J 1 . s jr s I - -it jr s jr t i ii . . . si ! . ' : 2-, . t . : : . : . X ! I1 i I J , ,11 mi. in, 1 r 11 1 - 1 1 - . , j 1 ''- s ' ! 1 1 i - - i i t-. ;-'', - : " , . . ' i r mimx i-'"" 11 'ftf J .. - HA rw -Pi - A f . : L. . . . ,; . . ; i- - .,; r - . . . r , J . VOL. III.-4THIRX SERIES 1 SALISBUKY, . U., rKlLi 0, 1872. NO. 29. WHOLE NO. bll) PUBLISHED jWEEKLY BT J. j. BPwUNEli, Editor and Proprietor. 0X 1CA, piyW.ia .dv.uc... ....f.O" KDt,lho.ratic.CoDVKtivt, part? t..- I.ITUI ' ...... I.iJVF i , . . .. .. or siBrBiPHO" Chamber of (he Central Executive Com mittee of the Democratic Conaet ratine Partg. . f " : - BALCTojn. Fef. 3.!., 1872. At a jireeent intiug f tlir Democrat io Conservative mtfiuWral uf th Iu"ltnre, UP IN A BALLOON ! Sit M()NTH8t S Cpi? to utoe axlJrew. .10.00 gpprl1)nmeikt of tlita bndv i Lir due IximJalure folio Representatives.-Tli b prctciibcd i r Alamance, 1, Aliancl''', 1, Arlie, It Hlrt, 1, Iter? ir, I, Ilruiiiwick, lJuncotnbt, 2, lUitkt, I, Cabarrus, 1, .C.4ell, I. CanJen, 1, Caswell, 2, j tliatliam, 2, Chfiokee 1, Chowan, 1, C!ay,l, ClravcUnd. I, Columbue, I, Cravenj 2, CuuibriUiiri, 2, Currituck, 1, Dare, 1, Darijiwiu 2, 1, Duplin, 2, Macomb, 2, Koroythe, I, Fraiikliu. l Canton, 1,. ;trH, l, (Jranyill.-, 2, (irrcuo, 1, (JuilK.nl, 2, UaUifax, 2, -lIuriK-lt, 1, JIajrwood, 1, 11 riHiertMU, I, llrrlfr, I, llyuf, I, Iadrll, 2, Jkcknon, 1, ; Joilitnuf 2, Jonen, 1, S Lr uir, 1 , i Lincoln, 1, i Macon, lt I Madison, 1, Martin, 1, ! McDowell, 1, Mecklenburg, 2, 3Iilcljel), 1, i Montgomery, 1, Moore, 1, NhIi, 1, New Hanover, 3, Nortliatnptoii, 1, Oualow, 1, Orange, 2, l'aaquotank, 1, rciquinuuai 1, IVriou, 1, l'iit, 2, l'olk, 1, IUndofpIi, 2, Kirhmond, 1, Kobrpon, 2, UockingliMiu, 2, liowaw, 2, Kutlu-rfoid. 1, 8arapon, 2, SiMily, 1, Stnkca, 1, .Snrry, 1, Saih, 1, Traunylvjutia, 1, Tyrrell, 1, Union, 1, Wake, 4, by retMitii ion. C"Utinue4 until ih in-ting of th tat Couveiitiou of jtlmt rty. aui Jlu if. M. liMrringfr lu late pov. nrajtg. Trsterdav was a1 ditr of wild exeite- iiK-nt iif VVall street, wliit-h his bad n parallel sincfe th rneniorable Black Fri day " in wbicli Jy Gould nd Pridvnt Grant' brot her- in-law, Oorbin, were o uuenvubly conpcuau, andaalill nearer relative -rt the Pnidewt whs upprd to be a t'cr-t accomplice. Eri Block told piHttutd iu pUcof at one tiiot", yrftrday, a high a 59, although, qn the first of tin , luouih. it was Qtiotid at 32. The price of the W. U. Travrrft. and Jay Guld. Atall ; HOW TO COMMENCE BUSINESS. evenrp, ifte piumc woniu w pua io snow rfecre are nmnr yone men who are in wnfinrr iniFe men re n ynirw m me tb batrit of xcusin( Xhrir idleness sod diviaton of the Spoils, and mhetbyr thcV iucfScieucj with the plea tbat ther tan do and j tit W asociat hare noi protted anolhiuj witkoot eaphaL Tle Ick nf liecul-tioiirbytvh'ch they are rnTiclied . dhdi U tLa ready rmly th-y make i to the ezDVnttt nf iher peopV. If a cosaf trerv antrl to anion Tl... i.. The Stat eouveutioq will be held io tb towo of Greualx)re ou day of Alay next. bichdatlaln-thi eleltMB of a candidate ""pm-fig revidatum in the mauaKue..t fur (Jovernoro. Attorneyj Geneita. Treasurer. AudttoriSivretary of Smte, iperiiitetidetii of Educttt. SnnitibfUt - f PuUie onr titu. and that Gin Grant him-lf i W eUftewUy tb Urat -h..r t.Uil Lm0it doubl-d Im i n a rtril with i., . . w.-ta the ijinfrutnrut and the mask of une lperiiitutidetit of the oWf gigantic fetock pecuUvimin of Works, m In l-cMriug the rinci- an aCvOtnp ice in the scheme and a vharer Warm., 2, Washington, 1, Wilkcu,, Watauga, 1, Waytn-, 2, Wilson, 1, Yadkin, 1, Vauccy, 1. Graham nt entitled to a ileprpn- tatWr: Patulkt vote i,h lh-uutort lor Mruibcr ot tlie Ilotute. . N . pies artd poliey, both Sfiaitj and Federal, of J tl,U eViurtnoiif, the prodtgiaus profit of the partj and provlJiMg fur JjfficWut party tWs ,,1 shrewd, enccespful, and most urKautiaiwuM : j M j . r ' coiol18JIJ rno. At all events, there. It is. tWrre. very des.rable and unpor- , . f u- lhc b. tant. tludavery coauty in tba Stat shall be -. " r . , r . b. r represent io that conven Jon ; and it is He on lis gard, and warning it against cntideiiily hoin-d f hat (oar ..r.tic.l friends being taken in and bitten, so far a it is will tak4 immediate Ud etbeieut steps to not yet too lata, we proceed to iai socure eb repreentatuu. aome ot the grounds of our auspicion. 