'i'-'.-'l'. 'f -ll 'l ' :-yi- 'A f : .y ;rt p -v4- v!- : - ; ' ,v , .- . . , ,. : -,. ; . - - - !'.: . i Y h s .? - -; . . . : . t - . . '.- . - . - - 4 - -.-. .. ! . . - . . '. - . - - . . , -' '. T. '' I. . 1 R t VOL. III.-7-THIUD SERIES. rvHfcrsutn wkdki.v : J. J. JJItUKIl, l'rii)ri('tor anil BJitor. jj STEW ART, It AT It S O If KMiritll'TION 0!fE "Ykau, a!jrtl; m advance $250 Six M NTim. ; " " Ur0 L L'o'.-'k s to Ue aJr!?8, Lt, ;..10J00 J llKAD k FOOT STONES, &0. ( jjoilM H. BUSS I fflKSl'DKllM Ik iS foiiiptimriitK to hia friends L and tlx imJdio.tfnd in thin nu'lhod wonild luinjr 'tthcir uttciitiun Lis .nxtcndcH facilities fi.r meeting lcruaiKl in his line of btisino.t lie i? now i rfi)ri'd to furiiish all kinds of i$f$vk $to1ie 4. fitjun t.1'0 chi'iipff I Head Stojnds, to the cortli iht jiiioii'iiiH'iit.i. Tliosu prcfi'iitig it'"l!H and T ry fostly works nfc on hand, cn b aoinn) lattil on nliort time, strictly in ac rordfjitfii With itcfifit.-iitir!)r4, drafts, and the tefmi 'o!f thf "--.ciin tract. ' .ti.-('a iion guarafi- t4tl. Jfo .will not he . tiujcvsold, North or &Mti. I pfddrs !H fcd. AddreH, l?;tr ' j , - J lOIN II. DDIS. Salislmrr. 1 JJ1 UlilCl 17 HpitKAY Street, i KIW YORK, .. - i facturcrs and Jobbers of BOOTS & SHOES, fou I I SOUTHERN TRADE, Have a oinpUte stock in all line, include in lliijr ipopnlar (inutile State inL hip rltbrr shorn, and Wjmi'rns reb. unls,. rs ptilkitinMl and car j;futly filled at lovn-fct liflaikft ratci. J. i:. MOOSE Salcpman. , in SVl.Uv-AN. ' . h 1 if Cow iii'.- i : EW- OPENING.; IK i?!v ijuderMljriifil havinr 4so'ciatd thenj 'I in Ir.Mi 4i4"--i. tuiiK-r linn naiiu; of '. A. M. SULLIVAN, CO., 11 AV in It ojj.'djin U. ,f. Ifdlujics' new .build wli.'rf 1 -V Will 1 l id !o r.ii ( t old and ai1:, , c!it roiling "vii .iliid I iit-w fr'cj: !..; T-: -i I :,r tin STOCK OF GOODS, a nr.ncrul asl ntment. Ila-fl-gtiarra:itfv a1- iinv Homsc hi J v;ire eic'ifc(i, and will p'XiiJ b.iir; thc'i.iitS H'lll Cobit iin-ii!cii:j 'ic sold Hi cyv' i'H dc.il hcavilv in Ciroeerii?" y I Ktdiitf. b'lynijr iijid seliinjr, aid invl'e all j'ki wiilrritluT fo ln ; rell to cajll on them. -t i a. m. sl:li.tvan t Vo. ' Jatu.sMttu 14 i;: f H. W. Vtiu I: T. J.rl'KICE. -f nap Komove r 1 h I -Tii EI It j.-; FAMILY GP.QSERY STOFfE 1"( JERKIN'S CORNER, I U liere.tli.y M ill continue to Sell Flonrj Meal, l'reh Mat. Raon, Laid. IJutterJ Ki?s, ('..flVei Tijeis. fMig.-ir, Salt. Pickles," M. lasM'S, & , t'irH1ier with a lai ire and varied .... -3 . : t ... . Moirk.: of ho,.Uld ai'd table necessities ltrVtig yuur clountry produce to b;i i T1UCE 5c HUO. (l':tQ i ; v n E3.j CO IUMVAI B 01J ITFTY FIRST PUE- 'Mitt MIS r iHl 'Gohl atnl Silrcr jlrd ds (led CllAI.ES -M. ST!!-FF I I ! were awa i for the 1 4- '6l laius, in coirn.iiiiinii will -V ' I , the jleading njanufactur of'tlie country. Cfficfeldsd ZCctsrWarcrocm-, "''I'L M 'ian.- e Thii sti,.r.. K h . mV-T "'""'r ina fit-cliWH Piano ,i ' J,lMlht.nbl insjirovement of hi- own inJ ,y;iiion. l. f,iua jt) illiet fitmnier.tsJ t::l. I lrwh Mu d nt.ih of their inntru-l he (jieelled by any maiuifactjir-j en. A l'irpf M'ltnirnt of Kernnd.hand riano idJl1 iiiNth Orixa'T.. onn, twent r dir.. "i:t.'Vt n huti 1 rni, i cn .,.,,1 i,,. i .' T.' . L, 'k. - II ii t i i in i rsi:.d i 'iii ' ...M, at;Vb'tr'le. . ('ontiimi'i " "in- (, if t r tU-Vvo hr.rdi'cd $ut burners: of which are V irsrlniansL fv.-i; I'Hlur.i.l If . ll ('jtroliHiann, one liandred nud; Mly 1 ' I' l IM'I tt :tcifcnc(UiH. and nth its t iit'oimbiiut; hn hive Ixm-rht Ihe Sticll' i'i.;noj ol tp.tr. war. ! "- AULMX p.IIOWN. :Ag;nt. ,' lali.niy.X.C 22: tnt I ..iih l)cols,. Trustee Deeds, lat'tel Motlsfaixes, Sal q nt thip oHu Chattel '"Mortsacca.- n-.i ..... 1 r ..i . . . i- -J ' . I i i "i. I'luiin.i ,iui rait uerc. i- jAfTOMBS. B Sludwell Manli TRIUMPH AN i ! -' I I . - !r- ft T.mRT7T? V Klfl .TfTTYl : 5 " TTT " ' ' " Ij ! I) if la U I? U I ;awuwAMjrLuuuii. ' ll ill ij' 1 H 1 II llll F0H TIE $EHAK r WOLFQASG MULLEE Havitiy asrain Orgranized for BUSINESS, have jtist'openqd a I entirely new and fresli. in the room lprtnerly occupieitl as ihe Ilardware Store, ! .1 I. . 