r. I f ' ' " 1 .is 1 I : I i ., " vis'fss., f -r . . - - IIS 5 IffiKP' - Mj.v i . , ... ,-, I , .,; U ; x . VOL. 1 1 1.T H I HD - . ' ' -, ' " J 1 ' - : H' ri f- - ! (Earolina Ulalfljinan.' , Ii;iU.lHE) .WEEK LY BV j: .l!' iIl'UNKIt, Editor and J'rvprictof. n.lTKN OP SI 114 ItlfTION Os'B BAit, ay-ill in ailvaiuMv ....$2.50 HixMontiis, " ' . A. ..... f .50 f L'uiii' to .im- sukln-, 1 luitfii of A(Cuciliain. I -: 1 i . - : One Snar. first nixi-iliim.; k .$1,00 For arli jKldUion.-il insertion j ft) Hfcial not i fj v i 1 1 !m cliftr l ."() per eut Liiflicr than tlie alov'itt .- i Court nU list UV Oi (,-r will be ptilliL!i el at tlie mint rittes with other aulvertj.se UMMltS. i - (MiitiiariM.iicf s,7av'r six liues, cliargeri axari vvrtiMiiient!!. , CONTJIACT KATES. 1 1 RPATK. . 3 zt' 5 ti i 1 Siur 2 Kipiart'H. H S'liiares--4 S(iia-es. Column. 1. ('oluinii. :? Jo..-?:; 7:. 3 do .v? :,o $1200 4 50 a; iir, 8 ."() )i)y2(()( ;0o, ! m 12 oo i8 or 2r;ofi HUH II (Mf l." (M)2.(M :m;so t oo :;: (o 4.- oo h m ioo.(k) 1 Tl . - . . 1 1 omphuiit are uneaxim-HR SllVXIVIOrJ'S'j ran,! j.niii in the firiu, Ik' . .1 . . . J E (iliehonlricr. :mri mis- tikeii lor rJiciiniatisiii, tln'lojnach is :t(!i-, (eri with Iohm of jioi aite ami sUknt'ss. hov.tls in y 1 1 it .d h it i v m n i ,u i j 1 1 u ,m alternalinj; with lax. i ii ii- i . . i' 7 ;'" l"'"i H (roul)feil 9 willi pain, amj dull, hoa vy M'hstii ion, consiilora- i ii a rm.ww! g'-"iii.anuil with pa in fl;I njnaiion ol having Ii ft niirioiu- somethinj; whk-h otixht lu liave lecn rione.' Often comj.Iainin of wewkuessj rieha'lity; ami low pints.-, SoaaielimeH ; uumy v( the nliov eviiipionts atteml the rilscak;. nnri at otlu r timeH very iVw ol'tlu an; hut the liva-r U Kiera!ly tho-oayan aiiost iuvolvetli Cure the Liver with ! SIMMONS' mvi.i: i::fjiJLATOR. a prrparal ion' roots . -inri h-rls, warranteri to he .ntrMily-vegHahle, and can do no injiii v to any one.1 It lt;H heeii ucd hy hundreds,' anil known 'for the last 40 year as -one! of the 'most reliable, fflSeaifiuus anri harainlt ss jin parajoiiH over f i 1 frrt-ri to theu.Herjny. If ja'ken Vejr'ularlv and MTMMetiUv, it is sirre to cure i " "" IIyvv'psia, lie ad no he, 1 1 janniliy.-osHvfiiess.sick Hcgulator. Hi iealm he, rlironie'diarr- tn.er, yanip aysenterv, af f.Hlmnsol ll,r ki,nrva iiervo'isiicss. cIiMIh ra-es ofllic skiu, impurity .,f the Hood, nielaii-- triioiy. or (i',n s,,,, t, spmis, licarilxirn, eolie, i-joim in mo irowfij, pain in !hc Ina.l, fi-vor Ki n'iie, iiionv, boils, p;U!) lh th- liaci: t:e . JVepare.1 only l,y J. II. ZKIklX CO., f l M neei.-ls, .Maeon. Ga. Price, $; hv mail ?12). For sale-hy T. V fth24 ly K I.tTTZ & CO., Salishury, N. C. ' "".iMfti.l. -B. II. .M l.li n J in!., r.u i ." T5' "U,",C"'- "-4 U C-"""" '', N. V. MIIil.tONH llrir Trsl tinony to their ; Vnlerful C'lil uii t v Ellecta. - TWr. i,i IV . n,.y i,-!, ln,ic f poor-,' Ki,jWlilAi!), Vim. hyliit nuJ ltefu-e i y I.Nir),H.r,..-,,v,i .,;tl,pia!W.ttio i I U.U.fillt Vfcnif.,- A,,vtiz,.,,." lli-Kt.,rrrH."l-p j ItiMlrjidd H,-ti,,.W r"ito.l:Lia. i,iiM.nn.initli.ritttftV I tr- MiMliriiiiMiiiMlc from t!i Siit ivp nmt Herb ; I otfllrV)n,iii. free from nil Atoiholic Silmu I Thij nr. ii. (JKF.AT lil.OOl) I'LKI- i VIF.Kmd A Lll K avi.(j IMJIMU'LE, r1 r.moyiit,r mi l l,ivii?nr;itur of tlic Syfenu : vryinsoir ,, nmt t r nml rioeai iiij; Um-MooJ , t'i a hotUthy con t 1 1 inn. No i'in can tnkc tlioc Bit- i kirlihir l iin, ii.,i,f, mul rmuin loiig uiiwi'l!, rilKt ihvir Uunux mo nr.t iiMi,.jr,t .,y niincrut 4m0 ur other m.uK, aiul t'uo viul ori;uini u.sU'tl l tSp )v,,m) (,f rri:tir. - , Ty hit n ticiillo rurtrn tl vc ns t il n-a Tom!. nmM.-.V ln, iilwi. tlu(.erv,lk.r..iiiprit i,f :nin , M Hwo-ful Kpfnl in u-lu-titiK t'..l.'-ti.n cr Irll im jr of lSrJ'.pr. lind all the V.is.-il Di'gnua. riB FEMALE COMPLAINTS, in y.irinc or : Iti. wwrio.1 orlnn.