1 o that inu the Central txecutiTe eom- t Ins the first place, this euoroious rise, mittee ate instructed t suggest that county w,tb has made the street erazv, and popular lifting., unposeu .f all persons wi4jci, jM by telegrams from the other ..lipoid to HadicaUsmi misrule and Public . . r. !. ,: i ...i : v.a . J1. ti ? . . , , side of the Atlantic, has noiu.wg solid to hrtravadat'Ce, be called in each county of t i i r i . i c peteit enmmifrer of invrttigarl.in tonfd1 that they ptseass in themselres all the inquire Into "this" subject, e 2are ' say pen;mitsitrir to ueeess but the capital. iheict wonM tw cnrious and astounding rif ther ulr had canital iu addi Lw. tn tie State, a soon as dflegateif to the conv-uti' every ope wpo?i to d . : . . f.dhiwl l,v this sV:rdei inflation and wild t-xcitcment. practicable, u appoint r, st Fou bnt J,ie " Pea of the t la.fii UtiMn aud devise ways tioti act by the Legitlature. iNuw, c and mealis to tecure their attendance. suppose that no tuan wlio lias cut his ti- In order to avoid failure if irepresutation. naiicixl eye-teeth believes thai if the let each eoiiutyineeting appoint oaeormore- Cla?sificaiioii act had been siiunly repeul- fro-rt'e,4Who will certainly attend the con- etj w,h()u the gn at blaze of accoinpa- venuon. j rf ? r ' niments wjiich preceded and attended it, HHtlical Miifrulv, w ithutit regard to past p f. .t ' t.;.-..M...r U t,:,.,if All -Ihat the rental tiot b is to give the 1 U tiru ve i aiov 1119 v j nuu caui . i iuiovi a ' ii t.i iiif..rlrl th ttnl.Iin iiiiul Hrid nnnar th stockholders au opportunity to elect a ptfopltt tl stand together in the 'noble and new hoards f directors. Until the election patrioticjstruggle to nj.hoM. maintain and i held, nod it is1 seen iuto whose bandi adininir honestly and fai hfully jhej.riuci- ;"tic adiuintration of the road is to pas?, pies of pjire Consututjoual Government. ! t. pnbic hare no means ol foiming an ine in" enecuve means a n.iorm.ng illU.,Wlt jungmt as to the degree of tanWherefore.thatitl.hallhe properly nd "Pvetnent likely to resu t trom tlia ihoroughly directed-i WafttJl ihe'stniDge-t hange4 Jl he great Upera House coup, assurance that those who conduct the Demo- o dramatic in lis circumstances, really craic conservative Press will 1e nctive and accomplie(ied nothing beyond lacil tating, faithful in placeiug before the people sueh r, if yo.f please, forcing, the rep"al of arguments. And information as may be at t a Classification act, and providing for their command, and we respectfully urge our au jy )ection Gf a ew board of direc friendsto be active in exteuding thercula-; ,ordJ It jwa? f no im?or ance in any tiou of our newspapers as a arand help to , . s r . . , ,r i 1 1 t t o;her view. 1 he new president and di- 8UTheScommittee are instructed to submit ' rcctara made haste to inform the public and suggi-st the auuexel plan of organiza- j that they regarded themselves merely as tiou. i 1 temporary trust'ees, and that they only A ropy 'of the proceedings of Conntymeet- ' held theiH places provisionally until the ings apHjmtuig leiegate9 to the Mate urn- ; stockholders could have au opportunity iSicv a2'oei.4 L -Disrwrrs -The follow inir tix SuMioiial DistiicU as ii ii-sed ly the jegiilature : 1st District. Currituck, ('atnden, IV- 4uotunk, Hertford, Gates, Chowan, Per--fuinun" 2. 2nd, Tyrr-ll, WatlHutnt Martin, Dure Ilaufort, Putilico and Hyde 2. 3rd. Norihainptof aud Bertie I. 4lh. Halifax 1. 4tli. Kdgecomibe I. ih. Pitt-1. ?tlj. Wilson, ah and Franklin 2. 8:h. Ciavcn 1. iitll. Jones, Onslow and Carteret I.' I Oi,h. iWayncand Duplin 2. f lib. feuioi' and Greene 1. " 1 2lb. Kw Hauorcr I. t I.'jih. Brunswick and Bladen 1. 14th. Hrfuipnon 1. ? 5th. Col u tubus and Rolieaou I. 16th. Cumberland aud llanietl. 1, 17tll. JollMtOII I. th. Wakel l 10th. Warren 1. 20th. Person, Caswell aud Oranzo-2. "X. Granville I. 22id. t halhaui-l. 23rd. Uockinghani I. 24ih. AUasanoo and Guilford 2. 25th, ltanoljdi aud Moon t. t 2Giihi Uichtuond and Montgomery I. ,27th. Antoi and Uuiun 1. . ;23ih. Cabarrus aud Stanly 1. 29ih. Mftklenburg I. ( !' 2f0thi Ho wan and Davie 1. 3L Davii'sonl. 1 32nd. itockes and Forsyth - I. 3rd Surry and Vadkiu - 1 34th. Iredell, U'ilkesand Alexander, 2. S.'ith. Allfjliany, Ashe and Watauga, I. 34lh. Caldwell. Burke, Mcliowell, Mitchell and Tancy, k. 3?th. Catawba and Lincoln, I 0$th. Gaston and Cleavelaud, 1. 30 tk Rutherford and Polkrl. 4Qlh. Buncouibe and Madison. 1. 4lst; Haywood, Ileudersou and Tran sylvania I I42ud. Jackson, Swain, Macon, C kecClay and Graham, i. veiition. shontd be Hrxit to thifs Committee. By order f the committee. J. J.I.ITCHFOKn, Skcrktahy. tb replace them by a new board of their own vhoice. The permanent management j ot the jo I bunds of legitimate prut that nation of who! are d is to be devolved into the the new directors, of whose no judgment can be formed 1 he enor- aliou of the Kriu stock id an wuich there is no sufficient cause ; and we therefore sns- Thr. ftiJlmriifi afiiitivil riJr.t arc scribed fur Uic aoccrumeut of the Dk- ulri! afier ,h, y are chosen cnJi n-t?ic rift iui it ssk.n i u-tiL I t(i,,Ct foil them ih the State lof North Carolina : . Shite Executive CowtwiVte, There shall be an Executive committee for the tatej at large, ousistni! 