-7 . I I ' ' 1 ' ' " 1 J " ' , i i it i I ' i ' 1 ' 1 ' 1 ' i "hi i V - j ! ' 1 " - rrT'T ' ; f - ' 1 ' ' . (? ; :. i i i . . i , .. 11 ii i - - ',,.,,, . . : VOL. 1 1 1.---T II IK D SERIES. is IB SALISBURY, N. C JDLY'26, 1872. J. J. BUUXKJt, Proprietor ud Editor. 5. J. STE W AUT, ' i Awoci-te Pditr. ' j ; j . , - . .1 - I , ts j . ..... j: 1 ; I. NO. 45. WHOLE NO. 835 JIATKII OF SCfJCniPTION Osb t KAU, paylJlin advance. Hix Months, " ..... 5 CojUasjio ooe adjross, : $2.50 . 1.50 .10.00 MOXJCMEXTS, TOMBS, R.fc A; MURPHY TJaviiiff aain Organized for XX Bl)SIMSJ, have just opened a t- i- i . . - : , CHANGES. Down by the brooklet Low often I rat, . . . To muse oa the changes life's drama portrajs ; I thought when a youth, how sweet were the ' Of the Lark and the Thrush in warm sum- pnerdaTs. "1 : Yenini hate gone by, still the brooklet remain, But the songs of the birds are hashed in the From the Raleigh Sentinel. A CARD, Messrs. Editors : Following the lead ing Radical orators iu their tour through the btatc, aud cleaving to their Btepa like WARNING TO SOUTH RR MEN. Under thU head we .find in the New York "Tribune" of the 13th inat., an edi. torial containing some timely and prudent nu-gesuona wiacu we rcpnut here for the COXGRE&UnXAI. KU-KLITX LKCIH-LATlOX-jlTS - UNCOXSTITUTIOX ALTY DTCLAUED BY THE UNITED STATES SW'REME COURT. the slime on the trail of the eerpent, there of our people : appears a small sheet, wliich may be con- OMr lu1 te presidential compaign sjdered "par excellence, thf campatgn e&u mest, we etiall hear from that th- act uf Conehtf. cmmunlr kt.u u wc fashioned ilrer bowls and ehirrr. r v . ir . . t ... . . . m , . ... 1X)C ATI ON AN OBSTACLE TO " liRKATNKbS. It was on a bare rock, enrroandd br .1 .t. . .i . - OoTcmor Vane. .taV. ,b.t h. was in- U"rP . tint I' 5 J W form-d br tbe IIoq. K-..l, J..l il... 1 Puwl UP fl,"7 leiShL On that the 3upru. Court urth iViiedStafs have cra? forrn the robes of iVr- deciJ-d in ou .fth vuth Carolina r un satraps and Sicilian trrants : there mesi grew near yonaer green anon doeument or lU virtue and defamatory J oouw.rm piaies ircqncnl rumors of a th Ku-Klnx Art is nscurtitutkmal. bat for tLe banqurU of khWand there PdT Ifl when I whneM the chanse-- BK,a Ane Da . emocrauc- - - i.6rB. i c,c . m ohm tovti wiu be Pur- l'omtruantan amljrr w fet in Ldin W$i?&$x IX.tSSSZx Coc.erv.tiv. ticket are aUed , wltk . ,U Do t ke ,o freqeuat tW TSf !. J- I 1 , i mnra or ifj mnmi iv. idq ins iiiiiiHiifi i . - ..i, vunkicra ii:uiitt:u i . "M " 11 " It- ' ' I . . I j , . , I il.o T..-;.1... . l r STOCK of GOODS ConCTejg adonted 1 O ' - - .1 T- t . - " . . aosety the hillside a willow tree grew, J of calumny, cool assertion and impuden: ,ne 1 re8,aen ' P1 fctieme of having up I lying are indifferently employed in this lue teiegrapn lines, and putting thein un- 5 entirely new and fresh, in the roorn fortneriy occupied as the Hardware Store, and next door to Bingham7 & Co., to thej inspection of which they most cor- When oft in its shadows I snent manT hours: I lvtmr ra ind;ff!ornt1tr rmnUrnl WUIe each pendant branchlet stirred in the infernaUroadside. My own name and J er tue nnageiucnt of the Post OfEoo character hare received the distinctive 1 partmeut ; but even in private hands jtbreeze, of Kgypt and the cdorous gams of Arabia j HEAI) & FOOT STONES, &0. 1 (JOHN Hj BUISi rp j2NPKKS Hh coinfliinPEts to his friend diajly mvite the public. Thejr X land th pnblir.Wndj hi thin niHbjod would I ! . I bilni to their attention extendi'd; facilities fr nieetitig deuiandit in in line oi uuninesr?. lie i nof prepared ; to furnisn Orate btfiH'-K. irom tc ( to the cMlieht in-Himn a fnongni 01 ine lair one i wreamea in sweet i ,. . 