VOL. 1II.--TH1IU) SERIES. NO. 42. WHOLE NO. 832 J. J BUUNER, " proprietor and Editor Jjj STEW ART, Associate Editor. I IIATK DP StIICHIjPTION Ike Vear, pitablein advance. ... MX. M'JSTHti.i. j , ',;.,'m-4 to one address, .. 1,50 iq:oo R.&A. WURPHY Having again Organized for BUSINESS, Lave just opened MISSIS, TOMBS entirely neV and fresh, in tlie room ynnT CTAVPR A'H formerly occupied as the Hardware Store, ' I atil tint t : Hr. ts. IliJkAhttm AV t . x the inspection of which they most cor- - . . . . ! - I II : .i .1 II' : mi rpi:j'DEUS hi compliment to ma lrienci 1 uiaiij uivue iue pnuuc. xuerr I and the piib!ic.and1tAMKmfclhid would 'TiH'?' - v iwire mock HEAD & JOHN H. BUIS u.irlrt to their uftteutwu bis extended facilities lr nM'eting dee and iu Lis lino of business. II,. U now prepared to furnish all kind of ir .vr stones, ftfom the chuufixiHt Head Stones. 4 ii ctIioii monument. ThoK? prefciiag was carefully selected by ill e senior mm . 1. . ,,,.,1 i-.u-liutlir mnrks tint. on hand. .!! I 1 - k .r - A ! - 'f ' - J L"t. iwr( . ' 1 . J . . T. T . j . - 1 oer 01 incurui in person, aim uou? 11 at ....... .....I., nn .h.ivf I tni'ii tr1fHe IIHK.I . . - i.i ' . 0 .-- PubluSed by rtpiest of UU author eu. A SOUTHERN HERO. j J i i A TEUE 8T0EY. j . : How lonely is the house to-night, It's still, and silent as the tomb ; So low has burned the fire light ; Its fitful glare makes fitful gloom, That lingers 'bout the silent room, Dancing o'er the painted wall, With a strange unearthly glow, In the form of death'a dark pall, ' Falling in Bhadows long and low: Bringing to memory days now gone Dark days of sorrow and woe. Past scenes now crowd upon me fast, Both form, and scenes of long ago. Alas! alas !t and is it just, That now those forms are lying low, 1 Ail crumbling to their natire dust. THE ? AMENDED BANKRUPT LAW. .1 rGRANT'8 HORSES. HOUSES. DOG i Nobl SErriaixiTe L w CARTS. ETfi followirj extracts frim tt- .rk .fR.. 1 iK w -w- 1 q r. T r vm va v v v 1 iiiufv w'iLu Hui'ciucatiiUH, uraua. tf,:(H,uf thi ctkutract.! Sntisractlon t.til. H williikot ho undersold, 1 tmth. Orders MoIiit'd. Addresj", " j 1 7:1 r i; jjOIIN Jl. BUIS. Salisburf. Sludweil Brothers 1 r ATTT1H? AV Slroo NEW YORK, Manufacturers. and Jobbers of & SHOES, fou ; . I SOUTHERN TRADE, and the gaaran North s or rates whicn wm enable tnem to aell as low, for CASH, as MY in the (Thyj for Goodsi of same quality,, oil iko-vi I'lAiu lita r It xm rf I r if 4 Dw Goods, BOOTS Groceries, Crockery Waret Boots and Shoes jSole Leather, Calf and Binding Skins, Grain and t ' j I UftiSs, Scythes, Cap, Letter and Note Taper, . i " - ENVELOPES, TENS, INK, dc, L ) . i lhV!a complete etOCk in all lines. IllCllId- n'n1 Vknli nf ifn1 aeoAftmonf iml' iiit'ir , tionuiar uranuc aiaie juus, . .iii 1 it . 1 1 i- Viow mqes. ana ; t omens x no. ocus. l&mt&k'f A1MRirt ffllf fMars solicited and carefully tilled at iilllH If Slili d llLiJlli l i(:t uisrkft rates. J. L MOOSE, Salesman.: f.U 2 i J .. ... ' 20:4 Jm " ; -i- j -ri -tt : t A Mi Siri.LilvlviN. J. P. (Jowa;n NEW OPENING! 'pllE .lundfirsijfne'd hitvinjr fti.-o'-iatnd thein I M-tviiiii bu-iucs.H under the firm name of i .i ; A. M. SULLIVAN, CO., H AVlC openi-il iu V J v lien (liif V Wi tTi in-Cv I'rit'iids. T v '..f 1 ;irir--t an ill Uolim-H "new huild- 1I115 llardwiiro Store, leused to nn't t old and have u iiianilicent room i't, 111 town axid V. Xarco tfe? Splondld .STOCK OF GOODS, pOiIPltylNG a tyneral axtortment. llaint V l w-ure exeojted',''and will guarranteei us (."Oil liar.Min iw can ho sold by any House in .tin Soiith. Thoy will deal heavily in Groceries ami imun'ry I'hhIucp, Im.viujr and selling,. and 1 iviM all vaIio vrjsh iither to buy or sell to Call en them. A. il. SL'LI.l VAN .t Cor : Jan. tilth, 12. ' l!:tf " i:v.riticK. t. j. 1 liicE. PRICE & BRO. f Have Removed FAMILY TIIKIU GROCERY STORE TO JKXKLYS CORNER, W here th will continue to Sell Flour. Meal, Fr-$h j Mats. Bacon. Lard. Butter. VH. CdTee.i'l'eas Snyar, Salt, Pickles,"Mo- .l.isfs, Ace , togi-tlier with a large and varied ..f .....,. Ii. .11 j ... li. .;: -I'iy hi. ifiirriiiui Him iaoie uece.siiie. Urine your coiiutry pr)duee to i PKICE A: BRO. (l7:tQ TRIUMPHANT! 