4 1 : (fnrolinn ttJfllrljiiifl!!. ALISKURY. TUUKSDAY'ATTGCST 13. eral gained. Tlua being the fact, if the TrJbUne really has the Greeley cau$e at heart; it secraa to us very bad policy for it to begin this early to quarrel aboot FOR PRESIDENT : ! IIOIMCK GREELEY. FUR VICE-PRES1 DOT t B (4R1TZ BKOWX; lilK CALDWELL; MAJOuITi - SOMETHING APPROXIMATING THE TOST1VE HE8LLT. After two wetk of suspense jthe etec Con return". Iiave not jJei been received in Hull, and Che result ia not yet known. The following from the Raleigh Daily New js probably as near to what the official count will (Low as it U po?iblc to get at thia writing: I The public could not ltXv been more ponfueea! by the various ejection returns jttbicb hve'been reeeivfdj and entoatr from Raleigh aincc the lmj inat.f than we have been, as the innunierablechangea which have, been made for the second, third, fourth, fifth and even a larger num ber ot times, rendered it impossible for the jbest calculator, to make anything like a safe estimate, and hence the contradictory and apparently wild ' dispatches which were aent from here. And but in few instances have the votes of the counties for the 'Legislature and county offices i reached us, except as to the names of the j members elect. t f We have now in our election table the official returns not obtained from the i Secretary of State' office, however, and may yet be changed,) of 80 counties, which foot up the following result : Caldwell. 91,454 f Merrimoo, - 88,151 ri ; , .viva voce; :;. ! ji We are henceforth in favor of yolingns tbey 'once'did m Virginia. Let every man be reauired to call' out for "whom he Votes j and let his name and vote be record- ilA ihviIia nrrvt ; Tlrr t nn wav to nre- W have not the slightest doubt that I yent fritu ja as ion' aa we retain the re nosition. i i, Horace v-re-c w.u u -"5 "J f(jr lbat party it w dent, but he Will not carry a single, aootu- -xv.ci.,ho,,u, rc Fc, ...., . - d . . ...tT.-.i. n....i.:.u tw. f If there is an excess of votes above the . i era State inai txaiicouKj ucuuikm, c Attn nVrnv ". ' "' - UUU ,MJU A A , .- ." Tt - ' f i ' . i- We invite special ' attention to the fol lowing timely remark3 of the Wiltningtou. Journal : ' V -The Radical party cannot derive much consolation from the result of the recent tlccuoni- In its most favorable aspect considered aa but rawn battle. i s i rpvisrra i hits iii wiiiiiii is r iiih i ra iinuiriiL i - . Abtnn. or anv other true Democrat would . j J , r,j- tj .i. ..u it-. was virtually held under military rule ; , . rf v ; j, votua eiicii a uric is me j uu. . u uuci , t i - - i a tu i i j i not have carried. We should not deceive the cotarllly and .scoundrelly bajlot the that Federal office-holders, the ted eral .....'mi.- t:i.i it. j-it-r-l-i--:i- - r,:l i- toLdier. and the carpet-baggers, with the uuicciirii. ' ,1 . i . o ... . U i.l ti u iF Ilia nArrn nnnnlaliAn I.e. Bfi-Piitrlb in Iha BOUin. aaunuicu ah cutuo. ki w uiuucii I , n ..li ' 7. .i.C.r . .1. 1 "w - ozj-s- nt. m i - 1 t j all tor me iwepuDiicau uc&ei : uiai a larire -rv r p..,..;.. will puuiic view. - iue voicr sieaia iu iuu - . . t , The Democrats and Conservatives! , , , , . amount of Feueial money was thrown vote for Greeley because he is the nom h aa - f Th; - ct ' f -r motleof e..4 into the State and corruptly, used inthe J- ,.f P-r.r. Wftiiae he U in favor of L.i.5. J .mMt;, wmeiH of doubtful voters ? that the peo ! 4, .Jj :.-.,i,,:;1..J i.J:L. .u- :L.. tu k.. pl of North Carolina, have been Kept so reconciliation, 1 (; wiu wufmnuwiwJ , uuumaw uw vrivi . 1 uvjuic 1 ... j .1 a .V. 1 f liliprtr. and is. therefore, a better mah voter, who would like to vote a aanly n r . 'T J. . L A. Ti u .T- W irAnf. nd Pn vote, feels little better than the f V- . ' than Grant. 1 he battle has been joined ; I a t Mft.teS.k.