Cawltair Ulattljinoh: ; 4 - "sALlSnURV MARKET; 'AC OUST 2. -2Q ji 23. riTTOX-2 ft vx ( (ITU aj3.50.y;.. . ' lr -i,4J Sweet, flOO. in . i. i. Ii (a 20. ttU)NV JOft 12. I HKKrtW'AV :!0 a 32. , -ri.;. cw3 to proM Wedrwaday afte ,mu A won) .1 onr Conservative friend, be. 1 r; Kuing Ui tU 'ilollii :Keep obol, bat watchful Lite ire yi jre right-be fir, but nodrate, ii. 'a Head or Time. We Issimj the " M i . i a il.:. u,t,liuur two days a ncaa oi umc w,lt in ordcJ that we may get out before if , t, iUction davt ! iWe eliaU eUcavor to give tiie remit of the election as fast as it is received. Hox. X f Hickman, of Kentucky a diaiin'tmhed Temperance advocate, and ilio Orator Vill deliver a lecture in tins city, on Tfnirteday nigK l.VAugnst at ifcN'eeley'i! Hall. We bespeak for Lira a igood audience. Doors open free to tilery body.. nmwii.igan 5rR.torVoBi?-I sohietiihef j; aoconntf of School' exhibitions in your i!paperand if your columns are not xrovaea wira more 'valuable aiatter, you will "perhapa, publish Jthia ibrthe gratification cf wme of the, friends of Educa Ilia . f v At jujfi? ?; -v Away op in Scotch Irish jTownahip the peo ple are -taking rjjghtyjewjof the matter, and endeavoring to tor the minda of their cblldxn with good, substantial, knowledge. They have good schools in several neighborhoods and among them is 8ne taught by Mr, A. W. Owen at Third Creek Church. ' I attended the closing exercises of this sehool art week, and was extremely well pleased with the whole affair. The Teacher had provided a band of good Music, and had wade ample ai rangements for the accommodation f visitor, and beat of all had so drilled his pupils that although very youthful lb ey gave the audienae a most pleasing entertainment in the way f De clamation, Essays, Dialogues, , Comic speech, Tableaux scenes, &c.,&c. ' " - I i The Speeches delivered by the little hoys were considered by;all to., be well done. ProC Ovea lias very-great talent in training boys ia the various trenches of Oratory and I have nq doubt some of those boys will yet hake the ijialls of Congress with the eloquence of a Clay1 or Webster. Among other pieces performed was an original, democratic political meeting, which! smacked very much - of the way their Fathers do. We were scared - by a Ku Klux i i. ciitEEjiYiLjrb Knows Club was organized Snijliis flace baturuay evening latst. oy ineeier L(! James lK. Kj.Tr, Prcident, Drs. T. W. Keen Jj V. HU, a VSce' Preiidentfl, a'id Messrs. Wndrew Murphy and K, R. NVave, Secretaries, lie Strttarii efTrollcd the names of members Ki ilief were given in, and the Club inimedi alitly ;rocee;di'd tji-business. : f i ' : ! i- ; iSAtisuniY Uook Stork. At different times in our liie we Lave been engaged- iti the louk l.ji.IiH', and therefore fed a pride in seeing a wx)l !it book store in our pretty town. M e liave iilways been of the opinion that such not (tfilv an ornament, but a creat. conveni- ((ht, and we w"Mild he gld if nioreof our citti . . . I ? ?. t ? L r ' 7IIK K'll 1 PI ill kit 'iiiu iv uif. . ii is uiiy; v iho-f ai'6iiuinientn of .schools' that cann )t l.c "ed with without detriment and inj i- i: J .1.. IV It) lie VIMIM HUH L-UIUII1UIUIJ B lillgjU. W have noiritercHts which induce us to speak tfcuF, other than hat we feel in whatever tends l. lu-autify aJtl adorn our. city, or elevate ar d 1 n ... .. l,.f,.,- i,i t hoti. e that KeV. 'Mr Plyler ha greatly en .ir?-J lii-t stock of hooks,' stationary, Ac, Ac. lie h w many iieWind improved articles of sta i .1 .". i . !! .1 ii.. . unnary, uiai pujni.1 wu mm nuij oinj jr.-u nnil ' conveiiient, bait tiHfrftil. lie lias exhibited j;iHl'taMte in his elections,: nnjd his careful at t4 ut ton to businetis U deserving of success. I im, J i'.Sp.raxTir.i New Neqro' Voters lit jrictrred at this box. How ; is that? W'hfr iliJ hrsc irrtnp-ra eomo fmrn 1 Wo understand they ctn all answer the i .-.11 rj -t I ';m and .do riot luttale to i I i .1... Ii. .t i : . . tut; jiueiuut-U vain. jai t.. . ... i. L iuiS:icnt. Thi? game has been pl-iyt d blcfore.! Thcso vpters, in the large .tiwjorityi of cases, have fceen itiBlructed inn doubtl by I tlieiri Radical friends and i J -1 v... ..... but few of tlicm, it may be, are entitled to vote here. Some few of them, possibly, have cotnOjfijom bthr townships in; tins county. (Sonic from adjoining comities ; .'