,!U: Carolina lUatcjraan IOCAIi AND STATE ZTX3ZVZS. jJV I' ! ; - ' ' . i mm j J! ! County Convention ; Tlic CbiUeruattrea ofJ)avidson Countj irj reqncsted to assemble in Convention at the Court-IIouie, in Lexington, -on ?r may jtlHs 29th day of April 1872, e ng the first week of theperibr Courts .pn the adjournment of Cottrt at noon for jeceia, f.r tHe purpose of elect ng dele gate! to jreprpaenl Davidson county in the 5.tate (jonvetion, to be held at Greens boro', on the 1st day of May next ' and alio in tUe Congressional District Con tention to be licjd where aud when the Executive Committee of j the District shall appoint. ' All persona, without regard to party, wbd are opposed to fraud, corruption and eitrcTagance ; and who favor a cheap 'government and amendments to the State (JoBititution, are invited to attend. ' i ! , Maxv Citjzeks. MrcU llth, 1872. J ; , Our thanks are due to Mai. W. M. obljlftior o copy. f the "ileporfcbf the Frano Commission," and will endeavor to inform our readers of its contents daring the summer. It will show them to what extent they have been robbed by t radical party and give the names of tut robDers. 3f It will be seen that Mr. (J. It ijiKKKK, formerly a Druggist in Lttxing linjbas purchased the Drug Store here-1 !aeU,nf T fnd fr.om her sleep i T i 1 - I inc cljila: Uie mind imu tn iav . 1 4 f r t owned by Mr. Jolm II. Euniss, and resldy to fill orders in hid line. Mr. 13., though a young man, has had year ot ejtpeiienca in this liueplj very obliging and wijl b found prompt aud attentive. Try him. : f i wm : Some of the renders of 'this paper who were hs patrons before the war, will be pleased to see that Messrs. It. k A Mar- phy lUv ngiiiu opened a mercantile IIoiuo I in this puce. 1 lie Mf-snrs. Murphy were too badly crippled by " the late unplea's .aniiiei!" and by Jlre, to resume business . L . t . immediati ly after the surrender. See their : advertisement in another column. ; j firmness. Truth give a sense of security , jj i the feeblest man, as lying does, of inse- ' ! (hue ttoilN 1Jii.es, for more than 20 cl,,itJ to the strongest. The true man : years a lunatic, a native of this couW but one knswer to give to interroga ! -aU Wut 50, of .respectable connections ! t0 thera noy' r i ...... r i ' ; ,cftrumi;tleu suicide lasl habbath afiernoon. !i i . ... i . . - i ' 1 1 Hitlli.w. I... . 1 r r I by cutting his throatj with razor. He had been on a visit t this place the week buret and exhibited "Ujr.ni)''e.ineni. On of inei-Liii.rt reaching the linise ! a Mr.f Statrvrd, b'youd Uiinglo'c F i ry, af Davidson, to which county he! was ; tf! Iin' wueru ue 'ls,s Fpcut most j ol lii:tim' for ; th hut frw ycarf, he i ak'ii;,a urgro woman for knife. Thc ! whue jamily had gone to church. Duiing j the I absence of the woman from the kitehfi, Udes entered and f. ,nnd a rr, JJ . . ; ' , and taking ,t w,th I.hu to the barn, there i ; i r ' i ut Ins. throat from ear to ear. He did iu ion time. J r"i me v aiiMMin aiciunnn r L. .1.-. J-....;. . t .' On Friday night March Bib, 10 and 12 o'clock, the resi- between dedesof Mr. 11. Turuer, li miles Kor'h- (f .Vesville, Iredell couiUy, was bujrted. The joss of household and kiich iiriituro was a total one. JThe family being unaware of the fire uaUl foc'Uu) to extinguish the name, or to Remove their furniture, were compelled to leave tha house and. contents to burn. The fire was thought to have kindled fretn a cooking stove. ! ; JOKl'H N. II A V. 1 Jki4u?.a1!alli 0ut 11 U Un d urZ r ttt' tt,Ur f- H'e closest inti- iinv"Sr;Mill ,i,nu!Uf,'l'! n'ration n.av be nnitrd than ever bv n tiiii. U ... i . .f r vox-'- Iv- iJ,, . - - "'"NtemaliC use or f-YONH IvATiuiiiosr, the ,ht M)U.Ilt . t of the iair and promoter 0? ry,o t.cn.ing out. by siip,,;;, g degree of .nolrturcrwjnJriteVu i,, 8prei vS n 1 hi,,t0yHt4. It in the only in.c dS ten an,l evapurantf dandmfT and o h OW o the hr, A, A beautilier of the head the Ku Huron ,a, no equal. It not only imrenks Jl.e tranquility immediately, inipartjn. "7 C r, V I"" W'V'1 ?B,r' W".u 1 ' T"n,i,,a. ceedingly Vuru;; ""KJ ,tfX"re w jj i SUICIDE COMMITTED. Ai Ihi'mrilt of an Inactive stnt tstK-1 1 jojnaeh, pucing headob lUcf dolifcew . dependency, dementia, and fiS "Maity, no un,n,mon