7 ik. : r ii-Vi eomn inent ot its most rare alnae. Anv- lne telegraph is not iufallible ; operators ,,UUW J i - . . l-i Twas there she avowed to lore me the more I thing would be preferable to its approval. n.a reporters art subject to like passions The twilight bad faded away into night: The charge of which I am the object oluer meu ; and tbe desire for a start- W j UI il l thCiip nmrttK all; kinds of I cut Headstones, mire Stock i : Thcstars as titer twinkled afar in the sky. (Seemed joyous to witnetwour mutual delight. ButalasI sue has changed; lova vanished sway Thf heart that is fickle will always betray. ' The; changes in life, how many they are; Street blossoms in spring-time perfuming the yales BtvlM and Very costly wrks not on Uund, can be accommodated on short time, trictly in ac cordant with ttpeciloatlons, draft, and the tcnlii of'! the cutract. Satinfaction giiaran teed. 1M will not be MnderMoId, Xorth or fioiith; Otuors wdicted. .h -Addrenf, J7tf JOHN lj. BU1S. SaliKbary. Studwell Brothers i - - " i li MURR4Y Street, NEW YORKi : . I II Manufacturers and Jobbers of BOOTS & SHOES, Those prcfeiing J was carefully selected by the senior msra- Verdure in summer the wildwood bedecks, How it sickens the heart to make it estrange. ! ; TUE NAKED TRUTH. i i FOlt SOUTHERN TRADE, ber of: the firm in person, and bought at rates which will enable them to sell as low, for CASH, as rionr mm i m ca. vuvi iii,rtuuiai.iiig i !; change 1 an me various nrancnes oi Dry Goods, I Groceries, Croclery Ware, Boots and Shoes Sole leather, Calf and Binding Shins, Grain and I Grass, Saythes, Cap, Letter j y ' I and Note Paper, j , ENVELOPES, PENS, INK, tfrJ, D ' j . . mav be brief r stated to be : llnS ,ltrai which is constant in the renor- U That I arrested aid. dragged to a Ur' bosom, vHl help the manufactureig bull-pen forty-two respectable women of c Purona newt. Randolnh count v. 'or months past the common testimony I say that I never arrestee, or cansed a11 ua darcd the Sontb as peaceful to be arrested, anv women of Randnlnh as Massachusetts. The Ku Klux orean- rnuntr. bv anv order, written or verbal. I ton known to have been abeolutelv . J w w I a a . ... V 1 1 1 a irta aaai.louoe rf autumn fl tr in tViA I 'lh 1ft rharcrfi ia therefore ffllie. I fcoatiuoucu. 1 L6 coutb. wc know. Yearns lit Iv aa BWli-vv vr aaufruuau aa aa s,mw 1 O " I C3 1 eales. . : 2. That I sanctioned tho torture of one Vr Pe,ire u,,d Southern men arc doing Friends that were, fast-friends hare long lost Mrs. Owen. and. it is even insinuated that I aU m lue,r power to secure it. On all J their loye I witnessed and aravated ser sufferings accoant welcome the purpose and the Tiespfafiont and true practice. But do they reilizi how impor- nave since oeen ruuueij severeu in twain - - --- . 7 , - 7, 7- ut it t. l.v .I,n1,l Ka Thm . nf oniiMrmmt . hm vanishod a I ever lUVSnieu LO llllUre me lame. Or anV I " "r v. U1I human beinir. I denounce the 1 ar. f guaru, auu conuuci memseivcs aunng mc appeal to my unblemished character, es- canvass with uncommon prudence t Thero tablished by 28 years of citizenship. I wil,1 not be wanting base persons ready appeal to the Confederate soldiers of the and eaSer 10 ,l,flj"ne old wounds, to StatP. and to v-rv man and wnr, nf ""g collision between whites and honor in North Carolina, whether this thing is true of me whether it is possible. I des- S BX WILLIAM CULL.ES BYRAKT. A little; vdlume of Fables in verse, and in the They will answer that it is not bpanish language, by Jose lioseas, has met I tnge tbe rest blacks or between republicans aod demo crats, aud they may be certain that from nouoced, jnit the (hiog blow to Radical shals. ar d Jndseajik- R.nd and Buted. ! Mrory India, and tbe Un cf llnUin who disgraca th-irtoutrv will no ha&rr 1,1 u, Irl ,a.v 8ccl fcf preat ships which. be able to oppress our p.rle. hd weather d the storms of tbe Eaxin iiie importaore r this decision ran- d the Atlantic, rowcrfu and wealthy not be oTer-CKtiiuaUsl. cau scarrlj . c. lonits in duiant parts of the world look realize that the day has actually r.inr when id np with fiiul rtrtmtce to the little is citit laT re.gns snprtme in North Carolir.. ; Und : and dnm. . Vfl - - w j . z r t - . t - sa u n siia th- United Stav dlr;ai in- K.-K1 ' j " "i N.l' C? nauons ix-iccu inc iivdaincs and the v-w lflH.BlUt UI1 witbdmual oflh por from tbj lr-5iJiit to f u?pend tho writ of Hainan (Vim, it may ue saieiy saia mat the day or baronet ii - ruie nas passes. We have been throueh a terribl ordeal, bot we verily believe that Wtter dart are before us- We cannot overestimate, r"e y, the imporUuce af this derisiou. Its first effect will be to putau end toihe thuiPuds of indictments in the Federal Courts, ('arrow aod BoudwiMno longer baablrtn frijrhten voters away from the p.dls by threats f indict ment ajfalnft themselves or tht-ir friend. The people f North Carolina will at la.t be freemen once more. Thank God for the happy day ! It is ranly, howeve. that anything corros to us in thin world, eillier of nnmixd l,1 ' - - 1 ! 