I From the Fayetteville-Eagle. OMrAlil$)N ' BETWFEN f THE CON SLKVATIVE AND liADlCAL LEGIS : LATCHES. ; , Jl. Jitof.'-rTI.e Kadicabi, through their 7 Huron speaker and newspapers, hare coramenc t ljaWing ami denouncing ih late General viweoiblj for having betrayed jthe confidence 4 d triirtt rej"ed in them by the"ppple of N. it arcdina, for not fulfilling their jtromiaea of re trenchment, and fur not rearing the past expec 1 itioii of tlie tcople for a more economical and honest administration of-the public aflairsof I'ic State. And because of certain criticism i n ibis Icg'udture by wine of the conserra . t i IreM, is urged upon and argued to the peo l that even their own party papers hayede i unGntihe legislature as being jas corrupt and travgant s iu i it famous predecessor.; i'here i re the objetjtlof this articlfri amply ,to draw u fair1, correct and impartial comparison le- ween the late onseiative legislature and the prece4ing radical legislature) anil all the facta Htated'and the figure given are taken from the oublicj official document, the correctnewi and iccurdcy of which cannot be questioned and .then let the Deople of North Carolina them selves jdecide betwcerUhe two and answer which truly represented them. So much has been said about the length of the sessions of the late legia laturejit may be well to fiw'jt compare the num ber ofi days during which the two legbdatnres were ! n sewsion arid see if the CJonaery alive one win riot a decided improvement in this respect. The Radical legislature firrt assembled on tlie lt day Of July, 18GH, and adjourned on the 24lh , day of Aogust, having ibceti in session fifty-live .lays.! fit gain met on.tha 2.6th day of Novero Iter and, with the . exception of a rectus from - December 21st to January 4th,1 was in seasdon laitillbe 12th day of April, 1869, being just one hundred and thirty-five days. The name bodv assembled, once more! and thank God for the tiUt timed on the lull day of November, 1SG9, adjourned fof a recess from. Def ember 5iQlh to January 10th, and adjourned hint die on the 2Sth day of" March, 1870, making a sewuon ofi , fOiicwunurru mm ivurievii uuvn, w luariue w- iai nujuoer oi oay wuicii ine iiaaicai legisla ture wssJb aewion, and for which the members t drew their per diem waa exactly three hundred : and four (304) or over ten monllia j Now Compare1 with thin the sessionof the ' Corwcrvatire legislature. This body convened ,ori th4 "JJlat day of November, 870, took a re : .ceas from December 24th to January 10th, and adjourned on the Cthday of April, havina rbecn in action one "hundred and fifteen day, of wmciq nine wit uaya were occupieu oy menu peaoJiment of Ilolden. It met stgain November '20Jy adjourned fur a recess from December 22, : ttd-yanuary 2d, and adjourned sine dU on the 12;h of February, 1872, being in session . aeven-Vy-n ve days. o that the total ! number of dajj-8 nuivii inn irgiBiuiurv wan 111 isuision, anu in cluding the fifty dnyiPof theimjeachment trial, was just, one hundred and ninety, or a little over six iobnths. The time cOtistuned by the impeaciiutcnt court should not nronerlr be in cluded Jn the length of the sessions because ;it was not In tliC'iisual and ordinary proceedings oi uie legislature, dux entirety extra, jxnr biirejy republicaiii dare not complain jof and denounce the legislature for. impeaching Ilolden when more than one-lliird of the llrjiublican Senators, Messrs. Barrett, Hawkins Lchhmn, Moore Mc Cotter thetnsclve, voted for. hi conviction. I'm wen including the impeachment trial of fifty days, the Conservative legislature was in session one hundred und ninety days, while the Kadicai legislature waa In lcion 'three hundred andour, a difference of nearly br mdhitfis. In conse- qiiciice of the disft-anchi!mert of our old and experienced kcislatcrs by a vindictive Radical ,Cwjgrc$s, the members of thej late legwhitUTel were almost all young aii( inexperienced neii, ' not accosfomed to the duties o(a legUlatnr, and of course, the machinery of legis?ation did not at lirst move Very rapidly. Agaiu, it mnsT be remembered that the executive and judiciary and legislative departments of lie state govern-- ( jnent were all in aconl and laeting in unison luring the terra of the Kadieaf loislature, and there wan nothing to delay or protract legisla tion, so that it wa plain nailing over a smooth nea; but withho Conservative legislatnre it was very ditlercnt fur the executive and judi ciary both did ail within their 'power, resortinj; even to unconstitutional mealxures to hinder, delay, emb.irrass and counteract the legislation Of this body, and thus greatly1 protracting the length of iu sessions. Now let us compare the cost jnnd expcnses'of flie Iwo legislatures aa stated by that Auditor's reports. The cost of the Kadicai legislature was as follows, vis: for the special session of JSCS, $78,421 80V for the, session of l86-'69, $181,102 10; and for the session of lS6a-70, t S161.15J 70; making a grand jto total of four liundretl and thirty thousand niha Imndrt nm fifty-eight dollarsand sixty ceiU($4aO,9.38 CO, or in other-words the Radical legislature was" iiam oy uie impoverisncq people : of North .yarolina nearly a-hdj million of dolldri. The si oi tlie Conservative Lcguilatiue is aa fol lows, viz: for tjuj BcrmriST.O'-Jlj including fifty thotisftnd dollar fur! iniead'untnt, SI 17,9 S 17: and lor the session of 187 1-'72, the exact amount cannot be atated until the Auditor makes