n c- T AT. .TJt-Jt NT IM) SRHTKsj i ' - 11 III 1 1 1 ri V T Tr "PTTFT IS1 f '1uTV M mi , . I ' j Li,.,i.M iL i " "in ii il i in ' ' j1 - ' - ' t mmmlmlmmmm mm mm mm mmm mmmmbmmk " ' tolint? liintfljmait. ij. Jl 11 It UN Kit, Editor and Proprietor. HATKsjoF .SIJHriUI'TION Ck Ikar. navaWe iii advance .2.50 KlX MONTJIH, f ' . 1.50 .10.00 f L'ojjdes to on j;. address., HEAD & FOOT STONES, JOHN H. BU!S I f llBypKH Jhijlimfiti U h'y friend j I- Aijaf tlie'jjitiblic.anU in thi met h ml would ring 0 their attention Ins extruded lacibtn? j..r intmiiijr t!!i.iiinl:. in hi- line l i.usiiie.-s.--jlcMjnnw jnvjir- (l 10 fund h all ) iiuis T (inivn Atones, jr.nrii tbe chcapc-a jl.-nd Stoiie, 1 t!ij ItiwtlM'!) i lauT.miiiMi'H. Th ir;ffnii itrli-Jniid Vit)-! j o lly wrrk- not on h;u.d. :;i!j ! n'ni'nio(litii1 o;i liort timf, strictly ii iicf kkIiUhM' witlrj'cilir;Uioii-;, drafts, inn! tlx icrius' ff tin hntiart.j S.ii ir.liiHum V"araiH ifiul. ! lti. will jiot -lii-i nndt rsolil, Xorth oij SoittliL ;nli!i-i (olii-t.'d:. Adlr-.y, . ';" J7;tt: ij Uihu. ii. lit, ity, fsiiistmiT. Studwell Brothers 17: MURRAY Street, NEW' YCi?K, irirtufactiirer' and Jobbers of BOOTS & SHOES FOR - SOUTHERN TRADE, J i I I llav(ta complete ptock in all liiiefj.includ-f iij ivr popular Granite nunc llihi Kin l'liic shoes, nnd IV omens I'clA. balsi j Urtlqrs . eolited and carefully filled at) lowest luaikct rates. J. K. MOOSE, Salepman. f feb U 5iO:4m. i Family Groceries JOHN A. HALL ! In the Store-IIouse of J. IT. Verble, oil liuiirti jftrcej, in selMn a well assorted stocW of Fii(uy C3ro i ne, consw.tin ot CvjfcCy Siiynr, Tew, Mohisscs, SILT, R CE, i i. ! 7 7 Oonfectionarics, J "egefahlcs, , IVaiU, j At., A'c., C"atrr7 hut r'litt for rtth and -country I'tiHlitce. lie invites all to call anl exatnine in oNis, which, t iioe.ii not as larc m (jtuitiltf niav lie toiind elsewlicre. are not ii iicnori in onaruv, aim win ie soni io-,v. Feb. 28, yi. 2 l::iin RI C H'SVI O ! D A 1 1 L I A"f MLROAD. Slipper (titd (hi a veil, lit' o Tin kkklv mnj: irtmm mrh. .. )M( JiaHuiHtrci .Philadelphia. -Kmc rk, id Hush))), and all points 1 it: Xo-rth -and Ea.st, Yast iriul Xorl incest. PASSENGER TRAIN Ie.-iT, Hi lumintl on Tnes':ys, ThurH.layR uiul jvitur. at H 1. M., e niurting with the .'phinl (I Steamer I State of Virginia J ,Ai'T. U v. fim:i:man.' For ilw ibnrr-Xmed Taint., l-uu-iin.g at th.j river lan.liHs, and arriving in Haltiinor' o i thi f..llo.vin: morning in time tOjC.Tiiiieet' w itli trains North and Ysft. 'r(in.lii;h tickets and Uayaye checked to all poiuits. a rr v tvt wn -r- T.eaVeiiJ.ilfiiiiJ.rH. l'ier X. .(VT ;rht Stref. ri Mondays, jvVVdMesday3. and Fridays at 4 T. . Arriving jin Kithnu.pdat 11 o'clock ftie . follow ing inoijijing. : Bills of LmUna Given to all 1 t :.. j-! - I j'- J XI. 33 l Prom HirhmiJud to Haltiifiore. Froih lrhmoki.I to Philadelphia, Prom Kithmdnd to New york, 'rom Kichmolml to IWort all rail. 00 7 05 HI 50 irom Uichihoind to Hostoiw by Souud 14 75 1 'ZO .1 VM. N.IHn.VOG, Supt. IJEU11EN t'OSTKli. (Jen'l Am.. I .Vo. iri lAyM Street, r.altimors. J- L. TAYLOR, Ticket & Preieht Act ..; ' ! " JUdntioud, Va skill. Hot J I K I s S , ; T r a v e 11 i n g A c t . 