ouly feel So seu sibly the loae of the nciety of my dear schoolmates and other loved ties, iu nutii pation of leaviug them ! Leaving them ! ejaculated Min i. When, where are you" goinj-? 'i ...Staunton. Pa prooses 1 idiall go next week and I wished to tell you gNtd-bye and to assure you how tfteu I bhall remember you. Not uftener than you will be remembered by us till chimed iu 3 or 4 voices and while we shall, every oueof us have so many reminiseneea to rei-4.11 our happy past I think Randolph will mostly merit our dee est sympathy, for having no sister. I Miinetiuies iiuattiue Jou wholly sup ply the place of uue iu his fraternal heart, lie has never been cheerful aud happy as formerly since you left. 1 am glad rttul Et ta that Randolph entertaius so good upiuion of my friendship though I reckon J'm in debted to your words of praise for it all. Pa has a very high regard f r Mr. Sprague's family aud has taught me to he kind to Rau- dolph aud that he would be a brother to me. Rut to pass briefly over the comments of children, I i;l Vu! mt-uii.m that after each respectively promising to omit uo opportunity that might couvey their greetings. Etta was left aloue ! She returned to the house aud to the sittiug room where her parents had al ready betaken themselves, as the lights were brightest there and seemed moat Inviting. Wheu Etta entered tbe room. Col. Y. aud Mrs. Young were but too much leased to observe the smile of reconciliation ; which seetnwd to add a new beauty to her sweet faoe. For two long hours the ; happy tro talked in joy too much blessed for mer riment as that day week the household pet would bless auother home than theirs. But as before said, hers, were parents wh-.se hearts, loyal and heroic bouud theii lives to hallowed duty. Regardless ol every thought but that of supplyiug, each and all linagiu- a. n.iiiif.i.t. 1. t . . V. . 1 1 . - oi 1 ivuovsito, uiui a noiu-IUiir as colli viting all who fafored the fantastic toe to secure jpaAntrt, as the quadrilles were al seady fonciug. Etta who for t sake of itiurtly rtiouette. had lurrerdered her posi thu iu p. b sett previous f.o s Jpper. was now to be seen 'fist in the daort, leaning upou tbe arm ofCol. Spragoe, wborn tjpr readers will reeogpize as a direct compliment iu honor to her Pa's es'eeuied aud valued friend. Amid the enrliauting beauties, varied aDd rare, arrayed with shimtueriug satin, silks, pearls and'.dlamonds. nine seemed ni radiant as Etta, with her plain b.it suerbly h'ttina dress of pearl silk upon the bosom of which rested a pOre hearted white lily, sweet em blem .f tbe innocent wearer. Aother as Watifnl, gracefully adorn;d her g'isteoicg earls aud completed he attire- Cttly her habit as purse could bur, so well, that, he was soon arrested and brought before the child, who promptly identified him. The ajjair caused great excitement. JWitb. difficultv the nffieera . . in charge of the prisoner reached the jail. A. mob of infuriated citizens gathered around the prison and demanded the, of fender, but were bravely kept off by the SheiVff and his officers. The mob conlm ued to increase in numbers aud fury. The military was called out to disperse thm, and the telegraph reports a collisioii, first, most corrupt in the world." ' r ; -pT Tuos. B. Long, of this place, has recently been appointed a special post Office Agent for North Carolina, Ue had been filling the place cf route agent on the Western N. C. R. It. for sometime previous, and, so far as we , know, with fidelity to the tru t. But whilst this is so, and whilst we wish him personally no ill, his appointment brings just censure upon file authorties at Washington, and is an mitrnirf. nr lit nntli aonaa nf fiinoa. We copy from the WilmingtOii Journallon l,rown by the mob, and second the foUawinir strictures : i i snots tared byxtuel mtl'tary. Four men I . . . 