QLofoiiim lUatclimnn X.OCA1 A1TO STATU ITEMS Campaign Rates. , I 1 . .r A mswW a? at a-i 4 Tke CABOLI.na waiou.ha m K4,t l sny ad Jress, in clubs or singly, froas lliirtiiM -VoT,,lUer neEt for" tuU w arfca.-jcireuUte (he documents ,odow toar clubs. j , . TOWN MEETING-SATURDAY I NMfJHT. , til- Jitinr of citizens called to be field a i --- a i .t !t fert Mouse, Saturday last, was pretty wlell attended was prenUei over Lr ilajJ W. M. Uobhins, and widwcaw. iltar oflaspcrWef. The w rubers -of it, iiiout exceptwn, secured telwM were -liens as 1ne , th welcar of ih Towt."! Afurdtte "tfelibcrariou tte west ing proceeded i '! Wlot r candidate for Jnleiidatrtaird O""" wijie" re" uhtd as Wlowib ' for Iniettieinl, T.G;iiAix;inxN , I j For Cetnmissioners. ! jVortfc nwj-JoLu I. Saaver, Jliu I'Vstcr. V i Eusl HW-Jolin II. Yerble, John A. .SW Horf.it.Rebert Murphy, McCubbins. I ': UVfMran--Tho8. K. Brown, Itruner. ! J. 'We Mass' Heeling. lliio Bible mass m ettur held at i fine iiamist cburch on SuhiUv aficrufwirij under the auspices of . B. . a v! i a tey Mice county Diuie Society t was BI'K()l4 NOTICES. 'A j.s. j.j ; ' ! ; For School Committee, 'Ti.lm 1, Shaver. !Ur. J.J. Sutnmcrell and ai'.icakyj I i Front tlte Greensboro' Patriot. THKSRKiNSliORO' OJSVENT103L The fyjiifeiiUon aiweiubled in the Vjgxmi : J Schick, and was called toorder by D.M. Uar- i iiigit.1 Ilou. Tho. C r uller appointed tewpo AryWirniaii.L '! . . 1 Jbuderton. Iondon and other appointed Sec . rot arte. : I Air. Fuller addressed the Convention. ' On aiod'oa, a committee of two wan ajtpoint ed on jicriiiaiit'tit nr:nlitka. j UI1 of counlie railed. . , AliaJT,(.jr,.'leavelJ, (rritvci,' iatw, jl'ulk and Traimvlvatiia tutl rermUed. j On BibUoif tlie i'reM ereiviied to neatii in jllir ( viiytiUiw. I . J I jgltty'Hix i-oiiiitie rejreteJ, m motion, jj Ion. Hainuel Oarjr, of Ohio, vu invited to a iiM'At upon the jdatAjriu. i KaitHoui utiaiaini'tfwJy elected to a neat . iimiii the )latforin. tJtu. (lintHiaa called addressed the : 'uventon mi farf wnttinj; all the oppoi hi IttAicnliMm. t. VaMA van called on, made a fw re-;- inarktt, deeliouig to niaka a ieech at thi vtage , of the (iruceedinga. Coiriinittee m jtermanent orrnication. lt.i lMlriet. ilajor T.Sjmrrow and Col. Dill !.jirler, :' 'i :.. 2d, H. II. Ilauliton, L. W. IIuniphrevH. "rd. J. Knghhart, A. IV. McKeathan." Iih. W. K. fot, II. I. Williams. J. M. Worth, Y.i'. Ilobbiiif. W. J. YhUk, I. b T. McCaok v. It. 1'. Arinlitdd, John S. llcndeifuin. 1). Coleman. WirftarTate. Moved theConveiitioiJ take urecow till 3 p. in. j '' i WltUNaiAV Kvenimj, 3 i: m. Vinvriilioo 1 rf-nuHinblvd. U-i:irton trut.iiKiit organizulioii For l'rivident, llun. John Kt-rr, of Canwell. 11 Vic rident T. J. JarvU, of Tyrcll. I'd. Wfli. )tobiton, of Wayne. .'M. Ir. C. K Murphy, of Sampaon. Iih. Cpt.; J(ogtjr Oregory, if tiranville. riili. Col. Jno. A-'ilnir, of Oiiilford. 'lh. Col. John. 2i Krown, of Mecklenburg. .Till. W. V. LiJic, Yadkin. 8t.li. J. J. Iwih,of linrke. T4IIE TRUE GROUNDS OF CONFIDENCE. i Wbenee cocae that firtu reliance, that abso lute, d(Mibtuig faith in the eilicacr of Ilestet tera Stomach Ditteri as a remiedjr for iodigea iion. hillioua d'uwrders intermittent and remit tent fevers, which aotorioualjf prevail in all parts oUbe L; iiited. Mate 7 lam confidence as been growing A twenty years, and it ia still xtediag. It L not the resuU of credulity ; it kM uoi been engendered by auy Iiuman device, aui is the KnUneoua and natural comeuetioe if experience. ' What people aee dailv going on nder their own eyes they eatmt ouertioo. When families in uiiheallhy dbitricUtLatreoort to thw wholertome fivegetablo'r touic, an a pre- L.? .S r r l ... Tcnuve, eacape penouicaj leverR, imi unmr ini- meuiate neighboriL who tiegteut thin icecaution. are pro.tratefl by the diiteaie, Low i it possible that the phenomenoli kuouju be viutoot its lea HOn? In like inauiier' wliea it Li &en that ob stinate canen of dyspepsia, or liver coniplaint,of conntipation, of uervon weatnea, aiHl of geu- erni debility, vicld la tuo operation of tue fa- moiiH remedy, liow can eccn incredulity lUelf withhold its eodorketaeMt ? Kse-witnewes of the salutary euectAof tie bitter are to be found in every civilized settlement on Uiia continent. The thousand upon thwandM who own their restoratKMi to Ltealtu and fitrenxtli, or their pre servation from tictnenH, to iu extrrordinary medical proertiea, are enthusiastic in its prawe. The multitudes wlto recommend it in a neigh borly way to their frteudi and acqiiaintancea, as well a4 Ikofle vho make public their estimate of its virtneis are always ready to state their reason Utt the-faitu; that n i in them. Thev ItHve all either felt or witiied U beneficent ojwfTaiiona. ' j AMERICAN LIFE INSURANCE CO. DF PHILA.. S. E. Corner Fourth and Walnut Streets. ORGANIZED 1850. , CHARTER Perpetual. Assetts, $3,638,864.88. GEORGE HILL, President, JWIN S. WILSOX, Secretary. " BOAED OF TRUSTEES. HON. A. G. CA'ITELL, HENRY K. 1JKNNETT, JNO. WAUNAMAKEK. ' i ALEXANDER WHILDEN. HoK. J AS. POLLOCK, L EDGAR THOMPSON,! GEO. NUGENT, rf? ALBERT C. ROBERT.