, ;; - . . , -. i ' - - . .i - . - : j ; i ; j f; mTHIRD SEEj j j SALISBURY. N. C. MAROB fi iano ' I J JDEIfCRRED ARTICLES. TIIE REFORM MOVEMENT. ! I ThU movement, emiiif.ling from he Liberal Repnblcan t Minao uri, it attract ing very general attention, and hai tlie prospect of aisaming national Importance in tje approacliing Prefidential contest. If the Cincinnati Couvcrition aball adopt tue principle announced in th sabjoiu ed reaolmioos And anminate able, distin gaitbed and honeit eandidatca, it U at leaat probable that tbey will be accepted bjr the Democrata of the north and (h Conierfatire8 -of .tne South. lhis contingeney of rtelf lenda to the moya ajent an importance whih conld pot Otherwise attach to it. We of the South tan bate bnt little part in naming the eandidatca who are to contest for the Presidency ; bat are free to'choose ;be tween those who may be presented, and encouraged to rote manfully to make oni telree felt. And in making op this choice and determining on our courserwili be guided not only . by tho principles npon which each candidate may profess j to sand, but by tli past record of each and the attendant circumstances of his nomi nation. For our own part we can hardly eonceirc that any change that might! be made in the governing powers can be for the worse. We i fondly hope that this great country may be saved from lhe !ca lamiry of a deeper shame by the election of one more unworthy than the present Executive. If our choice must be harrow ed as between two evils, there are but fsw Conservatives amongst us who would be likely to prefer Gen. Grant, seeinc that in hiir there is nothing to inspire hope ither for the Souih or for the country at large. Tlie eyes of our people are turned away from him and hie adherents ; they ' are on the oat-look for another man and party ; and that other they will prefer, joyously it may br, according as hope may hud ground on which to rest her fect. . It is in view of this state of :hc public mind thnt "wo present the resolutions referred to, that each nan may exauimc them carefully and make his verdict upon each garland parcel of th-uufolding sub Jct which are to constitute the grand rhoh le of tho great political struggle rioohl a ob " I mtnoiir II , to commence. TIIE'IIKSOLUTIOXS. . JUtolvfd Thnt we. the Liberal lnnM of Miwiiin, faithful now an we were in the dark 'dav of civil war to the! vital principles ofjtrue iMpublicanirtm, by no net or wow! will endan r ritfhtuil -Miveninty of tlie Union, emancipa tion, equality of civil rights, or enfrancliienitnt. To theaHUbjiMheiI fact, now imlelded iri the Conatitiilion, w ckim the loyally of a.11 good citizen. j . tlolrfttt That a, true and lasting jteaccan C"mi only from mith profonnd reconciliaticjn as enfrachincnient hiu wrought in thU tate,Snor . can i1oh govcrnnintH be pure or jnut in which th taxpayers have no active part. We therefore deiiuH(l, with equal autl'ragc for allcoiuilete amnexly for all, that th? intelligence and expe rience Of every State may bo welcomed 4o S ao tive aeryicc for the comraon welfare. - I i.Voirrf, That no form of taxation ia just or w'im which puta neediest burdens upon the peo ple. We demand a genuine reform of the taring , o that thoae dutiva shall lie removed which1, in '" 'Wition to the revenue yielded to the Treasu ry, involve increaac iri the price of domestic prodneu, ami a consequent lax for the benefif 1 .vorl interests. 1 i I JUtolmd, That the shameless abuse of Gov ! erntnent patronage for control of conventions and j Urt.ons, whether in the interests of an indi vd ! ual, a faction or a. party wiih the consequent cbr j ruption and demoralixaiion of political life de ; luanda a, thorouKh anl gcnniiy; reform- of pub lic service, , Those who would suppress Inves tigation forget that they owe a higher duty) to the country than to any arty. We honor those benators whose cnurapeou course has compelled tke disclosures of grave misdeeds, and they de- aerve Uie thanks and the hearty support of all tsl citjiens. I . i JttolrtJ,Thl local self-government, wth InparUal suffrage, will cuard the