'tf'JLi W' vw York Observer. ' i & - 7 j s r - THE OLD, OLD HOME. J0 CMumt O. iVycw, Charlatan, & G V When I long for sainted wemoneV' Like anel troor they come 1 ' If I fold my Sarms to ponder On the old, old home, n X The heart hsW many fawages ' ' - Through which the feeling roam, But its middle aisle is weired To the thoughU of okljsold horn, ': M ": .,-.- I' . t - t-'.y , Where infancy was aheltered Like roe-budrfroni the blast, ' Where girlhood'a brief elysitira i' In jayousnem was pamed : f To that sweet pot forereif, ' - As to nome hallowed d0in 1 Life's pilgrim bend her vision 'Tin her old, old home, ; j C . , n .r . . A father sat, how proudly, . , Br that hearrhstone's rays, ' -Aha told ihi children Htqriea Of hw early manhood' days ; And one loft eye was beaming, From chill to child 'twould roam t Thus a mother counU her treasures, In the thl, old home. The birthday gifts and Ajstivals, , The blentled vesper hnih Some dear one yho warf swelling it : Is with the Seraphim)! ; The fond "good-nighu"fatbcd-time, How ntiiet s!md would come. Atul fold us, altogether In the old, old home. Like a wreath of acenteil flowers . Close intertwined eajj heart ; But time andchango inj1 concert Have blown the wrerjth apart. But doar and sainted njemoriei Like anglts ever come, If I foJd my arms and ponder Of the old, old homei IT WAS SUCH A POOD JOKE.: A good story is told n tVusliiiigton of A genial young gentleman, unwilling to omit recognition of an acquaintance, who at a wedding reception lately caught sight of a gray-whiskered and rather stately . person, and being satisfied by inquiry of I bis indentity, immediately, edged along ltd his side. 1; . Good evening said he, extending his band with cordiality. ' I'm delighted to gee you I I believe we haven't met since we parted in Mexico. j I Lj, 1 1 really fear, said the gray-whiskered magnate, 1 that you Lave me at an advan tage.') '. ,r: ...;..! I ; l'Vhy, don't you recollect ! But then I was very much younger,' said the other when with my lather in Mexico.' ! . ; J And, to tell the truh,' said tho elde fentleman, 1 my remembrances of evr aving been in Mexico are very indis tinct. . , -!, , . J 4 i' 'Kxcuso the quc8tionp, said tho youg man rather desperately ; are you not $ir JSdward Thornton V ' 'By means. " I ato Judge Poland, of Vermont. ., If A thousand pkrdons !'! and the dls comfitted youth moved away. : But a few nights afttirward, at anotl er reception,1 his eye was jsimilaily caught, and the edge of his mortification having been worn off, he could smile at his mis ttke and. he accordingly made his why nee mortj to the side ola gentleman with grayr muton-chop whiskers and after a word or two on the wealher and the scene, ht suddenly said, i , j That Was ati iiwkward thing of roe the other night, when I took you for old Thornton,'! j ! ; And Who do you take me for now, roay I ask I' said his companion. f Why-why, saidf the embarrassed young man of society-' you told me ou were Judge Poland, ofjVerraont. j On the contrary try name is Thofn ton, was the rfcther annihilating response; aud the young; man at this day calls t a case of a diabolic quality. v I An Incident. 1hQ following' truthful incident is related of Gen. Pat Clebnlnu a distinguished oilieer in the Confederate fy. ' I iM 1 ' On the march of his division from Colum bia to Nashville, he espied one of his ifet erabs marching along the rongh turnpike In bis bare feet, which were bruised aud bleeding. Calling the soldier to his horse's Hide, (the General being monuted,) be dtrected him to pull off his boots, which being done, he requested tho soldief to jmt them on his awn bleeding IVet. This the soldier refused to do,aayilg 1 Tbey are your bootsl General, and not mine.1 I k - :" -1 : I 'Put them on. sir.ireDlied ttm. CU burne. I orde jou to do it at oneJ: T am your superior officer and will bavci xny oraers obeyedbesides, what does d uaa oa uorseoacjc want with boots onihia1 ; The soldier obeyed, and in a few hkri i . and sesacrifioing General was fi mtiS 2eatLn f fhar&e at the jbatl Henry Barlow, of Prcenvllle. Milaia aippi wanted to know What the futnre badj io store, for biraj and ifent tqa fortune : teller for information. 