'lift . I' A, VI r ' 1 ' t kf. r. - . t , 1 f in ... ; . '' i ' 4 .r doroltna UJotcftctttti. 8ALISBUBT. FRIDAY MAr.3L Stat e Democratic " Conservative Ticket7 - r; FOE OOTZRKOR HON. A. S. MEREIMON, 1 ' of Buncombe, , ; 1 . v ' ' . TOB LIBCT. COVEK.OR, I JOHN HUGHES, , t -. ... . .... -'' .-' . ' ' of Craven. -- . TOB 1TTOBJTBT. QEUEIUL, JUDGE WILLIAM M, SHIPP, I. of Meckletiburg. .' " TO TCEASCBER, , JOHN W. GltAIIAM. r ; of Orange, ' , V I1' , i ,i . - .-' I ""ji. l ' ) awewwwwswwi"i--- irOK SICBETARY OF f STATE, JOHN A. WOMACK, of Chatham.; , .TOR AUDITOR, , , COLLETT LEVENTHOItPE, 4i y' .-Vof'0TdWeM.l'" ' TOW, S0?T PUBLIC U'STBDCTIOX, l nnTn lnttlATT IT T lv r of Guilford FOB iUP'T OF PUBLIC WQBKS, JAMES; H. 6EPAEK, of Wakej . . '-j i ty. Wb ari aathoriaed io announce Woo A WaUoiit as a iCoBSertatiTa Democratio jwttdldaMijlor releetionrto tha office of SWtif of Kowan county. tfict in bcbalf of the common cause of the peo hw the ycrw, they ; will be apt (o trust sejs; power tuat ruinsepuoucf ; an pie In' both the August and NotemUr contests, htm fer the future development. Ofcourso boes popular rights 1 Uh, for tocgue An4 SiB aarerung wna done Iiiui and expressln Bucces was the defeat friends, Messrs. ooooer ana vwi&voe rww ,TliE -rUiHIUAL liUAlAJUrw.' -Ir. from the tand. as he mounted iaaua w tp- u The digcuB8ion of political matters plauwytheCooTention..: ; ; : ; m. ft'Wnaowea dow to a auetion Sbobbb," was then loudlj and persistentij : . - called: and soon appeared. He was cordiallj between ;ne uonserrauve waiie peopxe u. th' thanlcsJto th honr p;ice viIVat the pVoper lime, come of flame to scorch up in, fiery indignation ng regretat:his0wn wd try them; . , ;. 1 ; the foul wrongs and enormous crimes of of hutwoterydeTir f .-C.X" iWs tdark hour of our history THE JOORTEEN YE All LOCUST. These noisy little creatures Lare made . . . . .. . fretted by the' whole contention. Hisad- the OoOtB ana me Aoriuern Acmocracy wu VC1""' b'" " J"" " dress was short but neat, and exactly appro- as to the propriety.and policy.-of endors- vicinity of WHkesboro'. The woods ting pruteto (he occasion. He warmly ratified the jr Greeley at Baltimore. The New with their peculiar muic. It is taid they action of jthe Conrentbn and pledged yiY o AVorld i epecially Very violent io occupy s, atripof country of only 8 or 10 to unite with bis renew "hd FiU denunciations of the S.ge of Chajw mile in length by one or twoin idth; TZZ paqua. If itlrepresent. any large and WeoWrved In passing throngU thisdj.. high aumpUoioVthe;partrJnpower;aiid respectable portion of the parly, the op- tnct thatlhe tender twigs of many oi the restore the government to f he due observance position, to . him must not only be very trees were cut and withered, the work; of time-honored, essential principles. " ; ji 1 influential but wholly irreconciliable. doubtless, of this insect; bus whether done " Coaxes," wslsabw repeatedly called, jbutr Tl u h' AnA annarentW not with- in feeding, or for the purpose of deposit- not appearing the Convention proceeded to other . d u,at . the promiaed ingj their eggs, we. are not well enough o t G... f V-iIHh flR,l ftt. StrenglU OI tne locrai urpuuiican iuuc- vH..uvH wu;.. in.in rekolution : - ' : : ? ' r r I oieiit bas i noti , Dcen aeveiopea inusiar i 'uwuo" wwiug .6tni.ppep ' EeMolved, That this Convention cordialFr eo- but tbai, on the contrary, there are grow- ance in form and sire of the harvest fly. dorserthe; lion. x , i dhoseb ssa gooo.ana . tw; nf aniate.warmnega (C'iCada. tommbulv called locust.) thev true conservative and worthj son of onr State -o -o- - r r ,t v .-.:.' - .. . : it arid that we win hold in grateful remembrance 1 among ithe pnme movers of the revolt, difler m cIor, being of a lighter brown ; hi services to the country as a member of the -Wh indicate a verv ranid decline. In- and in the music which they projuce. . On' motion of Col. H. F. Armfield lieve' Contention J L; deed, the whole - diseojsion" seems to be which is uot nesi so sprightly, shrilly and ) tliejplatform and resolutions of the i&ate confined to the Democratic papers at the varied. As musicians they are the taer roni'mn 'kt nreensboraVWre adonted' br North, and lhi evidences of a wide breach est drouers. We observed that thev wear thU convention in Tieu of anf of their oapj-e- n that ty lare much stronger at this as nsual, near the extremity of each true paraiuonJ, ' . " i . , ,M" m0ment than lof any formTaable; defectiofi wing, the mystic W, usually interpreted from the: Administration. If this shall to signify tear, continue to iiicrease invvioleuce and biU teraessi b v the time the Baltimore Con- A Lakgb Cherry Tree. Mir. J. It. vjs'otlitng more remaining to be done, ! the Convention, o motion adjourned, r t I J3r Wfl . are authorised - to ; announee Moses A. Smith, as a candidate for the office of Sheriff, subject to the fction of the Row aa eoaatf Conservative Democratie Conven- tlon. 4- COWAN COUNTY DEMOCRATIC CON I SERVATIVE CONVENTION. ? ' The4 Democrats arrcr Conservatives of RoWan county will Imcet at the ' ! ........ j 0- Court House in Salisbury on Saturday the first day of June next, for the pur pose of nominating candidates for the General Assembly, nd the various It fs hoped jeveryTownship in the cotjnt will fully rpresented.' THE" PEMOCR ATIC ; CONSERVATIVE venfioti meetl it will be difficult to recon- Jfraley, a native of ltowan, but now ie- SnoBBBj; earnest desired to return bim cile thej warring elements." siding at Williamsburg, Iredell county, to 'tbe . U. Congress,, and. keenlylfelt - The aspect of affairs in the North at probably ewris the largest and most pfo- the defeat they experienced by the action present; certainly forebode trouble in that ductive Cherry tree : in WestfcrnlNorth U the WilkesborV Convention last Thu'rs- body, and may result" in a split, or bolt, Carolina. The trunk, 4 feet , above the day; Ihey cannot afford lb be less mag- j as at Charleston, in 1860, when the North- J ground, measures over 22 inches in diam- ' A tJ oJl fli'i'- lrn and Southern fmoriev divided on 1 .... f. -. k 1. k:iL ' rtiL! J nammOUS Wiau aur, ouuii&u uuuteu, Wjiiw ; " j cicr., iio umm-iivp, nuitu aie large aim promptly aud. most handsemeiy4 accepted 'hfl homirtatida of I otiglas. numerous, .spread out and cover a circle , , . , . , . This is rendered the more imminent by . t ' r,. . , ,.i that action;-and his friends will with full thHttiude -of thi Southr whichras in of 60 etr in diameter,- It is wider than purpose: join hands with those of Maj. those days, seems determined to listen to it is high; and the proprietor thinks the ROBBixi, .and pledge v him a united and no terms of compromise. ; The-Greeley crop of fruit in 1671, would have meas- cordial support ttor, is there any sacri-1 fever is ragirig as violently as the seccs- ured 20 bushels. It is of the May; or - . j.. rrt c i t sion mania raged then, aud and all ef- , r T . ,. . , , , fice In t)iis course. The preferences; of . fc.,v.it r tn ht, nnavniii., ' yarIet Jt 16 pretty well. loaded the friends of these gentlemen were based We trust, however, that a more accom- lbU year and ".visited daily, by neigh ! ... - :li ' f . .. . . ? j . . . . i! . j i .!! , ... ... ., . - - , til J 1 ITT . r e . I more : upon personal .consiaerauona umn modatiug spirit - will aeveiop itseir, and o" u paEsur-oy. it e saw nve ot me upon Cany political or intellectual .differ- that we shall be able to bring the ques- Rowan delegates, to Wilkesboro, icalking ence between them. . 'iVre U no roo?n to ton into the field f fair and calm argn- among its brancne8 ia8t Friday. 4 trjteported tot theatchman., , ' FIFTY-SIXTn ANNUAL CONVENTION OP- THE rpRoTfTANT EPISCOPAL CHURCH OF NOHT1I CAROLINA. t Th body met at St. Luke's Cborcli in this place on Wednesday, tie 20th Inst, the Con- venuoo ;vas opened vwun prayer oy iqa iwini 1 be roll being called the following cltrgymen were found to be in attendance : ' S Rt. Rev. Bishop Atkinson, D. D. Ii L. D.. Rev'f K: W.Barber, C T. Eland, Jarvia B. Kaxton, l. J.lk tleJilre, D. D., John A. Lteai, Lutbec Ebora, NelMm EM FwcUs Edwin Gecr, IaraeJ Harding, II. O. Hilton, N. dln-hea, J. C Iluke, J. It. Jovncr, J. V. Larmour, M. M. lar-hallJ. A.Or1el,(ieorge Manru-e II. Vaushan, G. II. Wetniore, W. R. Wetnwire, J. A. Weaton and Edward .Wooten. - The following lay delegate,, representing fif teen pnrirhea, answered t tlwir Sameii f . ' i . i-uitiam, utn. j. vj. .iariii, uonn Wilkea, John S. Headerwn, Wm. S-lRtnum, Silaa McBee, Hon. Wm. II. Rattle, Vr. N. Til linghaat, J. T, Smith, T. R. Uill.T. J. Pn!., J. W.Rettit, Jl.A- L6ndti,'Jr, Hon. D.tM. Rir ringer, Kemp P. Rattle," Gen. Wm. Ri Cix, 1L F. Graham, J. F. Rarber, Cathy Rice, jlon. N. Soyden, Dr. J. W. Hall, LewU Hane, J. M. Coffin, C. L. Turner. T. J. Oirpcouni Henry Mill, N. V. lipVn, C N. Wewon; Ir. A.J. DRoett, and KkA. $. L. Fremont. I More than one-third of the parishes being re presented there waa ajpiornm pfesenUi . The meriting service were then conducted by Rev. Dr. Bui ton, aanUtedby several ber. cler gymen. .VI,- i J I' 5 The convention (Mrnion vm prearhed by Rev. M. M. Marshall, of Warrenton, from- the 2nd vene of the fourth chapter of firwt Corrlnthiaruc "Moreover it i required "in Stewards "that a raan be found faithful.". v 1 - At the clone of the sermon, the holy commun ion was adinitiistrred to the clerical and lav delegates, and many visitor. lhe con vent iui). was then rgn nurd for bui neas by the eleition of Rev. E. M. Fori a President, and W. N. Tdinghat as Secretary. Rev. W. R. Wetmore, John S. Henderson and R. W. Pull km were apioinled committee en credential. . - : . :;. J . i. ' ' The committee on credentials reported that several delegHtef whose credentials were irregu lar, ought, io the opinion of the committee, tQbeReat'ed, Report ctncnrmi in. 5 '4" On motion of Judge Rattle, the convention then adjourned until afler the morning service on Ihursuay. Paring the essionOflhe CyiVehtion there will be service ar9A:I.nd 8 PtM. each dar, to which all are invited. 