righu of all tilueiM more securely than any centralized au thority. It is time lo stop the growing eocroach aienta of executive jower, the us of coercion or brilstry to raUfy a treaty, the packing of a Su preme ,Court toj relieve rich corporations, the eaUng of snembers of angrew not elected by the people, the bristling of bayonets about State convention, the resort to unconstitutional Uw to core Ku K lux disorders, irreligion or intem perance, and the surrender of individual free dom to those who ask that the plensnre, prac tice, or creed of some shall be the law of alU W demand for (he individual tl vX trtv consistent with tk rhiililiA .t.. "Miseji-gorernnient, and for the nation's return ilia methods of peace and constitutionaMiin ttatwMM of power. ; ocerf,ThitUe Republicanism make it H the less our iffitj to expose corniption, de nounce usurpation of power, and work for re forms necessary to the public warfare. The .owes demand an kipriaing of honest vitizens to epfroni power; the men uho prostitute the Rr-Tk ?" rr1 P"rtr to lfil interests, gs therelbit i invito all Republicans who desire reforms herrtil set forth to meet in national 'STftW w3ll0Vl lfht,cit'of Cincinnati, oii iUe uc,h, hir convictions of y and the public exigencies may require, j '1 iaai ' W hjoin,aiso, the resolutions of the tit . ' - . r"" vrucr, mr ine-: oor vouvtntion. This, it will bo obJ td, is j another element of opposition' P movements are not se dissimilar j tUt they not har toonUi. and becime identical. W. find UU theepinion of many observant men tttt they will become united under a .i I Unnsr; and that there wfll be marshall 4 ander it all the opponents of the Grant party. When that takes nlae .:n V-itnAUwxZJr n. T ; rracKiny time in the nol ties nf- I onir :'l W , V I 1 -t"".;pty acvrt x,ru. J" 7' J,?1hoa,and oi little men audi (Bible reader, will remeLber the para- K4IS Will b aww-n flSo- j: Lui ,1 t . 1 V r. . 1 . 1 . J "i"" uwmt and tertpr depicted on their guilty faces, nd. calling on the rocks and hills to hide n Tt 1 m wW am ; 7 :i them. fThe Holdens. Reeds, Browulows. etc.. etc.. wilt want i . ' i iland iii some reruot corner of the ocean, where tey can sit down in thquiet en- oyment ot their stolen money. Tom Long UI Willi t r Kailromd tn tli mnmi ..A want a Windy a mule that Will never fas. is . . O 9 THE LABOR PLATFORM. The following cqmprisea, in full the resolu tions of ibe Labor Convention at Columbus, Ohio, whjch nominated Judge Davis and Joel Parker) '''' X t We Iiold Uiatall political power is inherent U the people, and free government founded on their authority and established for their benefit; hataTT"lfcitIzen8 are equal in political rights, entitled to the largest religious and political liberty compatible with the good order of soci ety, as also the use and enjoyment of the fruiu of their labor and talent ; and no roan, or set of men, is entitled to exclusive separate emolu menu and privileges from the Government, but in consideration of public services; and any laws destructive of these fundamental princi ples are without moral binding force, and should be repealed ; and believing that all evils result ing from ! unjust legislation now affecting the industrial clanses can be removed by the adop tion of the principles Contained in the following declaration ; therefore, ' 2. IUlvtdt That it is the duty of the Gov ernment to establish a just standard ordistribu tion of capital and labor by providing a porelr national circulating medium baaed on the faith and resources of the nation, issued directly to the people without the intervention of any sys tem of banking corporation, whfcli money shall be a legal tender in the payment of all debts, public aiid private, and interchangeable, at the option -of the holder, ft Government bonds bearing a rate of interest iot to exceed 3.75 per cent, subject to future legislation by Congress. 3. Rctoitxd, That the national debt should be paid in good faith according to the original contract at the earliest option of the Govern ment, without mortgaging the property of the people arid the future earnings of labor to en rich a few capitalists at home and abroad. 