si (Carolina tnatcbinan. jSIlisbuet. tuiday Mitten s. COUNTY CONVENTION. f he Pemocrats aq4. Cqnscrvatiyw of Rowan j Viojn t tha Court Honae, in ftilUbitryon Mon Ulr the, 15th day of April net, bein the fin veek of the Superior Court, tt one o'clock, 1", lj, for the purpose of electing delegate to re- presenti tliia County in the State Convention of I lie Democratic-Conservative t'arty, to be held L. i . . .... . -, . . ' i . i . J. . . i. ! at ureenaboro' on the tirt day Ol .May next, anq al ia the Congressional District Convention be held when and whcie the Executive Com- Uee of the Ditrict,hall appoint. . ' JAMES E. KEHIl, . Chairman County Lx. Committee, larch 6, 1872. 7 ( t LIBERAL REPUBLIC AXiatiL la reading (he details of the proceed ings in Congress, as they appear in the Hlobc, and particularly the epeeches of Jtle; members, one cannot avoid being struck with the difference of tone and temper displayed by the two divisions tn Xa which the Republican j party is now plit. The Radicals proper, or the Grant .men, manifest the utmost briefness, ititol erance, tnd spleen. They seem to hope for success only by appealing to the vin dictive enmities of the Northern peo 'pie towards tie South, by keeping alive the war epiru, by perpetuating sectional Jealousies and ennunities.1 Jn speaking ot the south, Morton, Conkling, Edmnndi? et id omne genus, constantly, belch forth vituperation, insult, misrepresentation, tind malignant hate. No fpark of gener ous Veeling towards us warms their' frozen 'bosoms They would keep us down-trod ' den. j' - " "A -.1 v. , On the contrary, tho Liberal Repnbli" cam, led by Trumbnll, Shurz, Tipton, ,ud other of, that school, are apparently ; anxious to restore fraternal feeling aud jgeneral peace and prosperity throughout Hue entire country, bury te animosities of the past, resurrect the South, and do qual justice to all sections. They seem to recognize ns as a part of the Union, enti tled to equal rights and benefits from a common government, aud not simply lis a VoUnd, an Ireland, a Hungary, or a Cuba, to be held under by force and to be tyrannized over for the benefit of the rest of theOcountry. If they Upcak of the South, it is njot to vilify and slander her, but to express sympathy lor her misfor tuues, aspirations for her .welfare, and stern rebuke of her oppressors. Under the rule of Giant and bis abet tors, it is plain that this entire section is but a cypher in importance! and influence in the councils of this Unipn, and destin ed to remain so. Under tie rule of the Liberals, if they could secure the reins ot power, it is likely that something akin to justice would be dono the Southland she .woulurbe welcomed back tcf a fair partici pation in the conduct of Federal affaire and iu the blessiBg of a free government. Amnesty for the pjjUt, and security and equl liberty for the future, would be guaranteed to her ; -and peace to the whole Union..- v ' This being so, we canopt undcrsUnd hoW anyipatrlotie Southern Jlepublicaii can besitttto as to which off the wings of the Jate Republican party he should afBl iate with. , r S i - And we are strongly of the opiubinhat LiberalsJ Cerjservatives, Dmocratsi and all the other elements of tho oppftioii'to the Grant Radical, ought to seek and find the means of rallying tkeir strength ""J'1?? lni year against thooe who now misgovern this country au4 wlio are sap ping the very I foundations of liberty and all hope for the future, shall recur to thU subject again, from time to time as occasion may require. - i A great scandal has recently come to light la Baltimore. ! A man; named Li P. Hmton, late pastor of Trinity Methodist Episcopal Church, South, In that cityHt appears has seduced severil young girls, members of his Sabbath School - children he has had under his training fof seyeral years training them for infamy and per dition instead of leading them like Jambs to the Savioni1. Matters ajt last reached a crisis, and the shame of one of his vie iimt could no longer be conceahd. Uer confessions and statements; corroborated -and fully believed, revealed the deenf datk character of the man who had Wast- -u wr,n otners who?e, nararg lure been withheld from public announcement. How parued his victim year after j infli(JinC the subtil poigouthito tbeir minds persuading them that the on ly guilt to U dreaded was publicity, mnd wearing them on the Bible to keep the secret I . . j As might be expected great excite ment was produced in that portion of the com- v xounity, nearly conuected with this de plorable affair, and uothing aved! the guilty man from the fury of outraged pa- rents.but hm preeipiuted flight from tho J city l MinutArtoPertiLlsHU dispatelios fromVash. Jngton state that it is believed that Ex -Govern- oriloldervof this State, will be nominated by the President as minister to Peru, in place of JnAtrm Rufll ra'titTimA Veil - i ' ireflry Berry JLdwery u it braver tnah tnd si wort fionest thief, and wonld reflect i tf mtichhonor on the Country abroad. 1 $39,000: RkwakD.