iU i pi I I ! 1 IDntfljinnn local ATn statu; items i ,sAUnrnv market. t'OTTOX 20 a "01." .tWHX-'3! i j Ff.0nt -Si.';.; uMO MKAL 0 a 4)5. 11 ACO.V-khew.), 8 a 1 0. ; A4 ' lOTATOEH Irish, 75 Sweet, $100. KGUH a 15. ! i H'l'TTEU-tSiO ClUCKE-Si-SiM a $S erdz. liEEF per quarter, a 7, retail 8 a 12. IjAKD-m a 13.! FILVTlllSIW-iwu'. Vi. TALLOttM-lOa 12. : HELSWAY 28 30. KVK 80 a 00 Campaign Rates. BdrTheiCABOUNA WATCHMAN will .sent,t, any 'address, in clubs or singly, from .thU tint, to tl'itf 20th November next, for om '.idar U udWnr. Circulate the .document '8f iid on your club. j Convention. Tie District Convention of the Demo cratic Conservative Party of the 7th Con gressional! i litit wilt mct at W,ilkee Wo'on Thursday the 25d day -of May., 1S72. ; liy order of the Comraitteej ; . . It. F. AuMFiRT.n.'OhmV. Charlotte, Statesville, Salota;, Greens- loro' mad Raleigh papers please copy. f ' i f. An oli negro woman wm drowned ilranU Creek, Jnear tbi place ow Wednesday last, bht attempted to rroM tlve stream cm . foot log and fell off. She waa alone. Wheat found, several hours afterwards, eWotiil held m lit a grMp a bush whteh si omjW In felling. The water tun shallow, ami if the had ha4.suf ikient strength to recover from the fall tiesre apptara ho fcause why.ane should La ve drowned. ::tH ! ... I - jWefejiew onr thank to liana, ff. Jf. Lkack and Fi,'E. Suober for poiiKtc docutnint and papers '- ! I We iavje een requested by Motee 4. Stuitli, Secretary of North State Leflge, No.26l. O O. F., to tae thaffhera will be a proccaeion, and a public addreti at the Methodiat Epwcopal Charck, n fiffi- day: night tho 26th of April, it helny the ,2d anniversary of American Od4 QTel- . lowahip in tfce United Statea. The citi- ina are all reapectlully invited to aMead. Tub CtiiizENS of Salisbury, ?e rr rpectfully requcated to attend at the Conrj Ilonsk on Satmday night the 27th MlM 8 A'Alock P. M.V for the of timtiiiiali hp a candidate for Mayor, and eiilM CiniJiisionera f r the Town.1 A nil a till. 1872. r : 1 ' ,U1mpe Unck Ouvrrox. Gcn.lT. F CaUEV kjiojwn 08 oie of the best! Tem pera tic oi a lors iu the country, dnaa the peoile of Salisbury will on the evt-innj; f My 1st. A an 'enrtouchl sulerct, it diipr)r oii a very -important ill doubileas elicit n larjro itten;uice Sutlikfl Jkath. Mr. John Vnndevbttrg, -cf CM latil , died suddenly in the woods, his residence, on Tnesdnv not, far, from. last; He had cone out alo:M iV tPT, 7 i J a one-horse wagrni. W gatli r liirht wood. Iln had tuir J.i..j ,,'in the evening and his family became n ; eai at.d went out in tearchof iiiTby uM the htr coniing hack with Hie wa; v w - a -v.-fc t t If V I , juuaiienaui ; and . bv to lowing tl unrcuoq ircui winch t lie horse catrre, soon found the (lead body, of M r. Vai.deihurg hre he had fallen, with the axe still gras'rf d in his bauds. There were no 4u;ukaJ of fHlenco on his person. A phy-ireaeiitg-, i as bis opinion that dfaih hadjbeen causid by apoplexy. licensed was about 45 years f age, and hit a family upon whom tine nn looked for cKI amity has fallen with dis tressing weight. MIAteMixv, ExTlIUSIASM, UNI- .1:.. L.s:'.- t i .... "1 r i ' - . 1 hMt appear in the! sciksauonai description of one of Jie lio.aiest, most unmanageable and tar Went plitieal bodii tka w txr saw aaseinlludjiQ North (Wnt,... Rxkitjk Xttrs. land i fvr ",dw i on CI ! I7wr; r6A4X knivea, tin IIId f:Plw d removing '7: terU?Bd PWu,.nd rost from the best uW in o-e.; L , mo.: lO u 23 I Le Ayadeaboro' Argus, says : The 'Jram I " at New Forrestville, in Urn county .belonging to Col. W. C. i"th, was destroyed by fire on last Sat urday n.gbt h iva. the work of an in eeudiary, Whosed kerosene aid turpen tme to make the destruction of the build-' 'nj tor. About 100,000 feet of lumber1 i Coilty p4t,e.. ae fchow n, 'and will bd "-....wniuiiw,. no msuraace. The ma4cd aa soon ty aH b (ouud tZr T e Rcv; J. M. Brandt, who1 oncelfigiiretl ,n thi&City and vicinit is a Luthernn nmirdm- Imurcr. vc, committed suicide EoniGa1 lit H'lf throu 'lieinMirec lUb il.'n I.aaJ " Ti .Ml I "h" nuau. ii win De re4 that ho loft rh..rU4tn ."!) yrtr ago tinder a threat to com! , ; .-. u.mijiuiiu I II 111 U 'MUiciu,e because the Hotels here --...p. .i.fF p;irni llllll IDT . I 9 - Ul llllll-ll wr iciionv. .lie AVas u nn.. it pod nionjl - character. He left a lett ' statin W t i:it hr if.. l-u. 1 im "'' liU fclJbw-nieii in v.J - i ' Moke hfr Aim. o rri ot "it. fir - . r iiii . v ; a . t i J-n. ! c . - .v...,. ,ter,ol Wi P. Caldwell, E.n.ofthis 1 ffi la" Saturday afternooU la .T ' T" t0W44" wt'r .Called in : II liri IIIU UI TTOl'nt 1 I I 7- - cuiiL.Vii rStutesiilitA.itirivait. Una r B ' ! ; 1 ' M 1 . - '' " f? r -- 1 ' J From the Raleigh News. MAJOR SMITH lfKOTESTS. vYer-alr attention to the rif1f tkni honest HopublaMa L W. A. SmTlTi:t . - v. . . . . . irtetiiH, nir . eh ..i:' - prvi. Abbott t(i; the Sertatorslnn. The I Utnuill III iciiei- (toes great .credit to ila . Smth. He was chairman of tlifc Johnson del egation, and rait the vote of that coiin- y for Gov. Caldwell.. A Card. M desire to enter mv polenin protest against the action of the 4wipublican Stitte Convention in rela tion to the resolutions introduced 1 in that body touching the Question of the TT CJ C , . i i j. or oenaiorsuip. hen the resolution were first in troduced on yefterday, 1 1 bitterly op posed them fbrf the reason that thev. in fjffect, endorse! the claihis of Gen. Jo seph C. Abbott for theStnatorship.and pnsiruciea tne r nitea states Senate to ;k I ri i f. Kim tV .an i:ir f-ame up to-da for diijeusgion in the Convention, tlie ea:-la4v waft aunliexl. and Hie voice of tliosq who oj)poscl tJieni Mere drowned in! the deafenim? shouts of the multilud4sothatall dis- cussioTi on the jtnerits ofjthe resolutions ere ehaniefully cut oft L I take this linethod, ?r.st of protcst- fing against theiscourtleous conduct of tlie Conventiml m refusing to hear the opponents of the resolutions, and!e- wi.ty, oi pruieswng against tne reso lutions themselves, as bing un-Amcri-pin, un-Republican, totally at war With every precedent, Lul subversive of every principle of true Republican government 1 am clearlv of oninion that Gen. Abbott is nek entitled to the seat, but that Gen. Matt W. Ransom is. At the time Of the election of Gov. Vance, the Democrats! liaviuor nearlv .hvo-thirds majority, tlie vote for Ab- .bott was considered by the ReDublicans as simply a eomnlitneritarv one. as' nn Lone dreamed at that time that he stood mie ghost of a chance pf an election. Wishing to compliment a personal -friend, I threw mv vote awav on him. If this question of $enatorship Was left to a majority of thfe best and most intelligent Republicans of the Stiite, (which of course would exclude the carpet-bag clique) I am satisfied that their sense of justice, decency and propriety would award the seat o Gen. Ransom in preference to Gen. Abbott. Respectfully, Wr. A. Smith. Ralciffh. Avril 18th.ll871. ' s j . - j t REV. JAMES What docs tlte Jm t lit RE ID. Iik of the conduet of this clerical geutlemkn who xri;d te a political speech in the Radical Conven tion here on Tliursday Ust ? When Ruv.l N. li. (J bb, of Shelby, who is a professional ''stenographer, vcnt to htateville t$ icpoit fiH'fch of ( Jov Vanceorthe jpfiarlottej JMvpaci, which he had contracted ro do Kvilli the proprie tors of that fHper forj a certain price, straightway ;Ji jsras abused by a corf'es pondent of tiro Radical organ and denounc ed as :i Ka KUt political pteaclier. and tne cnargo is eddorsedj and eommt'hted J on by the Kr.u Vv published Mr. Cobb's I reply to the Kyi on yesterday, in which he state he reriorted Rennbl in Ins capacity as stenographer and that lie does jiot belong to any political organ ization. , I ; j Now what has the lia to say about the Rev. James Reid of jFianklin county, who was nominated by jthe Radical Cn- I'Mitinn I i J 1 . r -i. li. . . fc?- L. '-mau ..-..null n,i uupei uueiKieui or i nunc turn ruction S :Jlr. Keid iu accent! ner the '..wmi.i .on, maue a "Kepublican speech," 3 . i a n iu wuieti ue stated that f he knew where to go, where to strike, what to sav. wlirit to do, and with the aid pf his Redeemer, he wftuld coma out aheac! with the ticket." According tb the ErJf it was improper in Mr. Cobb tO report a; political speech for w hich he fe-as paid, following his le gitimate busiiiess as a stenographer, but it is all rijhtjn j parson) Reid to act as a deh-gate in a political C onvention to re ceive a norx.idation at jts hands, and to make a party speech, promising to work for the Radical ticket with thu aid of his blessed redeemer ! It makes a difference with the Era whose ox is gored. To! preserve its con sistency, iUuast denounce the Rev.ftekl. NVill that paper by its silence' thus 44 apologiz e ft,c preacVfs taking an active part in politics, rir will it come out in a 44 manly and independent manner and denounce" the crime 1 1 We await an answer."-llaleigh Nk OEX. HAWKINS. We tee the name of Gen. P. R. II. w- kins, of r rauklin county, amon the del gates who attended the Radical .Conren- tton. -We d not know whether he was present Thursday niglit when yoong Douglass, of Grant's staff, denounced the. Senators who voted for lioldeu's im peachment as perjurers If General Hawkins j was. present, he should have resented the charge iu a be- cT"g S u hii Lren. Hawkins, bv hi rote nnder n.itti declared Governor Holien was gnilty of cciiam, cuarges in tue articles of impeach ment. The Radical Cimvention, by re soloiions, cxpfi-ssed the4 gratitude of the Republican pany to Gov. Holden far h; m:nful and buhl defense of them in 18G9 "P',ke him " as martyr in ex ile" and endorsed him in the past." How can Gci. Hawkins, Mr. Rarnett, Mr. Lehman, and otherlRepublicans who voted for HoUenV iijipeachment, now stultify themlel'ves hyj declaiiu- him a martyr iu exile, jexpres their graiitude to. htm (or4iis conduct- aad endorse his nast course, as the flUdieaf C till VMI linn 1. I'Ul'llfl V 11 1 . 