- .(.-' i r I - - i . t . if i - -. : r K- 1 ,' A: n ' ! Uj "-'v'-'!'. '' '''-n : ' ' -I --" - :":r r j ll ! ' A :i i ! ' il ' - f i r ' i ' I'm f ' ' "1 j . i 'ffiftSMWiffl iyMlJ Mi:- iMwra L L C fill ft nil i rr n i i it i i ii ' 1 . 1 F ! j.. i . 'IF. - i ' i 1 : ' -. VOL. III.-THIKD;1SEEIE. 1 it. CnrnlitM lUntclimaih PUBLI8HRI) WfKKLY BV I Editor and riyprictor. j RATES Or.fcf KIIIlTION Oxe Year, payaLle ju advance $2,50 Six Moxths, " ' .. 1;50 5 Copits to one address, 10,00 : Kales of Advertising. ' ' OneSqnare, first, in sertW, .-.,$K00 Fr kfich Hililitionai'iu.srtiiii '50 . Special nutifM'H'will be cliHrcd 50 pt-r cent biM'r than th itbov( rat'.s. , j ' Court ami J ustijce's Or'A-r! w ill be pdblib J at tlie tame rates with other advurtiie tieflt8. ' f I I J Obituary notices, over air lilies.. jjrgil 1 aiaavrri8emnis. COXTHACT RATES. 1 o a o. D c SPACIS. o 1 Sipure, 2 Squirei. 3 Squares- 4 Squares $5 00 7 50$12p0 8 .-0 12 00 2f,tK) 12 00 18 00 25,rX) 15O0P25OO1 3:1,0 30 00 40 00 60.00 45 00 8 00,100,00 4ro 6-2 a oo, y (M 8 00.11 (X)! 1 (lolumn. 18 00 24 ( 1 Column. 25 (Ml :;," 00, ii .. j I Tliesvmi)to!iis of Liver .omiilaint are uneasiness 19 OWS' iaii.l pain in the Hiile.i Sonu'tiims t!i.e pain is in BBMMaMMMMw! I11"' sliouliier, and is inis Ukyii for rlteUJJiatJMi the Ktoniach ix atlcc ted with Iom of apatite and td-k nes,. howrls.in general riotUive, Sometimes lterniiting with lajc. 1 1 he head is troubled with pain, and dull, bea vv nsntion, fousidera l)le losri of memory, c- LIVER uinpanied with psiinful eiUiUioniolhavinsr t-ft undone sometbini? w hich ought to iaTe been done. Often coinplaining-bf weknen debility, and low spirits. Sometimes many of the above Hymptonix attend the disease, ami at other ti men very lew of theni; but the liver in (jeneralty theorgnn most involved. Cure thc.pver with ) j DR. SIMMONS' LIVI2U KKCaXATOR, t preparation root and herbs, warranted to be (trielly vegetable, and can do no injury to anv on. It ban been UHedby hundreds, mid known fr the Iok 40 y-:irs, as one of the most reliable; f QjcacioiiH kjid liarainless prejiaratioiiH ever of fered to tbis mifreriiur.' - It taken reiruhrlv anil Perislt ntly, it H sure to cure Dyspeinia, h e a d ac h e, jail nd ice , tiveness,iek Hegulator. lieadac In-, ebr'inie dhtrr- xea.atleet'nilisoftheblaUr ler. eainn dv?.i'iitirv IcctmiH ol (lie UiiOK -vs, nervousness, ehijls, disi eaneHoftbe xkin, iiuj.nrlty of the hlood, nu lanr choly, or depression of spirits, be;r,rtbi;rr.. eolie 01 pains In lic boweU, pain in the head, fever agd ague, dlopsy, boils, pain -in the back, 1 Trepared;'only by J. II. ZKII.1N ( ()., . .il DruppsN, Macon, (Ja, Trice, $1 ; bv mail S125. ! For -ale by T. E. K LVTT'A & CO., feb 241 j Salisbury, N. C. ' rt.ilr. K. H. Mcltoni p M IV, l)rui.tt . AfMU, r'MrlMo, C.I., mi H Curauwrt. .trt, V. ' MUL.I.103S near Tenilmonr to their Taderfu (nrniltv Eflecis. niy art Mi a Faary Drink, Mnrtcof Toar WlilaUey, Proaf Hpirila ant Rrfaao LIMr dorWed. ii--d ml rwteiHHl topleaM tka tM,callrf ToiUc." "Ainxiiers'' lU.-torm,"'4iC., tbiM load !) ippW r on to di nnkcniieMi und riun.tmt ara tri Mrdicin.niilf from Ihe Mative Koot niirtTb of California, fraa frani all Alcobullc Wlima laala. ' Tncy art the (JURAT H.OOI PVItl VIERand A LIFE (JIVINtJ Pit I NCI I'I,E, a prfe Kanotatuf and Invixui-xtor cf the S.vxteiu. cwrrnf of all jxyinonoutmnlferundrv-iiorLnc thuhlood U ahlthy eofiditfrtn. No rrin can t;ik llio Uit i rdijiC li dtrvctivna ivnj rmniH long iiimtpII, prwvldvd ttialr hvrreii are not destroyed by mineral Mwiaor athrf niaHu, aii.l tho Tital orgnn wanted ytd IhO point of' rpnir. Ta are a (Senile Purantlve well naa TaiU, KiaHetinK, ulo, tho xrulinr wirit of ac-iiii' a pFT.el nm lit in rclwvin,; Ct-rt ction or Inllaui of tha l.ivr. nrtl nil the V'imwul Oi -iih. V PE.MAI.tu COMPLAINT., ln"ynffor hi. iu:irrid of "rtiiRk, at tlie diwnf wciitcutliood orut h tnra e lifu, iic '1 imits'iupin havp im c:.:. Varlidamlaaitrr mid Chroalr Ith. ujnn Umw aal JiMit, U mIu or I ndUrnlion, Hllkaaa, RvMiiitiut and I iilermi ti t-nl var, llarara jaf llif ItUod. I.lvr. Kid. atya aud Klntlder, (,i m Itinera V.e H-v-, n;..-t uceuWul. Ha-h IllfM'u-ioa mo t:iii(M.il ly V itlnlod Uiaad. hnli lairi-kirnilly pio.lmMl hy ilorai.t inint tha Dia-eatUvjOrtLiiut. DVHPKPSIA !t IMII(5F.sT!