. - . i, j - - ; , 1 - - - -., , ' ' - - n, r ivi I' - L - . - K . j. ,r ;J w -t i - i't-- rr . - - f 4 !,!, ' , f. ' - " ' -- " " 1 - - ' j : -j! 1 ; : ! "-f - ! -- -v . . ' ; . ; ; r 1 3 . - J I . i! t 1 i!. i 4J ' 'it i )1 ' 1 " I, !! "j 1 tf: 4 . ' 1 !' Carcltna lUatfljinatt, diLISBURT. FRIDAY i 1 --- ' - ,-- WXi Hth. man At lenfft h grew tired of having a TJIE SAJBBATH. ! dav! How wejeome its rctiirn ! Athe golden beanvj light up t lieiabbath morn, what goodness, what wubfiniity its return commemorates I Oh that blessed day, before thelhought r..i nl sanctified Jiiind, pas in all theif stupcndeous grandeur tie nngh ' ty movements of creative power. A midj the rapid and splendid creations of a yet unfinished world, we seem to f taml and gaze with Wrapt ecstacy on - the j astonishing results of Omnific ncrgy.. The workl goes fprth, and "from the watery wastf the emergent mountain rises to the elowls. God 5.j)eaks, and throned In splendor the gladdening sun is centered iii the sky; i Another word. and softly stealing throf thclhadowy eve, thojhboii comes blush inelfortli to charm the1 midnight hoursL Theoutstrcached and lovely firmament hemmed with irlca!ninstar.ithe llQW- erv! earth robetl in its trroen attire, the billowy ocean j sparkling beneath the sunliffht. and. the majestic nveri llash- inon its ranid flow animah intellecj- ual.anu above au immonai me-am appeared at his biddmg, blushing in thejr primal beauty, radiant with their maker's smile. ! And there stood man Witl brow erek and eye full fixed on heaven thefimage of his Maker. And; joy lit up his heart, and beamed in his smiles, and notes of melody from 'the com mingling voices of every starjin the fir mament floated down hiSoftj harmony on jhis ravished car :?V j He was a moral jb i)ell as intellect ual being, and eireumstancCsof a mor al Character must be thrown around hini, adapted to liis being, pod insti tuted the sabbathf It was made for man. Its adaptation to his; moral na turc was as complete as wasf the adap tatibn of lisrht to the purpose of vision. L Clod instituted the sabbatVand he blcs'scd it. Here was a pub) ic and au diblc blessing. The attention of the Iwbrld !was called to the thefnc worthy (of commemoration. The Workings of creative energy were suspended. A pause.; a soieiuu sui'iu-u unsuuu. -tiu Iiari was strung. Each mighty, cho rister.! in anxious expectancy, stood really to send forth the swelling strain of wonder, . love and praise, until it should rise to a pew, sublime and uni versal! expression. ' b sick Iwife od his hands, and finding .1 . P. -. 1. .njAnlnlM Was au lusuuiyicub) he at length hit upon the plan f)f sueiag his father-in-law for damages. Hk s asserts that hk has been imposed upoi, as the daughter was rep- resentcu as oi sounu cousumuuu auu in cowl health, and that upon these fraudulent representations he was in duced to raarfy her. He has since been entirely deprived of her society and services, besitles having had to pay nve hundred dollars ior medical attendance, and Ifherefori claims $5,000 j damages. ARE WHAT TO DO WUEN XOU D6nt try tqaench your sorrow in mm or nircotics. It you Degin mis you muei keep right on! wuhil Jill it leads you to ruiu or, if yojuaose, you must add phys- .!' . I i . I Z -J . ical him niHlillie CODSCIOUSIiesS Ut ucsra- r : , dation to the borrow you seeit io escape Of ill wittctied men. his condition is the . . . . i most nkiful who having soaetit to drown his grief in di iik, awakes rrom uis aeoaucu it ii Rhatterea nerves, bcuihk ucurauu denreseetTiniind. to face tbesame trouble u .... 1 . e. .i . .i :!1 again. Then too ouen me laiai uripis. wm t io-nin ndi afl-aiu sought, till Us victim ess. Ditiful. and total wreck . 41 sinks a hone Work is 1our true remedy. If mtsfor art-lcje strikiiig out all that part which be tune hits vofl hardhit yaa something else ff-mk wjth, and follows the word "but' in ; ' . . -II 1 . . I- .1 & hatih nitch mto eometlnnff Wltn a will, said section, a.tiU. in ueu oi ue prv so ntinacea, work. afflicted. "FATHER THY WILL BE .;) 1 DONE." j How much is comprehended in that Eh6rt petition, yet how often it is pass ed over carelessly by those; unmindful of its Extensive import. It ii the prayer 'our Father" taught us, and it teaches us to place implicit confidence and rc- j Hence in "Him who orderuth all things well." The dispensation. of providence may sometimes seem severe and unjust to cs'pcciall' when we cannot discover us "t The General Assembly may reduce otin crease jibe nmnWr of DistricU to take effect a5 the end of eaeb jodiciat temi. ! . 