(Mitta tUatdjwan local Aim statu xTzszas. SALISBURY MARKET. . I March 15. COTTON 20 a 20. CORN 80 a 83. . i'tOtTV-4..50 4.T5. SlEAL 88 a 00 JUCQN (oew,)l jHyTA.TOESIrih, frood, $1. Sweet, fl. . APPUS-tf:en, $1.29 fc(HM-15 a 16. I DLTTEK 20 25. CHICKENS $2.50 a $3 per doz. j liKET per quarter, 0 a 8. FEAEHKUS new, 50. I TALLOW-8 a 10. ! UEESWAY-28 a 30. !VK-;80a85 YORK, March 11 Cotton is-dull rnlina 221, Orleans 22 L Orn, G3(&G9. ,l Ett Fii TrarnV. Mar. 11-Cottoa 2U. TJVEUI'OOL, 3Ur. 11 Cotton, Uplands, Orlcansl!.. 31" " Willi-.! paid It doting parent, at the! hruklst table to; an abridged edition of himself, and wbi had-just entered the graiumer cla-s at w liirh acltrml, Willir 1 mv dr-ir. will vm! pat I he butter! -Vriiirnfiiiv: tliir vihitiir. jittirr ith a emu m on thubthnn- PlTEWT LIGHTNING : l patlic! an tnkthr me lo live, ueuter gender, agreeth with hot buck . . r j j i i wueal canein, auq uir goverueu uy tuugar WVtbUV SPECIAL NOTICES. jSirpep Extra Spring Steel, Warranted Refined. I EBEN MOODY BOYNTON, I so mhhivian stujcct, new "-To- J'! i ' -Not 27, 1S66: Jnly 23, 18C7 ; Jan. 14, 14, 1S63; July 27, 1869. A large lot of Crockery and Glass Ware1 wilt U old V Burk & Coffin's auction room on Friday and Saturday of Inaect Stuigs, Croup, pywatei?, Cohc, 8 auction ' ' i . and Vomiting, quicker than Dr; Towa -this week tf an Liniment, esUblished in 1847. Nevs ;b Eobt. and Andrew Murphy are . now open'mi a new stojek of goodi in the tl. room .1. wet rf fi- grocery. Tbty A. Uingbam a i j familf grocery, Tutj are experience business men., and their, old, customers will doubtless ber glad to hear of their return to the mercantile. business. 3rematnre Lbs of the Hair, mar be entirely preTented ty the ne of Burnett's Coeoaine. It has nerer failed lo arrest decay, a. - a . m T - a ft and to promote a neauny ana vigorous jfrowm. It U at the lane iuu unnTiieu ma a u resting for the hair. J ' Cast Them Out. If there any diseases which deserve the name demoniac, Drpia is one of them, i It racks and tears the system like a veritable fiend, and renders life a burden. The medicines of dispensary will not expel it. Cast it out with Dm Walker'a Vegetable Bitter. There is no form of indigestion or liver com- plaint that can withstand this potent tonic and alterative. 1 ' - ' XI o ladles Toilet Complete Unless there be the fragrant Soxodont unto the breath sweet odors it: imparts, the gums a ruby.redness soon assumes.1 the teeth Quick lira! alabaster tint, and seent as perls set in a coral vase. 850.000 Will be Paid for any Berne- f wnicu wiu cure nronic jiiuiuaiiiii, i uaum in the Llmbfi, Back and Chest, Sore Throat, sprains i Vene tian Liniment esUbhshed in 1847. ever fails. 8oId by the Druggists. Depot 10 Park Place. New York. i; Carbolic Salve, 'recommended by the leading Physicians and the President of the New York Board of Health, as the most won derful Healing compound ever known. Gives instant relief to burn, cures all kinds or sores, cuts and wounds: and a moat invaluable salve !L o Kot One Failed in 20,000. FRESH GARDEN SEEDS ! JUST SKCEIVED AT TIP. F. KLCTTZ & COTS. Urug Store. .T7W ,VS,. ..-jWlffk The lev Year findtbeLTGHTTCIXG 8AW8 uaiversalty acknowledged to leadtlie Ameri kan market. Xo manufacturer of 8aws has dared to uuet-tion or uublicly tevi at the Aaier- kaa iimtitute, orotberwk-e.Uie saattei ofsope Es7A fine assortment, includine some ds 5irallq Novelties. Fiirs do not troa- of thistles,' nor can good vetfctables be raW-d from inferior or old weds. Anurcciatinff viawi- i . m riorityofthe Utest improved Saws. Tke 1500 t"" tact, re have "pared no pains to procure cuailensr lor eiDenses oi coni I w,,Jt " rr uiu net huh e swim. - - - I . I .... -M wnicn we can conscientiously couimenu to our cuHtoment.. We would call special attention to the THE TEEM AINE Piano Fortes are acknowled by all who bare the in lu. u, and by the Ttr$t ITncaX Tahmt, to be equal and in many rewtti, Re" Re Re . Radway's Ready Beliel Superior to any Manufactured ITiry cowSiee Xm mmse Pover, Equably Scttnt3 and Brilliancy of Ttme, Elasticity cf Touch, and Jnat Durability.. craved on the saw, The large increase of the business has com pelled ieate of No. 80 Beekntaa ktreet, and ar rangemenU for the mauuiacture of nvt tbnsaad LlGUTNINti CroacoU per. month, anahoi to hi h to All all orders uromptlv. The rapuly baa been oneqnai to tue cemana LIGHT German Wax Bean, of the LIGHTNING BUCK M W, bat hereafter I will endeavor to keep a stock on ban J. The saieof sereal dozen of tbe.abote