()X, II 1 1la la lhri'llou!di,roii)ili, T!jjlituct cf the 'WMt, rHxlm-, i,jur KranatMint of Hit- .st,.nnuh. 04 Tat lo tho Muiith. Uiliom MtJii rnl;ttlatim of Bart. IcSaaimitioa of tho l.uujrs. Pain in the re tina ib n.Jay M a hunJnnJothcr r&inful aymp Wma, am the of!prui of lrtpvpi.i. Tber MTiconte the ."tomuoh and stimulate tli torpid Litr aoa OoweU, !i1ch ruicitr thciu of unniuaUud tlnar Wolnt lie tUtwl of nil Immiritlo. aud lu 'rttaj Ufa nJ rtar to tho w hole jtem. Flt K IX DISEASES, Emptlotm.Tctfor. ?tt huw, Watefc, Sp..!-. VhuPirm, Fu.tnlea, Boll. Car- -iki4, Miar-TTnrnia. SalJ U,. Ror,. Kv,, Krvm laa. Itrh.iH-urfa, i.. idoraiion. .,fH,e Jfkibl riL LI Jag on n1 rrrie.l out of the tn. in a Thi.rt hnflT.ctfc' tl" U1 i"crluloi, of "'oir eura Clean Ut TUlated B!o0 I whenrTi-r yon find lt Im mltia buhtlna; through the ekio in Plmjilea, Krnp tlaaaar Bona ; eleawa it wi,e:, youfinl it ol:ructud aD4.1(i.. in tho Tei'ns; el.nu. It wften it is (bul. win tcl1 Wliea. Keep tbo Mof aura, and tha health of the ,,,, wUl fcllIow. Pla Tape, and ot.r Worm,, lurkln? In the ritem af M n, tl,o..Snn,lB. aw .-irtetuall, deatroyeJ "VtiaB all in nKkn of a-i.tai oj i, i-:iv . :v; ,jr,"ti"-''u, that oV."iM.UV;,?VhVI nll,ll...i ' ,!." ""wciiii.i, uo veriuiriurea, in J. WOr.. k! . U rropnetor. R. n. MCDONALD & CO, d"sTil.1S ?? I5"- "nraDc!:o. California, a!!! - 1 Jl C0'''mco SMrtct, New York. SOUl blt ALU DRUOOISTB AND DEALERS - jLLlKlifl)? of COURT AND MA uluiATfiS' 22LANKS ai this ojfic 1 -s - 1 51 N OFFICE 1 s is well supplied with j! 1 il 1 A large and elegant assortment of f V Pictorial or h CUT ILLUSTltATIOXS, &C, -! S 1 suitable for all kinds of ' . j . : - PRINTING.' -Also- Finer ant morg Ornamental Types for " I - ' I Business & Professional 3 5 Visiting, Party and jWcdtling Cards ; College and School u Wfi m ilia 'BSl-'ii3a . 1 v " Circulars of fill kinds ; IT Tobacco Notices and L A BELS for all purposes ; For Clerks, Magistrates r it 1 and Solicitors ; Or anythihg el.se required in the i Printing Line. THE an AS 1 A NEWSPAPER, s a candidate for public favor. Its 1 " ! circulation is good, and its standing I - i . i ; ' ami paironage improving. it is one 1 .C K 1 i T .? i i - me uest auveriisins: mcuiums in I - i . the State, and offers itsf facilities on as libfjrar terms afe any. X Save your Whet &. Oats. I M PORTAKT NOTI CE TO FARMERS. An important discovery to prevent RUST in Wbent and Oats. If the directions are careful ly followed and lhe crop is injured by rust, the money will b ebeorfjilly rcflanded,. All I ask ii a trial. Prepared and for pale onl at J.H.-EXNISS' Drnz Store. WATCIIMA ST ,1 Pfcffl ii! FANCY PAMPHLETS 12 1 iiaitliH vnaromta tUntchm i . a a : July 7 tf. Salisbtirv. i) Constitutional Amendments, I and strike nnt the words "and five commis Pikssed in the Home of Representatives oners" in said section; alao add to said January 17, 1872. section the following: -The General As- fheGejifral Assembly of North Carolina do e , . , , , enict (Utiee-tiftl of all the members of each , Amend section two of the seventh article. House concurring.) Dy striking out the word "commissioners" That the -Constitution of this State be altered aui in l'u thereof inserting the words as follow, to wit: j connty authorities established and authorized A mend section six, of the first article, by j by law;" and iu the same section strike out striking out the first clause thereof, down to and the words, "the Register of Deeds shall be including the word"" but f this being the clause : relating to tlie fctate debt. Amend section two of the second article by striking out the word M annually," apd inserting Iie wora annually, a inserting i tjele.ttlld iu ylva thereof insert the following : J the word biennul ly ; being ; ..The COQnt authol hit6 e8,blished and au d the sessions of the General As- . j v..', . ,, j.t-.k. in lieu thereof. aemblv- 1 I Amend section five of the second article, by strikine out all that precedes the word, "the : i el- J . j .1. said Senate districts," and by striking out the phrase "a aforesaid or" in said section the parts so strickeo oat having reference to the State cenaus. Add a new section to the second article to be styled '' section 30," 'and to read as follows : " The members of the general Assembly shall each receive three hundred dollars as a com pensation for jtheir-aervices during their terra, subject lo siicl regulations in regard to time of payment and reduction for non-attendance an may be1 prescribed by law ; but thev mav have ... ;,l-l..Ln,i Jh tul ,.o'i . together in special scfion, and mileage shall be j An,ud -ectious eight and nine bf the ten cents per mile for each session." seventh article, by striking outth.