1 i I ' i ' : I" I ! i t ; r i ' COUNTY CONVENTION. ff he Democrat ai4 Cofiaemiw jof Rowan IfUntyare rauccted lgiwwy lei Onven-i fV.mjtf Jjjbe Cvurt House, Ilia SaJburj,n JJoh- -p tie 3th ay of April next, being the first n eck of the Superior Coijirt, at one o'clock, I. Mi, for tke ewtrpose of ejecting delegate to re present this Cptmty m Je Sutc OvKriioa of it Democra tlc-Conerv i re Parly, ist be held at Greensboro on Ui first Atftf May next, end .also in the Congressional' Iirict Goavwtioa, ,to;be held whi n and where the Kwetsye f3ua ysjtteeof the IHstrict, shall appoint, j JMt E. KERR, i Chairman County Ex. Committee, March C, 1872. 1 1 i ej County Convention. The Cons rvali ves of Davidson County .are requested to assemble in Convention tit. ttc Coujt-IIouse, i in Lexington, on Monday th 20ih day of April J 672, r'.eingthc nrtweek of tiic Sperior Court, .on ihc. adjournment of Court at noon for .recess, for lxo purpose reelecting dele gates to repr&Mjnl Davidson couuty in the .State Convention, to be held at Greens iboro', on the 1st day of May next ; and ulen in the Congressional District Con- ii a a a J vention to ue new where and when the Executive Committee of be District shall appoint. jj All persons, without regard to party, who are opposed to fraud, corruption and extravagancy $ aud who avor a cheap government and amen jmenta to the Stale Co;JUUitioii, are invited to attend. MSHY ClTIZEXS. March llthi 1872. L te7"thc Ijcmocrucy jof New York are be Kinnin?1 ther preparations for the Presi dential campaign. Tljey look with no fa vor on the 4:wsive policy," t ecem dis Iosc(J for a btraj.t out fight again the Infant radio .Is, They " invite co-opera 4ion, and wj 1 fp.c-H all honest allies In a liberal spirit Ut Juvc ncjxr t,r a moment .had a thought of dlssolyir-g their organiza tion, or relax W party discipline." And this the spirit of the party wherever it ha ftrength and; organization, so that it is not improbable jc shall have a triangular figkt in the approaching contest, unless by some clever arrangement in yieldrag something f he liberal re jublicans and the labor reform ers shall drop into lino under the common banner of oj,poUion 4 the radical, hie :untested strejigtl, of these new parties may ;nWgroun4;ftr corupssion to gain them, but we think! it doubtful whether they can' prevail to tlfe extent implied in what is meant as thei-mi movement. Fortunately no objection' csjrept ffom radical sources r- hv Wl) di je to Jtulgi.DavU an(J Mr. Par ker, nort.Jmj, i,f the iafcur rm party for president mnl Vice Pifsidcut, and if they hhall receive the nomjjjjytiotj of the Cincin" natti Convention, nd bo ratifies! by the national convention of the Democracv in June, the M liberal movement M will be a'suc -fess-a grand mi vi-, us wp believe, sweep ing put the ttrant radili with cae, a con sumation niost devoutly to be hoped for. From this limited gl.-fnce at the political ospccWt must occur tcj every oae that the dwihion of the Presidential question for the next term will vety soL le made ; nay, that it is at the door, it hangs on the ac-Jjgn-of the Cincinnati! and Phrfiwiplnh;. i-oenuons, 'ihrce sets of candidates in 1-' g tne neia will (insure Grnf re-election and the temporary burial Jf the hope of the Country best friends. If their action shall harmonize and obviate this danger we shall have a lively time this Summer, excited bv the prospect of a glorious victory. REMOVAL OF DISABILITIES. . Quite a number of pirsors'in this Con pressional District and in ot!,er portions of the State who have applied fr tj,e rer mo vol of their political disabitftiei, desjw inforruatiou in regard to'tljo butfuefs. Tbe subjoined Hat was made out and tRbmit tcd to Congress by our Repregenttire, -Mr. Suoiim, who altbougb ba omit ted no opportunity toprpWoteit paiiage, bas npt yet bd t,0 plaewre of .eeiuit fully enacted. Jt bas p4ge4 the Hbuae and only awajt, thp actjq pf ,l,e Senate to make it a Jaw, x ! In the meantime, if thero b- dvr disability whose: 'names are not in this list, we arp authorized to s.iy that cither. Mr. Shobpr or Qeu. Leach, if p. plied to, or are notified, will gladly gie the proper attention to pbtuj,, tj,.jr di., charge, h i' AN Acj? To relieve certain persons thcttii named froiu poblnrjdiiiabilitiea. i?i enabled byhe SENA TIC and JinijSP of A,nertea i Lonorc tumnllcd, ttco-thirml of each UMK toHcurrtHg tKerriB.) That all politi cal d.sabiluie. imposed by thefourleenth amendment; of the Constitution of the L'mted states, by reason of participation in the late re, bellmn be, nd theyre hereby removed from NOBTH CARoilSA. Phineas ) Mcfirady.ol ??'J!n,e? !unt. nd Pi R. John l'.6ard M MKCTvomnys I nomas V. Smith. ",K TG' am James h. Kerr, W. A. Houck! ,x -. , -smes ii nerr, w. A. Houtk. d L. Urmgle, mid J ilms A. Necly. of n cpiinjtv f. )V p Caldbrell. W. J. Colvert, ft . UI vert , VVdliam t. CJaither, L. V Robert Csu.pMl, James II Adan, Jlenry Turner 1. ?rttL ; : ir&i : "fvey Steyen- iu. r. i f eeianti, una t, ?n2lie. oi Alexander ronnlr t k . ' I ' rjf iff JI. W. Guion of Meckfenbu;rg countv ; (Lib. Broom, C MJT. McCauley, jU. Austin, of Un ion cmmty; W. M. lieinlirdt, I). Schenck, euii. m. r. xee.anu, ana it. A. Mplxinghlin, of Ire ell