: . . - - S . s: - ; ' ...... - f - . - ; , . t. .r x I A ... --- v.;tl.J.-:..:u.x.L . :i K : . ! ' - ' 1 rii a . n ill ? i M i 1 1 1 1 "" !' """I. f""" " f...,, n, - f twt- .11. I - - - I ; . a M a. ill uii nri t :r " (Carolina UlatcIjBian LOCAL AKTD .STATS XTEXC2 Public speaking seventh CONGRESSIONAL. DISTRICT. Maj- W. M. Kouittxs. theCoUservative- iWwfatie candidate for Congress in thip IreM the people at tne loif ... .'J District, win aim lowingtimet an ".Moeksville, Smith Grove, W Sutton,' Sparta. : -JenVrson Rooue. Wilkeboro Taylorsvilie, , Statesville, i Olin, ." j Ilainptonvill Ya lkiuvill. t Saltsburyt Col FurcliU it Tarty, ha agreed to W t.r..nt alao ; so thnt t1i pwie lHr both tid Ltt cvWrVboJ'eome out. O'me out one aud all. cs : Th'irsdiiT, TfuUj, SKturday. Monday. Wednesday, Friday, VVtluesday, Friday, Katurdrty, " Tusday. AWtliH-sday, TliurhlHy-, ?HturIay, kliti CAiidid.it of the ojjo j Jqne fith. i"7th. i !8ch. ' jdth. 12th. 14ih. I7ih. l!)th. ' 2l8t. 22t.d. 25th. " 20th. 27th. sath. BUTTOH-'ilOLE. OVERSHAMING Gk.vtlemen - UifiCKSVILLKN. C, I L I 3Iay 2S, 1872. i i i i irtttr comromupation in- froing ao of rriyj tjominaiiou at Foar3' Mill received. In accepting the posi tion, I have only iofxprrM my gratitude to lie pcofilc t Davie and Itowan. UtfpecifnMy, OHAULKS PItlCE. , 11. Uailey, I ) A. A. i HABniX, Committee. J. It. Gibson,! , TOYS A!iD FaIjSY tIDTIONS. T uVriuei wpectfully informs his fnfndk aiul h toublic KHiierally, thai lie Complete Sewing MACHINE. The first and only ISUTTONMIOLE AND SEWING MAtlUNli tonibinwl that has made iu advent in th'u or any other country. C2y" The following-! reason Jare giren wliy luii is the bent !! j ; Family MucJitne to purchase. 1. Becaut- it whI , 7. ltecasue you can everything tliat-ftn v uia-5-qnickhf raise or low ertLe cliinu cau ilo, be a h.-ed Ui 4apt itto tbick or from the finest Wtli thin clolL. . couiiiebt lnateriah heni 8. Because yon hare a tiling, feijiug. cording abort ijdeep bobbin by braiilins, biutling, gatl which the tkrejiil i con ering and sewing on, at stubtly dranu from the the aiue time rul11mi'centie the tension ia quilting, etc.; better thaa consequent ly even and any other inichibe. 'dten at break the thread. L 3 becau.-Hi the tension. V. Uecausetbepre.saer a e nmre euail' aJjute foot turnu back ; that the than any other machine 'cloth fiau be easily re j) 3. Becauneit can worj mo veqi after beinc tewed, k beautilul button-holaj, j 10. Uecane tlie bet inaking a ftpe a pearl a mechanics piononnce it hy the hand. I ;tl.e best fluiahed and 4. Bed use it will ea made on the bert princi- bi oider over the edge, pie of ianjr macliine inan- dl-, ln lead 4 eTtlD tat painU and powdrra, ahoaM I protf vf fcebl qiettiaa, orpil H a, ar tt ai-a cuxxi, . f"r al wktch CK walkc' Uiumuu Yiaaoaa urtraaa Ii a aafe, ar and eChectual reare y " - -' j caam'a nnsoiiaa. Kabila, pter pomaaa ' at-aaV'h-wae ffir-tgn r do o(fc--caa compare ltl oc aln- at IR DavBSXRO f ' n aacb ta a ir flrmly lr th tpa!i tv it raw jllTa aad rrndmt taa 'eriwcln t'wpf.' ow ea. f ia oj yoaug. . Patt' Jrt.0it. Mora aec deb't frowaJai na'ta'c tila. hiin fra tia baU and railro d comto t4. 0e 0OJ0o fm He enattj a to knra frr . ral O Kami nil aceid-nii dl'ec!r or InUrccfy av oo- rarred f noin blri Ui(f. orlna r ha' 41 i it. Oil Uooae of C. Praf, he-i 1T70K- wToSr T. U. Clab tC Charlnstoa, - fro $ to- Sow a Caao- ui - Ii i- . - 1 ; -: I " ' ;.: -4: A B'irt'rrt fratTr, anft. oinAn'h cd e arrttwlaprp inced br nlnjt O W I aird'r 'El 'oia nr Yt . It r. nj -r tan frecklea, tan orn. andj aH cthrr t c lora tkvrg frnm thkkia. Havlar "te otm- la'too IhIH aai and feeatifal. "4dat androarja'a. lHr-pa at'oeUen- tir j irt from any aiaterUlj dtrlmutal to ara. Jrst thb RD XtBDKD. That ka to Mrs. WlnatowB otliirjtHjrujM we ae Ur yarj h en rlT d 'rem -ttiess nif U f Mklafat vatctaing aillt oor, aaffailog. eei uij cmiiirea. jC I dtpefon, denresti o ariiti and ' it fa tfc r ti"i -Hn; Jsn- as a p t at ttr and a tee. arid of ar 't'tertnl t it Ih Fiiirr Phosphorated 'tilar of C'liwyi. made . . . . - A muKing a neat ana uen tilnl border on any gal intent. ' it i 6. ilecauwe it will work. a beautiful eyelet hole u lac tuied. It has no wtirinp to break; notb iiiLT to iret ut of order. 11 . JteL-ause it is two Iniaebineain one. A r.LT- Poa iTF a'nea' ;iil)' i Tti.tlve aa feter, Cw 1. I'Msvrd C., New Tarlr. -d by all Dm, iits. is Uie U-t toole. and j an ic for pttiviit retorering frim -f. rer r othr sickn'is, it ha n equal KlSLKV'C GBxCfa uoLDSa KLL COtAOSB "AT I IC''. Uiuir to t' onara ;frmul -f re8t Pri, an long ad 1aorli known to the en(omer Har'Und Itarral and Ketjr and tlM-ir branches f r it Cue perma ul Ira ance A now midr by 11. W. 1 st-l y and the trade tint lied bv h i ueeenors, Morgan' M Bislry, M hulrs lr Uruj.l l,Ke Y.nk. I j 'HCErron'gjtroaT Psiat. Toota Powoaa. The beat ar tirlc known f..r cteni.di g d rt-attrvitie iraoia, Miiu ey aH Drug nia. PTicei Wel!aap.