occurrence All dwtjrccable sym,.toms an.l Lad feeli, l n.o.t certainly di.lll by h& Je $ f, erceV (loldcn Mcllical ircovJv It ?L 1 uTi hn Jm ,-,,,Tv,e "M A 1 UU book on Chrome I ,cnt free. AddLs 11 Jt' 1 ff"' M" 1- I5,,K,,' N V. Golden Medical Diacovery poI.1 by all druggist,. ton you this Backing o7r Friends- rrA , .1 ora or defense in rfK? J? MCenl u,llfwfI atloi.ipi.lnf nrjioarda of the State Inetitu,i.r tv ; Governor', own appointee,. Tlt 'y' , Jhe 5.doea-nnt prejend to ffw, any decise however, for the Gov nor a extraordinary ad unpreerdentcd - X curious literary treasure was recent- o0c.d f,.r sale in Paris. It was W.e-ofW bound in human skin! is.! mLS "I'Pwed to have been Mjrom the Muidon tannery, whel 11 IS aiierfod ti.:. i.:.. i 1 r' ..a r "u 01 leather wn i V'l111 States trV recently Rationed hi n?H..i.i 1. vf. V lan.l r""l"lK antl ie:tve and coilnties have arrived at Cliaif- -ir ' MfcfAT IN SUMMER. Wliatt vf I may H Bail in rejrartj to tbe a.. . . f .. a k ' . Jll i .1 v a" a jucMioii that tli-eg meal ateti daring weHiliorilriM-ir.lii,iLefiMt jitace, tfl. lil-jifiKili is C .1......'... ... a t ? . r ' .... c-.- ii .-fMiiiriijiu commences III IIK-Hld lilt mmneilL ' the sinimnl id glitered, and coutinues without cessation nnless arrested by salting, imokinjr, &c.. mini it, is cpnreiy uecomposea. In not weather this process proceeds verr raoidlv. Meat iust ifrom the butcher ! alvi tough, and it must become partly deeom- ,i i r I J , . . puocu wvioro ii uecamea , tender ana nt to eat. It is this decora nostion tliat makra it tenderi and the further tliie process has Droeeeded. the tenderer -tllft m. Tr eating of mfatl in this condition, especi al! in hot wfather, ppisans the blood with the products of decom posit lou, atimula'es ti. ......... i .uo oj Dbctu mi uiuimurtii acuon, increases the heat, produces a; general condition of leverUbness, and renders the person more dable to fevers, inflammations, and other ,.iscases. If the mieaLgeta a little too i tender," it ia almost certain to bring on hn attack of diarhcen, and many cases are caused in this way. If you value aeulth and comfort, use meat sparingly, hnd fruits and vegetables freely, durisg at weather if t no other time. Sleep. t is a delicious, moment, cer tainly, that f being well nestled in bed, and feeling that you . will drop gently to fleep. The ood is to come ttot past ; the limbs haVe been just tried enough to render the remaining in one position de lightful ; th4 labor of the day is done. Ageutle failure of ilje" perceptions comes creeping on th uplrit of congcUnsnees disengages iMf more and more with low ana imsuingiaegrees like a mother de balmy lid coing ver it, like the eve; 'lis closing, 'tis closing 'tit closed. The mysterious spirit has gone to take its rounds. I ' ' ! ' The True Man. Nine tenths of the alleged inhuhianity ef mankind is owing to their beirijr deceived. If neonl. sure of an accident or calamity, crowds charm in conversation : bv ninriritv u- influence opinion; Jy; trustworthiness we render fiiendn lovinsr iarrd secure, and to . i . i -1 iur -fiirrai commence or rae.i in men. ana oy tnus Ptrensthenni? the foimda. tions of society, acquire- thVright to an "v vi Mcquiru- wre ngni io an analagous personal Sense of worth and iwiu iear . i.. "bhoo Fly" in Church The Western isuintKtc is responsible tor the statement .1. .. uCM in 1 ; that "Shoo Fly" has" been narodicd far "nlilv-h.o9, after this fashion : ' "S.l-t;iii don't Ixnldor m-; Sa-tan, iflon't bodder in-; S;i.tan,4ln't bodtfer me ; For 1 belong to Company G. . I hear, I bear, I bear, ' 1 heir de organ? tones ; I feel, J. feel, 1 feel Religion in niv-bones!" "Sa-Ur, don't boddcr me!" etc. n ? TrT , -"i a princely fortune by the ial of an extcn- iiv.-lv tAv..AiA J L..s.. c ?Xl " j ....... ffiiuvj cuing oi nis own invention, wjote this stanzt, which now mum ns nis crest : If you are wie and wUli to rUe, Then ptlcli right in and advertiKe; iryou are not, then fit down, not, And let your business go to pot. The CoMT.This work, by II. W. Guion, of. JTrth Carolina, is from the pen of our old classmate and companion 111 ueTiiiry. 