- words "or Amend section one of the third article by ' townships" where they occur in said sections, striking out the words " four years," where they J Strike out section thret of the ninth article, occur first in said section, and inserting, in lieu , and in lieu thereof insert the fullowitig : "The thereof, the words " two years," being in refer- ; General Assembly shall make suitable pro ence to the, terms of executive officers. j vision by law for the uiaiuageineut and regu- Strike out the words " Superintendeht of Pub- ; latiou of the public schools, and for j erfect Hc Works,? wherever they occur in the Consti- ; iutr ilie system of fre piiblic instruction." tution, thus abolishing that eflice. j X,lnlie out lection tiveW the ninth article, Amend section six of the third article, by !in)i iu iieu tlK.reuf, iufcert the following: striking oiitl the word "annually" nud m- -The General Assembly shall have power to sertiugy in lien thereof, the word "bieuuial- : ,(Jvide for the election! of Trustees of the ly." sojas to conform to the provisions re specting the sessions of the General Assetn- bly. . ' ; ! Strike out sections two and three of the fourth article, being the provisions which re fer: to the nppoiutment and duties of the Code Cbmmissfioners. ,.:.if f.v. r a .i uvui UHLUiis siiiiii uoi ayiyiy iu me justices during their present term of office, unless by; death, resignation, oroiherwise, the num ber j of Associate Justices shall be reduced tO tWO." ; " Alter section twelve of (he fourth article soithat said 1 section shall read as follows: "The State: shall be divided into nine judi cial districts, jfur each of which a judge shall be chosen; and in each district a Superior Cojitt shall be jield at least twice in each year, to eoutraye for such time in each coun ty It; spectlveTy gas may be prescribed by law. Tle General Ajssein bly shall lay off said dis tricts it due time, so that th said nine ju4ges may be chosen aud begin their olh'ei alierm!at the first general eiectiom. for mem bers of the General Assembly which shall occur after the ratification of this section." The Geueral' Assembly may reduce or in crease thenumber of Districts to take effect at the end of "each judicial tnn. piriKeou sect.ou tun ten oi ineonrin aiticle which fixes the present judicial dis- , tnets. i l J I m Amend sec urn fourteen of the fourth ar-: ticbiiby strikiug out all after the word, 'ofhee' apd inserting, in lieu of the part so stricken out, the following: "Th Gwieral Assemoiysnau prescnoe a proper system ot """l "" J""s; u.a- .1.1 . . .... .... .11 t.,1 . 1 .IT.. .1... ..1. ! ..... also exchabge districts with each other, as may be provided bylaw" ftrike out section fifteen of the fourth ar ticle, and jusert in lieu thereof, the follow ing: !The (General Assembly shall have no power to deprive the judicial department of any power ; or ? jurisdiction which rightfully pertains trr it as a coordinate department; but the General Assembly shall allot and j ii . ..f .i,:, . . i : uismuuie vi ai uuuiuu ui tins imvitrr auu iu- portion ot this power and i risdiction, (which does not pertain to the Su preme courts among the other courts pre scribed in this constitution or which may be established by law, in such manner as it may deem best, provide also a proper ststem of appeals, and regulate by law when necessary the piethods of proceeding, in the exercise of their powers, cf all the courts below the Supreme Court, so far as fehe same may be done without couliict with other pro- e . . i; visions oi tins cousinuiiou. Strike ' sectious sixteen,, seven teen, nineteen,; twenty-five and thirty-three of the fourth article. Amend sectiou twentv-six of the fourth article by striking out all that part which be gins with, nnd irtllows the word "but" in said section, and. ,in lieu of the part so stricken oiut, ihserting the following : 'The judicial officers and the tderks of any courts winch; ;tnay be establish d by law, shall be chosen by- the vote of the qualified electors, amt lor such term as maybe pre scribed by law. The voters of each pre cinct, establ slied as is elsewhere provided for in this constitution, shall elect two jus tices; ot the peace for such term as may be fixed by law, whose jurisdiction shall extend throughout their! respective counties. TImj General Assembly may provide for the eiec tionf more than two justices of the peace in those precliiets which contain cities or towns or in which other special reasons ren der it expedient. The chief magistrates of cities and incorporated towns shall have the judicial powers of