w 1 I -, ' . - f! ! 1 I-" a : ' - ; ':! - - - " . - i i I- - J : 1 . . tEMPERA&CE. "I Drink to Aid Vj Digestion.'' Wen,' thia seems to be a good rea son, cspeciall to men ;who have a clamarous appetite for the good crctur.' For what is so. valuable! to a man's health as good digestion, j Indigestion produces the pains lind horrors of dys jepsia. But will they I believe, us, when we tell them that the idea of li quor 4iding digestion sjone ofthe popular errorpf the age? It lias been rfcarly demonstrated, that instead of wine) and otlicr liouora assisting; the ligestiyej powers they actually retard them. ' ) First, we remark that there can be no nourishment in wine, beer or malt lhe uis-? says on with math-i lilM S 1 ... y " " - i cmatical certainty, that as much flour or meal as can lie on the point' of a table knife is more nutritious than ntn quarts of the best Bavarian beer; thai a man who is able, daily to consumej that amount of beer obtains from itiii a whole year, only so much nourish! ment, as is found in jive pounds of beefi Now think of a man drinking nine quarts of Fraps' lager beer daily, th year round, and getting only five pounds of nourishment out of it.- It is certainly a loosing business to pay several hundred dollars for beer in the course of a year, when fifty cents would buy more nourishment in the form of bee As to alcohol, it is an absolute poison, containing not a particle of nu tritious matter. It is pronounced by the highest medical authority, as being a mortal joe of life in every one of its protean forms. . ! Second; malt liquors afford no aid to the digestion of food. When .men; have eaten enormous meals of highly seasoned food they drink wines, beer! brandy, to help the stomach through' its overburdened task of digesting th(j over supply. But is there any assist- ancegiven in this way? Popular de lusion says yes.' Medical science and experiments jnrove exactly the contra! : ry, A man kills a snake and puts it in a bottle of alcohol to keep it from! falling to pieces by decay. It is thus preserved in this clement in a state o soundness. The alcohol keeps it from being disolved. It will thus be seen that the effects of alcohol upon flesh is' to .retard digestion which cannot take; place until the food in the stomach is disolved, broken up, disintegrated! turned into a pulpy substance, prepar atory to its manufacture into arterial blood. , 'I "When doctors catch a curious fish or reptile, they put him in a bottle of whisky to keep jiira from decomposi! tion, -pre are thus familiar with alcohol as a preserver, but not as a decomposer of flesh. Medical men have made ex perimemts with a view of ascertaining -.t-il 1.1- i. I -I '.li wuetuer iuu iuiauuu ui mconoi wiin tlie gastric juice increases its power tp digest food, and the results have always proved that liquor retards the process of digestion. Its retarding influence is in proportion to the amount taken in the stomach. A little pi -l,wJi proUUCCS slight retardation, a large quantity impjde it very greatlyi To drink' Lticii, wiwn a view ui aiuiiij uigusLiUU, is one of the grossest, popular errors of the age. I ' ' I But farthermorc. there is .absolute poison put into liquors, Ayhich tends to destroy the healthy operations of thife 1- TT. ;i jl i . i " bujiijucii. xxence, ii is mat stomaens of drunkards are: litterallv burnt mL . wiupiuveiy ruiueu, anu ians even to re ii i i ii i. i . i luiu mo iuuu uiKfii, inucii jess to di gest it. Such a dreadful result will nolt astonish any one, when he remem bers the amount of poisons put into tn liquors now in use. White lead . copperas. loirwootLjilnrii. , elder-berries, opium, henbane, tobacco, nuxvoraica, oil ot vitnal, arsenic all .'.... . . active poisons are put m wmp nnii malt liquors, which are daily drank bv our people. I 8omebody in Conneticutt sold a bot- ue oi tne best brandy, and Trot. SilU man. of Yale college, havini? analvod the same, finds in it alum, iron, sul phuric acid. Guinea pepper, burnt sii- - , i 4 17 gar, lead and copper, with a basis of i,:.u Tt:. .