1 . Si! During the last few days we have bad f,d 10 haTe not,and the trou to record the apooiiitmeiif of oneTbomaa Die w not yelial a end . Long of Salisbury, as a Special Post Office Agent for North Carolina, andro-; President's Kew Year's Reception motion of one Benj imiu liiufee. of This seems toiiave been, as usual, k verv Wilmineton. to a clerkshiD in the Third A f .' . i . . . k :. inAUJ ; parucipaiea in. mm Both of these men are defaulters, and ; pre.eniaturea M toreign countries, Jaoth were dismissed in disrrace fronff" t0e5r e8 a11 the-members ! of ithe -It- m ..... W: J f I m . . L n neir positions lor their thefts. ; Long waf AJabinet, with wives and daucht3-8 ; uie Agent ot the iNorth Uarolios Railroad WashinPton itv official uA f .m;K-. . C.i:.L' .JJ n . l . L i ... y P P"V. - oiwuvo , u.-nuiirj. nu umee was me lreaaf i Le .i.L , orer of the OiU of Wilminrton. wi ? pi "? Arm and av f know not what influence brought about1-VeriUnet iofficers members of Qon- Jbe appointment of Long, but General KreMt nd last but not least the yulgsr aviuoerioru, wnp must nave consented to herd, tye people jn general, thfe true lrds DrMiTsrrfcii itf 'S h- pilferintrs from th Pitv T.Wa ...A no ,uc bedecked nn glittering pseeant T,iT"i , o2810. y "'e.lbethouubl himself of his se of them having received on v 6ve month's n.T structidn in music, we think thev did remarka- nieJy, ttiat inasnuch as C blyj Well. The Cantata, "Crown of Reward." provided for ninety days not Hut ot expressed iu fancy, rich, nor gaody; For the apparel oft proclaims the merit. As she ihoved beside he proud Cd. in her girlish brightness M-enmJ p. fitting eutrat with his ii a ure aud ;nitied inauhood. Where ev-ry heart was beatitig faster than the inerryuue. nd Etta the hnpMest of all. We h ill text entertain von with the rivalry an c -n.teipienres a'tetxlaiit npou her firrt party andenteraure into scu-ty. TO BE COXllSLEti. REV. IIENUY WARD BKrJciIKRON f MORTON I10UE." ' In Appleion't Journal, of December 30, we tii.d the following in refrrence to Miss Fisher's new novel, "Morton lion.?:" Originality in crit'eism is quite as rare as oiigiiiiility in any other form of litera ture. Neurly all of our nespaper notices of new books arc but stereotvtwd repeti tioiiB of S few convenient phraea of praise MARRIED : In this county, on tbe 2Ut ulL, by J.L. SlfB Eq, Mr. Caleb Peiterand MlwMarxarat Keo nerlf. " Ilia home ah enters, there to be a Htht Shining within, when all without is ntgkt, A guardian angel oVr hi life prviditig Doubling his pleasure, and his cardividf " On the Vnh oltimo, by Rev. V. KiioUll J, I). Ktuhie and Mm Mary J. Koaeman, ' By the same oc the 2Slh ult, Mr. RicftarJ Julian and Min Arm Mellon, all of Rowao. On the 20tb t, l, Ket. J. H. Fe.Krma, Mr. P. K. iWweman and Mlas Ti time, both of Catawba cTMy, Jf . C. On the 25th ttlL, by tW mef Xr. f. f, TrtMitman and Mum CaLhariM A. lWO. tWh of Iredell county, N. C. On the 20lb ultimo, at tbe reaidrnrt of lit brides' father, by Rev. W. Woodruff, R. m. W. Urown, of High Point. N.C, and Mar gie May Mock, of Jonesville, N. C Episcopal MethodUi (Raldgb.l f leaae eopv DIED: At the reMdmreof Mm, Shwin. in thin ?..,. on the f(h of Noretnber, 1871, Samuel Joaeii infanl urn rJ (. ft I I' v, 4,. v.uin, in iae 0m yvar of liia ape. Lit tie ammiewaaauniTerMil favorite a ad par ticiilarlv with his grandnaolher, beiag the only child of h;r decea-ri daughtber. A g real of ferer and almoM entirety nnoitciou uf rverr thing, he has p.ird a'wav frrmi earth lo th'a Kingtlom of Heaven. Sksfier liule cbildrea to come unto me and forbid ihem Dot. On the lth 1871, Mrs. Arnea A. Stan- ill, consort of Mr. Slancill, Sr, in the 67 lb vrar cf her ape. iShe wa tnily a grxl woman and a mber is Irael, 8he rai-eii a larre and repertaU- (xtr. or censure. Now and then, however we ' hn h M LT 7 7 m W A ., . ... 