2G:3m. AlJAKlXpS of COURT AXD MA USTjiATp' llLAXKS at this ojjice ii : if ...; I ill ii iii ii . ii it ti, . i-i ,r.i i Si- TOMBS, ii YORK RIVER nil Notick to Ml;- . ' I II II I II I. 11 1 1 II El - ! tM - iiauiii il l ; u jj a Villi a ij i ji. i R. A. MURPHY t i i Ha rift;; nnin Organized for I5U4lNEtf,;havj? just opened a entirely fii; aim fn'li, in tlie loom formerly ()ccupied as t be Hardware Store, and next door to liiiiliam & fa., to l!ie tnip('(tion of Wiijjli j tliey most cor dially iuivfte the ituli. friieir "was carefully selected ly the senior ra?m l.er uf the'; fii in in person, ati(Lbouprlit at rat ca .whit b w ill enable' them to sell as- low, for (MS 1 1, ajj i ; ,MMY I MOUSE in the 'ity, for Goods of snmft quality. Their Stock is; general, embracing all the vaiious braticlies of S, Grocer te$i CrocJierg Ware, Boots and y Shoes ISole lealhcrr Calf and lliniling Skins, Grain and - i - Grass, Scythes, Cap, Letter ii j ' '". and Xofe. Paper, KXYELOPKS, PEXS, IXK, dr., and a beautiful assortment of They feel assured of their ability to give entire igatisfadtion, and especially in vite old friends and customer? to call and bring with them their acquaintances. They expect and intend to mainfaiu the reputation 4of the; Old Murphy House, which U wll known throughout Western North Carolina. All ihey ask is an ex amination of their Stock and the prices. No trouble to 8hoW goods, so come right along. Their moti!0, '' Small profits, ready and : QUICK SALES. ' Willi a good stock,, low prices, fair dealing amj prompt attention,,, they will endeavor lb merit their share of the pub lic patronage T&dy are in the market for aU kinds of produce and solicit calls from both Sellers and buyers. I B- & A. MURPHY. iioirr. MuRpnv, ANDuinv MUiiriiYr Saljbmy, jMarch 23, 1S72. S7:lv r 1S7J Hk vlk v crxv'a i J. 1 White Goods, Embrbidries, &c. : 4o- L f):iiillli(i.EtK AD SASH RIBBONS.: VELV$T RI3S0NS, NECK ties. Bonnet slkrSatia, Velvets anCrapss, Flowers, Ff i!it rs, dniRincnis, Frames, ic. snuw ronnetN and ladies and ( UlLDlIEN-.S HATS, TIUMM KI) AKl) VIITKIMMED. . And id connecting Warerooms WniTii GOODS, L1NI-XS, EMBROIDERIES, LACE$. NETS. COL XAKS, 8i:TTSv HANDKERCHIEFS, VEILlNtt. HEAD NETS, ; : - . ACj, Are. ITos. 237 Ind 233 Baltimore street, 1 5$aifhnove, .Ik!. The?e Goods sue "manufactured bv us or I ' 1 1 A AT . V 1 . . uionp,nt lori.asii ttinietlv trom the Euronean and Ainericaif JIanitfaeturers, embracing all the latest novelties,! unequalled in variety i aim eneapness;'. in any market. Orders tillld v iih care, pro promptness and uesiateb. jj I ! 2o:2m:p Ii. V Vkw?. 1 1 j T. J. Puice. PjEilCB 8c BRO. t; ; 1 ! us nesnoued T11K1H ; - ' J, GROCERY STORE FAMILY TO JENKIN'S CORNER, j! "VN'here theyi: will cmtinue to Sell Flour, Meal, Fresh Meats, Bacon, , Lard. Butter. Effss. Coffee. Teas. Suirar. Salt. Pickle. Mo-i lasses, &ci, together with a large and varied! Htock of household and table necessities liring yourcoiiutry prodnc to - ! PRICE & BRO. Jt7:tf) M i lian4 Deeds, j Trustee Deeds Commissioner's Deeds, Sheriff1 Deeds, Chattle Mortgages, &&. For Sale a t this oflis STOCK of GOODS, Good MM 08 m - OFFICE is well supplied with; argc and elegant assortment of 4$ Pictorial or CUT ILLUSTRATIONS, &C, suitable for all kinds of PRINTING. 'i 1:' ' Also liiHir and more Ornamental Types lor I 1. 1 j I ."' Business & Professional 3D i Visiting, Party and Wedding Cards ; College and School i.'r.t . llliillld Un-j.M "t mmr mi'Uim Circulars of all kinds ; u il Ii i:i r - : ?! ?rni Tobacco Notices and I ABELS for all purposes ; Clerks, Magistrates and Solicitors ; Or anything else required in the i i Printing Line. THE 51 ,1 : (ivolma lUatdjmnn AS A XEWSPAPER, Is; p. candidate for public favor. Its 1 t i circulation is good, and -its standing and, patronage iniproving.1 It is one ofl he best! advertising mediums in I'M the jStat and ofiers its facilities on as liberal terms as any. IN the District Ooart of the