-1 r -.". Llccnsci to Sell.1 ' f i . yr , .'-: I A fats Avamnmi arm in ! nflniRinw paper my eye fell upon the following: THE DRUNEABd's WIFE ANR TIIE BAR- ' . . . vi I f'Dou tl oh! don't -sell inim any more liquor! Have pity upon as, cried a poor feeart-broken wife to a bar Keeper." You' ha ye got neatly all we naclfn tlie worid--ray poorj husband's character, health, and eason are near IV allone. For the sake bf his poor Unhappy family, don't let him have dny morejiquor plcase dqit,t.jC 'Gct'out of mf shop, "or 1 will turn you out! don't come here jwith your noise! I amlieen.wd to sell !' responded the gin-sejlcr. ' :, ;, - - . Miserable wretch! Licensed to sell are you? Yes. But you afe engaged ;n a business, mcthinks, i that devils would shun!. Licensed ! Yoir attention is called to; thjsv following! paragraph cut from aaer sometime j ago : t If Toft' have a ' license, you say-ye4 j-ou have license, and that ia your plea, well, my friends, if that is your plea, I-adjure you to keej) it: lock it Up among your choicest jelvels; guard it as the apple of your eyH and when yoU die, and are laid in your coffins, pejsure that the precious locument is iptyced between your cold 4nd clammy fingers, soxthat when yoU j are called upon to confront your victims .before Gjd,' you may be ready to; file in your picas of justification, and bloldly to lay down your licence on the 1 1 bar of. the Judge. Yes, my friends, keep them you will then want your licenses sign ed by the County Commissioners, and ; endorsed by Ihe Mayor.-?-Banner jf I jempwance. The Battle Woxinfr Hot. - ftThe temperance question is causing much excitement in the jNorthwest. In Illinois the new law is being vig orously opposed by the Germans, whu intend making its repudiation a polit4 ical test. ,! r- ' ' The organised eflbrt throughout Illil noi to eflfect the repeal of" the Tem perance law aroused a coiinter move ment on the part of the i friends of temperance, which is indicated bv the floods- of temonsliamt's against th proposed repeal which is! now daily presented in both Houses of the Genl cral Assembly. One of tlpe remonf trances was presented in the Senate the Other day bv Mr, Kerr, bearinff the siguature of 1,0.30 con i-iets in thS penitentiary, at Juliet, 92( of whom soJemijly declare that the useofspiif ittipusj liquors is the original source of their depraved conditioh, and till prime! cause of their incarceration ! Do the friqnds of repeal, asks the Chi eago Post, rWant any better evidence thaailthifi of the necessity for such laws-? lb . j j i. IMauhfu your Homes. -Thomai VV Sau, Teq-r f Goldsboro, forjmany year ti popular, Engineer upon th different Railroadd tnteiing that placi dur ing; the put few years devoted lis atten tion to Fldrichltural pur-aits, lie now bap nwiiy acres conred with planti and flow era, together with a torse nurpery of yoqng trefi, vines, &c. His hot hou c6n;y.iu many rare and tropical plants a f!Ui the Tirions plaota nd flower common to our own country. We hare IhU, week received one dozqn difitreinl varietiea of feraneimns frotnl Mr. Swan, Ihey are fully aa choice looking as atiy we bare teeu. Send for a Cologne. i Netcbeni Courier. Xarrou? Escape. We learri from Cabt. Crntclfield. Conductor on the A. T &O It. II., that as the upward ound train Wat proceeding to thia place fast Mouday Te"uS man was seen wa king on jthe IracV, heedless of the boise f the train and sound of the whistle; sufposiug tLt he woold step aside in time to avoid dan gtr tie engineer did not alow the train liUjte'-y near him, and the njrxt moment jie waa hoisted up the eow-catcher. Capt. Orfaber fmmediately passing to relief, secQred him from harm more thatra few briiuea. The man was diacorered to be both: deaf and dumb. A mcrlcan. PROSPKCTUSl I -or THE j f ZZ7T23LLZOX3Z)7C3X3Xl. On or about the 18tl(t dav of jvnril next propow to mite at Stateatrille, Iredell countv N. Ll, a firtl-claw weekly paper jtoie called " ' ' TJIE IKTEllfofistEK. ! JtaaUn will be to occupy tho wjiele legitimlte held of journalwni, ministering o the literary taate of all, at the same time striving to pro mote the AEriehural, Comnierbial, and other ilcr Vnni Uh all the aval and energy thatTaficrhttention and every effort can brine tft bfar,ayhile an earnest deoire will be exerted iT fj An S'able annpanjon around ere ry nreside. eJ ' 'i " f ; ! (.;. ITS POI4TIC8 , fr ' ?on7"ST fully believinl it cprniIoA in every form, no pains will She paredUn expowng the perils which Radi4l jm have, brought upon the coipjtrv, and bv a bold, determined aland, beat back the wavel of anarchy and despotism which !bo dangerously threaten bnr once happy land.) There can be no nentral ground and believing that those who are not for us are against u ! ip 1 . i . I t j- . ' - j THE UfTELLIGEXCJlR ihjin gnard sacredly the riahU of the peopfe Whenever encroached upon by those directlv or ibdir4fi favoring the leachingf of Radicals or Badiealiwai, under any 'form or jeniae.'