-. it. j-i - . nuun.j. a ii is is ui uencious mougn omewhat m iscellaneous m i x t n m whnh bjr ihe aid of a pretty label and a little cuiiL',wu on me corK, passes for Old Henneky, London Dock, Martal or Scignette brandy. The marvelf is tnat it does not kill mstantaneousl v ihe -J-1..,l-.l ...1 ' 1. J J wciMVMA wreicii wno swallows a mouthful of it, and in some eases per- naps it would be better if it did I It Bcems to be about as well established as most things in this M orhl. that. body drinking spirits or j wine can! be sure of their purity. The mbiber opens his mouth and shuts hW eyes, as jhe . cnuuren Ua in the nursery play, f This accounts for the jfaet, that men die so much sooner in this age by a course of intemperance, ihau thevdid in former times. The large amouni of poison pux into Jiquor, as a mean! of .uHuuug more money, neips the alcohol to do its work of death more rapidl. lounc men how drinking such poisonous; stuff; as alco holic liquors, with your eyes 'open! to their deadly effects? Is it not a piece of stupendous follv to commit suicide in this way? Will a young man with the beautiful rainbow of how. the pathway of a glorious future, resign himself to the slow consumiug cause of alcohol-poisons? Remember: 1. There is no nourishment in wine beer; or malt liquors. ' 5. They positively hinder thodiges tion of food. " . "- y 3. They contain ingredients abso lutely, poisonous. Touch, tast, handle them Dpt. --Banner of Temperance, j i .... i ; ; jrARDAllijO:RCHATS, Main Street, Salisbury, Ar. G., Are constantly adding Vpu imnrrtv(rl n1 valiiflll TTW1. Tmnlfv nients, Mttcliihcs, Contrivanciea, &c &ct1 for tlc convenience and facility of Farmers, Blacksmiths,, . . Carpenters, bhoe Makers, Tanners, Cabinet Makers, I Masons ! Carriage Builders; . p Coopers, j :h i I House-Keepers, j Butchers, Cooks, &c, &c. I I In fyct, few. persons unacquainted with our establishment, are awaro of the wide (-- i - ' - HAS taken the room recently occupied by PRODUCE COMMISSION BUSINESS. 1 " ! IdtF'Ue solicits cash orders from abrod. notice. iosnnrtfiillv rpfpra in lmcinpca n iF AG FOREHEAD'S GREENSBORO' N. C, i ,:' Will be open even WEDNESDAY on ami after the irst Wednesday in March, (Gth,) for the saje of ' - leAjf tobacco. i Those wio consfgn with me are assured of the best prices. If the salts do not give satisfaction, the Tobacrio mav be '-taken in "and ftliinnk.iii.iti. where. Ko charge lor storage." Warehouse fees the same an at Danville. Liberal advances will oe ,na,1' ine warenonse lias a first class pri.ery attached. In the handlingordering and assort- inoi PBJS in i 3"uf luuaicu, uiu niu;n care cannot be Ken. Ainpie eampmg grounds are offered to anters. Ill do mv b,t for ask more, il refer everv man tn h tip;t1,Vw,- that the good nje ws may spread. ' i , Very Respectfully, i f I EUGENE M0KEHE.41). Feb. 13, 3ni:8a LUMBER ! j j Lumber!! Lumber!!! THE pmlersisued begs ieave. to inform the citizebsof SalivLury, and other places of imitrovemeut. that he has made arrange ments to furuish lumber cheaper thari evr, GREEN j OR PRIED to suit the purchaser. Remember freights are no more frotri hard Station, tjhan from places nearer Salisbury, while the! timber i better. j Be sur and send your orders for Lnmber. j W. ROBERTS. . . i - Icard Station, N. C A dcsifiahle.nrirlr House with 7 rooms and Xall most desirable part of Town. Persons wishing to purehahe, can apply at this office, i ."P J " W WMTVO f 1.1.1 o I COFFIN. Gommission Merclifmts1 $T A tlie Sigh of the Red Flag, MERONEY'S OLD STAND, MAIN- STREET-"- SALISBURY, N. C. i. K. BCRKK J. m. corny. r JteOrders and consijmentsrespectfullv hcted. fiST-Auction sales every Saturday j ro- , T .., uAturuay idu public day u v . i - j Oh ! Yk--0h ! Yes Oh ! Yei'! Havin? ifnllpn Viirl- ... . been reinfdrced bjrfonningaconartnerehii.with ii i M:F.,K' w,ho h been long and favor ably knowj the Mercantile community, I would resnectfiilhr . .u.t.. 7 :V public generally, and solicit a continuance f Uieir patrohage to the new Firm ; with the as surance thdt w tein .ii ! tr who may have anything to sell or bov. January 1872! J. K. BURKE,; N. B. 1 Vlll mafi.n. 3 a. .t P ,7 u,"" wmto 10 me sell in of anv kind rsf .,. - 4 . . ! iu we country, lor Administrators nd others when noUfied in time. "10 J. K iiii'iri? .:i Iiand Deeds. TmsfPA niQ Goramiisioher's Dpac rkapi' Deeds, Chattle Mortgaffes, &c : ! TAB GO & 3Ln 3SS: BURKE ft: ? I . - i. - : SI : s Of the exact and beautiful adaptability of our goods for the purposes for which thcy are inafle. Nor can we describe them in an adrertisement. They must be seen. Come, therefore, to the Hardware Store for any thing you want, from a toothpick to a steam engine; from a pan to a Ktrawcutter