-. t tlicauwti of wmiilixxl ornt U nirn ol lifiv IIIickw Tonic nitter have no equal. Vmr laflamiMaiory nuil liroulc Khruina ll4ta nid (.!, lprpiu or I Hdiift'Mlou, HlllaiiN. Kwmlltriit n nrl I nf r ritiltlcnt Fr-: fr,i )iriiM'i oT tUr Itluuil. I.ivor, Ii iJ. )! KhiiJiIrr, tln'Kj )iiin-i s l,;ie kx en n)t orcrMfuI. Much Iitnr4 nr-cmusi-,; by V ii ialrtl : UlooiL. wttii'li pifcitiu'fally proluoi ii hy tii'i-suifuicnt DYMrnrHA Oi; ll)JJF.STI(, nai br, Faiatn tl, ShouU r, Coii!i, Tiqlituci of the Cant. Ihiain-.: iir Kructati,in of tt St.imncli, Bt Tame in tha Mi.i:h. Hilions Attack-,. l':,lnMi,.n of tli rl.rt. Iiitir.btiiittion of the Liuiy., I'ain iu tb-i re f afOiM RlJlt) ami a hundred oth.-r painful yinp tetna. ar lb oll,rfnif of UysfH-pvn. T- lunCor j tlir .M,iinf!i aud stimulate tin; tor;i.l lir and IKiwcjla, inc!ij if-turr tlicm of uiiciunllea KUacy in -luamj; Ue llUl of all imyui -itios. auU iin partin aew lifc aiij visor f& thal, ! ayitoni. I rUK H.lxlS l I SKA jSV.S, Kru;.t ions, T-tior.alt Rlirarn, hluUari. SiS.t. I'iuii.Us. Tuktulc. IJoiin.'car (unrlr. 'Cini-W.rnHr.-,jM Uia i. Sorr- K.os t-h-r,,Mw f th Skm. of kl,ul.v - imm. or ,ml,,rv. n. i7".f d?" b9 f""' rarr"V ",t '"' Vtirt in a ahort brth. uot Jh.iM-liiit.M. Oi.i- hot 1 1,, in ,11104 ra-r. SI couvioco tb iui)t incr.tiiloiol their euia lacllMua. 1 j , . c iflrannn tlia ViltlKt JiUl -.hnovir yon find it tra oritlea hunting tlirouAl tfa akiu ia PinipU, iiaaa ar &r ; ctt.ioa lj wlirn j-ou AjxI it etatrttrUd ! luih In jtawl veinlf; clanaa Ii trlita it U foul, nJ yaui fcflina tolil you wh.-ti. Kpp tUo l.l,)od . and t1. hi alt v of tl,k avutr m wilt follow. lt a. Tape, ami other Wormt, lurkins In th - WiU if o nicny tIjouHttiiilx.ar? etli'cluallr tlcstrorea 4 renf.1. J Sny n .1itlncnili-,t ptirsioloirijt. 1. -'' -11 ln'lii-lli:.l upon tlie far, of tin 'iV. i.'': " "-' '"I't from "tn i nre of ItwIlTif. nt nna" ,h -iealrhy eteruwnt of th I Mf t .. . . . X ..i .r ,',iniii.rai uion mi,-,tn,H.'ur.iinor 3 lvi!",yv,,tos,,!, ,b-t ,t'1'-' I'vine moiwtpr of tbiai Wttir" l" fr th0 bJ'liila troux worm wALatEK.I'rhi)ritor. tl.ll. McDOJfALD it CO, ranrlfco. Califoruia. ar-.!r. a f 4 eommrce Strwt, Nw York. -0LI) BY .ALL' brttuUISTS AD DEALER! Chat tic Morfcn-nrrps. M Various t.ther Llanks for sulcjore. - l M; i-- . . ;' - i - ' '.l.F'l I ,i - I" -r V: THE WATCHMAN OFFICE y i i " 3 g- I it ' - ' is well supplied with ! " y ; I mIv f-i .'i - . , 5 j i A largdand elegant aortriient of 4 I FAKCY Pictorial or CUT ILLUSTRATIONS, &C., suitable for! all kinds of PRINTING. Also Fitior niil inore Ornamental Types fik i i Business & Professional Visiting, arty and Wedding Cards : .1 I : College and School 'SitiiU iidii' Circulars of all kinds PAMPHLETS, Tobacco Notices and L iBELS For Clerks, Magistrates and Solic tors ; Or anything else re quired in the -i Mnting Line. THE Carolina an as a newspaper, s a candidate for public favor. Its circulation i good, and its standino and patronage -improving.' It is on'e of tho best "advertising mediums in the State, and ofiera its facilities on as l j, ! liberal terms as any. Save yoilr Wheat & Oats. importanI' notice TO FARMERS. ' An nnportani discovery td prevent RUST in u hent and Oats. If the directions are careful ly fblltowed and; the crop is injured by rust, the money will he cheerfully refunded. AH I ask as u inai. xTeaarca ana lor sate oni at - II. KNNISS PMIN ! i j f - ti- J i: . "I ! t S i - - i for all purposes ; i. i ... 'fa lii pinks : -5 "I ? i lllatchm July i j Salisbury! I . MR. iI?Drron t Herewith enclosed yon will -v:mT!i iruw, yuu win piea-e gve puitucation rteritT.n; .... .1 Wolr that this ruaxirn had lcen ohserved cii iii iirr. urtm cimuuion. iy auetiiiiug to 1 ' iYours truly, . Caa 10 "4 F?u wish to secure the ! 2.1 If you would avoid bringing 5 '. i i-y i,v -wjipuu uujong, pay your 'J3.Ifjbu are anxious to get a pnct joTjyour goods, never delay ; ;4.Ifou wish to obtalji such 'juuu, i uu amy 10 p:iy your aeuis. I i 1 i 1 M i 1 i I -1 . I 1 i I l 5. pjf jjou would remain on terms of friendship with those you iiauu uiui, pay yuur ueois. 