v . 1 - liU- . : - ' if.'' t . ; j - V. . ' !- ' . ' - ' ii , . -mM-s. - y ir----- . . .- :.-.r. . ..y hK ' " - . f : " "" ii - . j' 1 1 '" i :' " 1 I... ' - -' . ----- I j .J .; v w- - A 1 : i VOL. Tit THIRD SEIUE tComiito lUatrijman. PUBiuSIIKD WEEKLY BY J.T J. BKUNIUtv 1 Editor, and Proprietor. HATES OF SCBCRIPTION Osz "VearI paykWem advance. ....$2.5() Sii-Months, j " 1-50 5 t( one ladJrpsB .10.00 HEAD & FOOT STONES, JOHN H. BUIS f pEN'DKKS tomplitiicnts in his friends 1. and tjb blic. and in tbU'niethtxl would--lirinjr U thlr atjtentionT his eitetulfid iacilitieu "for inciting deiiiahdrt in hU Mm of buMine8. lie U now xreiared lo fHruifh all kind. of Crnvc Stones, from the. cheapest Head Stones, tn the loflUicht 1 monument. Those preferinx rlylr ind very costly work iiit on fraud, can bn ttcfnvmoaatea on unori lime, RinBiiy m ac-i-onlanpe with-HpecifieatituJH, drafts, and the ((.nun tf thfl contract. Satififactjon gnaran teed. Jle .will not bo nude r.HoId, . North or South.! Orders Holioted. AddreHH, 17;tf iJOlIN.n. RUIS. Salisbury. Studwell Brothers IT! MURRAY j Street, ' NEW ' YO'KK, - '''! 1 Manufacturers and Jobbers of BOOTS & SHOES, j. FOR , - ' K i SOUTHERN TRADE, Have a tompletc etock in all lines, iuclud iiwr ' thefr Zonular Granite State Iuls, I Xipl'htv shoes, nud omcns Pelt. bids. t Orders HolicUcd and carefully tilled at, Rawest market rales., MOOSK, Salesman. I f..l. o " 1LU .1 &0:4ira. R I C HiVl O R3 D i l' : i j' ' ! j AKr YORK RIVER -1 1 . RA1LHOAD. Xoiwe to shippers and the Trcivclliny 1 i . : rubik. - TIU-WKKKLY LINK 6rfc JiicJi MoHtlf UaUimpre, Pltilttih'ljdua, New I York, and poston, and all point j JS 0 and East, 'cst ami Northwest. PASSENGER TRAIN leaves liilnnond on TnesdajB, Thursdays and ivUnraays, at I . M., c nnectmc with the phndil Sti-ainer . State of Virginia W.-FKEEMAN'J n k 1 fv t For the AbovcrNamcd Points, tviuvhiug at th rjver landings, and arriving in Balti more on the ful lowing nioriiiiig iu titiw'to eoniiect tith triiins North and iest. Through "ticlU'tS and lla'rirat'u checked to all points: 322 J. 3VX 33 XI. leaves Baltimore., Pier No. DO Ight Street, on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays at 4 r. m arriviug iu Richmond at 1 1 o'clock the foil Jm in g mioriijug. - ! i. -h : -- Through Bills of Lading Given to all ; PoiiUs. -v 2J J. XI. XJ i From Richmond to Baltimore. ! 4 00 7 05 hi 50 17 25 14 75 r roiu Richmond to Philadelphia, From Richmond to New York, from liithmond to Boston, all rail, From Richmond to-Bostou, by Sound ' WM. N. BRAGG, Sup!. KLTBEX FOSTER, Gen'l Atrt., , ! I NoJO Light Street, JJaltimors, ! f L. TAYLOR, Ticket Ac Freight ACt. Richmond, Va. N'. II. HtlTCHKlss, Travelling Agt. ' i- -L'l ! . 20:3m. A-M. SuUivASr' Jrp. Gowax I NEW OPENING. TPlIiE undersigned having associated' them - solves iu buHinfcw under the firm name of A. M. SULLIVAN, CO., 1 TAVE opened in R. J tIolmen' new build -njr. next door to tho Hardware Store, !iere they will bo pleased to-meet old- and " ftu'nds. They have a magnificent room te largest and boot iu town and ' - STOCK OF GOODS, (OMratSINa a general -amortment, naru. ward excepted, and will guarrante as KOO(1 barifaJn kil fan llA Holt hv mir 1 1 txnn in '; tQ South'. Thev will deal heavilv in P, ' 1 cjiuiitry Pio()uee, buyinir and selling, and : "mt all who wish cither to buv ot sell t rail them.. A. M. SULLIVAN & Co. : ' ' KINDS of COURT AN DM A UFSTUATES' BLANKS at (his office 1 b. . - - r T . ff01BS.i!& h ; - 3?TK .Hi:;-: " - i ' H it:.' SALISBURY; N. G...UNE-rtlS? i ';;.,i -iw .-.. '. - r,- ' ' ' ' ; - - -' ' , . - JNl). 3. WHOLE NO." 828 I n v wt nt ww wt -! .