11 Jlltik ri 119 iO tl 1 St i uao A. o j. J ---7 v V'l .. r.,- x i t ic nuiii: inrniii-ivei t-if ipeaked. an ofiicn- of th 1'iesident . . T V- uclure me worltL flO'l'r-114 ,..,! i Kl ... .1 . . nrgr a nil'l lll.lt they'hajd done I n uuv. no ati) waat guilty, as Qen uawhuis voictlJIiat tie Was hnw .U- j general now iPistain ii party which en nurses uov. ijijlden ? Can he stand on the platferm Wh eh Ids ri jefore the people of Koijli Carolina ? Can he now use his fnflueacq in the. election .of nominated upon tbelKtrk proRraratoe't Wo shall see. We know that a lanre. number of He- PrW1 5,lat1e-.w t. 5r JTI PM,,C7 1" y iV- 11.11 ? ; S. ... . . - t . i ; noiuen in act-op u. e ao iioi believe they caniswWllow the l.ilter pill ia llie shape of i the resolutions endorsing bis .course, which. Hwere adopted by the late Radical convention. llal. Netcs. ; THE ItADICAL STATE PLAT- . j FORM. - ! The following h the platform adopted by the rndibal $tat convention on Wed nesday even in j, 17th inst. Tli republiqaua of North Carolina iu convention apgmbled do j Jiesolvir, I. ;Th platform and principle? of the republican party of North Caro lina, as heretofore enunciated in iu con ventiouf.jjtre hereby re-affiimed, and events havo proved thai their practical eiiforcftunnt t essential to the welfare of the country and to the m.-iiureuancc of the rights, lihtrcBta and liberliea of the people. ! if 2. .Tint the Administration ofp resi- diiit Grantj meets rt ilh our hearty and unqualified approval, and our delegates t the National Republican Convention, to asdi-mble ni I'hilad-elpbia on the 5ih day of June next, are instructed to vote for his renoin'uiation to the presidency ol the United States.! 3. That therrepullican party of Noith Carolina favori aa rapid a diminution and as early aa Extinction of all internal revenue taxation as the exigencies of the governuiP.it ill permit, for the reason that the details of its collection arc ne cessarily offensive, and in many respect', oppressive to the people. 4. Thafrall Internal rerehu taxes on the distillation f fruits ought to le abol ished. 1 5. That the .Republican party of North Carolina teconjraeud to the congress of the Uuited States the passage of a geueral amnesty bill, and the adoption of all ne cessary measures for the enforcement and protection of the civil and political rights of all classes of American citizens. .6 That3 in a free and representative government, we recogiuize the paramount obligation, to provide efficiently for the gene rd education of the j ple, and we for sa b 'eialation as will accomplish that end 5 that we respectfully recom merd andask of the national govern ment, such aid, by the provision of a public fuud, or the donation of public lands to1 the! purposes of establishing schools in "tbe!several State-, as will se cure to iIm raises of the peopU of all classes th; beilefits of a liberal education. 7. Th.ij we fully endorse the acts ol Conuress. D.lPied to gpcnre r-niml rJirhtail an id protcioiiito the citizens of tin; UuU I " o x ItJ- U III- a Radical tle! ted oiate. iu tlie several states and wc e lork. respectfully lefcommend a continuance of Dipsomania Wan-insane thirst for intoxi the presen lays and the adoption i f such ! cating liqnors. Habitual dram-d rinkinp pro further legislation as will more eertab.lv I ,,,,ew h . Y.ct t'eh Alcoholic hitter verder re- ,5,- Ji, r..n i i . , aua practical i h!s, privih ires ! enjoy nuiiof all their ri and 'jibei'ths 1 8. In tl.5 oiiiiion of-iljis couvciition, th Democjatic majority of (he last Leg islature, l coisolidating into one act its numerous oppositions to amend the State constitution, U force upon the people a forced isf uf aiul to coerce them into the adoption o ounoxious amendments, jiid insomuch ajl these propositions must be a.ubmitt-jd tp the next legislature for f - - ...v M, w VU 11 IVIVl ' red to the people, therefore, liesuhuh l.i That the amendmen's nro posed as a hIc do not meet the approval o:f he repuidiciin party,because theiradop- I: t- tion would surjvert essential nrincinlea of the existing ciilnstitution. 2. That Republicans can endorse a portion ot taid) amendments, and the next i r-r. i i c general asembly may adopt such of them fas shall sem best for the ire best for the irmieral welfare 9. Thatne icordially endorse the ad ministration of Governor Caldwell and recognize the iact that our people my rely upon bis firmness in upholding their rights, and Vej heartily thank him for re sisting thft revolutionary purposes of thoA who designed to deprive the citizen of the piotfctipn afl'orded by the State constitution, 10. 