-Oov. Caldwell, by proclamation, pursuant to acts of the Le "isUturel offers the,above rawarjMorihe pprehenafod nd'deHverr, deuB. or alt ve; df JknygUvtrhfiMiB gaps of foblxra. i Krn ; Mi, 7 Kl. . i. t, f i V t 1 4. I IllUlllnVUU r UMX.UI. IVH e V T' wcry ana vempaoy ro-rauicKs, and that i "thvy were conservatives or ku khix, thej Governor pr president Grant would have had them under arrest long nro Who doubts it t But ns three oriio twerty or more white Conservativci, and robbed to their hearts Content, uqth- ! ill 1 List .i mm. me count oe none wun mem. xuc cmii- I . setvativcs upon whom three outrage hav ux- tt w eV thdse sconnurrts arresiea, ueaa or auve. oouie cheating and worthless radical will most likely g t the xewardrau capl thn ga and et i p in style along eide of . Holden and Pool and with them plot and scheme for the government of North Carolina. i J .1 r l o ANOTHER "FIRE TRIED." A corfesporidentrin Jthe ra pi the 5th, over the signature xfr" A Itowan Republican," discoursetl thnsly: The scl 'ction of good unJ faithful men to fill the yffiecs of the.&tate, 14 the (ulj-.stire guaran tee if tteprospenty oHt people und tJujir lib erties; anit HhouMbe ibe wimf the peeple f the Stflte to place in power true, tried und faithful 11 :eu, ainoup w hom Gov. Caldwell i t be found: rather than from pique or motives of selTaggrai.idisemeiit4or7itefi)arfi2iin fueling, displace Mich fi)rhiere adventurers, and individ uals proinpted by love of greed and inordinate seltt.shhe, totally ignoring the interests of; the Sta.te for the jrratificution oi feeling si&prijicipies tinwjdrthy of aay teJpeetable kuf of ihe Suto, nnd of tho high franchise secured to him by its Constitut ou. I hope ,he Republican party will take this view of tt matter. Wi Vw-'UBiCnfujouf iu its a doption. And to Oov? Catdwell's name will Ik added alsr that of our true friend, and firm ad herent of Republican principle, Dr. W. H. !Jowrtou,oC &iliil)iiry, a Secre4 ars f-jSt ate; of whose Ml no. fof theiioitiotherecarib(no I doubtj.a Wand st atftafir-tu Re- noni an t e otaii i wnic . can imblicin. t 1$ H f I if ii i giye him no electoral votes, and almost We cinftss wc do not know what is ea,,f EUIe of1!he del,.gation8 from the Al , . . T,, . , Ts. . , : otUer btates. Republicans who lmmj to ncant by Pre-h -IeUherfavid ddeat his 1JominaJion al jhiiaiKlpUi1, are Bringlo or Docl. HoWern,viiO have j deciding themselves with a foolish ex been honored by this commendatory 1 pectal,0'-. 1, 1 i .i ! 'I he Democratic pnrty has every rea- appella ion have ever passed through BOn . . .J v . . any fiery test for the sake of their prin- 'ciplcsHv-e don't kno it. We like tried ; nien lot" oflice because v,e believTe they i Li .... . are worm more as puouc servauts, , al .,! It . T 11' trunks else ueins: equal, w e are averse to freq tent changes, and the more, in projxjr ion a'jtUc dutiesbf any posi tion are bcttef performed by cTperience fum ' iiiiieiiue. . x imistruiu : oneriii fWaltoii is a tried man, and when we Jreineniber how well he served tlrecoun- ty during the wax, (and since,) it may be thajt lie is firctried or as1 near it as any oAe can well be. Jkitj we suppose it is idle to hunt fbr jmalojries in order fo determine what lis racqnt by "fire-tried." f -' lh(ire is a sulky wood terrapin that can't W made to walk or run, or even poke put his head, except by nutting fire ori his back and then he is smart j probate and despise ; to say nothipg of enough. If our neighbors, rHovcrton j the fact that he never became a Kepubli and Bringle have suftcrecf ,anV thing u,ltil he was bribed by hopes of the like this, it was equal to Ku Kluxinr. i t i - tdt A. communication in the AYilmtng tan J(urnaT frorn Charlotte, recOrnmetids Haywood W; Guion, Esq., as a candidate for Governor. Mr. Guion is one anions: ine oet mioimetl and tnost talented mttn it.',. o.-A- i i n I... In in the Stat, and Would tun tfell iit thei West ver is nominated bv the Greensboro Convention will have to do ome of the hardest eort of electloneerihs:. Guion would make a good Govern or. Me would be a!n honor to the Stiitc riic, election .of J altera man. iroidd iKjk nghtioz tho oldjehip. IwhcJier he gets the nomination or not. let us have' ii good man and a gentleman for our stand ard bearer this Saiiiroer. v t J j 1 1 Axriuew J.Jones, formerly prudent of the Wi..i., w Ow.j.s.L- i-d '.."in i hoA U P n C,,B1 Ualfieids Road) was recently put po hi tri, U; tnr.f' C , . . I , iin .Hoorecountv Suuenor Court. Ji.) HmtI on presiding, for rrfni.iT in m.Mi.i ,. i,; : - r '"" i s ; , 1 , o v. . . . v ' i.i" n.aT ,i cesser - en . t - ?' - ' in --nffire-fisrt 1 Hon Ann Ar'...:..i i , ! . - luinIa hut mi 1... 