A " v . ; 1 . . . ? i.', ii, -p-.- j.f. . .- . - - - - - . in - . r V0.L. III.TH1KD SKIUE?. ' ' II M ! Ill I I I I Mil I I PUBMfllKn WEEKLY J tJ. IJ.i UBUiNKK, rropivctot ami Kditor. ! J. J. STEWART, Amjoctate Editor. j .-if A HATtS OF St KCIliVTIOTs! . Ose 1 KARi KavkWe in ad vauce. u I if. i . - . 1 - i ! $2.50 ;niX, MONTHS, J.... 1.50 tjIitJ( to one MJress, .....10.00 liMvD & FOOT STORES, &G. rpESDKktt liUeoiiipliui-iit t Ms friemls , I uil the imljlix'.autl in thin mctlmd wuu!d : bring to tjjeiritttteiiiioir hvH fxtcuirkd facilities (or meeting dCHiantl. in liii liin of Ituniiiens. Jle in now propurfd to furni-h all kinds of (Jruve SUni'w I'roiti 0p cln'iuct Head Stone. in ibe ciMtliMft ' inoiiuineiit.i. T.'ioso preferhijf KtvW anu, Yen'. WM-uy wh-k not Kuruand, can ; b (C(niunodateiHlt short time, ftrktly in ac ' i-ordunce with p(ifieationv dtmi. and the tenn of :he i eofitact.. S.ilLii'u-tion guaruu tM'd. lie wij'i not , ho uudemdd, North or Huith. Ordui'h nolicfed. Addres), , J.7;tf 1 j KUIN'n IIIJIS. Salisbury. : U i . - i Sludwell Brothers 17 MURRAY Street, 1::!nBW YORK,. I Manufacturers l and Jobbers of IBOOTS i SHOES, ' ' j :j! rou , - j SOUTHERN TRADE, '..-'' Htiwn complete Kok in allliupi", incliul y injj tlit-ir pofml.tr Granite State Hah, Kipl'fow shoes, and Women J'cb. bate. Orders solicited and carefully iillt-d at loiveiit market rau-n. j , i; J K. MOOSK-, S.ilernian. j f' u 2 ' 0:4hm 1 1 Ai MSi'tUA'A.v. J. I'. HoWAN. NEWl OPENING. 'PII.K nrjdtrigiK(l h.iring as.,ci:iited t!icrn , J, fv in bu-tiii('t- usuiiT t!i- linn ilumu !' 1 A.M. SULLIVAN, CO., ! HAVE opffned in II. J. irabni's' new build--ing. inrxl door -to 'tin- JU -t .v;,rc Stun-, wln-re;tln')i will, )(. dcii-vi! t., i:,v.-t o,i ,, in-Y I'rViuIrt fl -y l:av; a nnig'iiiin-iit r.,tn-r-thu lavj,'t,t u:ul b-.-t in towu-miU ' r ! , . A Zjargo 3 Splonclid f STOCK OF GOODS, riOMPRI&lNG a ftiicnifaortmi-ut. Hard ,:VJ wuro i-jcci-plcd, and will gnarrantv-e as jrwdil biicgaiiH U5 can ho nob! h- anv AIoum; in ihi: .Smith, 'riioy will deal hWily U tliiK-.erie.-. Rud cittintry I'lodnec, buying nr.d selling, and .invito till who wili t-itloir to ln y or sell to call Juu.UJth. ia:if T. JPeice. PRICE & BRO. TiiBin GHOCERY ST0P.& FAMILY ! ; Tl JFA'KIN'S COUNER, hore they kill pontinne to S-U Flour. (.Meal. Meats. i;aeon. Lard. Bufter f-t, 'Coffee. Taa Sugar, Salt, Pirkles, Mo. ijanrt-a, Are , together wtth a larqe aud varied , (JJ'H-k ' of hoii?eb.Id aud table" necessities. . """g your country produce to lTrlCE .V; liKO. (t7:tr I1RIUMPHAKT! G3 Li l"ijyAni)s orrjFTy first phe- -MU1S bo, i7rcr jfei - frcuvvarded'to Chalks M. Stieit ir ine uest A'lar.os m competition j WU all tbcjleadhig tnannfactur ii ! fis of .tuT country. ; Office and Xfrow "3S7areroom9, 'rNofrtL,7'''7i 4- imriuoRE, lid. Thl! Stlt'lT r'lHUtN enlitum ul! lh,. t.A. . j mi uic Ifltl'L .1111- h titf '.PvPniPmf 'f b: own-in- TK. ; 1 ' w ,WH11U ln -1,ut'r instruments. uZ, ?,n1' "t,,,filhj 81,(1 fi"sh of their instru ?d " JjC'.Uim,t U CLc11 ""J' "'awftictur- ulw.'itTfi ,flr,,rtfnrn ""'fl-hand Piano r i?" r and Church Orpan. wmr twentr dT iu',Sir 1H,wJffw atnlogue. contHir.msi 'M.f over twelve hundred Southerner .u,droa of whi,a.ar,. virjrfnlm,,. ti" Iif . r JCHndininns. 05 hundred arid ili.r iv , ,M-n"' UiHl Jruers ttiroH"liout dwM K f M,"'i"v boufiht the stieff Ii.mo 01 tin? war. j "J. ALIiK 1JU0WN, Ajrent. i 22:int Mi - ruii!uiiryf X. (J. "'".uiissioncr's Deeds,! ShcriiT jUecdy Chattbl Iort-tties : pr aalO fli tins oili ' ' Cheap Chattel kn.l 'i 1 A .1 ' O Ov.