'I hafforgctful of personal prefer ence we pledge ourselvea to support earn estly and without reserve, the candidates presented 4y jthis convention, believing that in unify alone is strength and that principles are jnore- important than men, to the republican of North Caroliua. TH E I X LIED A PKX PICTL KE. See her pallid countenance, but a short dine ago tlie picture of ruddy halthrthe envy of the school and $e pride of the Jioosehold. She was always elomed by Iter schoolmates, for her luhe forta and pleasing disposition carried cheerfuliicssiinto their ranks. Iilient, punc Hial and exemplary, obedient and graceful at home, she mm the hearts of all. Rut alas, we are sorrowed!' Those cheeks and lips are hlauch ejl by Consumption. The voice once so en chanting in laugh and song is feeble, huskvand supplanted bv a hollow cough. A us approach ner couch gently and take her hand. Do not shudder beciuse of the feeble and passionless grasp. The f and once so hearty nd plump U emaciated, aJ shows bony outlines, while the cords and tortuous- reins are plainly mapped upon the aurtace. The pulse that bonnded with repletion, curving vigor to the whole srstem and imvartinr life, beauty, vivacitv, health and strength, is delicate to the touch. The feeble heart cannot propel the thin, scanty blood with while yet iu her teens? Coib pan ions and friends gather around with words of cheej- and consolation, and depart with moistened eys and ailen t steps. Must we lose her ? No ! igere is a relief! We can stay this destroyer of jjur happiness, and not sutler the loss of so bright a gem. Something more is re quired now eian dietary and hvgienic observ ance, for nature calls for aid, and. ha!l have it fake !thi peasant medicine. It is invigora ting. How at allays the irritabl r...,,l, proves the atpetitc and digestion, nnd sei.H I a healthy angle through the frame. The blood 1 i ' AneCn'rf"' hum uMhe tire!o little ir enriched. -irvous force inereaed and the i ,eVn,:t,4? 01 '.Ait ".others ..t.d wives mav now heart bounds: hi, a new impul-e. See her fa -e ' t umn evtr.v '" w' in the lar.rl. brighten by dfgrees; the color is retornir her i - arc !":"ie ,n'endhs vaiieiy und ot.e is al voice is getting dearer, and pleasant worcL re I rf H1.04 lo clicostwlwr. there are so manv siOKen. The"stren -h falters vet, Kit U - ,mi- ' riede One of the latent and luot mg. Let u- eIike her out in the wrm snhVc ,':!pr0r"n - ,h': manufactured hv the In a short tiuVc he will be ab'e to -o without E SVW,X'' Co. j4 IWerv, oiu aid, a ch,rful girl. This delk-h'f.d iUcui- : A ' "'".".'. H0,eU.-: and durable; and wo can fine must hdUod-blessed. it U mtorin heihh ,"V'1,1,;!""L"'-v.reco'"n't,"i 1'"" in .-eareh o. sickness yUl AiMuu.tHic. one is emerc lie from I ,, . "ooer man oe ore. w3er auu nobler hau !..'. .r l have he ermjii. It hai r:ucd her. .Sold bv all nrst-cla-rf!duggLsts cvervwhere. r4st Swindle-Certain .sAncti-KS"ra-nl,W M" rersnade the world iallf:tMristlmu Vitrt5av no medicinal vl- ..s., ui,u uetestable m ? 3Ltrirftd.?f r1 ie, than finL.nl luo il-lu-f ar.tj flrastic mir.rt!v t..... ' with the pure ft -anTmello-?lt ,V i 77 ' , j j 1 54"d ""owest products t the etui. liuttma roi tot thing won't down. The stwoaeh of or cornraoii ene rejects it, as the phypic.il stomach of every man with an unJe praved palate rejects,; with loathing and abhor rence, the naiistous UmitiAtnOH, "fre from 1 chot," wliicli llitmbng!are tn. ingtothnistd.wn the throats of Temperance Invalid. under the pretense thathe filtli will d them pood? t is not likely that while Plantation Hitteks, the Standard Tonic of America, in anywhere accessible, such sickening frauds can make much hesdway, hmt it U as: well to put the public ou their gunrd against them. s pecia i7n6t I CE s. THE TUUE G ROUNDS OF CONFIDEX'E. Whence cornea that firm reliance, that abso lute, undonbtin faith in the efBcacy of Hostet ter's Stomach Bitters aa a remedy "for indiges tion, billions disorders, intermittent and remit tent fevers, which notoriously prevail in all parts of the United States ? Th'ui confidence has been growing for twenty years, and it is still extending. It is notthe result 'of rni.llir. it has not bwn engendered bv any human device. uu is i ne sonumcoiu and natural consequence of experience. What people see dil j going on under theie own eyes they cannot ffnestion. iVIien families in unhealthy districts that resort to this wholesome vegetable tonic, as a pre ventive, escape periodical fevers, and their im mediate neighbors, who neglect this precaution, are prostrated by th&disease, how Is it possible that the phenomenon should be without its les son? In tike manner when St U seen that ob stinate cases of dyspepsia, or liver complaint, of constipation, of nervous weakness, and of gen eral debility, yield to the operation of the fa mous remedy, how can even incredulity itself withhold its endorsement? Eve-witnesses of me saiutary euect ol the bitters are to be found In every civilized settlement on this continent The thousands npoii thousands who own their resUM-ationto health and strength, or their pre servation from sickness to iu extrrordinary Th r-w "'"i tiiiiniKi.mijc in iim praise, itt.. i. . 