1 it. 1 r LrWARI P .Ci r )S OF FIFTY FIRST PRE- MIUMS un$ Gold and fleer Mcthts wercav anUjd to GiialeSI. Stiekf for tin bejpij Pianos in coraptjtition! with all Stijc leading manufajrtnr- i I nrat hf tliocointry. Office and CTcw Warcroom, rffJUUfy St., BAtTlMQRE, MJ. Tljs feti'cjr 1'iiiuos t-.ontain ill the latest im-prytpme-iitji to U found iu a ifirst-ctas Tiano, nn additional improvements of hjs owntin i'ti..ti, not to W juund in otiier inMrumeUts. t-ne, j toiih and finish: of their instru "'uW cam btiJ excelled by any mimufactur-- iu.L : . . IQIilC B.HMOT "i rays ;on baud. iVirloir and Hh f. . .. . , lij ios on Hand tnm JC 1 unit mvnni im tor: lllurated Catalog, containing ""nM.br oror twelve humhedj BOintheraers ' ''.ve hundred of, which are Virginians, ti'o : 'l,ir,n North Carolinians, one 1 hundred and ' "')' E:vst fcnesisea.ns. and others throughout "", Sith). m ho. have bought the:Stjeff Piado r ee iae close or the war. , j L N i J.ALLEN BROWN, Agent, -; 1,1 ! 1 H Saliftburj'. They fefl assured of their ability to givq entireiisatiefaction, and especially in- vite old friends and customers to call and bring with them their acquaintances. They expect and intend to maintain the; reputation lot the Old Murphy llonae, which is well known throughout cetera North CitrOlina. All they ask is an ex amination of thejr slock and the prices.: No trouble to show goods, so come right along. I heir motto, Sninll profits, ready pay and QUICK SALES. With a good stock, low prices, fair dealing and prompt attention, they will endeavor" tb merit their share -of the pub lic patronage They; are in the market for nil kinds of produce and- solicit calls from bol.li sellers and buyers. ! J?. & A. MURPHY. ROBT. MURPHY, ANDREW M U RPHY. Salisbury, jMarch 23, 1872. f27:ly MILLS &B0YDEN WOLESAt AND BETAIL Gjir GL CI2 J3EGL ; And -Commission Merchants, ; j , Salisbury, March 1st, 1872. Keep constiintly on hand a larre And choice stwk of GENERAL MERCHANDISE j comprisinfr Dry Gopda, Groceries, Wares, etc. of which they would especially mention Sugar and Coffee, of all grades, i 1 1 MOLASSE BACON, LARD, ; 1 ; SOIJ2 and -i ii Upper LEATHER. f SHOES & BOOTS, ; HATS, " i 1 ' BONNETS, PRINTS, MACKREL.i ' SALMON TROUT, I FLOUR and MILVL, SOAPS, PEPPERand SPICES, " TOBACCO, f I LIQUORS, of all kinds always on hand, of cbjoicje quality. , tiEspcclial attention given to consign ments ami prompt returns made. 2i:tf I t ii - j A RARE CHANCbJ To Secure a BEAUTIFUL 3SC jn 2SJf AND VALUABLE REAL .ESTATE, consist ing of a modern and commodious house, am ple out buildings, good water, a fine large gar den, and front 8 to 33 acres of excellent land, all lying in the suburbs of Salisbury; all in closed, and lligible for -buildirTg lots. The above property is onebf themosi DESIRABLE Under our State Constitution and laws poor deLtoi s are allowed a homestead of the valne of $1,000, and personal proper- round iuga tr of the value of 5500. 1 ue uomeatead " 1 t 1 1 .. 1.. : . j IS exempi iroui eaie uiiuci sii.uiiuu uu- 1 u .r.i . . 1 e 1 . 1 vx .t i f joii.c ui me newspaper men nave said ring the tera of his natural We. the life .... , , , , r V u,c" ",B, 10 " b " .. .. A 1 .... I tnt lie nrODfbt elrvn KnrtH tirn of his wife, and until Uis-yomt chUd lv " 'r: n ' 1. , .1.- r i.,a,,iffA,; u...Sk... lui-uHiamiiioriei anu and that w-fc a A Lonr Branch corresoondent f ih. 1 a,BIW at. H 1 rAntrait it Hear l il,- ; . : I 1 . . v. w ijic ri urn I III 1 1 c uiai IForWis writting op iho personnel sur- of Gen. Grant there. We quote : . . I f WT-jL, a arrives a, u ,.gc u. J Gen. Porter's came together Thepersoual property is exempt only . . . K . 'Unci I . . . . .... "J r . . 13. , - i causect uououDieuiy tne miidtaement of . . . . .1 - - e. . I U13 Stable. I he 1 resident has hnt sAven . 1.5. I ...H.an.tnT H.' J , 1 . i ., ' lo Ilia ucibuuiu icuivccui";n a uio e make the i ofG What a noble It brings to mind that bitter day, That took all joy from my young life, Twas then our darling went away To, mix within th battle's strife, 'Twas then he joined our Southern band Who went to fight the coming foe. Tbey went to free our sunny land, And lay the vile invader low. Our hearts with misery deep were filled; And on; our lives there fell a blight Whilst every joy of life was stilled. For now our bouse must sink in night, For he the star that beamed so bright, The only brother dear had we : Must leave his parents, kindred all, And go obey that stern decree, In answer to his country's call. Our father had been gone all day From home, and had not yet returned; Our brotherto was gone away ; But soon a dreadful truth we learned, For when the sable night had n eared He came and sought our parlor room ; And tofd us then he'd volunteered.! Oh God 1 the grief that wrung our hearts, When this dread news struck on the ear ; None knew but He, who strength imparts To bear the cross without a tear. But oh. our hearts were filled with woe When thus was broke the home band link. nowjcould we let our dear one go,; Oh bitter, was the cup to drink ! . He looked so handsome, brave and