1 i A 1 lit ' - - t I.' - : ' - ' ' ' 5 . ' . , ; 1 .- " i ' 'i : , . - : h :i a 4, r ' ' -j t i ; 'l ' : ,41- I . : i . I - . . Carolina lUatcljmAtt U LOCAL AND STATU XTXSnssJ The iigisjalure re-aspt rablcdUn TmV Vc liad eliarp lightning, heav) roliing.j ti-intlcV ttht) BUtttraet j raiii'fall about 4 n'c lock, new yj'ar'D ttiofningv Their was i ptortn at Cinctiinatti on the same morn fog aud a hoitsej struck by lightening. ' The Raleigh Carolinian has entered this ftanvass of 62 by hoisting the name rf I W. v llancock, nf Nntisy lvania, for lrtfil?rit and Urati liibwn, of Missouri, for Vice i'nsltienL j CUIUpiAiS EXPLOITS. Some of t W b'hovs'l; in our town com- meocetl the celebration of Christmas about' week before the time. Was SffAKgASOaj' of f ibia 'number the Era of January 2d, ,I)oee an y6 ne rerueuv Ur hw "Sandy STOor), about that time? U U. eulogies on Judge Brooks, and on'tl Radical organ, wbicli he says is to be es tabliabed iu ali Ury, kre, in street, par laijU, ' heavy tbiiSKS,' and above the bead of rater. XW Firms' -The dissolution of th firatof McCubbiite, Sullivan & Co., barf rtaulttd in two new 'arrangements : Sulf liti and Gowan 'adhere, and have opened ' .i Lil!' . i r t ii i k in uenoriii-cwi room oi tv. u.iioimes new;buildrng; Main sir. The late eland of McCubbins, Sullivan 3c Co , after tig repairs, ii occupied by John D. OdsLil, David Julian, (former ctt rk fur the old firm,) Sam'l McCubbius and Cpt. Thoe. Hell, under the fnui title of MctUbins ic Co. All young, active anq energetic men, ' they will doubtleHS earn ind wia success. Davidson and Trinity College had etch several representatives here during the liolidayain ! ibje person of Hludeuirf, to ipend Chiistrorts.! Wr doubt not' the hoyH fnjnyed ihfseanou hugely. They had a nightly round ofj social gathering, whertj a pleating, rational t njoruMit was en lurid; by loving friend. Quite a novelty in. the shape of a new sty'lt rtentStem Winding Watch, that is hunting-. fi t)(r oft'ii-fnCe coiulined, has been brought tmt tr rTKWAHT, fiUAIIAM tV Co., Jewelers,, U V'liihjh.li Jjtret-t: j -w York, which they sell ttlie wonJerfill;hw price of $12. Itend'theiij dwtiMMiM-nt and!' purchase oi.e if yon want a1 rtllf C'Kxl " atch. "Christian WfcKKI.Y en durttt thfir refiab.iliiy in ewry ." L15:0mo j e UiuiffC. i no. uur town was, favortd during the 'Christmas holidays "with; ; a trijof gay boys hailing frornj Orange, "ono of tins renowned counties of the :ate: Tliey spun an even, pleading "Webb about the hearts of sou'e of our fairj ones and h kve Lift the gossamer fabric? bfforc the eyes of others' which, like the! oft haze (Ifqys) of auturuir; enchant the! fair hehrjet si They are gone took the! cars I Wednesday evening spinning a rn; Northward happy, we hope ; but happier far in anticipation of future returns and raore perfect felicity. Forget ( Fait- cett) St in whatever light you please, su. ciptille young gentlemen iu holiday bouts idi the queenly fair live more" iu the future than the present. TAc Christum Treca Sti Johns Luthe ran Church, Salisbury, N. C This beautiful aud emblematic spectacle was originally instituted by the great Refor luer, at AKTIX LUXHKR, at first in his bouse for bis own children, after trirda in itiiui PI.....I . i i -mr ... i wuuicnrp, over wuicn ne 1lriimA D.i 1 . I 1 - '";,,vu ""'nil control; ana it uas er lince been continued, by the Luthe n yuureiies, not only of the Fadeiland, tts well s by all the Evangtlical Vtutneraa Chrchea of this country. Tie pleas ore nunifeted by the whole congregation on this occassion, but more fspecullj by the children, (for whose in- " 'ipoicB me iiristmas ,-lrfOwg gotten up) was very marked patter 01 trie little, fett, and the Ptrkleof tho little eye, when called up receive tncir appropriate gifts, clearly b pokei tHe Relight of their littlo.hearts. I ihe Christmas Tree wit! its mimor gifts, was intended by its venerated founder. to emblematize those creator ....1 i " 1 '. . 0 -..u raore precious gilt, fronitbove, which 'T been so mercifully vouchsafed to al we eliildrcn of men. . T,1mj idea ia indeed touching due, and cannot fail to arouse every1 Cbrisiian heart, the profound, st I uiuae, td miniful liedcemer, for hi precious Girts. wucii pra So ts due the Chinch. antt v.peciany their energetic and win thv tor, Tor t ,e success which has attend. 1 .1? . - . j, V. "" luMf I Ur"1 ff,,'-t, in introducing " w"u",f ana tia:e-lonored custom of Christmas Tree. ' - t; '&t9F'iS "'ing dislies, floor, 'CloUi. table. rleaninrr - .i r . . ' kr1! lHlishino tin -11 . . F.