."8"' $ we X sUS-a.&y per year ; 51.50 for aix months, . . kw. JULIUS W. WRIGHT, 1 - CHARLES Rl JONES. I Pamrs'dcsirinc'an exchanre will please com Wtncefortnwitn. April, 2, 187J. f it umwA mi MffMir a ntr: liii Main Street, Salisbury, .V. G., ARE CQNSTAyTEY ADDING ' KeT improved and valuable Tools, Imple ments, Jlachiljea, por.trlvancies, e., &cM' for thft C9nvenicice and facility of Farmers, blacksmiths, f Carpenters, y o Makers, Tan ners. Cabinet Makers, Masons, Pftrfiio-o Rnilrlfrs. Coopers, . iroiuse-ivcepers, ; Butchers, Cooks, &Cj,&C. j; TT..- IT . In fact, few persona unacquainted with , our establishment are aware of the wide' j - .. - . : - r i r -! HAS taken the room recently occupied by Overman. Ilolmos & Co., in Murphy's Granite ! ' " Kow.;andjqpened a , t PRODUCE COMMISSION BUSIEMESS. ""Hej solifjits cash orders from abrod. notice.4-Respectful!v refers to business en as 1 jmid for all leading articles oi TABAC6 EV1 O REHEA D'S I i . i 1 Willllll:: GRljENSBORO' N. C, Will ijvopcjn every WEDNESDAY on and? after the hrst Wednesday in March, (dlh.) for the kale 4f JLEAF TOBACCO. ThoK who (fonsijvn wit), mc Ue assured of the! 1 oest p rnaes. It the ia!ea no not. erive Hatiafacilon the Tobi ceo rn iy he '-taken in," and hinied else-f where ho charge Jor storage. , VV'arelioni-e fec4 i ihe sanW as at InviJe.; Liberal adTanrcs n ill oe tnadeL Thf -warehoue has a first i lasa pnizeryl attached.. In the handling, ojderiiijr and asoiti injj of ybnr Tobacco, too nfuch care canuwt bd taken. lAmplfe fcantpin? grounds are efleved tri planters,. I'll ila itiv Vje&t for consf j.'f.or?; thev can'f ask more. I refer every man to his neighbo'is thai the good ncwi mayspr-ad. Very Hespectfiilly. i i ? EUGLNE J10RS!IED. Feb. 13. lS7f. ft . Sm.i LUMBER ! Lupibbr! ! Lumber ! ! ! THxv uudersiirneu bega leave to -inform ! . 1 . i . . , n" I uie-cttijzensijt fealisi.ury, and other places of itnprovetneijt. that he has made arrange ments b furinish lumber cheaper than ever, GREEN OR DRIED to suit the purchaser. Uemeii iber freights are no 'more fronl Kard Sfationi, thah fromi places nearer Salisbury, while the tisiilwr is better. t n.. .1 1 . . it. 1 oe sure ana sena your rriers tor dumber. l. V. ROBERTS.1 Icnrd StatTon. N. Ui 30-3iu Commission Merchants, OTte Sign of the Bed Flag, MEEOEY'S OLD STAND, j . j MAIN hTlfEKT " , SALISBURY, N. C. : Jf. K. DUItKEi i j. m. cornx. iSrOrilerk and consignments respectfully so- itieu. i a?j.ucuon sales every Saturday and I & Oh ! YesL-Oh! Yes Oh ! Yes? Having fajlen back to a better position and bceu reinforepd-by forming a copartnership with Jno. M. CoFjPix, who h:w been long and favor ably known j in the MercantUe coniinonitv I wonhl respftHfully return my thanks to the pubkc jgeneilly, and wdioit a continuance of their patronage to the new Firm ; with the as surance that re will do all wc can to satisfy all who may haVe anything to sell or buv. t ,Uo J. K. BURKE. Jandary l$72. ' lixl contiPUfl to aend to the sell ing of any fend of property in the country. 'for Admin strafbra and others when notified intime tf:18 J. KJEfURKE, Auctioneer. ' xedufrix LMoiide FTAJ-J? ?Hllfied M Executrix of the Iat LA W ,11 and Testament of Jane E. Murphy decMl noUc whereby Kiyei, to all perohs In debted to th eaUteof JaneE.Murphy to make immediate payment. All persons having claims against said jestate are hereby notified to present the game to jne on pr: before the 14th day of f ebruary 1$73, or this notice will be plead in oar of their -recovery. r j &lubury, Feb 14, 1872. xecutrix. i - tc'I . : v- ' I Feb. 2. 