- smr ous other blanks for ,ale here W i W i t f 'a &9 , ! - i MM 11J JiflliflV - : !:. . E liUftl'ESS, have fust opened entirely I new aud fresh, ' in l!e room fortoeiccupie(la the Hardware Stored and jiVdoori to- ll:ha!a& ColSM llie itiBitcuon of wlTfcfi they nicest cor dully luyite the public. Their waT capful ly elected by; ibe eenior in ?m ber of tlu- fij-tc hi perotiL and bought at rates livltlch will enablefthem to sell aa low, far CASH, as '-J in the 'ity, for Good of same quality. Their SiOCk is general, embracing 11 tile! Various branches of ! . t - - ' I)iy Goods, Groceries, Croclery Ware, Loots and Shoes Sole Leather, Calf and Binding Skins, Grain and GrasSySeylhcs, Cap, Letter and Note Paper, JJXlrEL 0 PES, PXS, JXK, dr., and a beautiful assortment of - j ; i i i - ' ; They feel assured of their ability to give entire ati.faction, and especially in viv old friends and customer? to call and bring w itli them their acquaintances. They fxpejtt and intend to maintain the reputation of the Old Murphy House, v.diiih i well known throughout VVt-stern Konh Carolina. Ail ibey ,lsk is an ex. iHinnatlion of l!;eir (stock aiid the pitc.a8 Af troiiible to fhow teoods. so come ri-.ht mor.jr. Their motto. Small profits, read) pay and QUICK SALES. in i , gwmi mock, iow price?, tair dealt n and, prompt; attention, they will endeavor td merit their .share of the pub lic pAUonae They are in the market fr all kind.-i of produce and solicit calls wo in uoiii sellers and buyers. 1 L & A. MiSSPHY. ; IIOBT. JlURPld, ANDREW MUKIT1Y. Salisbiiry, lareh 23, 1872. 27: ly" S & B8YDEN And Conimissioh Merchants, Saliskt-uy, Mreh 1st, 1872. Heep constant 1r on hand a laro and ehoiee Mock of GENERAL .MERCHANDISE--ebmnrisihff I)K' Goods. GnfenV Ww tA Sugar and Coffee, of all grades, TiT A CiT? JJACOX LAUD, i ' M 5SOI.E and . ' . s! j Upper LEATHER, ! .A' I! . SHOES A- BOOTS,-! X -T ! : ; HATS, - - r I ' --- bonnets; ,nT,.,T I ' r PRINTS, ACKREL, j ! '. v I i SALMON TROUT, FLOUR and MEAL, y I MAPS, 1 ; r 1 jPEPpER and SPICES, l !- " TOBACCO. ,j. , , : , i LIQUORS, of all 7 V - aP ,,n ana' ' clioice quality. 1 iEsjH-cinl attention -oven to eonsi menrs aia premt returns made. A I H4US CHANGS To Securer a BEAUTIFUL ANVALPARLE REAL ESTATE, consist ing or ttuioderti aud ;eomnuiou3 house,1 am ide out hmldings ptvKln-5tet; a fine 1 large ea r df1n'?n!.fro3?3 acres of excellent land, all .tyinji in the Kiiturhs of Salisbury-; all in c)sl, nd elligiblp Ac buildin? lots. The a&ovt- property U otaeof the mos DESIRABLE iri thin ipnri of the qountrv, and will be inereas- , .'V't, bJM completion orlthecontem pi ted hail Roa! fo this place. I'ersons in terested iu Mieh prolKTly, axe invited to call on. or? address thc-Ub! riber. - 1 t P JO. A; BRADtfHAW, jApril 18,lS72,.-Sl:tf. ! ! ; - FAHSf t HAIR WSHK. j M RS S. Ni ' t TERKELU Will da any 1 ; r - ' ' iiair Work. Eenair EiHidsi irlatia for! . timehTsiund Jew-eh-y Setts ; also make fami lyihair itito Wieaths. and lioqunts. I a For term call nt her reideue on Chnreh eet, Vet of jihe IetrM)dit Church. Saia pls can h eett at S: W. TEUKEtLV Store onLlnnisi strettt ' May lS72.31tf. ' ' i STOCK dGOODSi !j I 8 0 Steele MILE - ! - - i i " i 9 . : : - ' " ' ' r : " - ' - WATCHMAN; OFFICE ' k Well supplied with . 1. ! . ! i ' - - - i ; A large and plegaiit assortment of Pictorial or CUT ILLUSTRATIONS, &C, . suitable for all kinds of PRINTING. 4 Also- I ! Finer and more Ornamental Types for Business & Professional Visiting, Party and "Wedding Cards ; College and School Cireulars of all kinds ; Hi Tobacco Notices and LABELS for all purposes ; fata Ian hs For Clerks, Magistrates and Solicitors ; ! - i i:V Or anything else required in the I Printing Line. THE AS A Jf EWSPA PEIt, i" ' ' . ! : - i ii ' : I i: !; ' r Is a candidate for public favor. Its j '" ---I -' - . . I - -! . '. - l circulation! is good, and its standing ' -..'Li! K ! and patronage improving. - It is one . :j ! r ! j '; of the best j advertising Imediums in tlie State, and offers its facilities on as liberal terms a3 any. IN tK n; f tu n n" v. "U!''1 t'Diiea urates tor the Cape Fear (District of North Carolina. In the