justices of the peace." Atnehd section thirty of the fourth article by sinking oiit the word "township" and inseftihg, In lieu thereof, the word "pre ciiicjs;" also jp the last sentence of the same section, strfkeout the words -the commis sioners of (the county may appoint to such office for the Unexpired term," aud in lieu i hereof' insert; '"an appointment to fill such vacancy for the unexpired tenn shall be mad; as may be prescribed by law." Ainend sectionsCone and seven of the fi th articile by striking out the words "commis sioners of the Several counties" where they occur iu saw sections, aijjJ in huu thereof iu sertibgthe wiirds "colntv authoriiies es tablished and .authorized by law." relating to taxation to pay the St te debt and omoc o jccu'iu lour tu me nun article. interest. i ;; . Amend section six of th fifth article by insetting after the word "instrument" in said sectiou the words "or auy other per sonal property," Insert toe word "and" before the word '3uryeyot' 'iif section one of the th article, Aiiei; becuouiour 01 uie louriu aruc.e. so time to time, as may be! necessary aud ex that said section shall readas follows : "The j,edient, for the maintenance aud uutuage judicial, powr of the State shall be vested iu Ilielll 0f sajj Uuiveisity" ae;ourtifor the trial of impeachments. .1 Sn- Strike out sectiou thirteen, fourteen and preine Court, Superior courts, such inferior ' fiftt!en (flne artj,.. relating to the Courts as may be established by law, and University of North Carolina. Amend sec cohrts of Justices of the Peace." j tiotl ten of the eieventh articie by striking Alter section eight of the fourth article, out tw words ..at the charge of the State." sothat! said! sectiou shall read as follows : ' ad iu ljeU tlt.m,f, DaeT lhe words "by the "The Supreme Court shall consist of Chief State. an,i those wk j0 ,1t own ,,r,11t.rty Justice! and two Associate Justices; Piovi- exemption prescribed in this Constitution, or SALISBURY, N. C, FEBRUARY 16, 1872. ex officio clerk of the board of commission er8. Strike out section three of the seventh ar- tho.ized by law shall sie that the respective counties are divided intj a suitable number "f sub-divisions, as coulpact and convenient in shape as possible, aud marked out bj de finite boundaries, which niy he altered when necessary. Said sub-divisions shall be kuowa by tine name of precincts. They shall have lio corporate powers, The township gov ernments are abolished The boundaries of the pr cincts shall be the same which here tofore defined the townships until they shall be altered." j Strike out sections fotir, fire, six, tn and ', . . . , the township system eleven of the seventh article, which relate to University of North Carolina, in whom. chosen, shall be vt-stedj all the privileges, rights, franchises aud endowments hereto fore in any wis? granted jto, or conferred up ou. the Board of Trustees of said Universi ty; ai.d the General Assembly may make SlK'll lirnvisiiifi';. l;ivi"S ;inil rffrula ti.ina from , , being minors, whose preuts do uot own property-over and ahove he same, shall be cared for at the charge of the State. Alter section seven of j the fourteenth ar ticle so that said section shall read as fol follows: "No perso'j wlni shall hold any of fice or place of trust or piojht under the United ttates. or any department thereof, or under any other State or govei nluieiit, shall hold or exercise-any other ol'iceijr place of trust or profit under the autlioi ityjof this State, or be eligible to a seat in eitjher house of tlie General Assembly : 1't orlcd, Tliat nothmg herein c.mtained t-hall extend- to ollicers in the militia. Justice of thj Peace, Commis sioners for Special Purposes." I Add another section to he fourtheeuth ar ticle to be styled section; S." and to read as follows: "County ollicers, justices of the peace ami other ollicers whose offices are abolished or changed iu any way by the al- i teratiou of the constitution, shall continue to exercise their fuuetious until anv provisions nwMy to be niaJt. by law in tder to give full effect to the alterations, so far as relates tu salJ offiperg sljaU haVe J,.en Kp.,lUmber thesection4 iu those articles . .... an 04.