Aff ACT TO ESTAHUSlI A WETEHN J L'lXlCAL DlSTRrtT.QFiNOKTJIiC AROHxIirtriei in any part of the North Carolina! "Be it enacted hy thk yndte ami Uohsc of. likpretentatiresqt the InUJ-tate of Amer ica in Congre afimbhd " Tbt fliat portion of the State or North Ciinilina comprising! counties of Mecklenbtirci Cabarrus, Stanly, !Mbiififfinery. Richmond li)jivie, Davidson, Randolph, Guilford, Kikir;griaiui, Stoks Forsyth, Union, Asnon!, t'asvvelL Person Alamance. 0aDg, ciiathtiin, .Iore. vlayJ Cherokee, S win. Macon,! JicUsrra, Graham IlkyWood. Transylvania Henderson, Dun- wrnb; MadisonvYaney. (Mitchell. Watauga Aifhe. Alleghany Caldwell, 15 jrk, McDowejl,; IItltheford, Polk, Cleveland. Gaston, Liii-I dn, Catawba? Alexander, lYVilkes, Surry, Ireddl, Yadkin and l'owhnifand all territory em braced therein Which piayhereji ecied Into new comities. fhall limr, estuer ue er- !i rafter con- tSnte a new judicial clistHctj, to be called the western district of Xurthj Carolina; anJ tlvt circuit and district courts bf the United States foj-taid western district iof INorthi -'CalrolitiH; shall be held in th tonai of Xtatesvilltv Ahevill, aid Greensboro' within said dis- See. 2. That two tennis of the circuit and! dshrut eonrts of the United States for said western district of North (Jr.rolink hall be held at the fol'owing times and places in each year to w it : At Greensboro, begin-; nitig on the first Monday in April aniio October at Statesville, beginning on the third Monday in April findjin October; at; A&heville, beginning on the first Monday in May ana in Ivtnler. ( j ! &ee. 3. That the district iof Nirth Caro lina shall hereafter consist of jtlie counties not! named in this act, and j-hall be called tin east district of Nrirth I CiroIi(rak and the- tetms of the circuit and district ciirts there-; In ehall be held at tildes and: places heareto-j for appointed and enacted.! j SeC. i, That the aid ! eirent and district j. coiorts foritber of said districts may, in their : discretion, order special teribs thereof the ' trial of criminal and civil isstierj at ueh tim s". and places as the court may designate in said: diltrict. and order a grand ind a petit jury,; or both, to atteud the paniel by an order ti l.U . J -1 . ..j .1 .. b i r . .1 ue tuierru oi record uurry pays pciore wie; da at which said special term sljiall be or-; dered to convene ; and saiH court; respec tively, at such special teynssjhallhave all the f pfwer that they have at the retrwlar teriii.J appointed by law1: Vrooidrib hotcerer, Thatj IDO special term of said eirc-uit court f..reitherf ; district shall be appoixted iexct jiit by and wlthjhe -concurrence and consent of the cir euStfadge. Sec. 5. That all suits and others proceed ings of whatever name or nature, tow pend ing in the circuit or district -nrt of the Uni ted States, for the district ofNorthi Caroliua,j except as hereinafter provided, shall be tried, and disposed of in the cirpuit abd district courts, respectively, for siiiijl eastern district; asj the same would have been if thjsc-t had not been passed aud for thijit purpose juris-: diction is reserved to the jsaid courts in; -said eastern K District, and tile clerks' of thecircujt an J district coiifts of tlie present" district of. North. Carolina shall return the records and files of the said! circuit and dis-; . trict courts at the places heretofore appoiu ed!, and to do and perform all the Unties ap pertainiiiglo their said offices, respectively, withiutheeatern district, eixcept as is here-; ; inafter provided ; .and all process Returnable: toj or proceedings uiTtice for. any tkrn of the" . preseutcircuit or district court halj b deein Udj to be returnable to the next term of said coojrlts. respectively, in the, said eskteru dis-; 'rict, as fixed by this act. I jf-iec G. That upon application of any parJ ty to any suitor proceeding, icivil or crimiiial. now pending in the preseut $trcuitf r. districif court or the United Mates lor the present dis trict of North Carolina, vvlileh sliould have been 'Commenced ju the proper coini t for the western district of North Cairol'mai, if' this act has been ill f. tree at the time of-tjoinuience-; ment. such suit or other proceedings shall; be removed for further prlceedings to the1 jruper Court for said westi'ru distiict, and; thereupon tlie clerk shall transmit the origi nal paper, and copies of ill orders made theteiuto the clerk of the; pour to which said suit or proceedings shall be removed for trial, or sucli other proceedings therein as if the said suit or proceedings had origin- r ally been commenced therejiu : tlie di.trict attorney of said western distinct tcf designate! the couit to which ull suits ijtnd prbpeedlugsj and, indictment and crrimjijal pR)ceediugs I wheein the United States is plain'iff, .shall. 