1 .1 . rttr till nriv r VnifoinLi.. awm.. H . r . ... :,v" . u"u'.l.u' j-yed atth.. Kreat Lenetiis o (low fro,,, U. ave complete stock in all lines ittclnd- amI bcautiful assortment of inp; iim-u popular tnuHiit ;oiic jimu, Kip Plow shoes, hnd J omens Pelt, hah. J pnU'fS solicited and carefully tilled at lowest market rates. J. E. MO0SK, S.-ilesmian. frb A M.,i.uvax. I'Orl.iin with such iavor in Mexico, that the city an thorities have adopted it as a reading book for schools. The following is a translation of one of the fables : Beautiful truth once in the days of yore, j! Put oh the brave array Which then the goddesses of Hellas wore, j i And issued to the day . Robed in such sort, with graces so devine, That mert, adoring, built to her a shrine. ' The geds, indignant at the eight, Kose in defence of their invaded right, i "IIorror and infamy," they cried, "And profanation !" and they came and went, Pacing the ambrosial courts from side to side, Till a wild tumult filled the firmament, i; :H 1 1 - ; Jove, to appease their fury left the skies, And quickly stood before 3. That I am responsible fur Owen's J. 1.'. (JOM'AX. NEW OPENING W. .nixlendjrnfd li ning ajijoeiated tliem- iu Ihmiih'ss uiulier the linn uaime of They feel ns?nred of their ''abiljityto give entire satisfaction, and especially in- The chrine of Truth, determined to chastise vite out iriend and customer? to call and bring with them tlicir acquaintances;. They expect atid intend to maintain the ri juirat ion of the Old Murphy- Hoitse, which i well known throughout Western Ninth Carolina All ihey ask is an ex aiiiiiiation of their stock and the price. LiTo trouble to show .goods, so come right uhjHig. 1 heir motto, Small profits, ready pay and QUICK SALES. 4 fisticuffs in any Southern States will be magnified by the Grant papers into a new death. WprP T so. I should not .brink rebellion, and every murder or wounding the responsibility. But I do not even madf lo "PPr to the Isortbern public as know how he ?ied. My orders were to anouier ivu tviux outrage, it a negro offer pardon to all who came to mc. No- laborer w uciiarged, some one will be man was ever k ed bv niv orders. Sver. ,uuuu lu rrpreseiu una us a prosenpuon hundred men surrendered and acknowl- for principle's eake ; and we do not doubt edged my humanity and good faith. that before l!.irce wccka. are over, the 4. I am accused of having "shot and vjraui HrLea ,M Irtu ua"J w,lu reports killed, one beautiful Sunday morning ot murderous tvo Mux assassinations and young, Northcote, and that because he a desperate attempt will be made to alarm would not raise his arm to fight against uie ionmrn voters, oy pictures oi otsor- the Union " Uer aua lawlessness iu tue Ooutu. l tie This is given on the saying of Judge trQtl1 ld a good, square, atrocious pu ce of . Sett Ur n dOAII niMnvinmw . .n..r. iaICMS HUICUCB 111 decision when am,ouur-d. we a: conipelSed to admit that tiie t'.ut that it i not aniMUiT eJ an outrage of so cros a character a to disgrace the Couit thus withholding it." de cision from the world. But this Is not the first time the Supreme Court of the United State has diftfraced it self in thisj manuer. It was Mr. Justice Urier. if we mistake not. iu th- (ierlaiid or McArdlecase, who aked t'nat his diap pro bation of the Court in refusing to announce its opinion, pfter it ha 1 ben formally aer-ed upon, inigh be enterel of record. Jud'e Crier said t iat the Court was subjerting it self to censure and deserved ri-nsure. In that ca.xe M believe thf obj-ci f the ('.nut . . j . v . . . r . I. .. l . : r.i. the South : . :' ' .; ... . . . . .. ini i Hi" uuie iu v i'i:l'ips 10 ,i.,i',re With a rood wwuv k-- iwv,i av pi it.c, inn diiiliiiff and nronint attention, thev will endeavor to merit their; share of the pub lic patronage. They are iu the market Theisacrilege ; he tore From her the regal mantle which she wore, , And stripped the robe away, ii And tiling to falsehood's hand Mantle and robe to serve for :irr:iy, And gave to Truth this tcrrildo command: "Be thou forever naked from this dav." And therefore, readef, let not Truth be blamed, If evermore since then; She hides in corners, humbled and ashamed, And rarely seen of men. ' , Written for the Daily News. CINCINNATI. ers with their fit associate, p.nd only peers would JU8t now be a fe'fdfcd to the Grant ai,ri0,i;i lUtnre taking n-av fro,,, ii,.