mm coriotw taste a man moit haVe who .deliberately La hi coffin constructed before -bis death ! Nothing but a. natur allr morM torn -f mind can account for itOUut'tberejire mcli ,,thiIolnhl'ra,, in eifsteuc. One Mr lticharil llHrrja who Ifrerfin orth Carolina, thirty years ago turned, out a sassafras tree to gro w or tbe purpose !of making a coffin, and about - twelve months sgo tbe old man bd it cat tlowu, 'fetid got a man in Koxborotigh jo iasAr h'li coffin out of it. I Tbe old man occasionally geta into it and ttretcbes himself out, by way of showing bis neigh bo rs 'a grind fit." Another eld fellow io the same State had a coffin cast of iron before tb war. lie bad bis grare dag and walled tip with brick, Hth a muiguifi een,t! fotubslone Br-iiiiig forth bis name, place of birth, and fixing bis ileaUlKaome whereabout the year 1871." But he was alive an 4 kicking in 18G3. The old chap kept hid cat iron coffin in i be corn crib, and used to shell corn in it. This is a tie method of ''ackno wledging tbe corn' , ' I .aa. -, i WilUafii, who fei to boast that be nererowed a dollar in bis' lite and never wUld,jb less than a year alter his niar rUga 1 bad a. litte BA to take up every ;f ;j . j V ' j A negro bny -of eight has a picture primer to teach 4m bis letter; One of the pictures is that of a bull chasing a boy which tiki- -little darkey watches from day to-day, gleefully txctriiiniiig, Vile hasn't Ctrl died him vet." !-. 1 ' ' j It was an Ir ishman who wanted to find place Where I here was no death, that be anfjhi go and eiid his dayi! tlu-re. ; To Southern Teachers and Parents .1 card1 FROM OES. OORDOX. ! i ' ; - My excuse fur addreMing you munt be the great importance of the atibjecl to which 1 would call alUsntiou -that bf the proper; education of our children, and the proper development of their aelf-reapei-t and ichantcier. j j r I need not repeat any commonplace In re gard to the lasting effect of early iniprensionH, the almost inipowuuility of diverting the minu from the bent given it in early yeantj-all this you knoW as well a I. Nor need I-miy any thing about the powerful nilent influence, in this edu cational work, of the school book from whi. !i our children derive their view of right unci wrong, and their knowledge of the fact, or uiw repreaantationa; of history for thin, too, you know full well. C i i ; And when I any that having been; for long year,alniot entirely dependent upon the North for our achool bookn, we have been compelled to uss many which were very diktateful to u, because we had no alternative, I only state that which every reader can Rubxtantiate. : 'Long before the war we alt felt the necessity for a.change in thi reieet the necessity for nnobnoxious achool hooka for unaectional, up political booka achool bookirprepared by our own achoIaM, if that might he; and i nee the war this necessity haa increased ten-fold. Indi- vidua! effort, of ihe mrmt -praiseworthy chnrac- ; iw nave,irom ume totime, been made Hi tliiadi j rection by Southern men, but not of a sufficient ly comprenhennive nature to accomplish the purpose in view. To meet the want thou universally felt, never- vi wur i nenuiiim, ana moot successltil teachers, iirutetl in tn i.ariniF Koriwu ..lw,i Hooka linAiirn.i4xrl l.v inv .tluJ :.. i uvamj uu cnenpiK'K-t. Mtury wrote Ueotfruphie and Astronomy. I Venn Me wrote Arithmetics Algebras, &c. Holme wrote History, Grammars ant Keadl en. I --? - ; : Hcnele de Vere wrote. French Books. . (Jildersleevel wrote LaVm Books. LejConte Wrote Seielitic Jiooks. . i Dun ton made Writing Books, &c, &c. And t1iecombiinelseri sU called the Univergitjj ikrux of ScliQolUook; a series not only not object .tionable to our people, hut positively attractive to a degree heretofore entirely unknown. Our history, institutions and modes of thought her! receive impartial treatment ; and instead 6f be ing ignored, the interestrof the SoufJi here re ceive equal representation. f. Then as to intrinsic merit, who knows more about Geography than Manry, or of History and Grammar than Holmes, or of Mathematics than Venable, and so on through ail the list? . Each author is a master in his peeial depart . tin en u. . , ; f r Itls for this Series of book, so excellent so feceFtb'eJ. t cheap (they are: the cheatUt boolw published) that your favor is solicited.! The bobkaoilhe Univerrily Series are present ed directly upon their merit'; you are not aaked to use inferior; books. j j " If these two questions can be answered affirmatively:-)- i I - i Are these books equal to anv in merit ? j ! Are they as cheap as any ? " Should they not receive vouf preference? What is more reasonable than that