-. tl,a !lJ few dollars a material object to many it is between Grant and Greeley ; theije aa ' j:. from tll he thousands of theb: that the grossest frauds are no longer side issues, or a chance fo J has beeuj bought to cast other Candidates : the good men of the mean isvatem forcel upon 1 1 - i'.l 1 I country are arraying themselves on tUe w.f M".C. r "1;" ments foV alle3 KuKlxlng and vio. side of Peace and Union, for Greeley and jm..i:;U- w lations of the Revenue Laws in relation Brown, and by the first of next Novem- i0IQrij0t fruit 0f ec0undrelism in North to the d.stillation of spirits and the manu hJr thov will be suffieientlv stronff to nrnlin. faeturdtif tnbaccri, tha wonder is that , we t , .... t! . i. I did not meet with an overwhelming defeat Weep IWO-IHHU8 Ul llIC OHltt, ll UICIC UC I f iiviumiujii ij cjdv I j r .1 I I . J aiy wisdom anu pruaeace m tue couauci - " -: 'X ". j ilVJL both branches of the legislature and elec . This is the perpetrated lMth,m repstration and as against our " .uv ' I""" '"'v .-. u aalion. dv means oi j: euerai vjoun iiiuici- of the ca it is supposcd.they were frigTitened -rota their work. i - i - 3Ir. tlicks was removed bv his wife to & bed ia the back room of the store, whera ie was soon restored to conscionsncss. Dr. James MeKeo was sum-ioncd to dress the wounds which he tsys is of a very dangerous character. We saw him yesterday at 11 o'clock but found him too delirious to engage in conversation. Mrs. Hicks informed us that she heard the blow from the house and knew that her husband was beinir murdered, but was afraid to venture to his assistance. The floor of the store room where the struggle took place is covered with blood, showing that the villians were satisfied they had killed tbier victim. Mr. liicks, a sou of the unfortunate man, came to ihe city yesterday morning to procure a warrant for the arrest of the suspected parties, but as the Mayor was at church, the warrant was not isued till ate m the evening, when he went in per son wan the Uhief of 1'olice to the spot ARer dilligent search and enouirr the the following nesroes were arrested as parties to the crime : Tom GrifSee, Bryant Jones and Simpson Mordeeai. The police are on the track of others and it is be lieved all will be caught. The evidence against the parties arrested is said to be plain and conclusive. IlaMgli Kcici 15th. m paign. The ItaTeih corresDondent of the New York IP - ! "i- ITp-nld thus refers to some of the means cm- Lpi-fcd by the United States agenU ; ALLEGED VSE OF THE "gINEWS OF WAR." , should be paralyzed and lost five members of Congiess, and, in spite of; reconciliation and peacel otalMt bate run the Governor so close that we iook ivuu couuuence upon me Caldwell's uaaj. in 80 counties. 3,301 In the remaining thirteen counties the semi official reported majorities have given Merriroon a nelt majority, of 1,723, leav ing Caldwell a majority of 1,584. The county of Graham is not included in this estimate, but its democratic majority will havo to -be deducted from this. These figures will approiimate the result, al though it is possible they may Unchang ed by the official rettirns4o the Secretary of State. ! vlt will be seen that the vote, of 80 counties exceeds by 1,350 votes the whole votes of 1871, and by 0,444 that of 1 1870. Jhe remaining counties have a voting population, of nearly 20,000, so it may be safely saidj that the vote this year wilV reach! 20,000 nore than that of 1871, and 25,000 more than of 1870. vative yoters to the cause ot reconciliation and peace Should not that have Satisfied the Grant party without the auxiliary, devices o'fim porting necTO votes frouf .'Virsiula and houth Carolina and repealing at one pre cinct the vote just east at Ahnther ? We trust there some- way-.to bring these frauds to light and redressing the wrongs against the State and the Union. That Laid well in not fairly elected , We have not a doubt The wrongs of North Carolina, how f'One circumstance is notable, that in th counties where the United States Marshall Car- roW'a money has been uwhI there have been lat-ge RepnUican irains. This is just as appar ent aa in looking over a wheat field you can discover by patches of luxuriant growth the places where large quantities of compost were placed. I have authentic information to-night evr WM te amply redressed ia Noveui ahlat if Caldwell is declared elected by the otfi- t ciil count, Merrimonj will contest the election on the uround of Federal interference, and there is fiadoubt that numerous and flagrant instances of! it can be proved, if that will have any effect The whiskey counties, where