. ) ' L I - .' ' ''1 - . ' - . " 111: f ' ' . ' ! ; if, ' . ! t J : I ' i- - ' 1 ! I I - j , i ! ' I ' . ; . ,-. . X ,. ! I -...4.. j. j; :.,!lt.. : p , , - . : i - 1 ) : - -., ' ' . Ii JrT??r!rMII in,rl Ma"''iigill111 wllnfli lUatcftinan. BAUSilUK FRIDAY MAT 3. i i NOJITJJ CAKOLIN A Qtorlotis Success. A. I & j JIEFJUltOX NOMINATED Fpi .GOVEIIXOR ON THE BALLOT. HON. JOHN KEiyj PSESIDJNO, GREAT EXTUUSJSf - :! - , i .,. 1- ' Gkkexmjoro', N. C, r i May 1st. Ib72. ( The State Convention which convened jliere to-day, i a grand success in the num- - Intr of it4 delegate, the nuniberof the coun ties .' represented j Jtbe character of dele gates, the spirit . of the occasion, and mi far as anything jet transacted is concern td, in the results of ts deliljcrations. There arc 83 couQthj represented, .embracing among the delegates cnt up, gcntlcn.cn from all the various walks of society in the Statc-farmers, mechanics, artizans, law yers ami doctors. It is the finest assemblage of men we have cveij aeen in North Carolina. Jhc utnost harmony ha prevailed. There wa.4 not one on hand with an" axe to grind," .or if there was he was ahameil of it. Every man who capie icre seemed actuated by the grand lJiag idea pf relieving the . State from the curse of radicalism. No one knew before hand who would be nominated for any office. one had icrsonal favor ite he waa not ready to aacrifice far the good of the canse. And of all the various per sons heretofore spofc en ofj by the press for tho acvcral ofSccs to be filled, we have not known any of them tp c ectioneer for the - place. The delegations hsi-v shown no em- barrasment, and np overweaning anxiety for individuals. Bat ail gloriously infused wit' tiie grand idea of carrying the State, i there seemed no room fori any thought not j in full accord with jt. j 1 Tie readers of the Watchman may bo I thankful andj take courag! Their Convcn- 4lon surpasses all expectatjon. It is a lively illuntration of the sentiments which have filled the hearts of the ieople for months jvfc--will give form and force to those sen timents, and ! is destined to awaken a glow ing, irrettistable spirit of patriotism from the mountains to the sea-board. A ballot was akcn for a candidate for Governor about 5 o'clock thii evening, with the following re sult:' -! X Hon. D. M. Barringcr ( 12 Hon. J. M. Leach, 2G lion. A. S. Merrimon, j 70 udge Mrrimou having received a majority of all the votes cast wa,!on motion, unani mously declared to be tle choice of this Convention. I i i Tlie Convention' then l odjoyrnci unil 9 o'clock to-morrow morning, We luvite attention to I m nnti found elsewhtre n our columns, of the .American Life Insurance Co., of IMiila- delphia, wl8e claims upon tha public confidence and support are to be found in jl character and uistory. This Oompanv ank amonj the oldest in thjs conn- try, and has maintained an onsrard pro- i , - jrresa thronch narlv n norio. .f . ... I " o- 7 - if w i,rir nryV The men who organized this com pany, and the men who now have the juanagement of t, were and are, as we iiare reason to believe among the bet and I most" trustworthy citizens Of Philadelphia iking1 originally established from the most jjiuniane motives, and in strict conformity to ll the principles involved in Life In surance, necessary 'to future success and security ; possessing capital, integrity and business ability, the American has never teen affected by any financial crisis in jheconntry, which so often prove disas trous to other great interests, but has j,aai,7 1ncred ! etreugth, iufluenee and nsefulness. ' j: Tbe General Agent of this company, er. L. F. Wat, at Statesvlle, is well qualified by his polite au4 gcntlemauly bearing to promote the success of the j orrin his hands, and fitly Represents u company bcariug solid meriti to commend ft U pqblic favor. - i ' j, 13" Oar good humored friend of the ayetteville Eagle is assured that we do jo$ enry its ability " tri soar far above ,;TtC!,"en Ben,inels n4 towers, and LiSl,er n broaa View' of things Piaa oiheri. It is an Eagles business and I'f6 .u oar his pride and glory. We lieajtUy . wjoiee tV every success of oar Tayetteville soarer to promote the ends for, which ire are mutually laboring. If ihew be a difference in I ho amount or the Jralue of the services rendered, it