grand, As on the morn he marched away To fight for this our southern land.i O'er his fair face a smile did play And in his dark eves gleamed a light Which said, '-dear mother weep no more, For with God's help I'll do thejight, And when this war, dear mother's o'er, And I have Won the wreath of fame, Then to your arms I'll come again; Come, with a glory covered name, ! And bring you joy for every pain.' Alas! alas! for lour long years, j Our southern heros fought in vain, Whilst friends at home were shediog tears, Involved in ruin, care and pain. , ? A "" . Oh where was he, our cherished one ! Who had been gone from home so long? Ah, ha4 his earthly race been run, Or was he doing right, or wrong? i Oil he had kept his promise well, ) And kept hU place upon the field, Where thickly fell the ball and shll ; And where the strongest soldier 'reeled, As thick and fast the death-shot How, ' And loud the artilery pealed. Yes at his post he stood him true, 'Stern courage written on his face, j Whilst towered high his noble form, That rising form, of manly grace " Which well might brook the battle's storm. Four long years sped wearily by, ' But oh, the south had sunk in gloom; All o'er the land the orphan's cry : Bewailed her dire and dreadful doom. For northern leagues oppressed her now, Whilst -cold within the silent tomb Lay our gallant Jackson's brow ; And many brave men too had sunk, Ah, sunk alas I to rise no more. Since first the south with blood got drunk. And when the "cruel war" was o'er, Twas then we saw our darling one; But oh; so changed in form and face, The mother,' scarcely knew her son. Far gone the boy-hood's tender grace, .And dim the once bright sparkling eye, And sad the higTi and noble brow. How oft I've heard the mother sigh For him who's sweetly sleeping now. - ! il He stayed with us a few short years, Our own dear, darling noble boy ; But oftjthcrt&came cold sick'ning fears That soon would end our earthly joy. We saw the flush that often crept Up to his cheek so white, and pale: We saw how feeble grew his step, And from our hearts there rose a wail Of anguish deep and still, A wail that could not.be repressed ; And through our hearts there went a thrill Of pnin that would not let us rest. At last there, came a dreadful day, When lie was stricken down in death: While yet upon his bed he lay, With fading eye and heaving breath, His words were these "oh Father, now, In StPa nl's place I sweetly rest." He spoke no more,; cold grew his brow He's living now amid the blest. I ' j ! L ' ' ' Thy work is done, oh brother, sleep! No angry winds can reach thee now ; Tly slumber too is calm and deep No troubles can assail thee now. Then rest my brother, sweetly rest Within that sweet, and holy spot; For thou art nowamid the blest, And bless'd are they who find thy lot. CEDE DEO. death. After that the homestead reverts to his creditors for the satisfaction of his debts. Until after that time the rever sion cannot be sold under the State laws. If the debtor improves bis land, by build ing or otherwise, so as to increase its value, it ts liable to a re-asgess.mentl If he acquires property cf any kind ft is li able to be seized as soon as acquired and sold under execution. If he makes any money be is liable to be harrassed by: sup plemental proceedings. He is therefore, left without any incentive to further ex ertion thaii may be necessary to furnish a bare subsistence for his family. He can hortes a pair of largo carriage horses, three of the trottin? enecies. and two ufd lot hacking by the young Ci rants, and for ' snere snail be some marketing. The carriage horses are mac-! P.,)U. of li,ler f,ife in lhe ontry, f n .i . niuceui creatures ox iventucKy stock, and tide, and Insert la Tiea thereof, the CnTUvw TL Gots1 Arxtubly shall Lav m powrr to dVptir th Uiicial depcrltMBt U ' any rw-r or Jar'iMJlctkxi which rtghtfallr ing. of the Radical Jeacfrs who mistake ! U tU General A.s.Uy shall allot . pamonfor patriot it di ahd bate forntates-1 dis-ribat tit t Mttioa of tk'ta r.vr a.d l- tuanahip. If such ben as Palmer were r'idti n. nich drt not fwruia to tbt Ba in power we might xk for peace indeed. I prwi.r Cuurt. among th other coorts pr- v- ' I . . .... i ... i ow; i come to ond questiuu about i u ilii cTM.Tuuon or wnicn may m bich lliere is sotde difference. If rou ' ly iu ,oe!l it elect Gen. Grant, k ou retain in pumer ,ny 1 ',Jr r J"1 rtm men who, like Mortin. iitut that there is ; ' ' Ti .i ( T'ZLr .r still . fight betweealthe bov. i blue and i " ! f1 5! the boys in gray ; tUo cl-iss who are aJ- , Uluw th lanr. Court, so far as the same ways appealing to the public pnjudiccs, ' may be d..n without conflict with otbet pro- cost 82,000. T. he fast or trotling horses are, not so grand or imposing, but cost more, while the others areordiuary burses with no considerable value. carriages consist of a barouche, a dog cart, a light wagon for speed in trot ting, and a pony phaeton. 