any thing almost eyerv thing. They have ! A FULL STOCK always on hand of erery Tarietyfof Naik, Iron, Steel, Hoes, Grain Cra dle, ScytheK, 100 Dozen Axes at low prices. Guiw, Pistol, KriTeiT and Forks, Fairbanks Scales, the beat Wrontrht Iron Plows to be found. We warrant them to give satisfaction. "Thomp son's i'Jowf and bubsoilers. CORN SHELTERS, f STRAW CUTTERS,, and a thormand other things you. need. Send in your orders or cone and buy. 13:tf Salisbury, N. C, M! ! Overman, Holmes & Co., in Murphy's Granite ' Produce bought and shipped on very short tlio nitv ll:tf SIXTY-FIVE FIRST PRIZE MEDALS AWARDED the GREAT SOUTHERN .MANUFAC TORY. WM. C. KNA13E & CO. Manufacturers of GRAND, SQAURE AND UPRIGHT Piano Fortes. BALTIMORE, MP. These Instruments have been before the Pub lic for nearly Thirty Years, and upon their ex cellence alone attained an unpurchattd pre-ein-inencf, which pronounces them unequalled, in i TOJiE, TOUCH, WORKMAXSHIP AND UURA - BIL1TY. S,A11 our Squctre Pianos have our New Improved Ovekstkcko Scale and the Agraffe Treble. B-We would call opecial attention to our late Patented Improvements in Grand rianot and iipiare Grands, lound in no other Piano, i-jwhich bring the Piano nearer perfection than has yet been attained. Every IHano Fully Warranted for Five Years. $fcT We are by special arrangement enabled to furnish Parlor Organ and Metodians of the most celebrated makers, Wholesale and Retail at lowest Factory Prices. Illustrated Catalogues and Price Lists prompt ly furnished on application to WM. KNABE & CO, Baltimore, Md. Or any of our regular established agencies. October 13, 1871. 6 months. A STEM WIJVDER. THE $12, SENSATION, $12. ' OR ITIag;ic Watch. A BEAUTIFCJL CHRISTMAS GIFT SOMETHING ENTIRELY NEW, AND USEFUL, AS WELL AS GOOD. A xsew Style I)irm v Tir-x-rix-r, j openfaetW ATCH corttbiued in one, with fine first writt ofiedor ritei Nicle, Pa test Lever, and Jiuly Jevtied Movements. Accurately adjusted and Regulated. Elegant OYysta Cap, showing the Exposed Action and every motion of the Deautiful Works while running, with the.ee&rae(f patent stem wind. "ik finding up at the Stem wkhwit the use of Kv rr-; :.. n.- , iJ' in iiwu. ana quite a Novixxy, Cheapekt really good, strong, ucc tAvii evermanuinctured FOR PERSOKAL USE, Equal tofincM qualify high price Gold Chronometer Watch at one twentieth the crnt. lvice each Ladies' or Gents' G,AM in Morocco Case, only $12 or W0 per half dozen .- ftlfW) tu-r i:.u. or the trade. Single Watches sent free to y to oac deaery guaranteed on receipt of price. M e are : responsible for Checks, Drafts, J "nyrrde,T' Registered Letters only Ur. WE Will forward tU U v J ,' -tvZ:.- ipressj WITHOUT THE MOXSTY ami , . I Express Agent (with Express Charges Ex- TRA fnr fh. nn. I. V .1 ... - . r..,,1Cge; pn ine aellvcPy of them to you in your town. Watches of all kinds sent everywhere on the same condition. Gmui American Levers, $15. Solid tUAIXS. all mIhI tO ... i r , Vv.W Tj eacn. JJ.VERY itt, anu canoeexebang- tit f . No Agists Ei- V,tor. 80008 " Anr J J?.u "V want at half the price Your ir.I1 V1. fori LWiptive Price Lis'ts of alleri, " ' Address all STEWART, GRAHAM & CO., ,V. . ' Jewelers, Importers, Ac, 15:6mo1, 6 Wllitehall St. V V "SALISBURY r. f M C ALEM ALMANACS POII1IO -At the Book Streo. SALMS AND HYMNS, T, At the Book Store. T UTRERAK Booka of Worship, Srrr At the Book Store. HOOL BOOKS, large.Tarietr, I , At the Book Store. N fact any thing in the way of Books and nn SSI "7?' f B" 50 hort notice and on reasonable, terms. ,t T At the Book Store. 3BE0WI V J-v tm mm tTA 1 1 LltjrW 1 W NIj SAW Super Extra Spring Steel; Warranted Refined. BBEN 1MO OB Y BOTNTON ' ! " 80,MfMA' STHX22S57, Hew ITork. . NoW 27, 1S56 Joly 23, 18G7 ;i J4n. 14, 14, 1S68; July 27, 18C9.- or hkrd wood, but soft timber requires it to be Bet V. s a.A kAH A . ... iorase wnea sent ont; are two gnages thinner on . . v. , w Htwiucr. i.iKuiiiiBi mi aieaiiseianu ananeLarad i' U ort . ""i AMBEICAK IKSTITCTB KllB BClt-PIXO, No V. 4. 1871. E. M. Botktox, 80 Beekman St.. New YorkSir- Thiai-ertifi tk.t i .1- t i.i..