'i yt : Many more delegate, 1n4k clerical and lay, arrived on Thnrmlay morning, but no report of Thursday proceeding could be furnUhed in tinie for thi! iue. Next -week the reporter hopes to be able to furnish the remainder of the proceedings. KO GOING BACKr ThcficmocraU tcho Opposet "GrteUy ert:nn Worl for Grant . The pemocratio party occupica a ccaZiaratUtnde toward thbrconven tioa, It; has lud nothing to lo with the organization of it, and was by its tcrnw excluded; vet at the same tim by a tacit understanding, it was under stood that, if its action agreed cener ally with its principles, it would en dorse it ctud make no opposition to iu nominee?. This is an act of . patriot ism and self-abnegation unparalleled in the lptory of political jiarties. It liaa thn million vote. There is hartU ly,five fcr cent, diflVrcnce between it and lha entire strength of the llcntilt- Hciu party in the United States. With this great proportion of popular strength it will waive all other coumcI- jkxew ad vmmmExzs. HOI FOR THE MOOHTAIHS. N EXCURSION train haa been ebarUrvd to roo from S-WKiry to Old Fort Friday Jtme the 14th at g oVlock, A. M. Tbe ocrl on will be rail vl mnU rxtvUml HIMlr, u4 ounclodt With a O RAX D BALL at Old Fort. Then- will be pletrty U rv tor every body a apeoal car for U4m and lUir wrona. . .. . .. . 1 arc 10 uju i on aM Mnrn !v f. May 27.U7- 1LEY. erationd that appeal to its pasioiisand ' ) prtjudlM, and tupjiort the Citicuunti X P. RTJBOKERT, MASONIC ILiLL, o. 3Tand .10 JlartctSt., j VILHiHGTOH,H. C.. ifn PIAIMOS and. ORGAPJS OF THE BFJST : uuimuvp upon 1110 jsoic Hiea mat tneir suec-esahvill best suWrve the inlprtt of thci pntry. The Grant men do Lcadlni Tactoriet lathe United state., not be) eve Us capable of this sacrifice, j PIANO of ALL STYLES and PRICES t Y rr ineirown Siani,Kt ,uil Jmnhn U h.dad foeaaW. will bejjortnvinccd hy practical expri ence, and by that oolv. When thev - A I. L. . Z A w 1 1 1 M I A. . iinu luc orjjniuzaiion ciiiisicu 111 Uii.UjO. WOOD'S & C03 TAIL bchaiyt!ejr ,pcnl their money, andVESTaXOHOAUt! 1 their timo and exertions In thn r-ft 11' j tin what will be cnlUl sfmlnLl Ihr art Pre-tminct for (Mr CUrm- the coantrv. Ee2 All indnrrmmU umallv held ant by nht rii Minurscuircrt taa wdy be bad in ike rotate at the abuve pUi. JEO. XVOOD'3 . . . i . . J ..-CI r. w . . cratic tickets all over the coantrv. 0010 u9-iaui$ and ruritwr Agairut this Republican dodge we warn I Tone, Elrgant Iksijn nnd Fin our fri uds, aiid we asMtre them that! f fict tJtry turjass toseijhb oppose the anti-Grant move- j -4.YV OHGAX meiit ui this particular can with truth ' Hcrelofure li.,.n or introduced la ikUcitv. be sucbected of favoring his rc-cletion. j Call, ZXear and Bee Theol No ot loriconstruction can be put up- j All Imaruments Warrautedfur Five Year.4 on it, Theonly hope of the Grant men U-mX(H TCXEO aXp r.i'rilpra'.-a Is that the Dcmocracv and the Liberal ) thoit" election ef fhet Momc n Wd, , Republicans will have two separate or-i'o";. :,l ECK1;BJ- ' I that this kliall not avail them, and that V"r4ui?wAl lo lk v' ll 4l.l iA .-r-. auuiBuwjin. -- ierl. A I " . l". . . , shall have a practical opnortunttv oft t j i.Uriiir iwr. j - - manifesting it. Cincinnati Enquirer. cavil about-their: respective fitness and Coo8erTatiVgote of lhe Soulh be It noteworthy that fruit trees of eve eapacttyj There is none in respect to caBt one wayfthe proper nomination is y variety seem to Booniieh wiUi more tueirl pijjvato ' and public standing iitad t made at Baltimoee, and it is our duty to j than ordinary vigor at V ilhamsbutg, aud worth. Uenjce there is ho violence to any use every eflort to secure a candidate thereabouts. The orchard at that place man's judgment and principles, andno whoe name will unite that vote cheerful- u parlica.ail7 fine in appearance, and solid;reAsoti to restrain the most sioeere fay of our people merely because comprises a large assortment of early and anil StealouB support of the one that w0uld they believe that be can casta larger late fruits. Add to this the healthfulnees have; ocen glven.'to the. other; - . vote at 'the North, where the real bat tle is of the country aud the beauty of the place, Tlieaeiremarka have a local reference, to 'be fought,! than any olher man who HnA he worth v couutrvmau'a nlcaant for it. was bore in Rowan that the respect- J? hau bn "a.r.ned ' b"1 if ll c" situation may well excito'the envy of the i t divide ithe Republican vote, and will ive friends of these gentlemen at one time divide he Tjemocralic .vol'ej why ehould lcS3 innAte. I ravelors passing through displayed renre feeling than was exactly we insist that there shall be no disca.sion that section should spend a uigbt at W il- ; ':! It ' .t. . . . . .f.t . T' '1 . 