. t.e. Cdtolitta Ul(ttc)raon ADVERTISEMENT. SPECIAL NOTICES. ZiOOAZi AX3D STATZ3 ZTZJrJlS. SALISBURY MARKET.. CQTTOlt 21 eta. Sales brisk. CORK U a 85. riiOURH.no 4.83. 4 MEAL 87 a W. XJACX)K-(ncw,) 8 a 10. Dull 1WAT0E Irish, f?ooa, fli 8weet$l. APPLES-jree fl.25 , EOGft 15 I. " t BUTTER 20 ft 25. CHICKENS $2.M & $3 per dot. BEEP per quarter, 5 a 7. . i i LARD H ft 12. ! FEAE1IERS new, 50. TALLOW 8 10. JJBESWAY 28ft3a J xk YORK. Peb. otti3n strotiS- ftftfeftl,32fl bales; Upland 23V; Orleans 28. nttk m.1CTON. Feb. 6. Orttton 21 wtr umrvroNj Feb. .Cotton, 18 & 22.; J LIVERPOOL, Feb. 6.-Gott6a, uplands i'IU all.) Orleans lit 't ! till Chunk --Prof. W. E. nun caT) will preach ia the Lutheran churc of tLU place next SoiidftT morning and i - i ! j JrTnc Legislature .finding it impos sible to get througli with the public busi tien by the 7th, have postponed the day of adjournment to the 12th instant. ; i" . - 1 i (llcpivalTX most interesting revival of j religion baa been in progress at Davidson J College for eome weeks pas. Oyer 50 i of the pnpils at this institution were pro I lessors of religion when they entered at j the present session, and during this revi- L - n 1 I Tal 3 Or JU more' nave, uerii swiitcucu, leaving but a small number wio have not " y cVcoroe under the influence bf the lloly Spirit nd been led to repentance. A rvovidencc A College, nor heartfelt 0 i JUtUt,Xuufina Watchman J-'U Sir: I send you here with, a second imt:ilii-iit f communications f w.dch led i fuy removal lnra ottue, consisting ' of r cy Di a tetu-j addressed to the I ostmaHter itieferti, Mitfl a letter addreed to myself bv l ll.; Tt.kn I'liiil r.lMvi t lK buriv. fr n. I1UM V V. It 1. w. . . " --- " " " - J - pi j to Mr. Pool's letter will appear in your next IMIie. . 1 .Ills proper for we to say that daring s per tonal interview with tlx 1st Assistant Postrnas ter General, last June, relative to the appoint- meat of . Thomas u.ixwig, mai genueman in formed me that if I could produce any evidence to the Department allowing mat iong naa proved faithless to the trust alleged in the letter referred to, be would not hesitate to re move him at once: I filed with that officer a certified copy of the cae brought against Tbos.. B. lxnig and hissecunueiiin Aiaaiance wumy Court by W. A. Smitb, Present of the IS. Railroad, which allows that Long is a defaulter to tbeaniounl of $5,951.94. j A'mcrrtlxr of the Finance Committee of aid road says t " I have this d.iy January 24th, 1872j examined Mr. tirmg'B account on the boot or the R. R. Co.vhd and a balance against him of $4,367.95 with interest which makes it about the amount vou have from the Court records. That last credit was in Dumber 1869 cash $153.61.. ..-I, - - ' - . The court records of Chatham county will show: that CV. Thomas B. Long paid off hi debU bv pleading the " Baby" act. I Itespect fully, -4 j H. II. HEFNER. SXusbcby, Feb, ?tfl72s -r mm . fill more rratttvin&r visitation ot i l ie 1 than this could not bef ill eae which woulJ yield a more jo to parents and friends. I . IB : StiUtcdl't FcrtilizerWe call atten tion to Messrs. Grier & CVa advertise ment, of this, new fertilizer, i It will bo seen that Messrs. Foster & jllorah are Afeufs for the sale of it in this placo. I BSF Mr. J. E. -Moose,! it will be leon by our advertising columns, holds on with Messrs. Stud well Brothers, K. jY. We had the pleasure of a call from Mr. Moose, a few days ago, While passing in his annual -business tlur throueh the State. He ha- the honor to represent one of,the best acd mqst popular Houses iu the great Me tropolis, and thcru is no one better qualified than he to perform' the deli cate duty. I . feALi$4UBT -V June 7th, 1871. It&n, J. . J. CitiswEix, t- l'ostmaster General, I Washington, D.C. I Dear Sir : Thomas B. Long of this place has, as I understand, been corom'wsloned Mail Agent otr the Western N. fX Railroad, vice G. J. I An removfHii t, v A proper regard for truth, honesty, and the sacred rights of the people, the postal -service, and the vital interest of true Republicanism dictates to me the duty of entering my solemn protest against this appointment Torthe loiiow fnr reanorirf: FirtL because I do not believi Thomas B. Lone Is an houest man. and, in my opinion, I feel nssnred that this entire commu nity in of the same belief. Secondly, it is an ap pointment not fit in any respect to be made, ana wiiy t First, for the reason that he has paid off hi jfaat debts by pleading the " Baby act, ( I a ni a sufferer by him to the amount of $500,) and Secondly, because he has recently been re moved from the Salisbury Agency of the North Carolina Railroad as a defaulter to the amount i of five thousand and more dollar. you havebeenas 1 suppose, most egregionsly imposed upon byj certain persons in behalf of lAngi ly inisapxniimeniagrt:ai iuiijiw,ui intentional I v of conrne, on you r part been inflicted upon Jhe iWmaster at