i! t ! 'it ; , I . I I , iiMaMMamTSaMaT -' . ', . . ... " Z . J it .e- STRONG DliINK A FABLE. "I am liungiy," said the Grave, " Death answered: "I will send fortli a minister of av- eutruction, and you than be Rit- "What minister will -ou gentl! "I will send 'Alcohol; ! lie Eiiall.go in the cruise of food and medicineJ . II 'PI. - 1.. I pleasure anu nospuamy. j xhcjwjmc shall drink and die." And the Grave answered: "1 am content." f "" ! And now the church; bells began to toll, and the mournful procession to advance. . . . . .! : . !Vlioare thev brtniin2 lmv?" Said the Grave. ; MAh!" said Death, "they are bring incr a household. The drunken father nJ moil a blow at his wife.! He killed the mother and child together, and then dashed out his own lite. 'And who said the Grave, 'comes next, followed ly at mi iiOf weeping children?' A ''Thi is a broken-hearted woman who lonir itiued awav in want while her huslKind hasHvasted away her; sub fctahce at a tavern. And he too is borne behind, killed by the hand of violence.' 'And who next ." " A young man of generous impulse, who, step by step, became dissipated and souandcrcd his all; He was fro zen in the streets.' 'Hush !' said the Grave, 'now I hear a wail of anguish that will not be si 1 en ml.' 'Yes; it is the only son of his metier He gpurned her love, reviled her warn inc. and a bloated corpse he conies to thee. , And thus they come, further 1 .1 ' 1 T . ,i . inan tne eye can reacn tne procession crowd to i thy dark abode. And stil lured by the enchanting cup which 1 have mingled, the sons of men crow .the path of dissipation. Vainly thev dream of escape, but I shut behinc them the invisible door-destiny. They know it not, and with song and dance: and not they hasten to thee, OrGrave Then I throw my fatal spell upon new! throngs of youths, and soon they too. will be with thee. Western Sentinel. G&t&sm&dRmik-. else ! IIARDWAEFiiRCIIANTS, r - PATENT LIGHTNING SAW. Super Extra Spring Steel, ' Warranted EefinedJ EBfiN MOODY BOTNTON. . t 80 BBBUZOAZT 8TZLC33T, XTew Tork. - Nr. 27, ieC6: Joly 23, ISC 7 ; Ju. U, 14, 1SC8; July 27, 18C9 -o- Main Street, Salisbury, .1'. j I cav.sf rj.vr. r adding i range of wants we are prepared to meet, nor tfew. im craved and valuaU'e Tools, 1 mule iHtntri, Machines, Contrivaiu-ies, &c &c, for tac convenience, and facility of Farmers, Blacksmiths, Carpenters, ; Shoe Makers, m of the exact and beautiful adaptability of our goods for the purxses tor wlmii tney arc made. Nor can we describe them in an advertisement. Thev must be seen. Come, j therefore, to the Hardware Store for any thing vou want, from a toothpick to a steam engine; from a pin to a straweutu-r any thing almost even' thing. They have 1 A FULL STOCK always on hand of every O-ihinnt jSIfllvGrS- ' " varietv'of N'ailn, In Steel, Hoes, Grain Cra- JMaSOllS, ;iun, Kstols, Kiives ami Forksi, Fairbnkn Carriage UllilderS ' Sde, the best Wrought Iron Plows to be found, j f. f? i Ve warrant them toire satisfaction. Thoinp- LOOPerS, . . i you'a Plows and SubsoiU-rs. if ' f : . ' !'t ! t uouse-ivcepers, ! i j COHN SIIELLEUS, Jiutehers, , y MM! straw cutters, Cooks, &c., &c. 1 ; and a thousand other things you need. Send In fact, few persons unacquainted with U your orders or come and buy. our establishment, are aware-of the wide j 13:tf Salisbury, i c trt5fe msM ft-, i ' iLS?.4 rffl , ,r i l bt . .z IJPC'.VT . CV'4 ' ITT ffi Not Oue Failed iu 20.000. Tke Vew Year flu tW I.ICIITNIXU SAWS onirernatly cknowlnt4 W had tLlueri n market Xo aaaafaeturer or Kairi ka aara to qneiuua orjmlU iy lewt alluc Arner ico Invtitutc, or uUirrwtx, tlx aicttet Uum rlority of tke Utcxt iwjMovod hawa. Tim $5W challenge fur expeuaca vf public coatvU inch' gmved uu Uie aar. The targe iDcreae of tbe buinet baa coih pelled lea- of No. HO lekniaa t4net. ami ar raneeineatu lor tke manulacture vf are tkaaand LlUHTMXti lYrtMeuU lxf moatks aa4 bope mi ue aoie w mi an oruerapronipur. The Huplr baa been oBrqual to tke demand of tke LHHITNIXC UL'CKS. W, bntkereaftet I will endeavor to keep a 'oek or band. Tke sate of nrTeal doxen ot tke above InenUoned Sa a rauwa belief that tkey aie tke beat bUdea in me market. Ml L.ixlttninft a ) are indel ibly etched witk tut name, the