ooiintv : T. C. II ; M . A. Kobey, 7 l.o m as Williams, S. Arnold, I fJeorge D. Hubson l C, Poindexter, Ai P. I I'oindexter, h. . IfutcJiinstl 1). Kelly, Sam'l ! War, Thomas Long, Jesse Wstal, N,H. Hosier, William-Steelman, Joseph f)obijfi('an4 XV. ill. lirannon, of Yadkin county ;? Alfred Carson,! A. W. Bogle, A. C. .Mcintosh, Joseph P. llatheson.' and Kooert 11. Li and Jjhn f Hoke, ,of Lincoln .county; Rn om Wjiwjcqfl; Jh axles F. Harris, John Me JlonaldJ a W. AUison. J. a Younn. and J. W. Mehafl'y, of CxWmm connty ; W. T. Dortchof Wayne jcounty ; w.j L. Tate, of Haywood coon- Wakewunty: 8. Si Clayton, of Orange county; G.'W. LiUlfcWAwwn county : R. LDolo. ,6f BajrSdsoat .county ; RI. Weeing, W. MJ Matthews E. S. De Wolf, of Mecklenburg eoutyj I IwP. Battle, of Wake county ; G. B. Tbrcadgill and Thomas n. Threadgill, of An aba 4)tw$ Alexander Shaping, f Burke COUBVf na "aoorn Campbell, W. K. Alkiry ami IVlC Jame, of Catawba county, all of due Mv.vi w.w' ywviiimj, .n.iii..1-m-if- u -14 I '10011 NORTH OAUOLtXX. 1 l - tys .. V . " f I The) lUleigh Nctrs aYit Weannounc eil h Saturday Daily Newt tttat lne twnds j of the North Carolina Weatcrn Rajlroad sold a ftw days - tinco iu New York at twenty-five oeqts in tlae dollar. Tbae bond were aecurf4 by mortgage ' ( Wcl may we entire, Whiiber are we diiftiug? j Whither 4a the tffluent tide bearing us ! Wave i aesponsible for the h)w ebb to wbicli tbe credit of the State has fallen Need this nueation heaaked t We charge (Juit the Radical party, and iat party alone, ts to blame for the pros trate financial condition of North Caro Una. j " '. j The sebemes of plunder, bribery, em bezzlement and general corruption, which were consummated by prominent Radi cals it) our State,-tapped the foundations of lierj prospefiiy, sullied ber character and completed her ruin. The cbzige that many n bigk tgvor evitk tbe Radical par ty projected and carried jnta fzection the baawt and mt bigb-buwied ucaa urea of pillage and ihelt eauuot ha dis puted. We are aware tliat some of the Radi cal pa ers and public . speakers strive to repel thtae aeensations with earnestness and aflfectrd iudignation. With equal emphasis and rebemeuce they deny the allegaiiu tbe plunderers have ben shielded frci merited punishment. Slill the people knots that the Treasnrr of onuoarouua ua not only been copj. ottsly bled by the manipulations ol the Radical harpies and adventurers, but tbeir peculations and ciubt-zzleuieiit hare bankrupted the State and plunged bj.r info lmot hopeless insolvent-v." GKMS, cU IJanes U an able writer, sound in ufl' rul pnticiplca, and bis withdrawal from journalism i a matter far public re ffrt. jlle is rrainently worthy the confi. df hco of the people, and we wish him suc cess ill all the relations of life. As an Editor Col. Hanes was ever courteous to otbersj furnishing a model to tbe craft, winch phould be more generally followed.; States ville AmericdnJ PRACTICAL ILLUSTRATIONS, j I Not SATisrjBp. The Salisbury Watdiiiian, while copy ingan jarticle from the last issue of the Attierifian in relation to our position, serijis iiotssrtjifped, and rcif crate its base iisn uatjjonsj, not to say lying charges, in an cdijoi jail more offensive. We denownce tbe writer a a liar and scoundrel. - lb. 4 M UqR-G RXKR.iL'8 "DOfjaKREC'U. Major fje. D. II. mole-Hill, h;js turn ed ijog poet, a specimen of which may jbe seeb irt the last iasue of the SoutJicrn Hoitic, Which tallies well with the Gener al's, secessiou proclivitica at this late dar. The Gen. seems to hve no more lore f r the "Star Spangled Banner" iu 1872, than be bad in lS66-'65-thc profession1 of arnies and iuditing :doggerel," beinj; a fa route amusement wi h this son of Mars. ! Well - if the Gen. will lute the Yankees andwrie f'doggcrcl," why let bim.6. "pLEAVKLAXD HASER."--Tb terf an article which appears editorially le wu- HI mi be Clcaucland Banner, in rvfereneu to the American is simulv a tmltrnn 11,, af J. " I aa, and gco undni f lb. We disclaim having had any cfcuYr to pro voke the! editor of the StatesTille Auurican to the use of language which, in some cases, is more hurtful to him who utters jt than to the subject of vituperation. We regret that we cannot say, yit)i equal sincerity that we did not: wiTour notice of the Aivrimrtt reinirkable somersault to draw out ;spmeth!ng tf the kind j for we long sincii Jenfnrd tjjat its wltor wa a lineal de. scen4wt. OT Plight to hp, of oe of lYaahington Irvins' early Governors or'NjeUw Arcstertlam," the renowned WittUM TPP Tlrv ; apd tlf Very )ke hs celebfatpd prototype, he was gmjV to sudden and violent explosion, shocking to pars polite, and to persons unacquainted with bis Way, truly alarming. We knew that habit, like nature will assert itself; and that in this case it wax almoxt absolute! ort;.. j s. apd therefore touched him, we thought, asgtn gerl.l aa possible, unwilling to incur the imr putaflon of fucdUIu making a manrare. J .V w 11 , I We shall not asurue tq ait n .juilginept on our pwn cans ior iiie part ye have acted. Oth ers pSay ilecide Thptjjpr or npt we were justified in noticing the 4Welr,---sapirturelM and also, tof l)s wnncrot that notice, Veare com. forted, biievcr, by the fact that U prfipg we had company without seeking it, pn the first pro, position at least. " Here w must bo permitted to aay (hat we areaddrng the.pubUc, not (he Wrricn, or ,U U fductor. If self-retpoot failed to dice tate so reasonable a distincthai, common sense teaches ua that he i not looking for )rd$ from us. His ears are closed against ysord. The click of a colts revolver, or the ring Pf a "word drawn from Its scabbard, known to be i the hand of one rithwg under the sting (I) pf his denur. Leiatiohe wtild doubtless arrest plewel andgrati "irrniwp. pai wc cap't 3Jmrd him the covctd pleasure. IJe proMM knew we had rjo stomach far such sport, and sq !