4 Strike out section thirteen I tne iourin aiticle which fixes the present; jodiciat dis tricts, i : . ;. . I Amend section fourteen ot the lounn ar ticle by itrikiog out'all after the word 'office." and insertilre, in lieu of the part 8? Stricken out, the j following i 4Tbe Geaeral Assembly snau prescrioe ywvpv ;ou' .v rotation for the judge may nde the same dis trict twice in succession, and the judges may also exchange districts with each other, as may be provided by law- btrike out section fifteen of the fourth ar ticle, and insert! iu lieu thereof, the follow Th rcnAl Aaseinblr shall have no UK . . v , - - . . O j .i, . i.i j; I J . . i . ..f power to deprive tuejuaiciai uepiuKu. any power or junsuiciiou un. . .6w-.., pertains to it as i a coordinate department; L, nnT Asst'inblv shall allot and distribute thjt portion of this power and ju risdiction, which does not pertain to the Su preme court, among the other courts pre scribed in this constitution or which may be established by law, iu such manner as it may deem Wst. provide also a proper ssiein iF annojv s . ana reffuiaie ui iw i&i PATENT HAEOTARE MERCHANTS, Main Street, Salisbury, .IV ARE COXSTAXTLr ADDING when Vew. imDrovcd and valuable Tools. Imnlc- necessary the methods of proceeding, in the raentt, Machines, Contrivancies, &c. &c, for i no con vrmuiicu ;mu laciiiiy 01 xurmcm, Blacksmiths, Carpenters, Shoe-Makers, uvarrmU .r th.ir nowers. of all the courts below the Supreme Court, so far as the same may be done without conflict with other pro visions of this constitution." Strike out sections sixteen, seven- 4 an. nineteen, twentv-nve auu uwriy-iurw 4 ihe fourth article. Amend section twenty-six of the fourth LIGHTNING SAW. Sjper Extra Spring Steel, Warranted Refine! EBEN MOODY BOYNTON, 80 SPEHIYTATT STXLHX3T, Ilew Tork. Nov. 27, 1E66 ; July 23, 1S67 ; Jan. U, 14, 1S63; July 27, 1869. niUe is uolluns like good, solid, absorb ing exhaustig work to eure trouble. If yoli have mt with losses, you don't want J if. i i.t? i e .i V . to lie awaKe tniuKingoi lueiu. iuuni 3 . i I j i j Bweer, caira,i souuu eiccu, auu ca juui diiiiner with appetite. But yon can t un atrii'.ken out. inertins the followiug : 'The judicial officers and the clerks of any courts which niay be established by law. shall be chosen by tbe vote of the qualified electors, and for such term as may be pre scribed bv law. i I he voters of each pre cinct, established as is elsewhere provided range of wants we are prepared to meet, nor of the exact ami beautilul ailaptability of our coods for Xhv mimoses for w hich they are made. Nor can we lcscrilc them In an advertisement. Thcv must be sen. Come, therefore, to the Hardware Store for any thing you want, from a toothpick to a uti-am engine; from a pin to a strawcuttcr any thing almost every thing- They have i A FULL STOCK always on hand of every j variety'of Nail, Iron, Steel, Hoc, Grain Cra jdlen, Scythe, U3 Dozui Axes at low price.' (Junx. i'lstol. Krives and K.rki. Fairbank CamagG JiuildcrS, Sc', the In-ft Wrought Iron riowa to be found, p n I We warrant them togive satUfaction. Thonj- House-Keepers, Butchers, Cooks, &e., &c. Tanners, Cabinet Makers, Masons, ! 'on'a Plown and Sulsoik'rH. ! COUN SIIELLEUS, ! ST11AW CUTTEKS, ' and a thousand other thinsc yon need. Send lea vou wofk. if von say you dpnt leel fnr tn th;s constitution, shall elect two pis ike work, and go a loafing all day to tell ticea ot the peace for such term as may be Trim TViidr kr Uatrv the storv of vour fixed bv law. whoso jurisdiction shall exteud iii ,nt. nH boon cAiir uiit i thnniirniiiit iiicir respective cuuuura. mc 0t KV twiner Th is sno Is Iter tem vienerai Assemoiy uiajrp.uv,u iuc oer and youir own breaktast the nextmor rung, anu ju uigm m-iuui i u iccnug wu times Worsejlhan yon did lody. , There aid Borne troubles that time only . 'i! . X -i i . 