'!:-' ' J-;''- . j' '4 " I ' I - ' W-C . 4 - 1 i 1 .. : !'; . ; ' ; . O - r ; : P '.P' i !- V ! ; ' . i . . . ! - -;. j ..-- ... -' , .-. ' . i: . ! . i r - i. , . - I . - 1 VOL. III. THIRD. SERIES. P.F - -- . , IMggMMM,,MBMHMJ PUBI.18I1KO WEEKLY J.J. BttUNBE, I'roprietor and Editor. I j; J. STE W ART, AsttocitU Editor. nitEi op srucnirTion Oxs TfEAR, payMeio a4vane. .... 42.50 gix Months, " ' y " ...... 10 5 Conirs to uo 4drei, .10.00 HEAD j& F00 1 STONES, &Cf JOHN H. BUIS fflESDMUS Ti4 tMimplimentg to his frienda 5 i. ami thrt public, ana in ttuniethou vouU jf Lrjajr to'tlwMr ttttwntion bi extended lacilities .1 fif nicetinisdeiiuudIu hi of business. I fe In now kircpaml to funiNb all Iciiids of 9 Qttive bion-8. ironi me C'ncapoitt.uead Stones, j to the wstlieht inonuuients. Thono prcfering f rtrlfi nd rjr ro.tly work not on handv caa be accommffdateu on short lime, utrictiy its ac ifordaoco with xpooificfttiou, .drafts, and the trnii of the eon tract. ! Satisfaction gnnran teed. "He' will not bo undersold, Xorth or gouth; Order wilicted. Addresn, I7:tf i : JOHN H. DDIS. SdliHbarr. R.j&A.raURPHY f' . i i H a vins: nyn in Organized for ULJNES, have just opened a STOCK of GOODS, entirely new and fresh, in tlie room formerly occupied as the Hardware Store, and next door to liingham & Co., to lhe inspection of which thejr most cor dially invite the public. Their Entire Stock i . , wa$ carefully selected by-ihe senior num ber of the fine in person, and bought at ratf which will enable them to sell as low, for p 5, as . I km HOUSE in t',r Cty, for GoodV of fame quality. Thj ir Sf t)( U is general, embracing all the various brunchi-a ot Dry Goods, Groceries, Ctpckcry Ware, Boots and Shoes Solo ! Leather, Calf and Skins, Grain and Hinting Grass, Scythes, Cap, Letter '' and Note Taper. ENVELOPES, PfiNS, INK, rfr.,. and a beauti ful assortment of IZ I II I "ey leei assured or their ability to pre entij-e ii&faction,! and especially in Vte fi-icntlri :'and customers to call and Wing With them their acquaintances. r)Y "pect -and intend to maintain the reputation of the Old Murphy House. bich iri we 1 known llirmiflwint ,V. North OMhift. All 1 1 ey ask la t fltoiiiatinn of tlieir1 slock and the pri A trouble to show gpod so come fi at....- riu jt . . an ex- rices. ht I 1 heir motto, i neir mono, - Irofts, ready pay QUICK SALES. -Small and I i " mi tuipii siock. low nrirr. air 1 IV ill. 1 - r dealing and prompt attention, thjey will endeavori to merit their shnn ,f iUr.nL liJ O.ntrrtnflP'ft Tliov ra)mrL f T all ki from hot hdsvnf produce and solicit calls i sellers and buyers. ,'1 R.& A. MURPHY. R01J . MUIM rv f i U U Ij V jMUlli 11 X aahsbury, March 23, 1872. 27 ly MILLS &B0YDEN f j'l j jwiIoi.ESitE AND KKTAIL j Mi Commission Hercbajjts, , Samsbcht, March 1st, 1872. 1 I 1 - , Keep constantly on hand a large and choice stock OKNKJtAL MERCHANDISE. comprising Dry Goods. Groceries, Wares, etc. -Hf which they would especially mention Sugar and Coffee, of all grades, MOLASSfcS, HACOX, 7 AMD. h SOIJ-: and I I'pper LEATHER. , SHOES & BOOTS, HATS, i . BONNETS- DDIVTO !, SALMON TROUT, ! I FLOUU and MEAL, SOAI'8. PEPPER and 6 PICES, I - TOBACCO, .' ,1 t V umuono, oi ail KindalW4y on hand, of choice quality, t HEpccial attention given to consjjrn- i P1"01" returns made. Jl TOMBS, Ill 11 1 STllliEt . , I - ' 1 1 - 1 ! I ' - - - I s I : ' : -I i : r ' I I -' J ! For the Watchman,. NIGHT. BT OSCAB OBJOS. DEDICATED TO 8. M. a. Htm haa et I Th An to Ais 'A The zephyrs through the treea are sigoing; The gmlded clouds o'erbead are aailfng ' lfcrougjttlhe crimson mmlifrht oi; ! S8ombre twili?ht mantles down, lti m78tic haea in silence 'round. ; hike Venus from the ocao spray. T1 The evening star now mounts her way : The first pale, pure, and virgin star. , i That;nings its frost-like beama afar, ! With golden lamps burnished 'reuna - TS in a studded crown. TO Wear this CrOWO tho mnnn aw.Vtta ; And from her browser beama she shakes; Thia beauteous bride of Phceboa Bits, Upon her etar-decked throne ; while flits, Of every dew-drop mirrowed star, A gcnmicd tiara 'round her car. Up the arch, Night's blooming queen, That floats along 'mid the circling sheen Of goloen lamps in heaven hung high, To light their sovereign 'cross the sky. Tia holy midnight's stillest hour; But noon-day beams still hold their power! Nojar night in silence broods o'er earth, Attended by those stars whose