-tLrC. Saw, worked by hand, Dy two men and saw cut offa 16 nt8 ofsame, contlnuonslv. in two minntM ani im . . . , - - - , . i.ic ui m eviu vi wooa m less than nine minutes. I am satisfied that for all purposes of crow-cutting large and small timber, voor eross-wt and wood saws have no rivalin speed, in ease and in simplicity. - I beiietetheir universal use would Bave a vat amount of money and time, and lighten the toil of millions of men. J. W. BLAKE. . , . Superintcndentand Knginw. ameriean'lnuitatelair. ----- --- - - ,,,,,:", i".v is bettrr than the old fricti n process used bv all Hontst hard ware men will procure the genuine for their customers, even if they are overstocked with inferior goods, but wLere they do not keep them, agentu are wsnted. N B. Mmiont or axesare used for cutting wood: a Lightning Crow-Cot Paw. either for one manor for two, will , cnt fire times as fast as an axe. Why not try them? AIm, Lightning Ice Saws, 4 to 6 feet long, suitable for general use. - See that the name and warrant are on each saw. E. M. BOYXTOX.Sole Proprietor and Manufacturer. New York. 1 aysA E. M. Boynton's Lightning One man Cross cut, f. r riitt ng Wvod. Joists. Logs sndTiroWr. snd hw m5i- rT rmP''te. redJ- ' MH-. rri, e, (H) for four leK. l.siger s madf to ordrr. Milliuus orAiesare iu iim:, wlcie, by u.-ing tl: Sav, hall tie time oi.ld be t-avd, and do ate of fuel occur. Why I c (he I.iglilningr San-1 Itecansv the fastest is tbe cleaiict, IF SIMPLt'. i : . :.. t 111 . .1 , . . an 1. cuswuie nuuurcu ui n.wic uuimn luriue nnn Dy sjed and ease or an improved saw savca Hint tinaLilir,,! mill. H..U.I (.. I '"'"ui iiivsi iicficvi woiivi itu uiij cleanup leein propeny, 11 complU slid. These patent teeth are all of one length and uo shoi Using requited and cut twice as fast as common There have be:n many devices for clearer teeth, bjt no other patent cutting teeth for cross euttinc but these are known by should a saw tooth be in an indirect rasped V. riding over the timUr, when, if the outside edges be projected and point double with one drws of set, direct cuttinr sBdclearinir is substituted! true, it mil rtqure Utter steel and harder tempering for a cutting saw. butdo you buy a poor tool of any otLer description, or ure a ivuyl rsp to sharpen yourpeisknilet KuU careful ly these Patcut Cutteis, how dtHerent from any other aw : 1st. .Double pointed, with oxx Biske inu hi for two points on one side of kerf, and next ta ore versed cut on other side. 2ud. One point liehind the other, consequently Cuts and clears only with outside edces. Nw slsntcut to Ruage out. If one point of il tooth was set oue way and one the other, tbe slant would ride and lift out the tooth. 3d Cuts at a direct or opposite angle to the old V tooth saw, beneath all sawdust, ts a plow instead 01 a harrow. r 4th. Are edged with an oil stone, after filing teeth. 6th. These are the only patvut.direct cutting and clearing teeth known for crow cutting 'saws eat shape eaS'er tbanany ollier and re w ith present furin, as simple to sharpen as the old V tooth, 'as U " UPC' BOYIVTOX'S PATH'T IIGIlTiIaG SAW. Thfs saw iwssessca several grat advantages over the ancient V tooth, which has hitherto been relied on, especially 111 cross-cnt saws, tne strength, stillness and durability of these teeth, and their canacitv for deep gumming are soi.bviona that we will only nsme four other points of comparison viz- fcneetL ease, simplicity and perfect elcaram. . 1 companion, viz. ispeeo, Spkkd All are aware thkt an ordinary hand saw euts only one wty; . e. the front cut Is more ef fective than th- back, or retreating cut These teeth, with their opposite euttinfscei 'Si il ne are equivolent to the front cut both ways of the hand saw, in distmctiou to the backcnU of the old V saw. Hence speed is inevitable. v Ease of C'cttino. It is easier to nlow a prove this principle is very perfect, all the teeth being of cal and projecting edges, and clear simultaneously MKPUCiTY. i ins is obvious all the points being like handsaw teeth, vix: tbe same lea rth o hooks, or tlack raking teeth, to he shortened? only one mill tile is required to keep tbVm in order, and thlTIIN .MI tnlthstisi.l;!)t..l lullnn.tn.l.. -.t--.sl.-l! . -v.j, tiiki. .uy ' ,f " J ....v. . v-.r rnp 1 jrn ing iroplem r woo So effort. eight hours (including lost time) in Michigan. Such wonueriui. enjoy Aow, Apbil, 7, 1870. I'ekfect CI'Kabanci Continuously cutting and clcnrlng, these opposite cuttine fa cut, but dear, by lifting the fibre above the projecting blsdes, like a plow, w hich Is the clearing implement. r rfy their circular we see that two Boynton brothers, bv hand, mr nffa 1..1.......1. . u il Ins. 1st .;r),t f-n. K-fK- II - i W ------ - . - mJ , .ululc j os. wi,:t:iKiS- fc; v.. t it in r. - ,rj":" aiinoepe ",a- "www ar.swB 4BaeBrpi vruri s&a jieiut" hi 1 nt navj niiinnn-.i.