1 ve nav never seen the work but sometimes se it referred to by .er,,hJ8 " itsIf while it 'rVmaina mere in the press. Jn the absence of the work rT5 ,but at e nwqoenceK to which ,...AL i- . ... S . : - :e tn v ti.t it ?. S.Ji , 1 4i M ; . . . .-r.-..fc v. tl.ethor's 1 m.rid-onginal, eccentric, full of new theories, full of P--ni W " uhuli ia sic lu pav 1 n a l 1 1 is a rrinnnr 1 wrinM 1;1-AAaAA U-.U -l- yj -i I would like to see the book itself, in order t determinejnot only h. li.erary merit,, bn'. to determine wheth.r tl. tl. . .1 .. - . er the author, a. f, Jpectables, will f North Carolina. seen thrnufrji literaryi answer tor Uovernor he work Jias the j commendation of Ward Beeeher, good authority in letters. oiuerwiae una aeponent saith not. Economist. HoLnr.x.Kirlc Holden had scarcely recovered hii perpendicular from making his bow salutatory ns jKditor of Grant's organ, the Washington Chronicle, when we are treated to his bo valedictory. With characteristic rericence, he gives uo reason for his eaily ex jt. He shoots no Parthian arrow at Grant, from which aoue of his admirers of tha n , pri-fs feartWt instead! of hwiis kicked out as he should, he ia invited j uw, nous vcrrons. Economist. Some tliik HenrJ- Berry1 Lowrey is lead, otliers that he has left Robe son comity, dnd others still that his dark movements ar a bad sio-a for certain of hi enemies'. - - .eil McKay, Esq., Republican, , arnctt 4n'ty desires Col. Wad dell s seat ins Congress. There is tip small pox in Charlotte. KEEP IT BEFORE j Tfflu PEOPLE that - the grnn jury of Chester county, bouth Carolim, composed of half tchites and half hiatus, hare condemned the act oj the President, and declare that "the ALLEGATION f CO XT A IN SD IN THE PBOC UAMATlOX OF THK PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES AKE WITHOCT FOUNDA TION." Hercisarlbuke, says the Baltimore bvcnwff Journal, to. the outrageona act of of tbe president which should be known every wlicre Let; the democratic papers always keep, t betorhe people, in some form. the time. Let us agitate indig nation meetings as our only safety in ad vance, and wis can and will sweep radi calism to the earth in 1872. ) Iand Deeds, trustee Deeds Commissioner's Deeds, Sheriff1 Deeds, Chdttle Mortgages, &u For Sale at t lis oflte ; : For Salef Appljto , Dli. Dli. BESSEXT. W'b KNOW that for cleaning p.?it, -im!,w oil iti'l niiil ir! aajwa iu Aiv tui't.tiinir bi!t t iroj bniKR and c6per wura, and for -re moving fifaina TrVkm marnlfi rv vwvwaI n In m rA i-n j f -vr machinery iBnfclrJftgatr't JSoa Bapoliojia the best tiling in use. liuo:23 . ! SPECIAL NOTICES, Premature Loas of the Sair, may be entirely prerented .by the use of Burnett's Cocdaine. It has never failed to arrest decar, and to promote a, healthy, and vigorou growth. ItU at theranie time unrivalled as a dressing for the hair. I Cast Them Oat. If there anv dweases which deserve the nune demoniac, Dytpxix is one of them. It racks and tears the syntem like a veritable fiend, and renders life a burden. The medicines of dispensary will not expel it. Cast it ont with Dr. Walker's Vegetable Bitters. There is no form of indigestion or liver com plaint that can withstand this potent tonic aud alterative'. XTo Ladies Toilet Complete Unless therfe be the fragrant Sozodont unto the breath sweet odors it imparts, the gums a mby redness soon; asHUraes, the teeth quick, rival alabaster tint, ami seem aa perls set in a coral vase. 030,000 Will be Paid for any Reme dy which will cure Chronic Rhumatism, Pains in the Limbs, Back and Chest, Sore Throat, Insect Stings, Croup, Dysentery, Collie, Sprains and Vomiting, quicker than Dr. Tobias Vene tian Liniment, established in 1847. Never fails. Sold; hv the Druggists. Deot 10 Park Place. Newiyork. Carbolic Salve, 'recommended by the leading Physicians and the President of the New York Board of Health, as the' most won derful Healing compound ever known. Gives instant relief to burns, cures all kinds of sores, cuts and wounds; and a most invaluable salve for alt purposes. Sold everywhere at 25 eents. John F. Henry, sole Proprietor, 8 College Place New York, Strajjnia is Opium purified of its sickening and jH)isonoii8 properties, discovered by Dr. Bigcilowi Professor of Botany, Detroit Medical Colleger j A most perfect amxlvne nnd soothing opiate, t John Parr, Chemist, New Y'ork. Christadoro's Hair Dye i the safest and best! Jt corrects the bad eHects of inferior dyes, wlide the black or brown tints it produces are identical to nature. Factory 08 Maiden Lane, New York. Pratt'S Astral Oil.