1 J .1.... . i. i proper an omer pontons 01 me xJisinci i u uis mwiw, uhu ium it 10 uratuu uimsDiirir. ';K' .CONVENTJOK. The delegates repreaentins the several coun ties! of the; 7th OongreseiLal District met at fit O'clock, in thcCoort House, at Wilkesboro, K. CL oa Thursday, 23d ot May, pursuant to previous announcement, for the purpose of nom inating ta Democratic Conservative candidate foriai District.'' The meeting was temporarily organised by calling Dr-Robert T. Campbell, f Iredell county, to the chairs and the appoint- thosej about whom Rowan was n etting, mKiority in the Democratic party at the m, P Matins, tq.i or v inston,;j. j and came very . near beatinff both of them. North : audi therefore, we submit that x- ..For the Watchman. Foakd's M.ili.s, Rowan Co., N. C, May 25ih 1S72. The counties of Rowan and Davie having appointe d delegates toT rare t at TIIH RADICAL SPEAKING I TUESDAY. Caldwell, C.l. Hargrnv-, O. II. ry and Robert Flctclur, Ecq .ar i) tins town by the 11 rYlrk trin iiiim i.ticlitnond county. A it was wl undeftood that Jtwlrr Mcrrim n would i afUn4 I William Vauce Liw rV derniUk, lUirUrl PrtUioB fwrarltlrtcii.t j Jane 1iw JrrniiiV. , Jti"b Ktllar hjS i wif Duvey M,Kd- laT. f DeTt. . ! In thi prrcNxlinjr, it apiariru to the a!i-f-t on ! lle Court it.ti. (it abuvc tatvJ ir ftidafi;rv nun-rfi1-nti vf ihU Sitr; h j. llir.forr i'nt-rd that tHiMicatiuii t itixir m not M! in attendance but would be m ! inr "Carol taa U aTrfcm&ii orwarerMiWUkb- XorLbatupton count v, Col. N. A. McLean ,n a'iirr, N. t ffrix wtrit jrx tddrJssea wot 'to ! KxerlJenci a, k- , ,'-v T ,"'J f""1J- an'"be in- l he would divide tl.c liun; with lhe .Foard's Mills on Saturday, MaV 25th for the purpose cf pe!ecttnga candidate to" represent this Senatorial District in the next General Aembly of North Caro lina, the dt-K4te4 n i nnd oh tuotinn, M.i. N. F. II ill of Rwmi was: rnlh d to the chair aud A. A. llarbiu of Davie re-! quested to act a SciuUi y. (ju motion ! ard iri't pari ot lhe rt.iit of UaldweU i.; I ' olL ef ihC Vrk of the litifwrior loan k 1 th Lvntity vf AUiaaukr at iaa i'oun lie. friends of Jud-e Merritnon on the era- j in TaylortViUe, on the Mb day of Jcly brat. Mr. Cowi.es of Yadkin was more before llink of any: other candidate I Ye must .i la .i i i .u i not only! conciliate the antUGreeley the tainds of-the people than either ol i . .u . n i . ; is . r j l i t minority at home, but the ami Greeley We owe: to the liberal mind of Mr. Cowles' llie Reward and J. J. Rruner, pf Rowan, as Secre- TheCountles were thert called, and it wa W I10 fi"al election of one jofi foupdlthatall belonging to tlui District .were 1 B.6mm candidates a liberality whith is duly represented by delegates in personal at- j also a guarantee of cordial support at the wnaaoce, except tliecoonty of Watauga, : which polls, . . , i. I proper to pursue. We will certainlv send wai represented by proxy. On motion of Dr. I 'iris r..vt.!l j- i. .I..J 1 ..rrato. tn Huh imnr ' 4nr thorn ia nn Keen, of .Rowan, a Committee constating of fM(ll. i....:, -J force whatever in the argument that the i - . - i' . i uilijui iLiiuiia iui a,aai i aa. 11 1 nan. iiai iiik . iin i lw0' oelegatef from each ' teanty was appointed f ; ! , . i v 7 P , ft Utiftrt Afftr-.n.ni .ni,.inn. learn, been in correspondence Mth w I " w .W. V. 4W1MWIJV1I . . I .It. " this is the time for cool argument, and not for heated and" passionate declamation i aud denunciation. Our Conservative Convenlion will de cide, when it meets, what course it is the lict i dh u it (rotn each count v 1 but I he WHO was called, and the following answered : mernb-iing :J Jlutcun Cunuig. Unity Township 11 C Host, ,Mc Lins- rrt : I rf- f la iwn, l His luv iiovcrnor reluseu to do. sod anwrr tie oi.nj.int oi rlatuiifL or 0 the ball opened out. iln i" beard rt part a to them. htij-rivr Cuurl, Alt xariJrt Ct. inr aciounl id nun'i r- 27 Gtiid. ter. Ae And then, on motion, the Convention iook his opponent, Mr. Furchas, of Statesyille, I arecesafor oie hour. . ; - for the arrangement of times and places " - ".t -'S -.'J'c!ock' for i addressing the people. We lenow : Convention asraln in. aesaion. .....it.. ..I Mr r it i oiiventiou again tatpion. . nntliing Mr ForchM ftg a d(jbate but i a, ww vwaiHiim un permanent organization. I i- r j t t . .i ? i - ... . ,r-fr t, . A supposo.his friends knew what they Were tothelUltialort Natiooil Democratic Conven- dnS wfn they selected him to bearaloft Conservative party in Virginia ought not