4 6. If you would avoid embarrnssinir others iwho are dcDendin"" uponi;iie;settJemcnt oi your account, pay your debts. 7. If ypw wish to prevent mistakes and litigation, keep your ac counts welt adjusted, and pay your debts. ; 8. jif$ou wish to aid in the circulation of money, never let cash remain by you, but pay your debts. 9. If you would do to others as you wish them to do to you, vou ought to pny your debts. 1 jlO. If jyou wish to stand clear of the charge! of lying, and mak ing fase excuses" pay your debts. -If you wish to pursue your business with peace of mind, pav your debts. 32.' If, in the expectation of death, you would like to leave your affairs in a satisfactory condition, pay your debts. 13, If you wish to do what is right in the siirht of God and man you must pay your debts. t ff i 14. Should your debts be ever so old, or should you have " ta ken the benefit of the act," if you have the meansVou are not a just'mdh unless you pay your debts; To enable you to pay, adopt the ing platci or splendid furniture; be careful as to speculation, and your means ; never aspire to be a &c.; haye as few about vou as is cious character ; be careful as to ivith others : avoid all law-suits : Letyjur food, living, raiment, be plain, and not cpstly ; avoid expensive clothing, abstain from wine, and all intoxicating liquor, never keep it in your house: do riot sink your capital bv rmrchas- well to the accounts of your customers : brinir up your family to economjland industry. If you observe these things, you wili al ways bcrable, with good fortune to pay your debts. RESOLUTIONS : Adopted by the Board of Trustees of the University, Jan. 9th, 1S72. AVsorcThat the President appoint n corumiiteekf three who shall 1st. Ascertain and report the amount of each debt of the University, to whom due, and tapon what tcrma it may be compromised. 2d. Ascertain and report tlie kind, the condition, aiud the place of all the property and funds F the University. 3d Said committee are authorized and requested to confer with the Altitun of the Uuiveraity jand ascertain and report ujon what vunus.aaid to what eent they may 1 bc indlicexl to come to the relief and unp- port of the Uidveisity. IliBCxelleucy Tod It. Caldwell, ap- pointed Alexander Mclver, V. B. Rod- man and R -F. Lehman, pursuant to the iiBuiiuiim. Wc theirunderstsrtaed. respectfully re- quest a general meeting of the Alumni : iof the University on Tiiursday the first day of Eehruary ntxr, In the city of Raleigh, foJthe purpose of norganizi:rg' the Alumni;Association, and responding ito the foregoing resolution : W. A. Graham, D M. BaVrfngcT, Thomas S. Ashe, S. F. Phillips, Thonias Little, It. H. Battle, Will. II. Battle. R; R. Peaison, C M. T. McCauley, Robert Pick, Kemp P. Battle, B.; F. Moore, Alexander Mclver, Rr F. Ltdimau,' John W. Graham, James A. Graham. W. C. Keep, W. B, Rodman, J. A. Gilmer, H. Jones, L. B. Waddell, Thomas A. McNeil. - I James F. Taylor The Atlanta, Ga., correspondent of the Augusta Cltroiihle and Sti-tifil tells the fallowing story : "The 'woman's right act giving! it wife a' cause of . aictiuti against a pa)ny selling liquor or anything elsfc to herij ihusband while drunk, and allowing ttifij proceeds of the fine to go to Uie wife, wag passed I he most notice- able comment evoked by the passage of .1.. i.: ii : I i ii .... t . wic uiai cameirom w uit. Anderson, the railway on the south, t he convicts all courteous and popular messenger ot the j wore their new uniform f f Zebra r'tinjs. Senate. 