f " .11 A r. -I i i4 " . r 1 ft-1 - I- J" t , 1 ' - "II I .11 -M'-' Ulflttljmon; STATS iTsaia ' l. o.oo. 1 ' I 7 u 1M linToN L.ok- If. 0 M lt'IM' ., fN (new ItlCKFA'f- r ; mi -.12 a 13 Sweet, $10X vi;-: . SAUS15U ;. ,. complete 0f ftUfll vJ l c't nboul Uvc (ill been l ,he it.iTnuMit, m.hmh. e. ii. , i ' t : . . , ., i nil .1 1'UV - . IY CEMETERY. Li)iircciiMry enclosure ,k to bo a gd 00. 1 " ComrncMiis but in older to m xk'i Luililio? "commute, h S. I Harrison. r. - I: R .msaV, liave paid t, .cki-to, ovt r aid above" 1 . i r.i..... id ur I MRJSHERIFF, WALTON. . - . ' - . - . -. . - -t i . - The frienidiof thl4 gtitlemnn will be nplon-i-Oved ami ipdiHrfnt to !afn tliTtt he la going to icrrhTt';1iW" hints to be ftin VR i candidate Tor i the t. filce of i!!erlfliVafte,liaving appeared be- f.n? tlisl;ite C'ounty Uoi.Tcnt Um and declared, most j-iutelyi thru he vrould abide the decWon itt Paid bod, f confess that are very much disappointed n what 'w considered to be the cltaracter of.Jlk Waltot; and we yet hope that hcwilTfiefl tlUt be ha3Ueeit lletenirig to evil counsels nnd forbid a.thtrig to Be done that will con vict liim iii ?the eyes of U good men of moral perjury. "Weyet belierd that he will reconsider I he matterltlKroughlv artdnotnllow thisitigma to be attached to hh name. It U too damaging it i too great a "crime, to be permitted for the'l paltry confideratloii of ofSee, tojRay nothing of the other evil consequences that: wilt arise irom it. He may claim that be U jnnocent and hot responsible for the baneful iiifluinces it must certainty har upon himself and the party or ganization but this will not doJ; It u too slial- low ami will not serve a a nuouiuge or excuse for the wrong?, injuirie' and "heart-burnings it w ill impose, r lie was beaten in the Convention fairly and no mistake, t- . ' - - On the fi?st ballot he got five Xowjiships, and Coughenour five; and NYaggoner one. This tin ir o i tulciitiov.?, wbicU.woi-e IHfr- llQlffl. MILLS'. f eeWbratpd rmiR nronrietors iof thbe i?V ,JL . Ally are iu ttt nirket lur wilKAXi flO't polieit ckill,froiii 3f who -hare it to sell. Thpr Flour! Plour!! a Thev i also Mlit onlr4 fur flour. : They f manufacture fotuj diffei int grades of Hour, ranscing Sest Family, iacul7 tra, ai:d Super. i ! t ay aisoa?j:cii.ruers iot isran. ; They exchangei or grind for tojl, as may be detircd. : M i ' j -1 ! : ; EUUEET, EROS. A CO. OBTU CAE0LIK,, In the Siipcrw-' Court. Pef'ts. &iERICAN 5 . . t i rrV ,.in!c;. bfi.cc?ryamc,nt not rui?tM If 1 A Kow it win uoi lofc ibi ai"." b n-iiiiLutifcd? f ci ipt n lUt nb Mii.'.'OhC over will ':vit bopi a tin- ToWH W nil the aubHCilption lift T . '1 dd to b t these gentlemen How tlion p1 Il they TMieic U due on IliefluU-, Hit SISO; hut I uo not 10 or S7. ol tin h mount the p"d lmien ho nohiv :i!,M--i.' l ,urr,-nt;ffH-Hrdu..l r!" T tlin lievinj; ib'w coiiiin l lev; o (luiii ho ?, J. Vv jTcgiittti. 1 ' j ' i,r will tU iojwn un' tKi? vvspo riibiljty J mid liku to h.tvc isu;- JunelS, I873.J flr' nly to our LandriiUiiO iiiauii wink ulidertJikfi ,.l? fl'en till1 uiei Ji.iitif.ty: ililV if nt or i n: V.'u i ' .1. S. McCUniilN$, Tliki u matter whu-n ai-ixnis vrj tk( i.s to cciniplete; in a ;i i u . -1 praife-wortliy bv them laft vo:r. W e 1 allud. d to mid believe ?! itlo be'iiH irjiri.'iMKl abovi;. Gri-nt credit .nli, Hnirirfou, lJnb'i only for Jisi'iUiiin jbe :iyinr the colif racial b personal attention j:1veu fo the vofk while it wa.- in procf it ruii.-tmciio l. llTliVy really merited a icwiird by lhe :,x u i' nl,1 11 wmUl! Ll' i (Miniate not ijnly o deny iliem pojmc ti.kon of thank-,';mv tol-sne th'ein tobicar i In; money burdin which lUey 'vneroukdy ar-tuajed iii bcb;llf the citizen, i billot was read, and no election having been madf. of eonre. ; the matter stool just as it did 1 - : ' before tbci ballot had been taken. The Town ship theniiw recprwiJer and vote again. This they did, and Couglienour received- 7 and Wal ton 2, twaTownsbiis not voting. Here Cough enour had clear majority, i'tving him the nomuiaiiwn-.: - j ' We re-iTi.rm that the nomination was made fairly, and lhat;'Mr. Valtonwa3 honorably beaten im a Convention by wliose-deciion he had plwigfcd his word and sacred honor to abide. Will he do it? That's the important question lor him to decide now. It would be a gross outrage for him to endjuiger the election of tht entire ticket, in order foment a little spleen on the party who received the jiomination. lie had a goodly ninnber of warm, worthy friend;, in the Oopvcntion, and if they were lens active or lefs Riiccessfui than Coughenouf's, thift U their iiult, and they sltould not complairt, and weWieve, and iu fact, wo know, that the major! tyiof them are men of too good ense than to do o'.lie'rwise titan vote far the nominee on the day of election! They -have'had enough of independent ticketsjju) man who runs as such can be eljected, eVen if he could do ao with hn- JL X A su : A. Carpon Erecntorof 1 T. J. Lqwdermilk ij Deft. 4f 111 Mil 1 i- - Wifliara. Vance' tow;) rttiuon f settlement f.