1 w renioved, and the plaint ill!, or hijr attorneyj" ' in all other suits to desiguft'e the court to which they shall be transferiied ; btut no suit, indictmetit. or criminal proceeding wher bailis reqmiredof adefendaut, sha!Ue trans ferred until proper bail is veu ffr him to appear accordingly : Provided That, all suits andnther proceedings.! both criminal anl civil, now peuding in tiie Cape Fear dial trj. t court of the Uni edStajes at Salisbury) with all the 'original paiers iiu rein. thall he transferred for trial or such other proceed in "II s siuui oe meet arm proper to a special term of the district court (.f-the United States. frt said western distiict of Nor h Carolina, to be held at( Salisbury, beginning on llieseeoud;, .Motidayiu August. A. I), eighteen hundred and seventy-two; and all said suits and pnl crediugs not then family ! impost d of shalf with the oiigiual jtapers thefeiu, pe tranfer red io the distiict courtaf sah wjestern disfi trict at Grensbor or Statesville, as Hif judge. tiiiay order; and all ueeessryl and pro uer shall issue au 1 be made returua' hie in said suit and rceedijags to the uext term of said courts, res- ectivMy, jfor trial djp such other proceedings therein as if the origi nal proceedings had begun itij said last natnej curtsaud the clerk of said; district court at .Greensboro' shall act as clerjt at faid spt-cia) court n i Salisbury ; and aliJsuiisf and or her proceedings, both criminal a d civil. pending at tlie ljiite term oftho Unued StaU-s district court fyr the Cape Fear district, held at Ma rion, beginiug on the third Monday of August eighteeb hundred and .seventy-one, and ml then fhjally disposed oh shall, wih the origin nal papers therein, be trausfrrcdjto a special term of the district court torba d western d s tri. t, td be held at Asheville,NoriiCaiolinai leginiug on the third Monday in August, eightej-u huud.ed and sevnty,tw o, to be then aid there tried r such ther: proceeding 1 a I theiriu as may be u eel and proper, ac cording to the practice of t$e court, and all suits and proceedings as shall lUt then be tinally deposed of shall b4 jjoutilnued on the docket of said courts at Asheviltelto the next 'term thereof, aud in the meantime all nece sary and ivroper process shall issue from said last uamed court and be returnable tWto and proceedings had therein, as if theorist nl lroceedngs had begun in said court hM the clerk of rsaid speciiil-courtat Ashe- Sc. 7. at t'epassagofthls aet shlll have the efft t.. dsffoy o illipair tlki hen of any jndgelment or dicr?e rendered bv the circuit or distl id curt oflthe United Stales for the present district of Noth ( aroliua prior to xhU act taking Uect: and tlnal proems on any judgment otj decrek eiitred in the cirvoit or district court cf the United States for the District of North Carolina, or which shall be entered thereiu prior to this act tail ing effect, and all other process for the en forcement ot any rder. of said courts, re pectivley. in any cause of proceedings fe inoved as herein provided shall; be issrfed from, and Veturuable to. th propter court for the asteru district of North Carolina, and way be directed and executed y the rnr- T shal of the United States for the said eastern ii i... district judee for thesaid wesfern district; of North tiirollna, who shall receive a4 annual salary of three thousand 5veh4ndre4 dolUrsj and thfre shall al-o be appoihted 4 district attorny of the United States for the said wes tern ditrict-of North Carolintl who$kall re receivejsuch. fees and compensation Mnd exet rise sjij'.h powers and perform snch duties, as are fixfd and e joined by iawj J i .Sec. ID- That the circuij and district, jadgeskhall appoint three clrksj' each joif vvhomlhall be cierk both of tile circuit anil district ctmrts for said westrfn disrct of North Carolina, one of whojn shajll reside and ke!ep htsjotiictMit Statesville, ani third jo jp whom I snail raide and keep! his joffice at