'Now said Whit., 1 can afford 'and presented quite a refreshing and uni o get married, for uiy wife can easily que appearance, to all outside members support thejiainily on the fines I will of the, different "Rings," which have so bring her.' , frequently, for the past few years, excited j. A dufiotis set of chessmen has been de- j uinx'h speculative admiration and finan vised by a Munich sculptor. The rival ! c'al interest, iuour coramuuity. Sentinel Kings nave assumed the shae of Emper ors Williani knd Napolvon, the officers or i a a on the one; 6tde bemjr statuettes of the Empress Aiigusta, Prince Fritz, Bigmark. iUoitKe. ocCijioii tlie other ol the' Empress Eugenie, Thiers, Gambeita. and the sue esive leaders of the French natioiit by permissible jknehronism all atryed in the same army i The pawns represent the Various charterislic features of the hostile armies -f Ulilans and chevaux legers being opposed to Ttircus and gardea mo biles. 11 ' SALISBURY, N. C.; JANUARY kc 1872. jdeiise find one of the best max'im'extant, to graii, as it deserves to be banded down to future ;., ..;,-,' . . .t years no, our beloved u Sanny land " bad never my request, you will greatly oblige " reputation of being an honest man 4- 5 disgrace upon the religious par aeuis. i - good article and Ibe Charged a tow to pay your debts. credit as your business may rc- following advice : have as few parties as possible ; never extend your trade beyond shareholder in banks, railways. convenient, and none of a suspi lending money, or being hound keen vonv Imoks noKt.wl nml lmA- HORSE-RACING AND FAIRS. The Boston C uHicatoir poakitio- of the annual tueetinir cf the llumnden A-n-ieul. tunil Society at SpringnVld, Mass., says : 'The Society ii now neailv SS.O.OOO in debt, the result of the manart iueit of the Springfield Clot), who built the grand ftand several years ago, and shouldered the expense upon the Soch ty. This hag occasioned great oppositiou'to the Club, which culminated on Wednesday in at square fight, in which the f.itt-hoase pr- ty,-us they were c -lled, were defeated." It is high time that a broad distinction were made between t-porting clubs and agricultural societies, and between hoise- races and agricultural fairs. Tho uiiion of these two diverse, if not antagoniaKic elements, has been the means of btrang- ling what is good in associations for the promotion of agriculture and kindred mirsilILS. lireeflllli ivif ...li,,i erw i nm Breeding within tho - w . . -. . v w -' spnere of farmtn-'. It ni reasonably bu doubted whether it is mo ductive of any good; it is verv clear that it is productive of more evil, it the morals of the hum in race ate of any account. llors' -races are gatlierings for black-legs, and they a-e no more within tho raup;e ot a farmer's legitimate pursuits, than gamb ling. We do not at a'l believe in ming ling things than are so opposed, and the ; f irmer will have reason to rejoice, if the day ever comej when agricultural fairs thall again be made what they ought to be, and what they once were. We may express the hope that tlais subject will be discussed in the winter sessions of agii ' cultural societies, and that they will de , cide to cut loose from such evil associa ' tions. The result of the Hampden Ag ricultural Society's departure from fann ing to horse-racinjr, may be an extreme ..... case, but it is not ai strange one The work having been stopped for tl.c present inside of tfie stockade at the State Penitentiary, about fifty of the convicts have this week, been engaged in irradiiiy the venue, from Hilishoro' street on the north to the Temple of Lotc and . r. . Jones was so absent as to cam ana vis- . it a inend whose .uncial he had attendedH "" a - . 11 1 . fie was ioucn surpnstu at ins: ; trai, ic collecting bimseif, said, "It is true fcnoug'i, for I was there.' A lawyer famed for cross-exarhinir.g was, on one occasion, completely bilenced by a horse-dealer. "Pray, Mr. Tatter sall, you belong to a very honest profes sion ?"