-L. ' . T j"" " meiais, 1 ia iiKirirKrrfl iiine' w . . 1 . 1 line irnl k-i 1 T 1 cheaper 1 " jj ft Y 1 ro6 1 1 Mcidtnl tto a Knight.ThcXwbcrn that Mr. Wtn. Pngh.'one of moat kfful rider. !in thi. ectt6n, mot lort 'tr- r ccitIen eveniri''. "1JJ luio ' . 1 had bcC0Ule lamc iy c.I- U..!Di,'f ToariMiaeut ground when 0 .LV ,"e 1 0,,0ck St- rearid & f " 4nde! r?6"' . V 10 entgle Mr. PgU eral bttt,ae., w probably prove to be C ,,nl' exarainaiioa, pronounced Ian, TCr 00 "Jmptonj of internal ' J ! , I I I i Jt I ii ?! roiincs in England. WOlfu DKr 1 A CHKS. ' jl'iidiiy, D eiemberi kO. Tin- ino. rnte vtin(i of the LHt-m p ny, vblti!eiil.- ttn-uWlvcs' as" Liber al'CouaervtjvrB) are thoroughly alarmed at the reptibUcan proclivities i of several piomineni jnemneis ot Uie government, and, hoping to uke advantage of the re action of public oninion in favor ofU!i ininarcby, caused by the sympathy elicit- ed rm behalf of the Queen during the pro longed illines of i be. Prince,-have deci ed upon vigjorous action,; iu order Ip check wi auvancsoi repuuncanicm. Grave offeuce was elVen by Mr. Glad stone by hi i iytcnt speech at the Man iu House when he said that Sir barlea Dilke Was perfectly justified in di?ctfssing mv ijuwuoii oi mouarcuy aua repuuncan isoi. I ! This declaration, addd to other caueet of; disfttiieLaclion, ha& led the Duke of S'imeriet add Lord Halifax, both profes sed Liberal!, to endeavor to form a coa lition with the Tories, j . ; As ihe oiily hope of Ihe Conservative pny icturuing to power now lies in breaking th Liberal phalanx and uuiling wit.li th difaftVtt d onis, no doubt ia en tertained as to their success in forming ach- a coalitron. j G ltd stone's republican tendencies do nttorm the; only ground of disatUiac lion. A havy bill jof indictment is bionglt agitjnst him. While he is more t in half eiis'pHcted of 8crecL sympathy with the republican movement, he is kntown to be very anxious to conciliate t e advanced radical section of his fol lowing. Moreover biB liish policy is cre- attng much discontent in an unexpected quarter. The Irish j Roman Cath olics assert that he seeks merely to coerce them, and the liah Prt:estanls are loud in th;ir complaints aga'i list the confisca tion of lii?li church property; It is also charged against him thai he alone is re sponsible lor the liberty Which such men as John Slariiii, the Houie Uule member tor M.,,il, giv their tongues. The Irish est. rh act js now regarded- by the Con setv.ttive Liberals and the Tories alike as t iv piecursM ot an Liiglish Church act A: i. Gl.tdslone ws placed at the bead t iill.iiis bv a coalition ot the rudiculs jind lite moderate Liberals. By a coal i 1 ion of moderate Liberjtls and Tories hit teii.ure of . fHcei is threatened. He hat ifik i.tieti ilnf inoiiarehistv of all parties by his too r.ititui of Dilke, alarmed the chiti ehmiii by bia t up posed sympathy with the designs ot Mr Mtall, and fright ened the Iiidh Uiidiioldt is by playing into the hands of, Mr MHitiuTand Isaac Butt. Should Viscount Halifax and the Duke of'' Somerset succeed forming an alli ance with the Tory'parjfy their fitat action will be to vh'ct the iiight Hon. E. P. B .uvet ie as he Speaker d bo House of Cuuimous instead of th Hon. II. B. W. Brand, the former wh'ip jf the Liberal government and the nominee of the pres ent government for thej Speakership. If this project can be successfully ac complished when Parliament assembles, early iu February, the uext step will be to move an afuendmeuti to the address to throne in reply to the Queen's speech, declaring that the House has no confi dence in the Ministry. I This, if carried, will compel the retirement of Mr. Glad stune and hiS; Cabinet. I P. G. DOjNOT GIVE UP. A gentleman travelling in the northern part of Ireland, heard ;the voices of chil dren, and paused to listen. Jb Hiding the sounds proceeding from a small building used as a school house, he drew near ; and as the door was open, he entered, and! listened! to the words the boys were spelling. j . One little fellow stood apart, sad aud dispirited. ! Why does that boy stand there V ask ed ;t.he gentleman. f Oh, be id good for nothing.' replied tho tt':ffr r. f There'! 