-.j a iw tU.n K lio n .1 r . . : , 1 , . ,r . " Frraiu miavvipuiaa v "V. sy (al ajar I a B'l - wb B aiisn Tlfili Hi I imiW tT t Law iaa V. - - 1. t Jl 5? rW r mfd !di,,d by.P'. E M' RJ-nt0D. 80 Beekman street, New York, and are pro tected by four patents, dated respectively 27, 18C6; July 23, 1867: January 14 1868- JIr 8 ifi? We trust that the inventors of so valuable an improvement, i. an artideTf eh lV2S ll' tne fruit of their labors freo from infringement or piracy of any kind Iao These Sates are universally conceded to Surpass all others for Cross cutting Timlcr. Although S500 cJiallcrtge for expense of test has been advertised in millions of papers, and engraved on each saw, no one lias ever DABED to publicly test the matter, NO other saw has douhle pointcd teeth, CONSTRUCTED TO CUT IN LINE SO AS TO CUT WITH i OUTSIDE OF M TOOTH ONLY by direct action. l. Us The cutting of all single pointed teeth are equal, and tJiise M teeth are double, tcilh direct-action, spaced, and slant concealed between points of M. If one point of M teas set one way and one tlie other, the slant would ride and lift out the tooth. When the hardware trade do not sell, atrpnta w-iniJ j . . is required. A aix foot crosa cnt and a on receipt of $6, or $1 per foot. One man lsbU.IIJ Xot One Failed in 20000. The Hew Year find Ue LIGHTNING SAWS BniversAlly ackaowledxed to lead Ue Aueri ieaa market. No aauafactarer of Saw kaa (lared to qaestioa or publicly test at the Amer ican Institute, or otherwise, the taattef ofsupe r ority of the latest improved Haws . Tbe 6O0 challenge for expenaea of public eoatot isca graved on Ui saw. TLe larjre iacreaw of tbe basiBeMhaa com pelled lease or No. (ft) Ifetkniaa street, aad ar. rangemeoU for the laaaBlactare of Ave thousand I.IUtlTNINt; Croaa cnU per month, aad hope to be able to fill all orders promptly. The supply has been annioal to the demand of the LIGHTNING BLX'KHAW.batbereafWrl will endeavor to keep a stock oa hand. The taie of seveal doae of th above meBUeaed Ha causes belief that they are tbe beat bUdes In the market. All Lightning Saws are indel ibly etched with my name, the CroCuU with directions for fling, using. 1c. Kach Lightning -aw will coil andtoech ends nnlnjnred. Not one fa twenty thousand baa proved ImpertoeUso thorough m the f nspectioa of these reitolar goods; but. for the benefit of Hl sucti nntikilled men as csn not set and ae a VI. thin MW a m... k...:..nl . . r . . 1 . -"m . in IIUBU rTJC UWI IK. f Wilt H'Taf' inserted to order. Since enlargement of dost ?TPe, one year ago. no complaint ofclorrinr baa been received. The Lightning Saws are equatlV adaotcd lor am&ll and !artimlr back. sound 8x91nch chesixrtloa; in 3 4 Mconds- and uinnH r .. ... r - . j m u. puuuiu ue osrwH urn airect entUnr other saws. c.mag laoorinai wears ont ihe rroM-cat saw a m rlop ofone- thecoet of a dozen. Tbe onlv difficulty . J . """VHM bas been in timber than tn omck . even length, double pointed, cut with with He same. The application of outside vcrti- uii 1 ue uiu issinoneo saw. ceaH not onlv the most perfect ntton- ndance sustained work, by two men, with one saw once, filed la Atv wrnnA ( rriolr i.M.J. :m 1. . . , . taws $1 25 per foot " --v, .. ' -1 su . .nu. Jkii 11 il 1 r- -ConUtuUonai AmendmeaU. Passed tn the House of Kcprcsentaticcs January 17, 1872. AN ACT to alter the Constitution of Xorth Carolina. . . The General Aaaemllv of North Carolina do enact (three-firth of all the members of each House concurring.) That the ConaUtutiou f thia Bute U altered as tjollows, to witt Amend aection six, of the first article, hr tnkinp out the first clause thereof, down to and includiog the word M Iwt f thin Long lUclauee relating u the State da. . Atiend Beetion two of the aeoOnTtr lc! U striking out the word - annoallj - andlr-cning in lieu thereof, the word -Uenniallyf beini: In refereace to Ux sesaiotM of the General As semU, -. t ' Amend cction five of the second article bv sinking out all that precede .the words, - the said Senate districta," and by striking out the phrase "as atreaaid or" In said .section ; the parta bo stricken out having reference to lh cute centus. Add a new section to the second article to be rtIed aection and to read as follow : The