-Saft and best il luminating Oil ever made. Do. a not take fire or explode, if the lamp is upset or broken. Over 150,000 families continue to use it, and no accidents of any description" haveoccurred from it. Qi House of Charles Pratt established 1770, New York. The Purest and Sweetest Cod Liver Oil in the world is Hazzard & Caswell', made on the sea-shore, from fresh selected Uvtrs, by Caswell Hazard & Co., New Y'ork. It is absolutely pure and sweet. Patient who have once taken it prefer jt to all others. Physicians have decided it superior to any of the other oils in the mar ket. Jotfvin'S Inodorous Kid Glove Cleaner re stores soiled gloves equal lo new. For Kile bv Druggists and Fancv Goods Dealers. Price -j cents per bottle. F. C. Wells & Co., New Y'ork. Risley's Philotoken is an established, warranty remetly for Painful Menstruation and equally efficient as a Nervous Antidote in arrases ot Nervous Excitement, Stomach and &Ieepltsness m male or female. Sold everv where f.,rl. 00 bottle. Morgan & Hisk'v, Dr.iggi.tNcw York, General Agents. A Vontbfal Appearatee ad a Beautiful, Uear Complexion is the desire of everybody. rh.s effect is prol.icecl by using G. W. Laird"'. Bloom W Youth," a harmless beautitierof the skin ,11 reinove all Discoloration, Tan, vT.i ,:a'ldbunbrns- The use of this de bghtfu to,let preparation cannot be detected, for sale by al the Druggist and Fancy Goods Dealers, Depot, o Gold Ht., New Y'oi k. ,h?oMr - W'S ?B,lt,"Jf Xynp.-It' relieves the h tie surlerer from pain, cures Wind Colic, Kegulates the fctomaeh and Bowels, Correct Acidity and during the process of teething it i invaluably Perfectly safe in all cases, as mil lions of mothers can testify. WHAT DY8P H SI AM AY vvn iv Indieestion in noi dni.rni.. . .... .1.. 1. "niayieauantlof '-'7'JWf.a""i ten does lead when it liecomes . 1. r i . vuipnic disease. A fparkoffire is -i tniol! thin pressure of the font will put it on v breath will eitiniuKh ;. vQ ' ' a DOWtlr mill r twll a i . -1. i ... " , p niiiv lire a pounder mill or kindle a flame that will "consume fl S"Mflf In- 1 1 Ir a m ! 1aJikl:.indicstio!, 'liro- '7:JC.-?'7 Vtt"' V' macn, c K-mriuB, cancer oi tlic-Ptomach com-pKtion ofthbowtK apoplexy, liver diseasuXanv other-dangerous maladies. U it not wie then cheek it in theerm? Nothing is more clear- .T V wiaousnea tlian that IIos- tetterja Stomach Bitters will eradicate dvspensi-, m allits Mage. The true policy, however, L to extineuish it in the firi .t.. .u:. '. , r , , , : ""6"' "mi mm wuoie- som?,; powerful, and ..infallible tonic and altera tiverjlt w eaMer to quemh a parkian a ll:e, and it is easier to cure dyspepsia when it is firs! developed, than when it has made headway l,v neglect, and become complicated with other ail ments. Theie ,s not the aha.lyw of a doubt that the bitter are a directly antagonistic lo dvsj,t p. wa as wat er is to fire. There are tho.wnndsofca.es on leeord proving this fact. The remedy is s:,fe and ajjreeable. All the liquors of commerce pre scribed an stimulants leave a sting behind. JJut the sting s taken out of the spirituous basis of this great remedy by fegetable medication, and moreover the stimulant thus medicated is of ex ceptional purity. Of all tonics taken as safe guards or remedies for fever and aue bilious remittent and other epidemics, it is the onlv one thai can uniformly be depended on ''A i CiXMYyifx, I&nkew, Book-keeper. Editor anp allotliers that lead aedentrrv lives, will find much relief from the frequent Headaches ervouanespf and Constipation engendered from want pf exercise, by taking Siwmoi.'a Liv er Regulator. It i a harmless vegetable com pound ; it can do no injry ; and numbers who have trml it will confidently aert that it ithe best remedy that can be used X0TI1JE TO Tim LADIES. Among the many useAil ioventiona produced by the meteenth Century none occupun a more prominent position than that of lheSe iuK Ma chine. The cheerful hum xf these tireless little helpmates of ortr mothers and wivea mar now be heard in; a most every house in the land.