Crone-l'uUirlth r1" T direetiona ftr niiiie'.uainr. Jte. Each I.ijrktmrijr i illroil aadtoaek e uninjured. Not one in twenty tkowaand ka proved imperteet ao tkorouak m tke iuapectioa ot thexe reauiar fKda; but, for tke bene&tof auch unfkilled men aa ran not ad and nae a thin aaw, a suage heavier (than reaoUr 11 will 'e inserted to order. Since ea'arfewentw dat mri. ort rear mtrn. na eoimilaitit Itfelorrin iZy- liaa ! ii rwvived Tlie l.ifflitDine Sawa ar equally aOapted for amall and larfctiiuber. aoft Lightning ha aieall ret and ui(ut: ready UIm, m ma' IS J. I toBsiltationml Amendment!,' 7WirMtli.tteVVaVnaM4T,. . m war , ... I a - tlx ix-4 by U ibaJl tMavlhal tb mpvciiv CMuntiea ar i;i h4 htn a ajitaUaiiuinUr uf aab liTt'kibt. aa eum)iaet Bd CuSTvaicbt in UatM aa -wibt., a&! marked imt fej fiait- Wuuftdarie. k wlj Wa y aJieeval wine awnry. SaM trab-aiit abaUWkiawwB by tU uaabo 4 rreitHrv. TTej thm) Lava wi M.rj.-rate jwrr. Tb fartiidn rvT eram4iu ar aKa!tahv4i TW lMat)eUfV tf tb r eiaeta ahall W tb mib wLicb Wv-ti-f.ire il-tiiied jhe loWULia outil tbey b.U WalteYwJ. - ' lf' : Ss. rlV. .f .t Cn' 1 Amrd aevliua two of tbe ectI ankle be t " V.i . . J "7i" . a - . . m aUiklaj H,t Ike word - annnally," and i-rrtinf I i , . J " Passed in tke Um t,f lleprcsntatiret I Junuary 17, 1872. . AN; ACT to alter tko ConatUauioai ot North Carolina. Tke General AaacmUv of North Carolina da enact (three-fifth of alftba member of each Uottf. evneumnf.) 1 hat the (.'awtaotuttoa of thia Hate be allrred aaulkrwa, to wit t Arnend aection aiz. of tli fin article, bv aUikiflg out the firt clauaw threof,dowii loaud incliMhnf the word "but ; thia bciag the claue reiauRf; to the Nate deU. in lieu thtroul, th word bWuuullv briu J . . t .. .. .1 . r .i j . ! in i virn.iK.-e w iie aapioua oi tuc vieuerai .a aemtly. ; Amend fectlon five of tire aecond article, by atrikiagout all that precede the vorda, wtle aid leuate ditrk'ta,n and b atrikii out tke uraf aa aloreuiJ or luaaul aevtioa ; the lrta o atrickeu out having refrrvnee to the State tvnmia. Add a new portion to the aeeortd article to be atyLed " aection 30, and to read aloUowa: "The membera of the iteneral AaaemUy 4iall each receive three hundred dollara aj a rwm fjenfalion Ir their aertn-e during their term, nubjeti to uch resnlationa in regard to time of payment and red i"tim USr non-aiteinUnr a way be iireacriUd by law ; but they way hare an additional allowance when they are railed together in special t-im, and mik-ae kUall be ten cehta per mile for cah acijon. Amend aection one of the third article bv atriking out the word fiur eeara," where they occur ririt in mid eeetion, and inserting, in lieu thereof, the word " two year," luinj in retr encv to l he terma tf executive officer. Strike out the word " Superintendent of In1 lic Works" wherever ther oecnr in the l'iau- tutioiij thua abolifthing that rftiee Amend aertinaa elHut and mlno 4 thm aeventh article, by athking (Kit tlx worda r towbhi." w brre tbej ceur ui raid eytlooa. Jitiike out WlKX three of the bin t5 ktiitTr, andlulieti them.f iaert theiollAwlwf t Tae General Aaeembly tltall make tuiable pew vUioa by law ktrtLe kianagetoeul ao4 rec tation f the pub! t- cJdf, and foe errecl ing theayalefn of re jmUie iaatrueliva. Stnke tMit reetioa fivecaf tke ftlatb article, and in IWu theref, iuaert the follow i a g: The (fural Aaaeiaiblf ahall Lave power tu pruviJe ior the t-iecttnit td TrtUteea of tho L'tiivrn-itj ul Xtth. Carvdica, In, wbotu, ehoeeu, lim le reated all the friViUxfa, r'phta. fracehiartf aud endow meuta Let etr fore in any wiae jrvaot to, or conferred wj the Hoard of Trotter of aaid UliWefai ty; a d the General AfaetaUf may taa eurh proviUa. lava and regaUtiona, froia liioe to t'uiMf. aa oiy be aeeeawy mi es edieuU for the inaicleaaDce and tuaafe iiieul of aaid lTnlvealy., Strike nt rtHiQ thirteen, fmrte a4 fifUru of the ninth article, relating to tke l aivc atty of Au lh Carvuna. Aicad ec- Wud ectn,u au of the tL.rd article hy lioU trmJhm jrTrvlh mnMm b triU .trikipE out the w..rd ".uaual ly aud j oU t,((p wr,t ..M W fi tie Stale." aertiug. iu he,, there.,f. the word .-UI.UUWI. j mu4 ,; hrfriift jrrt .-j, ..t u XfcW YoKt, AMKBICAX lNfTrTVTE Kia Itr ILPINO. Xov. 4. 