4. Rtnolred, That justide demands that the burdens of government should be so adjusted as to bear equajly on all classes and interests; and that the exemption from taxation of Govern ment borid bearing extortionate rates of inter est is a violation of all jusfc principles of reve nue laws 5. Rcikctd, That the public lands of the U. States belong to the people, and should not be sold t- Individuals nor granted to corporations, but should be held as a sacred trust for the ben efit of tb,6 people, and should be granted free of cost to landless settlers only, in amounts not exceeding 160 acres of land. 6. Reared, That Congress should modify the tariff to as to admit free such articles of com mon iiie as we can neither! nrrxliir nnr o m and lay cttitiew for revenue plainly upon articles ofluxurv! and iinon such srtiolMr m.nnr.n. ture as we, having the raw material in abun dance, will assist in further devoloping the re sources of the conntrv. i 7. Resolved, That the presence in our country of Chinese laborers imported by capitalists in 5 "wl7w hi!? 8 !" V'1 tailmp w.tnt and it consequent train of inisfrr .ml A H r .1 large numbers for "servile use, is . an evil en- and crimd on all classes of the American peo- pie, ana siiould be prohibited bv legislation. U l.....t...J fX. A ..iJr. .1 o. jic.x.iru, initi we asK ior me enactment ot a law b which all mechanics and day labor ers employed by or on behalf" of Jhe Govern ment, whether directly or ipdirectly, through persons, firms, or corporations contracting with the State, half conform to the reduced standard of eight hbars a day recently-adopted by Con gress for the national employes, and also" for an amendment to.the act ot incorporation for cit- ie aim tow.ns, oy wnicn an laborers nn1 mechan ics emnlovcd at their pincnm ahull the same i mm her of hours. V r Tl " ? am . J. - v. limited, Jliat the enlightened spirit of the aze demand the ahnlltinn nf tlia at- f contract labor in our prison and other reforma- iory institutions. 10. Resdvad. That the nrotert ion nf Ufii l!k. erty, and property are the three cardinal prin ciples of government, and the first two more sacred thaii thejatter ; therefore, money neces- ...j i ""uiu.ig naiMNiiouio, as 11 is reqnirea, be assessed and collecttHl fmm tho country, anil riot entailed as a burden on pos- irniT. f 1 . 11. Reanlred, That it is th'e duty of the gov ernment to so exercise its power over railroads and telegraph corjiorations that they shall not 111 any case be privilegetl to jexact such rates of freight, transportation or charges by whatsoever name as may bear unduly or inequally upon either producer or consumer, 12. JUwired, That there should be such re form m the Civil Service of Ithe National Gov ernment as! will remove it bevond all partisan influence, and place it in the charge and under the direction of intelligent and competent busi ness men. ? . j : . - 13. Rrmjrtd. That as both" history and expe rience teach us that power ever seeks to perpet uate itself by any and all means at its command, and that ibi Jruloiifed possesion in tne hands of one person is always dangerous to the liberty of free people, and believing; too, that the apint of our organic laws and the stability and safety of our free institutions are best obeved on the one band arid sacred on the other, by a regular constitutiodil change in the chief of the country at each quadrennial election, therefore, we are in favor f limiting the occupancy of the Presi dential chair to one term. U. ll&olVtd, That we are in favor of granting general janinestv and restoring the Unicn at on.-e on jthei basis of equality of rights and priv ileges to j all ; the impartial ! administration of J""1" being the only true I bond nf union to bind the States together and restore the people of the Government. , - j If the ctarges which have been made through the Democrat Press and on the stump, agiinst the character and honesty of the judiciary of North! Carolina, with ono or two-exceptions, savored of troth, the penitentiary docs not contain worse men thau most tif our judicial officers. j The the liberty, and the propertv of th cititen are in the hands of the judiciary. $ A corrupt judiciary is more be feared thau ay ot! er branch of the Government. 