Carolina , Ulatcljraun JqCAL AUP STATZ3 ITC1M g -XfTsVVRY MARKET. JUNE 14. (.roTTON- 2- !-C,KN-5 ft M. ( i FIjol-k-u.u 5.00: - mi.-vT.;-90 i .'. I TUTATOKIrisli, 75 p,( 'TTF.rr-115 a 2.. CHICkKNS-fi W a 13 per doz. FKATlIKKSnew', o0. i BKKSWAV-nO a 32. Sweet, $100. Campaign Rates. j-The CAROLINA WATCHMAN will L sent to inyladlire, in or wngly, from tbii time to U 20th' November next, for one i WtiWi-Circulate Uie uocumenw 'fcndotiyourclulrf. - - j Tub Tr.nvn:K,3l r Helper's paper, will appear in a uVr or two, j Vine rainroji Sunday and Monday Ust. taiion L'enerftlly i vkororta. J omr AtLirsr Ketckie.I t is reported f that tins notorious character t lias a gam made lita appearance In this county.." - On last Saturday near te road . leading ti Bringlca Ferry i abnnt five tnilea from this place, i while rettirnin to her home from Town, Mia M.;Bisiher, a highly respectable yoang Ia4y, ik years of age, was forcibly- dragged from her mule and hfr i pennon violated) by j white villain, blacked She decla res ' i was John A. Ietcbic. The Tiend concealed himself behind a trjee on the ide tf the road, and aa the lady came up, sprang out and afcized the bridle, stopped her nag, violently dragged her from the saddle into" the Wood?,' perpetrated liia 1 ellisli parpose rtnd disappeared, leaving thergirl nearer dead than alive, bereft an; ruined. lie baa not yet been apprclienjded, although diligent search has en nade for him. The pearch should b keotaip, and every ?ooa citizen aliouldj t c an interest ui fiding the community of suph a miscreant. His ciiiufir-are many and ery to heaven tor punishment. 1 UixatiAM tion to the tlbljiee of the Bingham 8c night. ? Icron wishing to get good pictures of titer i, lvi-si.iitild l nt the art gallery on the cor ,1( r .f Iliiflidj Fisher Mreets. There is a da 'gucrrdan artist I here now awl no mistake. . I. (). 0. F. The members of N. C. Lodge, No. ic, unjrcqtieeled to attend tie meeting Tucjs day night next. 1 herd. 18 important business rcquireing attebtiotn. i T" - I School. We invite atfen- liiool. baa! tThe Rev. C. IIBernlMm will preach im the Lutheran chitireh, (Salisbury, next punuay morning, anuaiso a S JoHN-B, TlD55uiT. E jvf iry much pleased tu aee HViday lat, this Ufented from Catawba, who was from Colorado, Montana, qJtah, and other Uiriiant climes. g Mr. Husev wenlont wi prospecting rlie comtry, and toIocate-a colony tf the advantages fa v o r a L 1 eti s r e p r es e i t e d He returns home under so. W e were ii our office ofi 3'ouug lawyer en route home The high C mractfcr of hii school i L it it. 1 i , i i -Ji :.. VX..I. p,.a lina ith the view of d to locate there-were as the conviction shot GurU??? CHt BEST IN THE WORLKiT mat rWrHDE.J "tCOKN.. 6EW0RACtMIJ! Sew Tork Office, 27 BEEKMAH SZ Aprili6,-l6ti42B:ly- I THERICAN BUTTON-HOLE. 0VE3SEAM1NG ! .. ! - 1 AND NOKTII CAROLINA; - In Superior u Alkxasdeb, CoyyTY.". ! i Court. -, A. Carson Executor of it'- - 1 T. j;Lowdermilk, i Deft. - ; " ; -" 1 against ' " ! ; -'- William , Vance Low Petition for settlement derm il k, Harriet Jane' Lowdermilk, Joneph 'Kellar and . wife DovVT .M. Kel- Jar.ji - j - vi Def'tf. In tli is proceeding, it appearing to the satis faction of t!t Court that the above named de fendants are non-residents of this State; It a therefore ordered that publication be made iu the "CaroTina Watchman" a newpapet puhlii-l. ed in Salisbury, N. C, for six weeks micce ively, reqnirinK said defendants to appear at the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court for the County of Alexander at the Conrt House in Taylorsville, on the 8th. day of July next, and answer the complaint of Plaintiff, or the same will be heard ex parte as to them. Thia 23rd dav of Mav IS" 2. R M. STEVENSON. Clerk Superior Court, Alexander Co. 37Gt:pd. WAITED! mOl, HIDES AND BONES. I will pay the higheat cash price fi- Wool, lluk'S and Bone.. Wool taken. id the dirt or washed but clear of bura S. W. TEBHELL. A LOT of fine CROMO PAINT INGS ; a few DOUBLE and TRIP- ir v cm UI.....J i ... m fomplfte Semng MACHINE. BoUleiS and 3 H-nd9orne 8 Day clocUe, I The 6rk and onlv -BIJTTON-IIOLE AND SEWING MACHINE combined that has jtnade its advent in this or any other country. fi? The following reasons are given why jtliM is 4h? best j FfimBylMbchinetoPiircliase. ! 