, 1- 4 1 J - ' - I - 'i M I : : ' ' ! ,: ; ' ' . MS f 1 - ! ' ; I ! r j :i ' i i I It : : ! : ; ; i . : ' ' 1 I I ' ' - i I :i f - - ' . - ' : : ; ! v . - -,y j ! . i I i i i - r I s THE GOVERNOR AND HIS DUTIES. When the illegally appointed officers held over after demand. they plaeed themselves in the wrong. It is the duty of be Gotwibw to maintain the Executive IleparVnentof the Gjoverumeut. The people demand this. Rea jn, justice, fcjood government ajl require it. The shout of the mob may chime in with the denunciation now heaped upon the Governor of North Carolina for what he be lieve to be an honest discharge of the du tifHi of hia office, but the people will sostaiu l.im. If. In the contest, between the lawful government of tlm State aud the wrong do r, the pabl'ic press and public sentiment !t ere wopttrlv directed, the wronpr doers 'iio ode nee is meant by the term would soon 'ietire.1 There would then be no necessity of putting any one on baJf raiiuus or sending iany one home. The people have seen quite much resistance to lawful authority of late a they desire to see. They demand obedience to the law and to lawful authori ty. Carobwa Jsra. The alovoia about all the defence that Lai jet appeared in the lladical organ in favor of Governor Caldwell" reckless I disregard of law and tho Constitution. Ve kite shown that the Era, to sustain ! the Governor, had to tramplo under foot the decision of the Supreme Court in the caaeof Clark t. Stanley the very de cision from which the Governor pretends j to get authority to turn out the ojf iters of j the State institutions who were appointed under Act of tlte legislature.- I When the illegally appointed ojfieers held 1 over after demaud, they placed themselves in the wrong," aythe EraJ' "Wbtt a the Legislative Boa? ds are illegally appointed officer 1 Where is ! the authority for declaring them so? Have ; the Acta under which ' these Boards were appointed been declared unconstitutional? j liar they yet been before the Courts for adjudication 1 These Beards have been advised by counsel learned in the law, 1 that their appointments were made in J pursuance of law, and are not in viola ; tion of the Constitution, Until the law I under which they act has been pronoun c- ! ed nneonstitntioiial, they are presumed to be the legal Boards, and any attempt by j the GoYcrnor to eject them before that i law f declared unconstitutional is a gross ' usurpation of Executive potccr, a shame- t less disregard of the law, and a reckless t defiance of the Constitution We assert it unhesitatingly, that when the Governor of North Carolina, without 1 an appeal to the Courts, attempts to eject officers who are acting in pursuance ot an j Act of Assembly, ha is frailty of a bigli crime in office whith would justify his i impeachment! Hnnoone the Boards were illeerallv an t r a s pointed by the Legislature ; there is but one legal way by which the legality of these appointmeuts can be tested, and j that is by a resort to the Courts. Any I method of taking charge of theJState in 1 stitutiens by the Governor's appointees save that in pursuance of law. makes tlu Gorernora criminal, and a violator of i that Constitution which he has taken a sacred oath to support. We are surprised at the doctrine pro claimed in the Era. . We are ustonuhed that Col. Hanes, who has always express- r to trample upon the Constitution which, in Vie t ight of Heaver hi has solemnly sworn to support, he becomes amenable to pun ishHitnt, ai d Stands a criminal at the bar of public opimoni ht peoph detnand obedience ' 0 Jawful autltorittf, and (hey deuiand that obedience aHhe hands of the Governor 6f Norih Carolina I a r - .- I f I j ' . , ' jSALIsjfJTJRT. FKIDAT MAKCH 29. COUNTY CONVENTION. The Democrat and Conservatives of Rowan County anjj requested to assemble in Conven tion' at the Court IIoue, in Salimry, on Mom dayUhe IGjth day of April next, being the first week of tlie Superior Court, at one o'clock, Y M.,'for tjic purpose: of electing delegates to re preient thw County in the State Convention of theDi'nio:ratic-CoBfervative Party, to be held at ClrecnMOoro' on the first day of May next, and aldi in th Congressional District Convention, to be held when and whet e the Executive Com- mil tee of the District, tdiall appoint. JAMES E. KEKR, 1 Chairman pounty Ex. Committee. March 6, 1872. ; X 4 COUNTERFEITERS ARRESTED.' Two young men of Cabarrus county, Daniel D. Petrey and Dau'U H. Harkey, were broagbt before U. S. Commissioner, Mr. W. HHowerton. UstvweeV ehirgjd with passing countefeit gold and silver eoin. Tbey were arrested in Concord, at which place tbey had passed a considerable quantity in small sums at different stores. Tho facts al leged against thein were easilr and abun dantly proven. Some of the spurious coin was found upon thein, and their guilt was subsequently established by their coufWioii. Tbey implicated others, and said they were hired to pass the money, aid were to receive fifty per cent, of all they got