1 I BIKE ICO FIN." L I - i. MJi range of wants wc are prepared to meet, nor of the exact and beautiful adaptability of oaf goods for th purposes for which they are tiiadc. Xor can we describe them ii( an ildvertisement. They must he seen. Come, therefore, to the Hardware Store for any thing you want, from a toothpick to a steam engine; ; from a pin to a straweuttt r any thing almost evcrv thing. They have i A FULL STOCK always on Land of every v;arictvof Nails. Iron. teet 1 Hoe. Gm in Cra dles, Scvthes 100 Dozen Axes at low prieen. Ouns, I'ijitola, Krive and Forks, Fairbanks 'Seales. the bestWrouclit Iron Plow; tolxfonnd We warrant them to give satisfaction. Thomp- ! son's Plows and SubsoiU-ra. i C()ltN SIIELLERS, ; ; --! straw cUTTERB, ftjid a thousand other things you need. Send your ordeni or come and buy. 13: tf Salisbury, J? O. pnxlufe lught and shipped on very short df the citv. country Produce. lt:tf SIXTY-FIVE FIRST PRIZE MEDALS AWARDED THE GREAT SOUTHERN aa NaiIU .MANUFAC TORY. : WM. C. KXAliK CO. Manufacturers of GRAND, SO.AURE AND UPRIGHT Piano Fcrtes. BALTIMORE, MD. These Instruments have been before the Pub lic tor nearly Thirty Years, and upon thiir ex cellence alone attained an unpurchased vre-evi inence, which pronounces them unequalled, in TONS TOrCII, WOUKMANSI1IP AND DURA BILITY. SAH our Stjuuie learns have our New improved UVERSTnu.NG bcALE and the Aqruff, TrcOle. BX e would call special attention to our late 1 ateuled Improvements in drawl Pi woe and i'-qvare 'Grand, lound in no other Piabo. Whicll"trinfir tho Pi.inn lioai-r.p iu.rrr.tiii it,..., has yet been attained. Etery Piano FaUy WuYi-anted for Five Year IssT We are by special arrangement enabled to Jurnish 1'arlor .UrytiM and Melodian of th most celebrated makers Wholesale and Retail it loWent ractory Prices. I Illustrated Catalogues and Price Lists prornpt I ly furnh.hed on' application to j VM)KNABE & CO., Baltimore, Md. i Or any of our regular established agencies. I October 13, 1871. 6 months. A STE.TI WIADKR. THE $12, SENSATEON, $12. OR IWnsic Watch. A BEAUTIFUL CHRISTMAS GUT. SOMETHING ENTIKKLY NEW ! AXDUSKFL'I., AS WELL AS GOOD. A New Stvi.e Doi blk Hi: N'rrxti Cask nnH flaWATCHrtliWin one, with fineFiusi ci.kss imported ViaArrf or Fkiwted Nici.e, I'a tent Lkveh, and liuby Jntefrd Movements. Accurately adjunted and Reoulated. Elegant Crystal Cap, showing the Expiated Anion nd EVEBY MOTION of the lie-dutiful WfiKKM while rinninji, with the celdruted patent stkjiwimh lsjo Attachment (windingup at the Stem without the use of Key). Unique, in Dmgn,A quite aiovKEiv, Cheapest really gwd, strong, corrected miiceabUWxTCH ever manufactured FOn PEE.SONAL VSE, Eqwd to finet quality high price Gold Chronometer Watch at owe tteentieth the eoi. PrU-e each La ui f.s' or G ents' uet mth ViiAisfree, in Morocco"Case. onlv $12 or 5G0 per half dozen ; 100 per dozen to club or the trade. Single Watches sent fhek to any address. Safe delivery guaranteed on receipt of price. We are repon.-ib!e for Check, Drafts, I.. O. Money Orders, or Registered Letters only. Or, WE will forward them by Express without, the money, and you can pav the price to the Express Agent (with E 1 TRA forhe privilege) on the delivery of them 1 to you in YOUR town. Watches of all kind sent everywhere on the name condition. i Genuine American Levers, $15. Solid Gold Levers, $30. Ladies' and Gents' Chains, all ttyle, $2 to $10 each. Every Watch sold as represented, thoroughly Kan-anted by SpecialGuarantee, andean be frr hang ed at all times free of cot. , No Agents em ployed. All goods at Factory Prices. Anv Vatch you may want at half the price your jeweler sell it for. Descriptive Price Lists of atehea, Chain, Ac, tent free. Address all all order, STEWART, GRAHAM fc CO., I, . , Jewelers, Importer, &c, j 15:Cmol 6 Whitehall St. N. Y. SALISBURY Q ALEM ALMANACS bp At tho Book Streo. 13SALMS AND IITMKS, ;A At the Book Store LUTHERAN Books of Worship. At the Book Store. SIIOOL BOOKS, large varietv, At the Book Store. jTX fact any thing in the way of Books and -. Stationery, can bo had at short notice and on reasonable terms. At the Book Store. SPECIAL orders will receive prompt atten tion Send in yonr orders. CALVIN PLYLER. i Jan. 24, 1ST?. i9:tf BOO MrSf Al In n. o PATENT LIGHTNING SAW. - .. f , ! , i Super Extra Spring Steel, Warranted Refined. 4 EBEN MOODY BOYNTON ! 