1H 1 1. I! II ! Ill I ! I ' T tlioiiglitV he Vas a Radical, - bat because we felt it to be oar duty aa true- Coneer Stiver to doW 5 1 1 Wat clearly our duty; STATU ITEIVIS ai liiiblic iotiraalwu fcowluctiriff a-trothi- Orfllinti jtUfltfljntgrt ;-, I ;vu't L .,T(1 : 4 turn; alo, to stand-by the notnineea of the ftft ; )ik j pauy, umees me nomiuauous wtre n-aue . la - "H.I.M it 1 ' ". L I ... oil k . ...a . , w,,. . I .. I I V I it '. " Vf. 1 . '.' . 0V--f'-ntiiMir) 10i2-lio. round. I , UK U IINS-Ti l-'JO n $2 jmt doz. . i ki i-i !l j .A ; ,Vi; ;.ya nj. i- ; . ! , - ViM-it-m1. Di:ii:p ruirpjji . Ai it i?m;i)Ui.KnK.ni-JIonor Judge-. ud l a antiiu,t Mr. John A. L-oyden L,,4 CoultjCluk, Nice A Judaon Liroii ik cased T -2 'T C' j tlirbiigU7fnd and corruption. This was charged, but it was njver established, and indeed; could not be before any fairmind ed (body of men in thj county. . lt ii said that the SJierjiff did not vote for oar canJIdales fur 'the Legislature, we do not know whetlier1; thii is so, or, not- If true wo do not blame hun." They were opposed to hira, and did not vote for bim. Let there be fair playi This is right and this is all of it, and it jdoef not prove that MY. Walton is a Radical,' and we shall not believe it until hd convinces us by nis acnoas. ?Glorbus4 and delightful " t . tbe "Summer wcatlier i?: its tronical heat la a severe trial "to theTital noirersi,- lTtn th strooirest jFewme- iiaies jrrtwraiea dj iu ejiocti i ue cumin on hrue applted to tm condition ol the bOujr in ceneral : debility.? Now. cenerarildebilitT arises from, and iDchides a'varietjr- of ailments. The liver is more, tr lesi aBecteJ, the bowels are' either jnsttpatcd or too much relaxed, the st&maeh but half perform the work of digestion, the appetn ia footy and thejgpipt deprewed. tins is what is called general debiut i tlcinan I). M lJjiKBlMiKli. e?"" Chai Jraaiirof the Coneervative 5 late lixecutile coinmittcr, headquarters jt KaWigli, hacen highly comr,l.mented y the press for tho zeal, energy, ana l.liity fie. has difpijyt-d. iu managing ine unjljign in North; Cnrolina. Tub Ku:cfxif)tN Yv do not renjember I r to have I w n a more quiet election hi thkt helt liuc, oirtho 1st August, id v.are glidj to notice that it was so ticrnllr thnjiiigbout the State. It ,(:ik!will l.n the ordt-r-loving and icoabio char icier! of our people. The Iloa Ordijjakcr. It wilKbe seen froua Jhe proceedrusrs iof tCe last meet- Lmg ot the JJoara ot uorami!8ioner8 mat an ordinance has been passed which will compel persons who own town to keep them penned low them to run at large rhU Orjljnnnpft will hoar nrettv heavilv --- 1 . i - - of our citizens, and will no doubt jos iu ot near up and' not al on the streets kon uap$ lljclll'S . J' hi, ijii-i! yt'iir Iu pp causo a, good deal of1 dissatisfaction, j It would be strange if it did not, sinco .all new movements or innovations are gtner ally regarded witji avert-iqn, as captious 4inwisc,and unnecesaary. Our city fathers very likely thought they; were abating a nuisance and ' that their action in this matter was the best for uie town. Bu when we take into consideration the fact t - ! , - 'that we have no street sweepers or regu lareireet cleaners, the propriety oftheirac tion may wull be called into question. Hog jarc, scavengers and as sujeh are of great seivtcc in devouring hud destroying nuisances."-IT privies aftd sinks were A rEILOTDS;SEASOK. treiieral debility. It is a1 general disarrangement of all tle pliyKjcal func tions, and requires a.? a rtruedy a medicine that will regulate them all. liostetters -fetooiach Bitters u specially adapted to tot purpose. Its general operatioo jls coi coufined to a .single organ. If the liver i3 Effected, It, restores its tone. If the stomach is torpid, it regenerates it. If the nerves are; tremulous and weak, it braces and reinforces then). If the mind, which ever pyoipathized with (he body, is gloomy and de spondent, it relieves th j diffieultv, and soon a '. t . ' ' ,' i ' : i a i . - bring me : wnoie niecnanijsni oi me oouv mio harmony with tte lews of health. There is no civilized nation in the Western Hemisphere in. which the utility of Ilostetter'n Stomach Brtera a.s a tonic, corrective, and anl!