1 be seer said that oae lioais uarris was piinof tA t;n - - - , .... v. i w:H xlenry. Whereupon ihe latter undertbokl , any, antj announced that he! would kill Louis Iiajris then Louis Harris lay for Henry Barlowand fetched him with a loa of Ijnckshot. Prod! of! these facts being made at the trial, Louis wae held to be justified, and was accord ingly acquitted, i But the fortune tclln.; uo as popmar as ue wjis: " - I -------..5.. .0, A most unfortunate! diffionit. 3 IIlfiUfc iaaif Between John Brake and Spencer Brake, who married Jena s daughter, on tW r.m;.n. ri : uUock, mlEdgwombe. four miles from w' Ch ,SPenc" gashed in tU frontal bone ,pD the right hemispleire of John's; brain. Wound pronouiic.od mortal. Se we learn; from the Bocky Mount Mail. i-Jt v It is said that And raw Sf L j Stephen Lowery ! make! frequent visits to Mosi Neck, and that they often get so drunk while there that itheir friends lave to carry them off home1,. nder these circnmsUntes, no one appbars v viaim uig icwurus enerea lor them Wil. Journal. "'1 If your neighbor's ens are trnnW0: some, says an xchanrrk and steal r.fn- the way, don't let yourj any passions rise: u piace ior mem. to tay I ? ,;? . It is! said that Col. Dookery does no desire !tof and will not; ran in opposition to Mr. lAsue in tuiaUiatnct- The ate of hammocks Instead of bede itis faidr- becotalng general In New York. Ilonj J. M. Leach ' was renomitcd bj the "Democrats at ' Greensboro ion Wed ncsdafj. ; ; ' , , ; i "I Cdnstittxtional Lmendmerits, Passed in the House of Jiepresentatives January 17, 1872. i ! : , I AN ACT to alter the Constitution! of North Carolina!. 1 The General Assembly of jorth Carolina do enact (three-fifths of all the members of each House concurring.) ; j : ' f V , That the Constitution of this State le altered as follows, to wit; ? -s j j t l' - ' Amend section sir, of he first article, by striking jout the first clause thereof, down to and including the word "but;" thlabeing1 theclaustt relating to the State debt. Amend section two of the! second! article by strikingout the word;" annually," and inserting in lieo thereof, the word biennially jf ' being in reference to the sessions of the General As se'rably.'1 ,' - 1 ' J V "5 j Amenjd section five of the;second article, by striking jont all that precedes .the words, ' the said, Senate districts," and by striking out the phrase as aforesaid or " in said 'section ; the parts sal stricken out having reference to the State census. I ' . Add a new section to the second article to be t vied "section !30," and to read as follows: "The members of the general Assembly shall each receive three hundred dollar as a com pensation for their services during' their terra, subject tb such regulations in regard ito time of payment and reduction for non-attendance as may be brescribed by law ; but they may have an additional allowance when they are called together in special session, and mileage shall be ten cents per mile for each session." Amend section one-' of the third article by striking jout the words " four years,'? where they occur first in said section, and inserting, in lieu thereof, the words ' two years," being, in refer ence to the terms of executive officers.! Strike out the words Superintendent of Pub lie Worlds," wherever they occur iri the Consti tution, thus abolishing that effice. ; ". Amend section six of the third article, by striking out the word 'annually. and in serting, in lieu thereof, the word, vbiennial ly." so as to conform io i the prp visions re specting the sessious of the General Assem bly, -j ; X ;J Strik out sections two anjl three of the fourth article, being the provisions which re fer to the appointment and duties of the Code Cujmmissiooers. : ' 1 j Altr (section four of the fourth article, fo that saii section shall read as follows : The judicial bower of the State shall be; vested in a court IpMbe trial of impeachments, a Su preme Cburt, Superior Courts, such