-y Nw Vorkl j CiPBOL e luVa. ii"ecualled aa ai Healinr Cornpou'd Plij .ic ax rc mmr (I i ac he rr .( arunderfut r tutf.y ever known ' ttrlc, 25 re- 'a p r bo . Jho P. Uenry, So'e P tpri Wr, H C llee Phc, New York. - is i I rasirriwiU's Hair Dtk. ThU mapn fiifent eo-pund i-i be ot d - oiiiuvHi')-. t- e safest a Ml mail relille J'ye tn ex att-we ;f;ti-vv fail dk t in part lojtle Hnlr, ( I nuiiy tit eios pour al ment a 1 eUt cltj. Manufac tory 63 Mahjo Lare, New York. f ' FTarlia a iptoin i-ui !fied o' i:a tjckecln? and plsort' os quaii 'H. It Ua prrft-c Miiidjn no 4 o lucing tradjrche c ns4ipsiiqi l bvwe'i, a Is ti-e! rase lt' r.tl er prr psra ions of. 4piir, Jol n Pa", Che' 1st. New Y"rk. Superior, Court, Sluing Tern. 1872. MarahalLT. Bell as Assignee of William Griffin, - r.t . . f f .I t . . . j . DaJiiel B. Wekh, defendant. IT appearing io he eatia&ction of the Court on affidavit filed, that the defendant George C. Mc IJenry id not a resident of the Slate of North Carolina. i Ills thereforeordered and adjudged that rnib-lieation-bto made in the Carolina Watchman a nevf.-raper published in the Town of Salisbury. North Carolina, for aix week, notifying the de fendant, George C Mcllenrv that a Summons has been ironed in the above action strains; him in which he ia notified that a complaint will be filed in thia action at the next term of Iredell Supeiior Court, on the second Mondav after the third Monday in Angnst, AT1X1872, within the firat three days of the Term, and nnleas the de fendant. George C. McIIenry answer the name within the time prescribed by law, the plaintiff will aek for the relief demanded in the com plaint. Wttnew C. L. Summe, Clerk of our said Court at office, in StateaAille. this 29th day of April, 187'A C L. SUM M C S C. 6w33:pr fee $3 of Iredell county. tli t-t $l- d 25 and W . tr U) l tie. Assignee's Sale OF $4000 to WORTH $6000 OF 4 CLiRGYlgEN, Iiankern, Bojk-keeperj, Editors anp kII others that lead sedfcntrrv lives, will find mjtchielief from the frequent Headaches, ! First Class Stue. SaLks to eontinne every oiatui uaj im nit; wiioie oh:k is i'losru OUl J "WILL beein at '0 o'clock on f-aturdar ZMEavthe 4th, at the Auction Uouseof iiL Kb-U di LOi r i , to80ll at public sale, the STOCK OP GOODS THE ADVAIICE Mower Reaper. 1 !.- . .. 1 . f - - 1 ; . r- mi . n lUANUFACTlRED BY THE Belvider Maonfaeturine Co.. B Wider. N. J.; ha the gearing (or cog wheel) all io an iron case, so as to excludu all grit. dirt. &e. Contains many new and valuable features which do n-t etist in others. Works wrll on smooth or atouev land aud is not liable tr get out of order. Persons intndin-f to buy uiov-rrs and Reapers, thid summer, would do well to ex amine the -A. X "XT -N-033f before purcha?ina elsewhere. An agent wantedin every cooi'ty iu the State. Seud for illustrated circulars to C. A. URGE, Gen'l State Act. h-r N. C. Friedburfr. Forsvthe C.. N. C W. L. KISTLKH, Salisbury. N. C. finar. 23. 3m Aeent for li.-vran Co. rl a TEE TEEMAINE Pianofortes iiysiiiB IN Georgia Homp Insxiraiice Co. Of COLUMBUS, Qa. iscoRroRATxp, 18501 CamiL. $350,000 J. RHODES BPjO'NE, Vaaiirai; D. F. WILLdOX, Zxrdmy. All Losses Equitably Adjusted . And Promptly Paid in Full! Property; owners deaaini to obtain reliable Ta- aurance will do well ho protect Ihemaelvca bv eeurtng a Policy in (Seorgia Home Insurance vo. wencies at prominent point in ail the Southern States. ! J. JLLEN BROWN, Ajent, C-fflce No. 2, Granite Row, April l -72. lyl . Baliabury, N.C. 6. llecauhe it cau do;To. HoiE o(ikino and over-hand seaming, b)!:wiM2 ilacuiNE com which (sheeta, iillow cas-bined, ed and tlie like are sewed I J i jover and ver. i 1 ii j EZif No other Macliine can accomjdifh the . junt received ia fine assortment of Tyf"i of sewing stated n Nps.!3, 4, 5, and 6 and KhiicV GooiUi such ns Packet lltxiks anl Koiv, Bat, i and Baselliilla, Heads, lliot'rafth Franiea. Perfumery, Jewelry. A-c. Also a nice ;i"'rtiriejjt f Ladies Trav- elrnrj and work ' Ba.-kets. I oilet Mats, Arc. boior you buy. At A. PA UK Klt'S Variety Store. Call and1 examine (37:21)": SniuEX DEtTH. Di Emioxi) Om Parties nwinc a family sewitig machine want a Whole Machine, one with all the improve : merits. J: i ; '- 1 j It ia to last a LIFETIME, -and therefore one jia waiited that will ddlhe jinost work and do it the bet : and tli is huahine c;n do- several jkind of Rewing not done ojn tmj other machine jbe-iides doing every kind that all others can do. I The American or Plairu Sfwinj Machine. ; : '.( Witbiiiit flip hiiftnn-hnlo OnrttsV does all tllilt is t.. 1 - . 1 Hdonc on the "Combiratioilef-cept button-hole lately belongin to John W. Bittinp, bankrupt This Stock coui.