Greenaboro; who; shall ret m e ihe fees aiid compelsation for services performed by them ied by law.' - 1 : Sec.l. Thafeither ofthe clersofthe district and circuit courts fori saidj eastern districcf North. Candiiia is hereby afathorii rd, under the i direction of! the! district judge Of said westeru- district, to ! make ;a traiiscrjpt from any "of the records jfiles, or papersofjthe district aud circuit! Courts of the United States, Tt-mainine iu theJoHicejf the ,'clefks of said eastern district, iifjall ma ters aDll proceedings Which relate ti orcorii cern Ieu8 upon. Or titles V real) esatj; situate in saidj western district, -aud for thatjpurposij shall hjjtve access to, said recontsin tlie ofb'ci? of saidiclerks in sttid eastern j district. aoH such triti!cipts, when so inad by fcjther of said chirks, shall certified to. jto beHrnemd icorrectf by the clerks making it-he sjune and ;thesane When so made and certified, shall he evidence iu all courts and place! equalU 'witlrsajid origiualg. j j ! TIJE I5EVEN ANCjAnT WOJ&ERrf. .Thepo were, l"t. The brass Colossus of Ubotles, t2l feet in height, built h Oyrus Ji. 0. S8, occupying 20 years in making. lt stood across the i.urixtr tit Ilhodci 66 years, and waa thei jthrowia down y an earthquake. It was! bouglii hy a Jew from-1 lit? Saracens, who loaded 900 cjimuls with the brass;, 1. 'J'la Pyramids of Egypt. The , largest one engaged 360,000 workmen. 20 years in building, and has now stood at least 3,000 year. ' 3d. The Aqitedncts of Rome, in vented by Appius Claudius, the . cWisor. -4ih. Labyiintli of Pgamnietithas, on he banks )!t' the Nile, containing within one cbnthiijk'd wall, 1,000 houses and 12.'royi; al palabes, all covered wiili rnarblo, and having; ouly one, entrance. The buiMing was said to contain 3,000 chambers,, nud a hall puilt Qlnjarhle, adorned with statues; of the gods. 5lh. The Pharos of Alex; andna, built by order of Ptolemy Phila delphia, in the year 282 li. U. It wa erected! as a light bouse, and contained magnificent gaileries of marble; larae lantirnl at the top, the light of which waaj seen near a hundred miles off; mirrors of etTornifus size were fixed round the galled ries, rejrtictin everything on the sea A common tower is -now erected in its place! 6th. The walls of Babylon, built by order of Sewiramis of NebuehudnexzHr, utxl liiiisrted by 200,000 men. 1 hey were of iintiieni-e thickness. 7ih The Tt unjle of Diana !t Eplietus, completed in the retell of Serving, the sixth king bf Home, it was 4-50 feet long, 200 broad, and sup ported 'by 126 marble pillars. Selpom has a spring been more prolix fie ofciiamities to the ueoolebf this uhniet than the present. The Litest terrible violation c.ime in the form jf a hurricane upon t(ie people of Zanzihart Afiiea. It occuvred on the 15lh of Ipril. Some idea of the extent of the disaster . may be hac) from the statement that -the, entire means of subsistence of S0,000 human hu ing hiprb been entirely cut rf. 1 Constitutional AineiidniSnts, Fussed in the House of llkprcsmiaii&k January 17, 1S72. j , ! 1 AN ACT to alter the Constitution of North Carolina. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact (three-tiftbs of all the members of each House concurring.) J That the Constitution of this State be altered as follows, to wit : Ml '.nM)d 8ection six of" the first article, by strikingjoiit the first clause thereof, down to and including the word "but ;" this being the clause relating to the State debt. ' r ! Amoiid -section two of the second article by striking; out the word " annnallv," an4 insertiiig in hen tjhereof, the word " bit-nniaf iy; being in reference to Lhe sessions of tlie General As sembly.! f j Amerjd section five of the second article, by fitrikingjout -all that precedes the words, "the said Senate districts," and bv striking out the phrase 'fas aforesaid or" in said section Vthb artssp stricken out bavin reference to the Slatfe echtfua. Add it new section to the second article to be styled "section 80," and to read as follows l ie members of the general Assembly Khali each receive three hundred dollars as"a eonU pensation for their services during their term, sul.jcct tip guch regulations in regard to time of paymenf and reduction for non-attendance as may he prescribed by Jaw; but they mav have an additional allowance when they are "called together in special session, and