1 he stable is splendidly furnished with harnesses for the various turnoutsaddles, b riddles and clothing. Indeed, it is just aiif.h n a t a 1 l I a mm ,n mifrKl avwamI A A uu- pcvcuu..., o.o u .uuui -idering the President's great taste and l"e,"M,JaM1,or in this direction. I mad oi me. ue can oniy expect, aner nis death, to isee them thrown npon the cold charities of the world, homeless and pen- uyless, without any, preparation to meet the difficulties that! must cou trout them. And iu tlie meantime bis creditors have gained nothing They are no better off than the would have been, had they re- cipted the debtor in lull and discharged him from: all his obligations at the close of the war. For what they may be able to obtain from tho reversion of a worn-out judgment in this direction. I made an estimate of the cost of his stable, which ill not be found to be far out of the way : 2 carriage horses 3 trotting horses (they cost more) 2 ordinary horses 1 barouche 1 dg cart 1 trotting wagon 1 phaeton $2,000 3,900 3,00 1,200 1,000 350 150 &c. Total, 11IS DOG CART. and exhausted homestead, which may not Harnesses, saddles, clothing, fall in for a quarter of a century, they would have gained from the increased prosperi ty of the country. Is there no remedy for this state of things I j There is.' It is furnished by the recent amendment to the general Bankrupt law. As amended the Bank rupt law Alllows to the bankrupt SI, 000 worth of personal property or money.' It also allows him a homestead worth $1,000 1,050 SfJ,950 The President's dog-cart is considered the most stylish thing of the kiud ever seen here. It is his favorite vehicle. I saw it pass up Ocean Avenue. Let me describe it : Here is a sensation. The children on the , precisely as it is allowed by our porch drop theip playthings, the croquet State Constitution and laws, ior, in tinjr maiden leans on her mallet, ant adopting the State homestead and person- ibe Jersey gardener, lost in admiration al property exempi ions, the Daukrupt law for the approaching show, stands holding adopts tlieni suo tnoao. It exempts to Hie a bunch of weeds he has just pulled bankrupt precisely the same eftate iu the property that the State law dots. J5f it discharges him from all h is indebtedness It enables him to commence tlie world w. i f anew, it makes niiu once more a ircc- man. He may then appropriate his ram ings to the purposes which Cod and na ture intended tie should appropriate them to the support of his family and the edn- tion of his children. If he makes more than he finds necessary for these purposes, then he ia morally bound to pay the baK auce on his debts. The impression seems to prevail that where judgmeuts have been docketed against a debtor tbey create a lien upou his homestead, and that, consequently, he will lose it if he goes into bankruptcy. Hut this is a mistake, lhe particular es tate created by the homestead law hexempt from execuiiou. Our Supreme Court has decided that docketed judgments do not attach to and bind the homestead estate, but only the -reversion. The bankrupt, therefore, so far as his home-stead is con cerned, will be left precisely where the State law leaves him. But he will be al lowed 500 aioiie in personal property. It is true that the Bankrupt Courts will order the reversion, or remainder, of his homestead to I e sold. But how much worse off will lie be Tor that 1 lie can't possibly be any icorse off, andhemay be a great ienbetler off. As the money arising from the sale of the reversion mr.st go, iu almost every instance, 10 pay the expen ses of the bankrupt proceedings, nocredi tor will be specially interested in bidding for it. In most instances it will sell for a mere song, and the friends of the bank rupt will buy it for him, and allow him to redeem it. In this way most of the bank that they may hate the benefit populaf cry ; but If yon elect Ilrnce Ureelej you reciect the admirable language of bis letjftr the people will shake bands ove rjjji period of blood, and we snail te brcthre asain. The question is oftel ked. what i Germany doing With Uia vast sujns cf money wrani firn l- ranee, in the shape of a war indciuciiy ? The whole amount which M ranee i to pav "foots up somewbat in exct df 1, 441,467,90 i thaltrs. Of this -sum, howtvei. Kmi.ce rvirtak 86,Gt)6,6GC thalera