-t." of a general assortment of MercbaLdfce, such as is usually fonr.d in any :oir," formerly a ctlizeik of (Joucord. but ;ja,ld overeeaming. a . , . . , , r'.i- , MEUOKY c BRO., Agin. f.rr several years a residt'iit ot thin county, 1 1 . i . .. . ... M t Salisbury. N. C. died at hid homo six miles west 01 this . . . .3 i. . J' X plaoe, on' Tueaday nftoinooit last, vyhile j tiUittg in. It artu chair conversing with 1 lit. V. N. Luckey, and one of bid sons, till Iiad called : in to see him. He had beca riding in hid buggy in the fore part of the d.ty., hi lild usuul health ; but was complaining of not feeling well at the .'.fl.T if. ttl I tuce ir.. i.ucKCy called at nis gato. i)v L. (lie 11101411 tt?d and took a boat with him jsik! his Von onjtho front piizzt, where rthe'y s'atjtogeiher talking of ilie symptoms of hid ' dwea'sc (a heart affection,) aiid of i'Ot'iier eulijects for While thud! engaged full backwards, inj more an hour, head after was gone. i 1 I The prcseiird cf Dr., Liitkcy and of p)r. (i'a sou, who is also a ph ysici.m, w as providential, auJ c umfortiiig to the family Aho.must have: nfieVed a greater agony Iliad rliey teeu -lone atid witliout inttlli- " 1 f igent assistance. " was in his sixt v-iilth trcfii a practicing physi cian fornnre than 111 years, u ik! has left ntiuiorous re'atiVea and friends to mourn Ida sudden death. T"V-Jrm fliom lia-fihro rit i-lt 01 nrr nnv n(lr 1 i Adlllliiv uit a aa v. V a v- aua Q pewing Machine. 1 T do not hesitate to say the American Combina tion, aurp'assea all otliej- uiachinea. Besides doing hi I the work-that othe nachins can. it o veraeatns, Snd works hiittoti-holejt in an.vjfabric, from Swiss inslin. to Beaver clth I have aised Singei'a, .loats. Howe's and the Weed Ira achineSf aud find he American far suuellor tothm all. j j JltSi M. RCTLEDOE. I 1 - f il ' I have used, six difTetsntSewiing Machines. The American surpasses thfin all. if i f Mks A. L. Raixet. i ;i i i I htve ned The SinAr and bther machines and j jivould not exchange tiie Ann r)ran-ibr any. I j ii Mks, 11 N . Bringle. j --SaUSBUitY, N. d, May 22d. 1872. ! I Mcroney & Buo., agts. American c'oni. S. if. j Sib : I h ive used tl.fe Howe.r Singer, Wl.ee!er'& 1 W'ilsou, Wjicox t (iibbs Sew(ing macLinea. and i mm Id nit irivp t!i A nidrir'aii t 'oit'.binution for all a few gapalie 1 of tliem, it will d alljtbat is fclaimed for it in the Circular. 1 consiueri: it superior to all otners 1 have ever heurr Very Itespctfnlly, Mrt. (Jko.IW. Haketixson. Nervousness, and Constipation engendered from want pf exercise, by taking Simmon's Liv er Regulator.; It is. a harmhiw vegetable com pound ; it Can do no injury ; land numbers who have tried it will confidently assert that it is the la-st remedy thai can be used. I KQTfBiTO THE LADIES. j Among Q)e many useful inventions produced by the Nineteenth Century none occupies a more prominent position than that'of the Sewing Ma chine. The cheerful hum of these tireless little helpmates of our mothers and wives may now be heard iiialmfsi Jeviery hon-e ii the land. T, hey are rade in endless variety nnd one is al most at a loss to'chcose when there are so many of decided bierit. i One of the latest and most improved itj the "EM Pi ue, manufactured by the Empire Stwiyoj-MACHixB Co., 291 Bowery, 3T. Y.. rneAUi. noiseless and durable : and we can cpnscientiofjsly recommend parties in search o. a Machine to give.lt an examination before con eluding to urchafje. Agents Ranted,! liberal discounts given, i If i ! mav2fi:lv- lliiin J'r. (iiosoii' I Quite a ihovellf in the sliaje of a new style : ?atent Stem Winding Watch, that : is hunting- j case or opeh-facei combined, has been brought; out by Stewart, Gbaham & Co., Jewelers, G j Whitehall jtSlreeti, New York, which thev sell ! at the wontjerful ow price of $12. Read their I advertisement and purchase one if you want a I really gooo! Watclj. " Christian weekly en- ' poi ses iheir'-eliabiiili in every way." 15:0mo j We knqAv that for cleaning paint, windows ' china and jglassare ; for polishing knives, tin iron, brass and copper wares, and ftr removing stains fronimarbje and porcelain, and rust from machinery Enrch Morgan's Son's Sapolio is the best tiling in use. ' !mo:23 Merchant- and Traders are respectfully invi ted and requested to attend these Sales. Terms will be stated at tt' time of sale. J. K. BURKE. Assignee T J. W. Bittixo. Salislnrry. April 18, l7-2. 31:tf - W w Q BEST IN THE WORLD.tJ 1 nDW ninLiv rt-' mrMAi D E0R A CIRCULAR VVCIWH Kew York Office, 27 BEEKMA5 BZ April 2G, 1872. 32:1 y A CARD. ! The deceased year. . lie had -' :A Tiiuoxjj ()ur town ha si wen thronged f ir Several dajs ty attendants at the Epis copal Convention!.' We publish elseivhere ian account of jits proceedings. Among tliHSe, on Tuesday evening, we noticed Hugh Keynolds, Esq.. !of Statesvill.-, and I)r. F. N. Lnrkey.of Kowun, Directors inhe W. K. C' Railroad. jThey had been sumtiiuiied ' be re o atteud a , Hoard ineeting,.atid we ! learn that meeting was duly held. Hut the l . . r ... 