- the paid informer, tlw common spy, Par,v- If they could prove, within the . Court its jurisdiction in the premie, and the common iian"m.in. I refuse "to l!l!Xt tft, tnonih-, a th .t half dozen ne- Iu the present rase the ol.j.- t ..f the t'.n n '?tan, condiiecd(d to court tbe popu lation of tint buiy J,ire. At a liter period" on a dreary bAi:k formed by tbe soil which the Alpine streams swept down lo the Adiialic, rote ll.e palaces of Veuice. Within a space which would not bv been thought Urge enough for one of the paiks of a rode noithern baron, wei collected riches lar excding those of n noitheru kingdom. In almost evetr one of the private dwellings which fringed the Great Canal were to be seen plate mir rors, jewelry, tapestry, painting, carviirg, such as might move the nvy of the mas ter of Holy rood. In the arsenal were munitions ot war sufficient to maintain a ! c mlcet agiinst the whole power of thf . toman j.uipire. And, before the gran ducr of Venice bad declined, another com mon wealthy, still less favored, if posi lie, by natiue, had rapidly lisen to a power aud eloquence which the whole civi!iz d worll contcmpted witb envy and admiration. On a desolate marsh over hung by f.gi and exhaling disease, a tnarrdi where there was neither wood uor store, neither firm earth nor drinkable water, a mirsh from w Inch the ocean on one side and the llbine on tbe other were with difficulty kept out by art, waj lo be found the most prosperous community iu Utinqtf. The wealth which was collected within five miles of the Stadbourc of Amst'-rdim would purchase the fee sim ply of ."-collind. ,iuci ulay. Tune "The Gam-Tree Canoe.' BY WILLIAM II. BAOLEY. ."cohdrliiurgainrt a can.be sold by any IJonse in tne Mourn, nicy win ueaij neaviiy m uroeeries nnpcoiin'ry riodueo, tnniing und Kelljug, and inrite all who wi.di either oiiitUeui. A. M Juu. i4tli. W. I'lllfR. ko buy of sell to call SULLIVAN 1 Co. litf ! T. J.Piuce-. JAl. M. SULLIVAN, CO., .AVE opened in It. -.Li Holmes' new umld iiiir. iicvf limn' to t.lk HiLi'ilwaie Slori- i'lji-re1 lljey will he pleased to liicct idd aiul ,'ii'W lVivn.U. They have. a niatrm!ittitfrooiii thr largest und he'.t in town and y ,.. V. Uftrgo ct3 3(T3loxa.cllcI. STOCK Olij GOODS, intOMPRLSlNO a nf ureal assortment. Hard- fr aU kinds of produce and solicit calls 1 They went from the East and they went from jj ware xc'itMi, anj win fruarviiatec as irom DOiu sellers ana buyers. B. & A. MURPHY. IiOBT. MURPHY, ' ANDREW7 MU11PIIY. Salisbury, March 23, 1672. 27:ly MILLS &B0YDEN WHOLESALE ASD RETAIL QS-EHT CTJD OE2 EE2 13EIX ; And Commissicn Merchants, J SALrsnrRT, March 1st, 1872. Keep constantly on hand a large aiid choice stoick of GENERAL MERCHANDISE comprising Dry Goods, Groceries, Wares, etc. of which they would especially mention Sugar and Coffeej of all grades, MOLASSES, ) RACON, LARD, SOLE and Upper LEATHER. y SHOES & BOOTS, ' HATS, BONNETS, PRINTS, MACKREL, SALMON TROUT, . FLOUR and MEAL, ! - SOAPS, , j ; PEPPER and SPICES, 4 ; TOBACCO, JU U M and Uolti and Sili er Jledals Jrt?- especial attention given to consign- PRICE & BRO. 1 1 Have taped ! TllEtU FAMILY GRGGERY STORE 1 TO JENKINS CORKER,: ' NVlwre thy will con inue to Sell , Flour. Meal, Fresh Meats. Bacon, Lard. Butter, 'Kggs, CpdTee.Teas. Sugar, Salt, Piekles, Mo lasses, &c, together witli a large und-varied stck of. household .andt'' table necessities. JMng yur couutry urodnce to f C1'UICE & BRO. TRIUMPHANT I w CO Y. ! ; ' r5 ; the AVfciT. Sent there by the people who love the land 1 best; 1 The NoBTri and the South had gathered there, :i ' too, United once more "'neath the red, white and blue." r j Then, hip! hip!! hurrah!!! Throw np your white hats, , Arid vote for the Liberals, j- Old Horace and Gratz ! In that assemblage of heroes cheer rent upon cheer, ; As our Jupltea Tonans, Carl ScncRZ, did ap- pear; . And the Angel of triumph smiled down on the scene When Erin's John Cochrane came "wearing the green." Then, hip ! hip !jjinrrah ! 