his next repor, but it cannot possibly exceed $75,000; makirtg a total of less pian two hundred'thousaraj dollars, so that the dillercnce In the expenses" of (he two leLsla turcs was .233,000 43, or nearly 0-17 nat ter of a s vidliw of duUan t)d not the late General AMerabryhcn redeem their fpromUea of re . trenchment ancl ' reform T Tri rl raw ft ttinfA . striking com parisoi between j the expenses of u.j two .juegibiaiurcs iaK.e tlie. amount paid to, aay for insUnce, their Enroling Clerks. At the Session of 1SG8-C0 Mr. John Aj McLH)nahl, the Enrolling Clerk, and his assisfanta were paid ihe sum of two thousand thrive hn'n.Yrr,;,t t7foe7 dollars ($2,317), while at the session Jf 1870-71 Mr. W. J. Wilson, th Enrolling f"V 1 t" vonservnuve legislature and his .ssutanUere paid the sum of seveij diundred kndorryne dollars ($741), sf that the Kadi- I? J?ai moro an three tin,ef M miu:n S did (he Conaervativea for doing ekactlv the same work. This coniDarison . in ttn?i n.:.i. 1... , drawn od iJniHw greaUy to the astonishment vi every one wno lias not exahiined the Audi lor'a reporta, bul kt iu pass by the smaller fteras and compare tlie public expenditures as reported by the State Treamrer. Dm-in the , last year ot Kadicai misrule, lje year 1870 the .expense of the rtate governnjent arc reiwted asQoannllion one hundred a hd twentv-seven thousand two hundred and fofr teen I0II.11-. ....1 ten ccnu ($1,127,214 10); whil during the very first year of Conservative rnlbttie vear 1871 the expenses were only $.V)2'C03.93; a rednc-' iun anu saving me tax bufdenttd people of ""J - -"" y uiMMFM m one yearl nh these fllrtd ami Rnmroo .ft.n .-Ml I. . I.. .1 . , .6. 7U.i Tiii nave ine audacity and mendacity to ar ih ii r blv hanot fulfilled its fAcJgcd of retrenehmcnt and reform V The only Stance of fraud ever wUKimetmfj,' JiMbein fully refuteil in connection Vin WJUW'C printing. Jhit eren irranti, .l .r 1:1 1 . . " . : o m...,4o(V cm, tteuea, muektu for the leg! yvn-erwive legislature of 187071 tW w, the former beinjr $34,503 43, while of the Uter -.f, TUiumes coi taintnK the im peachment trials eira To institute a compa.rison btwen Ue char, acter of the members of the two lcgiBlaS would be wastefal I and ridiculoKexcTss 1l0w WTWG'-,mT: ,Mor!h Ahnm Tarvis, elch, Waring, Ls!ie,and othefs w tfc auoh rare rascal- Lailio, tea, IVaoo Sinclair, aiayo, ei id omne itemu ! Againit the character of the farmer the venom tongue of Radical hate and slander ! cannot breaihe tlie riffhSt i-uspiaon ofjfraudor corr n in Inn ' r K ; C ' Ti of the la,er-have become', househohll corner oi iheatnta. "No mem ber of the Unsiirvauve legislatare has ever been charged with living a, bribe, whereas ihe sworn evidence, as reportbv thehinn iLJJy&m hav lun h.,M i.:u-. .b' .l J. ' , ,t t w in e naaicat Jegislature. cTheftwo bodies way therefore .well be said to be the projier representatives of ijeirrespwufepiu-ties.and to aptly ill uatraie fltfirence betjtreen the Conservatives and the liadicals. Inlthe comitis camnaitm : the in '1 j r. II mat IIia Kl.l. ... uwraiuieu in tne printHig h ' hwfh ha? OT4 r trarv, yet the public nrintinr for th T?at;.i i sil tw6 parties will be arrayed against each other ni will each call upon the peopleof North Carolina for their eupporU - hich party; then will thl honest yeomanry, ther-oppreasetf tax rmyersiuid tlie true men of the good old North State sastaio and vendors with their Votea? "Clioot ye between j them Each? party lutt been ini power and it remains for the people to decide fwhich has truly represented theoa, lbr bf th fruitage sbalknof 'ttem !H. Fittsjoro', N. C, March 5th, 1872. rolina SALISBURY, FK1DA1T JCNE 7tb: j Stbtd Democratic Conscrvatiyc Tickef. ; FOR GOVESOR ION. A. S. MKRR1MON, ' of Banco tube FOR tlECT. GOVERNOR,' JOHN HUGHES, of Craven. r FOR ATTOESEY GENERAL, ,1 JUJ GE WILLIAM M. SHIPP, of MeckletiLoTff. ' FOB f TREAtTBER, JOHN W. GRAHAM. of Orange. FOR SECRETARY OF STATE, JOHN I A; WOMACK, ofYChatliaui. : FOR AUDITOR, (K -LETT j LEYEXTHORPli; of; Caldwell. ' CO I FOR SUl T PUBLIC 1KSTRUCTIOX, KEREUS MENDENIIALI . of Guilford. FOR SUP T OF PUBLIC WORKS, JAMES H. SEPARK, of Wake. D KM9CRATIC CONSERVATIVE CONVENTION IN ROWAN A? convention of the democratic conservative voters oi Rowan was held in the court-house hi Salisbury, on Saturday, 1st June, The cohven tion wasjorganized by the appointment of I; A. Davis as chairman, and T.G. Ilaughton arid J. A Hawkins, secretaries. Mjjj. James 1! Kerr, being called on by the chairmanjexplainedithe olyect olfthe convention in a few pertirieiiVre-l marks. ; On his motion it was j resolved'hthat each township fnmish the secretaries with a list of ita delegates. hereonon it was found that the Whole ruimber of townships wereep-'J resenieuuj vii mouon 01 me same gentienian, it was resolved, that all democrat ic. cohlerva tive9,preent, be considered as delegates tp tliis convention, from theif respective townships. Mr. Jofeij S. "Henderson then introduced' the fol!ow'ii resolution, which was unanimously adopted ;j , ; ; Jlewtrql, That no npan be nominated byjthis conviniiijjn unless he will pledge himself in ad vance to abide bv the action of this convention. j In; conformity with this resolution eacH gen tljeman: njpnfinnted, Wtore being ballottedjjfor, pledged limsclf, either orally, or by some friend Who vouched for him, that he would abide by the ;k-tib of the convention. M t The following nominations for county officers weren't heii