mentioned Saws causes belief tbst they aie the best LUdes In the market.' All Lightning Taws are indel ihly etched with my name, the Cross-Cuts with directions for Sling, eking. Ac. ,r Each Lightning tfaw will coil and touch ends uninjured. Kot one in twenty thousand has Droved imperfect, so thorough is the Inspection of theoe regular goods; but, for the beaefit of pointed in the result. such unMHea wu ei.""f.Vw, T1IEO. F. KLUTTZ A ementoi dun as a stringlesa and moMt desirable kind. The Trophy Tomato now suqwiiiece all others in size ana quality. ' Breeses King of Earliest is now tki Irih Potato, producing 400, buohels to. the acre. tTCl or send for a Garden Manual, make out your Seed order, then bay of I Kluttxd; Ck, and you will not be dLtaD- be inserted to order. Since eaiare space, one year ago. no cobj plaint of clogging has 1een received. The Lightning Saw are equally adapted for small and large timber, soft or hard wood, bat soft timber requires it to be set wider. Lightning feaws aie aU net and ftkatptLed reed j C6' Druggists and Be-d Dealers, fUlUbunr. N. C, P.S. "We will jre-yay postage on all seeds oruereu ly mail. ahtx for ail nnrnoM. Sold everywhere at Zd cents. I , .... .M two .Mm thinner on Lack. Tl. v n.r ml Pmnrictor. 8 Holleva Place. 1 " f Vw A miiriN 1ktivtt Taut BciUio.Sov. 4. 18Tt. Dealers, Teachers aud others deairingto ptrchaae a firRt-class lnstrumentare invited to examine these Pianos before making he ir selections elsewhere. PATENT AGRAFFE ffHEBLEt Together with all modern 1 approvement. The moat thoroughly seasoned timber the market af- fords Is selected, regardless of cot, as we feel . aasured It will be the cheapest in the end. The great Increase in the sale of our Instrn ments. has enabled us to reduce our prices for i First Class Pianos, from ten to twenty -fire per cent, lets thin any other house (offering the ' Thkhovnlon Saw.r-TixU new iurention, advertised in another plaeer will ajrrest the aUentiod of all who are any way in.Ll in mechanical pursuits. We have Jeen no new thing whoae excellen- cies hare been so confidently asserted. li.Jeel some of the statements made concerning this saw are really marvelous. lldt of one thing we thiuk thcrs can be New York,' SraPnia is Opium purified of its sickening and poisonous properties, discovered by Dr. Bigelow, Professor of Botany, Detroit Medical College. A moat perfect anodyne and soothing opiate. John Farr, Chemwt, New York. Chris tadoro's Sair Ore u the safest and beat. - It porrecu the bad effects of inferior dyea, white the black or brown tints it produces j..;..-t i .1 ca ir.: are lueuucai w iiaiurc iwivm vo iuuiu Lane, New York. Pratt't Astral OIL Safest and beat K luminaling Oil erer made. Dote not take fire or explode, if the lamp is unset or broken. rf-v" a r S AAA II? - a! a la 1 ,wdobt, end that is, that the Boynton L, ny description haveoccurred from saw i a most decided improvement en I it. Oil House of Charles Pratt established 1770, lie old V topthed saw; and that, we be- ' 1 ! a " . . n i t nti- 'V - 1 I SJIk VnMit inil S(Mt Onil I,iw (hi in liete.'f a tho height of the claim set up the worId w Hazrard ifc Caswel made on the bV the manufacturer. sea-shore, from fresh select ed livers, by Caswell, ' y I , . . Hazard & Col New York. It is absolutely pure A six foot cross cut aaw ot uoynwn i nd ,weeU patienU who have once taken it make tr now on exhibition at Crawford prefer it to all others.! Physicians have decided & Ilellig'e Hardware Store. These gen- jt-peor toany of the other oils i. the mar- tlftnef will supply ordere for any. size Joovln't Inodorous Kid Glove Cleaner re or kind with which they may be faTored. stores soiled gloves equal to new. For sate by AfiiggiBi" snu rancy vouua Asrsicrs. ir rice cents per bottle, b. V. N ells & Lo., ISew xork. TJLisleT'e ftPhllotoken i an established, warranted retaeriy for Painful Menstruation; -nnd cquallj ellicient an a Nervous Antidote in all enxes of Nervous Excitement, stomach and SleeplesHnecs tn male : or female. Sold every where for.!l;D0 a Wttle. Mjrgan'& Kislcy, Druggist, Nciir York, General Agents. A louthfal Appearance anda Beautiful, Clear Complexion tjie desire of everybody. This efl'ect i protluccd by using O. W. Laird's "Bloom of Youth,"ra parinless beautifier of the itkin. Will remove all Discoloration, iTan, Freckles and Sunburn?. The nae of this de lightful toilet!' preparation cannot be detected. proportion 1 l'ur sa'e hy alt the Dniggist and Fancy Goods i.'i'uierii, i-ejoi, t uuiif; jtw j.oi