- i l. I; . ; - .' i - ' L t : r -.. ' - - . : r Ma. eviurphv Ttavin aain OrsranizccI for 11 J BUslJESSr lmvd just opened a J I - entirely tixr and fn&ir hi the : room formerly occupied as tlie Hardware Store.1 Knu next, uoor io ,ni iisliam & lb., to the inPDectin of wLicl tbey most cor- dialy iovit tfe6 puUlici. was. carefully selected by ilio senior mrn- ber jof I he hu; niperff, and bought at rates wlueli will eiiab them to sell as low for CAjSII, as in 1 e ityf for Goodti of sarae quality. TLei r luiu is gciierai.eniDracing '- I .In 40 . . : . . - 1 all the vatiotid brunches Groceries, rCrocfyrg Ware, Boots and Shoes Sole ! Leather, Calf and Binding Skins; Grass, Scythes ; and Note Grain and Cap, Letter Paper, ENVELOPES, PENS, INK, dc, and a beautiful assortment of S ' ' I ' f : j i 1 ney leei fassurcd ot their ability to give entire satisfaction, and especially irj- tlte old trienua ahu ctistouieri' to call and bring with .them their acquaintances iiiey expectiand intend to maintain the itoniltatmii fif tlo il.l Mnriihv H.Mian hicli 6 well knowirithrqu'rhout Western Js'orth Carolina, -i Al tln-y ask is an cx Jliiiioatinii if their xlock and the prices jo tioulJe U ihiw Jo(kT so- como rilit uloncr. Theh motto! Small profits, read pay and j QUICK SALES. ! With a good stock, low prices, fair lealhig ami prornpt'j attention, they will ndeavor to inent tla-ir share of the pnb- ic patronage; 1 hey are in the market W all kinds of produce and solicit calls from both sellers and! buyers. 1 B.&.A.M1KPHY. ItOIiT. MUllPIl, ANDHEy JIUliPIIY. fealisburv. March 23. 1S72. fS7:lvl MILLS &IB0YDEN wiioiJksale and uetail, GG5- EISL SI 2Z2 ZD H?5J. And Comnisson Merchants, ' ; Sfarsnijitv, March 1st, 1872. Keep constantly 'on lijind a large and choice slock- of (JEKRAi MERCHANDISE coniitrisin? Dryj (JocxH, Groceries. Wares, etc. ot which they would especially mention Sugar and Coffee, of all grades, MOLASSES, j BACON, I LARIJ, SOLE 4nd Upber LEATHER. SHOES BOOTS, HATS, BONNETS. PRINTS, MACKREL. SALMON TROtT, FLOUR anfl SOAPSl a MEAL, PEPPER and SPICES, TOBACCO, - LIQUORS, of all Kinds always on uanjl, of choiceiquauty. nfEpeciali attention given, to cons consijm- incuts and prompt rut urns made. 24:tf i 4 4- a hahs chance To Secure a BEAUTIFUL dqh: A V T TT n t 1," T C A I PCT a npi.- iris of a niodern jand commodionshouse, am- 1ie pui uuuuinot. cool water, a hue larn-A crnr , ! ' . O- O " all lying m the Suburbs of Salisbury ; all in- '"t "" Jivni oju O9iauo ui .v.-vutOl lillKl. w.v. viiiivic uui yuiiuiiiK; iuui. 1 lie Jor laoovv ivivriy i onepi me most 1IU51 KA J5L.E (in this part of the country, and will be increa- mI.ama. ... a x r . 1 rvnn v"r- r vm jedin VLCK byUhe Completion of thecontem- piated Kail Uoada tofthw place. Tersona in '.' l 1 i. . . .. i;reMn mi Kiuai propuriv, are lnvueuio can on, or aaoresa me euoscriper. : - JNO. A. BRADSIIAW, ! ' ? - I ! Salihbury, N. C. April 13, 18721. 3l:tf. FAMCY HAIR WORK. MlWj. S. WI TERRELL, will do kind of - t . any Fancy Hair Work. -Repair BraidVsmaie Cnrls, Switches, Or naments and Jewelry Setts ; also make fami ly hair into Wreathi. aud Boouets. For terms call at &er residence on Church street. West of the Methodist Church. Sam pies cauj be seen at S. W, Teehell's Store on Inmss street! -' - i May 9r i872.4i4if. Stock i 4: i. -. J Goods watchman office is well supflicd with A large and elegant assortment of Pictorial or CUT ILLUSTRATIONS, &C, suititble for all kinds of - - f BILL PRINTING. Also- Ijncr and more Ornamental Types for Business & Professional Visitng, Party and Wedding Cards ; College and School .rS5i.j -Circulars of all kinds ; Tobacco Notices and L A B ELS ' f,i" vV -1 ! for all purposes ; For Clerks, Magistrates 1 ; and'SollCltOrS ! Or anything! else required in tbe Printing Line. I I THE man P AS A XEWSPAPEB. k i J. s . j Is a . candidate for public KtVOr. Its I . ,. . i , . , , CircUUllon IS gOOU, and Its StanQing I T J.4.i J anJ patronaJ improving. It is one of the best advertising mediums in ' . 