I l! ' I 1 !- i J ' : - - ! -. 1 - - : - HI- ! i ! ) - J ,l i ...t- - -Trr I ' t -I V m m . . - i " m i f- ' """" I ' I T I I 'I I - ' i i - ii i i i i a i i mm mm i rm i at - . ' (Carolina tUatfJbman. SALISBCRYFRIPAT AWLl I THE NEW YOltK MINTING. "We regret that it is out of cuj power l 5 ful account of the great Cooper; Institute meet ing of IJberal Kepublicans in cw York, last wcea. It was a imposing aWinblage, and has scut a thrill of excite tuent throughout the oountrv. Grant It In reported, baa beirterv; UnHibly atfreted hy ii,and hie whda party at Washington hare beeo ata-fled fc? -1" polfcical snoca baks uruugm w feaia iu wuc uru great danger to them ia tJie Ciueinnati inorpr . iri .r :.. J - I .. f 1 peoi. meeting ,w.i icpiucM ypr iy f ! erick A. Cooklinz. flanked by i'2o Vice Vresir .dents, anong tltm many of theleadidg men of the City and State; and 1 50 Svcrctaricj". The yat Hall wa packulio la otmorft capacity, and 4ens of thousands went away utterly enable to gain admittance. Senator TruAuUill ,-u as there and. made one of his great epepches. Senator Carl fcJchur of MWouri fa there. II ix hpetch wa listened to with brcathlew attention. These great orators defined the reason for their opM jiilion to the.(rant parly, reasons at once con vincing and U4innweralle. The proceedings were marked by a cool, deliberate earncatneaBj .throughout, amounting to sublimity. It was a Kipular aHemblage a people' demoitflrutjop judder the iutipiring belief that the time had ful ly come for them to arouse in their majesty fF the protection of their libejities. pqe of the leading ideas of the meetipg wan Slate lights: TrambuU and Schurx both dwet pn the cent ral ining tendency t of Executive Kwer, and lh,c .dangers which"1 threaten ns from that quarter. They denounceil alio tlie Htupejidgiw -thieving and corruption in the yariou; depnrtnieiiti of the government. They denouiiced tlx: injustice and wrongx heaped upon liter Southern Slate , since the war, and especially tlie refunal to grant general amnenty. A more jmpasing popular demonstration has rarely met in thix country And more now than before the eej of the (Country are turned to the great meeting which is tote held in Cincinnati on the 1st of Ma v. I ;- ANOTHER GREAT R0DBE$Y. The X. Y. Herald devotes it jiree colnmns to an expode of the manner in which the 17. States Treasury otlicialu have robbed the Country of ,ont hundred and sixty million dollars. The tjer ,tdd ways the Federal officers have stolen! enough in New York alone to pay one-nix teenth of the whole National debt. What wonder that hired orators perambulate the Country spouting in fa vor of Grant and his party. The tjietta ho have robbed m ci well aiTurd to send out an electktnccrer Joio every countv of every Siate. Stuksville "lntUUgencctr'Vhfir&l No. of Uiis pappr is Jo liaud. It id a large and handsome) got yp paper. Annouh ee itself a a an exponent and defender of i true Conservative principle, and a bitter opponent of the teachings 6f Radicals ori lladicalisru under anv form! or fivisn. t contains nn account hf the radical 1 rf . T; wee ting eeUng Jicld in StattsviUv. iagt wcek.T from which, in addition to tbc siateiueut pf our correspondent, a Iredell," we learn that " with the exce ption of -Mr. Drake, Jlr. Furclies, and peihjpsry few otli ers, was composed entirely of got ei nmttnt otficials and negroes.' JWhat was Drake doing in this meeting if not a Radical. ' "It contains a very handsome notice of Maj. Robbins' speech in Slatesville, and defends him una charge: mado by the America). Also, Vance's speech in full, ajad many other good things. Its adver tisiog columns show that the good people .of Iredell accept it with a hearty good will. The RadicaL meeting hi Wilkesboro' was reported to ns, but crowdi d oul by otber ftiatter. - Our correspondent repre sents it as liko those- held U-lsewhere.' ad dressed by government officers Tom ong, Billy Henderson, and Mr. Walser of Fowythc. Mr. Wulscr is'jt au oflicial, out edits the National Republican; and to him our cotrespondent iaccords more sense than to the other speakers; Jt wag very poor attutr at best- f For die Carolina Watchman. Ma. Eoitou: Perhapitmavnot lwi:nw.... able to some of your readers to hear something rora oiu trcaeil, the banrve.r county of the State in the great cause pf civil liberty; and I with that idea, have concluded to wrtc, h.op;ng therc. by to encourage our friend iu .fther parts .yf the State. Iredell has aLways acquitted herself rigl'a nobly, and it need not be feared that she will do less in these evil days, which aUeai so forcihlv to her patriotic and virtuous to rally to the rescue against the desjjjoii, which is crind. - gus ntheduhtwilhv,;heel. The campaign was opened, as you are aware .by Gov. Vance in Statesvillc h,t week, irr an .effort in all respects worth? of the distinguished ieutleman, and of his thtne. It ha, ere thu .been, read all over Nwrtl. Carolina. It is only a matter of regret that every North Carolinian was not there to hear t!,i3 g(f,ed 80.t,- as he told of the utter ruin and degradation which this thieving administration ha brouyiit upon us of the South, headed, as it U, by th- jobber and bribe-taker V ho dwgrarva te National Cap itol ; and how he yuiu out jhe war of a re turn to peace,. honeety and government .and said This is ine w.y, ve in j,,, h. listener folfowcd the tWl4 Hatuig to what N. 