. hi.i ! ' ' i '..t out many oij uiem, wenave Dut utile about ten feet high, finding however that the crowd were not much Badical he retired with out eiting any one. , :. The Essays were excellent, written by mere children on various subjects; the themes were handled in a manneij that showed Uiat their teaching was more than superficial white wash ing. .' Where all aid so well it wonld be hard to select one superior to the others, considering the ages of the children, and the short time that they jhad been preparing for, the Exhibition they and their Teacher certainly deserve com mendation. The audience were held in orderly attention till a late hour in the night and when they left to return to their various homes no doubt felt that the entertainment hud amply repaid them for any loss ot time or sleep they might have incurred. ; i -The School is located in a section noted for its morality, intelligence, and social advantages The Teacher has long been known to the peo ple of Rowarvas a successful instructor of youth, and long may the school prosper. - , j J. ; v COM. . : 5'r; MID$VMMER MALADIES. : i Th hosolaf rays thafripenlhe harvests generate vman! distress! njj diseases. I f the liver be at al prediMpoSed toirregqlanttts, this is the season in which bilious attacks may be antici pated. : A Srealc stomach, too,' is weakest in the summer months, and the loss of vitality through the pores by exceswire perppiratioa is so great, that a.whofesome tonic, combining also the pro perties of aJditFusive etimolant and gentle ex nilarant, i.4 in many cases necessary' to health,, and under no circumstances should be dippensed with by the sickly and debilitated. Of all the preparations intended thus to- refresh,- sustain, and fortify the human frame there is none that will compare with llostetter's Celebrated Stom ach Bitten. They- have been weighed in the balance of experience and not found wanting ; have been recommended from the first as a great medicinal ifceific, not as a! beverage, and in spite of interested opposition from innumerable quarters, stand, after a twenty years trial, at the head of all proprietary medicines intended for the prevention and core 'fall ordinary com plaints of the' stomach, the liver, the bowels, and the rierres.- In the unhealthy districts bordering thegreat rivers of California, Hos teller's Stoftinch BitteT3 may be classed as the standard oiie for every secies of intermittent or remittent fever. The people who inhabit those districts, place the most implicit confi dence in the preparation a confidence that is increased every year by the results of its opera tioii. . j,.;:f . As bitters, so called, of the most pernicious character, are striii2inr ut like funei on evrv side, tliq public i hereby forewarned against the dram-shop; frauds. Ask for ITostetter's Bit ters, see! thatihe label, etc., are correct, and remember that the genuine article is never sold in bulk, but tn bottles only.: MACMAHDS SMUT MACHINES- f HRESMlHG'r.lACHiNES & ; ;HOBSETOy7ERS ' Several varieties,' on whetla or withont." CIDER AMD WINS HILLS- the handiest thing' out... ' -X APPLE- AMD;; PEAGH PAREflS, Corers and SliccrvJ-labor sarers. We 'warrant all these Articles togire satisfae- iion or no sale.' ' ' " CRAWFORD & IIEILIG. 42 tf ADVERTISEMENTS. M. A. Brixgle, THE AMERICAN tiitthav4 blcir shipped from other States in pursuaihec of the Radical prograrnme to carry the election by such means.- As ooaaa the election is over these etrange itgrocs Villdisappear to be seen no more, ulic8s at;a future day jfur a similar pur- ' I i Let thtir. place ofresidcnce be carefully iJcertaindJand let every one who is j Jknown to have sworn falsely, or voted j i'audulu tly be prosecuted, together with jthose who may be provedto have j influLicc l them. The penalties (or such f 0lTriifc i re Wry severe, but they should be imnosed wiLh imnartiluv. Evfervlmdv , -.j . j -y I" I Giipeley and Brown clubs are forming rapidly all over the country. i r 'A call has been issued' for a Greeley and Drown 'meeting- in Hudson, N. Y.f signed by 100 Republicans. Pardee Butler, one of tbe brigiiuij Free Soilcrs of Kansas, is president of Gree loy and Brown club in Atchison county. The" Seneca Vails UevieUe gives a list of thirty of the leading Republicans in that town who have deserted Giant and announce their support of Greeley. i The editor and local editor of the Leav enworth Times, the Grant organ of that pity, have joined a Greeley an 4 Brown club. .Let them be interviewed at ounce. 