1 hfal?, pna iperliaps some can never De healed at all, but all can Le healed by the In fart, few persons nnarnnninted with j in your orders or come and buy. onr establishment, are aware of the wide' 13:tf Salinbury, N. C, TryVit, you who are thus by sti iking out the word tionof morfejhan two justices trf the peace in thoG nrecincts which contain cities or . . - i . ' towns, or in wlucn otner special reasons ren der it expedient. The chief magistrates oi fiitia nnd i incorporated towns snau nave i the iudicial powers of justices of the pf ace. Amend section tinny ot tne lourtn arucie towuship and lusertiuer, in HeU tnereot, uie worn pre cincts;" aUo in the last sentence of the same section, strike out the words lhe commis sioners of the county may appoiut to such office for the unexpired term," and in lieu ihereof insert "an appointment to fall such vacancv for the unexpired tenn shall be made as may be prescribed by lavv Amend sections oue and seven of the hth article, by striking out the words 'commis sioners ol the several couuties where tlu-y -, 1 1 ' iii i i i' t t pn I ii 1 1 1 1 I a1 Ii m i MAJOR W. M. ROBBINS. iOur nonjiniee for Congress is well known as , . i , i j e ! . I- e.. 1 1 .. an able sin-ascr, anu nas server. laiunuuy uiv ciTzeiis of Rbwan county for several years in branches of tBg,Oeneral Assembly. nntir ing energy ins that body, is an earnest of what w$may expett of him in the Congress of the L in ted Stated. As an orator' he is second to no one in the State, and coining from among the people, no Liccur in said sections, and in lieu thereof iu-J i .i . i i . I .i -i i . . ... .1. , .: : .. one "Knows more uieir wants, anu no one is .more sertinat tne vvoras, couniy auuionues e- Not One Failed in 20,000. If w Ywr flf d. iWl.KiHTXINO MVR iiTerllT ckMvli!'e4 to H4 U Jrri. ran BMktt- N aakitartum f ka dared to uUv r pahliclj Ut t Amxr-k-a llilnte, orutLrt .lL ioattri fcV. rktrity o!th Ulrl itapioted . TW IU) cklltir for ,( abix cBU-a Uen- grtrrd vo Uie . Ttt Urce Urrra of tW t - I rem. pcUcnl of Na. hu Urrt iinrl. b4 tr rabjrriurulur l toai.ata Xmrt f Sr Usaaand l.It.llIM N( CtuMrub frt noktii, asd hpe t-J be all lo fill i I t JrNf lly IU ri! r ia U-en ai ! I W drina4 ftbe I.H.HTM.V4; IU k4W.iilKannI will endrii-t-r to krp a ark Land. Ttw ai(r artral 4T- ( tb aW K'attoked HV raiiv WiI U at tW aie tWlx-at WUt in th ii.iVtl. XV. l.lgtUirf Sa arr ldrl i.'t rtrhe-l itti mr ban. tU I'roM-f 'ai xk fj diii'Lun fi.r tin f .u;cg. Ac. r.acta l-iftLTUirif -ar will roll aixl tuarli rida ninjarrJ. l mv la larnljr lWra4 aaa rvr4 injrtfl w itcrvbik m Ik iof It n irf-stai (.: . Lai, lut tM Wftett f eaftLtUrd i. a r lv m-4 a4 a. w. ni;f U- rt 4U-B rrca'.ar It) ill oert4I to lutt. S. ! tulatyra&rat ttf 4t tare, otx ir iro. rnirii.atrt rrlrrir ! It-tn inriitJ. Tl l.ffltirjr aa arv eoui!!r at'trd O'T Mnail larrrt'Ckbrr mml or hard wodd but fl imlrr ixiuirc it U W t wit!T. l.itttnink a aiUt t.J ltitttiil n.. for uae vlitfti Mbt out; are l o fn?t tl.Iirt r en i at t . I Saw Term. A wane Uitm it. V nt ! t u Mr. Xt. 4. K. M RojrxTox. SO Dkman M., New Voik sti : TI -' lt 'In l . tlr l.if Ltaira ( f-,.t worked Ly I and. t) two turn r.d i ul in ronnd :t t k 1 1 I it y inl 3 4 fe-ett4a . a4 h cms t iite. ht!niipiilr. t two uiiac ard rr.fV c il ilrtiit .i rci4 4f wd ia U tlian nirve taiutHex. i am natwlird tliat fur all urj, ''" ei'ir iaia4 R a U t i in l-r, J tir rrc4-iit aid wood tare bo rival in --l. in n i.1 in tnj.lir il j . I Ixt ierrlirir oaivFiMtl n wooSd rate a vart ameuttt oi nonet aad tiw e. d I rtUa tk til f milliona of r.en. J. w" . Kl.aKK. Kofriott.nent and F.issirff r. Awtt'rtm ltii Fair. N. fl. Thextrenn tU air tjootrd inrrrlj to .ite wtat i.a'd Le olt io Hat duett cutting id liptter tlin the old V fri li n fur-,- b4 by all 4I.r HoBcrt hardware niin w ill nM-urr tlie pnoin fur Uieir nwm. even if tbey arrotrrtorled na infrrir pr()il '-ut J t-re lli-y do not Wt-i tlit-rn. ar wauled. N 15. Mtllinna of axeaaie iim d fo uttiiip wd : I. yltriac (ic "nt Pa w. fit! rr $tr one axaa r fortno. will "'it lirnt- a k.t ar an axe. Why not try il nt T Arw. I.i(.tti."r ft Ice Sut, 4lo6 U Ion?. unitaMe tor prn ral ae. Seo tUatt'e nam and warrant at on rs n aw. IloYNToN.u'.e Propr elor and jlanufactBrt r. New Votk. W im i . -w mr if - a i an wj m aar- aa a. v 1. H .1 -T 1 I it" l1 i;r i 'K HAS taken the room recently occupied by Overman, Holmes S: Co., in Murjdifs (Jranitc Kow, anl opeiuul a PRODUCE COMtVilSSaON BUSINESS. J5T"lle solicits cah orders from abrod. Produce bought and shipped on very short notice. Respect fully refers to business en of the city. Cif" Cash paid for all kading articles of country Produce. ll:tf able te serveitliem at all times. He will com mand the wole vote of the Conservatives in August next! and be triumphantly elected, of cdursc. Peoile's P-ess. y 5 -4 -- !J Musical Eitedmvment. The young ladies of I le Salem rcmale Academy, according to the uSual customjat the close. of the session, gave a Musical Enrjertainnient, on Wednesday, Mav 29th. at 8 o'caockr A. M. It was acknowledged liy all wtio hfid the pleasure of hearing it, to be the best one given for several years. 