' . 1 H - ' A I -t ' ' 4 : r i ' ... i !t i . - . ; i -Ml . . vr f-4-- ! I ' . H . . . ' 1 r : j- " i I It- : ! : ! ' ' ! . . . J I ' iii'-4ix' " ' ' ''r ;".i.v -ZrfcJ?. ' ' ri! " 'i - - - ........ j I y. r- " i ii " - 11 " ' " I ' "! ' ' ''' - " ' ' I ' ' ;j "i - :- ' ' " ' ' i ' . " ! . i i - i ' ' : . - J . .--'in i - : . ' . - . t i . VOU III THIRD SEMES. (Earalimi IDatchntan PUBLISHED WEF.KLY BT J. Z : BRUXEBj -if L Editor and Proprietor. , ! rates of MncmrnoN OxbIYear, payiiTjlem advance. BlX.MoSTHRi " . 5 t'bpita to one address, . .' . . .$2.50 . 1-50 .10.00 'r T Jxates of Advertising One $qaaVe',flr8t insertiou,. ...... ..JQQ For ?aK adrlitionaj insertion, 50 Special notices till be charged 50 per cent higher than the above rate. Court add Justice's Orders wtllbe publish edat the tame rates with other advertise ments. , : 1 Obituary notices, over six jjines, charged aiadvtrtiseinents.'l r ' i - , : j ; CONTRACT RATES, i ' 1 Square. $250..' 75. $5 00 $7 50 $1200 2 Squares. 0 Squares. 4 Squares. 'I 4 50 G25 8 50 12 00. 20,00 t 0 00, 0 00, 12 00 16 OO; 25,00 8 00 II 00 15 0025 00, 350 Column. 18 00 24 00 1 Col a inn. 25 00 35 00 30 00 40 00, 00.00 45 00 8 00! 100,00 Tlievniptoro? of Liver omplauU wre uneasiness sirviiviorxs' and pnin In the side. Sometimes the pain is in tlie slioulderanu is mia- taken tor rlieum.-ttituu. the Htomach in alltcted with jloiw of appetite and niokntw. bowels in general costive, sometimes altcrnntifls with hx. ITho head U troubled with pain, mid diill, hea vy sensation, conuidera llc hs." of nicmorv. ac- LIVER enmpanrvd with gainful .. sennation of having left undfim; something which oughti to-have been done. Oftt n coinplainif.g of weikijr, dclility, and low npirits. Sometimes nianriof the above nympumis attend the diease, and at otlier times very fcw of them; but the liver is frenerally the organ mot involved. Cure the Liver with y . ! DR. SIMMONS' ' a preparation roots and herbsf warranted to be strictly vegetable, and can do no injury to any one. It hart been usedbyhundred, and known for the last 40 years as one of the mot reliable, efHq:(io(iM and harnmless preparations evr of fered o th' suffering. If taken regularly and nersisieniiy, it is nre to cure (eclioos ol (lie kiiney, nervousness chiJU, dis eases of the skin impurity of the blood, nielan-4 cnoiy, or depression or spirits, heartburn, colic, or pains in the bowels, pain in the 4ivad, fever agd ague, dropsy, boils, pain in the back, &c. Treparedonly by J. II. ZKIL1N & fO, . L. . Druggists, Macon, Oa. Price, $1; by mail 125. For sale by T. F. K LUTTZ & CO., IcbZI-Iy "Salisburv, N. C. , niLI.IUXM Ilr Tenttmouy I their Wa4rrrnl C'nralito EO'ecta. , ThT ara n.i a ,11. Fancy Driak, Vlfil of roar Kaa. Wktakay, rnat HMrila ataal RoAiae rtucinrcit.wi.iced and wentonti to pleaaa thti ta.'ci.)M 'TontrO -Aprrtti.. "JXfUmite, that U4 th Mpptor oh to drunVnn( and ruin, but ara a iraa Mtdirlna.iiii from th !tnt ta Suou aad Hcrba M CalUamla, free fraai ll atrvkallo Mitari laata. ! TVy ar tha UKKAT BIOI PI RI FIERaiMl A LIVE iIV!Ni PKINC'IPLK, a wrfcl lUnOTrtor aiit Iiniror tor of taa Byrtrru. cairytng of all poioiiott matter and raMtoriui; thablood t ta a kratthy cafisitlan. ; pfratm ran Uka thp BU tata acaarSlMic ta direction and ramain lonn nnwal!, pryAr4 thlr Ua kra not dtrao4 by aiinarml poWa or ahf ataaaa, and Uia vitul organa waated . kayoad Sa aotnt of repair. -- Tkayar-aa Gratia Partailyaaa well nam Ta4a M)MaiiiiRK. also, Ua iwculiar nwrit of actinic at k H"N1 atfmt in reliavlaR CU(c-ti6n or InUara ttaHan af tka I.lar. and aU tha Vlaeapat Orvaon. lOEfMALE COMPLAINTS, in yonncer atJ, atarrlad or Unl. at the dawn of wonmnhoajl oral tka tmra af Ufa. ttir Tanic Blur kava ao aqnaL FrliflMmMrr ail Ckraale Rkeanta llaM aiMl (;aal, Uyapepala mr ludlfeatlaa, ( Blllaaa, Kaailttrut mad Intermittent Fa il' Ulaean af Ike fllaed, LUer, Kid ara and Uladder, thr Itinera ha brmluost . aucMifitl. Hark JiWnara are citniwd ly Vitiated I BlaaA, VWh IBieralljr praduc d by deranscoiant f Iha Dfalla OrKaaa. MYHPRPffIA, -Ott IMHOESTION, Bead aaat, Fain lat tbSViouMcrt, Courh. TrhtnM of tka ChMt. PixliMsKS, 8iur racUtlona of tb Stnaaarh. 