matter of John W. Holm, bankrnpt. w P?.n,the arpUcation of the Aisipnee of John N . Holm, .bant runt it Sa n-rtALl iu 1 PT,H,lSf M creditors of said bankrupt he held in Qiarlotte, on the 29:h of Mar 1872, at 10 o clock a. rntt the office of Rill. Brondfield, one Of the lieffistan in r.inl.,,r.nw rt. Irictfor the purpose named in the Twentye- r - 1 . i,liViUaiJkireo2i Aignee. PLAIN I FANCY i !in "ii njJ PBIPHL (Edroltnai SALISBURY, NC., JUNE 21, ' A BEAUTIFUL POEM. Sack waif as the following detTve to be rescued from the epLHtu.r;l umt. ur inere neiR-gpper literature. A new 'edU tion of the Southern poems of the war would bej inconipletc without containin g this exquinte geua. It was first wri:ti-u for the Memphia earratid is frcm the pen of Mrs Mdore, daughter of Dr. Ionian Borland, formerly a citizen cf Murfreea-. boro, N. C , uhere he practiced medicine for a number of years. Ho '; afterward n-moved to Memphis, Tenn., '&u the Memjihi -World, the parent of the present Appeal of that city. l)r. Borland was nftejwardrt Uuitt-d States Senator from the State of Arkansas. He has a ton T K. Borland, E.q , who is now practic ing law-ia Norfulk. Va.,? frrntUTit jt tftut a member! of the Virginia L-pklature. We call attention to the complimentary remtksof Col. Hiram Fuller, wtll known as a gentleman of fine literary Us;c and aerompliidimentii. Let us turn aside a moment from the strifes "and bitterness of politics, and lis ten to this sad but sweet requiem, coauted over the grave of "THE DEAD CONFEDERACY." BY FAXKIE 30RLAXD. Pale, Mark, and cold ehe lira in utter silence, No more to rise, up from that readily swoon' To wteping butts that wluVptr in grat an guish, "Dead, dead so soon." Ah ! mourn for her with tender love and pity Ye men that storve to lengthen out hervtarn A little ehlld grown old and gray with sorrow Demands your tears : A little child with blood upon l.er ringlet?,' A faded banner wrapping her tind arm, ' Bruised feet that faltered in the nweet reveal ing Of Feedom's charms. Unshed into mute and reverent emotion The people pass beneath thp h iw Knowing; to-day fiior yet upon to-morrow. 111 sne arise : Ari.e to spread luer banner in rejoicing, To beckon honor from the wailing vears ! Who hints of faulu, with every Main upon her Washed out in tears? The faulty idol of a faultrv people. Who loved her better that 'her faults wcrethir., Who see her deaf, blind, dead to :;11 perfection' Tlie future bear. As dead as those who 8on'it to be her armor no neiu meir ncarls as J)lrI. twixt Jer and dt-ath, Aud died 10 cherish into fuller being The infant breath. Strong heart , that in tlie ri:li and roar of Lat- iie Poured out their noble blood m holy wine, Wasting its wealth and richnesj on a brk'eii And blasted shrine: A blasted shrine, yet even in u blighting Crowned with homnge of a niiiliun hearss, Whose burning tears poured out the lata liba tion That Love imparts. A faded liope, yet fairer in its fading Than Victory's temples reand above the dead, And sweeter, blasted, faded, bicken, than lich incense- For conquests shed. Pale, pale, she lies; the Autumn ccmedi gent ly And clasps its crimson fingers n,;md her feet, And throws a golden spell upon the forest, As is most meet. I( is mot meet that one who died in childhood. Who smiled upon us from the purple West, Should lake amid the crimson and theolden Her final rest. All cold site lies: the spirit of ibe winter Unshed the deep careless river '.t her side : 'Tis well, think, that thus should sleep in silence A people's pride. She lieth still : wo dare not sing her reqniera ; The Wistcru star has faded out of sigh, Like her w ho was the idol of our worship, Leavirg us night. The Memphis Appeal, in publishing the above, says : 1 The above received very general cir dilation after its first appearance in the appeal, Detnp lionon-d among