- bihous tncdircine. i not known and appreciated. Throi ghout the TropicJit is considered, both by the ei'ple and the profesrfionj the standard ppecific Viile it U a medicine for all seasons and nil f!imnlf-i ; if in pirMr'i.ilI v anitpd tn ttf , , t j complaints generated by the weather, being tliej purest fend,; best ; tigetable stimulant iu the world. J - : Ik; , fl. : i . IJeware ot the liitteri made of acrid and dangerous materia In, , which unscrupulous parties are endeavoring to! fois-tlnpon the people. Their name is legion, and the public has no guarantee that thy lire not poisdnou3. Adh re to the tried remedy, liostetters Bitter!, Fold only in glass, atid never In kegs or barrels. MACHAfflJS SFaUT-MACKKJES- THRESHING'MAGHIKES & HORSE POWERS Several varieties on wheels or williouC1 CIDER AND Vs'lfic MILLS the handiest thing out. T,v- ; APPLE AND PEAGH PARERS, Corers and Slicers labor saver. We warrant all theae articles to give satisfac tion pr no sale. r I CRAWFOUD & JIK1LIG. 42 tf : alkxakdeu County, courts. : , ; THE AuVAIcCE-''- v Ji: j.-.- Mower m -Re'aper. wlVu,,vw. 1 ivu'tion tittieiKi,t "V;r:';r ,U Vl-?''" ' dennilk, j Harriet j ,. !j, - - -"""T "U'.n Jne: ; Lowdttmilk. J- , ' ; 4tJ-.:"r 'Hi -"-"r"r' j.,,t, v.n.. ..jf- v. .j!-a.V- j rit . Kllar and ? " ? T ;V ? 4 -JZZ S3 In U.UpmcenngU appearing to the ,'t f" " " J V --'i'- f?CZ faction pf th Court that the above moud dc- ri-IK'i fendanffl.are non-residents r,f this Sutr It i. b i ri: v ' V Vr '-ieSf herelbre ordered that publication be made in fr- tXT ' A1 .J 4an Salisburv. X. t: f.,r.t, . " J- .If. T- : ' .r - -'i ;a V.rJTMX THE AMERICAN vnL-ii ivelv, requiring said defendants a. nnr.i.t. oHice of the Clerk of the .Superior Court for theCounty of Alexander t iht Cwirt IKo TUT .?fajlor!iT,r'onlhh d.T 'July next. lUAXUFACTUnKD BY T1IE Tl.ia -rJ tliy JI 1ST- ."; 1"e "F "3 wl.-'l) nil in an ii S3 . :.r tft r! IXSIUK L Georgia Home Insurance Co. ef:pd. e. m. stevexpox. aerk rZ.-jT.'.!! 1T . UOLUMBUS. Ga. fcupenor Court, Alexander. 1.7 ITX r. ":?. :"7 7.. j T. . . . T ' .... u.v.. uut rtut 1:1 yifl. TKS Wll OU I - ' "', c -V'. -AI-ITAL ?oU sutut.tli or Ktone y Uid ana u ut iiah'e u I ' i-j-H a I cnnnriT ut oat of rjvr. ersoUS iut!lJItir I 1ht mnnn an.! KeaiHTs. rtj'u stmui. riw oa!J do well t x- ainiue the ! "KeVv "AbvEnTISEMEXTS. Kkma kkauLk rtLD. Mr. Dahi'lBea- dr, rq-iding oik Irish Uuffilo creekL Ilow- fntlritr, yjeab lago, snwedah pro- j , rif'i.iu; heid'o'f wheat: ?,6 sriaiiij. six i add ! gathered .. one jquart. ikl'P' ,llC slri!Cl3 a,,l 8 proiceieu as to ,wr.l .hat. prltVct in the j Pn;vont from """S th. lhe llsliel.s ch aii wheat I herefrom. hUTJMUM OBI) Ctn.LP.(.E. I his ifeliing-tiislitution, located iii ouo ihoft healthy scctioiiif of Western muunWr, anil t'h:.Vyear harvested 4.Unndaint against the hog; nuance would Wm. RbwiiEE. j i M. A. CaixGLE. NATIONAL HOTEL, ; Salisbury, IV. C, A First Class House, situated in the center of the City. This well known Hotel has changed hands and is now in Thorough -Jiqmir. The traveling public hiaj rest assured ithat they will receive First Class Accomodations. The iPriles regulated jto suit the times. The Table will be supplied with the best the market aflbrdsi Tle Furniiure and Beding are Xeic and the rooms larie and airv. GOOD TABLES connected with the House. Xfesf" Omnibus and Baggage, free of charge. ItOWZCK BltlNGLE. :o: BUTTOH-HOLE. OVcBSEAMiNQ AND Complete Sewing MACIIIXE. The first and only DLTTOX-1IOLE AND SEWING MACII1NI-: combined that has made its ndvent in this or any other country. Itsa? The following reasons aregiven why this is the best Family Machine to Vurchasc. 1. Because it will do, 7. Kecasne you can everything that any diu- quickly raise or lower the clone enn uo, sewing leeu to auapt ltto tlock or from the finest to tho thin cloth, coarseht materia!, hem-: 8. Because you have a minfr, rlliug. cording, hIioii deep bobbin by bra;din0, oiuuing, gath-: winch ll:etlireU is cou ering and Sewing on, t the same time ruuliug 31EBAiEYILLGf IV. C. rp IVil YXLL SESSION of 1ST2, c pens An- , e -'v0 gut2d. befre purchiisiit: eUtwhere. The conn-eof intrnction is elftjstra1.(in lnd An agent wautd ia ev-ry eouidy iu tu ingj M idern' Lnntruute,) MalliPtuatical. aid Ustate. Send f.-r iliutr:,il circulars t. (iniiinv'rcial. The org.uiuation is militarr. J- r circulars iuldrcss 30:5t Col. Y.. BINGHAM. C. A. 1 1 KG E. Gn'l Statn Agt. h.r X. C. Friedbur. f,.rTtl.M (',,.. X. C W.L. kl.STI.E!S. 'Saltsl-iirT. N. i fmar. 20. 