'of forty one memlers Of theu. four s shall reside in each congressional Ustnct, and nine, at or it is brought about by a com hi plotting, audacious speculators making great fortunes at the expense of the gullible people. Our secoud itasoti for suspecting that i. aim nine, ai or ,tw..i .,u. ..; ,- ... . near the city of Raletgh, and the members 7 . V" L 66 V "1 residing at or nearjthe city of Raleigh, i hl J?' l1l,.wJ Je,r shill be denominated- the Ceutral Executive ,ul,u ,u P,,e the m erests of Jay cotnmittee. ! ' ' ! Gould, The ostensible object of lhc wou- The Executive Coi'nmittee for the State at deriul . dramutic coup was tc oust and de large, shall have general control, stipervis- j phsu him He was held foi l h to the public ion and direction of the orgauSxation and its a8 the anquished, "humiliated party. Jay practical working, uftder the eonvenUon Gould, we are .old; was overthrown by i ue central executive committee sua i ne t- ' , ..i. . ,i i , , - i . , . , , uis victorious tnemtts and made to bite charted at all times, with the exercise of the , , i , . , . powers cauferred on j the Extcutive commit-:lhe, dnl' hwaf represented as the tee for lh State at large uales in any re- arc" wffV,er and victim of the most won spect restrained by the last meutioned coin- deiful rnsfiiaiuvre. If Gould has any re mittee. I j . I maiuing friends let them not be too hasty A meeting of the Executive committee for ! in proffering their condolence! They the State at large. mty he called by any four may; af)y reserve their tears till they members thereof, as Nveli as by the ceutral ( ear v bother it is three million or five revelations. Considering the three 'or fonr million doHarswbicir this ingnlar"tna liCPnvrifhas pht: Into the' pockets 'of Jay Gould, some people will be tempted to suspecj. tjtit be was one of the (iriioal parties to (he f peculation, ad tha,ie great show of opposition wliich ha made was ;tll a sham to throw dust into the eyes of j the public. Supposiig him to iiavej been a secret accomplice from the beginning, every part of this- extraordina ry plot is consistent and intelligible. In this view, the apparent despair of ic peal ing the Classification actx wbich prcrailed at the time of the Opera House coup, was well calculated i depress the price of Erie stock, aud enable the pari lea to this mai ceuvre to purchase or contract for all the shuns they could carry, at very low rates. The Eiio stock could not vtry well pe depressed to lower figures than it was iuuder the apparently discouraging prospects at Albany. And then, at the very: lowest point of that depression, the Opera House coup was flashed upou the public all of a sudden. Gould, for one day,;uiade a resolute show of resistance ; but.ito the snrptise of everybody, he timely iollapsed, and made an uncondi tional capitulation. Why did he not fight the thing out? Or, to ask a question which goes more directly to the pith of the matter, how was it possible that h could have beeu so taken by surpiise, as he was represented to h ive beeu at the litnej? Was he all the w hile iu collusion with1 his pretended enemies, but real al lies, in a plot whose actual result, thus far, ,has been to give biin $3,240,000, wiihcorref ponding gains to Grant, Sickles and (he oilier conspirators I The mere repeal of the Classification act would not have supplied gas enough to inflate this enormous balloon. This gigantic stock speculation is like fruit of the 0era Hons comedy, which advertised to all the world that there hu been a tremondom, aston ishing, aud most advantageous revolution in Erie. Everytliing which has been done, Doth at Albany rtfid here, has contributed to the success of iheGiant-Sicklcs Gould ' pool." The ati'ecled despair of repealing the Classification act, by which the price of the Erie stock was depressed and kept down till the " i.k1 " had made their purchases and contracts ; then the dra malic and sensational scenes at the Opera House tor advei l:sing to the world a great and sudden revolution in the management of the road ; and aflerwuras the repeal ol I be Classification act as a result ot the Opera House coup, were adroitly contriv ed for " bulling " the stock and enriching all the parties to the plot, including Jay Gould and Gen. Grant. We have slated our suspicions and the grounds of them. Our columns are open to any responsible member of th " pool" w ho chooses, over his own signature, to give the inside history of this surprising STATE RIGHT5. their -other iiuajp'uad vi.taes. lhv would da great things in ika wald, llvy wnwld. hi n -i f nrrj v unni ivnipii ut natives a the boldness ami 'brilliancy of their enter prise. They would grow immensely r'.cb, and then ly fh wrfj under p-rpwuf obligatious to their gratitude by th mag. iiifieence of their b n-faclln . This is the way they think aud