'According to Democrate authority, orth Caiolnia is cursed with a judiciary whose corruption is unbonnded. Democratic Legislators were elected while these Judges were in office. The- Legislature lired out its Con stituiional term. What Uudge wsa im peached? JNot one. Possessing the power to impeach, convict and remove from office sanctimonious Democratic Legislators f contented themselves by wholesale abuse of the j judiciary, and dared not attempt to make good their rSei- People of North Carolina! here i . .1!... tt.Li. mwwi lue wwr wug IOVM rood aead in his field,' bat while men slept an eutmy came and: sowed tares therein. And when the mischief was discovered, and the ser vanta wanted to go in and plaek op the tares, th niaeier said nay, lest you also pluck up the wheat wtth the tares. Bat let both grow together till the harvest, &c. OaV; Legislators seem to have adopted something like this rule in re spect to the judges, who were imposed upon thef people of the State by ibejidi cal party when they could no prevent it. There is no doabt of the incompetency and unfitness of at least three or four of the judges, j fThere is no disputing the fact that theyj are not only -dbgrace to. the State, bat are exerting a baneful iniuence on the ; public mind. They are lares. They were fastened upon the people-by an enemyi the radical party. The work of the enemy was easily- quickly done. One incendiary may fire a city, but the whole population may be unable to arrest the flames. The radical enemy ' fastened apon us their radical judges, and fenced them round with laws and constitutional provisions as securely as possible. It would epsg the people thousands of dollars to impeach, try, and remove them. The legislature looked at the subject in this light, and like the master in the ease of the tares,! concluded to let the judges (tares) alone uutil the harvest, (the elec tion,) when the people would cast them out, and gather good men into their con fidence iii But it is worth while to observe that although the anuology in these two eases is close, in the main, it yet differs in at least one notable point. Tho enemy who is spoken of in the sacred parable having done his mischief, disappears from the scene and is heard of no more. Like a decent deVil, as if stung by his guilt, he retires with shame, or hides in obscuri ty to suffer his remorse. . Not so with the radical enemies who gave as the bad judges. They hang around the fence and watch, and cherish, and foster, with all theii might the mis chief they feave wrought. And when tho 1 "! 'I . . i . . ' 1 - AJ A. 1 I A t master ,(the people) comes out to see what can be done to remedy the evil, he finds the enemy squatting in the field, and In ars them hooting and jeering after the manner of the Era. "liad judges are a fear ful evil,"; say they, "why dou't you turn 'em out " J"The Legislature lived . put its Constitutional terra. What judge was impeached Not one." This is tlie simplest possible case of "adding inslt to injury." There is no mor glaring instance of it on record; and we mourn almost shed tears that W. Hanes has I chosen to play a part so at variance with the dignity ot n tnauly a decent enemy. Won't Wtts, and Logan, and Tonrgee pat him on;hcback! suie lyl ;i I The SExTORHii-Itis regarded as rather significant, says tlu Philadelphia Age, that; tle administration organs in Washingtonfpppose the admission of Mr. Abbott to the Seriate from North Caro lina. Only genators Carpenter and Rice, 01 me senate Uommutre 011 Elections, favor Abbott l '9 thought that General Random's chance for adroiDsiou has im proved. Rumors that Abbott is not sound on the Grant: question have changed the faco of his prospect. HOMESTEAD. The Supreme Court yesterday decided the important case of Dillfnger vs. Tweed, from Yancey county. This caae settles the principle that the homestead is