k. Mrs. Wiuslow's Soethiag Syiup. It relieves the little sufTerer fromfpatn, cures Wind Colic, Liegiilate the; htomach and Bowels, Corrects Aciditv, and during the process of teething it is invaluable, rertectly sale in all cases, as mil lions of mothers can testify. ' E. M. BoTKTOjr, m Beekman New iotk sir: j nisccmnes rmw wwmjviwv.. Saw worked by band, ny two mea and saw cut offa sound 8x9 inch ehesnetlog inS 4 seeeads; and 16 cits of aame, continuously, iu two ninntes and 18 seconds, or at tU rate of a cord of wood ia lees thaa aine mi antes. I am satisfied that for all purposes ofcroasuttiag large and small timber, your cross-tut and wood saws have no rival in speed, in ease and in simplicity. ...... I be iere their universal use would save a vart amount of money and tiaie. end t'fhtea the toil of mtfttnna lt mM BLAKE, muuons oi men. pperlntndent and Engineer. .American InOitule Fair. - vLaJthese extreme testa are quoted merely to prove what nould be obvious that direct catting is better than the old V fricthn process used by all other xaws. U6nei hardware men will procure the genuine for their customers, even If they are overstocked witb Inferior tooda. but where thy do not keep tbem, atent are wanted. N eMillioas of axes are used for cutting wood: a Lightning Crona-Tut Saw, either for one nuinor for two. will eut five times a fast as aa axe. Why not try tbem ? Alo, Lightning Ice Saws, 4 to 6 feet long, soluble lor general use. See that the name and warrant are ou each w. j E. M. BO YNTOX, Sole Proprietor and Manufacturer. New York. "While we act upoa the maxim of "quick sales and small pro&taT we make It, at the same time, a special object to faraish ear caatotners with lastranienU la no way inferior to the best ! CONGIIESSIONAL NEWS. '! "NVisiiiNQToN. March 1 lth-rHouse. TlJe Speaker ahnounced as the select comiiittee on the charges against the Seopfnry of the Navy, Messrs. Blair, of Mi;higan, Sargent, Peters, Voorhees and Warren. j Gtz oflVretl a rcsoUition jn!tmcttng the Committee on Wjiya and Means to ort on the propriety it abolishing unpos ing taxes on the States in to potmlation. Agrei'tl to I A nlunhot of amnesty bills were fentel and passctl.hy iinaniinpns ;on- Kent and without being read. reoo nit ii Clover and Grass Seedsll1)1-1081 FRESH and at IWest price. At THEO. F. KLUTTZ & COU 80:tf Drug Store. I R. W. Puce. - T.J. Pmica. PHIOB&BRO. - THEIIl ' - .. t FAMILY GROCERY STORE TO JENKIN'S CORNER, Where they will continue to Sell Floor. Meal, Fresh Meats. Bacon. Lard. Butter. Cures the worst pains la froxa UXS To TWeTTTT MtXCTKa. N tine hoar after reading this adrerUKCnirial i.v-d auy oue suffer w ith TAIN. a care fur every Pain. It was the first ai4 nfv Pain Kerned j that intantlvstps thebHt excrucuittr.g paiu, a la s Incarnations, aid enres t,ongertxna,whethrr of the lusra, alou acn. iMiwru r oUier Kianda or orraira bv uu - appTicatkin, in from i.ne to twenty minutes. t- matter how rkdrnt or rterriating the pain KneuuiatK-, Hcdj-iOden. Icbran, Cn spied. Art vou, Nruraigie or pnt rated with iIim-i ma v sufTrr. KADWATa UKJtDT UKL1EP will afford instant ea. Inflammation of the KiAatyt KatMfMo Ut WtUIirr. Inflatmmdtio of tic LtmUt, Cotnrrtiom f (V ,. Sort Throat, lhjT.cmlt brttiitmf. rolptUUo of tki llrmt t. Hf$terir, crimp, iKptkrr, Cbiarva, hfmem-r. lira Jar kft Twlkmrkft AVwraJy, IZknmmlii . QJJ CISU, Ay CluVa. The applirvtiwu of the Ecaii Jtthtf to tl. part or parts wtere the pain or difficulty eii4 -will affurd eaM and rwaatort. Tw enty dmp in a half a tumble m water w '1 in afi-w niftncM rcre crump, rjmrmt. mr sSowKve, aewv$awvw, eves axla, efia . f jrrw tcrg, rwWie, riao in tie Wrc l. 4 el i Irfae pairnt. Travelers sboald always rarrj a leCie -f Kadwaja lldf Urlr with Iheanwi A.frw drops In water wtil prevent sscaaeaeee jan from change of water. It la better thaa FfCh Brandy or titters as a aUsQilaBU ' rereraad Ante. S Fever and Ague cared for tfy eta. Than U net a remedial arret la this world thai wi l rare Frrer and Ague and aU wLhar UaUrWwa. Btliowa, Scarlet, Typhoid. Tellowani otter -vers (sided by X'iry'f I2) e fukh.a "Kad way's CeaJy KeUei." nay ceaU pet V lie. ! in the market. Many famll ies have had a deshw to obtain a Piano, but could not afford te pay the dealer a profit of front $100 to $300, aeitherdothey wish I U purchase a cheap made iaitramcnt, that Eggs. Coffee. Teas. Sugar. Salt. Pickles. Mo- would cost more to keep in repair than it U lasses, &c . together with a large and varied stock of household and table