dorolinn tUatrftinan- iluSBUBT. FRIDAY MARCH 22. i ;(C.0UY;.,C0PI0N.. i i i . .i Democrat and Conservatives of Rowani County are. requested to aemU in Cnnven-1 lion at the Court HMite, in Salisbury, on AI6n d.y th 15th day of April next, being the fir4 week' of the Superior Court, at one o'clock, if Jf fqrib JHirposVof clacte delegates-to r prjhlntriidMiiVla fa EfcteHnWi of the Democratic-Conservative Party, to be held at Greensboro' on the first day of May next, and also in the Congrewional District Convention loUlUsI w hrtind Where the Executive Coi saitlea of ike District, nhall appoint. J JAMES K. KERR, Chairman County Ex. Committee. March 6,t 1878. ' ' ' OUR IvKPRESENTATlA IN CONf . I (Hr distlogbighfed llow-citizcn, the Jlon; Francis E. Siiober, is just finishing his second term as our llej)- j6telcsranl doringilfcojgrea atonal career we believe he has given general satisfaction to Jiis constituent He was first'clecred in' August, lGS over his able and popular opponent, Jheljjlop. NATiAXiai, Bovden b r mtiivfas al WatJtme considered the vcrjr large majority of 1200 voter. He watn j;ee 187( over Sphaoub, his Radical opponent, by the surprising majority of 415(1. Mr. Shoterf ft litlcmaJl f! k jrallerspplajl aAtainmenter, op arTnanners Intl 6f ftn1uestionel in tgrity ; and although not an extreme partUabh& beW trfie?af faithful to me party oi nis cnoice. jieeteu as a Democrat and Conservative he has J - !' U S not proved recreant to the high trusSt vJ!P04 in;him. ; His whole course in dicates, that he will not betray his con stituents a,nd that he is incapable of iM&botiitOn the contrary while the Country is, ringing with charges of political corrtjtionheStands above euspioiori. Tu people -know him t6 I I k . - i m - . a f ' dc noucst and capable ; arm tlicy trust forlic lujs boon tried and foujjd if he is re-nominated, as he deserves toJe, 3ul a.4 he no doubt iviU .bc we redje thatf lie "will be tribraphantly re-Cieceu uy a majority YBf1 r r if in tat p&ainedby S&tT, m the Unities v cbmppMDjg'HhisDfetrici,!! Iugujr487d; - j j Major IIoTpllKlss, Travelling Agent (or the Richmond. and Yorkf Kivcr Rail rod,jwid us a visit last week in the in terest of tba Compauy he represents. lie J a h'je man and apt to roaka; thing look lively all around hira. He i thoroughly of the -opiujon that thV Yorkj RWer line, ejtber ("or. freight or pasifengefs, w the line which our people ought to patronixe. See hi adrertiseraent in another part of this FPcr-f " " j. . .' 'f . j Major H. also improves his opportuni ties in promoting & scheme for securing to the editorial fraternity of tins Sfalh a free rule, in Jnne next, to nearly all the great bities in the Northern and Eastern Btatesp to meet, at last, the editorial fra leniity of those States in a grand Cottvtn tiou. at Roeliester, perhaps. He' was UUe leader of that grand eorps of Northern editors who carae down botjtw, last year, ion a friendly lour, and now he proposes the rhit shall be repaid by Southern edi tors j AUyveiy good. Long lire Major Hotchkiis to wear his patriarehial beard, smok, and ntake people happy. r i Ifr Editor? . For the Carolina Watchman. 5 t. him ; fcth ifthtui:5" -? Mrj Shober has made himself ao oerle allUasses of tlid oppcfeitioii to radicalism ; and, in our opinion, is the strongest and most available can , ulatheBenjocrats tndoSeryaJ thc$ tan put forward for Congrcssiii this District. Old Line AVhigs wil guppqrt him, because he formerly be longed to that party himself Old Del moerats will supar t hi u J)eeAuo he hai beenfalthallqi nt iemofcraticprin4 ciples ; and on all great political ques- "iThe Statesville-4krca hasgone over to the radicals. It speaks of the Jon- servative party as the party " hitlperto advocated." Jho. Yatks of the Char lotte Veiuocrtti turns his head asidcj and dropsl a tear at parting. Uro. HiUL of tbe Southern Home, on the contrary, seems jolly, and sayst, good-bye, Mr. Drake, 'I be Raleih Neicsicctvs the American s past cours and vuiuly sacks 'a justifying causej for its Strange departure.' ltro. TuuEpf tle iRalcigh Sentinel, Bays to tha Cjonsei vative press, don't " be iu too big a hurry to shake hands with brother Drake. We hardly think Mr. Drake will play (he sneak or briudle-iail by pretend ing td be on both sides." But our radi cat brother of tbe Winstoo Republican saysj -j' i . . " re M'elconie to onr sanctum this weekfthat sterliirg old iournal, the StaU-s-villo American, breathing forth purity, honesty and integrity in every whiff.", This seems to settle the question. The lleputflican-doubtlets "knows all bout it ' and would not take to his bosom a base flattery with such evident gusto. i o Mefrico. A Washington correspondent of tWN. Y. tVot-Jd advocates the annexa tion of Mexico, as a means of breaking up the border disturbances between the two countries. 