80 nSBltniASr STIISIST, Ilew "STork. i ! Nov. 27,' itCC: July 23, 1867 ; Jan. 14, 14, ISG8; July 27. IS69. ' if try- " ' Tf n3i? '-ft fl mvi IRIW- H mM&Wwm T- itilSaa 'n- - 'irUlnJV'i'- . --C aJ- '-r sj or hard wood bta..ft timber requires it to be ft wider. iui uac n i.c.i rvin uui, arc WT o fiili'es lllilll't l 0)1 liSCK. NtW ToKK. AMKRICaX IsSTlt lTK F.UI HriLPING. Nov. 4. 1671 . i E. M Hovnton, SO Beekman fc-t., New Voik Sir: This certifies ht 1 lire I.'plitiiinpOuw.Cnt aw, worked by I and. ny two men and raw t ut offa w.nnd ftl'J irl, , m.LlU in3 3 4 h?c. n.U and 16 cuts oratne. coiitlr.nont-ly. in two minntca And 18 aeconda. oi at the rate ofa cord of wood In lea than nine niinnten. I am aatified that for all purjosc-a of croha-cuttinp laige and ntll timber, your crosm-tut and wood s;.ws hare norival in H-ed, in ease and in simplicity. : I be ieve their univeiKil use o'uld ave a vat amount r uionev and time, nrd bftliten the toil of millions or men. " J. W. HI.aKK .eupcrinUndcntand Knriner. American hiKtitnte fair. N. B. These extreme teyt are quoted merely to piove vhat should be obvioua that ditec t cnttinir is better tlian the old V fricth n ntorcsH uwd hr ali otl er ?n ws. Honest hardware men will procure the rrennfno for inferior poods but wl-ere thy do rot keep them, apenl for two. will cut five times aa iuM as an axe ,-..... ...... ..v ..r,. .v. ivituig rn.ii. Why lonr. Suitable for pem-ral ose See that the name and warrant are on each saw. E. M. UOVNTON.Sole Proprietor and E. M. Boyuton's Lightning Ore man Croas cnt. U r rutting Wood. JoUt I.opa and 1 iml or and a -iac down trees. Complete, ready tor n:e. Pri e. iD CO for lour liet l.ai cer u madr to ord r. Millions of Axesare in Ui-c, w Loie. l y us. i.i, tl.i.s st., l.ult ti t:n: uoi.'.d ed, and .o a-tr of fuel occur. " T Why I So (he Fteeause the fa.tett is the cLenjot. IK MAU'1.1'. A it.cusiit tive Imudied or n.oie dollars lor the labor that wear out the cmss-rat r. w . a r icp of one tifth by Kbeed and ea.M' of an imirove(J saw fuvti' tl.c coxt i a ih ztn. li e onl (l:Cn uii) Lan bee that unskillful n.en ncplei t to aborteii .my i ieai ii.-tt-tt !i jiiijeru, H t-n-plii hh d. Tht'ie patent Ic-jtli are all of one lentil. uiiU no rl.o; tiiijp ictjuned unci tut liuc aa (a-t common There have been many devices for eleaier teetli. bat no oilier patent rutting teeth for imt ii.tiir.ir bit ' thee are know n v ),y should n aa tootl. 1 e iii an indhect lasj-ed V. rioirp oer tic t r"l r. heii if tin oiitsitlt; edges be projected and point double with one dies of wrt. a dnet nit i.f anil clearing is ti ImI'H nt eii 1 "4 1 ne. it will i (pi no L i lie i steel and harder U-mperinK for a i tittirp mi . Imtuo yon ! buy a poor tool ot any other di-.-eription, or iim- a i iij h tu to sharpen y obi j. nkmu :' NuU ( aiviul ly these I'atent "utteis. how dilleirnt fioinaiiy otlcrMiw : " ' ; i lt. toub e pointed, w iih uM ii.u.n asn str ior two pointh on or.e aide of keif, ai.d n Vi tv o re- J versed eiit on t her side. I 2nd. One point behind ti e otl cr. cori -qnentiy i .t i:nd e'eaiaonty ith outsii'e ei'pc s. i( -'ant iit j to paasre out. lf one point of M tooth w an set one wy and one the otler, tl.e aiaiii oiid ride arjn ; iift oi.t the tooth. ' ; , j 3d. l uts at direct oi opposite angle to the old V too'b .r, beneath all K.-ivvdust. t. a p'ow instead of a ha i row . j 4t!i . Are eled with an oil stone, after filing teeth. , I th. Thee are the only pateut direct rutting ditd cleorinfr teeth know n for croa rnttirp a!; cut faster, easier than any other, and are, with piesent form, ua simple to sharpen as tl.i old V tooth, as M dhape. ' BOYISTO.VS PATIilVT LIC;ilTiIAi SAW. Thin s;i iviseees several 2Tnt advantares over on. espe'-ialiy in emaa-ent ws, the strength. stiDnesa and durabilitj ol thete t eih. and ll eil i-aj-acity- , for deep gumming are io. l. i us t! at we Mill only name lout otl.ir poiutw of Kiinjiai i.