this "place, for so long as Long is Mail Ageht, he will be in constant fear of the safety of th? mails, judging from the past condiipt of this man. Also, this appointment must be regarded as a death-blow to Repn bli- cauisth here. I pray you, therefore, to restore Mr. G. J. Long, a staunch Republican, who has lost a large portion of oneof his hands ; who bat proveh himself to! be a faithful official servant, and in whom the public have the utmost confi dencei Very respectfully, ' i II. II. HELPER. S : SINKING SLOWLY. Diseases that progress rapidly to a ci Ids are not the only ones to be dreaded. Canker or dry rot does not blast a tree as suddenly as a stroke of liirtitnine. but unless sireotedit destroys it as certainly ; snd in like manner chronic debility, although it does hot kill with the swiftness of yellow fever, Is as sure to sap the Springs of life eventually as any acute aisease, n noi cnevaeu vt inrlaroratinr medication There is KOme- ft 1, - .--1 t thing loexpresMoiy icucoiwg FiTOvl,eu' Sretnatdre deca.y. ljangtrer, paiior, emaciation, eitrvttlnn of Boirits. aod a distaste for exertion are its blinary nymptoros, and they should be promptly met by tonic treatment. The best invivornnt and exhilerant Ibat can oe admtius- Wered in a care of this kind is Howtetter's Slom ach Bitten. The stimulating principle of the hiuntinfi manes the dormant energies of the system,! and the strengthening and regulating properties gtve a permanent ana neeuiuui im pulse to the vital rorces iniw wroiigi imi piay. -The failing appetite Is re-awtheiied, the Oiialityiof the blood is improved, the secretion become;tnore natura!, and every orgna iat con trlbutes to the nourishment gf the Lody under goes salutary chance, lv i'uese means the re- ! pair of the phv-ical emu-ture u effected and its 1 health hi v'rgor restored. In no cIssb of dis ' cases, has the beneficent operation of the Bitters been more marked and striking than in those characterized by general debility and nervous prostration. Ladies a fleeted with these ailments find in this most wholesome of all tonics and correctives the safest and surest means of relief. It is stron to restore ana powerless 10 injure. Such is the uniform testimony of " clouds of witnesses." , . BOOK SAIJSBTJRY STORE. FRESH GARDEN SEEDS 1 JUST RECEIVED AT trio, i mm & co s. rug Store. i5fA fine assortment, includinjr some de sirable Novelties. u Figs do not grow of thistles,' nor can pood vegetables b ',c;Ci irom interior or oii sc-.h. appreciating this fact, wr hav npn:a no pains to procure only, Wfirra ed' Fresh and Reliable Seeds, re can conscientiously commend to our customers. We would call special attention to the German Wax Bean, as a stringless and most desirable kind. The Trophy Tomato now surpasses all others in size and quality. " Brecses King of Earlies,' is now f he Irih Potato, producing 400 bushels to the acre. L-ty (..all or sen make out your I Kluttz & Co.. and you will not be disap- j pointed in the result. TUtU. t . KLi m oc iu. Druggists and Seed Dealers, . Salisbury, N. 1 P.S. Wc will pre-pay postage on allsawls I 20:tf TflE CAUSE AND CUHE OFCON-jC - - - sumption. ! Clover and Grass Seeds! lue primary cause oi vonHmpiiwu is ucrnK-- raeuTol the digestive organs, ill dersngcuieiit j produces Uihuient nutrition and assinuUtiou. Hy attaimilutioa I mesa that yroceks by wLicli the uu- ) triineut of the food is converted iuto blood, andj thence iuto solids ol the body. Persons with di gestion thus impaired, having the slightest pie-di- , posiUon to puliuoiiaiy disease, or if they Uke cold, j wuli be ery nme w uve wintuuii'uuu vi Lungs in sotne.of its toruis; and t hold that it will be impostibleto cureany case vfConsumptiou with oat first i-cstoring a good digestion and healthy as simHatidn. Ike very Hrst thing to be none in t cleaSae thesitouiach and bOweis from all diseaM-4 muces aud slime, which Is clogging these orgsua Mf that thev emnnot perform their functions, and thcu rouse up and restore tue uvrrw a uen.uj "J" r 1 Mil V PPflPCnY C T II C tionl For this purpose tie suiestand best remedy A ftl I L I UliUwtnl O I U II C Udienck's Mandrtke Kills. These Pills clean the . atomacU and bowels of all tie dead and morbid TO JENKIN'S CORNER, SALEM ALMANAC At the Book 8 tor. OSALU3 AND BTMKS, At the Book Store T UTHERAX Bks of Worship. J At the Book Store. SR00L BOOKS. larfevVsrltjtr, At the Book Storw. IN facttoy thing la the war of Books and . Stationery, f an be had at short notice aad on reasonable terms. At the Book Store. SPECIAL orders will receive prompt atten tion Send in roar orders. i mm Jan. 24. 187. C1LT1N PLYLER. 19:tf Sale of Land. IN pursuance of d-eree of the Superior Court of l'itt c.unty, I will sell poUiclv at the Coart-IIoose door in Salirburr, Thursday the 22 day of February. Ir72. the following tract f land sitnated ia the C4nny of Riwsn, Wlooging to thw imtate of L. R. Anderson, deceased. t wit : A tract of land purchased of D . L. BribnW, and Ivlng near the Flat Uoekfcabout three miles from Salisbury. ontaiuing (122) n hundred and tvreuty-two aer-s. Terms, one fourth cash and the remainder HARDWARE MERCHANTS, ; .tlain Street, Salisbury. A'.