1' m 1 1 the lingpeciion of which they meet cor dially iavite the public. Their 'y - i ' i i r ' u -v was carefully selected by ihe senior msm bcrjof the firm in( person, and bought at rates which will enable them to Bell as low, for C4 SII, as in thfe.ni v.; for Goods of same mialitv Their Siirk in general, embracing all the vaf tou3 branches of Goods, Grdccrics Croclcnj Ware, Hoots and 1 SJwes ..Sole Leather. Calf and x , -Hinipg Skins, Grain and Griss, Scythes, Cap, Letter !' - ' iaftd Note Paper; ENVELOPES, PENS, INK, dc, and a beautiful assortment of 5-? rni I ' t y t . ... u cy,ieei asst. reel ot their ability to ive entire! satisfaction, and especially in- vite iid tri,eu(is and teustomer' to call and lii'iii with thenv" the-ir acquaintances Thev a expect and intend to maintain the lepui ition of the Old ' Murnhv L whiclf i well known throughout Western Nortl) Caririlina. i All they ask is an ex aminitinn of their stock and Ke prices. No trouble to show goods, so come right along:. Their motto, Small fprofttv, ready pay and QU QIC SALES., "WTith a !;good stock, low price?, fair dealing and prompt attention, they will endeavor o merit t heir share of the pub lic patronage Tney are ui the market for all kinds of produce and solicit calls from both Idlers and buyer?. ( & A. MURPHY. IiOBT.j JIUK PHY, , ANDREW MllllPIIY. A Salibury, March 23, -1872. fS7:ly MILLS &B0YDEN "WHOLESALE AXD KETAIL i " " ! And; Commiision Msphants, i i Salts BxruT, March lst,1872j - Keep constantly on hand a lanre and choice stocli of GENERAL MERCIIANDlSEt cf)inpnugl)ry Goods. Groceries, Wares, etc. ot which jthey woald especially mention! Sugar and Coffee, of all grades, MOLASSES, - !' IiACOX, LAUD, SOLE and - Tptior LEATHER. SHOES & BOOTS , f HATS, . BOXXETS, PRINTS. iEL SALMOX TTJOTTT FL)UR.and MEAL, fcUA PS, v -p JiPER and SPICES,! f ? TOBACCO, I ! LIQUORS, of all kimlsjilwaon hand, of choice quality. J-"Espeial attention given to coiisign ments. and prompt returns "made. 21:tf U " 1 T A RARE CHANCE ToSecure a BEAUTIFUL AND VAIJTiUiLE REAL ESTATE, consist ing of a modern, and coinniodious house, am ple out build jngs, gowl water, a fine large gar den,! and front 8 to 38 acres of excellent land, all lying in tlie nubnrhs of Salisbury ; all in closed, and eligible for ; building lot?. The above property w oneof the most I)'KSljiAl?LE in this part of the country, and will be increas ed in V'ai.Jl'K by the completion of the contem plated lJai"l ISoads to thi "place. I'erSons ..in tercsfed in such property, are invited to call on, oraddres.?thd subwriher. , i JN(i'A."r.UADIIAW, ! Is . Salisbury N. C. . ,. A prill ,1 172-31 rtf. FAHOY HAIR lBBK w. TERRELL, will do any kind of Fancy Hair Work. Ilepaij- Uraides. inake Xurls, ' Switches, Or nameiits and Jewelry5 Setts ; also make fami ly hair into Wieaths, and Boquets. i For terms Call at hj'r residence) on IChnrch street. West jf the Methodist Church. Sam pies can be seen at St W, Terbel's Store on Iniiiss street,'- ' ' ' Mayl, lSTS 3itf. E nihio Slock P4y 33 O 2BE .1 There once wan a Count, so I've heard is said ho felt that his end drew near; Anil he called hii sons before his bed To part them his goods and gear. V lie called for his plough, he called for Eis sword, 1 hat gallant, good and brave : They brought hiri both at their father's word, And thus hi blessings gave : "My first-Wrn son, my pride and might, Io thou iqy B-ord retain : My castle on) the lordly height, And all Biy boird domain. " ! - T I S J . ; "On thee, roy weIl-lovedyounger boy, My plonb I here bestow, A peaceful life shall thou enjoy, n the quiet vile below." ' ' " 'I ! Contented wnk the ei to rest, " Ko wait jwas gjveni away ; The sons held true his last behest, E'en on their dying day. "Now tell lis what came of the steel of flame, Of the castle And its knight I And tell us what came of the vale so tame, And the bumble peasant wight ?" ' '1 M; j . ' O ask not of me what the end may be ! Ask 6f the country round ! The castle is du.st, the sword is rust, The height i but desert ground. I'U " 1 . But the! vale spreads Wide in the golden pride Of the autumn sunlight now ; It teems and it; ripens far and wide, I: And the hoiior abides with the plough. "IROCK OF AGES." "Rock of Ages, cleft for me," Thoughtlessly the maiden sung, Fell the wprds unconciously J ! From her girlish, gleeful tongue ; Sang as little children sing; Sang as sing the birds in June; Fdlthe words like light leaves down ; Ou the current of true "Itock of Ages, cleft me, I Let me hide myself in Thee'" "Let me hide! myself in Thee," 4 Felt her soul no need to hide ; Sweet (he SoUg as song could be : And she had no thought beside ; All the wotds unheedingly Fell fronii lips untouched by care. Dreaming pot they each might be On some other lips a prayer "Rock of Ags, cleft for me, ; Let me bid myself in Thee." "Kock of Ages cleft for me" , 'Tvvas a woman