'ili- :1r !"t - , the Stale, and offers its facilities on as . i. 1 ' ! I r libera terms as any. IN the District Court of the United States for the Cape-Fear District of North Carolina. In the matter of John W. Ilolm, bankrupt. Upon the application of the Assignee of John W. Holm, bankrupt, it is ordered that a second meeting of the Creditors of said bankrupt be held m Charlotte, on the 29th of Mar 1872, at 10 o'clock, a. mat the office of R. II. Broadfield, one of the Reciiters in Bankruptcy, in said Dis trict, for the purpose named ini thej Twenty-se- Tentn pecupu 01 the Act or Congress. t : Ttr XT QTirncAV May 1st, 1872 2w34. ! 1 t Mi-1- :1 HifflCY --,-1 is. !T ii 1 . i i- I r I- I i : 1 i ' ! ! mm PAMPHLETS Into 1 lan lis (Efitoltnn tDatch UPWARDS OF FIFTY FIRST PRE- , .1. ssi lujiij ana uoia ana tuicer Medals were awarded to Chales M. Stieff for the best Pianos in competition with all the leading manufactur ers of the country. Office and Hew Wareroomt. No. 9 North Lrbtrty St BALTIMORE, Md. The StiefT Piano contain all the latest im. proveutentatobe found in a first-cla.a Piano. with additional improvements of his own in vention, not to be found in other in truments. The tone, touch and finih of their instru ments caunot be excelled by any manufactur ed. A larco assortment of pecond-hna Plnnn always on hand, from $75 to $300. Parlor and Church Orcau. some twentv ilif. ferent styles on hand from $50 and upwards. oeuu liiusiratea uauioiie, coutainins nauies of over twelre hundred Sourhrnra (five hundred of which are Virginian, two hundred North Carolinians, one hundred and fifty East Tenne8tean. and others throughout the South), who have bought the Stieff Piano since the close of the war. i J. ALLEN BK0WN, Aeent, 22:40t Salisbury, N. C. R. W. Tkice. T. J. Price. PRICE & BRO. THEIR r A hi I L I U.IUltrH 5 I U K t I TO JENKIN'S CORNER, Where tliy will continue to Sell Flour, Meal, Fresh Meats. Racoii. Lard. Rutter, Eggs, Cffee. Teas. Sugar, Salt, Pickles, Mo lasses, See.', together with a large and varied stock of household aud table necessities. Bring your country produce to PKICE Sc BRO. (17:tQ From the Aheville Citizen. Hurrah for Governor Caldwell. Engineer Hoisted by Jfis Oirn Petard Fifteen Inch Shell Exploded Ui. dri ll is Feet His Excellency Jiloicn Ep irardfroni the Earth- Supposed Gone Up to Consult the Man in the 2Ioon. We call attention to the letter of Gen. Clinginau below. From it will he eeeu that the bills through which (Jeoige W. Swepson obtained the money from the State was drawn up by .Judge Merrimon and Gen. Clinginau, but were by Gov. Caldwell and Hon. Sam imuel F. Phillips, and gotten through mainly by the influence of Gov. Caldwell, then L. Governor and President of the Senate. What will the Radicals say to this expo sure ? Their candidate for Governor aud atfi candidate for Attorney General re sponsible for the legislation which ena bled Swepson to ruin the State's credit ! So confidential were Swenson's relations with the Governor, that he wrote to him rather than to any of hi other counsel. Abbeville, May 17, 1S72. To tht Editor of the Citizen : SlR : As I, iu common with other del egates from Buncombe county, voted in the Greensboro Convention to make the lion. A. S. Merrimon the candidate tor Governor, I think it but fair to defend him, from attacks unjustly made against him, Iu connection with myrelf, for acting as the counsel of George W. Swepson. As to the false charge iu the Eiu of yeB- terday, the Kadical organ published at ltau-iiili, that 1 bad sworn that 1 bad re- ceived fifteen thousand dollars from Swepson, it is hardly necessary forme to contradict it, because that very paper itself last winter referred to it as false, aud assailed tho Sentinel nfiice for giviug currency to if, through a typographical -! - m error. 