1 lie morn ing was vervlnleasant aud the hall was not over crowded, whlrh added to the enjoyment of the occasion. The voting' ladies seemed to take particular iinerest in it, and their efforts were fully appreciated by the intelligent audience present. Illey certainly did great credit lo them.selves afiu their in.structorf' People, s Press. ' A stamp you can't bay The stamp ol n gentleman .Tut; Chifcaffo Post wnts to know if ihe ic silver lining to the cloud," yet we Governor has had the t5tate Arms vacei should not'murmur, tor it is evident that the will of a supremely wise and beneficent Creator is different from the creatures of earth, carthy.f llow sweet trom human lips sound uated. when almost bowed down with -woe and sorrow, weak, and erring man y breaths that pathetic petition. I heard the orisons of a lone widow, when at I night fall her earnest sunplipations as cended to the Throne of Grace for the Constitutional Amendments, Passed in pie House of Representatives January 17, 1872. AN ACT to alter the Constitution of North the words: "Father thv will be done." Carolina enact (three-fifths of all the members of each House concurring.) That the Constitution of this State be altered as follows, td wit : Amend section six, of the first article, by strikingjgnt the first clause thereof, down to and including tli j; word "but; this being the clause preservation of her only Son1, who was rel,ns t tlfe State debt.! . , , ,..:. it iii' u'tt menu section two ot me secona arucie oy a jmcruier tossed on the restless billows fitriUin2 out ihe wortl amumHv . and insertini Of the tempCStUOUS ocean. arther, in lieu therebf, the wowf " biennially ;" being may uuiic own angels; iijover near 1,1 Ien-,e,li;e "- Ult; Bessio8 01 me utneraian hhn, to watch over him and keep him se!F,'I'i r e .1 1 t v j, 1 1 . , . i. 1 1 " Aiuend seption five of the second article, by irptn CVll J may his life bd preserved striking out all that precedes the words, "the 80 that IlC will make glad tie heart of said-Senate districts," and by striking out the MlVICOaiU Jl 111 PVlllUll 1 Haf parts so stricken out having reference to the State census. Add a new section to the second article, to 'be styled " section 30." and to read as follows'. The members of the general Assembly shall each receive three hundred dollars as a com pensation for their services during their term. subject to such regulations in regard to time of payment and reduction for han-attendance as may be prescribed by law ; but they may have au additional allowancewhen they are called together in special session, and mileage shall be ten cents per mile lor each session." Amend hh w)ip truly loves him : yet, Farth er, if it is thy will that he should find iri thcj coral depths of ocean a grave, tnen, Partner, thy Willi and not mine be done." i j Oh ! the trusting confidence of that humble suppliant's prayer ! Closely did the heart of that mother cling to her child her only child She had watched in its infancy Ipic unfolding IllS bpght intellect, and She looked striking out the words "four years," where they j such provisions,, laws and regulations, from wmi untiiuiiii uiuici nations m rrto to- nrsi in aiu seeiion, ana inseriine. in lieu i " o w u-v,ri.rY uu ex a'. .i k I 1 thprpnf IhP wnrrta "turn xroftra " Ivcmrr in mru witcn mat, youtn anon a become IA . i, e ; t i J f , "" ence to the terms of executive officers.1 aiiouic man. I f V . rike out the words "Superintendent of Pub- I J1C roamcu tar-lrom nome afld his uc Works," wherever they occur m the Consti niitlvA lnn.L, vLiiiwl c.C crtution, thus abolishing that effice. tiln'fl sunn,, v J t r Ainenu section six ot the third article, by tanas sunny clime, the home of ioe-L..;i,i.,.Mt r,,.j .,n.. ry