-C, niinn rat Alt lit lWtlr TnoBtKl. mh illftr , - - - ----- Qd tor a. harden llanual, esl frm gaie, twnred by note with g hm! i rH.ca trer. men uuy oi pertr,nai aeeurity. o title made until payment. L. P. BEAKDSLEY, Admr. of L. R ANDERSON, dee d. "Jatnary the 15. 1872 5tl8l FJiESIIanil atx loire,t prices. At TI1EO. F. KLUTTZ & CO'S. 20:tf Dnjg Store. R. W I'kicf.. T.J.Pkicr. PRICE & BRO. ave Removed THEIR Studwell Brothers 17 MURRAY Street, NEW YORK, Manufacturers and Jobbers of BOOTS & SHOES, FOR SOUTHERN TRADE, ARK COXSTAXTL T A DDTXO ' range of want we are pre pared to raert, nor 'of the exact and lautiful adapUbiUty cC our good for the purpoaca for which tney are made. Nor can we describe iLeaa La an advertisement. They nauat be seen. Cocne, therefore, to the Hardware &Ure lot any thing you ant, from a toothpick to a steam 1 engine ; from a pin to a wt raw cutter any thingalmost everr thin. Tbey nars A FT LL FTOCK al wars on hand td rrery , varietvM Naila, Iron. Steel, lloea, Grain Cra- die, Scythes. 100 lKen Axe at lowpriee '(tun. Piu.l. Kiivf and Forks. Fairbaaka Carnace Builders, ' be best Wrought in iiow uw h. ' i We warrant them to give aatUfactiaau TWoavf LXWPerS, n', and SuUoileta. Irouse-Kcepers, ; C0KS silELLEUS, . Butchers, , btuaw cutters, UOOKS, CCC CvC. and athand other tUng yon need. Sn4 ! In fact, few persons unacquainted with i your orders or . and boy. lour establishment, are aware of the wide l.Vif SalwWy. JC. C New, im proved and valuable Tools, Imple ments, Machines, Cootriranciea, tc, 4cM for the convenience and facility of Farmers, Blacksmiths, Carpenters, Shoe-Makers, Tanners, Cabinet Makers, Masons, sljniethatis causing disease and decay in the whole i system, they will clear outthe liver of all disteawd Bacon. Lard. Washington, June 8lh, 1871. II. II Helper, Esq., M y pear Sir : A copy of your let ter to the Ass't Tost Master (Jeneral was receiv- IV l u 'lll bile that has accumulated there, aad rouse it upto I ,1, . ' . . u.-i.i... .... i. i,ii, nii.roi inH Mal. rrf!!) Meats a new lug uniuj w. " " .. - - - . . . healthy Wie is secreted. LggS, C'.ffe. Teas uga, halt. 1 ickb-s, M- ThesU)hiach. bowels. and lirer tins cleaned by l:tK(.B. Arc . ti.ir-t!ier with a laree and varied the use of Schick's Mandrake 1MU; but there re-i , f housohold and table Uecessities. mains in flie stomach anexcess oi acid, tne orgvn , , , , is pjrpid and the appetite poor1. Is the bowelsthe Bnug your country produce ; t. . lacteals are weak, and remiiritg strength anp.-up- j 1 1 Jtfc A. JWW. oort. It Is in a condition like this that Schenck's ( I7:tf) seaweeu ionic proves io ue mc uii unmuicrcur elv ever discovered. It is a!kaliac. and its ne will neutralize all excess or acid, makiiiR thestou -ach aweet and fresh: it will eive oermauent tone to this important organ, and create a good hearty ! CI j. T-Tiorv "L?ri Qoltt pefite, and props ic the sysUm for the hrt process j C LUv IV tJulov a. ui Utiiv, Will remain at the did stand, wherf, at 1... .I,.,,. I.lf iIia .tni.11111 will rtm fnalil r, 1 1 rM I nfr l II it 1 1 lill .uv - I'' . " i - coniinne i aeu r iour. i , ,, . . i ii tt i cu to sen lui'ix gooua on m oci ujiu than if up town. J. E. MOOSE, Salesman, feb 2 fc0:4jm- VAXJABLE oniwiite of a feoodi dijrestion, and ultimately make good, healthy, living Diood. Aiverims prep:vraior ireai- Tiie American Iaumkr. The number for Feh'y of this jpurnal is at hand, well-filled with matter for the farn and, garden appropriate to the cason. Every department of rural lifelis treated the staple crops, ma- ed. If your view of Thomas BLong be correct, merit; whirt remains to cure most cases of t'oiwump the Republicans of Salisbury innst be greatly tion ft the J free and persevering use of 'ScliencVs mistaken. The m ist cat nest rec immendation j Puiinbnic Syrup. The Pulmonic Syrnp nourishes uurcs, live stock, fruit-growing, &c, ! receiving due attention, whilst unusu al care is given to Floriculture, Orna mental Planting, &c., A ppecial fea ture f the Fanner U its able corres pondence front meu of various sec tions of the country, distinguished for their devotion to Acricttlture. Pub- liihea at Baltimore, MtL bv Samuel j Bands1 & Son, 'at $1.50 a year, or nt $1.00 in cjubs of five or more; with liberal premiums for clubs. We com mend it to our readers as well worth the subscription price ; of Mr. Lonz. and! a letter certifying his good character, were sent to me by many leaning Be publicans among them the following : D. L. Bringle.i Chmn Rep. Ex. Cora.. A. Bencini, Gov. T. tt. Caldwell, S. II. "Wiley, A. A. JoccjW. F. Henderson, C. S. Moring, I. W. .lories, C. L. Harris, W. H. Bailey, Jaines