talk, ai:d ihrj mil the vain glorious idea uer in their minds until the) oecnme to think tha', the world it an unmeusa loser bf their pov erty. Theie persons forget one ioinorfant fact that all capital is the urJucl of abor. That uearly all rich men in this country wert onee poor. That nearly ev ery personal fortune they can enumer ate is either the product of it owner's toil and skill, or the representative of his father's Tail and skill. How did the makers of these fortunes' get along without capital Uad tUry spent the vigor of ibeir youth iu idle and looluli lamentation over their pove, y, they wouldhaveJived and died poor, auu leti nothing but an inheritance nf honesty behind them. Capital allied to labor aud skill can work Wonders in the wav of material enterprises, aud the man w ho possesses tnouey finds it easy to make money. But capital is not only indispensable to young men of the right stuff for all tins There are other kinds of capital besides accumulated money: brains, muscle, in dustry, honesty, diligence truth, fidelity. till, I act, education all these are capi- tal, and all ot them have a commercial value, which the owner will be able soon er or later, to command in the market. Provided with these, any young man iif ibis country may roaka more than he faecds to spend every year, and lhu have something at the end of each year to invest as mwney capital. If he needs money let him go to work and make it, and thus give proof of his ability to use it profitably aud judiciously. It w go itfto any great city, or into any prosper ous agricultural district, we find the -capitalists are those who havt made their for tunes without any outside aid. They did not waste their time in repining iu their poverty, and in silly dreams of what they could do if they had the money to do it with. 1 hey went bold I v aud resolutely to woik; ihey toiled and thought and thought and planned, and kept toiling and iniiiKiutr ana piiiiiunt; paiientiy, until at last they grasped the for'.tin-le moment, and in nine cases out of ten they succeeded. From the I'eopler Press. JAIL DELIVERY. IxTinUTito Voters ix Newi thFZvr - axkable exam- ! This good old doci.,ce . f o.r fVUrs tdg ofptical vmue.ia the'Cep though Jog igi.ond and trodden aTder . ,lhPfPr decUrea that, the foot, Ugio. to il. aigu of rvturfinc enpennlendentof the Oswego etarch vitality, aud ia placea U..t .apwuad factory casts three hundred vote at' u presence. Neatly tvtry l-.dy i the every election as 6tich a ivstem Ofcs-' ulh, except Mr. Stephens, Lad" ceased poinagcauad intimidation is employed i Xfn lo abiot it, ptrfcrring to re it there that everv person employed' in i teal P,ave f"r Ma'U,Mured .f a the factory it compelled to vote nrs. I g'oiioas resurrection talher than ell -'own ciselyas th Superintendent direx-ts 0MT b.u.oird tbe vlSar i iiaiu'i ai 1 1 va hare alaavs lelievid " wi mpenntendent direi-t. ' , The workman Is not even permitted tb rF ' u akJ.. t "I o .r pnvtiwre or staving a wav r .I.. ill, . . - irom port i the polls,! but is required to re thc time at which he deposited hia matioeuvre, and show that there is no reason for dil rusting the good faith of these transactions, which have enabled all the parties, Jay Gould among the rest, to make sudden, colossal fortunes. iV. T. Word, March 26. HOW A CASE OF HYDROPHOBIA WAS CURED. A correspondent of the Detroit Tri i -i i .1 r e i Executive, committee! "TnlJi a . V .k. . ll- i .1 V" . " Z "eecnuen at some lengtu a teariui The State conveiitiouj sl.all deienata M T .T, J . . V "c case of hydrophobia, where the man was chairinaiifor the Executive committee for the " . FMC,wt:i . , ! I hi convulsions, barking like a dog, c-... i ii! , . n io 111 e1 liim utiirc Hint it list. un v ntner I . .1 . .1 . 1. . 1 1. ; . oiaie ai targe, auu nie sua 1 oe cnairinan ot 1 r T. . . J rroiiiing ai ine mauiu, aun maamg sireuu- the central Executive committee Congressional District Executive ! mittce. Com- f The members of the Executive committee for thj Sta.e at large in any eoneressional individual. We are informed, 011 the au thority which we have no reason to dis- w - a a a trust, tnat Jay uould is "long on 120,000 shares of Eric. The slock has already advanced S27 a share, giving him a clear ! profit of $3,240,000. This is ous efforts to bite everything that came near. The doctors dectdeded to place the patient under the sama treatment which had been successful in a former ease, which for the aid it may be to others i . -ir. i .j.. 1 DUtrw Ml, -II Mri;ii. f..m.MM..t I . . .. .. wuo suner irom iuia niaiauy, "cutro "lr"'ui I ni lin ii. t Ii A mnar aiirro-idiiiir diiPAinti itrt I n rm ... , Fxeeutivtf committee nh n:strU 1 f"""" f-r." , , give as toiiows : i ne injection unaer me txecutive committee . Wr such Uiftriet d , ...t , -. that ever occurred n t he . . , i