and. ot song; and then sped away erting, in lieu thereof, the word "biennial Vcr the blue waters of I the Meditcr- ly." so as to conform to the provisions re- anean,. which were destined to b- his sPctiug the sessions of the General Assem- exemption prescribed in this ConsMtution, or tablished and authorized by law Strike out section four of the fifth article. relating to taxation to pay the State debtiind interest Amend section six of the fifth article by inserting alter the word "instrument" in said section the words "or any other per- Insert the word "and" before the wnrd "survevoi" in section one of the 7th article. and strike out the words "and five conuuis- sioner,s" in said section; also add to aid section the following: T4ie General As sembly slrall provide for a system of con ft y goverumeiit for the several couuties ol the State." Amend section two of the seventh article, by striking out the word "commissioners" and in lieu thereof inserting the words couuty authorities established and authorized by law;" ami in the same scctiuu strike out tlie words, "the liegister of Deeds shall be ex officio clerk 6P the board of commission ers."' Strike out section three of ihe seventh ar ticle. and in lieu thereufiusert the following : "The county authorities established and au th' ized by law shall see that the respective couuties are divided into a suitable number of sub-divisions, as compact aud convenient in shape as possible, and marked out by de finite boundaries, which may be altered when necessary. Said sub-divisions shall be known by the name of precincts. Thev shall have uo corporate powers. The township gov ernments are abolished. The boundaries of the pr cincts shall be the same which here tof.ire defined the townships until they shall be altered. ; Strike out sections four, five, six. ten and eleven of the seventh article, which relate to the township system. uAmeud sections eight and nine of the seventh article, by strikiiig out the words "or townships where they occur in said sections. " Strike out section three of the ninth article and iu lieu thereof insert the following : "Tin Generel Assembly shall make suitable pro vision by law for the management and regu lation of tbe public schools, and for perfect ing the system of tree public instruction. Strike out section five of the uinth article, and in lieu thereof, insert the following "The General Assembly shall have power to provide for the election of Trustees of the University of North Carolina, iu whom chosen, shall be vested all the privileges rights, franchises and endowments hereto fore iu any wise granted to, or conferred up op. the Board of Trustees of said Universi ty; and the General Assembly may make BURKE 1 COFFIN. SALISBURY am AM) Commission Merchants, JJb At the Sign of the lied Flag, MEROXEY'S OLD STAND, MAIN M'UKI-.T SALISBURY, N. C. BOOK g.Li:.M ALMANACS JJSALMS STORE AND I took Su.re J. K. BCRKE. j. .i. rorriN. tTOrders and oi-nnignraents respectfully so icted. cay Auction sales every Saturday and uiblicdavs. At the Hook Streo HYMNS. At I'.ook Ptore I L 1 II I'.KA.N IW.OK ol i1-).. At t!i HOOIi nOOIvS, larL'e v;siiet. , At tl.e Hook .store, f il l any tliiiifr in the w,y of l!.o!.s and Mai :...! v, ( !) liad at elloit notice an! on ro:ioi:ul)K- terms. At tli" Ilimk Store. A L unli'H wi'l reeeive promnt atten- S1 STKCIJ lion mmiiI in vntir onii-r. CALVIN .Tan. -I. ! ri.YLKII. l'.:tf M,ll fa.-'. tv Oh! Yes Oli! Yes Oh ! Yes! Having fallen l-u-k to a better poj-i(io and been reinforced bv forming a copartner-hip with Jno. M. Cofkis, who has bcvii long and favor ably known in the Mercantile coniinunitv, I would rcspcctrullr return mv thanks to the public generally, and solicit a continuance of their patronage to the new Firm ; with the as surance that we will do all wi can to ialifv all who may have anything to sell or buy. j.K.iiLiiki;. January 1S72. X. B. I will continue to attend to the sell ing of any kind of proiterty in the country, for ! Administrator and others when notined in tunc. 1 tf :18 J. K. LUISKE, Auctioneer. FURNITURE! ,1. A. CLODFELTKR & CO. ,iiiiHfttcturtrsal Dcnlcn in rnrnilnrf. Invite attention to their stek of Cottage Ieal.stenl, Cottage Cliiunhor Suits, nai 'oil Chamber Suit, lre Waiimt and painted Care 9 ' i I i Io' tit 1 1 .