1 ne circurnstaucc is wormy oi notice; ouly as showing the little regard for truth cutertaiued by that paper. As. however, Judge .Merrimon is a can didate for the highest office in the State, he merits defence at the hands of his po litical friends When the Legislature met in Novem ber, 15G8, Mr. George W. Swepson's standing in the State as a business man and a captalist was very 1. inland Judge Merrimon and 1, as well as other eminent lawyers at Raleigh, did business for him exactly as we should have done it for any other respectable gentleman iu the State. What he wished us to do was important to our section, and in itself praiseworthy. Judire Merrimon aud I had been residents cf the western part of f. 1 low-citizens, anxious, to obtain railroad facilities, and the bills we prepared were Dioner in themselves to carry out meas urea f public importance. I am coufi- dent that Judge Merrimon had no more eround than mveclf to enspect that the money to be appropriated was to be mia applied. 1 never did anything as conn sm. . s a a St. K a sa i& m mm or onjnn nil ii . ' . -c he left the office of President of the road without settling fairl v with the Company, n f-nw. nil T -a tn.n nf -T n rt (rn f fr. rimon I bare not the slightest reason to ...Dn...l,0 U on..nt.n9nr SWoniAn' sa M0 LF. " sum v w w aa v-'- ---.w embezzlement of the frauds of the Com- pany. I Th. Smnnrfint ft liniPCTPr In whieh II wifih to call the attention of every man mm Hemoved in the' State. h, that Gov. Tod It. nM. ??"vI.ttwe to ft greater extent for the legislation that enabled G. W. Swcrn eon to defraud tbc Stat i,n Jndgo Merrimon or myself. Got. Oald- weu cauoot nave TorgoUen wbat 1 allnde to; and wbcu be sees tbis "ktter, I trust he will at once eau bis central organ to rectify its mistakes and cease its attacks. Tbe Act of the Legislature ratified 29th day of Jannary. A: D.. 1869. wa r. f,ared t by Jr J- Caldwell, then Lieni. Ooyeruor and President of the Stua:c. and carried through the Legislature main ly by bis influence. This Act contain alinotst all the important legiltion of the eessiou for the Western N. C. Road, nnd makes, the: large appropriation of seven millions of dollars for the construction of both divisions of the road. Ihu circum stances attending its passage were these: J udge Merriuioa and I bad prepared a bill which met with Gov. Caldwell' op. position Hia objection to it wag that it allowed the private stockholders to elect all the directors of both divisions of the road, because it provided that in the election the State proxy ahould vote only one-third of her stock, so ns to allow the private stockholders the control. Gov. Caldwell objected to this, and said bis party was entitled to have the control of the corporations. After tht struggle iu the legislature had continued some weeks, MrSwepson told Judge Merrimon and myself that be could not get the bill through against Caldwell's inilueoce, be and bad agreed to make a compromise with him, and that Caldwell bad himself prepared a bill wb'ch he was willing to ac cept. iBotb Mi rrimoii and 1 objected to the compromise, though afterwards, on finding that this bill niL.rdcd the only chance for any appropriation to the road, 1 eventually withdrew my opposition, aud thf hill in tli i t f. inn in-iii, Caldwell's iuauence, became h law. Du ring the contest I hud a conversation with Gov. Caldwell uirself, and he stated that he was quite willing thtt the Western Division thuuld be arranged as Mr. Strep I " 1 . . 