nearlv all the sninll distillers of fruit were threatened with indict ments in the Federal Court, give Republican majorities and gains ; so do the Kti Kltix conn ber. i KNOCKED IN THE Qy",The evidences of frand by 4.he Radical party in the late election come from every quarter. They should be ex posed:, and the qujiliy parties punished. Will the Conservative County Executive Committee of each County do their duty and -collect the facts ? J'. is for them to say whether we shall be cheated out of an honest victor, jwon by the legal voters of the State, by faud and corruption 5 or whether wc shall enjoy the fruits of our legitimate triumph by exposing the frauds, contesting the electron, and establishing the constitutional and legal claim of our4 Candidates to the offices to which they have. beet? honestly Ind fairly elected. Letliot onlylthe County Executive Committees, butjCycry man who knows f an illegal vote having been cast,1 or of any corruption, fraud, intimidation, or ballot-box -stuffing, report the same to the Hon. I). JI. Barriger, Raleigh, N. C., with the proof in (ivery case. Let true North Carolinians go forth in the dis charge of a high and responsible duty, now, or forever after hold their peace. Let them, now,, prove their devotion to North Carolina, to the cause of truth and honesty, or prepare to blush with ehame i at the mere mention of her name in after days. A little firmness, a little resolution, a little persistency, is now required by good conservative men every where. ( LAUGHABLE. ; v TheJong "leader" in the last copy of the Salisbury Tribune U facetious in the extreme, We wej-e really surprised at the wonderful penchant othe old gentle man who presidea over the Tribune for joke making. Yet his air is so grave and austere he would persuade us that he is in earnest if we did not know that he is S jesting. But the earmarks of the aforesaid lead-. ,er are familiar. Wo have ben called upon before to combat the. absurdities and eccentricities of the writer; but he has be j -come so funy that our ingeuuity is taxed for a reply. J I'.", The Tribune is really grumbling be cause some of the Liberal N. c Republi tjins were not pjaced upon the Btaje tick ft, nominated for Congress, or aaade e!ec s tori ; in shorteauso of this failare on J the part of the Conservatives aid Demo j crats to recognije the claims of the Liber als the election has beeuj lost. Now, to be serious, we really thiuk thai the Lib i .erals" should show that they l ave some f strength, before they begin to quarrel j aboijt positon ind complain that they , have not been recognized. Let ABOUT - WORLD. It is a good thing for yoling men to be "knocked about in the worfd," thousb his soft hearted parents may not thiuk so ties and so do the counties where Federal troops All youths, or if not all, certainly nine were sent on the eve of the election, and alro teen twentieths of the sum total enter life artiopA ika TWinntw TT,iitr4 Mtatoa AfarfiHlla vftr& I -.1 t t i -V -. n ....v ( . . v.- - ' - - - I uiirn a fiiirrtiiiuncrc nr Bfir.rktirfii it in acuveiy tritium:. I m;i an r! it rr t liptnsr-lvoa u.i t li u iour anil lAAi.r v- iiifa. i w. uttjv vw ivioii -.s uaswui.j e aregiaa tnai ine corresponaenis 01 sucn men than theV are. thev discover that it papers as the New York Herald, the World.knd ;a iinW!irrnntPl t ,.f u .ar,.i. the TnWhave kept the Northern people hy of their own accord, well and good ; if to come, in North Carolina, are at nrpttv well itriBlfd nn tlip K.ariirnI tnotiofl in this I ,.t if ia 1.a;r..l,K f.- I, ; I .1.... 1 sialic. , j r. , ; . u lv jo u cuauic hm lucuun ti caece tudi i , State. They have posted them on the Radical it be knocked out of them frauds, the importation of negro voters, the base The boy who is sent to a large school use of the people's money for election purposes, bopn finds his level. His will may have the conduct of the colored people and the itisi - j been paramount at home ; but school-boys lence of AJ rant's U. S. Marshals, subs and are ceaiocratic m their ideas, and if arro- success of our efforts to unseat him by the Legislature. from every quarter come loud com' plaints of the frauds practised upon us. These complaints wil Jin