-- "I can't eay so," replied the witness : 'for, ' saviug you lawyers, I think it the most dbhonest going." I) ShfaVit V. ft ' 't i . , . -"rvv- ' nave maoe some mqqjneg aw to ihe cltaractcr of the wit nesaiand the charges upon wkich a bill of tndicf mtnt wai i found agaiut b Schenck, i-q. of LIucolnton, and ascertained that tt.was amjrepcliiical jh rsectkion. Hi, J.otehargea thai Mr. Schenck participated in any violence, but that he was chief of the coajny of Lincoln when the offence charged in the bill were committal. An- uerason Uavi u tl he main wiiue-, and wears that .lr Vil.. I. .11 i . 'u uai He was the chief. Th credit due. tp thu peijured wretch may we'rrt. od byjhis character. He ran c V fru.n Lahlwell county for stealing a trunk, t,d since then has been convicted of stealia a plow and imprisoned lor it. There are now thiec; presentments against him in Lincoln county Superior court for larce- Thomas Hope is but little bt 1 O ft '-l.l swear, that Mr. Schenck told him "to kiii, and not whip ; for dead men told no tales. This can be easily contradicted by credible witnesses. ThU II....n drunken, lawless man, who was promised pardon fur his many Jua Klux crimes to swear to this falsehood. Hone, while t Raleigh as a witness, was accused by a negro woman, with whom he was board- nig, of stealing a blanket, and tied from the city with the police after him They had the warrant for him and hu by taking the cars at night. i-ucn are tlie low, base means resorted fn. imnuirn the rharctr r.f - gk i , uiii-uii-ii. Mr. chetick has civen the lie t tl.f above thargrs in his sworn testimony be- .1 : n . . . Hue uie uummtttet at WishiiiErton ( itv .JfsncE. Charlotte Souhern Home. A JEWISH LimiAlTFlX NEW IORK. In New York, on the 10ih instat.t. a i are (olleclidii of i.IJ books, constitut ing a library of Hebrew and Jewish lit erature, was opened, with appropriate ad dresses and congratulations, in the lecture room ot the Temple Emanuel. TL colectiou formerly belonged to Mr. Fri.d crick Muller, bookseller, of Amsterdam and contains about three thousand voH limes., The library consists of Bibles.1 . i .... .crguiicai and noinil.-tiial works. 1a- mud and works on the Talmud, casuisti cal writings, philosophy, theology, ethics, history, biography, bibliography, archie olocy. criticism and several otlu-r .livUinna A large jart of the collection ij' in Hebrew, Latin, German, Dutch, Spanish, Portugese, Italian and (irtek. The edi tions most commonly met with are those of enice and Amsterdam. Anions the oldest works are some remat k:ihh L.inL-s produced in the first halt" a century jfier the invention of printing. In the clh-c-' ti ;i are .-ouiu curious old manusci inta. i ' vol y interesting as specimens of Hebrew writing. This library is open twice a week, Monday and Thuisday. faom two till five o'clock. Admission free to all ersons over fifteen years ot age. In a discussion before the Little Falls Club, Mr. A. L. Fisher stated that twelve years ago he drew out 3,0U0 loads of muck, and applied it at the rate of .r0 oads to the acre, pulverizing and mixing with the soil. The result was good ciop without further cultivation. Two years ater he drew ont 4,000 loads, and applied it at the rate of 100 loads to the acre, srpead with a plank to which he attached tongue to hitch. After taking two crops roni the land, it was put down in meadow, and it has produced at the. aate of two tons ner acre ever since, thouirh before the application it did not yield one ton per acre. It did not act so quickly as manure but was more lasting. llurul Home. An old farmer, in the Gtrniantotcn Tehyraith, says "the practice of coating the bark of fruit and ornamental trees with whitewash, is one that cannot bu oo severely deprecated. 