--.. I - ( f . X. i '.. !.:-M i i i I mr.Jiu t- .' K Iti I .C. fi m n i r i 1 !i I I . I I -. t I tr l.f il M, "t'tf V mil I . ( e i ! t,t u . i l k i r i La :l tit Hi H..J 1 . .. . na!- to !.. a d . tid & aM f r pedient. for the maintenance aud manage ment of said University." Strike out section thirteen, fourteen' and fifteen of the ninth article, relating to the University of joith Carolina. Anieud sec tion ten of the eleventh article by striking' out the words "at the charge of the Stated' and in lieu thereof, insert the words "by the State; and tnose who do not owu property resting place forever, Ocean received another deposite, and, "Down countless fathoms, down he sunk 40 ML'Vp, I With all the nameless the deep." Yet the mother, sorrow sticken and lapes that haunt bly. btrike out sections two and three of the fourth article, being the provisions which ree fer to the appointment arid duties of th Lod Commissioners. Alter sectiou four of the fourth article, so that said section shall read as follows : "The judicial power of the State shall be vested in a court for the trial of impeachments, aSu- lercavcd, vvas comforted, for she kwew lM"eme court, Superior ctmrts, such inferior i mat id was ncr lieavely Farther that couri8as nay.e eslab,1ned by law, and being minors, whose parents uu not owu property over and above the same, shall be cared for at the charge of tbe State. Aiter sectiou seveu of the fourteenth ar ticle so that said section shall read as fol follows: "No; person who shall hold any of fice or place of trust or profit under the United States, or any department thereof, or under any other State or government, shall hold or exercise any other office or place of trust or profit under the authority of this State, orbe eligible to a seat in either house of the ueneral Assembly ; Provided, That nothing herein contained fehall extend to officers iu Executrix Notice HAVING qualified as Executrix of the lat Will and Testament of Jane K. Murphy dee'd, notice is hereby given to all ixrsons in debted to the estate of JaneK. Murphv to make immediate payment. All persons having claims against said estate are hereby notified to present thesameto me on or before the Hth day of February, 1873, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recoverv. SUSAN W. MURPHY, Salisburv, Feb 14, 1872. Executrix. tf:22 WILLIAM VALENTf NE, THE BARBER, T") ETURNS niS THANKS to his OU) , Fit I EX DS and the Public for the liberal patronage heretofore extended to him. lie now informs them that he has fitted up a new aud commodious Shop, in Dr. Henderson's Brick- Building-, Xlccra No. 2, j where lie wonld be pleased to sec thorn. TH? j guarantees to give satisfaction in every case. , lie has in his employ of the best Ilair Dressers ! in Western North Curoliua. He requests a call , from all. i Sallshury, N. C, Dec. 17. 1Hr.9 50 tf ll lit- reiich Suits, Waiimt and painted Care at Chairs Rockinji 'hairs uf all descriptions, Hxtcijsioii Dining T.ildes---tables of all kinds Wardrobe, Rureaiis, Withstands, W hat-Nots, Mattnses, Sofas, Rcci pt on Chairs and Parlor Si t. Also. Rustic Window Shades, a novelty for complete ness, beauty, cheapness and durability. Al-"-many other article w hich we are pn-patvd to sell as cheap or cheaper tkiui any House in the western part of the State 11" A full assortment of RoscwfHid. Mftalie ml Walnut Imrial Cases, whiih run be fur nished at :t hours notice. Uc sure to call, nearly opposite tlie lansion Hotel, next door below the Express office, we our stock ami hear our prices. '. Special orders (made from phidographi iu our office w ill be supplied. f npoi'J-f'tn THE ADVANCE ; Mower & Reaper. j Why l'je Ihe Lilitnin Saw f Kern tl.e f?rtt i ll r I a -t. IK til l.F. A it i.Mii tne liuioiird or u me dollar kii lUc t a bur that c-r ..t il . t . im'tf tf -t -fifth bv i and eas-of an nu'red aaw . ll.r ntt oi a 'I i - m uCtkltj Im Un that on-illful men i.r? e- l to ljortrii i. r irat n.t t, tt i j if n i i i. Thee paU-nt tcrlli ac -I uf ui U-ill. aiitl iiu Luiti.ii-i nu.nd mi uUi !t a roABti saw. f Tnr? Wi n rtmny i- ife Ir clrarrr i tli. 1. jt no tU r itrtt i utt r lW lr rtt r t,ttiaf tt ll.t-M" k kmi U V. ), rl nu:d M t : Li -r fit- .i u.U 1 1 1 J V . i:u.l t ' w i tl r t t Is r. lr, ll t 11! 'f sid rd'i-s lf j i.'