1 he editor of the 11 oiid publishes the letter, but opposes the views oi its correspondent, and denounces the ofily inodje by, which such a'result could e acliteved (conquest) as a mon- sirous crime, n aomus mai in a jiiit w ut with Mexico in which our arms imiffht subjugate th country, it might then lo tocotjsider what was best to be done, but thii.ks no policy of annexation could be found profitable or desirable. We have tions before Congress, has uniformly ns noagb already-to: atone for on the lWtVk5y TilrnWrt Ukii , score; ot oiu wars wan Mexico. Conservatives can consistently supports IGOVERNOlt CALDWELL Wm, befiauske isifcinenily consfcrv lias become desperate iu his opposition to fctlteibimseu ;tjs qufte mddwat l hi$ I trie people as expressed through their views, and is not at extreme partizan! representatives jhc L' gislature. ; And the young;. Deuiocracy, will ralH reader's attention is called to the letter of J J I'" tJ. .Jh Arl. ' 1 1 ! XI r. lll1snp J .1.5. t.on.- t aruuuu nun, uevuus uiey constaer nini k t r---- , rr.( .auMiuii ..i the stronjtest man to beat the lladicals I u,p 11oari "t 'nanagers pt the Penitentiary, howing the; state of things touching that institution, i A similar interference has been instituted hy the Governor as. to the Insane, and he Deaf and Dumb Asvlnrn His partizati rancour is boundless, and the sntijouica naragrapu Irom the Kalei-Mi crfifrtr(. oi miu iisi, smtws i-tint serioui H fears are eiitcrtaitud that it may vad to j i Turj (uau consequences. prof l liRXlTVI1! inv it ! .i .. - ; .ioi, anu ue is Resides greatly es It iwill miin for this commnniti to sit lecmeu oy ins democratic colleaEWieS with tolded arms and allow Gov. Ct,U well -ill Co ri Kress, Borne of whom havh;ixl eitl,eF to tVvc or set t liberty: thiee nrLyl m.h t.: nunc rea convicted lellons now in the I see in the Raleigh Sentinel a short card recommending Hon. D. M. Darringer as ihe democratic candidate for Governor. Wouldvt; scarcely .?en- turing too much to say, that this gentle man is at this" time the " Ulysts" of our partj'. In wisdom, in experience, in all the,.clements of practical statesmanship he has feequals and, no superior, on this bload continent. His course before, da ring and since the war prove his far sight-ednct-s and devotion to the beet interests of the Country, and his consistency, mod eration, just appreciation of the surrouud iugs, and unswerving integrity entitle him to onr highest admiration. Mr. Bar ringer's visiou is circumscribed . to no limited glimpes of the present, but takes a sweep into the distant future and had the course indicated in LU letter of April 1SG9 been adopted by the Conservative party, Radicalism would never have had the opportunity to plunder and degade the State. While he has been one of the truest of the true," lus conciliatory man ners, his unselfishness, his dignified reti cence and abstinence from the jostles for office render him the most acceptable candidate upon whom, all classes of the ill 1 . opposition to -piunaerers can unite, .tie is so welt known to th State and Nation having filled so many stations of pub lic usefulness entirely j satisfactory to all that his name will give assurance of re of directors to tike fharge of it, ws candidly declare to you w should unhesitatingly sur render the penitentiary, books, key, &L, into the KaudS of suclj board aa you might appoint. But, gOTernor, uhforiunately for yourself, you admit in a paper writing in which you attempt to appoint a board of commitwionera, bearing date February 20th, 1872, after declaring that a vacancy exists in the omce of commuFioners of the penitentiary, that the law, has prescrib ed no way in which uch vacancies shall be filled durinp a recess of the general a.semblj." With thU cUar and explicit declaratiou of your own, which cannot be truthfully denied, staring you in the face, and before the ink waa dry with which it was written, yon, in the same paper, do authorize and empoirer. Alfred Dock ery, G. Wm. Wlker. John 11. Harrison. Ja cob S. Allen and Alfred Howe aa coramiNUon- era to fierform the dutiea of said office and to tare and exocitt Ike jxnrtrs and receire the eniolumenU thereof, until an appointment to fM the meant thati be wade a$ required Ay law." With thee voluntary adiuimiona on your part, embodied in the instrument by which you claimed to appoint tlietn, and by virtue of which they claimed their authority to ezrciae the power of directors ofthe penitentiary, how could we posxibly recognize them an a constitu tional and legnl board without aanettomng an acknowledged usurpation of unlawful authority, govenior? And how could you exp?ct na to recognize -them, without inxulling our intelli gence ? But, governor, natwithatading you said on the 20ih day of .February, 1872, that M the law Aan prcrribed no vay in vhieh inch vacan ciea sliall be filled during the recess of the gen eral assembly," you nay to na on the 13th day of March, 1872; that " I have the further honor to inform them (our board of director) that Mesra. A'frcd Doelcerv, G. Wm. Welker, John K. II. rrison, Jacob S. Allen and Alfred Howe are directors of the Midinxtitution, legally appoint ed md comaiiffcioned, and have duly