to be represented in that Convention. We were represented in 1868, and have a representative in the National Committee, and our true place is in that party and with it whether for weal or for woe. Richmond Enquirer, May SJSih. We believe it is now reduced to a cer the radical banner, npon which is iuserilJ tainty (says the Baltimore Gazette,) that el toe jjnamea ot Grant, Ilelden, Little- the Grant government intend to make art fieldj bwepson, Ivu k, Galdwelh, Rilly unconditional surrender on the question of Ilenderion, lhomav 15. Long, and the consequential damages, and that the like, together, with , an . endorsemeri of English demands will be finally complied theil fiances and crimes. It is prodigious with by the "powers that be" at Wash nrqworic to canvass a aistnct unde the ington. The question was originally most - favorable circumstances ' nossible : I at rfpil Th XT lbi ail minidf rat 'en n'a an olon 3d, PrmiJeAlial Elector; F. Brevard McDow-1 bat Woa! to the man who nndertalrpa to l.:.o,s..- I r ssf m , vj.pvfuvu ,fio "iuj. pomicai apuaiont ii a Knotty point, ana Bobbins and carry, all the dead weight exciting the cupidity of the American Mr. t arpbas Uas had laid npon htm I people. As soon as the British govern i - j s a a. 1 a. : a. r a a . a - . . w w i m. - tlon, and an lector for this District, report the following : 1st.: That the present temporary organization, be ,made permanent. j '--' ! tl. DtlegaUt'ta National : CbnreaoV Col. R. F. Armfield, of Iredell, and G. M. Mathis f Forsythe. f ' ".. f jtUernaUi J. Q. Mirier, of Yadkin, J. S. lltndsrson, of Rowaa. Salem Female Academy. The Cata logue of this old and popular Institution for the Scholastic year ending in May, 1S72, is on our table. Rev. M. E. Gp.U- NERT presides over ,he Instituiion. Un der ithe head of " Teachers" there are no less than 29 names, comprising with other brahches. Instrumental and Vocal Mnsic. The catalogue shows a list ol 22.5 pupil., gathered from thirteen States and Terri tories. Georgia 33, South Carolina 18, Texas 17, Alabama, 17;Virgiuia 13, N. Carolina 54, &c. The Terms are moderate, considering ihq character of the Institution and the times, viz : Board, Washing and general Tuition, per session, $100. For Music, French, German, Drawing, Fainlinr, ice, small extra charges are made. T C The Committee's report, on motion of R. F. Slsjonton, Eq was accepted and adopted ; and the" Convention then proceeded to ballot for a candidate for. Congress, each county casting aa many votes aa they era entitled to Representa tives la the General Aaembly. ji rxnaTBAixoT.' Tot CtrwLts.-'Alleghany 1. Surry 1. Watau- f-l, WUkea, Yadkin; 1,-Total, . a - a a a ; xuoeq iu ine jisinci wuo nave no naa mtni aemurrea,ana me people nereaoouts the:! pleasure, of. hearing Majl Robbing showed no wiilinguesa to go to war on will fintliP daw btr mivm tn t,! lbe flimsy pretext raised by the Radical III mi ia no nAlttlMlAHa 4llA - Iftla-Ak. C. m l v a. ably spent even thongh they should have we,k in tbe knee. ana no .!0P5Pl0,ir'' ,r . '.- doubt, finish the disreputable work by cnureiy j uaciiing out 01 tuetr untenable t r THIRD AXD TOtrRTH BALLOT. oan as me secona. v -s WrXH, SIXTH, SEVENTH ASD EtQHTH ;Alexander 1 Por.ythe ljlmjROWAJI1 AND DAVIE- SENATOR! SiilioS ! deJ, Rowan TotsJ,-;' ; : i,.r,v VnT: or BoB8lK8.-iAshe I, Davie 1 Total j , ".uw' "l Wiu ,afct " r 4:1Vv-' sficoxn ballot: ' Saturday, resulted in the1 nomination of " " SENATE INFAMIES. 1 iutj as. aUve,nexcepthat 'Alexander voted Oha. -PitieBV Esq.. of Davie coiinty The bill miscalled Civil Rishta nassed ai iivw m young wau 01 aouiiyi jtna ins benate on Wednesday, but will die ' L': wcj,;hja resident " 'in' Dayfe ; Jias tade the death in the 'House: It gives equ iTV,i. fe-?TJ?? nnesitingly"prefeihim7or privileges m all inns, places of amus Same as the second exccDt that Ashe votd I tne SeqAteV- The serectiou of a candidate ment, stage coaches, railroads and steam- for Cowlea, the reault being as follows Cowles r the next General Assembly of right boat lines, but tiot a schools, cemeteries AbbiM24.---V - helongedjto pavie-and las' her "people and benevolent institutions. ( " FrHinttVnV have heretofore cordiallV supported those Another imonstrosify of oppression and For Cottles Watauga 1, Wilkes 2, Yadkin nrt1rnn Uj:;1 a. t , , . v " l-Totali..: 4 -I ' 1 jjm , au "6 "1 , , . 1 u I uaage 01 aegraaation was me passage .Ik m . 1 - I 1ULCIB . Ul llllWXn PL rfl 1911 V JlftAailT .nrl , oHOBKBrorsyine i, Surry 1 Total 2. 1 1 T I " ' For RoBBUts Allechanv 1. Aaha l. AUTJaot M r. Price. He wUl doubtless f'pull I tmder LDavie 1, Rowan a, Iredell 2 Total S. off "is coat and roll up his sleeves? and tending the operations of I i 'S jnajoriry oi mu tae voteawt, pucu lnta tne ngnt thia Bummer like one Act through the Prcsider rrtS SC?le , ;-diUon V ;the A President and party I On motion of Mr. MathbCof ForsvtW the . . M "T ?d,CaU. "? tU WeakneM to Prevail itt a fiomlnation was me iunaninmoa, amidat treat V T cuaracier ot the work requir- prepare to win by the jitoplause.