made. ' : ! For tlteIloupe of tlepresentatice .: Kerr Craige, P. f Luekeyj L. lihukmer, and K. laiiney. The name of the latter gentleman was after wards withdrawn, as understood by the secreta ries, i V' i ' " S' H For Coknty Commimonei t : John Graham, J, 0. Flemiig, D.JJavis, John I. Shaver, John K. Graltfta, K. Mauney, M. L. Holmes, J. c; Miller C. Mi Bernhardt, P A. Sifierd, Jacob A. Rtmllfmari, Isaac M. Shaver, Jos. A. Hiiwi kiins,;jandM. Ji- Loeke. : f - "s yFoit mriffi William A Walton, William ( Cougheniur, Mm A. Xeply, Moses A. Smith; ! lot Wmrti Benj. F. Fraley-4-On motion: nominated by acclamation. f - For MjfiHeir of Deedt ; Obadiah Wotxlson by acclatatidnr . ; For CouMti lTreasureri J. S. MfjCubbins re ceived thl notnination by acclamation. ' ( Fur Uoinly purveyor : Charles 1 Wagoner on motion,, by! acclamation' ' ' The convention then took a recess f 20 min utes to allow; the delegates of the respective townhhapsjto ballot for the nominees. j Co the return of tlie delegates each township reported throii-h its chairman the following r, suit of the ballot ting: t j For the 2ouW of llem eelatiret : iKerr Craige, 7 ; .ii Miiuney, 2 ; Jjr. F. N. Lnckey, 10; K Blacking 3. , Messrs Cmi-e and laickev hav ing received, each more than a minority, were unjuumouftly declared nominated. ! : For Venty Comminsioncn : D. U.'Davis, o J.ohh I, Bliaver, 7 : G. M. Rernharti6 ; E. Man-? K. iraTiatn, J ; M. L. Holmes, 3 ; ! J. (J. Miller 2 ; P, A, SiHerd, 2 ; J. A. RendU man, 1 ; J. m! blwvver, 2 f Jos. A. Hawkins,5 ; M. A. Lw ke, I. Messrs. John I Shaver, B-rnharl,& Maunev were elected No choice made on the second bai,Ilthe.,hird tallotting, John Graham, and J. & leming, repeived each, 6 votes, which completed the ticket. M'Pff: William A. Walton, 5 ; William L. Mwghenonr, o; Charles F. Wagoner, 1. No eleetion. The second ballot sttHHl thro : 'm; A. Walton! 2 oughenour, 7. Whereupon the chairman declared William C. Coughenour the f mis convention. . On motion of )r, J y IUH,li Ui nomina. tions vere declared nnanimrwiia s ""e the nomipatlpns 1 were made. W II y V f ,r ?,OUB "! etncient reoresehta tive in thei last Legislature, addressed th vention in a fine little speech, in which be thanked Rowan for the honors conferred on bin. After Ihe hominations, Dr T W Keen also ad, dreed thj convemion. -In the course of his remarks, hp feelingly and effectively urgeil the necessity of union and harmony to ensure m ces81 Mlon of If- IUJI, the following resolution kas adopted : h ing t 11 at we tender to Capt V? II Craw ford one of our representatives irf tl,e Jast legisi latnre,our hasforhisfaithfol public services t0 ! "ranee of our eolSmld . vvii MVS V I'tJU, Aletter from C Price, Esq., Was then read bv .'iy"' "JC'l,,,,' hi, nonunation fortfi'e rnite, tB his Senatorial district.-ITU nJ TJT: lT of A "TJoyden, was ratified Jlers. Craige, Luckey and Conghenour rt spectite v. t(inAi ,t.. ... ,T. uuf .: i f l . lMO can 01 me eonven- H Vl thiir "S infflyZLm eopiof tlie proceed tonvenUon,-and then adjourned. T ITaIvL P- A- DAVIS, CMaimam J OS.? A. II A ijviaxs, Secretaire.' : : JS.Ifc"? It two weeks two - . ,.wcq 1 Mouureu colored persona, men. vn. men hy lonngipl JliartCTSS SV"!f,H?.raofrownc)lor: Thewi neglect their garden patches for tha purnoae m.af we called BpoS to bury them. The idlers can get an abundance of work if they would do it Charlotte JemocraL v.; r This reminds as of a conversation late- 1 Lad,whb a regnlsr and original repub lican in thi county.' Ho is a quiet pan and 1. :V-V'r.iil . Jil t " -.i-iT't ontj wao strieiiy vuiuif ius own vuaiurs and offers no distnrbance to others. The conversation was occasioried by a. trespass upon his premises in the night time, and a pettjr theft committed, by a, person, or persons unknown to him, bat btueved to be of that class who am too lay to" work but not tooTcohscleiilioas to steal. This Staunch Republican demands the execu tion of the vagrant law, and urged us to (Call the attention of Magistrates to, the fact that there are a great many idlers white and black, who have no visible means of i i - - 1 - support, who j ought to be arrested and made to show how they obtain their liv- ing,anu tn diuull of a satisfactory ex hibit, be disposed of as the law directs. No one will debate the propriety of this re publican view! of the subject. It is not unly a very ancient and highly approved principle iu government, but U one which will never cease to hold good while there are lazy, chicken-stealing people Hn the world. We hope good citizens in town and country, having a proper regard for the protection of ilia industrious and hon est members of society will report to ma gistrates these parasites on tlie body pol itic and have them dealt w ith as they deserve. f The harmony which characterized the Greensboro' Convention has been accept ed by the people in all parts of the StateH as an omen of good. And the high char acter of the men selected for public offices has acted like a charm in inspiring fresh he pes for the future of the State. It is seen nowhere more distinctly than iu the harmony and spirit which mark the delib erations of County Conventions, and in 'the character of the men nominated by them for the General Assembly. Good men are brought forward good men who have heretofore stood back or were forced back by disabilities, r radicalism on the rampage. I he presence of these men once more before the people will trouble the radical heroes who have