Southern Schools should he supplied with books written by Southt ern scholars, provided they are eqiially eooda with.thoHe writpen by Northern rneri ? Is it not. better both, for us, and for our children, that 'audi books should -be used? - t the re-.Kne which was fnevital.fe Ito tljw question, has come. More than 5,000 of ur best Southern Schools Mj-e using these books Several Soothern Stales have already adontid the for exclusive use in their public school County Boards in every iiihern State are , , pmaie scnooisare replacing books hitherto used, with them Tjie ucccaf the " University Series" is unprece dented in the history of school book f ublisltirit; and it u destined to be yet greater. I ' Do the people of the South desire to rid them selves of obnoxious bonks and i-i-.. lnjr7 Can it be better done ;than by nnanimoiis. ij iwwiaining mis nrsi comprehensive education i al enterprise of our own scholars, and !by mak Ing the 44 University Series'! the s i CStronA SERIES IN EVERYj SolTHKBN STATE (Including, of course, any other booka havlhe equal daim foV consideration.) :Onrsthool will then be supplied with lool which they can loni eontinvie to use ; pHpig mipelli I to change their schools will nf longer le retarded "uu'" 7 cnange oJ UKks, for all d use, the same; and parents will be saved the ex pense of present constant i hanpes, while tev tIr, ? in reganl to the char'- acter or -the teachings under which their chil dren are brought, j i Thhvaibject, in all Us bearings, hvof the dh- 'ljuTHee I" "nT lnP,',"V conntrynS Mia not a sectional mo vemen but a oational .and patriotic one. It is not a mere rivalrlX! .tween different publishers, pr Wonld no 7pfc Sfi Ith. " ud8 ry?'IP chi,dren alne, which is at stake; the developing of theirself respect and character, which U to be the Vesuli' t i .t is an enterprise so important to us that our best cittens-our representative men in every Wtkr. .rW ?mn mre, the men f ii noVl'Mlt-rhave,t their money 12 WT not 10 Profit outf it &H V ".Wth.t abundant abould nr be IackinK to prosecute the prise on the lanrot nl. ; KT Will thei teachers ami parents of the South unitedly sustain thee author and theeS men, in the work thn, described, bv adopting and nsing these books to the exclusion of a I not so acceptable? I do not doubt your answer If von desire furtheMnformati.n in repaid to -the books wrue to the Unitertity PublMino , or M Lexington St, Italtimore, or to nie t rAtlanta,Oanand illustrated CataloguesJand other Information, will be sent to you T a? once without charge. ; l'.9t J.B. GORDON. SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN lFor:1872. TWE5TT-8KVEKTH TEAS., f : TUl spienam weekly, greatly enlarged ana llbproved,woneof the most usefal and inter eting journal ever pablishedw EveryiDumber il beautifully printed on fine paper, and ele gantly illnstrated with original engravings, re preitcinting I .,t -i - :--,;v?i j Kejw Inventions Novelties, in Mechanics, .- Ifaaafaeforei; CbewiKtryeiUjgrapbyt . Architecture, Agriculture, Eagineer i " Jug, Science and jlrt:?M -r ?PA Illf ER3. M ECII ANICS, INVENTORS, I Engineers. Chemists, Manufacturers, aud f i'cople rif all ProfessionsDrlTrades I . ' J i M Will Hud Tbe 1 i :S C I T I F I C : A ll KRICA N ! j Of Great Value and Interest. J Its practical suggestions will save hundreds of d.dlai to eVery DoueboIdV Workshop, and factory in the; land.besides affording a Conj Unual, Sourcof of Valuable Jnhtmction. The EdiUirs are assisted by many of the ablest American aud European Writers, and having avc to all j the leading Scicutifioi and Mr. ehanical Journals of the world, the columns the 8i;ientilic American are coiistantlj' enrich ed with tbj. choicest iuforniation. i .. f AX OFFlCAi LIST of all the Patents Issued ij Published Weekly. i i I The yearly numbers of the Scientific American ju.ike Two Spleudid Volumes u Nearly Oue ?l1ioui.and "Pages, equivalent in lixo to Four Thousand Ordinary Book Pages. I SPECIMEN COPIES SEXT FREE. TermS. $:t a Tear; i .50 Half Ten; Clubs 1 oi ten Copies lor One .Yeaf, $2.50 each, 5.oo. : - 1 1 I With a Splendid Premium to the person rho forms tue Club, consistipg of a copy of the Celebrated Steel-Plate Engruviing, Men bi Progress " ! ij In connection-with the publication of the BctetititieAiaericHii, the undersigned conduct the uioit extent-ive Agency iu the world for procuring VJLTHNTS. The best way . to obtain an answer to the n, nest ion -Can I obtain a JI'ATEXT? is to write to BXTTHTJ & Co., 37 Park Row, New Viirk, who U ve had over Twenty-five Year Experience in the business N6 charge ia made foi opinion and advice. A pen-aud-ink sketch, or full .written descripticn