forfierailwartof Aluaocaml Lorai ne. The Gcrmin jrovernmtnt has urd this sunt first in aidiiL and rrUrinz the pro vinces ireviouly antjext-d, pivirisr C'l.TfiOisui thalers to person auJ corporation h" pm nn- ' property wadetroyil and standing 1 l,44o. i thalera )n replenihjiini the rolling stock on lhe railway: lines. Large Uura have teen pud lo the families of the laiil-wher: 4.0Urf0 thsler have been distributed among the "lcci fil en erals, ahd ten timet tint sum hnteen ( ajmrt ax a reserve fund for t ie next war. It can thus be seen that German? not onlv mrkc Frame pay for the past war, but U furnUh find lo forge chains for hervflf in the future. Thi i a sad conclusion lo a war commenced for the pur pose of upholJiner n Imperial dtnuty in France; I'ktluJclji.'ii'i Aj. Jl'DT.E SETTLE i North Carolina, who presided over the Gr -at convention at PhiU ddlph a, was an out poken sto-.Mnuist be fore thw war and su isequently a captain in the rebel army. W lat a howl would go up from the Grant can p, should the coining Democratic uatioualiconveiitioo sdt a on federate captain to prebide over its delibera tions ! - i Do you see that pair of large, wel matched baj- horses T Indeed, theyarc so much alike incolor shape and action, you conclude at once some horse party has had a hand in the buying of thcec for their fortunate owner. And the harness, too bright, massive ly golden, and gvorgenus are strictly in keeping with the magnificence of the horses : so that so far as both of these are concerned you are also reminded of lhe equipages of the weahhy and aristocratic if your thoughts have ever turned in that direction. But still more conspicuous us thy ap proach you are the driver and his com panion. Jet isn't a circumstance to the black ness of their faces ; while their costumes are white corduroy and white flannel, trimmed with silver, with white top boots, as nearly as you can make out ; and '.he contrast between their costumes and glos sy hats and f icrs is as marked and distinct as that f daylight and darkness. The taller holds the reins, but he is equal to the emergency, and so far as the unpractised white eye can determine, there is not a ripple of any kind on his Nubian face. The shoiter sr-cras entirely for orna- nint, and sils with his arms folded across his chest a black and white monument to wealthy and social greatness. The carriage i such as the fnX hunting people ol -another count. go to the "meet" with. The part wh'reon fit the driver and his ally is consul rally elevated above tlie rest, while the rear, which by the bold Briton is used for the transportation of hi j bird dogs, is here converted into a r isky I Cheering News fkom Ou Johnson. A private letter froi$ a prominent citix.in of Johnson monty to a gentleman iu tlu city, says: The Democrats and Conservatives areatworkin earnfst. Jiihuvn will un doubtedly poll a larger Conservative majori ty than ever before. -f Constitutional Amendments, Passed in the Jlo ise of llcprcsentattirs January 17, IStH AN ACT to alier tie Constitution of North CaroUnn Theticneral Am-nidv enactt three-fifth of IIoti4e concurring. I That the l oiiMituilm of thu State be alttrtd as follow, to wit Amend section mi striking out lhe fint i inclitding toe word of North Carolina do il the un-tubvr oi each NORTH CAROLINA NEWS ITEMS. Is THERE no Remedt. The U. S. CircuitXJourt is nowin its fourth week and since its commencement there have been in the city a large number of Ku Klux (so called) defendants and witnesses,- who have - not at yet been permitted a hearing, and have exhausted every ex pedient to come before the Court. These men, or a large majority of them are poor rupts may soon become the owners of their seat for the proprietor of ail ibis homesteads in fee simple. In any event, splendor. he will have all that lhe State Homestead Perhaps you like carnages painteti yei- and exemption laws allow him and $500 low 'tis altogether a matter ofyste more if he happens to have it when he and it so, yon wouiu ime uns one ior wie files his petition in bankruptcy. At lhe sides and under parts arc paie yellow, same time he will b discliargedfrom all not a sickly, but a sort of an aristocratic his debts. This must iiecessarily be f o, mi- p:et'u-al pale, while the rest of the vehicle less the decision of our Supreme Court in is black. Hill vs. Kcsler should be reversed on an And that man mere, wmi aronmi man appeal to the Supreme Court of the Uni- surmounted by a white stovepip.