4 Tta in lh Wontb. Sitiout Attack. Palpitation of Ua Baart. laOaniinatioa of tha Lunc. Pain Ya tb re .Ktaaaaftka Kklnera. and a hundred other paiDful n' ara, UolSFr1nc of Dyspaptia. j Tkat lavtcorata tbe Ptoraachaadatiaiulate tha torpid IJar and floaela, which render them of oneaualleJ f tnewy ia claaaiii the blood of all Impurities and 1m rar1la.Bw lif. anj wror t0 th, whoU arllcm . rtR UIN DIHEAHtS. Eruption Tetter. Salt i...aM.i of tbe bkiu. at wlX-r aam. ;? T0"1 ti. kr tka uwol theaa M.tter. komi "ta J!22 Sr;''0"00 ttuftthJS,iS? Ctaanaa tr-, Tltlated Blood hencv,r yOU Bnd it In.. rnriUaa kuratlnt thrauahtka ki Jo WmpUf, ioaa at Soraa,; cleaaaa tt wbearoa find It obatrmcted "1 li' iV? U w,"reaiiaa it when H fi fcml, u4 yf.faHnn will tell, ouwhea. Keep tha IW part, aad tha heaUk of tha iTateu will follow Fl, Tape, uud other Worn... urkln? in the aratoni of M ruany thousanjn, are effectuajly deatrorM and ; removed. TSaya a fMlnpulhe 'nhraiolnriit tuere is aeareely an individual niaka AW ifthi waraw. It ia not opon the healthy tetneoti rf 1 - y tkat wom,,axi,t. out npon thi JSSS2 kmJsi JT . "? ,ysVn, Mo.Ilclne, uo Termifuaea. nn thjTAtiS wiU J,w,a & ''At-KBkV Proprietor.' JL tu McDO.f AL0 dt f)a. VS'iVlllJ4?'rnt 8nlfracfae.Catif.raU, a-.-f. .M nd M C- Stroat. N,w York. IT M!ul gy A1X OBUUGISTa AMD PCALKE8. tti KINDS ot'.COimT.ANn MA OiSTItA m BLANKS at 'this $ - r rCK. l! gf e g' g i- a- S hri ? . ti r cr S3, : !; M - S- i : II Ilegulator. I f i i .1 ! . ' r- . ! . . . :. TITE a- WATCHMAN OFFICE ia well supplied with if- Y ' 11 A large and elegant assortment of Pictorial or I- CUT; ILLUSTRATI01YS. &C ' suitable for all kinds of BILL PRiNTIxNG. j Fincrjind more Ornamental Types for Business & Professional 5) to Visiting, Party qnd Wedding Cards ; CblWe and School 'V Hi.U -Circulars of all kinds; Tobacco Notices and for all purposes ; T? l l A? Ul VierKS, i JjlaGriSt FclteS f 11 and Solicitors Or nnvthinrr riwuiianJ ; """"ng GlSe required in the Printing Line. THE i (Earoltua tDatcIjmon A8 X NEWSPAPER, i 9 Xsi i candidate 'fori pubjic fiivor. Its circulation is good, and its standimr ! I j7 . . , . A , - ; . . . . . r j anq patronage improving. It is one of the best, advertising ; mediums in 4.1 . o, . : , r ; :. I me owe, ana Otters its tacillties on as liberal terms as anv.. S&V6 VOUr.Wn63it &. OatS IMPORTANT NOTICE TO FARMERS. An important dincovery to prevent BUST in Wheat and Oata. Ifthe direationa are careful ly followed and the crop is injured by rust, the is a trial. iuvucv vui oe CDeerraiiy Teiunaea. ' "All l ask i'.u rt 'k3. H. JSNffISS r rryaxva ann mr sua om at j Jtij plain! i. fancy ': U Bill ?m s 'm 3 23 PAMPHLETS AB ELS 1 . t . - ; 3 . i " ; ealisbnry. Constitutional "Amendments, Passed in the House of Representatives I January 17, 1872. ' ' AN ACT to alter the Constitution of North Carqliqa. f ' 1 The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact (three-fiftrm of all the. niemben of each llouse coucurruig. j - ' ) That ibe Constitution of this State be altered as follows, to wit : Amend Bection ' aix, of the first article, by striking out the first clause thereof, down to and including the word "but f this being the clause relafing to the fjtatedebt. I Amend section two of tbe second article by atriking out the word annnally, and inserting in lieu thereof, the word " biennially ? being In reference to the seaBions of the General As sembly. . j Amend section fire of the second article, by striking out all; that precedes .the words, " the said Senate districts," and by striking out the phrase aforesaid or " in said "section ; the parts Sao stricken out having reference to the State centiua. i Add a new Bection to the second article to be styled " section 30," and to read as follows : The members of the general Assembly shall each receive three hundred dollars as a com pensation for their services dnring their term, subject to such regulations in regard to time of payment and reduction for non-attendance as tnay be prescribed by law ; but they may have au additional allowance when they are called ten wts Pr me for each -ession." I v Amoral iL.n ,vn f k 1 striking out the words " four years," where they occur first in said section, and inserting, in lieu thereof, the words " two years," leing in refer- , ehce to the terms of executive ofBcers. Strike out the words ""Superintendent of Pub lic Works," wherever they occur in the Consti- , tution, thus abolishing that eflice. Amend section six of the third article, by striking out the word ' "anuually." aud iu- aerting, in lieu thereof, the word 'biennial ly." so as to ctMiform to the provisions re- spectiiig the sessious of tlie Geueral Assem bly; Strike put eections two and three f the fourth article, being the provisions which re fer to the : npointinent and duties of the Code Comujissjoners. Alter sectioti four of the fourth article, so that said section shall read as follow s : "The judicial power of tlie State shall be vested in a court for the trial of impeachments, a Su preme Court. Superior Courts, such inferior Courts as may be established by law, aud Courts of Justice of the Peace. " ; Alteri Sectiou eight of the fourth article. sd that? said Sectiou shall read as follow : "The Supreme Court shall cousist of h Chief Justice and two Associate Justices; Provi ded Thfat this shall not apply to the justices diiriug ?lheir present term of office,' unless by deaths resignation, or otherwise, theuum- ber ot Associate Justices shall be reduced to two.'