(,:lin ia. , .,r;4,ir(.n witllollt llm insertionof another in its stead; aud give to any new set: tiotl that number wn-.h by this method wou 1 have been given to the sectiou for fchich it is subMited, aud the alteration shall be embodied into the constitution, and the several sections num bered consecutively. ! THE DEAF l lVES. Tho incident we are about to relate oc- a : n c. . A J i , ... -i State, and as we abide bevond striking distance of the parties arid their immedi ate friends, we shail-be a little more frc in our description of the circumstances than we otherwise should be. . Nathaniel Ella, or, ' Ujncle Nat,' as he was generally called, was the corpulent, rubicund and jolly old .landlord of the i hotel in 'lie flourishing village of Dover, at the head of the PiscaUoua, and was extensively fond of a bit f fun withal. He was also the owner o a large farm in New Durham, about tw enty miles distant, tho overseer of which was one Caleb Ivicker, or 4 B ss Kale,' a,s termed by the numerous hands under his control, aud sufficiently waggish for all practical pur poses of fun and frolic, Lltiltbr4ike a wise and prudent man, had j a wife ; -Mid so had 'Uncle Nat.' wb was accustomed to visit his farm ivery mo.ith or two, to see how matters went on. .n the. occasion of one of these visits, th : following dia logue occurred between Uncle Nat and Mistress Kicker: ' Mr. Ella,' said the e?od lady, 1 why have voti never brought Vour wife lo see me? Well.' said Uncle Nat,4 to tell you the fact, it requires the greateat t iFort to make her htar anything that is said to her; and she is consequently very reluc tant to miii"le in the society of strangers.' 4 Never mind that,' replied the impor tunate Mrs Bicker, I have a good strong voice, and if anybody c tij make her hear, I can.' j If you ihink so, and Will risk if,' said Uncle Nat. 4 she shall ucbompany me on my next visit to the farni;' and this hav ing been agreed on, Uncle Nat left for the field, to acquaint Boss Kale with what had passed, a::d with tho plan of future operations, touching lhe prom ised visit of his wife. It was finally settled between the iciclcd icttgs that the fact their wives could both hear as well as anybody, should be kept a profound secret, until disclosed by a personal iuterview of the ladies thein selves. The next time Uncle Nat was about to 4 visit the farm,' he suggested to his wife that a ride into the country would be of ser vice to her ; that Mrs. Bicker, who had never seen her, was very anxious to re crive a Yi.it from her, and proposed that she sirooid .,' z : ion. Dtie read i v .r.An. j .t c, F "J wat wet- ompany inm on that occ4t- were soon Would be Under th. necessity ot elevating her voice to the highest pitch, in order to converse with her. Mr.. Ela regretted the misfortune, but, though, as she had a pretty strong voice, she would be able to make ber friend hear her. In a few hours afier, Uncle Nat aud bis lady drove up to the door of his country j mansion, and IIoss Kicker, who had beei previously inform d of the time of Utcie Nat's iuteiided arrival, was already in waiting to belp enjoy the luu that was to come of a meet ing of the Deaf W ires ! Mrs. tickcr not expecting them at the time, happened to be engaged with Ler domestic- duties in the kitchen; but, observing her visitors through the window, she new to the glass to adjust her cap and put herself in the best trim to receive them, that the moment would allow. In the m antinie, Bos Kale lud ushered Uncle Nat and libs lady into the parlor, by way of the front door, soon after which, Mrs. 11. appeared in the presence of her guests. 1 Mrs. Kicker, I will make you ac quainted with Mrs. Ela, roared Uncle Nat, iu a voice of thunder. 1 How do you do, madam ?' screamed Mrs. Kicker to Mrs. Ela, with her mouth close to the car of the latter. 4 Very wd!, I thank you, replied Mrs. E. iu a tone of corresponding elevation. 4 How did you leave your family V con tinued Mrs. It. in a voice quite up to the pitch oi her first effort. 4 All very well, I thank you how's jonr family ?' returned Mrs. E. in a key which tailed into requisition all the power of her lungs. In the meantime, Undo Nat and Boss Kale, who were convulsed beyond the power of eudurauce, had quietly stolen out of the door, and remained under the window, listening to the boisterous con versation of their deaf wives, which was continued on the sanio elevated letter of the staff for some time, when Mrs. 1 it iiie same i.uger l.nekey she had observed from the first, thus addressed her lady gU.e" hat on earth are yoa hallooing to mc for I a nt deaf ?' A nt you, indeed? said Mrs. E. but iravu.-li.it I, f.. I I a a . b - iu sure I'm not deaf?' r; .,a,a,.;ui,u1,.,ulglulucluriin Each, then, came gradually" down to her ordinary key, when a burst of laugh ter from Uncle Nat and Boss Kale, at the window, revealed the whole trick, and even the ladies themselves were compell ed to join in the merriment they had afforded lhe outsiders, by the ludicrous character of their interview. PUELLA. 