- hat, led States. Iu that event the homestead with ft lace that don i inaicaie aujming can only be secured by the operation of you would be likely to mistake for grcit- the bankrupt law. So it is plain that the ness, but seems to give snow u.u.. .,4 only entirely safe course for debtors, who larder and the cellar. "Why, that's the are deeply involved, is to take advantage President," says the honest Jersey gar- of the amended Bankrupt law while they dener. may. For there is a strong party in the uNo," 'Oh. ye?; I knew that team. lis just the biggest fetch on this shore, str.in- of the fiit article, hv Sane thereof, do n lutxl ut;" tliis being llieciaufc relating to lhe State uLht. Amend section ttrcjjof lhe eomnl .irikl striking out the word ! annually, and in i ting in lieu thereof, the wlrd " biennially ;" Uing in reference to lhe cions of the Gei.eial A- seniblv. Amend section fivdof the second trtit!, hv striking out all that ireevde the word, " tl said Senate districts, f and bv t-trikinj out tne ihrac"a afore.Tid h." " in said section : the parts no stricken otA having refetei.ee to t State cvnu. j Add a new section fo 'he second aiticlc to he style! " section U,-' linl to read as follows: " The'membcr of the general Anibly fchall each .'eceive ibrce undrc-l dollar a a com pensation lor tlu ir sn ices during their term, subject lo such rcjjul .lions in regard to time of payment and red;ictikii for non-atn ndance a i n a i be precrii d bii law ; hut they may have I an additional al!owaiVe when tl. y are called togi'ther in ppf ti ll se-ion, aixi mileage tJiali bv ten Cents jht niile for. cadi e?M"n." nn nd wel ion ot.c of the third ank le by Mrikitiz out tbewrmli " fur yc.ir," where t!iy txt iir first in ani l sermon, .and inserting, in lien thervof, the words " tjwo yenr,'" lein in rtfr cncii to the ttrini of executive uflieerB. Slriite out the wordj. " .Sujei inliiid nt of Pub lic Vork,'' whvrever tbey ini-ur in lhe Co:wii lution, thus aUiiiliir,t thai tlLcc. - Amen J section si of the tl.'-rd article, by striking out the w rd "annually" Hisdiu-M-iting. in lieu thertof. the word "biennial ly." so as to.couf ri i to the provisions re specting the session of the Gtueral Assein-blv. Siriko midsections two and three of th T .. l'l fourth articles being the provisions uhirl. re- f.-r to the aoixiintaneut aua Uul.cs oi li.e Co-b CotiniiisMoneri AUr section furif thf fourth article, so tbt s:i.l seel ton sh.ihl reada flh-.vs : "Th judicial power of th Stat tiikiiii ( ima conatnattoa. Strike out sections six tec. scTea- rf a ' a of the 1 n t'ftro, iwntyxv asa tiuny-tbrv il toe l .urtn anicie. Amend section twentytix of the aovrtk ; article by striking out all that part which b- gias with, ana follows the word bot la sid section aed. ia lito cflhtf art stricken out. inserting tbt following x 'The judicial officers and the clerks f aij eoarta which may be established by law. ahall be chosen by the vote of the qna'ified electors, and for such term as may be pre rriled bv law. T1 voters of earh pre cinct, establ hed at is elsewber provided for iu this constitQt'um. sh all elect two fas tie- of tlie peaee f.r such term as uay be fixed by law, whose juriadiclioD shall extend throughout their respective evunties. The M ueral Assembly may provide for theelec-' tu.uof more than two jnslicea ol the peace : a those precincts which cantata cities or towns, or In which other special reasons ren der it expedient. The chief magistrates of cities kiid incorporated towns sha.ll have tin-judicial powers of j a slices of the peace." Amend ectWm thirty of the foarta article by st-iking out the word "township" and i setting, in lieu thereof, the word "pre cinct. ; aUo in the latt sentencr ol the tame section, strike oat the words ''the commis sioners of the county rosy appoint to such oihee for the tinet iired term, and la liea iereof insert "au appointmeat to fill such vacancy lor the unexpired term S&alt be made as may he prescribed by law." Amend sections one and scvea w the fi tb article, bv striking out the word 'commie - bioners of the several connties" where tbey tx-cur in said sections, and ia lieu tbetvof in serting the words, "couuty authoniies es tablished and authorized by law.? Strike out section four f the fifth article. relating to laxatiou to pay the State debt and i interest. Ameud section six of the fifth article by inertirg after the word -iDitrUEeot ia saiJ section the wirds "or asf Xher per sonal projieity." lnert the word "and" before the word, "surveyor" in section oae of the 7th article, and strike out the words "and fiveeummie sinners" in said si-ctiou ; also add to raid section the followicg: "The Geseral As sembly shall provide for a system of ooucty government for the several counties of (be State." Amend section two of the seventh article, by sirikiug out the word "rtnmislooer and in hen thereof iniM-rtitig the words .nnty unlhorili established and authorized by law;" and in the same section strike oat the words, "the IJeC'rter of Deeds shall be shail le ve!