-i '.el and J -iut dni.t r n lL ui tli-- -f -!. I Jnnl n it l tl 4 cl-rijr is iilstilut U 1 t itu. .1 1.! in,t..u-1 tti ii-l ! I lir-t Uuisiit. tf.r 1 Uu r I t J'') buy a 4r !! of any "t l.rr i n ij t-, r. ,.r in i 1 1, i . j ji'iipiUM ' N vi ;il- 1 HjCim I'jilctit Ctit'e.s. I. diflcrt il 'in. -tit nil.r.aw 1st. l)nd t u i iitt-ii. m il ti oM I k ks AM- 1 T 1(1 lo po t t. r nit vl llf. aBl lmt t te-vrx-d lint en ut!i-i sulr. 2nd. f! tie 'n iu t U-loii! '.r ot 1 r. rctm 1 tut y t ! ti3 r'ai 1 ' j l5' n,.t t-S.ff . N 1t l to JPiatf out. If otn- sjiul ol il toolli a. x.lut aj and ,M-tle oil ti . ti .i.l uuid rtlf lift out t cl Hi. 31. (i.i.l 1 ilnrrt 01 r.proitc sng'c tv l!.'t- oll Uo L w, Wt all tl! a iiUf4, t '. UH4 of M liafitiM . 4".U. Ari "'s'" ' rtli an 01! stone. fr fi'mp 'rrtb. rAh. Jli-ic ate tie 'in'y patent d.irit 1 ult.t c juU rit-anrif tit tli 1 1 1 n for ' fittF aava.cat f-ter, i.tr tliaa aiiy other, and ate, illi j-rexi.1 oi tu, a nmju lo r j a Mr : t ll. M ii t. i Witt rrto rr -i tl:r tlk. atd tll . il .tut izut otl.r to ut t.f rt.iuiri(B). 11 r- 2 , V WVl A J f V may be endnod with strenshth to say : il - it... A. I 7 lamj Transcript. ilonc." M- A Mean Max. A! man in Ynm Hill county, Orogen, hjis brought an extraordinary suit for dltmages against his father-in-law. Shortly after his marriage his wife, became ill,-"and, for nearly eighteen lionths bas been a con firmed invalid, a,nd quite unable to at tend to her household duties. The i oh tnis snau not apply tojhe justices Add another section to the fourteenth 1 during their present term of office, unless tide to be stvled -section 8." and to read by death, resignation, otherwise, the flum- follows : "Countv officers, justices of t ber of Associate Justices shall be reduced a 'flRMM .L.. jt. . as the peace and other officers whose offices are abolished or changed iu auy way by the al teratiou of tbe constitution, shall continue to exercise their functions until any provisions necessary to be made by law in order to give full efiect to the alterations, so far as relates rlmstrnod Lor . n,l "L-:u ..t.t ... 1 Courts of Justices of the Peace." - -w . a Bi t V III! HlllllliriUM a . Knirlf ibn .Aft tI, """ 4lter se?tlon e5 ?f the fourth article "'.w ' V DU1V- i aruicr. UIV so that said sect on sha 1 read llna 1 w 01 - t - - -r- - - ' v m u -v rm v Will I0irniV" T .TV. O A - . - i"v,Ciu vvuia.uuu eua.i r.vi 1 ii- u ill fill :iiiri. Mi1a.11 KCkiiKiar r a i 'hi i i . nr,1t. 1 x i. . .. . . i,. " ', .. - ine muuia, justice ot tne x eace, Lommis vviji4viiuit una irusurtsr IS thv tmith "us-'c u" Associate justices: 'rot- E5r., ;.,i t ,oo f 1 .- . i 0 X J 7J rrUt .1.:, , . .. . .. cuio im '.m iui.-uo. ionorn motfier, ana many we U cY I 8 " - "PP'y" e justices Add another section to the fourteenth ar- to I9II0W tliy example, so that if wo are immersed in; a sea of sorrow wn to two." Alter section IweJve of th fourth article so that said secttou shall read as follow? "TheState shall be divided iuto nine jndit cial districts, for each of which a judge shall ue ctioseu; aud iu each district a Sunerior . 1, v . j,. court shall be held at least twice in each Re -number the sections in those articles f-LSSSlKI. r S11 ltnw llte oan-- frm- whieh ! n section has been stricken Th ZTotlZ m 1 ? be1PSrnb!? hjf wi,bout tb iwerUon of another in its stead; The aeneral Assembly shall lay off said dis. and cive to any new section that number rictstu due tune, so that tb said nim, wh5ch by this method would have been given ludes may be chosen and begin their officii to tbe section for which U is substited, and f il ft thn fim ?eu.ral .r toemr- the alteration shall be embodied into the r.v ,kUW..vwu -r1- ABsemoiy wnieii shall constitution and the several section nnm- occur aner we ratuicou of this section.? bered consecntiveW. State of North Carolina, j IREDELL COUNTY. ! t Superior Court, Sitring Term. 1872. j Marshall T. IW11 a .-Winee of William Griffin, : Iiankrupt, against (leorge C. Mdlenry aud Daniel 1. Welch, defendant. ; IT appearing to the uatifaction of the Court on affidavit filed', that the defendant ( Jeorgc C. Ml- i Henrv U not a resident of the State of North J Carolina. It i therefore ordered and adjudged that pjib- j licntion be made iu the Carolina Watchman a j newspaper published in the Town of Salisbury, ' North Carolina, for eix weekn, notifying the de fendant, George C.