birth, She guarded with her watchful eye, Till up the heavens they mounted high. uc Miu anu pmseiess Morld is rockin ft , a me iwinKnng stare keep flocking. J ust as an eagle sailing slow. iiigu irom nis Dome all wreathed in sn The moon begins her downward track in snow, Ana many a dance casta onnnr Wt- t She leaves her sceptre and her throne, While fast her stars! pale, one by one. Athwart the abyss of blue, the morn, In Dian's lap so lately bom, Now clasps the earth with living light AnJ1b.urnishedrglow of glories bright, m une j-iia?DUH leaves Lis eastern horn i nrougli waning flocks of orbs to e,. roam. Forth from (he Orient gate of gold, The king of Day with rays untold ' Begins to loom up hcavenVhigh dome, Wherein is fixed to welcome home, As stars of day, each spirit pure Two folding crystal doors secure. Now earth, awake and hail'the sun, He has his daily course begun ; His flaming flashes rule the skies, While with meteor speed he flies Back to his couch beneath the west, s Where he takes his reveling rest. Bark from the fiery front of morn. The sombre clouds of night hare flown, And in their stead the rising beams, Of sunshine strew the earth in streams. To gladden inan, and to delight All things with feeling, life, and sight. Salisbury, N. C. :o:- fvlectfd and TrttntZated fvr the Watchman. AN ANECDOTE OF A TRAVEL, IX THE FOUif OF A LETTER FROM A FRENCHMAN TO HIS COUSIN. Once upon a timeTwas traveling in Cala bria. This is a countrj- of very wicked peo ple, who, I believe, lore nobody, and espe cially hate the French. To tell vou whv would take too long; suffice it to say that they hate us to the death, and that one pass es his time very unpleasantly, when he is so unfortunate as to fall into theihands. I had for a companion a young man of a figure, I think he looked very much like that gentleman whom we saw at Vincy; you remember him, don't you ? I suppose you do, much better than myself. There are monntains in that country, and among those mountains the very roads may be justly termed precipices. Our horses walked with great difficulty. My comrade took it upon himself to lead the way, and choosing what seemed to him the shortest and most practicable rout, lost us. This was evidently my fault; for I ought not to have entrusted myself to a head of twenty years. We sought our way across those woods as long a we had day-light ; but the more we sought, the more completely did we find ourselves lost ; and just as night was about to shut us if we arrived at a very black looking hut. This we entered, but not without considerable suspicion, but what in the wojrld were we to do, There we found a family of carboniers. regaling themselves at the table, where they immediately invited us. My young friend did not await a se cond invitation!; thus in a short time we found ourselves eating and drinking, but he especially ; because, for my part, I was in terested in examining the place and the ap- Ipearance of our hosts. Our hosts had very much the mien of coalmen, but you would have taken the house for an arsenal. There were only guns; pistols, sabres, knives, and cutlasses. Everything displeased me, and I very plainly saw that I was not any too agreeable to them.. My comrade, on the contrary, acted las one of the family: he laughed and talked, and w ith an impru dence which I ought to have foreseen (but why did I not ? simply because it was'fated and our doom w as fixed,) he at oaee told them whence Xre had come, whither we were going, and who we were Frenchmen, Imagine a )ilc J at the house of our most deadly enemies, alone, lost, and far from all human aid. 'And then to omit nothing which might tend to our destruction, he played the rich man, promising to thqse people, as a recompense for their trouble, and also to our ) guides for the next day, whatever they wished. Finally be spoke of his valise, requesting that they would take special care of itL and put it under the pil low of rus couch. Ahl youth 1 youth! What period of life is so much to be pitied ? Cousin, they thought we were carrying the diamonds of the crown; but what really nn o much anxiety about that valise f was that itl contained the letters of -bU weet-heart j "- Wherijsupper was ended our hosts left us ; they slept down stairs, we in the npper chamber! where we had eaten. There was a loft elevation seven or eight feet above this; and therf was! the couch we were to occupy, which was