1 ! Corruption put down ; And vote for the Liberals, i Grave Breeley and Brows ! On the altar of Union dissension was laid Protection sat down bv the side of Free Trade, And the passions, by mis-rule fanned into a i storm. Were1 husband by the shouts of the hosta of Reform! ! Then, hip! hip!! hurrah !!! Throw np your white hats, J Arid vote for ihe Liberals. i Old Horace and Gratz! "Uncle SsiniV great plantation had grown up j in weeds, And Grant and hi cousins were sowing more 1 1 . Tlie "Oli) Farmer," was needed to weed out the straw, receive the evidence of such 'canaiilo.' 1 decline to believe that .luiie Settle himself a gentleman is the author of this false and studiously malevolent ufeertion. I pronounce the statement that I killed l Aorthcole the wicked invention of an anonymous villain. 1 did ' not have Noihcote shot. No man dare say so. I did not even know him. lie was shot, 1 believe, by the soldiers of a Command to wliich I did not belong, and more than a year before 1 came to Randolph county in short, when I was a thousand miles away, in prison and wounded. This infamous sheet, which contains charges of nearly correspondiig atrocity against every candidate on th State tick et, is franked and sent (and perhaps writ ten) by a United State Senator to influ ence the election, and, like t Malay 'run ning a muck,' it goes on its degrading errand, stabbing and assaying character without conscience or consideration. I pity the party which needs and de signs to accept such aid as this, from tho , very depths of my soul. C. Levestiiorpe ;roes had been binned at the stake iu Al 1- bauii ; and that a number cf white wo men aiid children had attended the incie- 1 l v t 1 j 1 matiou, n:m wavcu . onifaatr;ttc 11 iir over I a i i 1$ lio less pl.tiii. It is the purpose to ::.i!-t. President lr;iM t i pr..eM-d wi h !! -r'n-ir. f-.-r -: .t f t!..- 1' tli" f'.uiK s, (Ir.ir.t'd fugli men wouh! d n i. at. I m. in.) eleetioH. Jf tl . ,1. aiiii'"iit,('--d tiiant w'i ... 1 t ... .. .'I .. ..r . ..... , . ,WU"'-. llili..l..1'', I once "lliank bo-t, ami take courage ; if,taM,i .ht t.. s,ea.!.,ds '1 hey are just now a lntle blue and ,!i-- ' y j.yi,,- the ,.jit".un I..- 1-: heaitened ; and stand badly in reed . f I a .;lit ti,.-,: ,, . Ju lte ou-i . v. r t something of this kind, for they have i;o ' opportunity i.f p!.iyiut; t1 . s. r, arcnnu'tit to r'flrr. r or the t,r.-t ti t i t il::n.r:iri We iiust Soull.ern democr.tta vill giv r( ArPT.'An i . r -v.l ritii,rla It U Itl is their d oug!it nt or.'1 li.- iu.j. ed fruiii the lli-tii-!,. It i, ! :i ! '. .d Ii!,.. r i .hid'' ,c!i-d nnd d-ral , J 1 ... .... e - J i w itli a rrt up! aii'l pjr Wzaii j i i.e. ...v. uw. ........ ...... v.... ... w. ..... ....... Hltui J0:llllnl not merely to Keep tne peace tncmseives, but to sec that it H kept. They have a right freely to vote themselves, and it L their duty to see that their opponents freely exercise the same right. They 1, ivc a right peacefully to discus the political questions at isue iu the campaign ; and we caunot but believe that they can pie sent tneir own pcopla so forcible a case nk to enrrv willi them the Greater tinrf of iu his id.te.-. We would Hot ho inr ni.nil.nt votr ra nf llifir Staff P.,,' I laudable 1ul"rs if We had any e.n 1m- .,f, v. H d- ALL KKiHT- IL.w many of u but nf the eiprssion a 7.rr lino s a wnk, and have it atick in ili- ti.t'.Tt, it mi hall of them f It i mj.4- j r, , l e n hypocritical apjxudage of Imipi: ; - aiid social int, irourre. A spoil". -r j;o b'hiiTl the counter. i cuts ill: a tin nt- woiili ot tobacco or i I Ci!eef f ! "r It:'. Il-ht. u turns a pair of sboca t ih.t's a .ili hi, incuse that be wants a ." and tl e grocery man savs, ii.iit so.bd and injured af "s wr.r. rTtit:tinr. thev ar SETTLE'S SatLAIlY. their opponents h ive the same right of peaceable dissussion ; and wheucver row dies or evil disposed persons may attempt to interfere with this right. Southern democrats ought to be the first and the Many, Very many years .ago in the . most conspicuous to interpose the pro- time nf dirdomatic nntiita aid s it ! tCCtil'fT arm. was said that an eminent Udividual, noin-1 There is but one thing, as we believe, ' character, w ::h w innted as Minister to Chira. Docketed his and as many of the (imnt managers be- ' ".fcT,l.,'f. u'" , " r t A DIPLOMAT! KUrTlAN. i .vkvep.al i.trTt.i: t haum Ti:kti:- i- uksts in Il ii.kr's thru il tAi-.i.i.u. From