! : Alterjsection twelve of ihe fourth article so that said section shall rad as follows: The State shall be divided .into nine judi cial districts, fr eaek f which a jinlgethall be chosen; and iu each district a Superior COurt shall be held at.teast twice i:i each year, Vjcontiuue for such time in each coun ty' respectively as may be prescribed By. law. The General Assembly shall lay off said dis tricts iuj due time, so that tlie said nine judges inay be chosen and biu tln ir jffici- al term at the first geueral ein ctioii for inein bers of the General Assembly which shall occur after the ratificat ion of this section." fhe .General Assembly may reduce oriu crease tfie number of Districts to take effect aV the end of each judicial term. Strike-out section thirteen of the fourth aiticle which faxes the present judicial dis tricts. N Aniend section fourteen of the fourth ar ticle bylatrikine out all after the word office," land inserting, iu lieu of the part so stricken put, the followiuc : "The Geuftral Assembly shall prescribe a proper system of rotation fpr tile judge may ride the same dis trict twice in succession, and the judges may also exchange districts with each other, as may be provided by law" strike put section htteen of the fourth ar ticle, and insert in lieu thereof, the follow ing: lhe General Assembly shall hve no power to deprive the judicial department of any power orj jurisdiction which rightfully pertains to it as a coordinate department; louttne ueuerai Assembly snail allot and distribute tl at portion of this power and ju- nsdtctionJ'whlch does not pertain to the Su preine Court, among the other Courts pre scribed iu this constitution or which may be established by! law, iu such maimer as it may deem best, provide also a proper st stein of appeals, and regulate by law when necessary the methods of proceeding, iu the exercise of their powers, if all the courts kelowth Suoreme Court, so far as the majjr be dojie without conflict M ith other pro visions of this constitution." Strike ; out sections sixteen, seven teen, nineteen, twenty-five aud thirty-three of the; fourth artiele. Amend section twenty-six of the fourth article by striking out all that part which be gins with, and follows the word "but' iu said section, and. in lieu of the part so stricken out, inserting the following : ' he judicial officers and the clerks of any courts which jinay be establish-d by law, shall be chosen by the vote . of the qualified electors, and tor such term as may be pre scribed by law. Ti;e voters of each pre- ciuct, establ shed as is elsewhere provided for iu this constitutiou. shall eltct two jus tices ot the peace for such term as may be hxed by law, whose jurisdiction shall extend throughout -their respective eounties. The General Assembly may provide for the elec tion of more than two justices of the peace in tnose precincts which contain cities or towns, or in which other special reasons reu der.it expedient. . The chief magistrates of cities and incorporated town shall, bave the judicial powers of justices of the peace." Amend section thirty of the fourth article sttiklngt oat the word ""tnwnship" and inserting. in lieu thereof, the word -pre- cincts;'1 also iu the last sentence of the same section, strike out the word "the commis sioners uf the county may appoint to such omce tor the , unexpired term, and iu lieu meretji insert Van appointment to fill such - .. . C t' : l . - i , , ncaucy tor itie unexnireu teui gnau oe made as may be prescribed by lat- Ameud sectidns one and seven of the fi th article, bj Strikinsr ont the words "commis sioner of ihe several coiiuties" 'Where they rlnStne words, "county authoriiiea es- Strike but section four of the fifth article. relating to taxation to pay tlie St ite debt and interest. ' I ' Amend section six of the fifth article by inserting utter the- word tustruinent" in i said fsectiod the words "or anv tUter per sonal property." S Insert the word ?and" 4 