United States for; the Cape Fear District of North Carolina. I Att the matter of John Wi Holm, bankrnpt Upon the application of the Assignee of John W4 Holm, bankrupt, it is ordered that a second meeting of the creditora of gaid bankrupt be held in CharloUe, on the 29th of Mar 1872, at 10 o'clock, a,m:.at the office of R. II. Broadfield. kbnotpf the Registers in Eankruptcy, in said Dis- 'MVh ie purpose namca mine j.wenry-Be-verijh Section of the Act of Congress. ; i iW. II. SIMPSON, Asfignce. WATCHMAN PLAIN S FANCY HANDBILL H : ; : ! PAMPHLETS i I:- For A. M. Sullivan. ; J. P. (Sow an. NE1W OPENING. THE tmdersigned having associated tbem selvcs in business tinder the firm name of A. M. SULLIVAN, CO., UAVE opened iu Ii. J. Holmes' new build ing.; next door to the Hardware Store, where they will be pleased to meet oU and' Lnew frieuds. Tbey have a magnificent room tne largest aua best m town ind Largo c&s Sjplonclici STOCK .OF GOODS, COMPRISING a general astorlineht. Hard ware exeeyted, and will guarrantee as good bargains ad can bo sold by any House in the South. The- will dal heavilv-in Groceriiis and country i'toduce, buying aad selling, a id invite all who wish eitheio 'jii v or sell to call on them. A. ii. SULLIVAN L L'o. Jan tilth, JS72. l!:tf MILLS &B0YDEN WKOLKMI.K AXD UKTAIJ, EC CLE C2 Ei EGL And Conniissicn Merchants, Salisbvky, March 1st, 1872. Keep constantly on hand a larpe and choice stock of GENERAL 3IERCIIANDISE comprising Dry Goods. Groceries, Wares, etc. of which they would especially mention Sugar and Coffee, of all grades, MOLASSES, BACON. LARD. SOLE and Upper LEATHER: SHOES A: BOOTS, T HATS. BONNETS, PRINTS, MACKEEL, SALMON TROUT, FLOUR and MEAL, SOAPS, PEPPER sr.d SPICES, TOBACCO. LIQUORS, of all kinds always on hand, of choice quality. KfEspecial attention given to consign ments and prompt returns made. 24:tf TRIUMPHANT! UPWARDS OF FIFTY FIRST PRE MIUMS attd Gold and Sfhcr-Jfcd'ds were awarded to Chalks M. Stiekf for the best Pianos in competition with all the leading manuactur- era of the countrj. Office and New Wareroom, No. 9 Xurlh Lrhcrty St., B ALT IMO IiK, Md. The Stieirs Pianos contain alltlie latest im provement to be found in a first-class Piano, with additional improvements of hi own in vention, not to he J'i.uixI in other i 1 1 - riinni:ts. The tone, touch, and fini.-h ef their in.-tru-meuts cannot he excelled hv an muinu'actur- ea. A large assortment of Peeond-hand Pianos always on hand, from iZU $Xc). Parlor and Church Organs, so:ie twci.ty d;f feient styles in hand from ..",0 ,ij id uj;war"ds. Send lor Illustrated Catalngro, containing names of" over twelve hundred Southerner's (five hundred of which are Virrinian--, two li'indred North Carolinians, one 'sundrcd a:id fifty East Tentit'sseans. and others thro;2'tout the South), who have bought, the Stiei!' Piano since the close of ti e war. J. ALLEN BUOV.-N. A 'rent,, 22:40t Sa'i-lnvv. N. ('. FURNITURE! J. A. CLODFELTER & CO. baHnfaeftirers and j.V-. in Furniture, Invite attention to their stock of Cottage lk'vlsteaols, Cottage CMiamhcr Suit?, paint ed Chamber Stiit-s, Fretich Suits, Waiii'it nnd paintctl Ci;r,c Sent Chairs I Rocking Chairs of all di-seiiji'.ions, Extensioi j luning ia:ls tames oi all kinds w ardiooe-;, Piureaus, Washstands, What-Nots, Mattresses, Sofas, Reception I'hr.irs and Parlor Sets. .Also, Rustic Window Shades, a novelty for complete ness, beauty, cheapness and dnrabilit y. Al , tunny other articles which v are prepared o sell as cheap or cheaper tl-a;: any Jlouscin the western part of the State m- . - t j A