-on viz: Sted ease. Bimplioity and perfect clearance. ' ' NrrED. Ail aie aware that an oidinarv hand aaw cutf onlv one wry ; i.e. tle fiont rut if more ef- tective than th back, or ictreating cut These teeth, with their opposite entting facea. cutting in line, arc equivolent to the front cut both wus of the hand saw. iu distinction to tle l urk cuta of ti eold V saw. Hence speed ifliievitab'e. E8K ov Ccttixo. ft is easier to p!ow a grove in timber than to ernsh oneont. The appiication.of this principle is very perfect, all tl.e teeth being of even length double pointed, cut with outide verti cal and projecting edj-en, and clear ainiultarei tialy with ti e han-e. KiMPl.tciTV. This ia obvious, all the points being like handsaw teeth, viz: tl.e arme length. No hooka, or thick raking teeth, to le shortened; only one mill tile :s required to keep them iu order, and they arc r.aeaay tor Ihe.unskilied labour to shavpen as tl.e old fah:ri (I saw. Pe i; F f.ct Ci a a R A xct . Con t i n n o na! y enttine and cUaiit.g. tl cc opiosite 'cntt rg faeea" not only (Mtt, but clear, by lifting the fibre above the ptjecticg blades, like a plow, which is the n.tst iK:il,ct clearing Inijdf mett. by their circular we see that two Boyrton brothers, by hand, en; off a tw ehe-im h aycsnuK' (hutton wood) log in eight aecorida, before Major General Meade and other distinguished men. a 1 Indej-endam-e Square. Philadelphia. September 1. 19. We also nr.te! as a pr . f of ti c cafe that p tn:it sutan.ed effort, the aawing, by hand, of twenty s fx coidn 'of haid leech, maple, elm. avh. at.d hi koiy wood in eight hour (includiug loat time) In Michigan, i-uch work, by two men, with one sav oi e. tiled is wonderfnl. These Saws are made andaold by Mr. E. M. Boynton, 80 Beekman street. New York, and are pro terted by fonr patents, dated reapeetively 27, 1HG6: 3ol J 23, 1867; January 14. 1868 ; "July , 27, 1SSH. We tniHt that the inventor df ao variable an improvement in an article of audi nniversa'l use as the saw. will be able to enjoy the fiuit of their laboia free from infringement or piracy of any kind. Iaox Agk, Atril, 7, 1870. TJtese Sates are universally conceded lo Surpass all others fcr Cross cuttir-y limber. Although $500 cluillenge for expense of test has been advertised in millions tf papers, and engraved on rach saicttio one has ever DAK EI) to publicly test the matter, XO other sate has double pointed teeth, CONSTRUCTED TO CUT IN LINE SO AS TO CUT WITH OUTSIDE OF M TOOTH ONLY by direct action. Ba27 cutting of all single pointed teeth are equal, and these M teeth are double, tcith direct-action, spaced, and slant concealed betucen points of M. If one point of Al teas set one way and one the other, the slant tcould ride and lift out the tooth. ' When the hardware traile do not fell, ngenta wanted, and no government license is required. A fix foot cros cut and m brick eaw-blado will be tent to anj addrei s on receipt of 86, or SI per foot. One man saws tl 25 per foot. 26:tf ,Xot One Failed in 20,000. TLe He- Yar find tie LIGHTNING SAWS UBiretBilljr atkaowirdged to lead tL Amrri can maikct- So siauufacturer of Saa La dared to qiin-tlon or publicly tet-t at tU Amer ican lBwt:tte, orotLcrwive. tb uaitei krku). "nty of the Uut imMoved mwi. Tl Sioo fballeiife for eAenn of public contot i eu Kaed iu theeaw. 'H e larjri increae uf the bu-ioeliM com pelled leane of No. bO B.tkmn UeeWtnd ar ranjremetiU for tl.e inar.uhnlure of live t&uaot! M(JIITMNi Croiciit per month, and We to he able to fill all orter promptly T1tenpilj i.aaheen ane'jual to the demand of the LIGHTNING I'L"CK s. W. but Intvafti-r I wUI endeavor to kei a ,io k on Inn. I. The ieoi iX'VMi d7eu of the abo n i..iti..r..i 5 causes IkI; f t l i.f il,. it. i.i . i 1 nL-.T''-., AI1 Vl'thiiiis saa afe lo4e. ! K"h il.ti,. -.w wgufeCil and V.ch e,da N in twenty tl.oDd ha J Proved io.rrleet ao tl.omuph U tlie iua,ctio 4 of thee leirutar troorti.; l.ut. liirlhe bt-nfit r each anfkilled rotn aa ran not et aad um thin saw, a se heavier (than rejutai It) will k 'e innerted to orlr. Sinceeiarceinent of dnu anace. AiwtMr i. r. J,.l. ..r.i ,r r '. -'"i"-'1' " "giujtj um wtu lecciteti. iie- iigi.inui(r rwaa ttt equally a!npUd for sma!! aud laipftiinljcr. m-Xv Liphtnin t?ua aieallaet and Laipit rdri ad their cnatomera. e-fn if thev ir.nr.i.,.l...i .:.v'l - are wanted. j not try them? Alo, !.:.htn: " '"i" ' ' ' "i -. r'lrn-r h up man ur Matiufactur. r New York. liihtnisig: Saw t tl.e anrit i.t V tooth, n l.lcli has liitl.ttto been relied 3 Constitutional Amendment!. ' Pad?tn the Home of IlepresentatitsihoM hr la than ihtth rprju- January 17, 1872. -ouoii ar iUUl4 ikt. uiuL'. uouiU, I A lo Eltr lUe tViwtituUon of North Ca ruling. The General Aiwnblr of North C"roUri do naci ttnrec-Bllha