'CiroUaa M ad whai she could yet be-l;e m.b.t have fclt Hiat it was an honor to U a North CarolmUn, ad tp claim lellowshlp of birth with the .quence stirred his inmost soul, j r Majaiobbinsaddresedcokderable crowd ?n the Court liouse la-t Wednivlay night, and acijuitted himself admirably ie aiwilvg doet Msj.. R. has addretd the citizens of Iredell on several previous ocva-Hions, rfhJ wc liave ncyer known hun nuke at. incMfimnt siwii n i.. opening guns will not lme their effect uiwn the )o',l of Iredell, but will, in seckon, bear abundant fruits. jj " The unwashed- held! a pow-row in the Aourt House on Saturday !at (JlSlh), in which ,the colored element predominated Urgelr, 0f course. S. Pearson, of Kt.rke, after kick! ne iind stamping about to an alaruiiug extent, and u a wanner highly destiuctive to the carpet Was delivered ot a vast amount of gas: and fi i,rH0"P,l on or about the word Ku Mux?; and made way for D. M. Fiyches, an aipiraut fur congressional honors, who " said m tlUMUh " nnn t' .j in f 1 1 sr f. I I . , ... ..1 L I.-. I . Schenck and Jordan Chamber, both colored, who oi wune came in at me tail end. it vu thought by the Conservatives present that John made n uch. th beot aad most sensible speech of the o xasioi. After the suesJcin; a commit-?! tee p xLnted to draft resolutions, reported t&Ose old pnes whir h hare been adopted at erei rj BaiKcifl meetinjr itf the 'State, (and which were antin adopted,) and thereupon the faith-, fill ikpirted, feeling "edified and built up," no' doubt. j Vhef the Cght open in ernt We will make T Jl 1 " f - pecUd Clial the county will be thorotighlj can UfVEJCsl KvlVArmSeid, of Statesville; and perhaps others. Oof. Arm field is one of the It. qnue iiveiy ior me naun up Here. It is ex- IvMj ""J PTP" yerf of the Mate. lie wield a cinntr whose poliihe blade will commit fearful havoc in the rank qf the enemy. Another formidable el gin wi Lbe the. 7 dcllnjrecr, a new paper hetei under trie editorial control of Alaj. J. V.VrjgJitJ 1 I... . a diuibus ticket, and Iredell will rally around it as the old Romans did a round their eagles. The) people pf this cpunty are ajra-e tiiat thp. cye of all Korth Carolina are upon them,and they Will not in tjiis emergency prpvp recreant to the truatf conDded to them to the eternal principles of LAUierir, ana J urtice. IK&UktLJa. p District Convention. rjTlej District Conveutioa of the V cfatic ponaervative 1'arty of the 7th Couf PTekflirtnal District will meet at WillroaL il.lHH vuilicuilUU Ut I lie JLfCIUW boro' on Thursday the 23d day of May', l5y order of the Committee, i "1 . U- .Jf.:MFiF,LD, Chm'ri. , Charlotte, Stateavilie, Salerc, .Greens' boro-' and Raleigh papers please copy; 1 . . j COUNTY MEETING. Pursuant to notice, a goodly number of lht 'ciiijeiiV of Rowan isfembled arthe Court liouse last Monday to expresslheur yiev8 pn the questiona of the day, an3 to appoifit debates to jlie State Conventieb tft be'jheid May 1st at Greensboro', the district convention to be htld at V i Ikes bo ro' 3d of May next, and to make ar rangements for lol4jg a county eoiiven tiop tlie 1st of June next, to nouiiuat'e candidates for the legislature and other c unty officers : i, Ou motion of Dr. Keen the meeting jra o.anijtcd -by calliug Mayor Jas. S. JlcCuhbins t? the chair, and lequestitig J. J- Bruncr and J. J. Stewart to act as Secretaries. ' -1 On potion of John S. Henderson', Esq. the elixir appointed a committee of five to draw tip and present resolutions express ive! of the sense of the meeting. The chair Appointed John S. Henderson, TV F. Khttz, Dr, Keen, N. F. Hall, and J. K. Graham. j . As khe commitue retirt-d, loud calls ere niade for Major lUbbius. Th AIL jor cauie forward, but declined to make a speecn as nu name was before the public 1 'il l - m 1 ir,ej "or"ina" to Uongress from thi district, and as neither Mr. Shot U'F nil Mr Cowlea was present to be heard. I Vaps. u-rawtora was uext cilled and entertained the meeting fr a. ahn. t ttm. With aPDrouiiate remarks Tl wo. f.M 1 Luckey who also made si i - . . mm 111 V v- - . -T a ' TT" "mea ana Pomt.ed ta,k- ILoinniltlrfr nn rpftAlnhm retiitrncjd, reported through its chairmari. m. o. iienaerson, isq., the lollowiug : Whereas we, the Democrats and Conservatives of Rowali county, in Convention assembled, con sider it Appropriate lo give some expression to ourentments i-pon tJie present condition ofaf niirs, and pending political questions, therefore, resolved!: j ' 1 Thit the so-called Itadical or Republican parley, b reason of its corruption, tyrannv, op preHsive jtaxation, and arbitrary exercise of pow ers hot authorized by the constitution, has shown itselt unworthy sj Hie conuden and support bf any. good citizen. i f TJiit the administration of General Grant, while iqhas in general flagrantly violated the constitution of the fathers, and taken away the personal liberty of the citizens, has more par ticularly pursued toward the people of the South a policy ol vengeance to persecution, un worth v of af civi ized n:uion ; and we appeal to our suf fering arid dowi-trodden fellow citizens to go to tbe poll.j and make one more effort for the over throw of the party, whiefi has deprives! them of their uivt cherished rights, and has plundered them ol peir substance. ; 3 Tliat we condemn and denounce the manv arbftrnH and illegal aetspf our accidental Gov ernor, Jod R. Caldwell; especially his course in vgard .to the " Convention Act," and the J ertitentary and the Asvlums. 