full assortment of Posewood, Metidic snd Walnut P.urial Cases, v. hich can be lui uished at ;? hours ncttice. Re sure to call, nearly opposite the Mansion Hotel, nest door below the KxprefS otLcc, see our stock and hear our prices. Special orders (made tVom photographs in our office) will be supplied. ap5::29.9m A RARE CHANCE To Secure a BEAUTIFUL 3S O J 3S2 ; AND VALUABLE REAL ESTATE, consist ing of a modern and commodious house, am ple out buildings, good water, a fine large gar den, and from 8 to 38 acres of excellent land, all lying in the suburbs of Salisbury ; all in closed, and elligible for building lots. The above property is one of the mosi DESIRABLE in this part of the country, and will be increas ed in Vaixk by the completion of the contem plated Rail Roads to this place. Persons in terested in such property, are invited to call on, or address the subscriber. j JNO. A. ERADSIIAW, Salisbury, N. C. April 18, 1S72J 31:tf. TJte Late Jiadical State Convention hav ing so Fornurtlg Endorsed 11 olden and Wis Administration, tec Propose to give ' Uiis morning a BRIEF OUTLINE OF THE IIOL-DEX-KIRK WAR and the Events Happening During the Administration of William W. lloldcn, Late Governor of .North Carolina, in Order Hutl the People mag see tcJiat is in Store for them if the lladicuU again git into Poicer. J'Vom Ihe Wilmington Journrl, May 14. Governor Holden was in.inguaratrd as Governor under the present Constitution on the 4th of July, 1S68. In hi Inaa .gund AddrcM on that day lie dwelt at length upn the necessity and importance of-stre:iig!,henin the military arm o( i!ie Government. 0: the 17ih of A-usf, 1SGS in rcrjponse thereto, the Lejrirlr.ure, at a special session, passed a bill giving au thority o org.uiize and equip a 44 force to be known as thr detailed miiiiia of North Carolina." Under this Act Capt. Boshrr's command was raiser'. O i the J7ih of November, 1GG8, in his fust annual mes sage, the Governor announced that he had procured aiins-sud again called at tention to the Want of faciency in the militaiy department, at ihe. same time, however, declaring that peace and quiet prevailed. On the 19:h of February, 1S69, a bill was passed conferiing upon the Governor unlimited power to appoint and pay spies. From this date spies, in formers and eavesdroppers infested every community iu this .State. From this date the Gov ernor had absolute comma;. d of the Trea sury of the, State. How he used it the Auditor's books plainly show. Iu March, lbG9, the Governor Sent Capt. lioshcr and his vagabonds to occu py AlamaucR county. On the L'llh of March, 1SG9, a parly of men, consisting of Joseph W. Holden, Speaker of the House o! Representatives, various employes and officers, met Josiah Turner, Ji , at the depot in Raleigh, and in a body assaulted him. Mr. Turner's coolness and pisl.d saved his life. The parties were arres td and carried btf.re ihe Mayor. The Governor also appeared ot his own accord, avowed ids previous knowledge of the conspiracy to make the assault, and his endorsement of all that had been done. The Mayor ordered him to keep silent, which he utterly refused to do. He could not he silenced, nor was be panished for contempt of court. A few nights thereafter an attempt was made to assassinate Mr. Turner by shooting him through tb window, near which e sat writing. This time Mr. Tur n r's life was saved by the change of it direction caused by the passage of the ball through the glass and window slat. This was within a few. feet of th Court House and daring Court week, yet n -ither the Judge nor the