1......1. . r . v.. vvai : lax i ITT ! m u,e lgisiature pi IOOU, r trpur of extend- ma Baitl Iv-jatl tO'Cire Like SWeo- wii, iauieuciacK vo., jont, itseeniKuurapplied the fluids, and when called on to render tu hi uecesr the money and propertv in his hand- I 1 7 10 do - The trial occupied three days,4 na weo thecane wan finally given to the jury vey bjought in a verdt qfuV, under the act Ofj Feb 1871, which denominates the offense as i jnisdjmieanor, and annexe the penalty of fine ana iniprisonment. Whereupon, Jtid2c Bux Mi sentenced the offender to $10,000 fine and 0) ue i i jnu lofeiture of the bond and still have several hundred thousand dollar-of the people' money ijrunapray with, , Jytkjeairiig witla such au ouenuer : HIS YOUCliER. ATe publlsed a list 'of tWe vlio re- cxjmmnded T, B. .Long far oute;aamt jreseiited by II..U. .Helper, Xhe Bra, At March 2d, copies the' names of lUoge Fho sigucd that recoanmendAtion as tin offiet to Mr. II el Der'il sttarh nn T.... . ( r - ad aipenda to iu article on ilx ittbject, tlie names of those inrfi-nmmi.l r erf cial Mail 'forihe1 'State. list we present below, to wit : " L llracon. -Minister tM, 51 iKatfc hi i bite mtotfif Hie church at, Saliabnry; -lion. O II Dockery.Hxrmember of Cn- tess; It on M W BrookaU. S Diatrici Judge S flmhaly PeVry, Supervisor HterdalBeran S 1 7 e year s imprisonment ui the Penitentiarv. , j.Hi iv ii cannon. Jndsre Mtn-1 riffirial wi vumuu. wjn?rrf t ;oi. -reinnd. ei.:. lector Internal Revenue for 6th District; Dr. J JXMott, Collector lnt. Rev, for GtB IftiW BroadSeld, R egister in BatrVrttpteyhas-, A jraxterot mis ter af qnVle1ihorniaf J) MfAlpine, Waynee, G QmicCarWj JI?i,ni. aPearioh, J.Tvetck lilffBissell, Jsjueif tooot40SJ TmSo I Vufcell, C B Storing, VI Kills, J M Justice, W":S"Iear8on, J C. Andrew, and Samutl McD. Tate, President V N t RR. This is cetlaiuly a very creditable list an would seem to prove. Ohca of three Court Records such as Mr Helper says are be jound for the looking; or else, if there be eucii records, theae, geutlerueu either di( not know of them, or coiisidcred them as vf no weight against the character of the- applicant for their favor. THE PRESIDENTIAL OUTLOOK. We can discover no reason for doubting that Gen. Grant will be nominated by the iHuladelpbia Convention, liis office-holder control the Republican organization in every State in the Union. Even in Mu ouri, where there is an open split, it is th Grant wing of the party whose dele gates will be admitted to the Convention. Ef en in New York, where the most p w irrfnl Republican newspaper and one of h Senators are bitterly hostile to Grant, hi friends cOutrol the party machinery, an'd ill elect the delegates to the lliila delphia Convention quite as easily as they controlled thetwo last Slate .-conventions and the organization of the present Legis lature. But if Graut delegates are sent from Mi?otni and New York, what hope can there be that any but Grant delegates H ill be seutfiom any of the other States Iruall the States in which the Republi cans are a majority, and especially iu the South, the Republican party subsists merely by Federal patronage; and the President who wields that patronage can e'asily cause delegates pledged to his re nomination to be sent to the Naitional Convention. Grant is :hus sure of the r 1, ... r-. . .'. . l enoiuiuatiuii. ?t candidate He is altogether the ea to beat that the Jtepubli- can Convention could select. Almost any other candidate whom the Republicans might put iuto the field, would reunite this party. Any other candidate would heal the schism in New York; atid bring the recalciirants into the ranks in every pari of the country. But with Grant as the cmdidate, multitudes of Iicnublicans will cleave off and act with the Detr ocrut- ' lc: party. Democrats have therefore no ! interest in Grant. r.r,...i; f iivunug iuv ijuuiiuut tun oi i j : - W hen he.u once nominaled his defeat i will be easy. Ail the forces of It. publi- i couiu. can opposition muy not go directly into j upyoure-ca! the purple hills ;yr the Democratic rankd ; but even tich of 1,)r lhe vintage, the fields while fi them as do not will give him a kind ot Int harvest. (Jo forth in your heaven ajipport that will harm more than it will ! 'jPi'i'id place, and do the work designed Iw'lpfrim. General Grant baa dissatiffiet1 hr you. It lies near at hand, and do ih--and disgusted a large portion of bis own W01k designed f .r you.. It lies near a; party.- 1 o say nothing of his gift-taking ' and nepotism, which all honest men re presidency ; to say nothing of the fact !1 - ti t uiai ne i a com. seinsii, uarrow man who has neither knowledge, nor eloquence, nnr sagacity, nor aympatiiy with the popular heart, nor ono quality of a;:y kind to in spire enthusiasm ; he has estranged mul titudes of Republicans by crossing their convictions on import t subjects. , There is a large section of the Repub lican paity who sinceiely favor universal amnesty. Grant, in his last message, pretended to favor it ton ; buuhe course of his intimatefiiends iu Congress proves that while professing to favor it, he is willing to see it defeated. ; lie affected to desire civil-service reform Htid sent a message to i Congress to that ffectj but in piactice he has rendered ibe whole scheme a nullitv. a a. a. - 1 1 In the Frehch-rrnssian war, he osten puiy leaned to tlie Prussian side, miudluL, : i i . . of the d r .f... . i tct that we have many German 1( few V.uel, Z.Jn , , 1 ' " p,aiuw iiieuch ottr. lint this pretence irove. to ,vebeen insineere as all the Irt, At v.rV ft-fenf - Al t 1m aw ilmn .l.n J : . . . t ."" " "UUllillsiri.llOII i -i.. i. . " I j ' nillilopv .ii. .l. 1 I I ttnum ao ctroriiriv nm-lreriiinn. n nr. if I "..; l.nt, WUH UlHUe A ItrOni OV Ln!.: : . . 