4 . 4. That , , ; ;- "v nutnuiucmn PropoS- edto thecoiisutution by the last General As 6emoly. j 5, That the elemenU of opposition to Radi calism throughout the State and nation, wheth er thev e(xist witlim . ' . . i.r.i -nT Uuul uieorganization it fc IteJ' consolidated V "i jrvv,',,, wuiesi. ifnf. uie united ptb ple.may be aftonted one Ure oppSmitvX lre and enforce the conviction of a m.Iri. v of the Republic, and that in furtherance of this r " ic ue co-operation of all who r vwiivwo, . t mocracv. and i! rl.l.t. :r .u... J . 7 . ,, - t : j, iuc iieoiue: ana -e cknt jT 'f of our Ii That iwir rJL- j . ' .L w iiv VTi "4TV" uuc our senator VV M.jRobbins. and-hnr If-. .-...TT T V' k-..li.il .7 " He M,! Ui.ZHCrUJ:1' owtrte comse of I . iu i jT. ,uX Messrs.-Kobbins, Luckey ahd Cravford in tUm li " noVintend to exjirW a tneS imnllamanm.. -.1. " V ,u -T fF, miners, wnose names have been or Blav be rr,,ntiU rl th ona "oer? buT weleave ouruQegitio,,. free tg acf 7tSR t . j , viiu me ureensboro' Con. veu ,on ; hfty delegates to the WHfceKrf Con vention ; and twenty delegate, to aSd Se natorud Convent oh ; ,nd werecommend tha! the latter Convention meet at South Yadkin Mills mi Slitiir.U- o-i.u j , auain commute fo7 iffSi persons : and also T?TW V1 -?Ten ! . i nuns in eacn i nm. huj, to a4t as Township KxecuUve commuS? ii. Ihit we recommend aCotintytnventibn theCrstdof June next, for the SS noli.r,ati.g Candidates for the LeiliS-d and the various countv oflius egUlaute afd 1 he Cliirfrntan . 4 . cedtlemiJ ir '"i"CT'u o comer with genueme from different parts of the countv in S.the appouitment of delegates ; adjouruTdfW,SharinStran8aCted the -uns, J, 'a. Sxew-akt. - Secretaries. f ia a li.i vf J ; UEI.EGATES TO GBEEXSRnsn TION. Johu I j Shiver. : T nl JL HMght a.'. A lav a r o 1 , -7 ui5uaui, iJr.- i. W; Keen: I .JL iff ...w . iv ii." t tl T-i! I ? - " j trf tr ti'vL r T - "" . r 1 I - - - i . nil i ii V T i ""PtftiTeJn Ingres.., Hoa. I.E. bhober has oroyed bv liu courW, that he h sincerely devofed td nrfnr inl. n" V U- Lsawford, for the faithful, efficient and able man ier-,n which they dffiiarged S JL- ' a; -Thai ul.ila Mf. H. CrawfordTW. U. Bobbins, Dr. C. a. UeadenoB, Jacs E. Kerr, Jofaa S. Beadenoa, David iieLMa, Wb.M. Barkar, Kerr Craire, A. R Boydea, Dr. J. W. Halt. Dr. II. L. Cboaa, Jsha C. iWler, W. M.j Klacaid. CatUy UUA, Richard Catbertaoa, IU C. Bost, J. O. Pieniag, A, Hawkins, & C Kridtr, H. K Lrd. N. F. lUlhB-K. Clark. Dr. F. N. Luckey, JobaGra httm, J. r. McLeam Jaha I. Janieea. V. F. Watson. C. B. ifcKiuia, Jaeob Fiaber, F. Man ney. Dr. L. W. Coleaaa. V.eorgt A. Heilig, D. C. Keid, M. G. Morgaa. George Bairn. Henry Bar ringer, George Lyerly. J. F. Agner, TbomssEarn heart. E. K. 1'aUlipa, Dr. U. A. J. Coaemaa Jes se Baveer. ,. DELKOATXS TO TBK IWILXKSBptO' GpS ,,.:TKjcnsjr.. . . tr T. W. Keea, T F Kluitx. JoIibS HendersoB, T.neco Kiteaell. I X Biagham, Jobi V7 BiUiag. T J Stewart, J t Bra Mr, Jajaa It Kecr. Joba H. Verbis. Jos O Wbit. A t Borden, Lke BJack wer, Wb UvertaaB, Dr U L ChoBa, WHsob Trot, William If KiaeaiJ, A C Daabaai. C F raggoer. J ; Fleming. S B Clark, S F Lord, K F Hall John K GraSkn, J F-UoCeaa, Vac. LiasUr: R C Boat, John KIce. F N Luckey, U B Reeee. Dr McCorkle. WFvytaoa. CH WctcDiio, Jamea R Crawford, K Maaney. J C Dejnr. D C Bid, (Jeorga Raim. M (, Uorftaa. Henry Barriager. J F agoei. James Craige, Pr. MA J Rosemin, A. Heilig, TIP Roaunaa. . ' ' DLKOATZi TO Till SKTOSIAl, COX- " TIOX. j T r Klf.ta. John I Shavers W U , A II dtft, O A Binithtai, Jam illtr Ml. liulmet. P H HU K J Jm UenderM.N t Hal', lr lock, J.hn C Mil Wr, Kit lm tt, J hm Janion Dr M tekey. W O B. Dr J hrm-y, S ft CUrk. J O rimln,. K MV nej,P. L WOolewan,iam-tB GiUMi,rbarte Miller. Thorns Krnhart. Henry .r tnfr, Dr FlMutd, JvhnSloo,., IfaaaRMd.laMoM ikrtr. . , pppjfjr 'execcttte'committke Salisbury Toicnship. A rll BoiJ.b. D CA Henderson, Juliu I shaTer.Dr T W Ken, 1 1 Mcroaev. . i 3 ' , . ' j John P Miller, Ell Pr S Tfoot, A G Miller, Cliarle Breves. ' .Fnitj.: , ; Scotch Irish. a HSf1"1' ,6B A "waatt, 0 ftrtder, 1 Lor ., 0r Mount UUd. J h ,I.G',,!,IB' 'Alesaader, ffphen r Coeea.EJ SWau, M F HaU lirefr. i T 7lKLsle,, 0,,, 8 SU' JohB ' Zocle Locle. l i. ' Linker's. AHHe5l7P'BTer' Eu-ea J" BFSr, J Gold Hill. leViceVrt" Trexler, J.s.. MH. Prorideuce. Morgans'. I CENTRAL EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE, f I.ukeB'ack-r, Dr T W Keen. T J Me-on.r. Jame E aerr, n L llolm a, J.hn H Veibl. Charles T Bike . Radical Convention ! TOD. ILCALDWELL NOMINATED ! Fro the Spiral Telegraphic Correinondtne of i the Dady Detjxitch. J Raleigh, April 17, '72. I Te Convention assembled this tnornin" In Tucker Hall with over 500 hundred del egatcs present. James H. Harris (colored) tvas made temnnnrv f'h.i,.. i ized the meeting. S. F. Phillips was elected There and considerable disorder at times. The whole number of votes necessarv to make a Choice are fifty-four, there being one hundred and seven in all. j- Gov. Caldwell was nominated on first bal lot , receiving 58 votes. Settle, the adminis tration candidate, received 28 votes- Dock fry 14, and Logan only 7. ' After the Vote WAA nnnnnnAAil ri 1 1 well canie forward and accepted the nomi- . . Bii.oi an nour's duration laudincr his nartv in tha air; the Washinpton administration. IU was pimusiasucatiy cheered by the cuffec ele menr. I Resolutions asking the Senate to seat Ab bott were introduced by R. C. Badger, and pendinar their consideratinn k n"'.. adjourned. 