heretofore in solently borne sway, and chase away the color from faces brazed by the successful practice of impudence in the political arena. It is cheering to chronicle eviden ces of returning pood order, and the hopes of prosperity which spring therefrom ; and if the people shall press their advantage in these indications it will not be long be fore they will realize better hopes than those of the present hour. Washington" and grant. Sumner in hid great speech on Giant, the other day, scientifically analyzi.d the President and the man. lie snared 1dm in nothing, but' exhibited his charac- ter in its true colors, to the shame and dis gust of every honest and intelligent man who cherishes iu his heart a truly patriot ic sentiment, j Among other good things he adduces the example of Washington against gift-taking, aud pays Col. Forney a compliment : How admirably he (Washington) touches the point wheh he asks, If 1 accept this, should I not Keuceforward be cousidered as a dependent According to our Scripture-, the gift bliudsj the eyes ; according to-Wash- lugtou it nuiks the receiver a dependeut. Iu harmony with: this seutimeut was his subse quent refusal, Svhen President, as is recorded by an ingenious writer : He was exceedingly careful about com tnittiug himself would receive no favors of any kind, and scrupulously paid for every thing. A large house was set apart for hi-n oil Ninth street, the grou'uds uuw covered by the Feuusylvauia University, which he refused to accejjt."CoL Forney's Anecdotes. Hy sueh instances broujrht to li'hl re criilly, and shining in contrast with our limes, we learn to admire auew the virtue of Washington, j We subjoin the culminating finishing -j-wprds of rjpprobation employed by Mr. Sumner against the President fir his ne potism and giftuaking, with the simple remark that jhowever severe they do not exceed tlie phblic seutiment of the South and should 'not of any portion of the country. Hie says : "I have niw computed the survey of the two typical instances, uepotisin aud gift-taking officially Compensated, io which we are compelled to see the President. Iu these things he shows himself. Here is no portrait drawn by critic or enemy. It is the origiual who stauds forth, saying : Reho d the gen erosity I practice to my relatious at the ex pense of the public service, also the gifts I take, and then my way of rewardiug the pa trons always at the expense of the public service. Iu this open exhibition we see how the Presidency, instead of atnist. In.s become a perquisite. 1 Sad as are these two capital iustaueieS.and importaut as rs their condem nation, so that they may not become a pre cedent, I dwell on them now aiTillustratine the Administration.!! Senator Schurz in concluding his speech in the Senate, iu denunciation of the arbi trary character of the Administration, said : ' 4i rejoieea to see a spirit sweeping over iuh w nicn aimed to depose this auto cratic power: and he earnestly hotel forth.. union of all forces that ought to work to gether to give that redeeming spirit the vic tory which it must win if free institutions were -to tasc. THE FIRE TRIED. j ' From the Carolina Era. ' SALISBURY OORRESPONPENCE. I Mrj Editor Perhaps it would interest your readers to have a word from this pleasant city of the west. No town in the country can boast oT beUer or more aealous working Republicans than Salisbury. VithQu,t disparagement to others, pardon bw .fl true, tried and active Republicans, J. L. Baily, J r Br. L W. Jones, Dr. W.IH, Howerton, 6t W. F. Henderson, CoL.T. ii. Long and D. L. Bringle, Esq, - the accommodating and. polite Postmaster at thu place, v It is worth' something to be a Republi can here.. Perhapc - there i no place in the South where political feeling runs higher, and all ! honor and credit is doe these and many other noble Republican h stand by their eountry and its flag through such severe tests. ; Mr. Editor, those who have , never tried it know but little of the feeling of one who, for opinion's sake, has to stem the tide of popular opinion pierced at every step ' by tlie keen ar rows of social ostracism. Ho weapon b so- se vere ; no weapon more pointed. ' . ' 1 Jmagine a once proud man who had access to the best society ; LU own home the gay re treat of the fashionable and the e&e, cut and snabbed by these former associates, and for what ? Simply, because he saw fit to differ with his old neighbors on the political issues of the day and to advocate what to him seemed best for the common good. Such a picture will give you a frint Idea of what these noble Republi cans have undergone for their "country. : All honor to them 1 sav, and history will record their deeds the highest examples of moral courage and patriotism. You shall hear from me again. ' Latieh. Salisbury, C, May 24, 1872. 1 A man may ward off disease avoid th small pox and the itch ; he may keep out of the way of biting dogs, and head the longest ditches, but he can't avoid his level. Even before the days of LMtcahas ser were men " weighed iu balances and the people of this age of the world keep it np just as though it Were a neve idea. It is one of those things which will be, because it must bo. For the Watchman. Fifty sixth Annual Convention of the Vroiestanl lriscojxxl Church of North Carolina. Last week a Vrief report of the first day pro- ceedings was given. Xothing more than a iviiupiiji ui mc mure iiaiurLant acis oi me body for the remainder of its session will be attempted. The committees on the permanent Eiicnnal fund and Education, as well as the Treasurer of the Diocese, submitted able and interesting re ports, which were appropriate! v referred. i he jiishop announced the following stand- ins committees : ON THE STATE OF THE CHCItCU. Rev. E. M. Forbes, Rev. J. C. Huske, Rev. George Patterson, Hon. W. II. Battle, T. R. Hill, Esq. OS CAXXOXS. I Rev. A. Smedes. D. D. 