inferior Courts as may be established by law, aid Courts of J ustiee of the Peace. " ijj ? j Alter pection eight of the fourth" article, so that said section shall read as follow: "The Supreme court shall consist of a Chief Justice and two Associate Justices;: Provi ded, That this shall not apply to tho justices during their present term of officn, uuWss by death, resignation, or otherwise, the nmn ber of Associate Justices shall be reduced tO tWO.' " ' " "i ' ' i ! . Alter section twelve of the fourth article so that fiaid section, sliall read as follows: 'TbeStjate shall be divided iuto nine judi cial districts, for each of which a judge shjjtU be chosen; and in each district- a Superior court shill be held at least twice s Ui each year, to continue for such tiineiu mich coun ty n-speetively as may be prescribed by law. The General Assembly, shalljay off said dis tricts in ; due time, so that the Said nine judges may be chosen and begin their offici al term at the first general election for mem bers of the General Assembly which -snail occur aftitr the ratification of this seciiouj." The Geteral Assembly may reduce or in crease the number of Districts to take effect at the esjd of each judicial t?rm. Strike out section thirti en of the fourth atticle 4hieh fixes the p:esent judicial dis tricts. . j . ' 4- ; ! t Auiend section fomteeu of the fourth ar ticle by; striking out all' after the word office, "land inserting, in lieu of the part so stricken out. the following: Thei General Assembly shall prescribe a proper system Sof roiauonpr ine jmige may ride thefaine dis trict twice in succession, Band the judges may also exchange districts -with each other jus may be-jprovided by law" ; ? f Mrikel but section fifteen of the fourth Ar ticle, and insert in lieu thereof, the follow ing; Thi General Assembly shall, have ho power ti deprive tho judicial department ituy inyKT or junsuiction wnicti rightfully pertain&lto it as a coordinate department; but the jGeneral Assembly shall allot abd distribue ti nt portion of this power aud ju risdiction, which does not pertain to the Su preme Court, ainoug the other coerts pre scribed u this constitution or which may be established by law, in such manlier as! it nay den best, provide als a proper si stem of appeals, and regulate by Taw whjen necessary the methods of proceeding, , in the exercise of their powers, of all the courts below the Supreme Court, so far as the saine may be done without conflict with other pro visions of this constitution." ji Strike . out sections sixteen,: seven teen, nineteen, twenty-five and thirty-three of the fourth article. . ; 1 ! Amerjd section twenty-six of the foprth article by striking out all that part which be gin with, and follows the word ;4but! in said section, and. in lieu of the part' so strickenj out, inserting the following 5 j 'The judicial officers and the clerks of any courts i'hich may be establish d by law, shall be chosen by the vote of the qualified electors, aud for such term as way be -prescribed bv law. The voters of. each?pre emet, established as is elsewhere ! provided for in this constitution, shall elect two Jus tices of the peace foruch term as may be fixed bvlaw, whoso jurisdiction shall extt-nd throughout their respective counties. The General-Assembly may provide fori the elec tion of more than two justices of ihe peace in those precinets which contains citles or towns. Or in which othr der it expedient. The chief magistrates of "". incorporated towns shall have thejudicial powers of justices of the peace " . Amu.d 8ectwn thirty of the fourth article oystiikng out the word "township" a od Jiisertmi.in lieu thereof, the word -pre-einctsqalso-in the lastentence of theaatue iection.stnke out the words -the commis sioners f the county may appoint to sueh office (oi th unexpired term," apd in lieu thereof Insert "an appointment to fill such vacancy for the unexpired term " shall be made asjraay be prescribed by law,' J-1 actions one aud seven of the fi th iw !7,,tnlt,DJt 0,Qt the r, "commis sioners df the several connties" where they occur in aid seetions, and in lieu thereof in- Tords "ty authoriiies es tabhshei and authorized by law. . wJbS!X?t sec-ion foQr Qt tbe fiftil art5cl. intSf UU0t0 the Stte.deLtind Amend section Airnt r.t .. 