1. Because it -will do. 7. Becasue you can ieverytUini tixat any tn a-1 quickly raise or lowerthe THE ADVAIiCS mower & Keaper. ii l I M or AIVVFACTUKKn BY THE litflvidrr Mannfactaring Co.. B Wider, N. J-; has the gearing (or cog whe-l) m1 ia an iron case, so as to exclude all grit, dirt, &c coniaina many cew and Tainan! features which do not exist in others. W.irku vt on smooth or stouey land and ta not liable to get out of order. ! Persons iutendin-j to buy mowers urn! ur'lT"' s'imuier. wouia ao wetl to ex amiue the 1 A.D VAXOE, before purchasing elsewhere. An ag?nt wanted in every mty in th State. Seiid for illustratetl circulaf t C. A. HFJJK. Gen'l State Agt. f-r N. ( Friedburg. Forsvthe ('-.. N. C W. L. KlSTLKIt. talibury. X. C. fmar. 2G, m Agent for Kwau Co. THE THE MAINE . - I Pi n n FnrfQc 'V:. . The ravctteville hnqlc notices a sWtn-i illcr of Hotj., iprjuters, &c, who.. p:wseaj as a ventriljcpiici,!sligiit 6f hand pe rform-! it, kc. ' llipassefl there ns a Prof. Ash ley. If lu); thould come west he'willj' probably chaiige !!s nane , t ft rHF. btilJSciitiPKRs! OF THE EXAM jnkr are i nit i tied that fcujr terms arealricM 1) cash, and that tio pajijer will be knt alter this rssuf, to pcrsoiiHl in arrears. I -We! ijnipc that ull v ill 'tome forward, pay up oIUcoieaiid renew lor tins W ATCI1M A.N4 Deugiitfli. AVeather. After copii oils showers, Suu-hIuiic and nleasent weatli ir. Vegftution is lcxui i.ijif, crops promis-j ing, and the f.umiTs ng eieable and cheer-! that North-Oarolma is thesbestrilace after 'Hne cajr to,hewing leed to aoapt ittothickor - . 4 - . i ... . ifi-nm tli;i hrwst to t hit thill cloth. II ' ' 1 j? . i l - i I 1 i w - . -r an. x ne ionu exnecutiiqus w iucn uau been raised by the Jalea of travelers were not realized, nd Mf. Ilusley comes back with the determination to devote his services to .baildingup anfl improving' the financial and pol-tical coudiUuu of hia na tive State. Acits. Congress adjourned oil Monday last, having been in session six months and passed four bund red and sjixty billij. A CARD. To flho vTtera of Rowan county Having announced myself a few days b fre Uie nominating convention of Row an county ns a candidate for-IIirh sheriff of paid county, subject to said convention, land, it h:Ying been reported that I inten ded to allow my luiiue to be run fir said office rrirardlegs oti said nomination. 1 take this method to inform mv friends and an' one Use interested, that I. am not a candidate, but will support the if mina- Ltfon made on that flay j IIosps A. fcuiTn fill. What weather :and niiioundingc At a meetiiig of Adoniram Conn cil No. 2. tiif lio'.ii :md Keleet MiisH-rs. a happy eWect delightful ,.), on h& 13l h ii.tatit,! the following tiinelycasons have upou ourj officers wete eh cteji tb sel vefor the en- l'oMEJtovr's IJ'k'mucrat.- This Cham-i pion of newspapers has rutered on! the war ) iti ag u.'u-t (Irant and hi: tools with; Snowed energy. It is very popuUr with! the masse,; ami lis exiens4ve circulalioni will enable it lo'e.xcit a lelling iiilliieucej in the sumiher campaign Success t( its' tfforts. ('atawua .Classical High SciiooL Thts excellent institiifion of learning,1 f.irorably e'ltnated at Newton, N. C., in a' healthy section of the State and conduct i e 1 by ublu wind txpeiieliced instructors,; deserves fivorable consideration of the! public tee adveiiitfemeut in another tolutun. Itowis , now in ex Lnke-BIackraerj ' William Murdoch, Dolphin A. Dulfis, E I ward B. Neave, M. l) fli!u! ! Obadiuh Woodson, Andrew Murjdty, 1 R. P. iWeent, I j Josephns W. Hall, piLLS. TIichc popular mill ar pent repair, and are turning out vei fry fine flotjr( Ac, Messrs F'mmert, the en-i l UrjiriHinKipropnitorp, ucderstriiu their business, thoronlilk nd guarantee Hatilaction. Theyj .Wire to j;uri hanu large quantities of wheit for wlmh they Will pay. the highest cash prices f Ihey will exchange flour for wheat, or gniic Mor toli to' Hint the public. See their card. r s The Associate left last evenitiir to Ijoin tbe Hjti rial ExcuVsion party goin "f north: a w ill be absent about two weeks', lie Uichruond, ElniirV Bufia4 NiKgaraj Falls, Rochrster, Canandaigu, . (Jeneyn Yaterlown, Montreal in ('anada, Binghatnton, the Wyoming Valley in