not liable to execution is sued on a judgment obtained hi au Act ion ex deticito. H Great is the rejoicing of Mr. Oviie Dupre who has twice argued this cae at great length,'and persistently contended for the grea principle of State polity which this case establishes. Ital. Sentinel J 44 VsT The republicans in Congress are having a lively time. Trumbull accuses Morton ni "prowling like a wolf' and Morton Calls Trumbull a "sueak." All they seem to! need there is some cages and a fello to go around and "stir tiiem p." Hillsboro' Recorder. ; 1 CKLEunaTiWo a Rebel's BiRTn dat. About 15 o 20 small boys of Salem and Winston 'celebrated the birth day nf the great American Rebt l, George Wash ton, by a torch' light procession. Winston bentinel .!: - Prospecting A couple of gentle men from Canlida were in town last week prospecting fo'fa suitable place to aettlH a 1 r .1 r: 1 .... ""'; v mcr counirymen. 1 ney were well pleased; wih our section of country and town. One of them informed us that he liked : it better than any section he a nad seen since Sentinel ue lett home. Winston "Windy! Billy"- i9 to be ousted from his f berth pof Assistant Assessor of Interna Revenue in the 61 h district. Tha appointment has been offered to a lit publican I of 'our acquaintance, wffo has neither refused tior accepted as yet. But "NViudy has t go Winston Sentinel Secokd ix the Field. The Nation al Prohibition Conventional Columbns. Ohio, have nominated James Black, of Pennsylvania, for President, and John Russell, of Michigan, for tlie Viee Presi dency. Temperance wen, to the front ! THE LIBERAL REPUBLICAN MOVEMENT. To the Liberal Republicans of North Carolina This grand movementwas wanted to be inaugurated in this State, as yon well remember, early in 1868, by Hon. Daniel R. Goodloe, Prf. B. S. Hed rick, myself, and a few others. It failed for want of co-Operation of the then apathetic old Whigs as well as the inflexible and. apprebeusire. Demo crats. That that failure broagKfuntold misery, corruption, thievery of mill ions of money, and bankruptcy to the State, no one will now deny. This movement as organized by the honest Republicans of Missouri, two years later, who, like a few of us in this State, have refused to bow down and worship the one-man power, re presented in the person of Gen. Grant, and accompanied as it is, by gross cor ruption, centralization and despotism, at once took vivid 'form, and resulted irr complete success through the hearty co-operation of the Democratic party of that State. It has long been apparent, especial ly, here in North Carolina, that Grant and his majority in Congress prefer the meanest secessionists of the south those who were loud-tonged dead weights to the Confederacy who now for the sake of office are ready to bow down and worship them, to an honest life-long Republican or any' Union man who loves his 'country more than his party, and his Iarty more than the fortunes of one man and his mercena ry followers. The Radical-Grant party is rapidly disintegrating. It has ceased to be the party of liberty, of law, and of rational progress ; and has become the creature of a tvrant and his minions, who have attempted to overthrow the Constitution, trample on the reserved rights of the States, and on the liberty of the citizen, in order that thev mav revel in gifts, bribes, and peculations with impunity. A party which pro scribes and subordinates intelligence, property and character, and enfran chises ignorance for political power, is not Republican. Its leaders have be come tyrants by virtue of demagog ism ; they are rioting in the possession of ill-gotten power; and like tyrants in all ages, they are slow to read the hand-writing on the wall, which pro claims their speedy overthrow. The Liberal Republican movement of to-day in behalf of the life of the Natiou, will crystalizea the elements of opposition to Radicalism. It will be sustained by the whole Democratic party of the country, as well as by the best, if not the most numerous portion of the Republican party. It will stand by the rights of all classes, native and foreign, white