sung them now, Pleadiugly: and prayfully ; : Every vvtH-d her heart did know, Rose the song as storm tossed bird Beats with weary wing the air. Every note with sorrow stirred ' Every syllable a prayer "Rock of Ages, cleft for me, . Let me hide myself in" Thee." ,; 4- ' ; " 1 "Rock of Ak, cleft for me " Lips grown aged sung the hymn Trusting aftd tenderly Vice-grown weak ar.d eyes grown dim, "Let me hide myself in Thee," Trembling though t,he voice and low, Ran the strain peacefully. Like a river in its How, Sung as onjly they can sing Who lifers thoruy paths have passed ; Snug as only they can f-ing Who behold the promised rest 'R..ck of Ages, cleft fr me, Let ine hide myself in Thee." .:!i'" "Rock of Age3, cleft to me," Rung above a coffin lid ; Under eatlnall restfully. All life's joys and Sorrows hid, Xeverinorei O storm-tosstd mul ! Nevermore from wiud or tide, Nevenpore from billow's roll. Wilt thou peed thyself to hide, Could the sightless, sunkeu eyes. Closed beneattii the sft gray hair, Could the mute and stiffened lips Move again in pleading pra-ver. Still, aye, still the words wuld be, Let-me hide myself in Thee.'" A Good Rule. Ti well to walk with a cheerful heart, - l; Whereyer our fortunes call, With a friendly glance, an open hand, And a gentle word for all. Since life is a thorny and difficult path, Where toils is the portion of man, We all should endeavor, while passing along, i To make it as smooth as we can. i A Wonderful (J ux. The Middle towh N. Y.) Press gives all account of a riflo, invented by Mr. M. L. A. Merriam, of a mot extraordinary chsracter. lt lent anball through forty-two inches of v-fcW ended with the assurance from the solid ptne and eight inches of hemlock, ' Pesident that he would adopt the views and again through eighteen inches of solid f'f Greeley, and follow them exactly, oak and nineteen inches of solid pine. An H would, however, make a single modi interested spectator wasa lumberman, who Heat ion lie wonld substitute Horace Gree furiiished, the material for the target on ley iu place of Gerrit Smith., condition that he should receive double ' "Very well" said Mr. G., "if j-ou rail price hi case the experiment failed, but nie I W1" cme gladly and aid you to the noihtng if it proved a success. He sue- ceeded ih loostng his lumber. Science has beeti proved to be a gainer. It mi:ht be added that Mr. Merriam says he has sent a ball with his rifle a distauce of over two miles. Lead balls canuot be used, melting before they leave the barrel. The mistile are octagon in from, and are made ot coraDosition. r he composition.' ine rencrt is louder than that of an ordinary gnn, but the recoil is not heayy in fact, this lit- Jf camion does not ''kick." If such arms had been in use durincr the; war!; trees would have been no pro- ' of the southern leaders, and his willing tion to the cowardly officers or prudent ; ness to trust the southern people is no new pickctsi Er. Merriani is also the inven- thing. What lie- is to-day he was years tr vf : oth.er valuable improvements ago ; and what better guarantee do wc iiumechanieaP art. He has apatent on want for the future? At a time when the hisgun, end 1ms relused $500 for this north was wild with rage against the south, shigle piece. ,i The secret of its power when the execution of every oue of her po-Ik-8- ia pe0nhuity of the powder chain- l'.tical and military chit fs. and the confi-'-ber, which; ia larger than the bore of cation of the entire property ofj her people th( barrel, jwhich thre-cigths of an inch. 1 would harnl)- have atoned in. northern eyes It length j is j about twenty-five incies, for Lincoln? assassination, then Greley, and the ?w!wle piece is very light. The . with the wisdom of the statesman aud the i)ail used vas a couicl one, and weighed sympathy of a great heart, stood up for 13a graips i tlie power. Hazard's electric, ; the soutli alone in his pirty, recommend andhehiirgii was 210 grains. The dU inga line of policy which' would have tory-emark- that this was done in the pre- J brought peace and happiness to the coun sen'ce of a number of gentlemen, whose ; try and exhibiting traits, of character name are gfven, and that there was "no ' which do credit to and commend Imman chfatlng I i ity.; I nORACE GREELKY'S 1XTER- YIEW WITH I'HESDT JCUNSOX. From thf Courkr-Joumy. Richmond, Va., June 2a An inci. dent m r. ureciey uwxor, so crcdua- ble to Ins bead and heart th it onrhtlonr ago to have been made pvtlic, has just been narrated to your