4 1 .... . . v . . irnuusm nieir ueiuieraiions iiave ntbeen giveu to the public. ? . Decoration I 'ay Thi- annual festaval for the colored i)elle of Rowanis in ro- 1 - , gres as we go to press. Hundreds of them. iu theiir best attire, with 1 1 tl nnltue ariil t wa irnilt uro Uti wreathes of llowjers, are marchings to the Federal dead f ijecorate eeclies rre to be nmde tliet e. liey will be, sts heretofore, Wet'ie tindursinod like reftt nlcasiue in giving our t'-ntimony in favor of tli American hewing I 'chine if i'i ferei: et) any tl er. believicg that ii it trutliliiily rc(4oinii)e:tii!ed us the best machine iiiale. It is simple, diir"able, runs very light and does not get out of order or diiop stitches: Mas, LACjta M. Uvekman, f . Lj Foi st, )' iJ. A 1.1. E N BkoWM, " IA. Wi Noktukhn. A . ft,. I J ONES, f' M. E'j TnoxAsoN, . ye have seen flamiharfadvertisernents and heard much said by tjfentsbl other .niachines. "U'c will forfeit one jittndred j dollars to the con tending patiy, if af:er a fail trial beiore eainpvtent judges the American Machine, will not tki as well. it mt ta tter, the work done ctt any other machine, and do. valuable work that no other machine can do. fj (i, !W havetieen Agents for lowing Machines since XH'tCt, have soid .Singels, Lad liVebster's, Atwatera's aiid Florence's, and Lave nhandoued all for the American! ., Ihetid and cet samples of work. MAIS 111 HAY ) I sWhile The SUM SHINES! 1 THE undersigned respectfully informs the Patrons of his deeaed father, that he will sti perintend the APOTHECARY STORE lately kept by him and he hopes bv-trict attention lo merit the patronage so lilR-raily bestowed on him. A full stock of pure and reliable Drugs and Chemicals will be kept on bund as was always his custom to keep. Physicians Prescriptions disposed at all hours of the" day or night, with accuracy, fidelity and dispatch. T. SILL, Practical Apothecary. May 2, 1ST2. tf S3 faiiTaif ihiMU liiiit-y aatV"; S A desirable BricK IIouco with 7 rooms and all necessarr out hoiihcti ; situated in the mofct desirable part of Tw n . Persons wibhing to purchase, can apply at ibu ofiice. tt:l S. W. TERRELL, Auction and Commission AND DEALEU IN GENERAL MERCHANDISE. Staple, Dry Goods, R. R. R. Radway's Ready Relict Cures the wots pains in from ON K To TWkJSTV iHMJTkS. Not one tour ufter teadirg ihia aUvcrtistnicnt needauy one suffer with 1' AlN. - RAILWAY'S l.'KA l)Y RELIEF is a cure for every Pain. It v. us ll.e first nnd . . r i'r I., ll a .... .a. . .aa . .. .. excruciating naiiu. a lays 1 .iamaiioiis. and ' . ' . . vt Fb, Butter. Egj, Shoes Hats, CoMcclioncries, Croclery and Glass Ware, and Produce GEN ERALLY. SriALL"kecp a supply of provisions as rord as the market can alKrd aud at prices lo suit tncume: mi ASSIGNEE S NOTCE WOTJiSdI: Ag'U. jw-resueciiuuv Rive nonce 10 tne farmers! that t am Agent for the Celebrated. iCKEYE Moicer i nd Reaper and Swcepsta Jces T II Jl E S II E II, Manufactured br 0- Anltrhnn 4 Co., Canton, Ohio, aud Jl respectfully request those in need of -any, or eitheriof these Machines, to call and ikw me, aiid gettaBook giving full instructions and priCcjjl ' A NEW and lasting perfume, with a erc.it ' !Tfce MJiijfcity .f laborers : and the high piico ! V variety of other extracts for tl;e handker of llay, ijj., iiijjkd these Machines a necessity. ; chief, including all kind of toiled articles, at l-iease uxing pr neua me your orders as soon u. K; liAKKLlw & LO S Drug store. THE undersigned hereby gives notice of his appointment as Assignee of John W. Bitting, of the county of Rowan, and State of North Carolina, who lias been adjudged a bankrupt upon his own petition, by the District Court of the Coiled States, lor the Cape Fear District of North Carolina, J. K. Bl'KKE, ? Assignee. April 19, 1872. 31:2t DO YOU IMlWL cures Cotige.-tions, whether I tt.e lungs, stom ach, Bowels or other ghu.ds or o; pans by one application, in f'i ni 01. e to twenty unmnef.no matter how violent tr excrm-iuiiiig tie pain Rheumatic. Bed. ridden, li tiiui, Crii't'lcd, K'er- rous, Neuruitfic or jnolraUd with UiMii-einav : sutfer. UADWAY S RLADY RLLILF will afford intr.nt enu-. InJtaiiiiuali'jH of the Kidney. In flu mm a (ion or the liladJcr, Inflammdtion of the Vouch, 'rft.tion of the Lungs, Sore Throat, DiJHcntt bes-ritl.ino. J'olpitattotiof the Heart, Hysterics, croup, Dipthcrm, Catarrh, Influenza, Headache, Tootliache, XeuralgioLy RltCiimaJism, loltl Lkiil, Ague Chill. The application of the Ready HtUtf to the part or parts w here the pain or dillkulty exists w ill afford ease and cemlort. Twenty drojis in a half a tumbler of waterwill iu a few moments enre cramp, OKmt. tour Atonncli, heartburn, sick headache, diarrhae, dysentery, cohc, wind in ihe loiceU, aud all i Urnal pains. Travelers should always carry a bottle of "Hailways Keadv Kclicf' with them. A few drops in water will prevent Mckiics or pains from change of water. It is better than French Brandy or Litter.