1S71. or hard wood kiitaiift timler require it tn Ik set wider. tor use Tvl.tn ht-nt out; are two gnapo thli neroii back E. M. Hoyntox. m Reek man St., Xew Yoik ir: Tkiacrtifiea that 1 mw ll.e MektnlnfMn.a-Cut iv, worked ly hnnd. ny two men and xnw cut olTa aound 8ji9 inch rlefnttloe; in3 4 aceonU; and !t rt8 of fame, coiittniioiifly. in two minute and 1K ceroid), or at tke rate of a coid of wood in le than nine miniitcH. I ain rtatitilied that for all purpoaca of cn.-cuUiuji laipe and tmall timber, your cross-tut ami wood saws hare no rival in sjieed, in eaie and in imli-it v. f bc'iere their universal nse would ae a vast amount of money and time, and lighten tke toil of millions of men. J. W. KJ.AKH Superintendent and Kujriner. American Inaitnte Fair. Stat: and ih.- wl,u d bM own property --utptiiu pr-M-riled iu thia C'0UtuliB. r l.-iiij luiuvra. lia jiuirrbta t'o Mtf pn.prrty over and aWve lie aaine. ahall Lw rarvd fr a the har.N of tbe Slate. Ailt-r iM-t'uu rvm 4 ti. fvurlreatli ar tir'.f that ajiid r-"Cii..u alm'.l read aa td- that aaid aertion ahall radf..lluwra : "Thr ... irna. mmM i .v . i- . i judicial l.wvr of tW State .hall be veeted iu , .UJ r ae,arUneot tbere-d. or uudef any olh-r St.ater prrruurit. ahall U4d or ly. o aa tii com. mi to Hie proviMou r apectllig the vtoti of the Ieinrl Aam- bly. ? Strict- "ft aeetlona two and three of th fotirtll article. Wint; the provii..im wlurli re- , fer ti the Hppoiuttnvut aud dulira of the Cdw i'ouiiuieoiera. Alter aection f.ur of the fourlh article. ' a court for the trial of iinpachtcenta. a Su- X. R. Thene extreme teit aie ouoted nieiely to prove what n.out.1 be obr'raua tkat direct cottiajr : preine t'oiirt. SuH-rtor courts, audi interior r,rrrjM. muv ..K fE, r.Uee of tmat o ist ketterthan the old V fricti n iiocef- ii.-el l.v all other lionet hardware men will procure the eliuine ror their customer, even II they are overvtocKed itb inferior podi. but where lhy do not keep theiu, afenl are wanted. 7, N 15. Millions or axeaaie iwil lor cutlrp oo": a I.ipllniip t ro- ut Saw. eltlier tor one man or for two. will cut rive timet ait fast a an axe. Why not try them ? .Mho, I.;htu!i f; Ire Pawa, 4 to 6 feet loii. suitable lor general nee. See that ti e name and warrant are on ech?aw. K. M. I'.OYXTOX, Sole Proprietor aud Manufacturer. Xew York. HAS taken tlie room reoently occupied by Overman, Holmes & Co., in Murphy's Granite ltoW, and oiened a PRODUCE COMMISSION BUSINESS. iSflle Solicit tash orders from alrod,- Produce liought and slupjied ou very short notice, jUcspeet full v refers to businm eh of the city. Cash paid for all leading articles ot country Produce. ll:tf its- TASACCO! raOREHEAD'S "DID YOU KNOW?" ! 'What?' ' 'That people cull vou a drunkanlf 'I, a drunkard !' f ' 'Certainly, sir. Tliat's what thj? pieople, who see you, staggering along the street, and who hear of your drunkenness, call you.' It is so young man. 'Although yo may full out with u for telling yoti of itr it is true nevertheless, that pecf j)lc call you a drunkard. j Did you. not know that vou wcrela drunkard X. as often as vou have Ixn drunk. , I ! AVLyit i a wonder that vou had not found it out, when the fact is o notorious to other people. 4 iVrhaps you do not know what a drunkard is. !- j GREENSBORO" N. 0.t open every -WEDNESDAY on and first Wednesday in March, (GtJi.) Will be after the fiir the f LEAF TOBACCO. SIXTY-FIVE FIRST PRIZE MEDALS AWARDED the tiKKATI SOUTHERN Those wiio consign with me are assured of the bet pneei. If the sales tlo not give satisfaction, the Tobacfrojnay be ' taken in," and ihipjed else where. So chaise lor xtorage. Warehouse fees the same ka at lanville. Liberal advances will be made, f The Warehone has a first elass prizery attacked.: In the haudling, ordering and acort injf of yonr Tobacco, too much care cannot be taken. -Ample canipiirjr ground1!! are offered to lantera. I'll do my best foreo.asigaora; they can't sk more.! I reler every man to Lis neignbo'rMliat the good lev may wprjad. , ; Very Kepectfiillv. EL' GENE MOftEItKAm Feb. 13 1872. i you think that to boia drunkard, man must lav drunk from years end to vear's end must spend his days in the gutter and m nignis in tne guani house, and, bfg anout the streets tor a slullinp- to bin a cirara. 