of the invention, should be sent. , i ) : For instructions concerning American and European Patents Cavea is Re-insties In terferences -R j-cted Cases Hints ou Selling PatentsIiules und Proceedings of the- Patent L iws -Examinations- Extensions- -Infringe inf-nts, etc., etc., send for Instruction-'Hook, which will hoi mailed tree, ou applit aiiyii. Al it siues's strictlv conlidential. Address XHUI8TIc Co., ! I'M inkers of the Scientific Americaul 3t:13 il park Row, New York. KSTRAOIIDISARV OFFER ( DAYS OUT TXLXA&. PB.ZCZ2 ZLSOXTCSdI ThEjGrkat Umkrican Sewino Machine Co. have coucljuded to oiler their wholel 6tock oj Superior ajid widely-lcnoicH Maciii.ks; upou the above j nnparalled term, to Everybodv, EVcrjwhefe, wi o havi, or can liud uso for a reallij Gooil Sew ing MacuisiS, Cheaper than ttus cheapest. i . j ; j Every oue isjwelcome to a month's free trial AT their own Home. i I The bent, and OSLY TRCK titjAKANTEE of its quality, is a month s free trial, The olyect of giving a free trial is to show you How GoodoT Machine is. I This is the Simplest and most certain way to convince you that our Machine is fuel tcAa you want, j ) . Tlie Secret 0 f Safcty is in one vionth't trial, t No ne partsl jvith the Machine! after trial All pay for and -"keep it. 313 Buy no Machine until you have found it a Good one, Easy io learn, Easy to manage to work, Easy to keep in order, Perfect in Mertan- vim, i ungirucuon, dimple, tieliabU, vuujaciory, any company who Will refns you this much cannot have as good& Sewiw Machine as ours. Buy only when you know the machine doe not mkc an nour io get ready to do a minute work r.nH ...1. - . 1 J . I . - . Ready in a minuJe to do uny kind of work, and i cHicuys reaay anu never out ot order. A months rrial answers all Oustirine enl All Doubts, Prevents All Mistakes, and i the yjmy oaie way to get your JUoney's Worth. xrj ik 1 ou cannot lose. - - - Write for oiir Confidential Ci t rated Pamphlet, containing 'full piriicuiah, which we will send you by return of mail mr. with bam pies of Sewing, that vouan judge for yourelf. Aqd remember, that we sell our Uood Machine at ja Low Price, upon extraordinary 1 - - - , , . . uiitUUHIII L whether you want a Sewing. Machine or not, nor wciuwyoii nave one oj another kind. Trv a Uood one, uiey are aiitwy m-. and will Make M ney lor voui. or hem von to a ;r ...... nave another, ours will show vnn tUat tl.o ...... you have could be improved, fhe'eompany stake . . ' """r"": ' neix lousiness on the Merit Of this WantlrrfuJ unA J7w L.J?..;... Sewinjf Machine. County Riqll riven I (re, u, vr & yews: canvassers, 31ale and re-, 1. i 11 icvi er&yicnere. Write for Particulars, and address: j I ultrJAT AMERICAN MA PIT I XV n.. . - - v mM V V f.l. 1 XT :.. o. ' . l&ly ! X New York PROSPECTUS W The Semi-Weekly SeonomiBtJ I propose to publish in Elizabeth City. X;C. in Jannarvl 1872, a Semi-Weekly Newspaper to be called Eemtmiti. J If Its aim jrill be to minister to tile Literary taste of its readers, and to promote the Agricul tural, Commercial, Professional!, Mechanical and other UKlnstrial interest of our people, witlrall the rapacity, industry and teal it can command. In a word, i 77 Economist proposes" to occupy the wliole Geld of legitimate journalism. Politically; it wUl seek, without using the (wisoned weapons of bitterness,! td Ibster and combine al the elements of opposition to the reckless tendency of the times ; believing, as i e honestly do, that our Republic and its institu tions are int. peril, ai d t'vat unless iood inen of every classj unite Now, and as one man, to stay the tide of corrnntion in anpain .' this precious heritage ol our Fathers will, at no distant day, be like a tale that is io!d4-jke a iiiai;na passea away. i ; f The Edit orial manaremnt will lu n.J.. ij.. direction of R. It. CRrRrV. neawiorl k. r? --w t. Martin knd Dr. R. K. Speed, of Pasquotank "'"'ly v"?'- r erreoee i.amoen county ... ... mi tain ami x. vt. inner, rerqtumans county: Mai. IT. A . n;ii;m nJio.? Chowan country i ITon. IL f!. T.tlU. VrrVte? Jlon. T. J.Jarvis. Tymll co ...... tt. mre, vmies caunty ; I). U. Winston, Ifrtie county, and a number of occasional cbn tnhjitons Whe reputation wiU be a guaranty 01 tlie aoilitv. intonritw on.l .nu; r .1.. terprise. ; I ' ! I l;i t n'nicationa from the different couhUea in the District and fmm Ilia V.llnn.l o.... cJa,lUppear in every issue.! There will He strict attention given to the correctness bf L! rkfta the Local Departtnentbf the paper. j T RRARN'ER Utiabeth City, N. C.,Kov. 2p; 1S71. 