a kind of nest, into which we introduced ourselves by crawling under joista loaded: with provisions for a whole year. My companion scrambled up alone, and lay down all asleep, with bis head up on that precious valise. I having determin ed to: keep awake, made me a good fire and sat down by it. The night had almost pass ed, with suflicient tranquility, and I was be ginning to reassure myself, when at an hour, at which it seamed to jne day could not bo far ofl; I heard below me our host and his wife talking and discussing with each other; and; placing my ear near a chimney which communicated with that below, I distin guished, perfectly, these very words of the husband;; "All right,' let 'us go. Must we kill thero botli T To which the wife replied, " Yes." And I heard nothing more. WTiat shall j I say? l remained breathing with difficulty, my body as cold as marble. To have seen me, you would not have known whether I was dead or alive. My stars I when J think of it nowl We two, almost without arms, Against them twelve or fifteen who had so many of theml And my com panion, dead of sleep and fatigue ! I dared not call him or! make any noise, and I could not escape alone. There was a window not very high,; but jbelow were two tremendous doys which howled like wolves. In what pain I found myself imagine if you can. At the end of a quarter of an hour, which was indeed long, I heard some one upon the stair-case, and! through the; cracks of the door I sifw the father with a light in one hand and an awful knife in the other. He ascended his wife followed, and I sought to conceal myself behind the door. He open ed, but before entering he gave his wife the lamp, which she came to hold. He then entered, are-foot, and she from behind said in a low voice, covering, at the same time, the light with her fingers : " Softly, go soft ly." When he reached the ladder he as- j cended it, with his knife in his teeth; and having come to the head of the bed, where the young man pay extended, offering his un covered throatjin one hand he grasped his knife, and in the other oh ! cousin, he seiz ed a ham which hung on the ceiling, cut a slice, and retired a3 he came. The door closed, the lamp went away, and I remained alone in my reflections. At day-break, they awoke us as we direct ed, and invited us to breakfast, which was a nice repast, and very good I assure you. Two fowls made the bill of fare, of which our hostess saidjwe should eat one and carrv the other with us. In seeing these I under stood the meaning of those terrible words : " Must we kill them both. PAUL LOUIS COURIER. Written for the Carolina Watchman. Messrs. Editors : You will probably aoree with me that the only hope of saving the community from the great evils and the widening curse of intemperance, lies in sav ing the young, j If the children's hearts and habits are not established1 in Christian sobriety the next generation will be worse than the present. Then, may: I not appeal to christian men and women here who know of the deep .dyed sin, that is daily, hourly, being com mitted, to fassist in again building up the temperanctj society in and around Salisbury. The Secretary of the State Council has written that he has organized a Conncil here twice, yet he is' ready to try again, and will at any time assist those who are interested in the work. - Can you refer us to a larger, or more open field for the work than here, where liquor seems to be the god of so large a number, even on the Sabbath day ? Shall wc say, " Let Ephraim alone, he is joined to his idols,"; fold our hands, and sit on the stool of do-nothing, because a few despond, or others will frown on us, and tell us it is useless to ry again ? What were Ephraim's feelings when God said, " Let him alone i" Has not God said of the one we leave un warned to sink into hell, "His bfood shall I require at thy hand ?" We will soon pass away and the rising generation! must take our places to make bjws and govern the people, to build up churches and schools is it not important If hat we,- the older members of societv set them an example, and instruct them how to live, as they would die, and die as they would meet their God ? Why is it that; men of influence are either opposed to the temperance movement, or what is wjorse, indifferent to it? Many young men can be found that will join it, but if ministers of the j gospel, members of the church and their