t e Independent. We have eoiiehidcd to ijive ut uryir; tliMt a ruftiau Im recalled from mir dioloinaiie M-r- vice iu Egypt and a gfiit'epiHU app iuti d IJIVe op oiir leip.. t .,t he might, after diMnissal, enlist it, the Kh .1, ". army or go into the profitable Abvsitiian slave trade; but it begins t" op pre- o tht he ir.ay nturu to thia country, and theu what a muck he w Ul rui ! A missionary wr,,:r US a letter detiiilili so i.elliiiiu' ot his SCjn i i- loiis conduct, and we pubusi, it s ippres-.tig I onlv the l:; no of rt well kuoivii siM.rtir.j . . . . . Ii wno'.u lie inn.w- ;i srn.U:.'i On hearing of it. our Cousul (ienerul made au ass,ilt with mw- und the tueicl.atit says, ' that's were awarded to Chales M. Stieff or tbo Lj?st IManosjtn competition with all ! the leading mannfacturr r ; ers of the country. Office and New Warerooms, Aa.0 Xortk Lvleriy St., JSALTDIOllK Md. Tte Sttetr lManos eWiu'n all the latest im 1 proveinen-ts to be found in a first-class Piano, witaddUional fuiproveulents of his own in vention, not to Ito found ,ia other instruments. Thertoue,- touch and fitish of their Instru ment eat Dot be excelled by any manufjtur- Ajlsrgfl assortment of second-hand pianos alwaivs on haiul. from &?5 to :o0. 1 V ifi loir iKnd Church Orgins. some twenty dif- remir; stales on hand I reiki $rn und upwards. .' rwpu wr liiirsirateu ataiogne, containing i ..m m over twelve jiunareu bontUeKiors (tivehnrJlred. of which firo Virginians, ' two ! hundred; North Caroliniafis, one hundred "audi fifty 'East TenneSKe.in. n1A ofhpratlirf.iinh.int the South), who have lx I light the StiefT1 Piano ' J- ALLIEN llUOWN. Agent, , 4 S. 4:tf FOR SALE. TVO SMALL TRACTS OF LAND from four ito five miles of Town, contairting WOOD and MEADOW, with a part cleared and in orchard. If not sold before the 6th of July nextiit will then be sold at public sale. Apply t! J. K. BURKE, Ag't. Mjiy 17, 1S7 8t:35. paqua I i : fhen, hip! hip!! hurrah!!! i For the Old Farmer's hoe, It'll chop out corruption S As fast as they sow ! The Farm was in; thickets and briars thick ? grown And hurricanes, trees on the fences, had blown ; ml i : . ' outfit, spent it to pay off hit private debts, ' hevc, that can re elect Grant ; and that is Prbvierian f.id. ho. h.xn gave up the mission, and never returned a new outbreak tf violence in the J-outh- Wn & Mi,i;t.r ,.;f lv H, a ,.,..! v. what bo had received. I bis was one of ern States ; or, what would answer the wa8 Hl;t. t ,iefvll,j himself w iih considerable the cases of abnse which ld to the aboli-! same purpose, such plausibU false reports ' bUcc. And now. having g .t into a 'par lion of the outfit system. Now, the salary of violence in the South as would thorough- rel with some A m-jii olhcers iu the begins from the date of the commission, ly alarm the Northern mind. The Grant ' Khedive's army, w-; find the Consul eogag which is sometimes anticipated for the tho leaders and managers are everywhere ed In a disgraceful affray, io which b se,-n,s .i i . I tlk;., l,t 'ilw. ti " 'I'hii ia to have shot one of them Iney mdinai.t- convenience of-the nominee but in uo m- talking about tlie itbeiiion. i nat is ' - , , . "v . i 1 .1...:- :..-:..i Tl, tly deny that they were the aggressor. N , stance uavc we iicara n? lore inc present ( iur,, .u-Uv,v.. A . , lV Rcls w,u he ha the Administrationof a minister retaining ' peal to the "Union sentiment. lff7 ; di tfTiitT of the Uuitel States to support, what any part of his pay, nnleis he repaired to j curry favor with the 4 Union Soldiers as ,vil, nedu wht.u ti haJ, L(,t vVvU t-.t ltWQ his Dost and Derformed a Dorliou of his though these had not seven years ago, to usijr ? Eviry newspaper iu . . i i ... .i i .i . . .-. Decouiu citizens; tuey aro aoing tneir the country has published tnecaartea against worst to preach up a new crusade against him. mad on iudisputahle authority, aud the South It belongs to the Southren he will have a thousand grudges to satisfy A , 1, tn A a I,;. 0frft.;rti.a ' with cowhide or buttet. And now, what is and unpatriotic plot ; and the way to do it is to maintain as they can een better order in the South than is observ ed in the North. And for the rest when a lie is reported, let il be at one f.illv and finihm ii.itivi l v orr.ved to le a rpinnri-.l. W demand it as patriot, wl. lie. That can and ought lo be done. have ou-country's Honor rear at heart w - ta. i demand it as Christians, w Lo are concert., d LOST, ABSOLUT LY Lost. The State that our American missionaries shall not U rr.a1ipd for ihn "jtrhnfJ fund" from the ashame ! b. fore their converts by see,. 