- moerflT2 jUadf lnnl "iety aad one is .1 most at a loss to choose when tlr.. n of decided merit. One of th u.. a ':. - . 'i . uHiutic, aiiiu we enn a Machine to give it an examination before con cluding to purchase. Agenu wanted, liberal discounts given. : ' ' : - m ay 2G: 1 y- PkSl sJLSJ" ''"P6 " vle latent htem pindm- Watch, tht is hnntiLr- cac or open-face eo.nbined, has been brought hitfehair Street New York, -which they aell at the woiiderful low price of $12. Read their advertisement and purchase one if you want a really cood Watch. , Christum wVf.ki.y e porm thej reliability in ex cry t, a,, r 5:omo imiinor,J ! al TV el ' manufactured by the Empire Sewik.; Machine Co., 'J94 KoJerv, 'V R liC H Ri O Biya AKD i YORK RIVER RAILROAD. Notice io Slappers and Vie Travelling Public. TRI-WEEKLT LINE between Jiich mond, Baltimore, Philadelphia, New York, and Boston, and all points North and East, Yest and Xorthtcest. PASSENGER TRAIN Leaves Richmond on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, at 3 P. M., c uuectiug with the splendid Steamer State of Virginia CAPT. L. W. FREEMAN, For the Abore-Namcd Points, touchiug at th river laudlugst, and arriving in Baltimore on the following mornine; in time to connect with train North and West Through tickets aud Baggage checked to all pulUt:. S T E A 3VE 33 3t Leav-s Baltimore, Pier No.OOIyght Street, on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fii.lays at 4 P. M.drriviug iu Richinoiid at J 1 o'clock the following nioruiug. Tlirouqh Bills 0 Lading Given to all Points- X 27L JZ1 1 From Richmond to Baltimore. $ 4 00 iwiu ixiciimonu to l'iniauVlphia, 7 (," From Richmond to New York, lu 50 From RichiimiKt to Boa'on. all rail, 17 05 From Richmond to Boston, by Sound 14 75 tlm-ov- I .WM X' "UAGO, Snot. KKLBEX FOSTER. Gen'l Act.. Xo. 1)0 Lijht Street. JJultiiuore. J L. TAYLOR, Ticket & Freight Agt. x- it t L'ichinovd, Va. N. II. IIOTCllKlSS. Travelling- Agt. YOUNG MEN " Oontenij.latii.g a Liisineiw Life tonU attten.l trie BUSINESS COLLEGE.' For C.rculurs.aiul Specimens i I'cuuianvhir, en close ns two htaiui :oil aJtiiess Nos. 6 A 8 X. Cliar:ea t.t., ll'aitimore", Md. PERKINS & HOUSE'S PATENT -KXPI.OSlVK Ktronr or foal Oil Lamps. Over 200.000 in Tl.e only l.so . The only job- An J SAI'KTV KIM. INC C A .VS. use. Not one lms ever c.;i'l lately sale ami c! :ii) I.hiiij. n,iul( hers at factory rate. aie 1SK0THKIN. Haiti more. Md. 246 West Haiti more (I 3 Send for circw-tar nnl iirice . it? of Virginia .) Iit. 4l:2tij . MILLS &B0YDEN WHOl.KSAI.K AM) UKTAII. oa- ojs azz is elsl And Commission Merchants, Samhi:ry, March 1st, 1872. Keep c onstantly on hand a larsre and ( hoiee stock of (JKXK11A L MEHCIIANDISK conij)nsinKI)ry Uoods. Grcries, M'arcs. etc. -ot which they would especially mention, Sugar and Coffee, of all grades, 3IOLASSES, BACON'. LA I O, SOLE and UpjK.-r LEATHER. y SHOES & BOOTS, HATS. . liOXXETS, MAOKItKL, ,,UNTS SALMOX TROIT. FLOUIt and .MEAL SOAPS. PEPPER and SPICES, TOBACCO, . , LIQUORS, of all Kind always on hand, of choice quality. J-37Espeebl attention given to consign ments and pronij)t returns made 24:tf Studwell Brothers 17 MURRAY St reet, NEW YORK, i Manufacturers and Jobbers of BOOTS & SHOES, FOR SOUTHERN TRADE, Haven complete stock in all lines, includ ing their popnlaj- Granite State Bils, Kip Plow shoes, and Women Pch.bnh. Orders solicited and - carefully filled at lowest market rate. J. E. MOOSE, Salesman. feD 2 0:4 Am. VAiAJAISl-N Town Property FOR ET IS 0 "PHE BUILDING on the comer' of rT,nis a and Ling streets, known s the Alajor Smythe pn.pertv, is for sale. If rrot wild pri vately before Tuesday of April Superior Court, lt ,hen b pul UI' at PuUlic auction. This property eomnfises two lots, which will 5kil?- to'aher r feparatelv; an elejrant dwelling: with seven rooms, pas "in every nwm, double pantry, all necessary out-hnildines, a larpe donblo kitchen, a well of water, and choice fruit tree. The lota front on Inni&s, aud rupthrough to. Fisher street. Terms made known on dav of sale. xr , . . JCLIA L. SMFTIIK, March . 