r all the ieoiher oT each IIouie concurring.) That th t'on.iitulkn of thi Slat .lirt folio h a, to it : Amend nion ix, of the firM article, br triking outthr Em c!:e them.f.d.n to and -tnclodiuf the wrd "hut;" UiU-ii' thtcUuM Amend action two of tJ,e article hx i rtrikinp hot the word- anr.tnlK" and iniin- ' in liim tfc. nf. the word - LnWiatlr f hein t in referi nee to the Vu. of thf tieneral Aa-! vmbly. j Amcna ectifi five of the "CcoimI artich- br 1 striking out all thai prrcoixa the wurda, - tl.'e aid Senate di-triu," and by Mrikins et the j pi i rax- "ji afortaidcr" iu wid ertii ; the i parts ao atricken out having rtf rtnee iu the I Add , new -eel, to tb, W.nd .Hide to I "The men.Lcra of the pwicral A-aewbly -l.tll ! each receive Ihrcc hundred dollar, a a com- enrtion for thtir Nfti.r .Jurinjr their tr,n, uhjct to anch rejruUtiona in pan! to utne of ! I ami it-tuit iuni ior ikiin-iiimaitncf a uiay Ih? prciTTi'x-t! l.y h; IkiI they mar l.ar an atbliuonal alluwa'ncv when th-r are t-a!U-.l top-thtP in apec-ial at-iii, anJ mileage fhall U Ur. ci-nfa pt-r mile for ench Amend mciiom .ne .f the tliir.l anii-h bv strt L. !. r,i: t) r. . . l . i. " ctir tint in aaid wtn. and iurtinp. in l:rm, '. , M, , ,. ""kiit the word. N..rinUi.Hrnt of I.,U ; ,c,."t,r xhr?rr lhP' tMVlr tu h ( union, tlnm alo!iiitnp that elnce. AinetlJ a-rt'nu ii uf the third articb. by ! trikiiitf out the w.r! "unnoallv mni in -' . . : . i.. i: u.. ... .1. - ..i ; . i wims, iu nm uihpm. in hi.ki "uicim .HI . r , . . , v' 'v "" - .-hp..- r- pOCt III g the 'liltl5 of til- lii-Ll'U. Ai-lli bly Strike out wctions tw.. and thr--of tht fourth article, Winu tlie pr. iiiu(4 v l.ieh r fr t the apjHiiut iiu-iit and ilutu- uf.th Ck1 (.'ouiuin'inTS. Alter fcection four of jjio f..nrtli article, s.. that taid aection ahall reH(lwM! : "Th judicial fMiwer .f the Stt- I.m!I b- t-t-.l it, a court for the trial of iiupMchu-enU. a Sn 1-. ..... . ...... ....... N. urti a mnv ! et;li!i.i-l I.vInw, Conrt? of Jnhfice- of the IVnrK." aiiit neruiui t-ii'in u me murm anici' he that 'faid s-ct'nn shnll r-;i. aa fiob.w-; i Tho Snprcine durt slutll c.'iist of .1 ( hi-f Justice Hi.d tvvt AMKiMto Jutici ; J'run , led. That tliif sl-.all ut apply to tli- jtistic. .lining iiu ir i.re iu m r:n .1 ...;,c.-. ni.l. f ; iv u-Htn. ri'Mirnainm. or o niw ist-. tiietiuu. 1 - . I bvr of Associate Justices .h be ntlucvd 1 j to two," j Alter action twelve of 'In- f..iirth artich ; o that said se ti-u rhall r;ol a- f..!l..w-: M '"The Stat- fchall ! divid-l into niur judi .I'll-... r 1 r i-i -t ii. I rial nuiiicTs ior eact: ! wii.rti a jintf Mmm j be chosen; and iu eaili ditritt a hupctioi ; Court shall be held at l a.I tw ice i 1 earl, , venr, to contiaue for such tiu.e iu r-Ach cm;u- tv r-spectively a may be pnnril-d bv aw . 1 IM. A .. - .1 ii.i'.mi... .r . , i Tlie (iriieral AMeinbjy liail lav otfr.au! lis 1 J iricis ip uue time, so mat tn iMtuii.it:-! j judges may If rh.en and hein th-ir olii.-i I 1 al term at the first general !-. tioti for m.-ui i 1 .1.1 - , , Wrs d the GcnTal A--u,bly whirh jdiali I ix-cur aft-r the r.ititi aii..u (.f this s-rtion. ! The (li'!n i;il A-u!blv tr.iT n-1 !. or in I erraso t lo-nutnl-r "t I ru-T t.i!.- t-lf.- 1 a. t!io I I. d id i-acl. judicial ; in. ! Sirike out s- ii..ii ti.irl en . f tV- f.-nri! aiticl wiiicli tixt- tin p -M-ut judu- a! di-. tricts.: Auii-ud sert'om foil t-fii .f i!. fourth ar j tich- bv Mrikinc 01. t all af'-r ti,.- ai f i ..!l:reV" st ri ki-n Aft-uhJ r t.itin: nd ioM rt.nc. in li.-n !" !,.- ;iair i.t.il,.- f )i ii : '!!.- li.-o.-ta m .iV 1'f mm i'o- a j r p r Mo o 1 lh- judf li (V T li.- f.-o.. 1 1 - i r:er v at s'i-e:-s i ! ' . ; :c' a... .i!si Vcl.iMM.. ,t.vt j u i-.t. i, ui'. r. a .ii:.y b- Jii.v -iiil t v !:. I " t:Ike j! tf.H'".i i'!i'ii ! tl f.-i:rih ar ( !.'. ai:l iii rt in lii-i: ! --ii i.t. tl.e ..in v jii.ji; Th ii.-ml A s-Mi.lt!y slin'i hm i-r t dejii i ve tin jiiil.r.ii! l-;i.irtu: i t !' jituy power -r jiritlirtin hieh i :ii-t J -1 j pei tain t" it ; a rnrbn:ite 1 -p;t t luii' . j litlt tin ielei.il Ass.-ii.hly i m 1 1 a lnt a:-i ! dial ribtt t : p-ni.in U.'. ji.... r ai d jtj i r?!!it-ti n. uhich ili-s not j ttaiu ti tlie -.i . pr-n;e l uiiit. ;t t : i s : t 1 1 - i'..t i' t m.ri p: seril'wl in tl:i -ust itutt) i -T iiieh u.ay l estahjisheil by lav. in M.i-ii n aniirr .i i mav i- iii hot. pr ,ie a! a pr,r s'jt. u. of app-.!s. and iin'ee by law u !h-:i m-rH!;trv tl:e irietln ds of pn-ftjii.. n. tl exerci of tbrir prnvt-r. f all tl.