'Iiev. . B. S. Rnmson. Rev. J. 13. Buxton, D. U, Hon. I). M. Rarrin ger, Gen. J. G. Martin. ON FIJfAXCE. Rev. A. Watson, D. I)., Rev.G. R. Wetmore, Hon. Royden, Col. S. S. Frtmont, Hon. K P. Battle. A propped cannon, changing the order of busint-ss was rejected, tlie coimuittee reporting against it. 1 . 6 The Bishop read his annual address, which was listened to with great interest. The address n connection with the Parochial.renorf nf i! different Clergymen, showed the general pros le peronsciindition of the church in this Diocese. The number of baptisms during the pnst year was 000; the number of confirmations 407; t he number of catechumens 3,112; the number of communicants o.ooT; the nnnilr of members not communicants, 2,4Jo; the number of buri als -.o ; the number ot marriages 130: eontri- l.ulinns Sol.4(50, The address also strongly enforced the neees- a i""'""" ior me siij.h.ii of the Clergy ; urgmj; the lai.y tu increased of- ferings, and advocating the policy of endowing parishenand stluls and providin- reeto.ies It AlIV 111 HiaLrillrr Imt tr. f 1. ...... i . 1. uso nrgea upon tlie cliruv the uronriwr .md and Tlt? . I a- . . . j over a to a single -1 . 1. . 0 . . - or muid and a U-tttr and surer pecuniary win- lort. A feeling and eloouent triL.it.. to the memorv of ihe late Iii-lioo ltvis of South Carolina, who was former I v, lor ten years ' I .1 !.. r-.i. f-.11 1. . .. 'I me oir, lauuiui anu beloved pastor of this parish. In response to the warm and cordial invita tion of the delegates from that parish, it was resolved that the next annual Convention be held in St. John's Church, Favettcville, on the 3d Wednesday in May, 1873. " The commiitee on the permanent Episcopal fund was instructed to receive pledges to the amount of $40,000, none to be jwid unless U.e whole amount be raisid. The standing committee for the ensuing vear is as follows : Rev. It. S. Mason, I). D . Rev. A. Sinedes. P. D, J.C. Huske, Hon. W. II. Rattle, Hon. D. M. Rarnnger. The delegates elected to the next General Convention are Rev. R. S. Maon, I). IV, Rev. A.Watson, D. JJ., Rev. J. B. Cheshire, D. DM Rev. R. S. Bronson, Hon. W. 11. Battle, R. II. Smith. Esq., Dr. A. J. Ik-Rosett, Geu. S. F. Paiterson. Dr. DeRosett was re-elected Treasurer of the DiiK-ese by acclamation. A new cannon was adopted, renuirinr tire clergy to take up monthly collections, where practicable, ami where not practicable, quarter ly, for the current missionary fund. it was decided lo apjly to the other Dioceses for permission, under the new cannon, to elect an assistant Bishop at tlie next annus 1 conven tion, provided, sneh action shall not operate to prevent a division of the DiiK-ese at any subse quent time; in which latler event the aVistiint Bishop shall lie Bishop of the Diocese not se lected by the present Bishop. Though the representation was not as large as on some former eccasious, there ban probably never been a more pleasant or harmonioiis convention held 111 the Diocese. The list of delegates stows the IxsJy to have been one of much talent ami exalted character, and alto gether worthy of the high trust re Mined in it. Several excellent sermons were preached by different clergymen during the week to large and appreciative congregations. On Sunday morning Bikhop Atkinson preached an able, practical and rat hoi ic sermon, on which occa sion the church was filled to overflowing. On Sunday night four persons were confirmed, and the services incident to the convention, and the Rishop's visit to this parih, closed. The eople Of Salisbury seem to have been well pleased that the convention was held in their midst, and pleasant memories of the occasion will long linger in tho minds of many of them. SPIRIT 0FTHE PRESS- ! Wilmington Journal. If it shall be thought best to sunnort Mr. Greeley, we shall da so to thfe best of our ability, It will undoubtedly require some sacrifice of feeling for a Democrat to support his life long adversary. Mr. Greeley has a bad record, bad in the far . :i" t. ' j . . . past ami uau m tne neai past, indeed, it is possible that it is the knowledge of this very fact that gives him his strength at the iSorth. Bat it is not with the past that we of the South have now to deal. We can afford to forget, if not to forgive, the mere records of men who, bavin? the power, manliest a willingness to aid ns in our great struggle for our lives, our lib erties and our proneriv. But sunnose when the Convention meets it has bfen plainly; demonstrated that Jlr. Greeley has no tich strength at he North as is now claimed for him; or. s oppose the delegates from Northern Democratic States declare with unanimity that the party there will not support Mr. Greeley, n.