due form and due time, belaid belore the Legislature the body- empowered by the Constitution o the Mate to decide contested elections for officers upon the general State ticket. Jfc fortunately i in this body we havo tribunal that will do us justice. From its decision there is and can be no appeal If that body shall, in tho exercise of its constitutional right, decide that Judge Mcrnmon received a majority of the lega votes cast in the late election, not even the power of General, Grant backed by his horde of office-holders and spies and Marshals, can prevent him from taking his seat as Governor of North Carolina. But there is more involved in thij mat ter than the mere unseating of Caldwd and the installation of Merriraon. The purity and freedom of the ballot-box in al We trust and believe that the dawn o a new and a better era in our politica condition is at hand. This expectation however, will never be realized if we al low the groi8 frauds recently perpetrated UNRELIABILITY OF ClBCTMsTaKTItL Evidence. The London Gl ile publishes a statement which is an illustration of the dauger of relying upon circumstantial evi dence, even wheu it approaches ponitive- ness. A ccntlemau went to the Hntinh Museum with an order to have a case opened containing some valuable medal for his inspection. He examined a par ticular medal which was supposed to be unique, restored it to the tray, and, after talking some time with the custodian, was about to leave, when the latter discovered 1 a. . t la v uiai me meaat was missiner. it was searched for every where and could not be found, when it was suggested that the pockets of the visitor should be etamincd To this he objected, and a policeman was sent for. However, before he arrived the medal was found to have slipped between the tray and the bottom of the case. When asked why he refused lobe search ed, the supposed culpiit produced a med al form his pocket the exact counterpart of that which was in the case, and re marked that his object had beu to verify the authenticity of his own, which, being identified with the misxieg one and dis covered in his pocket, would at once have convicted him of the theft. no WIS THIS! In Bladen coorty the voting strength is put: down at 2,010. The number of votes actually cast is 2,C6. In Cumberland couuty the voting strength is put down at 3,455. The num ber of votes actually cast is 3,773. - In Da pi in county the voting population is put down at 2,959. Tho number of votes actually cast is 3, 4 So. In x rnnklin county the voting strength is put down at 2,770. The number of rotes actually cast is 3 035. Ia llaluax county the vottar strength ia put down at 4,455. The actual num ber of votes cast for Governor in the late election is 5,307 ! Be it remembered that it was in Hali fax couuty the Registration books were said to have been lost ! In Lenoir county the voting strength it put down at 2,031. The ooxber of voles cast was 2.VC4 I In Nash county the votior slrenrth is put down at 2,181. The number of voVs cast it 2,577 1 Ibis increase is in pan, however, accounted for by the receut an nexation of a part of Kdgccombe county to Nash. . In Northampton county the voting trcngih U put dowu at 2,901. The num ber of vole actually cast is 3.0S5. Iu Bubcson county the vo iug strength is put down at 3,03. The uumWr of votes actually cast is 3,214. In, Sampson county the voting strenpth is put down at 2.9SG. The voir actually cast is 3,131. Wilmington Journal. Valuable House and Lot V.. l-'OIiSaLU 1 Wisn to m-H inr Man- A- I ... . . IoDisa trMt. f.V.;.. , f ' . , . r i' wuwiin, itir acres. of ilia Ti i. . " i ue iitje SlOfT. auJ roUUnjp ni We did well in the last election. ns let well enough alone. It mav' L J VcHsijster ajone. It that Merrimon' cansewasdamaired bv the I I t ... v - endorsement of the Liberal and If an addhional dose is to be n's, as the itwune proposes, utnay prove indeed. There are thousand ''of "Democrats and Conservatives who have not vet swallowed Ob e?alism and but we think we can yet eet then) to vote the ticket next November by acting judiciously , and abstaining from nausf ating their stomachs by over-do ing. I We rhfyk we eari establ we lost fifty Conservatives movement given