15V MART KYLE DALLAS. a Once upon a time a bird sat upon the bough of a tree in a fairy wood and sang. She hud nothing to do but to sing aud plume herself. She was fresh from the nest, and her feathers were pure white, with out spot or blemish. She was a beautiful bird, and so happy ! Her songs went up to heaven, and the angels hoard them. She hardly knew why she sang, but yet she loved to sing, and all her song was : "How blight it is ! How' sweet it is to live! How glad I am to b a bird, nnd live and sing and rly with my free wings in this fairy woodland !" Among all the birds she w as the fairest, and down at the inform l,er th.t Mr,. 1 ti' k,r w..,,7m? : u? P""C "","" M'mt frth " foott the tree, for honrs and hours, sat j rcnth heaven now. She called aadly, Plebethe peasant, with a rough little ''Come to me, rora tell me of Vanus. Is trap, that he had made, trying to lure 1,e ded Tell mc, tell me?' And one her into it. It was a miserable liule j out of pity stopped; aside. He hsd scorn thing, with nothing bat a heart for (,f ucr 'oi,ed feel and tained wings, but bait ; and Puella the bird chirped scorn- j k could not be cru5' t0 bird fully when she looked at it, and saw the ! " )'oa rcnlly want to know about brown peasant hands that had arranged Vanus?' he asked. 'Well, anus is at it, and heard d'wn iu the meadow the the palace, alive and well, aud to-day he lowing f PlubVs one cow, standing at brought Eagletta. AN e have been to the the gate of his little brown cottage. I mountain top to psy her price to old Once she came down to the very edge 1 K,,,S KaS,e- on Dl,-1,t hcr herscreim of tho bnuffh. aud talked to him. for the , i .i c . i t i .r O l ' Dll'iH HI ine lairy woou n.tu i:ic power oi speech. She said to the other birds that j it was only to drive him away. But per-! I haps she wanted to see him a little nearer, : for Piebe was uot hideous though he was n peasant. His black hair hung down to his shoulders in kinks and coils. His cheeks were as fresh and pink as tin plucked roses. His ryes wire sloe black, and the long, curled lashes shaded them woiuleil'ul! v, and be wore a green jacket with buttons, and a scarlet sasii, ana was trim and daintyis a picture. She Huttertd down to the bough and said : Plebe! riehe!' And Pk-be looked up with a little cry, and with such tenderness iu his black eyes as could not but soften the heart of any bird. 'Puella !' he cried 'Puella!' and was silent. 'Don't think I have come down to en courage you,' said Puclla ; "but really it is time for me to speak. You arc spread ing your nets, and laying your traps for inc. I know it. And to what cud ? What could you do with mc if you caught mc V 41 love you very much,' said Plcbe. She trilled a laugh. "Anv one who catche? me will love i ,,i i . . i me it.' .T.I ...,1.1 - 1 -1 At ana i a auvise you to uo 4I only want one bird,' said Plebe, "and her n'nie is Puella." 'And if you caught mc?' 'I'd take you home said Plebe, 'lo make it heaveu.' 'Home lo that little brown house there I asked Puella. 4lt is poor,' said Plebe, 'but oh, so full of love, las tin ir love. Puclla! I'll feed w - - - w w you on it as long as you live.' But Pucdkiwa. gone. Up at the top of lhe tree she sang a little triumphant NO. a ptwa P ana Wfllt .. L. ..TJ .1 ' i . ... " "" nwwHtini And soft blue eyes, who spent bis life be ore me looking-glass. There were di.v motds in his Jiat, and diamonds on his Dosom, andagirat diamond his haor1. nng upon j As be came'thr.ngh the fairy wood the jewels flashed;. H east glances at the birds, and set ; them all fluttering. He put op his goldeu eye-glass and inspected them. ; The red one is too coarse be said ; and black ons too plain. How hard it is to find a handsome bird." Then sudden ly he cried oat : By Jure, there's a pret ty bird 1' f And Puella saw he wB looking at her. She tossed hr bead; she sang; her vanity was eicited. This was a prince the very prince of diamonds. He held out his fiuger with the diamonds on it, and threw anotker glance. Then she went down aud perched upon his fiuger. 'Yon will .be) my bird T he .aid. 'I'll feed you on diamonds, and build a golden cage for you. I never saw eo pretty a bird as you, by 'Jove I nevr did.' And Paella plumed herself, aud sat still upon his finger. The Va.