and black. It will "take no step backward," but will go for ward. It will insist that all white men shall be enfranchised, as well as all col ored men. It will defend the rights of the States against Federal encroach ments, and the rights of the people against military dominition. Then, men and brethren, by all means, let us send delegates to the Liberal Republican Convention which is to meet in Cincinnati on the Ctli day of May next. I have reason to be lieve, and indeed, I know, that there is a schism in the Radical party in this State. The : most intelligent and respectable portion of that party are disgusted with the corruptions and excesses which arc perpetrated in its name, and for which they, as well as the guilty actors are held responsible. We should extend a cordial invita tion to. such men to join us, and there can be no doubt that thousands will unite with us in the efforts to throw off the degrading despotism which now runs riot in corruption. The signs of the times arc auspi cious. All the leading Democratic newspapers of the country, North and South, have expressed a readiness, not merely to co-operate with Liberal Re publicans for the purpose of defeating the malignants who follow the lead of Morton, Conklin, Chandler, Edmonds, Nye, Howe, and the treacherous little John Pool, with Grant as their nomi nal chief; but these Democratic jour nals, schooled by the misfortunes of the past several years, are now con vinced of the expediency of votintr for an honest Republican for President, of the type of Horace 5reely, Lvmah Trumbull, Gratz Brown, David Davis, James F. Wilson of Iowa, or Jessee D. Cox of Ohio. Not only the lead ing newspapers and public men of the Democratic party have taken this ra tional and patriotic ground, but State Conventions of the party have done likewise. The distinguished gentle men named are known to be in favor of universal not general Amncstr. JJejr are ; opposed to centralization, and insist that Hie States have reserved the rights of local self-government, which the General Government must not in vade. They are also in favor of Civil Service Reform, a retrenchment of the national expenditures, a reduction of taxes, and the subordination of the military to the civil power. Every day seems to consolidate the coalition between Liberal Republicans, the Democrats, and the old Whigs or Conservatives. , It must be manifest to all thinking men of the State, that another four years of Grant and his relatives (tak ing no heed of one of Moses' most sacred ordinances " thou shalt take no gift ; for the gift blindeth the wise, and per verteth the words of the righteous,") will bring our common country down to infatny and disgrace, as Holden and his thieves brought our own beloved State in mS-' But my friends, Grant and his minions are already on the wane, thanks to an overruling Providence. Arise ! fellow country men and aid us in the gracious work of overthrowing the Grant-Radical thieving and mercenary party. Do not delay for another hour. Go to work, call public meetings in the se veral Congressional Districts, and choose Delegates to the Cincinnati Convention for the 6th of May next, where and when the next President and vice President of the United States will be named. Respect fully, HARDIE HOG AN HELPER. Salisbury, N. C, Feb. 22d, 1872. P. S. The Labor Reform Conven tion held at Columbus, Ohio, bearing even date with the alwve letter, nomi nated David Davis of Illinois, now As sociate Justice of the U. States Supreme Court, for President, and Joel Parker of New Jersey, (now Governor of that State,) for Vice Presicent. Judge Da vis had always been a Henry Clay Whig up to 1854, when he liccame a Republican, and was, from early life, a close and confidential friend of Abra ham Lincoln. Gov. Parker has al wavs been a life-long liberal Democrat, II. H. H. EXHAUSTED. The judiciary i a;jain exhausted. When Governor Caldwell ordered the Sec retary of State to jjive out the printing to Brown, the mailing clerk of the Iong Ftrry, Mr. Ramsay, the contractor for the atate printing applied to Judge