coriEpondent, and he hastens to pUce it before the readers of the Courier Journal, not Jess as an actjjL justice to Mr. Greeley tii an a matter pf general interest to the country. I be won der is that this incident should By onjr have been kept secret, dating back 43 it does seven years ago. ' ' ' AXDUEW JOHNSON SENDS FOR GjEELET. Soon after Johnson was inalled as President, he sent a gentleman to New York to solicit an interview ylth Horace Greeley. Unable to leavalhe capital, Greeley must come to hinLAt once at the White House. Greely promptly complied with the request. Johnson opened the conversation by say ing that he round himself la a most trying position, ihe nation-was convulsed with passion in consequence oi Mr Lincoln assassination ; the situation was new and embarrassing to him ; he fdt inadequate to the task to which he hid been so un expectedly called, and he elttlie need, as he had never before fell i:, of the counsel of some cool and sagacioui man. He had, therefore sent for Mr. Greeley. What course to pursue, how to Kern the torrent of Northern frenzy, how to manage the reins of government in a crisis so awful, was a problem too deep for bira to solve. Placing himself in Mr. Greeley's hand?, he asked, WHAT MUST IDO ? Thanking him for the confidence thus repoaed in him, Mr. Grteby replied that his be?t course was to call to his assistance a few of the, wisest and best men in the country. They should b representative Hietflrom the two great sections. On the part of the North he would suggest Gov. Andrew of Massachusetts Gerrit Smith of New York, and Judge Sjaldingjof Ohio. A like number ot uilcru gentlemen should bo called; they shfuld be invited to the White House as guests of the Pres ident, there to remain and deliberate as long as they thought fit; and having a greed upon some policy, lley should sub mit it to the President for. his approval, and if approved by him, ai Mr. Greeley doubted not it would be, itihould be faith fully and rigidly pursued, cespite the pop ular chmor whidi miglit fur a timeeusuc. Mr. Julnisou thought well of the eug gestion. r "Hut wh.it southern men shoild I invite Mr. Greeley, to meet the gentlemen you have named from the north'" "First and foremost," said Mr. Greeley, "Robert E. Lt:e of Virginia." "Great heavens!? exclaimed Johnson :J ''he is the verv head aiiH. front of the re hellion." " ) "I know thai," said (Jreelcy, "and for that very reason you jiouid invite liim. He knows, if any man iocs, the wants of the Southern people; li5 of all men pos sesses the confidence of the entire South ; he is uptight: and pure; he would not re commend : single action on your part which would not meet tins approval of your advisers from the north, and the result of the deliberations in which Robert E. Lee, Judge Cambcll of Alalam.i, and a third man 1 ke them, from the son! Ii took part, would not only -insure the approbation of the disafi'. cJed States, Uit in the course of u few months, w.-uld I am firmly persuad ed, bring to your support every right minded and right hearted man at the north. The pacification ot the estranged sections, your m lin difliculty, would thus be solved and your path made clear toward the so lution of minor dilnculi u .. IIow are you to discover the true sentiments of tin south and the wants of its people if you do not consult her representative men And what sort of restoration wil that be in the plan of which the south has no part what ever? It must of necessitv be one sided, partial and aLd unjust, lie puisiudcd, Mr. President, and call to your aid men of the standing, position, and temper I have suggested, and by all means call thrm from both section5," In this strain Mr, Greeley continued until he had FaIKLT WON THE PRESIDENT s i over to his wav of thinking. The intcr- of mY al'ility i 1 hey parted, and ten days atrerward Johnson threw Greeley's suggestions to the wind, adopted "My policy," at.d pur sued it; witlrr'wh.tt result the country is , but too sadly aware. j Thus it will be seen lhat the role of pacificator is XO XEW THING ' with Mr. Greeley, but is only a part which he lias svstematicalv pursued evcrr since the clo?e of the war. So, also, his; confi ' dence in tire intcritv and trood sense From the Sentinel. LETTER FROM DAVIDSON COLLEGE. Davidson College, July l, 1S72. Messrs.! Editobs t, i... . icre i48t week. ' i..rn. generally collects here at commencement V B"4 lue rgest in Kortb Carolina. But this year, because of the abundant facilities for recess by'railrqad