-. dcrtuuk; - HaiTivT -Jane Lowdcrmilk, r Joseph :KelIar and - wife Doyey M.'Kel v lar. I " " . In thi proceeding, it appearing to the wtw faction of the Court that the abo ve named "de fendant are non-reidents of thi State; It is therefor ordered that publication l malt in the "Carolina Watchman" a newp-'ptrpublii-h- ed in Salisbury, N." U., fornix wvcks snoce. irelr, reiuiring aaid defendant to apiearatthe ofBee of the Clerk of the iiupcrior Court for the Gonnty of Alexander fit the Court Hu?e in Tavlorsyille, on the 8th dav of Jttlv next, and answer the complaint of Plainliir, orthe fame will be lieard ezjxirie as to them. j Thw 23rd dav J JIar 1872. i " II M. ; STEVENSON, Clerk Superior Court, Alexander Co. 37-Ct:id.. I 1 WOOL, HIDES AND BONES. I will iy the highest cisli piice for Wo'l, Hides aiid Boiit. Wocl taken in l be diK or washed but clear of bur S, W. TKUUELL. THE; ADVANCE M()wer Reaper Tr-C v . . '.. M 1 . -.1 ,Yk- .." A LOT of fine CROIO TAINT IN(JB; af w HOlJULi; and TRIP- BUTTON-HOLE. 0VEBSEAM1M' t ' X - 1 j A XT) ! I TLK Silver Plated - Onstois Cut Glass Complete Sewing MACHINE, Unities, and 3 Haiidoinv 8 Day Clocks, ?l : I u'.ii'i'-inti.kl .til ii1it i IT u til it tit ViAmrnA ' til I fill 1 1 t (ill ii,ti t i v m v.iwvu TUT . , lUAXnPACTUStKD BY THE Relvider Manufacturing Co.. lUlvider. C. J.; has the gearing (or cog wheel) all in an iron case, o as tq exclude all crit, dirt, &ic Contains many tw aad valuable feature which Uo not exi&t ia othf-rs. Works well on sinotb or atouey laud and is not liable to get but of order. I'ersous iatmdins to bny mowers and Reapers, this sunmier. ruld do well to ex amine the ADVANCE, before purchasiug -1sevhei. An ageut wanted iu every eoutty i;i the State. Send for illustrated eircu'.ars to C. A. IIEGK. Geu'l State Agt. lor X. C. Friedburg. Forthe Co., N. C V. L. KISTLEIi, ."alUbury, N. C. fmar. '2'', 3m At:'!it for Rowau Co. v. n- :t s i . 1XSU . THE TREMAINE " : " " ; r - Piano Fortes IxcxRmK.VTri, I?V J. RUODllS prices to;ciose co:tij;iiuieiit, at 3G:!f 5. W TKRUKIX'S. The first and only liUTTOX-IIOLE AND SEWING MACHINE tombyied that lias ; made its advent in this or any other country. ! KS" The following reasons are given why j this is the best . i ! VamiXy Machine to Purchase. 1. Because it will- uo, 7. cecasiie von Uecause it will do 7. Becasue you can! everytUmg that any nta- quiekly ra;a or iov. ertke t VVTK rp AG FATS for the McM-iamis chine can -do, wwmg 'leed to aJapt itto tltiekor hl , 8rG AJ;'V ' , . . dlCJ';lBn.us ffom"the finest to the tbinclotl;. : UH Improved .rinU Machiiiet. 1 arties toarse.-t material,, l.ein-; 8. Because yoa liave a ; j., tH., f ay woud do well to send to nilnsr, laiiing. cordial, snort deep boL.lt. d by ; , . J . , ,v . , , braiding. Milling, gath- which ti,e iluead is eoa- ' '.' P"CM ami particulars. W .fiTUJited ering and feeding it, at;stantly drawn from the ; to giC satisfaction, the same titue ruiiliug, centre ; the tension is ( Very lteiPPCt fully (luiltii)K, etc.i better than consequently even 1 and rMT.'r nnnu v V pn any other machine. jdeesnot hreak the thread, j JjIiIjM, IJKt.lW iS, ix LI., 2 Because the tensions ! 1. Because the presser- I Importers a;id Dealer in General a e more easily aujusteu 1001 inn s oaeK; mat the Hnrdwaro. lList Tittle 41. . ( 'hlotto. N. C. tlian any oilier machine .cloth can be easily re 3. Because it can work moved after being se -ved. a beautiful button-hole 10- Because the best making as fiae a pearl as mechanics pronounce it j bKtlsc hand.; tie best finished and! 4. Because; it will em- made ori the best prinei- j broidcr ovec. the edge, pie of any machine man- I making aueat and beau-fractured. It has no i tifal border on any srar-Vnrincs to break; noth-1 or to hiniseif and justice to tho party organic- ! ment. In'a to get ut of order, i . im.:0 .,.,,.. ir..d ') vmn audi &. Because it will vfork! 11. iiecaute it is two ! Hon. 1 us game w.v tried 4.e.y aao aijit hfrJe ;inacllines5n ons. a Bit- ! also last year, but the'peojtie put their cotuiein- fj. Because it can do ton hole Wopkino and nation upon it. It caijnoti workanv better now. over.handtsditning.i by Skwig Macuixe com- - :- .1 . .... . ; ivrt'.ich sheets J nillow cas- billed. if it docs it will be oitlv to defeat Walton and i . i ml t lio titffl arc ive(i ( V.n .rb .nnnr both.