- c"m'. belovc the trlll ( "o'lrt. f r as ; e s.io llii'.y ie (lo I!.- WM vision" of thi c Sjuke oi:- n lit eon Jlii ' U :tli oil i,tin!!io!i." St ctiolis f i x 1 n . SeVelt - i' v thr.-, een,.iiin-ti'n. t w -nt V 1'. Ve an'! tl. of the fourth .ii tii !. Atfietsd section t wii?t ii K ot ti e f.-'irtii article by striktt.q '.i all t!.at part 1.--Kins will), aii'l foiloMS lle !.. t" if caM Sectioii. atl. iu 1'n-n of tl.r part s-i stiieki n -nU. insrtin tlie fol!.,wii. : 'The judicial olfict rs ami ?!' c!-rk. of rtny C-olIlt ul)ic!l U.ay be establ sh i by la'.t . shall be chosi-n by tl. vote of th rpia!ili-d eh rtiir?. atnl fur S'lcli term as n,ay ! pie scribed bv law. T. voter." "f each pre ciuet, esiabl shril A is elsvw lo-re provided for in tliis constitution, shall 'it two j-i-tices ot th peace f.r such term as u.ay ! fixid bv law. whose jntisdirtion si. ali extend ihrotiplioiit their respective comities. J ). General Assembly may pruvide for the ele t inn of more thau two jiistic ot the peare in those precincts wl.u-h eontain eitu3 or town, or in which other spe-ria! rensn.is reii der it expilient. 'I l.e cliief tnaii1rates of citi' and iticorpora'etl tuMim sl.n'.l Lave the judicial p Wer of j 1st s of the J.;tce." Aiiieud section thirty f t!ie foiinn artie'e by stiikins unt the word 'Mow i.ship" a u 1 ii Rertiny. iu lieu therf. tb word pre ciucta ;" alo in ihe laat sentence of th- st:i.e section, strike ut th word the Miiuiii sinner of theoiutity may appoint h. mrii otlicu-'fi.r the unexpired term." and in hei :here'f mseit "an apjxd' tiio-nt t till such vacancy for the utiexpind term shaJI be nmd as may l precrib-d by la ." Amend section one and seven of the fi th article, by Mrikinc oat the wotda eommis uiouera of the aeventl eonntie" wherethey occur in said aeclioiia. and iu lieu then-of in I'liDC the word, county authoriiie es tabliahed and nuthorizel by law." Strike out aecti-iii f.ur of the fifth article, relating to taxation to pay the St tc deLtat.d interest. Amend mm-t uui bix of th fifth article by inserting after th? word iustratntit" ia said frectiou the word "or any otlier j r sonal property." Insert the word "and" before ihe word "urVevoi" in s--!ion one of th 7th artiel. and strike out tli word '"and five coinmis fioners" iu aid section; a!ii add to aid section the io'.loMin: Tii (ieneral A ! MMnbly ahall provide for ytei.i of cmuy ! govern ment for the aevera! counties id the i ?Utf ." j Amend aictVn two of the seventh article, t by striking out the word c.mmisiotjers" ! nud in lieu thereof insertine the word- county aiithoritk-a estbl-shed and authorized byUiv;" and ia the same Motion Mrkeont the Word-, -tLe Kefister of IeeJ lhall be ex Officio clerk ur the board of comunasion- era. Strike oat ectinn three of the aVenth ar ticle, and in rTu thereof insert th'-'-tilowir : "Tl. rvtnr.t aiitki.rihM all'. I .I 1 bj the nan- uf ji,.cu. Thry UU j, t.f..r- d-finrd iW ioMut; UBlj thrr LH 1h iltrr-J. , V V,T i "'urUT t ti T" "f !Lr ,"V "u:b ,Utlw- "l-te tu rM yMetB- ' Aui,'f"1 til.t acd nit, ,.f , , --tli rtir!. by trikih tnit th" wntd -ur w n ttet occur iti aid iL... 'S'dv uot M-cti.u ihtrx ut ihr uiith mt il thr r.-.f it4M rule t!i.tHbe ti ti-rr I Am.!.!? J,!t mmk ui.abL ilielr Tfc "i.kiu bv Lar Wr iU u... . j i, c ,1. f fr ul.;;r V't a j liru ,hrr i, Jrt .1 t ' tm . , T .V P .V! i , " , "f , 7 ""t'f '"J"" l-Wt-l "r"J nn i an.;iia. it. 8 cluHM-ii. .lill r: J m tl, i lint r-lit.. 1 1. 1 1. -1. and etiduwu er.i bnH. f..-,. in any iw Kraut.d t. or c.B& rrvc u,. I on. tl , Ibmt J ..f T;Mr 4 id IJuItr,,, ty; .i , j . U,.. ral Aarud.r U,.r ,, .4 J i!-. ti.n. W u,. f'.l t:.rer,i.y- Stnkr...,t rcti..n tbirUo. ft ft en f the trnth article. t t:in. M Niav be neKar : "'iM'iit, inn inai..Ti-. .' fourth ii . i hft oti . ftlie trnth article, rel.tit c to thJ r,,iv- UT ,f.N" 'bCar..lina. Aiud are-t tl.U, teQ..f the eleventh airb by atnkij,. . .! ; . .... .1 , -mi ii.v ' ' a BI t Tl ( lllirCf .J Ik. . . w Ntite " im-niM, 1'iaen JUf rdi -be il - il 1b . - - - n.t own tr-i--r: v ; .-x.-iupti..ii prew ril iu thir Unituiiub, r ; l-;r luinott.. h,a pereiua c-. u.4 .. ; pr, , . fty over aul abrtvettc Mine. hll t fxi for a: ti. 1 lr- the State. ' AM.