other pa per, with a place in the. CosmioLfan, pul: lit bed in London, and edited by Col. Hiram Fulh r, for many jeats editor and proprietor of the famous New Yotk Even ing Mirror. Col. Fuller, a man of fine literary taste, in presenting "The Dead Confederacy" to ;be British public, lade the following handsome notice, which we publish as a proper endorsement of our poet's merit : ''In a former number we published a touching poem fiom the pen of a valued fliend, entitled 'The Lost Cause,' full of interest, and bieaihing a hopeful significance that cannot but have its innflence in the quarter where its au thor's sympathies and many of hi tender est associations lie. We publish this week, in auother. column, a poem bearing the above title, which has been sent us by the friend above alluded to, with the iu fwrma'iod that it is from the pen of a daughter of the late Senator Borland. It is with a feeling of pride and sadness that we present this pcera past, its beauty will and a ready appreciation. It is torching, tender, chaste, classic, beautiful. We art glad to take thia-young author by the hand, and welcome her arnouf the ranks of the poets. Wc regard this poem as one of the finest ihytbmic tiibutes that has yet been paid to the 'Lost Cause,' and its spirit of tender resignation, the heart brokenness of it entire utterance, not but tonch the very souls of tho.-e whose sympathies aud associations in duced them to look upon that cause almost as a crime. The devot ion of the South-rn women to the Confederate cause was something exceeding belief, and now that the cause is dead, it will not, we hope, challenge ut worth v eritici.-n, that wcueeL- to snatch this last wail of their sorrow from the dantrpra of mmnnrecialinn .an? oblivion, and place it where it ought to V t 1 JB oe, among tne lists ot those gems of poesy which should never be forgotten." 1 1S72. HOPE. Away in the heart' doep shadows lbcre tuts lite li.V!oii. !jt A 1 if tie bird with a wondervu voice A-kWett and soothing Ly. ' 11 Jj!n 'onS "r "unshine, Tosmiv- the bwn-hn about Tb; shaded wi,, Khtorn the merry heart I" light h.Kl nig!, goncout Though oft it voice U nircn, And its nott4 coni.Tin no truth . I care not, , M1-, n n . ' Jtsings the f-ong of youth. THE CUMING TIME. "Whn men for?et their love of And love tlicir hfior more; W hen truth is only ctsrrent coin And countod o'er nod o'er? hen rnn k.v freJom f.r iu at For ail bs well as one And for the greatest their work. 1- rotu day to d.y i done : W hen men throw ,elf aide and live For some just j.uriK.se high, lnen will the glorioiw era come When none shall far to die. ADDRESS TO THE MECHANICS OF NORTH CAROLINA Fkllow -Citizens: It is doubtless known to you, that the Democratic Con servative Convention at Oreesboro saw fit to nominate me as theii candidate for the office of Supeii.itendent of Public Works, and as the pressure of my busi ness, which has to be performed with my hands, renders it impossible for me to canvass the .Stale, and see you face to face, as I desire, I have deemed it pro per to set forth my views in the form of a circular. I feel proud that I belong to the Me chanical class, whose labors tend so much to develop the lesourc.s of the countrv, and are so largely a benefit to society It is under your magic skill thai the unhew ed rocks of the quarry are turned into the sacred temples of religion, that bless and adorn our land ; that tlie rough timbers are converted into beautiful cities ; that the mountain ore, through blazing fur nances, is fashioned into turning plows, into busy wheels of useful machinery 111 railroad lines and telegraph win s. The vast usefulness of mechinical skill is seen in the hotis.