-.us whiatled to his serrants, and they went this way and that, and came back with the golden cage, and plenty of diamonds. For days she dwelt in the golden cage, and he fed her with sugar, and gave her all the diamonds she needed. He told heshe was the'ouly bird worth playing with, and at that she rejoiced. Ot course tlie other birds were envious, and turned tlir backs upon her, aud chattel ed cruel things about her- and among other things they said that this prince though he gave her golden cage; would uot take her to his castle. 'Why don't ynn hang the cage in the castle?' she asked Yanus often, after this chatter reached tier eaia, aud at Uit Va nus answered : 'Vell, it would not be safe. My moth- sr U'anr r1 nt o I rt lri r rr V a rrl At t i 1 1 I - " -a a a v w , a AiniviMt no UJ ' J therCt old King Eagle's daughter, and sh WOuld wring thclicck of any bird, I fancy. It' for your sake, Puclla, and the f.tirv wooJ U freer ih!fo lhr Ca5tle, after all." j An1 p, t,i(j to ,hink go vhe aU the song, for .Prince Vanus; none for I . another. And hour bv hour he sat there praising her and listening. I But princrs cannot listen to bird for ever. Time came when he must h-4vc her for a while. Then il w as hard fni Pucl la in her cige. Still he returned, aud then cho was glad again ; and by and by ah- sat drooping on her perch for boura to gethcr, and plumed hcraclf aud sang j whin she heard his step. The fair wood- j I land was free lo her no more, she had I only the cage for all his talk, and he nev- j , er took her to the pal ice. At last lit was. gone for weeks and months. i .... . 1 he summer went and autnmn came. ami autnmn came. litr d, and heard no She? sung, anus r there came no an- She watched and 'waited, word of 'Yaiius. come to Put Ma ;' but swer. The rain had stained In r fcaihcra; the dust had soiled bcr feet. The golJru cage was not a nest, it .had grown to b; i a ' i a a a nothing but a cage tt last. And peeping tHrougn lis dim oars sue saw a gay pro cession going through the fairy wood, and knew the livery of lhe servants of Vanus. She called in bet faint voice, woe worn and lovelorn.1 with no tones in it to .Vf,u "sUu- 4-,,e a " 'mnig u,rd- .I..T ! !! -1. l 'But I was his bird the oniy bird atius caret lor, slid 1 ueiia. 'The biid yoting;Princes kep in the fairy wood are very different from the birds tbey tike to their palaces,'' answer ed the man and passed on; and the drums beat, and the bugela blared and lights flashed in the windows of the palace of Irince Vanus. ' And Puclla gave a v f a !lta II ..-. t.-ir tliA ulnrln tli.l lififl rr1i ri r( ,ful 1 I' r. . . . . , - ,- over the fairy wood jso long had broken at last. lhe ra:n beat upon her. All the leaves were swept from the trees. She was without food, without shelter. 1 he other birds were safe in thnr nests. Eagletta in her palace cawed with joy Puella gave faint, woeful cries, and beat with her wiugs ajahmt those Hele-table golden bars, until the f-ir pinions were broken, aud then, hclpl-."? ami breeding, fell to the bottom of -the cnge. Then out of lhe storm a voice called 'Puclla,' and a broWn hand lifted her. 'I knew how it would be in a golden cag lika lhi,' said a Voico agaia. T uor Itllh Puella!" It was Plcbe, win had 1-ng ago coaed to cat nets with hearts for baits, and wh lived alone in lhe littlo brown cottage oatside of the lairy wood. Pocr little Puella T her wings w e re bro ken, and her Ufe nearly gone ; her ul would bo wherever little birds snuN grow. She; looked at PIcbeilh her dying eyes. 'The bait lhat caught me was a dia mond,' sh: said. "There was a l.eatt in your net. There was no heaiiin my cug, nothing but vaniiy. Ah Piebe, if it weic uot too late !' And Plebe carried her tenderly to his cottsge in the meadew, and held her dy ing bead against bis!' breast. The atorm had passed, and a star bad arisen on lhe horizon '.he star tliat alwsys lit Plebc'a cottage, but that never fell on the cattle . . ' . i.i-i. of Vanus tho star d Honor, its ngu: 22. WHOLE NO. 812 fell over him ami transfigured Lira la bar eyes. PleU she iige4, 'Wby did ytm oot. tall me you were noble, rorsl f Tbervk a crown upon your bead. Bat it was on? Ihestar-lifbt. MYhata foolish little tbinj; a bird is Y aid Paella and so died. And Web made a little bird's grave for ber, and pUnted over bcr a blue forget-me not. Asd only Le knows anything more than tho golJen cage is empty; only be, aad per hsps the star in who Itgbt PleU rery otght becomes a king tb wkitr. pM tar of Honor. HIGHWAY EOBBERT. A few weeks sine two rwpectabU eitirens.of this county took a load U pples and provisions af