'nothing iu him. I can make notliinr of him. He is the most stupid boy in the school.' I he geutlciuaii was surprised at the nswer. lie saw that! tlie teacher was so . i 1 .t . . f 1 icruiy rouun mat tue younger and more uuiitl boy were nearly crushed. He s.tid a lew words to htmi, then placing his hands upon the nobh? brow of the little felhiw who stood apart, he said : ' One of ihtse davs you may be a fine scholar Dt nor give up, bu,t try, my bdy, try.' 1 he-soul of the boy was aiouaed. His dormant intellect awoke. A new purpose was termed, ii romtha: hour he became studious, ambitious to excel. And he did become a fine scholar, and the author of a well known commentary on the Bible ; a great and good mar!, beloved! and hon ored. It wan Dr. Adam Clark; 1 he secret of his success i is .worth knowing: Do not give up, but tryj my bov. trv Liverpool ( England) dispatches to the 3d;dan.;insjtatt( reptr!i Cotton as firm at lor uj.Unds, g H 10d ; Orlenns, 10d At a later hour in the day the price advanc etl ! tt.tnf : uplands Ifjdj Orleans 10.1 Sales 20 000 bales I This is good news Tor our farmers who yet have their cotton on band. miA'T HAWK. IIAVYH. SPIT iIrT BLOW, ULOWjaiul disjist everybody with ....ni vaiuiiu uitii us oneii.-ive ocot, wl en Ur. Safe's Catarrh itemed? iH!l speedily destroy allodor and arrest the dikharp'e. The Secret ot Captivation. Fea tures of Grecian mould, fell turned neck and beatifully rounded arms, tjre no doubt very nice things to have, and ladies who possess the.se charms have reason to b$ thankful to Mother Nature; yet, after nil. the most eaptivatinp of ulUwomanly charms is a jpnre, fresh and bril liant complexion. Thi superlative fascination any lady may secure by Tjaing llagan's Magno lia Halm, tho standard beautifviug preparation f the present aie. It differs from all ordinary cosmetics in the three mdst essential particu lars, inasmuch as it-contain no injurious in gredients, dtwR iit coutraict or shrivel the skin as all the astringent "blftoms," "lotion" aud 'powder" erentnally do,! bnt prwluees a last ing lovehneFSliy, improving the health of skin. Under ita operatumlhe texture of the epider mis becomes fiuef.and thti surface wi(t as vel Wfirind, sujootb porcelain. Features cannot e t'haneed, but; coniplejitms can. and it is quite certaiji that a ladri ith no other charm than a trU ani rosv complexion, will attract tnreadiniratiou in etimpany thin hernrghbor with a classic face but a willow skin. L ; - -- ALL KIND 8 of COURT AND MA? GISTIIA TESt BLANKS at this offict. .. . .,1 -- rr i - f SPECIAL NOTICES. I , A:DODY AKD MIND DISEASE. 8iiC?t dysfnepeia. Trie stomach an! the Ir;iin at-c too intimately allied for the one lo Buffer without the other, po that dypperia and des pondency are inseparable. It may be added, tocr that,, irritation of the stomach is almost in variably accompanied by irritation of the tem per. !& j j The invhrorntir.e and tranouilirir.e oneration -of HoHtetter's Bitters is most powerfully devel- uptu ill;vaica VI JIIUlgVXHUII. 1 lie urni KUWl Ol tbi- agreeabU tonic is comforting and tn- couragieg. A mild glow pervades the system, the chronic utieauir-esa in the region ef theRtom ach is ;tewene1, and the nervous retleiwrtti winch cfiaractenzes the disease is abated. This improvement! not transient. It is notsiicceed ed by the return of the old symptoms with su peradded force, as is always the case when un- medicatdstimulaiitsare given forthe camrlaint. Each defse seems to impart a permanent acces sion of healthful invigoration. But this is not all. J he appanent and anti-bilhous properties of the preparation are scarcely secondary in importance to iu tonic virtues. If there is an overflow of bile, the secretion is soon brought within proper limits, and if the biliary organ is in ert and torpid jit is toned a:id regulated. The effect iipjpn the discharging organs is equallr rutKji.it j , anu sin uiKci kii (.-oiiMipauoit i ne ca thartio action j is just sufficient to produce the desired result gradually and without pain. The bitters also promote healthy evaporatinn from th surface, which i particularly desirable at this season when sudden spells of raw, unpleas ant weatner are apt to clieck the natural per spiration! and produce congestion of the liver, coughs, and colds. The best safeguard against xiU diseaart i$ bodily riorand this the great Vege table Restorative especially promotes. THE CAUSE AND CUKE OF CON j j SUMPTION. The primary cause of Consumption is derange lueut wl Uie digestive organs, in s tleraiigeuienl produces diUcieut nutrition and assnmUtiuu. by asaiiuiJatjuu 1 niean that pioctM by winch tlie nu Uiiueut ot the food ia con verted into blood, and thence iuto solids ot the body. Persons witli di gestion ttius impaired, having the slightest predis position to pulmonary disease, or if they take cold, will be very u.bie to have Consumption