jury took any ntice &f the occmrence. On the 10;h daj of April, 1SG0, the Legitl.iture passed an act making it a felony punishable with five and ten years imprisonment in the penitentiary to use a deadly weapon. When il is remember ed that a good hickory stick is a deadly weapwu in law, that the SheiifTs, olicuors and Judges were really to foice an ac quittal ot a party f ri Mid or iu a case of conviction, the Governor was rrady to pardon hin, the practical operation of this law will be readily seen. Mr. Turner's pistol was exercising a strong influence. On the l-J li April, I bC9, Two davs, there after, the Painting act, or the one tnakir.g the wearing a d: uise a felony was p.iss- id. This ac, as it was tirst sought to be passed, in efT et legalize d the shooting of n. in on the highway at pleasure. Iu June, lbG!), lliv- Governor sent Ciptaiu Jlo.-hcrs' ai.d othwr troops tu oc cupy Jones and Lci.eir counties. Of N ake county h.- ?!.( lock ic'ii'.arv pos session. On th" ti0.li of Octoberf"lSG9. by a formal dechuaiion, he threatened 'o declare Lenoir, Jones, Orange and Chat ham counties to he in a state of iusurrcc tf ion . lie it nmembered that this was three month-' bf P' the Shofner 1 !1. On the : 0 : 1 1 d O.-tol cr, ISoU, i.ian editoiial iu the Standard: written and ac knowledged bv himself, the Governor, referring to the last named proclamation dtclaid that under the Constitution and lawsof the State, he had the light to de clare a county be in a state of incurrectioii, and that the iff.ct theieot would be to susp'iid all civil law as it was suspended in 1SG-V On the IG'h of November, 1SG9, in his second annual message to the Legislature, he again renewed his demand lor more military power, complaining that under tin; present militia law he was comp.ira tivelv powerless to enfoice the laws. On '.he lGih of December, 1SG9, in a special message, he again called attention to the necessity for ameniuiMits to ihe mditia Jaw, and again asked tht the arm of the Kxe:utive might be strengthened. Ihe response to this appeal fr military power was the introduction into ihe Senate, on the same day, of the infamous Shofner lVill attempted to authorize him to declare a county be iu insurrection. Mr. ok, a carpet Senator from Johnson county, urged as a reason for the passage of the bill that persons accused conld be tried by drum-head courts-martial and shot. In the House of Itopresentut ives an amendment, in the very words of the Constitution, proposed to :he bill, de claring that ihe military should be mbor dinate to the civil power, was voted down. On th 29th of January, T870, the Shof ner bill wa passed. On the 7th of March IS70, the county of Alamance was de clared to be in a etate of insurrection, and Judge Tourgee refused to hold conrt. A detachment of United States troop was 8:nt there and remained in quiet until the last of April, wheu it wai ordered away, NO. and the conjbiy. thoagh in insarreetion, w.. wnhouta.oldier. The Federal troop had ihown ther.t a. elsewhere, their on- wilhngne.. to tyrannize over unoffending citizens. PeoPle of Alamance was once ore able to brealh freely, bat the lull was ...... cuu, nuVi uccciuai. J be Aniut elect on ii nnaA; j .. - - - kmmct , -. ...p, w, pn-ii Ccngress would authorize the suspension, by the Prefideutf of the wiit of habeit rnrnui in 1:.. i v.". i ... iiiu lucaiuies. ana 11 crimi nals could bej arrested and tried before military tribunals; and shot, we should on have peace and order throughout all Ihis country j. Ou the Htb of March, l s-rn Tin ... -.v, u.nuur iioioen wrote as f .Mows : t .oc inrmuerE "OI lofirres- : " I Hv.. Called on the Prrsideut for aiL bt lie 14 restiicted bv the ,lwb, .A ,1... . r , " ocas eorvus. W . ....... , n 1 n OI !