$at ui? endorsfcmenl at Baltimore will ensure-. the ; loss of those States What I then t Or. sunnose the ' whole Northern wing of the party is tcnosed io vrccirr i uai men l ll must DC remembered that Northern Democrats have not been ground, lnU' the dust by tne iron heel ot uraat JJespotism and do not therefoie feci so keenly as do Southern Democrats the exigency of the occasion. We cannot condemn Northern Democrats for having some regard a their own section when we admit that our own first and lust thought is for the South. Is the South to say thai she will have Greeley or no one; that! she will have Greeley or bolt! If this be our determination it is idle to go to Baltimore. And yet the South will be entitled to a great, if not a controling, influence in the Convention. Her large electoral vote must command for her wishes, her wants and her suggestions the respectful consid eration so eminently their due. Northern Democrats do not purpose, nor do we purpose, that Southern Democrats shtll be hewers of wood or drawers of water in our national organization. We are free t r ntmit it... ...til. .1... I T 1 . 1 f w nuiuii ina i wan me ngnis now oeinrc us we arc of opinion, aa we believe the party iu the frouth generally is of opinion, that it will be the better policy for us to name no candidate against .Mr. Greeley. If, however, after a cartful survey of the field, common tease and prndeuce justify an altitude of armed opjiosition and in dependent hostiliiy, aud if it shall be j thought best to nominate a "straight out; Democrat"' we bhall support him with ... e : i .i . r .. uoieiueu pnntiure. nut tlie proper policy for the Democratic party to pur- sue is not so plain that it may at once n r I ial....a I . ft g l a uu "iiimiui ui'siiaiMit oe coiinueiiiiv pointed out. 1 hi re arc many things to be considered d. Fortunately there is v'! f accounts and cash books, ex i which t do it. Man y ! "uit "d reports, the committt-e anaui- ample time in facts necessary to Convention raiets. be known tmtil t Another reason induces us not to oc cupy too ranch time and space wiih mat ters pertaining to the Presidential cam paign. In Ncrth Carolina, at h-nst, we have n flute caniDiii'n in nrnm-H rh-ii , -r - - --- r- e..-. ...... neiuauus - an oi our time and thought.! " "a 'cir. i it We cannot afford to jeopardize-1 our vie comtnhlee find that the business of the torv iu August to insnri- vie tort in Kn.i9nci;Pv P( badly nianaid that lss- vemuer. Jt may he we for us to r . . . ineu'ber and to f..!low Beaiin-irHrd's ad . vice to hid troops, to "go to the nearest firinjr." Raleigh Xew. We countt nance no violation of the law. We? make no nppologiei ior those who aie cuiltv of niisdeineaiinrs nr rrlmi l'he law ahonld be impartially enforced against all criminals. Withont the en- torceiuent ot the law, there would be no peace in snci.-ty. and no protection for lite, liberty and innjtejty Itut the law t-liioihl b u-"aiiv ei.iorciu. n ol lierw l.s n .ii.. i- i ii'i . loiied, the ofiicers of the law become cii ininals. ' I ! 1 1 t uen vim ana wickki men an rm- nhvid bv ill.- lh.v.t '.,1 1.. i.r.;i.,...t threaten, maltreat mid arn-st inimcent men, the law c a.e to inquire resnect : rt'v rence Instead of a nroJcction ano -a caiegiiaid u becomes ail iii-tiuiuent , r, oppiesri.... and I , v m-1' , .1 1 wrop-s of Irelai d 111 the days nl 1 t 1 1 i:oia1111 " ii'-reesi crin nv Have rarelv exi ei did the h.n d.-hins which the i""i .1.- 1 ti nrl ll ( ;i r il 1 Ii ii-it siii11 - A 1 . . . ( - - - - .... ....... . . ni-uivu at iur 'Vi 111 1 r n ' 1 ,M' nia'1' ,,,,l,cl "f PT is Still out ' '"Clcln d above us, ai d ui.der cover of lw und in ihe Maine of inMice. the . Ieo - pie are robbed, und utra-'cd. and opo.es.- ed. O DEATH OF JAS. C.OUDOX I1KN - V1r r- It hecomsour ptinfu! duty to announce the death of -I . ( r mlon 13 n.iett, tin- f.mn der of the IIkiiald. He die! at his rcsi- Uncf iu tliis city ut iweniv five minutes past five o'clock yesterd ly afieriioo i, in the seveufy seventh year of his sijre. l ive y-ars ago .Mr. Ib-nnett wi.hdrew froin the active inauai-ineiil of tlie Her Id ; but, although feeble in frame his eneral health, eotithiuml retnikihlv good, while h.i fine intellect remiim-d unimpaired, and his fine inteiest iu the events of the day unabated up to the mo ment ot his iatal illness. About half past one o'clock on Saturday aliernoon, .")th ult., Mr liennctt sutiered a slight convul sive altack, accompanied by epileptic sympinius, but not sufficiently marked or violent to excite apprehension ot immedi ate danger. Twelve hours afterward at h;ill'-pist one o'clock list uuday morning the attack was repealed with greater severity. From that time the end became evident, although the constant attendance of Dis. Cereariui, llanunoud and Lnsk insured the exhaustion ol all means wiihin the reach of human effort to avert a fatal result. On Tuesday last, at the request of II r. Bennett, Archibish op McCloskey visited his bedside and administered to him the last sacraments of the Church. Wheu tho last hour ar rayed he .sank to sleep in death calmly and peacefully, and his soul passed away withont a struggle. N. Y. lUrahl. Several Virginia Banks have a claim l)efore the Senate Committee on Claims for about $100,-000 in specie which was cajituretl with Jeff Davis and was turncil over to the Treasury I2part metit in ISO.'). In 18GG "President Johnston onlered the money to be paid Au-. Als.. a i.ir.