3m Aent f. r l'..wn Co. a I WALTER A. WOOD. jS. 3L 33 m A desirable Prick lloue wilh 7 rooms sr.l XX all necessary out hunt 494; Miul-l in the mn.ttUt'MritMe i.art of Ti.w.i. lVrrl,n topnrcha4-, cau apply at lltA ctik c. 11:1 j R. F?. R. -, which u:e mruau m cuu : . 1 1 r it 1 I - - :r.:i,iVi,1'i:i1!p"1,g and M?W1,,? Mat'luu(- Radway's Ready Relict ine iixmrM, mjM HiiuM.iiuiai anu cneajcsi i 1 1 I r .1 . . . ,1 viirei u.e wor' r.:iin- in in-uj OWers OI I ' j.vk Tii TW I vlv uK-niv quilting, etc. better than consequently even and) ine iigiuesi, most miu-tantial and any other niichiue. Idoesnotbreaktliethrcad. j Implement ln;nlo. Fully warranted. 3 Because the tensions 9. Beokuse the prefer- Threshing Machine and Horse I' a e mure easujr nujusicu kuius outK , lunuie various p:uu'ni, won i astne ceieDralcl Alamance Not me hour after i.ailii ir ili v . , m 1 1 than any other machine, cloth can be eas.ly re- and Eahimore ,H,wers. Hrnd in vour orders. need anv 'StS - 1,1,1 3. Because it can work moved -rler being eercd. ; 1 J II THOMlsON li mt vs 1 r 1' J pi-. ! a beautiful buttan-hole 1 tO. Because the bo,t n T J" V 1 v-V- H.lIAVAY KL.lY KI.1.1KF rr,. . s . .!, ,, ... i uiaKiuf u neat ami neaii- uiaciurcu. The nndprsignefl would respectfully ask his tllul 0ouIcr u0 any gr. s rinRS to friends to 'pote thf ?havycf as he has been keej-1 nient. 1 inc to tet bvtliehaud. lie best ti iil:ed anl 4. Bec ise it will em- made on the bf-t p-in-i-ti.ider over the edge, pie of au n'.ai l.hte ra-n- uiukiujr u neat and lau- iiiacturt'ii. !t lim no; bro.ik : noth- jtet out of order 3IAS0MG HALL J. kiioues r.nowxi; Vx i. v. iUM)xt(tar,. All Losses Equitably Adjusted And Promptly Paid in Full! I'nijrty f iM.TN d-Irin to obtain rcJlaLle In iur v will !o will lo prx4ert lhticlrr 1-y Vfri"g a lUifj iu -TU Ilottx Inarn4 t. Accnc t j rt.wntnt i2iU io all lL Nullwrn Sifctt-. J. ALLEN EEOWX, Aprm, WTice No. 2, G ranit How, April SV7& ly SmliUrry, N. C, S. W. TERRELL, Auction and Commission AND HEAEEIl IN GENERAL MERCHANDISE Staple, Dry Goods, Shots, lint; VuhjicttKi.t, C,,tn and (Hans Ho rr, atul i i , . G M X I i lit A IjLi . SHALL Vei-p n f- ppl y of pr. tUic r iajjrxwj u-uic uiiMi ua 4ujru mail ptiti to rati ,.iii-i'.,iim.,i..ii.i:.....i.i...i ..... . I fi. 1 rV. rrio ant! Kl r;.- T?t-t. T- . w mm mm M'l'l.l I .1111 Itb'Uirui ll.Ht tllFL M.tl'K : 1 11 L 1 w - - . -.. . .... i.ui-. 1.EI". cxc.tK ialiic iniiis, it if li.f.iiiu. audi C?..cVr.n, ".ititjc. lUvon. Lat.T. Rlli cr.rv fi.iit . t;oir, v. 1 i U. r l uih, r.v.v!r or othi r d flonr. io! the North t lilijc ,f .icwlh. (Mx-iH'd the fall till in on T t lil Auiiit, 1872.. Vor particular! 11; Ii, Ahernethy, li ippy f i JJ'.lin'. , Jtev N.(J. am or Tin: ; .'Ximh.inIvs d have ivid th-: i Ust of;; lVi-iniuins ,ml nt -the'Fair of the CunUiin soon cease. ioi oniy mi tue great ing ine Mansion Jiouse lortnc past iweive years. o. icause it in woi k ii. itc.au.-e n is iwo ,v.U.d be ba,c,l a,k ,.,c h.,H tlip fitv woiihl-lip nromo'Ml hv allowin? ; n.Kin.nU. sLpifllt- tnMn t over-lund seiuu.iig. by skwino Mahiink coia- V C;lS- LiaL'd. 1 i ai'pl'n-ation. ii. fri t i l e ! It -iiM iijim:; .r." I d. ,17 ant! .19 .TIarket SI., j S':. 7 tv, ft,'ui'-ll:f..!!.V l!.? ' l-i';;'.;., I't ,:-" 1 ani ,,4Lt' ' !the hX3 the tun of our street?. National tf: 44 1V3I. ROWZKE. iiillo es and the like are sewtd f over und jvcr. i it Una, and; enjoying an experienced Jj"" MaTou'u Office Saliskiby, Aug. 5, 1872 At the regular mohlhly meeting held this date, there were present, T. (r. iHnghtun, Mayor, John i. Shaver,. J. A. Sniderj, J. IT. Vtrlle, R. iMurpli y Jehu Foster and J. M. Cylfin : Absent Ja. S. McCnhhin", J. J. Brdner. i, Minutes of previous meetings read and ap pro ved. - - ' to he On motion of Mr. Rnider ii was to he Ordered, That on and after the loth August, 11 in.' the tMy'iufj harlute, N. C'l, com- ' l'J,.no hogs shall .be allowed to run at large f.i.L' Tii- i-d.,v, ( hubi v 22m, 1872, : 111 UIC sircc;s' :,"u 1,,ai a" l,"-"-i.ieu oe ,r1 . ' ' 1 1 r . I i i .1 . . 