- e Want nii.iijrv t,;i 1 by which assassins and mnrdeiers can br summaiuy tried ai.(L shot. We cannot have these tribunal unless the l'leM.lent be authorized to sisspci.d the haUa cor pus iu certain localities." On the 17th t, March, 1S70, (Jovcrr.or Holden wrote as follow to United State Senator Abbott : j We have Federal troop?, but we .watjt the p.-wcr to ct. Is it possible the govern mint will abandon the loyal peopl.-, to be whipped and be landed. The ' Jub. a i corpus should at Once be suspended," Next conn s tliespeot h .f Senat-tr Pool rr.ado m tl. I' . a , ' " " V lc """ ""waji.:- j'lMi.-r. io ..niici.l, a tncASllle " win s.- efficacy " -he said. " coi.ci.-tcd in the feature that I he wilt of habeas lorpns may be suspejiuYU, and that when the military make arrfcis they shall not be tompelled lo turn the ofT-ndcr over to the civil authorities !'! tiicd by a jury of his own confcc'.crjti ? ." Ou the 13. h April, 170, Senator Ab bott made a sj tit advocating the same pleasure. : In the first week iu June, 1S70, there were held various 'councils of war in the Governor uffioout llaleigh It was then and there agreed that regular military force, lo be under tho contiol of the (invirnor, should be raised,; because neither the State militia nor the United States troops could be relied upon to accomplish the desired purpose. Then it was, also, ac cording to sworn testimony, tint Senator John Pool proposed to put into service a desperado natned 3IcLindsay, who would raise a company that 44 would give Gov. Holden no trouble for that if any of the men arrested by him uuderlook any re sistance, he would kill them or they would be lost and never be heard of again" and suggested that the Governor should fob low the example of Governor Clayton of Aikansas, 44 who had taken military pos session of the; disaffected counties and tried and executed large numbers of men by military court."' Immediately there after Wm J. Clarke was commissioned Colonel of the 1st liniment N. C. State Troops, a force raised without any warrant in law whatever, and proceeded to Wash ington City and procured an ouitit for his regiment. On the 11th Id June, 1S70, the G .v- ernor alarmed, pr affecting l-i be alum-d for his personal safety, authorized th in sertion of the following iu the Standiird, It's official orgao, and eiiit' d by his ton : " Wc are authorized by the Govinorof ihe State toaiiiHim.ec that the.-e outrage must come lo art end. 1I iut nds to have indemnity for ihe just and secuiitv f i t!ie future. Tjie G 'v,'".or will do this and there are thuais that he w ii be a. s is-inuted for F doing- L t th ir try it. The Govettior d es pet f. l4; these li in!, in human t-hap.). If Lc ven peronilly iih n need, his fOentlf wiili'p. i.t il od j ui.i-h the. m ill or the mm w li m.iv J-j i. :t he iS .-i i'.;, OI ev.-n W( lini.-d, it already dcl i il.ii: .1 ; t li.it leading I m . crats and Coiiirvativcs who mu-ht b named wi 1 b". liitantl v put to d. tih. The Governor m ud is iii !:e nti. In this f nne mm. tii Kirk, w ho lutl hreji aj. H-ddei.. Colol.. r,f lie- ' Nmth Caroli i:i ,S:.it Tr o .) I r f 1 "iO, " ii.ti il by ( iov. -ii K 'liii'-iit i f "i car tied to the Standard oicc a:d l.ad there pimted an advritiecmutll fjf reel nits aidicp.