12:tf Cheap ChatUe j Mortgages, I an varioua otber blankfxfor sale here. SIO $10 y-THE : TEEM AINE n -5 - ; Piano f ; -- ! - are acknowled by all who have them In use, and by the Ir$t Musical Talent, to be equal M ind in many respects. f i K r Onperfor to any SZannfacttired (!:!.' - jSTftejr coinbinerlmmense Power, Equality I ! Sweetness and Hrilliaticy of Tone, f i Elasticity of Touch, und ; ... f Great Durability. - ; DealerSjiTeachers and others l . ; desiring to purchase a first-class instrument are invited to examine these Pianos before making ir selections el se where. PATENT AGRAFFE TBEULE, Together with all modern improvements. The I h H .. most thoroughly seasoned timbertbe market af- i i : 1 fords is selected, regardless of cost, as we feel assured it. will be the cheapest in the end. The great increase in the sale of our instru ments. has enabled us to reduce our prices for First Class Pianos, from ten to twenty-five pei cent. lei8 than any other house (offering the ; i same class of instruments) in the United States. "While we act upon the maxim of "quick sale and small profits," we make it, at tho same time, a special object to furnish eur customsrs I with instruments in no way inferior to the best I in the market. Many families have had a derfre to obtain Piano, but could not afford to pay the dealer a v profit of from $100 to $:MK), neitherdothcy wisL topychasea cheap made instrument, tha; would cost more to keep in repair than it ii vorth, hence a large clasofour music loving people have been obliged to do without. We can j furnish Xew Seven-Octave Pian j i'ortes from 375 to 950 dollars. Secoml uand Pianos trom 40 to 250 dollars. Ci Parties ordering by mail may rely upoi the best selections. Our Pianos arc fully warranted for sii year Descriptive Circulars sent to all parts of the country upon application. C. M Tremaine & Brother, MANUFACTURERS, 435 Broome Street, Ucw ITork. THE BURDETT Combination ORGAN. ( With Carpenter and BurdeWs Xeio Improvements.) The disagreeable reedy tone entirely over come in tbii instrument. The Tcrditl istnanimci:.! The Greatest SurccM of l he i?t !! We rhallene the World to Equil 111 ! And cordially incite the profession, dealers and the musical world generally to examine this truly wonderful instrument. The Burdett Combination Organ AfiUl a V?e lndicat' ingeDiusnnlon of all our improTeuienis, combined itl, niauv new features never belore introduced or attempted in Heed Organs, together making ti.i Drgsn tl.t kk FLCS I-ltka f instru nients, and one that has al ready created a revolution in the public mi ml in .-v .vv.. ..,v, w, kUQ geuerai adoption of Keed Orcans. both for secular n.i ... .i . . visi aai unit;, IlCrs an iBstraneat is required either to accompany thr - ar.wv vivuninii IS. Wilb the naltitadinoos and Bii, tions I L.t are eonUined in this instrument, the most Biuic 01 tne -great masters," can be ren oered as oa a erand orcsn or th. mo. .in..i aic tor the melodeon can be played by a child. Ill the various improvements on thm Rnrdt rt. gas are protected by patent, belong exelDsivelr to tasCompaay, sad can be used oa bo other organ. LPmT.l.BJ,r1'tt0,r" 'eelied tbe most eordul and highest tnconiums fiom tboae raakinir among tbe flrst of musicians and organists. TAa Xew York Indcncmrlrtit r 1- c dett Organ t "It is bv far th m.t Xr.. a instrument we have ever seen." The Christian Leader sans : TT hA tVat a reed instrument could be brought to such perfection." The New York Ohstrtcr says: IU purity or voicing, richness of tone, and wonderful or chestral combinations. tnnthr with . or new and original stops, render it au instru ""5 -cn.pencctiou as to be beyond com petition " The nreas and nnbliA wtmriiu. v .. 1 , , i. ucm nuu nave bad an opportunity or listening to its beautiful strains, not onlr irir it th.;. j vat, but unhesitatingly concede tba. it sUnds niUlUUdSnTU. Tl e Burden Organ ranges in price from $135 to $1000. We hare also N PV.;nA n . vaillivt UIEIUB A 1 S45, $75, 100, &c. C. Tremaine & Bro., wholesale Agists, 433 Sroams a nam nrAww Jaly SS, 1870. o.un a.ji.-ja Fortes ! R. R. Ra Badway's Ready Relief Cares the worB pains in from t : ' OKB To TWESTT MIKCTES. Aot one hoar after reading this advertisement need any one suffer with-PAIN. BADWAY'S KbAlo RELIEF is a cure for every Pain. It was the firBt and onfy Pain Remedy that instantly stops the most excruciating pains, allays Inflamaiions. and cures Congenions, whether of the lungs, rtom acn, Bowels or other glands or organs by one application, m fmn, ,ine to twenty matter how violent or excruciating the pain Rheumatic, Iied.ndden, Ii 1 rtn, Crippled, Ner vous, Aeuraizie or prostrated with diseae mav -Offer. RADWAY'S READY RELIEF wiil afford instant ease. iMjtatHtuation of the Kidneys Inflammation oj the Bladder, Inflammation of th JJotrels, n . CoH!tioH of the Lungs, Sore Throat, hifflcvlt breathing. 