puppets.! t' The above extract is true to the letter, as every intelligent observer will testify. j-The counties In which the money was spent can be pointed ut with precision; so also can the whisky tor distillery counties, and those in which men were intimidated by ellegal arrests for alleged Ku Kluxing. ' ;j We suppose no one will deny that hundreds of voters in Wilkes County alone were manipu lated, cajoled, intimidated, bribed, by Grant's Marshall? and Revenue Cutters. Wilkes is a "whisky county." The people make whisky there as a sort of necessity. They convert their surplus grain into whisky because it will not pay) to haul the grain to market. Whisky is their principal product for revenue. On it they depjend for their sugar and coffee, salt and clothing. Consequently, the whisky Jaws as en forced and manipulated by Jladicalism have been most oppressive and crnel upon these peo ple. Many of them in their efforts to "keep soul and body together" have come in conflict with these unjust and oppressive laws; In such cases arrests have generally beeo made by Grants pets and the parties let off on pledging tliein selves to vote the Radical ticket. In other cases, it Is alleged that large numbers have been permitted to rnn their distilleries and the 'block,1 regardless of the laws, with the understanding that for such privilege they would vote the Radical (tickets Such,-we understand were the means n-ied tockrry Wilkes County for the Rads on the first Thiirsday in this month ; and if so, we hazard nothing in saying that the same po licy was adopted in all the mountain counties of this Congressional district. The whole pro ceeding was a jmonstrous fraud on the people, OiWe purity of the ballot, and a disgrace to the United States, j Yea, tl;e"parties who inauturat el or sanctioned these outrages are guilty of crimes for which they can be seint to jthe pen tentiary. They have violated the enforceipaent law4f Congress, and are guilty of intimidating and bribing voters. Ko Revenue officer1 has any right to make compromises with persons who violate the laws, for the consideration; of a vote: Neither can he give any one the privilege to set the law at defiance. When he does so, he be comes at once a criminal, a perjured villain and swindler of the government. We understand that several cakes, stich as are referred to above, can be established. We there fore call jupon Conservatives everywhere to col lect the evidence of these and every other species of fraud that may come to their knowl edge. It is believed and asserted dn all hands by citrzens of N. C, that Judge Merri received a handsome majority of the legal votes of the State. We think there is no doubt of the fact. Then the question is, shal we be cheated out of an honest victory by tame- i , ... . . i . ! . iy Buorajiung 10 groaa iraud and corruption We say ho, and so will say every good Copser vative in the land. We should collect the evi dence add submit it to the Legislature and de-i mand of that body a fair and patient exainina tion of the facts. Then if Caldwell is elected riiv ii i. - ii . . . . i ....; ukiu my o. n aiernmon, let linu be installed. We shall nk nothing more and agree tA nothing-less, WVcan not efiord to submit tlo fraud without an honest and persist ent effort to punish the perpetrators of it. The purity of the ballot-box, indeed, of public morals, the security of our liberties and free institutions alike depend upon the freedom of our people from ballnUbox-stuffing, bribery, and traud. If we fail to crash these evils! now, vie need never eipect to enjoy another pure and honest election in North Carolina. 