1 J it. - o luuimiiiiia ii XiailC. ! ..... ..v. u.n iau im i. cuilllT. ' D ' I l'j. ! - . . .,'. .. .. .. . . . " srcillll 1 rr- Jl llw: nnH mi. il -... a ... V . r c'a a JIC 10 ause. the government cstb- !ihuienti lo be worked to their ntinoai fcapacity to manufacture cart rid pc ti. I,i jfl in nhootliig down the Prussian sol fliers. J hlS Was- U tierhdv U-lueh'nnr perman fel'ow-citizeiis will be slow to forgive. ' I t In the stupendous Custom-house ra alities which have bebu disclosed in this ity, the course of Gen. Grant has been fnarked with equal duplicity. He has Jgiven out for the last two weeks that he Intends to remove Lt and Stocking ; bnt ie finds a sham reason for delay in the firetended difficulty of devising a new f ,'nr.aJordr fysteiu. and meanwhile fLeet !8 daily extorting hU enormous pluu The present is the most active aea- pon of importations ; merchautsbeinsr now iFeceiving ineir goon lorttia spring trade Gen. Grant's pretexts for Dostnonemeni r Zl 1 i . w . pretexts lor postponement are intended to-enable Leet to reap his dishrtneft5 harvest while the season of heavy importations lasts, and if he re moves Lett j at all, it will only be after the heavy "and profitable season is over. The, people' understand this, and their .opinion ot Gen. Grant i quite the reverse of complimentary. ' Wbeij, in the course of the Presiden tial canvass, our foreign relations come to be discussed, the abortive Sant. Domin go job will be remembered, as wrll as the discreditable luuddle into which the administration has got itself respecting the Alabama treaty. Graut has also mde jnoltiiudes of Rerinblican enemies by in? trneddling with local politics in many States, and jatteinftingto rnin older and better Jtepablican than himself. He will be a weak . candidate becao whil l.ia patronage; will , enable him to die reiiominntion,. a laree portion ot own party will, directly or indirecdv ..: raaitriiH to ms jeteat by the people. e diseroSiori .alnd good tense to nominate a didateVforLIl.,oal dissatisBed Re publicans can vote,'the defeat of Grant is certain. i Accordiiiglo present appearanl fees, tjf.tlrtiieDemocratic leaders and the pemotfraUe massed are disposed to maki; ,l for honest Republicans to vote for the Democratic ticket. X Y. World. Kditor Watchman j Ikw' Sir : Please print my Commnic:Uon addresset V0 the Liberal! Btt pubWansof the State, as' revised, on the om aide of yonr next Iwne.,M''-r"' ; With respect to the Liberal Movement new so generally acquiesced in hy ajl honest throughout the ConntrV, t am permitted to use the follow ing extract from a letter just received from one of the iuott distinguished geuUeaieii in North Can.lina. II. II. HELPER. Salisbury, March 4th, 1872. rr tt tt Raleicii, Feb, 29, 1872. ! II. II. IlELrER, EcO.., ... ! Jy dear Sir: I concur fully with you as to the importance of the u Liberal Kepublican Movement" and ihink that ita ac tion at Cuiciimaii may probablv name the next I resident ot the United States. All the element opposed to corruption inefficiencv andniUrnli ought to unite to defeat the wrtv in Kwer,now so grossly abusing the great trusts of ihe Nation and endangering the free principles of the gov ernment. You may rct assured the platform at Oreensboro' will be broad enough for all est and true men of whatever partv, to Maud iiti on toijttlitr. Your excellent aud'ttlling letters are being published here. Thev are tron2 and to the point." " For the Carolina Watchman. 1 WOMAN'S WORKS. "A hackneyed, worn-out enhject,M-L my reader will say,-rhackneyed it is, by the poor yet well meant effort! of those J --fc mm who fad to comurehend the irrand of the snhjec bnt worn-out, never' so I hub- J ' '""fc i c hut wnm.on, n.e.,t ... vcnwu..... .....a.uo nuuiwuiL-wnrK yet, u j- V . ' V yk be directed into the riht path tany a school-girl emerges frarn Aen deraic wulls, lull of exuberant life, with pulse bounding high at the thought of the work before her, - no low thoughts, no selfish aims, but "What am 1 to do,' written on every feature and speaking in every soulful glance. To the thoughtful, earliest woman there seems hut very little that she can do, yet she will find it if she looks for if, not in a great worL, which the wyrld appreciates. few women are j called to that, but taking, piece by piece the work whreb lies nearest, and d j ing it well, thoroughly i "In the elder days of art, Builders wrought i with greatest care . P - . J inn r I a nln nnl nn. . ijvi aAal 1. i . r . ' . " r ",,v "" i'-'" "r " fc' see Let m do our fart as well, Iioth the unseen and the Been." ; Do not, I charge you rnowt ar.lernnlr. , return to your homes to become idle toyr, j uons ot laslnon, or mere household ma chines. The teini lady is fast hecomin" i ' i .i . . . . f "b'iletr, it hai been bo utterly disgraced; Infc'U'oniun has a rinir of the. tr i mela : he an e:iropst mnrfn .-lr,r.,l I'm - ' - ' ' .