-5, PHILIP B. MINGLE, ISAAC 11AZLEHURST, L. M. WHILLDEN, GEO. V HILL, JAS. L. CLAGHORN, Issues all -forms pf Life and Endowment Policies, LOWEST RATES POSSIBLE. j ALL POLICIES N0N-FOUFE1TABLE. TlUEi AMERICAN hax leen in active operation for nearly a anartct'nf a ecu turn, has been X goveriu'1 and eoiitrulltd by eentlenieu diatinguir-bed for their btaduesa experience' and commercial probity, and ha bweii eminently pqeeesufnl. -' ; r. 1 -it ba met Us obligations vritBsitrnui i romptnenH, and in a most nigral fptnr. . . f- Atnonr it injuring loufnibers, the Company has the honor or numbering many of the most eminent and leading men, in all professions andaclasxea, throughout North Carolina. . Reliable Aeeut wanted, wLo should apply by letter oi in person to ... 7 I UEV. L. F.WAT. GenVAjrent. , '!,! ! " t Sutwville, N. C. Or to Col. St. Clair Dkaeikg, Supt Agent. Wilmington, N. C. Lmay.i::W:ly THE WORK 1RG FIRM. E BEG our many friemb tbat we are now in n t ript of a verv TsiluLle and ecled stock, of new ! EAVE TO INFORM e now ell e THE TREMAINE . THE AOVAHCE . Piano Tories Mow & Reaper. no.kuir them in a--, 'Z :h. 'Ilk 7h. th. Bnrnett' Plavoring- extracts. The uieiicity of theie extract consist in their ptrfcet purity and; great strength. , They are warranted free froih "poisonous oila and acids. Joseph Burnett &' Co Boston, Manufacturers and l'roprietors. For sale by all grocers and druggists, j I nature Gives us Teeth, but she does not preserve anlTpurify thein. That mustbe done with fragrant; Sozodout. 1 The dental hone and its enamel casing are made invulnerable to all destructive influence by the daily, use of this beneficent preparation. j ! What every XZorseman wants A good cheap and reliable Liniiftent. Huch an ar ticle is Dr. Tobias' Horse Linoment. 1'inl bottles jit one dollar. For Lameness, L'uts, Galls, Collie, Sprains, &c.. warranted tatted than anv other. Sold by the Druggists. Depot 10 l'ark Place, pew lora i - j i ! Dipsomania 1a an insane thirst for intoxi cating liqilors. llabitual drain-drinking pro duces it. Yet each AlcohoHe Bitter vender re commends that a dram of his rum and root juice be taken thrice a day, to prevent sickness ! For all bodily ailment.-, and as a protection pgainst the causes jbf disease, jtltc that all suf ficient antidote, Dr. W ai.kk& s lNEoan Bit teio the pure essence of r;re medical herbs unpolluted by distilled poison. Svaptlia is Opium purified of its sickening jind poisonous nilonerties, discovered hv Dr. District Convention. The District j Convention of the Demo cratic Conservative Party of the 7lh Con greesional District will meet at Wilkes boro' on Thursday tue 23 J day of May, 1872. I By order iof the Committee." ij jIjRF. Armtikld, Clim'n. Charlotte j Stntesville, Salem, Greens boro and Raleigh papers please copy. JUSTICE DONE AtTaST. By a yottf of forty-two to ten, says the" AVahingtouj iWrW, the Senate decided that Abbott! was not entitled to the va cant seat from North Carolina, and then, this c4rjet-baggr being disposed ol, Gen. Ransom was admitted. This is a very tardy act of justice, and the cisc should not be suffered to drop out of sight. It ia indeed a piost flagitious proceeding. It is now laortHlniu u V'ar that North Cars oliua has been denied her rightful repre sentation ort the floor of the senate, and thia, notoriously, because she did not elect a republican. There is nothing new what ever about Abbott's case. It was a uaked and well Understood fraud at the very begir.niug rsay on the 4ih of March, 1S61 when, after having received only one-third of the Vote's cast by the Legis lature, ! he had the assurance to present hiiuself t the bar of the sen ile, anil claim MAIiKIED : In this city, at St. John's Ev. Lutheran Church, on'the 2.5th ult.. bv Rev. J. O. Neikkku, 3lr. Davul R. Julian, aud Mis? Bet tie Culverhouse. .SPRIPJC AND ' Summer Goods. direet from tho Eastern Cities. sleetd with great cate by an old experienced bayer. Our, Stock Consists of Dry Goodfi Groceries. Hals, Cap and Strate UooiU. liooti ami Shoe. Sole ami I -per Isuthrr. i'aiwfs. Oil, nml Dye Stuff". Xotion of all Kind. CIIOCKEKY d Ql'KEXSWAitE. dc. And the very bett FULL ataudard ANCHOR BOLTING Coths.' . OUR expeuses are light h we do all onr own work, and we rnu afford t sell GimmI cheap, aud we are deteriniuei to do it. Call and see us at the old aud well kuowu staud ..f Xo. lMURPIIY'S Granite Itov, . SALISBURY, N. C. CF" We buy all kinds of Country Pro duce, ami are Agents for th best French Jlurr Mill Stone. McOUBBINS & CO. J. Sam'l Mt-'CuBmx8, T. l. Bealu John D. Gakkii.l, 1). R. Julias. March. 29, 1872. lin-i. )Pw 'J mil a&4 by the Firit Sfica1 Talent, to be eqaal and In maoy repei i, ! f Superior to any SSanniac tared : i ii Tltey rombi me Immense Poirer, Equality &Keetess ana lirilUancy of Tune, j Elasikitjf of Touch, and I - GVraf Durability. 