'I he obstruction if respiiatory organs and oiifices, wheth er effected by the applicrtiou of while- wash or any other adhesive material, al ways acts ;:s a fruitful source of disease, and in time-proves fa i ail to U;e tree. When the Ink becomes lough oriucaan-t-ed with m ss, it h uld be cleaned by scraping md washing down thoroughly witn a rolut'on ot polasu or soda in waiter, affording siuoo'.hness to the surface without obstructing the pores." Every marl who owns a piece of land should plant tiees along the lanes. It is due to Lis children who are to come atter him. It is a beautiful custom iu Germany (o set out oue fruit tree for every child bom. This is the special property ot the child for whom it is set out. lie protects it and cultivates it, and as he grows up he looks upon his tree as a twin brother. A feelinz of affection and veneration is thus engendered, and a love tor horticul ture hastercd and promoted among the whole population.. When a carpet is taken up to be clean ed, the floor beneath it is g- in r l!y very much covered with dust. This dust is very fine and dry, and poisonous to the. lung. Before removing it, sprinkle the floor with very dilute carbolic acid, to f i kill any poisonous genu that may be present, and to thoroughly disinfect the floor and render it sweet. Said Pope in a letter to Swift : "I am rich enough and can afford to give away .ClOOayear. I would not crawl upon he wjl,ioUl do; a ,ltll3 m ,ejlgurc of H for truth. tjoy ine pleasure oi wnai i give by giving it alive, auai seeing another en joy it. When I die, I should be ashamed to leave enough for a monument, if there was a wanting friend above ground." A child, hearing that hi mother had lost a long laV3uit, ran home and said, "Dear mamma, I am fo glad yon havodont that nasty' suit that used to plague you h 1" ' 1 1 - -i 1 : NO. AXDYJOlX$ON ON GRANT. urani, said Mr. Johnson, as be give the fire a vigorous poke, Grant is en- iire.y aosorbed m m-Jf. He is bent oo having another term, for he is making a fortune oat of jus office, and don't want to give it tp. I Atont" fonr years more will finish; Lis fortune, if it don't the country. He ; is the fi fflt A Enir in I'm. sident wLo," ever trietl the cxpetitnent of getting rich in filer, and he wants to make it a success. It is humiKatiog to an intense degree to see the higheat offi cer of oar government grabbing for ricLe like a pawn broker. If the country is to beafflieted wid hiro another four yiars, it would U well to find out how much tao ney he wants, and tak it up and give it to him. Let hjm set his figures, and let din peopl she! out the amount; and, if possible, stop tfie bribe-taking, offiee-sell-"g and hortc-pecu.l.ting propensities of this little whiffit." ' Fred Grant Sailing on the People's Horioj. " Why, sir, as time advances, this little horse-jockey gets wore. He either has no brains at all or else he is lost to all sense of dtcehcj perhaps both. Twenty y ars ago for h President to have tcaV his SOU oli to Etiro'te .-it tl - - - g- - - v f aJ V l a V A penue would have shocked the country like electricity, The principle of the thing, the feeble attempt to ape fjrrigr. court customs, is damniug. What right has Fred Grant to gti to Euroje at Gov ernment expense any more thau you- or I ? Who is Fred Giant ? The sou of a worthless horey jockey President, tduca ted no, attempted to be edacufd, at Government xjrei.fe, aud now sent off, ou the Staff' of General Sherman, at full pay and mileage. Why, ir, it is a clear and a monstrous violation ef law, and that too, by a man who has sworu to protect the laws. It is deliberate and premeditated stealing fr in the pockets of the people. Going on the staff of Gen. Sherman ! What business has Gen. Slur man running off to Europe ? Why dou'i he stay at hoiqe and attend to has bu?i ness, if he has got any, or else resign and go at his own expense T The whole thing is a fraud and a swindle, and illustrates the evil times into which we have fallen "It is not enough that th national horse-iockev fclitu!d have, his i iilire unrlli. less family connections saddled ou the Government from A to 7. like io many paupers, but hi sou must daaw money from the T reasury to go to Europe on a pleasure trip. Twenty years ago, it would have