(e has won two vctories ove, us j ur,P d4ysmmtd and bullied us j f i But "eaoughof aUilngU enough; aa has been veryUely said by smnebfidy, IWe suj iwe the editor , of the Jinmeaa is happy in the display; of hU polished aroctemtsi and we !!!.'Lev-9,rw,,on for Personal disquiet from etTlrt "e ,l!F8ftifieation: tq oth ers while they are of nQ cpnsequencp t4 us. ! In jS (York ft few days sincej as tve Iarii from a strictly reliable source, Western. IJ. CH, U, bonas ppld fat j.i ru. afOnor EARTHQUAJ05. A terrific earthquake, awfully destructive to life and property, oc curred in "tfff county, CHmiV Tuesday oi last wecc- jtierweea ooe thousand and - - ! 9 kinds weretorn-intd frkgmenta and he oc. eupauti le4UedcathlUic rnlas. CJlif firs shocks were,Jje mo&tdesfruictiTe: TJievbw itation ersvijudden and unexpected, not be ing nccwnpanietl by the usual premonitory signs. Thirty persons are reported killed and one hundred wounded. The terror and distress of the people ia intense. - , 1 H5i. AizxJuxvtm. II. Stetheks has jost eiMupkfed ltia Compendium of United Sutes History, deigned (or school, colleges andgeo eral readers. The volume will comprise about fire i hundred pagea, uual style, divided into two books .1oniar and Federal History. It is being published by a house of Columbia, 8. Carolina. - . The writer of this notice .has . enjoyed the pleasant j privilege of carefully examining the whole work, in connection with, its citations; and the love of historic truth constrains him to pronounce it to be, in M judgment, Kr far the best h'wtory extant of tbU country. It is, in fact, plainly arihe Stone Mountain above the comuon brick -dut4 in that line. It presents not only the unmalraed body of our history, but iu pervading spirit. It shews why Uiinga were done, as well as how and when, ' It will prore a VadeMecvm both to the CnieatudeMc and statesman. Under intent contemplaito) jt years, it haa been empbaticaljr a labor of lore never to be lost to the dfctfogufehed antjior, as lie tell, in his rtrong but elpgant stvle, of those things which he ar end part of which he is, j As was written jat ih dasMe nd inapinad Greek, " It seemed good unto liioi. hviog had perfect understanding of allthinssfrotu tim&m to Bet Jbrth in order a declaration Uiereof, that the world might lenow the certainty " of Feder al ioetiuiitr and their history n the Ameri can ooniioeet. Jleliaa, therefore, drawn large ly not only on hi intimate personal knowledge of Dublic affairs, but has with punctilious care and conscientious pains, verified success! re event and measures by Congressional docu ments and original State papers. W. II. G. We extract the above from die Atlanta Swn. The house referred to is that of M4f. Dnffie & Chapman. The work referred to will soon be published: ' NEW-YORK FOR THE CINCIN NATI CONVENTION. CALL FOR THE LIBERAL COYVEVTIOV. To Col. William M. GposrEVOii, Chair man the Executive Comtniitet of the Liberal lirpubhcan Convention of Mis souri, Washington. J). C. &ilt: Ue, Republicans of New York, wish to express our concurrence in tbe principles latcjy set forth by tbe Liberal Ropablican of MiseourL rc make this departure from tbe or dinary meth. Ja of party action from a dep conviction tlut the erganization to wjuch we belong is mulcr tile control of thjfti who w ill Me it cLiafly for peraonal purpodeji, at,d ibUnct a tree ex pre ion of opiuion upon the important matter which the geutlt men w hora you represent have laid before tbe ppl of tbe United States. We believe that the time has come when the political offenses oi the past should be pardoned; that all citizens should be protected iu the enjoyment oi the rights guaranteed to them by tbe Coustitution ; that Federal taxation should be imposed for revenue, and so adjusted as to make the burdon upon the industry of the country as light as pos :ble that a reform n the Civil Service should be made which will relieve politi cal action from the influence of official patronage; that tbo right of local self- government, the foundation of American freedom should be reasserted, aud the encroachment of Federal power checked aud we also believe that at this time a special duty rests npon the people to do away with corruption in office. . The exposures recently made in this State b:IVi Iirnnirlit . n :l i . . . ,w tjgni, eTua wnicn are not confined to one party, nor to a single locality, anddisclose dangers more formidble than any which tbe Republic bas yet encountered. With the hope that the movement be gun in Missouri may spread through all the Stater, ?nd influence every political party, wc