1!1 Bigelow, Professor? of Iiutan1, Detroit Medical Cdlege. A nWt perfect amslvne and soothing like the fpurioua Tichborne, to be light opiate. John Farr, Chemist Kew York. fuj htir to tiis high tmst. It was qnitt Socretaritti PJ F. DuflV, of Oiiilford. heri of Caldwell. II. II. liomlon. jr. of Chatham. W. W.Oalth. lr. II. E.;T. Manning, Halifax. Natt Atkiiiwon, bf Buneoiube. The rules of the last House of Representa tive to govern tli Convention. tinv.jN'ane moved that acoinnitUec of eight, irie from each Coitgressionil District, to pre pare and present to' the ni.xt meeting of the t'onvfiition. a platform for the Convention. Amended by increasing the number to two from each Congressional District. llesolved to vote in Convention according to strength iu the House of Representatives. ; Resolved to ballot for Governor, j.. Nominations jst. A. S. Merriiuon. 2id. D. M. Barf inger. "nl. Jas. M. 1-aCh. 'nnvt ntion tKtk a recess of 10 niiuutes. Hon. A. 8. Meirimou was nominated ou the U ihnllot for Governor. Whole n urn berj of votes 10S. Merrinion 70, Iach 26, Barringer I'J. On motion, the noniiiiatioti of A. S. Merri nion was made unanimous. tnimotiou, the Convention adioumcd until to-morrow at 1) aj m. '.Cbiumitiee onj Platform. 1st District. T. Sparrow, T- J. Jarvis. L'ud. 1 W. Iliinipkrey, Jno. II. llorton. jnl. A. A. McCoy, T. C. Fuller, ih. D. M. Barriiiiger, Jno. Manning. , th. John II. l)illatd, .VM. Sales.' ' V tyH ' Johnj T. Jloke, J, F. Brown. '.. Col, 11 F. Armfield. 8ljr. C ACilly, Tt L. Clingnian. KPNA Y SCHOOL U)N VEXTIONj The Sunday School Convention of the N. C. (rvnee will hold its Rnrraal Session atSalis hury, May 9th tit the M. E. Church. Tbt buitiness session of this body will lie held Ton Thursday ami Fridav, the 9lh and 10th inst. jThe pnlirc isintitiHl to attend. ' On Thitrsilay night there will be public wor- 'P at " l o'eloelc. On Friday night there will 'h a, Mimical Entertainment given by the Meth shst Sunday School, and three short addresses, j 'ri' UU will ring at 7 o'clock, and the excreis I will begin at7j o'clock. The entertainment is ! frc--Il are invile.1 to attend. On Saturday tnirning the Sabbath Sohools of difterent denominations in the Citr. will "wrt t their rjpeitive churches to form and arch to the Methodist church ; at 19 o'clocfc una a ItrhcmiHiJm nn.l n...rl. i .l. T..... ii. n Carbolic Salve, recommended by the leading l'hysiciana and thej President of the Now York Board fef Ilealtli, as the most won derful Healing compound ever known. Gives instant relief to bilrjis, cures jill- kinds of sores, cuts and wounds; land a mosj; invaluable salve ("or all purjMises. Sbld everywhere at 25 cents. John F. Henry, sole Proprieties College Place, New York, i Christadoro's XZair JDye is the safest and best. It corrects the bad effects of inferior dves. while the black or brown tints St nrotluces are identical to nature. Factory 08 Maiden Lane, New York.j j "T Pratt'S Astral OiL-Safest and best il luminating Oil ever made. jDoea not take fire or explode, if the lamp is upset or broken. Over 150,000 families continue to use it, and no accidents of anv description Jinveoccurred from it. Oil House of Charles Pratt established 1770, New York. t j ! The Purest and Sweetest Cod Liver Oil in the world is Hazzard & Caswell's, made on the sea-shore, from freih selected livers, by Caswell, Hazard & Co., New York. Ii is absolutely pure Hud sweet. Patients who have once taken it prefer it to all others. Physicians have decided it superior to any of the other oils in the mar ket. : i . i Jouvin's Inodorous Kid Glove Cleaner.re stores soiled glove equal toj new. For sale by Druggists and Faocv (mkhIs Dealers. Priced cents per bottle, J?. C. Wells & Co., New York. 1 XUsley's Philotoken is an established, Warranted remedy ftr Painful Menstruation; and equally efficient Ah a Nervous Antidote in all cases of Nervous Incitement, Stomach and Sleeplessness in ihale or female. Sold every where for ?1.00 -lHttIe. -Morgan & RLsley, Pruggist, New 'lrk, General Agents. ! A laallifal Ajfpe arai.ee land a Beautiful, Clear Complexion is the desKire of evervbodv. This elfi-ct is produced by using G. XV. Laird's 'jBlooin of Youth," a harmiess beautifier of the skin. Will remove all Discoloration, Tan, Freckles and Sunburns. The use of this de lightful toilet preparation cannot be detected. For sale by all the Druggist! and Fani?y Goods Dealers, Depot, o Gold St Ccw York. Mr. MlBfltw's Saaiklag Synp It relieves the little Btifferer j'froin pain cures Wind Colic, liegnlates the Sioinach ami Bowels, Corrects Acidity, and during the process of teething it is Invaluable. Perfectly safe in all cases, as mil lions of mothers pan testifv.! j i li ! Clkiigymejt, Bankers, Book-keepers, Editors anp rll others that lead sedentrry lives, "will find mtieli relief from tire frequent Headaches, Nervousness, Tud Constipation engendered irom want ol exefcise, by taking Simmon's Liv ?r Regulator. H is a harmless vegetable cora ihiuihI ; if can dd no injury f and numbers who