4, :'.,. TRIUMPH ANTIi sTm 1 1 17 Gold & Silver Medals W toCUAS. M. STIEFP J J for the best PIANfW oTcr 14 different Maker of New York, Baltimore and Boston Manufacturers, - j OFFICE AND NEW WAEEROOUS Ke. 9, 1. Use rty St., Baltlatrt, M4. j The StiefTs Piano eonuin all the latent im provements to be found in a Grst-clas Piano, with additiotnl improvements of his own in vention, not to tj fcmnd in oihr intrninta; The tone, tooth and finish of their instruments cannot be excelled by any manufactured. A Urge assortment of 'Second Hand Piano always on ban. I, from $70 to $300. Parlor and Church Organs, some 50 different styles on hand, from $0and upward. ??end for Illustrated Catalogue, eontsining names of over 1000 Southerners, (500 of which are Virginians,) who have bought theSliefl I lauo since the c!o-e of the war. '22;40t J. ALLKN BBOWN. Agent. Salisbury, X. C. 8mw ALSO White Goods, Embroidries, &c. ARMSTIltMCATOR & CO liiroilTERR, MANUFACTURERS JOBBFKS, liO..ET,TRllIlll.G(.EfKAXDSASII RI3BON3. VELVET RIBBONS. NECK TIES. Ecmet Silks, Satins, Velvet! and Crapes, Flown. Frathrrs. Ornarnrnlx, Frarars, tr. STKAW UON'NETS AND LADIES AXD CIIILDHEN'S HATS, TltlMMKI AM) rilTRIMMKD. And in connecting Wareroouis WHITE GOODS, Ll.KXS, EMBROIDEBItS, LACES, NETS COLLARS. SETTS, HANDKERCHIEFS VEILINt;. HEAD NETS, Arc. &c. Nss. 237 and 239 Saltincre street, Baltimore, .lid. These Goods are manufactured 1y us or lxrajrht for Cash ilirw tl v from tha European " Miun.i, vuiuui iur an the latest novelties, un-quallel iu variety and iheapncss in anv market. """ " nueci wiui care, jronitn-sa and despatch. 'J.VJin: LJ. DAVIS, COMMISSION FOCHAHT, ROCK HILL, S. C, Solicits lkipiiic iit. of Flour. Meal, Wheat, Corn and Oats, t.lm sold on Cuiniiii.sion! Tho--e having prodneU to m-U should corre poiid u itli i!;.- ami obtain market prices at Keck Hill, which can generally be done in 24 hmrs. liffu t ,e : J;hu I. Shaver, Eso.. iir. J. O White. Salisbury, Dec. l.lcTI. ll:3ui:pd Clover and Grass Seeds! FltKSlI. and at hnrct jrictn, At TIIEO. F. KLUTTZ & CO S. ' 20;tf Drug Store. It. W. PlUCE. T. J. PuitE, PHICB & BRO. Ihn Removed THE in FAMILY GROCERY STORE TO JENKIN S CORNER, 'here they will continue to Sell Flour. Meal, Fresh Meats. Racoii. Lurd. Ilutter. Kggs. Coffee. Teas Suar, Salt, Tickles. Mo lasses, etc., together with a large aud varied stock of householj and table necessities. Iking your country produce t ri; ice & imo. (I7:tf) A. M. Sl i.mvax, J. P. (JOWAX. NEW OPENING. IlIK nnd Tsine.l hariu-r asK-iated them selves in badness under the linn name of A. M. SULLIVAN, CO., HA VI-; opened in K. J. Holmes' new build ing, next door to the Hardware Store, where, they will be pleased to meet old and new friends. They have a magnificent room the largest and best in town und -A- Xiargo dts Oploixclicl STOCK OF GOODS, C COMPRISING a general nortt.ct. Hanb f ware esi:pted, aud will fuarrautee a- piod barair.a a can be sold by anr Hoase in the South. They will ileal hearily In (Jrooeries and country Pioduee, buying and sellmjr, and invite all who wi.-h either tn bur or sell to call ou Uiein A. M. SL'LLI VAN L Co. Jun. 24 th, MTrL H:tf Family Groceries. JOHN A. HALL In the Store-House of J. II. VerMe. on Innips street, i- -.elling a well auctel stik ol FanTity (JrK-eriis, consist in of Coffee, Sugar, Teas, Molasses, SALT: RICE, BACOX, LARD, Confectionaries, Vegetables, Fruits, fry loir rate for enh and country produce. He invites ail to call nnd examine hia goods, which, though not as large in qurtntity a may lw fo'ind el-ewhere. are not inferior in iua?irv. c -oH lox Feb. i:-.im n.7 jp -.- I- ASM' PianoFortes i ' , nd in manj refpct, Onperiorjo any ZjmnTac tared They comiun Immense , JWer, Ejualtig SKtttntth and Brilliancy of Tone, Elasticity of Touch, amd qrtat Durability. i : ;i Dealers, Teachers and others desiring to purchase a first-clast initrnmentar inrited to examuia the Piano Ufora naliDr ha It selections elsewhere. PATENT AGRAFFE TREBLE, Together with, all modern Imjiroienients. The most thoroughly pawned timber the markel af I fordu is selected, reganlleiis of eoi-t, as we feel asaaredit wUi be tho theapeiit In tha end The great increase io the t al tof our instni menu, has enabled us to reduce our price for First Claas riano. from ten to twenty-five per eent. les tkan any other house (offering the iamecla8 of instrument) in the United SUtes rhiie wc act npon the maxim of -quick ales and .mail profit..