and the atr tractions of more than ordinary strength the audieucea were unusually l.irr ' There were only thirteen irraduate. itm the style of their graduating essays, gare assurance that they had profited aright by mcir cry uequeni opportunities ot inter course with their Professor. The va cancy in the chair of Mental and Moral eciencewas tilled by the election of the Rev. James F. Latimer of .Abbeville, 8. O. Several North. Carolinians and trrad- uaies oi iaviann college were asked to be candidates for this professorship. Rat modest, or previous engagements Drcven- ted them from securing ibis post of honor and influence, Mr. Latimer is a young man highly commended for talents and attainments, by cmiuent lawyers, profess ors and ministers. The Alumni of Davidson College have resolved to raise $25,000, for the eudow- nieut of a professorship at that important and influential institution. The Rev. J. Doll of lanceyville, N. C., is the Prcsi dent of its Board of Trustees. The excellent oder that pervaded the audiences, and the well disciplined or chestre from Salem, N C, added mucli I. A A a. 1 1 ui iu uuieriummeni 01 ail who were gathered to see old friends and hear new truths. p From the Sentinel. Fayetteville, N. C, July 1, 1872. Mr. Editor: As the Sentinel is the advocate of just administration of the la alike to all ; and also the fearless expoeer ot all sorts ot villainy and unjust adminis tiation of law, I wish to give to the voters of North Carolina but one of the many villainous acts of a radical officer of our town, and who is now the radical candi dates for Stite Auditor." One John-Riley, of Pennsylvania, who is now Mayoi ot Fayetteville, had before him a gentleman from Sampson county and YN . ll. .Love, a radical of this town charged with h iving a fight. Upon the examination of the witucss, the following facts were sworn to : L he said . K. lyjve came into my stoic, and walking up to tlie gentleman ask' d him, if he w;s the author of an ar- tide that appeared in the Eagle of the 27;h inst. The gentleman from Sampson re pli"d, that he was, thereupon said Love, collared and struck a blow or blow. Mr. Howard then taking hold of eaid Love without showing any signs of fight farther than to prevent eaid Love from inflicting any damage upon his person. Rut think ing however, that Love was trying to get a pistol from his pocket, he struck him on the head with a small pair of couuter scales. Love stated that he had hunted Mr. Howard up for the purpose of having a fight ; whereupon the honorable mayor from Pennsylvania gave the following judgvnent : . R. Love, fined 50 cents, :likI linntid nvf-r in a linnd t.f ii In-.n.f ro dollars f..r appearance, wih one bink rupt, A. G. Thoraut. ihe hueband of a colored woman, as surety. Mr. Howard fi:ied ten dollars and cost?, and bound him over iu a bond of five hundred doN lars, with good turelies. Now, Mr Editor, it John Riley, as a sworn oilie r cannot do justice iu a little fiht, what wnl h; do if he gets to be Slate Auditor ? God 6acc the country. JUSTICE. Tnr I.F.A PKltS Of TII E S(ll"THKIl An mies How tiiky Stand on the Qi ks- j thin of Pl ace. - The l.ici is worthy to be mentioned, not as it proof to any one, ncv ertlieh ss as a f. ct replete w ith higiiificance, that the men who led the southern armies when there was real fighting to Im done, and when the sectional controversy was being settled with powder and ball aud phot and fhell are all opposed '.o a Mr-tight- j out nomination on impructable issues in the Presidential election, and arc in favor of the adoption of the peace programme declared at Cincinnati. Let us f ubmit a ' few examples in each of the reconstructed In Lonisima Beauregard, Longtrect and Hays In Texas -John II. Hood. In Mississippi Feathers tone, Walthall and Humphreys. In Alabama Pettus, John T. Morgan ami Raphael Semnies. In Georgia Gordon, lienning, Wofford and Wright. t l .i ii 1 r i 1 T." , 111 OuUllI UaroilU1 imiupiou aim ivei- ''id North Carolina D. II. Hill and Ransom. In Virginia Imboden and Picket. ' In Tennessee Forest, Bates, Cheatam aud Brown. f se soldiers of the 'Lost Canse While lb aro rallying under the banner of peace aliirb has been entrusted to the kreplnsr of h nest Horace Greeley becuisf he baa - - s'eadil v advocated universal amnesty since .1. . l .t .. ,,,) l.ia iriv.ii tlii llli ciw-i; ui iuc ai 'i"u ti' .. , i- I 1,f lilittest t-viuence OI personal examine m ... . ' .. . i.. the t iUli witti n mm - uie ranit anu ine, . ... i.i w hom they