have tried it will confidently assert that it ia the best remedy that can ba used. ! NOTICE TO THE LADIES. quite easy ta .Have adjudicated bis case in a week after ;lhc senate then met, even if business was delayed. That body sat for months, and had plenty of leisure in the spring of 1861 to acton a question which was indisputably of the higlie.it privilege. Yt-t they permitted all that session to pass without action, and they have al lowed nearly five mouths of the session to pass without According representation to North Carolina. This business of dis honestly denying a scat to a democratic state, aud hunting up a pretext for fraudu lently appropriating it to an impudent paitaiari of their faction, is but a part ol a general system of morality of which the country is ; weary, and deserves, as it has receivrd, almost universal condemnation. It is, however, cause for congratulation that the Old North Stale has had justice dune her at last, and that the geuth-mau For the Carolina Watchman. A FEW WORDS TO OUR YOUNG MEN. In the late struggle for national life North Carolina went in with her whole heart and soul and lost her all. Thousands of her best and bravest sons have each found a soldier's grave. Her wealth is gone, her slaves are gone and her government is lorn down. Seeing this state of affairs, hundreds of her citizens, especially her young men are daily leaving for Texas, Arkansas, Missouri, and oth er South-western Slates. This is the saddest scene of all. To see tlnwe whom North Caroli na sheltered and prelected in her prosperity for sake her in her adversity. Let this at once be stopped, j Let every one do what he can to bring our dear old State out of this condition. Let us le united and work together. I t every one con tribute what lie can to Agricultural and Lit era ry paers. If this is done we may soon see N Carolina wealthy again. She will then lie the same hospitable State, ever ready to regard the sufferers eall, and to sustain good society. The darkest hour of the night always precede the dawn. Let us then hope that that'dark hour is past, and that there awaits ns in the future, a bright, rcsplenuaiit dawn, the past ten years have been a dark hour indeed, but we must re member the words of 1 oper : ' If the morning of life has its mantle of gray Its noon will be brighter and brighter, If March has its storms, ther'll be sunshine in .May And light out of darkness is lighter." rrl flit . . A inen, young men, i call upon yon in tne name ot all you hold sacred, not to leave your native State. Texan soil mav be fertile, and her people kind, but that should not Induce you to leave the home of your boy-hood, around wind spot so mtuiv hallowed memories cluster, a gen erous people aud good land, to launch off' in the world in search of better. North Carolina is rich in minerals, her soil is fertile, and her people as industrious, generous, i . ..i'.:. i: : .i i i 'i-i i. iiiu liin-uuuuii ii .1 ll in 1 1 IV noiiu. 1 1ICII not desert her in this hour of need. HAWTHORN Accident at the DepoL Yesterday af ternoon, whiU a dray belonging to Mr Allen Crns was receiviirg a load of ice from a car, an engine and train of box cars came into tho yard and rati ovr the horses, killing one instantly and breaking the back of the other, winch will die. J h wagon and ic wore entirely destroyed ; several ot the cars were injured and en gine thrown from tht track. No one, i however, was hurt, the driver jumping off S. W. TERRELL, Auction and Commission AND j DEALER IN i GENERAL MERCHANDISE, Staple, Dry Goods, Shoes, Hats, Confectioneries, Croclery and Glass Ware, ami Produce GENERALLY. SHALL keep a snpplv of provisions as good as the market can afford, aud at prices to suit the times : Beef, Pork, Fresh and Salt Fish, Butter. Eggs, Chickens, Cabbage, Bacon, Lard, Salt. Flour and Meal, Sugar, Coffee, Molasses. Syrnp and a variety of such Goods, Generally kept in a Family Grocery, constant ly ou baud. Will buy all kind of Country produce at mar ket prices. Cash paid for Rags and Bones. Gkh1s of any kind bought or sold at Auction or on com mission and prompt returns made. Give me atrial; one door above It. A. Caldwell's Law office on Inniss street. S. AW TERKELL. PLOWS fPLOWS ! ! The fanners are especially invited tocallam; examine, the latest improved cultivator, or Dealers, Teachers and others deiridg to porcha a first-class instrument are "t 1; invited to eraauo these Piano be for matin he ir selection eUewbertw PATENT AGRAFFE TREBLE, Together with all modern iiuproveuieuls. The most thoroughly seasoned timber the market af fords is selected, regard leu of cost, as w feel ; j) asaured it will be the cheapest In tha end. X The great. iucntAJte ia the sal of oar instrn meats, has enabled as to reduce oir prices for First Class Piano, from tea to twrst jr-Cve pr t cent, less than any pother bonse (offering the same clam of iuslruweLU) in the United States. A While we act npoa themaxiai of "quick salen and small profits". we make it, at