4 . roljHlation of the Ileart, Hysterics, croup, Diptheria, Tr , , , OirarrA, Influenza, Ileadaele, roofAaci, ' , . . . . Xeuralgia, lUieunwlUm, Cold Chills, Ague Chill. The application of the Ready Relief to the part or parts wbere the pain or difficulty exists will afford enhe and com tort. Twenty drops in a half a tumbler of waterwill in a few moments cure cramps, spasms, sour stomach? heartburn, sick headache, diarrha, dysentery, colic, wind in lhe botccls, and i 1. ternal paius. Travelers shonld always earn- a bottle of "Radways Ready Relief" with thim. A few drops in water jvill prevent sickness or pains from change of water. It in better tbau French Brandy or bitters as a stimulant. Fewer and Ague. Fever and Ague cured for fifty cts. There ix not a remedial agent in thin world thatwill cure Fever and vAjrue and all other Malarious Bilious, Searlet.Typhoid. Yellow and other Fe rers (aided by Radtcay's Ml) so qnich ax "Rao-way 's Ready Reliel." Fifty cents icr b t tie. HEALTH! BEAUTY 1 ! Strong and pure , rich Blood Increase of Ilesh and BloodClear Skin d, Beau tiful Completion secured to all. SXL. RAJ) WATT'S Sarsaparilllan Kesolvcnt Has made tlie most astonishing Cures t so quia, so rapia are the changes the body undergoes, under the influence of this truly Wonderful Medicine, that EVERY DAY AN INCREASE IN FLESH AND WEIGHT IS SEEN AND FELT. THE GREAT BLOOD PiTRiFIER. Every drop of the Saaparillian Resolvent communicates through the blood, sweut, uriue and other fluids and juices of the ytcm the vigor of life, for it repairs the wasts ui the body with new and sound material, scrofula, syuhi iis, consumption, glandular ditcuM, ulcers in tbe thr at, mouth, tumors, nodes in thegland. ind other part of the svstem, eves, stru morous disc harges from the ears, and the worst forms of skin diseases, eruptions, fevers, sores, cald heod, ring worm, salt rheum, erysipelas, cbe, black spots, worms in the flesh, cancesr hi the wouuil), and ull weakening and painful discharges, nipht sweats, loss ol sperm tuid all wastes of the life Principle, are within the cur ative range.of this wonder of Modern Chemist rv.aud a lew days' use will to any per son wishing it lor either ol these forms of di s eae its potent power to cure them. 11 the patient, daily becoming reduced by the wastes and deconinositi fill that in .,..!!. progressing, succeeds in arresting these wastes. - ....c ltu Ilt.w- inaieriai made from health) blood and this the S.irsaparillian Will mid dues seenro n ..i.. :u . . when once this remedy coinn:ences its work or e-""'- " fuveeeus in Ullllllllsnine the (OSS ot Wastl-H. ifK r..r iir-- I... :. , . cry day the patient will feel himself growinc belter ai:d stroi.gei. the liHHldigesfing better appetite improving and (lesh and weight in' creusine. ISot onlr l.u. th, :n.r. 1 . , .J '"-- ujai iiuan in solvent eM-e I all known remedial agents in the .. . "'"""'c, ouroiuious, constitutional and r 'rtefl,l,nmit 'S th onl-v P'tive cure lor K1D.NH & BLADDER COMPLAINTS L rinary and womb diseases, gravel, diabetes! llrOnSV.stT)naffe of W.llor in ; r Itnght a .disease, A Ibuiiiimiria, and in all cases where there are btick-dust deposits, or the wa tens thick, cloudy, mixed with substances like au,-,,,r uin aos like white silk or there is a iorliil l.iri- and white bone-lust deposits, and when there is a pricking, burning sensatiou when iasMi,e water, and pain in the small ol the back anli illillr Iho l,,mj DR. RAD WAY'S Perlert Purgative PilN, pVge.recn!n c purily. cleanse and slicnttl.t-.-?tZJ H ' !or Ur r."rT of Hrders of tl.e n... innfuu.cii, Kiunejs, blndiler, riorvon diseases. Iiciidiirlif'otnatii :. . .. - .... ....,, , iiM,h ,b , a, gestion. dyspeps., ;ionsi e..j!iosi,.ver irflam- D1Atirii nf tto bnwala ; I.... . 11 urniinea 10 erirct a issi. tnecure. Purely vegetable, containing no mer enry, miners Is or deleterious di ups. A few do-esof Uadway's Pilm wiil free the system tromTill the above nun -d disordem. -iee 7o cents per box. HI.1 KY TKCtJCIST l!ead AxnTui e." Send one Iettir-t.m, to R A DWAY A ( ()., 87 M.iden Ijm ! Y ?' formation worth thousands will Le eut von ' June 30-26-ly ' THE GREAT CAUSE OF zzuzvTAn ivzraxjRT. Ji't rublUhed, in a Seahd Enrloite. Price tizeU a . . i.rriireca lue Aalarer liratnrat ad Kadieal S-rJ !rn,,'J W'kn-"- P'-rmtnrrl.B, eU by StrA.ur, ir.rolu t ry Kn.U.i.M, lniWcc.. Vf. T. ntD. I.UIt ,ua lm.linie. f l Mr larr trner.llr J oii bo p . n. It !