- and elect aT Radical sheniiT, I cAerand DVtl. de-irublo Iiriek II iue with 7 rooms and all ueeessar- .t;t In ures ; eituatMl in the most desirable iu- t of Town. Persons wiLihg tonurchasf, can apptj t,t tLis elLcc. tf:la Georgia Home Insurance Co. Of COLUMBUS, Ga. PROWS 11 IWA.I, ; ar Ackaovlod bj ail irL LaTt tLtta ta cm,' ? " - - atd bj Xf lr$i Itmncul Tmltt, U bf tqniX - ind n r.iary rfpt, Superior to any LXxttlactred . , Thetf iuThlint Iuutmse Vifff, Equality, t rtttntt cf HnlliatcytJ Jmt, . L'lifticily f Touch, and ' Grtat.Duraltlity. fa r-i I. F. W1LU X, Sccrtiary. 11 Losses E uilaMy Adjusted Vnil Promptly raid in Full! ItoiktIt owner de!rin' to oKtain rt-!iK! Tn- Kurance? will do wtliilo n!ect lhuwlv by eiinr a I oIkt in fticorgia Home lnfumtcef Dealers, Teachers and others dririr.f topnrrhr t ftrt!a icftrtttett ar InritcJ i e xatulne thr-r rno before entire heir electi.n ebevLer. 1'ATMNT ACRAFFE TREULE, Together with all imJrrn IxEpruTemrcta. Tt A . . .... .So'utbcraSurei. lp,,K'nl puiuU ln aH U," , n,' LoranPLlyMr.rd tlntbtrthe rcarlH ; J. .1 J.LEN r!U)WN. Agent, t 0.i"e No. i, (iraniie Row, April 2 '72. lfl Saii 4.1 ry, N. C. 3S:2t CorsTi:itKFiT Yox,tv- The country i fijled wilh tountcrfeil fractional currency. Hitherto . . . ' -. I . it liiw passed tin rt iitly in manyr coinmuiiiqics, L refusing .to takcftor hertna- t to tun's it. J; it Li'iis practice win not stano. It wjll'mirelv cuine loan end-, and the tinie is ImImlh it is fully come sijitne it. A inercbant ol tins place till i.viek, ami retjuestcd u UiiU ts in ' ibis Kjnii ioiis iur- perhapH all tiie tickeU This of the uplit Mr. Walton will be the restilt is getting tip. if it is imtfaroll'. And hoilXV-ill loye by vi-ite hs one day lo am J.i'iiice, that rw.icy Avould be r th i'4t Com t. the syi;t ho luvfiiil iWTVerf-' trade, lioiihe whtcji tak J irv li'imshtr, and li in.atMl passes out lids lind jf ciifreUejI. ; If hit were t go before the Cr snd it h gfKnli many io the trouble and exjene of appeal lug jin Cuure. 1 tell I lie kinows, it wfmid persisted in. Will yqtt allow" it, gool men :of Rowan county? Mr.; Walton was taken from the roekaby the Deniocrjitic party and given a chance to make what! he) is vforth, and this is the reward he oflerstheiu for Uieir kindness and their sufirages. Sliaife on such conduct. We say that he owes to the party and to himself to withdraw from the ciinvass- -to refuse the use of liis name, and to support the regular nomi nee. IIU friends should i demand this.much of him instead of encourgint him to run. To in sist onlus running Is 1o ifndanger the success of ! tile entire ticket. Will our friends and the op- ppeal to them in earnest and fron) the purest Inotives.to ef.us'ult r this matter well and act as good and ;i udenti men should dct Ivrho arej deeply inter ested in defeating thieying and despotic Radical ism. It willii'ver- do tjo endanler the whole ticket, SAate and county, by ttdllcring to such trifles merelyJo. gratify the private pique of one J. F. RUBCK3RT, MASONIC HALL, o. ,17 and 59 Market St., WILMINGTON, N. 0. PIASMOS nnrl r?Sr No other Machine can accomplish the 'gl "V 4 f O T A Ell kind of Biwlhfl- stated in Nos. Z: 4. f. nnd (5. i yf W ilkSiEUW Parties jising a family sewing machine want a Whole Machine, one with all the improve ments, i !i It is to last a LIFETIME, and therefore one ; is wanted that will do the most work and do it the best -ti and this machine can do several ! , , , , kinds of sewing not lone on ,, other machine, wut & constantly on hand and for sale. besides doing every kind that all others can do. j f.--Y" All inducements tHuallv held out bv The Jmcriean or Plain &vUq Machine. '"iberii Man.Kaet.irers can only be had in tl . Mate at (Ik aUive j-Iace. 1 ItlllMll lllv UUlU'H-IMMV rttir.Ij i vv i I 4 S. W. TERRELL, Auction an 1 Commission ; AND 1 HALE II IX GENERAL FiEHCHAtiDlSE, Staple, Dry Goods, fcti,n( ric 9, C rcr lr 'are, a tut Produce GBX H 11 A I, L. Y . SHALL keep a - j;-ly t.f t .vi-;.i a cord athe taarkttcau 1 l"-..rd . ad at nriie tu ru.: Short, lints, Cm and Glass the timrs OF THE BEST Leading Factories in the Cuited States. PIANOS of ALL STYLES and PRICKS to R. R. R. Radway's Ready Relict Cures the y--rs' pa'.; s in from ON K TO T- I :.TY HIVfTtS. Not ue hour after v adiug l.t advertisement need an v olio si.!I'. r witli PAIN. r.uv.yaY'S i:i:aiv ri:lil'F . . 