E. Kerr. Luke. Blackmer, T. U. Haughton, Jno. i S. Henderson. Obadiali Woodson, and W. H. Howerton. Your opinion expressed to me m Hvmwp. would have caused me to inquire wheth er all these gcntlenben were mistaken. But after the appointment fa made, a letter from you to the DepaHitUQt Js umisual in character jind out of ptace. I' caunot allow the recognized working Republicans of Rowan and elsewhere to be overruled by any one man. Your letter to the r. M. Ucnerai is a rellee- tion on -myiieff. ery respectfully, &c. JOHN POOL. The undersigned will sell his valuable young ORANGE BOY, for $325. the', systeni pnr.fiey fl.e blood, and is readily absorb This horse is now m ms pnine. lie nasscrvcu ed intti the; circulation, and thence distri; uted to cveri; I seasoi's. iinu ins rous lire uecmeuiy the diseased lungs Thereitripeiisall n.orid mat- The undersigned tinds it inconvenient to LUMBER ! Lumber ! ! Lumber ! ! ! THE undersigned begs leave to inform the citizens of Salisbury, aad other plaeeaof impmveineut. that he has mace arrange- trrMMtit,Trrcil W SJ 1 I I V if!-' ir- .11 U Ml U 1 I HA J. ! AlaSiiESS BROWSE HAS taken the room recently occupied by Overman. Iloluits A Co., in Murphy's Graalt Row, and oitkI a PRODUCE COMMISSION BUSINESS. fyile solicits rah orders fmm abrod. Prrnluce lought ami shipped on very short notice. -llcsiH-ctfullv rrfcrs t business en of the city. "Caah paid or all leading art'ule of country Produce, ll:tf A 8TC.T1 .VIIVDKR. THE a $12, SENSATION, $12. OR CD lnic Watch. A BEAUTIFUL CHRISTMAS GIFT. teis. whether in tlie form of absesses or tbcrc:es, and then assists Nature to expel aH the diseased inatterj in the form of free expectoration, wh-n on( k ripdns. It is then, by the great healing and purifying properties of Schenck's Pulmonic Syrup, that all nle-er and cavities are healed tip sound, and thy patient is cured. Thr km ntjal thinir lo ln- In errliijr C.-n-iim tl ni to urt p a tooil si r''l' ' 9i I'luwl-ii, U ml the j clj w 11 itrnw lit UsC aii-l jf' rcmj. If a h tlisenii - hines, a kl'y r tre V er , lite v lly cnliot tal, the aia-'rr c- nnol rit- , lcn-a a t ty m U lel w p'. W'it s necess irj 'niu r i- a ii-w r-liV of lli'nis, goo' ni p;it?. cu- 'I niii i 1. n, tl.e ftody taVri 'n fir'h nd jr l t ; Mien nnlur ishrljud the cmTMl-a he'.Uie oi-ltrr aiil rii n a:t'l lw lliru- n off! i aree fiuntii . and the rri-ain ,ellh and t'eHpth- U y-t 'toe Riidi ly pan to cure Cin fumMlii !. arid if; ier--n Is wry ba1 if the lung ire i t entirely deatroyej. or even If one lung entirely gone. U the t l niough vitality kit i. tin itl rr o hl up, th reUcpi ' I l.ave ieeh wan- uen ir.a cored lth" nly ' V aonna luuir, lle and eiiy Ife to a pood -M are- This U what fc enck's Ve'illcines will rloto eu-e Conaa",pM'B. T ey wl I clean out the comxeh. iat-elea i d at e ictken t, uu a rtiod dl e tion. aud ff're Nalu r the aaiaia-er the I need tii rle-r ihe r teni f all -he i laea'e tl.at I in -lie Ian a, whatever l' e f rm may b ki-i-ti liim. and imnco oucr luui ii diirrcc is hiuli'.v respectable r . . . merits bi'vonu tues!ion. lor sale. His and his own I'ersoius wishing to pnrt-!iiisc a stock li.ie are invited to cu!l and see hun lo uuies vrcst oi eaiisuurv. M. W. GOODMAN. Jan. 21. 1-72. fllh.-.f.pd . . i .l . - i - - - - - - - tnetns to lurmsn luinuer cneaper man ever, SOMFTHIN KNTIRKLY NhW, fJRF. EX OR DRIED to suit the purchaser. AND fSKKUU AS WELL AS (iOOD. Kemeuiber freight are no n.ore from Lard A Nrw STYLt Ikn'HLC HtKTiNu Cask and S'ation. than from places bearer Salisbury, I open Jots Watch nmlintJin one, witli ifinc kik-t 1 wnne Hi iimoer is better. Be sure and scud vour orders fr Lumber. 1). W. ROBERTS. Ieard Slat'on. N. C Feb. 2. 20-3m nary articles of family convenience, has occasioned the art of the chemist to he applied tc a subject pecnliarly calculated to promote domestic einbeushment at a triflintr l ex DenstL It has been coutiived . ..... .i-:.. -f fs 1 tarn of l C uUeaSe HI ICI1UCI BUT (UCtHO UI nwm "- ,-, BURKE ( COFFIN. Commissioii Merchants, $XAt the Sign of the Bed Flag, ME0ONE-r$ OLD STAND, MAIN KTUKI-n SALISBURY, N. C. . K. BpiKK. . J. M. COKFIK. SsTOrdets and consignments r(pectfully So- licted. "Auction sales tVtry baturcav and 1'iiblic days. SUBSTITUTE FOR MAHOGANY. mi ' i r i. e 1 . x uu3 uimuui ui yiuviiiiuj; lu.imj.u; Ii I. Imu Haiit th t w' lie usl e Pc' rnck'i MeJic'n . ...-.A nilio. nrAow.k.a ,,Am d,l nn aor, ii oi 1 1 r e tioull te exerclf d n. 1 10 la ke c W ; keep in-dno-a . : , 11 i j j In col t and damp we-her; t id i.iffhl air. anJ laKr out. exorbitant prices demanded lor UlC Ol-dl- . d r -xerriae only in a genial and wim -vim iur. g WM II UW'IICH niiHC'liWU iii mi'rmm ........ a patient tn t-e car'ui n repard to takin' cold, white U!l' ir ny Vedl- lne, I do o for n cl-il rvm A innt wl o ll but pa-tially ncorr red f om the -ff rt- of a bad cold t lar more liable io a relai - thn one h ha heo Btlr tv CD'td : and i U nreel'y (lie same in rc.r 1 to Colisaihiition. S 1 n the limit nre nt pertei-tly he: l-d.ia S" ,nnjtl. r-lwmti,ent darner .f f lire-, f I f I Vn fU VpQ tSuUcaSe lfe.,ce H that I o M-etiuotri y tu- . vyn . w w... v.o w. . tion ntilmi narr D'tienti kb lot exi-oalna then S'lTe 'o ; grain, eb nearly to resemble mabogoay in ! n Btm.ner-v at n t retiai a.,.i , icas t. Conenn- j Having faben hack to a better poaiiion anri f, . . r i vi .i . ,i ! d 'onolpli1es IhK ' " re, which th- j )Ccll rein forced lv forming a copartnership with lue ic a m re, iichbivt, uiiu puiiau iiimi. ioici - ,e,t ehM,re 'm -piure un name. T e graiu a . i , . who ha h-m Ion? and favor- -ui Lj s'j. ...!.. n. r .ii..:.. f mne i-awlfh itit Medletues ci sbts in my aill- : J NO- MFII, woo lias D. en long ana iavor- Tue Economist is the title of a new pn per just started It Elizabeth City, N. C., byi R. 1. iCltEECY, Esq. It U finely got up throughout, ami ia t most creditable accession to the journaJA oi the. state, lne etlitor is roid to be gcntletuan and a pcholar, and tho first No. of his paper before na indicate that hefis. The Economist ill defend Constitutional liberty, law ,tn4. order. ' , i FIRE. ' ' Pr. T.)V. Khkn's Tobacco Factory, ir thi Jlaee, was burned oii Monday morning- last, about 2 o'cloeki together with it content?, estimated at $15,000. He had an insurance on the stock and machinery of $10,000; but none on the building, owned by M. L. Holmes, Esq. . It Is believed to be the work of n incendiary. The disaster falls on nuimerbus colored ' Svork hands , who loe eraployrnent in the Factory; ably good judges are incapable of tMstiu guishing between this happy imitation and the; native prod act. Ihf- first opera -tion, as now practised hi France, is to plane-the surface, so as to render it per fectly, smooth ; the wood is then to be rubbed w ith diluted , nitrous acid, which prepare! it tor the materials subsequently to be applied ; Atterwards, one ounce and a half of dragon's blood, dissolved in Ht o aabduo intt mmation ina'ead of i ror-kin, it. ! ablv known in the Mercantile community, inary of the faculty do. 'n ii.flatne-l -c cannot with . J W(ild respectful! v return mv thanks to the .afrt to thep.rt,l.e wp .ed i. the Uilna b'a U of ... , ... ' tinuance of I Wlntee or the tMl in wlndi or uprtng or antumr. n r r j ---- . , , . . " ,i . o.dtfiar fiiv.hicidrdfr.-iDa.itrriatir.ai. nu i.ce their patronaee to the new Firm : with the as- cessary means to the permanent peace and Notice in Bankruptcy. Iimkrupt Xotict The third and final meeting of tht creditors of Win. Hard tig. Bankrupt of adkin eunty. will be held at Salisbury, uf the office of R. H Brondfield, RfCister, outhe SOth day of r ebrnaiv, lt?7. attne'hour of 10 o'ebtek. A. M.. at which time I will apply for n discharge fioin auy further 1 1 abilities- as assignee of the said Harding. W. W. LONG. Feb;2. 1872. 20-2t pdj Assignee. . I neeV Sotiee of Appointment. The un dersigned hereby gives notice f Ms anpoint- tuent as -Assignee of 11. U. Ununn, ot Kowan Couutr.. who has been adjudged a bankrupt. npou his own petition, by tbs lhtrict Court of the United btates Tor toe Uape rear uistnct of North Carolina. JOHN S. HENDERSON, Assignee, P.O. SalUbury, N.C Feb, 1, l72-W-2t-pd AHHOUHCEMEHT. T rROPOSEo Edit and Pisusn a Weekly 1 lie publican newsfrapeT ia tbiafity as smiu as suitable arrangement can . b made, to be styled TDK X0BTB CVEOLIXl 1HIEMC. It will adroeate universal Amnesty as a ne- CLAsa iwpoiletl I'otithcduT FBiafTKK Nlc Lfc, IA TF.NT Lrvtn, and Ruby Jncrled MoVI.VKXTM. Aoctrratelv adjusted and Rrr.l Lato. Klegant ; Crytial dup, showing the Erpomnl Anion and . n'FKV JHUTION of the ZJcffVfin WoiK while : . m at . t rnia, witn iiiecwcorofra tati..nt t.m w i.m- IXO Attachment (wiixiuigup at Hie Mrtn withool lb u of Key). Vqf n Ikiign, and tjuite a NOVKEXY. CHEAPEST HEAL!:!' kOU, strong, correct and serrietabie Watch ever manofactiirrd f roB rEltSOMAI. I SE, Equal to f quality ii7 ; irrr (tOLD CBKOMOMETER Wat H at o.r- laraf ieth tke cost. Price each La in r' or G r.ST , size, n'fA CHAIN frte, in Mrico('ar, cnily $12 or JC0 per half dotea ; IIW p r down to clubs i or the trade. BixOEK Watches went kbee to y mddrtm. Soft dtlirrry ynarunterd on receipt of price. We are resjioiieible for Checks, Draft, j P. O. Money Orders, or Urgistered l-etiera only. Or, we will forward them by r.xpresw w mioi r ( THE MOXEY. and you can pay the price to uie , Exrurs Aoext (with hz press t 'harges hx-' TA for the privilege) on the delivery tf tl em mm. a m mm a to you in yocb wkk. uiir oi all kinas sent evei ywhers onllie same condition. Cenauu AmebiCaJC I.evers, Sld. cmji.id Gold Levebs, $30. UMw' and (.ekts' CHAIVS, all stylet, $2 to J10 each. rAERY WATCH sold aa represented, tbonwighly irwrraa fed by 8rECIAEGl ARAXT.E,aw.; earn btrzekanp . V. ed at ALL TIMES Jftt of Com. .C PLOYJ. All gooda