may be Jhirged to account of natural disparity as between a watcJonan and in eagle, which Te no jwt eau9 fox asrjerity. Sqar on iear. Eagle, and fear jio pjjny shaft shall wach you whilst amid jt tha clouds. The V;ti". f.:-i i T. ; . rTr- oroaa" Few tngs danger Is in swooping to catch the prey. That last snatch yea made at us was a jniatake. . You thought rau had cWl.t goo; fat hare, fcitfj we jknow better, ind can Uagh at y9ujr misj.ke. Neve to the" peaceful J tjrji font file) and ffy we jW.Qraj so wing you Ulo have caught, and e.U it nn.f jt .... ? - i ' i J" n-1 ..turoea. - Th 0,ltl PJIn.. fv..i. o.... x , I , i : : , T olM In this place, celebrated the 53d anniver- -Hv)1!1"' 00 Le lW? P"Ce file H uon bcreafter givin his rrteVA Methodist ichurch, odes, and Fel8,?,u H doinS ' ll -aniddress by the Noble Grand, Tueo 5 i f???1 P0"" of these oecis- f .xxz. The ceretnonU re my Si S1 neatly' conducted' throaehlut. and a in direct' eoiifliAt wit Wii Voting Townsmao, Mr. Klutu, on the ?uPoe Co.ar ia Hillrs. KfW fho'r notice allowed him, acquitted him- r"?,5,S i&ity of the homtgad Wuteahugth. , jcen, too,U forever dPf dcl i i iJC bcvuiiu aim. vi iue itictiycv , Statrsville, N., C, is on our table. It Is bettlr tha the first, axid display so man marcs oi reu aim so manj o hear' her good people thunder in the next election. jThey were Whigs, in old limti, because 'Wggery vraa honest and ju&, and foic-aoiding. How eau thty b icala nowl bscause the radicala are'c?f honckt. unjust and lawless t ' 1 11! 1 COMSCCXICATED. iXirOJJTANT DECISIONS.; I The following decisions were made tn the Supreme Court of the UuiteJ States on the 224 of AprU, nit. White r$. Hart et at, error to premo Coiirt of Georgu, thefsi- IM H 1 his was an action on a note civen for the price of a siaTte. The defenae pleaded hatby the new Constitution of the Stale of Georgia! the Court was prohibited from taking any jurwdiction of a case iiirolviog iiio uucDMuii ii tug vanunj vi lucuwil tract! The judgment cf the Sunreme Court of Georgia was for the dfeudant: and announced the following propositions : " t. Thai when the preseflt! Conti tutioii of Georgia was adopted in 1S68, Georgia was not a State in the Unjoin' ; that sue had surrendered her connection as sneh, and was a conquered territory, wnoiiy at wie mercy ot tne conquerorand thatlthe inhibition of the Slate bv tht Conititution of the United States to pass " iiipaitiiig iu uuiigaviWU OI CQU- tracfa had 'no appTieation to her. I ZQ. Hiat her Coustituiion does not jef ft ct the contract, but only denies juris diction to her courts to enforce it. i ji 3d. 1 lint her Constitution was adopted under the dictation and coercion nfi!mt. gress-, and! is the act of Congress, rather uiauoi uie otate. Ana that though a State cannot Dass a law imnNirin, ilie validity ojF contracts; Congress can, and ll.nl V-.. ll.h ..f ! I..L!l..!i .'(! the Federal Coustitutiou has no effect lit the !case."i , III! The Supreme Court of ttieUnited States tevetses this decision, and in substance " The subject presented br the! firm proposition has been contidervd inciden tally several times bv this Court, a nd lit fornier decisions in respect to it need! only be re-affirmed. The national constitutiou created not a confedi'wcy of Siatvs, tout ' P . . 1. . ! B i' a Koverenmeiu oi inaividuals. : i i - 44 It assumed that the Union which it created, and the States which were ihcor po rated into the, Linon, would be inde structibteJand as far as human nieahi could accornLluh gnch a work it intfMiffo1 I d. m, - - . '. I I , to make them 10. The frowprnmpntf iho nation and of the State, are each alike n- 8Pere ot action, but the former is Um uiiu;n u pari oi me government ot: the peohle of each State and as much entitled -I II . i- jo uieir aijegiance and obedience as'their owii i local iSute povei-nmHuta 'rii-?ifi. owif local IStMte governments. atituion, and laws of the United diii mate in Hur8nte thereof, being hi kll r J , PPJ, tne upremf law th. linrt.li e j ! I 8 mm practical ee i . . - mmuii i; uiacuc;w treason, ecfkiue- fto iv itsclfl triumph bv revoluthiuarii vio. Ien'p. " j P j "The Jate rebellion wus without any eh iiicnt of right or sanction of Iawt and the puratidn and magnitude of the war did not chnge its cliaracter. Tlie Spates in rebellion