th tarns time, a special ljeet to furnish oar coftomer with Instruments ia no way inferior to the beet in the market. Many families hare had a le ice to t btin a Piano, but Coutd not afford to pay rLe dealer a profit of from $100 to $30. neitLerdotL'y wUb to purchase a cheap tuada instrument, that would cost more to' keep ia repair than it i worth, hence a largo class of our music loving people have been obliged to do without. We can furnUh New Seven-Octave Piano i Fortes from 275 to 950 dollars. Second baud Pianos trom 40 to 230 dollars. IV Parlies ordering by mail may rtlr nisui the best selections. ! Our Pianos are fully warranted for mi years all parts of the ColtOIl Plow, SOl-TII. It isn -1 ' . . . . . . i nun auuiuicu i ma Biai , lias uuiuv inui- , j . . . ,. . . ... ' , dray just iu time to save himself. of admission, brings to the discharge of .11. . .1 11 uie. auties oi ins new position tnose eie- GoV. KM and famiiyare expected nieiiis ui euuaiaiiiiHi worm, mgn cunrnc- ; Char. Despatch. e III n ilav tr twn ll id ll iiiIith tiinil ter, and commanding abiliiica that will j to be ti,e (jovernor's intention to resume enable lnm to represent Ins state, so long debarred from her just rights, worthily and well, and also to discharge pi a fitting aud acceptable manner all the responsible duties that may devolve upon him us a Sen ator of the United State. Hal. Sentinel. the editorial harness, and it is more than likely thai his friends ! will hear from him. Sen Unci. (! meet the SehooU from other places and aft eierciaca, sinctng and addresses, will man W llcndersona Grove to spend the day. er rch r 1 i ong the many useful inventions produced i Nineteenth Ccnturv none occupies a more Anion i . ' py me lneteeniu Century none occupies a more prominent position than that of the Sewing Ma chine. The cheerful hum of these tireless little hclpniiltes of ou if mothers apd wives may. now be heard in almost every house in the land. They are made in endless variety and one is al most at a loss to Choose when there-are so many of decided merit! One of (he latest and . most improved is the Emfikk, nianufactured bv the Empibk SkwisQ MAciuxfc Co.. 294 Bowerv. ! N. Y'., tpettti, noUclet and durable i and we can STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, Ojpec Superintendent Public Instruction. Ralkiuii, April loth, 1S72. To Teachcrt of 'Public and Private School in X. (Jcuvlina. I beg leave most respectfully to call .your atten tion to the provisions made lor Normal Instruc tion by the revised School Law. If twenty or more Teachers shall organize an Association, and hold a Teachers' Institute of four weeks, under efficient and competent in instruction, at any lime during the year, and re port to the Superintendent of Public Instruction, thei Association Will receive fifty dollars from the Slate Shool funds, and fifty dollars from the Pea body Fducatioual fund. The Teachers of Public and Private Schools are thus appealed to by the State and by the generous offer of Dr. Sears, the general agent of the. Pea body Educa tional hind, lo do something tor their profession. Teaching ij a progressive science. The best Teacher may be benefitted by an occasional contact With the thoughts aud modes of others. Joseph Price, a lad of 17 years of age, son of lire late Alfred Price, accidentally fell from a boat at Wilmington ou Friday evening and was drowned. At last ac counts the body had not been recovered. Perscadion. Charles T. Alexander, of Lincoln, loimerly of Mecklenburg, was arretted two weeks ago under the villain ous Kit Klux bill, taken to- Lineolnton and kept two days and nights in j.iil. What redress haa he for this unlawful arrest I South. Home. Keep the Hair Unblemished. "I am like au old hemlock withered at the top," said a venerable Indian Chief, -pointing to his thin and bleaching lix.ks. Thousands of men and women in civilized society, much younger than the old Sagamore, arc like him, 'withered at the top,' simply because they-have neglected to use the means of reserving and beautifying the hair which science had placed at their dis posal. If Lyon's Kathaikos be faithfully an- But there is a much higher advantage to be ! P1'1 ,lcij or lwite a da.vr lo the fibers and the sought fhan : Individual improvement. There ' MalVt 11 jusf asimpossiblelhat the hair should is wanting in the State an organized bodv of I decay, wither, fall out or become harsh and fuz men, cliarged with the dutv of developing in z-v ,,,"t meadow, duly refreshed with night the public mind a proper estimate of the value '-v lewa nd "'il rains, should become arid and true theorr iof pnLir education. 