necessities. Bring- your country produce to PRICE (c BRO. (I7:tf) HEALTH I BEAUTY!! Strong and pure rick Blood Imcrrost j lck amd Blood Clear SUndlicau tiful Cumylcritt ccmrtd le alL I) XL SarsapariUIan BcsolTcnt II as made Ue mot atfoauking CWv-S ; y quick, to rapid art tie ckanpet ike tody underooc$t under tke infmenee tin truly Wonderful Medicine, that EVERY DAY AX INCREASE FLE8H AND WEIGHT 13 SEEX AXD KELT. pre- 1X)I()NEI) TO DKATIt. A hcaltliy liver tecretes each day about two and a half pounds of bile, winch contain a grt amount of waste material taken from the blood ' ! When the liver becomes torpid or con gested it fail to eliminate this'vawt amount of nxioin substance, which, therefore remains to pin the blood and be conveyed to everv part ef the syptenh What muit be the condition o tits blood when it ik recuiving and retaining each dav two and a half iniunds of uoison ? Na ture tries to work off this poinon through other clianurs and orcans theitidners, lungHi skin, .etc.; but theso organs become overtaxed in per . forniiiig thia labor, in addition to their natural functions, and cannot long withstand the pres sure, hkit become variously diseased. ? s Tli brain, which is the! great electrical cen- u V,,ew"VP ;rjrepfIVviUlity,l. undu j stimulated by the SfSS aaleaflhy UooY which i4es to it from the o check it m th E. M. Boyuton's Lightning One man Cross cut, for cutting Wood, Joists, Log slid Timber, ond ss w- ing down trees. Complete, ready for use. Trice, So 00 lor four leet Larger saws msoe o oruer. Millions or Axesare in use, wlieie, iy using tins av, nan ilc nine wuuiu ue aiu, uu - . fuel occur VAUABLE Stock Horse For Sale. The undersigned will sell his valuable young ORANGE BOY, for $325. This horse is now in hi prime. lie ha served several seasons, nnd Ins colts are deculodly fiut. The underpinned find it inconvenient to keep him, and hence offers him lor sale. 11 is pcuifiree is uijfiiit resjieciame unu nis own merits leyou(l uestion. Persons wishing to purchase u stock hurse are invited to call and mm hi in 1' tuiluii vct of Salishury. M. W. GOODMAN. Jan. 24, 172.' f llhotrnd worth, hence a large clause! our music loving people hare teen obliged to do without. We can furnish New Seven-Octave Piano i Fortes from 378 to 950 dollars. Second band Pianostrom 40 to 250 dollars. L"7 Parties ordering by mail may rely upon the best aelef liou. Our Pianos are fully warranted for ix years Descriptive Circnlar sent to all parts of the country upon application. Tremaine & Brother, 5 MANUFACTURERS. Broome Street, Z7ew York. C. M 43S WHAT DYSPEPSIA MAY END IN. Indigestion is not dangerous, ray the faculty, Per hap not in itself, while it remains mere in digestion; but look at the consequences to which it may lend, and often does lead when it becomes a chronic disease. A spark of fire is a small thing. A pressure of (lie foot will put it out; a bfeath will extinguish lit. Yet h may fire a powder mill, or kindle a flame that will consume a city. In like manner indigestion may, pro duce gastritis, cancer of the stomach, congestion of the bowel, apoplexy, liver disease, and many maladies. Is it not wise, tnen, the germ ? Nothing is more clear- AtTCTHOH II ItHmrrm J lk IIUlll IllC I a .is i a a a 7i , ? ww keart Wnd U fails to perJorm its office heathful- J inaMpaiaoiy esiaoiisn ea uian mat noe i . v r .... . . 1 tttira Stomach RiHra will mlmti ri venenata 'i i,. K . . I in all its staMa. Tlie troe nolicv. however, u to extinguish it in the first atases with this whole some, powerful, and infallible tonic and altera tive. It u easier to quench a spark than aflame. and it ia easier to cure'dyspepaia when it is first developed, than when it has made headway by neglect, and lecome complicated with other ail ments. Theie is not the sliadow of a doubt that the bitters are as directly antagonistic to dyspep sia as water is to fire. There are thousands of cases on lecord proving this fact. The remedy Is safe and agreeable. A II the liquors of commerce pre scribed aa stimnlanU leave a sting behind; But which are dullness, headache, incapacity to keep .