1 You are mistaken ; that mart woujd be a sot. He's gone beyond the drun kard standard. j The drunkard is the man who gets drunle occasionally whether it be once a week or once ?i year. If he gets drunk at all, he is a drunkard Did vou ever think that you wotild liyc toce the day when you would Ikj called a drunkard? AVo are sorry fQr yon. young mdln ; vre piy you from the Vttom of our heart, and we beg you to stop befpre you go a step farther, i ,1 Perhaps your mother docs not know that you are a drunkard ; it would break her heart if she j did. But we saw you staggering along grog-allcv, some time ago with your clothes all muddy and your face bcgrinimed and heard you belching out paths too hor rid to repeat. j s ' We saw you aailin. through four streets in a hired carriage for which you paid money that ought to have gone to pay your mother's house yent. .Xounj' man, youare i a drunkard. lar Alas'! j r I LUMBER ! - ' ; Lumber! ! Lumber ! ! ! M A NT FAC TO UY. WM. C. KXAUE & CO. Manufacturers of GRAND, SQAUKK AND Ul'KHitlT Piano Fortes. BALTliJOKE, MP. These Instruments have been before the Pub lic lor nearly Thirty Year., and upon their ex cellence alone attained an nnjmirchaxrd pre-cm-htcnee, which pronounces them unequalled, iu TOSK, TOUCH, WORKMANSHIP, AND tUBA HI1.1TV. B,A11 our Square Pianos have our New Improved Overstrusg Scalk and the Agraffe Treble. B3u We would call special attention to our late Patented Improvements in Grand Pianot and i'quare Grands, lound iu no other Iiauo, which bring the Piano nearer perfection than has yet been attained. Every Piano Fully Warranted for Five Years. We are by special arrangement enabled to furnish 1'arlor (Jryann aud JSIelodiaas of the most celebrated makers, Wholesale and Retail at lowest Factory Prices. illustrated ("atah ipies and Price Lists nromnt- 1 iy lurnisiieu ou application to i I Jitf i n i Ato. ' i'- " ," " vV OMinans iiwy if esiauiiMm wy ami ,fi. , ii. ..). i,. .XiKUSLaL. W Conrtiof Jatierr ihj-AhU- t a .-t in .ulr b.Hiae tk. Alter aet Uonht of the f.rth .rt.ele. jjrral AM-inldy ; iWuW, Tl.at tn.m- sothm ia:.l s.-rti..n aha r.l aa t.I hor-: Win .lUi, hj,n rlui , MfBrw -Um Supreme o,urt ahall c..!.iat ofn h.rf ,U ll(ir,tia. JnMir it P-mCr. C.hou,!.- JUMiet xmi tvvu .iKM i.iie jiiic; i rori Jd, That this Klia'.l u--t apply to tWc justiet- j iluriuij thtr present term tf .fip.-. uulefs ' a a by dtth. rHii;natiii. r lierwiM-. !nenuin ler f AfK-iate Jutieea ahall be reUuerd to tWi.M Alter aertin twelve t.f fourth articl . th.it sui4 e-vli"ii shall r-l ns (llv : ! "Thtj'Stat shall diviJ-l int uitie judi- rial districts fr each t.f whieh a ju.j; fhall Ik? elMen: and iu each distrirt Jujen'r Court fhall W h ld at l-it trir i i eaeh year, to eoiitia'Ji- tir aueh time in -aeh oun- W.M. KN ARK & CO., Ilaltiniore. Md. Or any of our regular established agencies. October 13, 1871. 0 months. t. lOlTKHS, TOMBS. K HEAD & FOOT STONES, . -elil'DKUS his eomnliments ! hta titAA 1. and the pubrM,imd iiixhin uiethml ould biinj? Uthelr uttentlon his extended hwjlitiea fi.r meeting deuvWnds in his line of hiiRiiwas Feireu to mrnisii ail kinds of uraiTc ruwiM-i.. iroiu tne cneapest Head Stones t the costliest nitmumenta;. Thofo prefeiin? mt fl A m anil in.i a.ii!i ....... I. r ,r r e c.rioiu in; iwuj ma (iii iiarMi, can be aocorumodated ou Khort time, Mrictly in ac,. cordance with xpeeiticationft, tlrnfta. t)w tomis of the coutraet, Satisfuerion .jruaran teed. He will not b undersold, North or Kouth. Orderi snlieted. Address, i T I7;tf JOHN II. BU IS. Salisbury. : J l: I THE bndersisrned begs leave to inform the citizens f.f Salisbury, and other places of improveineut, that he has made arrance-l inents to1 furuish lumber cheaper than: ever, ! fiUEEN' OR DRIElto suit the purtnWr. I Remember fivichts are no more from l.ard S'atiou. hau from places uearer Sa-liBbury, while the timber is Wtter. f llebure and seud your order? fi.r Lumber. ; I). W. ROBERTS. Icard Station. N. Ci i Feb. ?. i0-:j, A STEM WIKDfilt. THE SENSATION, OK S A x- sr.