1 j uoiiueu oi me laci mat liny may pen ineir : htock. - - lie it further Ordained, That all hogs fpivnd running at largo in the public streets, on and nnx-r the-lolh Aiigu-t, 1S72, shall he penned, and that the owners of said hogs be required to 1M',K -i. li.r lining pretty brisk, es-' pay as a penalty for the violation of this ordi- fii I In- Irit-d fijuit line. I.uiv (juan- i nance, Eil'ty cents for pigs under six weeks old, iifi ( oinliicf in .djiily, ami mtill freely at ami One Dollar for such as are over that age. .'led rates. Mijch ft res Is hud on qnali- it further j Ordainett, That no person shall fliiwlii' f!l tft'.tukft'iMifnaiin nri.nni-. permit hw cattle to remain in the streets all night, under a jenalty ot One Dollar lor each 'and every ofleuse. The Mayor was requested to give notice to persons who have not yet made their tax returns to the Town clerk, that the time is extended ten day?, "ifter that, all who have failed to make returns will be listed for double tax. I fi'mriiuiiii Ifivc ' s. It prcecnts jii!e!aii array of pn iuiu:us and is highly. tid.lij to tlic jcnti i jnising and public pcopltt of (.'liai iutte. i rind I A Good Canvasser for 'Sthcclfr dsjWilson Scicing Machinery in arid around JSalisbnry.; Splendid Wagon !:' IlarHess furnished, Canvasser furnishing his own horse I ftr 0)od pay to a sultahlif man. Addres bv Mail, j Ei li. CirESTERMAN, Ajcntf;r Sdl'iAfury, c. Salisbury, N. t; Xo other Machine can accomj lih kind of sewing stated in Nos. 3, 4, ", ami J Parties lining a familv sewing machine a Whole Machine, one with all the iniprove-uicnt-i. It is to last n LIFETIME, and therefore one WILMIiMTON, H. C rmzsto PIANOS -a '-S ORGAR3S OF Till: UK ST ( tnf,vji,'inn i'f the t.nnff, j ciLcc oa Iiii---, s'.rt- . Sore Jiirmil, JhJ!!cii:( IaiuUiuui. I'tiijr.t J.'.oi. (i Jit f, Ilifstt-ric, ncy, iJij.fhuu:, Vii'"nh, liifn'-ny, JlcadticJ.e, TvclkntHf, the best: and this mn.hine can do several PIANO'S of ALL STYLES and PKK'ES to '. C11 it'll-', A;: CJ.i'1.: kinds of sewing not done on o.ii other machine, ... , i ,r , i 'i'in- a!ji:-. -atii.n f il.o ;-'..'.. f :'. oesiilts 'io:n everv l-uiut tiial ali oilicrs can uo. - "" ' ' ia" wanted that will do the niot work and do it leadinff TaCtoricS in the United States. Mie time ' I 11 1- I r'.n':i- s 1 V !1C 'ynri a.i.l :it.;ii-!y Cood, rt.cc4 at irar- Ku-iniiai.c. i. c.ruiufi., li i.i u , i r:j j ic ,cr- oauuin. von, Ni Hi.iir.c or j'rii-tr.iti-il w lib .!,m i 1 1 tv 1 Wiilbu ku.J i t.uu!r ti MiU. r. KaDW ay'S KKaUV EK1.II ! wiil I k.t price. atlord iniitnnt f.e. j i t'4ih j.;. fr n.-ip hv.. r,r.e. CimhU .f Ihjlan.iuaiiuH the Ki'lunji au kii.d b.cf,t -r roid ni Auction -r n cx n. ri,. ,.,. n (.j H.r ;.' ff.. -. in ami .r'ni:t return v $Cr. due ire InlUiiHnidti I'f tlu lU,r, fx 1 ia!r!.il; or . d.r U.f J: , ')dr!lV Iw u e oa Ium strc. ?. j;. v. TUIL'ELL. "WEED" SEWING MACHINE. Ill A i. n !lc,;i:iv in Sthurv f.r tLo S..L-of t!"ejrf-rd,tr M.-.hi, es. Alhu T!ti-u to i.i i :.t n:, M...:;il cxaiiiiiie tl.m.or Tl e American or Plain S-viuy Machine. , i'r.i . .I 1.... i. i . . i .1, n i. . 'i.'U..f .V:. Ic . . .. i w ii i I V iinoui me iiiuoii-(h)k- i';iri.', not an inui .. !, . .! i .i i -i i done on toe t on: inatioa ixcua luiiton-hoK 111 !L ;lirivrti t.-irlllll- l.v : rr, .lit I. .rn -i ti .11-1. 1 1 1 ' 5 . i 0 ' : Hint fivrrsi':':!ii!''. acktrt'ss asabovc. it: 44 - 1 L' t tit-ii' taut tor tnarket'nre almost bure to I in g. tfin ready sulci at pwid, prices. Suae idea of the magnitude of this trade .y be ariHcd. at when it; is known, that Jtiol v ry iicrchaiit und shop keeper iii n Ua fruit iltiyter, aud tjiut it: hi at ua- j union tor a j single llonsp fo take in ten iKimj pundi a day. t'd h ti n'lth- inntl $TfiWAKD WAITED, for (Davidson Collefre. Apply to 11. G. McDowci!, Kq., or llw. Wm. W. IMiarr, Mt. Mouhie, M. C, or to Prof. Y. J. Maiiin, Bursar, at the College. 4. H.yYS. and ovcrscaaiii" MEEUNKY & UUO., Agts 8alihiirv, X. C 1 ' ' ' ' " " ; part or parts where th- pain ,.r dii.rul'v ,v- ! c.l,, t ., C' , , , i,MJa"r, u rOT ' tfir All inducements usually hell out bv Jill "ib.rd m and ci I. rt. ' T '.".y,.t .j , 17 ":' " Northern Manul'ai Hirers tan 01.lv be had in the Tw.-nty diojis 11. u lull a tun bi.-r of v at, ruli ) ,1uri'.i' ,r 1,, .-tr 3'- ,l','.,Vd It "rr. ' ill V State at the alx,ve place. j '!' ' l'..; ;ry,i; ;. - ltlt , a,, - ,;, j.; , , -j OLO.: WOOD'S & GO'S. PAR-1 ,t-j,, ,f,,-,f. ,..;,, , ;klf l(f , ;N ' r ; ' ; 1 Vn-aywij, I 1 , 1 a.'i'i 1 .1 n r-'id; t it rt n ihitU. :thanr t T.02. and rSSTr'," fJ?. rt A Wc f ' '"' ol..