1 i m eon ULEiren it io ue, out tnat bo was not willing that the K-tstcrn Divijion should be in like condition because ol his oppo sition to Col. Tate, its president. Iience it will be seen that the 10ih section pro iuvb iii.ii in me Jasirrn division tne State shall vote pro rata on all her stock, while section 11 provides that she shall vote only one-third her etock iu the Wes tern Division. The tflect of these pro visions enabled Gov. llolden, through the proxy appointed Ly him, to choose all the diiectors on the Eastern Division, and thus displace Col. S. McD. Tate, while a the proxy would vote only one third of tho stock in the Western Division Mr. Swt pson and his fiicuds would elect all the dii .etors in that Division, and thus have control of the operations of the road. On examining this entire Act, it will he found that il ratifies" all the previous legislation for . and transactions of the IS x M m . .1 W estcrn Division of Mr. bwepson s road. X OUIS"1' Y1 in,S co,,M,"-on. un',er w etate that after my return from tho North, in March of that year I met Gov. Cald well on the street, and he itivited me to his room to see a letter he had just receiv ed from Mr. Swepson, then in Florida, requesting some additional Legislation. On hia explaining to me what Mr. Swep son wished to have done, I, in accord ance with Gov. Caldwell's wi-hes, weut to the Hon. S. F. Phillips' office and told him that Mr. Swepson drsired him to prepare a bill to carry out hi view, and Mr. Phillips, in compliance with my sug grsiions, li .uned a hill which became a law, having been ratified the 1st day of April, A. i), 1SG9, to be f uud on page 218, of the Vol. of Laws for 1SGS aud 1SG0. I refer to these transactions with uo wish to prejudice either Gov. Caldwell or Mr. Phillips, but merely that Justice may be done to everybody. Having in all public transactions myself in variably don exactly what I thought right, 1 wish my actions known to every oue, and presume that these gentlemen have elujil.tr feelings and arc quite as willing as I am that the part they have taken in public business I should be uodei stood. In fact, as at that time none of us, 1 suppose, had any reason to believe that the appropriations wiH- be misapplied, there is no just ground for assailing us. In any view that may be tckeu of the matter. Judire Merritnou's poeitiou is quite as defensible as that of his oppo nent, and I think it is time that Gov. Caldwell' organ should understand this. Very Respectfully, Sec, TL. CLING MAN. Fircin Robeson County. - The dwelling house of Mrs. Mary Ann McLean, resid ing about three-quarti-is of a mile from Shoe Heel, Robeson county, was discov ered to be on tiro vcteruay morning about 0 o'clock, and before anything eould be done in the way of extinguish- in" the llames it was entirely consumncd The building was quite a Urge one, two stories high and containing tisht o rooms. The fire was evidently the work of an iuceudiaiv, as it orig'wutcd on the outside of the diniug room, situated ahoul It sMi pft from the 111 ;li ti builJitl wilL 1 which it was connected by a piazza. 'Ihe family saved but a small poilion of their furniture ; and clothing, including a few beds. Mrs McLean estimates her loss rtt from Sl.doO to t2,00U, ujwu which the-re was no iusui.ince. 1 he loss falls - hvavily upon the Udy in question, as we - learn that she will not be able to replace v 1 9 r niiiK 1 1 .i w m w " i. 1 1 1 i 1 1 aiuiaiiitu x- l. 1 1....... ,.l.t...,w,I to the perpetrator of tbe ternble deed Wil, Slur, May 28 A little son of Benj. bbi Iton, or this eounty, went out to a chestnut stump r near the house to cut a sprout to make m whistle, when he was bitten by a rattle - snake several