ol the Lungs in ao.iie.of iti lorui.H, and 1 hold that it win be impossible toenre any case of Consumption with out brat rstorug a good digestion ami healthy as similation. The very first thing to be done is to cleaune tlie stomach and bowels from all diseaseu muccs and slime, which is clogging these organs so that tfjey cannot perlorm their functions, and then rouse up and restore the liver to aheaithy au- uua. ror una puipose me suiesianu tesi reuiedv is Scliencli s Maudrcke Kills. These Pills clean tle stomach and bowels of all the dead and morbid slime thatis causing disease and decay in the whole system. They. will clearoutthe liver of all diseased bile that Has accumulated there, and rouse it up to a new and healthy act.on, by which natural and canny utie is secreiea. Ihe stomach, bowels, and liver thus cleansed bv the use ot'iHeliencfs Mandrake Pills; but there re mains in the stomach an excess of acid, the organ is torpid and the appetite poor. In the bowels the lacteais are weak, and reuuinrg strength anp sup port, it (8 in a condition like this that Sclieuck'.s Seaweed Touic proves to be the tr.ost valuub erem- eiy ever discovered, it is alkaline, and its use will neutralize all excess of acid, makinir thestou - ach sweet and fresh; it will give permanent tone to this important organ, and create a good hearty oppejite.and prepare the system lor the first process - V: 1 ..i.j. - i , ui b goou, uigesiion, anu uiiunaieiy mase goou, healthy, liviug blood. Aftei tWs preparatory treat ment, what remains to cure most eahesof Consump tion is thei free ;aud perseverincr nse of Schenck's Pulmonic Syrup. The Pulmonic Sj nip nourishes the system,, purities the blood, and is readily absorb ed into the circulation, and thence distributed to the diseased Inogs. There it riiens all morbid mat ters, whether ia the form of abbesses or tnbercies. and then assists Nature to expel all the diseased matter, in. the form of free expectoration, when once it ripens. It is theii. by the great healing and purifying properties of Schenck's Pulmonic Syrup, that all ulcers and cavities are helled up sound. iiu mj pavieni is cored . TI.e uljnl ihiiif to be don' In c rl"C Con umi tlon l o tri up a koo'I a i-etli an.l a t" od nigi-s't- n, t at the b dy w II cow in flei- aa-l pet tr ns. Ii a nrrson Jii luntl. a ! or lre Her. lire v- lty cnnot :e.l, the ivaMer c nnot i(-1 , bo lonta a- t' e sy 'era U el m tn . W i,t ne. ess try fo cu-e 1 a n w Mrr of th nit, a oO'' at Drlite. a su d nat I l n. ihe od.T to I &: ti, Oe.li and Kt.t f,t . )lva natur it helnel He catriti'f wilt he-'.the milter aiilrii en m i he thro n fTt 1 arge quantliies. and the e son r-nain elth and t' enpth Ihi tithe rue and 01 ly pan t cure Con urp. ip j. and Ua 1 ern Is very bk.l If the lunare .'! entirely -detroyetl O' even If one 'nog en' rely jtone. Ifthet h.noueh vitality Kit in the V er o heal un. ah re U hope. I lave seen -an' Bermna cured Uh"nly pd- aound Uiag, lle and enjoy ire to a good Id age. This ia what Sc enck Metllcinet will oto cu'e Conia" i'i'n. T ey wl I clrn out the stomach, sweeten ard it e pthen t, ret n(ja (rood d,a-tion, and give Natu e the Msia'a- Ce alie netda toleir heteiu f allhe.Uea e II at 1 In he Ian i, wHatever He f rm may b . Ii U Imp rtantl th t w He aat-g fc' enck Medtcln 1. -a e Mtoul'l be exercised n t o take c Id ; keep ln-lo. 1 in col 1 and ami eaiher ; v il night ir, in4 take out d r xerciie 01. ty in a renial and warm d nil. I i.e. I w ah U dUUnctlv nnclej-atood that wm n I recoinmen a paocnttii ecar-ul n regard to takiu cold, while uirir tnyJMedi lnf. I do o for up cU reason A mi. bo haa but pa-tiaily r.coTrred f om the ff rt of a bad cold far more I sh e la rela se Uiau otie ahohaibern ntir ly eared : and t is prrri-'y the tame in retard to Consumption, fo 1 n as the luurs are not uerlet lly lue-1 1, jiiat to on s th. r" r"n'inent datirrr f f II re turn of t -e olaeaae II - cc it that I io tt-enuoua J cau iion puimt-nary p-iienn ga ni esi(iilii( then Ive o n atoii'Sphere n a' in t rerlal and t.leasa' t. Conbrm- rd 1 onsuioptlves lunirs ate a iuas l a rea, whidi tli let rl.B?e- a hi phere will' flanie. Tie arai d e-e' of tuy sac e ih my Medicines tm shlt in my a' 11- tt n tubdue nfl tninaiio ' ii.nead of 1 rv kin. it, mi'y of 'he faculty do. n inflanied ung cau not with aafetj to h" pa'iriit. be ep ed to the Uilmr bib of w inter or the rhll ine winds of Spring or autunv . It s o 1 d be car. i -ly shielded from il trri'stir g ii flu nce The ut ol cutio ho Id be obserred In 'Ida uar.icular