--j-w...., i.i'ui j woman so that of yon it may bo s.iid. us ! inany of old "she hath done what she ' Uam, a,Ml ,et )'ft,,r woman s tct tcnh x i iti i in tv rn nnrT. .i-.nit.j- I . ...... iu j.. u"iiu ii utii. ii oil I v OIK is not done here, somewhere, oh! some where it will wail after us. A wstcd life ! whilt a mouruful, dirge-like sound. W hen the T.nrd nf tin. Ihii-v... ...11 . Nothing hut leaves thev inav be fresh i beautiful laurel wreathinsr vour l,mw hm Stilt a ma . I nothing but leaves ! w.. Go forth then as sister, daughter nr ! r en U'lA. fill ul..l... 1 1 uu iniu nation in your nomr : vour i overtasked, patient, uncomplaining moth j er needs you den, borne to lighten many a bur-; in s;Ir'ncc: vour father needs our gentle ministration to , '. . . . smooth out ihe furrows which the cares of lite have phi r ted thickly ou hi brow, cares for yon in your unscousious iuUncy, in your happy childhood, and with loud pride he sees you blossoming into womanhood, the ornament, the sun light of his home. Read to him, sing to him, hover around him with the thousand mttiistratioiis ot a loving heart, and above all, see to it that his f.ud pride in von t ncrcr receives a rude shock, hut continues - - . .... mabated, till you are claimed to be the ccnire oiauoiner noiuc. Your liule brother aud sister need you; rniir vnni- r. n ...... . A : ... . J J uaausni.-, ui.-IJ'isiiiuil, .i . . . ..' . II ( If.c. a i.. t I . i t- L.n if .. 1... .... ... noiuinr cseanes inese watr itnl lift e ent. ,vr- Ttt IITU IIQ1 UODt! .. 1 1 .1 " f ulr. -J.iv nw tlim. I....J tl...... firinly, kindly, until a wider circle open? lor.ihcm. If yon have grown np brothers, your dtitits increase in dignity and importance; then, indeed, yonl need all your tacf, all thej accomplichnlents which yoa may have acquired, ty make home so pleasant for Ihem that they do not wish to seek thediHunst of infamy and vice, and if they wahder abroad, the fond memories of the home they have left, will never fade aw.iy, will restrain them when about to commit the rash act that will siamp crime on those frauk, ingeneous faces. Think of thej responsibility and tremble. The work is great. Cultivate a talent fr mufic, that is a cord which helps to bind the, family circle together. A simple bal sweetly sung will chain your brother . . i . to your side many a time, when disrepu table associates are waiting with the half dealt cards and the vine bottk between them. i As to the name even of Victoria Wood hull, Claflin $c Co., they will descend to infamy along with Cleopatra, Metsalina, ilejen and others ihe mention of whom biinga the blush of outraged modesty to L a f i every pure woman s lace. j -V oman influence is silent, but none the lets powerful for that ; "Noiselessly as comes the daylight Wheu the nigh: is done;' silently, slowlv and surely, in the sacred precinct of home, her work is done ; 8iieniy n the epnng-time weaves lfs crown of verdure, and the whole earth is glorified at her coming, j And when the work is done, the hum- tJlest, service glorified by I lim who set the task, the "weU done, good and fi.11 h- ftl servant," will fall .weedy and sooth- '57nf ,Wrf"tlC l lh spands of earth. "I have finished the workthou parest me to do. and now, ..ww,,.. , ' i MULATTO KU-KLtpC The Raleigh Era, which ha taken 'opou itaelfu, jjrateot add uilbvldth 'iorM "i-i.6uic.ti ihwij. ;tAveiy, asrers,; n. re ferring thtff Lowry outlawt.r that '-it hai not bveu eb Arf id fhy an v -ot the North kt,rolloa newsiia iters. Lveu those U ho onhtthl ana o-ted the Jvo-Keok, thaflhi outliCws I'cioni: iu euuer nariv. or i iai innir vifiim 1 are confined to one party. Xur thi U n..t trn'o itnt.mont u.l.l-l. ---- l. ! . uoMever, we are wi. ung to place t the iguo- rauc4oi tne wi!tr. li lias beu cliariied 111 have free) v tfiven to the Ltuhlie. ' j- A ffii' iLva aftur tliu f..' 4k...... General in 1 70. 'following close Uiou the jnuMer of Sheritf Kins; and other murders 1... .... T I! 1 aud outrages by the Lwry gang. w called att.-ntioii to the tiflicial . vote of t"S-iitlle-tovvii." which is a lartje 'aud populous vot ing precinct iir Hobeou. inhabited pritieijotl ly by the Lowerys nd their ii4w.thiters. iu which Mr. Phillip received three-fiiurths or four-firths of the whole vote ca?t. TU wa th bel evidence of the political sjrtnp.-itie N'o.v we assert that not a single victim of tie? lutmlitti were members of" the ILidical party. We do not know why this has hoeuthe case, rather as it is to be supposed thilt pluujer than political ends are the objects of thi baud, unless they feured that the imirder of a Wliog lhidicl WfMihl bring upon th m the venj'eanee of the National aud .itate gov meilt. It may be and prohnhl v lr trne that these TfaE JoitlKAL from the time theso- des-nt- gretsioiLl carter h,. hn mi.lJ .VS 1- 11 JT. VAVtH Had.cals aud their victims were Cusena- lion and the Union which m-LL; , r . ni.e rW u utterly live.. -W do.t knmr. and cire' verv little, worth vluer7lt . W' 1 M Ae "V UWi .whether we are el.UM.ed by the Km r" H. Ihl,., ...,0 dil those editors who 4uU Jcfead the LAT' " ''.e old district he so ,,l,cr me, .tui w ,UJ J "iT KuKlnx. We!.avtu.i?V.ui..ul the ori- j "Tj retents. There ha. been no Lrin8 ilr JTritXI 'T J fin on. I outl.4u;beingaUlUdicaU,Kriafa;herfro,n!l,oyi Hill, at hls the fact that tin oartv iu that section of the ; abotlt lb milt's ii,t if k". ..M' . i . nti! cnxV 5 chiefly of the lowest order V1"" " ,UH l,mi ine n:"' w "rgnnize, 'V ' l"! vie f l,"iM'r u'r yc- tuns are Conservatives, for the reason that .... ..I. 1 tl- the substantia! citizens' upon who,,, ih-r ni"iia oaiuralty prey, are alui.ikt eTitirely ot that party. Hut it i, wpially true that if the case was reversed, if tlieontUwa were Con - ot-i ininrj nun meir vicinns ilhq I. l it whole laud would be tilled with the erv of Ku.Klux. The (iovernor would isfcu pk. ... ly pioc!aiii.