1 , msertinl after the word "in,tr,,M :1 said section the words juatiumenr in or any 'other per- V 'if $ I ' I r ' sonal property.'' insert ;the word "and" "survevjr'' section one of the 7th article "d w ft words -Md five comm Li sioners'lin said section; also add to7A?d secUou 4a lollowing j - The fiSeSl semblv shall provide for a system of .county government for the several counties of the State. . 'i'-" ;, f Amiend seetiou two of the seTenth article, by striking out the word commissioners" and in . lien thereof inserting the words county authorities established and authorized by law;" and in the same' section strike out the words, the Register of Deeds Shall be ex officio clerk of the board of commission ers.M ' . ' ' V :r-: ' : :.y ' Strike out section three of the seventh ar ticle, and in lieu thereof insert th following : 'The icotfnty authorities established and au thoiized by law shall see that the respective comities are divided into a suitable number of sub-divisions, as compact and convenient in shape as possible, and marked out by de finite boundaries, which may be altered when necessary. Said sub-divisions ehallbe known by theiiiame of precinct3. They shall Lave ho corporate powers. The township gov ernments are abolished. The boundaries of the pr cincts shall be the same which here-; tofore idefined the townships until they shall be altered." ; Strike out sections four, five, six, ten and eleveniof the seventh article, which relate to the township system. Amend sections eight and nine of the seventh article, by striking out the words "or townships" where they occur in said sections. Strike out section three of the ninth article, and in lieu thereof insert the following : "The General Assembly shall make suuable'pro vision by law for the management and regu- iation of the public schools, and for j erfect iing the system of free public instruction." Strike out fection five of th ninth article, and in lieu thereof, insert the following: "The General Assembly shall have power tr provide for the electiou of Trustees of the University of - North Carolina, in whom, chosen, shall be vested all the privileges, .rights, ; franchises and endowments hereto fore in any wise granted to, or conferred up on, the Board of Tinstees of said Universi ty; and the General Assembly may make such provisions, laws and regulations, from time to time, as may be necessary aud ex pedient for the maintenance and manage ment of said University." : Strike out section thirteen, fourteen and fifteen of the ninth article, relating to the University of North Carolina. Amend sec tion tenof the eleventh article by striking out the words "at theeharge of the State." and in lieu thereof, insert the words "by the State; and those who do not own property exemption prescribed in this Constitution, or being minors, whose parents 'o not owu property over and above the same, shall be cared for at the charge of the State. Alter section seven of the fourteenth ar ticle so that said section shall read as fol follows: "No person who shall hold any of fice or place of trust or profit under the Uuited States, or any department thereof, or under any other State or government, shall hold or exercise, any other office or place of trustor profit uider the authority of this State, or be eligible to a seat in either house if the General Assembly ; Provided, That nothing herein contained thall exteud to officers in the militia. Justice of llje Peace, Commis sioners for Special Purposes." Add another section to the fourtheenth ar ticle to be styled "section 8." and to Tead as follows :! "County officers, justices of the peace and other officers whose offices are abolished or changed in any way by the al teration of the constitution, shall cot tinne t" exercise their functions until any provisions necessary to be made by law in order to give full