been as much as a President's offi cial head was worth to have attempted it, but now the people iiuiellv mbuiit close their eyes, and mutely allow themselves to be robbed. ; It's a small m itler, I. -it tliere is a great-giincip!.; involved. The people have burdens enough to bear wish out having all 'of Giant's o:thhss rela tives pensioned upon tin ui." The While lln use as a Healthy Plate. "I see, Mr. Johnson, that Grant's ex cuse for.beinj away from the seat of Government so much, in ilmt the While Jlouse is not healthy. How did you find It ?" ! " Not healthy ! Wa 11, he mmifest a Strong inclination to stay in four years longer, if it ain't healthy. Why, my health and that of my fimily was as good there as here or elscwhne. He makes that an excuse'- to shirk duty and gad around the country with gamblers and horse-jockeys. '"?if-bis pay stopped when absent from his -post, n it ought to do, he Would stick closer, and we t-hould' hear has about chills aud ino!-qu:!o-s 1 sec t estimated that he Inn travelled gome fifty thousand miles .iuec elevated to the Pacsidency." - Sure the Trees A bill has recently teen introduced into the Ohio legislature to eujcouragc the planting and cultivation of useful forest and timber trees. This ;s a move in the ribt direction. The use less waste of wood throughout the south is a scaudal to our civilization. An Irinhnv.u, liictting an ncjuaint 4;icc, tlius :u;-t(il him: "Ala! my dear, who do you think I have ju-t Ik-en speaking -.to? Your old friend, Patrick; faitiiland he i- grown s tjiin 1 hnrdlv knew him. T lo sure, Vott arc thin a rial I am thin, bul he is tliincr than Wh of us put together . A sick iun was once told by his wife that she would probably marry again if he died. Well, my dear, I hope you may, fair there certainly will he one man on earth to lament my death ! ' "Doesn't tHa lovely scene animate yon?" asked Anra of her. lover; "No," he said, nothing hut yOu can Anna-tn tip me! Oh, say yr 9 my darling." She did say yes, and hjs cup of animation was full. It is a ain thing fur you to thrust your lii'g r iu the water, and pulling it out, look for a hole; ii is equally vain to s Oppose that however taige a space you occupy, the world wdl miss vou wh tbe world will miss vou when yon ate. KEEP IT 11 EF0 HE THY. PEOPLE that the grand jurjf f Chester ennitj. South CartJina, cowjioacil of half nh'tttt and half Uarhs,. hare eondrtunut thtit cf tltt President i and declare that "Tin: ALLEGATION CpVTAfMU IX THK J't:o--UMATION OF TJIK ritfIDKXr OF THK USITKl) STATKSAKK riTIIOLT 1IXIA- TION." Here is a rebuke, says the Bthiaiore Evening Journal, to the outrageous act of of the president which should be known every were. Ix.-t the dtm-cratic papers always keep it before the people, iti eome form, all the time. a. qs agitate indig- uatiou meeiinga as our only safety in ad d j . , ,wc caiu and iU sweep radi- calism to thai earth in 1S72. 19. AVII0LE NO.-809 Suniinn Ucauing. AUNT LOTTIE. T AXXA CLXAVKS. n J Dear Audi Ixtle! Aunt Lottie 1 With thai b-uT. light ia Iby fk... Dow the s!rrp of woudera, ( Safe iu Jesus' gUA embrace. ' Tell us of thy swet surpriaes As thou nearest the pearly ratT" 4 O ! biuk back and ooc tovre Wlsaat ase While wp.a this siJe w wavlu !.l Tell as of th crown of flory , .. And tb rbe that ia for thee; Search the priceless treasures over; Are tbere aay there ktr nI ' Deir Aunt Lotfut, wh-n. withrspa, Tliori n gol.iVn harp ot pay, Leau th- ortrr Lna'i rauipsrta. That the t rains may float litis way. We would tn-nr thy (tongs f Hear thy t.ugs " praise asJ love We w.itild catrh the iniptraTintis That did Woo thj svul above. O'jar Aont Ixttief glad the Welcome i nai awaits ihw on Uiat adior. or thy uii'i' U woe!r. iirryter Than it .vrr was before. Gone i Liu fwry car aud sorrow, jfue thii.e erery fr-ar and pain; " l'r Aaul lAtti ! nw Aatat LouW! WL j coyld ish thw Laick agaia T AN OUTSIDE OPINIQy. Th N