-r n..., I.i? . .... . . ,- 1;., t. .. c... calisUllr.v x Ucy mr pre vmhu nt fur their (rwV ' l' ' - -' A :v. ; l(.: rj ;V,iV . nl'ii Examine them lere purchasing any ther " i;7, u; ( p f j Jr...s .: r v !i r, .;.,f i ! , i:,..d the L SI. Vine Lo,!,. ':,V -:.,,u. Sowing Machine. I ' J J 110..1 1 1. ....... . 1. 11 i o. 1 ,. 1 . . . .. ( . .mt Tnnct Etdiaht I)csiy)i arid Fin- . Uraiiu.i or l..t;-r a a .-u-.nI .1 . ' J o 1 .-r ii .ii.:;.- v.. 'in r. ! sia.itU 11 1.. . . . . .... th- K.-WtYCK SILL. 1 j IM))YtV;?lI,ELS. This Excellent proper t'J. m the hands of Messrs.! Enimiifrt Broth- - A;;('o.iL 'euhnn-j a Y. ell-lneiited fame IF ' I'' rhm' eon in'' thence into the market. ISjvptilctKod 4md skilled in Millitiir, tliesc ijntlnncn gfade nnd lirand their products .1.1. - - . , an nice aiH uracv. ana warrant everv mid - they I represent it. jThey ha ve anilngftiucuts with the West ht-frce! return to -tlil jhl TV. of All lkhctf ni fi'iiin iTi iw t if ! ... . : I T " . li 'ir Mills to e ground tor toll. I This is an fitl.litionar Inducdment to merchants and 1'tl.M'H to natronir.Jj those Mills. The casv. iii.l rnpld toihmuhienlioiV between the two it I by railjdaily, an advantage of great :'i ('riaacc to thrtso whoso operation often liehd on time for their success. Business "itn ijniil-utad thii and are not jipt to un- iie.it. fj' i 'fitly inntlie andngcuci 1(11. Ill to. fi.r'frcil 'Urva We learn p'lrry, thap tjiy shoot in esnteii Ftantt 1 ! 't M mm a gentleman from Stokes William- ltusaell iiouamitted hlt-ido OHjUst Monday about 2 o'clock himself with a ride. Thev liia forehead kiUin; hitnnn '. Uusscll had heir in to eat dinnc whenhe got np from tlio table and -ii uie room eavinir mat -lio w-oa a rather die than, to kiowlic was going desfracted." hid bcf iv gone about five mil in tea hciij thy' fijtrpily heard theeport of the pin, and being alarmed at his not return- lnn rent in search of hi in and found hiru noar the hoitte lying' dead. He was about ago, and it is eupposeJ .was IO : J P yrars ot. f euureiy, sane I SitKitiitp Walton a Radical! Tk; question we have been ' neked fre - Tlie Do.jj jlaw ww ordered to be regidly cn forcel. All persons who have dogs on their prtmises must either return them for taxation or get rid of them. ' Jesse Gallimore was exempted from Town tax, on account of physical disabilities. "SI. A. Eringle made npplication for license to use a billiard table : It was granted. Mr. Tlios. J. Foster made application tojoin the commissioners in digging a public well on Fulton meet : The consideration of the matter was postponed. The committee on the Tcwn debt made the following report, j Kcsolution passed by the Board, July 1st, 1S72. On Motion' of Jas. S. McCubbins it was Hesofrrtf, That the Mayor appointed a Finance Committee to take into consideration the Town debt and the manner of disposing of the Mime. The Mayor apjiointed D. A. Davis, M. I. Holmes, and J. S. AlcCubbins. Mr. JMcCub bings declinetKto serve, ami the Mayor's name was, on motion, added in hw place The undersigned, in obedience to the above requisition, have considered the subject "and beg leave to submit tne loliowing lieport. We learn that the Judgments against the Town amount t4 about $5,000 bearinff. bv poo- eial agreement with creditors,! an interest of 10 per cent, and the other debts not in Judgment amount to about $ . The amount of tax is limited, and does not yield a miflicrent sum to pay the -absolutely necessary expensefrof the corporation interest on the debt, and leave liny thin;; to improve the street. and! gradually lmv oil" the Judgments, even if creditors were willing to wait for such slow settlement, of their claims. We arc advised that if some plan Is not adopted to pay these judgments in a reason ably short time these debis will be collected by course of berifl sale. Lrnder these circum stances we can think of no plan to satisfy these claims but by a sale of the Market House by tlie LomnusMuicrs, allowing such credit as those folding judgments will consent to. We deem it bad policy to hold a r-roncrtv- that would nearly pay the debt, paying for the indulgence of creditors some SoGOy when the property held by the Town does not yield more than $100, per annum, to say nothing of the unsightly and ditai idated condition which the b:iihlin" orc- 1 .1 ... . . . 