Paj, otherf lLrge Cities and loints of inter e8t pfi il correspond with this paper, and-whbn h returns giyo a sketch if . wluevlr e iu;iy see oyhear of public in tereat .'ith last week. At a Conventio Chapter No. 20. lield on the following officers iwerp elected to serve for the ensuing yifar : Tl. tt..l...n.,i TT T Edward B. Neave, i K. John M. Coffin,' . S. William Murdoch, C. H. R. P. BeentJ P. S. Samuels L Linton R. A. Ci Andrew Murpliy, M 3. V.i John W. Bitting, M 2 V. Joiephua WT. Ball, . M. J V. Obadial W'oodsoii, Secretary. Caines A. Heiidei'son Treasurer. f- CtiAsat iSTudj Bankrupt Law Con !a bill amendatory allows nil exemp- gresis, Thursday, passed of the bankrupt l4v. It tions allowed by any Stale law oa tie 1st of January vt87 1. It also Exempts a Widow's dnwerd ir other estate in lieu therefijr, ifthe btate law so pro Ides ; also life insurance to the am. mut of S5.000. which baukrupts i may 4)4 payineiiT oi nuy per cent uVss is extended! until J inents obtained against before petition ui ban Urn be"first and fully 1 satistie The tim duriug discliarged upon of their iudebted- tly 1, 187$ ; judg- ersons or property icy are nieo are to f!hriirs in tb methods off appiiEiitt 'g rJgiPt?rs, m the mat ter of marshals tees, ami taut particulars, The London date, says : "T nr citylois been very quiet ilie liade baa been rather i drill.. owing Wei fftpriose to favonrfih. for farni woaud the beginning of hr- hioyj eeasona on'the farm make I.; It ahows bow inuch we are all id bh the woi king classes, and fs- '1C farmers j for prosperity tftid Jihere are none so independent as the qAiet tiidnstiious farmer. We h4pi be richly rewarded this yeal crops may be abundant and Jiis vest. . tiadedu depende! peciallyl thrift. nc may that bis household prosperous and happy. GOVERNOR VANCK RELIEVF.b Tho Charlotte Despatch saya, Govdru cr Vance yesterday received a despatch roiu usiungion intormiug him of thd re lief of his political disabilhie ! : The people of the whole State of North varoitna win ue delighted to hear tbis and thej fi lend of Governor Vance every where WilLcongratulate him. ! j A ne!ema( now, the people of North Carolina can agaiu honor, him as ihy ould j And Z. B Vance, their prihee, ,7", among men, their Covefnor who too tne&tatej through the g eat "truggle in which North isin and the aelf sacrificing heroism of iher ona and i daughtera became immortal 8002 and Btorv. will hnor aV ,1 1. in public cotinaela of thecouuiry for wbicl "o wenie, iiateamanahip, patriotism a pcrapnal integrity peculiarly fit him. in ace i nd are a 1st i to: lutidredsi of street riot, le polit opened ici, the United States hag caused uive beem shot down sentiments, andj a reiga btodshed has been iri we pray England may T. I. G. M. 1). I. (J. M. P. C. W E. G. Treasurer. Recorder. . C. St. Sentinel. coarsest material., liem-j 8. Because you have a ming, teUng, cord:io,ishuu defp bobbin by braiUing.lbijEnting, gath-jwhich the thread is coo ering and sewiag oil, atjstantly drawn from the the aine time ruining, jcentie ; t,he tension is quitting, tc, better tUaaoonsequenty even and any othcr;iaachiue. . j does uot break the thread . a Because thectenaions! -9. because the presser- ;a e more iasily jaJjttstedj foot turns! back; that the than any other macUiue. cion eaa ne eamiy re - 3. beciaseit caa work moved jfter beir.g eved. a beautiful button-hole ' 10. because the best waking a tiae a peari as; mechanics yionouuce it by the hand. i . ti e best SniHlied mid 4. bec iuse it will em-; made on (the bet princi bvoider 6veF the eilge,' pie of an-machine man- making aneat itml bciu- uiacturea. It has no tiful bolder u any gar-Upriiif-s to break; notli ment. 1 jiuc to ge;t ut. of order. 