off. E. D. Ridenhour, a merchant doing business six miles this side of Albemarle, in Stanly Cot; was charged by these youug men of being engaged in the business : but when Riden hour waa arrested and brought before these and an examination had, they utterly failed to sustain their charges, aud Ridenhour was discharged. The young men, Harkey and Petrey, in default of bail were sent to prison in this place, where they remain at the pres ent writing. f It is conjectured that the spurious eoin in question was manufactured somewhere iu the north, or else that . the moulds or dies were prepared there. That representing silver coin is well executed, and where coin is the common currency of daily transactions, would readily escape suspicion. The gold is not so well done: it is deficient in weight, and color; and a very slight scraping re veals the base metal underneath the thin ITS DEFENSE. Having admitted into our columns extracts froni othej papers, and employed language of LlectrotVDe eoatine. our own, against the new political position of I , the iStategjrille American, we give in this imue 1ST Old Berlin, Sangamon connty, 111., has what, we suppose, it prepared and regards as a been the scene of a remarkable fanaticism, pro- tfeefuw of its conversion to radicalism. This Is I moted by a deranged Presbyterian preacher. It creditable in so fat aa it manifests a decent re- eems, however, he had an eye to business, having spect for tjlie opinions of other? and is designed obtained bequests of lands and money from two to show the reasons impelling it to so sodden, of his dupes. He advocated the dogma of per- and in soibe aspect, so remarkable a change. 1 feet holiness and entire sanctification. He pro The A, tterican plants itself on its sight to j fessed to have . revelations from God, and in change, 4 position which it is likely to hold His name denounced the marriage relation be- withont a disputant. The argument of the tween a certain man and hi wife. The people article quoted seems to rest on that. If there have at last interfered, and will subject the was. nothing due to consistency nothing to pro- preacher to an examination of a jury to decide jpftty nothing to reason, nor to decency, this de-J on his sanity, fenie might he regarded as conclusive. But in this fastidious world of ours people are held re-1 SAD ACCIDENT, sponsiblejfbr things they have a " rtght " to do, I The following account of a sad accident which an( they are just as surely to be guaged by cer- j occurred at Davidson College a few days ago, tain actions of this character as if they, were is copied from a private letter dated at that criminal. Indeed, there are cases in which jhe place, March 25th : practical assertion of one's abstract rigbl rrecip- Dr. Phillipps' oldest son, James, a student, itae8 upon him a deeper, more withering scorn '8 out hunting near the village, when lifting and detestation than almost anything he could m" 8un er the fence it slipped, and the hani- doi Butl we do not nretend thtW m.cr.lell on he. "I1 1d gun discharged its I 4 . wmmmmw w . 4. 11. 1. A - I it f . . . I J -WW9 . i' ' ougiH w pe me isie 01 me American. e with- rection thronghjhe palm, and coming out at hold ourjindividaal judgment in the premises) the wrist. The doctor at first thought the hand and leav others to do as they like. If the ar- might be saved, hut on examining it while under tichrrefefred toxsaeatUfieatheeditor, he r 16 T, t n,T T V, i!f T-. . I . . , . ' found to be more or less shattered, and it was . u' very naru 10 piease, ana cannot well ob- amputatitl that night a little above the wrist. jeet if other people smile. , It was his right hand, and will be an irfepara- i J i I Dlc los during his whole lite. AxxpuxcEMENT. W ith this issue my edi torfal connection with the Era ceases, after a cuiuinuajice 01 six monuis, The Ralegh Sentinel of March 28, says : We Fiiulinz that mv maimer f conducting the paper, and my views i .1 .u j i u. i ofnolicvl in apvral nart'JnL MA JL having taken the second sober thought, couclu- ed SO much riterence for law, and who with the; approval of a large portion of the paryl ded to OTCr l"e appropriation made by the IF EPHRA1UMBE JOINED, HIS IDOLS, LET .HIM ALONE. In order to ascertain if our impression was correct, that jhe Statesrille Amcri can, was about to depart from it political faith, we wrote at! editonal on the subject of "Uxder Which Kix, Bexzoxiax," asking if it coud be true that the American bad decided to take the fatal leap into the daik flood of Radicalism. We remembered the former faithful ser vices of that paper to our party. We remembered- how ably and efficiently it fought against lladical lraud aud Radical oppressbu. We remember ed how bitterli but justly it bad denounced the poltical enemies of North Carolina aud low zealously it had espoused Ibti cauj of the people against the Radical thieves aud swindlers, who have bankrupted the State and blasted its prosprriety. We remembered also how indignant the American