-.tious ; Colouel-.Iudge Clarke would put on his sword for the fourth time. Hozier and He.'es would organize the mili tia, and the Federal government wool 1 spate some of the troops with which it is now g r risoninsr Sampson. Wake, Rutherford and and Cleveland counties, to sweep such dis loyal Democrats from the co tutry. The skeletons of their murdered victims would be exhibited iu the Halls of Congress and paraded in the great lUdical ceutre of ihe Xor'h. Trom on.-vnd of the Union to the other would the crimes of the.-e l.iuditti be - 1' w vaaw 'Wa o, Ulllll WUII tICH'U I fU . eu. mUrdeniir men for their . pol th ai piu- ions and fr in a hustilitv t the general ennnent As it is. nothing liKikintjto their capture Caldwell or iVesi-leiit tiraut ami puiilrneut lias l-eu done by;. (juveinoi Linade a show d a i;tr fmm l-ave beej t hu-ty iern t I.' i r o . ' '''ix of Samps-.u. Aiaicauo.- tu 'n" ,l,,u l' 11 l" 1!,,ir'1 i,.llllwllT...I I . a I ... ....!... "J ,,,c Kn-Klux ,.f Kobe- 11 ' U. Jl : 1 .. f t!. Au.-ibt electi..,. in e.iJi. t.nv.. " ...! learn dH-inlly with which p:irtv laws atUihiled. Wil. Jnur.hil. ' thee out- ' Ths Oreoasfaoro Coavction. The Con vent ion of the Conservative Domoeratic party which is to assemble at Greensboro on the first of M:t shotihl be roniVMiiited bv deleirates from : . . . i . . ' . . 1 . -. . i . i :cerj vouuiy in incrt:i!e. lliei.oini i nation of a camlidatc for (Jovirnon ami 'for other important State olliei rs, the . . . . .- .t. annunciation of a platform ofprinci- PIC;i' :llul Uu' il,l"l,tl,,n d a plan o or- -gantzatton for the cainpaitv of 1872, A' are some of the important duties whicli will devolve upon the Convention. ,T , , 1 . , . , . . ill.. .1. 1" . .1 1 . u 1 pun ine inanin'r in which uicsc mules are performed, tbe fate of the canvass' will. u a znwt measure, denetnb Tl,.,t :n i ii i ..i i.. Jii.ii cm- i.t we not aim auiv represented at Greensboro, we confi oeiiuv in.-iiee. niuctti wp pxiiea io j.... ill . see such a cathennrjr as has not ascm- l.t, .,1 I ... v..-.i. i:.... r. ." . t "ivii Winn iii .mii in i i i na in,- - c-a i . ... . ..- . e ceci to cc a grand tipping oi me uouoi masses ana a crowiiing to- getber of true Norfli Carolihiaius to , Mil' . meet in council to devise means to put tlie Honest masses and a CrowdinLf to - .... ; our wilv nohtical ad versarv to ctnnoleU' rout and discomfiture and to nl icp the ... .. . . . . - ! lf.lm of St ite in tl... 1, ,...- f i - - . - . i j m ; faithful ........ - ... . v .......... . . Pilots. 1. I lie lUUUCa of ft larC number ofJlir !..( .i;-;i.:.l1 1. 1 most dittn;iii6lied citizens have lieen Mnentioncd in-connection with the Uu- bernatorial nomination. In the ranks of our pirtv, there will he no diflicnltr , ' L i- i ii wiiatcver m finding rcntlemen, who by their talents, hili character, excellent attainments and eminent abilitv would rt i ! m .. confer honor and dignity on the post - tion. of Governor of the State. We shall have the utmost confidence in the deliberations of the Greensboro Convention. Upon whomsoever its choice may fall, we will give" our ar dent, zealous support. That choice, we doubt not, will be triumphantly endors ed by the people of the State on tho T! I....:.. 1 .i y f THE. COXFELMOIATK ARCUIVKS. W. L. Stone, in a recent lecture, said that the Confederate archives were bnrt-d in an unknown spot iu Georgia by David Tilghmaiij who died with the secret ; whereupon Alexander H. Stephens, enpy ing the rift of the stow-in tbe Atlanta . ... .11 . hun, says : "We sec the above statement .1... i. i .t. i i going me. rounas oi tno paper. v e ene it to our leaders as a specimen ol the sensational articles or news of the day, and to sty to them that itbelotiu to that class of news which, in modern times, id (properly characterized by the word ea ; mud.' " neiiiuiKWC tnow gnmctlnng ot the .1 1 1 m Confederato Archives. The Confederate r, 1 . . ... 1 Government was broken up in Charlotte iu April, 1SG5. We eaw prcs;dent Davis and several tuemberi of his (Breckinridge, Iknjamin. Ilr.-an Cabunt (Breckinridge, iJc-.jam.n, Ilrau and nth . I - ff t I. j era) ride out of this City on horseback, j with about a thousand cavalry soldierf . The Adiutant fipneral 1 . char?e of ibe hook and lupers of khe Confederate Covemtnent, and after let- themthis f,rwas "aU tomtve thetn further Suuih. liter were Stored at thfsplace, and when a Division bf thp 1-etleral army occupied this section, the! aid book and archives""" fte ship m! to WabiugtHii. , p We,abore ii a coyrct nccont pi dirpoiitioit fftikf Confederate ar-chivea.4-C7aA fjeinirrttt. The Jl ihuwQton Joum&f. verv fittrn". 1 v u.f. t 11.,-.. . . 1. A "t,c ' " mt, ' -njrress ,rotu either Miction h.11 endeared l.iin. e; UK alf m M..l. .1. I - . 