1 sciiijaao me iown-lias neither monev nor credit to improve its condition even if h wr 1. . ceemeo aoviatae to do so. NEW FIRM HAYS & SILL Druggist & Apothecaries SAIiXSSTJUTQT, X. C. Having purciiascd the contents of the Drug Store formerly occupied by Dr. Kdvfard jSill. We respectfully call the at tention of the Citizens of Salisbury and jlte urronnding country, to the new ar- rangenicnt, and mtoirn iliem that wc will continue to carry on tlio business at the same .place, and the same excellent way. U e will endeavor to keep on hand all the varibus foods the people may need per taining fo onr tine, and therefore hope by sjtiietlatteiition to business, to receive a liberal 'patronage. Physician's Orders Prompt ly Attended To. Prescriptions accurately and care fall compounded hj reliable an competent 'Druggists day or lit. i j I 43 W ' I do not hesitate t sa v toe Aniericrtn r-ihina tion. surpasses all bt'ier uiael.iiies. H sides doing j all the work that) othr machines rtn. it nverseaius, ; and works Iut'oii-hi;. in any taLric, froinSwis Stoats the Mis M. lU-TLEl'CV j7i. In fuel they surpass axy one; ax Fever andAru: Fever t.t.d Agr.e m.-d for trf'v it-. T!..r.- j- !.v t a rer.i".ii ! ; f i.t i;i t'..i world tl vi:t S u iji ( liy. March IfCi. MR S. W. T.:t.::itL. uslin. to liiavr ;.)tli 1 have 11-. d Sineei.. Heretofore known or introduced in this cilv. 1 1 i:' 1 ,u"r "- Ag-.e ..!:u a:i ...(. .'.i.nri' .-i... . . cats". Howe' and the Weed mnrhiius. and lind A nu t " -s -''i' l-'i v -"-J ,: ' ' r'- . ' V ' r? ' rt!f' ,y m OB e Aiaeriean far nuueiiior totliem all. ! tail, UCar and Bee fnem I I vin .aMed by So.'. .,,. V'.. , ; .. . ' kn n 111 tl..- portion .f iL State.it tffordii m All Instruments Warranted lor 1 ive cars. "K'.idw a s L a h l.'.'Ii. t." 1 ::1 v ccr.t - p, r b-: ; 1" rn ..::.. 1 a ji uni.e paoiic. I Lat e S3' PIANOS TI NKI) ANU ISKI'AMM-lli. ,r- ! th . ' u oi in t: to...;. r w. rk-. the IToue. Amer . . . . - . , t' i'i ( :i:.!t :. aid tV.f WH-d and rave A choice selection ot Sheet Music on ;.;.inl 1 1K.1.. ! . f ,r 1,-1 .;.i t id for sale. J. K Ul. IXKLIl 1 . ! . . , .1...;. ;, .. , .'-,... ..xv 1 ' ti t ,e . .... v 'III.' T f M I 111 ITHtf .'" V " ") 111. 1 j 1 j 1 "ii lliarenseil six ditferent Sewing Machines. The American surjiosses theiu all. Mas. A . L. Hainet. I h ive lived T'le linger and oUkt machines and would nut exchange tie Aintriciui foriT'. Mks. II X. BniNor.F. SAMsnrrr. N. P., May 021. 1872. Mehoxby A'ltiio., A.ets. American Com. S. M. Wilmington, N. (A DO YOU LOVE ME. VNT'W and lasting perfume, with a jrrent vaii-tv of other extract for the handker- Sik: I hm nssd the Howe Singer. Wheeler A jr i ,,t I , insr all kind of toilcct srtiel.s, at W i'7V " ' 1U"X.,A ( 1 S ,VU': iUm I C. 11. i'.A UK F.Il &C(S Drug Store, would not jrivr1. the A iiirTu-an ( omlii n.it'on for all' low prices at C. K. r.AKKFII ACO'S Ihug Store. of t!i-m. it will do all that is churned for it in the : circular. I eoasider it saj.crior to all others 1 3"" wb to t.joy a good smoke I Th-n have ever seen. Very hvpe tfa'iy, try some of the genuine Havana Cigars Mks. Geo. W. II.uhunson. ! just recciv-d a Wet'ie undersigned take great p!ea-u:e ia giving C- 11 I'-ABK KI A CO'S Drug Store. our tei-toiion v 111 tavor 01 tiie Aiae;.i-an ."-evvnij; M eliii:e if 1 k leree c to im ot! cr. 1 . i t vii. tl : t ' ' V 1 TANM.Il Oil, Ma'ic and is it triithfi.Ily lecomnier.dpd as the best machine j 1 V F 1 T run-parent Machine t)il at made. Itissiiuple, iliiiaote. runs vciy light aim does not get out of order or drop stit. !'. Mr3. Lavha il. I ' Kllil AN, " A . I.. FoesT, J. Ai.ixn Brown, " A. W. XoKTiir.ax. A . K. Joxhs. M. E. Tuomasox, We have seen flaming advertisements and heard much said bv tfrentsot other machined. We will forfeit 01. e hundred dollars to the con tending pnityrif after a tail trial l.elore competent judys the American Machine will not lo as well, if not bitter, the work done on anvotlur nuu hire. and do valuable work that no other piaehise cau do. We have been Agents for Swincr Ma.diines since 1856. have soul dinger's. Lad Weliter's, At waters' and Florence's, and Lave abandoned all lor the American. Send nnd get samples of work. 27: ly M I'UOXEV A H P.O. , A U m? K T TTT I T)l' T'Pfl'r f 1 ' ' i,r-. 1 i r me -wwi i. any irin, mi.ii i,"i:ti iiit :.u caa do all mj ther Strovy mut pure, rich l!l:nd liu rcnsr rj 1 ,'rsh and lll'htd Ci-.tir Shin d J'ciui tiul Complci ion ticmd to aU. Sa rsapa ri 1 a u Yd a) I vent wade the tn:t ast)ni-hi) q "m (f. no iptnh, So rapid arc the cLan'jCi the Omly TANXKIIS Oil, Ma-ic and1 undrryocs, titton' the itJiot,it of . l.