had become in witnessing the atriiressious of Federal power, and the bvaaiou of North Cart), liiia by ared t'oop to arrest peaceable citizens, in defiance ot the Constitution and every principle of civil government. We remembered, all these things and more, and woudeied why it was that our respected cbtemporary and former faithful ally, should note give forth an uncertain sound. Its conduct strikes ' its former friend dumb with amazement aud morti fication. They cannot uuderstaud why it should be dilly-dallying iiowf" in this great crisis in our political fate. They cannot understand why so great a chang has so fuddei.'y "come over the spirit of! its dreaa." in auswermg our interrogatories, the American says : ''Our estcemeed cotemporary, the Raleigh Daily News, in a late istu , mauiieits great solicitude to learn the true positou of the American with regard to future co-operation with political parties of the country, aud bestows a high compliment for our past coarse iu lustaining the party with which the News will ciutinu to act, although we claim riocrit for what we honestly believed at that time, was riuht : nor. do we kiow that our aid was of any special importance, to be appreciated in such conplimentaiy terms by our worthy eotempoiry, who seems loth to part com pany. YVe can assure him that thi is not of our sacking, but has been iorced upon us, by '.lie course of the party that the News aud American had hitherto siu taincc', espesially by its leaders and office seekers ; and that, iu our opinion, public sentiment upon the question, is iu ad vance among the people, whose voice should be obeyed. ' The American claims no merit for what it "houestly btlieved at that time was right." Iu sther words, if we un derstand the language uecd, it now Dclievcs its former course in opposition to Radicalism was wrong. Th; italicim of of the word right was nvide by the American. Its denunciation of the Radical bas been each a strict constructionist, should advise a conrgo which he must know in his conscience to be wrong, aud "utterly untenable" in the light of reason, common-sense and the Constitution. It must be hia roUtaken sense of duty as the; Editor ot the lladical organ, tit forces liim to defend a lawless Governor IQ the face of his unquestionable and ie ty.Jmy situation become unpleasant. I therefore Liegsllature to the Commissioners and Boards proposetl to Col.;C arrow certain terms, on which I was willing to (lissolve the husinpas i-oni tract whjch I had made with the Era Publish ing Company. These terms were accepted by Coj. Carfow, who throughout, has acted witii he highest degree of honor and generosity. ! "In retiriiH' from tli hn 1 Ar. !a 5 n " a v. w 1 1 v vcanc ly Im? a Iiepublican. I have no engagements for of Directors of the Penitentiary, Institute for the Deaf and Dumb and the Blind and Asylum for the I nsane, so that the business of those in stitutions will go on as heretofore. Slate Constitution its denunciation of RADICAL JUGGLERY CON- th future, but eontemutate em?ai;ine in iht SPTT?ArV AT THU nibrrm is unquestionable antL re uracils Ut l. t,w ,i.. lJ'iT- peated Tiolations of tho fundameutil law nefship With an Attorney eminent in thej pro- The radicals make little or no apol- ot tne land. ' ,It la the Jut V of tlm finoranr tn irmiii fesfcion. Lewis IFivk " 1 I norv fXr iY niitroiwniio nnA nulmlnil lo say that we are surprised at Col. Uanes' conduct Ot (jrOV. Caldwell in Withhold tarn the Executive Departmeut of the Gov- retirement from the editorial chairsof the JJia, ing from the directors of the Afeylums ernment, say the Era. WpUid b. a3 sinI)Je aflectation ag an attem; to Penitentiary the money necessary That is true, but it is not his duty to conceal pur joy over that event. Knowinchim to nnrrv on thps institntinn TrwWl clothe himself with judiciul powers also, asjwe da we have been expecting it. He is too there can be no excuse for his conduct! ami construe me law wunoui consultation wise and two honest to stand the nresaure of Tf .1 rith Attorney General,! as Caldwell has unscrupdous, lawless radicalism. He was Lai;rn,1 ffi:t M... a 10 mi ui wc COUimaill : lieaa ailU MlOllUlpr hnvi nnv rvthar fArhf. a ' I -T ' - Mas f Va V- VUtkVt .VI 4ft done. that be will not confine himself to the duties of the Executive Department, but combines the office of Judge with that of Governor, when the Constitution says ex pressly that the powers of the Executive, Judicial and Legislative Departments shall be kept separate and distinct. "The people demand" that tlje Governor shall not usurp Judicial 'power. "Reason, justice, good government, all require, that he shall confine himself to hia legiti mate duties, and not Arrogate to himself toe power of tue Courts. .,.1 n 7 viuviai a vx itooiiuO a 11 1! disregard of lawful oblip-ation. In anv H was ahnnt tliA I L' fil. i i ..,t . i . ? - v v cw iti i.np rasp inimir ir rnar hieon. on y one among them all who had influence ! noJnt, n IrnnJth tm . . e tuldfT1 Krb,iCr 7' SU intents and purposes such de ado le could not please the radicals lie j -r u-. aiiu ate c7k,kcu iAj nave nit; money radicarjournal in the State, it . : . . 