before the word 'surveyot'l iu sectiou one of the 7ih 'article. SALISBURY, N. C;, FEBRUARY 9, 1872. ud striku out the' word and five eommis- aionera" in said ecUon; also add to said . a cembly shall provida for a system of coucty niiuit.iiic hiiiviiiuk. j tue uenerat As a-ue lienor a l a a. l 6u.tiuiutunwi me n,it cvunues or tne Statv. - Amend section two of the seventh article, by strikiug out- the word eotamissiouers aud in lieu thereof inserting the words county author Uies-esUblished and authorized by law;" and in' the same section strike out the words, '-tbe 'Kegister of Deeds shall he ex officio clerk o' the board of comtnissiou r." Strike eat section three of the seventh ar ticle, and in lieu thereof insert the following ; The coqnty authorities established and au thorized by law shall see that the respective counties are divided into a suitable number j f sub-divisions, as compact aud convenient in shape as possible, and marked out by de finite taundaries, vbiebtnay be altered when necessary. Said sub-divisions shall be known by the name of precincts. They shall have uo corporate powers. The township gov ermneuta are abolished. The boundaries of the pr cincts shall be the same which here tofore defined the townships until they shall be altered." Strike out sections four, five, six, ten and eleven of the seventh article, which relate to the township system. Atnend sections eight and nine of the seventh article, by striking outthe words "or townships" where they occur in said sections. Strike out sectiou three of tha ninth article, aud in lieu thereof insert the following : "The General Assembly shall make suitable pro vision by law for the management and regu lation of the public eehm.ls, and for perfect ing the system of free public instruction." Strike out rection five of the ninth article, and in lieu thereof, insert the following: "The General Assembly ahall have power to provide for the election of Trustees of the Uuiversity of North Caroliua, iu wholn, chosen, shall be vested all the privileges, rights, frauohises jtpd endowments hereto fore in any wise granted to, or Coufei red up ou. the Hoard of Trustees of said Uuiversi ty; and the General Assembly may make such provisions, laws aud regulations, from j time to time, as may be necessary audex - : pea.ent, for the maintenance aud tnauage- inentof said Uuiverstly." Strike out sectiou thirteen, foorteen and fifteen of the ninth article, relating to the Unive sity of Noith Carolina. Amend sec- tionteuofthe eleventh article by strikiug out the words "at the charge of the State." ! a'.id iu lieu thereof, insert the words "by the State; and" those who do not owu property exemption prescribed iu this Constitution, or being miuors, whose parents do not uwu property over and above the same, shall be cared for at die charge of the State. Alter section sevnj of the fourteenth ar ticle s that said section nhall read as fol follows: "Xo persou who s'utll hold any of fice or place of trust or profit under the L'uited ttates. or any departiiii-nt thereof, or under any other State or govtruineut, shall hidd or exercise any other office or place of trustor p olit under the authority of this State, or be eligible to a seat in either house of the Geueral Assembly ; Providal, That nothing herein contained shall extend to officers in tlie militia. Justice of the Peace, Commis sioners for Special Purposes." Add another section to the fourtheenth ar ticle to be st vied "section 8." and. to radas follows: "County officers, justices of the peace and other officers wluse offices are j ... wluse offices are any way by the l- n, shall continue to abolished or changed iu icimiuu 'i iiixt iMiuiuciuUt niaii continue l' exercise their fuuetions unti any provisions1 necessary to be made by lawiu order to give , ..-..;..., ..t v,. ....... i lull ellect to the alterations, o far as relates to said officers shall have been made." j lienever the personal property in the lie -number the sections iu tliose articles - hands of such administrator or executor from which an section has been stricken (the same not being needed to be con without the insertion of anotlier in its stead; verted into money, in the course of the ad and give to auy new section that number :., ..,:,. i...n i. ni . , u u .i ,u j mi t i winistialion) shall be ot uuceruin value, which by this method would have been given i i n i . . .t . . to the section for which it is substited. and he bUI1 aW? llho c?unl .commission, the alteration shall 1 cmU.dil into tr, ; ers to appomt three impartial men of constitution, and the bered cousecutively. several Sectious uum- THR NEW TAX BILL. The -Legislature has passed the Re venue Hill for 1S72. As soon as we get a certified copy we will publish the whole law. -Below we copy from the Wilming ton Jonrnal one of the most important Schedules fixing taxes: Sccdule A. Section 1. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact, That the taxes hereinafter designated, payable iu the ex isting national currency, shall be.asstssed and collected under the rules and regula tions prescribed by law. Stc 2. On each taxable poll or male between the acres of twenty-one And ti F- ty, except such poor and infirm persona as. the county commissioners may declare and record fit subjects for exemption, there shall be anuually levied ' and col- lected a tax lobe devoted to purposes of education as may be prescribed by law. geant of the t ompauy to which he be If any poll tax shall not be paid within longed. The latter ordered him to put sixty days after the same shall be de- the cards up, but he refused to obey and maudablc, it shaM be the duty of the after service ho was couducted to the Ma sheriff, if he can fiud.no property of the jor. "Well," said the Major, ''what ex persou liable sufficient to satisfy the same, cuae have you for this singular aud scan to attach any debt or other property in- . dalons conduct? If you can assign any capable of manual delivery, dre or be-' reason for it, it will be well, but if you longing to the person liable, or that may cannot it will cause you to be severely becomt due before the expiration of the punished, and that w ithout delay." A tl.G ncrAon owint? "riiuco your honor, is $o cood" eaid tbe such debt, or having such property in possession, shall be liable for said tax. J Sec 2. The taxes hereinafter designa ted shall be applied to defray the expen- j pb nf the State o-nvern mrnt and Dav ai- v . r - - . . O propriations for charitable aud penal in stitutions. Class 1. Sec.' 1. There shall be an ad' valorem tax of 16 cents for the general fund on a,MMai . iriti1 wmA A 1 lfBl 11 fvflllla flf tui T ii v; uuiiuicu uoiiw iu . wa 11 i ... cw real ana personal prunm m nic ii.vf suhject to exemptions made bv law, in- eluding moneys, crcdirs, bonds, stocks, &c - ' See. 2. A special tax of twelve cents on the one hundred dollars shall be lev- ied and collected on all the taxable pro- nertv ef the State, to be applied to the erection ef the penitentiary and the sup j i one- til be port of the convicts. Sec. 3. A special tax of eight and . 1 . t a. L t . a m rt vclA A rA v m . mY n levied and-collected: on all the 'taxable property uf .the State for the Insane Asy I auc3 M II I 1 1 II I in ri wkaa m ' and Blind 7U,V" audid i Class 2. .i.TJ1?.0k'ct- nd Jom mentioned 10 iUC WHOWKir ciaig glU Uxed tullr mentioned: - As ape- oec. i. imthe net income, and pro fit other than that derived from property taxed from aujr source whatever, during the rear prectediiiff,the first day ut April in each year, there hll L a ux ol Be per cent. The iucoaie tax el. all iudnde intereB.ou the securities of the Luiicd Stales, of this State i cr other Sutc or Government. In tsihnafli.g the otl in come the only deduction bv r,,fM. petise shall be.: 1 taxes other tlian the income tax due this State. 2 Iient for use ot build ings or other property or interest on en cumbrances on property nsed tn the busi ness iroui which the iucoms ia derived, 3 Useful or ordiuary repairs oi the build ing from which the income is derived 4 -1 Cost or ralae of the labor, (except that of the tax payer himself,) raw material, food and ail other ueccsiary expenses inciden tal to the business Iroru which the iucome i derived, together with the necessary expenses of supporting ihe family, which hall in no instance exceed oue thousand dollars. The taxpayer shall return to the asses sor the gross amount of his income and the gross amount of his expeuses to be de ducted therefrom, which return the asses sor shall tile in the office of the couuty commissioners Sec 2. Upon all real and personal es tate, whether legal or equitable, situated within the State, which shaii dcrcend or be devistd or bequeathed to any collate ral relation or peiaou, other than a lineal decendant or ancester of the husband or wife of the deceased, or hutband or wife of eucb ancestor or descendant, or to which .SU.h collat r il relations may become en I till, d under the l iw for the distribution of thr , ,uu" n 1 ,, V ., J i V ' . , . .qU'rfU 1 i ""-'V1 f dlbtS a,,d liabiliiies, ,U,,',lVH",e