effect to the alterations, so far as relates to said officers shall have beeu made." He -number the sections iu those articles from which an section has beeu stricken without the iusertion of another in its stead; and giv to any new section that number which by this method would have been given to the section for which it is snbMited, and the alteration shall.be embodied iuto the constitution, and the several sections num bered consecutively. Barn Burnt. Il ccntlv the Barn ot Mr. Hoot, P. McLellan, " 2 miles from Pioneer ilills, Cabarrus county, was burnt, together with all his corn and for age. -The fire occurred about midnight, and Mr.; McLellan barely had time, aftei ho discovered it, to save his horses and harness. It was, no doubt, the work of an incendiary instigated by malice. On the same night, about 4 miles off, Mr. J. G. Lotijr's smokehouse Mas bro ken into and 250 pounds of Bacon sto len. What a pity the pillory have been rogues' palace at Democrat. whipping abolished llakigh,- post and for ilie Charlotte Moving Day That wr.s A good hit cf Senator Sclmrz about the first of May being moving day, and that it was pro posed to take the first steps to remove that which is obnoxious to the American people, and to put something better in its place." ' PROSPECTUS OF THE inTSLucErjcar. On or ahout the 18th day of April next, we propose to issue at Statesville, Iredell county N. C, a first-class weekly paper tb be called ! THE INTELLIGENCER. Its aim will be to occupy the whole legitimate field of journalism, ministering to the literary; taste of all, at the same time striving to pro mote the Agricultural, Commercial, and other Industrial pursuit with all the zeal and energy that strict attention and every eflort can bring to bear, while; an earnest desire will be exerted to make it an agreeable companion around eve ry fireside. ! j ITS POLITICS thoroughly Conservative, and fully believing it to be the duty of every good citizen, to oppose corruption in every form, no pains will be spared rn exposing the perils which Radical ism have brought upon the country, and bv a bold, determined stand, beat back the waves of anarchy and despotism which so dangerously threaten our once happy land. There can be no neutral ground and believing that those who are not for us are against us, THE IKTEI.T.IG E2TCE R, shall gnard sacredly the rights lof the people whenever encroached upon by those direct lv or indirectly favoring the teachings of Radicals or Kadicalism, under any form or gnise. Terms $2.50 per year ; $1.50 for six months. JULIUS W. WRIGHT, CHARLES R. JONES. Fapere desiring an exchange will please com mence forthwith. April 2, 1S72. WILLIAM VALENTINE, I THE BARBER, RETURNS HIS THANKS to his OLD ililENDS and the Public for the liberal patronage heretofore extended to him. a e uow informs them that he has fitted np a new and commodious . Shop, in Dr. Henderson's Brich- j BuUdingZioonilo. 2, where he would be pleased to see them. He guarantees to give satisfaction in every case. He has m his employ of, the best: Hair Dressers Jn Western N orth Carolina. He requests a call from all. V MUMwy, Jf. C, Dec. 17, 18C9, HAIiMVAliK ... s Main Street- Salisbury, .1', ARE COySTAXTL V ADDIN(i, 1 I ranc of wants we arc rrerarel to meet, nor New, ew, improved anti valuable Tools, Jjiiple-' ents, Machines. Contrivaneies. &cA-i?.; for! m i ne convenience ana lucility ot Farmers, Blacksmiths, . Carpenters, ' M Shoe Makers, Tauners, Cabinet Makers, Masons. , arria.C U1 lUerS, : Coopers ! 1T ' U '' ' ilouse-Keepers, , Butchers CnrZl T L ! , ' ' in isiri, ten jwrsons unacquamtetl with our establishment, are aware of the wide1 IIASaken the room recently occupied by Overman. Holmes & Co., in Murphv's Granite llow, and oiH'ncd a PRODUCE COMMISSION BUSINESS. rf"IIe solicit c:h orders from abrod. rroducc luKht and bhipped on very short .w,.v. .v..-'v. . 1 1. ii i ichiji io i;isiurs en kiFX'ash paid for all leading articles of m OREHEA b5S GHEENSBOUO' X. C, i Will be open every WEDNESDAY on aivl lifter the first Wed:icsd:; in March, Gth,; for the sale of " ; ILEAF TOBACCO. , Tho-se who coni;'Ti with me are aspired of the , west j.rices. If the- .iUs do isot give alisfaction, tlie i'u'.j.ieeo nn v lw "tnU.