--! A desirable Rrick House vith 7 rooms and all Necessary out houses ; situated in the most desirable part of Town. Persona wishing to purchase, eau apply at this office BURKE & COFFIN AID Ilagic Walcli. A BEAUTIFUL CHRISTMAS C.lhT. SOMETHING ENTIRELY NEW. , AND USEFUL, AS WELL AS GOOD. A New Style Ii bee Hi viixg Case and j openace WATcncimdjiucd in one, with fine VIKst class unpolled Pufulicdor I iustet Nhm.e, Pa test Lev ek, and Jinhtj Jctrelal Movements. Accurately adjusted and Rw;fl.ATEi. Elegant Crystal Cap, showing the Esftosed Aetion and EVEUY motjox of tlte Daiutijul Wouks while running, with therfc6ruf I'atent stem avixik ISG Attachment (windingu: at the Stem without theuse of Key I. Unique in lhsiyn, and quite a Noveexy, Cheapest keaely'gooi), tu-ong, correct and nerriccubfe Watch ever manufactured FOR PERj-oxal I SE, Equal to fine quality hiyh jnice Gou CliitoxoMETEK Wakh at on treiUielh the cos. - Price each L a di es' or ( I exts' aizewith Chaixw, in Morocco Case, onlv $12 or 60 per half dozen; U0 per dozen to clubs or the trade. Sixgee Watches sent free to any address. &ifc drlirery guaranteed on receiit of price. We are rtsjK;isible for Cheeks, Drafts, P. O. Money Orders, or Registered Letters nnlv. Or, WE will forward them hv-i'xpresH witiioi't THE money, and you can pay the price to the i Express Agent; (with Express Charge Ex tra tor the privilege) on the delivery of them to you in yol'r town. Watches of all kind j ty r ectively as may be pivcril-l by Ut 1 he General Assembly aball lay on said uu trictaiu due tiii.e. s that the said nine judji- inay be rboceD aud legin their i.fliri al tefiu at the first eneral election f.r inein Iwrs ol the Geu-ral Assembly whieh shall occur after the rsuticntioii of this section." i Hie General Asseiuolv may itnlufe or in crease the iiilinber of DiMrirt tn take etfect , a, tin? eli'l of each judicial l-rm. i Strike ..ut sectiiti thirt-eu of the f.nrth aiticle which ties the p esviit judicial dis trict st Amend section foU' teen of the f uith ar-' ' tide by strikiug out all af'er tlie w.rJ , ortie-." and iusertiuc. iu lieu of the pait so ., . . . - . . , , stricken out. the f..iliw iiic : The t-ueral h. 1. Bovnton s I. lulitnin One mnn Cross cut. U r cutting ood. Joists. I.oca and Timl-er. ar-tlsaw- . . .. - ingdowu trees. Compute, je;olv lor u,e. I'rice. ib ( for four teet. Larger sas made to ..rd.r.- Assembly sn .ll pree-nU a j.r per Mstem ,.f Millions of Axes a re in i.se, wkic, by iiMiig tl.isSa, hall the time wotld be savd, and to Me of rotation f..r thejude may ride Hyalite di fuel occury' tr'u t twice in succession, aiol the judges may ! ulso ff.xchauue districts u iili each other, as maybe provided by ', .-tfikeout section blu-eii ! the fourth at - , tide and insert in lieu there. .f. the f.dloa - ing : Tht General Assembly shall have no , jover to deprive the judicial department auy jHiwer or jurisdictiou which rightfully ' pertains to it as a coordinate d.-p;irt ment : but tbe General Assembly shall allot mdJ j distribute t! .t jTtion of this p.ver and ju I risdiftion. which loe not jeriaiii to the Su- ! preiae ourt. amoug tlie ottier t'ourta pre Recause the fastest ia the el.enist. IF SlaiPLK. j rib-A iu this constitution or which may be As it costs live bundled or n.oie uollaia lor tlie labor that wears out tlie cross-cat saw. a sat :i g of oris- j . . . . lifth bv speed and easel an improved aw saves the cost ot a dorea. Tbe ouly difiicalty Las been ! establisbl by law. in eoeti manner it that iniskilMul men neglect to shorten ny clcaiitif. teeili pifily. il eon.pliratcd. , may deem lest. provide al a prjK-r i1ein These patent teeth are all of one length and no ihoi thing leijuued and cut t ice as fast as rommon f aj, peals, and reC'late by law when saws. ; neJfiHrv the ineth.Hls of pr.