member of the general Assembly alull each) receive three hundred dollars as a com pensation for their service during their terao, subject to aucli regulation in regard lo lime of payment and redocUoM tor non-attendance as mT he prcscribvU by law ; but li.ev mar hav u addiucmal allowance when they are 'called together in special aesMsun, and mileage shall be ten cents jcr mile for each session." Abend section one of the third article Jby striking out the word " lour years," where thry occur first in said section, anu inserting, in lieu thereof, the word "two years," being in refer ence to the terms of executive officer. Strike out the word " Superintendent of Pub lic Torka," wherever they occur in the Consti tution, thus abolishing that effice. Aiieud lection aix of the third article, by striking out Ihe word Mannullj." and in serting, in lien thereof, the word "biennial ly." Bo as to conform to the roviiius re specting the avasions of the General Aaaetn U j. Strike out sections two and thre of the foortH article, being the provisions which rw fer to the apooinuneut aud duties of the Code Commissioners. . Alter sectiou four of the fonrth article, so that raid section shall read a follows : "TL judicial pwer of the State shall be vested iu aeoart ftirthe trial of impeachmrtits. a fu preiae court. So perior Court. ocb interior Courts as may be established by law , and Courts of Justice or tlie IVace." Alter section eight of the fourth article, so that said sectiou shall rad as follow: "The Supreme Court shall cousist of a Chief Jnsticoand two Associate Justice; 1'ruri ded. That this shall uot apply to the justices daring their preseut term of utile, uuless by death, resignation, or o'hwrwis, theuuin ber of Associate Justices shall be reduced to two." i Alter sction twelve of the f..urth article so that said section shall read as follow : The State shall be diviJed into n'u.e judi cial districts, for each of which a ju.ige s1.mI1 : be chosen; aud iu each district a Surior Curt shall Ine eld at least twice i i each yearto continue for such time iu each coun ty ripeetively as may be prescribe! by law. The fjeucral Asembly shall lay off said dis tricts; iu due time, so that the said nine judgv may be chosen and Wgiu their oflici- al term at tlie first geueral eu-ction for mem bers of the CJeii-ral A? i,,l.y which shall occur after the ratificatiou of this section." The General Assembly u.ay rcJuce or in crease th number of Ili.-ti ii u In t.ik- eff.-ct at the end of wtch jiijici;l t-riu. Strike out s-ctiou tliirt-eu of ihf fotirili 1 aiticle which fixes the p eswtit judicial dis tricts". Ainend section fou.teen of the fourth ar ticle: by striking out all af'.t-r the w..rd otliee." and in-rtMit:. in lieu of 1!... put m j stricken out. the following: The General j Assembly s'usll preset ile . 1 pr p-r svstem of rotation for the judge may r i 1 . - the same d'i Ir'lCt twice iu succession, and the judges ni;t also exchange districts uitli each other, as maybe provided bylaw" s-trike out -ctiou titieen of tlie fourth ar ticle,:aud iusert iu lieu thereof, the follow- j iiigi-Tlit General Assembly ha!l have no ; toweT to deprive the judicial department of 1 any power r jurisdiction which rightfully ! I ei tarns to it as a coordinate department; ut the General Assembly shall allot atiJ distribute tl kt portion of this power and ju risdiction, which does not pertain to the Su preme court, among the other court pre scribed in this constitution or which may be established by law. iu such manner as it may deem beet. pruviJe also a proper s stein of appeals, and regulate by law wheu necessary the methods of proceeding, iu ihe exercise of their powers, of all the courts below the Supreme Court, so far as the same may be done without conflict with other pro visions of ttiia constitution. " Strike out sections sixteen, seven teen, niueteeu, twenty-five and t'uirjy-three of the fonrth article. Amend sectiou twenty-six of the fourth article by striking out all that part which be gins with, and follows the word "but" iu said section, and. in lieu of the part so stricken out, inserting the followiug : The judicial officers and the clerks of any courts which may be established by law, shall.be chosen by .the vote of the qualified electors, and for such term as may be pre scribed by law. Th voters of each pre cinct est abl shed as is elsewhere provided for in this constitution, shall elect two jus tices ct the peace for such term as may be fixed by law, whose jurisdiction shall extend throughout their respectire counties. The General Assembly may provide for the elec tion of more tbau two justices of the peace in those precincts which contain cities or towns, or in which other special reasoas ren der it; expedient. The chief magistrates of cities and incorporated towns sha.ll have me jvuici! uci9i j'iMiir, j i iwe. " ill r. 1 ......