-.l ;n of impeachments, a Su r Conrt. such interior established by htw, and the IVare." of the fourth arlicl shall read a follow may. J: or mere is a strong party i country m favor of its repeal, and they may succeed. Dayidsox h I : .1 i m i. : I tment or secrtml-hanrl P aims 1 l"".l'n" u""f w," " - flnd nnable to naw hotel bi Is. and are from S7;" to siti (i l! ed in .viCK ibyj the completion of the contem-I f . m j u-r. u Lei n;;.?;L it i: A nlared liail liofd- to thiS nlare. Persons in- necessarily . Compelled to shift about as r w.uie ivuii uu- f . , " . i r . .. .. tA., iL. ..n V 1 A ..!. . I termed in sucn nroDertv.; are mviteaio can on. i l,,cJ -- .caiou j "my ATi Deeds, Trustee fDeeda, CoirinnssiotSer's Deeds, j sliorilf ? m Chattel Mortgages, eVt ! r or Sale at this oiVu mid i- , x- -TO OV 1 various other blanks lbr sale here. or address tho subscriber.; it ; JNQ. ATlRADSnAW, i ',. Ill i ' j : Salisbury, N. C. April 18, 182. 3I;:tf, j FANCY HAIR WORK. J MRS. S. W. TERRELL, will do any kiud of :' t - 'J L Fancy Hnir Work. ; Repair Rraides. make Corls Switches, Or nainenjts and Jewelry Rjejtts ; also make fami ly hair into Wreaths, and lioouets. For terms calf at heri resideuee on Church street. West of the Methodist Church. Sam plea can be seen at S. W. Tebbell' Store on Inniss street. 1 May 9, 1873 3Itf. that many of them are getting sick, and if something is not speedly done for them the consequences will be awful. We visited on yesterday, a young man from Sampson, a defendant in a Ku Klux case, who' was lying dangerously ill in a small garret room on Faycttevillc street, so close and uncomfortable that a well m in could no more than snrvive three days confinement in it. and yet it was the best be could do. We ask in the name of humanity, if something cannot be done by the court, to relieve these poor unfortunates, either let them be tried or recognized. Raleigh Netcs. ' t r rrc r v a a The subject has been nnder discussion among our citizens of purchasing the en tile block w here the. Court House former ly stood, and settingi it apart as a public square, with the new Conrt House in the centre. The property can be purchased at a moderate figure, and we trust earn estly that the movers iu this happy un dertaking may be successful. '1 he city needs a public square, has needed one for a long time, and no better onnortunitv will ever be Presented of I J . securing one in ah eligible place. A few mills on the dollar of taxation will accom plish it, and then we will have something of which onr little city may be proud. A meetinjr will be held to-night at Odd Fellow's hall to take this subject under discussion when, it is hoped, there will be a fnll attendance of our citizens. Greensboro" Patriot. 'You don't mean to tell me that this is the man I saw on a bay horse utar the applc-lree in Virginia ?' 4,1 don t know notinng aooni no ir nia nnnle.tree. but that's Grant, the III 'm I f f President of the United States, and them bays and the niggers just lay over any thing I ever saw. a court for the trial preme CourtI Super! Courts as may be Courts of Jnlire ( Alter section eigh so that said! sect i "The Supreme Co;ijt shall consist of ; Chief Tiifct'in. and two Associate .Tut!fe: Von- J-fcf. That this shaUfnot apply to the j'l-Me.-, luring their preterit term of ofti". nu!e by death, resignation. ,r o'he'w.se. tnenirn her -r Associate justices Mian oe retiucea to two." j Alter section twelve of the fonrth article so that said section shall read as "The State shall le divided (Ten Leach and CjI. More head address cd large nnmber of people at Co. Shops Monday evening. It lhe voters oi Aia Aance evince lhe same interest in me issues of the day that the people about the Shorn do. we will carry Alamance ---- - i ' . . - cotuity by four hundred at leart. Lrrtcnsooro I'titnoi. follow ; into nine vnii- cial districts, for eao. of which a judg shall Isa chosen; and in each ditrict a Superior Court shall be held at Iet twice n eart. year, to continue ior sucn nine m earn rouu tv respectively as nay b prescribed by law. The General Assembly shall lay off said dls- so lhat the said nine tricts in due time. fudges may be chosen and begin their al term at the first bers of the Genera rx ejjkio clerk or the board cf commission ers ' Strike ont rction three of lhe seventh ar ticle, ani in lieu thereof insert tb followitg ; "The county authorities established and ao-tho-iz-d by law shall see that the respective counties are ilivid.