1 . with the; I State, would tiot plunge to the profound depths of p i party corruption and falsehood reouired. He UUUi uc wyarry on the busi- j j .IU ..mcuuvu icuuircu. ilV I .1 ii . . . would hot because he couLi nL w. Mnin uess ineY are cargea witn, until, by to'say tlis from our knowledge of the man- j. rU,a.r leSal Proceeding, they arc kiiowlege awjuired through years of dailv in- ,sP'ace tercours. II is not the kind of stufr.rad'icals But the purpose of Gov. Caldwell are made of; and we predict that should he an n'3 CO-COnspiratOrs is plain they ever again turn up as a iHlilician it will not be are nofc content to let the law take its "if the Dublic nress i and the nnblie a ra5cal-6ne of your North Carolina radi- course they think the law is too slow sentimeut -were properly directed, the ca?8 of his day. He may be found among the for them and their purposes, and in-wrong-doers would sooh retire," says the Llcra.l: Kepublicans, which, we believe, is his deed they are afraid of it any how Erdn I tne position in politics. He was a Trumbull hence thev endeavor to drive fhnsA in. T 1 I xi oy K-rcm-ooera the jra means the epuoiican ueiore he went to Raleigh,! and place out of place by withholding the Illative Boards, then that paper has h" M no political event of sufficient necessary money. This, we repeat, is ti ?an,YT ihey haVe COm' imrt1nrcVinduce'chang8ince- conspiracy, and nothing short of it. f PPOtntments etpo of the circumstances which made Grant If Aldwell had the rieht to annoint. mi u v mw.. xt ium hi ii uronouneea coHnent to hwAtn ar.i;rit-. President I wlnrK wo ilonv 4-tiaf wo all l :v. WOlllU Hot ohaiiCTo l.im Tk n ; - 'l O t r.T T 7 IU "Wa he had there his office stopped, and places brought to light by the Concessional In- ...l- U J x. j ' ' , ,T" iv iif ii lit" n. in uiiu rrn u m a nave tnat eUect. The arras sales to France' o.:0 i l 'j ti.r wuld .lot, we thinks The long addition It TihlZ tothe IU of radical thieve, within the list six ra!lhe1c"me of conspiracy. months ; nor: the refusal of Congress to paksa nn P Til-7 eenerallamntv Kin . .ti.t.T. illegally usurping or holdinz an office wi?ed hv nrant r,Sna. k r place shall be put out of snch office would be likely to change a Trumbull Repub f PaCe V a PrPer lcgal Proceeding lican to a Grant radical. No. Col TT,n ?,., the law doe8 not provide that the gov- be heard in deuunetation of the rra) be a Liberal Kepablican. Ilia Dolitical .onti- ernor or any one else shall j resort to wrong doers until they shall b forced bv raenU' "e of Ux high a grade, and bis moral straie9cm and trick to turn persons out sense iqo pure and strong for slimy radicalism. OI vuit proviues lor tne trial ana The Ualeigh Daily Xac$ of the 26th, to band the establishment of right through the sihee the above Was written, corroborates four courts. I views p Col. H:mes' political position; and Let the peofflc mark the fact that iniuas ne ought to attend the Cincinnati Con. the lawless, rcckess ruler of theirs, (by freiu tl luvalid, they are ready1 to surrender the trusts reposed in them. Uutil so pro nounced; it is thejr duty, and they have been so advised by some of the most emi nent lawyers in the State, to continue in the exercise of their powers and in the discharge of their duties, according to appointments. T lie public press and the peblie sentiment are directed against the real, wrong-doers, ui these are Gov. Caldwell and his illegal Hoards. That press and that sentiment will contiuue to the Indignant rebuke of the public to re eedefrom the disgraceful position in which they find themselves placed. In that event, "there will be no necessity for put ting any one on half Rations or . sending any one home." ! "The peopla have sen nnitA mnl . sistaoca to lawful authority late as they fth-emeiit w w sew ; m?y ueinana obedieuee U the laws and to btwful authrity," says the Era. . . - i Amen! say we. The resistance 'to lawful authority proceeds from the Gov .. .. j i 1 1 vi our mi iuii uiauci, unu no one vise, lie baa violated the law, as Col. Hau s him self must know. The Governor has re sisted ihe lawful authority, lie is now, acting iu defiance of an Act of the Legis Utnre, which has not been adjndged uu. ' constitutional. And the people demand obedience to the laws and to lawful au- j. He may choose to withdraw entirely accident merely, however,) undertakes he political arena, and we believe re- to make appointments to office, and t would be most congenial to one of bis then to put his appointees in to office temperament. But if induced to Uke anVnart nA nU K rUUtA:.. e. iL. t .t. .i . . m uiuw, uj .nuuiiuiuiiii: irum iiie in- therein the proposed Cincinnati Convention is sane and the iW-if an! )mh the only body at all likely to frame a platform n? j 5. d DUmb fnd th.6 on wluplrhc can stamL or name the man luj can -"lin1 the money