-n in." and aliijt, 1 d else- I Ml'ere. No c-liaict- for flora se. Warehouse fees tliesamc asnt ianiiie. Liberal advunees will Remade. The Warcln.niio ); a first el.- s prizcry ' attached. In 11 f Lwml: i:!jr. orderint; ar.d assort- i Inj: of jour T.diarco too n.u-h enre ennnot be i taken. Ample canijiiz j'.n Is are oW-rcd to planters. I'll do mv best for roiiMisnorr: they ean't ; ask more. I refer every man to Lis neighbors, that j ihe good news mayswrjad. j Very Ite.spectfullv. i EL'GKXE M0RE1IEAD. : Feb. 13, 1872. 3m:2i I LUMBER! Lumber ! ! Lumber ! ! ! THE nn.lersiiriied bes leave to inform :thi citizens cf Halishiirv. and other nlares of iiinpmvfiiiftit. that he has made arrange- iiients t furnish lumber cheaper than ever, GREEN OR DRIED to suit the i.nrnlmr. Iietrnuiber Ireiui ts ;re no n:oro from Kard S:ati..n, tliati from places bearer Salisbury, while the timber is better. Be sure aud send your orders for Lumber. 1). V. ROBERTS, Icard Stat'on. X. C. Feb. 2. 20-a.ii BDRKE i COFFIN. AM) Commission Merchants, B3 At the Sign of the: lied Flag, .UERONEY'd OLD STAND, MAIN PTKEMT SALISBURY, N. C. J. K. BUKKE. j. ic. corny. S-Orders and consignments rccpectfiilly w licted. CAuclion sales every Saturday and public days. Oh! Yes Oh! Yes Oh ! Yes! Having fallen bnek to a better position and been reinforced by forming a copartnership with Jko. M. COFFrxwho h.".s been long and favor ably known in the Mercantile community, I would respectfully return my thanks to the public generally, and solicit a continuance of their patronage to the new Firm ; with the as surance that we will do all wc can to Ratipfy all who may have anything to Bell or buy. J. K. BURKE. January 1872. X. B. I will continue to attend to the fell ing of any kind of property in the country, for Administrator and others when notified in lime. tf :18 J. K. BURKE, Auctioneer. Notice . t . . . HAVING qualified as Executrix of the la?t Will and Testament of Jane E. Jlurphy decM, notice h hcrehv piven to all persons in debtel to the estate of J aneE. JInrphy to make immediate payment. All persons having claims against aid estate are hereby notified to present the same to me on or before the :14th dav of February, 1873, or this notice will be pleair in bar of their recoverv. SUSAN TV. MURPHY, Salisbury, Feb 14, 1872. Executrix. t22 - ExBcutnx I MERCHANTS, Me exact ana beautiful adaptability ol our Roods for the purposes for which thev are made. Nor can we detscribe them in an advertisement. They must lc seen. Come, therefore, to the Hardware tore. for any thing you want, from a toothpick to a steam engine; from a pin to a strawcutter any thing almost every thin. They havc--A FULL STOCK always on hand of every rariety'of Nail, Iron, Steel, Hoes, Grain Cra dles, Scythe, 100 Dozen Axe at low prices. l inns Guns, rito!f, KriveH nnd Forks, Fairbanks denies, the Wt Wrought Iron Mown to be found. warrant them togive satkfaction. Thomp- koh's Plows and Subfoilcrs. ; rnTv T SIIKLLEUS, STRAW CUTTERS, and a thoiisnnd other thin;r you need. Send n your writers or come and buy. l&tf Saliflbnrr, N. O. oi liiC CUV countr- Produce. ll:tf SIXTY-FIVE FIRST PRIZE M COALS AWARDED THE GREAT SOUTH EUN mm MA NCI 'AC- TORY. WM. C. KNAiiK oc CO. Jf'iHiifactttrcrs of (1UANI), SlJAUltK AND CPKIOUT Piano Tcrtes. IlALTIMOKK, MI. Tlicsc Iostninent have U-en before the Pub lic lor nearly 1 n rtv Year, aixl uion tK n-lK iKv alone attained an u-ir i x- unimrcti'H-til i-f- uivnrrJ whieh ronuiiiK.- klit-m uicjii ult-l, in TO N K, TUl Cit, H'ORKMAXMIIJ' AND KL UA Iill.ITY. EFIX- All our Sijuuie Plow have our New Improved Oykrtki no (xAXt and the J$rti Trrhlr. t-?- W e wrnll cnil spct-Ift! attention to our late l'atenlrd i mpnivt nu n!i in fidtrxl Piano ami i 'narc (jranf.i, lonml in no oilier Piano, which bring tho Tiauo neater per tectum than has yet been attained. Leery Piano Pally Warranted fur Pire I'm-. fcilT We arc by special nrranenvent enabled to furnish Parlor rjan and Mrl.dian of the most celebrated makers, Wholesale and Kttail at lowest Kaetorv Price. Illnstratcd I atalopnes and Price Lift prompt ly furnished on npplie-ntion to r WM. KXAKi: & CO., Ihltlmore, yUl. Or any of our rrjpilar established .'