5. because it will work 11. because it is two a beautiful eye'ei hole. Imackinesin on?. A Hut- fi. lieiause it cab doltoN hole Wokkio and over-hand seaniine by i ewi.g ; Machine com. which shletai- pillow oua-ibiued. es and the like are seved over and over, i gfcjy jfo ather racbine can accomplish the kind of sewing stated in Nos. 3 4, 5, and G. Parties ufdnjt'a family sowing machine want a Whole Machine, one with all the improve ments. - '. It i to lasj a LIFETIME, and therefore one is wanted that will tlo the most work and do it the best : and llii machine can do several kind of .see ing not, done on any other machine, besides doing every kind that ail others, can do. The American or Plain Settling Machine. (Without the li!ton-hole parti,), does all that is done on t and oversea warranted all right, for sale at reduced prices to close consignment, at S. W. TERRELL'S. 36:tf SMUT MACHINES WE are-AGEXTSfor theMcMannus Improved Smut Machines. Parties in need of any would do well to eend. to us for prices and particulars. Warranted to give satisfaction. Very Respectfully, BREM, BROWN, & CO., Importer and Deal rs in General Hardware, East Trade St., Charlotte, N. C. 3S:2t lllllll ISt desirable Brick House with 7 room aud x V. all necessary out bon-es : situated in the most desirable part of Town . Persona wieting topureba-se, can npplvat tbis office. tf;IH Hi Jf are aeknowled by all wbo bar ibexa Is am, - aa oy me I xrtt Musical Talent, to U eqi&l and la tuuy refpctn, ; Onperior to any Ixniaetnred i J. P. RUECKEHT, MASONIC HALL, .17 and .19 Market St., WiLmaTGH, N. C. PIANOS and ORGANS OF THE BEST Leading Factories in the United State. PIANOS of ALL STYLES and PRICES to suit purchasers constantly on hand and for sale. All inducements usually held out by Northern Manufacturers can only be hadin the State at the above place. GEO. WOOD'S & GO'S. PAR i XiOH and V23STS.Y" OS.GAX7s I r They arc pre eminent for their Charm- e Coiribiaation except biUton-hole MERONEY & PRO., A-ts. Salifbiiiv. N. C. Examine! them before purchasing ai.v other XV(iJ "l0 '('PS beauty uhd I'urily rJ i of Salisbury he 14th instant, Sewing Mac-Liiie. I do not hesitate ro s.iy the American ('o.nbina tioti, surmsses all otl er machine. Hi sides doing all the workjthat ot)i?r maehineH can.-ttoverseams, and works biiitton-liplesjii any -fttbrie, IVoiii Swiss nutsiiu. to Reaver scloth 1 have used Singei'o. S-ioat 3. Ilowte's Untt: the Weed niachines, and tind the Aaiericali faf uueiior to t'Jie-ija all. Is Ml33 31. RCTLErGS. Tone, Elegant Design and Fin ish. In fact they surpass ANY OnGAX Heretofore known or introduced in this city. Call, Hoar and Sec Them! All Instruments Warranted for Five Years. &3-PIAX0S Tt'XEl) AXP i:KPUUEl..3 A choice selection of Sheet on hand and forsnle. J. I- HUECKEKT."- may 3l-37-tf Wilmington, N. C. r I have useifl sijt differeut dewing Machines. The A marican smpassea tLeui all . i i MK3. A. L. IIainey. I h.ivenad Thelinjrer and other machines and would nol ti e Anmriciun for any. j ? Mns. l N. Br'ingle. j SaI isbcRT. "X. C.j May 22.1 1872. , Mekoney:& bad., Agts. Amiificiin Com. S. M. ' Sn: 1 have used tl.e Howe. (Singer, Wheeler &.j chief, including all kind of toilect nriielf-s, at Wilson, Wjlcoxi. Jibbs Sewiig macLires. and I . ('. II. BAUKER & CO'S Drug Store. wonldTiot giive 8lie Anierican Combination for all j circular, t consider if superior to all others I ! I y" w,!!h m'lT a ?"oJ sinol:c Th iVfrr Tit'Siipiitfiillv I -MS 11 Iks. (Jeo. Vr. Harbixson. R. R. R. Radway's Ready Reliel Cnref the wors' paitif in from OXE To TWISTT MIXCTES. Not one hour after readii g ihi advertitement need auy one sutler with 1'AlN. RADWAY'S HLABV RELIEF ik a cure f- every Pain. It was tbc first and only Pain Keuietiy imtuUl st'Ut icenu st excruciating pains, a lays Inflamaiions. and ! cures UougOf lioi,s, wl.t tLer ol ti e lungs, sto:u- acn, iHiWe or uil.t r glai.os -r o; par.s ly one application, in l'i 111 M.e to inalter how violeiit or escittejaiing tLe pain libeumatic, Bed. ridden, Ii lirm, Crij p!id, Ner vous, Neuraurie orptrated with i'.,K-a-piiuiv Miller. KADVVaV'S liUADY KliLlliF will nlford iustant eii -e. 1 Jnjla 1:1 ma (Uiu 0 the Kioiut ' lujlammo lion oj the Il'aJdcr, I nil am Did tion of tlu Voice!, Cuj,-xtion of the Lunys, Sore Throat, Dijjlcult bnv.thuig. l'nlpitation of tin TJcart. Hysterics, croup, Dipthcna, Gtlairh, Inj!uenz. Headache, Toothache, Xiui-aljia, Jlheumati$r.i, Cold Chill., Ayue Chiiis. The application of ike J.Yfo'y Hcliff to the part or parts w here the pain or dilliculty exists will allVird ea.