1 f the . and barreu of green blades. This matchless pre Teacherg in tlie'State were organized into active, : paraticu not only ket js the hair alive anl the working ; Associations, unitetl bv a common in- , kin of the head ir. a healthy and clean condition, terest, moved bv a common purjW, and aiming hut actually multiplies the filaments and imparts at a common end, the condition of the State i to them a lustre, flexibility and wavy beauty would be Changed. As soon as the public mind ! unattainable by any other mode of treatment, accepts the truth, which must be accepted sooner ! Il doB not. ,ike the metalie and sulphurous hair or later, that Free Public Schools are better than known as moM a.m muiji. ii is n very Mpnlur plow in the Eastern Counties. It has extra attachments, and can be converted into a Subsoil plow, a turning plow, and adapted for ploughing young corn imd cotton at differ ent ages, ('in plouch out the middle with one furrow, or two, if you choose. It i adapted to any kii d of farm work.turningover land, plow ing in grain, lc. Also a Good two horse plow, known as "Tar Heel." These plows will 1m wild at Manufacturers. prices, and satisfaction guaranteed. Points and Burs, will be kept on hand for sale by S. W. TEN It ELL. "WEED" SEWING MACHINE. I ha 1-. taken tno agiMicv in raiisonrv tor 1 the Sale of these pppular Machines. All in want of a first ealss S wing Machine, are in vited to call tit my Store and examine them, or if desired, will be sent to their residence for tiial. The "Weed" is uncqu.'ilcd in simplicity duranilitv, lieuuty ar.d sjm k. it runs easirr and can do all a.iv other Machine can do No other Machine can exoell the Weed in anv war and I am ready to test its merits, with sm other machine at any time. It is a Shuttle Machine and makes the Iiock Stich; works both threads the same, and stich alike on eith ersiJe. Bead the following home testimonies. S. W . TEUKELL, Joint. Salisui uv, March 5J5, lt72. MH S. W. TbRUKLL, Jif't " ll'red $ irifj Machine. Your Maehy.p Iwing entirely new and un known in this portion of the State.it affords me pleasuassto recommend it to the pjblip. I have had in my room for'i weeks, the Howe. Anier ican Combination and the "Weed" and gave them all. a fair, impartial trial 1 now say unhesitatingly, I prefer the "Weed" to any other, it runs easier, more siin le in mechan ism, and durability and can do ail any other machine can do. I think its simplicity of const ruction, ease of management, adaption to every kind of fami ly sewing combined, render it a first class Ma chine. Respectfully. Mrs. X. D. HARRIS. Descriptive Circulars sent ti ountry upon upplieatiou. C. M. Tremaine & Brother, MANUFACTURERS, 435 Broome Street, Hew York. tXL'FACTrrtED BY THE IWviJer Manafctreg Oh. B4KUr. N. J.; has the feariaje (or cog iU) all laaa iroi ease, x m u exrlodW all frit.dirt. iU. Contains many new and valaaVlt) festnrea which do not exit ia others. Work wB on smoi4h or stoney land and Is not tkUeto get tnt l .rder. . 1 ersons iiitndin( to boy mowers anl l'eiera, this suiuwter. wvnhi b ell to amine the A1DVANOB, before Hirchaia 4mv here. An agut wanted m every eonrtj in tbe State. Setod Ux illuatrated dreabara to C. A. 1IECE. OenT Stat Agt. lorN.C Friedborir. KorsTth Co.. N. C W. 1 K 1ST LEU. h'aUsbary. N. d mar. gC. .Tui) Afetitlwr RovaaiJa. R R R Radway's Beady Eeliel Cares Ike wors paics ia from Tu 1W1ITT MIltTiA Tfot one br after rewdicg Ibia advert Lm su mt need any onefit-r with PAIN. RADWa Y"8 RILaDY. RELIEF is a cure Ur t try pain, ll w as Lb rt anJ .Dfy I'aiu Kemetlj that llo tBblly Step It SMMt enruciatiug paibp, aJtajs InisiratWba, aa4 cures Confer Uti, w hell er of lie latigs, atoav acb. Bowels ur olh r (laiids or Mgaba hj OM application, iu fn in i tr to tvtbty B.ikUios.n uiatler how v ioIeLt or exctueiatirg tie Mia Rheumatic, Bed riddt n, Ufiim, Crif pWd, Aer vus, Neuraicit- or i ntrted with dea juoy suffer. RADWA Y ! BEADY E ELI Er will afford instant ae. iKjiumulivi, of lie KiJmtft Imammitim CJ tht JHoidtT, Iatmdti vf the lUrel$, CVvfettioa 0 tat Lea fa. Sort Throat, Ihflcult htatin0j. 1'dpitaLiru f (It Btmrt, UyKteric. croup, Jtiplhtita, Culmrrk, hfnrnm, Jlcadatke, TvUkacle, Scvrvlgim. JUnmetitm. (Jd (tab, Agt CI Hit. The application of the Tear) Eetirft the part orjMuta w here lb pain or diCcaUj exkU w ill afford ease and comfort. Twenty dn-p In a halfa t ambler of water will in af- nu-iiiettn ctre cramp, nmsms, mmr U,mtteU. ktarlbnrm, ck k tad arte, diarrk4. y-rnfc rf. iir, trikd in tic tiTtU, al D ts trrmal iims. Travelers sitould at ays -carry a bottla of l.'ndways Radr Helier with them. A few drops in water will prevent ak-kcesaor fairs rmm change of water. It ia better than Frenck Brandy or bitters as a stknnlanL Fever andArne, Fever aud Agv.e cun-d tor LP.j cis. There U nvt a remedial ngri.t in this world that will cure Fi ver and A true and all oOver Malaoooa, l;i i.u, S. -arlel.Tj plMil, YelUsw a iLotier Tt er (jkIiiI l l:il0uy' IIJ) so qnicb as "Bad w.i Beady Beln-1." Fift cevta yr let lie. o- THE BURDETT Gomljination ORGAN. ( With Carpenter and llurdctt's Xcic Improvements.) The disagreeable reedy toue entirely oer come in thi instrument. The Ttrdirl it Inai'tmeni! t The Crralrvl Sotrruaflhe Irt!! And cordially incite the pnfeion, dealer and the mutical tro'rld generally lo examine this truly Ktndcrfui