Pearson for an injunction forbidding the Secretary to fc'ivt, and Brown to receive it. Jude Peawon announced, from the bench, that he wonUl hear the case on Thurtdaj at 4 o'clock. On Thursday the Judge informed Mr, Ram say's counsel that he could not take time to hear the case. Judge Dick wa applied to and he could not take time to hear the case. Judge Moore wan applied to and he was temporarily in the citv and had not titne. Judjte Read wan applied to and he had not time. Judge Rodman wan applied to and he had not time. As the last report Judge Boyden, who calls us holy and unrighUous, was applied to, and even he could find no time to hear the case. Mr. Ram nay's coun sel exhausted the whole venire. Application was again made to Judge Moore, who con sented to hear the case jd determine who should do the state printing. When we had three judges on the supreme court bench instead of five, no one of them, so far as we know, ever declined to hear a case at chambers for want of time. Gov. Caldwell has brought the state prin ting to a halt. The law require the lawn to be published in sixty da a. The governor torbids the Secretary to furnuh the laws to the printer, and the five judges are too busy to give the case their attention. Thi refu sal to hear the cao of Mr. Rauisay remind U9 of the refusal of the me judges to grant a lench warrant against Holden and Kirk, when the latter was searching houses and arresting men without warrant or law. Judge Boyden, it is true, was not then on the Itench. but was at the Ear defending the conduct of Holden and Kirk. When a country becomes rotten and cor nipt the last hope of the people i in the juuiviarv. urn lur juuiua; mcwuut or corrupt, the people lose confidence and even hope. Gov. Caldwell has over thot the mark, and his party fxieuds are heard upon the street to condemn bu conduct. Raleigh Scntiusl. The Republican National Executive eommitiee are sanguine of success in New Hampshire, bat admit that North Caro lina is irretrievably lost to the party. Washington telegram to N. Y. Herald. Just 10. The crimes of the leaders are written upon the party's tombstone. THE WATCHMAN OFFICE f i well supplied with I t ! large and elegant assortment of I PLAIN i FANCY Pictorial or CUT ILLU8TRATION8, &C., suitable for all kinds of PRINTING. Also Finer and more Ornamental Types for Business & Professional Visiting, Party and Wedding Card ; College and School i ! 'irculari of all kind PAMPHLETS, Tobacco Notices and LABELS for all purposes ; For Clerks, Magistrates and Solicitors ; Or anything else required in the Printing Line. THE i Carolina tDatcljman At A XKWSPAPER, 1 i- It a candidate fur public favor. Its circulation i good, and its standing and patronage improving. It ia one of the best advertising mediums in tlie Stat?, and offers its facilities on as liberal terms as anr. 1 ?V CO. O.CVVX PK IT Save your Wheal & Oats. IMPORTANT NOTICE TO FARMERS. A a important dueorarv U vrrrrct RCfcT ia Wheat aad OaU. If the directions arc earrfnl Ij followed aad the erotls in j ami bj nut, the rnonev will b bfrMIr refunded. All I ak ia a tnal. Prepared and for aala on I at J.U. K5NIST fc Dmf 8lre. JalrT it ; fslimbnry. (Carolina HJatfhndn. PUBLISHED WEEXLT T J. J. BRUNEI!, Editor and Proprietor. BiTEsev siBcBimes Oxe Tear. pajtUeiu a4raie S2-W Six Months, ...... 1.50 5 Uopict u woe adJress, 10.00 States of Advfrlttxng. Oa Square. frt in-rtion 11.00 For wach additional ian-rtio. '50 Stwdal n..: wm U- raargSO per eat higher tt.an th aLove rat. Court and J uticV Orcrs will W rmW&ta at lh tame rate. wit. L irlia aenU. Obitoary notice, over six litu. LrrW asaavrtiinBU. CONTRACT RATES. ,i a j i ! s: i -i c 3 K SPACE. () S d ! II I 1 Saar, 50, $3 7. 2 Square. , 4 50, C 2i 3 Square '. C 0(1, 9 01) 4 8.naa. 1 00 1 1 00 t Colo ma. ; 18 00 24 00 1 Clama. 