1 ! . . , . , I "tm h. She mu from trouble and her works bod that a pen, with brains behind it has ' follow her. reall leu at wotk on a i.ewspaper no- On the h Dee. 1S7I, Unra Coffin, dangb tice. Here, for instance i a specimen ..f ter of Mr. Jo-eph and Mararvt Ilendrnoa. ia wuat wq mean irora that excellent journal. ; lu l" -Tear OI ,,er re- After 34 hours akk the Cristian Union, edited by Henrv I , ' lrmU d w-i ij i t J J. i real and eniova the aut n aru 4eecuer. ii oegins a notice of " Morton House" by saying that, though a genuine American work, it is as interest ing as the better average of English nov els. And it explains this eeneral superiori ty of English novels over the general rnn of our own by saying that they all have, or rather the better class have, " that indescribable something, that air, that finish, which is as highly regarded in the circulating literary as good blood and good breeding are in oar social circles. This subtle power can be imitated, and we have plenty of imitati .ns. Rut the gi niiliie essence is only possible to gen- !itae. entered lata enjoys the aucietv of th Kavumr uwt and redeemed spiritv On the 27th Dec, 1871, at hi. reatdenr. Mr. Jo-eph Henderson, in tbe 40th vear of hia aa. The I'resby terian Church at Thyatira kaa k4 one of iU beat officer ; tbe family itabcM eartk ly friend, and the commanity, a rond dtixea and kind neighbor. Uia mind was inullireat and clear nearly tothe lai moment; his experivace, that of a ripe christian, and thoe who knew him lM had no doubt of hia happiaeaa. May the Ird -om(ort and provide (or Um bereaved wife and orphan children. it urn a rt a n u a- v . - nt a a. . a,.. a i . w tc auu vur piwu a. uiv iiJtri a HI 1 1 U , I li S II HU M OTl Oil 1 1 otlse III U S to IIS t lis t the steamer by which she and her father at last we have a writer who understands WAr",,fruher?tUreal0de- 1 ,n. Mher public, and who works not to show Editor Carolina Watchman, I Dear ir : For the benefit of claimants hereabouts please publish tbe following report of the South ern War Claitns Commission. It is proper to state mat not a single dollar of these Lsing interest on it until this pe riod expired. But this is equally absurd with the first excuse. He had only to stipulate, in taking his subscriptions for the new bonds, that he should not be re quired to receive tie money for them till the ninety days were up, to obviate every difficulty and save the interest. The claims will be naid to the r.hiimani nmil l"'g is done continually in Wall street after tbe Report of tbe Commission shall II is 1mle COIumo there to issue stock or have bee u favorably accepted by Con- appropnation made there for by that -body. Unscrupulous agents lor these claims, one of them residing iu i :l t ... i i j i iavii: oiiuiy, nave icu some people to believe otherwise. Respectfully, II. U. HELPER. REPORT OF THE SOUTHERN CLAIMS I COMMISSION. Washington. Dec 14. -The Southern Claims Commission made thei: report to tne al ot Congress to-day. They say that, deeming the act of Cougress uuder which bonds and take the money in installments runuing over a much longer period than ninety days. The syndicate who dealt with Mr. Boutwell, when they offered the new bonds to the European public requir ed five per cent, ouly to be paid down and the balance in ninety days. Had he been desirous of strictly complying with the law he could have dsne the same. Mr. Boutwell attempts to palliate his act by urging that tie ultimate result of the transaction will be a saving of interest to the country quite as great if not great er than the amount illegally expended by him. The new bonas are at the rate of they were appointed as iuteoded to apply to but five per cent per annum, while the tnatUr s of municipal legislation, and not to old ones redeemed by their proceeds are afiect rights i standing upon international law, at Bix. In A year and a half, therefore. mey noiu that where the claimant was an .h ill! ap nd ft.w.h!f ,.r ;il rw awwaa