were never out of the Union, and never abaolved from the dutits, lia bilities and restrictions always incumbent upon tin n. iOn Ihe cond point, it is said that without the remedy the contract may riot be said to exwt. The idea of validity and remedy aj-o inseperable, and arc both Parj8i0f ub,igtio bich is guaran teed by the consiituiion against invasion, heuf t)je jdenial of the remedy by the State of Geoigu was not valid lit-c;iu-e,it ajtjmhihUed the contract. The third iof the I propositions is said to he clearly unsound, f j . V ' -.Congress, it i? said, authorised the bute to frame a new constitution,; and he eleptptl by a vote 6f her peophj to proceed wnhju tjje spope o tl.e thm-jty conferred, j The result waa submiited t. Congress as a voluntary and valid vf faring, an J was so received aud recognised m the subsequent action by that body, the State! is estopped to asdail it upon such an sumption. SUpon the same grounds she might deny the validity oilier ratificatioii of the Constitntional 1.A ments. Thnwttin f ""l " . subject cannot be enquired info. The case is Clearlyf one in which tlie judicial is bQiWd to foJlmcthe action of the political department of the government, and isWn eluded by jit. Jt is added that ifCongresa had expressly dicUted and expressly ap proved the proviso in question, such dic tation and. approval would have been with out effect.; Congreas has no power to supercede the constitntion of tU United State." j - . Mr. Justice Swayne delivered the Imn lonjof the, court, a al in the case of 0borne . NichoUon et al. In the latter ease there jwas a warrantee"that the slave ound,and that ho was a slavejfor iite j j j f The Cnurttays that such a warrantee dof not lextend to the exercise blithe overvign power ofthe Sute by which the slave ws etnaneinated. nA il..Ui.. t,hftee,,lh mMmeni to the constitiion l. J he contract U n-- valid ri :!..' made, w.enforeihl. J.n 11 infl Wqucut leeinlation. f !tl ! h. Inll iiihpnnniit .. fit U-a orj co.utituiioT.al proviawtfMhl not rendet inv.t;,! rov,8,onr still hugged to tlreir bosoms y many of our people, that through a decbiou of tire Supreme Court the might be mble to rid thrmsel vet of the reconstructed goveni- tbe bnatbern States. ; I bey the government, and that the courts will 1 j it i nti . recognise ana iouow sacn action, j. nis, it is presumed, will cause the last of the Bourbons to accept of the situatloh in good faithand labor to make the beat of it for the country ; especially when it is remembered that all the Democratic Judges concerned in the decisions, and that there was but one dissentient. row the SchUmI. "IMPORT ANT DOCUMENT. Messrs. Editors: We are abnroach- . . , . r i ing on of the most important elections everueia in onr : aute. in wiucn all the State officers are to be chosen, except those connected with the judiciary, who hold over under a decision of the Sum-em Court made in their own favor, which keeps them in office two years longer than the people intended when they were elec ted, h The election of a U. S. aeuator, to fill the place of one who has held that of fice only to misrepresent and abuse the people of his native State also depends upon this contest ; as the legislature cho sen this summer must elect successor to one of the present incumbents. There will ulso soon be upon us a presi dential election in which the life of the whole nation is at stake. Such being the case, is it not well enongh to arraign the two political parties of the State before the people upon the records which they have made ; - for ; each has now bad its term in the legislative department, at leart ; and let the people decide which has worked for their best interest T This I propose briefly to do, so far as the fi nances of the State are concerned. By chapter 46, laws of special session 1S6S, ratified on the 28th day of August, J8C8, the salaries of the different State officers were fixed at the radical standard of high prices, rapine and plunder. The democratic conservative legislature of 1870-71, b) chapter 81, laws of 1S?0-71, ratified on .the 18th day of Febuary, 1871, chauged those salaries so far as they were able and reduced them to their standard of retrenchment and re form. Now let us see the difference as shown by the above mentioned acts and the Au ditor's reports