-Mcllenry that a Summons ha been issued in the above action ngin' him in which he is notified that a complaint will be filed in this action at the next term of Iredell Stipeiior Court, on the second Monday after the third Monday in August, A. D. 1872, within the first three days of the Term, and unless the de fendant, George C. Mcllenrv answer the ame within the time prescribed by law, the plaintift will ask for the relief demanded in the com plaint. Witness C. L. Summers, Clerk of our said Court at office, in Staie.ille. this 29th day of April, 1S72. CL.SUMMERS.es a 6w33:pr fee $3 of Iredell county. U' Assignee's OF Sale ALL KINDS of COURT ANDMA GISTRATEST BLANKS at this office $4000 to $6000 WORTH OF TAVILL begin nt .'0 o'eloek on f-atunlay. X&aythc 4th, at the Auction llon-. of BUKKl-i d; COFFIN, to cll at public sale, the STOCK OF GOODS lately belonging to John W. Bitting, bankrupt Thi Stock eonit of a general afcrtment of Merchui.die, nucb as i usually found in any Fiust Clash Store. Salks to continue every Saturdav till the whole Stock i cbed out. Merchants aud Trader are respectfully invi ted aud requested to attend tbec 8ale. Terms will be nUted at the time of a!c. J. K. DCKSC. Aigneecf J. W. DlTTlJO. Salisbury, April 14.1473. 31:tf . Marriage Certifieates for sale here. Thl mr ifciisrM- wvtj! i:r-at al ai.tac- r llf m r t V l-..tli. i on. MiiriAliv ill crow-rut the ktteusth. tal tc aril tuial-iiitt l lordfp Koiumii' are o- L!icn tl at me mil ofcij ret i.piVlicitT alid yt llrt l t if arLc t-. i srtitu Ail an a aie tl.ht an 'nliar.i tiari'1 a ci tr!v r? f.T: f- tie fjcrit rl nr tf-tw-ti .!. th back, or ttt't-atiiik' t ut 'I I r-f Ull . ill. lW:r I iji c t-ttmi (ar. (utViur Ii. are etti toli-lit to II I- fr. l.t cut tx.tli m a vt ll r l.i, J . iu Uit L t :i B to ti e -ark i.t cf tl f iS u, lit n c --d iii t- itaU . "K I'fTTlMi. it iii (oxr t a ritif in lm'-r ttaa !o rrrli teoot TW -jIjrati tbi)wiuc;j' if very -eifctl. all lie Uvtli I iiH): e? i i. Instil, duublt !!:. t tit Hb iUi3e rle ral ar4 irij-cti:.: edge, atid i at m r :tm ttj .t I tie ati e. UiflKiiV. Tlits iot.ioio. all tLe c.inta Uu-e hlf Lindaw te-tli xiz : ll.e n W-nplk. liiMilkjwr lliirk rkiri(ttetli. to le liorU-nnl : wn.y one mil! file i rjiiiird Ui let p tl as sa order. fci tliey fe T neefy U.r tl.e uin-iilled labo.er :t t-l.a; j en i ti e !d 11j.i.i i! n. 1'Kr.ftCT Ci kara m E. eiitit i"uiy ibliuc r il tlntirp. ttee oj f i.lt rp fare ot omit cut. I.jt clear, hr liaiuc thefebie alote lie t l.r p l.atl.a. like a pK. Lit i tie fcort irlet clea.rig implement. hy Cieir circular e --e ttiat l o Bojrton t.rotl 1 1 I.t band, cn: .ff a tf !e it.. I tc amote fl.aU4.a- aim! I lor In iLt T.nda. te.'ore iltjiir (eneial Vtade i.t otLer di.tu. n-n-l.td e I l5e S,ntrf. I'hilaelpl is- eI telutr I. Vt e aleo r.-te a- a .rtf d H e ra H at tmit mia.t-e4 clfirt.rihe aawinp. Iy l and. rf tertv-ix rord f ! ard l h. maple, elm. .. r! k ili.t; m4 xm eiglit imim (inc!u Jinj loot time) in Miclian. Surh orr, by mo r.en. Witt one oce t el i wondarful. Triple Saw are ma!e andold l.y Mr. K. M. Hovi.ton. Iliv Vitiiii street. N"e V.k. ai.d arr - te te by four pttenU. dateJ re.j-rtiTel.T 27..!Vj6 " JuU 23. Ihft7: January 14. 1; Jal. 2T. We tjijmt that t!e invenloni of r',aable an imiirovrint :;t in an artirle of h ut.erl t' e aw. ill be ahTe toenjoj the huit of Ibeir label fret frurn infnngemertt .r it4-y of any kitod. !' Agk, JAraiL, ?, 1?U. 77if7 Satrs (ire universally ccucrthd to Surpa snail others fcr Crot$ tuttirv 7t. Although ?500 clmUrrtfjc for frpe$e of tat has Irrn adrtrtisrd in millioni of papers, and enyrarrd on each sate, no one has ever DA HMD to publicly test the matter, XO other saw has doUe 2intcd teeth, CONSTRUCTED TO CUT IN LINE SO AS TO CUT WITH OUTSIDE OF M TOOTH ONLY by direct action. ET2 W.H.The cutting cf all tingle pointul Uttk are ejutl, an J these M teeth are douUc, tcith direct action, spaced, and slant concealed between points of If one point cf J was set one way and one the other, tU slant would ride and If I out tie tooth. When tbe hardware trade do not e!l, ageotf wanted, and no govern men t ijcenw is jtetiuirtd. A six foot cross cut and a brick saw-blade will be seot to suj addrrf oa .receipt of S6, or $1 per foot. One man laws 81 25 per foot. j! 26:tf ti If f Ii k -

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