6VUU,cul,on j Settle and Dockery moved that the Con vention make the nomination unanimous. Which was done under great excitement f Hesolutions were rmnmmmiaiw n A . ji ! . ""'oil .uuinru endorsing Grant ami tK :: ' . Caldwell, and declanng in favor of univer- ir r iJ' . xaK,ng vde range in be half of education. i The contest for Lieutenant Governor and olie omeers, to-morrow, promises to be verr w arm and exciting. 3 Some of the Federal office-holders feel Tory much the defegt of Settle, the admin istration ccndidatc, by Tod. Caldwell. ' 23TTod. Caldwell has committed Idund crs enough and shown enough bad spirit, to kill any aspirant for popular favor. He is no 1miU indebted to the " cuffee element " for his nomination, and will look to them for rii T? MJ in State ta't Tim. Its tendpnnv ia Jt j ' . . j '"nununam uownwaru ttli ffQ?rn-t raaicaI 1-downward to the VI lO Tift T. it atfimAtMH. : . . . 'wx, corruption and po ti- f aTX- , Downar.4 !-whither ' and how deen. God onlv nni t . a 4W vigorous action. The time is at hand for manTy deeds, persevering zeTl and skUIfijl tactics. J ' HQrafr Qhcley's Progti'nme in fo Coin- J"ng Campaign. j $w Voiuc, April, April 9. . Uorace Greelryprints the follow. OW.oo; In ltt 7).lW. to. Jus course in the forthcoming presidential campaign; , r Lani V lr lhn U "cratic cand,date8 for President in the field we purpose to support tbe Republican ticket which seems most likely to succeed. Sq ndvIf the main issue in th..n rass .halt U f Protection against Free 1 rade, we shall (no matter as to the ean duUte.) fee fouu4 on the side of proiec Hon. "Third, put if (a. w, hQ nd pect) there ahaU be two Republican tick ets, and none other presented with any bope of success, we sfialj favor that ne whose election will in our judgment, most likely to promote economy in rSblic expenditure, purity in legi.!atWn aid ad tojiiistrauon, substantial unanimity ia upholding for .11. eitixeu. a ZrLcl equahty of nght. under the lawVand hasten the return of fraternal concord and mutual good will between th ,.emh. w ro arrayed against each other ia sanguinary strife throughout our great civil war.i buchiaour position, and it will not be affected by the nomination of A or B C or D at Cinciunati Philadelphia or else- thelnbune will not be a. organ, and . C"5f W d-'toni whoever my be the cdidate. VISIT OF QES. GEdRQE WASHIKOTQ r I ST A yr, KAjronc - During tha ftf Bdmiaistratioo of General Washington as -president of the United States, year 1791, he made a tour through the southern states, going through the eastern part of North b was greeted hb enthusiast icmanireationa of 1 . . . - f I ci , . ... . .. ouviuue, pJtoury, aiiem aa (uir.ioru Uourt Hofcse. At all prominent places along his route, gratitude and admiration. The citizens of Salis bury raised a aunruted compaay f-fifty-five men, with John Beard as Captain, and dis patched than on tha old Concord road to meet and escort h;ni to the town. Tfle compauy CaJUDcd .15 'mile from SallarMirv nA n. -Charlas Caldwell, then a young pbys'iciaa, who wign oi me cobiany, waa sent with a detachment-of-thirteen cavalry to meet tk President Dear tha South Carolina line. After much impatient aaxietv to see him, his carriage at length appeared in the distance. Approach ing it with trembling embarrassment, they were disappointed to find only his gaud Hy -dreased secretarr, who inlotaied them that the general was some distance to the rear, riding on horse back. Dr. Caldwell, who tells something of the story in his qnalnt Antobiographr, informs us that he had a set speech of welcome whLh he had prepared'and .memorixed with great cart but when h drew near he waa so overawed by the presence of the majeUc hero, and statesman that all his speech vanished from his memory his power of utterance ! left him and; fa confu sion and chagrin, he eould only gire a silent salutation. . . , But the' familiar aVd aftahle address of Wash ington soon dispelled his embarrassment, and they moved forward, engaging in IrverycoWr satioa about the revolutionary history of adja cent localities, the President evincing ninth in terest in his reinirks and inquiries; f From the record it is probable (hat they passed through Chajrlotte, theita soraJI village witlput stoppin-, although they found, an im mense cpticodrseof people 'assembled to greet him. They reached Salishtiry on a pleasant day about 1 0 o'clock in the jnoming. An interest ing feat i re in his recaotion ih.i. t' suuititiB v cun or -cavalry he- was mat !,f M th ,own bT npany comped of little Twko prnd quite a peculiar and gro- additios t tha escort of cavalry, he was-met K.iU wcaiui-e, irpm nt lact tHat they all wore buck-tails in their hats. Thia iicident was very pleasing to the Presi dent. He was received by a vast assemblage of the citisns of tbe town and surrounding coun try, at tie old court house which stood in the public stuare. From thence be retired to dine at the hotel of Col. Yarbrough, who, I believe waa th father of the late Col. Yarbrough, of Kaleigh. Tlie hotel waa the house that was occupied not long since by Mr. Price, between theIinsion House and the present site of the court souse. That night he supped and lodged at Hughes hotel, opposite the present Borden House, and returned next morning for break fast Id Yarbrough'. Al