- . r .: . . r .v.. Amend sectiou thirty of the fourth article bystiikiuf out the word "Uiw-nship" and inserting, in lien theref, the word -pre-cincti;" also io the last sentence of the same section, strike out the words "the commis sioners of the county may appoint to such office for the unexpired term," and in lieu iberet'f iusert "an appointment to fill such vacancy for the unexpired term shall be made as may be prescribed by law." Aineud sections oue aud seven of the G th article, by striking out the words -commissioners of the several counties" where they occurs in said sections, and in Heu thereof in serting the words, "county authoriiies es tablished and authorized by law." Strike out section four of the fifth article, relating to taxatiou to pay the State debt aud interest. Amend section six of the fifth article by inserting after the word "iustrumeut" iu said aection the words "or auy other er sonalprperty.w Insert the word "and" before the word surf eyoi" in section one of the 7th article, and strike oot tlie words "and five commis sioners" in said sectiou ; also add to 'aid section the following : ' The General As - semlsl aliall nrnrU. f..r . v-t-. ,.f sr ss j m aat a a v au a ' a wm cj r i Rovefumeut for the several counties of the ,... Amend section two of the seventh article. by striking out the word "Pommissiouers" aud in lieu thereof inserting the word county authorities established and authorized by law;" and in the same section strike out the words, "the Register of Deeds shall be ex officio clerk of the board of commission ers', 1 Strike out section three of the eventh ar ticle. aod in lieu thereof insert the following : -Th) county autWiUea eaUUiahod vadB. tbonred by lawshaJl Sevlhat th restaur. unties are dirideJ into;a soiUlU tmtcWr tr stib-divisions, as compact and convenient r i " POM'b,?. od marked oot bv de finite bound. rwi. wl.uitmy M KU U. eeessary. Said sub division, .hall be know, by the name of preciucts. TLey shall Lav, rnraf I'""' lT t-wnship gov! ernmeuts are abolished. The boundarieof r 'S'1,1:" u th h?re uZiS?" -til they shaU Strike out Kection. foor, fir . eleven of the seventh article, which reUie u the t.wuhip system. e w Amend section eight and t.it. j tb- -mcre y sinaioj; out the Word wr i.i.ips wnere tfaey iK-cor in said iit ' X, . " 7f, v vllW. Strike ont seetjoa l.ree of the ninth article and in lieu thereof insert the following i -TVib Geuersl Assembly shall tn.U tuiJble prv- sections 7" V I uaEe,ient and rea atlou of the public seh..ds, nd forirSt ''euiuiy l.ax, K,Wrrtu .rov,de fox tht , elecUva. ,U TrutUi a lU I uiversity ,.f North Camlina, in wbotsi eWn, shall be all h, pdTi, ' rights, franshues and endowment heiu fore iu any wise granted to, or cotifrm-d . on. the iWrd of Tsustevs of said Unlveri ty; and the Geberai Assembly may tt4k such provisions, laws aud regulation,, trvm tluw to time, a way be necessary and x edient. the maintenance and inanacv uwnt of saij University. Strike .ent ti..n thirteen, fourteen and fifteen of tbe tiitth ' article, relatln; to thw Uuiveiaity of Koilh Carvlina. . Ani.atd mm. lion ten of the eleventh article by striking out the word "at the charge of th State." and in lieu thereof, iasert the words "ty the State; aud those wb do i.t own pnerty exemption preacribed iu this Constitution, or being minors, whose Mreuts -Jo Dot oi proj-rty over and al-.vethe saane, hall U cared for at the 1 barge of the State. Alter section sevei of the foortemth ar ticle so that said section shall read at foU r.dlowa: "No i-rson wlsBBLall bolj any of fice or place of trust or profit under the United Mates, or any deparUuen: there.. f. or under any other .Mate or goeru:m :,t, shall hold or exercise any other oliice or place of trust or pfohi under the authority of this State, or be eligible to a Mat in e.ther L.Tuse cf the General AsM-uibly ; Itucidcd. That nothing herein contained hall extend ti olhcers io tU militia. Justice of the lVace, Coiausis sioii. rs I .r Sjcial ruqises." Add another s-eti..u to the fourtheeuth ar ticle to be staled "seet:on f." and to read.! follows: "t'ouuty officers, justice of th eac and other olicers huo oQice r abo!isLed or changed iu any way by the al teration of the c-u.