-d into a suitable Lumber of sub division, as compact and convenient in shape as jmssible. and marked ot: by de finite Ixiiindaries. which may be altered whea n--ary . Sail sub divisions shall be knowa bv the name of precinct. They shall have i.o corporate powers. The township gov ern:) enu are nli!M,ed. The boundaries of the pn citic: shall be the same which here t. f.re dr fined tlie townships until they shall be altered." Strike ut sectiors f-nr. five, six, ten and eh-ven of the s vetuh article, which relate to the township S) stein. Amend sections eight acd nine of toe seventh art'o-le. by sinking out the words "or townships" where they occur in said sections. Strike out section three of the ninth article. and in lieu thereof insert the following : "The General Asen,hly shall make suitable pro vision by law for the management and regu lation of the public schools, aod for terfect- ing the syfi-in of fre public instruction." Strike out section five of the ninth article, and in hen thereof, insert the following: --The ;.-uerl Assembly shall have power U provide for the election of TraiU-ea of the 1'niversity of North Carolina, in whom, cl.oen. shall le vested all the privileges, rt:htk, frLhics and endowments hereto fore iu any wise granted to, or conferred op on. the lh.ard of Truatees of Said Universi ty, a .d the General Assemblv may make such provisions, laws and regulations, from time to time. a may be necessary and ex pedient, for the maintenance and mansge ineut of sa'.d University." Strike out section thirteen, fourteen and fifteen -f the ninth article, relating to tbe Unive sfty of No th Carolina. Amend sec tion ten of the eleventh article by striking out the word "at the charge of the Slate." and iu lieu thereof, insert the words "by the S'ate; and ttie who do njl own property exemption presrtihed in this Cons'.ilution, or b.-i:ig minor, whose parents do not own prrerty over and above the same." shall be cared for a the tbarge of the State. Alter section seven of the fourteenth ar ticle so that said section lhall read at fol foi'ows: "No person who shall bold anyof fire ,r place of trust or profit under tLe United Mates, or auy department there, or nnder any other Mate or government, shall bold or exercise any other oJLceor place f trust Of ti'ofit un.ler the authority of this State, or be e.igitiie to a seat in enner iiuun ii wh General Assembly ; Protidtd. That riOthlB herein Contained shall extend toofheersia offi It is expected that Senator Wilson, of wrapt in flame before November. Massachusetts-.Republican nominee for V ice t- : J . :ll V.. :n ,1.: Ci.ta fir tk nnr. a i Kj, uruii nin uc iu bin ' v ' I nose of canvassing, by the 1st of July. f than it has beep fur years. Cl- eueral ei-ction for rrtetn- Asembly which shall occur after tlie ratification of this section. TI.- fi..nemJ AhMeoildv uiHT reduce orin- rrease the number t f Districts to take effect a, the end of each judicial wm. Strikeout s-ctioii tlirt en of the fourth aitie'.e whioh Exes the p eaent judicial dis tricts. Amend section fifteen of the ftinh ar ticle by strUing ut all f!er th word . . mm The Great Northwest. The ground- "otfi." -nd inaert r.p. iu ue-. i ti.e , ...t s swell is beginning. The pe.ple are getting i str.cnen ouv, i .......w - fired of wafting tr Is.lti.5tre. They eW, j Assembly prefi U . pr per sy r n o. nes wt.i ue , r"vuu o j-, o..j - trict twice iu surcfsa'.on. and the judges may a'.so eiehaoge diArict wi'h eavh other, as . t iji., msv be nrovided brlaw" THF wnear crop in erry eown.j - J, 1 of lhm fjartn tr. hold in any longer. All the pra ries f the rorstitut ion. shall ei-tiBoe to heir function antil any provliinsj the militia. Justice of the I'eace, Cotnuiis s'wners I -r Social I'urposes.M Ad 1 another section to the fortbeetth sw ticle to be styled "section 8." asd to read as follows: "Cunty olfitera. jasuers of the neace and -;her o.lcers whose offices are ab-!ished oi changed :n any way by the al- trrat!' eerri trcesary to te ma"1e ny law ta oroer W ft; 1 1 . ff. et to the a'terati ma. so far as relate to sa d offerer shall have been made." IJe i.uu.ber the sections ia those articles from which an section Las been strict es withont the insertion of another in its stead: and give to any new section that Bomber w bich by this method would have beee give to the section for abich it it snbstiteA, and t.e alteration shall be embodied ioio the eons'itotion, and the s-vczal aertxw no bTd censemtive'.y. I ' L J L

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