accept the invitation to meet in National Mass Convention at the City of Cinciuuati on the first - Wednesday of May next, and we invite all Republicans of cw York who agree nith ua to co Ipcrate in our aet'on, iJnry R. S Urn, Cve W. Q.idard, jloraae G eley. Heury I, Lloyd, "jedenck A- Conk ing, Win. V. Godrich, iViHUm IJiirsh-imer. Waldo Hutehings, Sinclair IWey. IUrgtn Barney, f igiMnund KaufMiMUD. Freeman J. Fithian. F" rak,,wwr, Gwrire P. Bradford. !ra O. Miller, Jdwin It J'yiiolds, JU-nJ.min A. Willis. Horace Bern is. LiuU LuaeutUal. l THK CINCINNATI CALL. GKXKRAb pUBpOgJJ Qy TIf KfJOWVEUTIOy. The following circular for the guidance of.JjDer-l Ut-publicans has benn insuid from the Ohio headuuarters of the fJou yentior. : vteinnati Headquarters of the Conven 8 twn ( Liberal Republicans, and that I of the JieunioH and Reform Organiga- fon To be held iu Cincinnati. May 1. 1 lS7g. 1 J At a recent meeting of the organization for ilemihm aud Ueform, of CincinuaU it was - - -'XctQhed. That wa invite all roters f hether of Democrat is, fii.unblieau. or oth fr party untecnaHpts, wUm are willing to tjqite with as in favor of austainiug the C'institutiori as it is. of civil service reform, tariff for revenue ouly, of General amnesty fir all past political oftsnse. and a local aelf-gqvurpment. ta n,Bet with us iu Nation al Convention. Rt ClRpiuoati. Ohio, on the fat day of Ms,y nxt, uVflide no the best plan of.aptioj to tepqfa the above-named objects, aud thu promotion uf jhe general welfare," ;i w !: nMresawfi MortalityiUs. Susanna Bathff, eu a visit to her ioq, John p 5aUiff, JZta was UgV sick and died at her sou's luss in this coUnty on hist Wednesday, tbe 10th inat. JJer son, Jbn V. Kailiff, Estj., whom she visited, died on the Sunday following, the t4th j and her daughter, afnTa Jennie Jlatliff, who Va. at her Urother Wat Ratliff's 4ied Monday the g3tb, being suddeuly attacked p4. die4 before tgedical aid cpnld reach her. Thus, Iu less hn eue week, tuolhcr, , son and daughter have passed, away juto the spirit land. . Pte $ct Herald,. ! Clerks of Superior Courts The Cbar lotte democrat- aay 9,rrtintad write us aaktn wbea tbe electiew fr Clerks of tub Saperjor Courts is to be held. TVe consulted a bwyer and asked him to look up the decisions of tbe Supreme Court In regard to the matter, lie in forms us that according to the Supreure Court decliioo Clerks of Superior Ceurts hold office notil August, 1874. Therefore, next August there will be no election for Clerks, but for Sheriffs and other County Officers, members of the Geueral Assembly, Governor, Lieut. Governor, Secretary of State, Treasurer, Attorney General, ice. The present Clerks hold over until the election in 1874, iu consequence of s tricky clause in the Constitution. The 8beriffa held over from 1870 iu tbe same way. Gen. Dargau said iu. the Legislature last winter that tbe New Code ought to , be burn; on some wet Friday, hangman's dy;; and we think there are several sec tions of the new Constitution which ough: to be wiped out with black ink as a fraud and cheat and burdensome to the people. The amendments bow before the people should be adopted and others, made as aoou as possible, - I'ca Dee Herald. The eijuouiicetoeut that Dr. Howard, an Anuricau cjiigeu, says the IWtou Post, U to be immediately transported to a Spanish peual colony in Africa appears to bare no more effect upon our somnoleuC Government than has been produced by bis long iiiearerratioa in Cuba. The ease of )r, Howard is among the most atroci ous of the larye number in which Ameri can eilizens have betu outraged without interference from the Government which owes them protection., His accusation is that of hostility ta tbe Spanish authori ties, and his conviction, under the rule of the Volunteers in Havana, was based upon the finding of a medicine chest, sold by him some time before, in the hands of a patriot army surgeon. Upon this evi dence Dr. Howard has beerr held hi pris ou for a long time, and now is to be seut to Africa to labor with the malefactors of tbe Spanish prisons. It is not necessary to consider what short work would have been made wiih the perpetrators of this outrage had Dr. Howard been so fortu nate as to enjoy the privilege of British citizenship, for the contrast'would be too humiliating. All that can be asked is that our Administration btl f- went turn from the all-absorbing busiuess of fixing up its own renomlnatiou. aud look after the safety of our citizen's and the dignity of our nation. While the President and tbe State Department arr wholly giren opto personal politics, vi can look for nothing better than insults and outrages elsewhere. Wil. Journal. A CAMPAIGN OF SLANDER. Under this caption the N. Y. Express comments on the "campaign " now ma king in Connecticut by Senator Wilson against what he calls 1,000,000 rebel voters ! Mr. Wilson's case is worse than that of the Pharisees amMiy pocrites de nounced in Scripture. They told no open lies, slandered no absent people, invested no fiction, but were mainly pretenders, hypocrites, and often extortioners. They would have scorned to call their enemies rebels in the midst of weakness, and after I) Vl ,T ,";rcu"""? VlQ jnw. ! Willis lhtv irnnlt it..:. r. ...?.l n tucn own ura 1 1 wim 1 an possible skill, they were content with pouring contempt upon those ihey did not like lather than repeating calumnies ana iiuels from year to year a;:d fn "''c v-iaie, in the name Utnt. .K W . . 