fathers are hot interest ed, they become tired, discouraged, and K. il .1.. :i - k unaraw, or wreak their pledge. Will God not hold those men responsible? gome have said, j We set them an example by be ing members of the church: if they "were all christians, there would be ho need of a temperance sbchfty." " 1 that not rather a lame excuse for a body' of Christiana to set forth ? To: bucH I would say, come our; sign the pledge, and nail your resolution to the mast, that your children may see it and profit by i Otiers, itj is too expensive. Do not those sanfe ben contribute their por tion to their .Masonic Lodge, or to their Odd Fellow Lodge, or ;the political cam paign ; or foot their bills promptly at some low grogery I for, I cannot believe there ever existed; a genteel one. Othera excuse ! SALISBURY, N. C, AUGUST 15, 1872. themselves from the doty tkus; 44 My busi ness will not allow me to become a memlier -it i a good thing, but Tin too busy." To such busy ones, it may be said, when death comes your excuse will fail ; you will have to yield business and life together. Nor will the plea stand the final test tor any neglec ted duty. 1 Some say to ns : " Why, the most earnest workers have died drunkards it s a hum bug." And this because a few have fallen and disgraced their profession 1 Those who cheat themselves by so poor an argument are like those M convinced against their will and remain of the same opinion stilL" and we can therefore only leave them to the in struction of experience a dear school, tru ly, but very efficient, if not too late. Intemperance is growing fearfully rapid among us, and requires the steady course of respected, honoretl, and influential men to prevent ita spread. The mothers, the wives, the sisters, can do much to hid the cause of temperance by their kindness and gentle ness in persuading the unfortunate ones to change their course. The young man who is away from his home, Home t What thrilling memories cluster around that sweet word ! may seem to have his thoughts so much taken up with the world, that we might suppose he seldom turn towards the scenes of his childhood. But as night throws its soft mantle about him, memory in its flight, bears liim back to other day. He stops and listens, for a moment. How pleasant the sound which falls upon his ear ! It is his mother's voice. True, the loved one has been for years sleep ing in the village church yard, and bloom ing flowers may throw their fragrance over her mortal dust, yet the remembrance of that voice can never die. The flowers may wither ; the bright marble which points the passer-by to the dear spot, may crumble to dust; the stars which keep their nightly vigils may cease to shine ; but the voice of that dear mother will vibrate on his ear, while memory lasts. Think not, then, mo thers, that your labors, sufferings, ani trials are vain. And now, reader, have you not seen mis ery among men, women and children from intemperance ? Have you not seen good men try to stop it ? Have you not heard ministers of the gospel preach against it ? Have you not heard Judges sentence men to pay heavy fines for selling liquors.' Have you not seen the graves of fathers nd sons, making silent appeals from hopeless mounds of green ? Yet, for all that, to-day the same deadly work goes on men to sell, men and women to drink while others women are left to weep and die broken hearted. A child once said to us " Why, what is the use of our joining the society when we don't care a bit for liquor T We are satis fied that the only sure way to save the world from the dreadful evil is to begin with the children, when they u don't care a bit for liquor of any kind." Anticipate the taste ; get in advance of the habit, and then tell me where is the trouble ? If you will give your approving smile and helping hand, and those who have labored before in the cause will do likewise, we can do something to build up what some call the lost cause ; and as the President of the State Council said at a meeting of the Oak City Council "The flag of Temperance shall never trail in the dust. If the right hand fail, grasp the staff with the left. If both fail, clench the staff with the teeth, and still bear aloft that banner on which is inscribed faith, temperance, and char ity. OMEGA. TIIE PRESS OX OUR ELECTION. DEMOCRATIC LIBERAL COMMENTS. THE VERDICT OF A NATION. We have carried North Carolina, against the corruption