necessary and provi- stipport. e v ded by law for that chase bread and meat and the necessa ries of life. He proposes to turn the i THE LOWEHY GANG. . l . " wi "id ue proposes to turn tne 1 he Wilmington pniiers seem to be of the v t it r opinioi,that Ilinry Sry LoweryL dW and t JKf tl.,ni. i. A 7 manner by withholding the monev. .1.1 .L I stance The correspondent of thority from the highest as well as from fhe Xf York Herald, who was in, company the humblest citizen. The Governor Fth the gang for several weeka. has n-inmui cannot violate the law with impnnitv. io New York. lie could not or nnt He will be held to a strict accountability anything very satisfactory as to the whereabouts for his flagrant and violcut infractions of I of the the Constitution. Tod Ii.' Caldwell, Governor though he be, i bro! is not above the late. M hen he attempts J soon cease to exist as a terror in liobesou county. j " ,u,,b uao uiea 01 tot wouna ue re l tuj- il i j , ,, y (jeived of McQueen. But these are not dnfirnv Th? W 0t ?1,0W? , 011 the They are deductions! from eiretim-l "rar prouioiw sucn grossly mm H known to exist. The corresnondont f nJ.5nductthi is conspiracy. hen officials get ahead of the law want to run faster than it allows, and try to overleap its bounds and barriers, the people ought to mark them as men dishonest and dangerous, and fit to be cast out and condemned. "We believe the people will so regard such false and iaitmcss omcers. Hal. Sentinel. peader, nor as to tlie fate of Boss Stro. Jt is generally conceded, however, that the band sen np. and that these murderers will the lladical Kirk war its denunciation of the wholesale swindling and corruption of the Radical leaders its denunciation of the Radical Legislature of 'GS-"G9, of its bribery, its' trand, its ignorance aud its Railroad Rings its denunciation ot anything 'and everything pertaining to Radical government, both State and National, turns out to be all although, at that time" the A mcr icon ViXyt honestly thought sueh uenut.ciaiiun was "right." W hat has the Radical party recently done that its enormities no longer excite the indignation and criticism of the American ! What atonement has that party made for its past ofleucc 1 Is it uot daily adding to the burden of guilt and crime and oppression, beneath which our people arc already staggering? Have the recent exposures of fraud in the Natioual government, aud the fresh acts of tyran ny and partisan oalignity on the pail oi the lladical bovemor of rtorlh Carolina had no effect upon the American, to cauuo i to redouble us blows against the tuost infamous political organization that ever disgraced the annals of any country 1 hen the honest, able and distinguished Republican leaders of the North are being driven from the support of the Adminis tration on account of its disregard of the plainest Constitutional provisions, its narrow policy of hate towaids the South, its Custom House and other frauds, Us proscription and tyranny, its corrupt officials and shameless abuse, its incom petency; wwkeduess and despotism, how ctu a newspaper, puoiisiieu in iortn Carolina, which has done valiant ser vice against the corruptions! s, veer suddeuly around, and ally itself with that party, from whose heinous political offences aud outrageous crimes every honest man inoifd torn with detestation and loathing ! Bat if tho Am'efican has determined on its course ; if it .has made up its mind fully to take tlie fatal leap ; if it proposes to cut itself aloof from the true and faith ful citizens of the State ; if it has conclnded to haul down its colors and go over to the enemy, it should dilly dally no longer,' but take its stand boldly and independently in the Radical ranks. We say, if it bas decided to support the Administrations of President Grant and Governor Caldwell, it should do so at once, and not exhibit the vacillation and hesitancy of its present attitude. If such is its determination, we can only say, "Ephraim is joined to his idols ; let him alone." If such is its determination, then all that we can do will have no influence whatever, with our cotemporary. Argument, persuasion, entreaty and supplication wilt be alike unavailing. It cannot be reslaimed. It is gone forever ! If, on the other hand, the Editor of the American has not tuny decided to fight under the black flag of Radical corruption, we implore hitu to pause ! lor his own sake, for the sake of bis friends, 'who are loth to part company with him," for the sake of his Mother State, who holds out her hands implor ingly to him, in her extreme poverty and agony, and beseeches him, in piteous tones, to save her from Radical ruin and shame, we ask. we beseech him, not to join the piratical; crew that are banquet ing upon the poverty and desolation o the country ! Rather let his good right arm be Constantly raised against the despoilers of his country's prosperity, peace, aud bappiuses. Daily Xctcs. "WHO'S FOR SALE V We noticed at the time that It was published in the