1 v" ' i"e gooa people ol the r,ll,r -onin n$ lias Mr. licck. atructioh nraiutt which hit Lit nnt lin i . , 1 II ri III Cnim A I.:. ... ..... it I ha fouiufwiih sigiul ability and bolduees ; every utovc made by the dominant i.artv I . - .1. . --- -- -.. -IJ to kuioiiate aud punish the rfoutb. Hi's repoit Ui btliM.f of the tniimiity of the Coinniiec upon iLe -tU-gcd disorders in the bomb is one ol the boldest vindica tions .fiour people nn.l section ainst tne ctiargrs prtTeirnl bv the rrnidciit 1 nd his tuinion for partv purposes. HoMicibB in Dl'i-lxx County -Wt- regret, jaysthe ilmington Journal of. the Jotb ult., very much tu learn of au uufrtuiiate atlair that ucrurml in Dunlin! countv. Irmt Vr.l.u.. , wnicn iir. m ilJ'atn Out -iu i,; I I if .1 . . . . I dcutli ai UiO liaud of Dr. (Jallioun Hill Al Vu,,w in the - z- w -vm. m. vu aiin 1 iiir. itiui . about UoVlock of the mornine in nue-- tim, m, I... " ! ! . , . V .T. U . T' V . ? 1 1 , . . f , t . . ,utM ""Wl iU Ur. UllI Kriktn? Mr. Uiitlav.lvvitli ins canu on tlie back fifth neck. The blow wn vcrc and Outlaw will.J tl l 1 i f? ."V1 Nakld oil and pro- : w. . muc ! ll three or fo-ir l.oi.r a, . . auur AS SOOlia-s l)r 1 1 all Iuir.l of Outlaw' dial h ho In. t, r i uiiivuiuivM ur- icnuciixi iiinisfMi ami was taken into tltOtly4. A Writ of hubrtixvuri.ux vt i! then sui-d out, and the put tie all arriv- ea nerciat evening, vlien tliccnc was Iv tt, nur 18 voar, M-a fmind heard Ix-forc J ndge Iluel!, Lt night, l""'Cl near the ". C. i Atlantic H. H.f inchaiibor tl. William A. Allen ap-, a,"t our mile from Ciuhllwruan Sun pearing: ibr the defrnec. day. The p4 hvcltu examiuatiuft It reji!tel in Jr. Hill being lmnd ' "howcl that 17 bui-Unol had entered over itijihe miiu of ,(IMJ for iii, Mp- tholia.-k .f tl.- head. Strong cintini pe;uauoi' at the next term of the .iijk- ,!itii'lt -vidon.v apjntiriiig agtiint the rior Corrt for Duplin county, whicli ' .v's ul" father, one Ste phen IWficld, conveii(s at Kenan-ville, on "the tliird Le M"3:4 arrotM and 1m1m1 in jail. Monday in Max. j 7a. Sn.tinrL i 'JViiL!AS i'jtlAl HI.NC It) t) ant. bot.i have.ol.ce of the l .teexplo.ts of I,., W)bs,i - T!IC folhnvin- dpalcii W:u- nxvivt ethiup, but theyf;,acy," lod CM h ell. and the Sanreine 1 bv u Vctenhv- IU out 'he Ku jC-iint, id regard io th:- if , Ua V , (, r , and Uu!herfo.u.J(;,l A.Mrib!v IV I f'I ' ' ,ersa..d rohhenr!:1 ... "raci ,o. i hrIToi:s M:N'TINKI.: 1 r T 1 the (' J'n , i not Hr : 'ThiUhole hu.-;..t.. f, lu beeiHni,,s:I,,rn,l:ixoX,xt,H,-(,r''nrnanunHliir-to end fjjowit Kiut uu.-r, .r..fouud coo- j rfjy vol. agniu-t temp; ilit cica.ire of an hour h ve f..r . H' " the J1um. lt-dav. peopte li..t luiriorlutie ii i. ta Lei pre-u!, vl i.v l S.v ;l.i-u. Th f.c i tie .ipiein j Coin;, t invi-i i.ui , ami o;te ol lh' in are cotahim-d in i tacy l i IV I, the i i ople ot ih-f. i . .C C'll pi i th.-y !. ir i !.. i rjM-iuiie ii: ; m. i f i e I : l.s 1 1 i:. i ,,; a, j, , '.Liu 1 1 their i. s::ii-. I'he iiy .1 i ckoi.ii. g .11 come, Low crti, l.tH r.topMo- ..i iae ihetn. An able clitori.q iu the KliaU-th Citv !.;.ll.,ltlrf aft, r nj ., , ,,. hi-torie 4l Nonli ( oiolin.. ha- n 1': .,.. j ,:," ntar.v ' mq-r:.-. I iiii'M-rS'e. t. rr. oi:.i .l- ' '.' . !', tlie noli!..- w,.rk of ! v 1 11 o'u " ai'.ii iriun ful hi-tr.rv. s.,1,1!. tin ui. 1 1 I.i i:c i- !r.iii?e. .l;.r .ill ilia! n.illn.n havp Mlticretl aijd rijoyeal, each life i i. w niideVirv L. '.ri I. : . I. , . . .. .. 1 : . i .. : . i . . i pi iiimm. ii)n. ifatii i MraiiL-eii tlian hie. Tl. ne .iivrv i M;lr lu lK? ' M.Ucd Ly the iichl mhii li kliiiieou the- irr- il rIm.iv. I 1 !i- U' M er that i l)io.Miiiiur i. aL the vei O.i 1 day th it make ii into liviiu tM-u- : . ty, hut thi Uer that i fdi... h,.,r. -iu, .... x.m..' - ' 11 lailin ti.-ue ol tin-l iwu ,l .m a!.cr Si.nnp a laning ifr.-ue oi ui.- iiwu ,,i .m ! an'! ,h. lri,,;, of li,at w,'hb. ir r.itiur riptiM into the crave. l;iiin, f,.r jt.:ijh L al.4 mere ht-ar. in lading fmv 1W....I. : u.ou..A. to the c-hihi of (..1. U i. n i ui.. t!,v tveil of lhvin, it change him hot out i i.i. i. i ".VT1 1 V "a'1?-'1 iraiport. it .tnr- on "."...I niui'i.iiicaiiii i.ureii to m rurer ....A. I . n ' r ... ..... i Iiv'hi tlie cpinorw h rl.-ctior.n of aanctitit-d ami . . - - . . .1. ,',fl m.moria!ity. It may iM thn lln.uht m niVKterioun that often the vomij, no- I .... r.. ...i Ile.ivcu. I Jhc-fc th.iht nrc 'i . .u.l l.v the earlv I ( 31 v " !- h i al hal"""r n the Hth ol 1 coniarr. lie wan i ,,c of ilufn,..t fidi n a..mplihe.1 y.H,ne j nu'n Jrth Caminia ha cbinutt. lu hint ! vcrw mtiW .mav? ,f ll? n'1 tlllfV, i lencea ol virion. ..4 ai.d exemplar rharar ter. : Hi uu,i hc.hh pr,.pt,d a viii thi-winter t to the milder t-iiiu. ue of i-'l ri.ia. After a li.rt j "jouri. al;Ju -ks..iivillr, it ws wo plain that hi diaea wa beyoud l and liU tJile yiMing life wa-t ita e ciiwe. The lat' now wa lo reach home and mother before the hour. I.cuvi t yf J.-k kvnriile .n Sunday the 11th of lVbru.irr he reached IUlMirv. run. h exhatited, wo Vedne-lay 14i!i, at o. wn-k, 1'. M., waa la.rne to hi Lome, and there in the presence of hvel one he gently, peaeefidiy en- ' ierei ine soil "inji ol ileatli. r or a e3Mn, du- j ring hu ijlne, he autJeml mint anxiety mho.,! hit iiH.iiitiiioiis ciirine iiiai ne Knew aa luar, Inn Le iriv.. earue-l iil ta the et h-- fwn- ot I'ajih aad Hop.-in our 1 alhvr's pn-ciu.m won!, and rcecieiut: the ('nniuiuicin in Jii k inrillr, he wn free Yimi the lore oftJie world and all axi. ly r the future. I'Liauiiful he Laut have ix en in death, viih his fair Ifo- nnu cla-pin- the hite hyaduthit and gvraifiiini k.