.Renciec. October I 1ST l.C months. A STEM W1KDEES. t I N, i T1IK SEXSATIOIf, $12. OR JlasJc Watch. A BEAUTIFUL CIIIllsTMAfc GIFT. SOMETHING ENTIRELY NEW, AND USEFUL, AS WELL AS GOOD. A Nnv Stvi.k Ixh ui.k IIixtinu Case and open fare Watch cuinbhrtt in one, with fine kiiut ri.As inxn(rd PiAUhcd or Fuiwti:iXicle, Fa tent Lever, and llttby Jerel'd Movemextk Accurately ailjnsteil and Rw;i latKI. Elegant Crystal tup, howinj the Erpoeed Action and EVEY Motion of the Jkavliul WouK while running, wi:h the eehlruled patent fcTEM wind ing .Watitment (winding up at the Stem without t tie use of Key), tnijue in Iktin, and jju"ite a Xoveexy, Cheapest p.ealey tiuou, roi7, correct aiul xerticeaUe Watch ever maiuiftf ured FOR PER.--OXAL C?E, fyud to finrM quality higk prio: Gold Chroxometeii Wathi at ue turntieth the cui. Price each Ladies' ortiENTs' triVA Ciiain.w, in Morocco Cajc, only $12 or $f,0 per half dozen ; 100 per dozen to cluU or the trade. Sinolf. Watches wnt free to any addre. Saf ddirery nvaraniced on receipt of price. We are refixm-iblc for Cheek, Drafts, P. O. Money Order, or Registered Let Urn only. Or, we will forward them by Express withoct the money, and you can jav the price to the Express Agent "(with Expro Charge Ex tra for the privilege) on the delivtrv of them to you in your town. W'atche of "all kind sent everywhere on the game condition. Genuine Americas Lever.", $15. Solid (Jold Lers, $30. Ladtex' and Gests Chains, all tyk., $2 to $10 each. Every Watch xolJ an represented, thcroujhlv rorroa tnl by SpEciAI.GrARANTKE,anu'eaa&fjrr;)a ed at all times free of No Agent em- PLOYEp. All goods at Factory Price. Any Watch you may want at half the price your jeweler Bells it for. Descriptive Price Lisu of Watches, Chaine, &c, sent free. Addr&ta all all orders, STEWART, OKA HAM & CO, Jeweler. Importers, Acn lo:Cmol 6 Whitehall .St. N Y". SALISBURY t -1. - - ... - - -.' . - BOOK m STORE. o SALEM ALMANACS At the, Dook Streo. PSALMS AST) EYilNS, At tbQ Book Store LUTHERAN Boolu of Worship. At the BtHk Store. SH00L BOOKS, large raric-tr.i ' , At th$ Book Store. IN fact any thing in the way of Books and Stationery, can be had at short notice and on reasonable terms. At th Book Store. SPECIAL orders will receive prompt atten tion Send in your order. I CALYIN :rLYLER. J&a. 24,i872. f Jfrtf EAT ENT LIGHTNINGSAw Super Extra Spring Steel, Warranted "fieliaei - BBBN MOODY BOYNTON, Nor. 27, 1SG6 or SBrd WOOtl. but lUjft tun), i r,, i. rorne wnen tent ont; tre to maem tht, 1 16 than ci mlBtoot of men i V'iirwrinU (abetter tfcan tLe old frirti n t.ior. .f-.t hr all llonert hard are mea will procure the wni'nf f InfarW pooK tut Ure iL-j Co not kei. lUw . He tkat tW nawe aad warrant are n ea k .w. I K. M. DOVXTKN, -vjle PropricUir and I t i. f. M. :.j .'- 1. . i .i - I V 4 ill ' r.t r. i . I Why l'c Uic (I,.e .:;- :' f -'i :. ti l. ! A it - ! v . .1: !':! ! li tihil t'V -1 . i a;, i . t.- i.. tf 1 1. ifiat u.i-1. 1 ! I.. i : fl hi-e :itci;t 1 . t rt- j.I TTB"!' !:ivp ! "l i.i.inv the atf .l, if tif out .i. I '. if ult i; ii i ; ' . ; . . . 1 1 ( ..it ... . Ijiiv a imhi I fl . l.v t! 1 1 tit-- ; ' ti ; . l i . . ! l.-t. I ifi( I " ' v VereJ ctil n ' ' ' 2ul. u.i- M I i . t ?uaj.'f n;t . 1 1 li1 hft oi.t tt.-:..t i. ! 31 (,'i.t- ..' i .;i:t-rt t.i ' ... -.v ". t. :.r a 01 a Uat ri . 4th. Are f'lptd with sn oil ion a :tt r fi'.:rc '-r fttti. TI.'' Jfe t! i ;.:. 5 ! . t i fisitrr. ea,i-r lUan ;iy ot'-t-r. su-'. a;e. uli - : thai e. ;!53iIju ot One Failed in 20,000. i f i c ' ' ' T- ---Si If, Tie Vr w Year lad. tu I ir uwt-vr, .-. r, vorteo by Hnd. tv !m tneo mtid f f,f . .i.! .1 . ' m . - ' - . . m. .... . r..,v..r. I 1 11. 1 I IfU.t.. ... . nt of name. conllnonv4r. in two H.. r .1 -f ., .4 ire rainnle.. I am 4t fll ,h.i for !1 cf rr. .,ntt, - ; jTZV ..T X.fc-tOtn. wood Live n., rival in irct m Ai. ..