1 Ex-Cojugrepsmtn fedgwick-, of Syracuse one of the ablest lawyers of Central New York, aUd-a lifelong Republican, is mak ing Greeley and Bjown speeches in Onondaga,Cortland, and Matlison coun ties. In trembling accents a young lover of Mobile, Aa., put to his sweetheart the important question, of his life, but 6h replied with the utmost calmness and. a sweet sigh of resignation, u Any tiling to beat Grant, dear. The Democrats and Republicans of Norwich, Chenango county, New York, have united in a call for-a meeting on the 2d of August, for the purpose of organiz ing a Greeley and Brown club for the campaign. - Ohio' is arousing. The Stenbenville Gazette" gives two columns of the names f Republicans who have come out for Greeley, and Brown clubs. Savs th 'Gazette:" "We might fill our paper two or three limes- showing how 'the tide is Wm. Rowjseb. NATIONAL HOTEL, 8alib;iry, IV. C, A First ClassHouse,situated in the center or the City, This welj known Hotel has changed haiids and U now in Thorouyh Repair- The travel jug public may rest assured that they will receive First Class Accomodations. The Prices regulated to suit the times. The Table will be supplied witl the best the market arlbrds. The Eurnicure and Beding are New artd the rooms large and airy. GOOD STABLES connected with the IIouse. &F Omnibus and Baggage, free of charge. ;. ! ROWZK& A BIIINGLE. i ; ' ' . :o: iThe undersigned would respectfully ask his friends note the chanrje, as he has been keep ing the Mansion IIouse for the past twelve years. W'ith that experience he feels warranted in say ing entire5 satisfaction will' he given. His old customer ftreTespectfully invited to call at the National, j -'-!'! WM.HOWZEE. tf: 41 - BUTTOH-HOLE. OVEBSEAMING j AND Complete Sewing MA CHINE, The first and only BUTTON-HOLE AND SEWING MACHINE combined that has made its advent in this or any other country I he following reasons are given why this u the best Family Machine to Purchase. 1. because u win uo, i. ticcasoe you can everything that any ma- quickly riseor lower the chine can do, sewiugieed to adapt it to thick or from the finest to the turn cloth. c oar sect material, hem-l 8. Uecaase you hare a miner, fedinz. cordiag,!shori deei bobbin by braiding, oindiug, gaiu- wuicu Uieinread is con enng ud sewing on, at(8tantly drawn from to tne same time ruuiins, : centre ; me tension id quilting, etc.. better than oonseqnently even an ' ;IWAHTED, A Good Canvasser for ' YJtecler & Wilson Sewing Machinery n and around jSalisbnrv. j Splendid Wacron & iarness furntsJieu, Canvasser furnieihitisr Ins i i own. norse. i i JCfc3? Good pay to a suitable man. Address bv Mail, H E. J?. C II EST E R M A N. Aamlfo, SaUzbunjJ&e. i Salisbury, N. C Wanted also to rent a Good Office, and board in a pnvaie nimny, oy a gentleman and wife, aauress as aoove. 2t: 44 hi w totild be on the lookout. !l -i As WE PA1P.W I scht e Jjemocfatic arry the State for e have told our readers of nny radical schemes for carrvirig the election e lold theiu that subiuarehals would be sun ied with blank wirrania so thev could arrest flemwrats at will. Kead ;the following from (ae Charlotte Qbttntr,', ' The Vji.lAiny CoMMrKCEb.-fFrom a tele fraphic pec in I in thia morning's' isTne it will v Been, inai n viuainy oi me itatncal party to carry the election has commenced v send ing one thousand blank Varienu to th United i fhi&M MnrsJinl oft this Slate dlll hn U jiiim to airesi various parties in the State for iltie iftrpoKe or ntnnidatmg th i'onservative voters and tolarr1 tht Judical party. i Attention JeSvs. We call the Attention o Mir Jpwih Id low-citizens to what the Era uav in regard-to them. This Mnz and dirtv heVf tf a tjieivingfand corrupt party in a slaiideroiw nrticlc upon Mr4 lIunieiiberg pays, after lhdnlg ipg iii much Vile vituperation, such as "rogue," VwiiMllcr," ll.u t" "perjiirer," &c, he is a fJu(e Jew (with the tifuid characteristics." e tlie connection. After abusing Mr. B. in alloortsof way it savs he in a "Dutch Jew with trie usual tharacteriHtim." The Era thiw rand all Dutch Jews as thieves, swindlers, am nuwi.ii(iX miiiicr - ine Jra inns savs, and no- ttirr construction can be pnt upon it, lliat the -. M-...U vn.iracieriuc or tne uutcn are swintl hnsr, Uieiving, &e. We appeal to our fellow citizens of the Jewish faith and ask them can jiney afliliate with and support a pitrty whose ,rK"' iimsviiancs anu traduces their1 brethren, i"'.l bohNvjnsKerls that profowor of youf faith ;;e known bV vile characteristics. Get the Era the 27ti inst. and read, and you will see we nave written is true. SaUiAd. ! ' . .. , SEVENTEEN HUNDRED. i The1 Scnfwrt formed t hat I the radicals claim Tn AT THF.y 'lAVFlMl'OhTED 6EVENTE1N rioXbRBD ; i j; i ik to 'rnis District. ( JhaMtngc . ?very rascal ot them. The rad SW4M4.W )aw bl..M , T .. . 