at factory YADKIN Valley Nursery. o fllF. attcntioa of Planter is called to X X tck of Fruit Trees and Plants, whiih are anperior to at.r we have erereoVrs for 'ale. Cor.fiiciin;: f Apple. Peach, Ptar . Cherry. Apru-ot. X ( irii.f. tirape vines. Piap-U-rry and Straw berry planta. Send stanp Im oiiruew t a'nlogue which con t ail. much vsta ab!c ittlorujaiioi.. A. C. CONRAD, im-.IH J Vienna. Forpytte Co.. N. C. The uttosl ciUtionslto Id be observed In Mils particular i Brancc that we will do all wc can to satisfy all f wSt',,V CUf' '"Jr "Xm c '""rt-u" 1 W10 m:,v have anything to sell or buy. 1h lero t on Id fee kept a w' ulemiine and nu r'- I J . K. 1L Ka t. tion. diet aud a li e Mciie contna 4 ant!) il-ebu'y h-. rnlo ed t Jt Uie IiB u a! quantity of 0eh aud treneth 1 wmt byaelf cured; by lhi t e-t-rent of the wor.t k'lid i of 0 MUD) linn, and have H'ed t ret f.t and heart- j h re ina ym ei-a. it one lone muatl to e. ha- e , Deen curro i January 1S72. N. B. I will continue to attend to the sell- Drosueritv. not only d the Southern Mate. but of the whole country. Iegidation by which the Public Lands or thoir proceeds. hall be divided among all the States for Public School purposes accordiog a a . a ! I to tee unmoor ounnaDiiants. repectivciy, or a pint of spirits of wine, and one-thd of , -oV, V' be'nCUPT' that quantity of carbonate of sodaarc to Ab. ui.tiii Srtorocioerirpetuiiaker.eaFi0no I j , . .1 1 l7 J- J .u my o batldl a the H-thet Corriiro' Six h ai uc-iuiacu iiiriuer uiiu uncicu: anu iu ine of anv kind of propcrtv in the cmuitrv, for their entire reservation for actual rettlerr. Admniiwlrators and others when nolinel in time. : Immediate resumption oi specie paymeiiia liquid iu this state is to be rubbed, or rather laid upon the wood with a soft brush. I his process is repeated with little altera tion, and: in a short interval afterwwds the wood; possesses the external appear ance of T mahogany. Wlteu this applica tion has Veuti properly made, the surface will resemble an artificial mirror ; but if the polish! becomes less brilliant, by rub bing it with a little cold drawn linseed oil the wood will be restored: to its former brilliancy j pi aae-l to (It advice to tf:13 - J. K. BURKE, Auctioneer An 6ld! farmer was oat one day looking over his broad acres, "with an ate on his shoulder and a small dog at his heels. They espied a woodchuck. The dog gave chase and drove him into a stone -wall, whsra action immediatelyxominehced. Tb$ dog .would draw tho woodchuck part ly from the wall, and -the woodchuck would take the dog hack. The old far mtrV sympathy eettinz hijrh on the side uf the dor, thought he must help him. So putting1 hiroselt in position, with axe abort the dog, he waited for the extrac tion of the woodchuck, when he would cat him jdowo. Thr.opportunity afforded, and the old man struck; but the wood chuck gathered up at the same time, took ; the dog ia far enough to receive the b'ow tU dog was killed oh the spot. For years after the aid man, in relating the Wrr, would always add : " And that dbg 4an t know to this day but what the wood- Transfcrminr the Complexion The traiisformtious produced hy IIaoan's Maoxolia! Balm are quite aa astonishing as any scene on the stage ot a theatre, luat fa mous beautifier, transmutes a .sallow, peeky looking complexion, into one in which the lilly and the rose vie for admiration, and imparts to tadry, harsh skin, the softness of perfect loveli ness. Tan and freckles, which country air and sunlight are pretty sure to produce in spite of parasols and undawns, are completely oblitera ted by it ; while it has a perfectly magical ef fect in : banishing uidue redness, blotehes and pimples from the skin. When the lady who has used it to remedy titer complexioual defects i looks in the i mirror,-film ia equally astonished and gratified at the improvements in her ap pearance. Kyery blemUh has disappeared; her neck, arms and bosom, now' rival iu whitenesa the snowy collar which encircles her throat, her cheek mantles with a peach-like bloom, and she is ready to invoke a blessing on the inventor of the article which ha wrought such a delightful transformation. i If you desire rosy cheeks and a complexion fair and free from Pimples, Blotches and Erup tions, purify your blood by taking Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery. rch : e 1". 