-tituiioushallco 'tiute u exercise tlieir fuiictions until any provisions uec.-sary Ui Im- made by law in order to gi fiilleff.-t t t.i Ihe alterations, so far as relates to said officers shall have beeu rr.ide." Ue -number the srti..ni in those article from which an M-etioti hs been stneken w ithout the insertion of another in its stead; and cive to any new secti..u that number which by this u.et!...l i. a'd have beeugirm t-. the section for hhirh it is suUtited. and tlie alteration s!. all be eo.liodied tit th cs.ii.- itutioii, atid the several befesl Conx-C'ltlVelr. K-CtluU C U til - was ATI VJ .Oi.lLJ,J4.Ta a J .I.,.. rm) n,um R M i- .4. a c,s NILl.lONS Hear Tr.llasaar ! V aerial ( araihe CBTecta. Ttwf ar IK4 Fa mry Driak, UtuU sf Tr Kmwm, Hl.k,r, rrsaf Sslrilt mmd R(iM Ll a r u vrvl. ikk1 a4 srrwOrri t 4tmsi U-t. iilloJ - T'iir, r!"" issTs, " Lr orrrx" a, lha Ina th. kji kr i W 4isnkaaania rala.M a tro Meiicii.h.issi liuut Sati.a lUvaa a4 UwrX f Ui'.m.i. frra frM all Alrkl,c Sllai I a at. TK.-T krr lb t. I(CT lll.OOD rt'KL riEKsrvl A LIFE (dllMi rui5ciri.c a irlt,t I ,rwut J I. in or.ua A Vha Syala nfinr r ui? -.11 toici ftiMtf wl rssetin l a I a to a IvaJluj f-n trmi. Na r ran ImX ltt tUS trr, wvf.f.I.rc te tluicintii i) rKkla Waf wa. Ir.kll tlir txWM ara mat ieaLnje4 f sv-i rT liixl aifUK. aifel Us tILki taxktta lrnn) rW p:rit tsf rFpalr. Xr tn a Uealtv raraall aa srsll m TMic, pcnng. hi... Us p-w.tar Bra f artiag at a rx f al vest im trite ibc f0 lafiw Kt n t.t the Ijrs-T. sad all Us Viararal OxuA. FOR FEM A 1. 1: COM TI.A ITs. iajar c.'. Mrwl of kr. at uavaa) atswaahisnd a a la tain W I t. U.nTit B.Uer t k raal. Fse lilanaitUtT m4 t'kraak RSsaaka ll.a a a t.-al. )sraia sr Ial(r4ta. P.illaaa. Kaatlllral a a latrraslusat F rs UtM-aara af ike n3a. Lisar, Ki ro aa Klaaltlrr. w.- lis 1 1 r rs U bs-sm uimI 1 Siri Mira.i i art aaaaed wf Tlllalr til. s)..a swrs:: itt!u4 t Wrayiaa f th lucrative Oriaa. iMsrn'u iu isuk;xtios. du- aeL. fa ta lb. MsulW-ra. CwuxLv Ti(ltsa "f Ik Cb-t. Picaio' rmr CnMtaiaM af tk St'iim r. Ba4 Tssna lo lb Mutb. B1( attatva. raiiaua at Ut Hrati. InSatuiaattna af Q taiari sia ia tk r r'mt al tk kJk.. aa a haa-n ' aanluJ arms Iwfna. ar. iL ejitfrwt ef Or"-". Tkrr laTtrorat tk M"tutv4 ab atjatatstktara4 Lirrr mat fiuatSa. hcb r-aaer tUra of aaaaa:W4 .S.cxi in rl-ai.it- llr b.ool of all lKritW. as ta rtactaat ar. At aaj eirar ta Ua w beWaraaraa. I UK SK IS IJI"ESSK. tra ". Tta. Sart r.b.uin. f.1ci-- 5s"t- rinaiW. PasitaU, Bs.CaT- !.K Kur U 4-rasv AcaM H.1 frm Sj . Vris- It. ... '.I Nr,irt. l'itsM4Sttoo tf tb St.'. Maasora a4 1 f !h SVm. t lat t tsaa. itr ara 1uj c ' .rr-l mst sjf It- es.'roi la a aaisrt l.s :b ut il... tmn Ois left's, ta ea , '' rmtfw tb mot itsrrM .'twit t tbrif rasfa t: , t! r- CWat.s- t T"!'.-! riKalakrwwf ffM Nla Surlliea Vir, u( tifoch Ik (Lis Id rig.) teas' Uoaa -r t , tVats it ,oa fcsd H 4su-arw4 ai4 alacl'k.ni tb m: tiM It rbra It b Sal. -,4 t 'flu.;, nil U ra a tf-a. Ua im4 sar. ai.4 tht I., il'li f U atn Jl IWloar. Pla.Taa-.aad atlirr Uaraii, lorkuaalalk )Uia cf 0 tu.u tiit.uai-'.. ara eSnctasi'f V!rrrS an1 S' a A e jl.sibJnri. I'.r 1. s-.' i. n.tvjal assu tk tW rar'.b ) ' -! . a.jat frwa U. r m m. rm It l W'i t.;u 'be b'-l'.lir eleaU tk i.-., 0 i . !.... ai-M tb 1ss)4 kaaaasfa s '' .' :i.t tl.t ' ie llt miiaaat a C. " Sfl-au vf y.jJtUf. b" rrrmttmr. a an-'., lei: i.-r a.. I If af!Taea trwa caai lika Laisvr h Mr J. WA1 RLC rn K- IX. MrD05.VU CO, Uiii.'t'.s v.1 !;(: Areata. Sji fraariara. CalilTts'S. Mtri 7T iel it Cmirtx- Street, Bta f.wfV BT ILL PBlUStST AP Pf StCt WILLIAM VALENTINE, THE BAUBKK, KTI'IIN'S II I S THANKS to hi. (' t ar ! iV t HI US hs and the public for t I ralr...iCC LT tolorc ClU-ii4.eii W .Ui. lit Ua' ' L- tl1 a iw , " 1 . ShP in 3r "Cxx&CTSOn Urick- BaUding-. 2toom No. 2, where he would b- pleated to we tbeia. D guarantee:- ti fire satfal:n in even ae He ha in hi employ of tic !-t II r ircr in Western North Caitdins. He requests from all. OUiltsbwry. X. C . Dec. 17. W " V -- ' 1

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