-, , ,.d nt; Mnil . n ' I hv leal lMaparHr, r.r, oil J. CULVeRW L M. D.. u ticroll -Oirn Sook."ac. The World rcnovre I u rirr. In ihU adirrb e I ee'orr clearly p nrrt trim 1.1s n expvrienc- th tl dw'd' itboui .?, 1, a ,1 without dunromtu-irle-lftpera-. " V1"' nft Li, . ing, or eo dUk, iolr.o. ----- - -i..--.. aUu coniaii 1 T Wlitf erry nBert-. ,,e mtur w at liU fon.ll Ion may be nay cmm. l im r 1 rhe ply, prhrately and radically. TI U Wr lure will prorr a I oon to I' Obun 'i and h' luan 'a. Wat BIMlrr IMl. In M k1 .ii.l.... . .11 . -- --I--- v .111 "uurr, n re .int of m ,,. n. t . . ... . . the pub i,h rs. ' eenit ERWFLLM UrrUge Onlde," prlc add'taathe Pulli-her, CIIAS. J. C. KLINE & CO. 127 Bowery, N. Y., Post Office IIox 4,536 " LECT U RK to Tourra azxsrr. Just published, in a sealed Envelope. Price 6 cents. A lMtDK Ml IK. V.I ..'Tr..!..... .-.I B.J ... ... of frp- r-tfrrlta;, or Seminal Wrakn ra, Involantary ...,!. ctiuii j'e'i'Hj, ar.o tmprain enij Marrl ape pan. rally ; S'ervoun-aa conn'rpt:on, "p"er,an aelf aba . cftw koKEKV J. CCLVEBHrilal n author of the MGre n riook," kr. Th worlil-rroowne-l author. In thl adml-able Lectere r'ear'T rr.rra frnm 1.1. . mn .,w.r... .1... .1 .. . ' coos-qaewcea o gel -Abuse may In- tffrclually renove4 - iin u, mpiiiiui ana wiuHimin; mm aurctral opr-a'P-n. boudes, initramet U, rintti .r .irdiala. avlafnc oat a ade of enr at cc e rtaio ard effrctual by whWs ery taffvre , n anattrr ahat hia con-lit on may be ma cre hl-a.1' cheaply, pritr'iely al radically. TH' iSTtC?wILL t'KOVE A BOON TO THOUSANDS aad THOU - NT'o. Jetit, ner aeal, any atd'eii. In a olaln aeali l. OB rcceliA nf S n-nli ,l... .wi. Or CvUeretr -Marriarc ;udc. o.lcr ' Addrers t' publisher. CIIAS. J. r. K I INK 4 CO.. 1IT Bowery, Ke York, Poet 0ee B , 4 5. rJ4-ly, Such horrid fcel If! ITS MA I fXrifrin no cap imagine. I feel despondent, a thotih Kome hinjj awful waa jroing to happen. Ue Sim mona' Liver Eegulator, if you would avoid auch icelinss. CONNECTICUT MUTUAL-LIFE INS. f. "... z OP HARTFORD, CONN. ASSETS i OVER S33,000,000. THE ADVANTAGE OFFERED TO INSURE BY THIS CONPANY It Solid Security, Saperior Ecouomj, and lu Uonvcnieut eyaten of ( Annual Divideuds. ANXUAL INCOME ABUT $10,000,000, With Lower Expense of Management than afiy other American Companj, it u suea all the most desirable kiud. of t Iiifr and' Endowment Policies, On which Diridends will be paid ANNUALLY AFTER THE FIRT PAYVIKXT, S. 2. WAIT, Oeneral Apent, (Olhcu oppoKiie I'usi-Otticf. jJNO. A. BRADSUAW, Ag'i, Salisbury -C-tf UALKKJH, N. C. PIEDMONT AND ARLINGTONiLIFE INSURANCE COT. HOME OFFICE, RICHMOND, VA. i j 0 ; Acls 10 h September, 1870 ; S2,0 1 1 ,09l.70 Annual Income over ; l.uoo ooo on Policies iMied to ll Dec, 1870 . , .Si OO i PREMIUMS ALL CASH BEDUCED BY THE A XX VA L CASH DIVIDENDS OX THE C0$TB1BU7I0X PLAN. OFFICERS; W. C HARRINGTON,.. . JOHN E. EDWARDS... I. J. HOPKINS, D. J IIARTSOOK, PROF. E. B. SMITH,... J. E. WOLFF, LEWIS C HANKS, Aoext.C. D. W. COURTS. Gen'l. Aoenl for HVm. X. C. Ruffin. X C. Ll:XIXOTo3f- X' INACTIVE AGENT& WANTED EVERYWHERE jt t t-b 10 ly. -J WILLIAM VALENTINE, THE BAHBER, RETUIIXS HIS THANKS to hi OLP I-KIEXDS and tlie Public fur tht- liWral pairoiiapr hcn t..r.ri- rxtfiidinl t him. Hr u.w infttrnis them that he ban fitted up a new aud COllinHKlinllK Shop, in Dr. Henderson's Bricfc- Duilding-. Room No. 2, wliorc he w ould lo i1mm d t et-them. He frnarantt eM to give atifactiin in every cae. He hiin in hi employ of the lst Hair 'OreKcerH m Western North Caroliua. He reunt t- a call from all. SalixhHry, X. C , Per 17. :0 if PALL and WINTER I3IPORT ATIOX. Ribbons. Millinery and Straw Goods, :o: Armstrong, Cat or A CO. mronTKus xn j Bar k i.r BONNET. HUMMING i Yl l.Yl T UI B HONS, T . m r a m uonnci anus, Satins und Vtln ts llu Xells, trapes. Bucket, Fh,;r.r leathers. Oi ni,t t,(s. Straw Bonnets & Ladies' Ila Trimmed and I'litrinnutd, SIIAKKK II(K)IS. Ar. 2:J7 & 2:i9 Ii.dti,o,t Street, BALTIMORE, HD. Offer the largest Stock to be fi.iit.d in tl.U 7"mr7- ""a unequalled in clioi.-, rarietv ar.ii chespnepa. comtirifino il. I.i.