1 - 'j ui.r.!. irecmeu stand 'P lor their hgba without fear or intitnidai on, ana seeto Uut- jra , hafe a fair wusi tiecnan. unnins. is As roNisnixo .Nominations. It said iliatMr. Greeley, as ' the Democratic MJ, ...:f i.-"..: i'. Hon. Very well yy Harrison was an las- tonishing nomination. So was olki so w 1 ayIorxo was lnerce, and! so was Lincoln; but each ot tiiese were eleeted There is evidently - strength in an astons ishmer hommatton. The issues of the contest are equal.- riie Democrat i7 with Piercp, in 1852, went over and took up the Whig platform of Henry Clay, and they swept the coun try. 1 be moral is obvious. iv. x. Herald. any other midline. 3 UecauM; the tensions a e more easily adjnsted than any other raacliine NORTII CAItOLINA.I In fth Superior aleusdeb vorjtTT. - - Court., A. Caraon $liet:ntor of ' - j i. J, lowJcrmuk, - DcPu . - '- , William;; Vane Low ) Petjtlow fscUkment j-oennuK Jiarriet vJaAe - LowderoHlk, Joseph Kellar and wifeDovey M, Kd- Ur. r J jj : J Def'ta. In this prr?edinff. it innnrin tn tl faction of the Coort that U above naisd de fuTMhwU are noa-residents of this Stat It is puuiicauon v mane in the "Carolina Watch imb" a newsnaner ihiUWL- ed in balwbury, N. O, for six weeks success ively, requiring said dkndanU to appear at the Office of the CUrk of ITTe Superior Court for . ' rtiviimr bi me Loiin House in layiorsvuie, on the 8th dav of Jnlr next, and answer the complaint of "Plaintitt" or th. ? k ' win ue nearci rx parte as to them. a i a.. xau zjra aav or amt 1872. " E. M. STEVENSON, ClerV Superior Court, Alexander Co. 37-6t:p4. BINGHAM SCHOOL, lEDAKEV ILLE, IV. C. 'piIE FALL SESSION of 1S72. t.pens An A gust 24. The eocrwe of instruction is classical,(ii clnd irg Mjdern Langnages,) Mathematicil, and Uomujerciul, The orgauiaalion ia military. For circulars addrv 39: 5t Col. WM. BINGHAM. lUUVtJl THE. ADVANCE, T: Reaber v - .-.. J-.trg, UIAIVVFACTIJKCD BY THK IWIvidrr 3!aoufetnrinir C.. Rltidr. N: J.; baa th garint (oc cog wLl) all ia aa iron ea. so s u eicinde all gut, dirt. A:e. ConUius many lew mui. va1mU1 fraUitva winch do uut eiut iu olbtra. Wurka uV.l ua or stouey Ucd and b cut liaU to gt out of ordVr. lVrsoos intudin-j t boy nvr and Kfaprs. thia simmer, would d well to ex- atnine the ADVANCE before purchasinz elsewhere. An agent wanted in ev ry eurty in the State. Seud fur illutrted cirrulara to c. a. hk;f., OetiM State Agt. f..r N. C. Friedborir. KMTthe ('.. N. C W. L. KISTLEIL talifbury. N. C. f mar. 2ff, 3n As-tt f..r Kowan Co. 1.1. ' "J: -- .'-. , , 2 5; lilt - - ... r, . s .CTCT- - - ttllL -Sm does not break the U.rea d 9. Becaose the nresner foot turns back ; that the ciotu can he easily re Because it can'workfmoved Per neing sewed. a beautiful button-hole, 10. because the beat making as uue a pearl as. mechanics piqnounce it bytiiehand. 'the best finished and 4; Decause it will em-imade on tbe btt princi broider over the edge, pie of any mac!hii;e man making a neat and beau-1 ufacturcu. It has no tiful border on any gar-springs to break; noth ment. ; ing to get out of order. 5. Decanse it will work j 11. Becaura it is two a beautiful eyelet hole, imacbinesin one. A P.rr- B. Beanseit can cVto-hoi.e Wcvukino and over-hand seaming, b,Swio Macuink com which sheets, pillow cas-;bined. es and the Yt are sawed! over and aver. I WALTER A. WOOD. Reaping and Mowing Machine. The lightest, ruot sultatitial and cheapest Implement made. Fully warranted. Threshing Machines and IIoie Power of various patient, such as thecelebrated Alamance and Baltimore powers. Send in vonr order. J. II. THOMPSON, 41:3mos. Tyro. Davidson Co., N. C. J. P. RUECKERT, MASONIC 1TALL, los.57 and 59 .UnrLct St., VILMINQTON. H. C. PIAIMOS and ORCARIS OF THE BEST A desirable Drick House with 7 tootr.s and xX. all nH-eiSry out hou; situated in tbe most deniable part of ToWii. IVrK)n waning topurt hae, cin apply at tLis tfhet-. tf:l Qeoigia Home Insurance Co. Of COLUMBUS, Ga. IxcoaronaTTO, IKO. Carrrau ?rC- J. I1II0DD5 BROWNE, JW 4ti D. F. W1LLCOX, Senmmj. All Lossc-s Equitably Adjusted And rromptly Paid in Fulli rreprrty ownrrs dewinj to oUaiu reliable In rStl do 11 to rtAtx UtnrrJrn by w-nrii a Policy in '(Wfia II oaa I auranc Co. Agtudca at rjrxrfui&rnl ia all tka Soutltrn States. J. ALLEN r.HOWN, Axrwt, O.Tce 2fa 2, Granite