1- :a .i boriy way to their friends and acquaintances, n. well as those- who make uublic th .iiiiiiuuoi Kim rcvuiuuicnu it in a neisn . Ia KAt f J.. J i of iu virtues, are always readv to state their reasons ftr the faith that is in them. Thev have all either felt or witnessed iu beneficent operations. I Burnett1 riaYoriny Extract!.- The superiority of thes extracts, QnsitU ia their perfect purity and great strength. Thy are warranted free from poisonous oils and acidi. Joseph Burnett & Co.. Lkwton. Manuf tiir.r and Proprietor. For sale by all. grocers and aniggists. y I7ature Gives: us Teeth, but she does not preserve and piirify them. That must be done with fragrant gozodont. The dental bone and its enamel ensing are made invulnerable to nil destructive influences by the daily use of this beneficent preparation. What every Horseman wants A pood cheap and reliable Liniment. Such an ar ticle is Dr. Tobias' Horse Liniment. Pint bottles at one dollar. For Lameness, Cuts, Galls, Collie .prawis, tc., warrantcu oetter than anv other I .1 ik -: - ...... : ."HJIU IIV IIU- 1 jriHrcrlrc li'iu.t 111 I'.tL- eommcnus that a dram comnumts that a drain of his nun and root- j:oe betaken thricea dav, to prevent sickness ' For all bfxlilv ni!ii.nt.- 'r...,l .......:...- For all bolilv ailink-nt.-, and - . 1 as a protect ion against tne causes of ! i sea.' take that all snf- lieieiit antidote. Dr. W.I.KKI Yinkcai: 1!it mcdieal herbs thus, the j)iire esseifue f iare unpolluled hv distilled poison. Svapnia is Opium purified of its sickening and poisonous projii-nics, discovered hv 1 r. ligelow, 1 n. lessor of Rotany, Detroit Medical t-ollef. -. , - ... i'wwiii, J'IU"U .UniKjll ge. A must pt fett anodyne and soothing e. John Fair, Chemist, New York. opiate Carbolic Salve, recommended bv the leading l'hv-ieians ;:md the President of the New York Hoard of'Health, as the most won derful Healing compound ever known. (Jives instant relief to burns, cures all kinds of sores, cuts and wounds: and a most invalnahlp snlv for all purposes. Sold everywhere at 2o c ou" v; llVt sh' TropriJtor, 8 College 1 cent Placp. Aew lorif, . , - - - o Christadoro's ZZair Dye is the safest and besL Jt correct the bad effects of inferior dyes, while the black or brown tints it produces are identical to nature. Factory 03 Maiden Lane, New York. Pratt's Astral Oil. Safest and best il luminating Oil ever made. Does not take fire or explode, if the lamp is upset or broken. Over 150,000 families continue to use it, and no accidents of any, description have occurred from it. Oil House of Charles Pratt established 1770, New lork. The Purest and Sweetest Cod Liver Oil in the world is Hazzard A Caswell's, made on the sea-shore, from fresh selected livers, bv Caswell, Hazard & Co, New York. It is absolutely pure and sweet. Patients who have once ta'kcn it prefer it to all others. Phvsicians have decided it superior to any of the other oils in the mar ket. Jouvin'S Inodorous Kid Glove Cleaner re stores soiled gloves equal to new. For sale bv Drugguu and Fancy (Joods LVnlers. Price 2- cents bottle. F, C. Wells & Co., New York. Ilisley s Philotoken is an established, Warranted remedy fur Painful Menstruation; and equally eflicient as a Nervous Antidote in all cases of Nervous Excitement, Stomach and fcleeplessness in njale or female. Sold everv where . for f 1.00 a bottle. Morgan & ELdcV, Druggist, New York, General Agents. VUf,Bl .' and a Beautiful, Cleir Complexion is the desire of cvervbodv. This eflect produced by using G. V. Lairtf's Bloom of -outh," a harmless beauti6er of the "-..'H remove all DioraUon, Tan, r recklcs and Sunburns. The use of this de JigUtfuI toilet reiara(ion canmrt he defecleI. r or sale bv all the DruggU and FaHry Good Dealers, iVpot, 5 Gold Stl, Cew York. Mrs. Vlesleir's Seel H.g SV--h relieves the little aufterer from pain, ewes Wind Colic, Itegtibtes the Stomach and Bowels, Corrects Acidity, and during the process of teething it is inrahrable. Perfectly safe in all coses, as mil lions of mothers can testify. Cleroymex, Bankers, Book-keepers, Editors anp ell otliers that lead sedentrry live, will find much relief from (he frequent Headaches Nervousness, and Constipation engendered from want of exercise; by taking Simmon's Liv er Regulator. It i a harmless vegetable com pound ; it can do no injury ; and numbers who nave tried it will confidently assert that it is the best remedy that wn lc used. .NOTICE TO THE UDIEST" I Amonij the manv nefiM inventiniw T-.r.i...-..i r .i .r , ----- .'.wumvu ...1.icllninnriiiurv none oeeumeti a more I,,rVn""". P0:"'"" than that of the Sewing Ma- a i - .ii; ii hii examination ofclorecon- cl uding to pnrch.