f waa was d every year thereafter ali tion :ect nguis siauamg upon mternatioual law, &t six. In y W eyhold that where the claimant was an the illeffal one ar leq when the claim accrued, his pafiraliza- be made no anc " uut-o uui. tcuiUW UIS UIB- I.I "II I ability; also, that the party claiming to 'nere1wi Dc a ving ol one per cent, be ldyal must prove his loyalty. This is a But this cannot authorize the Secretary tact to be established by proof, au l is not to 10 ore ine law ue was Dound to obey be presumed. Voluntary resideuce in an in- and he has violated it. Following the aurreistionary State duriuir the war is vrima general Dractice of this Administration facie evidence of disolyalty. aud must be re- he has set himself above the law and Duuea ny saustactoryev.deHct, Claims have above Congress, and for his offence he ..v.... Uuj-j ..ii. on 1 iu ine xveoei should receive censure, if not a severer punishment. N. Y, Sun. jtscaped punishment through the remark! flate4 lrough tho magnificent halls bl indulgence of Mayor Martin audi of the President's House on New Year's partisan Board f Aldermen, and a most dav. i i tfoSSSS d-rVhP PPr.lep0.good!r numb oftolred ttoeers. thai Poatmaatrr lrf Tr.ui-kl Per,ona- The description of dresses. was, prior to his appointment, a defaulter baSSei lacib, jewelry and gaudy ioys, ; as agent of the North Carolina Railroads very rich and -costly, no doubt, worn .W 7. 1 "mc a f"nbr nd gents, on this occasion, fit government funds, or kre (or the d and other 'W papt-orlhy only, the tecuon ot otactil thieves. reading of those wbo have nothing else Tbe appoiottneut of T. B, ng, and t0 dot U(1 lue t7 of those who write wo doubt not of all the official of North moral essays. But it is all over, and the . Carolina, It Is believed here is the Fori I PP6 t,,e"i elsewhere, are sobering w uonn rool.i and pcibaps; Wm. W. Jlolden. Thejr seem to havt the Sut under their care and keepmg-Uiurendert ed to them by the Grant Qovernme.14 at Washington,! who will doubtless bol . a ; a ' - inena rspotMibi for ths political send lueuts of tba Bute. And of course the appointees to office, especially in tl P. f). department the great artery through wbjch flyws khe current of intercomm.,i army, and the Commissioners hold that suchT8erviea proof of disloyalty. The whole number of claims presented ud to th ed f November, is 10.0Uy. and the entire AMERICAN SLAVE-HOLDING IN amount 3yo,5Uy,U)U. The number of claims uot exceed'iDC in amounts $3,000 ia ft Siwi sbdthe number exceeding that amouut 1. 2D9 President Grant in his recent message t he o.BUU claims averaging about $1,350 to Congress recommends legislation a- each, amouut to about 811,830.000. The gainst the holding bf slaves by American Jo?Jrlnirgelal1S amonnt to about $14' cit'zen a Cuba, proposing that such ac- ;Jhe Cominissioners transmit re- tion bj taken, as would exonerate this TrZry? Government from affording protection to want of satiifactory proof of loyal adherence r .redre",,,S lLe ;Trrou8 f lL, cU" of to tne cause and government were rejected for insufficient proof upon ths material points. Since that date) a bill has been present- The whole number rejected is25t. Of the ed to Congress wiich if il had no retroac- eUithants found loyal, 40 have served in the tive action, woqld from the date of it union army; some Uave aided our military passage constitute every American citixen operation scouts and guides, while oth- hfilding slaves in Cuba an offender, and wVWnlminl a88Qch iPtUleW from obtaining cruelly treated by the Rebels. Amone those j ,u - 1. L- e whosedaims have been disallowed atout fress through Government for any 4d served in theRebel army, and some as ll'Ju, ,e8 "inicted upon huu by the Spn- guacds at Audersouville. Others have held ish authorities in Cuba. One effect of this civil offices Uuder the Confederacy, or fur- would be to. throw out of the Spanish