fund of the Admin-istraiion-against the threats of the revenue collectors, the importation of negroes, and the persecution for alleged membership in the long-disbanded Kn Klnx against a candidate for the Vice Presidency, a Sec retary of the Treasury, and a Secretary of the Interior against the best managed and most liberally supplied canvass ever made by an administration party in North Carol ina -by a majority ofjtt the very lowest, one thousand, as we reckon it here ; of four to five thousand, as our cool est friends in Raleigh insist. We have swept out the thieving carpet baggers aud installed a government of the people, by the people for the people. We have carried the Legislature, with a superfluous majority of forty to fifty joint ballot. We have defeated Mr. Thomas Settle, whom the two term men chose to preside over them in Philadelphia, aud whom the poo pie have repudiated now, as in November will repudiate j the President whose re nomination he announced. We have certainly carried the Hid, Vth, Vllh, Vllth", and VJIIth Congress Districts, have strong hpes of the lVth, and do not yet abandon one of the others. In a word, where We hoped for the Legislature, and feared the Administration might carry the State ticket, we have swept the field ! Well done ! noble North Carolina ! On yonr toil the first Declaration of Inde pendence was made! On your soil Jeffer son Davia held his last Cabinet Council, and the Rebellion dissolved. On your soil has been won the first gn-l victory of the campaign that is to make as once more a united people. When Cincinnati had declared the resolve of the best brains and principle of the- Republican party, it was the privilege of Tennessee, homo of Andrew Jackson, and of the mountain loyalists, to give the response that spoke in advance the voice of Baltimore. Yours ie -a yet more electric utterance. That v 1 art V. Ynn Ki a ' i . , " piunnuncra in advance t.u;ci oi a nation. xt Y. Tribune. THE BEGINING OF- jnE END. An ignsat this moment are that he Democracy have carried North Caro lina by from 2,500 to 5,000 majority perhaps mpre which, if confirmed, indU cate the progress and success of the ereat revolution in civil affair, now pending in the United States. And this is but the beginning of the end! The October elec tions will indicate more signal progress than .11 this, and Greeley may now be recorded as the coming President of the United States. The Cabinet officers whom Gen. Grant dispatched from his Long Branch Government, Bootwell Lis Secretary of the Tn-u-ory, afid Delano, his Secretary of tb Interior, have been taHght a lesson, especially, Boutwell, for "the chasm" has bom closed where he protested against it no thtnks to him and in despite of hid llowauce, $225 000 to the United S;atcs Marshal there N. Y. Express. MA WEIGHT LIFTED FROM TnE N. TIONAL HEART." A weight is lifted offthe National heart, like that which lightened it when the last gnn of civil war was fired. Men who have been long ettranged rush together with common impulse and fraternize over this great event. We feel again that the old Union still mrvives in all its grandeur, and thai all of us, North and South, are citizens of a common country, protected by the same fljg, enjoying equal rights, and destined to be sharers in a greatness and prosperity euch as was never before known. Materially considered, the property of the Southern States was enhanced in value twenty five per cent, between the nsmg and setting of the sun yesterday. The reign of carpet-bag thieves is over. The States will have self-government restored. Enterprise will expand under the mighty impulsion of confidence re vived, credit enlarged, and industry es tablished. These are the blessings pro mi?ed by that reconciliation to which North Carolinahasso proudly contributed. Let us thank God, iiijhis hour of gladness and gratitude for such a deliverance. Washington Patriot. BOUTWELL TIIE IJLOODY BLUNDERLIl 1ID TIIE JOB. Many reasons, general and local, con tributed to the Republican defeat in North Carolina. Bat if wu were called upon to name one tiling, which, more than any other single act or utterance, damaged the Republicans, we should say BoutwelPs speech at Raleigh. It was the most un fortunate speech that could have beec deliven d. No ten Greeley orators have made so many voters for their party as that speech did. He is nothing if not radical ; and so when he took