-,..!..- f "M vml' Tt 1UU..1U:. . .... ... . BOY.TO.Vtt PATS:T L:C-IIT.I.fi SAW. ' Tlii l 4e K" cr I -ro-t n i! v tm : On. ejieiai. iii' r' -' ii 1 -. 1 1'. 't ii . t : f t. ior V ii ii lit nmi n k r- m l i. t t ? i i n ea. Muiplinty at.ti n rVt t t i.i.t.H. 8ri.CP All a: ie ti t ai. i 'I t at; it ! a t-ctite than th bat k. r f-ti-at i at 'i I - it are ja iwoletit to tl.e 'ixtit mi 1 A h r of X r 1.. aa w . Heifer i--! . ii r ul. r . Et or t'l'TTIMl. Il t -ait r to plow a plus c this principle ii terr it i ft i. t all ti r U elli t -..!. ol Cl and projeii: js eupr. ami c(ta: u.u i '1 t..ir. .SmruciTr. Tbiii i o! HOK all the tiinr ..; i w. 'i- iti1i It : fe aapi trttfU. S fcooiii. or tliick rakin trr-tti tn I h'irt!e! . nlj oiir mil li tn,ii:r4 to kerf lU-m in ut 6t. a4 th-y are fa eay tor tLr unkiiift !aloi-r u Ksuj 1 1. r . I ! r Iti l.bM i , a . FlriTCi aCK. ( cnt:ni,cr.l3 utt:ic nicliii tf. t) c po calt-ra; farr" tt tialf cnt. Lot clear, by liflitij; the tilae aLcie tLe -ti i.; 1. eltr. lira .;w. waitli la lie Dit rfcrt clearinfr iu;p!m-pt. ! by their circular we a Ihut two Horr ton broil rr. bj lm.tl. rv: off a tw rlte iixk ajr awr (Uvtu wood) lot in yLt eronJu. I efor-11 a. or (meial X! a-lr muC oil t ti.ft npb.,1 ed Hea at In4rje4iet Sqnare. l'bilaMpkia. S-eft nl-r 1. W.r. WVal-orote i i itd . iWrit Hit rtii atate4 effort, tbe Rawing, by band of tweotv ij c rJ l I arfl Unl. u.ap1-. ttm. a.V. and kirkorr v4 im tight bor (iocloiling lost time) ij MirLicaa. ,WQalerfol. Ikeae Saw a are matt and old by Mr. K. VI. Jln;i,ia i IWkraan trrt. S'tw York. a! a tec ted by lour pateut. daUt rep tirelv ."7 l'A. Ja!i a JaBoarr 14. 16 . Jalv T. ' I"- :W trut that tl inventor of ralnable an itr;irov-fnfrit in an artit e of uc k ofcieri a ir, will I able t. ejtj tbe frnlt of tLt-ir laboi Trr from iu.T.iigifieiit or piraey of any kitJ.- iJThese Saws are unirersalhi concreted to AWiough S.100 claiUcnrjc for erpcmtc of test Lis beat advertised in mi IU ions of jxipcrs, and cnyrared on each aar t:0 one has crer DAI1KD to jnddicly f$t the trailer, XO edlicr sate hat douUe jvirded teeth, CONSTRUCTED TO CUT IN LINE SO AS TO CUT WITH OUTSIDE OF M TOOTH 4 ONLY hy direct uctio.t. Kir: B. The cuitinj cf ad single jnintcd Ucth are equal, and these M are double, tcilh direct action, sjxtccd, and sLint concealed bet ice cn points cf M. If one oint f M uas set one tray and one the other, the slint tcould ride and Vft out the tooth, Wlien the liardwaie trarle do not ajrcn'.B wanted, and no government lice' is required- A tx foot cross cut and a brick iaw-Uade will be ent to sjxj tddm on receipt of SO, or $1 per foot. One man itwi $1 25 per foot. ; ' 2G:if 00 UMHEiArX Crai2Z2T, irew York. July 23, 16G7 ; Jn. 14, 14, 18C8; Julj 27, 18C9. -O- pace ore je.r fo. tmtvmt (tU,tri", . tea rreriiM. The L,glt8ttp w.der l.!fl t,6K ..e.It! J .L.,,.,.,, SlW Tint lamri. Iv.t... t.. p.- v 171. f ktr ti tn n.Vr.t mil r..ii,M. i . . . . . .. . lt.rr nm .r ! r'r ntnnm .... ir 1 1 . . arri.i are r.t-J. 7 'Mis Maaafattori r- Kw Toft. V', , i , . j ... t i Tinier n1nr. I !; ;' t .tlr. 1... r . Lih1rinsr Kan t i I Si ( ..( '. : it.t. i Ll ! .ir i Jkrt t( rotIUb4a . i!t .i fi !!. Ut rrtM c J i i f V.. . f t 1 1 : : t u.Ut wLt t., i !.!. t -.f. n kt r etrit .. i. j r : i.. j . i ... Uti 1- it. n nCt f leif. rt d i i t t- .I .':. i ; ill f.r.'.: V No it i 1 . 1 i .. i.tltf, ti.- ;ul e 4 f.Ct L n. )--: rail all a du.i. it a ! it Mr 1 4 t-. '! . . i; - t : i : . ;u i.- .a ) 1 1 o p ff f er ot!irf aw tt - tu ! i,r ta a tic t.,4 V tool L. at 51 nil i ' i ' ''Ktili. I , 1 l. 1, tin to lt t j i ( ui . ' . -. I t i In I. t tJ li ra tf ku. I i.i ttl't tii.l t.1 cn iti n t it rtf, 'if u .m. t lt; I., lit fif i I c ta tt-uf tU t r i if.i n.!:it,r la r,tu la htr. j. . c 0lni hi It., il r tack f tl olti Y :t: t 11 I n j. ;. r !' n u, cYi'li iirbL Tle f J !! I . ' It ).!. U t tt arti t tti- m. I. woil . l.vto n.rn. vitli mw . ir Surj atg nil ofl rrs for Cress cuttitg Ii$T 23 , r o i b I r 1 if" I

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