2 their A cu-t. lie- drv ' ' i half a too small, . i . i an rint. A il.i.iil, um mb( r puts bis ntmc down for to pay ti e prracher, and when called on, . s only 10, w'r.h tb rrnafk, that ":'mfs arr tfo !nrd," and tbe pfon s.iy., '!! .,; all li-bt." A IoaIt makes a rrgultr practice cf coming into a punting othc", and ugpng a copy of ll.e ppr, stating that "be just wants to riad it," the edition it short, aud th rdi'or groan i:b gbastlv ol.M.UCf, "lhat'f a'.l right." An entrav.igat.1 debtor tells a patient creditor every lime he meets bits that be intends to py the account "lo-morrow, c rtain," and t!. Jour man tarns off with "sh it's ail tih:." And so i: g'K-s. It is all wrong, and wc say i".'s s!l light, ami by -ur want cf pint incss, other tin unJer the sun. a- l in i pnd( nee t nconmge lit init..s;t:on. t'.iiijrintss. atul ccrv duty, rsot eo now-a-deys. A corres pondent of the New York Tribune states that in March, 1S7P, one Thomas Settle, of North Carolina the same who presid ed at the Grant Convention at Philadel- pia oeing appouuea as Minister to i eru, drew his whole year's salary at Washing- And The People cried out "give us 'old Chap- ton 10,00 in gold that he never left tne umieu oiaies, uui in :uarcu, ios, resigned his place, and never to the this has returned one cent of the money. And it is such a man who, in compliment to the gentleman and honest men of the South, was selected to preside over the Grant Convention ! Baltimore Gaxettc. This fellow, Settle is now a candidate the result of Gen. Starring'B investigation ? What will our Government do about it! Disregarding all private apprehensions, we demand that a loan. who. by bribes and brawls, has so disgraced the country he re tires nts. b instant !y and ignominious! re- The " Chopper " was wanted, as every one saw, j for Congress, and his election is pressed rpr who couiu restore u out "oia nappaquar' j by Grant J Then, hip !j hip!! hurrah 11! i ! 2i40t s-. Salisbury j ?s. C. 4 H parrel Weeds, (Trustee Deed, Cornmissioher's peeds, S hen if Dedd3, Cliatte Mortgages, &i I For Saleatlthis oric i For the wood-chopper's are It'll cut fT-the stealing And lessen the tax ! They are: crossing ''the chasm" "the Blue" : and 'the Gray," And soon the two colors will mingle aw ay : God blesa the "Old i Farmer," and long may 1- he live, I Tp teach a brave people, "Fokget axd For- GtVE l ; i Then, hip! hip!! hnrrah!!! I Forthe IIero so true, j Who claspjj the GttAT hand In that of the Klce! iChattel lortgages. various other blanks for sale here. MASSE MAY While The , SJQN SHINES! jj 'OULTJ respeetfuJiy pivc notice to the1 X f.ijnners that I am Ageut for the Celebrated-' BUCKEYE LUojrr and Reaper and Stccepsla les I T IT 72 K fJ TT V. ' 7? Manufactured by C. Altuianfc Co.; Canton. vuio, aim i resnectiuiiv reonest thosniR r.e of Mj.oreitlrerof these Machines, to call anrl I tHe election, and there will be no kitchen sttff ipc aua get a Uoo giving full instructions and Prices. ! THe seareitv .f laborers and the hich nrice !,...! - . , r... r - 1 o y.ay, x:c.,auaKe inese Mac-nines a necessity.; I I neaiift bring or s.ena me yoar orders as soon as possible, J. K. BURKE, : ?i:tt JsaUdbury, N C Watch Them Closfly We caution our frieuds in the 1st, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, and 7th Congressional Districts to be on the alert. Intimidations have been given out here from radical soures that they intended to carry those Districts. This can only be done by fraud and a free use of money. Money alone cannot do it, and we there fore urge our friends lo guard against the perpetration of frauds. These will be con summated if possible. To be forewarned is to be forearmed. Watch closely, pre- Neil McKav, the Radical candidate for vent the crime, and punish thoso who bnirrcss in the 3d district, savs. on the I shall endeavor to commit it. Sec that no - - . . - ' ' stamp, ? Rally this last time and carry sale of "land scrip," do .ated by the Fed- Uimstaiau enmr, a - , ' i .1 . .1 subcousulates aud pubbely eutertainiag the era governmei: and the .nterest in the :rlijlof the Xi,. V llmingtr-n and cldon, and liming- ton and Charleston Uailioad, the sum ot nd no parlor. 