-tvc- :!ic f.;ruie-r expreive of 1 1 J ' mail jimi inir i.uu-1 111 me ira- 1 grant i.utn of I.i. l,v, v -inrit. Tlirurh Vd 1.1... 1 - .. . . . ... u.e pnnij ol heart an.i ihe hitter of the fra- ii... 1... j- . t 1 1 . iiw ne- iiM-n irurn ine !'.vtn lovinz Kon, u it ool well that he h m p:twed to en-lie ret and at.tare hf .re the toil ar.d Uirdn. of thin Rtnifin,' life hnd V r.lelv Lri.'.il.'.nl the j trariq.iiiitv of hi a.n.1 ? ILi lie" not won the ' !et of afi B:ico-a .ii re he al.ed beantv and ! pw-a4irv n !i amniiJ him, drew to li.trw lf ; ithe UudeTcrt oh.Uaof ,tee:u and lve, cave , to toe on.J ex.uu1.Ic of the .Curacy of IU- deaipti. ir-si.d f..u...l t l.i.t an abndai.t r j ,nu,rt' !,nl r lar"1 n!i, rc .Sw.r had prepare.! Wi intiuitelr t.appr heme ? ! To hi Lreavcd r..othcr brothen. and -Utcra 1 ,et mc M ' ' upon roar rirtliiy Lome TT . . i . I . . ... - . U MllUiL ,nfcj tl;0 Um IV mi- I .....I. , ... J UV 1U.1 -JI ! j M,h -filter In a Utter home ; ' Vour doe ttld i the tr- of life; -hrd w rinainir ith .liirht. P"HJ "fr.pture j fej fft' bifc; nT i:1!;; u , nt hard ItdiP,; uy,; , v 1 T6? I"1 W l hlc-.M.d 0,r tl-e.'1 iiw ... i . i ; r . . ... . '."ii..- , ,- , . , t A DY ERTIS EM EXT. ) the rWiM Walkman" ' 1 I hart just had my attra lipn called to a Jcttrr mrponinj to hare hero written ami Mgne ! Lr H. h. Helpt-r, and peb-lUIu-d in vour natur of rMi -. ;.t- . .. ; nicu concerning iart-!f. I to mt, U-U-flr thst m, f-,r fT .1,1 .:.. PronaI to me thev m okAamlnz the of&re of Aamr vf .1 r.c IiMrkt, N. which 1 dechawd to fita. . When I ra um ink ihw Supervmt( 4. trict, I had never, to my Viowled, fkca tc o had any cotntucn'rallun whaterrr with Mf. lVwt t,r any uhrr ii.liabitatiU 4 rfthrr 'North orSojh Camfioi. The ofBee of KiiperTl, 0f lnernal lterenue vh never xJiriied hv me; u U.e ( rarr when im lem'errd to ao I did not a.p hut ihx!iued it ; hot ih r,..., i.n r rutMd lue to cxrWdcr tbe uaiu-r, mh4 prcn--d to Irare it oi-n Ar , ww I1"i,,K lh ,K1 1 m'?ht r be t!i In r'y , a fwart of mio he JUiactI, ",.u" tl"t xh ",UrT r Unrrsw was to L K-ux' M Su" os r-ui u r..,t ofw iSlaUMlMmi. Af. i.iu u vum;.,,. v, i- ' i ... . j I.ani3.n. Jrnr ;. Illalr and hrr, U tor f u.i. L . ' "IL. Ill i1 .r;-.;mmrolj it w wilW ur krMVuXe j have di -charred il, rtntvf rjr. i j m msmmmi V? ,u,,htf "J ataity, and, a ,"Vr w.t aire wtiafcttio. "V--l Mr, had no unplea am riMK.M wun uvm ntjci i! rer or ti-f- r id a ;Iiau tlnt UM'idtrut u a cihim. iei.uvua ili-rharire of n v oflicial dntic.aitd I hrl'ieve thev will all Kear ! lhK.fiy I., the miifcrm faimeM ana omruy iOi ikt. ihee Ua x9 wrirn treated hy me. I hae KMiht to du inr and . ,jL. , I.. , L:;7 ' 7 rrfAflr norr. tl.c Mat.imtiu tx-rttairn-d in thi. !nr ; .- - - r - i wiu ii int urrinniic tbai ,ir,n- " tr a thiv ix:icetri mrKrlf r,- ooiiceir mrnrlf re etitireJr r I W. rKUHY. T,,c Im(1 uf : ''oml lov namM I M i i ;t a x t t Tu i: a m T ilk d tins. -d Mr. I-:u-iis resolution prjKeing a unl- .;. nJdiuL 1 !io v-t d'a -jt' tc cotton facto ry, will, a e.ij.aejv of two thousand yard ot 1 ta!i!..rd bi'.-lii.j per day. i. h; a.i.l t. tliif $-i,MHf dtp. tab i be tola! h klv eot f ni li ning nrh an esiabii-liment i $l,2.'Ji; total revijd-, iltVl leaving a pro fit oi'jiis ht xut I, orl:;,l' icr yertr. m !ii h j. :,:', -'. p r ix-ut on the inve-tiiu nt. IHKi): In ll.I- :. a. Vo!ihUt evettiuf. ALUay I II!. M.n cf Mr. . II. Wiley, aged Louli MA Hit I HI) : IVI.niarr J'lh. 1?C Lr J. In tli. Tlnf!J.ll A. l.wrlv. Ivj , M. Jacob anJ Mi- Marjani 1 At the rcM ii'v of thr lridr' father. r a T . Win. iu--irr. Kianklin I ' . IVnn, lr tl.c lir. ' '1. Wut-v, ihr 'J7il ol 1 i-i run, 172, lr. l r.nk K . 1'Iu...t. cr. ,.i s-,!.J;fr. N.r, msnl : i lw l ntu-. tilv iiju.-liirr a Mr. u.iuai , nt'pkiii, K.rnu riy oi ir- n.'i . ' . ! c cxi' n I our cir-t.iiJiin..-to Mir joitif . '. ,.!.. w . .1. i ..t . -. t .j.i.1 . Kit., m ma m .urtiV home iti, h bri h. . KU . I KUTIKKM KNTS. o: i .r r. i it it t -B mm. -rm. AtX White Goods, Emhroidries, &c. AHMSTR(JG, CATOR & CO IMroilTKR. MAM I A(TTUUt JCKlBLlUL l!ll..tT,TI!ll!l!!.G..ErKA.DS.Sll RIBBONS. VELVET RI3B0NS, WECK TIES, Ennc: Silks, Zzx, Veixcu zzi Crapes, Flowrra. ffalbrfi. Crtanrtli. Fraat, if. jsntwv I'.n.w!::- and ladies and t ll I i.i 'i;r. ii.ii Ti:tWM! l t Kti:t tl. Ai.'i in cuiii.tiii' W ur.-roooi ' "illTf COriDl ElBSOIDEUtS. lacks. Ni-rrs. COLLARS. :ITS. IIANIiKEHCHIKFS. VLILIML 11KA1) NKTS. At.. IT- 2:7 zzi 223 Zaltinre rs Baltimore, Mil TM : 1 .ire L-r.Li twn l 1V . J.. fr(Vh dlneth from the Lun.j-a -nr"an.,.n. f,n Maniifaettir. r. etal.; in- the ltc4 ixiilli'-s. unen-allel ia ranetv i .1 . I. .u,:i- - :l. .ii. r Uxxik.t. ' r,l"" CTU1 w is'' ,Jr'- I'fmptne n iir.l. 1. f!T. it ii1i !'. . . .in i ! r.- j.Dl d,jatrh. CHOICE CLOVEK UU UZ ZU m In-UMMYiiMif 1. tr frr,m all trmibksome wird. kcUl by i.e .Xai jdge ,.f rlaver Seed hvinS. . VorherwithafichstGAUnKN I KKlS ol every kir,d ; all which mJ luul K. BILL'S lri?r Store. io, Mirrhtth 2j:it ? re are uWhood I .41 111! tVin- r)u-iU ti m . . - ' COPV. A. U M 1 I . . --. - -.

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