a wit on li cure 1 ner almost a 7 crrumatauce It an inipoi-iuiu'y; . - ! Ih perso - ioald b- kept c a w' oletome and nu H- Ugui itieti aud a I tke Melic n s continn d until 'h brrfy hf rrMoted: U It Uic na u al quantity of fletli aul alreogth i :ij ; I ws my ftf eared by this t e tent of the worst kind of C namu. Hon, and have lived get ft and heart th e ma y Iti one lung nv gtl go e. ha crdt ouaanda since a d yery many lia been cured ny tnia trial rent iiora 1 hare ,ner r en . Ab..uiU rt . f Octoter I xi ect to take pos ewloii of niy iie- umi uiir me o ineat corner o- 011 h a ch S- r U. h e I ' a 1 b ol aseJ to i .Jvicr to all ahc may jfirquifc It. Full aire t fliis acco- pany at' n y Rtin ill. a, an tliat a prrt. in any .art ft ordcub riadily ur 1 ty -f tirict obaervai.ee of thr same. 11, J. H. CHEVCIC M D.. ' ii e llatfiv ia. i t ''JOHN r.l!E.l:Y. F 8 Cu le.-e Pla p, New Y rV, tcflSw I I ; Wi.oieg af. n'. F'r iifieeit years I eufiert-d from dieoi dered Lirer: but since 1 1 used one pack age of Jrnon8, Lier llegulator, to tl.id.ty, which is ni.wr several yeaie, I have been coiupir ttivrly a gnund man. U aj A. Fl Woolev, I I Kingsttm, Ga. How to get uioney is the grcfit dt i-ire of all A really g.odand seivicable Sewing Jlachine lLat will iiiaketuioiiey tor you, or help you to save it. Wiil be seui. to! your own home on Trial for 3U lay I, no matter where you maybe, and yt.u can pay f..i tt ia small monthly iii Ktallments, by writing u the Great American Machine Co.. cr John and Nassau Street, New York; or you can hftve a Couuty Right free, as agent and make money fast. We advise smart men secure the fbustneis, 'as nothing pays better than the agencv for a good Sewing Machine. Write at once, i NOTICE j TO THE RAPIES. Among the many useful invention produced by the Nineteenth Century none occupies a more prominent position than that of the Sewing Ma chine. Thecheerful hum of these tireless little helpmates of our mothers and wive ma v now be heard in almost every houe in the land. Tbey are majde in endless variety and one is al most at a loss to choose when there are so many of decided merit; One of the latest and most Improved is the Empiue, manufactured by the griBEi Sewixo Machixk Co, 294 pM.werv, N.( Yr speedy, noiseless and durable ; and we can coiiscientioiisly recommend parties in search o. a Macljirie to give it an examination before con cluding tQ purchase. Agentt wanted, liberal dlseounU given. - mar2G:lr- r HAS taken the room Recently occupied by Overman, Holmes & Co., in MurpbVa Granite Ilow, and opened a PRODUCE COMMISSION BUSINESS. "ne solicit cash ordeni from abrod. Produce bought and tinned on vcrv hort notice Reftwrtfully refers to .business en of the city. PP rt IST'CasIi paid for all leading article of country Product iTi rsBnitri. "s 7 - r, CRAWFORD & IIEILIG, ARE COXSTAXTL'ADDIXO New, improved and valuable Tools, Imple ments, Machines, Contrirancie &c, &c7, for the convenience and facility f Farmers, Blacksmiths, Carpenters, . Shoe Makers, Tanners, Cabinet Makers, Mason Si Carriage Builders, ; Coopers, House-Keepers, Butchers, Cooks, &c., &c. In fact, ;fev ersons unAcrjnaintcd with our establishment, are aware of the wide ranire of wants we are prepared to meet, nor of the exact and Wautiful adaptability of our goods lor the purposes lor which they are made. Nor can we describe them in an advertisement. They must be seen. Come, therefore, to the Hardware Store for any thin"; you want, from a toothpick to a steam engine; from a pin to a strawcutter any thing almobt every thing. They have A FULL STOCK always on hand of every variety'of Nails, Iron, Steel, Hov Grrtin Cra tlles, Stytl:es,IU0 Dozen Axes at, low prices. (inns, Pi.-tols, K rives and Forks, Fairbanks Scale, the left Wrought Iron Plows to U; found. We warrant tjiem tojrive satisfaction.' Thomp son's Plows arid Suhsoi'ers. COllN SJIKULKliS, STIIAW CUTTEKS, and a thousand other things yot need. Send in your orders or come and buy. CRAWFORD & IIEILIG, 13:tf V Salisbuiy, N. C. A STE.TI WIIYDR. the $12, SENSATION, $12. OR IVlngie IValcli. A BEAUTIFUL CHRISTMAS GIFT. SOMETHING ENTIRELY NEW, AND LSLr IL, AS WELl AS GOOD. A New Stti'le Dot bi.e Histiso Case and opnt face Watch combined in ONE, with jfine Fl RsT class imported Polished or FttosTEn NlCLE, Pa tkkt Lever, and IluLy Jeweled 'Movements. Accurately adjusted and Regcxated. Elegant Crystid dip, showing the Exposed Aet ion and eveky motion of the JJcdulitul WoHKS while running, with thecftfcraet I'ATEST STEM wisi lNO Attachment (winding up