qualified aa puch. We conks, governor, that these glaring in consistent and contradictory ptatenientd embar rass ti no little: we would not be disrejectful. but we cannot believe both of then statement form and be the rallying point to all who to be true, and to say that we believe one, is to wili In vr t in Stal0 'I'n tlio i ,.,,, .i w v,w.v . . , , ni nuait n c uu ; If on the 20;h day of February, 1872, the law prescribed no way in which Hiich vacancies shall be lill-d dtiriug a receM of the general as sembly, hy virtue of what legal authority do you declare, on tbe 13lh day of March, that Alfred Dockery, G. Wm. Velker, John It. Harrison, Jacob S. Allen and Alfred Howe are directors of said institution legally appointed and commissioned, and have duly qualified aa such ? Has the general awemblr been in session since the 20th day of February ? Have they, since that time, passed a law authorizing you fo appuint a board of director for the penitentiary? If not, from whence do you derive the authority to vacate the board appointed hy the legUlature and appoint one to suit yourself? Who must we obey the law enacted by the general assem bly or the edict issued by your excellency? If under the late decision in the case of Clark and others vs. Stanly and others, you hold that the general assembly could nut constitutionally a point a board of directors for the ienitentinrr, I how U it possible for von, as governor, without the concurrence of a majority of the senate, to appoint a legal board during the recess of the general assembly? If, therefore, we are not a legal ooaru, it is imioiole to organize a con stitutional aud legal board of directors for the Icnitentiary without the concurrent action of the senate branch of the general assembly and the governor. Yon have the undisputed right to convene the general assembly, and have thin dilhculty satisfactorily adjusted; and we insist that you do so immediately. Will you do it? Or will vou persist in your illegal course, in ut- I tpi lt.'fl!lnfn lifflia Inu tKn lynrioml ncfiAAililt nia, by which Hartranfr. Auditor-Ocneral; I and the constitution of 'the Stale? Yon alone have the ower to settle this matter, and tiu I you alone must test the responsibility of a fail- man it is known that he as one of the j Commissioners to the Peace Conference j did all he could to save the Government from disruption. To the Statesrights man he is acceptable, because of hia fidelity to North Carolina in the hour of her trial, aud to the friends of law and order and a restored brotherhood, his advice ito sub mit heroically to the inevitable and make tle most of hat was left us, will give him strength.' Every step he has taken, every word of counsel he lias uttered has been marked by 'elevated statesmanship and practical patriotism. The elevation of such a man to the office of Governor at this crisis would do more to iresTore confidence ia Legislation and harmony among the people, thau a dozen mere par ty victories. I trust the people's repre sentatives in Convention assembled will take this view of the matter and nominate him by acclamation and I know he i: ;tco true a son of the Old North State to decliue but will enter at once upon the canvass aud make iuhorough, able.aud .effective. STANLY. The N. Y. Sun, is exposing ihle opera tions of a war claims ring in Pehnslvva- this is rery plain language to the great1 Mogul in. AVashingtoa'Cityj and we will, see whether that 'great functionary Will submit to he Ucturtd by the organ of his party, ia ibis manner. Hal. Kttcs. j TIIE CONSPIRACY UNVEILING. The officeholders having succeeded in packing tbe delegations to the Philadel phia Convention so as to control the action af that body, it is now in order to take measures far managing tha election. As out: of tbe preliminaries to the end, Senator Ktlloge of Louisiana has intro duced a bill to tttneud the Enforcement act so as to place I bo ballot boxes iu nearly every -part of the country under the charge of men appointed by the Federal authorities. The bill provides that in any, Congress ioual district where there is to be an election for Representative or Delegate lo Congress, en tbe application of any two citizens the Judge of tbe Circuit Cour. of the United States shall ennoiut two Supervisor of Election for each votiug precinct. The bill provides thai the Supervisors shall Lo of different political parties ; but this is a provi?ion that cau be very easily cvaaVd, antf is probably inserted to give a pretence of jairness to the measure. As iu a great majority of the States the Statu election ' is to take place on the saoiv day as the Presidential election, it is evident that the purpose of 1 drew Strong. There seems also to have ....a um to j.e q iu. ouicsiioioers au been internal distentions amoni: them over the country the power of manipukt- j latdjwhc old fctorv of quarrel over lVTJ?LVrV and thev are bevoml doubt Gov. Clayton of Arkansas and Gov. I 'ly .lemoral.r.ed. A vigorous eflort Dais of Texas. iiowariw tiie;r capture or