-ihc. Agents wanted, liberal uiiuounts given. mav2fi:lv- ...:... . . . . : : r ' Sf.me a isowity in the !iape of a new stvle le : : i aieui .tem u indimr Watch, that !c !..,,;,. we or open-face combined, has been brought 1 e T,EVR-r' i;rah.mJc Co.. Jeweler, 6! Whitehall Strf v, -,i.:i. .i ' i 5ol W price of $12. Read the rl a.lrertssenicnt and purchase one if you want a reai.y good W atch. " Christian wfvki.y en - portn their n-lioMh, n v-iy." rj5:Cu,o THE WORKlilG FIRM mvn VT! a. - -- HE(i LEAVE TO INFORM onr tn.my friends that we are now in receipt of very raloalle and well ae lected slock of new SPRING . AND Summer Goods, direct from the Eastern Citi.", shcted with great care by an old expericueed buyer. Our Stock Consists of Dry Gooile, Groceries Hals, Cap and Straw Good. Boots and 6'Aoes. Sole anti Up per Leather. Paints. Oils, and Dye Stu fs. Notions of all Kinds. CROCKERY & OUEEX8WAXE, dc And the very bet FULL standard ANCHOR BOLTING Coths. OUR expenses are light as we do all our owu work, and we can afford to sdl Goods cheap, aud we are determined to do it. Call aud see ts at the old and well kuown it aud of Xo. 1, MURPHY'S Granite Row. SALISBURY, N. O. CF We buy all kiuds of Country Pro duce, aud are Ageuta lor the Wsl French littrr Mill Stones. McCUBBINS & CO. J. Sam'l. McClhbixs, T. U. Bkaix. John D. Caskiu- D. R. Jluam. March, 29, 1872. 1 in S. W.TERRELL, Auction and Commission IH3aCEIIT AND DEALER IN GEUERAL MERCHANDISE, Staple, Dry Goods, Shoes, JIats, Confectioneries, Crockery and Glass Ware, and Prodttee GENERALLY. SHALL keep a supply of provisions as good as the market can atr.rd. aud at prices to suit the times : Beef, Pork, Fresh and Salt Fib, Butter. Eggs, Chickens, Cabbage, Bacon, Lard, Salt. Flour and Meal, Sugar, Coffee, Molasses. Syrup and a variety of such Goods, Generally kept iu a Family Grocery, constant ly on hand. Willbuyall kind of Country produce at mar 1iet prices. Cash paid f..r Rags and Bones. Goods of any kind bought or sold at Auction or n com mission and prompt returns made. (Jive me atrial; one door above 11. A. t.'ald well's Law olbce on Iiinis street. S. TKKULLL. PLOWS fPLO WS ! ! The farmers aro especially invited to call and examine the latest iinprovid cultivator, or Cotton Plow, known as the SCNXY. SO I 'TIL It. ia a verr popular plow in thj Last em Counties. It ha" extra attachments, mid can he converted into a Sul.soil p'.ow, a turning plow, and adapted' lor ploughing young corn and cotton at differ ent ages. Can plouth out the middle with one furrow, or two, if you choo.-c. It is adapted to any kit d of farm work, turning over luud, plow ing iu grain, ilc. Also a Good two horse plow, kuown as 'Tar Heel." Tho-e plows will be sold at Manuf: r prices, and satisfaction guaranteed. Point and lars, will be kept on hand for sale bv S. V. TKKUELL. "WEED" SEWING MACHINE. r HA VF. taken the agency in Salisbury for the Sale of tliese popular Miu hii.es. Alibi want of a first ealss Sewing Machine, are in vited to call at my Store and examine them, or if desired, will bo sent to their residence for tiial. The "Weed" is unequaled in Minplicitv, durability, beauty and spied. It runs easier, and can do all aay other Machine cau do. No other Machine can excel! the Weed in anv wy, and I am ready to test its merit, with auy other machine at any time. It is a Shuttle Machine ami nukes the Lock Stieh.; works both thrends the Mine, and Mich alike on eith er bide. Bead the following home testimonies. S. W. TKKKELL. Agent. Salisui ut, March 25, 1H72. MR S. W. Tkerkll, -V M Teed Seritg Machine. Your Maehie being eutirelj new and an knownln this portion of the State.it affords me pleasure to recommend it twthe pablic I luve had in my room for" weiks, the. Howe,Anr ican Combination and the 'Weed" and gave them all. a fair, impartial trial I now aaj unhesitatingly, I prefer tb "TSTeted." tn any other, it ruu easier, more simile in mecbanr ism, aud durability and can k all any other machine can do. I think its simplicitv of construct loa, eas of management, adaption to every kindof fami ly sewing combined, render it a bit class M-w chine. Respectfully. Mrs. X. D. It IB BIS. NATIONAL nOTKL, 7 f AUSBUtT. April 10, lt7t. I Ma. 8. VT. TturxL, Ag't " Wetd" Sewing itnxkimet I hare uwd your Machine a sulk-lent leSfth of time to test iU merit. I can ebeerfuily rev commeud it U all in want of a first clarara chine. His simple and durable, rum nashr than any other, U easy to openaeon, andean do all auy other inachiue cab do. " Ur. M. A. Baixttt FOR SALE. t Pne nitireir new y x ... Huggy, late style r" .i n... n..j- V. I All II'M JJWUT. One double scat Jcraey Wagon, nearly new. (.'no sett Buggy Harness. Low for cash. S. W. TERRELL Aptil 19, 1S-2 Sa'ishr.rr. April VA ::. WANTED AOCNTS-S100 10 2V ptfT m 1B! rf.rr htir. !.ii aiiA Inn r, t i frn.?cr ! rrnuir. I Txaai2.xcvcl TVT n r li n 1 liTXAr I O IVIrt.ola.ixxo 1 : n.jtrli.nr m II p'it.l. l.rr.A-,i, luc. I.r 11, ri i.l, .t.- rid -(nKr. s ! r t. u ij't .p-rf. r in on-- Tr rr i.U l-;r, f-t'r 'i --iiv.l and x. n'l (or trtr r. W? wil' !iy li f.ir any maeMtir. hl.'h .rlr .'r lo , i lint i 1 i a ill ,ti(fr, ia' rr -ai:i("l r n - la.r c eau. thai. our.. It ir akrt thr l.L !