the stump at Raleigh he proceeded to probe aud stir up all those past unpleasant matters which conservative men of all paities would fain cover out of sight aud forget. He appealed to the negro as against the white man. He reawakened all the dis agreeable recollections of slavery and of the war, which were fast dying out. He proclaimed that the "bloody chasm" was not closed, and must not be closed. The direct tendency of hie speech was to array the negroes and carpet-baggers against the rest of the population. No judicious Republican of the Grant wing could have read it without dismay. For it foreboded a rupture of that peace and quietness at the South which fair-minded Republicans, as well as Democrats, desire should remain unVroken, Mr. Boutwell had made the great mistake of supposing that all the regular Republicans are radicals, like himself; whereas there arc many men of that party who hold conservative views toward the South, and are pained at every attempt made by unscrupulous partisans to create disturbance there. X. Y. Jour. Com. COMING EVENTS CAST THEIR SHAD OWS BEFORE. The result of tho contest in North Carolina stands not for a single State but for a series of States. It foreshadows with reasonable certainly the result next November in all the former slaveholding States except perhaps South . Carolina and Mississippi. Therefore it is that all sensible, candid politicians of both parties will accept the verdict of North Carolina as a practical determination of the Presi dential election. The issue was fail ly made up, the case was thoroughly tried, each side put in all the evidence at command, each eumnud np with rare ability, and the people have recorded their deliberate judgment. Grant goes to the wall, the Greeley rises to the ascen dant. N. Y. Sun. " GLORY ENOUGH. Our lateet dispatches from North Caro lina give conclusivs proof that the State has been carried by the Conservatives, who have rolled up a handsome majority of from five ti eight thousand. This de feat is a disastrous oue to the administra tion, aud ihe Grant papers take it very much to heart. This is giory enough for the Liberals and good old Horac. SURPRISING RESCUE "WET BLANK ET" FOR (J BANT A VOYAGE IN PRO SPECT UP SALT RIVER. This surprising rescue of North Caro lina from the clutches of the administration virtually decides the Presidential contest. It will tall like an enormous, dripping ct blanket on the whole body of Gran'l sup porters extinguishing their confidence and sending a cold shiver to the extremities of the party. Before the month end the re publican deserters will be numbered by hundreds of thousands. No intelligent politician can now doubt that Mr. Greeley will be elected by a greater majority than was ever before given to an American. President, and the consequence of his un- was but the verdict of a hit NO. it. .:" w nn aamwn nAan i a i . i . wvu mm w vjram ny lies oi interest or ambition will maka. haste to declare for what is certain to be the vic torious party. After this forecast, all the hope, energy and spirit of the presiden tial canvass will he on the Greeley side, and the gloomy remainder of the Grant of 8?" S direct for Salt River will abound "in .hallows and in miseries.". York World, THE OLD NORTH STATE SAYS GCEE LEY AND BROWN. North Carolina has spoken, and the Old North State tavs Greeley and Brown Notwithstanding the immeuse soma of money and the vast amount of long-power expended by the Administration, whose who fnflaeoce was concentrated there, the anti-Grant State ticket wins a vietory which even the most sanguiDe friends of Reform were uot piepaied to expect. Now l-t us hear from Maiue. Chicago Tribune. "GLORY ENOUGH FOR uXE DAY." In absence of completer information from the mountain counties we cannot, of course, do more than chronicle the fact that nearly all the accounts received in dicate that the Radicals have been badly beaten, and this bMng so, is tartly "glory enongh for oue day." Baltitcorc Ga zette. "TRUTH IS MIGHTY." In view of the . nnscrunnloos t ffnrt. f hue Grant party to carry this election and the great disadvantages upon which the Conservatives have labored, wc find great cause for gratulation. The people have come np nobly to the work, and wc accept the reeall of yesterday as an earnest of a still greater triumph for (i i etley and Brown in Novembei. Now, that her people have tated the fruit of our victory, let