-e and ciimioit. Twenty drops in a half a tumbler of waterwill in a lew i;i Lients cure ma:, rj'ttsHis, our xtomaeh, ittartburu, sick l.adtc'.n-, diatrhae, tlyxeiitery, cofic, tci,id in ihc bofilx, and all in. tt rnul ;f(.y. Travelers should nlwcys carry a bottle of I I.'adw ays Keadv Keiief" with them. A few i drops in water prevent siekne or paii ; from change of water. It is bitter than Pre in h Brandy or bitters a stimulant. Fever and iXsruo. Fever mid Ague cured for liPy cts. There is uot a remedial agekt in LLis woild ll at will cure I-'ever unci Ain and all ether M.ilai ions. P.iiioii-, Scarlet .Typhoid, Yellow ai.d other Ke rers (aid d hv .'(. iti's I'tllx) m ijuich as "Radway's Ltady Reiu-t." Fifty ctx;t per hit tie. ' INUUE IN Georgia Home Insurance Co. Of COLUMBUS, Ga. I X CO E POINTED, CAMTAU 60,000 J. RHODES BROWNE, J-Wlo., . B. F. TILtCOX, Secretary. All Losses Ilquitably Adjusted And rromntly Paid in Full! a roperiy owners dirin7 t nl.i;n r!;.i.u i suraiice will do well to protect tlrnlvet br muring a Policy iii l"(;coriia Horn. Co. Asenciei at Vroninii tw.;i. ;n -11 .v.. Southern State, f JALLEX BROWN, Agent, Qilice Xo. 2, (Granite Row, April 2,72L r Salwbury, X. C. Auction arid Comniission AXUpE.VLEIt IX GEHEBAL l E R C II A H D I S E, Staph, pry Goods, biocsi Uats, Vvfcclwneriifi, freeing and Glass B "arr, ntul Produce G B X frS 11 A LLY. SirALL keep a J-r.pj iy of pn.rU ii.r.t as s mh wiuL- uuiM-viiin auoru and at the time : They combine Immense Totcer, Equality, Huectntts and Lrilliancy of Tone, Elasticity rf Touch, and Gnat Durability. j Beef. Pork, Freh t Chickens, Cfcbbui Flour and Meal Syrun and a Will buy all kind ket prices Ca.-h (laid for I? auy kiiid bt.ujht . mission ai.d pn-i; a tri il ; one door r. pnees tu u;t . I nd Felt Fich, Butter. Kp?. 1 e, Baton, Lard, .tlt. upar. Coffee, Midiii-.M . arit ty f m.c!i C.Hd, Geuerally kept in 4 Fauiily Grocery, coastai.t iy on nana. j of Cuuutry produce ut mar- and Bone-. Goods of .-old at Auction i r on com i returns 1: de. (menu- ove Ii A. CHldwelP. Law- 'S. W. TLBUEI.L. office oa Jnnii .,trtet- I - "WEED" SEWING MACHINE. I HAVE taken ti e agency iu the Sale of thejie popular M Dealers, Teachers and others desiring to purdue a firit-clai InatrumeBtara I invited to examine tte Kacoa befura mallqr" heir selection eh em bere. PATENT AGBAFFE TEEBLE, Together with all modern improTemecta. The xnoit tborontbly seaned Umbrtbe tsarlet af ford it selected, regardlctt of coal, as we feel auredit will be the cheapest in tie end. ) The great increase in the sale ur Lustra, meats, has enabled ns to our prices for First Class Pianos, from ten to twenty-five per cent. lc-s tLsn any other bouse (e.fieriafbi ' same class of im-tnimetU) ia the United Slates. Wbile we act upon tbc maxim of "quick tales , and small profits, we make it, tt the tarn time, a special oljtct to furiibb our icxijc mere with inrnmer.t in no way icfcrkir tbtbe best in the market. ' Many f-tmilies Lsve bad a desire lo'cbtsia a Piano, but coald net afford to psy tfc,e dealer a nn.f.t rT fmm Clin .. t"Ml .,.. .. .1 . I - v .r .-v, uctkbCI UV IMVJ Till i I to purchase a cheap inhtrument, tbat would coct more to ktep in n pair than It ia worth, hence a larjre ol oar music loTing people havo been obli'ttc-d to do without. We can farcih Xcw Sercc-Octare Piane Fortes from 275 to 950 dollar. Second hand Pianos trom 40 to 250 dollars. J t"r" Partk s ordering by mull may tcly upon I the best fcek-ctioL?. Our Pianos are fully warranttd for six year DO YOU LOVE ME. VXEW and lnslion perfume, with a srreat varietv of other extracts for the handktr- have ever scan. :ther lesija iinpor- made. Standard, of ai recent Wet'ie nndersSgned take rreai pleasnre In giving our testihiajiiy in favor of the American Se'wlng Machine ie pi i lereiice to ar.y ober, helievinp that is it truthfully recomtnended as, the best machine (made. His sinip'dl dmable. runs very lisrht and does not get ou of order or drop stitches. t Mks. La uii a SI. overman, M " "A . L. Focst, " J. AlXN liKOWV, ; " A. W. iNORTHERN. - ' " j i: -A. E..oEa, ; ii M. E. Tuomasox, We have seen Raining advertisements and heard much said ly igeijts of other Kiachiues. We will forfeit oite hnndred foliate to the con tending party, il altera i'aii trijil betore competeiit judges the American Machine 'will r ot do ns well, if not better, fife work done on any other machire, and do Valuable work that no other machine can dO. :- VVe have beea Apetits for Fearing Machines since 1856, have siid;Singei's, Lad '.jftibster's, AtwateivV and Fiorenee, and Lave ab&ndoLtd all for the American. ' etid and get samples of w ork. 27:ly j MeiiOXI-jY A BR0., Agts. try some of the genuine Havana Cigars jut received at C. U. BABKU & CO'S Drug Store. V. TANNERS Oil, Magic aiid . V 1 Transparent Machine Oil at low prices at U. 11. BARKER & CO'S DrnS Store. 