1 .1 u decent and honora is this fijrht For ALL MAY BE HEROKS Who aro Heroes? and what constitutes a Hero? The literal meaning of the word in modern times, is almost exclusively applied to those who; through their energy, or talents, make a great mark in the political world. Ma lory sometimes says a brave man who died for a cause, who rought and slew and made him- self a name by deeds of carnage. But is this ! the true Hero? if it is, few could be such, and many, very many would not desire It. Another 1 time we find great statesmen called Heroes, 1 men who have lead in the great councils of i powerful nations and Empires. But the-a are j not tha only true Heroes. He in wolun a!l private interest and passion are superseded by ' a spirit of beneficence, making this the one j a orwng passion of hi aoul, atid inducing him to relinguish all relish and personal consider tion, that he may advance the interest of civi lisation, or relieve the diatrasa of suffering hu manity, he who in the hour of adversity en dures with patience and resignation, these tri als and sorrows with which Omniscience may see fit to visit him, he who in the midst of danger, preserves that courage and equanimry of soul, which can only proceed from a mind conscious of rectitude, and of having faithfully performed its whole duty towards Ood, the Creator, a well as to man, his fellow being; he in whom there is neither ruccesive exulta tion in the hour of victory nor depression in defeat; and he who perceiving his duty, does it notwithstanding external circumstances, which Wy h7 a tendency to relax his energies, and produce a fcriing of discouragement, all rank among the noblest of Heroes, and deserve the highest eujagy which may be conferred upon humanity, Heroes of these classes, hare exis ted in all ages of the world ; yet there was a space of tijjjp during which their number was very small j when wen, guided by evil passion, were hurried into deed of darkness, violence and cruelty; when die unregeneraie human heart, not being guided by a sense of reason and justice, and not respecting the teaclungs of Christianity, was wholly given to the devices of the great adversary of mankind. In ancient times Heroes true Heroes existed, as proven by the testimony of the inspired writings, where we read of those good and true men, the Apostles of tlirist, who casting from them all worldly things, went forth to "preach the gear pel of Divine Revelation "to thus who often reviled and persecuted them j men who were i willing to lay down their lives as a sacrifieto their sense of duty, and such bear the impress of the truest and noblest of Heroes. What sublime examples are furnisksd us by the hisr tory pf all nations, of great and noble spirits Imbued with an almost holy lore of Country a love, that does not permi! them to remain Idle and inactive, or. epptfP iu merely selfish pursuits, but induces them to exert all the ener? gies and talents which Ood haa given them, in eflbru to improve and Increase the benefits of ing oi rebels to end .- , . z, - -i fi-nsjon Ua' something towards effecting the accomplish- ' ,niur T-'J' ;f all kind--.Wanln.lH-s. p i. . .. : coheres of action ind mHiinw mr iul ,l I i.iH'liinirl nmr. i,f .11 .l.-i ........ the Carolina Watchman. real ultimatum of our exii-terxe. the ?lorv of i Kutic Wiiidoa Shades. i a wise government and to zealously 'guard those liberties and rights, a deep sense of 'which, Ood has impressed upon our very humad lb all age of the world, bright and shudag virtaea ha v adorned tU laa of fleroox.; ; LycarguS the Spartan lawgiver, although tiring In heath an una and ignorant of the hi eased. Influence of Christianity, yet framed laws and Induced his felfow countrymen to adpt them, all of which had a powerful tendancy to suppress vice and exalt virtue, and to impress npon the minds of the people the great and lasting benefit of cul tivating those virtues which foster a love of Liberty. From that lima to the present, through the medium of History we read of bright and shining lights in the potltial world who-e uruwerrable honesty and invincible jus tice have proven that they were illuminated by a Divine light. We have our own revered and befoved Washington, a name the mention of which thrills every American bosom, aud causes our hearts to ascend with thanksgiving to Him who raised up this pure and unsullied spirit, to guide the helm of State through storms of na. tional calamity, and to rescue a nation from the scourge of Tyranny. He having faithfully performed hia mission, and refusing all emolu. ments with which his grateful countrymen would have endowed him, retired from the ac tive scenes of life, to the quiet of a peaceful home and an approving conscience5, to4e long held in happy remembrance by us and posteri ty. Among the highest benefactors !of mankind, who have devoted their fortune and energies to the task of advancing the interests of civiliza tion and the relief of dUress, stands George Peahody; he of the liberal