-ceili.ig, iu the There have been inanv uevices for clearer leeth, bjt no other tiatent cutting teeth for cross .nHinp but .. - - , , ' f ,i these are known by should a saw tooth he in an indiiei t ii-sj ed V. rithi.y ovei ll.e tn I er. l.en. . ,,f l,,,r lM,w-"- ' ' " u,r if the outside edges be projected and pninft double with one diess of set. a due. t cutting ai dc'.eaiii.g ' behns the - cpreii.e I oiirt. s. fr a the same is sub-united 1 'liue. it w ill iKjine tu itci steel und liarder U'liij-ering for a cnttirg saa. 1 titdo yoa may le .lone without conflict with other pr buv a poor tool of unv other dcsei iptir n, or use a u i:ch m-pto sh-ijn joui pt i.kuileT Nots. aielul- i vitiions .f ttiis eoiisiitutiou." lyth.e Patent Cotteis. how dimie.t- tioii.any olUr saw : . i fctrik out MCtious aixteeii. rvm- 1st. Doc.b e lHMnicd, w ith onk m i ss ami sit tor two limits on oi.e side of kei f. and next t re- . versed cut on other side. 1 iniMleeii. tenty-hw and thirty-thrc- 2nd. line point Whiud the other, cmscp;iitly -ts nn.l cleats only with oulsiCe edpi a. No slsr.lcut t f tje fourth article, to ctrajfe out. ' If one point of M tooth was set one w ay Mild one the other, the slant would rid and i Amend aection tweutr-six oi the f.irth article by striking out all that part which W- aioners lr pwi-d lutp.i Ada auother s.--tin t,. the f-ortheeBlU m- ticle to be St jle.1 section ft. and to reaj follows : "t'oonty o!bcer. j as tires ..f tke j wacv and other officers ) ofkora art aU!islied orehauced iu any way by the aJ terntiou of the roust Huliuu. ahall Co- tibrie Trrrise their fueti,. jti any rretaoe , uoe-ary t.. W made by law ia ordr l fite full etb-ct to tbe a'teral'lotis, o far a relate to said officera shall have beeu made. Re t.uuiWr the sections iu th. article i from whicli an actfi ha been strickeu ! without the insertion of another in itaatrast; and give to any new seetiou that nuunWr ' w hich by lhi method nmill hare lr-ti giera , to t he section for alrtch it ia ubtited. and the alteraliou ahall le fuiUidsrd ittt-a the roiisiiiutioii, atrd the Wveral rrlsui hum- berel coiiM-cctivclr. 'WWWWWk i " li'i.ii,. I., i. ii , :. . r .... -jii .:. .Ti . .. ; i , , 11 ' I Why Ise I lie laightning: Saw ! 8 t ....... rr- i n c . t a m. UiMska lwrw,K M C ii awM, a. t. Commission Merchants, (CP A t thejSign of the lied Flag, MEtlONEY'S OLD STAND, j MAIN STKKET t LQJ.QQDV At n 111 fl at. M M U Lff 1 F . V. M m ! I , i ' , 1 etf at ALL TIMES free of W V Ar-ra J. K. bcjmck. - , J. m. COFFIN. J cloyed. All gooils at Factory Prices. Any tSMti-aiHlconsicnmenUrwueetfiilU 1 Wfh you may want at half the price your lieted. jtfeg- Auction aales every Saturday d 3vV? i lriptive Pric-e Lists of j sent everywhere on the same condition i.caui, American Leveup, $15. Solid i Gold Leveb., ?3(i. Ladies' and Gents' I Chains, all styles, $2 to 10 each. Eveky i Watch sold as represented, thoroughly irarran- ii-vjoAii..-it.E,anu canoe exchang rf at ALL TIMVN ff nf ui 'n A r- ... WANTED $1000! For 2 tuontlia. Mortgage on real eetate, and Iao persona I seeu ri ty gi ven if deal retl. Address tt aicmnan tince ior uirec weeKs. . Feb;23J. 23:t Oh! yes-OU! YesOh! YesJ Ilaviifg fallen back to a better position and been reittforeed by forming a copartnership with Jo. M. Coffin, who has been bng and favor, ably kniwn in the Mercantile cnmmunitr I would respectfully return my thahk to tlie public gSencraily, and solicit a Continuance of thetr patronage to the new Firm ; wth the as. atrrance hat wc will do all wc can to eatiafy ail who raw have anything to sell or buy. . 1 y J. K. lil'KKE. January 1872. j X. K I will oonilnne to attend to the sell ine of any kind of property in tO0 country, for Adminiatratora and others when notified in time. tf :l3 ' J. K. BURKEAnctioneer. : free. AHilroea nil all orders, STEWAJIT, GRAHAM & CO, Jewelers, Importers, dc 15:6mo1 6 Whitehall St. N. Y. SALISBURY Dnni rm o '- : j uu out iiieiooiu. j 3d. Cuts at a direct or opposite anIe to the old V too'h aaw, beoetith all sawdust. t a p!ow instead ; . of ii hai tow . -lr.il . .re ed;ed with an oil stone after hT.uj: teeth. 1 5th. These are the only patent diiect cutlii. and clearing teeth kno n for crom mttlrg sawa: eat ; faster, easier than any oilier, and are, with picsent form, a simple t khurpeu aa the old tooth, aa il i Slai" BOY.TOAS PATENT I.Ka'HTIM.YG SAW. I This saw poses-es several $rnt a.vant:i;cs oer the ancient V tooth, which has hitbcrle Urn relied on. esK--iHliy in cniss-ciit sa.s. the vtieutli. tilli.ev and durability ot these l.elh ai d ll.eii i a -acity tor deep finn.iniiiv are so ImIoiis tl at we Mill only name fjur other points of coinpatiain. vii: pced. eiise. simplicity and pcrlect clcarai. . spkko a l aie aware that an ouniiary nana saw