times, and died in a few hoara. Danlury Reporter. Frotajhe Montjomcrj jtAla.) Adr. andllaiL r Pi ?Vj V R0BBINS. r It?will be a sourte of rratication to tbe manr Alabama friends ef Maj. Wm. Mae Robbina to know that be bat been nomi nated bj the Democrats, of the 7th North Carolina District, to represent tbem in the Congre of the lj nited States. Msj. Itobbins. though a North Carolinian W birth, was at one time a citizen of Bar bouricountv, in tht. State. Subsequent! be removed to Jla ion, and at that place continued the practice of his profession until tho war broke out, wben he volun teered aud was elected 1st Iieuteuaiit of Company G., (Marion Light Infantry) ot the 4 th Alabama I regiment. At York town, in tbe msnth of May, 18G2, be waa dected Captain of Uhe Company, the for mer O-puiii, lUti, Porter King, bailor t.6cu.. x rom toe v;apuiocy be arose, by seniority of connnission; to tbe Major ity of tbe Regiment in which capacity he served with Utinguished zeal and ability, until the surrender at Appomat tox. 1 be writer hereef bad the honor of erring under thejiMajor'a command da ring the entire period of the war, and it affords him pleasure to add that a braver soldier ia the hour of storm aud battle never drew sword in behalf of any cause ncrcver uanger jlrowued most threat-, eniugly there could always be teen the commanding frm and gleaming sword ol Mae. Robb ins, eucbatagiug bi men and sharing all their jdaagers. Uis kerse seemed to be endowed with tbe gift of biquity, especially when tbe balls were ainging their furneral dirges in discordaut chorusvs. Some ofjthe men declared that Robbins struck hii spots into bis horns' ribs aud lifted hiar through space by the mere lorte and impetuosity ot bis own daring spirit ; aud that no muic so fully developed the M4in,and the ldier in the MHjor, as that which sprung, canopied iu clouds of smoke, from the brazen throats of the laukee cannon. On the Gib of May, 16C4 at the great battle of the Wil deruess Maj. R. (ixcived a dangerous wound in the head fioru nhich lte never fully recovered befoit; the collapse of our canae. And, strange to say. notwith standing he was iu'all ihe battles fought by the Army of Northern Virginia, and and was ulwajrs, by choice, iu the very forefront of dangrr. ihia was the ouly scratch he received during the eutiic four yeai. At the battle of Darbytown, ou 13th day of October, 1 SO 1 , a charge was about to be inaugurated, but when the Mjor attempted to draw his "battle blade" lie found it o firmly elued to its ecaLbard with rust tlhat it defied his mo.l spasmodic aud pe-rsifteut endcaois. Not to bt outdone, howei er, he matched from hi belt a trusty frying pan, and brau- lt aloli called upon bis men to follow him to victory". The men respond ed with veils and fauehtcr. but victorv wun'l jut the tiling they were eearcliiug for on tliat particnlar occasion. TLej " v BIUJl1 w sv i t.s vuunq siller, Wld wbctlllhal w iccrtained lbe wi,d hunt " after v ictorr ceased. But we brought off wiih us abouteighty of Kautz's cavalry horses and fix of the finest steel gnn iu the Northern army. These we captured from the eavalrv. before ther had had sufficient toue to f,et their rii- n 9 gar in order. ; All Ibis en passant. After the war Msj. Rabbin settled in Salisbury, Noith Carolina, intending to resume the practicejof the law, but his fellow-citizens appreciated too highly his sph-ndid forensic abilities to suffer his dignified retirement to remain. undisturb ed. Thev, therefore, contiqnrd him to t 1. Jk Q.