them gird on their armor afresh for the batrle which is before them. TauTU is Miontr axu WILL PRETAIL. "THE HOME OFTilE FIST DECLR TION OF INDEPENDENCE" DISEN SENTII11ALLKEANIJ REJUVENATED. The home of the first declaration of in dependence has done well, and ihc de scendants of the sturdy patriots of Wes tern Carol ina at Mecklenburg deued the df spotiem of the crown, have been true to their instincts and their origin. Disenthralled and rejuvenated, wc may safely predict a glorious future for North Carolina. Her people will now throw off the incubus that has beu weighing them down and asum a' pioper place in the Union among the most favored and pros perous of S;.atea.- Washington Tran script. THE CARDS PLAY ED-GRANT IMS UXsT. Well, the cards have been played, and Grant has lost. Every day his former fri ends aie deserting him, and after this tfiey leave in squads, till the number of officeholders he maintains, as scurvy a set as FalstafTs motley soldiery. Well done North Carolina. Lynch burg Republican. RADICAL DEFEAT AT THE SOUTH TIIE GROUND GRUMBLING UNDER THEIR FEET AT TIIE NORTH. There his been uo mere Hate election consequences depended. If the Liberals had lost it would h ive exacted of ih-m fierce fighting along the whole line, but it would not be necessarily fatal. But Radicals' all was staked upon S'lccess. Defeat was death, all south of the Potomac. They now have no alternative but fall back north of the Sur qnhauiia. Alls utbof that line is irrecoverably lost, and must be wholly abandoned. All that is left to them is to concentrate their fore s in the North and strive to escape annihilation by revir ing the passions of the war. Pennsylvania is their next ol j ct of attack But there the gronnd crumbles under their fun at every step they take. The same appears to be the casein every State north and west of the Potomac, j Everywhere the undertow for peace and Reconciliation, a represented by Mr. Greeley, is felt to ren der the footing unstable for Radical tread ; and the man, who might have been re elected by a unanimous vote, will proba bly be repeated by the electoral college of every State in the Union. LET THE VICTORY ANIMATE US TO NEW EFFORTS. It now seems beyond doubt that the Administration has found its Waterloo in the first battle of the campaign, and that North Carolina is redeemed irom Radical and carpet-bag rule by a bloodless victo ry at the poll. We cordially congratu late oar fii'-uds and brethreu of the Old North Slate on this glorious result. Hon or t' the brave ami true men who won the fight against such fraiful odds who in timidation could not awe nor bribery seduce. While it would be difficnlt to over esti mate the moral weight of this victory, and the effect it will work upon the canvass, it should only animate and nerve the al lied army of liberation to new and more active efforts. For now the enemy, like Satan alter his fall, will gin new courtge from despair, aud rnrw the struggle tth even more tameless effrontery and baser appliances than thnne already etnployiH. Savannuli lrjul4ican. A GREAT LIBERAL VICTORY. The Carolinians fought the good fight with bayonets jit their throats and a daz zle of Federal gold across their eyes; and they fought it nobly, even if a Radical shall unfortunately prove to be their Gov ernor. But we still believe Mcrrituou haa been elected, and know that five Conser vative Congressmen have been chosen, and a largely conservative Legislature. We shall now see Zebulon Vance in the U. S. Senate; and n campaign which brings that reshlt, if no other, ij entitled to be called aiyl considep'd a great Lib eral victory. AH honor aud gratitude to the gallant and faithful Carolinians ! Pe- Ursburg Index: 4S.WflOLE NO. 838 THE VOICE OF TIIE SOUTH CEYINQ TO THE NORTH. The result of the North Carolina elee Uon is an eloquent address to the Ameri can people. It is an argument a power ful, persuasive appeal to the patriotism of the eoantry. It is the voice of the South calling to tte North. It is the embodied utterance of this soction awailin-an echa from that. The Old Nerth State feels as the Soath fetls ; the speaks as tke Soath woald speak. m the South will speak. The voieoft eoontrr. Radicalism ! A,,j for Journal. DECISIVE. . ,.Tb Dewocratk triumph la North Car- olina, now beyond rrad uV,..mvuuviiniMBU(je to ex plain way defeat and u hold the administra tion psrty te jether; bat revolotians never go