r i.: j .... in wnicn they reside, and Shall ex-T7. TI? ffr, . T sain 01 targe uwcb i uiorpuuie, mm iuc erelsethejjM.wers in such District, of the , ?w WT" ,UHrT uay wmiu Executive eomiuitte for the State at Urge J 18 deP?F "um e. presidency of the subject to'tho eouttjoi aud directU.o f the Erie roajd, and makes between three and latter and the ceutral Executive committee, j four ; million dollars by the operation. uuless iu iuch respects as the latter may be The ' Sickles combination " dissembled won Id come to pafs, lhc South bad only to silent for lhor Jm ji.'o'fd in ifs I urial tn I t, tmnn ttit fii.l In im it. vote, and the t)fcrson from whom he re-l b-dy and lvut.xe i; iack into lile. t)f ceivexl his ticket, or run the risk of i lie the 11- imbbcan Goverrn-i rf J'mri j:r. ' ti i n . . . J i .... sylvania, Illinois, Mim.mii and L.iuiaua have, each, been sunh-d by Federal en croachments, made in molt Instance un der the authority of law, and indirmn'lv raised the staudaid of State Ri;lns 'i'lii Supirme C-art, bad as il is, has nmi than once intimated tbat laws of Con gress bearing u oo the Sttrti would iit be snstained if brought in review liefne it. The Sara tribunal has reeentlvt up the amnesty proclamation of Presi dent Juhiistoti as a pio'trlioii o tho citizen, d vs pile all rongrrsional hw ar.d partisan constitutional oiendmrnt. At d to-day we have a trlrjjraj.Lic announce meiit tbat ihe Uepublirau J ndpe of the Federal Couit In Kentucky, it h int ihe b'ar of party ei. genre bi b-ic his fi .r in his In ail, has announrid the doctiine that Congnss has no iiu lo p4s a Lie Cmjlliog a Slate Judge to diregtd ihe laws of his Slate, even tl.nnli ihv might militate agai-irt tlx- tivil ii-Itp en- artiuenis ol t.oniefs. It ) a H:v Z case, lhc U J( S'iou ha ln ai i-mi mil ol tl.e refusal of a Slate Judgr to .nluw i. gii. to testify io I is c iu t e f4V, ;i r rxi i.ons They "how thai be U i..- .i l. t 1- of ! !, diwlurrxc. The Pro aava it haa lonr desired to expose this disgraceful abuse, but has been deferaJ from doinpso bv the fact that the men were coerced to vote the Republican ticket, which was a good thing, ond that an exposure would injure the Republican partv. But now theiVcM ha? discovered that the factory1 men do not vote the Republican ticket unless the names on it are personally agreeable to the m perinteudent; that they did not vote the Republican; ticket in 18G9 nor thin spring; and so)t manfully appeal to the Grand Jury to come to the rescue of tlie starch factory emplovecs, and by standing between them and their ty rannical employer restore to them that freeman's right of suffrage of which they have so long lieen roblied. Tire nnnActtwn rf t . r . i "IT0111"" " n - re to bUCll a 8S- tem of intimidation is highly commend able, but it wotjld have appeared mre diaintercsteil ifi't had devclojicd it-clf a little earIier.-4-A' V Sun. Were an emrjloycr in Virginia to do anything of this kind lie would be hauled up before Underwood 'a court at once, and punished sevcrelv lv fine and imprisonment under the provision. of the enforcement act.-iticA. Enquirer. A TERRIBLE CASKTF IIYBROI'IKHSIA HEATH OF A itltlDK. . The 1'iltMton (I's.) GuttU pvea the following Virtictilars of a niiaji dii reding can of hvdn pholiia : About eleven wet kaaroa young" IIt tMUied Lox, danglit-r of Milen ( ox, of Slod danl.ville, wvut iplo the rard to kill wxue ciiicken-i. The dg followed her, and fh-king up (e oi me miCKen ran ort witli it. Sin cb.Ked hiiu with a stick, to recover il. and com 'uigon with liini he turned tiion lier .md Kit her in tli arm. Ia rating il fcarl.illv. H-r iiK.ilier arid brother oomin loihe r-u, wer .-i- l.illv bitten by lh infiiH.-iied Ih-iX. The wo.m l' healed however, ani noihin? nu.re wa tl.o il.i ol Hit niatfer. I lie Tonne woiuaii a emm-red lo be married to a Joting in iii lixinj; a. doii- boro, named Alfrud Kern. k. atnl tl.e appointeil to eemm off at tliat plac-e Umt two week ago. On ihe wtnlding morning, a she ti about to perform lu-r ablution., the sight of water sent a shiver through her w hole vMeni ami triglitenfd her. At lb break fat table the coffee had iier an effect upon ler thai .he spO'ed it over tl laid. M.e thn complained of feeling unweil, and her frierxla advied her 1 liee eius. govern rat nt are rrvn ii g in tin- 1 . r i t ihe ptople, aud what : r-' ill t - t : r . J it they are strong enough to I nL i; u the arbriers of prejudice and jurM olrin lion. They ihow that Stale U :lii. Iia never been dead, o ly sb-ering. That 't reined lioiu lhc tild to iu the ctoini ol pasfiou and patty c: t iip!i..n to pa ovt r, lieu il would ieipp ur in m it tnonphere puiiGid by the fornm ti'-n, and fitted fwr a 1k1 u.e and vigir tin existence. Il can nt vi i '. i- mi 1i g the spiiit rf liberty and ..iff ida eov i rnmeut shall annimate the