njshed sgppijjs for the Rebel army or voted American Commission every claim arising for th ordinances of Secession, or sworn al- from the confiscation by the Snaniards of f..j.. .1 .1 . down ;nto the humdrunj of every day life. JU PGELOG A .; TVe he)u?ye it is pretty generally conced ed that the fegislature will not push the impeachment pf this man. However unworthy pf hi judgeship, there!; are ejreraj others Jn the Statfl as unworthy aste, and to impeach one and not the others, woud be such a paitial attain men t of relief as poorjy to repay the xens (56,357; the amount allowed iy $344,108, and the amount disallowed, $1,312,189. Important to IIoLLtra roimes.-hJiulge JJlacblord, of New York, Mr. Helper was thrown oat of tlUTAV rf ti,ne mnr$ Accojnplwb iti Office here not because he"was anunfaitL They Al a pwlof the radical orse lul oublic ofjeer. but eactlv th n.eL. Pwt Pn U?e b7 lb dical party ry. It bus mott emphatically come ia U1C0 nul pe Dome Decanse ijxe people tbU t man j who .fills office! under the T rf 10 row CVIIIIMUI.IIIIIIVf.frMKV'I'KVyx.v, u !' !' ... . . ' '. '. ! t '-!. i I . A Wn HIM 'mm m m m W . 1 1 . . . b . mah'K 3 - -svi s-uucy H fcifu icw v)DueaJ t Jteiscateivnd Instant.- Mpect, ,and wctfA collar jrjujb iownei's by the ramtstr? dated a nlear gtm of millions of dollars to bpaiu If, on the other hand, an American holding slaves in Cuba manumits them -I 1 - . I J i i i i iKiB icuucivu an interesting and important io-uay, me men, women, and ciiildren decision in the U. S. Circuit Court. It is thna fr,'d hy his hand are seized by Spain to the effect that a holder of a Doli-a"d maintained in or rather returned Ui a ey j of life insurance, wh had effect- state of slavery, i As good field hands are fd a policy in the State of Alabama and st,N worth in Havana a thousand dollars had paid the annual premiums for some apiece, and as there are certainly not less 1 am. in. .k.aSl 1 1 1 a 11 .1 ' tl. t t ai a fuip, uuiii tue agencies tiad peen with- tuan iweniy mousana staves ueid in Uuba drawn from the South, in conseauence of I by American citizens, Spain, which db- the war, should not be debarred from tie I stinatcly refuses to abolish slavery, woud bettehts of the insurance by reason of net a profit of twenty million dollars by iioti-payment of the premiums duriuer the he operation. It is of course absurd to WJtJ ..' J l... t " .-I- . . 7 1 ..... .... pri iuu vuvrrea oy nosuiitieg between tjic I imagine inai an Administration wnicn lias Ik" L ; .1 ''''1 &. a ... 1 a . a - fortn and coutu. VVitUm that time it snamelully pandered to tbe slave traders was impossible for the holder of the Doli- of Spain for the past three years would jcyfto have paid the premiums. The attempt to enforce the liberation of ibe fioiaer, under tne Jadge'a decision, I slaves alter it has forced lis own cittzeus secured in his rights, but the insurance to surrender them. company ia to be allowed the credit for If l&e bill referred to were not framed "e amount of the unpaid premiums. 1 by the Spanish Minister, the benefit it appearance, though he sa:d nothiug to the c-mtrary of going. Col. Y.. Col. Sprgue aud ladv aud little Rapdolpb and the faihful Faouv had nil accouipauied her thus far, aud were vieiug with each -other for the last sweet smile which Etta should bentoW before le ving. As Ltta dwelt upm the thought of the love borue her by her parents aud others aud the.u of the separation the emo tions of feeling, her face alternately evinced, were like, uuto the uucertaiu glory of au April day. which this moment hhows all the beauty of the sun. and the next a cloud takes it all away. But um aU is ready and the sweet good bye must be passed the anxious, tearful aiiinouitious of her fonJesl of mothers, the kind, affectionate adieu of Col. Sprague and lady and Kaudolph. all of whom showered upon hei ever wish for tuc ces- and couteut aud her safe returu lioint iu due season; and. 