led. are loiraing arouuu mem an iiivineibli- phalanx, to win a victory in peace second only to the gloiics of their, record iu war. In a recent debate, a member of the Ca'ifurn'M Legislature cxcl.iim d : "Th" honorable gentlemin from Calaveras County i undoubutliy a person of grout abilities a mau of many lalentu na tural born genius ; but there is one thing that I defy hiui to do, and that is to bite the bottom of a frying pm without smutting his nose: NO. Frooith Stat:'! Tni'!. TlIK AMtBtttAjr MlJ. TlnrTx Tho last isu4 of the Amerirnr menttng editorially upon M.j. Rabbin's speech in tbi piICe on the 22d ult, says : "The charge is made and substantiated by record and public biitory, that the aid Mai; W M. Robbius did receive the $20. as a Iribe." h It its issucf of April 22nd. 187 r-f-. ring to the time matter it says: "Wo always believed that the charge agaiu.t ji.Kir itoooina was a sUnder. Agaia, on I ebruary Id, 1853, when this tlaud lalei accordion to the American, was fresh in the minds pf every on, the American copies Mr RbbbhVs remarks relative to the "whole transaction and editorially no tice! as folio s : We find in the Rakish Sentinel a"stit: mem ef Maj.hV.. M. RobUas. ia rrlition to the Charge irblnh bad been made giiat uiibwi receiving tweuty dollars fir get ting a certain measure' through the I .eg- -Islaturc. W do not bditr th.t t Robbins acte from a wrong motive in thU matter, as he says, although it was unfortunate, t the present juncture, that he was not mjore thoughtful and otrded in accepting ven a present in coneidera tion of any rte he may liave given. It was a step frim the legislator to the laic ycr. at most. Tbe statement of Major Robbins willi be seen iu aiiotbc. pl.ice, and, we hope, be deemed satisfactory." : I Uettasd 6t a Rascal. The Presi dent has appointed ei-Congressman Clark, of Tekas, to be Postmaster at Gal yeton, atapalsry of S4.000 a year. It, is little morjf than a month since Claik was ex-pelhid from his seat in Congress by a unanimous vote of tbe Houte, ou tin unaniinouji rt-jiort of a committee that he held it by thje grossest fraud. There arc no'charges made agaiut the present Post master at Galveston, aud hid eupcrjcdnre is not ouly a! violation of the new Civil Service rule4, but is followed by an ap pohitmentunlvcrsally denounced by fi iend and foe alike of the Admiuistration. TlIEliE will be a grand Democratic rally and barbecue at Weldon on the 13th inst., at which Hons. F. P. RUir, Z. II. Vance and o hers will speak. A Chicagd lady, seventy-two year? old, is the mother of a baby aged ten dayf. Constitutional Amendments, Passal in tfc Umkc of Jlcprcsin tat ices January 17, 1S72. AN ALT to; alter the Constitution of Noxlh Carol it i.i. J The(i.-ncr.ii Acuibly of North Can.'.ina do enact (threc-fi Bin of all the uicinUr of lacb llobe eincurring. ( Tliat ihe Cotmitution of ihi Slate be aluri-o as folJow, to wit : Amend section .ix, of the firt nrti.lr, lr slrikiii); out the fir4 clau tbi rt f, d.. n ! ji d including thv onl "but :" lbi Umg tht- clau-e rehtting to ihe htate debt. Anui.d HH-tn two of tl.c ."-rnd rriilclr striking out th word " aninrulv," an.l i ::. r t ii i in lieu theruofj the word " litnni;ii: ;"' Uinj; in reforciice tojihe nj-ion of ibe (iuur.il A Mjmbly. I Anuiid Kclit n Cve cf thewcond nrii!-. by striking out ai (h.il pmt b - ihe i (.!, 1 l e iJ Senile di4ri:ls." at.d l rtiikiiij :'. tin- J'brae";w n!irv id r in xi -. ii.i:i; ib- ' part no Mri it (.It out luring rifirtiue to il.i- . late ffnll". AUJ a new Mvled " w-ii. trl;.n to I lie aeeoi.d .irti !e t h till," ai.d i read - f I! of the central Anibly r hnudretl il'H.ir- a- a i " The nu mU ri ..11 ni i in. eadi revive penation l.r ubjwt to urn 1, iiirii. tticir t- re-"..;4tioi. in tei-riru to tin. I , parment and P u ; ii ' inn rr ii -n-.i!! i.!aiH miy le prcr ed by law ; but tl. v may hive i.ii ndditiinal !Ioiiice rl.n H i v are together in I ifl K-.vion, and 11 ii .ic lull U- Uit ctitt ;r i jile for ui h i-'i Arneta'l (.ei'ibin one of the it. rd le 1 v triki:i out thr W'jrd four v ear.," in r- l' oTUr lirl in iid t- ction, and i- irtim. ii. I i ;i thtrvof, the f'f i ici:-," 'i''- "i rf.r ence to llio t-r ei "f eut i i fin i. Strike out tl. w.rd- " Supci ii;:-t:! r.t of rut lit Vork, wlj, rt veTlbey - i-ur in the Cotii tulion, tbu a!li-l.in that t ll,-v. Amend --l",'in fi t i.f the tli id art'tcie. bv striking out tl i-rtiiig, in lieij lv.". as to ci ,e w.ird ".lunnally " nt.J in thereof. the wniil 'li'.ei.r.il