-i i-.. . dues. Orders aliened, and prom, mu nlio,, SIXTY FIV? riPT MIHMtOALS AWAPOCO tiik (iKKAT SOITHKHN mm . Manuka i- TORY. WM. C. KNAtiE & CO. Manufacturers of GRAND, feAURE AND UPRIGHT Piano Fcrtes. BALTIMORE, MD. These InstrumenU have been before the Pub lic lor nearly llurty learw, and upon their ex cellence alone atiainwf an - L i . - , M .ii .niiiniiKu HN' wkwc, whiuii iin.Douncea them unetpialled, in iur, nOKKMANbUir AND IHTBA t B1UTY. B- All oor Square Pianos have our New Improved OvtRsTkUXO ScAXi. aud Uie Aymfr Treble. WL-Wt would call rwo!l;n i . fc r -..imivii 1UI late 1 atented inrnTimnii ;n ii- it: - - , ... ... A lUIlM and tptare Grand, found in no other Piano, " ormg uienano nearer perfection than haa yet been attained. Ecei-y Piano Fully Warranted for Five Year. Bef We are bv anecial a rrnmAn I 1 ..4 to fumiah Parlor Organ and Melodian ol the most ceieuraitti ma Kent, rioleaalt and Retail at lowest Fnciniy Prices. liliiatrated Catalogue and Price Liu prompt ly furnUhed oti application to m. K.NAUt & CU. BalUmore, Md. Or any of our regular eaubliahed ageiK.i. October 1 3, 1 87 1 .6 mon tha. CONTAINS THE CiOVFUVurvr nv the State, Holding of the Court, many Valo- ie receipt, an actirate Monthly Calendar, Garden Calendar, and many Anecdote, Storie. Ac, making it or.e of the "moat valuable and interesting Almanac' published. For Sale at the Store of Mock A Hi own, and! McNeely A Im4 Agents ! Read This ! W will na Areola a alarv of M ... rui. .. P- or Ml- w a larracoaa- w ro. ( ira an4 aball, Hick tm at. w.ft a Ca,SlM CO., 1 - - -Phesidext. ' VlCK PltESIDKNT. Assistant Skcretakt Sechetarv Atn va i: v. SlTEKlXTEXDENT OT AgEKCIKH . iowmi a MII.I.IONH Il,ar Tr.tlu.r i tun, adrrfal C'arallic Kama. Thry err a Mle Faar, Uriah. HxVof Tr Umm,. Hklikcr, I'rMf rplrlla mm Krfaw I.laaera dorto r.:. and i.rHn-J U thr t U-.-:l -Tmii ..' "At-t.rr." "IU-l.TT'lr . that lrl U fcipt,V, r . n to t, tik. ai.l nm.hut fcr llnV , , ,.. lf., atJ rf ;.fHt.i.i. frrr from nil Alcaj lant. 1.f,krr",.(;ni;tT ni.fllM) rt :. HEU ..t x LIKE ;iVIX(i PniM II'I.f. .!Tf,t r ,1 I .i.-r t.-r .f il S.uu. 'Vt'-B ai. i.-J .:. n al'.ri.lliotii.flU' to a h. r..- r-n. N irmm mn ,r Xui. tr arCG'd.rc u. diM-rtK r.r mi d, J.,s ut.K prail.!, d n.rir c-r.r are l.--u rru tr minriu PV.1 , ot' rt n -.! .- n.l WLr,. .v-J Uvnr .1 tV- ,:r.l .f r x.r. Tkry arv a Urailr Pnr(ni,r , Mr . .. . the i . ii.r u rr.i ni 4-s., , i ifai i.t 1; .!, K . .., -w, I. r.-ui.. IJ-'. ir.l ail tlw , rrj! ttr . rop. KEHAi.b ronruiTN !! in n a '.tfr. i' .t,,..c l.!u r. im, , ,Nrai " Iaaaiar n at C hioalr Rkrim- ll) o1 i:ai. )j-i,oala r ladi(rtU. Jili.u. KriwiMcut uad InirrMiinn Fr ar. I)lw-t r imr Ill.B.. I.l,rr. tlm aera aaal BladJrr.i v Ilillrra ha.. ,u,wt "Tr"' '1 SU lli-ar,u,i.i..Jl., I liiulr.l Utt. IfflMTi.'!, pittluc .1 l,y,.l f tha Dlcrvliir OrkM. UV.PHI. oil IMH(ilTION. n J acb. f,m ia lhrK..ji.i,n,C-arli TirLtor, rf iLa ChU niiainr... V.r Eructation 4 Ihr S:..n.rh Ba4 T: tn the XU . b. B.l.ou. Attack.. -p, tu.e ci q Hrrt. It aammatK.a f tb- l.u,,Ck. fain ia tLc rt of ;h .!) t. aoJ a Luilr. o:b. r pcjcjul ,-K-tna. aru ih ofttprtn;. t f lrp. -ttt. .Tbrr iuT,...r,t. lb. -t.mi., in.l.nm,',), tlj. torpij tir.r an-j B.,L r,M r th-u. of .ruJ in rl-.,rr t itr IJ-vl of i. Ilr ,rli... ,xl lln. articf in-, l.tcmj n:or la H .. 'Mill WHIXIKArs.r. . ..ona.Trttrr l;h,um. CU'rbra. S t.. PIB,,4. I'B.ta!. Bi, Car--ilcIpv Urn, W..rnM .t r. k- B'a! --XaVlL; -hu ""I!8" r,UL'd niott1 rm fli it. , nritl Vuratiu, throurhtLa , Pi,B:w Tjv-. Ua r ; tlMOM It .1, rou 6lK, jt .Utr,fte4 j .l-c..h ( lh THn. : U wUe, ,t aixl yT fliac u,. rouBbru. Km. tk UJ nurt. and th, b l;b of (i:,w Pla. T-, .,,,ep W.r- lorkia. In tk. aTiUa, of a. maar thoua. arr HI tuaJI, d-rorrd rirTb .hS;",.,ri,L"- ba HT- --.tfr. WALKCE. rmwM,,,. R. n. Mr DONALD A CO, ad and J Cmt J-'r. t. Sr. York. riTSOLO BV ALL lBLU;iJT3 AND PCALtBA ! -WTICE. A COMPETENT hr r, i.. .u . .... .a u t . i ili It of January n-t t.. t.U r KHAN KLIN ACADEMY. ou in' Aexv ji.M-kavill. nad, f.,ur inil-t froui , - o i(riiru , oaaiaoury. Ai.i'lv to M. A. MILLEK. Chairman j ' of the Hoard of TruMor. Saliabtirr. N.:. Nov. 1. I H 1 . 4;m ! EDWAf DHAIGHT & CO., BANKERS, lWo. o Wall Street. Z7cv York. tiTK rEciar imsr-vr ill iuuv ? DI.PMTS. The buaineaa of otir firm ia th um, ...r Slate or National P.ank. IndiriduaU or Crm. t aiikinc a ith ua ruav ait and draw a iher pU-ax-, the aame aa villi a. . t .a any nana, exrepi that e allow mlereM on all oaiianrt-a ioi lire r ent. i We hiiT arwi a-!i IWxmI. Si.L. f:,AA I)...: neaa apera, and colle. t ...-in.. nolea and draft a throoKnvut he I niltil Statta, .iriri? promt re- t KM. IT I n.l VrClPariMaaaak Trospcctus of "THE PATRIOT. i i tout "THE PAT1U0T," .daily lormic tr Cofaaervalivc oewrper, la peUihed br ilI "I'alriol Newapaprr AaaxiciaUon," at N. yJ r atrevt, tetwtxn Ninth and Tenth, city U ingtoo. " The PaUiot" will advocate a promu aJ perfect miration of the Union ia all iu tn! and iu entire intgrity ; equality aa.,. Sutea a wcriU-d Ly bv tbe cottatltoxioB- n " immediate remoraJ of all diaabilUie reljj from the civil war, and lh reatofatioa of I mony and fraternal fclltrwaidp between all lion of the country, which the aUm-a and a. ? tationa of partUan power have criminaSir Z bored to prevent : ATarilffor rrrenoe to rorer the ntumdii. urea of an economical admir.MratHn, L