-f;' :t: v " . p r c.p!0."?66 P1 " te JW thatlof thc bayonet "and the U J AVommlttee of three was sent to inform Maj. f3 J,?Pn? 80. Iar a this part of tliebusi- Another reign of terror in fBB1S8 of hu nomination and to request his neS s, is j concerned,- , Besides, we g have and the South! Arresting, appearance before the Convention. ? Inr t on nU ' L:n I . , . . ... , i t On the " entrance i Crops.-A ride to Wilkesboro', last week, enabled us to see the crop along the roads travelled. Good prospecls for wheat and oats were almost as rare as snow birds in Summer. We saw many fields which looked as if they would not be worth the reaping. a Some were too short, others two thin, and others so pol luted with briars, weeds aud bashes as to be almost worthless if harvested. The corn was small, but the fields were gen erally clean, and the lains which have alien since have no doubt had a redeem ing effect not only on corn, but also on wheat and oats.- Copious showers .may yet give us bountiful crops of corn and oats, and-greajly improve the wheat, though we "apptehend the yield of this crop will this year fall below an average. Apple, peach and other fruit trees' are oaded with young fruit. P. S. Our neighbor of the Examiner. we observe, speaks in somewhat glowing terms of the crops along the roads, and thinks they promise well. : lie was raised on a chincapiu ridge in Georgia and, we in Rowan. i, ttcv.-'--- ' Lc)iC Tetcnsh'p J B Gilfhn, Watnon. . . 2lt. Win Totcnslip.-X F Hall. Aticcll Tutcntliip - l)r F N Lnckey, J E Jamison. Franklin Toicnship Dr M L Chunn, : Wilson Trott. j r a v rr a WW Salisbury Ivicnshqt A II lioyUeii, G A Bingham. ' D trie County. Furmhtgion Toitnlhip 0 F Howell, r ii b A I lour-e. , Clatkesville Township J W Clifford, y L Frot. I ' 1 Jerusalem Totrnship Tims. lb'??ent. Fulton Toicnship Dr W 11 Sharper Modmillce Toicnship -B Bajh y, A A Ilailin. ' ! On motion Mr. Chailea Price of Davie county was nominaicil as the candi.Iate fr.r ; Senator from Rowan and Davie, On notion the Chairman nppoired B j Bailey and A. A.- Harbin of Da ie, and J. B. Gibson of Rowan Co., to inform Xlr. Price of his nomination. ! On mo tion thai i nomination 'of Mr Vi M Rob bins as candidate for Congress' from this Congressional District was endorsed. O i motion df Dr. F, N. Lnckey the Secretary was retire ted to furuwh the Salisbury Watchman with a copy of the proceedings of this meeting and request the same to be published. , On motiorr the meeting hdpnrped sire die. N. F. HALL, Chairman. A. A IIabbin, Sec'y. . The Raleigh Sentinel will please copy. ii rc wen- mine fleten. amoiii; wl Ixwrt-'ij iff, all b r 12 1Vcm from Scof-.NWII CU:uUK., 1 I ...ia weie II. nry B A. i ar-.i. A.'.miiu-iiaut Jl a ul iK-m ii m-iiii ti to i a tbe fiijfric C"UM. rt- tbi (Jr tl.i coilrtiy itjriitr lnrIrrmiJk, MilOV Ue iokp about tin hhci-n fun I v. t nw'nM i The frtreaid Tod Wh. tour hiiil v !- . Klllli M. !-wii tniilk. !quint i i his appeals to ;he colored nidi. j S.i".fJ the detniicr.it w.iiitcd to bu ai.d I. i kif tuna now- uiongiit in the ' uucLiny Wo;," bin e btks ai.l, .ill tint fU;t of g litis, I SMpiMi!?.-, to cany out Hill t 1U H Ml peace. tut rn:uk you. siys lhe aforesaid T.nl r" is one ciitter connectel with ilo that I inu-'t fjwak f; you have ti i .ii t i icaru, su 8 uc, or i;. :ijv i) iiviwiev icre ia bet tanu ih: (.irr :--! f ti'O'il ) tV don't you a!) catch him! f a:ul iu- he radical rai.k. Why don't t ie Wi! igton ".loutnir and ! t (eh I MMi r I ln-v Ufr at IVU I --..v. ' v ' . k . ntirr Iitrn I I r tin I ioeornnr .,",. v - to ippropri the same day or rather night ate time for such work -of . the bill ex- the Ku Klux itial confess their lair contest, and nnscrnpulous use inquisition. North Carolina hauling, mock a -v . m M: t?.. : 41 v 1". eFtwnjr iriais, jamng, Hanging lieautitul m aumb uuiiiua iiilib ii n i ti.h.. ..s -s. - ?. .m m a- i - - . Hall he was greeted with loud aad proiobged '"7 Yi m - -T' T l V U " enngh! l g'lTC b.4 .sjut -Kffi,.i. fLi ..i hol most heamljr rejoice in, the Inamphs an' eternal redress to the cheek f tb rostrtim. . When' order was restored, he ad- f ae&evnt yoang men in a good freedorn-lovingt cittxen, who blushes at Aresaett th ConvenUpn, thanking them with imoagu totally unknown to Dine- j the depth of onr shame and degradation Went, feeling, for the honor they, had done lHns ot Out people, Mr. Price will find . Will the House of Representatives ; , Ml pledging himself to show all osaibU oar 'plain old farmers have Vam'and een- pass this infamous bill, and arain Clothe I time personally inter ibla powers of