1" . 1 . . T . ll .. i! .4 .. .1 onlv Pain lu uieuy that !ii.-t.;r.tl st is ir.einost 1 ' excruciating pains, a lays It !ltn.atious. audi l'!cl.cr.t ("a.-bag, p.jcon cures Conge.-tior..--, avIu ther ol ll:e li:i:gs, ston:- i iour ar.d Mcull nch. Rowels or other glands or m gnus by me Svri tt ai.d a aoiiheation, id in ij oi.e to twei.i v mii'.tt -.no or cm ruejut : n the air Rlieumatic, Red.ndden, li :'u tn, ( 'rinpli d. Ner vous, Neuralgic -r pruM rated with c.isea e may 1 suffer. RAlVAs RLAUV LI. LI Li' wiil utlord i;itant a-e. iijhun matt" ii of liir- lii'h.f i'.t Iii jUiinhhtthm or thr .7rrcr, hi Hunt in tltion of the- L'oirtls, ( ou'tc.itioti of the Avii'.f. Sure Throat, lHJJ'ct'Jt brcathtmj. J'lilj'itttttnn of the ll'ill t, Utjsterivx, croup, Diptlunc , Cot-mi, Iiijtui.nz"l Headache, Toothache, At urahjio, RhctimaL'u'm, Cold ChiU, Aj.te ,,.'.'. The npplicai i'-n t! the ,'"'' l.'etitf o the part or parts v. here tl." ;;',!) or oitliculty txits matter how violent or cxenn-iutiiig the pain ! 'ncnuy kepi u lr aU.iiy tii t ;y. conv.at.t i.x;t ruije lntmu.ctiL Xhil ly 'ii l.a;.d Will buy all kh.d ket prievs. i Cali paid for Iw. any kind bought r will afford e:.se am! ei-n.iort. Tw. 'ii!y drop in a ball a ton.bVr .f waterwill rh, T".t.tter. T.e; ;ugar, i't rfve, iluI.'.-.-ei-. iiietv of nuh f"ot3t frds it selected. rrgardlcM of cott. mM yrm- irtl auxedit will f tLe cb-apt in tfce end. Tbe reat lucrrae ia the lale.of vnr Iflftni uicnt. La enabU-d tm to reduce our price for Hrt CU Piano. Trom ten to twrntr-Cre per cent, l than any other ttTC (fffcritu iamccla of ictrumecta) intbe Utlte Sutrf. Wbile we act upin the tnaiitn of "qultk lca and iiiall pjofit, we xr.aYe it, at tie M.ffl time, a etial td ject to fnrxih rcr cOkl ttx-ra ilb is?trutucEt in to waj itfrrior to lie Ut in the iiiark.Lt. Many faaiilie Lire Lad a drirc to cbtaia A Piano, but could not aJTurd lo pay the dealer a prof.i ofiY tu. j lui to J3i0, tuilbtrdotbej -wuk f l rv ;)rc'i and P.r.e. (.Ion I, f old Lt AlU tu !l IT li i'UI- missiou antl nrotiqi itti.u:s n, ;(!". t,:e ,ne a trial : iu-diiir all ve p. A. ''.!-. - Law oiLce oq InuissM.relt. S. Y. TLKLKI.L. "Y1 SEWING IH AVi: takcu tli the of ti.i si wai.l of a tir. t t.t ........ 1 ... ,1 wl Iiiio'hI , s . r I mmv.itj ,f ic.'i iib iKit see? t e IP. is in Varnest. niul one ol . . . . J i . s what he says. lie is a cilosc and know-s ev rv buiiiu-s W.li 1 1 from Salisb iry was in Niv Yolk bityii g f-KI;; lie met there a North Carolinian, of iVMH'otalle conneuthms ijt the old Slate, iwho tr residing in the cityj A (teV tbe usual j-nni- plitueiild, he said 'to tbe nnjfchant Well 1 yni love to make liiuniey every body lovts to doit; but you rtlii't do it by merchandise as f.i-t vitm would like." i i s i , Suspecting, that nome rascality was lying back, the uiciefuut nnsucred ( . "Ni that is true :j there is a deal of hard w ork ami risk in country mcrcl andise, and the clear I If tin ii-!!! iMirI'.'f'-i inVifJirrfii'ilutrr lilt tifrn! J. . ( 1 J,. ;lIlitliV M I'irili Jll Ml. IViiUI Villi-, ouv.vv. tv-tue-itiv.wv have heard of tins case: ainer-1 , 1 i ,, . , . I v .. . I . J t . ;ii iil'(i.i ilium'. We should all unite cn the regular nominee,' or c(jae to hojsd for victory over our intole rant atid'ccirrtjipt' political foes. It will be co d cotnTort to find, after the elec tion, that we liave ioetj thei 'Senator, lost our, commoners, lost all our counjty officers and have nothing for them jail except Wr i. A. Walton. That gentleman l.im.eU, uniess"dead tothePen sililitis which have hitherto characterised him, will then feci most keenly tlie error productive of such'restilts. and wish hirrjsfdf con cealedj, from the eye', and shieldeit"from !the silent scm, of those whose displeasure he has justly catjsed. Is it more to the interest of Rowan tS elect Win. A, - Walton,, ' Sheriff, -than to defeat the enemies who are robbing ind oppressing u? We hope every eon.4crvati1e voter will look at done -on'.; tlie Combination except bulteu-hole . and overseahiing. N j MEROXEY & BUO., Agts. ! yalishm v. X. C. Examine them before purchasing any other 1 Sewing Machine. j I do not hetatc to say the American Co .r. bin a- I t-on, suruasse all other iiiacli!i:es. B. side.