mileage shall U ten cents per mile for each swion." j Amend section one of the third article W striking ut the words " four vears," where theV occur firtin said section, and inserting, A n Jiejii thereof, he words "two vears," being in refer! ence to tie terms of executive officers jt Stnkerout the woj-ds Superintendchtof PulU ic Worfo," wherever they occur in tile Consul tution, tlus abolishing that efhee. Ameid section six of the third article, by strrkiugit the word "anuually " and in. serting, In leu thereof, the word "biennial ly." so 4s to conform to the provisions rei spectiug the sessions of the General Aeui- .1 " ' i - '!! ' Strike out sectins two and three of th fourth article, being the provisions whieh re fer to the appoiutmeut and duties of thie Code Commissioners. Altr feectionj four of the fourth article. si that said; section shall read as follows : "The judicial power of the State shall be vested iu a court for the trial of impeachments, a Sui preme cpurt, Superior Courts, such inferior courts as may be established by law, and Courts t Justice of the Peace. IT AltejectioH eight of the foarth article1! .J!51141 sectitm all read as follow: I he Sitpreme Court shall consist ofa Cliief Jim.ce nd two Associate Justices;. Prod ded. That tins shall not apply to the justice! during ,eir present term of office, unless ty death, resignation, otherwise, the noin totwo SSdate Justic?s shall je reduced j A,Uf elve 9f the fourth articll ThiT M11 ad as follows: .TheStaM fhall be divided into nine judi caUist:cW: for each ofhich ajadgeafcaH bediosem and m each district Li Superior tjourt shll be held at Wst twicl i?3 )ear, to j-out.ane for such time in each coun LT,r W.vely as may bf prescribe! by law! general Assembly shall lay off said di3- ncts4U dl,e uie. so that the ! said; ninl tfSt ?eral eon for mem! ZZ, !smb,y which ghall Tu "f lue ratcation of this section. Tb Gjeneral Assembly may reduce or in crease the number of Districts to take effect at the lend vt each judicial term.1 -1 ? I Stride 00 1 section - thirteen of the foarth ai tide; 'which fixe the p:csent judicial dis tricts. : , V " .. AmenJ section fourteen of the fourth ar-; tide by striking out all after, the word OiBee" and inserting, In lieu of the part so strickejn out. thie following: The General Assembly shall: prescribe a proper system or rotation for the! judge may ride the same dis trict twice iu succession, and the judges may also exchange districts with each other, as may ltd "provided by law Mrikje out section fifteen of the fourth ar ticle, aud insert iu lien thereof, the follow ing: Tlhe General Assembly shall have n power to depiive the judicial department of any ioWer or jurisdiction which rightfully pertains to it as a coordinate department; but the General Assembly shall allot and distribute ti nt portion of this, power and ju risdiction, which does not pertain,' tothe Su preme Court, among the other Courts pre scribed in this constitution or wlfleh may be established by law. iu such manner as it may deem best, provide also a proper B'sletn of appeals, and regulate by law, when necessary the methods of proceeding, in the exercise of their powers, cf all the courts below the Supreme Court, so far as the same may be done without conflict with other pro visions of this constitujjou." Strike r-out sections sixteen, seven teen, nineteen, twenty-iive aud thirty-three of the fourth article. Amend seetion twenty-six of the fourth article by striking out all that part which be gins with, and follows the word "but" iu said section, and. iu lieu of the part so stricken out, inertini: the following: 'The judicial officers and tlie clerks of any courts wjhich may be establish d bylaw", shall be chosen by the vote of the qualified electors, aud for such term as may be pre scribed by law. Ti e voters of each pre cinct, establ shed as is elsewhere provided for in this constitution, shall eh ct two jus tices of the peace fm- such term as may be fixed by law, whose jurisdiction shall extend throughout their respective counties. The Cieneral Assembly may provide for therelec (ionof more than two justices of the peace 5n those precincts which contain cities or towns, or in yhich ther special reasons ren der it expedieut. Tim chief magistrates or cities and incorporated towns shall have the judicial powers of justices of the peace." : Amend section