- us a stimulant. Pcver and Ague. refer and Ague cared lor iify rts. Them i j not a ri'ineilial nger.t in ti.H wnrhl tliat will cure Fever and Ague and all n'.her Malarious, Bilious, Scarlet, Typhoid. Yellow and other Fe vers (aided by limited y'.i 1'dU) mi ouich as 'Badway'ti Ready Relict." Fifty cents per hot tie. Chickens, Cablugfi Bacon, j Lard, Salt. Flour and Meal, t agar, CcCee, Molasacs. Syrup And aviriety of sOth Goods, Generally kept in a : "an.ily Grocery, constant ly on hand. 1 VTtllbtiyaU kir.do Cocntry produce at mar ket priot. l ah paid for Raits and Bones, Good, of any kind bought or Hold at Auction or on com mission and prompt returns Biaule. Give me atrial; onodoorabtvo R. A. Caldw-Ua Law oliico on Iuuisa atree ,. S. VTr TLBHELL. "W&ED" SEWING MACHINE. I II AVE taken tin agency it Salisborj for the Sale of thfsu popular Machine. Allin want of a fimf ials4 6cwiug Machine, are in Titcd to call at my re and examine them, or if desired, w ill bo so it to their rcidence for trial. The 'Weed" s nneonnled in simnlieitT. ; durability, leaut arid spii-d. It nin eiuie r, j a.. 1 1 .,i. ,.i w 11 .. i : j auu 1 ah u an u.it iiiiei iiw -niiie cau uo. .o , other Mai hino can ejjcell the Weed iu any war. 1 l . l . L. . -. anu 1 am reauy toiiesr 11a uvrits, who any other machine at apy time. It is a Shuttle Machine and makc the Iaak Stich; works both threads the i-aiue, and stich aiike on eith er tide. Read the following home testimonies. . iTEIIIlELL. Aaent. are acknowled j all wh Lart Xlem Ia ma4, mi ly tit lirtt XlutUml Talent, la U txjmal - and in eu&j rtspeda. Sc?rlor to mjxj X.TannfactnTtA Tkejf cvmlint Immense Potrtr, Equatitf, zrecimfSM ana ismitaney y Tone, Elasticity e Touch, and Great Durability, Dealers, Teachers and otliera desiring to parchaM a fint-elatt inatntmeotar invited to examine thfie Pianot befor tnailac be tr lections elsewhere. PATENT AGRAFFE THEULE, TojeUier with all suaiexa Imp roTemcsU. T&a 93 oat tborouiJf aeaoa4 timbertLa starlet af. abrdsia selected, regardlesi of eott. aa v foal aaauxed It will b the cbeapeat la the ea4. The great inereaae in the tale of u Uatn nenta. has enabled us to redaoe onr price (or First Class Pianos, from Ub to twcLty-five per cent, lefcj than any otier house (efferiof the same class of inttnuuects) In the Caked Stalea. TTbile wc act upon the nuxUa of -qnk k sales ' and small profits w make h. al the same time, a special object to f.rniih sux ruilmw with instrame&ts in no way inferior ta the toat in the luarket. Many families hare bad a d talis u cllaia " Piano, but could not afford to ray the dealer a profit of from l(j to $3t0. neither do they wUh to pare bass a cheap made iostnisnc. that would coat more to keep in re pair thaa it- Is worth, hence s large data ol oar busJc loving people hare been oblijed to ic without. Tfe eaa furniah New Serea-Octa Fiaaur FortM from 2170 to PBO doUars, Beoi band Pianos rom 40 to 25 0 doUata. as jMissibldi ; 3i:tf T tr 1? tt itr 1.' Salisbury, N. C. 'l'laying Te,as 011 ra'' i the Ala hama vcriiacul;tr for the.! final disposition of horse thieve. 1 eemetery ofj tht . the craves.'' , Sj . anrl we suppose t . uf a political character. t v 1 ue -1 t , rth Carol v. Cotnmeucement Pxercises of na College, Mt. Pleasant, are ia progress. A uumberot our citizens 4 in attendance there. Further notice in tJr next. The W'hitc Sulphur Springs in f iltiiwflin AA '.. .1 o . . I uuuiiijr tn , 111a 01 are, nave re eenily beeri fold to Dr. E. O. 1 lliott, of tnu place, It ia the is tetuiU of the floctor, under a Skilled caterer urtd mana jcr, tt open lor public beiufit this well Kbown anj tmly beneficial wat ring place during the I smntuer. North Ci idlina can Will lily claim to asmauy comior'table re , '"rts a anStitte in the Uni nj buter; tainly: there call be no moni desirable point thau the Catawba Spring.! StatcsvlUe Intelligencer. I I Sixteen Years of BttccesS.f-In 1S3G tiie now famona Mchtano BlsiMifst was first tttade known to the public by an eitehsive svs- m 01 auvertMing. From that time to the present, tiieLdemand lor it has beeh steadilv in- yvasuig ui 111 it nns taken the lead 6f all emhro- ,Hiion, lotions, ointments, and other external rmeues, imporu-M or domestic, eVer intnaluc- p nuo the, American market. In the most jMvuraiea racing ami troutng stiblcs, in the Faoiiiinients of stage and city ca companies, r , "ij j'rivaic geuiiemen, 11 ia me 1 My recogijiiied cure for such diseases of the orse sa require outward treatment. Nor is it . valuable as a local application for some of ue riMwt distreasing compbdnts td which man ' --w Hubtoet. Rheumatism. Hilfrno. If iK ;in bfuralgu, sore throat, tmuors wi