the se- . I i .. ; i ... l Aairiw iiair i lLFiiFi i in all riinrp m w mm a m k arvwMj..i i. a. 2 e w r . " 1 iA AuruL' and to those Do itieal idaaa hM Kv f ' T " " "v" crew wuuucu 01 urea in OIQ v epice fUjsiveoaon and himselC ; He nrgently Te- lmP fnd ha7 in their minds a sUnd- power over the lives and Uberties jf the ijuestad the tealous sad active sopportof the -'ixdlenc;wWcti:.Mr: Prtc niiy eiUzens dreid investment ; 4 powe that ocratlc Conservatives throughout the Dis- no beable to; fill ; bat If he showji that he even monarehs in these days do1 nit pos- .k. ra j iniuoB urn iu M. Im- . J.. S. .u Vt- tUrmtiL . itt Bint I ' li'xU, J.i:iH Olf.ii! fnl tlr M o:l..i. J . i'. I'.ra t.M r,. soul wiic N-o. y . .. Wil liam Value A Harriet J uio l-'i' imilk, I iKf'ta. In j r.H lii it ajx armg. th niiti f.ii ii.-u ( tlx- Vfirt ihat lluth l.ii -ilk. K!:ta M. IV , NVillirrm Vjii Ixwti. nwilk IJjrriii Jane likrmifk are ivroVitt uf liiimw: Ii iben-forr ' rcbitd li st puMica ti.n it- u..J.- the ." roli 1.4 U aU liiwac," a ' i c"-i"- tr jn' li-tft in .-al'-'i-Tr, (., t.r pix wtk ar.-ivf r, reuirnii m'i1 df-- tl ir,u, if iiK 4r at uc .uiee of H t lerk of tUe wqs "not afraid f Henry Ib-tty" ! Bat was not coininj here to lio in awamjis look for h'tn and uke yullcr fcrrr ! 11 e ininuer t the Guwroor in st akin? , of 4Kobeioi.iau" i-ipTior v if iot lhe Coiintjr of AleiarxWr at if: or nC about 'be ('.Mat I!-.o-- in Tav!r-iil!e, on lb Sh riwtr me oonij iiuni n e Kiiue will oe nrara tz pant a riaiiitin, or t! to till til. Ti.i- -iJ dar of y.r IRTi K. M JST KV KS N, Clerk Stiiiior Court, Akiauder CwiBtJ. .TT:t:pd the ll:il fou rountv ouilawn sh)uxi t hi wan fully. He sail that the Iw-j This is to dive notice : That on reys had been charged with the coiumis the 4th ilay of April, A. !.. Ir72. a war-- siiin of 20 murders. He didn't kiow how rant iu Haukruptcy w:i i-ue4 acaioit lln-v loid kill-il ,ir ttlfllur estate .f It. N. many nm ih kl y liaa K.MI -ii any; uat Ut.v 1 .i . . 1 1 l.i 1 1 1 mi 1 . kim,w mat 1 lie KiiKiux nau khu-u, minn erTar scrairfed over one thousand nxno 1 . v .V Smith. .f Ci-.arlott. io th- uj Coiuty of M-ckl-uborg. and StaU of North I Carolina who has beu a.ljodc-d a Babk- , rujt up -n bi wo pti that the pay merit ot ADV 1flits. ludin- nrneryo wbj Cflt eolofed citizens ef the Stale. He j j..jy h-i.-eguis Ut ucb lUnkropi. toh denounced the L gi?Utr.re for oflVring ,,r ff ,is .tf. ,,4 t1. traasfrr of uy pr-f - rewards for the ontlaa s, while no appro- Urty by hi:n. are forbitlJrti bylaw. That rwiaiioiit were made to keep up the war , a met-tii.s 'be rrtslilora of fcaid Bankfti.'!. tipo.rtlu- kifklux Hn aim tLnouncel to pn.ve tbeir A bts. and ch-.- mo or n the action ol the Lr;;ilntaie in rcjKalin' Aj-mcj e" ' 1 ie act I ud.r wh'.cli Iloldeu im-urau-.l !('V"1 lf SENATORIAL CANDIDATES. The Senatorial district, composed of the counties of IredelJ, Wilkes and Alex ander, held a meeting at Taylorsville, on the 22d, and nominated Mr. 1 homas A. Nickolson, of Iredell, and Dr. C. L. Cook, of Wilkesboro the three counties being entitled to two Senators. 4 Mine host," the Doctor, was too bosy accommodating the delegates to Wilkes boro Convention, on the receipt of the news of his nomination, to take lime J. be; glad, flis DTotel was crowded to over flowing .by tb happiest; tet, o'ftllows we've seen together since the great gath ering in Greensboro., j p t . . ; . Ma pieogmg uimsen 10 snow au possible our plain old farmers have warm and gen- pass this infamous bill, o-by employment of all-proper ial iuature.; are kind hearted and lineral, the ExeettUve1, thislih T neans la hit power to give practical success to .n( ' , i . f - , . . , : -U f ttswishes of hu friend. to carry theDUtrict t h n "ve, beting, ested, with the temblo X Georgia correspondent, writing from McDonough, May 24th, says : 44 We Have had a drought of several weeks which has prevented Cotton seed! fiom; sprouting. A; veryirecent rain may yet bring for ward the plantations. If ft should not we shall not have half a stand., There is uiucu auAicijf uu iu auLtjcct, aa vuun is again absorbinff the attention and ener gies of bur farmers to the exclusion of, a THE CIVIL RIGHTS HILL. The following in a copy of the Civil Rights bill a panned by the Senate. Be it enaclal, ;., That whoever being a cor poration or natural person and ow ner, or in charge of any public inn, or of any place of pub lic amusement or entertainment, for whih a license from any lejrftl authoritv ia required, or of anvlineof stagecoaches, railroad. or any ei means or putnc carriage 01 p-cogen or 1 rein 11 1, glial 1 make any distinction aa to the admiiin or arcommodation therein of any citizen of the United States because of race, color, or previous condition of servitude, ah a 11 on convic tion thereof b. fined not le-. than fiye