piif'.rin to the proviio!,r t-- sp4-tiiig the MsYioti of lb My tetjeral A-uj- Strike out sfctions two t,d three of jbi fourth artirle. ln-in j the provivot:f v. hid re- fer t tlie Hpiointii)eiit CmU ('himinti'ner. Alter sectioji four of the ll.d lut:es of the fourth rtiel. so jyj-jj that sid MTtioa hall read follows : Tl.e power; if Uie Slate shall I vetted a court tor trial or nnpe .icii!i.et(t. a u l'Teine Court, SVperior Cot.r:. mjc!i n.irt nr Courts as niirl be estabrl.ed by law. 1 Courts of Ju'b"e- of the IVare Alter section eight of the f.i jrt'.i srr'o so that said H-etioti shall read n follow -: The Snpreii.i" C'o:rt shall rot:t.it of m Chof Justice and tvfo An iate Jut:ce; J'nui i'f. tliat Ibis suali rmt apply 1 the j ltje S .fhi-i.. H,h- i duriti-' their i present term of i bv death, re-filiation OT O lie- We. Tlie r.tMll . ; , .jl . -i ij,.r (,i AoOlrt(e Jutires shall be re.l :r.-d to two. j Alter serf i so 4 1 1 it said m twelve of he f..-irth rw'V. seetinu shall rea l a f..n loU F 'The State cial districts hall ! diviJ'-d UU.i j.i.i:- ( for each i a iud-'e shall beehosen: and in -each dii trict a Superior ' Court shall 1 held at len.-t twice I . eacti ar to c,intin.je t,,t such time in each couu- i. tv r-speetivly as may be j.re-ciibe.1 by Tlie (ieneral Assnhly t-ha 11 lav off si d iis- i i triets in du tin:e So that the said n'ti 1'iilir s ipav cn sen ami i.-tTin :. .r i lc allelill I lei ui t t'je first gi-iler.il e:. t.oti ! r tr e?n- brs ot leneral A--en;i..v n'n.rri .r.a L . . . i f : occur after t a r.it.tica'iou of thi f t. Assembly n.av r-1 rr f mi TJ. (, ' or i nera ernse the uCllibeH i f i ' r ;-.e to :u- ; judlc: i' t-rtu. .:i thl.-t tn of th- f tt a, the end each Strike out Sec rth ait rhict i bus thf p M. Lit jud:C.Al tricts Allien 1 Section f.iU'treti of t'.e f.'irtl ticb- by tr-.:' St I kin out ail Hl'i-r t1.- m ap i .. .r I . . 1 . I . . . t rjeken -ii A.-i-e:i.b!y ' rotation f -r the f.ll.i.tli..' ill ;r(c,b- . or p.r -: n oj f... i ...e tf v r:-b- ! !i .- in.e d:.-- trie! twice Hi Mi ifMi . h'i'1 iii- j jiti-s uiay W .ill earn other. a UU exciianj d.atrit-rs may be prov Strikeout d.-i bv ' section f:ttxn of tlie fourth ar- 43. WHOLE NO. S33 tcle, and lurt ia lUo thereof., the fvliw itg: Tfc Ci.rrl Ai.w.tlj !iall haw m ' power to drj iive iLjuikTal drpartintct of any iiw-r r jnrUdictjon which rightfully C rtau u it as a coonlinat d-prtiuf nt; nt th GeD-ral Aiubly hill allot a4 dtribut tl m.X punuta of tli itr aJ j riJ'.ctiwn. which do- cot pruia to tb fcu-T-me court, amoug tL other courtj prr-t-ribl iu this r.Ltitution or wild inty h ub!ibcd by Uw. ia och tnanaer as it nay d,ftu Wt. proiJftlo a proper t;a of appeal.. atiJ rrgulate by law wbes neo-k5ary iho ioebl of TiWif, ia ih firci of xh ir power, cf all tb court W.ow the Suprrmc Court, so fr as the same may W due without cuCict with other pro viiiD uf tb'u eiouiuiioti.M Strike out sectiotit sixtera. sevva !ern. biuet-n. twr-otj-fire aad lliirty-tlrre of th fourth article. Amend o"t'ua tweaty-ix of :L fourth article by sinkjuf out all that pan which be gin with, sn.i f..!l ,ws the word 'bV ia M4 WlioB, ab4.- Xm -mi mm Mat. an MrirUca int. iorrt'.a j tbe follwwio : 1 Lf judicial o&o-rs and tberk-rkt of any eort wlueU mv be rtabhh J Lt law. Khali be rhoteu ty th vote of tbe QQa!ifie4 elrrtnrs. and f r nrh Urmii tnav be rt- erribfd by Uw. T-e otrr f earh nre- cinrt, ftabl bed a in -W where rroTidoi f.r iu this cntilution. Ua.ll elrrt two joa-tict-s ot th- p-r fr torh trrtn at tway L fixed by Uw, Um jaridictioQ khall rxtetnl throughout their rw-itive ctmntit-t. The (Jeueral AM-rnblj Uiay provide f.r lb W tioni.f more than two ji.iu- of the jxace in those pniucts which o.ctaUi citwn or (wo, or in which other rcLl ri-.oa rew dr it expd'rnt. The chirf magitrat-a ot cities m.d incorpirated towns hair baTe the judicial p"W-r of justice of the peace. Atnei d section thirty of the foorta article by H; ilvin oat the word twLLlp" and b serting. iu lieu thereof, lb word pre ciucts ;" alo in the lat euU-uce of the kaote Kit-tion. 'rike out t!e words "the comuiii- ti'U,rs'l tt.eroonty uiay apiLt to such otlice f.ir th uttcxpiml term," aud in lieu thereof insert "d ppoi ttoetit t 11 och varaury f.r the uiexpired teio hall be made as may W pr-ciiU-J by law." Aineu'l feetion? oue auJ .