soul and generous affections, who after a life of toilaod during its earliest portions, of hardahin. realised f wealth, has employed his later energies in en deavoring to benefit mankind; the greatest and noblest pursuit in which the huotnn ramdea be engaged. He will have hi rewards, for he 1 1? a woo, laying aaiue all personal consideration. devote his time and energies to the advance - nient of civilisation, of religioner to the relief of distressed humanity, lives ia the effects of his deeds, in the hearts of men throughout all time. He builds himself a monument more durable than marble, more previous than gold the grateful and soul felt admiration and es teem of posterity; the influence of hisgencrot deeds does not die with him; h is seen and predated long, long after his teroioral be; ha mingled with il mother earth, and rai.es ' to his frme as standing monumants, hospitals ! for the sick and Innane, schools to educate the ! orphan and the poor outcast of iHwIetv, who by a - 1 means are saved from a life of mWry, Vice anu per nap mme, to U-coue iouaUs ofMimel "i,.:. i .i ... . ,r . e iH,,eu inio tue nesrl, thai bring tortu tbe fruits of reentance, taitb, and charily, and finally lead to Heaven. Yes ! the home provided for the weak and abautloned have S already prrduc- of gratitmW and eu many, many happy tear of gratitmW and .-.-m me ceiwisi awxie win be greeted with Kiif. ' t - ! ... I . 1 .... wjut jot ot uirMte ppiriiM wiio owe I their redemption to bin cfTi.rt., and hear thoe ) welcome word, "For an much as ye did it to the least of these my Prcthren, y did it unto ' j isc." Is not tlie hojc of tli:s reward, this crown f of Glory sutfic ient to induce us to use our ut most energies to become Heroes? to 1 thU. we need not be a Washington, Rasing ... ' " o " ntii iu for military tactics or rUl.-sinan.hip ; or a CJoorge IVabody, having almost unlimited wealth at our command. No! all in.iv enter the list! the scoik? for a IIro is iinlimiir.l Uod. Une of the most effective means in the and the foundation of heroism Is virtue. The basis upon which the other virtues are reared a. mi firni!ni ih ln. m,.A ....1.1. . e .1 t .v.......b .ww ..wv auu itciuiu ITIK: Ol 111 IS heart to be diffusive; Its kind wMtea spread abroad over the face of the creation ; and if there be those, as we may observe loo manv (,1 them who are all wrapped up in their own dear selves, without any vLuble concern for tbeir species, let us supjtosc that their god nature i froaen, and by the prevailing force of some contrary quality, restrained hi Its operation, I" eoncl usion then, we may learn from the con- deration of heroism and heroes, that upon the practice of virtue, depends our alility person ! ally to b heroes ; that there is nothing really in individual action or character, without the lnt frnmlk. .;,J..o..f.1 I'll. H OCU !C UVLke !U1 f Tl -1 t T. J W. I SI and tha wret. Kl ..,.1 ; .. a '. Tls-re is ia tbe -e-ond M..rv a M,nl- A. 1).. Jt. T. CAUItOW. - - - ... , tjvr Kiiiu iiuiiimr - - - v uwsra I .... J r l i -i ' , j ' , u';'r?'- a r n.trn,n intend' fr 1. S. ilrLaJ. reclaimed, both living and dead, Htand as grand j h.iws, cop c rt , il.)it ineetingsar . aiid two J. T. CrTUKFI I ami in.pcrwliable monuments to ne worthr 1 7," "m7 -. Dm.'v U. S. Marbal aud eesenc.-r hero, some generon, beoefactor. who, a. be en-. ra w '' S'pjf im :.: ... . u i . . . I. Ji: a - ---- - u - arr" I mt ..f -II .!,..! ' : 1'"'" '"ciu or, m m: -,,1 f Ii?i nil rT" Sn ts II 11 114 IT I OIIIIIIuM ! M II V na !.. a.. I a I aw B . m ble (Uaaked) Ulv -a . ...mntr iimiicu li.e.r Su.ts. Walnut and ,ainted C.ne Nest Chair. BSllla.i-M ail a ment of this wise and glorious ambition, the ! sV.rA if.VT " Vo. 1 fV lr.T" ' governing principle is founded ou those great t variety of other extracts tor the bandker and fundamental virtues that underlie all rood- cllif including all kind of loilert snides, at that underlie all good- ness of heart, all active benevolence, all reli- glon. It is this ennobling feeling, that mould ing of the disposition to deeds of merry and charity that enables ns to serve our M low-being, and show best our gratitude to (lod, and by a calm rectitude of purpose to obtain pence with in us, an approving conscience, which alone will enable ua to enjoy the many blessings we have, for giving happiness or peace to others, always react doubly on our own heart through an innate and exquisite sympathy ; and he who rears within himself the honors of a swcctlv r calm and satisfied mind, by the good he has been tho instrument, under (Jod, of doing, is a Hero a right minded noblo Hero, whose ex ample shall long bless the world.