at the Stein without the use of Key). Unique in Design, and tpnte a (OVEEXV, CHEAPEST REALLY feOOD, Strong, correct and serviceable Watch ever manufactured FOR rEltxNAI. VSE, Equal to fitiixt quality high price Gold Chronometer Watch at one- ttrentltth the cant. Price each Ladies' or Gents' size, vith Chain free, in Morocco Case, onlv $12 or $1)0 per half dozen ; 3100 per dozen to clubs or the trade. Sinui.k Watches sent free to nty addret. Stfe delivery guaranteed on receipt of price. We are responsible for Checks, Drafls, P. O. Money Orders, or Registered Letters onlv. Or, WE will forward them by Express without THE money, and you can pay the price to the LxfREA Agent (with bxpres Charge t.x TRA for the privilege) on the deliverv of them to you in you it town. Watches of all kinds sent everywhere on the same condition. Genuine American Leyeii. $15. Solid Gold Levers, $30. Ladies' 'and Gents' Chains, ull stylet, $2 to $10;Sch. Evert Watch sold as represented, thoroughly warran ted by Si'ECIAlGuarantee, uRsctM bit exchang ed at all times free of eot. No, Agents em ployed. All goods at Factory Prices. Anv Watch you mav want at half the price vour jeweler el la it for. DescmrttvesRrit- Lists of Watches, Chains. &c, sent free, .Address al all orders, STEWART, GRAHAM A (iO, Jewelers, Irnixirter, S:c 15:Gmol 6 Whitehall St. N. Y L. M. DAVIS, COMMISSION MERCHANT, ROCK HILL. S. 0., Solicits rhipmcntn ol Flour, Meal, Wheat Crn and Oat. t be sold on Coniniion TLoe Laving products to sell sh'ooid corres fond with me and obtain market prices at llucV Hill, which can generally he doru; in 24 hour. ; lleferenee: Jhn I. Shaver, lyA Air. J.U iY'hite. - T-4 (S l ! i --v . 11.1 J looks Closed! IN CONSEQUENCE of havioe a lart: nu inter of open accounts on our bands aud uot being able to nse thm iu-reeruiiiug our stock of gKxls, we have deteriniued . pt t enter any persons name upou our 1mmUs od and alter the 1st day of Janoary ' 1872 who has an unsettled account with prior to this date. CRAWFORD & HEILIG. Salisburv. N. C. Dec. 27, 1871' 15:3t I . he. T 1 "i itt.. Vi-a So -2 " " - . r ' m aaa a a .. I I AM NOW OPENING much th lareest Otoe or uMKls 1 ever ottered in this market, aud can hold out greater iudneemeut than VrL!llIhe Wh,,,' H-tail Deater, ith 20 years eloae exrteiienre imK- T,-.,u I think no dealer will ru-i any risk in giviDg in? stock a close examinuiion before making his nurchases. either at wholes -le or retail. I call attention to a few leading article which w hi aio reacmng tne IIHMTIII Dry Goods in all the various departments; Notions. Ready Made Clothing, Getit. an-der-wear. Paut. goods. Hata and l aps. Roots aud Shoes, Stationary, Wall aud Curtaiu Paper. Bolting Cloths. HARDWARE AND CUTLEBT, Nails, Axes: Shovels andSpaden. Iron.St ana bastings; Drugs. Medicines. PAINTS. OILS of all kiuds; Dye tutfs and Crockery . GROCERIES! Coffpp, bujrar. Molasses. Salt. Ch oapp, Candle, Spices of all kinds, ("on cctioneries, Nuts, Candle?, Currants, al vuij.h ic in tu;ii imo; upper, sole and -. :.. .i. .. i- . i Harnew LKATIIKK. I deal heavily in 111 - 1 -m W m m -m - - - . all kind ItlMvlESantl DRANDIKS and call vour sneeial attention to 'P .T Foster's OLD LOG CABIN W1IIS ivn. i , unurpased Dy any. 1 atn agent or the famous WATT Plow: Wheeler. Millick & Cob uunsurpaesed Threther and lleaner, at manufacturers' prices. l STRICT attention giveti to all ordt is. . I BUY ALL KINDS OF PMODIDCE. Very thankful for the liberal patron age given me in my business connections heretofore, I hope to earn a continuance of the same. My salesmen, under prcseut arrangetneiitt", are : Geo. L. Hostian, M. F. Hunt, Jno. L. Burke, M. A. Vauderford, Moses L. Reed. THOS. J. FOSTER. No. 3' Main street Eat Ward, balisbury, N. U ) 3m:8 Oct. 3, 1S71. CATAWBA HIGH SCHOOL, NEWTON. N. C. Rev. .1. C. Clapp. A. B. S. M. Kino sr. A. M. S Prtucipals. J. D. Rowe, (late ofUniversity of a..) Assistant. The 13th Session of 20 weeks, begins January 1st 1672 Tuition, from 10 to $22.50 per session. B arl in la mi lie, fr m $8 to $10 per mo. The t'harter prohibit the sale of spiritu ous liquors wit!. in two miles of the InstitQ tion. The teachers have been regularly educated for their profession at thre Colleg among theb'rst in tlie V. S., and the discipline and drill are thorough. Newton is remarkable for health and mor ality. For circular and particular, address CLAPP Sc FINGER. Newton. Dec. 5. lrJ71. 