-. sheltering the families ol earth ; in all ,lt. ga.meiits, clothing the children of Adam ; in all the btidges, spanning our riv. is ; in all the labor sav ing machinery, benefiting mankind; in all the vehicles rolling through the land; in all the lock, protecting propeity from thiev es ; in all the commercial hip Uor.i;i upon tne waters. In all co.r.tii.s and in every departm.-nt and condition of ih, ir ; untold usefulness, cparkle as thickly' through society as stais in the blur, b.- .v .m. 1 above us Ii i" i t,,;., .! ! fore, that this class be rei.r.sei.'t, d ; !. I t III I 111 MM I I IITI. offices of our Slate. I iSo thought the Democratic Conserv.,- ' live pariy, m . . i jlechanit'iil el The interest of i!ip ,... .1 ,.t.cc. alwnvs tltiiitisb in .. ,.. . i.,. . . ........ .... I-. 7-, eral proi.t itv ol the eonnlrv nt lfr..,. Now 1 am confident that the e-. ner.ti ...... j .. . .-.i . .. r.".-pviny oi tne country will be acvawced bv the t ii ii in o ! ..f ilu. i i . ... cratic party lor the f , Mowing reasons : Fifct, because this party has and will continue to i educe the expenditures of the State Oo. eminent. Second. Il cause the taxes which may be collected l r tlu: support of the Stale government will be honestly upplied. '1 bird. Ii caaasc the superior sta:esiuan ship of tho p uly insures permanent quie tude to I Ik- land. Fourth. Ihc.iuso its mdicv tends m develop the nsottrces ct our State. .The peace, prorpi-rity jtud permanent intere.-t of tin; coiuiiiy, all hang upon the eiiccves of our party. Furthest re tsons 1 call upon the me chanics and all others, to vole ;hecousi i Witive ticket. The direct tendency of the llej. ublu aii parly is t Luiden our citizens with extiav.iga-it taxis, ami re duce the white mechanics to the level of an inferior race. But under t lie fostering care of con servative success our f.tiuaccs will bl-izv brighter, our anvils ring louder, our m i chines wkirl faster, our business grow lotelier, and peace and prospeiity will crown our whole land. Let every mm thru cast his vote for that party whose success insures such glourious lestihs. I appeal to every true sou of North Carolina to exert all his inilueiice to free our noble old State from the shackles of oppression that have well nij:li crushed her in the dust of humiliation and sh un:'. Let us go forward with a will aud de termination to briuir In r to that sta:id.tid cu - y of hllt'lV fa'.ilifimTriil lui'iit (rni'i.rii. , b. mviii iioii us uer crown anugioiy iu tue days of our fathers, Respectfully 3'onrs, JOS. II SEI'ARK. . ..!... .J 1 .... . 1 -)- Step i:r Step. Life is made cd of little things. He who travels over a con lim-nt must go step by step. He who writes a booic must do it sentence be sen tence ; he w ho learns a science muH mas ter it fact by fact and piinciple alter prin ciple. What is the happiness if our 1.1c made np of ? LittI couitcs'es, little kinduisns, ph-as.iiit woins. g-ni.il smile, a friendly ie.ter, cmd wishrs, andg-cnl re ds. thn in a nr.l. on, once in a lue time mnnp do a heroic action. Rot the , little things that make up oar Iifj come evrry day and every hour. The Charlotte Southern Home say- : Cant. C A. Hart in,trir nf r!:ti.irrns. hn " J P) f " v ------ , has paid great attcittiou to bees, tells us lint thp lldilpr of ibi. ttwttmi I.i bird If tivc Convention, wh-n they nominated a '' , "! Ui'-Z :h a n-.1 v ' ; ' u" ,,; working in. chanic for the ofiice of rup- l"M, '"m l!" ,!t"u A'U xt m ik' " 1 " a ' ' , eiinteudent of Public Woiks. nod I M.v ! ,',,kll p'rm tin 1 bi, :..,!- , unlive. j V 5,v' to vou. ah b-Ibtw m,.l.,..i.. .1 ... i i .1: . : i so ever v ware . 1 ,ie i...,t i,h.i:.j. " ' the success of the Democratic Cor.scrva-' Z H"rc i lZu'Y tl l h ' 1" 'f ' ;';""" ""' V," , v..,, iu uiiuiiiir. tii;ii 1 iiiMi'vi' t ; - " i- . - " - w " J - v . . .. u.j 1 r.. .i. -...ii ir i .-i jr-rt rcnuiiy iroui ij 10 ,u ccuia cr jwunu. its equal in the world. He has taken CO the fimlit'ice by w ikh I: a.ippo t. d ; ' lrm pounds a year from a single hive aud get it talents, virtue ad u-t fulness the tur " kr .!.!. 