ns, earache, 5hache, yield to its pain-subdujn counter jrritartt propert.es, and burns, m aids atuUnts rt healed -with incredible' rapidity undents ! t106o Reward! Is nfn.rr.rl l, ttL Si1''1'1;" 0rt!den Medical Discovery fo? a tnedicina ibn ;n ..i j 1 - rbbi. i- ii in me wire oi uron- p22.a,a Md lhe -tagesof SPECIAL NOTICES. Rowan Superior Court, 'SPRING TERM, 1372. Ordered ly the Court, That hereafter the Civil Docket be 'tiot taken tip before Thursday of the first week bf' th ; Term, and that witnesses will not be allqived o prove their attendance before that day of the Term, and tliat the Clerk adver tise this order. I A. JUDSON MASON, C. S. C, 3t:32 ; j ; by Oiiadiau Woodson, D. C. i - 1 1 Fiual Settlement. DO you wish to enjoy a good ;noke ? Thu. try synui of tjie genuine Ila'vanu Cigars just received a C. K. BARKER it OO'S Drug Store. NO. low 1 at TANNERS Oil, Magic and Transparent Macliine Oil at IOW Wl IO WE FSEO TO BE PHYSICKED. does, not temember. the time when spring purgation was considered indispensable . a ri....i.i. j, v. , ' yj .uiuiiiij iiiiiuiii i .j i ito muiier ior wry laces,' the inevitabieisalts and senha, rhubarb, or calo- i.i i i :L.iL. li. i ii . i oici auu j:uap, musi ue aaministered. t hese 'spring niedicines,!? the youngsters were told, were to keep mem liale and hearty during the summer, t S e all know now that this was a A. icy; thatew vigor, not depletion, is what in required at the commencement of the summer solstice. j.as a prepliirutio for the enervating eltects of bppreasivejsnnimer weather, a course ..f 1 f ...i.tL.... u. I ..i. r:.L. i - , - nvsirup cMJiiiacii ii tiers .is nigiuy expe dient. This famous vegetable ur-numtion ba three proniinent properties j It renovates, puri- ues, anu reguiates an tne Mmcttons of the body. It is composed exclusively of rwire TPfrptabU pfoduciioijs, tfz: the esseniial principle oT Mo ningahe'a Rye, and the most efficacious tome and alternative roots, bar'.i, and-euro a known tq medical botanists! rieuce.it is an absolotplv safe medicjiiie; and ho tincjure of the Pharma ciKcia can cmpard with it either in puritv,or irj the variety of iujobjectsj and its comprehen sive results, f Ha npilv for mankind, the theorv that it was necessary to prostrate a . uutipnt in order to cure him, s foreyr explode!, and the true pnuosopitical poctrine, that vigor is one great antagonist of iUseasei has taken it na LHcstetter's Betters is an iiivisorant. and henr u is the proper inedicine for the feeble at this most trying season f the year. Be sure that you f obtain the genuine article, as(there are Innumerable yile imitations in the market. Look to the ornamental at.imn ib engraved label, and the njame, blown into the glass. Iiostetter a ifctomaeh Ritters is sold bottles only. - ij . . NOTICK is hereby given tliat the third and final meeting of the creditors of W. P. Graham, Bankrupt, -of Rowan, will be held at the office of R. H. Broadfield, Register, Salisbnrv, N. C, on the loth May, 1872, at the hour of 10 o'clock, A. M., at! Jwhich ! time I will apply for a dis charge from any further liabilities" as assignee of said Wm. PiQraham, bankrupt. sj! R.!F:SIMONTON, Assignee. April 2&, 1872. 3t:32 prices C. R. BARKER & CO'S Drug Store. Mr S. W Sal TtKEELL, A'f SBCtT, March 25, 1872. VST Parties orrleringbj mail jnsy rely vpom the best selections. Our Pianos are fojly warzaated in stx jears Descriptire GtruUrs suit to all parti ef Ihsj country upon application. p C, M. Tremaine 4 Brother,: MANUFACTUIIEES, 455 Broome Street, XTew ITork.' 7E RESPECTFULLY of 1 hvsii l.tn-. MerehnntA nml ilu call tlie attention public generally to our well selected stock of Drugs, Chemicals, Paints, OiU, Varnishes, Brushes, Dye Stuffs, Lamps, Lamp Fixtures, dc. LL GOODS warranted, pure, fresh t Pennine, and nriees to unit ht times All orders'promptl attended to. Especial care and attention given to otir prescription de partment. C. R. BARKER & Co., DrugaK (Successor to, Jjcnj H. Essie.,) 26:tf . Saiisburv. N. C. , dc ami in A w Baauwrfiaa letST.-Jn Peatifric s bad iheir da backs, ua-jtl the ftalubriou Bark of the Soap Tree a a brpi'.ht iw he h Uan y'lryj to pr,f, et the ira aitant ScIor., U e -n Uellfu n-tioU for t e tetth thai a brah wvs ever flipped into. VCHiLMis's Livas SavtD roa 60 Cts." It-tw rl Troop ran be cured; whn Best aken. by Dr. TobUa ne Ian Linii3 at a"ante! fw 2 j earn, and never a tytt rrturnel. It a sicarea D'urrr.iea. pyrsenterr. vp bih inrfn,n t, "urn anucxietn faina, toiii "j iragy.sH, XHpotiu racK rtace, Kew York, f . t :!.- psacs herself mocli not hart been bessffol If her complexion bad been bad. If beaut Is sk'n deep. It Is oecraaarj to aecura aad rualn that part it; and la- IHSXJKE YOUEj LIFE AMEmDAM LIFE INSURANCE CI 0? PHILl S. E. Corner Ffjurth and Walnut Streets. ORGANIZED 1850. CHARTER Pornetnal. r $3,638,864.88. GEORGE W. HILL, President, JOHN S. WILSON. Secretary. OF TRUSTEES. 