12:tltpd Notice to Assignees. .PSIGNEES in Bankmptcr who have had 4. V notices of appointment and acceptance published in this paper and h.ire not paid for the same, are requested to forwrird amount (ft) aud oblige THE EDITOR. Look ! Litigants ! Id pursuance of an order from th Gover nor of North Carolina, a SMeial Term of the S'uperior Court for tha County of Ilowan. flir the trial ot Civil Causes, will b held o Mouday, the first day of Januarj, A- D. 1S72. at which Term "of aaM 'Ol.art parties and uituesses iu all CIVIL Causes are here by not i Bed to appear and . prosecute or de fend their suit. ; D. A. D AVIS, CLi na r . County CoinniisskHaera Obadiau W00D6OX. Clerk. lf2t STAR COOKING STOVE. sTHE bet and cieapit desijni ever ret Invented. 'Witnc4ea on the irround hose espenence roTe it. It is alum. uu ea sily managed. It )iaa the laret atn of ail T StOVe mail in X m.n, ibi I i- 1 1. . r. nrr vari eties also on hand, i All A. n. any Stove rMnldlercan stll them, and war ranted to perform i ell. jTin Ware on hani.1. and tin. copper, and sheet-iron work of all kind done to order with dispatch- HKOWN A WE A NT. MERO N E Yj Fb R OT HER DKALKK IS L01I2STIC &; ?AJICT GOOLS, ! Furnisring Good. " ntfc.iery, DreMi Triinniinj White Goods, ; Uoots, ShoK. Hats. Caps. OKOCEMES, CONFECTIONKRIES. Ac. ii"Tliey are Sfnf for fx win; Machines, ; Agricultural flint - tnents, Ac. ; PHILIPS & BR08 -Vffia Street, to drs at-ore Cvvrt JIouse. J ON SALE Fresh and salted FISH of all kind, a full supply of Family ; Groceries. LiqroR. and Yankee Notions. Also, Root. SIkh-s, Hats, Cajis, Domett fcs. Yarns, A Crotkerv. AU goin low for tah.and cuutrv pro duce. Call and try. them. Mar 24 ; HantW, 100,(K0 Ilw. old Bone: V. WALLACE Asks public attcnticjn to his large A select Stools, of Oooda, comprising everything in the Mercantile line, and offered as elenp as the rhrajt .' his remaining H'tMtrrtock at cost, in which great bargains are daily given. The high est cash prices, paid in Good at the low et rate, for all kinds of Count rj Produce. Furs! Furs!! Furs!!! Bring all your Furs to WALLACE. 4 - ' PAiynxG. C. S. MOUIXG & SON, HOUSE, SIGH &' OEHAMEITTAl PIlSTlTERS, SALISBURY. J. W. BITTING. 3IAIN STREET, SALISBURY, WHOLESALE . RETAIL OEALER In general Merchandise, Embracing all LEADING articles, Buvs and sells all kinds! of Country Pndv'ct. Wholesale Liquor Dealer and Commission Merchant. Agent for Navama Gl ano Co. Orders solicited. II. W. PRICE. T. J. PRICE. PRICE & BR0.. II.TE tPEXED A Family Grocery Store, In the new building lately occupied by G. C. Smith are ellint a choice M-lert ion of articles in this line at greatly reduced rici- Flour. Meal. BaconButter. Ijird. Ac. all froh and sweet, alw ays ready. Ciiffe-. Su guars and Teas, to suit the fancy. Bring your Produce and trade w ith Prick a Bao. BCRTOX CRAIUE. KERtt CnAlCE. CRAIGE & CRAIGE, ATTORN EY3 AT LAW, No. C Council street. opHitr the Cvurtllvuse. pnACTKK In the Superior Court f Rowan and ad joining counties; in the Supreme Court at Raleigh, ami in the United Stato Circuit and District Courts for the Diht. of North Carolina. March 2i. 171. i DENTIST. Office, corner of Church and Inni.-s street, Salisbury. - 2j WM. M. BARKER, 98?5r Coach Maker, i2122. Is manufacturing all kinds of vehicles at his shop on I-e street. Any One ni-eding a really yiwt. and fine job can get it here. Call and scf. All work after the most approved pat tent 4. and will compare with any north or soul ji. Sjm- ial attention invited to his light work, and to his paint ing and trimming. -Ornamental and SIGN Painting done with neatness and diatch. Salisbury, March 23," "COME TO! BOOKS!" THE SALISBURY HOOK STORK, By J. J. STEWART. U the place to get Books, from A. B. C. p trard. until you can learn to talk in lan guages which few can tindcrtan school books full scries of all the mot popular author. Also, any amount of Bibles, Tes taments, Hymn Books, Vocal and Instru mental Mnsic 01'Blitn Books, Copy Books, Blank f Books, Memo- randums. Pens, wanaia Pencils, Pa juts. (Writing and Wall.) Ir.ks and Ink-Stands, with a long catalogue of Story Ctioohs. i T BINGHAM $e CO. wnOLEAXE ASU RKTAIL GRQCERS, Main t. Salisbury. Are receiving a vefy large stock of Salt, Sugar. Molasses, Bacon, Lard, Rice. j Chee, Candles, Soap, . Powder, Shft. Whikey, Brandy, Toacm. Wcdm Wnre. Crorkerv and Glas Wkrr. and all articles Usual! r in tho GrocervMin, w hi h we are celling at wholesale and retail on the most favorable terms. Now in Store. CO sacks Coffee, 0 bbl. Sumr, 50 boxes Candles, 0 -4 Mola?s, 50 gross Gail & AxVsupr. Scotch Snnff, FOR SALE LOW. Tlie verv let Kerona Oil. Pure Clarified Cider Vinegar, Pure