7E RESPECTFULLY call the attention of Pliysicians, Merchants and the public generally to our well selected slock of Drugs, Chemicals, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Brushes. Dye Stiffs, Lamps, Lamp Fixtures, dc, dc. VLL GOODS warranted, pure, frc?h and genuine, and prices to suit the times. All orders promptly attended to. Especial care and attention given to our prescription de partment. C. R. BARKER & Co, Druggist, (Successor to Jko. II. Eixi,) 23:tf Salisbury, X. C. cal campaign just men and women or their political of violence and iguiRied which never seet NOT I The Firm heretofore existing under il nim and title of J. A flail &i:o. ia dissolved, and no one is authorised to contract any dells, g;ive any note, or makj? any account in its name; and , 1 Alia Id To I, I Vir, ri il AA a ri . . ' . . . . . . . 1 except mf self, j i ) t J. A. HALL. Salisbury, June 11, lS72.Mf. 3LX1F3E! WhErkas. It Iinth tdeksed the All-wist :Ar. chitect oiLthe lnivcrse to remove front thi.s earthly sphere oiii- late Brother Dr. E.R. Gibson, we ii resoiveuiy ny tins linage, that, in the death of B. other Gibson1, the cornmunitv ilia lost one of its mflst wortljy citizens, the medical professioln, one of -its brightest ornaments, snd ihe masonic lodge, an active, zealous and exem plary member ; ajnd that, lor his memory we will ever cherish sentiments of the highest esteem and regard. j Kesolyed, that while tebow in humble snh- missioirio the decree of ain All-wise creator who doeth all things Jrell, weitender our sincere Con dolence Ito the family ana friends of our deceas ed brother in fheir distress and bereavement. ivesolyed, thAt in tokch of our respect for; the memory of onr. deceased brother, we will wear the osu&14adgeoT mourning for thirrv day. tvewjived, tha a copy bf these proceedings be forwarded to the family of our deceased brhtb- er, and that thet be published in the Salisbury Resolved, that a blank naire "bo Ufi in nnr Book of Record in token of our resuect for nnr deceased brother'a membry. - Charles F. Hab&is. B. Frakk Rogers. QB.E.McDo5AU)J Charlotte lmocrat, copy. ; - AMERICAN LIFE INSURANCE CO. OF PHILA.. S, E. Corner Fourth and Walnut Streets. ORGANIZED 1850. CHARTER Perpetual. $3,638,864.88. Assetts GEORGE W. HILL President, JOHN S. WILSON', Secretary. BOAED OF TRUSTEES. ; ; ( ALEXANDER WHILDEN. Hox. JA?. rOLLOK, I.EDGAR THOMPSON, GEO. NUGENT, ALBERT C. ROBERTS, PHILIP B. MINGLE. HON. A. G. CATTELL, ISAAC 1 1 AZLEH U RST, L. M. WHILLDEN, HENRY K. BENNETT, GEO. W. HILL, ' j JAS. L. CL AG HORN, JNO. WAUNAMAKER. iii!' w t 1 ; Issues all forms of Life and Endowment Policies, jLbWEST RATES POSSIBLE, j j Alt POLICIES NONFORFEITABLE. 'IITE AMERICAN has been in active operation for nearlr a quarter of a century, has been 1-,gdverned aud eontr died by gectlemeu distinguithed for their experience and commercial prdbity, and has been eminently successful. It has met it obligations with signal promptness, aud in a most liberal spirit. Among its -injuring members, the, Company has Ui8 honor of numbering many of the most eminent and leading men, in all professions and clashes, throughout North Carolina. Reliable Agouta wanted, who should apply by letter oi in person to , RET. L. F, WAY. Gen'l Agent. . - v ' 6tatesville, N. C. Ortof;!. Sr, Clair Bejlbixg, Supt. Agent, Wilmington, K. C. ImayfcS&lr HEALTH! BEAUTY! ! i Strong and pure rich Fiord Increase oj Ilcsh and Flood Clear Skin d Beau tiful Complexion secured to ull. EK. HAD WAV'S Sarsaparilan ; Ir?olvent Has made the most (nftnnisl.iug Cures: so quick, so rapid are the changes (he body undergoes, under the injlueiee oj this iritlu Vali rful Medicine, that EVERY DAY AN INCREASE IN FLESH AND WEIGilT IS SEEN AND FELT. THE GUKAT Jil.OOIi I'iTKIFIER. Lverj- drop of ihe aril'.ian I!esivent coiniuunicates tlui-i gh the blood, !jwc..t, urine aud other llan'.s and juices of the Mtein the vigor of life, l'r it repairs the wast- oi the body with new aud Miund mau rial. scrolula. syphi lis, cousumj tit .n . gkii:Ct!iarui.