-T (0 LOCK St I CH. t.ver revf .1 tic' c&vlt b- cut, auJ .till Uc rltil. . an not rni'e-l srs t wiu.nut ua ing it. Wc rv i' l" V.'fl per uiti'Ii, nl p t.-r., or a couuii.-ijn f...ra 17 ,."1Vur.rs40ir,;Mr8 mn"r- ' s. mai:sii ti. k Co. v ,., .. ,.i r.,-TIo. ' .. ""I" iraoaui" , 7,7rV ' i,ca k -r ' " '' Oar. I?"? ty . w s:,u rtat, ..dm- w.as fTITTTl nriTTie a vttn Piino Fortes are atknowled by all who have item iu use. . ti and by the llrtt XnitAl Taltnt, to be equal and in oisny re spoils, : if Superior to ny SrTa&afs.ctttred I!. They comline Immense Putter, Equality Sureties and liriUkmcy of Tvne, A Elasticity of Touch, and I 1 Gnat lrabii;t. Dealers, Teachers and others -. 'i desiringto purchase a fintlas instrument are i invited to examine these Pianoa before makirr heir seleetions elsewhere. PATENT AGRAFFE TREBLE, Together with all modern improvement. The most thoroughly seasoned timbertbe market af fords la selected, regardless of coEt. as we feel assured it will be the cheapest in the end The great increase in the sale of our iustru meuts. has enabled ua to reduce our prices for First Claaa Pianos, from ten to twentr-Cve per cent, let than any other house (offering the same class onajtiruxnu) la the United States. alle we act upe the soaxln of suickaalet au4 tmall prolta,? we mmk it, at the tuae, a special object te fond mr with instruxaeaU la a way iaCtrior to the best in the market. Many families have had a deire U cbisic a Piano, but could not affrd Ui pay the dealer a profit of from $100 to $3U0. neither do they wuL to purchase a cheap made iiutrument, Uoit would cost more to keep in repair than it i worth. l.n... . I,r-. ..I I . f , .fil , .-...,UI IIIU,IC ,TUI- people have been obliged to do without. We can famish New Seren-OcUve PLim. Tortel lom 275 to 050 dollart. Second baud Pianos troui 40 to 2150 dollars. 11T Parties ordering by mail may rely opon the bcbt selections. Our Pianos are fully warianted for Mr yrar- Descriptive Circulars scut to all partf of tL country umii sjiplii stion. C. M. Tremine & Brother, MANUEACTLRER8, 435 Broome Street, Wcw "STork. THE BCRDETT Combination1 ORGAN. (With Carpenter and Burdctt's New Improvements.) The disagreeable reedy .tone entirely over come in this instrument. The Tirdirt iiCcanimcB.! The CrcattU Xocffuiriht lft!! WerhilltBjtthe Tirld Ii Eqnil HI! And cordially incite th, profession, dcaUr. t and the musical mrorld generally to examine lAi's truly wonderful instrument. The Burdett Combination Organ As its nasse IndleaUs. Issn istealesealoa fslloar aUadare iaBproTrso?aU, coh.L.aetf m Ha aaay aw festers sever betore laLrlacel r aUewi-ted ia D . A a at . a r .a. . Re4 OrcMss. UkUm ssakia- iki. '.T rui ftrn sftaeu-saeau, aa4 ene tkst tss si- twsdr ersaud a revelation ia Lbs Mbiie aia4 ia lnm 4eei4 fsvae Ue rir 1 se4io af Kel OrcSDS. botk for secelar aa4 r4 mmk. where an lnstresaent is reentred either t iaati tkr voice er to pros' see orchestral efiecto. WH the neltitn4iaons and swtpriojag rw.birs tiooa Ikat art cenUiood ia tkis iaotra sweat, the ssosi nrtricaU nrnsis of the "grest taasters." rsa ho rea dered as on a grand organ ; or the ssost siaaple me sos for the aneto4oon can ho s4aro4 h ehi)4. All the various itprevreU on the FereVtt Or gamars peoecto4 hjr noitot. beajr exrlirlr to thoCoaspaaj, aa4 can ho aecd oa ao other ofgaa. . The fesoewt , Bsr4u Organ has reeelred the avwi TLm st7i,-!'t"L" nukinf osaoag the Acrt .icla4 sb4 orgaa.-u. Tkt Xctr Trt Indeyendcml ntt f tht Pur iastr anient we bare ever a-n.' tjt--. . -j ..r ine most penect ree.1 The ChrLKan Trader tay: Tfobsd no ides tlrat s reed inLtrumvnt could be brought toaiu b perfection " 7e .rr 1 nrl Ohterrrr Mir : ' Its puntt of voicing, lichuc oftor.c. and woLdrtoI r .iiMlral r.nA;iin.linnt. ..Ku-r ..th . --..,-,1 . nf new ar.d nrigin&l tpp. render H an mt?n - - r - r - . . , . iurijToi.-T.in penec'ion s o do oe;. ca crm pi't'.t'.on " Th1 press acd nb'jr rvrrv-trre who h .vr ! bad dtj opportumTr nflirter.irg tv:? Uauffcl tra:T5S. not ontr rve rt tm nr)naJ:el app eal. bit nsbe-atatir.g'rTonredA bs' :t Ur.di withr.lt a T.l Tie Burdett OrjMn ranfs in pi ice tretr. S135 to SiOOO. We have also New Cabinet (Pi guns at ! $45 $75 flOO ice . C .TI. Tremaiiie Si Iro., WHOLESALE AUK.NTS, 433 Broome St. ,ITtw VOIRS Juty r-v !t70. vs-tili t. -ji THE ADVANCE Mower & Reaper. A,i rA(;Ti;Kiin nv nir rMvider Manitclurinir Co- ikUUUv. N. J-; has the ieatiug (.