externutia- Uut this not all. Whenever an cle-.tiuu j t,on J? 110w l"t cvrtain of feucce. s Hi. Journal. mm iffl E R. MURPHY The L&trerv Gana. The fmorcss- . NEW ADVBTlSEMOTrs. ioogrov8 stronger that Henry Berry Txmirf, leader of Uhe Robehon ont lawlias ilippeaml ffom tlic Scnf fhitown liaunts. We liaye oonfirraa ttoiLf the report tliat his brother haa recency been seen earn ing a favorite rifle of the leader. Our most recent informant is nf tt nnininn llmt !m- stead of being-dead, Henry Berry has? lJain affalll Organized for left the country in disguUe. It is! AA "lilNES?, hare jts epepta a ; contended Uterv ia no potutiveevwleioe i of h!ar laving been Been since the Wed nesday, succeeding the late robberv at Lnbcrtonr- trhen iie eafea and that large amouut of money wn stolen. lienry lierry Lowen'. in all probabil ity, availed himself of the possession i enl,re,7 . nf fresh. In the room of thefe funds to fly the country ; for i forfc"J xcupied as tbe Hardware Store, there is now Pcarocl v a doubt that the ; a"J MXl Joof lo H!shaia , ic Ce., to plunder did fall into the hands of the ! rxuo o( l1ieh Jrjr "n w Wry ptnrr, as a quantitr of the ! duU ,ttnle ,be fuU,e' goxls stolen on that raid have been reeeciltly discovered at theirdwellings. Stephen Lovverv the most deje rately brutal of the whole iranir now seems to head the outlaws. If Boas Strong be really dead, and Henry Ber ry Ixnvery dcparteil the country, the gang .is ; now reduced to three Ste phen Jowcry, Tom Ixiwcry and An- STOCK of GOODS, Entire Stock was carrfully selected by the senior ea ro be r ot the rtu in person, and boogbt at rates which will enable them lo sell as low, for CA SJf, as MI for Representatives to Congress is to nr rnr tlil' liill iriirwrf lliw l'nitul Ssl it 1 i f,-i - i.i c .i i Marshal for the district in -which such ' ."rc "cki-.r me paritv ana Congressional district is situate power to , f ffi;.eiicy f r naval adtninutrsliot, r nnoint s mv ..r;.,l I invited In ponder lhfe fact. The U. S as he sees fit to Nation at esch voiiu- ft-ainjr 'IVnuessee had engines pUcd in precinct, who shall have absolute powr to arrest without process any person or persons whom thuy may thiuk proper to accuse of fraudulent voting of ot uliciiqd ing to commit any of the acts! or offeuccs prohibited by t lit? Enforceuj cut act, or any laws of the United Statci. Iu tdiort, the bill piopost-s on the day of the Presi dentisl i'hciioii to put every votiug pre cinct iu the Uuitid Mates wheic a her which cost the rovrrutueiil S7i 0.000 The so' engines propfllfd thesbip just fire and a half knots an hour. Wlin it as attempted lo incresse the tevnluttmu to thirty turns per minute and the speed of ; the lii to ix knot ib bras -new po I hot aiiil the machinery so craxv that tbe i whoht structure whs ('iulangerel. At lat on her retiiru fiom a voyage of 1.0U0 inih'S it wim concludi-d to rcianrc the tna- v " v . v. 1 - , liepieseutative for Congress ii to be voted 1 ",VV ' " comjKMii.acng.nes. for under absolute control of im-spou0ibl.-; 1 ,.ork u "W ,t M d"'c ,firro supervisors and spcial deputies sell CU-d W,,,ch V.!1 f?00 000 '-' by ofiiccholders to carry the th-ction, and , 1 4,ld ""j"" "rr f"r ' c r. rinil mnl.n..t (....!... I ........ Wm. II. Kemblc, State Treasurer; J. M. McClure, Assistant Attorney General ; Sammy Moon, and lion. John F. Gruff, of the Philadelphia Press, are said to have pocketed fortunes. Stealing by rings is the order of these radical times. Fogcrif. We expressed surprise a week ago that Mr. Richard A. Caldwell should 1U the Biingle petition and have his name between that of Tom Long and Windy Billy Henderson. The Salisbury Watchman Fays, that Mr. Caldwell d denies navuir signed the paper, and name. Pray. Mr. ure or refusal to' do it. you have refused to approve our reipi tuition for the fund neecssary to Iced and clothe the convicts, and are with holding the money appropriated by the general afsembly for that purose, if you fail or refill to chnveue the legislature, what will vou have tin do with the convicts in thin inxtituliou? Will you pardon thehioul? Or will you starve tl em, to give luce and iuiprieoit without proccM oi law any body whom they may choose to accuse oi attempting or intending to violate auy law. The conspiracy is beginning toderclop itself. The acinu ot Cotigiess uu this bill will b awaited with intcitst. 2ictc York Sun. eruuiant pays S? 10.000 for v lial. nobedy ilio will pay $3-7000 for. How is that lor economy. A'. T. World. Col. William Johnston, of Char lotte," has ltni sujrcsh-d a the IVrm ocratic candidate for Ciovernor. Ia? We regret to see that the S'.aWs ville Aiuciic in (a pip r heretofore warm- IV I Dlmri 1 1 vi-1 mi I.I 'ulii' n .n m n i . i.- . ! Har rt i J . " ' : iw... ..K.;;.. ,.M n I.;,.. :. .i... Ina !. Republican pally aain.l the 1 ciuon mi ic party. We have always been a Demo crat and expect to die one, but we have never kowu any good reason why we should ::ot co operate wit'i ohl-lii.c Wl,i' ii c ii ciu, i . i .. 