1 is therefore an imperative duty that devolves upon every good citizen in the State to see to it that th matter is thoroughly investigated and that theiuiltv gant, are sure to be thrashed into aiccogni lion oi tne gouen rule. J lie world is a great public school, and it 60on teaches a new pupil his proper place. If he has the at- iibntes that belcnpf to a leader, he will be installed in the position of a leader; if not, whatever hisown opinion of his own abilities may be, he will be compelled to tall in with tho rank and hie. It not des ined to greatness, the next best thing; to which he can aspire is respectability. lint no man can either bo truly great or respectable who is vain, jonipous or overbearing. By the time the novice Iras found his egitimate social position, be the same ugh or low, the probability is that the disagreeable traits of his character will be softened down or washed away. Most ikely the proerss of abrasion will be rough, perhaps very rough : but when it tsj all over ard he begins to see himself as others see him, and not reflect in the mirror of self-conseit. he will be thankful that he has run the gauntlet, and arrived, tltpugli by a rough road, at self knowl edge. Upon 4he whole, whatever loving v' : a j mothers may think to the contrary, it is a good thing for' youths to be knocked about iu the world it makes men of -them. Selected. the best mon has to pass unnoticed and unpunished. If it appears that fraud, force and bri bery can be nsed wilh impunity by a Federal administration, its officers re tainers and supporters, in controlling a State electiou, all hope for the better day that has been so loi.g coming, vanishes at once. It is for this reason that we have dc terrrin-d to urge Judge Mcirimon and A Model Subscriber. A subscriber, in forwarding money for subscription, says : "I am g.ing on my 74th year, and never sent for a paper in my life that I did not send the money in advance." We make this extract to the end that it Mac Robbius has had one of the largest distiicis in the Slate tn ranvars, as well as one of the safest, yet be canvassed as if he had a maioritv to overcome, lie has worked like a Tn jan for the last two months, and his voice has been beard, from every mountain tp and valley by the Consci vative of the district. We do not yet know what his majority is, but we know it is larg. We feel assured that no district in the State will be more ably represented, and that no member will be more active and zealous in wntkiog for the interests of his constituents. Winthn Sentinel. MARRIED. In Jefll rnon. July the 2Jih, bv the Rev. J. Rumple, 1). A. Ifcivi Kq., of Salisbury N. C and Mrs. A. C. Heath, of Jefferson, N. C. OMTL'AKY. Died, ntthe residence cf her father, Theodore Marl in Kiwi., near Cotton riant, Arkanvin, Au gust 4th, Iim Emma J. Martin, in lit 21 yefcr of her age. It U sad to record the death of one o young, so fair and so full of promise. Rot dieaeand death are no rn-pettrf a of person ; they cumr alike to the young and the old. The dece--d, by her many aniTable and lovely qualities had enleared lierself to all who knew her, and htr death lias created a s.nd vacuum, i.icnlr in the ir ou- tueut ciM.k-ru.nu of briek i;;,?. , thrt acres tfthe lot it we j ,0 J ; AnjperBon Ki,,my a TaUaVe Ly rould dj KtU to give me a cull at oarr a. mimH MKu a oar pan mng '(kh T2: 47: 4t R.J WEST. SALE OF THK iugivtni.iL LAUDS. uteiiped, by virtue of a u . c Court f lUao cx-.uir, WlU aneuo to ih hifh Uddrr. nVt The Sapertor S WJ1 elfMtfcttS..MK'cie, 4JLi TUe rvvemonary iairr ia U H, open at 0. lU wllnw Mlrrwalt and uW. TU LUJinr. will ct-o at 27i0. IV. The lnrkt riace&f 215 acre aW4 ing nb Uftdiof Rkhard Harris J- P. KiJL d other. TUlatrai will be .aUitklrd into two c more c.iLt-m. TCKMS-OneHhird cK, the balance m a cm! it of m i aid Iwtke ru -i:hs intrfr fn,w dale. Bund and a.)rvred wrcurilr. T,U fr. Uim-J until all U.r punhae tuutU im CIIAKU II. McKHaZIF JOHN W.McKKNJI-; July 21, 1S72. 45 4t; may stimulate others, younger than he is, ' home hat a chi-J and brightened by hrr . . . , : -i I pr.'tencc, but in the circle in which she inured, to greater p.orap tuess n paying up their. Jn ,lie ;mri)UI1;lv of Wic n nrUM arriaiafoe, eo mat mey may li.ive the i nunt. M..v lie wl... a! consolation of k one (he prihtcr. ne can cotrft.rt in ilu- nowing that they do nut hour ( rrnv, rn,r the .il .f . ..i:-,,ljin ti inu I ihtr bh-vtlinz lu urirt t.f hvr afil'n U-l family. i.d Ui ll.f THE AUTHOR OF THAT INFAMOUS PARAGRAPH A GRANT MAN. Mr. Conklincr, among the thousand un- Iruths which he utters against Mr. Gree ley, quotes the following as his language: f'nhen the rebellious traitors are over whelmed in the field, and scattered like leaves before an angry wind, it must not beito return to peaceful and contented homes; they must find poverty at their firesides and privation in the anxious eyes of mothers and the rags of children ! ;Auis ditlers from the rest in that it was stated in these columns at least ten days agp that Mr. j Greeley never wrote the abpve, never prompted or approved it, anjd never saw it till after it was printed. vie may properly add the fact that the man who did write it is now one of the most earnest and prominent editorial sup u U( uranr, upon ana uonklinir in thisi city. N. Y Tribune. I J . .