V. TriUme MVS ? uW Vaava always had a uotion that a realtoaoj churchf s treated, their shepherds shabbily, but the facts given, in 77e Otterref have filled us with indigr.ant as tonithment. Sometimes, at least. Donation Partiee are a hoalow humbug. Tlie (Mcrtrr cites aa acc .nut sf one which w can hardly credit. All the gifts, it is stated. Were marked with such prices at the dehors phased to pm upon tbeio, and ike-afgre-gate of ihi-Kc ntnotiuts was deducted ront the pastor's salary, o that it li n't easy to sec here the delations come In. Among ihcso forcc-d sales to the poor n.inisier was a little package ef pepper valued at tiro cents! So also two fans were charged at one half dime eaca ! We aippoae- that the recipient of these ebsdy gili. if he kepi thein, mmt have been of meek and grateful diupcsiliofj; but If thy had been sent in the same way to a less faithful f.dlower of Moses, there would i iiher have been rn Migration in the siove or a tathcr miscellaneous heap of thing in the street." Front li AVw IV OAar-rtvr rv m.u k hayik, Our -r.tilr one- no other t'in shall I. A pilgrim jourb-ying to the realm ou Ligh. Pas through thia world u-.to eternity. If. terfore, on tny jotirbt-y as I go, I fan assuage a,ii,. f.lhiw-erentore's wo. And on n.jr way muv kiudoess m'rt taiov. Oh Met m do it sow-! Iet not in vale i "lie ktifJerer .r weary unr Com p Lais ; I ?hall not Mirelr'patM this way sgaio. THE YEAR IN TEXAS. Consirji.VA, Tkxar, VecxL 1 871. To the Ediivr X. V. Of erccr: ' Texas is closing the year 1871 With much cause for gratitude to Cod for his abundant mercies extended to bexcitXens during the year. We have been tlctsed with health, peace and prosperity tkngU out 'the year. The various meant 'for iiK-nt.tf, moral and spiritual ioiprovement have been divinly prospered. Gar pope Ution Itas been gretuly inewaaL . Oar railroads have been extended some 450 tuih s. The numb of ministers labor i:g in the State has been slightly increas el, but uot in proportion to the alemand. The puhl'c jr Free School system has been introduced successfully and promises great good. The Temp ranee v cause has Una prosK-rc-d. The Seriptira' have be :i xu uii ly circulated. TJa number of SuimLiv it hools has Ueni frrraiiy. ia cieaatd. Evangelirai aid hs aVeea.ex tended to tjo: adjicent paals of Meiico. . . mm - ) -"i a-. m- I 0- d.-crf al fvaltv is i ij'' ncrroiiy oi tK.iiiical antmoaitt luoaily, has n the 'aa- cendaiicy. The circulation ef rrliraecs iicsppcas has boeu Licreaacd. IS, E Fn-ra Ui PreJTlrruva. I In the Prehrtcrian Chcrth in Swtmbntxf. .r.-an;-,l IhiI a few ntoniUa by tWt davo td eraugelUt, IUv. a. ( '. Alexander, Ua Jo h.wii.g hymn 'emjef arsl to aj-propdata n:'i-ic I y a mend r f the l.ir, t waa aunj al the cloing Sahfcsth w.r jrr of Ore yrar.J , T! A d . in? year i- fa-Ke.g frt, Iu la4 hoar dra w nigk ; , Ttitr e.'Ui.tig Miidiiil.l'a KiwvTB aJtall tdtrvv4 tie niore drtirU-d yar. Lie'a let j- att-p lo inotiM-wt liaae, llro.!i :owigl,t or tLruji gloem; And now aarother rear wt'tr irew. i ur dcath-ruarcfj to the tomb. " ' The yrsx'a aeet aprii, ia frarai.1 gwa. And urniut-r's tr!dm t-ljooo, Withantutioi'aiVar tiara pourrd Uiaixavealt To giid lic v iiiUr's plouuj. . net where, O man, are thy fir froltat ' H faith, and tore tud (ratae J : ivl Where are lif-' gcddtfi lurel hxfcvveaL To meet deattVa wiatrr dara? r'1 The o-tting rer aw hrel one here Whoxc amile no more wc tfr.-t ; - TIi Laoe, Uie cUtld, iLe yooili, Uan ndir I hliirnl-rtritf at r.nr frvt Iived voW-a call, fair hank are vsved, To beckon n ahoTe, t.Mrt To Jin them whtre the eHe years LroAlhe endltN ace and lore. ' 'I 4f htr lovel one plead hot ntiGct lOtf Pleal with lender toe.e ; Ami bLording hands 4rcietcd out to aar Would lift u lo a thn-nc. t . Jvavioor, to Th--. tl.ronjrh the.o brief rtJuC 1 MJr lull lliu iik- i" n(9 Wla iOTo 4,1 n I WiiL cndlc-Lh ia L Jjel lots Sod life be t""en " radiant clow