1 The Republicans favor mixed schools. advocate "no kitchen and no parlor," and Jbdce Toureee says he prefers colored ladiea to white momen Blasting Poic-1 pame of frand with one of careful watch USr 3 i luiuvee. ick'i ivoo viiiiimm dead man votes. See that no present in habitant of other States vote. See that no wholesale importation of voters from the 2d District into the 1st, 3rd, or 4th is made. . Scrutinize with card ihe Registra tion books and checkmate this radical $100,000. When the "special tax" bonds of the , State bonds indeed, had gone down to a nominal price, this "school fund" money was invested in 180 "i-pecial tax bonds," 40 obi anti-war bonds, and 40 bonds of j the Mate issued f:er the war. What are these boud worth now- ? Northing, absolutely nothing! This money is lost, absolutely l t ! Who did . this onfrnge ? Radical ofii e holders who now ask the people to give th ni a new lease of power for ft ur year ! Who git the money for these bonds f Ihe " Rail road Ring !" Is it pot minift the people onjht to elect Caldwell and hi co-workers iu tV. interests of the people ! How long w :11 radical thns abuse the patience ot tbe down tiodden peoje I Sentinel. SLNATOR WIL IKlSlf AND GLRMAN ATTLNTIUX! Senator Wilson, of MaMachus'lf, thf. R idic.il candidate for Vice Prcaiucnt, .a advettised to (peak here to-day. Is this the same Mr. Wilson, of Massa churitls, "who, upon Lis rtturu from L"s Kuiopean tour a lew years since, deliv,r cd a lecture, iu w hich Lc said the bsyjlrij seemed to be the national industry of Ire 1 tod ? The Irh, whose bands have help ed to build every great railroad, every canil, aud every great public work almost ia the world ; the I rub, whoe wit an i genijs have illumined the histories cf erri r chil'zed lind, at.d whose heroism Lv shed liire njin almost every battle-fnld I jr a cntury !" this the saTi Mr. Wilson, from M saclr'.ctt. who in the Fall of 1SJ. saia in a sp-ech : 4,TLe time has come when the unif rin of the Mate lliliu thobld no louder be disgraced by being ocu on the bark of a Catholic Iruhtnan or an infidrl Duchmau ?" Wilmingtou Journal ISA. Nakrow GAfiiK R.v:t.kOAT)S. A con vention in favor of nairow pane railroads was recently held in St. Iyuis, at whiih time it was stand that a road oftbret- feet can be constructed almot anywhere in the West for ? 10.000 a mile, wb.l- tbe ; roa.is now in use cot 5 -,'0.000. The cost of enuiriping is st ii'd to be tn tcli !es. a well as the expend cf operating an 1 the wear and tear. The engines a:.d cats cm b: made much lighter, at.d they will r- t only last i.iiger, Ir.f. w .. Uj. ;i ti. ; ra.U. J' '-"i g to carry a 1 iiu'e aiuoii-.t The Grant journals in Connecticut pre tnd to d'.ubt that Dr. Greeley will U.at Dr. Grant, in thl Uti I, is proverbial, 1 I hat ". I ring party cannot kr.ow it weakness, until the vote are counted" ' but a list ' f l b' hi! rtpib!imr.s wL ) lnv given lli'.r nam' to -M,rri-y iat-s, i.. oi.'.v svn ten-pa in "D tiect icwl, are en- r n." vej -t- lltv. Jewell's majoriry p.X I r -au: i.ot used or if us- i . )u t arrow g uige n- itl, sn: i.!' i .ir La e ,iflg ll- to , e i, -, ..1. ,.( il I- ut.t.1.1 l.e s.iwd. .' a for- .... - ' ......... Jo," ii,ti,.ii-i of vti'tr ;. ;o: p.,.:, l.cj f, ; t..rk and i . i j . i r ' Clal.li'U lor ll. levtl. ' fii"h t'. r ' the I lie r- ftioii ' It u g'trg to rain very !,j:d. b--v ' and y-n !.-! U'ter rt your : ti..ihtei, i-jdv ' .V' Unnu Jlrytikr. l'.I Hon -wiT! m.iv 1" tlif v. l r'tk r so It of r. rtl.e fntnrr." itUt, "wbatrrer p-m'irg Pni- a l' cte! a. hi sysie:o o where l.e .,f ti. ,t'.e a W.-t ard c-u..uy is Russia has an army of 1,17.1,S'V which costs her annually Sl-l,''0'.),0oo, ' .V. . . .r.,(,r..!i.i ..t- Mlar,nri.e. rmwsatonrowi.Ures.de and aua tcrmnv nas i.io.u'-w avuuMc, i r - r . . 1 t - lorled in itrtpr'is rardens. ing her S'JQ Jlo.VVV. ," uv' T T- r'e.n, The ll'TWt will lnn-t upon an er tir" rr. aiij f f llary toward the Sf. J'.b'rn Star under the next Ad luinistration, ar.d will held iry Co; prrini', ip to lie contef,jpt a?d cm of the American pple who favors any tueaaures for the opprcku o lb auite 1 uscn of the South." i V f: i hi