Raleigh Sentnel, aite wards copied ino the Salisbury jELcawin er, with approving comments, an article with the abore leadiog, intimating, if not charging that if "two old Whig pa pers, west of Raleigh," could net be purchased, in that case the Republicans would start an "independent paper at Raleigh." We do not know what "old whig papers, west of Raleigh," are referred to, but if the American is one of tbtm, then we pronouuee the authors of these article! fal sifiers of truth To our surprise, we see these calumuiating articles, copied : into the Salisbury Watchman, a paper that, hitherto we had considered above such unfriendliness towards any old Whig papers and their well-known Editors for honorable principle in the State; for we da not believe that there is an old Whig Editor in the State, whether he will now support Grant, or choose some other person for President, hut is as honest, honorable, and as worthy of public con fidence, s when he followed the lead of the Sentinel and kindred sheets. As to the Amkricaw, we will say that we hare not "sold out," but we hare re ceived flattering bids from more than two Democratic, office seekers, to "sell out" to each of them, but refused, for the reason that the Ameeicax Is not fwr sale to any man or party but will suppert whom it pleases for office. j Such au attempt at ku Uuxina and in timidation, for a difference in opinion upon public measures and the rights of i individuals, is not very creditable to the men or party that do it, and cannot re ceive the sanction of proper tbiokiur met This the slrougest evidence on the part of the leaders of the so-called Democratic party, that freedom of thought aud ac tion is to be suppressed ; that meu are not to be allowed to thiuk and act for themselves, al the hazard of being calm niated and charged with selling their principles. Did the Old Line Whigs and Democrats sell themselves to secession, when they have voted for a candidate of that stripe? If thy did, what was the price paid! Th-y kuow what they got! We well know what they feel when the blood mounts to the cheeks, aud indig nation at so foul au imputation, flashes from the eyes of these genuine lovers of " A I. "11 union ana political honesty, educated in the schools of Hejjrt Clay and Andrew Jackson. When the American has co-operated with the leaders of any party, we made no sale or transf. r to them of our principles, but claimed the privilege to sever the al liance at any time. This, we take it, is likewise thw line of conduct which every old Whig and Democrat in the State claims the right to pursue, if they shall deem proper. And who will dare sit iu judgment upon them for so doing ? Do the people lelong to the politicians, that they shall not thiuk, act aud vote as they like? If th-y do, tee have uever seen the bill of sale, by which '.he people have voluntarily deprived themselves of their liberties, and we pray God we uever may behold the parchment, with its red lines and broad seal for it will be writteu in blood ! Ckertxw and SaUJmrv Rail Road It U rril. fymg to learn that the work on this Rod between this place and Cheraw is rapidly pro gressing, and, it U confidently averted by soma wl.o k no wttbero- that Ut iron hone will coma i;Idbor0' frJm Charleoo before the ed of 1862. Pee De4 HcrmU. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. THE WORIg'H, WE BEQ LEAVE TO INFORM our many friends that we are now in receipt of a very valuable and well se lected stock ef new SPRING j AJiU 1 Summer R. A. RIURPHY STOCK of GfJODS. entire!' Goods, direct from the Eastern Cities. s-Wted with great care by tin old exp-ritrue-d buyer. Our 8tock Consists of Dry Goodf, Groceries, Hait, Cap and Stratc Good, Bods amd Short, Sole and r -per Leather, Paints, Oil, and Dye Sttifs Notions of all Kinds, CROCKERY d QUEEXSWARE, rfc. i Aud thw very best FULL standard ANCHOR BOLTING Coths. OUlt expenses are light as we do all inr own work, attd w ean afford to w!l GuU cheap, and we are drtfruiutl tt do il. Call aud se us at the old and well kuowu lau-l of No. 1, MURPHY'S Granite Row, SALISBURY, N. C. 13T We boy all kinds of Coontry Pr doee, ami are Agents fur the Wtt French Burr Mill Sto-es. McCTJBBINS & CO. J. SasTl.McCvbbixs, T. It. IlEAIJ Joux D. Gaseii.l, 1). H. JlTLlAN. March. 2U, Isi". new and freb. in th rm formerly occupied as the Hardware Store, aud next door to lrmgbau & Co., to the inspection of which they most cor. dially iuvite the public. Their Entire Stock was can-fully sch cled by ibe senior sane bcr f the firm in person, and Los gut at raus which will enable them to sell as low, for CASH, as A1TY KOUSS in the ritj, fr Goods of tame eaalUy. Their StOCk iM CCncrnI .ralr.up. al) the various brAUcbcs ef Dry Goods, Notice in Ilankmptcy. This is to aire Notice : That on the20thdayof March, A. I).. 