'ast but not forg tten, Fan ny, who stKid wailing to press Mi s Etta's beautiful fair haud iu hers aud to tell her own peculiar way go dbye. Human af leetiou ! human love ! ! the secret ryuipathy. the silver liuk, the silken tie that heart to heart doth bind mused little Randolph a ne bioou gaziug alter nis little sister coin pauiou whom he hnd ever hward spoken of in sucli atfectiouate terms by his parents. But tken Etta was goue to return lio more until she would have grown up to woinau hood, aud he too had much to do to accom plish the undertaking prescribed by his fath er and he ueeds mus think of his sister uo more but set o-t to be a wiser and better boy, but when she returned aud beheld him so tall ami quite a man she would not call him brother. But bouudless as the water that bore her away, were Handolph's j thoughts. Unly a young aud pliant Soul like Randolph's, that has felt this one idolatry, can tell how precious is the slightest thing affection gives aud hallows. A dead Mower will.long be kept, remembrancer of looks that made each leaf a treasurer. School girls and boys, ardon me please, aud for the benefit of my older and more ap preciative readers. I propot-e to omit detail of all or any incidents attendant iip-m Etta's school days but will look 4 years from date . t i i i-i . . . oi ner arrival mere wnicn tuna she is gain safely ensconced iu her owu happiett ud most beautiful home. The sun brightly shone in at Etta's cham ber window ai.d met her uplifted eves as she stood looking out at the radiant daVu of the day ; also downward iu the directum of Rich mond from whence she aaxiouslv awaited the arrival of her dearest school-mates who had stopped thereto complete their costume or the elegaut party at Col. Y's. The browo. lioufd eyes seemed happier, brighter than ever. Pure and guileless as the morning dew. n every look shone gt liah -innocence and truthfulness that so richly adorns one of her a?e; for as she stands alike, at the dawu of y, so does she in the blush of the moio- ng of life, await the rising sun. the kinc of day to gild h?r 17th anniversary. The whole. II i ttr ' .! r vniage oi it . was astir m auiicipatioo oi the eeremonies of the coming evening. The st le of the preparations at stone Mansion 1 was freely afloat, aud as welcome guests to be ushered into Col. Y's. daxxling parlors, the most fash onable waiters scaice could meet the exigencies of the exquisite tatte or the belles aud beaux of V. aud the sur rounding: country. Seven o'clock, the ap- poiuted hour, brought the perfections of an evening in that Mower loving mouth June. 1 he air was ragrant with the Combined sweetess of the tea rose, the white lily. seet emblem of piety, the honeysuckle. geraniums and innumerable others ihat flourished iu that genial soil. To-night how inspiring the scene! The moon flickered among the tall shade trees that bound on eithef side the broad, white avenue leading to tne circling eutrauce oi the spacious yard enclosures. Dazzlius were the streams of light that poured f om each wiudow and r and light towers erected ia various places ovr the front yard. Rieh the tnelody of 'he music into which select proficients had aptly woven their sweetest strain. frr the sake of careful parents whom we guess Will tea4 this true iale, and who grieve so much for spoiled paraphernalia Or soiled fingers. W II not dwell in detail upon the bow brilliant she can be i . . i . i . . proauce mat literary article which is most acceptable in the regular mnkct. The story is located in the South; yet there is not aword of glorification of losi insti tutions --or lost causes. Ibis species of NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. IVotlce in Bankruptcy. TVISTRICT COURT OF THE U. STATES. J -Vr the C'ipr Fear DiMriet of .V. CarUim. I.N BtKKR I'FTCT. Trn thr matter of JoaKrn (lnv, lauiknipt. but siniDlv to i I1"? ' 1 .V.V' AUI" f" met on the Bankruptcy wa iucd out of tbe District Court of the U. S. for tbe Caj Fear Dint, of North Candina. aainM tbeetateof JoskrH ; (J ray. of YilkcWro Wilkwcountv. in sail District Court, w bo has heretofore been dutv rubbish-is simply bru-lu-d one side, and de lare.1 a lianknipt upon bia on prti we have society as it is not a brawling ,i(,n : T,,!,t he nyment of any deUa and debating club, but an ass. mblage of idi- ; th "''J? 