heari at d heads of the Atnricau people Sitarili ( Ga.J Jirjiublioin. Jacob Siewcrs, confined in OHr county jail, awaiting his trial on charges of break- I to remain at homej but he aid she did not ing into and robbing Mr. Croslaud's Groc rey iitorcand Wm. T. Vogler's Jewlry es tablishment, effected his escape on San- d iy morning last. Ho sawed through the ceiling in the northeast, nr STOyGKST CELL OF THE JAIL, cutting through a heavy scantling, about 4x6 inches, and an iron bar spiked to he wood, m iking an opening about 10 x 12 inches, large enough to enable him to pass up into the attic, where he broke through ihe brick wall, and letting him self to the ground, a distance of about thirty feet, by" means of strips of bed want to dinantriinr, A I, and accompanied bv a simer, proceeded to Cioldlioro, where the wed ding ceremony was errbrrued. Inirnediatily alter tin Me m uihI with iaiu, Iwarinc all the indication of livdrophobia. Iu one of her Inctd intervals hc warned the comiunr that she would bite them if theT did nH Vet n away from her. ' J5ut,' said he to her hn.Wpn.1, " AI, you need not be afraid. I won't Lite ion." In one of her iamxvm ohe Lit a la. It Ik. wm . endeavoring to noothe her. It wa the wife of Votz. Hoftuian, who drive the Mo from (iold- boro to the Sand Out, on the iMaware, Larka- wana and extern railroad. Nun after attir ing her husband that flic wyul.l iHt bite him she was mm red with convnlion-, and, Ijing bark in his anus died. We have seldom been Cut iosiiits of Hul'lr H'owrtf. At '1.0 Red River uwlilai v t x j.i : . ; i-.i, , at ti n ( lod ot the a, a t j a!:y r hid r , tbi ut teiilr years ohl, in the i. r ! ,e.il:h. wns tlii i t cleir tl.iouh ,.. I...!v .i broad wo. d in the l.n d it a in niiil eni fnv. 1 he won .(!..; i in lin t Of the tliOtt libs of tin- l'' t l 'nie :.t 1 came out nppatite, ch- e to tl.e spit.t ; and what w aa more t ir.atk 1 . ! ilc rlared he di I not b-rl it ( i.li.n.rr, but when the fellow drew it rut it gjxehori some pain. He aft cmnii' Ti ! moit.iiiV if i I 1 . - I wouuued. lut neillier l lttO-ng i .r til ¬ ing, as the Hiigenti ( IHfi'(!, lie wat transport' d lo a lompstjl . n New (l.!ai., where in a f i w u:r.n:h. be nn ptiftt!y well. OUeHlon C.ilU- a tif surgeons bow .1.. tl o ti g I iu l.if-tat- ierw- OokoUessiokjI l Distiucxs. TUt fol IowUg are the Congressional Districts as laid off. by an act of the General Assem- lit Lurrttuck, Camden, I'avquotank, I Kiiuted. Perquimans, Gales, Chowan, Hertford, w retstricted CphitErecutive Committee. Each eoiiuty shall have a county Executive ouiiiiitte,comHsed of members taken, two from eaeJi township iu the eounty. and the cttun.ittew8liall appoint or elect a chairman, aud exercise the powers, iu their respeer tivr counties. crferrel on the congressional District !kecutive Committee for the State at large aud Central Executive committee, un less in siicn lespects as the latter may he re stricted. The county Executive committee sli ill be desiguated by a couutt convention iu the county for which the same shall be ap- Hyjde, Ueaufert, Pitt, Pamlico, Rcriie, Maru'n. Washington. Tvrrell and Dare. 2il. Edgecombe, Wilson, Green, Way ne, Lontir, Jones, Craven, Northampton, arrcn and Halifax. 4&. Onslow, Dunlin. Sampson. Har nett,! . Cumberland, Rladen, Columbus. Urunswick, New Hanover, Carteret aud M 6 ore. 4th. Johnston, Wake, Chatham. Orange. Granville, Franklin and Nash. i5th. Randolph, Davidson, Guilford, Afamance, Parson, Caswell, Rockingham 1 powers and Stokes, Township Executive Committee. There shall be !a Township Executive committee in ex'eryjTownsip in each couuty in the State, ctmsrstiug of four or mo re members, ojbe appyiuted by a township convention. Saideoii-ioittee shall elect or apboiut a chair- mau, aod shall recive iu the township for which the ame shall be appointed, all the powers eotiferred on the Executive committee toi the State at large, unless restrained in any respect by ithe cunty,ougrfsioaal ri. ti, t'j .:.. .. t 1'iMiich y i avc u.irtuu or cvurai execu tive committees respectively, according to ineir rtpptrcwv aupervisorj anu coniioimg jCth.' Robeson, Montgomery, Richmond, Save your! Wheat & Oats. Ansoa, Stanly, Cabarrus, LJ nion, j Meek- IMPORTANT NOTICE TO FARMERS. lenburg, Gaston, L.incoln and Catawba. I yth, I Forsythe, ourry, Yadkin, Davie, Rowan; Iredell, Alexander, W ilkes, Al- I LI 1 i i . .1 ll' legbaey, Ashe and Watauga. 8tbi Caldwell, Burke. Cleveland, Witfihell, Yancey, McDowell, Trans jl vtnia UBancombe. Madison. Havwood. Jickaan, Swain, Macon, Clay, Graham, iusroKcc, ixuiuertoru, to lie and uender- 4n.. ' - An important diiscovery to prevent RUST in Wheat and Oats, iif the direztions are careful ly followed and the crop U injured by rust, the money will be cheerfully refunded. All I ak is a trial. Prepared and lor sale onj at ! 