- w. make It. at the ..me tii ume, a spetial object to furnish our cuatouiar. . ! with instruments in no way Inferior to the Ut in tha market. ILujy families Lart had a ieLw to obt.Sa a liano, but could nut afford to par the dealer a ymj iu ueairra f ,n. !. , io pnrcHafe a cheap made iutrument, that would eot more to Lwp in rrpair than it i worth, hence alarpe cla. o. our mu.ic h,vinf p.pl b.f . buobli-d to do witboU AVa can furnlah w Serei-Octave 1'iano Forte from 270 U 9S0 dollar. Second hand Piano trom 40 to 230 doiiar. IV PartiearnleriBby wall tnir rrlr dmd ie best BI.-.-f L.Tw ' the best cU-t tfon Our liano'H are fully warranted for ix ver Devriptire Circular se nt to all part of tU ponntry UKnapplicatiou. Caa - . e . at iremaine & Brolner. 1 MANUFACTURERS,. 1 sroome Street, New Xork. THE BDRDETT C o ni b i n a t i o n ORGAN. ( With Carpenter and Burdctt's Xctc Improvements.) The diiagrceftble reedy tone entirely over come iu thia instrumeuL The Ttrdirt UrnaDiiacm! The Crtalrit Sntffuonht le!! WefhaUengetki World ti Eqoal III! And cordially incite tkc profession, dealer t and the musical world generally to examine UiU truly tcondtrflutrument. t - The Burdett Combination Organ At it name indicate. Uan inxcniuf anioa ofallosr Uni3ril iniprotiurnU, (bb.litkrd jtl tuunj ttem TetnrM nerer bVfore Introduced or atl uijicd in Iteeil Urpan, togetl.rr nakmr tLU(rsn tL k ri.i ilt a or intra incut, and out tl.at t . Tady created a rcvo ution in ll. .it.:ir mind in tLe decided Uxutvf tit general . 1 1 on o( hfd Oraoa, bvlk Iwraecular aad ..rr i inM. Wrrr an lustruincot ia repaired efllier to aoctitiianv ILr voice or to poddce orcbtral eRr u. With the tnaltlfudiaoQi and ampiict f.l !r.a tfuac that are coatalaed la t! Wtrameut. tkeui iatricata aiaaic ofthe "tinl iau ra," raa be aa ilered aa on a grand orj;an ; or the uott ini.!e aaa aic for the melodaon caa U placed by a r!n:d. All ta rarl iaiprnvtaaeata an tfe EurJrtt Or Kau are protected by patent, belong eirloi-U to tLe Com pa ay, and can t u4 oa so otber otg'aa. The arrent Harriett Orjran tiaa reeeierd th ntM cordial and h!fLvt anconlama fruaa tlm raakiag among tbe flrl vt luiuiciaa tiJ o.abiU. The Xnr Yl ImfajtmHrut mrps tUe Kmr deft Organ : f It ajy Tar tho imwt perfect reed iutrument we Have ever mid." He Christian fernlrr any ; ' TTehad no Idea tat a reed initromeiit could be brought to aach perfection " i TUe rtr Yrt Ohprrrer nr 'It rarity of voicinjr. iichn of tone, ami rnmlr -rfol or chetrnl combination. tjretl.f with a uuin!cr of new at.d original t'ps n-nder it an ioatra ment of uch perfection a u be If wad com petition " ' I The presa and public ererrwhere who hare had an opportunity -f liten!rt;r to ii tteantlfal train, not inly'irive it their unqnaliCed jppro al, hnt nnheitatinplr enncede tln. it tauJ ithout a rival. Tl c Durdctt Oran rang- in price fror $135 lo S1000. We hare ala New Cabinet Uiguis zl $75, $100, &c. C. .Tl. Treiiiaiue & tiro., Wnoi.EaLE Agists, 435 Sroome St. ,TJcva 70ZL2C JoJy 1-2. MT9; J C3 till n a' t-;2 I FBESH' ' " GARDEN SliEDS ! jvst iiKcmrr.6 Jt': 7 rug Store ISTX Cnt aorUuent, incliKlU-aesn '!- thWle. nor can pnxl reertaUea U rUl Trcm inferior or old ArprtrlifiB-' thM fact, trr hare iml o yWn tm fwun. Milr. Hrmf AWa ami MiaHr-M . hu.i wc can conxricntiouJj xxnc;-tJ to our customer. We would call gpeeial attention to tl..- German Wax Bean, " a a itrinjjlw antl mwt deairaUekbL Tl Troj.Ay Tomato now ura!cs all ot hen u size and qualitr. ; Brrct Kin? of Earlie, U tvov. tL IruJi Potato, irolacinr 400 Lonhels to fW acre, it'all or huJ f,- a Gardra IXsJSva1 nwke out jour S-d order, then toy u Kluttx Jt Ci an.I tou will not Le di tointed in thr rvMilt". : TIIEO. V. KLITTZ A iXX; . Dnigist and .Sred lValr. Tc SalUUiry .C. 1 .S. We Will i,r i.m it.. . 71 . 1 ordered Irr mail. Q-rf R. R. R. i Rad way 's Ready Rellel Cure, ,be w.,. p.in. in from " ! txt Tw tw isn urn ma. N" har aHer i.-itr ibi. adTertiemr iied auy oneknllrr tiiih I'AIN. IlADWiY'j UEiiiruitMrp ! c.ure f,.'r rxrr? 1al It wa. tie Crrt at d I - . . .- j I HIU lU'llMnJr tl nt itiOiMlr.l.,t..iK.i Hl-rueiatmr pn., ,m Ii,BiiB-ih ti.l cute C4.ptviivii.L ibrrorib laaft. atvu - ach. IioWel or ! I i.r ., Am ......... I - . . t1!1. 