1 1 i I, ,, rather than let tu have the monev to buv foixl i g uiui gin ei can. u ii.-pui.ii- for them, which the legislature has already n- : cans, and b.r tlu nake of iiianuraung e havetendereil i relorm we think old bis ou"it to co i i i asKS wno lorgeu ins Watchman, what excuse does Pol. Mc Corkle give fer signing is his name a forgery, too ' Have net heard a word from Lim. From the Raleigh Sentineli THE PENITENTIARY EMBRQfiLIO. Iltobttf VugiJJIloi)ricnta- tlve, andis able to do the people o hia District mora good than a new atonal duties ; for to make a good Con gressman requires irainijig and cxpe call uig or pro tor see him re turnetl ; anjl lje.cQmrnaaids the respec even of the tlepubjican members. We do not suppase there will h . ,r , . ;i ors raiiouft, a, any serious opposition to his re-nomif We repeat ilis penitentiary, 'I he convicts are in close eonfihement- ltst they should rise np and stay uieir Keepers before the hour of tn.r.. ger and starvation arrives. They are on niorjj raiio-.iSj as me governor is lutormcd. lime the community Avere MA 1 1 An 1.. I. . 1 T"V . i P . ,.now uy mc vyungixi8ionai district laKtng neps ior tner own nrattction Convention.- It would certainly b and ;Bafely These felons must riot be ktu L .u... ir o, J Carved nor lliuxt they be allowed to escape . , , ; . . i "j H4rueiiiiz mcir teeners. i yv4 viwaiu, wuiuei wig ins sirengti j wiere oera tow n meeting and a depu- and popularity merelv for the sakeon410 oitijtens appointed to wait on the - " yj ; . .. i.i- .n governor ana tne penitentiarv board nf i T -x - extremes they too Ute when for the neo Die to act. good government jn this State tomarl lJ thf figI? coutiuQe " lh pressnt line -L-i n r , . t oeeu wie governor ana tiie uoaru. star hal m sol d column all the ranks of vation or release of the prisoners ' must the opposition to Radicalism. We ar oon follow. on the eve of a Presidential election! rd 'T. , . it.. wif '1 i ..II . "i--.wuabuk ior. Jiarcn nas wie most important perhaps m the hisl beta WnubliJiBd t5ry Of this COnntry, arid We OUglit t Sd,tt!Publishing Company of New-York, n tlO i nothing, WhlCU by any possibility? 18 tauusually attractive number, aud eon- U.i nlulr.'i. m.i.J.-. ' i ii ' . I t:llna un utitlnici-icit,. .....1 ..I.. . .u i 1 r ivofcWltnstana i cioiiueui siseicn yi propriated for that piirpow? you a good and tmtlicient bond, for the amount neee.ary to preserve the lives of thee unfortu nate human beings. We will do everything in onr power to prevent them from Mifllring. We will give you a good bond for double the Hum dated in our rt(ui:-ition, if vou require it, opt-ralo with old Dituocratj, ai.d no matter how much they may have dulikcd the old Democratic party. Since writing the above wc see by the American of ftalmday lat that that rather than they shall suffer. The amount for paper has gone over to the K-pnUlicau ...i.r..u i - :n .i..r... , i. Y w sincerely rrjrn-t that lUSC. can weaken ourca crvpf rotation in officeI th Wff. GfcUeral and a wlili ia aiwava' riirrl 5 matujof his personal character and cf hi wjiitn is always neartl, when an ex- jniutirv Pur i. i -i . m i . m. uric ia io a paper dv n irtrnntoa tr turn u rJ . i n a.. l t J v.rr. Swv iuu uu goruelius U'Dowd, entitled "Tha Amrn of office, W0 do not believe it is USUall Revoke.'! aud manv other interest rtl. ttWa-'ot'-atiy' 'othW'fry !-cottnWt,t c,$ u & th. tr niaokwood style. On - . . . -L J ' M Ik - ..1 1 .1 . deprive a faithtul. Xtepresontative of - o e uus MmlK!r Presses peculiar in his iton;unIesihe has given soml te1 l" Jers P-nt moment. r nc vouieuts m imt: i rue iietormer; Voltaire; Maid of Part VIII ; -Autumnal Manoeuvres ..... fi ll. I s 1 . ' r f r . .1 di$tasntl tohosQ who'elctttcd him. The laiichester Nouconformists r.tid Politi- fl;;lVbopatboB who are Opposed to .r. Pf,lo2Pny; General Lee; Cornelius kruuf V- i Y PIVJ lue-Americaa Revoke;" Min- l7SJ)piiillcctl!On. Jsterslbefor parliament. V , istatxnds jinU'ywW'lhM-indtvjdaaj. . I : : J , irraunxj preferential ' for tho good of the count Xrr ' ie .will bo the strongest man petore ina tnpi vp? 'euttoa j 'XU American says Dr Hugh Kelly's smoke-housa was jeeently lbs. paeon. robbed of 500 State Penitentiary, Raleigh, March 14, 1872. His Excellency, Tod II. Caltlwil, Governor r, Sir: I have the honor toacknowledjje thro' our steward, Mr. D. C. Murray, the i receipt of your reply to our requisition for $10,000, to meet the necessary cunent expense aud for the purpose of constructing the exterior wall of the. penitentiary, accordinc to a recent act of the general assembly. In your reply you nay "that under a late decision ot the supreme court of North Carolina, in the case of C. C. Clark and others vs. K. R.' Stanly and others, I do not re eoguizc them (uh) n director of the peniten tiary." "With all due deference to; the legal acumen of your excellency, we beg to be ex cused for entertaining and expressing the opin ion that the " late decision of the supreme court of Js'orth Carolina, in the case of C. C. Clark and