for the years 1869-'70aud 1870-71. IX THE EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT. 18G&-70. ' 'VNDEB ACT OF 1870-71. Governor'- iJov alarr, $5,000.00 paury, ?j,uw.uu J'rivate Sc-cre- Private kcie- tary. 750,00 tary, 1,000.00 Monger, -jOO.OO Clerk, T.200.UO v-. i I services as shown hy Auditors Ke port, loO.OOi S7.8o0.00: 5,750.00 Thus saving this department annually, $2,100.00. By an act passed at the last session of the legislature,! he governor's salary was reduc ed to $4,000.00 to take effect on the lut day of January, 1873. which would make the annual saving after that date SsrlOO.OO r nearly one half. OFFICE OF TIIE SECRETAHY OF STATE. 1869-70. jvsiER act of 1870-71 Secretary's Secretarv'a Salarjr, $2,400.00, Salary, $10,00.00 1 Clerk, 1.000.00 1 Clerk, Salary, 1000.00 t " Salarr. JO0.0O ' l - M yoo.oo Extra clerical services, as howu by Audi tor's Ile port, - 456.25 $5,650,251 $2,000.00 Thns lopping off unneccsnary omcers and saving $3,C5G.25. acwtok's office. 1869-;70. under act of 1870-71 Auditor's lAuditor'a Sal- salary $2,400.00 ary, .$1,250.00 tiers aiary, i.innj.uii i Lierk sal- t 000.00 020.00 ary. 900.00 u 4 Extra Clerku, (ee Aud. Kejiort 117.50; $5,037.50 ! $2,1500)0 Saved annually in this office $2,9887.50. TkKASCIiY. 18b9-'0. IISDEK ACT OF 1870- i Treanurer's iTreawirer'a Salary, $3,000.00; Salary, $3,000.00 1 Chief Clerk il Chief tlerk, 1,500.00 Salary, 1,500.00 1 Aw't. Clerk, 750.00 Teller's Salay 1,080.00 i jtooK-Keeper Salry, Extra Clerka, as hown by Auditor'n Keport 1860 70, Travelling ex- Auditori lie port 1869-'70 pp. 83 and 104.) 750.00! 275.00 202.78 $6,727.78: Saved annually in this depart $5,250.00 iueui.t,4.Y7.78. I By reference to page 79 of the Audi tor's report for the year 1869V70 it will be seen that large payments (were made to Souter & Co., of New York for this department; which should be couuted with iU expenses, a follows viz: One year's salary as financial agents for the state, $1,000 ; expenses for advertising, fee., $329,42: makin? a total of l 3)Q . 42, ! Nothing of the aort can be found in pe Auditor' report for the year 1870-'71, the conservative legislature authorized no such lavish expenditure of the people's money. This amount should, then, be added to the expenses ef the radical rule in this department, making the saving under present laws, $2,807.20. 'SUPEniSTEXDEXT OP PUpLIC WORKS. Sup ts $lary, $2,40043Q 1ari $300.00 Clerk. CaTk Vk .a i' w ' 900,00 No Clerk. 1.1 ravelling ex jNp travelling penaea (gee Auditor' Keport 1863 -?) expense, 410.15 $3,710.15 S300.00 SsveJ n Utis department, $3,10t15. $nperintedaU of Jndruetion. 1861M70. 1 Under Ad of 1870-71 Superinten- ' Superinten dent'a Sal- dent's Sal ary, $2,400.00 ary, $1,500.00 1 Clerk, Sal- iljNoUerk, ary, H 1,000.00 ?o travelling Extra Clerks expenaea, . (see Audi tor' Keport .o agemv 1860-'70), 315.00 Travelling ex- j nenaea, 14S.0O J. W. Hoo.1, agent, (paid from Educa i. tional fund), 1,778,60 $5,641.60! llOOAH) Saved in this Department $4,141.60. Attorney General. ISOO. ; 1870-71. Atto.Gen'a. 'Attor. Ueu'a. Salary, $1,500.00, Salary, $1,500.00 Additional l No additional counael, 3,450.00 counael al This do not include counsel em ployed bv the' Treas urer or Au ditor's De pnrtnieiiL lowed now. $4,950.00, $1,500.00 ! Saved in this department, $1,450.00. Code Commission. 1869-70. .They are al Salary, $7,200.00, lowed noaal- j ary now. Saved $7,200.00. Adjutant General 's Office. 1 SfiO-TO. ! UnJr Art f 1 870-7 1 . Adj'tOenr. Salarr, $300.00 Salary, 1,200.00 No tVavel- Travelling ex- j linj ex- penxen, 50.00 penaeA. Hire of liorxes No hone and an? bu'xiw, 22.50j buggies. $1,272.50 $300.00 Saved in this i.ffice, $972.50. Cp'ttol Square. 1869-70. Under Chapter 80. Paid Sol. laws of 1S70 Bragg and j -71, the ex others for . j peruies of work, $3,215.75' capitol square Paid for tree, 12.00, are not to ex Paid for flow- ceed, $600.00 er 13.00 Paid for gra.a seed, repair- - ing, &c, 231.00 Manure, 376.00 per year. $3,853,001 $600.00 Seved, $3,253.00. Public Library. 1869-70. i Under Chap. 70 Lav Librarian's of 1870-71. Salary, 700.00 Librarian i Salary, $500.00 Saved, $200.00. Wood. 1869-70, Amount paid for wood and coal and cutting and hauling I 1870-71. I A mount paid for wiod I and coal and ! cutting and ! hauling wood $3,935.66. wood, Saved, $2,109.91. Militia. 