1 ... I I ... .. J ' . . r . i . . , 11 NO. i HOWjTO MAI K PA-?GIO.BLi: WO MUX. MaitT- ofm,rv.ug; 1,,;,., n -uHiuit troubaril iathec at riatte of makiug them- skives iuti tii lteing a calUi.t l.nt ntVfi.ni. wJ;rvr hri 1 .1 ,, . 1 ! them a little, bjj ceipt : 1 a'- titu ty I tt cldetly bi.ue m:i-)M t.j re- ; . f-'-U-.d- of ,'Vh nid bi.M.-fc . s-wak!-. .-'..:,.. I ' 'i.e ear and est r bat k to c..ijfrtii i. Ti e Sii.n .! t .1 1 J...,, I ti .. liostoi d ;tl.-k,4 t" tie (mr.tri b.-.. l, t'.t ngr rixt drMtp. t!t Ssr..!-.i; j'e j 1 ne tui jfr- g break, a- tht- til l.' c) u-s i thta ad. 1 11,1 . ' ' ii ll.lr,). bu::.reJ yaru, df re-il. ai.d . -v. v-ti k . r l;ir vards 1.1" i'n-, yards .f c'jmir one p ir Klk co laeea vara ! .1 . i - Pell .'. vit1, tut,. , ,', tat!ii.tent.s, one 1 .'.r ti .t... r ti ; ,.;x V l, , , . 1 i' - t Jeanne with he thn h-S hii;b. f .. vuakb.meiai.irip ,M.f.a hundred ;.. d Sixty yard, d" S ejr'. wir. , thren quarters , f nil of taj. ten i-aud of raw cttu or tw wire hentupbere: . tvoe wire lM?'X(,t t ....j a bushel four epi,.s of a NVw Y..rl pMer (riple theet.) on, huudrd and fiftv v:,rd.f wlk or other drs P.kk1s. iiVe l..jVd var.U of p.it lac.-, f.nit.eu hundred y.ir.U fViajre and other trnnm n-s, tv. . iv pl,. ,,f 1., t tons, oue box ir p-.wder. or,,, t.v.c r'of carmine and o!c here's fi.ot..oi,e in,.!,. 1 ,.f nzz.ea mm ireltd m manUuneuu bund 1 Ja native swif.die. vitb r,.i. ... otner TanniQts; . 7 a., ,, 'Ue peck of hairpins, .ti e . lace handkrrhie patent holder. Tt- nine iucJ.es stpi.ue. w ;h . rltiiiie with att.r of r..ses. or sprinkled w itli nine drops of the li:eeM..l Ilaby," or U Knd. "ti;;! the ;...td with fashiouabM novels, bll tij-ket-. I.'.r b lls and wedding jcards.Stitiie scami.il. h irrerU deal f htit time ami h vt i v r.ttb- .:t u .t i a i.a.i trraint.l 0 nut-.u .st-tje. three kL-r-ji.b. I of religion, and lutnodicu-.i of ndest v. s. ;i. 1 tt uifli ftir !t 1 ir . ... sou with vanity and ff-cti..u acd f. (jtrmsi with ea-rings. breast-t.ins. t ' lit'. 1. - I .. . r -1 f . .. . 1 toitreieis. je.tlilers. ant fS. atid tltiU'eli. tn im tl.ui Whirl anmn.1 I , a fas:, i..n.-.b!.. . -r,!- stew by gaslij: uhtf.r six boors. ' j (reat care slntdM be t.ikc a is Dot overdot. 0. I tuat t :,e thiu-r j .t . If it does n-t flse s ulcieLt ! V a-,1 ; mo re copies of a New York pai-er ' 1 1 r 1 i 1 1 1 do t put at the hMd'of your talde ,.t, zut'.'i ' 1 ins t:;n is ii-fi!, v Mia!l!"l.T. oceasi-.tis, tut is tJ.'t Suitable f.r foiv .i.ir I ne.t uf !.... .41 I.. .. T c i '-"u., U'H.Z 1 l C A 1 I'll si i ia m : . Uld'es lo.e. tt .-oiot-t iii'-( CIVes .i.t n i!,. ;....,!t- biiru. and causes theni to break, aud i ctr tain death to childeu. If you hai iid' tin i gre.pet.rs at i. ..!. you eau buyi the irticle t. adv-m.-t.!.-:o a: v .f ..t-.r l-.r !- ... .. "t a. f ot our large c:ti yi'ii hi. enough l:io:.e VvTTII ALL THE LMAIH' Til tt VJ ;i IV I or 1:11 1 . I.,. 1. 1 1 t'i roval'V, w it--) ihd W'ik ;i:. 1 wUd rei i w ei i bvi UI' : 1" 1" """i lolrfT those who woik fr him to pu: u.-:i:t in 1 ' "'Ose toil He U'on inck' out t , l lo?.e p ti it 1 lose souls1 a; e in tb-1 mi ii . iti.il gi vt s S : '.', ci i::.... 'j l.. V them evid. iice ol l( do not need : o.lt llit v. He 4t pia.'e of init : .i ;, ii- I bonot .' in ii: Hi-ice. 'i ii n.il pr'.li: I iiv f.Il f tli Tin y an- ;hr ii.-'. r- in nj . i i ing hi.tih r ! (i.gyTh. y r-.w. Th. v Miccecd. Tii' y atdb mi lt ,!. Th v arc in demiod. 1 i;( r itdnike i.nhiKit o -. and iitspir.- fde!i'lin oili-rs b"thtir n ample. i n y p.-.fper; i t tin y mk m harmony wph t!.il.i.w v. iiich" God ha e.