others vs. E. R. Stanly and others," doe not decide that the board of directors of the state penitentiary were not constitutionally and legally appointed. Wc claim to. hold the posi tion of directors of the state penitentiary accord ing to the constitution and laws of N4 Corolina. In this opinion the board of director arc forti fied bytbe opinion of eminent lawvrs as any in this state. If we are not in as directors ae ccordinj to law, put us out according to law ; appeal to the courts, we will abide their decis ion ; but do not acknowledge that ypu cannot put us out according to law and then attempt to force us out by starving the convicts. When ever the question shall be legally adjudicated, and it shall be decided by conipe'teM authority that we hold this position in violation of the constitution and laws of the state, we will cheer fully surrender this institution into; the hands of those who it may bedecided have a constitu tional and legal eontrol of it. Ui.til it shall be so decided, we cannot, honorahlyj abandon either onr position as a board of -directors or the con trol of the public institution and ppyjerty con fided to us by general assembly in the exercise of their constitutional rights, Heretofore your excellency has uniformaly recognized us as the legal uoara ot directors of the penitientiarv ; ap proved all our requisitions, and; the public funds appropriated for the support iof the prison, have been promptly paid over to us. There i now in the public treasury between eighty and one hundred thousand dollars, appropriated bv me general assembly ior the speevhe purpose of defraying the current expenses of Hit jeniten tiarj during the present iiscal vear; and for the construction of the exterior wall and temporary t, w. .-.-l-r u, piinuii. aiii.s siouev was ap propriated with the express understanding that it waa to be disbursed by us, the board of direc tor appointed by the general assembly, and to whom and none others they committed the care and management of this institution. Regard ing the general assembly as the supreme power in the state, and holding our position under the authority of that supreme power, we do not un derstand by what species of executive legerdemain yon claim to nullify an act of the legislature, and thereby thwart the will of the people aa expressed through their constitutional repre sentatives, In the al sence of a decision of the w . preme court upon a direct issue made up under the act by authority f which we hold our po VSAlUll, If you oould satisfy us that we this institution in violation of th ami laws of the state, and that vn have the consututjopai und legal right to appoint a board which we made a requisition will defray the uec- essary expenses of the institution until you can convene the general assembly. "Remember, gov ernor, that these convicts are in the penitentiary under the sentence of law, and' that while you have the right to pardon them out, the board of directors have no right to turn them out un der any circumstances, unless they are pardoned out ly you or their term ot imprisonment ex pires. These unfortunate beings, therefore, have no possible means of obtaining the food neces sary to keep them alive otherwise than through the lard of directors and yourself. We have done our duty, the rest remains with yon. If you refuse to let us have the sum necessary for their support until you can convene the general assembly, their case is indeed hopeless. You will certainly staive them. Reflect, governor, our coursi' party tristir1 I Iralf s lm rlinsii 1 1 r-1 1 a and scarcely have language to express the sorrow we feel to lose such a mn from the ranks of the Conservative party. By his fair and stra;ght-forwanl course he did much good in favor of reform ; and now when the tng of war is at hand, to see him go over t the enemy causes grief to his old friends. Now is the time for all trne Conjerva tivr to stand close together, and not suffer themselves to be drives off by the radicalism of a few who profs to b 4 I I If . I conservatives. iii can luiiy on tin- present State 1 lour. 15ut time manity and in the interest of an enlightened and proves all thiugs, aud it will thow who OBITUARY. j Iiod in M.ckvill, in the evctiing of the 1 lih iu-ui.i. t ..L lhi r K. Austin, in 1 Uc Gith j . I If.-. I .I liiiil !onj i-Cf-ti an ii.vali.f. Lot with -iniT'il.Tr t-.rUitu.i hmd U.lln- oj. nt;.-iiul li.r ini.ittjii- a ir'.i ii. . ..! .Ii. a-r, i.lii 11 -uruiii lii l.iti. .i - rk ( tin- uK-i i..r t'onn. Ii dirt- hi- !ia..i'..iv ,-ui.l well Ul'u-d f-r m:n.v rir, l.rn 1 1 iv j r ol 1 !. ill in .1 Ui- u j-ji-rt. lle.ti.d :.t lull-al t!.