1 i I Assetts iBOARD !IM 1 ALEXANDER WIIILDEN. i Hon. JA, POLLOCK, I. EDGAR THOMPSON. t GEO. NITGENT HON. A. (. CATTELL, HENRY K. BENNETT, JNO. W A LI N A MAKER. A LBlSBJrp ROBERTA, PHILIP B. MINGLE ISAAOHAZLEIIURST, L. M. WHILLDEN, geo. W.i;hill; JAS. L.CLAGH0RN, Issues all forms of Life and Endowment Policies, LOWEST RATES POSSIBLE. j j All? POLICIES iNON-FORFEITABLE. 'pDK ilERlClN has been m acti-e operation for nearly a quarter of a century, has been i&Vt5iV5 cont5,1Jed ,V7 gentlemen distinguished for their busiaes t-xperiense and comrflWlilt.robityiand has ben eminently suceessful. rt utw ipet its opugauons witn fcignai i romptness, and in a most liberal f iirit. Among; its insuring members, the Company has the a.:.t.ni-74i.At - i f it ' ' uuiuujiuk maul t IUI! UiVCk emtnenthd leading men, in all profesuons and classes, throughout North Carolina. cuauw -ageing uilcu, w no suomu. appjy oy leuer oi in person to ! : j i..-j,!,T " j .EE Y.'L.F. WAY. Gen'l Agent. OrtaC iLBT. C,ai Beabisg, Supt. Ageat, WUmington, N. C. I narlSfelTJ11"' ' HEALTH! BEAUTY! ! Strong and pure rich Blood Increase of Hcsh and Blood Clear SLin cf Beau tiful Complexion secured to all. DR. HAD WAIT'S Sarsaparilllan Resolvent Has made ihe most astonishing Cures: so quick, so rapid are fh-e-changes the body undergoes, under the influence of this truly Wonderful Medicine, that EVERY DAY AN INCREASE IN FLESH AND WEIGHT IB SEEN AND FELT. THE GREAT BLOOD nrr.lFIER. Every drop of the Sari-uparillian Resolvei ' communicates through the ulood, sweat, unue and other fluids ar.d juices of the .-ytem ibe ; vigor of life, lor it repairs the wa.-ts oi the boJy , with new aud sound uiatciial, scrolula, syphi lis, cousuutption, glandular discax-s, ulcerA in the thr ut, mouth, tumors, nodt in tile glands and other parts of the syslem, t-ore cyv, stru-; morous discharges fn m the ears, and thewot forms of kiil dieaes, el uf'twus, leters, sores. scald heod, riLg worm, alt rbeuiu, erysipelas, ache, black spots, wonusin ti e flesh, eancer in the wouinb, and all weakening and painful discharges, night sweats, lo.. o1 vperm and all wastes of the life Principle, are witbih thecnr ative range of this w onder of Modern Chen it rv.and a few days use will prove ti any per son wishing it tor either l these forms of di eue its potent power to cure them. It the patient, daily becomii'g reduced by the wastes and decomposition that is coutiuually progressir.g, uccecd.-in a.ic:i!g tl ere wastes, and repairs the same with new material made from healthy blood and tlii-ibe Sariaparillian will and docs i-ecure a cure is curtain; foj hen once this remedy comioei.ct its work to purification, and succeeds in diminishing the loss of wastes, its repairs will be rapid, and ev ery due the patient will feel himself growing heiter'and strougei. the !-d digesting better, appetite improving and tie hand weight in creasing. Not only does theSarsaj arillian h'e solvent excel all known remedial agents in the eure of Chronic, Scrofr.ious.t'onstitutional and Skin disea-es; hut it is C,e only j.i itive cure for KIDNEY i BLABBER COMPLAINTS, Urinary and womb di vaes gravel, diabetes, dropsy stoppage of water,incontiiu'nee ot urine. UrightV disease, Alhun.ir.nria. and in all c.ises where there are biick-dv.st (le;Kit, or the w a trri-i thick, cloudy, mixed with sub-tarci -alike the white if an eg"grOr threads like white i!k or there is a morbid, dark, bilious appearance arcl white bone-dust dv p'.sitr, and when there is n pricking, burning sei sj,i ioii w hun passing water, ar d pain in the small of thoback ami along the loins. DR. RADWAY'S Perfect Purgative Pills, lerfect'y tasteless elef sntiy cr ated wit sw eet pom, pure, regnlat'j. j-urifv. cleanse and streiiK'l'cn. Kaaway's ITls. tcr tl'e cure of all di-orders of ti e stomach, liver, boweis, kidnexa. b:aiiler. nervoua diseases, headacke, contipatioii. e ortivefiess. indi gestion. lv(epsia. biliousness, biiieualever iufiam mationortlie bowel, pile and all deraapemenUol the internal Viscera. Wan-anted to effect a posi tive core, l'nrely vegetable, containing no mer cury, minerals or deleterious dm.". A few doses of Uadwat's Pill wlil free the rstera Irora all the above nampd disorders. Price, 75 eeniaperbox. IStH.D BY ll:L(iC'ISTS. Read -Kalsk am Trce." bend one lettertamp to RADWAY CO., 33 VVarren SUeet, Cor. of Church Ptreet. New York. Information worth tkousand. wiU be sent yon. Jaae 30 j Weed Sewiua Machine . Your Machine being entirely new and un-' known iu this portion of the State.it affords ma j Eleasure to recommend it to the public. I have ' ad in my nam for2 weeks, the IIowe.Amer ican Combination and. the 'Weed" and gave thein all. a tair. innartial trial I now say unhesitatingly, I prefer the ''Weed" to any ; other, it runs easier, nore siinf' in