-t.;bl sIm d a' d '. tins in thewoihl. In ibe sph ic ot'tl;;t!i -lit lo- .Tiin. s. in s !:ce is -;. cia"Iy ii:e.;f.: - ,,1 vit .l. N h it is t:ot done tjejn:iiv h ro . baidiy dt.ne at uil, as ( i .j:!:i; t'es Jj. lie w ants pine r t'.y, r -."In i :i. ye'pi.t free. c;i:b:i-i ism --ti ot tr.er.lv iln cm. : i i A i nrniing wo;. i .;!,,! i inntl act. A sr i vice thMl 1m - 'j. t ; i j ai 1 en' w i;h the la:; r i- iieei ai t ijitiii j. fervne vr.it Ji:iij. i The I'haiiseu's ti.ht'S of mint and ani-c aud cummiti are rj'heU an dh-u-e ; n, , the utib!;ca:'s pcdn nt cry and th t. ..r . . . . . I ! . I I woman's gift :f ic, a;i s weir i ngl.t rrV:.l "Ir.t-v i- Tfi mt-i. !...-... II.. .....j th- whwlc-souled devotion th . I lies behind tl.vm Rk Sn.s:iiLr.-f Dn not be above your J busnics. I Ii- v i6 turns up bis no.-e at woik quarrels wtilt bund and butter, lie is a p'or smith w lo is -fmid of liis own spaiks; there a ittiic n-scoinbut in traoes except cnijaiey-siep'og. it il- ors pve up gojut; wet ; if hi. k i s b cause ii is b.ir.l v. nut plow bce.ius w mild not make to Si a l cause (A Jlle f.l JJ oli bakii g bread K'1 k ; if plow :i;i n w oi.i l l coid, and Mihw K-ur 1 1 .tb.-s I ir l( .ir pitcKing tbetr li fcrcrs, what a . . . . - l p if s w e wouiit cotne to. . I.S t.re. I.; v ti .e fd- ,,1:rc IV . i I .'t b' 111' at' -int anv hi.-. -' l ilttil ' . ot af.'.inl su..i:. ' v.. in h.iuds, thin ' nicipy of pm- to be h .d All trades are got fi r matches pay ... . t - to good t:adi is . ici- ll if j ..a pi II I-'..-.,. !! Ot 2' '- l.O'ie v if f t ol them, l ou c ti aie fiighteii d nt you are afraid f s, nor f i int c in it ge'tiit in:ol on V""r boots. When h.iiJ of t; ' u n.. ! und r tl.' south w ind ; w bin w ith toothpicks, I fins, n.a.jurc tb watt r, and g.ow ti h o i c in ; ' th' f.. w phips alot.g h i l vu- w i h l.vi -i .... r t l Ti C ik' s .n li.i cr'. its, i there will be n ti.u tiiii" lt.r dar.'tt : bo'. uuin inc inuieriium cia v. e Luc . I .1 ...II. i. I Tl ... ...i .... a deal to put up wi i. 4 a ptj f.onj a e luntani i icicar n il . flows r.M-a iu a sti; iiin, fin .-.o a nv. r, rid c .iupo b-i;:..i.i ' s o s vmiuc illy ar the orig t il t .- .' , i s ii- - t i i lf II W 1.1 is Small ; it takes its t natural oiircf. ex Mill .11 ill r-.i.i , fy bond, strncheg il it .11.. .-.. . neic Ijjlpfir- i - i la e C 'Ui uun.ty. ring' proportioned ti I a 1 1 1 i. 11.14!. V tlll Jl - ' . eat Ol aa liomiruble imputation. '. 1 .1 Li' ' 11 W ' - 11 -..!:- ,.1 "lie jliti il i:U I.;. ;:. a,. ; , -- "rr s:i:ii:n.-ii . i-.l 1 11 . t ti.i t I I .I...... ! J .!! e .lie 1. 1 r mi ..- - .1 ii ,i.M, r,M. IJjll.lt 1111. I'll 1 1 H - ' . r .1 40. WHOLE .NO. S30 . j A Torcaij-lsciiit3T. n de. crib- j ing the t!oJ thich ws fa du&itior. a j m.i,y s cuoat iu Virgioit, th LjnchUarj' I p-pei itord th i fjlbwiog rerr tad and f,' 'T , A mrt..t-r and -rrfral little chihlrrn tr.,n ... . : . : . 1 v,Vi et irvm a nurow i.eMc ct Lud, which 1'hs between tbeiivrr I, . . r.d ll.f cail.ll- wbl 11 tlcT . fo am....! r. 1 .1... .i . .1 J . , ,. - inrmij crin:- . 1 .1 1 .. ' . -j ' ijji vu iv im aUtiari.t uf tha biidgo uutd tho ao,frr nties tLe-tJ l nliJe. . Hut as thrj4tovi. ti t le c-io'THi - t j to? abutro.-i.t tlu. ntM nti-tueU t? i .re hi bcr aed Libr l.!! tin? deep d4kurs ihty could hear tho :M!.l!i r.! !ru. I I i 1- "i'i'uj 4Jie- ibuuurii VI l:i.l: tht "nwiecly dcflin TLy Ld breu iu iL'; 1 fur some trm wbr-n u- S'HTatc conilrtion th.- little c'tl f !t ibit her rtrmirth was gt ne, a?l(j M j:t, a cf terror, b cxcLim: J, JKis m, in ther, for 1 can't hold any longer!' And hh the warra press.neof thal anther's lipt upon her cheeks, sl was swept away and was teen 1.0 more." I.K1VK, rORTUXE.dlt PoelTIOH.- Who m.init s tor love, ukt a if. !.a m.. , ! 1 : s f r fotttnie, take a rri-trct Lo arr'n for pofition, takes a ldy. Voa e J 'veu tr your wile regarded by vour iuistrefst--.lt. rated by your lady. You have a w iT- for yourstlf mistress foryoar liouse and fri, i.ds a lady for tha world at.d society. Your wife will rvP with yoti your mistress will rule you your - " '""'"gc )' lour ttile WJll I.idywill marni-c voir. Your wifts will 1 ,;,ke care of your Itousehold year mis it-..