backward, and the overthrow of Grant, in November, was d tennioed an Tbnrs day last in the pine forests and on the mountains of the noUe North State. The partisans of Grant staked their fraaea on the North Caroii.a election, and they have Ion. Charleston Next. C0HME5TS OF THE B1DICAL TRTSS -WAILS WIIITLI50. DUTY UNPERFORMED. This election could not be carried ly the Republican party without more active and earnest work than they gave to it, and those who undertook to engineer the politics of the State are responsible for the tailure. if failure there be. Work has been left undone and duty unperfonned, while the Democrats have canvassed the State ihoroojhly, used money freely, and applied all the modern improvements in "counting" familiar .on their fingers. A Commercial AJirrtiser. JOHN THOMAS EXCITED-THE SITU ATION VERY CRITICAL. The situation is very critical not less so because the Disnuion and Democratic element now appears disguised under the names of ,4Liberal" or "Conservative," It is for the people of the North to decide whether they will be deceived by falsa pretenses which ought not to deceive a child. If they are indeed willing to sea the country throwa back into ifnarchy, another strife invited, our commerce de stroyed, our finances terribly embarrassed, the lessons of the past will h.va beew thrown away, and the world will stand amazed at our credulity and folly. .V. Y. 1 iwes. V BOTE AX PRESS. A SETTLER. It crRis incredible that tke Adminis tration Republicans can have suffered de feat in a State where every advantage was on their side; where they have con centrated gigantic t ffoita to insure Sucre; where they have held majorities ever since the wsr, ilk a single exception, va rying from 9,000 to 23,000. If this should prove to be the case it will ds donbt be regarded generally as settling the Presidential content. Indeed the Re publicans, by the vigor and bitterness of their canvass, have signified their convic tion that adAat in North Carolina a this time would render their ultimata success hopeless. X. Y. lUraU. The Esfukpemext Act. The fol lowing extracts from the Enforcement Act, commonly known as tle kuklux law, may be useful tor public information joal at this time ; (Ft ELK' SO. 72) "An act to enforce the rights of cij';i.-oa of the I'niu-d States to vote in the sever al States of this Union and for other purposes." Sec. 5. A nl be it further enacted. That if ny person sLall picvent, hinder, con tn l. or inliniidate, cr shall .tf-rnpt ta prevent, hinder, contrrl, or intimidate any person from exercising or in exercis ing tlie right of suffersge to whom tke right of rufferage is secured or guaranteed by the fifteenth amendment to the consti tution of the United States, by meant of bribery, threats, or threats of depriving such person cl employment or occupa tion or of ejecting such person from rent ed houses lands or other property, or by threats of refusing to renew leases or con tracts for labor, or by threats of violence to himself or family, euch person so offen ding shall be deemed guilty of a misde meanor and shall, on conviction thereof, be fined not less than 500, or be impris oned not ?crs than one month and not more than one year, or both, at the dis cretion of the court. Section 6 gives juridiction to the Dis trict Courts of the United States of cases arising under this act. Section 9 makes it the duty of the U. S. Commissioners snd other United States officers especially to prosecute all cases arising undr this act. Section 10 requires all Xfaribala and Deputy Marshal of the United States to execute all warrant issued against persons who violate the provisions of the act an der a penalty of $1,000 for refusal or fail ure diligently to exeente the same. It alo gives the U. S. Commissioner pow er to apHint any one or core suitable persons to execute uch warrants. ' Act approved May 31, IS70. A rare specimen cf the cactns riant haa recently bem scut from Colorado la a firist in Rochester, N-w Yoik. TUs cactns weighs one baodred sod thirty pouuds, and in shape resemble, a large turtle. It was obtained in the vicinity of Spanish Peaks, io the southern part cf Colorado, and was transported in a wagon two hundred miles t Denver, from which point it was conveyed by rad ta Roches ter. Several hundred of similar plants are now growing io the neighbotbood of Spanish Peaks.

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