(. f ..ni.lllnrt' in hich he served as " the Scua'of from Rowan.' uulil his nomination for Congress by the Conserv atives of the 7 lb District. As true as steel, as bright as a damsseus blade, and as eloquent as trnth itself, he will make a representative of whom the iconoclasts of Liberty may well stand in awe, and for whose record no gallant son of the Old North State will ever have the slightest occasion to tluh. c bone be may be elected by ten thousand majority. Tbe South needs such men in h-r ofSces of trust aud honor, aud the imperilled liber ties of the whole people will nowhere find a truer anu more leainrss ueienucr man the gallant Wm. Mao. Robbins. From the Daily Wilmington Journal. OUR NEW YORK LETTER. Ntw YokK, May, 1872. Eureka ! Just as the gren Morse, for ty years ago, was developing his system ol telegraphy in secret and alone; jufl as r ulton created bis k team engiue tu the solitude of an bumble apartment, so have I to-day secu a manlin New York who , for tinny years, lias given ins to one m. a. 'f. ta-s grand idea, and ut last exhibits the happy CQusummation of hiajlabors to ;, tbe setting oi type uy .iuaeoio-i j. wtu, ; l ! i : ... f I wriuklcd and bent wih thought; uwallo to speak a word of English ; poor iu this world's possessions ; the lubabitanl of au atic, and sharing Uis room wuu tue curi ous creature of Lis brain, there he sits at this moment in front of a row of piano keys, sending a type joto its place at each , tu see. yet she seemed to bold them pell touch, and reproducing the columns cf a j bound daring the entire readings. Ax newspaper at the rate of six thousand , times, a breathless iilence, which waa "ems" an hour, or i other words doing ' almost naiufal, pervaded tbe ball; bat. ins average work efj lour coraposiiori. To describe the machine iu detail here, is impossible. SufSce it to say lh.it il oc- . . I: cnpies not more spaoe mau an oruioarj bureau, is operated VY a treadle ana is simple in co.lstTUClion. Ttacueu to uis an apparatus for " iuslifyiug," and accom- 1 , Pa )l h M le whole isia macuine lor dis- . . -. . . ..... (Each af these processes is OiUUHUR. - 1erformed rapidly and cnrreetly. The pauty cf the invention is its utility and ecouomy tie estimated cost uot more than four hundred dollars -a sum that will enable weJI-to-dq composiiors to own mm a l - jm m m a tbe appratns, tnus save wW w i a None have vet 1 oi ooin noay ana miea. I been manufactured ;or aale, but the lar 1 m mm m ' It f gest peblisberin rew loranaspveo order for forty at toes - company la orgauized for their introduction. It may be months or years before practical km is made of the little re volelionaxy entirety bet here it la, the success fal solstiea of problem - that has worried the xafoda of men for a eentary. MR. SEYMOUR'S ORGAN ON THE -WORLD." ; The UUc (N. Y.) Oujcrrcr, which la reputed to be Mr. Seymour's organ baa tbe following comments on the cottrte cf the New York llVfJ; Tbe New York World makea a iplrit ed denial to the assertion that it haa been sold to th Radical xnaaagers, bet tkat the transfer was to be kept teeret till after the meeting of the Baltimore Convention. We do not know bow lb remor absmlsl hhave arisen nnlcaa H ia doe to tbe fact that tbe iroHJ at tbe present time la do ing rrwwlj ht tbe Grant party dealrt it to do. It U denouncing la violent terms, day after day, tbe coming coals tion of tbe Liberal element in politics. It has suddenly grown as proscriptire aa the most violent of tbe pro-Adminlatrv tion organs. If it possessed ii.fi aenee ila course would be deplorable, A a it poa- esea no influence, tu conduct siosrJy excites cot. tempt. If it be bonesu opposed to tbe iudorscment of Mc Mr. (iretley we certainly would not caee its right and duty to give expression to that opposition. Bat when it as same to speek for tbe DemocraU of thii State and of the cotratrj, and; say that Greeley's nomination at Baltimore ia a moral, political, and