-ven f the fi'tb article, by ptrikiuc out the wrl 'eotnmi Moners of th' several ciir.tie" where they ocrnr in said seriious. and in lien thereof in sorting the words, "rouuly a":horiiiee ea Hblibd aud autliorized by law. Strike out ecti-n four of the fifth article, relating to taxation to pay the State debtS.Be interest. Amend tection six of the fifth article by inserting after the word instrument lir 4id Kctii-n ilie wotd or any other per sonal property." In itilie word "nud" Iwfure tbe wmr J "imrvevot" iu Motion one of the 7th article. hikI strike out the in.rds "Jitid five CoUitnis-h'.n-r.-" in raid M-ction ; a'.so add t wi! sTtin the bdlowin: -The General A-t-etlibly hall pro ide for a ytein of nouct . goVerunn-Lt for tlie everal counties of tb Stat." An.ct d frrtioti tvri ..f i!ie m-Tenth article, l.y Mnkin:: m the w.rl rotntniioter" ai.d in l u t';r.- f ii.er.itig the word r inty .-.uthoHlit-f -.'iblUhed and aothorix by ! c.v," and in t friiie -ctioo lrik oot th- M'.r.l-. --the IlT-iM. r of Ieeis sliaJl be tjr i iuio ileik or the board of eomuiirstoa er " .v trik-- i. lie'e. an i i l; tl.n-e of the MTenlh ar-!i.-le. f insert the fullowinff : ,i '1 - 1 i-i.ijutr M'.i!."r. ii! et;iblibfHl and an t Ii 17 d by rilli'l- Mir f Hill ll, ! v !-!;!! My that tbe repectivt ii.. l iuto a suitable bomber .t-. h compart aud eonfrwent in ti?. !m;e a if.. .ble. and marked out bv do '.t- l.nri.in(i.-. which ti a T b altered i ' n ti.-,-. . r y S.i J n;b d, iior.s shallbeL' S.i ,1 kl.1i il li.iiill list I L r. b ii.- iiMi"- ' p;it.ct. They sbal. I. 1 C"f "f.i'e , rn. Tlie tOWliftbip fiV- i rn i 'i'm ate !.he. 1 he toatidaiw .f t pT' C!T--t. "' .V.I be .itne which l, re- :..f..f.- .1 -ft.. .1 i.iu lp cttil they Lxil !. ;tHi ri 'i. .:r:l e i.vt m rt :..rn f.i;r. f. ve. if, ten acd i eb- !ti. eii of :!.-., e:,th article, w hich relate U v t.!. 1 1 - '. in . I I An.it: i -. . t.th I t . i t..!.: i M i "'!. I Mini ;i. ! 1 -;ir'i e:M and nine of tbe ' t I. it g i '.t the w ftfA "yf !. . I.i ." t.. Ti- tbe lircUf r Ht'ld M-ttOO. -. . -i ! n tLi-. of e ti i ti t Ij article, ! 'l.r '.( lt..i r. tbe follow ill : "TLe A.M-h.b.y l.a;l Ii ke uiible pro v '.i t r i!..- t'.ar tei,,eiil at.d rea- iii-Lei, I : i. I. l.(!i n tl . St 1 1. ar. I i i 1 1 .: 'r M-!i- l. and for irfert- ,i, ! in publ.c iii'truction. .t f . f.'.-.n five ,f tb.-nit.th article. i t'.i-n.f. in. -it tVe follow iror : 'I l.e !. i-ral A-tr,bly si. .ill have owert I r.. foi tb eli-ctn.D of TlUileew if the I i iter-iry f North Cr- haa, in wvmt t- iM f Ti .ed a)'! the privilefes, r y'''". fr.t. lit-es n.d ebviovriruLts beteto-f..r,- in Mt.y it ctauted tn, r CofifeTTed Cp- ;i. ti.e J;. .,ird of TuTees i f sid l"o!veri ty: a d the (ietseral Aeu.ldy may tuake ucb pro ;iou-,. laws ati i realatiooa. from Im,e to ti;r.e. a u ay ! tiecsary and ex peJieM. f..r tSe inaiutetiirce and manage- : irent ? . I i uiti-ri-iiT. j Miik it herttorj thirteen, fourteen a&d f f'ieu i.f the :j'.r.tli article. rrUtinc to tb ' I ' ;. 1 ve- s'r v of No th Capoiria. Am. end sec - i .. .:. ' n f.e l.-v.-titb article by strikicf ..'.! ll..- and ii: -a'-: t-Ai-.r ! w. rd -at the rl.arce .f the State. ! t rl.r-.f. iiie:t the words "by tbe ' 1 1 - w i do tn t iitrn pmrwrlT t! ! ( i tis'itttioa. tar I';i2 in 'i"f. v 1. i- p.iTi nt ' o d4 t ove be fatrve. shall Imp X' f Ibe State. . i f t' e fourteenth ar- I r t'.-rt v i vrr ati-l a' lb bar. A'.-- - t' t'r!. so t:..i? r .!..-. -N- Lei or i Vice i. 1 read aa fu- i- r- .a wbo:.a'.l bold any uf .rtjtoT prof.' under tb Untleo .M!i . .r a; r departii-en' t ' ereoi. or tnde any other -tate or c " ft.:. M. tball bold vt ei.eir:.- a iy other i2i-e r p'ace f trost -r p f.t ui ii-r the nutbf.rity .f thlf .StaU. T I -' 'jrible to a i-at iu either boute o' !. rl AM iiJdy ; ' uriJfd. That t.o: r xr 1 rein c .i.Uibed sha'.l ettrtvd to i-Ei-! s i .. the mibt'.a. Justice of lie Peace. I o:i ui. si.-tur I r Spit il lur o--." A 1 : an' :': .-. r rec.ii,:i to the focrt'- -'e to b sl.-d -ic' f Ti P. and to r -. .- f .'.'. : (':ti'y .:!'frr. j3rirea of p. -ce I it'-r C' cerrj vbos cEc-v i. ;!.. ' ' "r -':..itC"l any way by 'V trT.l e re ' . f t! C- i,.l,'l!'i"l!. Stl.i Ci I r o r f'ir.ci. i et til any rot y to b vn if by lw in irder . j-'. : . t 1 alf -ratio:., so far s i- f!eT- sl.a 1 have Imd tr;ade." to ?a 11 lie i.", i 1-r the Sectious in ll.se s;i'f, fr -tw wh '.i 'i s-ctiori has beeii -'i-w ;i!.oi:t it.n iuseniou .f kijother ia i; - '. ULi L'it e to rtcr T.eT s ct ion that Lt - r wh'.rri by this i.i.-r!.i wotj!d hare fseea. : to the section f .r h:ch it s.ibstlfrd. -f the a!erati "1 s'.'i be etT.bod.eJ jtfito ti eori-in!;onviRl the several seclious naifey. bered cnec'itivelT. i I: i 1