-r wcti..;t m-v. i, .4 tif firttVBtti ri t'cl, ,. lli.it aU - i ,u ah!l rvJ f..U i .lU.wa: "N. pr-.a h, ahall H.kl any .f-nc- or p'.aw oftruM ..r ,.r ,ti uuO. r tb fui'ted 'Utr. or any drpartiiirut tLrf.f. r BJrr j any ..tier Sta!- of govrtbaiei.t. hAll holj ,J, .i rr , ''M'ln' a:iv r.lnr i.lhr ,t t.l. t . . m . . . . 1 . t .1 . . or. ii ui..ur ui.- hum. ...it v .l tbiStt- ...I ' ngii.i.. I,. a ui ei:i.-r h.n. , f 1.. 'ft 11 it . . lo a y a ui e:h.-r 1 'it i,.'i.ii .uscii.i.,i : l'u.rirci. I bat ui if ifler ia 1 ouitut.; tl.e Itilhii4. J 1 ll..-e .f the l'mc Ai 1 auotl.i i . f-'ji.n t,, :.. r..nrtV,.. .4 ,; ;r) . j . . , wft'Hi r1." iriid to r..J . - - --.iii i -. jfidlowa: -t'.-umy .dlut-ra. jnMieva or t,J jx.ir ni.d 4.f,,r ..ffir-.ia h. oftr.. aUilish.-d ..r 1 an-, d in uny way brih!4 j ter.itii.n .f th c..n-t:iuti.,u. ahall' rutiuii ti ; i-kirciw t! eir full;i..u ui ti! pr. iM,,u ......... -.. ... .i . sii . . lull i !! t to tf .- at-rNtiitis. im fr trial, i ! aid oilirT iLH have l-u mad i.iunU-r tl.e irti..tiB iu tlmM. atlieU i 111111 Mill' I U , . . ..n I.... I. I . .. :,i lf . ,, ; t t u WUI..MU the lli-H..u..f aroth.r III ll Uracil. fioui wliu-U j nd eie t. any new iMeti..n tbal numUf ..ii.friin nr i;u-ti tt n aul..tiifl. ,,,! . L la. . .... "IT tl . .-ii- 1 11 1 1 .111 . a :-u n,r r-Vt-rai .... i .... : 1.1 C!lt) LUli. !. 1 .il .-cutv. ! v. MM mmik fT . 4 Mum. a t mm . Ik. t. f i ION- Ilrnr Tr.llM.nf it lk r rtt.il. t Iwl I mailir l.St-rtft. T'.'-r a. i - . ... I a mt tlfiak. Tr' R atn. . rMl ytirii mm4 Urhw' l.!srd ' . i i ' . . u M ixm ! ,. i 1 . ",!' rtl'.' "tt . m : t . i i. a : ..... .-r-r-.Mi rUn. bat utm t : ' '. . ' . m:. I' vKtmltlMU ' i ,l free Tr-m nil Al'tllr Nla t. t ' i. it r. it moon rriti.' in it- i A I i! t i.ivim; I'itiMirl.tv .-. ;- . . ! . 1 if t 1 .t Sl1W, . ,i , .i .. . . i ' r iw-UirtKC tt.aui 4 . i ' o "-"iTi rmt t . U B i , i. . i- --..- '.: . ..!.!. ! !: '.'j t ...' i ' ' ' i rl l ti tjt t j.- 1 1 .e. u i r-i MIU- t T'. i. re n mlr I'urtlllir rll ' t ir i - . . -. hr . r fi -i .4 it X , . I' i r i ( .t m I 4 .- ' i . . i 11 i '' i. iwa. Hgui.. I ill: rUl C ItW 11. NT. la : "as r r . . .. . ; - m w n.tj.wl C 'i.. t I o I fi. -.."' "i -I..' r :-'''. n" eJ i-' I .. " i. ii. i.r. I r nual fliir Rkrimt l.ol, !Mp pln mr I a4lf fll. lilon i.'rniii'lrai aai-l I leraallieal t' rmii'lrai nml I leraallleal r i. r. I,i.rn. d itar IIIa4. I.ltrr. kli i.;.J lit., ititr ", i I'.lli r ra -. u.t . . H'hi ltnit vr r i tiiml. 4 olno't. - i jt-c'.r' .. urf r-w t i:i fir-flir llr;aa. 1 -rF.f-i flit IMl!i:rTIOV, Brt .'... e. -i :. . '...tc.. Tlrt-tato f I -. 1.j.i" S-.or f.t" im th hu-m I'.s 1 r -hr M- -ti. fWr. f"rtil i. i i. I-iiiun. , c.f ; liit, r-t ia tlT - .. ! ,-r' i . t y !- pwmIuI ! i t... n 'I -;.ti. f. f Ii-. T.. 1. 1 j. riK ! . v'. mJtd :.. t Urt I I ti ! !.. , uu i' (ten ..f v.i --l -.ti- i . :fci I o.t t4 ai- l;'rlm M ; ;r ' . ; , . ..a-. 1 1. '-' . t u i mt in tir. r.ii- Trtir i f. I I'.U- : . f-J't ' f V. i n. II. -1 ' ..-. f t i:i ti . fc. ..j!.- .r its. ti' . I . .;. 1 ."i- ' l l .-.,' in in ' i nr. . . , . . ; . i w ti.'l.r . e, I.' V '.m i i . .m X.u ai'tl I;iciv.i4.d m' LiX m-H ! .... Vi-,t tM ki-irf t Ht-j fi'f j Imr.-'t; I !. -. '. !J k't la r.-JSi-K. In - r S. r . - . .... . t . . ; 1 ... il r .4 t . ": rii i . 1.. a...l : r it 1m a i t-i ..fm ill f.ij . h.-l ' S. I. ' 11 Taa-r. tmd it rr U mrm: N-l tm'l t . . - ' . . It . . .. I lit . thkl j; i - IU (m m :l , .t.. wii tr-m ' .-i w!:l.f lrt--al ...v.-'.l.t V4lMill-l . tl-v Ik vr ""'' i.f M.-. .--. t .-rtr. Tujrs. i.i tp i.r 't.. in w-arma l - .... -I. R 11. Mi triNLD C. :-:. 'n-itnic'-ni 'm.nrii I.I. ,. i.'rer S'etl. rm txa. !.. I IV l j m it ki r lrj.-' . i. ''. i.: r-'a7".- 'i " " WILLIAM VALENTINE, THE BAUBEK, RKTCl.NS HIS THANKS to b OLP , I iUt:M and the Puyhr for lb liU .al .4tI..!.J,o- ii r tofoTeeitendetlUihin.. ll '" ':.fu;i(is taat Le hatfcttetlup a te i.n.mi!:i.i. Shop, in Dr. Ucndcn oris Brick- Sailding'. iXL( ' y (nM w t iTHV Wr, to e l;.4 . Ut. La ,n j u ,,,,1v f Buildinr. ZLoom Ho- a. ; ?leal to see them. It -a ton :n ertrv t r the U -t UirIif' ! in Wet-urn North Ui'-.tn lie request a -.j ' from a!l. L ' .,-rfc. v r . fiec 17 a BiTTr BJ - 1 ." l . ,

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