cuts only one wry; i. e. the rronicar is moreei leetive than th back, or retieatiug cut TLese teeth, with their opposite ci.ttinj lares, rattiajt in line, are eijiiivolent to tbe rrniit cnl both ut of tLe baud saw, iu distinction to tbe bark cataol tLeold V saw. Hence sxcd is ireviiabie. KasK ok i'ittino. It is caster to plow a grove in timber than to crush one oat Tbe application of this principle is very perfect, all the teeth lieing ot even length, double pointed, cut with ooUide erti cal mid projectitigedge. and cleai siiiiiiltai.e. nsly a ith t) e san.e. Simplicity .This is olivioio. all the points Iteing like handsaw teeth, via: the sam lenpth. No books, or thick raking teeth, to be shortened; only one mill Hie is required to keep then in order, and they are rseasy tor the unskilled laboier to shaipeu as tbe old laskioi.d saw. 1'ei:fect I'l eab ance. Continuously cutting and dealing, these opoite 'cnttirg facea" aotoaly cut, but clear, by lifting tbetibie above tbe piojectiLg blacks, like a plow, which ia the n.ot pcilect clearing implement. . , ity their elrcnlar we see tlrat two Boy is ton brothers, by hand, rut ofT a twelve-inch aycamotx (bnUoa. wood) log in eight seconds, before Major Cenetal Meade andotber distinguished men. al Indrpendanee Sqnare. rhilaeelphia, Septetnlier 1, 1-6!I. We also note, as a proof ef the case that peiinits sastained effort, the sawing, by hand, of twenty-six coitla of hard beech, maple, elm. ash. and hlrkory kI in eight hours (including lost time) iu Michigan. Such woik, bywo men, with one aaw once, fl ed h wonderful. V These Saws are made and sold by Mr. Fv M. Roynton. SO Tlonkman street. New York, and are pro tected by four patents, dated respectieely 27, SsT6; July 23, 1H7; January U. 1868; July S7. ima. NVe trust that the inventors of so valuable an improvement, in ao article of aach universal oe aa the saw, will be able to enjoy tbe fmit-of their labois free from infringement or piracy of any kind. Iao Aoa., AraiL, 7, 1870. " ; TJtcse Sairs are universally conceded to Surpass all others for Cross cutting limber. Although $500 clmUenge for expense of test has been advertised in millions of papers, and cngrared on each saic, no one has ever DARED to publicly test the matter, XO other sate has double pointed teeth t CONSTRUCTED TO CUT IN LINE SO AS TO CUT WITH OUTSIDE OF M TOOTH ONLY by direct action. MILLION Urar Trrf I r I iMf UaaJerfal (.mllif Uxrta. Tt rr .m l itft llrtak. Maa ! re Rm, kll.er. rrmt S'aartia mm l.laaara u-.-t. J. I rrra i ilaaa ... j r-tur t,' Ar-'--r." Ialrrn.'la-. !. fcW il M i-y-rt v KimliiaiifwwmsAaltrt Ltra. Vr4 it. a W Ifi. - . L"j a Hart vf .M r. v. f rra trwm all A l le tHhwmw laat. t -i 'I - UMttT BlaiOU rtl- nrK i.t r'E tit iMi rmitirw. a atl. i J:"-v - . urr a it tfmrm. CmTI 1 .f . t 1 ( 1 -i'f aTMi rAi9. t lai 4 a '.-"-!. j.t-.ittU iNmt vrn., tt u-1- a.l. p.. e. .1 lf a. i '4 ,a-ti.e4 l m.ini .4..t !... fcel iu.l rfc l .... .. -S. . f r. .MteT. Tkrr -er a ft. all larg illnM welt aa fMlr, ia. wax. k l'vUa awrtl 4 aaataf H..ll f a. 1.1 U rr lwta tftait ti tmm vln ,.! I . .i. UMt ll Dm tvwaA Ur;aaa. IUH rtM I.t COH TLJatNTSk. ". .. i . i . i -t.'r . mi 4 a aa '. r.iie he a afca. (rr 1aaaaalry aa ( kraaW Kkeaaa tm mud ;!. Ufaawrala a-r 4lvta. Ili ffailllrM mm I Mrrlir4 T rr. ll.e ml ae tlW. I.lee. KM rt. a4 ni.aarr.k H Ml era ..- a . r.,.-, s.rk . " a ltla4 ;la. . k- - .--..t wtmnctmn ti v ri.r 'i K lMliirjTIO. , . I . .i. . f t n Tm.mm thm C-t. iNui". trwrtatx ml lW ft. T. . ta i a M -a. Bl a ena-t. ra!-ata af lh n,n. Irt..ia ml la Ua.v fata a tka ra (.( u.- kwt.a4akaa4raaaaaalafa.a. i, a. ar ia tvnf lnmm- T.et ia.it Ik !Maat i ft tmm- tk a Urf tnl a-a.U krB Sea la "' .k, , , tk U af aU wrarttlM. mm, mm- M-itn: 1I. m4 mtmr ia tk - ' (UK .KIMUB.iItea-.T,, a . . ts . fm.rmrm.rmtmmm fcaaavU" I. .. r..