-, do'. ng , all the worfe that other machines can. it ov.?rsf ains, and works button-holes in any fabric, from Swiss , niuslhi. to lieaver rbftli 1 liaVe used Sin.eer's, ! Sloat", Howe's and the Weed niachines, and litid : the Aineiicanlar superior to tfierti all. j ' Mi&i M. nvn-EroE. I hfive Used six different Sewing' Machines. The American surpasses them all.' Mas. A j L. Paivky. T h.ive usb'I The Tingsr and other ni.tehines and would not eXclianjje tile Aiiuriciin fV)l'ary. MUS. II . liKlNUI.K. GEO. WOOD'S i CO S. PA2L and VESTH"5r CEQASs ! TJtt'jf 'ire i-rc rnu'notf for flit ir Chnriti n(j Sdu Slops, Ucatth and Parity of Tone, l'Ae-jant Dcsiyn uul Fin ish. In fact llu'if stir puss ANY OJi'd AX Heretofore known or introduced in this city. Call, Hoar and See Them! All Instruments Warranted for l ive Years. S JM'.'AXOS TPXK-1) ANM BKl' AlKiiit.rTj A choice selection of Sheet M i-u'e on hand and lor sale. J. F. RFKt 'KI-.PT. may :R-:j7-tf Wilmirton, N. C. x!nit,t Ii l.t netbl.l n . mV'.' h (luitrhc, itt-ll'ih'ti . i lit' i'!,', t"hc, .".(: ill l f b'li'iit, Ol d ' i it tt run! pmti.s. Travelers !:o'i: 1 Mv.L.y- carry a hottle f 'Kadway Ueailv i.i ; ir. v. ill. tLi'.r. A ! w drojis in water villpiev :t siel.:es or pains from el.ai.g" ! w a: r. It . .In :ii ttiian l'a lab I'.ii.ndy or bh ! r. . a -.in.r.ia::'. Pevcr and iLnc. . Fever nn; ; . tm- i r.y t W. Tlicr not a remedial i.L'ei.t i;: l!ii-i woild that will euro Pevr ami a ;.! d all ntiu-r Malurioi.-. Pfiliotis, Sfarl-l.T plio.d. Yellow a:.i o;!i r l'e- MACHINE. ag.-ney in Sali.l.i.ry .for jMji:il.'.r Maehii.e. A Lin .N-uii.g Uti.':!,e are i:.- :n . ': k It i unj tjti.Mi .1 ;:i -::np.a'-.t . 1 !pi u. ! ; i :j - i:r r. t lua.- would c-t more to k-cp in rr j air tlaa it U" worth, hi are a large i ol tur tnukic lotir pep!c Lave Ihtu obliged lo do witLout. We can L.n.:h New Scrcu-OtUte Pile Porte from 2.75 to 930 dollar. ScooU vile,) 1. 1 call ui lav Jtureai.i! et.uiiit.e tl if lle-l:ed, W ill be -Iit lo their Te-u'.i tlial. Tho Wte.i't ti ii rn i: i it y . Leau'y and ea:i d all a.iy v. r ... ... oincr .'lac::'.: ;e cie itci ii t: r , kI m a"-. w. i . and I .tin re.nly t.; -! it- m-Tr.. ,:!. other Tjuhine a? : j time, l! a -! Mael.i-.e a:td tuini the L -k St'i h: nr! both ;b;i ;.iU t !. -:.4 ai d -t ). a..', ;'.!. er side. Lead tl.c f l!"V i' 1 "i-e v i muiA.i.. Lr.d p.toSom irom 40 to 250 d.!!r. I f Par: ':!cri:.g by mail lr.T rely Bia the iK'ft M-k ili. L. Our Pin are fLlh arrartcd f.r t-ii year p. - riplive Cireu'jr nt to pt1a tf tL eou:ity ujk;. .-.pp'n !ii.n. " Mu S. W. DO Y3U LOVH ME. I V ;h ami l isting perfume, with a great i variety of (,t!ier extraets fur the baruiker chief, including all kind of toihe! artic!t, at C. R. PARKER iV(.()'S Ihwj; Store. gains 4oinc h li 4'Lcf walk up pal you m a! way I'hfy wenjt up, it; but how can it be helped?" Tout long, tlie njierchaiit's lbow, be said rnto,your room : I think If can Jto improve matters. Hid there in the privacy of the t iiet) I ( you wish to ot'joy a good i y ivy S'uue ot tlie g'niiine iLiMina Cigar ia;-t received at C. R. PAillvKi: 1- CO'S Pr g Store. p'acr, witliilulia wird, lie drew fern his pick-1 ll,is ,,,e of- fwon "d; common t a package, i ml displayed Irom it a fjuantiiy of luoxt beatktiful frarlional clirrinev j cxictittd coitiitiihit imlncv , "it is the easi.M thing iii the across the counter to your cus- nl a hundred of whom knows iveeil the good the and bad; nnd thoj-e even who do know jbe ichitjate to pass it and receive scnsCj wnd decide for himself on the line of duty. It is an important matter, avid having now done i- SAt isjiUKT. N. C, May 221. 18T-2. Mesoxey.? A Bko., jugts. a merle m Com . S. M; Sir: I li-ivfe used the. Howe. Singer, Wi eeler At 'Vilson, VVjipox iV (iihls Sewirg machines, ami would hot qive tap AniTiean Combination for a!! of thrm, it will do ali:U:atis ciain:ed for it in the circular. I on:-idcr it superior' to all otlurs I have ever seju. Very Bespecit fully, ;,j ' Mll-J.tlKO. Y . U ARBINSON. We the utier!5gied ake great plea-uve in ariving Our tstinioijy in favor ol the ; American ,-e vii:K M-u hine in pielerei.ec;to a uy other, beliexin tl ; t is it truthtuUy rccomiiioiided as the l est maciiii I made. ,lt is siniple, dinabie. runs very light and does not get out of orler or drop stitches. f Mss. Laura M. Iivkuman, ;r i i' A . L . i oust, ' f . Ai.Li:n Brown, I ' A . W. N'OK'l UKHN. I: ; A. E. Josrs, ; M. E. Tuomason", ' I i .- ! ii of l n " i . . i V h-ave seen flaming advertisemints and heard in ".7. Wtcnuiaid, l amis, ij.l, Varnishes, Hruslics, Jh;c Slufo, Ve's (aided by Hiniiifs Jii'.i) so li'.'.eh. Kadwa's Rcaclc Kchei. tie. l'l.'.y cetls pi r b-it HEALTH! BEAUTY!! ' ! Slt'ontf and pare rii h Pd'-od Iiriric of Jirslt 'i mi iii, it '.oar tsi.tt' d In'au fijal C"i,iJ it .-a -a id to ltd. 3. r.ADV7AY'3' Sarsaparilaii Ik-solvent lias made tl"' mo-' at,,). idling Cans: so Sa Vo'tC M.iehiUP b. i kr ..wn in this jm r t ; pi a-ii;i' to rii'i imv had in toy n.:.i : I iean Coi!ibii.a:i.