'f "" r.rtjr bringing t.. . . t .. ii ii.iiiiviu , m nun n ni iti uwr. man yutualsiconc. rued in th- ordinary ways of ; . trn,ft.r I nruMx ,,T him f((f. bidden liv law ; and that a mectine of the is thoroughly sen- i e nn i ine. rue plot serves satioual, anr. yi t tol-rbly reasonable. The character zalions are good -the con versation is excellent. Above all, the tone is healthy and unostentatiously American. For the sake of r.iir literature, we truat the author will not pause in her new ca creditors of Kaid Uankrujrt. to prove their debts and to cbHe one or more A ai gneea of hia estate, will W held at a Court of Rankruptry. to Im holden at the office of th lb-'iter in Sa!i-Iury. N.C, before.' K II. rro(l:ii !l. Iv.. Register in IlankrutrfrT. for T. . . . .... said I)i-tmt. on the .,ib. Januarv, H7t, at reer, wbu-li certainly opens wub tl' bra- j 0 0tjIK k . M vest prom se." Here, in a f-w words. I ' s t ctlMtnu' r vr.rmK.i the Chiibtmn Union has delected the ob- j Ry J. T. CVtukm.i.. j-ct and disclosed the character of " lor- ' Deputy U. S. M. as MrMHgcr. ton Hopse," the great merit and chirm of i 10:".t which are its trulhfulucss and its beallby American tone. The Tlaiuifnciurcr ofthc DIM T K V HY? W I) 1 VP T?TD N arjor Grant's lie Election. All onr , il 1 ljLtl KjSU 11 iVllU4lV9 advices from Washington and elsewhere j Have had iinuual opporloniues of aarrrtaiaia( lead to the conviction that as a last des- preeit-ly ahat i wanted, and of prudoriaf . . . i.:... t-i i L l.. nerate inLana ol re e ectin!' t;rant. h . na.( mv.i l . o - I -- ilLnafrwra i 1 11 1 J. m f i! .j f lir 1 1 1 a 1 1 1 ir n a . u r- I wi'h paiu, with Cuba for its pretext. They care no more about Cuban freedom now than at any time these three years ; but a foreign war will, they think, make Gr.tnt's renomiivation and re election cer tain. Rut il is not war that Cuba arks of us ; hll that she needs is that we should recognize her belligerency ; all the ml she caif tske care of lor herself. I X Y. Sun. Executors' Notice ; ALI-tjlrsons haviug clainn against the estate of Moutfort S. McKelllie. deeiaved, are hervby uolitieJ to exhibit th- aaine to th undersigned, on or before the 23rd day of November. A. D. Ie7l. C II. McKKNZIK. I JOHN.W McKENZlE. Exedntorsnf Moutfort 8. McKeuzie. dee'd. Nov' 1". 1-72. 12:Gl out an enlirrl v .Vrr it ringer, wr-ica thev, call th MPROVIDENCB.w NEiV. 1S71. rEHKECT. A Grent Jmyroiement OVER ALL OTHER WRINCEILS, a 32 T. " Leaves have their time to fall. And flowers to wither at tlie North wind's breath, And tar to act, but all, Thou ht all si-anons for thine own, O Death." t Fellasleep in Jesus, in Salisbury, N. C on It U rirtgn Easter Than by Hand. We con-id r the Providence ti)rior to all other", fir i!ie following reaM.na : lt. The lloIU-r, of large mi and bat qnafi ly of White KubUr, are all stcured tothr Shafts in the tuot rnuin lit manner, Ly ths Moi i.tox I'rocj, making tbe lt IZmUtr in the World. 