- assortuifut of iJadi- Trav to the claimants, but on consultation eljn? and w..rk r.a.k-t. Toilet Mat, ice. with Secretary Stanton, General Spin ner, the Unitctl States Treasurer, re fused to obey the order on the ground that the money captured was the pro erty not of banks but of the Confed erate government. In response to a ( letter of enquiry by the Secretary of the Treasurv. General Simmer wrote a letter to-dav adducing proof to show that the money was the property of the rnAwlAM i --.1 vuiiimiiuic i:ui.iiiuitiai uiivj kiiui ine . . , b . , . . V . Claimants have no rightful title to It. The letters will be submittal to the Sen ate Claims Committee for cousidera tion, Quite a religious feelinj is being manifested at Atlanta, Ga., revivals being in progress at eeveral of the cborchs. An order haa bean issued by the itreet committee to hare "Paradise" treca in the city cut down good. JiaL Noes. rilE LOOK CONCERN troubles ; 1 .! SETTLED. ; fttxodl Concern troubles, which lire been btfare tho Church and the country in one form or another for the last Ihree and a half years. Lave been settled, (and, probably, iQ the taanner most satisfactory and just to all the par. ties concerned. Two committees of the General .Conference have had the subject under consideration, one to inv.ti,..- the allegations to frand and mistuana ment. mid tnm Ia !; . 1 - . r. .1 . tion of (he Coneeru against such frauds in futtira.,, The committee which investi gated thb affairs of the Concern did not go beyond the record named in th se veral accusations made by Dr. John , ,lb,M4lc lor lue proiec tM It. r . Lanahaa, the .Mislant -gent, and by the , minonty pf th. Booa Committee. Nor! coma tjiey very wt go fanbrr in the brief time allotted to them. After all that had been written and printed and mid a about tlie Coureru during the pan f. w years, and alter the v. ry leng and U'.o rious investigations mado by two eiperls and bylhe Book Cora mi I tee, thesptiai investigating eoujtiiim-e might well be . eicused had lliey oucluJitl that all ihe , terliin tny that cuhl be uken was iheu ! in. Bat iju ir elaborate report sJhiws that they loik;beynud rnd back of all ilrs and pa- s,bo.k. testimony and examined pt-rsnas pers nr tieir own infonnatinn commit lee was composed of shrew ness irieu; ; and liirhulrd l.twyrrs aet piTS, luerchants and ministers, who were a 4 fife from bias in this matter as i anv '""'fient class of Meibodisia could 1 w ' ,nl,ltl such vital uupr Unci to the whole Chnnh. Alief thrw wt-cks' patimt search thro 1 nnnsly win- to the following ciicltiii.nis: 1 hat iruuds had not been practiced in the printing department Ly which tin Book Concern has sitstntiH-d loss. This xonerues j sir. b. J. Coodeiionh, w hn has bef-n charged by Dr. Ianahan with such fraudulent practices, and for which ' . -i.i.i i es might be, and have been, sustained, but Miry are not of such m.i juitii-lr as to endanger the financial strength ot tln Concetu or to matciiallv impair its capi tal. 1 j HOW IS THIS? Alualiam Lineolu's t-abinet wasnmi- posetl v f tlicfollowiiifj KTHiiis : Steward, Clias, Uhtir, Stanton. Well. and Smith i. , Somo-o'f these are dead, Stanton anion" 1 thorny but of all those living not one of tlini is in favor of the rc-eleetion of ; the reat ImWilc and Tyrant, Use pmj.rrly and jess (JPant. How ootnes it to pass lllil.PUI... a.. I . . . . . I that the trusted lnemlsanl council lorn I of tl? "martyr l'resiih iit" have turned . their .lmrk nixm nnw.irtliv uwi. : 1 ....v... :sor" purely it is a verv si-'tnln-mt fact . i 1 pa"t Were cipalile or lionet wotihl I thesq Ion;; tr;cl lvepiil)lic;in Imh-oiiu 1 . . . . . hostile to his iiotninatioii and re-(!(-tion. No man of cnse -an Ik-Ucvc it. J J'o!. St jttiud. lo-'K phipe ifierrioon b- near WYM011 Wed lo sitiiy a!:i-r:iooti tx-'vicu Mr. in. .) t Si.lipi. ol 1 icibur;:. Va .ai.d Mr. Minor. ! ol lUliiuioie. (tin- r Hid was fin d, when ! 1 In- affair uassct;ltd bv the friend of J flu. i.triii s. 1 . , . 1 nne" "1IM' '". "'' J if a Shot must be had to sniUty ih- p iri ' j iheaSftlvps nnd their friends, though it ' U'kr a "i11' ,ik" Pr'? ' I Prinu Ihe pnbhc who insist on the . .. r- ... ;r,r.- , i i i fficn 1 1 i-s between pentlem i;, rather ! ihati lake the tn ire manly course of ie- jjectjug ihe code, oiil-.nnl nut. : I'lJuuc peahTng -Tevkntii C N S K ESS ION AE 1)1 SI K I IT. Maj. W. M. R'MintNs. th ( '.in.-rvalire- Dewioeratie raudidate f.r Congrms in this District, will addns the people at the fol l.iwne times and plars : Mockfvillf, Th-TMiay. Join- H:h. -.1. i .i oiniiii u nt e, i ri.i.iv. " Hi. Wiuston, Saturday. M-ti-lar. W.-diiesnlay, Friday. Monday. Wednesday, Friday. Sat urd;y, Tu-d.y, WedlleSilay. Tlmrs 'ay. 3rtt onlay. S:h. Hhh. li:h. IM.. I1I1. r.Hh. Jlst. iilith i7th. j;ih. niliuiti, Sparta. J.-flVrsoii Riwine. Wilkesloiri ', Taylorsvjll.-, J)tats i!!.-. Oliu. Ilnnpt'inviHe, V lkin ill.-. Salisbury. C'.d. Fun-has. the caiidiil..t- of llo opjM slte party. h: agred to l- prsnt hIo; so that the triple can hear lnith id . I.t evrylxwly pome out. C-out one and all. .5 At MAItKIKD : the hoitae .if R A. Iri-t, on the "th irvt.. h Hev. (Jatiltlev. of M.MksviMe. Mr. JJ'.V. Click, of Davidson, aud Mi Itura C. I'ropt, of How an. 1 XEW ADVERTISEMENTS. (TOYS AND FANCY HGTIOHS. The uudfrsiued respectfully informs hi frienda and the puldie generally, that hf has jn.-t received a fine asorlti.etit of T"jf and Fancy (;ods; such as I'.x-ket Hooks arid Knives, ltat. and ltae 15 ..11". llad. I Ti it i.crr:i till Y riMtnm rrfiitu..r- T u w 1 P Call and examine before Vfi bat. At A. I'AIlKKirS (37:2t) Variety Store. This is to Give Cotice : That on tV 10th day of Dreuiber, A. I.. a warrant iu Bankruptcy was i.