- :i ! then: .dl ii l.iir i ' !:!.. -.la i: -iy, I : o l:i i . i. i l.i- e , ism. S-i'-,.,;!.,y I machitl" eat! h . I 1 thii.k it -I.;:;-' ui" ;i.i'.l--'e!i!i li . e' : ly sew Ji.g c I ehiiie, Le-p N Mr. S.;W. Ti 'ii.i.i.1 Mi -. N. I 1! b'KIS. i ioNAi. iitel. i t-u'Ki , Ajir.l io, ). 1 low TANNKKS Oil, Magio-and Transparent Machino Oil at prices at C. R. RARK.LK&CO S Drn; quid: SO I I . Hi t- llf I i.ili i;cs thr bll tore. YE R'I,i:CTF '."ELY call the attention of .Physicians, Mcicli.iiits and the public generally to our wdll selected stfk of Nowwibjl I rld to ias thij turner-, not otic the dllk-rtnce bet b -sides, in any .of dill'crencc, don't ""i ' Cetting no inirbednkte answer from the nler- -i .L- "I call sit pud v this in anv divirp.l nvonitA ta low rate (jif $0 to the hundred." Tl merchant kjnietly infurmitl hini that 'l'e "had struck ilhe wrong man, for that kindof lius iiicKis'J and by a well di rectal (ire of the ri c, broiigjit tlie busiiuss to a clo.-cj The peraiir iinpiirious clirtt bey shortly after fell into e liandsluf the it tits of the law, :nd may lie, mwt cribb ing en 'Mn-ile prison walk ! We have Related tbi.s circunistancc. to sbrw Wit may happen that o much spurious frac tional curreney i in nrcujation. It may be, and datibttew is, l.roulvt in in other wavs." Rut jit uiUerinot som-li how it catmf intocirculatioK " it aoes now it Mia be nut not ,...i ... . Tie only way uec:;n suggest is, for every otle to refuse it. j Those who can't distinguish bU teu-n the gisiKl bad,' should bo careful fo deal with those wlo can; and should makela point of returning every such bill to ahe n U paid it lo them. Many of our n.crcbanjs, Wl of lheui4 we believe,) are everts, or r.carjy , In the detection of counterit money, pjr. -am. Reevks, ojr this ph-ice, Uaches the art ( Wl'ion, and but few if any of our business Minnayeotiuticu tp take Icwoii from hini. Tlie 'ulcs ai fejv and simple tut once explained jwl fnly nnderMtoiHl, any' on? is able- readily o detect spurious turrcncy!. ' j We dismiss th a subject with the warning tliajt, ,'ress mclii ccaie to deal in spuri.Mis eurrenc. -v wm ere icusmmcr iwiui .1 t.. v . I . . i i ...... . u toicrale it: all we can to bring it before the minds of the much said .by Agents o I other machines. people, we dismiss it to them, to be ileal t with ten.1iuvr,party; if itfrefa fait truil before eorepetert according to their cool and (deliberate judgment, ju lges the American !vJac!iine will rot do us well. '., -i,, fn .;J.: ... ... :h ' if not HitU r, 'the -srork done on any other nnx-l. inc. Read the follow ing certi u ate. a);d Jo vu fuabllj W( - thut uo otflur pia4.iiillC t.au fetatc oi-vQrui i arohna, llowai) tj'tju'nly, : Salishiiiy, dune 13U, 1872. We, ;T. A. Davis, Chairman, and T. G. IlaughKiii and-Jos. A. I Ljwkins, secretaries, of the democratic conservative' convention of Ro wan County, hehl in the Coin! House, in Salisbury the 1st dfy of Jtjrie, 1S7J, do hereby? certify tleat the following is a true statement of the ballots of thcdl, Towi3hijs ofsaid (.ounty, as given in to, ami f roelnigned by the Chairman, frofii the rcsjuctiye delegations then and there L-assnublcd, viz : i; I - Onthei lst ballot, W. A. IValton, ree'd. 5 votes h votes' 1 vote Lamps, Lamp Fij tares, dr., dr. LL flOODS wnrranted, pure, frcsli and genuine, and prices to suit the time. AH -'orders promptly nttendtd t'. !peeial t-are and attention given to our prescription de- Ht'rf'i'i -i a , itii' r iliC ito at i co ij tra!if M 'oi-d ijid Mi d t ine, that i;yj;iVy an increase FLF.SH AND WKKidT IS M-.F.N AN h I L 1P. Tin: ij:.: at bi.cuu i-i i'..i ii:i. I It in. IN .t I h (fe U-e'l ;.'. f ti ne t.' lest it . rn!lll!l'!!.'i !l a I h i .l.y f ; a.i o f, i .ir r... .x!li I, j.e J :- H r. i do. -. ; i Vehaveleen Agcritsf r .evvirez Taobines s'.nre taR iiw. iiini siii-r.t 1 ... i :v !... .-v itn-ii.,. i and Florence's, and ! I ave abaLdotcd all lor the Ca,llIK'1; .,1.,,,, . Amerienn. i C . L. LALf.LL A ( o., Dru i-tr Send and get anipW of work. uSaeciis.-or lo Jno. II. hNM--,) 2T:ly H MKijONEY &'Bib')'., Ag'ts. 2C:tf Sails! a ry. N. C C Cngh jH.V C. i'. Wtijgoncr, i Neitl.cr candi l ile, hatintr s majority, of the votes of the townships, - wj INS a 9 n ir mi RICA 11 Ijieh was ti,) by order of theChairman,;;lll the tjojivnsbips retired" and balloted a second time. On theind ballot, AV. A. -Walton, rcc'd. 2 votes " i; " " I W. C. Coughenonr, " ! 