25 () 2j iK) 13 00 7M tllOi 6SO;12 00: SOgOt 12 00 is on 2u 15 0023 00! SXUi .10004000 nun 45 00 8 00.100X9 PROSI'IXTIS or The Xemi Weekly Economist. I propoM to pnUiJj in Kiiubh Gtr, N. C. in January 1H74, a Seroi-Weeklr NriMW U called Yk Vxmu 1 lUaiia will be to Bii&Uter lo tht Utmrr tMe of tu rt-adert, and lo trtmou l ArrioaX. tarel, Coromrrctal, rrvCrmoal, Mechaniral and other industrial interesU cf our eop!r, ith all the capacilj, it.a.Mrj and teal it can oummaod. In a wonl. Tie Aawu'w (Topriaca to oixvvr the whole field of legitimate joinalifi. Politic ally, it will et-k, iUioui imt tW fioioAed weaituna of bitterrteM, to (uKer aad combine all the element of oprxiiio to tha recklcn tendency cf thetioiea; betieriaf aa w hotiotlr do. that cmr Iublir and iu UMtita tion are in er51. and thai unlei food men d ererj d.v, unite now, and a one man, lo atar Ui tide of ooi-ni-.tion that U urging orer oa. U.U preorHi. henujre of our FatLrra aDl, at a dUtant day, U- like a tale that ia told iiks a rUinn that ht 1 tur. The Editorial manaeement will be noder lle direction of IL R. CmuT, aMted by Col. V. V. Martin ami I. It. K. Sj-d, of Pa-fjimant connty ; Col. I). 1. FerrvU-e, v'aroden 01,1 t -T. H. iiilliaia and T. i. Skinner. iVrqainra'ac emmtj ; Maj. H. A. (.illmrn and (M. (V, Chowan cwtntrr ; II1.11 I.. C. Uthim, Vah inirton ronnlr; Hon. T. J. Jarti. Terrell eo Hon. M. L. Fire, (Jalr rannty ; I). C'J Wi.wtom. Iicrlie county, and a number . f caiaunal ron trilmtor, Ikim rejnjtatlon will be a guaranty of the ability, integrity and uorr of the en tcrprie. C'ommunicntit n frr.m the !iflVrer.t count iea in the Ii-4ric-t and fn.m the Naltonal and htate capital will appear in every iue. There will be atrict aiu-t.tion riven to the ecrrertneM of the Markeu and to ll.e lxral ItepartmefH 0 the wy. T K ti a RN KK. Cliubeih Cite. X. C. Nov. 20, IJCj. 12 .f MILLIONS Bear TmiIbm? I ibelr Tfcry inMiitii VtxfM tirlak. U rr Xaaa. TTklsaer. rrW S)lriia m4 R(m Llea iuroxi a4 ihhi i mw cw ' a tear Jtr-iieint ir.j 1 i' Hkin, Itea4 IUa W C-Ht-rkU. few frM all tUMk timw laaia. Twj iSt 1.IUT SUMin rtaVU riEEwwi a i.ira uitim; rsicirix. t ail fotaomc: tnttirr and ur tWItf pXitliS kMr as rw rmw4 W ' m tntnmK a4 tte tl trpM wi TF wrw a ffeaile Parcatlve r0 a HI "t Ln reiiertar Crvmitm mr T- f-r --. i -1 m Hi, tihii (tl fOK FEMALE fOMrUITH, l. rr 44. rrl 1 1 mr mmr. at UndinW i n I ar ( I tmrr ml V.t: U I w Mvutc La a&aL Tt laSaMtaaalsry mud Ckrcale Baewaaa lUa a Uat. 0Bla r laaiaawtlaa. Bill. Kewlltrii mmd laiemttieat Fa vew taear f the BlaW. L4e. KU la aa Bla44r. U- Didrra b bm bmi "aiJiil Back Dlaeaae tu mmf hy VltlaU4 Blaaa. wan h U f wn.ii ytiltrl tt aart T ika Dlcawllve Oraaaw. varantii ok inic:ETio. a. rla la lit !'k:Wrm.Cojka. Titm mi Ua CmmH. Wiata a. S-r EnM-i.tlM tf tke 11 - mm i k BaS T la tk Mtk. I AUacka. ralatiatiaa) ml tif Hr. laSabinuUoa of te La fata ia tka n mi tW Ek4aera. aa4 a kaaraS atW aiianl mrmrp Mh. ar ka aS.artnc of W Tker kBTvavaU tW rwaaatb aad tflataUta ta taeaag Lteae ana Bvwala. wktak rwr ik mi aaiaatTit SWit- la cl"iwir; lm! all ImiW'iM. mad tm. mmrumt arw 1!U mm4 vtfwe ta tka ww rraUaa. ron MKIK OlbaU'E.aVaataM.Ttttar. Saft SkMaa, 0Uck. SpvU. ft-artra. PaalaW. Idk.Caf taattM. tiac-Wnat. aeaU lUaJ. -r r . Si A is ."aa, cf tMUt-ratatWL ItWraii 4a a arw) rmm axtl vf u atra ia a i vtaa ttf iaa aa vf Utaaa UIU. .a. Um aweta la MWtu mim wiHoaaitiaara tka aut u romv i4 taaif nrm ttvaaOVcU. Claaaaa Oka Villa t rmi wkrrrvrr rm SbS Ha tam awrUlaa kw-;la Urwuat. tka akte tm Wanlia. Er Uowa er Sarra ; cWaaa 1. wUoa rea tod kt aklrcta4 aa4 ataca-Mk ta tka ehM : rU w tt rWi tt hi mmd rawr ftnaa wiU uil rmm vW. Im tka lb i t aa Ua aw-altk mi tka aatrw wiU ioOrv. Ma. Taps. aa4 MWr Waraaa. kartrtaa) aa fk artaeaa ml aa raaar 1kfwaaali art iSarTaifli awuii mmd reaaavaaV mr a atatlatxaavkaa tra.l H. la arwfvrtr aa hMWAmai mm lUa.a7u. eartk wkaar kadr la rtrmmx trvm tke an af - It la aa mmmm tk Wvkf mm1 that MTMauLM aaa tk mmd mUmr mtymm Ha tat llvaaa kta ' m afm ml MaaHct. m- ei atkWa4taa wiU fe-aa tka atau. fraaa tWvAaVaaVtv aw ObA mmmmmmt aiaaaa, wra ISM VALEEE. rrrnmrWrnr. . TL VrPOXiU OB, VrmctjUi mmd Urn. IrmU &aa T raaHaaav JTi Skjaajaa, . ' i a ta4 U CaaiaiiFW Urn. .Tata. sou at au. oaLuours aap pcauauu t ALL K1SDS ot COURT A SI) MA -G ISTRA TF.fT Rl. A SKS ml thi

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