- tow umih on mny nuojeci, impairiueui oi raemo- yy, disy, sleepy, or nervous feelings, gloomjf : foreboding and irritability of temper.? The UtodittelJ being diseased !as it forms the sweat ponvf tbf surface of the skin, it in so irritating i' . and poisonous th.it-it produces discorlored brow n i . SPOtsJ pimples, Wotdioa,jind,;othekeruptions j jorea,! boils, carbuncles and scrofulous tumors. Why Use the Lightning: Saw I Because the fastest is the cheapest, IF SIMPLE. . As it ca five hundred or n.oie dollars lorthe labor that wears out the cross-cat ta w. a saving otoue fifth by speed and ease of an Improved saw sares tbe cot of a dozen. The only' difficulty Las been k. ,n..L-ill fl men nesrlect to sborteu anv clemine teeth or iel, if-ronIU sted. These patent teeth are all oi one length aud no snorumg leunea auu cut iw:e as ia cv"""uu Therehaveheen many devices for clearer teeth, bat no other patent cuttingteeth for cross rutting but iiuicn Whvsbould a saw tooth be in an indirect iasid V, riumit over tl.e tin.Ler, wben, if tlte outside edges be projected aud points double with one dres of set. a dnect tutting acd clearing is substituted 1 't rue, it will require belter steel and harder tempering- for a cutting saw, but do you buy B poor tool of any other description, or use a lougb ra to sharpen joui penknife? Note carelul i. thM i'tnt Ontteis. how different froni snv other taw : 1st. Double pointed, with nauss ako bet for two points en ow side at kerf, snd next tao re versed cut on other side. Sud. One point behind the other, consequently cts and clesrsonly with outside edgts. oMsi.tcut to gttage out. If one point of M tooth was set one way and oue the otl-er, the slant woald ride and t: a... .l.A.Ak1i. 3d. CUU at a direct or opposite angle to the old V too'h aaw, beneath sll sawdust, is a plow instead ef a? harrow. 4th. Are edged with an oil stone, after filing teeth. 5th. These are the only patent direct cutting and clearing teeth known, for erot cutting saws; eat faster, easier than any other, and are,, with present form, as simple to sharpen as the old tooth, sb U 1 1 BOVNTOJf'S PATEUT X1GUTIVIIVG SAW. 1M) Commission Merchants, At the Sign of the Red Flag, MERONEY'S OLD STAND, MAIN STKfchT ' SALISBURY, N. C. j. a. bcrkk. J. . cormt. fQOrdeis and consignments respectfully so- licted. tieST Auction sales every balurday and public days. Oh! Yes Oh! Yes Oh ! Yes THE BDRDETT Combination ORGAN. ( With Carpenter and Burdett't Xctc thk obcat blood rirtinxa.' Every drop of the 8axapahlliaa- Kesslvarl coniraunU-atesltrouth tbe blood, i a eat, urib and otter Quids and Juices of the system tb vigor of life, lor it repairs the wasta M toe May with new and soul.4 material, scrofula, eypli lis, consumption, glai.du!arcWaea a Were ib tbe tbr. at, mouth, temora, nodes rn the giamU and other part of the yalem, acre eyes, sUu morous dis hargt s from the ears, aud the wuia forms of skiu diM-aies, eruptions, fevers, sore, scald heod, ring worm, salt rbeum, erysipels . ache, black spots, worms in the Crab, tawce-1 in the woumb, aud all weakening and psisit I di-harces. night sweats. Ii.ivs el penn sad l I wastes of the life 1'ntidplt, are within the e -ative range f this wonder of Modern Chervi t rr.and a few day' use w ill prove to any p f son wihing it fr cither ! these form I of d". ea-e it j lent j-w-r to cure Uk'Tti. ll the p.iticnt. daily b- oruitg reduced by ll wa-tes nnd dt'con.TNiR'tie.n tbat is coctiaua! ! progTesMiig.srat -et-dNin arre stirgjhew warti . ' n:ulrei:iir the miuc with new DiaU-rial Uia fr.nn Lealtli blsl and tl. in the Sarseparill : .will and does set are a cure is-certain; I j wheu tliif reii.eily c'Uin. t-es its wort t punfira'ion. ur.d snct-er diuiinlieg Ho loss l w tu , its repair w ill btr ra;d,-ejd e -er- dsy i he patieM w ill f-el bimscJf growiLt -hotter siid strtmpei. the ld digest'.tg bett. . nppetite itnproxing sud lies band weight ii crr-sMi.p t n i v i1h lLe.araparUiiaJi i -solvent excel all know n rrnx-Jial sgefits in ll enre i.f Chnmic. Kenifiou.('unktitctJoTial s - I Slin diea-e ; but it i tlie ul V po.itiTe rn for hllDNKV d: UL.liM:U liOMPLaiail . I 'rinary and w oui"b di a-s, giavel, diabeU . dwpy, stoppage of a ater.inc.Ttlnenceof erii . . Uright's di-ea-r. Albontincvia. and ha all ca where there are biiik dost dipu4U,or the teris thirl, c'ocdy, miied with substances HI the white fan egg. or threads like white silL or there is a iitorttd. daik, bilious appewranr and white btDe-dut drjKiU, and when th in apncktng. cunacg etsaiioo wnen passu Improvements.) The disagreeable reedy tone entirely over water, ai d pain iu the Mual I of the Week st 1 j along the lmua. Having fallen beck to a better toaition and reinforced by forming a coiartnership with Jxo. M. Cokfin, who has been long and favor- ablv known in the Mercantile community I would resiwrtfullv return my thanks to the public renerallv. and solicit-a continuance their psUronage to tlie new'Frrni ; with the as surance that we will do all we can to satisfy all who may have anything to sell or buy. J. K. BURKE. January 1872. N. B. I will continue to attend to the sell come In this Instrument. The Ttriicl UCiiiinciV. The Crralrt Sorrruiflie lge ! ! TJe rkillcne Ike Verld le Equal Ul! w , And cordially inriU tke profe$tion, dealer i 1 bf stomaciij veweis and: other organs spoken ff, cannot .escape; becoming affected sooner Or aferJand ti veness. pilesdrontv. dvsoenaia. uiarrliOa.' franaiai ntiliimr''.iiil mini ril furmaTrif rhrnnli .V-' 'n,K;irt, a-l I the sting is taken out of the WV'jjeseka. As a renied for all tU v,rin.i. hu V remedy by vegetable , "mshilsUtionB of disease,! Dr. Pierce's Golden : "Medical Discovery is positive! v uneaualed. Bv it tiiei liver and sromach are changed' to an ao i . r T t "hhy, state, the sppctite regulated and restored, the tfood and secretions thoroughly iHirified ; and enriched, and the whole svstem rehofated and built up anew. Sold by all first . Waaajdrugguta. . . j t In erenr Quarter ol the Olobe where : jt is known, and there are few indeed when ii ; ienoC the AlKXiCAvMcsTAXoIiMEMTUkes presedence of all similar preparations. Its ki. mm, mhmim several rrt ft vantaires ovir the s orient V tooth, which has hitlielto Men lelied oa, especially In" cross-cut saws, the strength, stillness and durability of thee"UeVh. snd H eir capacity J n of any kind of property in the country for for deep gumming are so obvious that we will only name four other points of coups ri.on, vis: Speed, j Administrators and others when notified in time. ease, simplicity and perfect clearance. . w . . , tf:18 - HKISlll Mc Uki orowirj sua nw caw ubi; vu kji . w ik.u. . feetire than, ta back, or retreating cut These teeth, with their opposite cutting fares, cutting in line. DR. IIADWAT'3 Prpfrct Purgative PilU, perfectly tae!e e !rj t!'j rr-ste 4 altt rsrtgta.. tssrge. regalsi. fr-iutly cleSaas s4 tlapwfia. Kadaat IVU.k r tie i wit of al 'drrat i stftiftsrh. rr. towe!s. Wilt;, Vlstfdrr. SrT dirae, beadacbe. c otnOJUa. rrtHS I . US -gestiou. l ji.bi: n r M!httskter tat I matwa of the bowels, pile sad all dersreaewb i tbe internal Viscera. U sraled tm rCmrt m v - and tke wxukeaX icorld generally to examine t'" Pereiy geiat.!t roeulairg mm riil J , MS IBB-rV SJ SW Wl WWP w rmm A few doses of Barwav'a Tixi wiDrreetl Tstesa lrt,m sll tbe lUit asated direVra. "lu. 7 reals er aoi. MH.ll BY Mtt t;CfKTW. Ksd KLs Tt t." Kmism letter 4aa p to IIAtiWAY A. to., (nMsidea Las. Jt.Y. U fonaatlen worth tbooaaads will be seaj ye. Jaa.au--ly i J. K. BURKE, Auctioneer. arirituoa basis of are equivolent to tbe front cut both ways of the hand raw, in distinction to the fck cuts of the old V v ,. . , mwI llence speed is inevitable. le medication, and, jttiko. It Is easier to plow a grove in timber than te crush one out The application of moreover, the stimulant thua medicated is of ex eeptional purity. Of all tonics taken as safe tarsi sswri a ate aMmaaafl sAai iVaaw Caaf eanl saavaaa KaltAl-iei i. . s . . I - . a a. il a - a 1 a a. 1 w. lltl at. ft - A rM hiA mm na1aa am k V remiUenta, and other epidemics, it ia the only 1 hoots, orwuca raaiwg veeta. vu ue atiarvencu ; pBIJ - w v - tl.. k-i Jutl I tbev are aa easy tor tne unsaineo lauorer io Biiarpea as no oit ianiuiiu ft ;. vmw aioaaw w yM uuiivs mmjt iro wvvmvs vn. I this pviaciple hi very perfect, all the teeth being of even length, double pointed, ,cit with outside yerti- I .i .a .VMnm m. anil e.lear aiainltaneonal V with tLe vame. . ' wwawaTWia ivwy a n lm mm duvbuiib. sais soaes bbuiiibjBb bici aj ar aaaa naanas vw servr s . w i aaw; av --w lrccTO.aaa-ca. Continuously cutting and clearing, these opposite' '.rnftlrg faces' not only projecting bfaoes, use. a piew, wutcn is me TOMBS.. this truly wonderfulinstrument. (The Burfett Combination Organ A sits aasae ladicate,UsBlBgeBlaaBsa of all oar sUadard laaproveiaeata, caa-biaed witb assay new features never neiore lauooaceo or aieaipw Reed OYo Urviber aaakrag this Organ tke as flcb CLvaa efiaairaaMata, and one that bas al- A. ..tl a MtolntUa ia Lb waUic BBtad ia II the decided favor ef tbe general adoption' of Bced M (Wul Walk for Boealax aad aavrtd maate, waare aa i astro meal is reuairvo eivoer m rv" j voice or to pre dace orchestral ececU. THE GREAT CAVBK r eut. bwt tilear, by lifUag the fibre above the eteeetatlatpteaaeaui i.. By their circular we eee na iwo Doyaraa oroiners, uy nu. cm uu a lacivc-jaiji .raujuic v""kVM wood loir in eicht seconds, before klsjor