1p72. a war rant in Daukroptry was issued acainst th estate of John V. Hitting. t Salibsry. in tbuLouuty of Ktwn. and State of N..rth Carolina who lias Wo adjudgt-d a I'.mk rupt up n his own peli'iou that thr pay ment of auy debts, aud the delivery l any property belougiug to such llankrupt. to him or for his use, "d the traiibfer of'ny prop erty by him, are forbiddeii by law. That a meeting of the creditors of said ll.tukrupt. to prove their d- bts, and cho one or more Assignees of his estate, will be held at a Court of IlsDkruptry to be hold' n at the Court ll'ue in Salisbury. X. t.. b-f.re R. Ii. HroadhVd, Esq., Kegisiter iu It .nknijt"y, at 10 o'clock, A. M., u the lili dv of April. A. U., 167-2. S. T. ('ARROW. ; T. .S. Mandial. j J. T. Cl'THRKLL. Deputy U. S. Marshal and M it .sender. 2tpdJ Groceries, Crockery Ware, Boots and Shs Sole Jcnth'tr, Calf amd Rimhng Skims, Grain and ' rvr- . fiV.i.f, Scythes, Cap, Lei ter and Xvte Taper, ENVELOPES, PEXS, IX K, dV., and a beautiful assortment of as They ffl assured of their ability to give entire tali fart inn, and especially in vite old fii nds aud cotlotnrrr to call and bring with ibem their acquaintances. They expect and intend to maintain tb reputation of the Old Murphy 1 loose, hich is wi ll known throughout Western North Carolina. All ibey ask is an ex amination of iheir stock and the prices. No trouble to fhow poods, so come ri;bt along. Their motto, Small projits, ready pay and QUICK SALES. ond - -1- 7 1 sioca, low prices, lajy This is; to Oivc Notice: That .n thelli day of January, A. !.. lr7.aar- i r.mt in IIiiiiL rniitrv u ah ImiihiI airi.ijif tl.- To pursue this subject a litte further : ,-tate of V4. I. Hampton of Charh.tte iu If the old Whigs aud Democrats, which the Cunty f Meckleul.ur. and Slate .f the leaders of the present so-calU d North Carolina U has Wen alju.ltfeJ a Democratic paity ol the Slate claim to : ltankrupt upon his ow n petition that the wron" ! contr.1, are to be transferred to som oil er ly"e" P J Seliveiy of Wl thev not tilt. If. have n " "J I' "l - J - t l :.. .1 i . " ,,, o wi.c hi inciter, aiiu icarn iiic leru a , i.; I. tl...w l... ... . t. a i , Prlriy "unu j ait hi ur iw iiaiKIVIHU I n;et I I . . ...... 1 1 ........ . t - - . a . w . . . .... , i. no jtcu Lciuocrnc piriy oi mo oiaie i to prove their debts, and chouse ue or have no nationality, and must look 10 more Assignees t Ins estate, will be held at some other factum or fraction With a dealing aud prompt attention. i, y will endi avur to Bieiit lln-ir are f the pnb lic puronae 'lhey aitr in "he market f r all kii il of produce and solicit calls fri.ni boili f l!rt am buyers. P. & A. MU.1PHY. icnirr MI RI'MV. AMiRKW Ml RI'IIY. .S ilirluiv, M.irrb S.l, 1572. of a part r. North, to even obtain a respectable tni noritg by alliance ; in doing which, it Is reasonable to suppose that they will be required to surrender a portion, at least, of their Southern principles, and accept such terms as may be propesed to them. Will the old Whigs and Democrats be willinjr to be thus dealt by T or will they not rather choose for themselves theii party allies? This freedom of choice lies at thj very bottom of civil liberty, and is us antagonistic to party tyranny as auy thing can be. It is useless foi men to talk against tyranny, while they are en deavoring to rivet the adamantine shac kles of party upon the minds of the peo ple, aud appeal to prejudice and passii n to si cure the manacles as with bolts of steel. The only "sale" that we hare saade is a press, type, and some materials to Col. Chas. It. Jones, who proposes to begin the publication of another journal in Stales- ville, and which for a while will be print ed in the American office, but whether in the interest of the Kepublicans or Democrats, we do not know, and will leave the paper to speak for itself. If Col. Jones desires to publish a democrat ic paper, or any other stripe, it is his right; and no Republican will object, so far as we kuow. Statesrille American. VAI.UAI5I.K ,JCrrxtv.v ; PROPERTY FDR -W ing of the creditors of said Bankrupt. 1 llUi L'l 11 1 1 Ull Oil LI 111 IN SALISBURY! a Court of Bankruptcy to W UolJen at the Court House in Salisbury. N. C before It. II. Hrondfield. lliMj.. Renter iu Bankruptcy, at 10 o'clock. A. oil the lth day of April, A. D., IcTU. S. T. CARRUW. U. S. Marhal. J J. T. CUT1IRKLL, Deputy If. S- Marshal and Meseui;er. DO YOU LOVE ME. VNKWand latinj erfuine, with s preat variety of other extracts for the liandker cliicf, iiK-loJiiiK all kiil uf toilect articien, al C. IL DARKER &COS Drng ttore. 07JLCZXAZLI) AXfS HEKTUCIITr i BLUE tiRA&S SKKIlS, with a neoid mio ply of Landrethji (iarden Sei-d, junt receiv ed at C.Tt. UARKUt A LO S Dr.iR Store. y( x 1 TANN L V . 