-oa-i s, ulcr.- in , the thr at, imutb. tumors, at des in the ghtud- and other p.utr -l the syslem, sore eves, stru inorous dischargi from the -ai,npd the wor.-t form, tif skill di.-ea.-t, eMiptu.ii.. !i eis, sores, ill l . , . .. V . -. . ! I scuiu neon, ru.g worm, .-an, erysipelas, i ache, black-spots, worms in the tlc-h, cunce-i in the wotnnb, and nil weakening and painful discharges, eight sweats, loss ol hperin and all wastes of the life Principle, are wuhin the cur alive range of this w oiid -r of Modern Chen ist rv.aiul a lew day-.' use will prove to any per son wishing it Ur either ol these tortus ol d.s ea-e its pi tent pi -wcr to cure them. It the putieui, dai y becoming reduced by the wastes and decoinpi.siiion that Is continually pri'grcsirg,ssnceiil ir. nrrestir.g these u te-., and repairs the -ame with r.ew material marie from healthy blood and tl i-t! e S irsnpariilian will and does seenre a cure is, certniu; foj when once this remedy comiiu roes its work to pui'ific.Vion, and succeeds in diuiinihing the loss ol waste?, its repairs vuil be rapid, and ev ery day the, patient wili n-rl himself j be'tter'aud trougel. the loud ihge.-tiiig bctlt r, j appetite in'nroir.g and tieshji.d w-ght iu- : creasing, vot out ui- iieraii:jniiian i,e I i . ...i ..n A'.i ........ tf ;,. ti.o 1 so i e i j i t-A':ti in i t ii- i ii u 1 1 1 . '..iii - . t to - i cure of Chronic, Scrofulous, Co'i-titutional and Skin disea-ies; but it the ouiv po-iMve cure Sir KIDNEY & ItLAHDKR COMPLAINTS. Urinary and womb diseae. gravel, dibete. dropsy-toppage of water. mcoutinencettl urine. Piieht's disea-e, Alhi'n.iauria. and iu all cases Salisbury for io mi i s. All in want of a first calis wing Maebine. are in vited to call at myJSLire.iiid exauiine th.-m.or it desired, will be ient lo their re-i.lem-e for trial. The -'Weed ' i. i:i -implicitv. r. , , ; ' n V;'1 'V'!, - ru'" "r-' -Hptive Circular sent to all part, of tbe and can do alt auy other .Murhn e f ,vll d... No country L npplu.t.on. other Machine cin . rli the Weed in a:iv w.-n j and I a in nuu.y to tea its m. .-its. with aw1 otlii-r macliiue atarty time. Iris a Shuttle! Machine ami makes the Lo.-k St id.; w.iksl both thre.u! jj-,. Mii,c,'iind . l: h all', . on r.iii- I erMde. Lead the tiding irg ho; u- tet :uio-ut-r. . AV. TEI.'KKI.L, A-jiHt. i LICl i.V. M.iu'a', lrT.'. Mn S. W. Tr:;!i:Ki,V. j .i'vt V in-. ? . rii Ma"h,)e. Yonr Machiv.e U irg i- ;ir ly i, w ;;nl i:n- J r.otMMi in im poriiiui t.l ' I e Mat e. it nlioro - iu pleasure to rccomiai I d it iotl:- p iblie. I hav hadin tnyioou, . u.-k-. the lln-.n- .iu lean Coiulii:i.ii.:i Mi.ii the Wci-,i" uu.l gave t'li-m a. I. a hi I.-. .ir': -1 t;h.l 1 m.w 'iv unheMtatii gly, I -fer the "Weed" to any other, it ruin ensi--. ui vi.vrlf .u me haii in:, and tluriit-ih' 4 a. id eau do all any other m-chine. can u. I think it v i !;y of cu-lr-u-ti-in, p,ic of mauaeinent . ihj Lion toeu rv kii.dof fami ly rtewingciiubii.ej, rei .h r it a hrst cIa Ma chine. Le-r-(-tfiiilv. C. M. Tremaine & Brother, MANUFACTURERS, 433 Broome Street, II cw York. o THE BURDETT Combination j Mr's.'.V. D .HARRIS. NATIONAL IIOTi:i.. ) '.ut!iiu:v, April lo, 1-72. J ILL. Ma. S. W. 7k hi; 3 Srifiuf Machine I harcTied vmrj itM bine a jteieiit lensr-h of time to ten i's aieri'. I can cheerfully re Commend it t" n'l iii w;:iit of & f.rt c'u- uia chine. It i Miupi i A d arable. run eaier than ar.y ot !.: ,: dsi A ! -p-i ..te oa, aiidn do ali any ther tuiebine can do. 1 Hr. M. A i.:.i..Lk. Bit new. O.IC BCtt caf-li. April 19. 1S75 ORGAN. ( With Carpenter and FurdttCt Kttc Improvements. J j The di-freeable reedy toce ttllrely 0Ter l come in th; iEslrumtnt. i The Vtrditl iitniBioo&i! Thr C rr altk-t Snrrruef ihe lit!! Wt rhallr eff the World la Ectl El! .1 .' ft nh ally innte (ke profonon, dealer t and the muKtcul trorld generally to exa mint F 0 R S A L E . . . . , 1 - I .. . 7 i". . . i j new liir",v lite ptTiri" " "'. """'v"' f " . One entirely t. oni i.ix imij . v, ti... Tt 1. 