7 vote, Mofraran'a refusing to vte, and Litakcr's, the same,? WlCoiigheiKHlrj, having received a Mnjodfy otthe ves of all the townships, Was decltfiid the nominee of the convention, for the office k)f lu:riir of Rowan1 County. IK A. DAY IS, Chairman, IT. (K HAUGIITON 1 -huuh JOS. ed to the Stli4nrv A. ii AW KIN 3 j Scc'-TB- mni now 1k dicontin- l-ruMiiisi'," an.ptjie tlfc " WofchhtdiJ YOUR H LIFE INSURANCE CO . OF PHIL.I ii . ' , S. E; Corner Fourth and Walnut Streets. ORGANIZED 1850. CHARTER Perpetual iliAssetis, $3,638,884.88, EuRGE W. HILL l'resideut. a.-i.::..:; KeM.Iv.M i,.( d. sv. eat , uritu of t he -v t e;u t !; :!.- ti e .a-t- ti.e l.ody .ui'ei :al. sen. I' la. .-y p... ; ; . :. . .i i :.-ea-1 s, u !( 1 1 s in u i-.-.-. !.. i - in the g!t:d : e e; c. st r i nd t. e wor-t Every drop :' t he co.iiiu iit.ii a'.i s ii-o;, and ot I i r li -i - :. :. ViliiT ol Im' w i.'Ll lieu a 1 li-s eo.isui..; i i t tie tin i.i , n. and o'l.'e." p i lllo.'oas ui - b forms of kiii ' i e.t-es, fit.; scaiu i.e'd, ring v. ; u . Le. ulac-ii ! ;'.s. W .Tl.. ill ll-il lie-ti. .ihfev; in tin; wouinl'. ai.'i .dl W'. ahi !::. ai.d jiiiii.Tni dlfh urges. I.i,h: -w ' -. lo.-- o -j cin: at.U ad v.-at s o! the i.,e i'. .:. iiiif, are Within the cur ;;tie r.iiige of lb:.-- u FOR ( :ic ( lit 1; e i v Coal I! . I i - 1 1 1 .-.II' ri:CL'!!l vi-; -. sore i, ery-ii a l .s. CM: ;. b r of ilederu ( hen i -t r Vi: to .i .yp.;.' ol di rv.and a ;--w u.e.' n-e u.t i -.tci wisi.ti.-' or c;.'-! : i:. ion. i'.i-o its potent pow.-r to cure tla ni. ll the patb'i:' . daily lec.ni;;g reij.. ei !y the wa-tes ami b-fomp..sitio:i thtt i- ..: n.-.a' . y ! pri.givj8irg..-t.e:-eulii. it.Tcstii gib. w.ite-, and repairs tbe s.-iiiie with Lew i.:..le;t..l Male :i,-.ii heal:h lil.M.d i!:d thi-1 1 S.; r- : i 1 1 i i . :i e ; '.i ! ; It J (!. i: - w i i. ( C. M Tremaine & Brother, MANUFACTURF.US, -135 Srcomc Street, Z7ew ITork. IStfllV. Jl.tnh '.'.'. 1-T. TLIE BURDETT ot the Stale. i: .:,!....'.-t .e 1 . ,j,,.v (combination " li t f t il m O Mtirhinr . a? e'lti.iv M w ai.d i ti ll li -V. ,'." a. ..rt .-l ti...! I n '.er t he " V . t ,." i.t.re -i. ,!c d l:i e I i W" si. V i ha..- , io i i , 1. 1 ty co'i-T.-'n-t " ; : i ' ,t t t r i : ion . ....: en - : r ii i "a-s to .- I c hit-' 1 rit. I v. attt ol .. a:id iinr.. V ti. o! ... t : r ' ' Si i'l. .V-i. r I 1 i' . I. ei li V !- i i.- it'a - e i- i r : , it ... i an E;;;.U.. SALE. liuggy, lc. vi Jern y Wag :i. t.e.ult W lif'L'V. 1 l'f M i l.ox l.n'iy: hie double se new. . , I it t r ( lur. sett ia.MV llari.' fs. !. i n w. ti;k1'i;i.i. Aplil in. IS' 2 FOR SALE. 0HGAH. (With Carj-ctdcr and PurdctCs AVap ! I inprovcuicnttj i ' The djign ia'. lc revdr to.e ei-lirelj uTrr I cen.c in I Li s inrtn;n: i.t. i Tiir icrdirl i I caBlmtci: Thr Irrjtul Scrrmcflfcr Im I ! ! Wr 1 halltt-f llit World U l'ccil ;.( ojidmVy mute the jmftM, deoleTM I ' rtn-l the M'r't trvlld QfliCTaVif Ut tjmVtinC ' ,'Ai .'; ).' toi dtrfml inti wet,!. I The Dr.rdctt Ccmljinaticn Organ .". , ;. . r. t ii. i Ml : tt i -.. 1 1 i it .f all r ! ..a; U i : W'U'iKnl -i d dti fe ,J w . r l ...- Hitf 'tuf tl t itliitrd tat It. .-I " . t'. ;.;..! l:.tlr 1Li I t f Xht U ill.:- liin.-l .i.rt.i.i. f i.i. .i 4 tit ij l 1 ta a l--, ill 4 a irio'ut i.ii :n 1 1 f Itll'r B.!4 ife TWO SMALL f.Jlir t'l 11 l'e 1.1! it s ol and ureh.i next tt MavlT. H72 -s RAITS t" LNIfrr.m T..WH, fii,j;i .i-.i ; i !. k.. . I t 1 ! tic ;o on iitt of aW it. I .t' 'i " 'tir ted rr u cc, w Iri -vi iu at ,'. d thi Ut tt'cDjaty U. - it: t . ,1'mi.u cTcl. : 1 t Ce t. V.sh !. rittlt .tndiriftit it. oir wif rr&lita il.AlKA, 1 . X ti. rs,l..t ,e..t.la odl.ll,.,;..'.aLlUaMl ml. If not l.ef.o.- the i, U.f Jut n f , a; ..fTt.,, ,.Ur.- u t it will then !. hn'fl it p. h if if. Appiy (T, .J u a st 1 orj.n . f t.- t .,pi ta I J . K . I t bkl., Aj; I. l riM-.ovirn cil 1 i u-r li a ki.4. MA H i will and doe sec.."- a ciii' pen UK'! tin n i. ,lc ..!!;;:. Wllilo Vhc ji'.tr;tiea".i.'... .. loss ol w:;tr-s. :t - rV hty tic pa'i. i.fMter at 'pjiet ite re: r. ire ot i i e colored peopU cf the S. C. Lave o Igmated a njoteiuent looking to lheforl mation 0f n )lirty t u knou. M fbe "Iloacat Ucptiblican Parly' " i;a, jortit-suTr as tire " Vo!chhu:w new represents lmtHf of thcijv We; arc petting tyv r three ccjiles of prjne papery vlieh UlinOeosary. --j J . f - . , " , ir. .:.ii.::. t..-' , .-- - . 1 i rap'.... a:-.d v- w l . i !i:',i-i it .:ov1'.' . , , .:. . . .. T I ,i! - . i .- . l e 1 o u . : : i ; i r. ' I ,,. ' i o I e if Mil iie-i...iii '.Vi";:..t it'.- 1 i . ,. - . ..:'. I'.. creasing. :. . ....... e....- , i... i..c-, vfi t c-cel at n!;own ivi.tei.iai r.'fe.i - ,:i u.e i d' Chronic. SiT'dV.ons.i oti :.;;.!.