1 Trarup TANNKRS CHI, Mapic afnl amit Machine Oil at IF Nor SOLD I'KI VATKLY be-" lor- Ihe l.lth or Apt II, I wiL 11 at M.Uic sl-. iu frrt of tin Ave liou Ro..in. I'Z ..'ciK-k. JI. on iht day. the VALVAIH.K rilMl'KRTV know a mm the IM:DLI:T0. lltufenndJxA, ou Main tr--t. nearly oitnie the l . II Tl f r - ... IH'inrii iiou-e. J fil iroTilo i.q AlaiO str't f-t. and rrrns ihroiich t.. .tret. nd 11. ay ! . in two I-.t. rach fn.ntin d twoarate street. Or the a fnmfit r on Main tr- t mar be .tivideil iutw lr, t? of 4-1 f-et froat. eadjfY.r buMOea tur beinf itiikted in tJe butiteM irt of be city. liT Terms of sale, ,, be half rah, bd the balatire in mi it t'lirrhaKers. if wilh- ntlNt TWO TIIRF.K YEA!t ith interest. I Mle efx at4 t be rer4 till all is paid. Apply to J. K. 1UTRKE. Apt. March H. IrTJ i:7:U prices at U. IL BARKER A CO'S Itur Store. WHO 18 RESPONSIBLE? Until Gov. Caldwell made tbe appointment of " CommiMioners " for the Penitentiary, the convicts were under good discipline, well be haved and submissive. The investigation into t lie origin of the late outbreak has brought to ight the fact, that the convicts acted under the conviction that the Directors had no suthority to hold them, and that if they would attempt to effect their escape, the Gnard would not be justifiable in shooting them. Information had been conveved to the convicts that tbe Governor did not recognize the Legislative Board aa hav ing any legal authority over them, and if the Guard should kill any who endeavored to es- oa(e that it would be an act of murder, for which the Guard should be punishable with death. These rumors havinc reached the ears of all the convicts, they immediately resolved on an outbreak at the hr oppo.rt unity, and on Thurs- lay evening I act, the inmates of the cells at tempted to carry out the plan agreed upon. With the fatal consequences of this attempt, our readers are already familiar. ill the people of orth Carolina hold Ciov. Caldwell entirely guiltle of the blood of the negro Ilarthcld, who was k 1 lid by the Guard while attempting to put down the inaurgents ? Would Hartsueld have been killed had the AVE RKSl'ECTFl'LLY call Ihe attention It of lhysiciana. Me tenant and tke jkiLIIc -generally u our well selected tock ol Drugs, Chemicals, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Brushes, Dye Stuffs, Lamps, Jmip Fixtures, de., dc. VLL' GOODS warranted, pore, frah and rennine. and prices to mil the time. All orders promptly attended to. Especial care and attention given to our prescription de partment. C. R. BARKER A Co., Imcrt, I (Socceiwor to Jxo. II. Essi,) 26:tf SalUbnry, N. C Execu.rix Notice 1 mm na'"rt HAVING qualified a Executrix of the hut Will and Testament of Jane E. Murphy dee'd. notice is hertbv civen to all iierx.n in debted to the CMtateof JanvE. Mund.y to make ! immediate payment. All ierii having claim ; . i . . 11 . . .1 . ,. . again aiu esiaie are uereoy nouueu w prwm the sajue to nre on or before the 14lh day Febnttry, 18T3, or thi notice will be plead in bar of their recoverr. Sl'SAN W. Ml'RHIY, SalUbtirr, Feb 11, lSTi. Ex-cutrix. :"tf:22 UOMilEXTS, TOMBS. THE ADVANCE Mower & Reaper. 2S? a " W i Mam r.vcTi khd hy tiik Belvid-r Mantibictorisg Co.. BlvibVr. N. J.; has the earinp ( c'g wbeeJ) all ia au irou c. o a ti exclude all grit, dirt, Ac. Ctttitaius inar.y uevr atid valuable fr-ature which do not exist in t.thers. Wirk well on ncH.th or ktoiiey land and is Cot liable U get out of order. Persons inteiiJin to biy movers sad Reaper, this miner. ou!d do well I aiiiiue the ADVANCE, bef-r purclia.-in elsewhere. u ag-tit uted iu every eui-tj i tbe tate. eua lor iuuiraieu w C. A. HEGIU Gn'l State Act. tor f. C. Kriedburg. Iorvthe Co.. N. C NV. L. KlsTLER. Salisbury, N. C 3,: Agent f.r Rowan ('- JJ SkrSS'HBAD & FOOT STONES, &C.j IMPORTANT. NOTICE Governor of North Carolina who, in hi lawless attempts to turn out the Ihrectora of the 1 eni tcntiary, sewed the seeds of demoralization and insubordination in the minds of the convicts? When the highest officer in the State sets the law at defiance, hia evil example becomes con tagious, and insubordination follows. Raleigh Xert. JOHN H. BU1S rjENDERS hi compliments to Ids friend 1 .and the public, and in tl is uji-thod would hrina t their attention hi extended tacilitie i fir meeting demand ia hi line of UuMne-s ' I! ia now- nrenared to niniifh all kind, ol to Irave Stones, from the theae-t Iliad Stone-, j ent tranda on L o tbe ctUet monuments. Th prefeiinr ' -on. I J'1 Tn M,iuufiiurcrs of Tobacco IS L authoiii"'! -tftht for the .a!e of J" iti- A xiak ' lmud of Liq j-n 1 h:ve r-.eived lt a-e of the l.ria ' T'" aud expect to keep a pcd M-ock umei- . ..a - Lanrt unnng tlie prescm. ' L.OOK out. ten aouar connteneit 1 .oommodated ou -hort time iit nn the Kirmpn and lfinufiptnrsi' I ..nl.m with i-ifrur. ttriiHs. and the tertlli of tbe toaUSCt. a-iacuou puntan unt cil.Vt, Jrv-r. 1.. - a ,1.- -..ri ..t ...nd ' freicLt aUueO. Uiauuiatxcrer- kiii rus Biiu 1 ri 1 iiisu m - -- National Bank of Pougkeepsie, N. Y., are circulating in tbesa parts. Look ont for them. trictly in ac- well to give me a 11U. I a:-o keet munaiuiy teed. He will not be undersold, .onn or South. Orders rolk-ted. A thin s. lAf JUlIX IJ- BL'IS. SaliburT. sn hand a r"1 I t k of fi-reral mrv ti-tndise, ineludiug Mi'i lrry Goods ti roc rit-s. 1'rod uce Ly p Salihurr. Mar.L 'J7. Ir7

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