5I.S25.75 1869-70. Cost of Kirk war and other mili tary cam paigns dur- 1870-71. Cot of Mill- tin. 000 ring the rear. $74,742.70 $74,742.70! 000 Saved, $74,742.70. The impeachment trial of W. W Hol den cost $13,098.08, and as lh it mh the result of the campaign ot lS69-'70, it might well be charged to the militia ac count of that year. The expense, how ever, having been incurred by the legis lature of 1870-71 in relieving the peo ple from a tyrannical officer, we will charge it to thvm, so that the account will stand 1869-70. j 1870-71. Cost of milli- Cont of im- tia $74,742,70; peacln i went, $1 3.09S.0S A sating of 861,644 G2. Spies and Detectives. During the years lSCO-O, there was paid under an act of the radical legisla ture authorizing the governor to employ spies and detective, the sum of $7,195.68 as appears by the auditor's report for that year. The adjntint general of the state seem to-have been in charge of this force of de tectives, (see page 73 of auditor's report l969-'70,) and received from this fund for such service, beeidrs His salary and travelling expenses shown above, the sum $1,679.50. (see pages 10$,rl23, 131, 136 and 141 of auditor's report.) lly chap ter 15, laws of 1870-'7l,othi act was repealed and the expenditure of money for snch purposes tppcd, so that the uecouut stands, 1869-70. j 1870-71. Spiea and De- Spiea and De tective, $7,195.68 tectivea, . A aving of $7fi9j.68j Keeper of Capitol and Weights 000 Qiut Measures. 1869-70. i 1870-71. Amount ahown 'Amount shown irr Auditor's I bv Auditor' Reiiort, $949.92 llepnrt, $723.73 Saved in this Department $226.19. Public Printing. 1869-70. i 1870-71. Paid Public iPaid Public Printer $34,503.43; Printer, $22,292.01 Saved in priming, $12,2 if 42. Contingencies. This is also an item in the Auditor's Report for each year, but it is impossible to give the items covered by it without access to the files of the Auditor's office. I suppose it is like "Abstract L" of the quartermaster's department in the army, intended to include everything that will not go under any other head, or that can not be accounted for. I think that we may safely say that that of 1069-70 includes the fine loung es, divans, velvet rugs, looking glasses, burcans, wash-stand, dre., purchased for the departments mentioned on pages 78, 91; 118, Sec, of Auditor's Keport 'orthat year, as they are pat under no other head in his summing up; alao the $642,69 worth of ice shown by tho Auditor re port, to have been purchased during that year for the different departments. n 1870-7l at there was a conserya? live legislature to watch over the proceed ings of the different departments, such layish expenditures aecm to have ceased, as we do not find them charged in the Auditor's Report after legislatare In 1S70. We may then state the account m 1869-70. . 1870-71. Crmtingen- i .Contingco- j ris $57,8H82; ciea, $36,2748 A saving of $21,610.04. j Isgislalire Department 1809-70. 1870-7. I ay of mem- i iPy of mem- bera, $143,1x5.09; ben, $107,535.40 Pay of offi- Pay of offi- . cera, 13,306.61 cert, 10,413.76 $161,431.70 $117,949.17 Difference in favor of the conservative legislature S43.4S2.53. ( Take the office of enrolling clerk at a sample, aud we find from the Auditor's report for 1869-'70, that John A. Mc Donald, enrolling clerk, received for him self and assistants $2,512.00 during the session of 1869-'70, while the Auditor's report for 1S70-'71 shows that; W. J. Wilson was paid $806 for himlnelf and assitants during the session of 1870-'71 making a difference of $1,706 in this office alone. j . ; The difference is more marked when we recollect the work done by eaeh. The enrolling of l869-'70 amounted to 324 printed pages, while that of 1870-'71 to 672 pages. That of 1869-'70 cost, on an average 47.75 per printed page, while that of 1870-71 averaged only $1.70 per ! page, or a difference of $6.05: in th enrolling of each page of the laws. Th members, during the session of 1869-'70, received $871 32 each, while thoeof 1870-71 received only $632.55 difference of $2i8.77 for each member. The radical legislature, during their whole term, were in session 304 days, ;at a cost of $430,958.60, or an average of $2,304 per member, while the conservative legis lature sat during