liferent Mf t Soath Carolina for the purpose of sell ing them. They had beeo in the riltarw f Abbeville trading, and bad driven out in the direction of Dsnbary. When but a short distance, not mora than tkrea quarters of a mile from the Tillage six large buck negroes who had spotted tbam while in town, suddenly stepped oat before them, with pistols in hind, an! demanded their money. They refused to comply, when tbey were seized ky the negrotf , and their money forced from thfin. The negroes then disappeared ia the wood, when these citizens drove wi:b their wagons, believing that an effort to rt cover their money would prove fruitless, and their lives endangered by gf.ing back. The arooaoi of money taken was about twenty-fira dollars, this being all they bad iu their pockets st the lime. Prom a gcutkman new in town, wb has for several years resided in that see lion of South Caiolma, wi learn that such outrages are of frequent occurrence. It is well that the attention of our people (many of whom are trading down liter continually) In called to this matter, and when they load their wagons fur Sootb Carolina, at the same time load their pockets w ilia arras fur their defense. If ibis be the condition of affairs down there it is no wonder they have Ka Klsx. When the civil Lw faibj to protect peaceablu and inoffeusive citizens, then ihey may Uo; only protect themselves, but they would be justifiable in forming secret societies for this purpose. The conduct of these black dsvils is well known to those in authority in that State aud Ut the Federal authorities as well. Yet we 4iil to sec sod bear of the gtett to d for the protection of persoa j and property of white men that is mads j when a well merited thraahiag is given j to some impudent, ihisving negro, i A. C. dtiten. K It'll WITHOUT MONEY. Many a man is rich without money. Thousands of men w ith nothing in their pocket, and thousands without even a pocket, arc rich. A man born wilb a good sound constitution, a good stomach, s . aouna constitution, a good sLom j pom i)t.arlf aU(j Rooj iDb ftnd ft . , . . . , . 'good bead. piece, is rich. Good boi ' pretty bones are belter than Fold: touzh mascles than silver; and nerves that txtli fire and car ry energy to every fuuetion are better ( Utl llou,e and U,id It is better than a landed state to have the right kind of a fulicr and mother. Good breeds and bad breeds ciint among men, as reslly as among hrds and horaea. Education may do much to check evil tendencies or to develop good ones; but it is s great tbiag to inherit the right proportion of faculties lo start with. The man is rich who baa s good disposition who is natsrally kind, patient, cheerful, hopefal, and who has a flavor of wit and fun in his composition, The hardest thing lo get on witb La tVis lif'- is cne's own self. A cross, selfish fellow, a dcspouJing and complaining fellow- a timid and care burdened man the nrr all born drformed on the inside. Tlu ir feet do not limp, but their thought) do. r SPEAK KINDLY. 'pea l:...it.. :.. .1.- : i:-V. the cares of the day, and makes boose hold and all other affairs move along more eoie.otl.ly. Spek kindly st Knight, for It may "be B.O:iJI III llf UJVI NiUC, 1 MJLUWWV that before the dawn some loved one may i jm . - . .-i m w,jjld ai J u wi Lc l0Q Ulc 0 wk faf. j pVrl)t.p. j s kY,mir at a limPr it encoursges i lhe j,lWI,ca.t; cierrs the sorrowtog, 1 Vf.rv r.t,.!- ,- ,1,-n. ib .rrin t ea,n-st resolves lo do Utter, with lUenrth to keen them a Kind words arc a balm to the seal. They oil the. entire machinery of ifetnd keep it in good running order. SELF BELIANCE. The young tnsn who starts out in life relying upon others, will rarely accom plish u-uch. The men who succeed, art the eelf-rcliant, confident ones, those who Lave gone fort in tbtir own energies and bilities, and who have courage to attack obstacle?, of whatever sharacter, and per severe in tbir afaaolts until tbey ore ovcrcoTQf We have a number of s ocb in mind at present, and not a few of the opposiir class. It is the sons ol wealthy - a a a a. fathers who are generally the most rtiiaat upon others. Wherever one rich maa's ti snccda in business, twenty tail. Tke Urge maiority of our prosperoos tnea of all pursuits and professions are those wba have commenced life with but littU ba yond a stout pair of hand, a clear bead and a confident enuit. Ily sie lhe ones rho sabdue thniculuts 'd maitsr aitaa Vw which to aons "I weallh ad laxnry appear insuniiouatabie.

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