'hill t:.a I a all Uo ma require It. Full dire' fobs accou panj al' "j Reairdl-s, to that a craw In nv psrt f t or'd rau b- rradily nr l by .trlct obsef yauoc of the tame. ; i J. H. BCHSfCB: M. I., lladrlp-:a. JOHN f. I:ENRT. 5 8 Co'tere ria-e. New Y'rV, ser-l.ym ! Vhlea.e rn. I have been a dispeptic for years ; began to use tne Simmons iiver iveguiatr two vcars ago ; it has acted like a charm in mv case, j Rev. J. C. HOLMES, I V j t Clayton, Ala. Cxkbgymex, Bankers, Book-keepers, Editors anp all others that lead sedentrry lives, will find much relief from the frequent Headaches, Nervousnesa,; and Constipation engendered from want of exercise, hy taking Simmon's Liv er Regulator. .It is a harmless vegetable com pound ; it can do ho injury ; and numbers who have tried it will confidently assert that it is the best remedy: that can be used. l!!)l;l!E.TS f af MIM Ml I I'M i I! M TOMBS, I without which a souud National currency ia impossible. ' An Act hy Congress that shall recognize oar Stale Homestead law to aa to protect the debtor from foreign and heme creditors alike. ' The nUdition of the whole Internal Revenue Svtem. The funding of the National Delrt in 4 per cent. Bond to Tun r0 years, and a re-adjast-mect of the Tariff Law, so as to meet trom ! WW A 1 ) A- FOOT STOKS itC ! Customs Revenue the interest thereon, aa well , 1LFjU cV r UU 1 1 vi r,, CVV. . ! lhecurreute fthe.vcrnraentfrtnn ISMJfJ BJ 131 HQ importationa that cnus in compvUtion with JUrllM rt.DUlO American Industry aad Manufacturing, rri EN DISKS bis cnipliii:iits to his fner.ds Tbo r,. poaaible protection agaiat JL aud the piiblic.ar.il in this method would Monmv.lUt. . nomy in every Department of Uie . . . . " I t - -n ...... i f J sraro a no niiuuai vn.iriuuu Watch you may want at half the price your . . jeweler sells it for. LWriptive Price Lists of : , . . ' r All .tl OI Watches, Lhaina, seni iree. taarraw a-ii all orders, KTEWART, GRAHAM A CO, Jeweler, Importer, tVc 15:f,mo1 6 Whitehall ft. N. Y. l I. Dim COMMISSION MERCHANT, BOOK HILL, S. C, Solicits lipment of Flour, Meal. Wheat, (rn and Oats, to be aold on Couiruiv.n. Thoe having product to sell should crre nond with me and obtain market prices at Ki-rk . . . . . it. a a 1 al w Iliil, whu-h can renrsiiy oe aoiie iu n-wrs Reference: Johu Ii Shuver, ilr. J. 0 White. rialisbun'.LVe. I.lr71 ll:3nr.pd .VOIP OUT ! ! SEE IT ! I t BKK.t.S A BROTHER'S Z2VZ.TJ8TZLiV.TZlZ OA.TAZrOOUZl or FLOWER AND VEGETABLE SKFXJR, A5D SL'MMKU FUJWERING IlULliS. IX)B lbil. Coitiiing of over 130 narr, o rf litited pap r, w ith opwsrda of 4UU arpmrate mis and Biz Beautital Colored 7ltoI Al represeiitstire luigraving of oar superb ' Clrromo. Cover, a beautiful deyign, in colore. The Richest Catalogue erer ablialaad. Af ! f c-nf puntJuii. Stnd 1! crnU for eop sot one-half the value of the colored plate, la tlae Icaw Uua XL, U refoM4 w placed oa the aaaaa ioi- ' . - . ooe-itau mic vaiuc oi in cviorca p bttxekanr , . , amounting to not Ivm No AgeTS -,9rice of t aulogiie. will U V.J ' sd. New cuMomer. pUcd oa tJ Quality aud the public, ar.d in this method would Monotfilist bring to their attention hi extended lacilitic j ijKij: I - : . . 1..,. ikw. ..a inf irinto with oM. Free lo old rustoiDcra. a-1 j i i . . . l l . t it . I ouvmi, bub. to i ic lurinixT i an m pvr ctiasi- aced of ua. hc Catalgw far eilaawdi 1 nrv indiu--mcnt. I Voi will mi it if you do not see our Cata j hgue before orderinf Seed. iJiher of our to Chromoa for 1R72, alae It ' C4. t ( e a Bower plait of Bulboua FLBtt -I iiing ofLiMie, Ac; the otlr v4 Anoaal, Bi- rriniai and I'errwiiisl IManta, g-tarsal red Use I MOST ELFiiANT FIoRAL CHUOMOS rtt r MMied in this country. A superb paxUr ornauiet.l; cannot ? dtaiibguMieil Iroaa M taJ painting valued al hund red of dollars ; eaaiWd, jKKi-jrjiid, on rer-ii t of Tic.; itm tree, ost ceav ditions pp. i lied in catalojjti. Adixrw, BRlttt BRonirit, Uocitcairr. New Yerk. K4tab!isbed lFI'.j 2wlf ROMANISM ISOTICE TO THE LADIES. for tneetinc demand.' in his hue of business. He in now prepared Io f'uruLh all kinds of Grave Stones, from D.c cheapest Bead .Stones, to the costliest unnxu:iur.ts. The prcfeiing styles and very costly works not on hand, can be accommodated on short time, strictly in ac cordance witL specification, drafts, and the terms of. the cni tract Satisfaction guaran teed. n will pot be undersold, North or South. Orders -o!ict-d. Address, 17;tf joUNH.BUIS.8aliabn.ry. Uomtilftii reform of the Public Service In all its branches, lKith State and Nation, and the elevation of none but AoacW aud intelligent men to office. tv,. -i;t.hln r-mnnroiuisc of our Suite Debt- A . V. .au.w- 1 . . m mi. .. ; 1 1. ... ..r f'mntni.aou. bv act OI I the Legislature. of three geutlemen. who shsll I be uaid snitabl 3 salaries from the Stale Treau- J I it. one of whom shall be t ne presenioii ucww irit. whose dntr shall oe i- conwi w ui Ileflccted lo tbo Zast Jodrmoat t A t. w ork ! An swakevueg inveatigmliaaS A thrilling theme of fruitful tbotight UT live men. lis tritfd niTe eicitcuient tWtn the , " Waitdring Jew." CmlaxiilN ada(4ed to ti Ume. It niinrioi the lvofiub .yatesa froous w ith 7 rooTii and I ortvin to the present ; cipost its Unlaw all necearr ut "rj-es : situated .n the ten-, it fraud, iu ortoiiu.