1 j J. U. ENNISS' Drugstore, t Salisbury. jtr7 tf ALL KINDS GTSTRATKS' of COURT AND MA BLANKS at this offi administration of large doses of castor which is a powerful anu spasmodic. About one grain oi i ue suipnate oi raorpnine was injeeted iuidr the skin once in foar hours, aud a halt a drabtn of the powder ed castor, mixed with syrup, given inter tially. 1 he effect was to produce sleep in about half au hour, which lasted about an hour aud a half, when the convulsions returned at intervals of an hour to an hour and a half, until nine o'clock Siind iv , . i f t morning, wnen the last convulsion occur- thetr love and made an ostentatious show of" kicking liiui down' stairs," but we surmise that the three or four millions whichltey have put into Gould's pocket, will j.rety well console him tor the sham indignity. tYe wotttd not. willingly do anvbody injustice ; but tu,e public is puzzled and red, after which he suffered severelv from iucicdnlous when asked to exult over the obstinate vomiting unlil Monday at ten downfall of Jay Gould under circnm- o'clock, when that also ceased, leaving stances which he must regard as the the uatient comuarativelv easy, but ver? greatest stroke of luck that ever befell much prostrated. Since that time he has him. It is not Gould alone who has made gradually improved, and now is, to all a colossal fortune by the camming ma- I appearances, quite well. In addition to noeuvee which a credulous public are the above treatment, small quantities of asked to admire as a supreme exhibition chloroform were inhaled at Mines, and on of ai&lnterested virtue. Other great for- Sunday morning the patient was wrapped .i . ... . . .i . tunes have been suddenly acquired; aud the -public be-ins to feci au excusable curiosity as to the " ways that are dark and the; " tricks that are not vain, by which so much wealth has been trans f erred I o hands that never earned it. sheets tied together, which were found called upon lo record uad a c.ie as thi. For suspended from the hole iu the wall on omen? a happy bride, and the victim of a . ,i : I. I . i A A k Dorri'i ueatn. l li other mcmtieni el the lami v Others seem to think he descended by I .;.,. i a.. I . sal ,,v sw miuvii WT avlC ' t HW, til. means ot the lightning rod. l ne wnoie di,ru?ed anv svmritomaotJie diae. but tk operation exhibits remaraaoie ingenuity uv in hourly dread in Us conception aud skill in execution, and must have consumed considerable Tus State of Arkissh 'Soi.n rna time, as the piece of ceiling was taken Taxes. Outrageous taxes imposed upon out in such a manner that it could be re- ihe Deou i of Arkansas, at a time when placed without attracting the attention of tteJ rccpTereJ froni ii,eimp..ver- ot those who irequenuy exarainea tie effects of the war, worked the for ce I. I hat a saw of some sort was used, .;.. cf ibe enormous ouantitv of about .i r i. J is eviaeut irom tue appearauce oi me 3f000,000 acres of land, or one .seventh cms, but as to how tuc: prisoner became . ar, wf ,lt. w,c 8Utr through the non possessea oi ine instrument is unacewmu- payraenl of taxes. Duriug the past lew up :i 1 1.' t line ic c M-.-pi .1 f . u.irncn- loiiily. Scienti6c.il1 v cot i. bowel? must l.ave I ci n cut llm several places, and aitt iial I w i ed by floztns. The la'et tl'frV w ; this, vix , that neither iute.-ii 's r r blood vessels acre wounded. 1 n a won der, that rharp l.l.ide lid !: u-li ti e luibular rail itl. .ul u j n g ;u'vthirg but iiilegumeuls, fini ai d rr. and piercing the lumber n.ucl s. W hen a ii good ten ruilioi.t cf tiOt sneered a cam. in a woolen blanket wrung out of a warm solution of muriate of ammonia, eighteen to twenty grains to the ounce. This was the treatment which checked the fearful malady and which ihe doctors, for the sake of huruanitv. aro anxious should be The i Republican journals claim that published to the world, and thoroughly Gen. -Sickles is the arch contriver of this tested. gigantic speculation. They say that the chief object of his return to this couutiy The Danbnry (Ct.) News says : "A was to engineer this wondeiful plot. voun lad v in a neighboring town ha President Grant is understood to have taken up dentistry for a living. All the been in the secret and nothing is m ire gentlemen patronize her. When she puts probable, considering his close and iuti- h r arm around the neck of a patient. mate relations with Sickles. Grant and nd caresses hi jaw for the offending Sickles, as well as Jay Gould, have pro- member, the sensation is about as nice aa bably l realized van foriui.es out of this the v make em. One voone man has be- cunning movement which was so suddenly 1 come hopelessly infatuated witk her. exploded upon the public. The comma-1 Gonseauentlv he hasn't a tooth in his nity begins to suspect that there was a head. She has pulled every blessed one pool, and tbat among its members -f tem : and made two new seta and were President Grant, Gen. Sickles, Jas. nulled tbetn. She is now at work on his McHenry, W. Goldsmith, A- P. Archer, father's saw. He holds the saw." able, as his person was frequently search ed during his imprisonment The walls ol the cell are full of sketch- . Drnminent among which is a well of a Kailroad train, The cell previ weeks the slate audiler has been engaged iu selling these lands. Only about one- third of these could find purchasers, and .1. .