thirty of the foiirtti article by st iking out the word "towusbip" and i serting, in lieu thereof, the word pre cincts;" also iu tlie last sentence of the same Section, strike out the words '-the commis sioners of the county may uppoiut to snch oiiice for the unexpired term,'! and in lieu thereof insert "an appoi- tmeut to fill such vacancy for the unexpind term shall be tjiade as may be prescribed by lav." f Amend sections one and seven of the fi th article, by striking out the words "commis sioners of the several counties" where thv occur iu said sections, and in lieu thereof in serting the words, "county authoriiies es tablished and authorized by law." ; Strike out section four of the fifth article, relating to taxation to pay the Sute debtand interest. ! Amend section six of the fifth article by inserting alter the word" "instrument" iii said section the words "or any other per sonal property." i Insert the word "and" before the word "surveyoi" in section one of the 7th article, aud strike out the words "and live commis sioners" in said section; a'so add to ?-aid section the following: 'The General As -sembly shall provide for a systetn'uf cuiii'tv government for the several counties of the State." Amend section two of the seventh article, by striking out ithe word "commissioners' 'and iu ijeu thereof inserting the words county authorities established and authorized 1. .. 1 'i .. J : -. .1 ov iau; aim 111 inesaitie Section strike out the words,' "the Register of Deeds shall be f.v officio clerk or,the board of commission ers" 1 . Strike out section three of the seventh ar ticle, and in lieu thereof insert, the following ; "The county authorities established and att tho ized by law shall see that the respective counties are divided into a suitably number of sub-divisions, as compact and convenient in shape as possible, and 1101 ked out ly de finite boundaries, which may be altered when necessary. Said sub divisions shall be known by the name of precincts. They shall have no corporate powers. The township gov eruments are abolished. The boundaries of the pr. cinets shall be the same which here tofore dvfined the townships until they shall be altered." Strike out sections four, five, six, ten and eleven of the seventh article, which relate to the township system. Amend sections eight and nine of the seventh article, by sinking out the words "or townships" where they occur hi said sections. . Strike out section three of the uinth article and in lieu thereof insert the t'ollowiug : "The General Assembly-shall make suhable pro vision bv law for the management and regu lation of the public schools, and for perfect ing the system of free public instruction." Strike out Section five of the uinth article, and in lieu thereof, insert the following: 'The General Assembly-shall have power to provide for the election of Trustees of the University of North Carolina, in whom, chosen, shall be vested al! the privileges, r'ghts, fraudiises and endowments heieto fore iu any wise granted to, or conferred up on, the BoariTof Trustees of said Universi ty; and the General Assembly may make such provisions, laws an i regulations, from time to time, as may be uecessary and ex pedient, for the maintenance and manage ment of said University.!' 1 Strike out section thirteen, fourteen and fifteen of the ninth article, relatiug to the University of No th Caroliua. Amend sec tion ten of the eleventh article bv striking out the words "at the charge of tile State." ami in lieu thereof, insert the words "bv the ?iar.e; auu tnose wr.o do not owu property ! exemption prescribed in this Constitution, or j being minors, whose parents do not owu ' property over and above the same, sludl be tared for & the charge of the State. I Alter section seveu of the fourteenth ar iicle so that said, section shall read as fol follows: "No person wlnrshall hold any of fice or place of trnst or profit under the United States, or any department thereof, or under limy other State or government, shall hold or jj?xereise any other office or place of trust or profit under the authority of this State, or be eligible to a seat in either house of the General Assembly ; Prodded, That nothing hereiu contained t-hall extend to officers in jthe militia. Justice of the Peace, Commis sioners tor Special Purposes.' I Ad A another sectionto the fourth eenth ar ticle to be styled "seetion 8." and to read as follows : "County officers, justices of the peace and other officers whose offices are abolished or changed in auy way bv th al. iteration of the constitution, shall cw tin tie to exercise their functions until any provision necessary to be made by law in order to give iuii euet-i 10 me alterations, so far as relates to said officers shall have been made." Re-untnier the sections in those artides from which .an section has been stricken without the, insertion of another in its stead and give to any new section that number which by this method would have been given to the section for which it is substited, and the alteration shall be embodied into the constitution, and the several sections num bered consecutively, -' Hardws rare HARDWARE Main Street, AllE CONSTANTLY ADDING uicuis, Jiacjimes. t ontnvanciert, Jtc.. ccc, for the convenience anl facility of Fatuicrs, Blacksmiths, "Carpenters, Shoe Makers, Tanners, Cabinet Makers, . JJIJIV - Cly ... .., 1 i-ioiH, iiivi- soul 1 (Tks, i airt arnage Jiuiklers'ies, the i.,st Wrongi.: iron pin toiK-r Coopers, w'-,f,":"t to'ivi - salUfaition. Th Butchers, " " Cooks, &c, &c. T ,. f . , In tact, tew nersons unarm. n,..l th our Cf.tauIisr.nuTt rr .m ,1.,. ; , v ululu nini' ...,-1 J. J.:i ' S'T l. .?.! . X ililalSf i If HAS taken the room recently occupied by Overman. Ho!ni-s A: Co., iu Murphv,. (Jraniu- Uow, and oiK-ucd a " PRODUCE COrVmiiSSSOn BUSINESS. He solicits casl, order, from abrod. Produce lx.n -ht and on very -h.n notice, liespccttulh- refers to bui,:c-s en of the citv ' 1 caMi puici ior ail leaning articles oi BURKE I COFFIN. Cdmmissioii Merchants, (f At the Sirn of the lied Flag, MERONEY'S OLD STAND, MAIN" Mi; KIT SALISBURY, N. 0. J. K. Bt'RKE. J. M. COKFIX. riv- r ..,.1 . .. 11 licted. Auction saTei. evc-rv Mnninv':,,,.! Oh! Yes Oli! YesOh! Yes! Ila vn fallen hack to a le tter jm-ition ind heen reinforced hy furminsja cosii-tnerphii with Jxo. M: Coffix, who h.-.s hcen hm- ami favor ably known in the Mercantile eommtiiihv, 1 would resiK-ct fully return my tluinks to the puliliJ generally, ami solicit a continuance of their patronage to the new Firm ; with tltL- as surance that we will do all we can to satisfy ull who may have anything to sell or bnv. J. K. UVKKK. January 1872. N. B. I will continue to attend to the Fell ing of any kind of property in the counti-v, fur Administrator and other when notified in tisnc tf:18- J. IC BriiKK, Auctioneer. EX6GrlltriXN0tiGB HAVING qunlifieil as Executrix of the lat Will and Testa ment of Jane ll. Murphy deed, notice is hereby given to all persons in debted to the estate of JjineE. Murphy to make immediate payment. All person having claims against aid estate arehereby notified to present the same to me on or before the 14th ilav of February, 1873. or this notice will be pk-ad in bar of their recovery, SUSAN W. MURI'IIY, Sahsbnry, Feb 1 i, 1872. Executrix. tf:-2 WILLIAM yALENTINE, THE BAKBS2ES, RETURNS HIS' THANK'S to his OLD j FUlESlHi and the Public for the liberal atroiiape lieri-tofor extended to him. He now informs them that ht .has Fitted up a new ai.d coinmotuous Shop, in Dr. Henderson's Srick Buildingr, Iloora TJo. 2, where he would b pleased to seethi-m. lie guarantees to give satisfaction in evei case. He has in his emploj- of the bct Hair 'Dressers iu Western North Caroliua. lie requests a call from all. Salisbury, X. C, Dec. 17, lHf.9 r.O tf State of North Carolina,' 1IIKDELL COUNTY. Superior Cour(, Spring Ttrm, 1S72. Marshall T. Bell as Assignee of William Griffin, Bankrupt, agabut George C. Mcll4nry and Daniel B. Welch, defendants. ' IT appearing to the satisfaction of trie Court on affidavit filed, that die defendant George 0. Mc Henry is not a resident of the State of No, th Carolina. It is therefore ordered and ndjudg-d that pul lication be mude in the Carolina Ui:nhnin a newspaper published in the Town of fjali.-htiry, Nnrth Carolina, for tix weeks, nolifyln tlie de fendant, George C. Mcllenry that "a Summons ha been issued in the above action agninst him in which he is notified that a complaint vviil be filed in this action at the next term of Iredell Supeiior Court, on the second Monday after the third Monday in August, A. D. I S72, within the first three days of the Term, and unless the de fendant, George C. Mcllenry nnswer the same within the time prescribed by law, the phuntiu will ask for the relief demanded in the com plaint. Witness C. L. Summer, Clerk of our said Court at office, in States.ille. this 29th day of April, 1872. - C. L. SUM M EIIS, C S C. fee $8 of Iredell county. ALL KINDS of COURT AND3IA GISTEATES BLANKS at this office t.' a (.r1 .1 v ".r.'iMi MERCHANT no Salisbury, A C, ! ranee of wuia ............. 