T-ow, April y.Tl (ly SalUbory, N.C JCST No other Macliine can accomplish the kind of pewrng stated in No?. 3, 4, 5, and 6. Partfes a family sewing machine want a Whole Machine, one with all the improve ments. . It is to last a LIFETIME, and therefore one U wanted that wilTrio the most work and do it r.f ctrinrr lint rlnnn nti nutt rJli ntk I besides doing evcrv kind that ail others can do! , R,lit l,iirtl,nsers constantly on hand and for tale. Sv" All inducements usually held o:it hv XiCadin? factories in the United States. PIANOS of ALL STYLES and PRICES to STEWARD WAITED, or Davidson Colh-sre. Apply to U. G. McDowell, Eq., or Rev. Wm. W. Pharr, Mt. Mottrnej N. G., or to Prof. W. J. Martin, Uur?ar, at the College. W. A. HAYS. E. BRYCE SILL. HEW HAYS &. SILL 1 r ' ;i i Drnggisit & Apothecaries, SALISBURY, n. c. Having purchased the' contents of the Drug Sjtore ; formerly occupied by Dr. Edward Sill- We respectfully call the at tention qf the Citizens of baiiLury ana the surrounding coUntrv, to the new ar rangement, and inform ihem that we will j continues .to-carry on the business at the I same place, and tlici game excellent way. ' We willendeayor to keep on hand all the various goods the people may need per taining ijto ottr line,! and therefore hope by strict; attention to business, to receive a liberal patronage; Physician's Orders Prompt Sly j Attended To. Prescriptions accurately and carefully compounded by reliable and competent l)my gists day or night.1 ' H ' ;: 43 Iv ! 27 American or Plain Setcijiy Mathne. (U'ithout the button-hole parts), docs all that is done on the Combination except button-hole and oversea mi nti. ' MEKONEY & BRO., Agts. Salisbury, N. C. Examine them before purchasing anv other Sewing Machine. I do not hesitate to say the American Combina tion, surpasses all other machines. Besides doing all the work that other machine? can. it oversea m. and works button-holes in any fabric, from Swi muslin, to Beaver cloth I have used Singer. Sioala', Howe's and the Weed machines, and rind the American fur snperior tothem all. MlSi M. Rl'TLEtCK. I have nsed six different Sewing Machines. The American surpasses them all. Mrs. A. L. Rainkt. I hive ned The Singer and other machines and would uot exchange the Anurican for any. Mks. U.N. Cbinoi.k. Rali?bcbt. . C, May 22d. 1872. Merokst & Bko., Agts. American Com. 8. ii. Pm: I have used the Howe, Singer, Wheeler t Wilson, Wjicox Gibb Sewing machine, and would not give the American Combination for all of lhsu, it will do all that is claimed for it in tlie circular. I consider it unperior to all others 1 have ever seen. Very Respectfully, Mas. Geo. V. H a rrinsos. Wetlie. undersigned tahe j?reat pleasure in giving onr testimony in favor of the American Sewing Machine if preference to any other, be lievii.g that is it truthfully recommended as the best machine made. It m simple, durable, runs very. light and does not get out of order or dsop stitches. 11ns. Lacka M. Overman, ' A . L. KotST, " J. Allen Bhows, "A. W. Northern. " A. K. Josks, ' " M. E. Thomason, R. R. R. Radway's Ready Kcliel Curcj the wojn' yuv.P in from OSK TO TWENTY VI.VfTKS. Not one hour afu r reSdina this adr itircmtt Deed any onquir-r wih PAIN. UA inv a Y S HE XV Y JIIIM LP ia a enre for every rJa. It tvuh the Crt anl onfv Pnin Keiaedv that in-tantly stoph teiiMt eicrncuting pmns, a. lays Inbamaiu.iis. and cure t;oiigvUoiis, wlu iLcr ol ibt luLg-, stom al h, UowtlrW other claitl r oirnim l v one application, in l i e to tuer.ty UilrTite'.no S. W.TERRELL, Auction and Commission ASD UEALEH IS QENERAL MERCHANDISE Staple, Dry Goorfe, Aort, Utft, Cvfcctt,(rirt, Crtxlcry and Glass Ware, and JWwre GENERALLY. SIIALL krp a afp!y r.f pn.rhfRtagx J as the market Ca andatPrires t t tlis limes t Deof, Prk, Freh and flt Firti, natter. Eps, Chiekens. Cbt.fe, Hva. Land. fait. Flour and Meal. Sof ar, C CV. yolaiwoa. Pvnin and a variety of uch Cuds. matter how violi-nt or excnu-iating the pain i Generally Vert In a Pairilr Crtirr nLttt. liurauiuui, IUUTII, IMHUl. UdlHIK U, .lt'I- I ) I'll MHIIU. voik, Ni-umigic orprwiiiti-d Aith uiM inbv ViillHiyalH.iudf Countrr rm1i tl suffer. KAMVAY'S JIL'ADY KI-ILIKF will let pries. - ,r tlord nisT.r: t r-.tfo. Jnlar.mniioH of the A'Vrr Northern Manufacturers can only be had in the State at the above place. GEO. WOOD'S Cl CO'S. PAIl- 1.0 E. and VESTnr OHQAris ! They are pre etniuent for their Charm ing Solo Stops, JJeauty and Purity of Tone, TAcganl Design and Fin ish. In fact tlicy surpass AXY ORGAN Heretofore known or introduced in this city. Call, ZXear and Sec Them! All Instrument Warranted for Five Years. S3" PI ANOS TUNED AND REPAIRED.; A choice selection of Sheet Music on hand and for sale. J. F. UtJKCKEIiT. may 3l-iT-tf Wilmington, N. C. To YOU LOVE'MlT VNEW and Listing ierfume, with a crest variety of other extract for the handker chief, including all kind of toilect arti Us, at C. Ii. I'Al.Kl.K & ttrs Drug Store. IttVimmnnvnoi Iilatblvr, I n flu in Million of tte livc't. Cu.iji'tHoH if ', I.uniM, Sore Throat, Diftctitt Ireathir.ij. !tlfi!