night the town was brilliantly illumina ted wjth a real North Carolina effulgence wits lamps ( doubt less of a primitive stvle) and burning tar barrels ; d a piece of artillery on the square continued, at intervals, to peal iu louc salute. A worth v old citilen. RL-hard V.1 ... emirratit from Great. Britain, who had met Kimr (Jeorve. annroarhd th Cl - 9 w i i -- ui l lie ptibhc square and selling his hand, exclaimed, I have shaken hands with one kinc-and you eaa aaiv maMlA When the excited people gathered around larbraich's and clamored for a nt Af he came to the door and ImMin. . i i kerchief over his head to screen him from the sun, he simply said, "You see nothing but an oiu grey-naireu man." When he arrived in town the municipal au thorities presented an address, expressing their delight at his viit and the fervor ,f i sal welcome which lh r-tt.-fnl . ... . rw'ir gave him ; to which be made the following response the original copy of which, with his autograph, was kindly fsrnished me bv Mrs. William G.McNecly, fron the literarv re'mains of Judge McCoy : " To the Inhabitants tj the Torn of Salisbury : "Gextlemkx : Your expressions of satis faction at my arrival in Salinbiirv, are received with pleasure and thanked ith'inceritv. The interest you are pleaded lo take in my personal welfare, excites a sensibility proportional to your goodness. While I make the most grate ful acknowledgment for that goodness allow me to observe that your own determination, co-operating with that of ycur fellow citizens through out the Union, to maintain and pcipetuate the federal government, aflbrds a better assurance of order and effectivegovernmen, with their con comitant private A pabQcprosperty thanthebest meant endeavors of any individual could give. "Our national glorj and our domestic tran quility can never ha. tarnished or diatubred while they are guided by wise laws, founded on public virtue. "Among the measures which an elightened and patriotic legislunre will pursue to preserve them, I doubt not tbe means of diffusing useful iniormation will be duly considered. "My best wiidiea for" the prosperity of vour village and for your individual happiness" are sincerely offered. w , G. WASHINGTON." After break fast at Yarbrough's, he left town accompanied bv a more numerous mounted es cort, who conducted him ir Sil.m tl,. the battle grosnd at Uuilford Court Hme, there, bidding him adieu, left him to the lavish praises and offerings of a concurse of the peo ple of that section. The people of Salisbury of every cTass were iropreosed with the plainness of his apparel and his affable manners. H was addressed in plain homespun and waa eVnirtnua and all. He expressed himself more pleased with the plain, frank, earnest welcome of Salisbury than the gaudy and fastic reception at Charleston. TJte United Brotherhood, is the name of a new and secret organization now spreading iu South Carolina, to whieh the loyal alone areatnilted. They swear obedience to tbe mandates of those aC the l.ad to supporf tEe officers of the party vote for gcott, &c Penalty lor viola tion of the oath try the ritual is death. ii aj. j. it" Mclean. The Tar boro' Soutliemer has pro posed tje name of this gentleman to the Greensboro' Convention, fer the office of General Superintendent ef Public Instructions. Mjer McLkak is known to possess qualifications which fit him in an eminent degree fqr this portion, and we doubt not they will cause him lo be remembered when t!at fjpnyention shajj come to form its ticket. Max. J. R. McOlTax for Supetinten. dent of Public Instruction. W raise to our niastliead this week the name of Maj. Jesse R. McLean, of Harnett, as our pboiae for the office oi Superintendent of Public Instruction. We fully indorse ev ery word our correspondent Robeson says ia commendation of this gentleman, and we feel sure that the Greensboro conven tion 0u!d nt rmaaihU mat. . Jectioij. We trust his claims will bo duly considered Itobcsonian. Mr. P L Yogler offers to pay Cash for bassafraa Roots snd OiL This is a new cfiUrpriae jo this section, and may be made aonrco of considerable profit if judicraujjw managei. Our farmers have now a chaaee to turn "grubbing" io cash advantage. Try H.-Salcm Pnss. TAKE THIS HEART LEAF. TO A TOTTXO LADY TZXXMV Tha wild winds are sweeping, I Thro they floral crowned bowerr The vhite frost is withering, Thy heart treasured flowers; And thou wert fondly dreaming They would ever be gav; But the cherished and lovely, Were the first to decay. TJ right dream is over Iu glory hath fled; The roses of the morning Lie faded and dead. Forget the scarlet flushed blossom, So brief ana untrue; Taka the Jlesrt Leaf f bring thee, u constant and pure. The cold winds are weeping O'er hopaa that were vain, The song birds are breathing A mournful refrain. And thy young heart is losing Its beautiful trust, For its silver starred banner Is trailing in dust. But the sprint- time wiU brighten Tbe smile that is sad, And tbe still harp awaken -To notes soft and glad; New beauties will blossom In thy desolate bowers Take the Heart Leaf, nay offering Tbe queen of life's flowers. out Ev LA. SalUlary.y.O, April 9, 1872. . DIED: fin aIiborv.onthe7tritnaf .ft.fcrit . . . uiviiiijnrui nis a e. of Pneumonia. Dr Vnwmn v . v- uwwcu uj nature wun a mind or the first order, e ear. viroruusand ii.mnlini.. . ...a i i tltP Willi aniKl.) I I i x .... .UjjcmT rare, varied, ana rener illiinal...n...l. I : .r , . ' - r' inriMiu vjeniieman, ana a wwui7 vuiumunicani 01 tne rrotestant tpiaco pal Chun h. Tlie good old man, we trust, has 6 im wnicn remainetb to tlie people ofGod.w traiuof Dr.Sill'a character, tbe one culminating and standi nz ont in Knlt wlir ik. :a liable energy and unblenching fortiuide, with WBirh rm ! . I- ;.r . . o . t ----- fc----ini wun unniunune. Dee now he braved the vicissiiudesof life I In Salisbury, we see the hard esrnings of years, in a moment "Kiting away, belre the fire of the incendiary, l et his noble, manly spirit waa not crushed his resistless energies were not palsied by the catastrophe. With a n.ru..H.n. i.:L - f - - VV, W M II II IU obstade could snrmoni.t a fortiu.de which. 