- it - mat, ou an average at ine small puce ot the amount cf taxes imposed. The untold lands arc now being re-offi-red for sale es .viiinirl (tr.wln marked " L. V. R. R. ously occupied by the prisoner, and from wj,n the prospect that the amount disposed which he " let bimstlt out into me en- (,r .dded to tha sold at the original sale, ft 11 a I T O trance hall, sometime since, is also tun oi wii llnl exceed line half of the whole 3, drawings, among which is a rood like- OOO.OOO aCrr. llThns the state will have m aa 1 ' 1 ness of himself, and several female beads, j gotteu, after driting many of the people into bankruptcy! because they could not meet the onerous taxes levied by uneon all artistically executed A NOTE TO T11K SHERIFF was found iu the cell, of which the fol lowing is a copy : My Lhar Sker ijf : Full of mortal ills, to which w all an! heir, With this 1 bid adieu, without a tear; Aa vou will not find me in the utrongest cell, Send men, at once, to ring the Court-hoiuws bell To get dor once, see, 1 ve gone up, For I azain with you do not ex peel lb sup ; Nor when this you see, don't ihink it strange, If 1 do o'er the dUtant country range. " Five hundred dollars," indeed might make me stop, To think how I with it mixht buy a hop ; i. if vou decide to aive my the dollars. I'll crawl, forthwith, from out the surrounding -holler." Your auont Obedient Servant. J. D. S. March 22, 1872 Common Jail. thoftt healed ihe patient new. That llat n t rati 1 . " ' times might "Here's Your Mule?- i yesterday that a box We hesid on J-JMed tbioiigh here, the day previou, c taieii g a small, but fiihkv specimen f tVi Jaikta tribe, on his a ay to lie Wl ,, Hoi-e at Washington, a a pusmt m hi Im perial Magartr, 1 hoi I. Ve alo learned thai the South rn S'lioiwr ho sent him to our imn:arulate 1'it nt - -doubtless n mt' neeiiy i yiil" man. k- ering after tl.e flih ixi'.p il ! n thank- i fill enough to pre pay all expnss tliaigs on the package. We do not know wht use ill be made cf the nol le quadruped, but think it not ii:.! k ly that I t r:iv be kept as a war steed fr I'.i-o- Fiedt rk Dent (jrant, upon l,i rctm.i ) me f, u his European furlough. .'' .Vy. ti e rii , id ti.t.i.s. scoiuable law mikcrs. about half the taxes it demanded. TJie auditor's office is now being flooded with petitions from all man ner of persons, praying the donation to them at the uuiold lands. Uudcr the la as il stands, cvety man, woman and child, ! is entitled, upou proper application to 160 acres of land. little Iluck Gazette, Oth. The Governor signed a requisition on yesterdav, atjd the Public Treasurer .--: s . .... t. i f paid 810,000 to the Uledsoe iioara ot Penitentiary Directors. ltal. Xevt, March 26fA. a well. When they camej to ihe waler, the com- Same soldiers !w ere Al Dubuque, llo, Bonn times ee r l ' ' The tale is told tJoi y : .Uric 'f tin m, who aak'n, heird a train in the diiectu f llt !"i cut iflw 1'ie city, and sappot. ng it to all r ;b', awakemd his to coiupatiio" t j pred l o meet it. 1 h- Man r:r.et.:i around the curve and ikrougw tJ t tcrk Cut, plainly peicep'il !e to ;ln-.r ee. nd O-ie cf ihi-iu sayt that he h'-ard '.ne ry n't of the engine just at plainly. Th t.n came thutidering on un'.i! it lenciotl li e hndee below Mom's loiil. l eu a!l S3 - ouee it disappeared fi"ra 'ght. not the first lime ibis phantom havs been seen ar.d h-aid. Ore perfon who saw il says that i ght in frot t of ih train he saw a man on the tiatk. wl.t-r, just as the engine reached him, both tram and man disappeared. at Tb:s ts said tn At a marriage lately in . Maine, the ? V" " "My fnend," said a needy individual :o bride's voice faltered, and she paused in T m .. b.re "El old acquaintance at tha lerrv ; "1 w,-h the midst of the impressive ceremony, at the bottom of ibe j Jou ' f. WQa& ,oin rae two M;,4 tn cro, Her little neice, a bright, little three fonVl?hrilbet -it all pind.T g-t a dollar in ,h. years' old, .j&T klwlr bow tTi lln'g oght Io U,l.or waa eomneinnc uuui iuhu w w-j - i - . j , te u . . ih rr-r.iw ,m rtirrei c n naaan i i I ui a : h thing, stampea aerutus T - C". " An tn dner will oat comine " .n who hasn't got -A ;n inn of wnthontT. "AQntv. oou t i k" 1 .V. u tf f oo thay it in : -1 a 1 ur iu iud orld what side the river he a on f 1 3 I '1