-:itn mf tht Haul, Hysterics, tronp, ltipUu rta. ClUon A, ljlcit, Headache, Tvduiclu; 2?.hrvh'i, HUeitinati.m. CM adl'f, A5ve C..7V The sj;!irnti. n of tl Re ptlitf la tbe part or parts t I t re the pain or difliculty i-iutt will viu- t-f.infort. Twenty Ji'; in a h:i!fa tcu.h!c r of wr.terwill iu a tow ir.-n ri.t cure rramj't, joi. so-r iljxrtitcr'j, eolie, irihil in Xhr t Kurt In, unttntl in ta'iial ):t;i:t , Traveler i'd n'wny carry a lK.ttle tf li.'idwnv Kcadv Keiifl" wilL tlien.. A few I drops iu v. .iter v ill prevent or paiii Iron el.aif.M- 1 wnt-r. It i btt r than Fre:.f L 1'iundy or t-:.-ti-r-- as a siimi.lai.t. Tcvct and Afrue. Fever and Agv.c cured tor tiPy ct. TT. n i not a renn-dijl i iri-ct in t'..i mi.rld that lath can! U.r U? aJ lUizet. Goods of any kind brght or M.ld at Anrtion cr .n ena unt.n lod prompt ret rxs mad. Girt ma a trial oaodooratve IL. A. Caldwell' Law ofLce on Imaisa street. & v TKHpitlj, Pro5iinnt Accessions to tiie Lib eral. Uanks. In rmshurgh very many prominent Ttcpublicans have openly de clared for GriM'ley, among others Dr. Ja?. King, late Surgeon General of the &ta.e, a brother of the late Jndpe Kitifj, if 13od ford, and a gentleman of decided influence. Alexauder .M. Watson, one of the best and most popular lawyers in Pittsburgh, is alao .outspoken for Greeley, and will do all in his power to secure tliQ 8ucce3s of lheX.ibtral ticket. From present appear ances the etaropede in the western and southern couuties promista to become general. Lancaster (Pa ) Intelligencer. 7e Lave seen flaming advertisements and heard much aid n Igentsoi other machine. We will forfeit oie handled dollars to the con tending party, if after a fail trial betore competent j'ji!ge the American Macinne will rot do as wcil if not better, ;the work done on any other machine and do valuable work that no otber mncliine can do. We have been Agents fr Sewini Machines since 1856. have soad Sincsr's, I.&d Webster's, Atwatem's and Florence s, and Lave abandoned all lor the American. I Send and get samples of wck. 127: ly MERONEY A BRO., A ' A Threshing 'Machine. Oil. I The yej best quality at the lowest price. Guaranteed not to he:iit, gum, or cut. Only at ' "j TIIEO. V. KLL'TTZ & Co's. 41:ti A Diog jStore. If vou desire rosy cheeks and a erim-.dpTinn fa ir and free from Pimples, Blotches and Erup tions, purify your blood by taking Dr. Tierce's uolueoj ledicnl Discovery.; "STeas and Ueiffhs. If hoirw could make Utemselvesunderstood inhuman lanwiiasri?. llrcy; would signify by a universal "Yea" their assent to the statement that the Mustang Lin IMBNT Is the bct remedy extant for all these ex ternal ailments, and by a most emphatic 'Neighl' saor their displeasure at every alterant to n any other preparation in its stead. .Evexsine: its introduction at St. Louis, nt the clow ef tho Mexican War, in 1849, it has proved a signal blessing to lwrsa and man enrinsr, with abso lute certainty and wonderful dispatch, such equine diseasea as fpavin, jfingbOne, poll evil, scratches, hoofale, Ac, and relieving and final ly rpmovu-ig the painful affections which attack the muscles, sinews and external glands of hu ma beings It is a fact beyond contrai'Jction that for. all injuries or complaints of man or quadrupeds to which an external remedy ia ap plicable, the MtrTAXO Llnimest jw preferable to every other. - PRESERVE your FRUIT! AVe'defire to calT the attention "of house keepers Co our aborted stock of Ptuit Jars. Wc-have the Gem, Pet, Mki.vilI.k, Mason's Improv:d, and PoRcir.AiN lineI). Call and exainid the-diflorcntl styleV an.4 make your selections. We oihr tliem verv low. We have also eTtry MiclBcr Hands for old" .Jars, and'would caution bur lady friends to examine their old ones before putting up as fruit is often lost by using defective; kinds. Call before purchasing elsewhere. ' '4 i TIIKO. F. KLU1TZ & Co., 41:tf); I ! ( Druggists. . JELLY TUMBLERS WXTIL COxiBW TOPS 1 he nicest thing out for housekeeper. ' Cheap j Preserving Solution. UnebottI to 13G lbs. Fruit,' SI, , Also, NornyV Preserving Powder. 