General Meade andother distinguh-lied"neb. at Independence Square; Philadelphia, September 1,- laS9. We also note, as a proof of th case that permits sustained effort, the sawinr. by hand, of twenty-six cords of hard beech, maple, elm, ash.' and hickory wood in Clekgymex, Bankers, Book-keepers. Editors eight hours (incladiag- lost time) in Michigan. Such work, by two men,' with one saw once, filed is Wjth the multitadfaoas ssi sai prising r acbia i : -.' ik.i Miialuil la tkia laatraaaeaL tb BSOSt HEAD & FOOT STONES, &C. "?"iy)ffili!L S sic for tke saeodeoa can be played by a child. isrshsieat merits have obtained for it a pdpular J" ItK-:- addora rradavt'. bvinr itfnnrilr n.lr ; cine. In its infancy the Sat of iu success was pronosiaoed- la Ahe wideai)read endorsement iJraich it received from physiciciana, veterinarv s -.Bnttawasi- horsemen and the twblic eenerallv. 3Sq one now thinks of questioning its claim to oe ecsMidered tne Mandard Lininiiit iJ A mr anp all others that lead eedentrry lives, will Cud much relief from tlte frequent Headaches. Nervousness,, and Constipation engendered from want of exercise, by taking Simmon's Liv er Regulator. It ia a harmless vegetable com pound j it can do no injury ; and numbers who have tried it will confident! v assert that it is the best remedy: that can be used. YOUNG MEN Contemplating a business Life should atttead the giniT, STBiTTQI h 81DDLKK nnemcce rnnrnr i , : ; UWOIItfcOO VULLCUr. 1 Foi Cireulars, and Specimens of Penananabin. n. ; close us two staaina and address 1 W. 1I8A1)LKH, Pres't. i ' i h'os, 6 a H i Charles St. , Baltimorej M d. Pf pKINS;&'IlOUSEfS PATENT S0Vl:XPI.OSlYK Kerasese ar faal OH llamas. AB4 SAFETY FILLIN-fJCXNS. Over 50d,00Oi 7? I on ver 'aploded. : The only abto lately sals aad cbtan Lanip niade. The only job bers At factory rates are I . - i 1 (J,RY BROTHER.. 1 O 13 W-.,.tf n..ta! L .a II..Ia! as a Jit i' ' - (Lute of Virginia.) - S3T Scad for circular and prlce.lisi.' .- 426 NOTICE TO IHE LADIES. Among the manv useful inventions produced by the Nineteenth On turv none occupies a more prom men t position than that of the Sewing Ma chine. The cheerful hum of these tireless little helpmates of our mothers and wives may now oe iieard in almost every house in the land. They are made in endless variety and one is al most at a loaa to choose when there are so many of decided merit. One; of the latest and moat improved ia the Entire, mannfactnred bv the f.MriRE Stwiso MAtHiKE Coi, 294 Bowery, N. tptcdy, ifjueUtt and durable : and we can conscientiously recommend parties in search o. a Machine to give it ait examination before con cluding to purchase. j S Agents wanted, liberal discounts given. Biay2o:ly- WBeAnrvaas4Vit . Tbeaa' RawB are made aad sold by Mr. E. M. Bovntoa, 80 Deekaaaa street. New York, and are pror tected by four patent, dated respectively 27, 18G6; July S3, 1867; January 14. T868; July 7, 1869. We trust chat the Inventors of so valuable an improvement, ia aa article of awe" uaiveraal use aa the caw will be able to enjoy tbe fruit of their labors free from infringement or piracy ot any kiad.laox Aflk, AraiL, T, 187U. . . . . . These Sflc ore universally conceded to Surpass aU others for Cross-cutting Tiwher. Although 1500 challenge for expense of test has been advertised in millions of papers, and engraved on each saw, no one has erer PARED - . i . j. - ' " ' to publicly lest, the matter, NO other saw has douUe- pointed tectht CONSTRUCTED TO CUT IN LINE SO A8 TO CUT VVITII OUTSIDE OF M TOOTH ONLY by direct action. JOHN H. BUIS rrENDEK8hieomplimenta to bis friend A- and the public, and in this method would bring to their attention- hie extended facilities fur meeting ueniauas iu uis nue vi ivtiiic- - lie is now nrenaxed to rurmsn . su ainas oi Grave Stones, from the'eheabeat Heid Stones, to the cotiiet monuinenta: Those pccfeiing atrles and very costly 'works noi en.hand. can All the various iaaproeeBaeaU o the Bardett Or gan are proteeted by patent, belong exelwwvely te Us Coat paay, aad can be aaed oe e otW rgaa. The present Bardett Orgaa has received the as oat cordial sad blgbeat eBeoaVeaas froat Uom raaUag asaeng tke Brat or asuaiciaas aaa organ T .Yea? fork IdepnUt aay Br. be accommodated on short time, strictl in ac . .. oraami ""It is by far the most perfect reed a !iL :a?