- ! ; CQUNTY EXECUTIVE CONU11T- other ofnet-rs on our State ticket to take ?uch eteps-as may be necessary to inftnu the people of the State and of the United State?, that the so called election of Cald well will be contested. Wcdo not regard this as an effort for mere partizan advantage. We regard it as a patriotic duty, the performance of which is absolutely and imperatively necessary for the preservation! of the purity and free dom ot tuc ballot box. 1 tie question ie one far above party advantage. In the .Legislature wc have a tntur al hat is both intelligent and horcst. The character of the men who have been elec ted to that body guarantees that their in vestigation and verdict will be fair and mpartial. By that verdict we are willing to bide. Wc are not willing, however, to accept as the verdict of the people o( rsorih Carolina, without protest and with out invest igat ;o i, an electiou so-called, t hat carries with it plain ear marks of force, fraud, intimidation and bribery. We urge therefore upon our people everywhere to hunt up and put upon re cord the evidence in every case in which rand, and force, and bribery, and intimi dation have been resorted to for the pur pose of influencing the late election, so that when the question comes before the Legislature we may bt ready with the proof. In addition to this, in order that indivi duals may not escape their just punish ment, let every guihy party be indicted in the proper courts. We owe this as a solemn duty to our selves, to our prosterity, and to our State. If we fail in u, never again will we see an honest, fair .election in North Carolina. OFFICIAL VOTE. Allor. Gen. 1S70. i aanctifv hi r -.irlr and untimely dt ath j en nui good uf the vo'in. Governor. 1 ST2. c c COCXTIf. Cm c -f -j. s TEES, the Countv We call upon the County Executive Committees, and we trust it will receive prompt attention, to hold an investigation at each precinct ip their counties and give the facts and figures in regard to frauds in! the recent election. Also let them as certain whetoer the registration books hae been tampered with. When a full and complete investiga tion has been made, let the facts be re-, ported to Hon; D.' M. Barringer, Chair man of the Democratic State Executive Committee. !We trust the Executive Committee of eaqh county will attend to this matter at once. They owe it to themselves and thf ir cause. Netcs. partiea are brought to punishment by ove iftbthe fact that for every Lib- 1 :-!! ! M? ' - J 'It how John Weslev used to eW "Oh hard it is to be shallow enough for a gen- C fc,"-"""- MOCK DUEL. The Georgians are making merry over the farce ot a duet between Joe Brown and Gen Tdouibs. Here is what the Blacks hear Gforgian says :j Kark from Bob j Toombs ye angry sound Joe lirown, attend the cry N4 livinine man! shall view the ground Whpre they will shortly lie. Fir them there'll be no duel beds, , In spite of all their jowers Taeir tall, their wise, their revemed heads .1 ma nee. X DIABOLICAL OUTRAGE ? A Quiet arid Peaceable Citrzcn Zluocked Doty a and Beaten by a SiZob of Xfegroes. UIS STOKE ROBBED BY THE FIENDS, THREE OF THE PARTIES ARRESTED 1 The Investigation To day. Saturday night last Mr. Wm. Hicks, a quiet, peaceable and uuoffending citizens, aged about 65 years, living about four miles from the city, was knocked down in nis store room, ana as innugnt oy tne ruffians choked to death. The store was then robbed and plundered of about SI 00 worth of goods, when the robbers becom ing alarmed, ran off. i.ue .news reporter visited Hie store yesterday morning and learned the fl lowing facts connected with the tragic circumstance. At about 11 o'clock Mr. Hicks was called from his residence, which is near Al