Candie. Raiens, Nuta, Cheese. Crackers, Corn Starch, Hecker's Farina, (?ox's Gelatine, Dedicated Qcoanut, Royal Bakinrr Powders Just received at BI5GIIAM Ji CO'S. J0H1? S. HENDERS0H, mil tst. o. LIES. C0ERELL, Thtakful for part favors, has the tdeaamra to announce the rvcdjsl of her Fall stock OF MILLISKHY. GOODS, Hat, Ilonnet. Cliignon, Switcbet, Iloll Fhmrr. HilI.n. Ac. She U frramtlv ntcning additions to her stock, ami thu ktj on hand the latest stile- Her Flower are verr leantifoL Call and soitrrttrr solicited. Repairing done a usual Store jom neat and corj, Hmarly ophite the lloiden Hoose. J. M. KNOXT- No. 4. CILVNITE iOW MAIN STREET; ir.AL a trt Staple and Fancy JHr Goods. Cloth! eg, Shx- and lWii, Hat, Grtverira, Ac. hty a,., "t fr enslt CORN ar l FI.Ol'Jl, s-. I Count-. i -,luce pncra!lr. Frrrpt attention to ...dcm for Gmain. Fuora, Ac. I-lT He invitt-K tho" sho aUh'to k!', as well a th.ta- who w Uh to buv, to ct'l and see him. He UDF.IIAL PRICKS for Produce, and sell what he has al V U I. ADVACE. SADDLE and HAR NESS, liOOTfcSHOE MAKER, Vit corner of National Hotel Keeps ot. sale a spKndid st-k of Harnc, Raddle and Rridlc. bhot and Boots, to order Best stok alone employed. Repairing is .both line attended to. Terms, caah. J. H. Earnhart & Co., ,yf M AX IT ACT C RE RS OF 51CARF.IAGES. BUBG1GS. and Wagons of all kinds. Also, repairing done at hort notice and in thr tarst aian f' r. I-t"Shop on the corner of Lee and Kerr Mn-ctn. one bl k from the Depot. SalUburv, Man h 23. J. A. CLODFELTER & CO, Mantifartttrrrs and iXnilrrs im Furmitun. CottaL' IkJtcadv Cottage Cliain l r Suits. p:iiDtil Cliambcr Suita, Fn-nli Suits, walnut and naJnte.t Cane S at Chairs Rinking Chairs of all ltx-rijtion. Kxtcn.-ion Dining Table 1 blcH of all kind Waidntlieft, Bnreau, Wthtand. What Nots. Matt resae. Sofa, Reception ( hair and Parlor Sots. Aho, Rustic Window Shado. r. novcltv for com jilct enes. In-aut v. clu-a pn-vi and lurabilit r. AIo.man other anicle w birh wearepre parcl to Kell as henp or chtajarr than any Hoiw in the western part of the State. J-fA lull aMrtuicnt RoM-wood. Metal ic and Walnut Burial (a-. whih caa b furniahed at 'A l.our not ire. U- Mire to i all n arl opjaite the )lan sioti Hotel, i t l'r U low the Eiprcs otlire, s-e our sto k and In-ar our pri. SMH-ial orib-r unao!- Iroui pbotographa in our oirict-i will In- hupplit-L C. F. BAKER & CO. Y holrj-il ad Eta,l Lkulrrs in Tin. Chect-Im zrA Crppcr Wirt; Cook. Parlor and OClre Stoics, of every -o7- nl ia!ity. STILLS rrjiavir--l. hoiw H.K.tt .l, Gutlen-d and Siouted, all at hort in t i - and in thr lM tnanarr. Work w akkanti t. Full stock of Wair in Store, 'e cannot I u ilrrrld. Hightt prices paid lor old copper. J. ALLEN BR0WN, HHAIN, FU)lii, II A v, :. SALISBURY. N. C. Jt,iler in J'U.'K I'F.lll YI.KS Gt'ASO, and other reliable Fertiliser. Also, LlMt, for building well a agricultural um Oilice at Wm. Ovkkvan Sojt'a Sh- Store. Main atrrt. " jTallen rowhT' REPRESENTS vcteral of the leading and moM r--'n'vible o n ia i es, hotb Fire and Life. Is.-uc policica at the low e-t rate. OrFicc at Wm. Overman a Sos'a Shfe Store, Main nr. A IIEW 23 HA ZZ7 WASHING. LABOR, TIM K Clothes tVrncl "avcd bv the ne of WAUnCLS'B OJLtt WATER s.lf.Vflshin?r 1 e - SOAP. Send tor t Circular and Price List. AGENTS WANTED. WlL-OV, LOOKWOOD, EVERETT a CO, 61 M-irray aiv. Ttrw Y-T. fcvU tt fc s I Virginia. Mt b aaal Sl TREES. Fruit and Ornamental, For Autumn of 1871. W lovitethr attention cf P T.tis aoi Wlr tu our large and cuUii-ip1r to k of alliJrJ aiiJ lorl lli.it Iiir. lira, '.ue and tnal! Kru t. 1 maTiiHjil lr s-hri.1 tud Tlarts. Ne and Haie I ru.t auU (it.anieital Trees. liu!Uu Klorr I'.cx t. Irkci.it, e and I..utnt-d ir-d r'aUlr-f aes ut rej'd on re"- j-t t 'r . at foMov: No. I I tnita. Or . No ? mtft..ftal Trr. 10r. Nn. 3 - litM-n-l -. Uh . No. 4 HUIcmk, fie. . 5 :nll Addre KI.LW Ni;KH X RARP.Y. FUtabli.lfKj 14'V- Uoleir X. X. Band Leaders, For wmrtloriK inlfif.l.nf . tt,l oar i&m la iVXjW.K W. c. tTK. Krakfo t N Y. 030. r722 WILL FA7 83 . Aff nt t00 jr eek to aril our j-rrat and taloab'. diacvrertea. If joa araut irrfuasnt, koaorak'.a and t'lcaaaat work, at.p t fjr 11 t.celar. adlm DYKIt a ' . Jariwia. Ml-alfaa. A Million Dollars. Knrewa bat qa.et nta raa . ake s tflasibyr veiling tli aecret of lie buihra la if ome . iddreaa WK. WJ A Y. OSS DroaJar- New Yw Land Deeds, Trustee Deej, Commissioner's Deeds, SUeriff's Deeds, Ch attic Mortgages, &a. For Sale tt this office. ST ..!:!! r : ,!-- .

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