instrument. HEALTH! BEAUTY 1 ! Stmvp ard pure rich Phvwl Increase of 1 lesh and W1 Clear Skin d Beau tiful Cnnjdexinn secured to all. Z)XL. HAD WAT ft Sarvnpnrilllan liesolvent Has made the utot attonishing Ctrrrtt s quick, io rapid arc the changes ike body uhdrtijcex, under the influence ot this truly Wonderful Medicine, that EVERY DAY AN 1NCKEA8E IN FLESH AND WEIGHT IS SEEN AND FELT. TIIK CUr AT II LOO D rilliriXa, Kvwry drop of tic Sarraparilliia km If enl j couinjuuii thtoecb the Llood, iVKt, triae m d othe r P.Lid. ar,d j i. i en of tie ryatrna tne tT otlife, for it repaint the wata ot the body I wiib new and Mxmd n.ateria), ivrofnla. ypb j lis, eoiiruuiption, glndalar dieaeet nlctra in j the iLr n. bih. tiin.oT, i4idc in tie (la4la ! M.il other purti' of the rj li ni, aoie eyea, stsnv innrous diM-barp fr m the ears, and the wont lorut of skin Cue uses, rtuptxnj, ft vers, aurwa, i M-ald I.eiMl, rii g woim, i-alt rLtnni, cry al peine, ar be, black fpots, woiui.in the &eb. eancear , iu the wound., ai d all weakening sod raixftl discharges, t if tit eats. los ol jeiw ac ail m.tes ( t lie life Principle, are within the tu nine nu.ee t ibis woi der of Modern Chest 1st rv.and a few dar' use ill crovt to anr Mff U .-aUer 4 ttieoe lorms ol Cu . 4 . . .... I son isJiiur it llio liuraelt uoniuinaiion tinrau - itsi-.u-ut inwoum It Ce patient, daily beciirg redncedhytbS) AiU nane indicates, ! iaprBiii.aaioB Gfallonr a-lf bud 1 om jw-ition that la eontinnalrj Undard itnpruvcB.rnts, con.biued with maay new i prt.gteosiiy, t t e d-in arrrtirgtbeee flilst, reatarea never betora Introdsred or ttt. uij.tfd In 1 and retuir the same wilh Dew material Wiai ueea trj;anB, logeiuer -using miMm ice sr fr,.Ut l.r;iLv bhsH. and ILu tbe BaTMpanUiaa will and docs Mturr a cure it certain; loJ ; VLN, LAitv. (Jen. Cary, met hi nmim n t iiftiT c.i:.t - . . . , ,T........... . a.,SUiiry, Way 1st, ! conscientiously rfecommend parties in aearch o. : Uild we are sorry- to say owiuo- to the ! Mhine to give it an examination before con- ucieniancy pt the weather there were hut Jew to hear him. His Motihl hai e comjiensatcd the most ' ate ladyl fUr; hcr trouble, iwas wor thy of the attention of anv one. The Uinpcrance It-form must, ami will puccecji, it Will never fall while there Chrjatiiii in the laml. lMav n- crown khe labors 6f theV(ieneraK ' "f tour through North Carolina. Wonder if some of those Trinity Hvs hail iilit better get their lessons llc t the girls alone. cludin? to min-Iiase. ! j Agents wanted liberal discounts given. ' ' Ii j mv26:lv- 1 'i i . , : j (jiuite a novelty in the shape of a new style Patent Stem Winding W'ath, that is minting Case or open-faces" combinetfj has been brought out by Stkwart (Skaiiam;&Co., Jewelers, 6 Whitehall Stree, New York, which they sell at the wonderful flow price df $12. Read their advertisement aildpurcha.4 oe If eu want a II a ' I ti -m . reauy goon aicn. .hrtuin weekly en- ta 1. i N K know that for cleaning paint, windows hina and glassware; for pplisbing knives, tin ron, brass and copper wares, and for removing fitains from marble and porceliin, and rust from inachinerv, Lnrtjh Morgan's Sons gapofio is tliebefcttbingin ii.se. -j ; flnui:23 Private ; Schools better for parents, for Chil dren, for Teachers and for the State, School Houses will be found in every neighborhood; Teaching will become an i:idciidcnt, and hon ored profession ; intelligence, industry and thrift will take; the; place of ignorance, pauperism, and crime ; and new life and energy will be diffused through every public and private inter est. TliejTeachers oi the State have it in their power nOw to render a gieat public service and arthe same time to "be a help and ornament unto the profession." Verv. Repect fully, f i AI.EXANDER Mi IYER. i ' SuperintenoYnt Public instruction. a 'l.'. ' i p horse, their reliabSlity ft, erer? awy J&6mo M if S Uu l iX'Tr ,T i 1 :. ! Si Mr. E-sM. iAdhcrhoIdtof Gaston, that the wife of Sam: Mooney (col.) dropped dead at the dinucr table ou Saturday last. Her sister came over to attend tho funeral and dropped dead ion the next night in the same house.- -South. Home. dves, drv up the natural moisture cf the scalp, but supplies nutriment to the roots of the hair and vigor to the fibers. Dr-Saok'sCatakiui Ren kdy. $500 reward for an incurable case. Sold bv druggist, or by mail, CO cents. Address R. V. Pierce, M. D", Buhalo, N. Y. IMPORTANT NOTICE 1AM authorized Agent for the Sale of Jamks C. McAsnnEW's brands of Liquorice Paste. I have just received lo cax-s of tho Brand "P T", and expect to keep a good stock of differ ent brands on hand durii'g the present sea mu. I willwll Lhuork'c &t N. Y. prices, R. R. freight added. Tobacco manufacturers will do well to give ine a call. I also keep constantly on hand a good stock of gcreral merchandise, including Staple, Drv Goods Groceries, Produce, de. R J. HOLMES, Salisbury, March 27. 