hundrtd nor tnore thaa ve tfconsand 'dollars fer each offeiice, arid theiermnor corporation po ofAd-1 ine shall be liable to the citizens thi rtby injur ed in damages to be recovered iu an action of debt. Section 2. That the offence under thU act and actions to recover da in a pes may be prose cuted before any Territorial, district, or circuit court of the United States having jurisdiction of crimes at the place where the hence waa charged to have been committed, with a right of apjeal, or to have a writ of error in any case to the Supreme Court of the Lmleu States. THE AMNESTY BILL. The following ia a copy of the general amnes ty bill as it paiwed the Senate. An act to remove trie jKjiiucai aiiriiiiiie impos ed by tltO fourteenth article of , tLe auieiiU- . . ... - ' r . 1 e-. . menu ol tne constitution 01 tne u. inie-. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Repie-entatives of the United State of Ameri ca in Congress assembled, (two-third of each I lonoe concurring therein,) that political ma- ftilities imposed by the tmrd -ection ol the fourteenth article of tbe constitution of the U. States are hereby removed from all persons whomsoever, except benators anl JU-prrx-nta-lives of the Thirty-sixth and Thirty-seventh Congrewes. officers in tbe judicial, military, and naval service bf the Cpited States, Jieads of De partment, and foreign minuters f the United States.-..' n, '-. ' - The bill! bavin already pa-sed tbe noose cow awaits the Ngnature of the President tt, ill be hel4 at a ptey t tH hol Jn at ir. r t? 11 nr..Af.A. V.n . aad carried 0:1 the kirk war, and --.en,- ; - st .,A riiri.,r. i,; .,-5. i ed hirmelf for no: cauirin,' ih Liwerys aburv. at It) o'clock. A. on tbe lit'i 'I .1 . . - rbfcntise the- extraordinary powers cmt- .Uv of jutJ . j)., 1-72. feired upon lhe Governor by that infa rnons bill had been repealed. I In the heat of his invective aprainst te legislature and ag iinsi very body j but the Lwery he waxed valiant and in- j djjereily declared that he "wari.t tkcet- d of'Hemy Btrry Iwrev," and that; Iar "didn't keer ef hia freaa lole hiiu ao." . Considering that II. B. I.ony has Ikh t iad only about three months the rash-1 cfss aud his imliscreetnr-s s of 1.5s sp-ech i ncomes al irmioply appareut. We hope t te rvcolh-clion of it will not di-tetb lhe f een of the Executive or cauc hiin ua- nleasani dreams S. T. CAHKOW. U.S. M.r-UL J. T. CUTIIUULL. I)-pny U. S. Marshal aod M e-t C (.!7:3id WAIMTED ! WOOL, HIDES AND BONES. I will piy the tigheit cash price f Wh1, Hides and Bane. Wool uken ia the dirt or wjrbtd but clear of bur S. W. TKKUKLL. ! ft LOT of fine CM HOMO I'AlN'T- Altotrether, the friends of the outlaws,' IA lVf:S a f.w DOUBLE and THI"- r a - - ljm a Bt wuftin several wete present, including Wo of II. Be brothers and his wile, were wVell pleased with the defence made fir icni by their frie-nd the (overnor but we would fain believe that this was done by him iu his character as an attoi ney, rather than as Govciuorof the State. Jlortfsorttan. 1'LrrSilver Ilated Casiors Cat Bottles, and 3 llandsotu- b Day CI kX. warranted all right, for sale at rtJocft prices to close consignment, at 1 8? W.TEltRELLS- 36:tf . - j The undesigned hereby rive- n"tjre of tW 1 apiH,ir,traenl aa Awignee of C. W. "rr,.V rniMUin, iwim; , ... v- . . I adjodjred a Bankrupt upon hi own I"K,t',,E j tbe iH-trict C-trt of the United Kau j. DIED: In IIanrtonville, Yadkin cointr, X. C on aturdar. Mav 11th, l7 at hall i-a -t 10 o'- . Cat Fear Hlfirt 4 North Caroaua. hx-k, p. tu Dr. Joiin Hampton, in theUtj 01 hu aze. lie had oeen a practicing pltv- ; Hon. J. M. Leach was renomited by the. Democrats at Greensboro on Wed nesday. t ar ol hu aze. ictan for fiftT-wven rear, bain? read and rumei.eco the practice of mcoitine in the year 1815 with Mr. Iavid Worth, father of the late sliovJ Worth, in tiuilford cotinty, N. C He !h-i bf his creat -ucce-a in practice, nd cloe ami kind attention to hi patients endeared l.iu sef to ail. The funeral -erricca were perform ed yj Bev. Mr. Wood, P. on Monday fob lowing. ' Ou May 2Cih. MagiiMay. iufant daugb ther of John A. aod M. llamsay, aed 2 jeara.. "What I do thoo knowest not now; bot thou fehalt know hereaJter' Jobn xiii, 7. ; ' '-Sleep on thou aweet one slep, ij po early gone. I ' On earth a child isloU ' In Heaven a cherub bom." JOHN S. HKN DEBXiN. A- l.O.Saltobary, May 15, ISTivSwSl FAHCY HAIB WORK. ! MliS. S. W. TEBCIXL. io V kibd of i Fancy llalr TVort. Bepair BraiJ. wtake Curls, Sitcbe.0r nwmcts aad Jewelry SeXts : ahw take t- y hair into Wreaths, soa Boquets- Fur terms rail at ber residence on Cborrs atreet. West of th- Methodist Charrh- pies can Ih. seen at S. W. TRwx's St on Inoisa strtwt. May a, lg?2. 5Mtf. ALlTklXDS of C0UUT A.SDMA GISTRATES BLANKS at lk

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