1 to meet, nor , " V mHIIIHUI U(i; f V 'i f a 1 t 4. . 1 .. .1. 1 Tltttl .1 !i t f ' our gorirj for the purjM;-es IV. r vhieh thev are made. Nor can v,e derilK? then in an advertisement. Tlicvniibt Ih'm-d. Come, therefore, to the Hardware Store for any thing you want, from a toothpick to a btcjin engine; from : p,n to a tra cutUT unv tla;i;r alwo-.; everv thirir. They hac--A IT LL STOCK alv:ivxou h.u.d of evcrr variety of Nails. Iron. Si. el. Woes, Grain Cra dies. Scvilim !Otl 1 .. .1 !. . . i , , .-,1.,,, jric"tTl. , - .... ....ii iikiii uiivi aiL-Kuiitin. iiiomt son s I'iows and Sultiiern. ; ilX SIIKJ.LKUS, , , STUAW CUTTKI.'S, ;nn, a tfior.and other thins;-' vt.u nted. Stnd in .,.r ,.,1,.,. . - , . 1 ." V .' ii:ti Kili.ury, N! C BE wm country Produce. 11:tf SALISBURY BOOK m STORE. A I.EM ALMANACS V 1 A' tl:,' H.K.k St n-i . fS.I.MS A.I IIYilXS. J I TiiKTiAX I!..o!;s Y- J,,. s IlMOl. llOtlXS. i. v..:..t . A: t;..- P- FX fu ! any hiv.z i'i lli, w .y ( ; j:..,.. ::v t 1 Si n' :o:.vv. ( :i" hi- I f :-;;o:t i...tu o n:,.: 1 A t 1 I'.m.'; Si .!. on ."t-ii-i i.ublt- ii-; 11; N ' L 1 A U : ' " . 1 " i""in;t tt. ,, v" A i. iX I'LYI K!.V furnitures: .1. A. CLOD FELT hi I A: CO. i .'jti ,i Hj'ir!i:rtrs n: I ,- tUn in l'u ru i tttrr, j i Jfi Jnvitk attention tu tliolr, nr ttorli. of Cot t Hire I5:itlsto:uls, C tt;ioCliam!crStt!t,:tiiit- cil CVmr.nHT L-uit r n-m-li Suit, NYainr.t amh painted C;.i;c Chairs Hill! ..... M.tll.- .. fl.I in I i J'l i' l.l-, i. I l U. tl'ii f, i. .. ,.,:i-. ..(',.' .i ;.. i-.i .. ... iii .!: ii,i. I oi n. l iic-vi liiuoi.S,;u!j i.liM-T.i,.h.s..t,l!.,,,ftt!( !.)!ld-.WarIr.,-x -ol i--. l!i-ci 'iii ii l:;;;r- i.i ii Pa, io Window Shades, a ....v.-i. y f,;r ou.jd,..,.. icss.leauty. cheajmess and dur.ibihty. AU. S It 1H m i:! ' i ii !cr art uiti !,!! we pi'rjf.lM-il to si l! a - ( hi-i.p it c 1,-ajn-r tkan a: y ltou.-rin the wi-ieiu ji.irt cl the Mate ' -1 . fc A full assortment of Po-ewond. Mc.'ilip fi ll Walnut ( is, wl.irh can he tur - ni -!ii-d j:l :S hours notic l!i. . ,r.. in ...i'i ,ri,- ....,....;!.. ,i... f ..;.. Hot, : ,l....r - I-.,, ..;r.,... ..... i-lir 1: anil hearmir on. , Sp-'fiul outers (lunli I'.um pholo-.Ti-h in ..1- ' III...;, ' f our I'liiii f oe Mi-piieii a p.-: ..'..'in Assignee's Salo OF $4000 io S6GG0 WOK'l'II OF I "WILL beiii'i nt IV o'clock on Sutu dar, T-Say the 3th, utt!;- Anctjon Hcu-eol IIUliKt-; &. CUTFIN, tos. at paUiie sale, the STOCK or GOODS lately lu-Iorinp to John W. I',jttinr. bnr.krupt rhif. Stock coii-i-t- ol ( i-n.-r;i!. assort ,:i-M of ilerchat.diM', such as u unliy fonml ir any First Class Sti-ue. Salvs to continue every Saturday till tho whole Stock is closed out. Mercliant-i and Traders are respect fully invi ted a-id rcj'ipstcil to attend the?e iles. Terras will be stated at the time of i-ale. J. K. IH'I'KF;, A?:rne f J. V. r.irn.NG. Salifbiiry. April li, 1-72. :tl:,l : SHOTGUN! G( BESTLiN THE WORLD. T 4 .Najnrrnp ..,-ftW R EM0 ECU A CUrSLM C (CCNN ITew York Office, 27 BEEZMAH BZ April 26, 1872 32:1 y Marriage Certificates for sale here. - .j.'. r-.'.. y.-j- .j- - i i ATE NT LIGHTNING SAW 'Supsr Extra Spring Steel, Warranted Refined. i EBBN MOODY BOYXTTON Kuv. 27, 1666: Jny 23, 137 ; Jan. U, H, 1SCS; July 27, lH3 r r- - - 'V'-i. -eft ' 01 for iWl.i-:iK-ntMH;,f'!.;r,,r.i It M Bov,TnvWr.r,M..Ne. Y...I UHfM1rr.r.n:(1,ivi,;Irntii,,,.(.;,I(, tliai (m I mi if 11-ffll.rir UIMrlu us- M, .... . ,.. r C ! i.l.irt Lard - ar l:n-n i'l i, ,i. ....... ... . I II VI ill lAlia nf . . t . . . ... -... , , .,u.1, rr . ::. M. li 1 V N'l . !'ii.jr.un a i.d .-. s - - . . M T 1 1 1 ij .." I. iii-- orr ?!, ,,.., , '" Ur..;- . ii- i,.. ,! -. ., . i ; ' 1 ' I . - ;.u .i, t -. . v i.. ii . 1 l- i , ti , " i i r . M r : -", v". v;? r. ! I . : : . W (M.aOTNTIMl't. V.'hy I'm- llu- ! l .u ti- r'ft i t: t- (Ueii-i. U' i.y . J ! c-.i Iii- ii .tin - 1 oi ii v.t lili. t- I li.r thai mn..... r . i.. !..-;, ..... , lY" M' I'aU'-1 ''' " .. i .. i .. , mr I ,,k , , , ! ., f f "'" 'v V "" ' i,r',,, ; fc uJ , .r , . t I l if f- ivtti.'