1 i:5t. NATIONAL HOTEL Salisocky, April JO, lf7 Mr.S. W. Tkufeli., Aft " Wear Soring Machine : T have nsed your Mnehine a suficient length of tinie to test its merits. I can cheerfully re commend it to all iu want of a first class ma chine. It is simple and durable, run easier than any other, is easy to operate on, aud can do all any othrr machine can do. Mrs. M. A. Brisclk. FOR SALE. One entirely new Lhiggy, late style Coal Box liody. One double seat Jersey Wagon, nearly new. Cne sett HutrtTV Harness. Low for cash. S. W. TEUKELL. Apiil 19, lS"i2. Salisbury. April :V:tf. WANT Kll A(iK'TS-lM lo yrt m..B'h r.rry li-r-. M.lr at A VrfA'r, t iMriwIure h -eoulnr Improved 1VT eY m la. r. 1 S W I k Gr 3VXwolxxa.o T' i Hiailiuir will .'ll- h l.m. tell, tue. m a. cwrS, l lli. anl rmhr-.i.l r It. a m4l auprrior a aurr. Tr;cr. nlr f. I'v d ni l war antel fr fiirefr. W wi y 1 1 roil (vr any machine. hlh rife ir lo, (hat alll lr a jtr-.njrr. m rr lUul r - ! e .am th.it nor., ll n akr. the F.LASTIO LOCK PT1 Tit. Ker ecoi d io' caa cut, ani .till Ui rh.ih .an not It ral'eJ la t wltlu.ut l.a lrr It. W pay nli I- Sin ..r rn-iTK, and clp d., r a e amlaaloa ftm hich lake thai amount caa mat. rr elrculart aud tcimf, pp y lu or aIlriai, . MAR'IltLA Co. So. lea aa. u l's . KTW YOKK CUTIO. not be 1m. card or" h heT PrtW Iravelll a ih'o-h the roan'ry palia'e t wathWaa Iron ma fc net B.Ur Itw .am oam or WrUa. Oar ia U e oul (nu uk aud rial y ctuap fcacaia lurtd " ru s CLTa a or la4rumeiiU. and oiie thai haa al ready created a revoliitioa in tl public aiiad in the decided favor of the geiietal ad4kin of Ileed Orgaaa. botk for aecular and sored ui u .ir , w tiere an intrutnent ia required eitker to arrouijaii) lL voict or to prod act orcbcatral rfiti ta. With the rooltitndinoai and uiprisirg rem) irt tiooa Ifaat are contained in thia iiiatrunietit. the ruoat intricate maaie of th jrreat aaaalera." can be rr u dered a on a grand orysa : or the moat simple tnu ic lor the naeiodeoa can be plajed by a child. t All the varinat imiirovenieiits on tht I! unlet t Or gaa are pntecAd by patent, belong exrluairel.r to tlie Coinjianyand can he itsed a no other orao. The present "Dnrdett Organ ba rereited tbe iuoi cordial and hixlicst eneonium from tbe raakinK among the firnt of innsieiaBa and orgaaisU. The Xrtc Y'ri ludrpcntlrmt ay tf the 1ir 1ctt Organ : "'It Is by far the mt perfect reed instrument we have ever seen." The CltriCan leader iny : '-We had no idea tbat a reed instrument could be brought to stu b perfection " ! The Xte )'ork (tlnierrtr sar-.: 'Its purity of voicing, ru-hne. of tone, ami wmuli-rlul tr chestral ciniliiiathns. together with a nuniU-r of new and original atops, render it an intru mentofsach perfection n to be Uyuud com petition " i The press and public everywhere who have had an opportunity of listening t its lantiful strains, not only give it their nniyialibYd appro val. but unhe-itatingly concede tha it fUnds witlaiut a rival. Tl c Burdctt Organ ranges iu price from S135 to S1000. Wr have also New Cabinet Oigans at S45, $75, 1100, Sec. O. .tl. Treinainr ro., wnOLESALE At.tXl, 435 Broom 8t.,Z7ew IT Oil IX Jair n, i- utt ;! :3 1 w hen oi.ee this ren -dy ct'Diinerces its Wetkef 1 tiurifiea'ioii, and succeed in diminUliBf tka : loss o w st s. its rr pairs will be rajid. and ev. cry day tbe atiect will feel himself grwwiaf j letter si-d stroi-.gt i. the food digeatisf keUar, japptite in proii.g and flesl ttd wriglt ta ' creasii g. Not only does tbr Fanaptrillian Sav I solvent ex-el all known remedial agents la tbe t tire r.ft'hroulc, S-n.fu,.cins,Ci'nstituUomaJ i i SLin di a-cs ; bnt it is tl e nlr poiUv jforKIDXKV & BLAI'DLR COM PLAINT. ; t'rii ary and womb rli-ae, eravel, diabt-tea. dnpsvistoppaeof water.ini-oi.tiitebceofiarUM. P.right's iliMafe, Albuminuria, ai d in all cants where there are bik k-dnst dp aits, r ike VI ter is thick, loudy. lulled with tubartaaetK I the white of au egg, or threads hkt white aRk ' or there is a i...r! id. dark. bnUmb sppearaaee. 1 and white UiLe-dust depoaite. aid wbea tiawre is aprit king, bon.n g set atHn wben paa( water. a.d pain in the ii:all of the bafc Slb4 along tLe lius. DR. RADWAY'S Perfect PursallTc IMII perfy-tl tatlea elegat.tl r-alrd avk avert faw. su(e. rrfulmfj. ymiiij. caa a ad atreeajUaeB. Kuliii t I'i'la. w-r the t ete of all dka-HaVra tat tko b. In.r. Loarl. kidija. kladr. Bar Ml a. I eadac Le. rontii at.oa. Utitte. ladi- felrta. d eA. WilK-Mlavat IrVrt.'WtJi. uatKn of the boa t la. -iV tad aU dcaaaf-tnwnnrsl tl.e internal Visert. rkled to rflert nad tiierure. I'ntriy trrtUble. eaataiauag n Bate rof v. mirieral. vr Jelrin ioa dtr. A trar dsr ef I. 4 a V 't 111 Jt IJ fit tat x.b-ni trr.Di all tht abe aae1 aWatdret. ."IV. ool.iUl. MH.I H I kK.CIMM. !rad "1 i r o.Tiil." prad aaa Wtltr ttatw to KAl'WiV A (O., MMisVt UM.X T. In luriott on afxtti (UaLit abl It MM Juar -?r-j . i i ton.ac liM-a -1 6A 353.. deiraile P-rlrk lliti- w ith 7 roe mt i all m- . am oet riise; Mteatfd in tre p,.-t .i -.rai.u ni .1 TfWv. l"eroiva wiaaiaf 1. join 1 ae. jU j It at I bit effceav. a I! I-