-aud when called from the field, will say to the living and the left, "go thou and do likewise.H lie then Heroes, not ol an hundred battlefields of gore, but of acts of goodness and usefulness, that like the gentle dews of Heaven search out the drooping flower in the vale, and bathe it with refreshing moisture, drinking in return the rich perfume of the little flower, and wafting sweet incenm: as it passes on. INEZ. Government fish Culture. In Wash- iugtoo, on the 221 instant, thu House Appropriations Committee devoted the larger part oi the session to the subject of restocking the rivers with salmon, shad, and other species of food-fish, once abnn and Ux no que to any appreciable extent. Idant, and the introduction of valnable L"u ."trupt ucUer the act ot Cous , H K A II A H OOT STllXKS XC I r : : im . : of March iL leti. L.r a diaeharira aud ertl- , ' ufcin aueciee. i iiv cave a nearin" to . . . . ...... . . a committee of esn.liJ J! , fro.n all hi. deb's, and that ou t JOHN H. BUIS fish growiu-. who base their srmlication I .r l , . lT APr,K-A' V ?J i.1 ." ' ' V KN Tt:ii Li .n.plin.eni. to Li. frieads i p.wme wuu oase uietr application ,, rUk. A, M,. at the oflewof R, H. Broad- , L ai d the ubl.e aud in tbi. nietbl would mainly on the fact that the -rivers ol ' ft.U. Register u nankrontcy. at Salisbury, g'rir aii. Jrea.est importance pass between or thro I N. i. is assigned for th he.rix of the Ut metin,? detnsed. In fc4s true f bwsiaesa iffcrent Btates. The magnitude of the j a-tin. when and where all creditors, wh.i lie i now prepared to fwmbb all kinds sS business of providing tor stockin" waters ( hv p"' debts, and all other pr. drave Staie. from tb tWp.t Head atones, wjth fish is much lar-er than is eencrallr e,,,,, iut'r'-t,Hl '"J attend, aod show ritM, ,,b V irvmamenu. Ths-e rrrfering j j T ' if an the ha rK. it,. ,-..-.. f ti styles and vry coa-tlv worts tt on hand, eaa supposed, and the advocates of govern- V nJ -Vv :..,hy .f5e rr?H "f tht i U ,co u.natrd -n'sb-rt time. strtetJ r I- ae- meut iHterferenpe argues that tho proposed - -' oordsnea with spei.tii.Ds. drmfta. and ts eucoursgoment of the work would eVe.p- d lj? S 0 I trm' U U n fd .timnb A J . day of Apr,l, A-D. 1 d7 . W Ue wiU not la nder.ld. Nortk or , -.- .v,.w Avuu iiiuaiirr. i v i i.xwhivs i i. - o..v n t . or THE XIXT21IsXXOEIiraii v On or sbouirtn 18th dar of April nexT w projteiasoeat atearilU;JiWell coaotv 3. L, a CraVctaas wedtly paper to he called - iTJlElXTiXLlQFvrrrt J irS."-a to f tbe whefe lrtritImstei.cnlVetV: xhrr " bis debts, aad Mt, 'J"oisra,- nirastetiRr Jo tke-illrrarW rnotethSjAgriciiltural, Commercial, and other Industrial purauita with all the seal and enertv that strict; attention and every effort can brin'e to bear, while an earn de-ire will be exerted to make it an agreeable companion around eve ry lireaid. - ' I i I .11 - 1 ,"2 ro Lines thorougldy Cservl.trve,nlKdlVbelievinr U to be the duty of every good cillaVn, to otnwse corruption u every forsa, no pains will be spared id exposing the peri U which lUdicaJ ism liaveibriHigHl upon the, ewiatrr, and bv a bold, jleteVmJneJ sUnd, beat back the wares' of anarchy and despotism which so dangerously threaten our once happy La. Tkere can be no un ground and believing that those who are not for us are against ua, jj THE IXTtLLKJrxcm sl.all riianl sacred I e the riirhtar.f if, ..t- whenever encroached u,K,n by tint direct I or i ,. . "k mii.-mciurp ui ivauicaiior fvauica.ism, under anv form or rmt. Tfcats-i50 per year; $IM for sit months. !! Jl'LlCS W. W III U I IT, is CUAULESK. JONES. 1 apers desiring au extbauge will please : com- unjix lorinwiin. April 2, 1ST2. iiaiW55SiSiiS NEW ADVERTISEME.NTS. IMPORTANT NOTICE To Manufnciurert of Tobacco ! "- 1 w "qone f JW,f , .J T',U maaufaeUrer. will do IsJ flp V.-7anilr un h.A . , . .i r . . - Iry Goods Grocene. lroduce, If. o i. , m R J- "0IJL1ES, Salisbury. March 17. l.-.Jif . ; t-j a w w 77 ' I w .it . ta, . - i I auuionzeu Agent for the FaJe of J AMU ! . . 'Kreawot Mta-k Z, Io.. for a djackasee I C. JlcAXDSK's brands of Uqriorice Pate. ! le thereof fraut hia debts, aad tkaa iu.cmw nrrirw jo cax-s or the Urand "p ' - ae i a prti, A. 1K7Z. at 10 ml- j ent brands ,,p baud dnncg the re.Bt sea- .Kru,cr ,n I "k ropier, at tSalilan-r. N. C dVALUABLEiS REAL ESTATE. -I By an Older of the Ii4ard of C..mmi-inti j rJhe Towuof Salulmry. dsted lI .January el,. . ".' -r""1 ; 'air ni ite i ourt ' l. V1 i'uWic Sale at tbe fourt ' A. ril nest, ttvu vklnable two iu.Me iu ra.iiiury C.on Tiunuav. tr.tl. .rf "rLl-.r" t. u valuaMe two fLirt- hrii L i... ;m r- rjt " J F JiaiTi hireet al,nt r -v . V.V iirri-,mnul be t on verted into tn, I f?ft eaeh.nr it -l!ent M,.rj r,,i- I " ft eaeh,.r it will a it is witbnt mr i nii.iAioiiers i ' i nt ii .le Lim Htm tL.tr of -a).-M.CI lMW.NS. ilavor. ' J S itarch Sf.th. leli. FUIRN1TURE! .1. AJCLODFKLTKK A: CO. i .fiitif irfr,rrr.n titi IhuJrnu in AVritifwr-, Fve-rs ..aA a? a. .a .-iir. ;uicuiiou io tUfir stock of .ttau Ht-adstt-aiU, (.'ottaCIianiUrJSuitsjiaiiit- Frt'tich , a . . - w ' w,ulJ- "nes. and durability. Al-o. 1 wxstem part of the Mate ' U JJ&-.i "V ?-- vtHPflr fV.i'. rP'A full a"ortinetit of Po rwiMsI. Urtalir tnl Walnut Uuiial Uh, whith iu be tu:-ni-hed at X hours uotire. He mire to call, nearly opp. nl!e the Mansion llotel,nest door below the Kxprrss offic--. see our slik-k ami hear our pri-e. Spital or.ler- (made from photographs iu oundBoe) will be supplied. 