-ml against the estate of W. W. Stuer. in the Ceunlyof Kowan and State of North Bankrupt ui-m his own petition that th laroiiua wno na oeeu aaiiKieeti at i I4ym-n nJ debt, and th dlivrry ..f . DV property Wh.Dcii'C tosnch Itanknirt.to i . t t htin or for his use. aud the transfer of any iorH-rly by him. are ..rbidden by law. Tbt a uieetineof the creditors of said Bankrupt. to pnve their d-bts. and c!iom t- rQore As.Mgn.-e of his estate, will be held a'Curt of IbinkroMey to b hidden at the .iffce of, and befure It. II. Broadheld, Ilq.. TJepster iu Bankruptcy in Salisbury. N. C alJO o'clock. A. ii.. on the 2hh day of June, A.D.,lts72. 8. T. CAKROW. U. 8. Marshal. ; J.T. CrTIIIlELL. i Deputy U. S. Marshal and Meatenger. j 38:3tl srnuT mACHiwEs WE are AGENTS for thelleKanaus "proved Smut Waehioea. Parties In need of .y wonia da we lo ois fr prices .od particuUr,. Warranted to give satisfaction. T,wrr nepectfally, BOEM, BUOWN. ic CO, Importers and IW,. r7.t n r , u corral ardwsre. rajt TrmJ t ft..j... - 3?i HO! FOR THE M01IHTA1HS. X KX(XUlOy Irwin kM I j , M X to run frum alitHlv to Old Krt VrUT. i .ion ;n i "i: M' ra. conoid wi.h afTp AND JlXllZ Tv Thcr. will hr pl.r of oiLH 1 a spi.l car Ur I.r. ud lKrip taeJ. fare to Old Fort and mam oal, ' J. LbAlLEY. May 27, 1871 .17;2t. J. F. RUECKERT, MASONIC HALL, Voh. .17 and .10 Tlarkct St , WILMIHQTOJUI. C. T? P I A IM O S j -5 OPHAI!C ORGANS OF THE BEST heading Tactortesih the iniH suua. PIANO of ALL STYLES miCiXto stiii iKfuh.w. eonantlj on had aod fur !-. tftf tn ..... r .""uwiumu oauaiir held oat Lv '.,""nrrn, Aianuu.iurrr raa ooly be Ladia ih Male at ll.r alwvr platT. ' ,be ' GEO WOOD'S l CO'fl. TAIL. LOU and VEsKt? n-n wr . w,imis j " ur cmtncnl Jor their Clan, j 9 Solo St., Beauty and Vurilm , ' Tone Elcaatt l)rin .. tv. ish. Tn fiet they suryass OliG AN -Ilertt.a'ore known or introduced in thurify. Call, lie ar and See Them! All Ii.Mrum.-nu Warranted iur Five Year, Vr PI AMIS TUXKlJAMi IiKPAinU.1 ' A choice selection of SIJeH f4c on had and for sale. J. K. KUrX'KKltT. mav .II.::;.f Wiluiinplon, X. (' North r.i:oi iv 4 . 1 In the Superior Court. Al.KXAMii It CoiWTV. 1 A. ( arson Kictirior of ) 1. j. i.wicni;iik, rt.rt. William Vance I,.w Petition for settlement Uvrmilk, Harriet j Jane Lowdcriuilk, j Joseph Ktlhir and J wife Dovev M. Kel- lr- ' l iKft-. In thi i.rore-.!;n it appearing to the ration i.l tl,. oort tlt (ie au,v,- i.au.eH uV Kii.lantKare hMi riim of tl.i M,t, h then fort-.r.ler thai ,-ol.J. ath, U luadt in Lie .,r.:!.na Wat.-I.tt.aa" u e.,IH.rtH,.!,.(- o . , r.-.,,.U4l(K j ,i, f. ,,,1.,,,,, ,,, a..,ri, o?h.v 01 l,rk of the SuKri.,r Coii.t ior Ibe ..111.lv of AltxaiMiir at i.r t .am Hon in l..rvijf. on il . s-.U djr of J.,T eit and ;u-. r il- ,-,..tlJ, !.,;,,, r,f Jj.,,jitr of lLe -Jit.c mil! t in-ar l rs ;..i. a. lu U.vm. 1 Ll- J.;rl .Liv ,.f M4V 17. ' - M. iTIA J Nx IN. CI, rk ""r l'oart, AlrxaiKierl o. Ni: I II XKol.lN A. i In l.l AMJ i: l ..( i v. j ti.- .''inn-iior t irt. A. i ai-.n .oiiiuiti.i:-r ..f loriKf !'. Tin. k, I'U'ff. Ruth M. 1 .I. iioilV. Hi- j Trillion tor t ii M. lir.-, i S. AmUr- 1 ikiiKML. 11 and KU-i-a. Jame (if rd anl ile 1 iif. . .Martn.i. a. i.. i.raowirn and wife Nai.f- ('. Wil liam "ali llarrirt Jane lwl ruii'ik, j Ifta. I In llii- n .iilin;.'. it p-aring, lo the aati-fj.-li.Mi o( il.f i fin thai BotW Ixvdrraiilk, Klira M. l'--. illiam Yhwt Iod. rtuilk 4 llirrii t Jme Ixtt rruilk are tMNMMck-ntt tf tlii-Niat. ; ll i r fi.rv onl.r-Hl ll.! jml.lioi tion U- iimle in ihe 'fariJinj Wiirlimnn s i e-p. r piil.u-l-il in Sali.U.f v, N. "., fcr n wiek inii-irnr, reii!ing i. J. t. -d.n.t. lo ar at the ..Hu-e of the Clerk of the Superior t nrl fr the CVsinly W .U nixUr mi I lie f nrl IIni- in Ty ior i'.lr, 141 ihe Jjy of July nevt, and fi.w, r the complaint of I'laimiir, or the miiic iil U.- heard tipple aa tu tliein. ThU rl day of Mar I S7i E. M .' STK V KXS N, Herk Suptrior Court, Ah Jnir County. loificpd This is to Qiv ITotice : That " tlif 4th H.-ty ..f April. A. I)., war rant iu lUnkriiptry wajl Usurd ajaibst th ta .f II. N. Smith, of f'l arltt. in t'i" M'onnty of Wkltibnrff. and Statr of Snh J 'arolina who haa be-n adjudtrfd a Batik ! rnpt up n hi own fwti hoi that the pay- nifiit .t any Hlt. ai.J thr .lliVrry ..f aaj pr.-j'Tt j l. Ujitig to such llaukrupt. to him or fr Lis ue. and tli- traufr of ny prop-U-rty by him. ar r.rhi.luu bylaw. That a tut-titiK of the creditor of iJ Ha&krupU to prr their d lt. aud chMa utr or more AhMCiiH-i of fun tatr, will h h-IJ at a '.urt of Itaiikmptey to h hold -o at tli oflit. of. and U-f.te ll. II I'madfi-M. Kmj Heitr io Iliukruptej. in hi 'i!5f. ia Salisbury, at lOo'cbwk. A. M.. ou lie 1 1th .lav of June A. D.. 172. S.T. CARI'.nW. I". S. Mar-hal. J.T. CITIIRKl.L. Dpiiy U. S. Marhal and fe-eDgrr. WANTED ! WOOL, HIDES AND BONES. I will piy the highest cash price ior Wool, Hides and Bones. Wocl uken ia the dirt or washed but clear of burs S. W. TEKULLL. A LOT of fine CROMO PAINT INGS ; a few DOUBLE and TKH' PLK Silver Plated Caitors Cut CI Ihittles. and 3 Handuuje 6 Day Clccks j warranted all ripht, for sale at redocill ' prices to clofc consignment, at S. W. TERRELL'S 36-tf '. : Tte nndrivJned hereby rive notice ff h" r luuuintoetit aa Aaruee of C W. Im-!, ot at , Jrukra. Davie eouuly, N. C, who La bee djixied a Itankrupt upoo his oa pi lit by the District Court of the United Siu kx l Cape Fear li-lrit f North Carulina. JOHN S. HKNDEKM3N.Aavirr.ee. 1. O. SalUMiry, N. C May 15, 1S72. Zmj. ALL KINDS J COURT AND HA GISTJUTES BLANKS at IkuVte

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