- :l r k' l!. Oil M' I.i II I I liil; till- 1 I ill, llV W 4 .H.l (!. i.i v an wiio ..r)v.i-. :.ol i nij iiin .f :ii!eyv. IK- : 1.1km U I.i l."iu- 3'.r ui Iv i;M n-:lK-. .11. I lit r af'irf'U g.n- ai.i oi i '.i!. i .ii-iii! I v ank i 1 t . the irtll'i.Kt- of .! w hit h tiinil in a Urn , li..iir. Hi. rriaii.K were Iniriid with lua-oiiu-hotiors, atti ixU-il l-y tiiiuivrooK iriitid. aiol a deeply str'ukiii Ikhi j l w men have iu r -rfcctU fii!el ilie dn:it--! of life than Col. A twin. A a father and hu- band he wa honored mid tirhire!. Ili dcaih, to ie and chilorrn, i a weiglny a fill. -lion. A a put. lie officer he was accurate. Uittifnl and obliging. A a lo ighbor ami friend, he i-simI'm!, true and it'hI. A a cJlir-n, he tit in telligent ami useful. He will be great It missed in the conimmiiiy of which he w a .romioent ihciiiIm r, and l ong reiueubt red and laaentil by thoM- who kiuw and appreciaicil hU tuirit. in the "ity, for Goods of same qialily. Their Stock In ffCUCml, f Uitrtting all the various branches if Dry Goods, (irotrrics, CVocIrry Ware, Hoots ami Shors S.Je leather, Odf and 11 hdig SL ins, Grain owf (irass, Scythes, Cij, lxttcr ' aud Xide Pujr, i:.vj:ljiks, pkxs, ixk, tr.. and a beautiful assortment of salts asmsass. They feel soared of their sbilily give riuiti- alifciirn, and esBcially in vite dd fi inula and ro:mrrr to rail mni bring wiih ib.m their srqtaintatieea. ; l'bey . xjcl and intend to maintain tbe reputalion of the Old Murphy HoMr which is well known ihroughnwi Western North Carolina. AH tliry ak is tut ei atniiiaiion of Uieir stock and Uis prir-. No troubl to show goJ, a come rijbt 1 along. Tbcir motto, t Small profit, ready pay and QUICK SALES. With a, Inw pr'res. i4'r il. iJi.ig and prompt attention, ily will eii.l. ni.r ! no tii ibeir liare .f the puU lic piion-ge Th. y air tu Ur maik-t f.r -!i ki...s .f pi .ir nl ..lcit tV.$ f. t iu ii i'io and b il r . P. & A. MDBPHT. i:'iuv mi i:imiv. AMHiK.W Ml 11111 V. S..libiiiv, Mrch 23, Ib?2. fi7:ly " VALUAJBLE PERTY FOR SALE IN SALISBURY! RO MARRIKI): Feb. 2nh. 1 72. hy Kev. 1 Jrhe. at ( the hou.'c o I . JK-H-ti hem, Mr. Soti.nnju Clii-r, f .f , If I l ff I! 1.1 ie 01 i rry ci.inir jio., ana .ir. ieua lila kwcMer, of C'abarr: comity, N. C. what an awful responsibility rests mn you , in ! h . f f,p.0lUion lo ,Ut tins matter. e appeal to you ia behalf of thi , x. . , , . . v. convicts in the penitentiary, in the name of hu- and Atiuti! Adniinistratt christian pause and consider well Ifere Democrats and before you stain your rkirts with the blood of ! WI0 art uoi .Char your unfortunate Kliow-men. 1 he issue is with you; we await your furrier pleasure in this matter. I have the honor to be, Very respectfully, Yoiirobcdknt servent, M- A. IlLEDSOi:. ( onrvrvatives Democrat tnd President Board of Directors. are holding constitution BEARDING THE LION IN HIS DEN. We quote from the 'Era : "The Republican party in North Carolina have heretofore honored, and jf tbe occasion should require it, are ' ready again to honor their distinguished; Senator iu Washington City. He in turn should remember that some thing is due to. his .friends in North Carolina ; that Republics rusruvennnot be expected to de rive all of its sustenance and vitality from Washington City, that it should take root and grow here ; that it should conform to a reason able public senlimcut, which is of the very, es sence ot Republicanism. Senator Pool, by reason of his public services, and of the ipi menso patronage at his disposal, has a very great and wide influence." Now, we call th' bearding the lion in his den. What will Senator Pool say to tin I hat will Pool s fi lends say? The Era evidently defies the power of the Radical Sonntor from North Carolina. The Era does not wish to follow Pool's leadership. As the organ of the lUdicl party iu the State, it reads tliat gentleman a lecture which hethould heed at his peiil. Iu addition to public services, Pool has "a great .tnd idp influence by reason of the immense patronage at his disposal," -v a a say the f,ra. l'atronage ; aim there s the rub. But for that . "immense patron age" the Senator would be fanglese. Rut notwithstanding the ''immense patronage" the Era still defies liitn. it says pool'a brother Sol is incompetent and unfit for President of the IJnivtrsity. It says also that his said brother has broken down Chapel Hill, aud brought reproach upon the Radical party 1 It goes father, and indignantly repudiates any dictation frpm Senator Pooj. It tells that Senator that "Republicanism cannot be expected to derive all its sustenance and vitality from "Washington City, that Jit should tajie royt and grow here." Now, ', DIED: j On he 18th of January, at hi residence in j this ciun try, Mr. Jehn Gillespie, in tbe oCth yesr of his age. The deceased vi a well known cilien of tliis co'irilr and a'tuembrr of the Preshvie rian I Church at Thraiira. During several weeks of Mr. Rontwell means well. He must j l"injj -flrin- he showed .mu..,al concern , , , . -.. , i-i and ofn rvd many fervent pravers tor the salva- for he reads J he World. Awhile ago we tiu of Jt farf Mluf-ciory evidence gave an account of a cargo nf salt which j to nlii"' friend ihat he had found peai-e arrived in Roslon on the baik Niphon with pod. lie had m 1 hi house in order and from Tranani. Tin- rost of Uu shIl was I was litq-aml for death. (..rhMi is his eternal 1 . ci nnn -..,1 .i. .1. .. ;. ' e--in. ; May the m.n iful mh M,the sod ron.