- i.al n-.id rt,.rfr 1,,-irl c SUN I Will' EH 1 f..rm-! tb BU0 rest,, a ut I tfi; il;. li A ee ianT nrrr n (- . a JUlliN iV iu.MiA. Ml rcliU Y. i Urinary a i -oI.se. t ,'n di"ea.-es ; it is ti e on.y : :tiv.- i ;.:e i -KIDNEY it I.EAl-l'i:!: CuM PLAINT.-.-J T 11 li id wo.;., , s. ..tvel, i:. . .e Mafi.ifii.-n:re.l bv ' i ce e.r. trThe :firsNv of fMr. .Helper's parr, the 'yfritmife, ia-Out. and . meets public fafor. It is well got np, nnd exhibit decided a- ii!itj. ic wish the .editor abundant CCSs. sue- BOABD OF TRUSTEES. li ! 1 A LEX AN 1 Hill WIIILDEN. ITok. JA. POLLOCIC. i. kimjAh Timupsnv tiv.n kv.c.vxt jf.nKliTq .'uouKinv. FiiiLiF h. minole, ' hox.a. cattell, IIS AACJ UALi; HURST. L M. WIIILLDKX. HK.NRV K. HR ' K'f P. (JEO. AV. IHLL, JAS. L. CLAiJlIOllN, JNU. WAUXAMAKKU. 3 - I Issues all farms of Life and Endowment Policies, ;- 'i ' t ' : LOWEST RATES POSSIBLE. ALL POLICIES XON-FOItFElTABLlh I "HE ; AMEIf ICAN has been ta active operation for nearly a qarU-r of a try, has 1hci '"t'um-' goyorr.rnl fend contrul led br' gentlemen di.itini?nished 'f.tr tliieir k;;,-, m.l! "? 'lTi ' 1 L ' ,.Um,.w W4..K. l ... i. " . ; i.ie .meriiai .- ifjjiti.iLf.ini ji.jiuiu , ,tiMi u.is -ii riniuciiUT sut'cesslui. i It baa tuet obligations with vgnal romptness, and in a most UlM-r.il ,-pirit. AnvrtigitaajB.iniiug meiub rs, the (-pmnanr has the honor .f iiuiulu iii..- mai v of tb most ehnineat iud liadinr men. in all ultferi-iofiri r.d r.i k..-. t. ,.-..i-;i A.eu.aoie & gynts waited, who sboald appl l,y let! tr oi in person to . I ; -J' ; .-.' 1 REV. L.F. AYAY, Oen'l Asreut. U, e.' ' StntenvillcN. C OrtoC4L St. Clair Dearixo, Sapt. Agent. Wilmington, X. C. Lmav:?::Ukly A i! r;iT:i::tirii-. r.v.i'. if nil c ;-i - llfi-'ht s !i e. where there ure lirieh-ou-t teris thick, i-ioudy, ..i:. i witu si.i 'or t! it.-, or ' hi- v a -tai.i . s .,ne i.k- wli.te silk hiiious appearfir.ee . and v i.i ti llsere ..' ii when .i-.-i r p .iii f the : -a k anil li.io, niiii 1 r ol a:;y.re e.-ji-i Lend the white i 1 an i u? there i n nu r. id. dark and w:i'e '". r d -jm-is a prUkit.g. hui:.ii v s..i wuier. iii.il iii t,.c ; aim g the b .. - - DR. RADWAY'rf IerJect Biir?::Uvc Fiilx, jtetf- t'.v ta-ie'es-" e- -t;'i t y f : tt i! v it! jnt-t.m, i.ar.e. reaiatf pt,i:y. i ie. i.-i- ai.c st i '.u.t ,i n. i:adw;yV li'U. -r t: uie . i ! -k'-i f 4 lie stomaeb. Iirir. left's ki-'.i . . K'ad.Vr. i.-i-om .lisf.isei, I e i.lifhr. J-'. a'- S' - il "- t I.i- lis I c "... " : .- .i m i .i.i.-iii- ... ( Is I . l an. I n.l . runjer. i.:- 01 cm. Vi nr?6lel ti ti'i-rt a ,-'- live mn rcre-y eif.-i-eo;i.i:.i g toir. Miuerala or d.-.itf : ifis tin 'A is dure.-of li Ai-w at's lilt will 're tu . a .. . ,- ....... f n,R ...! 1 1 -- r i'. . . "Vic.?. T.-i m ir-M.i n.i u..-.., ----- , iJ(-MlllFri."J. r-'L. i.i Peaf! Kai.-'K ist'Tn e." Sor ior.e lcur-tamp to RADWAV & tl).,' 3J Warren Street. Cor. of Chnrth Stre-t. N Yoik. Ibforuiatiun wrth thoa-aadx will be sect you. June 30 26 -It and pr; e. Tl m arcitr . I of H..y, . m i", pi tit'g or ' :t:t I I Ali t'i T-ir j ir. jroi m 1 1. r t h I.i rdrtt (r i i-r.r'.!' J l-T f.t. Ir.t-t g ariuly tm .1 , HINES! 1 1 KE YB ati J j' i Ti t..w ! V I '.' '. 1 f f-- J tW rH u.i'l.ii ul i it !.-; -.:.. ;'tp fi i ti i kt-kikf .r...'r.)i t'.-i U:ni uf tuL ir I k : iti.C flUtU. Tir .VfK I'l.l' Irt'l' j1r I f T f iht r i'l tt th : : It i Ir . I .1 p rJrct m-J i t. n.i i.t is e Lt e tt r m u." i ; s li K i:. A ul i ii. :.n A ... C lily u' -e . .if t H i i e-. ". k e t.ngi.i;. .a '.i. ;i: : t a !- o it. ti.'j ;.i.n.i-ijl (tii.fi l UroCfLt toatefc b..-t r a; !te M i y .I.1. l. .. a '. y Tit y. ..- p o'-'TitT -it rcrr-j ..f -.t i' r . ' 1 n ! i aid I'Ttdrfi.J of- ii n-:.t .rhtrf.i:. "g th-r ttb a eucWr .f r-e- m d or-,g im n itri h ta istm u.c: t ! - -.i h pt -ift-ct.' l a-to h b i.t.d c-rci ;.. Ma n " K 1!" li. ! I i v j1. but - 1 : il'.-.- 1 a IT .1. ryrere ho baT tup ! hi acti.'r' - . It "!..U :(,! IfB oloiir it It alalia. CAliAWDA EfiGLISH and CLASSICAL i'i 1 I;'!r,!p;t,,r?iB rw ii h- frc HIGHS SCHOOL, ."Vculloii, . C ' KEY. J. C. CI. A S. M. I IN1 I j..im: I 'I'llL ll:bir :.. j A tb l.'.tl. iln; i Tuition, liiM.t K5 P..i.ird in faiuiiii Fjr CircoUr artl X:r.t " 1 i ) . v. . ' v.;. i: I i . .. - u . i '.'r:ii o i .' . I ... i 51- ; r ti.. .;. n. frota t l" r nio-.:U iarti'-aiar , .'vi-Ir--- Lapp A kin;ki:. Xrt;. x r. S135 lo SiOOO. Wt- litvr n!"-. N w CuU:.tt iJiaci at I ., 7i, 100. &c C. .11. Trrmaiiir A: II ro., i WIIOI.TSALK AorST, 43B Zrcczzic Et.,rTf w TCHU Ju!y . It'. tl t 'l )l-2 r ; - ' ' :i - '