'JL " ' "br to ' T mlulw. i- j matter how K.lrnt w rxrrwoUiiaf tb rii ( H. VI 'WAY S I.-f.lin- Er.UEK ul j fl,,rd inMant ca. fu -t-ulii'tt He Kulwt y I . .? ikt Ui&r. Infamwiltiomof tkr ;., ' .Wf 71roj, iZZZ. I 1fenra. rr- l'ia "f llmJatke, TvolLtnle. CM tlU, A$e CI.IU. The applieuiK.n of the Troy I'Mirf to tt part or pnrt wt,.-rr tj,r j.fc!ri ,., uitcollr txut ill ....! 1 . . J 1 T-,1,i tlr"" " ball ti.u-bUr of water i I , Hi a d ncit-il. i.t r. .. . . . . . i i i . . . . ' . ' . ! 'h' irr. riNir i..I i. il. J-.-.;. l if Traveler- h.uM r,l r t rre UttU . t j "I.'adwa; . Hea.li I.. ! f aJttl. , t ln.p. in aater pi.-w-nt ieVue.ior paii . .''" -r. ituuttrraaarni.1. , llranuy or bitten. a a ti'nulai.t. Tertr and Arse, Fever and Apt . c uu d tor bPy ta- Tlerf ' -medial aP.u in tbu wrid ihat I Cure KeM T .Itld A if lif and kit :.t t .. U - I . ... -r.-- - I naiciiui. . j l.iituui. S, -arlel.T) pb.;d. Yellow aitd otlrr 1 . I rer (aiiled l y . fcf l:tl) cukh - . I ..I - .. . ! . .1 .. 1. I : . M . - ieiui. j lit rtttu ptr W,i tie. " . health i beauty i . Strong and pure rich IHtjcdJncrtaie it rlrsh and ilI Clear Skin f- leam t'ful CuwjJejion Kturrd tvalL 15 H. 2LASWAT8 Sarsaparilllan Iiesolvcnt Has made the tnost astrmUhiny Cwres : quicJ:, ao rapid are the changes tkc Lad-i undents, under the ifluener of fi.a truly Wonderful Medicine, tlnxl EVKUY DAV AN INCKKA8K IX rLK.Sll AND WKIOHT m:i:n AND FKLT. TUE GRTAT LT.OOD PCBlMEK. Krary Umj ot the Srapnnllian I2e4Tn t ( itiuuimmuu- ll.rocLh the lU-od, a eat, acu - and other f.niJa and jun of tie yaUia tie ( vtp.r iflife. f.r it r pair the wat oitht hm i J with new and paaud maienal. K-n-fula, aypl '.. ( li. fouKUn.ptii.b, j:.M.dlaTllM-a-. nicer iu the thr at, iMutb. ti iiir, node io ll.c f lau and other prlr ( tbe T1rin. a.re ee, tf j toon-u lubarpelr.'Bi the eara.aad tlwoi t fi.rui- of kiudieafe, fitj tn hp, lev era, aor-. ; aeald heod. rlt jt .rni,ffcit ri iiOit, mu! . j arhe, b!a L p'. wi.rm. iu the fleh!ranr . iu the wouiuh, ai.d aikaeakeniBf aud paicf : diM i.urpe. t i-Lt auit. lo.r ot ru aa4 t I wa-te of the lif.-Irir. ij.!r. aie aithiu fleet I atire ran?c t.f lLi aor.iier .f W!erti fhew I . rv,ad a ,'ew u-e prove la ny yi ! win wi.tui.jf it ,r either i.J tl.e fonua of -; ea- it pt nt jmn i-r to ctire them. II tae patient, daily Uct-imcacbyt. wat( aJid decuc.'M.t luii that ia culiiMai.t pnxrc"li..uv-e,-tjin .ncui.pXU- aale . arMl repair the n-e with near inaterial tin', from health bl ud tl.i. tb Kara jariWi -will and die inrr a cure i irtais ; f When oi.ee 1 1 i rer-itli c D '; ii ;r it wo;k u unfi( a'ion. ad ;,e-., , j, MbitniMr.ff tl . ( t.te, iu rpir i.ilk raf-ul. a4 eV -ery day tl.e tiei.l uJi Jt ; luumr!( pruMt: better and ftrt r cei. tt f.-l !ijetii,jt 1XU . apouta mproviBf ttvi f.e-at d wetft n -en aw up Nit uli , tL ardhat 1 w.Urut excel all Lu. ri ;i i.el:al tp iU It tl--crre of ("brorir. .,v-r'f..3.i.f.i.tiali.Lal a. I Min i!i- a-e- . t t t M i- tl.e v p-itirt forKJKNKY & Il.lIhlt nVl PliAlS'T . rriuary ana 3.-ci c.ax el. claWu . nropar.t.rj.if t.f er.'rr.t.ti3erici.f en . . Unfit' di-ea-r, .Vlbutui;. ad iu all Ca , Lere tlrre art tiii l-.vt V;. ,t.r tie . teri tlik. oleidr, n.iH with an fc.t ue$ t" k the white .f au r ;I m1 hi e a tJtea'. ortheTfita pM'ri id. dark . 11h Ipearab aad wkite boos4st 4 tP;t.aod WLm Uai i aprietii.f. bumiLf etatioB bn paji f water. ar-J juin ia ikf AO-til af tta- lack a alotr tU- I 'lDr. i , DR. JlAinVAT'S rrrtect rurgafirr rill, perfe't.y Uie'e tUftrA mvil h'eli . puree r-rn'ai' j tittfi f r.i n.; irritWe . Kadaara I'l'l. If 111 rate .f ! di-wbta I , jae4i. Ilirr. toe!. ln'ri Mad(er. (.eiti inraoaa. bfaaxke. .; ..?. rtatliraeH. h -(etia. waa. l.jiK.t.-i .. !.'m (lvwt M' ffiatUaa o( tW l-owel, pi e aad all drtararasta- wv'' iateraal Viarera. Vr-aald Utfrctt '. tir rare. I 'ore It r.t),.e. t.kUia aa--eurj. iniaerala or i-W ur dr i . A lew daw .f I: . t' Tim ali'rrf arateai tmm the wr rtme-4 4f-terrt l , 76 eeaUrhx. H'l.P I V THI ft-PV Kad Fir in lart." Perd re Vtir-tia 3 to P.ADU A V 1 U.. hi Maid, a l-aa-a. X -Y. ?a format inn morva lbo..Kl .! Ie tLt a. - -Jaa 30--Iy . Cheap Clint tl Mortsnpcs. ani various other H'.aam tor 4jict, TIIEO. F. KLITO i Ml