1 . 1 - & Wk S A A a e use iryaen s - Kock, braves the temptest." he nusbanoa Ins few remaining resources, and re pairs to tbe City of Columbia. By Untiring en erKJi close attention to business, honesty of pur pose, integrity of action, urbanity of manner, and extensive knowledge, he becomes the fa vorite of fortune. In affluence now, he feels " it it more bleaseed to mr tka t. r,. " now his expansive charitv, though veiled by nolestv." that charitv .'hlK " u . lUeli,' begin to show itwlf; and well might the recipienU of his former charities, now in af fluent circumstances in Columbia, slop at tbe votible of old Trinity Church, where his re maina were recently borne for interment and shed a tear over the bier of the good, kind Al moner who when rich, had been their friend, in the trying hour of need. For manv vears in thu city, his labors were crowned wtthuc-e-, for fame follows merit, wherever it goes. Stand ing high in his Profession, (fcr by general con cession he was the most Scientific Druggut known to us at the South) commanding uni versal respect for his gentleman! v courtesv, scholastic cleverness, varied attainments, and practical knowledge, he enjoyed the entire con fidence of the cominunitr, was three times elec ted to the Mayoralty of the Citv, an honorable office, which he filled in an able and acceptable manner. But the hour ef adversity is again, at hand. From the favorite of Fortune, he be comes, 111 a moment, the victim of Misfortnne. On the dismal advent of Sherman, with his flaming torch, the labors of rear- of a long ...u uociui no journ 01 a large and nuccessful business, auddenly vanUh. Again he is utterly ruined and imjioverished bv the fire-fiend. But his ardor is not damed, his courage does not falter, he returns to Salisbury, his former hom aad surges against the adverse tide. A pparent ly without a dollar, or a friend, h Mill make headwav ag.iinst the current and in the midst of his domestic iw.-fulncs, full of honors, and full of years, the Age,.t of Death knocks at his door, and says, " 1 have calltrd for thee." Tru ly, Dr. Sill was a remarkable man. . One mere laborious, more persevering, more thorough in his knowledge, more studious in bis Profession, more didactic in his conversation, aad more re verential in his feelings, is rarely Jo be seen. Tho' a compounder of Medicine, vet in all the dialectics of learning, he kept bright his mental armory. At home in Pharmacv, Philoeophv, Politics, Literature, Theologv, "he aeemed to know that the hill of Science must be clin:e 1 by persevering toil, and that labor itself most be made a pleasure, to the plodding Pileriui, who wends his way to its sun-lit summit. Deep ly reverential, he felt, that on Calvarv, Reli gion had erected an altar, for him, ahd invoked from the skies a yet more glorious liUrty, than earth can give or take away 44 the liberty, wherewith Christ hath made us free! a Liber ty, whkh Persecution, Oppression, Tribulation, hath no power to bind, which whosoever tasks, shall be enslaved no more. He was indeed a " bright, particular Star," in the Literarv and Social (ialaxv. and it La., in a rlnwn m ''' atiiiuu a as v d irk horixon, never to rise again on this world, and cheer us with its effulgence. And with his brow encircled with the diadem of the three Vliristian Oraces Fault in God Hope in Christ and Charitv nr l... for lit. rL.i . " 1 both Militant and Triumphant, life's wearied Pilgrim has fallen asleep by t!i wayside to wake, we trust, in Glurr rrv.w At his residence, in this count r, on the 28th ult., Mr. Fergus McLaughlin, aged 76 years, 6 ' This venershle and ' hivhlv tr-A was for several years the victim of a painful dis- - -".iv. , "vie ii cvriaja eriOvia acute and intense ; but with a meek and hum ble faith, he endnred the will of God and held out faithful unto death. While voung he sought the Lord with all his heart and for nearly fifty years he was a consistent member of the Pres byterian church of Back Creek. Many are the virtues and graces of the spirit upon which we would be delighted to extend our remarks, as exhibited in his dailv wslk. Uniformly pro. dent, courteous, kind and hospitable, peaceful and gentle in his nature, he endeared himself to all visitors, acquaintances and friends, espe cially to the members of the faraitv now so sad ly bereaved. Naturally, endowed' with a good and healthy intellect, improved by education, and united in marriage with the sister of the late Dr. E. W. Caruthers, an intelligent chris tian lady, he brought up his children in the best manner, and cava them all as good oppor tunities for mental and religious improvement as could be a fiord ed. He was a man of