- m.ri U.4 -e. M'J ry i.. i . .,rU IkmiMi atka ". liaaaMa mmt t.irtwai atka ! Lnd Deeds, Trustee Deeds Comipissioner's Deedsf Sheriff Deeds, Cbattle Mortgages, &e. 3for Sale at this oi . O ALEM ALMANACS At the Book Streo. TSALMS AND HYMNS. X At the Book Store T TJTHEKAN Books of Worship. - At the Book Store. SUOOL BOOKS, large rnrietv, At the Book Store. IN, fact any thing in the way of Books, and Stationery, eaii Iks had at short notice and reasonable terms, ' At tho Book Store. SPECIAL order will receive prompt atten tion Send in your orders. Jan. 21,170.: CALVIN PLYLER. TJ:tf 1. II. The cutting of all single pointed teeth are equal, and these M teeth are double, teith direct-action, spaced, and slant concealed bettccen points of 31. If one point of 21 teas set one tcay and one the other, the slant would ride and lift out the tooth. When the hardware trade do not fell, agents wanted, and no gorernaent license is required. A six foot cross cat and a brick eaw-blade will be tent to any address on receipt of 86, or $1 per foot. One man saws 31 25 per foot. j 26:tf (U aplM:.!lilebl to nil alien ie uu il'iiiu ifiii aua.ii ur mm4 l-i r-k " a:' faai U I : I . . a a a gin! with, and lullw tlie word ,Util in rni.l seeti-.n. and. in lien of the part atrirkeu out. iusertin the f.ll..w ins : '"The jnJieial .flie, rs and the clerk .-f any fniH" which may W eihlih .1 by law. sl.ajl he ch'isen by tb? vote of the oualiGed elee'trs. and fr ;eh term as may be pte cnoed bv law. T' e voters -f each pre ciuel. establ hrl as is elvhere proi tde.1 fr Jn this e,.ustitnti..n. shall el. et two jus tices ot the pere fr sueh term as may be tixedbylaw, w hMe juridirti.n shall esteii.l thrvughuiit their respeetive eontie. The GeOeral AsiM-inbly may pn.vide f.r the elee tioOof tuore thau two jnatirea of the tace in tliose precinrts which otitaiu citi-s or .... i t.ftus. or iu winch "tiier sM-ciai re..j ren dWjt exjedieut. Tl.e chief matfist rates .f cities and iucuriir;te4 towns ahall have thejudicial powers of juMieea f the jw-ace." AiuenJ retHu thiny of the fourth attic!e hyat'tkiut; out the word -towuahip" and iiisertiuj;. iu lieu thereof, ihe word pre cikcts ;" also in the last sentence -f theaan.e eel ion. strike out l! e words "the coiiunis aiooers of the county may apjxrtnt t such oflice for the unextirel tenn." aud iu lieu a ihefeof insert ' vucUuey for tl l - .a a UMe as may le prescribed uy Up . Amend aeetious one aiol seven of the fi th article, by strikinc ut the words oouunis siouers of the several couutiea" where they ocour in said ker;ion. aad in lieu thereof iu serl'nidthe words. "e.uuty autboriiie es tabliahed and authorized by law." Strike out aeetion four of the fifth article, relating to tazatiou t pay the SUte debt and interest. Amend section six of th fifth artiel by Insertinj after the word 'iustnnnent" in aatJ seetiou the worda "or any ther er- luLheword ' and ' Ufore the word WILLIAM VALENTINE 'aorveyot" iu setiou one of the 7th article. aud strike out the words and five connnis- ; rflf f J f ' f A I 1 I?- her" in said section ; a!ao add to said A " section the lolh.wiug: Tha GeueraJ As R T1I4Kn t his 01 aebly -hall provide for a -y.ten ..f -0t,y ) ; LSd iS Vuwic for U UWrW r.,rriniikiit f.,r the Several roll titles ot the , . , i i . w.... ttM h , .troi-.are nemoj.ireeiieu.ieuw.uiw.. . r . J State." - infurros them that he ha Cited nj. a tie Anud aection two of the aeventh article. cornrfjfMiin - ' 1 ' ..... .V... u-..r.t 'nunuiiiiinlipri'' . , vlrt j imiu; um i... - , tn jjt xxenaertoas aw and in lieu thereof ii.setlint: the words ""-ft county authorities eatabliahexl and aothortzed Bttlldlnf. ILoom No. X br law;" and in the same section atrike otit m m F rj thf words, -the leister of 1W. ahall be j W he wonld - P" ' TreU iuf iw. f. a-'iarantee5 to Cive Uia4 tB tB every exjoffido clerk o' the board of roinuiaftiun- . fJJy. ltlft,r ,.f ,be b-t Hair Ure- ra."' . !u We-teru North Ca.olica. llemest. Strike out ctnu three of I he veoth ar- from w tide, and ia lieu thereof insert the follow ing : j .i.ry. .Y. C. lire. 17. 7-- 'J-xl ' t .i.i : . a C. . th. Vf'. Pl4 Wf mt parnr. ateir o frt lk Ja f1aala. ! ri,M it mmm a r R tawanw th, ci h W M at iU V feaaa-a. lw a iat mvmm b af tk O.Uai Will r. Tee. mm murr i mrm. .f V iium&. ar &r-tvnr 4eatraa4 ael r-e"- S.. -I -' V "tl' It - a-t k kaJtk, ateaaaa. ka tail aca W1 mmtm tk tm-mr "" .4 Um' tl la kan aa ml H4mm. mm twJiI aaiU.lm.ta aui to tk WaVrai trmm wmrw mM I4e a:Orr. . t. WALKKB.rtcetr. X. It- clKAL CO. tratau ta m KcmuU. mm riaaara. Oah aJ V u I i Cmmrtrw Hrarl. kea 1 arv XT-SOLO BY IU iTBttiGlFTS AkP PtAlXM.