-cd U Union men in grner d. ar.d lo the ' ! iliers ot tne -Npi t h i Lar dm.i 2i and 2 1 Federal troop'' (Kiik's bushwhackers during the war j in pirticular. This ad vei t 'seiuent wijsin (Jov. Holden's own hand writing and declaied to the cut throats and lliiieves inhln s:d, 4 T!i blood of your rnnrdiiMl roiiutr. men hum inly butchered for opinions sake cti'- from the giound for -vei.g. ance." 14 ll.iliv to the standard of y our 11 coinniander " This 44 Old Cotrnn indei," this mati Kirk, was notorious j-pcciaily win n acti ig i i a m.litaij chsr.ctsr (arved by hi crimes as a bushwhacker dining the w.n and as an officer of Piownlow 's miiiti i in Tennessee afur- the w aras appeal a-fn.m sw um es:im !iy.' as a 44 despt-ar.il.-, mer ciless, criminal, , violent, cin I man, a plun derer, guilty f i many outrageous deeds and murders. I On the 21itf June, IbO, this Col. Kirk, with this 'w ell"kuown chiracter, the brute who with his own hand, it Las been time and again charged, shot and kjlled a boy while on his knees begging for his life, was ordered to rendezvous his regi ment at Mnrganton. On the 8.h of July, Caswel coualy was declared by Governor .Holden to be in a state of insurrection- A detachment of Federal troops was quartered in the county and remained there uomolesting anJ unmolested during all the troubles in thai County. On the Sih of July, 1S70, Col. Kirk was ordered to Company shops, 'Alamance county. On the 13th of July, 1870, he was or dered to Yaccc-yvilleVCaawe.il county. Ou the niht cf the 13th of July, " epic would o lonjnr iut-mu ! fav ll,. iV.-t , " ... lilical rul, .M. ,e pit f ,l ! n,, , ,! , 'UZZL ; 10t..c-.M.rC.,1S-0.G,,rlIoUc tj 'ttl1' Wrote aifo lowa tl.. I.:.i. tfL.. KicLardaon was at v m i imiirii l i i iiTiri nit n m m Am a tmm 36. WHOLE 'NO. 82G j IS70, an attempt JM.C ViZlt Til V'-V'S416 ner, Jr The would bi ". ' 1 clos'e to I , IWb "d 1 '7 I r . .' nnier that tLe powder x in liii r.urai -i r M V is not inKiKled to charga ttat this ! attempt at C' II .) . "'"BtWU M murder . i t j w w i.iir iinino mm m a - - i wu cenia - nances n ccretary and rmblisbfrd . rr.l .1.1 he had sent the telegram without lU au thority, consent or cognizance of the Governor. O.1 the 15th of Ju!y,'lC70, the whole sale arrest and iniDrisonm.nt r m Alamance and CaaaflL bT anulurr power wiihont nntl ",";,v"1 any prcirr.ee even of ;o:itv. m . IU l.lW Was l.r n .. r.. .1 lr.-b i.f i..t if.i . r . 1 T. " r"8 CVfv . MIS n. in..l I'l.t. r t . dtrectrd to Ki.k. Ki.k r,fued to obey tbem and ordered the p,p, to tc taken back wuh ti.r m,-s,.,Sc Uiat .ach Odors had pliyed out." On the li b rf July, 170, Govertsor Holden wrote to Ki.k nsf.llows; 'AThere are L::it.v more ane.-'.s to c r..,U 1.... the i.fxt lit will lc fr,n.ifJt-d lo ih- duo go Adocate. Tl ieu to the e t OUrt inuit mm. M tnble Monday, 2.Vh f July. Some of the l'm-l cr;niiiils r- rsc-nping. I want yol, , x rcife a Kiund duactioa to such arrt ii, Caswell not on the I t you have, a may br necessary. ''I'll t Vr...-,. n.n . . . ' r"Sfc '-". I. aston WH I ! uniWr jour c t.inund. W S ilcKee, i plain II- v.iil 1, P v. l0 mustered in U (!! to let i hem rnaii miirrow. in :.'n, a- t !; ir votes will le neeuci:, ami Hi. ) c u h n c control over Gaston, L uculu and C-Uwb.i. TwcotJ or thirty of your men fhould be sent to -Shelby, Cleat land Cotinty, to keep an eye on Plato Doihim's friends and prrvent intimidation cf voUrs. The lawrr is are rhauticg every expe dient, but t!y UA. This is their Iat mov mnt. h is imfmrUut that the Chaf Jastico, who is substantially sus taining me, should be very courteously irerted in the person of his messenger. You cm, confide fully in Mr. Neathcry, and I wish you lo