their term 190 days, at a cost of not more than $192.950-17, or an average of 31,031 per member a dif fereteeot $1,273 per member. In this connection it is well enough for us toiecall the fact that not a single charge of fraud or corruption ha been brought against the conservative lrgi. lure, while the whole country resound with snch charges againt the'r radical predecessors ; charges which have not only been made, hut also, in many in etances, proven. I have not f pact to go over them here, but would refer inquiring minds to the report of the Fraud Com mission lately published, as well as the Hragg Coromiion published in 1870. There are many other item in which there wa a great saving, such as the reduction of fees of clerks, sheriff and other officers, wLich we have not space to notice here, hut w hich the people feel aud see. And now to snm up, we find ' Saved in the Executive De partment, $3,100.00 Saved in office of Secretary of State, 3,456 25 Saved in Auditor's office. 2,887 50 Saved in Treasurer' De partment, ' 2,807.18 Saved in office of Superin tendent of Tub. Work, 3,410.15 Saved in office of Superin tendent of Tub Instruction, 4,141.60 Saved iu Attorney Generals' office, 3,450 00 Saved in Code Commission, 7,200 00 Saved in Adjutant General's office, 972 50 Saved in Cspitol Square, 3,253.00 Saved in State Library, 200.00 Saved in wood, 2,100 91 Savrd in militia, 61,644 62 Savrd in piea and drtictive. 7,195.08 Saved i keeper rt Capitol and weight aud intusuitr, 225.19 Saved iu public printing, 12,211.42 Saved iu contingencies (less the amouut charge to wood,) 19,500.13 Saved in legislature, 43,482.53 Making a grand total of S1S1.H8 10 It the coucrrative legislature ha re duced the expenses in the items stated ..w.v Hum "i nc under radical rule in the year 1&09-70. men i as iu an Ciinaor, iuve tuey uot proveii theniiclves the friend of the . ii ii i i neonle. and have thev r.ot carried out th ii' j retrenchment and reform which the j pro - niiscd iu 1S70. Upon the aborc ehowing made from the acts of the two legislatures ; and from the reports of the auditor for the year lSG9-70und 1S70--71, we will submit , it. ,i the cu to the people, as the jury, feci- ing well assured that their verdict on the 1st Thuredajf of August next, will be in tvor of the naitv of retrenchment P. f .j . , tonu aud ecouoxny iu the public ex pen c. G. The Xurth Carolina Senawrship. Iu the Senate Monday, Mr. Uaiuerou moved to lay the North Carolina, election case on the table. Lost. Mr. Pool then addressed tho Seuate iu favor of giving the seat to Mr. Abbott. The question at issue was a question of law, and in deciding it the law, aid not the persons concerned, should be considered. The desire of the people of North Caro lina was th.it the law should be: exeeuted as the senate might find it to be, and from them no complaint would be j heard, no matter which way the case might be de cided. There seemed to bo wtne ruuep prehension a the action of the late State convention iu North Carolina. Tint body bad not memorialized nor attempted to instruct the senate on this subject ; it had merely adopted a resolution express ing its views a resolution intended for the people of North Carolina, aud uot for the Senate of the United States. Mr. Kdmuuds, in discuesiug the inci dental question, said he had no doubt that the legislature of North Carolina, in attempting to elect Vance, had attempted to insult the people of the United Slates aud ho would be glad to resent that insult if he could do so according to law, but he did not see how it could be dout. Mr. Stockton argued briefly against the claim of Abbott. 1.T . . . rofifff ! yo iv vujn.,.. ifc stated that the representative of Japan iu the United States desire to send Eileen American Jadics to his couutrj to leach the English language and ordinarj branhjes of education. early four huu dred applications, maJajj from ladies em ploy c4 in the departments! bar already beeu receired. Tha pay is SI ,500 per auuum in gold, for three years, and ex penses to Japan aui rctnrix. direct Trade. A new line flailing vesseJl from this port to Liverpool direct has been established Ly our enterprising friends; Messrt. k & Jlebane, of this eUy.hThe firstclis vessel, tlie hrlgan tine. JL K. Leed, is now en the "berth" for a cargo , of naval stores and cotton, and will lail bpr the 15th of May. We hail this addition to our means of direct shipment as the harbinger of increased commercial communication with tU Old World, afcd leel assured of the access of the enterprise. Wilmington Journal Xaeigating the Yadkin. Th naviga ticn of this bold stream i again talked of, and some three or four gentlemen have been prospecting of late to ascertain whether It may be done profitably. They left this point a few days ago on dirt, and after going some fifty railrs op the river, returned in a boat. We understand they were favorably impressed with the idea of opening? the Yadkin, the advantages to be derived from it, aud the eas with which it may be accomplUhed. f I Examiner. JfEW ADVERTISEMENTS. A CARD. !? j THE nmjermigned repertfullv infant the Patron of hi decea-ed Father, that he will su perintend the APOTHECAltY STORE lately keil by him' and he hoca bv at rict attention to merit the patronage o liberally beiovedun him. A full uk of jKire and reliable lhusn anJ Chemical will be kept on hand a wa alwar hi custom to keep. PhrMcains Preri,Ki; dipened at all hour, of the day or nirht, with accuracjr, fidelity ai.d dipauh. f I T. SILL w . ' . Practical Apothecanr. May 2, 1872. tf33 State pf North Carolina, i IREDELL COUNTY. . Superior Cburt, Sprbg Term. 1872. Marshall T.jBtllaa Aignceof William Oriflln, Ibnkrnnr, apwinaf Geor C. Mcllenry and Ianlel ll; Welch, defendants IT appearing to the Patinfaction of the Court on ffiJarit filed, that the defendant (u-org C. Mc llenry: u not a reftideut of the Slate of North Carolina. ! lli t here Tore onlered and adjiKlginl that pob lication Uijinade in the Carolina II 'atcawMi a nepaier publUhed in the Town of Salisbury, North Carolina, for x week, notifying the de fendant, Georpe C. Mcllenrr that "a Stimmow hai been iMied in the above" action again: him in which he i notified that a complaint will be fiSed in thie action at the next term of Iredell Superior Court, on lhecond Monday afu-rlhe third Monday in Atiau4, A. D.1.S72, "within the firat three day of the Term, and nnlo the de fendant, George C. Mrllenrv an-wcr the aame wit l.ia the time preacribed by law, tlie plaintiff will aak ht- the relief demanded in the com plaint. Witnem C. L Summer, Clerk of our aid Court at office, in SuteaAillc. tin. 29ih da? of A pri I, 1 872. C. L. SUM M KRS, C S C. " Cw3: of Iredell connlr. Geiorgia Home Insurance Co. Of COLUMBUS, Ga. l5tX)nnRAT:i, 18-Vi. CAriTax.$3."jO,Kio : J. LIIODHS DROWNE, President, l 1). r. 11.1.CXJA, oerretnry. I All Losfecs Equitably Adjusted' And Promptly Paid in Full! Propertr owner deirin; lo obtain reliable In- Kurance will do well to protect ltiem.lre lv ; eturii a x oiicv ill weorjjia Home iiiMimnee j ro." AcciK-io at iToiuinent i-oint in all the, outberii MjIo. J. ALI.KN IiP.OWN, Ajrrnt, j Oifice No. 2, (inutile I low, It Salb-burr, N. C. , .. 1 APr, -1i ! - j ; RoVan Superior CoUTt. ! r tIIV(, Vpifm w-9 I , ,fl lM; ' tJ??? 1 !f tl'Jf? ' IocKft le aot taken up lefire Thnradae of the ; finkl ,n.k ,IC TrriIlf anj ,t wi,nee will not be allowed to proTe their attendance before 1 1. sat dav of ihe Trra,and that the Clerk adrer- lle tin oruvr. A. JF!sON M ASON, C. S. C, bT OlIAMAII Vooimix, 1). C. Final Settlement. NOTICE i hereby given that the third and I final meeting of the creditor of V. P. rrahm, Iankriipt, of Kowan, will be held at the oihee of 1L II. Broadfield. lU-yier, Kalubtirr, N. K, on the 1 "Hh Mar, 172, at the hour of ldoVlm k, A. M., at which time 1 will apple for a di charjre front anr further liahiliiiea a awtigoee of aaid Will. P. (iraliam, bankrupt. K. F. S1MONTUN, .Wignee. April 26, 1872. Gt:32 WORKER'S? : CfAtBESlLlxl THE WORLDIi i 1 tti lew York Offioe, 27 UTTTVATf BX j April 2C, 1 872 i2: 1 y A RARE CHANCE To Secure a BEAUTIFUL1 3E3C HCL 3S AND VAI.CAIILK IIKAL F-STATT-, coiwi-t- i a ww kf m r. . I ..a-k n. 1 tr . i nn m 1 Irtt IS I al l 1 a IHI i Ik i j pe out buiidmcN good water, a nne large rnr- , ck-n, and from 8 to 3S acre of excellent land, I all lIn-in the uburU of Salisbury ; all in- Wi 'J , m clow!, ami ellieible f.r tmildinp loU. The above prertT i one of the mom I Fil It A IH.K In Ihi part of ihe countrr, nl will be ii rej- r.1 in Viim Irr the eomi.let ion of the omlm- piatl Kail litid to ihw place. lroo in tereMel in wkIi protriT. are intitedto call on, or addre tbc subarnler. JXO. A.BRAIIRIIAW. SaliJHirrj N. C. April IS, i672.