-.K ti.r i ( ;m t ,i. 1 th.: k if-irr.j I'ci'y of c ntnietkin. eae r.f im i'i.i . mnt . ad.ip' .ii; to v.-'v kit-dof fn-.i I v - v i:. ( i,,: ;i.-d. ii rfi r it a Lrt c W hi'..e. Ii -;h i tl . Mr!-. X. I). II A KRIS. Tlhrqshing Machine Oil. I Thdjvery best quality at the lowest price, (liiarantenl not I heat, rum, or cut. . Oifly at T1IEO. F. ,.KLUTTZ & CVs. 41tf j Drug Store. PRESERVE your FRUIT! jVe desire to call the attention of house keener to? our assorted stock of 3?rait Jars We have the Gem, Fkt, Melvili.e, Mason' iMi'fcovKrt, and Porcelain' linei. Call and examine the diflerent stvles. and make vour sclecjtions.j We offer them very low. We hafe aisojeffi-tt JCwbber Jiartds lor old Jars, and.would caution our lady friends to examine their old ones jbefbre putting up, as fruit in often lost bv usin j defective bands. Call before purehasint elsewhere. ) 4 TIIEO. F. KLI TTZ & Co., 41:tfl) i i ' DriifHMst. . rr - - - ini;iy wuImii Hie East lew days. Wc We tberafere advise. a sale of the Market ''tvp ho liositency in answ(.-nnr in the I."se.art ,n& onl" Traeticable way to pay the if tlliuf . 1 VI 1.. l W O' IOC lOrtll. j " t POM11V0 manner. Mr, ) Mtoms not j 1 Respectfully submitted, P'Miva!.. tthooUnolhiiiuif he is claim 1 ' - P.A.DAVIS. ' "H.v th.. 12 ii: i .f j . i M. Ii. HOLMS, Uad.cal.-, thts does not change 1 T. G. HAUGIITOK. Mavor. JMn,0, yat he U (tjll n Democrat of On motion of J. I. Shaver, the report 'was l "'V " raighr cct. It is true he rcceiv- ,,, over until next meetings entire K olioil -.o. r .i -.. ... i The fwllowin? accounta Wfd nrain j iw vaivut llllU m, IjlU COUllIV J , f uwu uu I t-r- a wuu ue veen i.ua and! - Ii. Murphy ;, f IjaJl the sheriff uot because we l J:; A-" u Pulley .50 Hoyden " Iiucket 1,00 JELLY TUMBLERS with scan vj Tors The hieest thing out for housekeepers. Cheap I -ill. Ufc. IV,L.t A lj X J4I S. Preserving Solution. Ode bottle tl 1"6 lbs. Trnjft. $L i iorpy-a i' reserving I'owder. 50 cts. TJIEU F, IKLUTTZ & CoV at . ll:tf REP AIRING. Sewing Machine, l-mordia!. rarasols. Wait ing Cunes, A pple and Pe?tch Carers, Shears, Cissors, Baby Waggons, and central jvk wl, in cluding repairs to bockehv Tub, &c, &c.; tic Shop in ihe, rear of, Clolfelter'8 Famiiuro store.;, lerms lovy, but cash on delivery. jniy ,a isz-i-Timo, Vyt' n I'S I K( T !' I' I. L Y call th attention l of Physician-", Mi reliant.. ai:d tlie public generally to our w-ll selected stock of Drays, CIicaiiraLs, Paiidz; Oils, Vamixhcs, 1 rashes. It ye Staff's, ImHji; I .a rap Fixtarcs, ( fc. n'at;nal iiotfu Ai.iM.i ii i, April !'. Mr. S. V. . Ti.n . i.m . A'l't " M ttiV Si triii" Xli.rl imc : 1 1. ' d your M i .. .- uf. i nt Ic nplh .f ".ih.r le-t r ni.-. ii-. I t hi-e rfullv re A . I. 11 I I O . I " tl A iruiy nvniniiu .urnuuir. ri fi i I'l'l'lBV" 1. . V tV.ir.tl . -ll TV- ll.' r.J.Ill l.. AA l.Mllh.tM, !.:,-. it i-- ,i: ;ir.d .'urablr. Tun- i-u-er M'l.MSI! AND NVKHIilT IS i ! ' ..-i n- -r. i- . to over..;...:., andean m:i;n and i -vaa Tin: c.kkat i;i.oon ri'ittFiKT. L v-ry iioj. tif : i.e ".ir-:i; Jiii'.ian Ke iv.i ul ! .1. all u!iv oti.rr i ..I l..i: ci!ii!. April in. lir-. M. A r.r.i.;LlL and ..lb. r fl.li:K :;n.l j-.iee of tl.-- t.-la the' I I ;1 'j J I I , vig-.r otoiejor .1 reji.rs the wast . i the liody 1 '- 11 JU J I .... ..a... .i .i, ...r.. -.i.. ....i.. ..li. .. ... ... rui.nu .... 1 -i . ii. , . -.!.., .-.Jl i. r . t .1 1 . 7. . : -I. I r I I I ' .-...,.-.ti.-.(,fl'...f II. II V tfi 11-. io:iM::iijitn.ii, iii,-iiij;ji ..i-i-an-, illicit :j I ., - . n:in- i thethr 4d.Ltb. t.ia,or.,r.l-M1tl:egl..:.d- l,1'. 1 ' m T'V , and other putsofth-i Iv-lc,,. , ( i e 1 " ;'N." ' n' ' ' i LL ;(H)IS warranted, pure, fresh and L partuient. C. 11. I'.AllK!'!: & Co., Drng-i-l. (Succesxir lo Jnc. II. Knm,' 2Ctf Salisbury. N. C. INSURE -YOUR LIFE "f ?!i.-f j i -1 1 1- rch-hrotf-d :.T. an-t II T-4 oiiiiiiin niiil uriiHi K. nil lb., li...... I in. il i, flu r Tilrly i.f t h.i iv-l.in -uri-iii. r :. . . 4" ' " ' " MI onlers t.i-in. attended to. l.Meclal ' luon.as nl. ilarehfroBi Ihe .-.n.-. r.l.d the ..r.-l . ' -' cure ami attention given to onr reM.i iption de- forms of skin di-cass nupti. n. d .is. "PlmiT ' "FlfiTlT ' ' si.;i ,i rf ini. ri :i wi.na. i-.i.i ri.pi.in. i-rv- ii.. j. - - w - - ache, hjac k spot, w ohs in the lb- 1.. canco-r in the wouiiib, i.nd all i.