Pr cifituiu. tax upon the .Talue thereof ehull be paid : I 1' euh collateral relation be a '. brother or a sister of the father or milr ' of the deceased, or issue r, .... or sister, a tax of one ptr cent. Jl such collateral relation or the devisee or legatee be a stranger, a tax o' two and a haif per cent. The ral esute 1 able to taxation shall be liated by the device or heir in a separate column, de signating its proper per cei.t. tax. The personal esiates or real estate rtdnced to assets aliall be liable to the tax in the hands of the executor or administrator, and shall be paid by him before hi ad ministration account is anditrd. or the rial t state is settled to the sheriff of the county. If tie real estate descended or devised shall uot be the entire inheritance, the heir or devisee shall pay a pro rata I art t f the fax, corresponding w ith the relative value of the estate or iuterrst. If iti.uiv ibiuc ui me estate or iu j ,he legacy or distributive share ceived shall not be the entire . i i . j. ., , to be ro proncrtv. such legatee or distributee shall iu like manner pay a pro rata part of the tax ac cording to the value of hi or her interest. probity to assess the value thereof, and such assessment being confi.mcd, shall be conclusive of the value. . To facilitate the collection of tax on collaterals, every executor or administra tor shall return inventory whether the estate of the deceased goes to collaterals, whether such collateral belong to the first or the second class above stated, un der a penalty of one hundred dollars to bft recovered iu the name aud for the use of the State; and it shall be the duty of the superior court clerk of the county to furnish the sheriff with the names of the executors who make such returns, after each and every term of his court. AN INTERESTING STORY OF A PACK OF CARDS. Richard Midrlleton a soldier attending divine service with the rest of his regi metit, instead of taking a I3ible to find the Clergyman's Text, took out a deck of cards, and spread them before him. This strange behavior did not long pass un- noticed both by the Clergyman and Scr- af ' . soldicr, "I have been along time without a Bible, prayer-book, or any other good book." So theu he pulled out his cards, and on presenting an ace to the Major, said, "When I see an ace, your honor, I am reminded tint there is but ene God, whon I see 2 and 3 they put me in roiud of Father, on, and Holy Ghost. When I see a 4 it calls to mind the four Evan gelUts. When I see a 5 it call to mil d the five wise Virgins, who were ordered .... a trt trim their Iaai!9. out mere w eie ten . yjour honor five were W!sc and five were fooliah. . 6 ' ! that in six ays God created the Hcav- ' cus and Earth, and wheu 1 see a 7, that on the seventh day lie rested from his labors. When 1 see a 9 it rvm.ndi i me of the nine lepper. tha: were cleansed by ottr Lord, but there were ten, your ho,ior may remember, but none returned to give glury 10 Ood, ave the stranger. When I lt reminds me of the Ten Com- mandtuenU Jtj were g, to o.ew . nd he look the kna v? and latd U aside. O. w)a - j beo I ee a kinr it 'reminds of tb great Kinr ef Ileavrn and earth, whlrb is God Almighty, and also ti hi majesty kmg George, t pray for bin. When 1 ee a Queen, it calls to mind Sleba who eame to seethe wUdom ef Solomon. WUtaidtU Ji.jsr, "yon have ex. plained all bnt one," "Which is that ?" aid the soldier, "The knave," replied U,e Jlajor, yonr ionor will not beargry, I will giye j0 as pood an explanation of biai as ot auy. The greatest knave I know is. the Sergeant who brought me before you,-the greatest knave or not, he U the greatest fool " The soldier cou cluded; MWhew I enint the number of dots u the deck I fiud Here three hundred aud ixty-firr, so many days in a year. hen I rant the number of cardi, I find fifty-two; to many weeks tn aear. When I waut the number of fare cards, I find there are twelve, so manw m ,., ;n . ywr. Mj this deck of cards is my Bible, prayer beok sud almanac." The Major was highy pleased and oidered that the soldier ah'onld be somptuouly entertain ed, not forgetting to pteaent him with a haudsome amouut of mouey. F - v a ar a m m ALIONiTAMER KILLED BY LI-ONS-.FEAJIFUL SCENE IN A MENAGERIE. From the Manchester Cos-Guardian. A dreadful scene happened in Man ders Menagerie, Market square, Bolton, Thomas Maccarte being attacked and killed by, lions as be was performing in their mjd-.t. It was the last evening of the exhibition, and Maccarte undertook to give an extra performance. In tha c ige w hcli he . u rul were five liotis. The animal bad been put thro their leaj4ng txcrciaes. w hcu Maccarte noticed llrit one, a full gtown Asiatic, was restive, ard showed bia teeth. He drew his sword and pointt d it threaten ingly at the Poii's mouth. Ilia attention being thii9 diverted from the other ani mals, a young African lion crept stealthi ly from the group and sprang towards Macarte, seiimg him by h:a rigM Lip aud throwing hm down. At the same time the Asiatic.