-31.if. I. m mm Assignee's . Sale OF $4000 to S6000 WOHTH OF UL aWL 4 IVKr-l, ta)arIl atpWieakf tbo STOCK OP GOOD TbuhuK k e.iirfrt.cf a fTDrra amwtmefct Jimt lLa iRToat l to eWinoeererr Merchant and Tradi-r. are re.teetfallr invi ted and rapu to attod IbefWei.1 Term mil U Bl lVe Urn of aJ. o , A-fneif J. W. lUmxJ. Sahbnrr.Apnl lt.l!f7. 3l:t 3IAKE HAY While The SUN SHINES! 1 WOULD respectfully giro notice w the a Uniifru thai 1 aln A ares t fur lb tleLrate4 BUCKEYE Mower and Jlcaper and Sweepstales TH HES11EK, Mannfactured by C. Avltman 1 Co.. C.mB. Ohio, and I mrtfallj rrct.et i!h iu Brj of auy. of either of thei kachlur. Uwll J "'. prt a W. aiTi?fulhn.u,rtiwn. and pnctn. Ttrn an ltya labtirrra and the k!sh prio ' ii r C,ak U,'MP Mach a Bwrmif. Pleam. bring or eud aif j-ior on! r a awea aMft4ble. J.K.JILKKK, 3,:,f ' -nibury.N.C. TRIUMPHANT! UPWAKDS OF FIFTY FIRST VUV ii 1 U M S and Gold and Silcer Mcdds were awarded to Chiles M. Sntrr for the bet Pianos in ce repetition with all the leading tnanafaxtnr ers of the country. Ofilce and If ev Wareroomt, 5. f X. Userly U., ULUIOlt, ni The 8ti ff lianw cuuiain all Um laU-t iui roTement to W found in a firtelaaa lia. with additional improrruiruta of hi n iu rention. not to be ftuud in tb-r introiu-tiU. The Uue, tout h and linih of tbrir b4ru iiieut cannot be ntellrd by any wait a fart ur etl. A lare airUii-Lt f Mi-nbd-LaJid Piatna . l ai on baud, from to f;ai. I'irlor and t'hawh Orjr..n-. pome t went r dif-' j r. rei.t fi !e ou hand Tioiu Kaud upward, j SmiiI r..r Ulutratnl Cut a !.,?. nKiUiniui; j n:iu-- of nver twelve hundred Southerner hl'ae huit.ln-,1 f which are Virginian, l ' hundred Xi.rih ( .n.n.ijr, t,r hundred and , liltv Ka-l TVnu--aii and olLer lhruahiil the South), v. ho hate Umnht Uir StielT 1'iatio , ille the .if tLe ar. i J Al.l.hN UHOWN. Arnt. I -itOt Salisbury. N. ('. CE. TI I K ui.Jrr-ipnct hen In- rirea notice of bU , appointrnenl A-ifnee of John W. hitlinc ; il the ixMii.ir of !: n, and h4ie of Nona t arol ina, win h l-en adjttdrd a baakrn4 t.n HiiM, lr llir 1 h-irkt Court of ilie l i ii.-d Suiw, fr the Caj Kear IKrtrictof ' North CmiTiia. J. K. IH KK II AMee. Ji ! FURNITURE! J. A. CLODFELTER & CO. yiummfnrtmrtri mmi lttlmm im fmrmitrrr. IxviTK attention to tluir stock f Cttne IV-adjctt-ad, Cut taeCltauilKr Suit, riaiiit-t-J Clutrnlier 8uit, jbrruch uit. Walnut aud painted Cane Seat CLair. Iti-Liti? hair of all description. LiteaiB IMuii:! TaMem- -utile of all kind Ward r4-.. r.urrank. Vahtaod. Wbal.NuU, HitUrNri, Siifa. l.'it taii ii ("hair ami lar!r Seta. Jll. l.'u-iie Vin.J Miiole. a aovelty fr eoisjdeU ni'. lieuul v. elieapnei and durability. Al-o. iii.iuv other arlu-!e which we are prrparrd ! ell .i- el iuji or rbeajier tkati anj: Hotiaein the wetern jirt if the Mate X. m . ,i i ... . m i -1 If A full aw-Hlincntof fcwewoow, Met.lio iril V;ih;:M r.urial Ca4-. wLUb tan be lr- ; ii-hi-d at .ll.t.iire not ire. le ure tn i M. nearl v jw.Ute the Manio ' Hotel, next A't Iwlnw tlir Kipreiii otSee. e our it-k atil hearwur prite. I Sj.vul order- (uiAde from pbotograpb ia tiur i-Ci e) w ill W ujjjlietL aiio:J;.'.,in DO YOU LOVE ME. VNKWaad boaina; rfuwe, with iirnl varietT f other eitra-U fur the handker chief, iiK-lmiinc all Ic'umI if toilret artk lea, al C. 11. I'.AKKKK AlXfii thng Store. DO jod wih to rrjor a iod -ntoka 1 Tb-n trr ioiue f the jeamfca llaraaa C4ax ijurt nt eired a I . 1. li.ua.r.u . .v a 'i5 t-v-. Vl 1 1 TANNKIiS Oil, MaW aoJ tM 1 Trnnn Machine il i low rict at ! c. Ii. P..UIK EK A errs lmt f iw.. Mercbanu aod the xm t'K 'ViTH J.Y nil tk atuetxa gwtemll lo our well aclected rtock of Drug, CiemicaU, raints, Oils, Varniilcs, Pmfhes, Dye Stvft, Jmuijj, Imvp Fixtures, d "., ft- 1 i I.I. ;XllS warrantid. wire. frb awJ frnnioo, atid ji'kt to uil the line I." All order prcropilj atleinird to. , care aid attention giew to our enpuo artuirnl. f C. IL R.MtKKH A C lncrt. - j (Soccew;f io Jiii. 11. H !-. r if ALL K1SDS oj COUKT ASDX.I ' t trl t TIC Iff A V I" C mt 111 ..'t ASSIGNEE'S NOT ft i . I - ' ; I f ; . , i i. : ! i ' : i j i : " h . . i. . ', m :. I ' ; . . f i i . i i

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