faith and prayer. He loved the Bible and the church of God and taught his family to observe the Sabbath and punctually to attend upob the or dinances of the aanctuary and preaching of the word. During his last sickness he ei pressed his pre sent enjoyment of religion and future pro pert of eternal happiness. He had neither doubts nor (ears, but all bis view, of Jesus and theJ promuea, .me covenant and the crown, were decided, cheering to tlie heart. Such a testi mony in a dying hour has been but rarely heard. He was ready, willing, waiting -for the angels to convey hici home. Blerred are the dead that dje in the Lord. Precious to Him is the death of his saints. May God richly blesa the afflictive dispensation to our sadcti beat ion and prepare us to depart in peace and enter upon the joys ef ibe redeemed. Cox. Examiner and N. C- Presbyterian please copy. At the residence of Mr. Henrv Boat, in thia county, Mr. J acob Fraley, in tbe GOth year of his (c. Tha deceased waa widely known in this arf lie adjoining counties. Qualified for business nd managing estates, he was necessarily thrown trt BU"ta"W wktA k. 1 - B aw the inn nunoino ut.iu V. ;i - Ms v m uwcwni mrown I into society in which his virtues were tried bbT kli mtinna Hi.Ha In Jul,:. -L.I. J... I ---a vr um uvicquij appear ed to a prominent advantage. I ' II I - i XZT--VMiMMMi 1I true christian.- and while in the fcT ST jl!.!? ttdW ahd a liberal pirST JlLTZl -and,, dooht, he has ready when the nU ii 7 ' u pray"t we ma I Cow. NEW ADVEUTISEMENTST Assignee'B Sale OF $4000 to $6000 WORTH Of I" WILL begin at f'p o'd loS5SVfeA!s! "S; 'clock on Saturday. auction lluui-eol at public aJe. the STOC OP GOODS latel re Ion . . . , .7. - osui U COoIinueeverr baturdav. tl th. i. 'uu"iery Merch-nUand Trader, are respoctfullr ted and nMnMti r . ' ur Ternia will U stated at the tims thev are c i. ' -Aaatgneevf J. XT. BiTTlao Sal UboTv. April 18. ICTx. 3:,i ' A EAM OHANOB To Secure a BEAUTIFUL AND VA4JJABLK RFil. ivrire ing of a modern and commodious hooe, an.. tdeOUt buildinr mrA ..... . i ' . , -.hi, uoi iarre ear- den, and from 8 to 38 acre, of excellent land all lying in the suburb, of Salisbury ; all cloaed, and elligible Ibr building lot. The above prvpertv is one of the most DES I li A BLF in ihi-art of the country and will be incrtaa- ltVV7,11 Hion of the contem plated Kail Roada la thi. ..i i. - tere-ted In such properly, are invited to call ou w. e-avsa wm iuc UUMTHXr. JNO. A.BHADSnAW, April J8f Wrt-SLyf. Make hay " Whilo Tho SlTfN SHINES! T WOULD respectfully rite notice U tbe X farmers that 1 am A gent for the. Celebrated. BUCKEYE Motcer and Reaper and Sxctpstaeles T II II K S 11 V. it Manufactured bv V ini Ooio. and I respectfully request the in He. d mu .v. riiQcroi mee MacUiaes, tu c4l and aee me. and ret a ILmL virin.r.iii.. . , " v-'-b iuiruciiu and prices. Tr scarcity i.f laborers and the hirh pric .f llayv &c. make these Marliinet. a nev-eily. rl Lnnr or and ni v. .hp . asi-wsilde. J K. UL'KKK. tl:'f SaJi.bury.X. C TRIUMPHANT! UPWARDS OF FIFTY FIRST PRK M lip MS and Gold and Silt Medals were a warded to CnaLxs M. Sti zty for the test Pianos in competition with all the leading manufactur ers of the country. Oflet and XXew Wareroomt, Xe. t S- Uscrty 81., lALllIUKF, Is The SUefTs Pianos ruutain all the latent iui proveinents to be found in a first-t-U piano, with additional improvements of his m u in vention, not to be foui.d in other intruni-nts. The tone, touch and finish .f their iuKtni ments cannot be excelled by any manufactur ed. , A large assortment of Trnd-hand Pianos always on band, from 75to f;hs.i. Parlor an3 Church Organ, some twentv dif ferent styles on hand from l&Oaud upm ards. Send for !llatratd Catalrxmr M.ni.inln. fnaraes of over twelve bundnnl Southerners (five hundred of which are Virginians. lw.. hundred North Candinians, one hundred and fiflV l-Lat Tenneana. and nttjra ilir,.n.i . - - .ui-(..(.ru. j the South). bo have bought the Stieff Piano 1 . a .a since ine eiose oi iae war. J. ALLEN BROWN. Agent. 22;40t Salisbary. X. C. ASSIGNEE'S SALE. THE undersigned hereby gives noK-e of hi nnninlBwnt aa Aairm f Ji.l.n V" I'.lnin. of tlie rooaty of Rowan, aud Stale of Nona Carolina, who has been atljudcetl a la nk ru 1 4 Upon his own petition, by the Iitricl Court of the Oiled States, for the Ca Kear iH.irido North Carolina. J. K. Bl'KKK, AaaiglRC. April 19, 1872. 3L-ft "ITTSKI AlOVD ACUtTf -llSSia ItVt y Vf mr; Mai am Vra , 'tr4r yjr aa. m - 1 T' i arb-ttl rMck. fcaaa. ant. lack. M. a. aara. q- IH. aa4 cifcflS-r la a aaavrlar a, aar. frtea. $UV, fal'7 S-rac 4 a4 aar antra far St j r.ra. We ! aaf llsae fAT an aal 1 1. air aHrorkw. that wlU ac a aW'frr. a-r K-a. iifU r amr ,M c asst Uaa aar. ll a akaa Uw ELASTIC UKK STI Cll Ktr atia caa a- cat, aa4 ill ih rkh a ai tl-M a I vtUiaaS W-a-taf ll. aa Aaau 1 f Si par av Ba. aa4 exp ?, a a aaatanlae I'aa hkh iko thai, aaaat m kt ataSc. fa drcaUx aa4 tsrsM, ff) l or iUtim, P. MltfUlU Ca. Mr. let taa a l-V. CW YOKK CCTIO.-Ha at wr ua aara aaaa j a Sar aarfb -trlU ar (fclatiMt r; aala r f uC mm'0Wt et Irsa a a aa a-4r tka aaa aaat- a MWfWt. Oa' U tl s aal i aa aa aa4 real y aa as saact Ut a,. a U't mr4 Notice in Dankruptcy. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT a pwtitioB has hea filed io the District Court of the United States, fur the Cape Kear Dis trict of North Caroliaa. by Jain-s B. Laoirr. of Davte county, in said District, duly de clared a bmiiknipt under theaet of Congress of March 2, 1867. for a discharge and certi ficate thereof from all bis deb. aad that ou the 24th day cf April. A. D. 1P72. at 10 oVIock. A. M.. at the offieeof R. If. Rroad field. Register ?n Baakruptey. at calitbary. N. C. Is assigned for the hesrinj of the Same, when aud where all creditors, who have proed their debts, and all other per sons interested way alleid. sod show eause. tr . . .i avoa iui4-reieu way svueoo, ana ira if 7 7 hat, why the prayer d petitiaer lmld not be granted, Dated at Wilmington. X. C-. on th 4 a a Wv a . (H ID '! uaievi at n uiingion. day of April. A. D. Ie72 i' . e U WM. LABKIWS. C!erh. April 5th. l72.23:3nd. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVES' Til l-tWo. ha. tew. filed i. tU DUJclwS 7IH , t? U'krBP ndrr the act of a?d rT'fi ,Wrh l7' cbTrge t 10 n clock. A. M.. a the ofB-of R. 11 Bru.dfi.ld, IrUu-r io lu.?-! ftury. N. u asaigued U thV Urit U Uieaame. wbenaad where all ereJkora! who v proved their dehta. id mS&ZZ Datrd ,t Wllmlnftoa. N. on li A 7 Apnh A. D. Ic72. April ih. lt -gyjtpd. NOT1CK IS HEREBY GIVEN THlT a Peuuoo has Uen filed taVDIi ty.ir sa,d Instrirt, ddly dec Wed a bankre under ihe act of Coarse erf March 2. TStT ii2iV ? A- M, at the oftSce of R. H 5rVC Td for th hsmriaU ta tmm atiend, .nd show can., ff any they have wlv pea., of tW aaid rUoiruld aos W Dated at WUmingtoa, X C un'iu U j. f AtriL A. D ,y "7 Aprii is:rEKr:: NOTICE 18 HEREBY 01 YES? THAT A Liated 8uiA for the Cap. Kear District of N Carolina by f). C. Peami; oV IkrUcooBly ' lljtstrxt, dul If decUrWd a bankrupt .T1 lK frw StE cToea V V. U.A A. D I87X aTlOp'- - . - "' I'f', at oaitaoury, . (r "assigned for the hearin, oflk t xl, debrs, .nd all other peraosw iB,erenayaZ tend nd bow ranee if aae lKc, mv the Prayer of the Mid petitioner ahanUdaLbl granted. wuarr lasted t Wilaairrgtoo. N, C. aa tW kdJ of April, A. D. 17 oy: April oth, 1 8T2,-29;3wpd, S. W. TERRELL, Auction and Commission UXXL2l AND DEALER IN GENERAL MERCH AllDIES, Staple, Dry Good, Shoes, Hats, Coffecliueries, Crockery and Gluss Ware, and Produce GENERALLY.. SHALL kep a sapptrcf rr.Turionsasf,wl a the market can afT.d xui .t phees loit the tjitien : IWf. Pork. Kre-h and Salt Piab. Butter. T.n,, Chickens. Cabhajte, Bacon. Lard, ' Hour and M. -al. Snpar. Cffre. MoUaaea.' Svruti and a variety of aura Couds. (iriierallv Yrv u a KainiJr C....-rr . . , - J ""-i.vv-,aa. W ill l.u j ail kind -f Country produce at Bar ki-t pri(-f. t'li ouid f..r lUp ,tid Bones. Goods of any kir.d U.uht or add at Auction er on wm uii.Mon and pr..mpt reiurus made. (iii(Bl. a Irmi ; on(-door Uira If i '.i.i -ii-. i flu e ou luni.. tret t. J. W. TtlCUKLL. PLOWS !L0 W8 ! ! The farmer are encIDy invited Urailaad eiauiu.e the lateat iuaprovrd cultivator, cr Cotton Plow, known a. the SI NXT SOITII. It is a very popular pluw hi the rUatera Counties. It has eitra atLarhBieata, and caa be ewaverted Late : a huum.iI p o-. m turninp plw, and adapted for plouchirg onngcorn and cotton at difftr I ent ares. Can nlouth out iKa n,iAM furrow, or tn. if you (boae. It U adapted to anykiid of firm wotk.tnrtiicg over lad. slew, mg in gra n. Ac. Al (Jood two hore plow, known as "Tar Heel." Tbe-e plow. wUI be aold at M ant fart orers. rriei-d. scd aatitfartion gaarautt-ed. TuiLla aid tar., Ul le kept ob haad for ale tv S W. TKUBCLL. i4WEEDw SEWING MACHINE. I HAVE taken tbe ag Bey io KaJiabery (or Ibr Sale of rtie.r popslar Warhires. Allia ' want of a rirt raJ Kewjiif Marhiae. are h vit-d to i all i my Store and examine -them. sc if de-iml. iil Im- arnt tq their residence f.r tiial. The "AVr-ed" ia atveaaled la ainpliritv. dural.ifitT, rw-eaty and pVd. It ra&s eaaitr. and an d all any other Mar hi it raa do he other Marhii.r tan fieell the Wred la aaj way, and 1 am reaJy to teat iu Bterita. with any other uwhiu Bt aoy tiane. It Is aSbtuie' M.iehme and makes tha. Lk IViara; works Inrth tbrrada lb fimr, ac4 -stK h alike t a asiV . rrtide. Urd the fojlow iag borne testitnotuea. S. W. TCHKCLL. Jormt? - . e S a lias pit. Marsh 24, 17. ifa S. W. Taaaatju - . Jg t M rred Waf Jfarkwc . Vnar klaehine Iw-in -atirly aar and-tnV known in this portion of the State.it afford ? , pleaxure U recommend it to the pa tlie. I bate had in my room frt weeks, the IIe. Anwt ' ran Combination and the Treed", aad gave thrm all. a fair, un partial ,tnl I bow aaj . Bnheaitaticgly, I prefer the Weed U any other, it runs eaier. more Mirile ra meebaa i.m. and dnr ability aad ran aaail any other machine can do. I thick its simjdiclty U construrtinfi. ease of management, adaption to every kind of farm- Iv srminrrvtnlMDed 1, render It a f rat class chine. Beprctally Mr. a. d. hakkxjv. XATIOSAL HOTEL, t Falisscbt. April !. Itt. I Ma. 8. W. Tiasttt, Aft " JTaee" Setnnf ifaraaae : I havs oed your Machine a snfirieBt ler.gih of time totrst iu meriu. I ran rheerfBlly re loraiumd it u all in want of a firt rla rra rhiae. It is simple and darable. raaa easier than any other, iaeasy to operate ob, aad raa do all any other machine ran do. Mrs. M- A. Bat bulk. FOR SALE. One antirelv new llorrr. lats style raal Boi Ilndv. One double seat Jersey War;on, aaaxl new. (!at aett Burrv Harness. Lo fee cash. 8. W. TEUBELL. April 19, 1872. S:ibury. April 13, OCitf. XTL KIXOS of CO UHT AXVXA GISTIIATES BLANKS t this rfficf

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