. i.:o - i r "i ; : ',. Duul. e . .!,.! v.ll. nlinff .m -ii v ii i ,i; nil ... :, 1 1.. .... I- . i;.: i - ; . . . f...i,i-i .Mteoit. 11 oL.j. .i.t-1 i ! - ..... t :,- ju,,..: I t U..e.t m .v;--.;!r .-.t.. tlf ...C ... , ,,.-1 .... , ...: y j,. r. i-4.M-r t-:i -a !-. )M,M i si;; V- . j 1 OT1 , .it vi-s. -M-r! .rit - iiiMj.i.c.K -a i i i i ri i iii : .-. ri .in !'f! ill l I M.H.flU't f IO ,i l I. tt i- I i,. -f- ""T" a,..l,llerl r.itri -. I . V V . " 1 1 u ' ,: - .' - ! " Hfl,i.:ill;, ot if...!,i.-, , .;. i- ,ie..-.i.v.,U-r.t to 'i. rt i.t Ull v t: , 1 1 fjn i! u a i ii-. I i-. .K i'C l l lflMi.-il - ii- . r "'" If mf Cil- i,;Ti .!' is vri x iHiui. i. U c itfi! liii-f o; stX'A ;-'iijrt tu p -;. ai.i. ( .' u I j. j , , t , 1 1 ,t i r . mr-i.uiTY. This si.l w.i... .l '.. ,,. ,t Uii,;- le laui'.i. tin: tlr b-mrth. k. or t!oi k rkirr r t i t . t .1 . iu unM (.iirmal t !i.ii..itJ u, Li t, iLrk la oriltr kti 1.1 '! il l l..,.v! I- i:i,.ln ..' 1 i. .1 .. , .. "I ............. . , , V TH.IJTII k.rtxT i I laod 1. 1. i.i ati.,mtl.ic ' cm l.ilt clear. Ur ilr t.tu nUu ll i fi. mil l L.aei,. .1 a i v. 1 . k s tU l:trt ) r ; n iti:jil U't-r 1. v t'.-ir :!rc.'r tli?t lur. rr.ti l r;t! .. l)l-r in eel l .-.-. i ,U. Id. v;. ... ,,,., 1 i.ila.V: i i !ini.iu I l-'i. , e'lut t!e Mttihi I;. tuliii i ft.-., if - . t ! .' j re 1 i.ila.V: ii r . on.ii r 1 l-'i. , m. ! e'j-lt tie s iu I V I. a hit if t .-. .-M' . . . . ,,; B liiM. :m are raa.!e and o;.l I.y Mr. K. 4. Iwn tet I.y f nr i tnt ,l,t- ! rt: tnt-tv vT. Ihi" trust tint tle iiien1io ' ' Ul.e ..r iin:; f . will t.e a Vf t ,nj..j tU fi t of tl-tr lalio.s. AfcK, A M IL. 7. ls,7l. 7ffw Satrs are unirersnUg ccrr(t(l to Although S.'.OO ch-ilh i.;r for csjxntc of t(t has Lrcn ndtrrtird in mill writ of itjrrs, ami a -jrartd on each suc, tto ojc las tttr HAKKI) to jiuldicly ftt the matter, NO other natc has dmUe- imuted teeth, f ONSTRUCTIID TO CVT IX LINK SO AS TO CVT WITH OL'TSIIJE OK M TOOHI ONI.V direct action. B The cuJing if all tingle jsoihtul UdU are ryual, ad these 21 arc tluulAc, with direct action, eucl, and slant (VHcntlal Uttcten ioitts tf 31. If one jcit)l ff Zl teas set one ray aud one the other, the slant tcould ride and lift out the txh. When the hardware trade do not ell, reqoirtd A six foot cro?8 cut and a 4n receipt of $Gf or $1 per foot. One o:ti -4H Not One Failed in 20,000. The lew Yer fnd. ttr IJ;UTX!r Ka uaiktt . 3.i.f.n.rrr uS Uar.! to . or tlllcTt U t tU . k I k t. or ott w w. tf utWt f ' lit J Ulf .U.n.frf tie Wci,t r-fu. r.... t r f..e tn.t f c t , U.irt.-MM; f u ; U Ur r.t. e to m nrdrtvf toi, , tlJ 'i cf tir !.,, ur. l;r, K i w. ui t J , -4 o.r . Ur . 4 wk ;B v' l-.l ! I , i -r T!. r I J , , 1 ,t ; . I tlu I , , ,s .r. , , ,V r t tl. il. t . .tt " , , n ., ........' i,. . . . " ' -. . .1 ....... .... r I ..j I 1 if r t rt Cv ritrr ,,,... Mautf. cte, r- Vi!k - ' t' : ; . . ' .', 1 . : t .: S ;n 1 rt ant . k" ' 1 t I i. ' r i . u ' U- .i .,.-. i. . i-i, ! t: : iii -w . i i .ti! :.u if I.i - Iiliiiu Saw I rft .-; tifcl -,-r- n.t l! : i.. . , , ., , ' . Uu .u. , t.t , t, t-Kt a tlU4t . 1 ! :i" r 1' t . at:; , tk tw. ui; ;-1 .j tl tuJ'u Tl l .M- , , ' ' :,,mi, r. I , ti cm k., c I l;f tt i p, .! ti r ti. !!' rj. crU i M ,. ...r v... . ,.T- Uf vtlu. tU'U -ttld !,,., . ! t .a V ncl M,Wib durl. t v n:rd ,; . sr rf U(in lit trnt illt( rt-t. i.uta. iM !-. to 1 i, ti l !.:! u.i,ti. ji f tl.r i . . . ! , ;1 .4. ) f L tltiti. Uoid i.. sr.l i msl , i 11 . M 1 I l l .: '. 1 .1 i 1. ...... f ,i ..i,. j u.l ot i .e aii u n . ; e-4, v' ' ' r",:.r ' p v: 1. r. tl.r f-.-r t t -.,11 V .!a lit : i i 1. , ,,.i.,. !.: 0 ,-r, u. C ...... ,L l.L t.ut tlonV r. t.nA-r ) . jti In .-,,.!. r., 1 T .. ..: .. i.l ion J, tirtk. iloi.i. r ,n i. u rut ab fci.t.i t.rt. . . .1 . . , j . . i . . . l ! rut i I . tl im t ..!' tr fan sot ct'f f, UTCIU 1,1 ,1 III, li . - ia. L" land inf a ,,! imL i it cttff!. Vrt . ardotlrt iil - tin'm tin'.. -f.tftto' h'mi r t t a j r i.i f t 1 1 1 ; t j-n . u,l i . 1 1 ! 1 1 1; I i. f . . ' n. . lliLA'Mu: r U J tt rtaf t . I. tu 1L Uf -v nil fci an. V, It-- tmii ti-l Ww V,rk. a L 3 a rr tr-u. 2.1 is- J. li ijh Jut, 2? mVnl in u mrUc.r l,f r-V uf, irrv.l t- a. tl fn-r f; in iiilr.c?. L1.1 r,t 01 u.r. 1 if am Liu.-ln i Surf ass all othrs fir Ctfi's tutfit $ 7i.1'i n prn t s wanted, and ik roremnsent l' lifen biiik aw-bLde w ill tr tcui to vy ad man taws 1 2t j-cr foot. ( m ' ' ; T