4 1 n 1 r One double aeit Jersey Wagon, nearly 1 "-' liUIUCU LUIIlUlHailOn UrgHIl it iid filft i b i r rrciot otU n cfkll r ty llarne. Low for in,oouni! rfciil iud ui. a ttj tw S W TFRlJFI I tifJi. nr uti..; uaiuuturca or kUrirptra il FOR SALE. tWo small tracts of land from ; ur to five miles of Town, containing W(.H !) , four and MEAlKlW, tjrith a part clt-nr.-.! and in orch.irtl. If not wld U-lore the Ct!t of July next il will then LcLohl at public Appiv to ? J. K. LLTIKi; A fi"t. " M.iv 17, l?;5.-8i.o... MAItE HAY Wliilc Tho SUN SHINES! i U. el U: p!J. U.;ttWr B.k,fcp liifn lit ru i li ki ot iii-tiiiu-t nd cht tin ! at crratrd rro'ut.cD in tL jfcLi.c Btlsd la tl, W;lfd Uor of tt pcunl ij4Ma f Orptiik. U.lh lor cmmj hi4 Mettd B.tikic, Wf an in!niairct it requited ritWr to iccobs) J tb voice or to t,roJot orcbetrl fttcU. With the mnltitaijinoct ti6 Miif -r'.ir ritt.Ii a lir.n that are contained id thi itnUi.u,ijt. It at n'nuU r.iLir of ti c f teat w !f r" raa W las J. irtl a on a prar.d orcan . or the B.oft a mp imi ic lor thr Dif-lod-n cao be fdajrd ty a ctiid. All tb Tri'-nt irrproTemttti on tl Ecrdett Or ran are prU?ctJ lr patent. b'oa r xrl Mi r ta iLe CoBipac, and can te o-ed oa ao otlr orfaa Jl pr"1"! Rordttt Orra ).a rried tae naat cr.i.i: and ..ith; ti.r i.itn i from iboae raskicf aio:.g lie Crt of nii.aiiau tad orf afiiaU. WOULD rpspeitfuliy give notice to the I ; The Air Yorl Imdfpendrmt say$ tke Dwr t'ttt : 'Tt i bv lr the nutat, perfect reel in.-truiueut we bire ever een. T,r VhrimUnn leader $ay : ' We bad boldfa tlal a rwtl inetruax-Lt could be brucgbttotncJb BUCKEYE j Jlotcer and Feqprr and Sircepsta les -perfection T II It E S IL E R, Tie Aw Tori- OterrT aaya: "Ita tmritj u,nni;,i.if,,i in- i a nit ma A-Co.. Cai'f.n J of ToiHng, richnet. i.f tone, aiid wcmderlal of- where there are bric.tat m-j. sits, or the wa j Ohio, and I rei c-ffully m,u-t those in m . 1 cne-trai caruunauon-. wit a a imiBiav ter s thick, cioud v. mixed wii u su ii-tauces 1 1 kc ol anr. oreit i-Toi lue.-e iiafaines, to ciii aim . . -- . - the white of a;i -cj. r thread like wlrte -i!k or there is a nor'l-id. :l.-!k, b;!in appearance and white bone-du-t ir-po ir-.aud when there r , r .. . , . 1 -ee ;ui eel a ft, ok z. vui WA i ailruct ion s 1 meut oi,uo per.-ectioa u u t oejoca rom am! t.ra es. I petitiop Tt carcitr i fi as piible. 3l:tf isapnexing. nun.n g sa::on n-n pniiig i ,, nar, drc. water, aid pain in tiie small of the back and nlocg the loins. DR. RADWAY'S Perlect Purgative PiII, perfect'y taste'es? elecart'y coated ith eft cum, pure. renlato. puniy. c:e.inn, .nren;iiirii . i Ua.iwnv n I'i'l. ter the cute of ad dirdc-r of the j tomaeh. Ii ver. bo -a e's. kidr c 9. bladder, nenoos I'!e3.-e biir.g or ttrnd me your order a s.-c ,v k 2 M .n'l ' V The Pr.-a at4 pnldir evfrrwber wbo bar J k KCKKfc. Siicbury.N. C. Lid an opportunity ..f liter.iDp to iff WantiftJ j raint m on'y give it thejr nnqnahLed appro 1 val. but uahci:aling!y cotcede Lhat tt atasa ! without a rival. A CARD. THE unLrc!gntd reprtf.iV,r informa the Pafrnnaoflii de4el lather. thM he will au- Tle BarJett Organ rangta in price frota S135 lo S1000. ?lOUlCll. llltl, IK'.ir .. KiVirif, u.uvi.. -I. . ------- - lui 1 1 I I 1 V T4 ' ' l.l I, I disuses, headache, constipate n. eotiveoes. Ir.di- jtruitt.-nd the Ali UI. ' .-n'.r. lately , , p.b;net Oirani aJ gestion. dyspepsia. bilic-ri.r.e". bilic.f fever iufiam- S Upt by him and hf l.o.-ea by u;ct attention to , " , . . CD,nel v,Kn mation of the boweia. pde? and all deraittcmenu of merit the patror.agepolibi rallv lesowcl on him. ; 84j, 75, 100, flCC. C. 51. Tremaine & Hro. the internal Viacera. W arcnteu to efleet a poai- tive cure. Purely vegetable, containing bo mer cury, minerals or deleterious drugs. A few does of Rapwat's Pill wiif free the system from all the above named d.a.-rder. Price, 75 centeperbox. SOLD HV DRUCClsTS. Read "Falsi avoTbce." Send one tetter-atamp to BAD WAY A CO,, 32 Warren Street, Cor. of Church Street. New Tork. Information worth thousands will be sent yon . J aae 80 26-lyJ A foil atock of pure and reliable Iruga and I Cberoicala, will Ue Jiept on band a aiwaya his rjMera to ke?j- 11yMciana Pre-criptiona dL-pensed at all bofcra of the day or night, t-iih r I ! 1 1 J! . t accuracy, nueiuy aj.a uwpati. MyJ,I6T2. tf33 i t ett t ) i A. 0A-A-, : Practical A pothecary. WHOLESALE ACEXTf, 433 Sroozne Jlt.TJtv8 702UX Jaly , leW. latiHr-yi-na t iii