50 ct. : In -THEOF. KLUTTZ & Co's. 41:tf)-;J:'L. , "WEED" SEWING "MACHINE. Ill ATI: taken the arnry in Paliidnin fu the SaJr ,jf U.rep. pr.Ur Mac bite. Alla want of afirt eala Hring Machine, are a 't-0 to call at. my Murrand xamio ta-Di, or if desired, uU Ikj i j:t io t Lea r rrid tut U Hial. The "WVcJ" j. tr.cqwalcd ia idmplirity, durability, beauty and pti. It run. taalrr, and en do all auy.otrwr Warbip ran do. X other slachii.cjcan exc-JI tba Wd in any way. and Uii ridj- u3 it it writ, withaay irt-r maibiLe at any time. It I a Khnllh? l -n L: T.e ui.d n.tlfs ttp jnt-V Ktifhr vnrli both lhtenrf ihe Miu.e. rid L alike on eith erMde. Lead the fllim irg li tre tctLHMintr-. S. W. TKUKELL. Agtmt. uti- FeVfr uinl A;-t: and nil ith-r Mniariou. liii-iiis .'n urltt.'; Vi'Li-i J. Yrlli.m ai.J other Fe vers ( .:! d by J.'.ry .) ijuiili a i iniunui n iiruuv n.ui'i. J ii cens k r I tie. DO you wish to enjoy a good smoke? Theu trv some of the genuine Havana Cigars just received at c. k. i:auk.i-;i; a c ,s irug btore. V 1 TANXKILS Oil, : lV. 1 Transparent Machi Ma iigic ami parent .Machine Uil nt low prices at C. Ii. BAKKEK & CO'S Drug Store. 7E KICSI'KCTFrLLY call the attention IT of Physicians, Merchants ar.d the public generally to our well selected stock of Drugs, Chemicals, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Brushes, Dye Stuffs, Larip, Lamp Fixtures, fr., f c. A -a HEALTH! BEAUTY ! ! Strong and pure rich PAihxI Increase qf Ilch and Wont Clmr Skin f Beau tiful Complcrion n cured to . sa. HAD WATS Sarsa p a r i I a u II cf ol v en t alimh'ET, ilarrb 25. H-Tt. Ma S. W TrEt: ll. Ji't " rfVrf Scrtmg ITacitme. Your Miu-i.iue being ri-tlrrly Brw and id Inuwnin tliirHrtHn i f 'br lUvtA tnt pleacre to recrnnieiid it to tbe public. 1 L; hud in iry uhui for ? i-k, the I!twr. Atner nan Cvinbiuatwin and Ibe 'Wred" miA fav tbmi all. a (air. Ii.. partial trial I nw y nnbi-sitatii.gly, I pti-fcr tt Wcd" t y her, it run esisvrr. rin j e it n-.'i i-m. and dnraluity ai d tan tb kx t: j ii.c macbiue ran do. I thi'.ik iu implicitv of ronf nut....-. f of inaimjr ment, adnptiob tti urti kiniii..' fi.i: y wwinpcwnibited. rrudrr it a lfrt claa Xi cbinc. it peel fully. Mr.. X. D.HAEKIi KATIOKAL UOTEU FALiihctr. Apnl 10, lid ) Has made the mot uilvnishihg Cures : o Ma. 8."W. Tinui, quick, so rapid are tJc changes the body I Ay't " ircrT' frrimg Afackite : undergoes, under the influence (J this truly W'undrrf'ul MrdciitC, that EYKUY ,). AN lNCUKASi; IN i' an i) wi:u;i.t IS SKri.N AND i'KLT. THE OlliAT ULOOI) ri.IMlirR. Even- drr-p of the Sar-ap:riiii4n ll.-ulvent cnminunirati-p thnnh the lu'l. went, urine and other fluids j liccs ot the "jVleni the vigor id life, fur it repairs the waU oi tbe body wnb new and Mjurui material, scn-lula, syphi lis, eoiiunipti.'U, ginnda'ai direa-s, ulceis in LL GOODS warrnn'cd, rurc, frch and i tbe thr at, n:i.ulh. tuiuor, nodes ia the elai.ds insuhe Your life AMERICAN LIffi NSURMCE ,Drug Store. SewingMacJiines, Umbrellas, Paraiol,Walk ing Canes,'Andev and Peach Parers, Shears, CSssor. Baby Waggons, and gentrtdjob work, in cluding repairs to buckets, Tubs, c. dc, &c ! ;hop m the rear of Clodfelters "Furnituye Store. Terms low, but cash on delivery. -' J i J. T. BELL. i . July 2d 1872 42:lmo, . . S. E. Corner Fourth and Walnut Streets. ORGANIZED 1850. CHARTER Perpetual. Assetts, $3,638,86488. GEORGE W. HILL. President, JOHN S. WILSOX, Secretary. BOiLIlD OF TRUSTEES. ALEXANDER WHILDCN. Hon. .TA-. rOLLOCTv, 1. EDGAR THOMPSON, GKO. NUGFA'T, ALDEliTC. ROBERT, PHILIP B. MINGLE, HON. A. G. CATTELL, ISAAC II AZLE HURST, L. M. WH1LLDEN, HENRY K. DENNF,'V' GEO. W. HILL, JAS. L. CLAGUORN, JNO. WAUNAMAKEP Issues all forms of Life and Endowment Policies, LOWEST RATES POSSIBLE. ALL POLICIES NOX-FORFEITABLE. ""PRE AMERICAN X eoverued and con I Lave ued your Machine a Fuficient lecjrLh of time to ttr. miit. I can cheerfully rtt i oinu.eiid it to all ic mant f a fmt elaM 3 chine. It i -ii.-ple and durable, rent raVcr than a:iy otl.-T. i eav to oprrateue, arxl ran do all anr oti c r il.( L.L.- ran du. Vri. M. A. Beixclk Apiil 19. 1572. R0WANM1LLS! rpUK pmTirietnm of thee Jat'v rrkbrttwl 1 MiiU ar- in th" market Ur W II EAT. and rr.ninnp n..l 1. 1 lie- t .1 suit the litiio ! mill fit !iT tirti of tl.f v!-;. turf o i t r ' Mllcrl '.! fll.m ail W h'. h it t C kcll. TLey All orders 'prom pt!