lnecbaJv- ism, aud durability a id can do all any other, machine, can do. i- j I think its simplic fy of construct ioa, ease j of management, adaption to every kindof fami- . .L ...... i "1 . . . IV sew lug comiiu.eu, seiioer u a ursi class Jaa- chine. Respect fullT. j Mr;. N. T). HARRIS NATIONAL HOTEL. SALissuav, April 10, K'2 Mr. 8. W. Terrell, Ag't ' Wed" SeKtnfj Machine : I have used your Mm bine a Fnficient length of time to test its me its. I can cheerfully re Command it to all in i 'ant of s first cla ma chine. It Is simple i.nd durable, runs easier thAn any other, is eaa to operate on, aud can do all any other machine cau d. lra. M. A. Brixulk. FOR SALE. late style One entirely ney Coal Box IMr. f)ne double seat Jersey Wagon, nearly new. Cue f-ett BaggvH cash. April 19, 1872. lirr. Wale aa fr vod H.rnf... Iyw for B. W. TKUItELL. THE BORDETT ' Combination" ORGAH. (With Carpenter and Burdetrs Kevt Improvements.) The disagreeable reedy tone entirely arsr come in this instrument. The Ttrditl iiraninoct.' The CrrtlettSocrcuiflhc lft!! We fhillffljc the Virl. ti Zfu! Ct! And cordially inrite the profession iqert and the tnutical world generally to eTnmins this truly Kondcrful inttrumcnt. The Burdett Combinatioa Orpui ilO 10 W prr Ma'd-ntf a r, ,fitrw4a'-c n el 1VT nr si JLX a X 3r T3JTsc2xxxo ii.raa.lru, uaca. Ma,cm, As its astne Indicate, issa is renins talon of si? owe ' standard improvesneota. coavblDer w Hk sassy new fealurra never beiore inuodeted or aaeaaedi ta Seed Orrat,a. tort-cber snskiaf tLisOrxsa tie ru n i lt a of instmsrieDta, snd m last kso si ready created a rcvolatiwp ia tie .n ssisd 'U tt.e decided tavor of the general tooptioa ei Ee4 Ori;ana. both for aecolar apd aa.red sraste. Wtf aa inatrnsnent ia repaired aiLWr Is aeevscnaa U voice or to prodoee orckestrsl erect. . 8 -l. X Tot B.rhln will il-b l 11'. unj amhfi'l r Q)r-l acprrU.r aa'anc. frit. i.l.T flft, f il'y en d 111 warnuileH for fire jer. Wi will ir tl0 fr any rob nr. l.lH prtow torn, tliat i'.l c a sir.n'r, m'ft baP. r .Uac earu tfc.n onr. Il i al.i d.r CLAfTI 1 LOCK 8TICIL flt-.. A . I . Bk. a.. wtt art.l mt sl I). lwlk S S Bkrvt r ral'eJ 4. t wiibMii ua4ii,'3 it. We px Aeti ls- c lor tbe raelodean tas U p!sje4 j a kii4. ("S-Klprrai n'h, and cX:itnr. rr a co r mnl.ii I l.irh imk-e that a-aoet ck be madr. for etreulan Sn4 Urn.1. pn y hi or ddri HAKMHL a to. i-J aaa n lt MW TOKK C rTIO". ro nnl t lai crl olKB er prtW traTflii r't I the nwir jr f-alia rf 3 wo'lM" raats ir'ia aa k ar n Hf r the ti ean or rU,erwHe. Oj lil'i on I fton ae i4 rtay ekas aaart la- w tared Sla cfc be mt "I JN". le lal cMd i Lost Certificate. THE undersigned, ia lost or mielaul a Slock Cjertificate in jibe North Carolina Railroad for five1 shares, ($ZO0.) neither date nor No. reoierjibercd. This notice is given in reference to application for a new certificate. j J. P. WHITE. Rowan County May 17, 1S72. X 35:4t:rd FOR SALE. Witk tae malLitsdiBonj and ewipriaiaf reraa lion. I hat are contained is law instmsaeBt, tke saol iatrirate sonaic of the "first Cbaaters, csa m rts derod as oa a trrsad erf aa ; or ta snost siof4 aa A I! th Tar-too Isnprovenenu oa tba Bardett Or gsa art protected by patent, Irerosg esrltivt te tlie CoDipaoT, sad cia be aaed a do otaor org aL . The prevent Bardett Orgai aa rri4 tie a4 cordis! sad biUrt sneoainiM fro sn tUtae raakiai amon tke Cral of taasician sad orf ails. a TWO SMALL TRACTS OF LAND from four to five miles of Tqwn, containing WOOD and MEATK3W, whnj a j-art cLred snd in orchard. If not sold lefore the 6th of July next it will then be som to May 17, 1ST2. St Land Dccdsj Commissioner s Deeds; Cbattle Mortgages, &t. at public sale. At-ply J. K. BURKE, Ag'L Trustee Deeds Deeds. SlleriLT, For Sale at. this olfit Cheap Chattje 3Iortgages, and various other "blanks lor sale bere. H Xe Tort Jmdepndrmt tayt mftXt Eur. dclt Organ : "It is by far the most perfect reed instrument we have ever kcb." The Chruhnm Leader save ; -We hna BO Idea tat a reed iatruntnt could be broagbt to rack perfwetion " lTse New Tori Ohtrrrr tarst Tts orfty of voicing. rvhnes of tone, arid wooderfal or cheitral cm bin a tion a. together with a combef of new arid original stops, render it x iattro. ment of such perfectioa as to bf bfjptd cor) petition The press and riublir ertrrwLere who Lava had an opportunity ..f !lLnicg U its bauttful strains, not only girs It their unqualified appro val, but unhesitatingly aataeecte test it stanfl without a rival- Tl e Burdett Organ ranges ia price fron S135 to S1000. We have also New Cabinet Oigaxi. at S5, 1S, 1100, kc. C. 71. Tremaine av Br WH0LX8ALX ACKSTtj 435 Sroetr Ut,,Tfcsm -TOLS Jsly 33. IrTK. S9-iill t)-,n 1 1 , i -t ' II: I ! I li j .it , i ' ! .i'i i ; : 1'. i .f hi ; r ' I i i il I : 1 ' f i i- I i . - (; - .i k r . : 1 V

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