'DO YOU LOVE ME. t N'KW and I.,-,ing ,erW, with arrest titt, liicJiidin all kind of j u i. i.ir.u ft i CUS Irug fcxore. OHCITAKD ACTIO 1113X7X1707X7 BLl'E C.RAfM KKKIH, with itmrnd sup ply of Lindreth tin Men Seed, jol receiv ed at C. H. BARK KB A CU Iir-g Store. Vi ) i tanners uu. Magi l'V"s 1 Transparent Machine 4 low trii-c at ;ic and Oil at ruc at 1 C. R. BARKER A CCS Drug Store K RESPECTFULLY call the aMeuUoo v I bf PbyMcian-, MenhanU aiJ the ju Li legem-rally to our well tarlextedstovk of i Drugs, Cltemimls, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Brushes, Dye Stvfs, I LamjM, Jsiutp Fixtures, d e., dr. LI. ()OIS warranted, pire, freh and I genuine, and prices to suit the times. All orders promptly attended to. Eje ial care nd attention given to our pnxrription de partment. : C. R. BARKER A Cx, LirwcaU, , (Sutxcor to Jn'i II. K.vyiAsj 2oaf elubury, N. C. lYotlce in tlankrtipfcw. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT a volition ha bu iu n. l)l.iriri rvri ; of thn United States, k.r tbo Cap Fear Dia-, triet'of North Caroliaa. by James R. Laoi. r. , ; I?aV1 couuty, iu said Distriat. duly d April 5th, 1373. 2!hpd i - - i an i wt "is sat i n at i . i NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT apetitH has been filed loth D'wtrict Court of the United Slates, for tbe Ccpe Kr lis ict of XiKtb Carolina, by Thompson R4 tou. f Oaateu cuaty. ia aaai District. Hy declared a Uokrept endr tbe act U -5's oi il.rch 2. IfcC7. tug . larg . lur t . , , . : , 7 "ii ereaivora. wbo have proved their debts, .ul J1 wlher Per- Sons IOl.rfktxl. m. .n..J i - " m . I. i I T thty havd, wby'tU wrmar u .xl ... i pfl it loner should not W araBtrd. f Dated at Wihnhtrtogry: Ci: rjentbwSf day of April, A. D. 1872. , .ri -tWa.I-ARKIN8. Clerk. NOTICE IS HEKEgt UvfcX tfl.1T X petuion ha. beet, filed in the Distriet Coart af the b nited JMate., fur the Fear District of North Caeollaa, W, It. A. vJl, of Barkao. ty, in said DiMrtct. duly declared a Wakrut uttder lite act of Coore. of March 2, 1S67 t a dtaiarre and ctrtitkate thereof frota all bis deUs and that on the 4th dav of An.41 I T ! a t "1 0" bcToc7".T!TT7at t fbfRcW K M Brosdfield IUg Mer ia lUakruwtcy. at 814. ry, is aligned for tUbeariogof ibetaaae when and wlwre all creditors, wko bare prwved their deUs, atxf all caber ni-m. ivtereted m.r attend, and show caw, .d. tkey have why the prajer of the said peliuooer should not U granted. IUled at VUrnisrtoav 3. C, oo ike Sth day of April, A. 1. 1372: 7 WMRKIXis CJerk, Aprtl oih, m3wpd XOTK K 18 IIKREBY '.js T11t"a pelitiofil.a beea filed in ike lMrirtCosn'i tU L nited tates, tor tits, Cwpe Fear laitrict ei .. Carolina, bv p. C. Peamoa. if Iw.ra. i aid IH-trict, do! v declared a bsnkrwpt umler 'iW Of Ml ereditor., who have pruvsd tbeur ! el nJ 1... . " rT.?!!T,rJ' i - - -. , m . uaw INT uie afcl tTUUonrr -b.Kil.1 I 1 l'edat Wirminrvm, N.C- onll . tf April, A. 1. Si day wm.laukijcs. cwk. f This is to Give Tic Z7otice : Thxi nt iu Itsukinptry was ioed a(aiut lb- a war- ale i.I Ji. ,u U . liiUiur. ! S-n.l.i.r. i itliv County ..f li-.iin. ud State ,.f X.th jCartJiba who )mw ba a.liu.lr . It.v. rapt u n bi i.wn r-ti iu that tl psy ineut ot any aVbta, ani the d-liv-rv s aav ; rn1"rty ff'ng to swtb Bankrupt, tokita 4 -. r... i . 1.1 m wm imuurr 4 Aftj pef are ttbttklru bv law. Thai : erly bv hitn. luwiinK ..t it..rrr,i... ..r i n . i . ' I" 1 . ,hr U- bts. aud rL.. 2Si ' .MKiim ..f hi, estate, will be b-IJ rs I I' r i, v . ... . .. . , . r'V '' - ... ii'..HMiirii, rl.. lltVMrf III Hikit-U.. ill l.K-k. A. M.. t u. Irbk ..r - 1 J ' This is to Giro Wotice: nt .m th'itii ,,x ..f .lannarj. A. f7J. a i ar rant iu lUt.krutry was ionl against the s!.- .,1 K 1. llau.j.tfu ..f C'balUtt. iu lb.- ..i., y ..f Mrekl-ul..ir, auJ ,J i Norib i .I.ti.i m,.. b.is lii a ljwl.'rl a P.afik r I iijMi bi...vo lta) t!U I un,i ..f .,, .W-l.ia. .u. tU dbtrvof j any pi.-p.iiy Ul..i,Kit.c l..-aeb llai.U r opt . t-. I t.nu .-r t r l.t- ;4-. aud tbe lr.it.er ..f auy j pr.M-rly by bun. are t.bi.tU-u bv lvr. That j ioe.ic of ibr :iii.4 .4 sYki lV.wikrn4. ; t.. pr...- th.-ir J l-t ai,.f ihoav- . ,.r , in--re A ;! j; ii.--. ..f !,;. et... M4 at a I ..url - r Ilaukrnpiey i. W UJ.b-n at th Curt Hi-. iu SalihlMiry. N. C U-t.re 11. II. Mr..a llVM. .p. lUg'islrein llabknier. a! IO ..Vl-rk. A. M.. im it,. lil. J--.".r April. A. H.. l7i. 2i. T.CAi:itW. V S. Mar.lial. J. T. Cl TIIBELU Marshal abd M ranger. Ib-pnt j I. S. ISiltpdl - w i: Hilt; LEAVE Tt INFORM our many fi tends that we are shw in receipt of a very valuable aud wtU e lected flock oi new - SPRING AND Summer Goods. dir-e4 frixu lb latru Cilir. S-U etraj wilb grv-Al car- by au old eijef teuced buyer. Our Stock CoEsistsS of Thy 1-W. (irorrriei. , CmjttmndStrmw (Umxi. fttA nmd Slvr. .We tsf f" xr Is-'ilhrr, ltiut. Ihh, mmA yr - " S'xjf. XrfioH uf mil Kindt. CLOCK F.IlY 4 ftl KESisWAUK. Jc Aod tbe very U-t FELL slaodari ANCHOR BOLTING Coths. Ol'R hjwbsh rr tisrf iV a we 4 all .-ar owu work, and we -au stfrd to s-!l (m4s eltafs and we are lr4fiaiu-4 U 4 it- Cadi aod at th old sod well ksuva slaa-4 ..f Xo. l. MUKPHY'S (iranito Row, SALISBURY, N. C. 11T We buy all kinds .f CHiotry Pr d 'R-f. a iid are Acut fr tbe brt frrmk Iittrr Mill 'to..t. McCUBBINS 6c CO. J. SAM't. McCi nwra, T. It. Iliiu. John I). (Jakkii.u 1. R. Jiuax. Msrrh. lT-'-Iwi ilOMUEVTS, fM TUHBSL dieted. JOfJN' B. Ill'IU. isliU.orv. m uy of Anri . A. D. IHTj SLr? V P "Xlrt 10 "kruptey. at Salts bury. N, C. is asuguea fur t lriDr j in at . T. trii H. It U " sirned for the l.ranrvr ftk w THE WORK NG FIRM : ii 1 ''a. '4