meet the juat obligation of the Uowtrtmrmt on to the rzuling ayaten of eiKQrtilt protection for prtial mono-li mn ,TT gui-t-1 irtiality for taforcJ tnaiM.U-tarr. lU-d.K-tiun of the prv nt oditKi .nd t.i ire of Uxalkm, Uh a. to l ni on imKrt and on interna! rrrAK- h.g.d nx.tK.tny in evtry drjann.ct.t of t Government and rHrtncLmettt of tl.r i iprfI- , 1 ivil. Military and Naval: A aotind National currrrK?, rrjuallr dira ttxl amonc the Stair-, and protected ttm Hrulatire fluctuation : The right of irMellijrmt I.W, againat ,n el U. nwihinatioti to derwde and dciamiai, i, Ix-gi. .!. by which the po lir btvda aRlU r4-nl for avlual MtUcr-, and a. . trmuurvt National credit, in vppiilii.n lv tl.r IUJ l-olicy of enormoua franu to ajciilaft ,nd corrupt pxheiuca : The fulleat and Crrueat protection to Ameri can cttiu-n abrraad: And rnnlial inpatliy with all pet-Je. Krve ghng lor IiU-rty and If-covemruent. It ia inlrudcd t3 H!bli4i a nrvaper of tU Crat cla, and to mliM the beat aailUt uUu in all iu drjtartmciiU. Terms In variably Coyh in Adtanct : S" vU .Pm.,.ri'' nnum' 09 The NNetkly Patriot, r annuaa, .in- (tic copy, t. Tlie Wtt klr Patriot, per annum, clula of Un or more, Ilemittance. may madr btr draf w K Table in any vf ihe prirni,! ritiea U t Office order, Addrraxon laine,' JAMKi (J Itr lM-lT "Pairi.M Oflitx," Washington, Il. C. Xatioctl Dfmornlif titfDliit Ifu'Jtxl remnillrr. Wamiixotox, I). ( Auput 2ftK. !; We take pleawire iu recoiumendii,- iwa-ttar-neatly to iIk aoj..,.rt of our Un... r:ic aaj h'r,,"n",,.Te..frit,,,U '"Sl" il.exr.rv 1 be I alriot new..p,r, a amauunctJ ,B xit lrAiil; i.n-H-1u. l ..t-re i- nu journal at the Capitol thrweh which the voui ofop;itioii canno U l.ed, or the alHjMi. and u,iTii(i f ttt ,llirlr UiK,m. rr mar Ut'iml. Such an oruan haa !,-,.. an adi4linl He redity. tal.1,-1, wr rr ,,' m U L, ,Ur ami aall-fatl.-nly aupplit-d I t "Tlir I'atf.ul- ' Thi. ei,irn.ri- t!,,". firm, ind ia t i.titUtl loiLc iLnhdcncraiKl f,t..r J men ho Uire to edeui the trt,n,a.e.t irom iiii-r.ile ar.d c rrtipi ion. and t,. I fT i,Ml the prim ipl,-, muij le iiriuo, and ii.t.-rtiU U .jr frt fatl. r-. t'ltilll ITTK V. : S.,n .1. II,,..!!!, M irn.a T. M H..ih. li. W.S,,,,,,,. M t , A St. C. K. io,.. M ( . I: T Mtrfik. N I. j.flr, retary, 1 Ik.ui. an, M t , Trea-.rrr. cuNfiKi sMoxAi. nvvmrr : Eo-, r.r ilv, ( ,, J,.Ln i'Sunit., I; Win II l;,i:t, ( ,,, hjB1 J.'.li T IHrxl, N J ; .V,, J J I.'amlall f. KiktiT-. UI; I Mom. M, . J i.hi,, F I. Miolr. N L ; P ai,, Vil.lail. . (i K.irr. II!; I'. U ia,i. Kr; Nl a1r. Tmn; Well. M I Mr. .!.-. W7. ; J. JJ ,, Mint-; J.-r . i a fb.... la a. r C i 1 s ' " : - - J(I.i.h n. t i l J ,, ra.; I' M Y.-ing, i;a; A I'.i!rV 1 l !.. . . i. a : A 24i Change of Schedule. . , .un ."h p. Jute id. K. '-.i . Ji.i.r 4tb. 1 -T 1 t?at ' ' 'rr'art v ::i i::-.:. C. RAILROAD T K r f ' 1L r AM : a.ivr" i.ii - . . uki . iti'a. f V . a r - ii i.t 1 r ! u-1 . .1. . .. it t . !t-l'tl I i fa r - a c - ii u : - t . m t a ; r - i s t I VRAIV (O'M. : TTI alt. iu una. tlx a .tii ! "(..rl M. . -Ii.f i , . If. - n... r II. I ..., -l ir ;.iifUi ; i 4 rt , a 4 7 !.;" ii w m i ? 11 " r 1 tt t a Jar.lf " ' 4 10 f Il :.a r i a '.' ra.T (4ia - tK a j w i! r.i:n:s, M-! r -f T-Jini.r:a". NORTH CAKoLINA. Id the SupenC Uowax CmxTT. Court Jnfhun Miller. Administrator of J. Y. McNm-Iv aoJ Y. MrN'Kflv aoJ ) Mary McX-ely. V Plaintiff. )Su tumona acd r"- -1 711 Mf, tioa-to oil laud f-'t AaeU. Win. IS. MrN'eely and Acet.ith Mr- r N--lj. ;u- Act- I tilth CorfPiher. ' Iu thia caa it app-ariae tn lh atlrar t on of 'be C'Mift that Vui. IJ. lcSfji Aeenith McNeely. ali&a. AcWitli Corfhef. are nou-reid-bta of thr State f Carolina It i theref.rre onlera-d that P-W1-rttioii 1 made in the (iruhua Watchman. a newapajr ,fjblihed in Saliabary. C for i itfli ucc-!ivr ly. rt-qtii'itc d.fadanta to ap)-ar at the i5r of' Clerk of the S tiHrior Court f"r th ertt'.J f Kowau at the Court lloija in Salial.orf. on Friday th )t day of IWnla-r ai answer the rti.plaiut of tV plaia.! C. tl c,-eill W heard ex parte. Witti-, A. Judaou MaMiu CW-rl "ftU Suj-rior Ct'ort of raid o-unty at ft ' Saliabniy. the Kith day of Oct. A. V Is 1 A. JCDSON MASUN CUrl of Rotcan Svjnor f rf 1871. FTadeTlSTl. NEW GOODS! GOODS!1. MolNTooly cty WltO n.WK received tbir New fall $Ui arc M-ilirp I hem at OLD PRICKS, notwith.tandit.r tbe prat tdt arr ia r"t,c anl Wollen 1mU. Ttetould alaI1r px il atteutiou lu their later mud tll ed rt4n k of MENS AND BOrS CLOTJIISG in which they are rfferinjt V.ttat lUirg ,! you w j.h to Kate m.ny call a::d eiau:at -rJ Stock tx-fore purcha-ing l.tvlr Scpuxy. 1-71. tf-i. 1 i'.

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