- attc-ndcil to. I morou uitUrgi sfn-in tLe eafi-.nd "the wir-t ' i'1' "yhll -eiltt ctU pneer. Flour! Flour!! Tl;7 cl folicit wdfr fr Flour. Thej martTtun fi.ur d ftVient graces f Fhr, ranging Seit Family, F&milfi ZIx tra, axJ Super. Th-'V alo m: cit irler f'-r ftran. Thry exchange, or grind f.r toll, a xnay b dMrfd. KMMKKT. I5KOS A CO.'d CATAWliA ENGLISH and CLASSICAL HIGH SCHOOL, Xewtoii, .IT. C. l'rpeftaU. care ami attention given to our prescription de- tarin of rkiu ili.-eai-s, erupt iotm, i;er, Keren, partnient. tC. R. P.AKKER & Co., DrngxK (Succestor to Jso. II. Enis,) 2d:tf Sulibnn , N. C. CO. OF PHiLA.. culd hood, rilu' uiuai, halt, t-rviplos. ;.u !ie, blui k jKt -worms in tl.c fij-h. j iu tbu v.ouin'j, aud all weakt aii! aral puiafal . ihch.kii-s. night wtut. Io.- ol fj-crui ai.d all w.i -Urs 04 ihc lilo 1 uni -Jple, arc tLc tur alive riitike of tLis woi.h r cf Hoji rn CbeuJrt rv,;:;d a fr-w (lay.' u.e will prove t acy per sou wishing it lr either ! for.ns (.f dh ea-e its potent power to cure them. ll Ibe patieiii, duily bw rnirg n duced !-y the wu.-tes and dfcu jmt-itiou that i continually progntoit g,-uccc( di in arresting tbee watef. ivud rpj)air- the name with nrw material made from herthhy bin! and thi the Sar-apitrillian will and dix-s K-tir' a cure is cettiuti; fuj , when o:iC- thin rtn;i-!y cimnM-cf-i it work lo J pvrih'cji'it'Ti, a:.d Hrc'-eil in diiuinihing thej iosi o wa.-tCK, it rj-airi ill be rfcj id. and v- j rv day the putifi'.t will Ye- h:ni?elf growing; bi . I r .kiwi tiroLft-i. Ue iootl better. , apjeti'.e iiiMnVii:g alio ll-t Lai.u wc:gLt iu- KEY J. r CLAIT. A n.. 8. M. r'lXGKK. A. M J. P. HOWK. i-iffamt. - . , . . - ' 1 . ( .t avr;r. 'A or iv oots in-ar.-ar sr.iiiar. i.r- ,..v."i? estr ! all remedial hger's i;i the R h s,ion fl mt y. uHa on er.rc it .hr'.i.ii. S.r.! lions. Onstitotii.rial and ; I ,, .... , .,w ja, 11 i"iii ' wv Tuition, f oi:. to $1" for lU hcKrt- ( rd in f.a.ilics. froti to !in px noLfX Sin : b:.t it :K the onlr rx itive cure f r KIDNEY & UEAl'DEIi COMPLAINTS,! 1'rinary av.l womb di-ea., gravel, diabetes, j dnpsy,-tppaef wter,iiie.'.tin ol nrii.e. . lirightN difta e, Albu:ii.uii n Bi.d ia all cuc j a acre llrt re a.u hiick-ct-t h ;, !;.., or the r teri- thick, c!i ;.('-, i.tipa-i! v',,ii ::t.-t.-.!:cv!:se ; rbe wh.'.il f .iti f V ( t threa'! h'i.r wl.'fc rilk t for Circc'ar and prtietilr 'irt- CLAP! r.3:r.t a ri!fi;rB. ArlWs, X. C. HAIR WORK. TERRELL, will d "7 Hair Work. FANCY or thcTfi-m n. rt.:d. dirk, bi'ior api-a'auce j tfcc ... and white bor.e-d'J-t d r.-it. ar d wben there j MIJ. ' prickiiif. "serw;! i-n wLen pacing kiud f -Mr. rd pjiu in the nr.oil of tbe bca a&.t i FailO sVnC'be'.o:i. ' Repair EraM-s. irak Cnrls. SaitrW Or UK. UAI Al ! d J.wt-!rT S-tt : .!. mh: Udi- n... I Jr hir Into Wifaths. and ftjit. Perlert PuraliTe rill- - Vnr t rnU tt h rjriir. un chrck ban Suaa pt-tfe.-!r i---tr if'crt.r,.yf:t:iii.wtfsa,,ff 't .f th MrthodiM Cr.orch puir. ainlato. teriu ele.r- i MtnftUii.- , ran bo a-n at ri. W. Tr tArxL' iom-.-.h. Is-.-r U.t. kiJij. bTaJtr. nem-u on Inow s.r-t. I dld lt?t' e. mr ' as'- n . rrM'ver.f It Ji- Jay 'J. tT2 3UI. . . 1 . a.ij. a.a l! c ltJewi pi an (KHfprtnii , N has been in aotiye operation for nearlr a qwrtcr of a century, has been I matton Ci! ' c yvt sontrolled bv c. nil a men ditstinffuixhed for their bvu,ines experience and tl ttrl tv-r' i;fl-rit r ;-;. commercial probitv, and ha.s been eiuinentlv vucceMiful It has met iU obligations i rooiptne.-w, and in & most liberal tpirib. Among iU injuring mewben. the Company had the honor of numbering many of the xno?t eminent and leading mon, in all profWiona and classes, throughout Ni.rth Carolina. Reliable Agents wanted, who ahould apply by letter oi in person, to , . . REV. T. F. WAY, Genl Agent. h 8uteville, K. C . Or U CL St. CbAjs DKAEtia, Sunt. Agent, Wiliningtna, Jf. C. I taay3:33:l j c(rtl-.rt i.t-lirJ r.o iuer- trt tU COI V Dl A tf rlri tnm all the am nxt-i'-A 4irder. r"rca. 7braU-rUx. N'lOi 111 UKU.ijiNN E'vl ' I'iUt a.toTacii." Keodar.e lerur-ina in RtDAY 1 CO., T3 Wirrm Street, Cor. f Ctiirrh Street. Xew York, laforaoatioa warth thouaaruI4will be atatyoa. Jam 30-2-1 yj j;fmc Tle FTrtJ leretofora exUtinj vnier fivr aim and title ol 3. A. Mall A Cn. i aiwJrl, ,d rv on antWiard t rntrart aay dibta, give aay natc, or aaaka any avconct ia Ua asd oo ooc ia anthorixed ko make aaj at-uUraaewu exrtX'l tnTc5f- J. A- IIALL. Salldwrry, Jcat II, 172. ll

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