-akcri. and jiait;fui d;cii l icbt "wctr. 1. oi fj-rm at .l nil w.i-t ot t he life I'rincit'r, are a ithin the eur j tra, i' Bliper. ative ran if ofthi wotiJ- rot Modern ( !i. i: it 'f"iev ' ciL-'lefi. n-r L::; rv.ar.d a few days n nll prove ! a ay pr Mn wi-diinr it tor eithor 1 thp. forms of di-ca-e ita potent power t4jcurc tin tn. It the ;.ii-:.t. daiiv Mcfimini. r dt.reil l.vtbi wa -to hi d leii!njMiitiiin th.at i- r.nt ally J progressing. u 4-4- Sin brr-ri ir p Ine air A MI? ii DTHATIT ,n ,h i y UlUUXlll Tlx V s' -o 'ii. i'. or.br f". J'.o-r. . . ... i n. air ..t4 'tire n-ur .i ' v : '. ratipng jjcsi lamur, irn.i:. jl. Tbey ech d .--ire... t .'.ld . t t-.'. CL.- i:mmi:!:t. hkos x. co. uivu inouimnucj uu. ui1 rniLjfl.. S. E. Corner Fourth and-Walnut Streets. ORGANIZED 1850. CHARTER Perpetual J.'SKi i 1 A T A V and repair i In -sune w ih 11.-wn.ateti.4l n:a ie j v ;':;;;.:'-::-!:"i:"";r:v"1::" and classical HIGH SCHOUL, rw (on, .. C. u hen oi.o- t'.i r-.; . .1; i-t lua j ( 1 - i: - . . 1 1 1-. 1 puriliea'io , nl .'.- in d ii.ii th- '. lo-s o v a l.-i.. it.- rejmirr u iii 1 r. ; !. ai..! . - j : V duv thc; i..ttie:it u 1! I fe ; li'm-i zv-. -x.ua ! b'-lter and roOL.-: . ti e !'i ..... . ........ . i ill.,, j. 1 iai . a , . 'A. 1 .N'.i i:. ... M.. s ' .! Ii J.'mvVK. t-4'f. Assetts, $3,633,864.88. .I'lintl 1 ll I nil ni.- ii - I ;1l. --l':i4i I.IH.I l...l..JM .'i Clire .1! t.'lirvUlle. vT. I.ll U.l.O0i-tltUt. 1.S4I Skin iNeu- ; but it i- onl i"".'iu- ;r llorKlliNLY A LL.tUDLl: CoMI'LAIXT.1 I ti . I.'.tl. T ..ti . ' i.lUI'1.11 l,i... I..U.'I- . di M il C a v d: .b-t. . I UEOnGE W . HILL. President, J01IX S. WILSON. Secretary. i ' ,Vf " ; i:ri:lit'.s di-l-a e, A Ihvml-i :ia. in .oi ; .;,,.nf T5TTOrF,T7,'TT,C; ! w her.- thorn are b.U k d-i-t d; p rlt-. or ti.. v 1 - J-Va JL JLV kJ X JJJOJJkj. ...... :., -.. ,;,,,' ..A.,,,,, .'t. ALKXANDKR WIIILDKN. ; i 'h" ,w :'" ' ,"r ,t1:r' i,N ! ITnv T TrT t rrt' 1 niwi.ti 'riinui -,.v !,-. x-t-- -'f- 1 "r thero is u pior..d. da; 1: . li o'.o appear i I HON. A. (i. ( ATTLLL, i -t piieki.it.. loi.-...... -' 4 -; i ;.' mj ' lie 1...1 -. Dlt. ItADWAY'd ..t ;l; : x- J; ::i f t tio:.i t. ict month. .i:j. prticiiiajp s. 4tr- cLAi-i i i !m;li:. ALBERT C. ROllEllT', VHILIP I. M TNtJ LK, LSAAU IIAZLKIIURST. L M. WllILLDKN. liht). V. HILL, JAS. L. CLA(J IKjRN, JNO. W'A I N AM AK W Issues all forms of Life and Endowment Policies, LOWEST RATES POSSIBLE. Alt POLICIES XOX-F Oltl'ElTA IJLE. PUE AMERICAS ha been in active operation for FANCY HAIR WOSK. Mi:-. S. V. 1 KUItLLL. will do muy k:i.i-f r.-uicy CSair Work. I". 1 .Ir It: i.,!. k- C.rt. Swit'h.-r- 1 Ii.!.ilit :lii .' r.v "'' Icr(rci Purp;iliv I'ilU. 1 r 1 .'r i !.i icatil.-. I. . I'"t-f- Jr'..r t. rii. c...i i 1 r i- 00 Cb'jrrh ro.fVn iitt;. lrf-1 tn 1 i ; h - .-1'.':-. r 1' ' u: i t iDtedi. 'i.n 1...' '' I (I i. . I r ub" ic. I J ' ' ". !. 1 1 pe.-t su d - 1 !.-'". ; n ; :.c I ". i .'. 1 rin.. " - . :-rr ' : tl. t. '..'( r ii. r tr. t.- W .i i i:, 1 Mrib t ('( nr. b 'am . W. Ti'i.i. i.i.- .: ..a 2 !. ti; -- -'. 1 in aoiire operation for nearly a quarter f a rclri. has lwn :? - ''" ;VN''t ' '. i . ' ,' ." , ! ," by peDtlemen disttn-ruilud "for their lim'iucs exp. rien;e m:d j 11 " '";',''a t 'r ,."',' , . . '. ,,.,.., t. i ' Th 1'irm laiet f. re xl'U' urJ. rhe ruwe eon eminently iuceesful. 1 '."'..' OJ .; .w .. ..,'.. .1.. .. 1 . d t. !- 1 J. A Ila'I A '. i di. ; ..1, att ith jfipnal titimiitness. and in a most lilnTid spirit. 1' A" (.r j; 41 - , ,.t , ir.-- tl t,-j r.- 1- a:rl. ";! ! c r.!!.-" t d.t t, r goyernetl and controlled commercial probity, and has Wen It hai met its-obiiiatious with Among its lusanujx members, the Company has the honor of numbering many .f the uiol . .v.n, tu ,,.1,, i ii ., :,, . .v... r.'r ailt n.i-, or imU-nni- unvmiini r.nr-: t eminent anu icauinjr men. in all professions and classes, tr.miif-riout North ( arotaia. Reliable Agents wanted, who should aoidr hv letter 01 in nerson to " 1H"1 1. V WW r.n'l Airnt. I to K'llW'V A I'D - 'st-sevilie X C i t-Lar.-. trc. Xw York. It.'rai'Ha mortlt , Or to Col. ST. CUm JsxuisGtBn?U:M WiUoinn. X. C, .. liaay:!.:a:lj ' t!.,iiU H,t. 21, ah- n.ry, June ti, 1 . !.! ri f l." ' ' U antL.-rirl lo nA ur Kthm i "?.- I ln L. I . ! I.IJ j Hrirl .. in I r " 1,1 ' " ',rT -tT 1 . i 1 . r ! ' f; : i.' ' 1

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