- lion fastened ileelt upon hia I e d, tearijig off a portion of his rcalp. A scene of the wildest coiifai..n ( ?in. l women icieutning, ai.d men luiiniug I about iu all directions in search of wrap- I ons. It i usual in Maudrra' menagerie to keep a iiuuibir of irons continually heated for etnergefici. t, but on ri.is occa c o t they ! l b tn M uiou-i, and flt iron had tu; be placed in the f':r Maccarte fought desperately wiihhis sword, inflicting some fi-aifjl g-s'.ieg on ihe face of both lion. Out ol the o:Lr liona now poized the unfortunate man bv his only a. ra, fracturing tho bo:ic, wlr.h another ton-, a piece f'fhth out ol 1,1, thigh Maccute retained his presenc of m'nd, and called out to ihe men to fire amongst the animals. Ret oi vers and ri fles were accordingly procured, and wbilal some fired blank cartridges full in tlie faces of the infuriated baeis, others pro bed them w i(h heated iron, stabbed tliem with fork, and beat them with a ladder and iron scrapers. Eventually a slide was introduced between the bars of the cage, behind which Mr. Ittrchail, the ngcut, and John Ryan, one of the keeper, drove four of the 1 ions. At the fifth lion more shots wipre fired, but it was not un til the heated bjrs' were applied to the nose of the animal that it relinrjuith'-d its hold and :ran 'behind the partition. Maccarte then staggered to his f-ct, but ere he could ! reach the dour and before the slide could be closed, the African lion again rushed out, ec izt d the poor fellow again by the foot, and dragged him back into the corner among the other animals. a .t s a a a Again tlie trightlul atruggie went on. Macc.rtc was dragged up and down :hfl cage by the head and the legs three or four times, tlie fioor being completely saturated with his blood. Sme riHc loaded with shot were now diacharged among the savage brutes, and with sevcr- u ons, now heated to a red glow, ihey were beat n itiio a comer and the parti tion closed against them. Maccarte was then released, still conscious. Ashe was borne to the infirmary, he exclaimed to a fellow workman- "llarry, I am done for." In addition to the back part of the scalp, all the flesh had been torn from the thighs, the right arm was fractured iu two places, as wtll as badly lacerated frrm the shoulder to the hand ; the chest had been lacerated, and the bones of the pelvis had pieces bitten out of them. He died in ten minutes after his admission to the infirmary. ; Deceased was 33 yeara of aire, was a native of-Cork, and was a married man.l HENRY HERRY LOWER Y. This great radical negro leader aud Iraguer, who baa murdered twenty of the beet citizens of jRobeaon couuty, professes great indin ttton at being accuaed of shooting Sirs. jlcNeill and her daughter ' while Lis canz were breakiuir i'o her I smokehouae. Th Wilmmgton "Post" say L3wery has sworn a teirible oath that he will catch tlie villaju who shot these ladies and kill him iu ;Mrs. McNeill's y ard be fore her eyes, -lilts wants to make far himself a monopoly in the bnainess of murder. J This talk r-f Lowery reminds us of Grant on the civil service reform. Oiaot shelters Holdeti, Bullock and all depoaed tiovernors. Jle tills np Hoieswiih rogne. He like Billy Henderson and the Cut torn appoint men 1'ariou Sin- ctair to oraee, and then senas i to Congress about trfurm in th; civil rice". Grant wfnta reform ia his own mora) service, lie want eutt'ng !oe from such men a Uolden, Bullock, Little Hfcld, &Uy Henderson and ParsoaSin cU't. B-U,&fieL . 5 21.wnOLE NO. !. 811 LONDON. Figures tchick a,try some i3cq o flat Dimensions f the Great 2etrt?olis.X surprising Idea, Indeed, of the, great meusions of Londoa is cearejt ia lie statement that this single leva We ne eleveoth ef the entire population, el Keg land and Wales. London proper, or Uhe city," as it t termed par extrCmce, ihat is, the region within the laanicipal Hmiu, returns a popwlatioa f . only 74 732. Within tbe parliamentary beaada ries , however, the popalatiea U 3,003,10, and wtihin the police circle, which Is real ly the proper linrU, the enormoaa total eX 3,S$3,092 persocs is reported, JJew por tentous a city this make can beat be eeea by a glance at the n timber of oar largest populations it take to make cp tkis a- cxatapled sum. Thus the aceooatf lands on the lWitiab and American tpectivtly ol Ic70 aud IS71: A t terkan C'Ahs. London. 