-r evS wLerl) all is aa iron cae. so i u, exclude all grit, dirt, Conuins many t,,w and v.loable feetarv-s which do iiot eUt in othen. Works well su.o.4h ..r sion-y Uud and is not liable to g-t oit of ortU-r. Perons itMiJiu; to hay mowers and lNapri, thU mmmer. would do well to ex amine the ADVANOU, before purchasing elsewhere. Au agrnt wanted in every nourtj in the State. Srud fr illuttrated eirrulara to C. A. IIEGE, Gent State Agt. lor N. C. Fried borg. Forsyth l!e. N. C W. L. KLSTLER, SalUbury, N. C. mar. SC. r?m A gent (or Rowan Co. Re Rn Rt Radway's Ready Reliel Cure the wors pains in from bllToTWXklTl.lxr.ru. Not one Lur sfirr reading this adTertUeiseat need any -Bffr wiu PAIN. KADWjkV. iiiUDT.EELItr is a ear fur everr Pmia. It v-a tit nt onfy Pnia fieuxkdy tivat inst aaU y stvpe tb aseet .f AMM.IIt.. .X -I, cure Coiire,u.vi,, telhr of Ue Janrs. stosav Bowels or utber glands or sms kr l Blsaiafiwsia. ppucuo, u nvaa mm t twenty a is at . matter bw tkdea.t or -xna-iaiinf the pain Rheumatic. Bed ridd. u. Iuliiio. CnrpWd. kr vims, Neraisie vrpro-trated wtth cSiseeM sawr suffer. RADWAY 8 kKADT EEUEF will anora iuiaai ee. ImJlmmaHvn vf lir A I 1 mtamtmm tnHff tit ELtdJeT, j IntammHtionotkt bnmr1$, I ' wyeM (is Xs, J .Wf TlriHtt, Ihmcmtt tr,a.kp. f0lptmlon uf lit llemrt. j 1fttenct, croup, IhpUnrta, ! r . . Ciisorii, licmmm HtaJocle, Tootkoelc, ' t . . Kcwrmltim Lkfummtirm. va A lilt. Tueupplicution . f He .'..' I.'ifnf 10 tbe prtorprt wh. re ih pan. or d;n,i ulti tiatt will sflonl rim- and e-jiiIi-M. Twenty lr. ,. it, a hall a tuu.Lh r of wsterwll) in a ft w ii.inniii- tuiv tium-y, Atiais. soar l;mirl,, Ut.nll., , H. I. Ur, that, kmc. ilyrrutrrt. ct.t,c. ,, , n, U.fl,, mmd mil i'a- Travelers fl.i.i:! J ; nrrv a bottle of "Kadw'a; s I.'. , jo i.i .. vit' iiitii k rw .... . . drop- id wsl. r :lli,i.iit -ili.rMor sains Inuiii hai.ci t v;,t.r. li i-Wttcrilkn French Brui.dy or l.:ti. r a. a -t i-nnlui.t. Tevcr and Ague.' Fever ard .In ;.:..! I.., f.v ,t. There is net a leiiu-iJial arn.i in tJ i, V.tld thai arill .ii.; , i:;: tie 1'cm -:.d A-i.e aid ail other MaJariwBs "-. S. :.:!.t.T;. , ! i. Yel?..w and other F 1 (('d y i:o,t ,,'. h, su;,l, . !v , J:, i 1;, ;,,.( j jj) , ,., , j.f l HEALTH! BEAUTY! I Strong iii.d j ure i ir!, 1.11 - Increase tf 11, h ,ul 111, ml CUar SL,n d Leau. ('Jul C 'omjJcj lift, .'(( illttt to uH, DR. HAD WATT'S Samipaiilllan Ilc-olvent lias idikIc Ua u,osl astonishing Cures: 9Q quid, .o rapid are the ckumej Ihe body ur.dr i ,-., i,t thr the ,-6,i(t,ce cj this truly Woudn ful JV ,,, Hat L 1.K l I)A AN INCREASE FLESH AND WEHJUT IS SEEN ANT) FELT. IN TUt liP.rAT P.IxOU i LClIltR. Every dii.p . T the Sar-Kpatillian L'rM.liett ( conimiui esui. ihroeph ti e h'i.d. est. trite i d otLer lliiid- j., t-a ,f .r system tat. i icor oi air, i. it rep1( L- i,t ui the U-dj with new ami m.ul.1 a ait-nal. xn.lnla, sjpbi. lis, eonsnttiptb n. fln1nlsr Jir s-s. nlrers In the thr at, inoiitb. lun.or. node ia the glsxd and other jiirt-of tL. t ,u m. sole re, streu j inon.us diM hsip nfroui the , ars.aud the wont j forme of skin di aes, errptKr.s, fevers, eorr-. wk "i"! in the mocmb, abd all weaketiin scd psinftl , diM-harpe. o;:Lt iwcatf. lora of im and all , M-aia nrua. nrp worui. rlx-oni. w aie i me Hie I niu ipie, are witLin the tux stive ratpe f this or.de r of Afcderii Cbsn it rv.and sfrw dayn' ue will prove to any per M.n winhing it fur either el theae forma of di ca-e it poteiil J.er to uir tbetn. It the pctient. daily l-nnirg reduced Wj tb waates hnd deeomptition that is eobtiniaJlr pn.greeaiBg.suirreasin arresting t fsflft, ",HJ Tr-' " ' maiertal a4. ,rT htx WsU ntd tfej the fe.psniliaj. j wul rior wnre a core i certain; U J vbt orH1' reiredy trrcnetces its week ! parifira'ion. and accreedAin dimisishifif tl loax r.J ates. its repsirs w ill be rapid. SB t . ery day tbe patient will feel bhelf grown a r better aud stn-egei. th Jd digesting iiottes. appetite iwprouDg acd fleskstd wttrLt ii -rreasiog. Not oolj doe U-f Fsrsporniisn Pf s"lvenl excel all known remedial sgeets is th core of Chronic. Hcrofulon,Cntitstifesl sxd ISM- di-cor ; but it ia the nclj amitiv rwtm ft KIDNEY A BLALDLK CofipLAJ.HTr. Urinary acd womb di-ea-f, gravel. dioWu . ! drriper.poge of wster.iiv-t.ttinecce of oris. fingbt s dJ-eae. Albcnunana. aid ra all ewer ' wnere there are bti klu.t detaatr.or tke wa I t4ri 4 u'y- wia.J wiiaoUtSAnceobkn tb whiteof fc.r Uul liiewhiusilk or there i a rw rl ;d. dark. !:! cs appesrsnn. and while tKM-du.t d :n:t. and when Lher , , , r.v lr ,k. wster. ard pain ta tbe fu 11 cf the bark sii linr ' ,,,n T)n . I -a s RAHWAV S , r"f"-'y iste m i ...., -,- ,-eetgrir. ! tKT' f":'.-" tS trtc1hee. i ,.Vrl ' " Vi. u x lU vi r.f a J o.''lVrs 4 t'.m ot If"'' J ..-i.. 1 dfrr. fcerrn . (-,-.-., f fifti',?: c.rc'r r. r.t J i r .(.f-rttfil r"- , Xa; '00 Of f(f l(r r T r t ' "lt((ff(lW I rttn.! v-i ."- in- tc a no - ' v 'tt. I'ir'- iti. -.i..t:ra t f 'T r-ti r,., A -'w Trs it. t .-ti.i rte ,: t - u t c r :cir. XV, T'f. Fi Tri.' 'o 1 014 irtr-tak t-. r. pvr k a t'.rr il fiii fr'r it. J o Jo -! t . v . 1 1'. , v. lrfI Jr i.'. t tr! t 1 ' B. Ja JI - .1 . - 1 7 ro v.r m. 1 l'-K . -ite.ted in 1) . 7' J'--rM.a wndiii ji. irX'A iM toiler M 1 1 as! I ' 4 dr ii Jib.- J :r.. V I !1 rrrf .! ; .. l !-. .if i I - I A ''-I ' 'I S ,! I - ' ! . - . S: . ' K