-n to Mr pwbiie desirnble Brick Ilwe most desirable pert of Town. Persons wibu:g topnfchae, csn applr at this tfLce. tftld f "ourt. A. M. SULLITAX. J. P. Gowax. Gcess who is the Neatest Housekeeper in our town 7; "We kuiow her. eibe cleans her knives, china, windows, paint, oil clotlis. tables and flpors, and brightens her tin, brass ana copper, wares with Enoch Morgan's Sons' SapollO Ak for It- j ia a good thing. lnol9 A mong the many useful inventions produced by the Nineteenth Century none occupies a more prominent position than that of the Sewing Ma chine. The cheerful hum of these tireless little helpmates of our mothers and wives may now be heard in almost every house in the land. They are made in endless variety and one is al most at a loss to choose when there, are so many I of decided 'merit, j One of the latest and most improved is the Empire, manufactured by the Empire &wisci Machine Co., 294 Bowerv, X 1 speedy, noiseless and durable; and we can , where thev will-be pleaed to meet old and conscientiously recommend parties in search o. hicw friends. They have a maguilic-ent rooui a Machine to give it an examination before con cluding to purchase. NEW OPENING. nBE undersigned having associated tbem J. selves in basiuess under the fit in uame of A. M. SULLIVAN, CO., T T A VE onened in R. J. Ilolmcs' new briil.l- Lliuff. next dKir to the Hardware Stor NORTH CAROLINA. ? In th. H A VIE COUNTY. C Elisabeth Drouae, Plfff. i Against sointiiona ior i acb Kndl and Catbe- Kelul. rine, Kroll, Detts. Tn thi case it aniWarine to the satisfaction i trosi worthy information with respect t I f Court that thr Drfelldnts Jacob. gTeatadanUges for Immigrant etiieiiinaiuej KritJj an)j ni Wlf . Catherine Kndl. are our borders-ne f iid Tommusion to reside .j ( f jjMtc of Nrth in Europe in this behalf- Caridina It is thereV-re o derrd thai pnb. actor. ...tv i" ,7 - v 7. V . .;r ..L. fc,,aiJ A I schools, ind religious atirt civil liUnies, tlf ft . nale, i This woik is an tlizant octave vol a me, eaav ' taining 753 psge, l(s) unl-claM engravi I loo ixl in sheep, price 77, in clotll 55. j AddreMi cah orders to I 11. Ik LEWIS, Agt. (or the U.a, 1 4wl'J AUngdon, Vi Agents wanted, liberal discounts given. I Z may26;ly- Quite a novelty in the shape of a new si vie Patent Stem Winding Watch, that Is hunting case or open-face combined, has been brought out by Stewart,-Graham & Co., Jewelers, 6 Whitehall Street, New York, which they sell at the wonderful low price of $12. Read their advertisement and purchase one if you want a really good Watch. "Christian weetey ei portes their rAiabtiit) in etery iroy." ' i 15:6mo the largest and best in town and ,A jjarfie tdb Splexicllcl STOCK OF GOODS, COMPRISING a general nssortment. Hard ware excepted, aud will guarrantce as good bargains as can be sold by any House in the South. They will deal heavily in (irpcene and country Ptoduea; having and.. seWing, aud invite aU wbejwish either to buy or sell to call on them. A. M- SULLIVAN Co. Jaa.Stth IST 19:tf K division of the Stat into two Judicial Bis- i Salisbury tricts, tc. Ac. Term i per annmn. Iu addition to the regnlar ine I will eom- Ihe aeconu weeK ri June nru, mr of an Illustrated Campatgn paper which will terminate with the l'niaenuai nr tion ia Novcmtiei. w ill coniinne six moruu. 'IUE Ten. h Volume erf Woofs Bocanot1 X M-vAtisK begin with January 7. Itli meuce m publicatio.il , - i : 1 1 L i j r ... l .. o i .....u.r . ri.r rot.t nimtcrs ir.rirce iKTBce uthiit. notinmr sa.u ueicooauia w ur ' ;.".'.., rw en c n. rC Wfo eth Jodc. Of.the Burri ,U County of Dav ie oUhjlJ .t . Uart Stowe. Brick P-mcrov. Ja. lloiiw? in Moek.vilb, Vm the 2ud Monday af- , " . c . . Knn,trifv. wtrollam T. The Cam pai gu Terms $1. U.H.HKLPER- Iand Deeds, Trustee Deed i, that Term. th. 'h i-i r.wwv Rhpriff , Oort for the relief VX)lIlllllOOW' A-,iv, . Deeds, Chnttle lortgagcs, &u For Sale at tbU oftltyt. ter the 3d Monday in Mrrh next aud an- v . ... wntc for ,t caaionally. T awer the complaint, a copy of which will be nUe jjir year. Iu clubbing, three irat-nl-J iu the office uf the Clrrk t4 lh Supe- priodioal are given ftr the price of ee rior Court wilhiu the 6 rat thi days da'id nf them. The wwt bVral Premiam List erar Term, and let the'ii Uke uotUe that if they . pnbtisbed. No periodical i more rretraewy ifM51t .mvm th- Said eniplalnt wit bin . favorably Bienuu ea uy ury. laintiff w ill aPDlv to the Iloasenoia aiapsz.uc '..... naod-J In th-eoin- cT bnatnesa enten- plaint. r Wit ores, II. R. A ost in. Court of said Cheap Chattlo Mortgages, and vanot other blaala for sale here. perior -We-C tooeajaebt hlrh mark ta at Mttkodut Utyme JonrH. I'hiladeh.kU. rV-l , . ... has U-en improtirjg evrr nce we Kr Clerk of the So- . . .J TtLe'fntarr OmrtT.Xw jr . m ivw - - . . . j t Coast v. at "foee iu , i-.n.A. tt ts msrvfl at rhea? I ..i m . a 1 - . i : l m l mm MoeksviU. to isaiiiar' vn January a ltf72. 1L R. AUSTIN. C. S. C - of Davie Count j. dt:17:pd ! 13. i .A f rtli. ctality coirlinrd " .Vrw TtT ; n-s. specif r-t-M--rw VtwVtrgb.. X.

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