2d. The PATENT METAL JOURNAL CASlMiS prevent any wear upon tboaral. II tie wooden KHirnili in wittd. IH iro Friday, the 9th day o'f lXcemlr.'l's?!, J ask i hs,fu other machines run,oon wrr,d tb E. MlftrilY, leaving many warm friends and relatives to mourn this ad dispenaation and their irreparable los. Jane was endowed by nature with an agreeable di.poiiion, a bright iniellect and a lieart rich with warm teeling and sym pathies. In the circle of home her virtues were matured, and beautilully exhibited in all the rela tions of her pure young life. As a daughter, "he was obedient and kind, as a airier, " mild and loving," a a friend, true and good. I reQirraber Jane well when "he vw a girl of ten sutuiners. The spring time of her life, w like 'le spring time of the vear, so f?eb, so brirht "O full of joy. Her presence alwayn made mn- i shine tat home, and curried dadneMi into the i loving circle of her companiona at acliool. J he kind wonla and gentle acta of her girlhood are treasured now in the hearts of her many asso ciates who weep for the beloved one whoe gen tle spirit has pad from this to a brighter sphere. To the eye of my memory Jane will ever ap-K-ar ak an ideal of the beautiful. Her rare -er-"onal attractions never rendered her selfish and haughty, but she seemed always omeMed of the generous frankneni and gtiilelea "implicity of ber cbildhood. She had the good, warm, and tender heart of a noble woman. Then, weep not dear, loving sister, kind brother ! So live thai vou mav meet her in that happv clime where joy, and love, and beauty are immortal. cfficiencv of Wringer i thereby xreally reduced.) 3d. The IiOUBLE SPIRAL COG8 used m thia Wrioger give the utmost eaa and t44i- nes in working, while the doable step prrreet them from bottoming or Ixing tLrown el of jrear. We funiih it her single or double fear J'roridmee, a desired. 4th. The AIU UftTA RLE CURVED CLAMP readily adjiwu this Machine 16 tuba of any sits or tbicktie", making a perfect faateianf. N wrlrn efr or rubber airsf on lb Claaop. 5th. SIMPLICITY, STRENGTH and Rear TV, are combined in this Machine, wilb all the requiMtea of a firi4clajH, Wrinjter. Providence Tool Co, PROVIDENCE, R. I. 11 IVarrc Street, Nnr IVL lSlf LAND FOR SALT i r, i(iu love, anu oeauir are iiuuioriai. . .. , f u i. i . .t i wi l , premi", or ol K. ISa Jrme was a communicant of tbe 1 . K Church, V- the' triumph of that faith her apirit has fuund ! Yi-p " Tl ara st. Yes, when the lat sad ruenM-tiger came, il "'''' About 102 Acres. Seven mile" from SalUbury, on the Wilkeoro Roitd, adjuininx Benj. Howard, Jos. Mingua and other ; rt of it Second Creek Rotloea. Term, one-Amrtb cah, balance ooe, two and three years credit. Enquire of Jno. Miller, wbo live on the liarnnper. Agent, Charlotte, in rest found; her read What a world of meaning ia ! embraced in that one word " read v." Imln Cniin vntlP Whpaf JL C$K on-o,ming shock of the de rover, she remained ; yOUr Wneai Ct Uai5. calm land firm. Jen was 'precioua-all her! IMIURTANT NOTICE TO FARMEF-P-trust jwas in Him" ' death had no terror' I BUpptr and its ceremonies both of which were j be paed sweetly away. Oh what joy to know I .D important dicorrry tnpreTeut Bt'STia lavished in luxury amounting almost to ex- in:u w,u meet aroona Uodi great white , heal and Uat a. If the dire.ti4.na are caxriai travf gancv the superb ronfeciionons, the j wines, the shorbete. tae jellies, the oranges, every description of foreign fru ts tastefully arranged upon the silver viand wreathed with the dew laden roses bright, fresh and beaatiful as the fascinated spectators of tbe brilliant di-play. Though more tempting yet. was the soul melting echo of the luueie re funding throogh the spacious halls and in- I thfv r a in II sva awr. a a a a v aa svvas " When earth and all ita scenea bare past. My ransomed spirit far shall soar, To .that blest place where love can last, And pain and "ickneas come no more. There I shall find my fadeless flower, A. thing of never ending jov, Blooming amid that amaranth bower, jVhich time i?or light can e'er destroy - ' i A Fmaxp. s ly followed and the crop is ifjarrd by ral, its money mui te cnrenaliy rcluncea. Jill I aa is a Uial. Prepared and for sale r.l at J. il. KNN1SS lrcr Store. Joly 7 tf. JaJiburj. Cheap Chattle lortgages, sid Tarioaa other blank far ale k""S I

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