3,653,052 1. Naw Vutk', 7,43C 2. n.nadHprrta,' 73,75 3. Brocklyn, - 406,(W 4. Si. Louta, 312,003 3. CWcsgo, 2V9,37i 6. Baltimore, 1S3.079 7. Boston; Y53.924 8. Cincinnati, 218,900 1. New Orleans, 184.CSS 10. San Franciace, 150,331 12. Buffalo, 118,030 Total, 3,828,375 Allegheny City, Ta., 53,183 3,eSl,76 London's excess, 1,332 Here it will be seen that London ia larger than our eleven eilics with Alle gheny City, Pa , the city nearest1 tbe amount of the deficit, thrown in. , Fur thrralill, to take this mighty metropolis to onr comprebenainn, it ia more populous than thirteen of our Statee Arkansas, alifomia. Connecticut, Delaware, Flori da, lvmiM, Minnesota, Nebraska, Neva da, New UstDpiLiir, Oregon, Rhode Is lai d, and Vermont, with the territories of Aricnna, Colorado, Dakota, and afeutaaa. thrown in. Coming to tbe larger 8tatea, lut one (New York) exceeds London, which is a great as Illinois, that giant ef the Wen, wiih Kentccky'a thirteen hun dred thousand aouls to beot. Mas chea ter has a poptil .-liaii of oC.MW, and lies tr.idwav betr-n oar Philadeltihia and HrVokiyn, whil- LiverjKKd h8 CC0,5lfl, j and vei!n it b ail o y brfore oor twa i;r attrt t itica, New Voik and I'hiladel j lijiia. Excluding Lr n Ion, tSe ppulatiaa -f I'.i-gl.it.d i. tl." divided: Rural, It, - 'U ;', urban, I,.5rc,C25. The urban ;i.ir;cl hare pi-omn m"re than twice as f.i-t a t; t- touut y d :trc:s, la, the rale 'A iorreaar in the country dislricll is twice what it was in IfSl-61. A MAX WITH NERVES OF IRON. Young Donaldon, who made a balloon ascension at Reading, Peun., on the 30th of Augurt last, and performed a series of lrap-xe festa w hen a mile or more from the earth, n pemed his thrilling perform ance in Noifolk on Monday last. There was no bakkd In the balloon, but' its place aa supplitd by a trapeze sioilaf to thr.c used by ciicn jetformers and above the trpz was placed a hoop, se cured to which was a fu.t of heavy cJeth ing to 1-e used by ihe a-rial voyager. when he encotinteu-d the cold cuticnt. The Noifolk (Va ) Journal injeterib ing the aceiiaiOTi rays, that wbtnlbe balloon w as rt leased fi cm its moorings and rearhfd a great altitude, Donaldson suddenly, and apf.atcntly wiih little ef fort, threw himself into a sitting -poa-tue on the bar, kissing bis hand to the crowd lelow. Suddenly pre I en ding to loc hi balance, he A ll backwards, sliding head downward nulil he caught by his toe on the aide ropes that suspended the traprxi bir. Iu this perilous position. h i ong to and fio several second a lima which itemed an age to the awe rtrirlea crowd below. Thro wins; himself batko hi seal on the bar thea rouAut set astride the same. Then began a series of gym nastic evolution balancing himself oa his back, turning over and " akianiog Ute cat," by the aide rope, etc. Upward, gradually and steadily arr-f the balloon, cleaving the air like a mighty bird when tbe balloon tu a mere speck in the dittance, invisible to the nak-d eye, and altnoti through powerful telescopes, the msn with nerve of steel arjd the heart of a lion rrpated hia daring trapexe feat hanin Lead downward, aipeudf d by his iocs. Such a ccmre was never bcioae witnrsed in Norfolk, ai.J seldom. any where in the w-rld. Ibe d'-ertption of inch a scene read like a romance, hut the n ality fjr iurpae the mol vivid powers of " word painting," and we do sift from the vain effort to deplet it. When the a-rial ship had teached an aliunde of about half a mile, aud struck the tohjer current of air, the srronaut was observed to climb up t the hoop, at.d get his suit af thick clothes. Drc-uding to the bar he d regard himelf and tbea resnjaed) -'the gymnaalim display exerrisiug himself to keep warm. 1 . 77 K"7V to Sticcfs A certain tners who i very rich now, waa very pAor when he was a loy. When asked how Ike got l is riche, he said : " My father tfUi fat never to play till my woik was finished, and to apeud money till I had earned U. If I had an hour's work in the Hrf, I must do that tint thing, and iu an fWbr. And after thia I was allowed to pVy; and then I could play with much ara pleasure than if 1 had tbo thought oa nofiniibed tak before my mfnd. I eaTly formed the habit of doirg ererytlrTngiiu time, and it soon became aaay U 4o. Ill is thi I oc ay ptcsprtty. Mi aa