send me a list of priioners and witnesses, together with the proofs in each casc. I want to know the evidence in adtance of the Conrt." On July lSth, 1870, the Chief Juitica inquired of the Governor if the arrests and imprisonment cf the prisoners ky Colonel Kirk were in pursuance of his orders. On the 19th of July 1870, the Governor informed the Chief Justice that Col. Kirk was his subordinate officer and was ecting under Lis orders. There upon Chief J ass ice Pearson officially and judicially declared that Kirk's insolent, defiant conduct was merely a flippant speech of a rude soldier." that he had sufficient fxeuse for r. facing lo rttr.rn the wiit, that the piirouers were really in tho custody of the Governor and that if the Governor rc fud to surrender ihrta there was i o remedy, f .r "THE rowtn - r mn: j; nii'iii.v va rxnwsir.u." On 'JO h Ji.ly, ls7(.f Governor Ho'den wrote to tl o Cre-idf-nt, stating the con dition of ajj.tirs ai.d pr doling that ihe Chief Jiuticf would Mibtantiallr sus tain him. Ou.ihr ! of July, ;o, the Governor, a l linirrnan of" the State liidical Fx.-rutivc Cmnmitte, telfgrapbed to John Y. I'ornev at Washington Cilr. ..la i a lotiows : ( irti,a case I nt dec ii'u d. Chnf "Janice Pearson snb-sn-t.i-i. the "S:i;e Govern stanti in v ment am! r' fuie to iulnb re.' On 'G h July. 1 S70. Go vernor II old,, lnvitig b. i i o Jr d by the Chi f Juitico . tint the Couit ron.i.irred the pmoners'u Ins ra v .imi w oii;i i.ke tiQ steps to ce in; p.. LI: 1 i..l 1 to . I III.. d . lo ' the wiit of h'd-ras Mitreuli-r thfm. In Slai, .'ml, the offici r lo!d- n, aid : "We i : i ir -.is. : al "!g.lu of ,r liupe a., c: z-i..- wi.j ji tt.d be satis tied that pence w:il now be sustained by th- i :i.t hai mou m action of il. n tr. tiua -e Imi.i !. s .f ihe Stutif (loTcrimrnt s.i-t iii. I by i!,.- ii.iti.Tial power." a L"? Ii .U.'.r, 1"U. (iunmor Hollen, w re to J;j a I.. ii w 'I ! t!i.;u-ht il b , m iii.lv o.i account of bt n. to lr ifoie ihe Coart j p-nui i" th-rti j Marti;.l in t 1 ihe Sth Aniruit. It will cc tn'i ly b h-lJ at that time. I will no t i"y jon in tiaie as to the necessary ar rn'i metits. I -si.i: ami i:r...T ok xoinisa n oli: A i i 1 1 ! j yt,T DfrRVISO of ' .ii i : i s." l)r.ti i; :'i - s:, r,:!i, v ! -'i tl.Te sefrped i.ore;:.i t:..-a : . ' . :.-t qu..itir, Hon. IJ. i" i i i i .i. : ( '.:. . il, ciari f!l of yi.ns, a:.d l.o;.ts, il-J. a pilgrimage to the Capital of !:. cun'ry to appeal to Pieid i.t tirarit in b h Jf t4 civil liberty and the life and liberty of Lis fellow, citizens. He found ihe President not in Wa-hingi..n, but at Long ftraucb, wto refused to have his .!ei!irr ii t-nupted to give a respectful coUpileraiir.n to the appeal of tl.;s venerable sutesmm. Mr. Urown returned home only to find Others of his M-oplc confined, and preparaltODJ for their trul by Court 3Iirtial. The coast iujw se tr.cd clear. Tba Courts of Justice Lad born closed. In ail the land there seemed no help for tLa pour prisoners sweltering doting lla dog days in filthy dungeons. The privi leges of the writ of habeas corpus bar", by tb cowardice, connivance or corruption of Chief J ustice Pearson, been practical ly suspended without ibt assistance of the President, which only a -few months ago the Governor had declared to be ne cessary. William W. Holden now ruled a militiry b!!", with tae power of life and death in his funds, &oJ not as a constitutional Governor ia North Caro lina. Ou the 21 August, 170, Governor circa m- . - ""-luirrru W9UX lilt C Ulf 11 u - f

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