cco noinical iropoibbtlity," we must take occasion to remind the IForM that It does not speak for the Democrats of central New York. We know the sentiments f onr people here at home, and we declare, without fear of a contradiction, that nin leotbs of the Democrats in this sectiom favor a onion on the Cincinnati platform, aud with Cincinnati nominees. WHO SWINDLED THE STATE I Since tho discussion at PilUboro be tween Judge Merrimon and Gov. Cald well, tbe Netrs has frequently alluded to the fact that the charge preferred against Judge MerriiLou that he was the counsel of Swepson, was made to recoil a poa Gov. Caldwell, with damaging cfTccL Judge Merrimon proved that it waa through Caldwell's inflence the Swepson Railroad bill paired the Legislature. He further proved that Caldwell shap ed the bill to suit himself, re-modeled and re wrote it, inserting certain odious fea tares in it which Judge Merrimon disap proved, and in that objectionable form it became a law. He further proved that the Governor was "cheek by jowl" with Swepson was his right baud man in organizing the Railroad officer thst Gov. Vance and Judge Merrimon resisted the Swepson organization and defeated it notwith standing it was sealously championed by Caldwell himself. If North Carolina has been swindled by the Swepson Railroad bill, Governor Caldwell more than any other man In the State is responsible for the cnact raeut of the bill. Pal. News. THE CONGRESSIONAL CON TEST. Now that Judge Fettle has coxrclodtl to accept the nomination for Congress In this district, and Gen. Leach renominated we msy ssy that the caovasj baa began, and the work will be hard fjotn this till August. When the Radicals put Settle ia the field they took their best metal as a sort of firlorn boe, having little hope thai they woold be able to carry lbe district. In (Jen. Ix-acb we have a candidate of immense popularity, of large ability and one of the best woikers io the Slate, ae that the content to be waged will be ns) child's play. Personally Settle is well liked and has, pei haps, more friends outside the party io nhich be bilougs than any man ia it; bnt, these friends will be lbe but io the world to aid bim in real jlw g tbe dreama of bis ambitiou. As a partisan, and n member aud sustaiuer cf a grossly cox rupt, wicked and tyranical organization be will uatl with that deles ersiiek he should meet with from a peaple wbe value their liberties and believe ihsca worth preserving. Greensboro' Patriot HisTCioxic HzxDixa Our city waa favored this week with le drligktol lit- I erary entertainments Ly 3Iiss Jennie patteron. of Mississippi. Miss I ia I - . young, modest, beautiful and accomplish td to aud has uudtrtaken by ber trad in ga realize funds to educate a vounrer brother and sirtrr. This is a noble, self sacrificing spirit, and should always give her a full house iu any Southern city; but, we have never beard any one read with half the ease, grae.fulneeand pow er that she evinces. Her audiences were ! uot Urge as we weald have been rUi wben sue touched opou tlie comie ail was joyous and happy, and long and re peated applause greeted ber every eSbrt. Grctntlonf Patriot Sad Acx;idem. Saudcrs Iiiersou, eon f I'inckncy Rierson, of this coontv4 some fourteen or tftcen years U, tbe widdowed mother, fell only help of Lis fiora a male and became entangled in tbe gear, beu the mule become frightened and run, dragging him about oue hundred and fifty yards by bis I owl, breaking and dislocapng bones and biutsing hia in a sboczunr manner, lie was tax en up lie was taken . insensible, but is yet alive with bet little - , bo pea of hi xtoortry.jMmlurj Rt M nas purter. I j 1 1 t E i '"if!- i.

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