- . C t . tress i f yotir house your Lly of p- p-arr.r.rcs. 11 Vou are sick, ronr wife ttlil 1 tirti' ii : Ml -1 l"- Vour mtreMand go to a l'-.V w nli your lady. Your ife will :: tour n if i vour tnitTrr-ta vamp r...i:tr your gurj -vour r - - - T v -an m,.:u y n-d y.nr lady ytu debts. If lte. Vt.ar w i.;'e will -it-n - Vour tnlt. tress lament and your lady wear tnoara l 1 . rr . Di 'OSll.M c ute Mr.rde ar nrrrr cr.i.teot. d wilhtluii lot, kt a hat will hap- p -u. 1. .n it .11111 datknest me over latir h ads, u ;.(), i; rains or tbiccs. To ll. ia vt ry ii c:J. ut ic an accident or a calamity. Even when th-y have ihtir ow n w ay, ij y l.ke it ni be tter than jour "ay, n:.d. i i 1 1 ' . ron-id. r t!:e mt rI- 'ii I .-.i . . .. : .: t! i vacis as mtttc-it of compulsion. W a sWikii.g i.iaslraiin?! the other &w I; :? w r rf. I.i tlie cor- j a i i': . ..i I t t l ' t tl: y.ar old. He :.';.-r had (bat !.in;r.' said a - - ou htve thot cr. us- 1 i-. i,.r. "I'.Hir i-: pi- r r. r ir. -I:'s lII ihrnmrto Irm," ,'1. r ; would cry if railed i-iuil tl.ed .r. I tV a iK-ccliaiitv :u:d if he i lift rather Mid i w . i - t f peietii n ti'Kir nrmniiQcri 1 rebtla accordingly.' .ureu who take tha t;.- r.i!. ijh .V'rf-5 tava : HcittT. din y ..r d';c!tc, pinfed tiif.ug'n the city ii .'iy r i r ... V to Yoikp.!lf, S. L t i Mr. Ate;v, bo cmi' from South ( " VI . i : . . i i tii i-i a f u file .t. ' .".g , charge d i Ji iifjrr m ut act. Hcflcr r- 1 : si-i.lc tha Mr A rv was in Canada. but he rtuc e.jtd in iniit i.. him on the A Uii i.ca-i M-it -ol the N.gjia River, where he fjjitii.'f d h ::i. N M.j.i fi or M j :?.TbCi i.tivtiox A iiiii It-) . it.l-wf'd Ii p'uw tin witli 1 , 1 . . - his taiud ( ! Mghrtc-t, Us U.2iCttd up in h:i.i a g.itfius w rung. He is cut t il In i.i i!.e b.: - : P H l - U :, tioblest pourcea c.f 1 even if be i rrcirdcd p;i an t nt for the production of w a . lie is iij.vje by ignorance coispar atittlv unlc.li aud in fricieut. lit .; f. in TAMn.r.vcry one mii.-t luve r-miikcu t!i ildj.-n r.ee la the furiii-h.i f .i bitheb.rV lcjue, and on w h; iu a ..ly pit sidep ; the tnusaud little i! gai.t it p ol the latter, though nothing ia tin :i.-4 Ives, ad ii:.. l.ke rinhcr. t.ril fM,' - v ," Valuc ul fi Jiti cJci the . ' . . . i H.Vl'.IT. The tnst degraded and f' !c!.-fi of Imnnn Ik ins, is he who has pr.tctici d a vice o Io:.g tint be curses it wi.lle be rliriL'i t it : uho l.tna-jn 1. cnuse be fe. Is a great law of bis nature ! 1- I... ... tirnr.g m:u m ionJ it; but reaching it, k'.o- that i: wiil gnaw his heart and make him roil hun.- it in the dutt with Th nde to le app'.:d in ff-nr-ral eon- duct, i- to citf'.rni t very innocent eos toui as eiir uial t.altiji- Ifqiim, but niti-e r tii. lt.i.ce with wltJttever is rn-cn-i.-tnt wn!i prtpiiety. decrney and ti e moral duties ; and date to be lingular i.i h nor and r:i lue. y. v? with e multi'.udo in the eoni- m.'ii wa!k fide, i-nd yoy b uun i.i the ttaoug; bat bicak from theto purp'te a i.:;;cient pttli. i.d rvcrr eve. p Iti.-.j.S w .ti re: ru -1. Wt.i b w aiup ou. R r. o e f.,;e r'rp, o;ie wring habit, t c ;nn: C m;M '. :, tiitC 1 et prtMci ; i.: v w.irk u .! .ir projct, and ni: l'.r h. pea ol llii;c who lft, bvMior rf'.d I g.u vo-j. r:' in inx'ir; ang'r mars ; tmpatlenc frvtp; but I. ipp'tMes. l.ke m calm liver, " the qui t sinl"-l:t. without a rir- J "r a fail to mirii the rmhiug oa ;t i I.:-.:- tnu-r.t ro rr. The wife is the sua ei the social aya- lem. Lnhtsfh.. ttti: ( : ih, re ia iiotbiur n heavy bo.'.i' s. IX. hatbands. In ni j Hying off into space. 1 . I'.ii i w . i in : ft. I i t : ; ; i 1 1 ! t : i I i 1 1 t f I

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