-..... .1 f m at wt 1 thai I ' . . BS coroance wuu ppei-iucsi instrument we nave ever seen n rtrimtLt Leader tarn : -we bad no ides tVat a reed ioatrument could be brought to such perfection." TkM AVar Tork Ot-errer says: -IU punty at.. I L r Waaifow that for cleaning paint, windows ,rbutt aud glassware; fori polishing knives, tin rv uraas ana copper wares, and for removing v-jirom marble and porcelain, and rust from - waaaa as MVII aw (aiuvilV IO j lni9:23 hUt thing i use. Quite a novelty in tlie shape of anew style Putcnt Sten Windiugj Watch, tliat is hunting case or opeii-face combined, has been brought out bv Stew a RTj, O rah A 31 A Co., Jewelers, 6 wi.w.i,.m Si.i -w.i rv.-i, .kU !,.. ..11 v iiiiviiuii eyas ivi. a ' ' a ui s. w aaev-'S itt.j m,im at the wonderful low price of $12. ! Read their advertisement and purchase one if you want a really good j v atch. f MxHutn weekly en- porses weir mmouiry m;crcry V'flf. L llo:0mo 23 Iw.lJ. The cutting of all single pointed teeth are equal, and these M teeth are double, with direct-action, sjacedt and slant concealed beitcecn points of - JI. If one point of M teas set one tray and one the other, - - the slant tcould ride and lift out the tooth. "When the hardware trade do not sell, agents wanted, and no government license u required. A six foot cross cat and a brick saw-blade will be sent to anj address on receipt of $6, or Si per foot, One mn saws SI 25 per foot. 2G:,fJ terms or the coutract. fcausiacuon guaran teed, lie will not be undersold. North or South. Orders joJicted- Jtddre, 17;tf JOUN II. nDIS.SalUbBrr. A.M.SoLLiVAy..- JP. Goway. NEW OPENING. TnE undersimed havinr anrlated them- a . . . r X. sclres In bume under me urm name m A. M. SULLIVAN, CO., - . a a HAVE opened in R. J. Holmes' new imm iu2, next door to the Hardware Store, where, they will be pleased to meet old and new friends. They have a magnificent room the largest aad best in town and XL. Unreo s 13 jolts xicild STOCK OF GOODS, COiirRISING a grucral assortment. Hard ware excepted, and will gaarrantee as good bargains as can be sold by any House in the South. They will deal heavilr in Groceries and coantrv IWuce, buying and selling, and invite all who wi.h either to buy or sell to call on hem.- Jt. M. SULLIVAN fc Co. Jan.''4tb, 17. Iftf Jmat JblUi4, in a Staled Emnimfe: Vac til U A Urtsrt sa Ike 1st art. TrtaiBMat aad KsdUal r t4 Sewlt at eakaaaa, me n all ritiaa. kka4 rf Mf lkM, lar4a urf EvIaatMH, latawtraey. raa V.W1IB .Was Is la aa ll waiaws I s) Cra-aaa ka. tUnr. !; al! aad tkf I aaawr. A-: tr son i. CCVVri W.la, JJl au, e- ikr .4 t- -tirrra noes." k. ..... WrVi tratitl a-Vr'. la'ato a4a lra Lta-. . aitsrtj ar SrW Ma eratiteaee Waa 'WSJ sa i . Bm-aiaae a m iPMnfiiat kAaalaaedl taw. fam OaatVaaawBiasraaaa- a V a, lastrwa. aa, iW.w. a . rs4 V a ! car al MfMiUa mm4 eSWji f U " very aafercr, M aUr art al aa naitt la aaa.a. . are Manl i iy. rnaafy sa4 reaVsT. TVla la - lara vlU araB a ' taaaaa 'a aaa a aianaw SVat aaaVr teal. U a -la a ratrW-a Is mj aaaras. . rtlpt sit , r la muh auaaas, vaaSriaW a. taa aa W ra. Asm, ea. ILL wiui airnaf wwtaw, pnc C-ia. J aaareaa iWt Pal It. her, C'HAsk J. C. KLINK A C(. 127 Kowery, N. roat OfSce J!oa iM L.r ...;in riohnesa of tone, and wonderful or chesUal cinpinations. ugetner wiia a uaa.. of new1 and original stops, renuer mentofsuch: perfection aa to U beyond com petition ;. s The presa and nmblic evervwhere wh. have x.-A ..nnnrtunitttif listening to its bwaamui atrains. not only give it their unqualified appro l.ii nnWitatinelv concede lba it stands a sn a a -r T rr without a rival- Tl e Burdejt Organ ranges in price from S135 lo S1000. We hard also New Cabinet Oigans at S4-V75. $100, C. -Tremaiiic fc Uro., wnOLESALr Agexts, 435 Broome ttt..XXew ITOiXTX Jalj, 170. 3--iiiiwB,a A LECTURE TO TOTJUO HTTTT7. Ja-sf pubUmhed. In m marled Znttfop. Friee C rent. . . . w. w.i ... T.a.B..t ... a.a n aat . i-n.r wm - - - - - ' af rrailHTtot, ae sratiaai ania-a, ' 1 kcaaal MIXr, w4 la-ate ra aaa. ratty . Pmrrmmtmm raaaw4 aa. r"Vai,. .. ru at aSat aaa f taW-al I- rti f. mmU .l, . . ii.mit j t ri tinriL al i in bw-... . . . - - - aaih- t mf iW -r. a BWa. ar. - ' Tl t luiU nrwni mIIh, h ll i a4ak(raal tVt. rWSTil fraaa LU tifwi. a at SW aa cm-MWi CVf-AVaMaat W tSVctvaUj r.a. at'haa. ardXai aad tW"il rTai rtrftc a'W a. kvatMt. hHSraaM ta. or eo-rfaaa p' oat a ,f ear al a e rt!a a 4 al t j ... rj nfirr, a- ao.t al Ma aapMIa mf br car .al' ;. K t44Jlf. T l itTiar will raors a aooa to TMouaaar f tut. . 'f J. sav aU-. rm t ea r rr'n I f rrt.lt nttm Or. OaUf e! -Matriar . P A4Jcv -SJWr., lls irt err.ava i ari4-lf. aa via. j r. ai i a A cn rr oeesa a,M. aicap Challlc Mortgage, i . ,.ikrr 1,1 ti V a kale Vh. bum - -