- ared jait- tutifv lo NfiT SOLD PUIVATKU br io rc Itie l.llh of Ait II. I wi; . II al public sale, ia fnot tf th Aoe tiou 12 o'elork. M. 00 UiaX 4at. tbe VAU'AItLi: I'ROPKRTY knowu a. tha sftosterl on Main stiwt. nearly j'pite tlia lloiilrn Houe. This a fronts .n Maia str'l- 11 h--. and runs throeh t Ivatrrl, aud u.ay Kwhi iu two !. r-arh fnatiuc on (M-paMtt- !rt ls. t r tb- IM fnutii.jt m Vlaiu str-t t may lr iiiTi.l.-J iulo two 4 Iots of 4- f.-t-t fr.oit. -rh. f ir buitiei pur-po-s. bi-lng s:tUi.t-d in 1.- buir part .f .he rity. t 9 Trrins f al. nfbalf cah. and thr lmlanr to stiif pnrehser. if witb- a OXK TWO ..r THRKK YEAR, wita inti-ri'st. TitU oiJ and to ! rrrfved till ail is paid. Apply to J. K. ni'RKE. Aft. March H. Ip72. t!7:tdi invoiced at $1,900 and the d m, it wa, n- - .May the m.r,...M .,.1 -oou,e 1 r. 11 ... . 1 fi.rt by his w.irn and spirit ihe beix about &G,o00, gold over J00 kt cent. 1 Iu.r k1 tW(, K,iu ; aud 1'bis storv excited ihe astonishment ol Houest (icorgr, and he wrotn lo the (yoU lectur of Boston about it. What he mainly wondered at was tho cheapness of thr salt. The poor mau has never beeti abroad. Hut the Collector had lo tell hiio that $1,000 was really all the salt cost in Sicily. Let us give him semcthing else to wonder at. The Sandusky arrived here last month from Trapaiii with alt. The salt cos' SI, 008, gold. The freight was $4,392,90, currency, and lb- duty was 3,GoO, gold. Hence Honest (Jeorge may see that the Onandaa salt boiler is protected by fiieght 430 p-r cent, ad valorem and by legislation 4 CO per cent. When he eousideis that this allows the salt boiler in charge 790 per cent, above cost ior salt of the same grade n the Sicilian salt be may cease ro ender that salt is chc-spcr iu S cily than at (Irotmi. X. V. World, them the n!lli'. ti-.n lie Lath sent. -DO YOU LOVE ME. i KKW and Ia-tii. f-erfume, with a crest l fariety of other extracts for the hnndkrr thicfr; inchotiaz all kind cf tnilrct irlic! , al '. C. R. 11A RK KR A CC S Drug Store. ORCHARD AND IIBIf TUCKY BLl i: OR VS- SEKD, with a second s!i ply of LaiiJri'thii (iard.-u Sv-d. receiv ed at C. K. I;.I:KKR A US Dr.ig More. NU. 1 T.VNNKItS Oil, Xfagic r.d rrnrareiil Madiine Uil at low prut at C R. RARKKR A ( O S Drug Store. DISCONTENT. Some people are never eontent with thiirlot. let what will happen. Cloud and darkness are over their heads, alike whether it rain or shine. To them every incident is an accident or a calamity. Even when they have their own way, and, indeed, consider their most voluntary acts as matters of compulsion. We saw a stiiking illustration tbe other day of the infirmity we speak of, m the conduct of a child about three years old. He was crying because child out." said the mother csiled him iu a peculiarity of that boy, that if he is left rather suddenly on cither tide of a door, he considers himself shut oat, and rebels accordingly." There are older children who take tho same view of thin's. 1 THE ADVANCE Mower & Reaper. iJl'''aJ-v- Y. Rril'lXrH I.I.Y rail lU sttr,uKi v of l'hynician. Merchants ami the public generally to our well Miet ted stuck of Driigs, Chemieali. Paints, Oils, Varnishes, lirnshcs, lye Stuffs, Immu, iMuip Fixtures, d c., dc. i 1.L (iOi)llS W4rrautel, pore, frh aod J V. gauiijie, and price Ut suit the lini-s. , All orders promptly atUndol to. ljwcil care and attention gircn to our prescription de partment. I C. R- P.ARKKR A Co, DrurtUt, I (Sucxr to J.xo. II. Kxx 1-,1 ; 2G tf Salisbury, N. C. Executrix Notice Ma.m i .ic:Ti ui:n nr hie lUWidi-r Mat:if-'-'a'nJ ' HJiJer. N. J.; Y th.- t- arit - (or c- Le'J) all ia a in.n . s- to a'l grit. dirt. Ac. (i.t:tie irany nrnr and a! il.t f-atr which d-i tio r' in oths-r. Wk well i.D sio.4b or ai'.i.t-y latd aud i tii HaVsV gK ot of order. IVrat'ti iutndinx to biy ftoim sni Keafr. tLtS satnmetf. wocU do wril Wrl-auiin- t Wfr Tf(h?Wiitic Uewbere. An aCatf watiti in erry swirt; is t late. ITi-Dd f-r ilis'rll eirrniars W c. a. iifxjn. Gml ti Ael. fr N. C. Vrir4mrf. KrtH ('.. N. C, -W. L. klSTLEK. Fatslmry. N. 3m: Aftil for Haii IV Choice Teas! Again. t v r r ii. . i.f ' a v 1 a v - 1 r . 1 . k. s his mother bad shut th 4 ' . . r M ' m v m i ' -ri 7 ri , . ' , J ..ill Wilt m, TimMi of Jn L Mon-br 1 r Tl-A.s. ntA.ri u.r ihm mul aiirft 'It's all the same to him," rjT . ".'-r C:Zu"lito .11 .-rx,o.' in-' ir , ; "he wonld cry if I j ,i,l.i.It mil.. ntr7 Jane R Murnhv to mke ! . . and then shut lh door. It's imWiate .avmct. All traoo havlnt claim. Ponder, Ujxm, UlTial, Jf. titrmmL ariinM aald ertate are bereby notified to eml th aaute to ue 01 or U-forc the 14th day of Februarr, IbTJ, or this notice will be plead ia bar 6f their recoverv. ! SlAN W. MURPHY. SalUlNirv. Feb 14, 1ST! Kiecutriv. English Jlrealast, "'IDE TEAS come from-; be oidr-t nJ mo-t reliable Tea Dealer-ta tb wwair . and but V relied on at very aiipmor. Tobeh.dat RSll.i;MrcsSi(we. March iy-C.:2t

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