Alexander, Alie&hany, Anon, Ashe, Reaufort, Hertie, Bladen, Rrnnswick, Buncombe, Burke, Cabarrm, Caldwell, Camden, Carteret, Caswell, Catawba, Chatham, Cherokee, Chowan, Clay, Cleveland, Colombo, Craven, Cumberland, Currituck, Davidson, Davie, Duplin, Dure, Edgecombe, f oryth, Franklin, Gaston, Gates, Granville, Greene, Guilford, Halifax, Harnett, Haywocd, Henderson, Hertford, Hrde, Iredell, Jackson, Johnston, Jone, m Ienoir, Lincoln, Macon. Madison, Martin, McDowell, Mecklenburg, Mitchell, Montgomery, Moore, Nash, New Hanover, Northampton, Onslow, Orange, Pasquotank, Perquimans, Person, Pitt, j Polk, Randolph, Richmond, . Robewn, Rockingham, Rowan, Rutherford, Sammon. r i 0 the store, by a customer at the store ; Stanley, re about as. levelas ours." Pleasure Excursions-Mr. Theo. F. Klcttz is makins' nn an ex. cuxsion partji to01d Fort, to leave Saturday morning nex, and return Monday. Ex pen - sei mcuiaing xtauroaa ana uotei Jt are, f 3. 75.1 Special pains taken to secure the com fort and enjoyment of the party. See bills. opening the door and lighting a lamp he discovered five colored men, none of whom he recognised though hu did not take par ticular notice oi the party, as on Satur day nights especially he generally sold goods till 12 o'clock. The spokesman ask ed for two pounds of bacon. While in act of cutting it he was struck with a heavy stick which j felled him to the floor ; the rest of the pirty then seized and as they thought choked him to death. The store was robbed of a lot of calico, domestics, shoes fcc, but as they had an opportuni ty of carrying a much larger qnautity off Stokes, Surry, Transylvania, Tvrrell, T' union, Wake, Warren, Washington, Watauga, Wayne, Wilkes Wilson, Yadkin, Yancey, 78.8 o04 377 10-V2 791 1505 HG7 1115 720 1436 803 963 633 623 8S1 10 1861 522 603 218 1212 937 1500 1741 846 121C 7G2 1505 265 776 954 1379 958 200S 794 1793 1347 840 723 403 297 754 1263 537 1709 619 011 822 530 610 1116 590 2161 280 431 1113 980 2027 959 788 1708 837 656 1092 1752 189 12S0 836 1685 1590 1459 893 1397 698 989 1007 357 429 "S3 3112 873 561 000 1864 913 1191 679 695 behind. con;.inim ehe lrre W. D. n i; w a i v i; irr i .s k m i : nt Plaintiff. 1 1043 247 158 9S8 693 1346 1391 1223 719 9S1 693 851 251 526 821 1270 545 1015 3y 149 1124 301 C9 174 314 487 2764 1671 337 1150 683 952 163 2872 1014 1437 696 2368 1006 1717 3230 562 401 655 273 629 404 229 1302 559 1224 510 246 489 1107 551 1936 471 645 791 788 2914 1800 S63 991 920 795 765 1754 360 1242 1162 1023 1143 973 1134 945 452 5C0 583 149 323 634 3504 220 798 268 1785 911 943 511 245 1191 1019 752 1331 944 120S 711 1538 852 1161 829 562 1062 1415 1261 1783 486 1005 1045 1095 1045 Sarah A. Fritz, anaihM Summon. Jot I J. 1'livT.P, j To the Sheriff of Rowan County Grettin?; Yon are htn.br commanded to piininmn Jot! J. Frieze, the def 'l abeve named, if br be found in your county, to apitar al the office cf lb 019 j cukjf the Superior Court for 1 he county of 761 i Rowan within twentr div fi-r ih Wltli1 fit . 156. Miinmun on hiu, excluive of the day of 1514 j mich wrvice, and newer the comidaint which ha been deMited in the ofiice of ihe clerk of the Superior Court for Rowan county ; and let him take notice that if he fail to annver the aid complaint within that time, the pUintif) will take judgment again! him for the relief demanded in the complaint. Herein fail not, and of ihU summons mak due return. Giren under hit hand and the feal of aid court, this 10th day of AuaufO, 1872. JOHN A. BOY PEN, Cln k Superior Coarf, IlotcoH County. 43: 6t: $8. NORTIICAROUNA, . c . DAVlUNoa oot wTV. jV In oi-enor Court Spet-ial Proceeding. Edwin Ilane and wife Kutk, Year by Park.gr and lau Iai, Sr. ' John IlronmoVld and hU wile Nancy, Ji a Matltwk and Li wife CamlirH". J. ait4 hi wife lieliix-, William iKmikit, J. m pli Hioe BIh1 hi wife ammilh, J. H '.TIJ. llama and hU wif KliuUth, l-.iac Wi!!,, Jolm A. iKnithil, 1'arlhrriii Ui;Ln. J..h iKxithil, Janie Doathit, T1miuji lot:ttt, KJrrt lKiuthit, Iarid lVx;ttiit. Wirr Ik. thh, Sarah I)tithit, Marpartt Itnitiii. Jn IkKithil, Ulen iKMitbit, and Annie Ua.tt, Mr of Alexander PwHl.it Uxai-d; J im Ftrter, J me Pt4cr, Ttta ltrr, S.mi;n4 Kv4cr, Lewi IWer, Willtia rVt.r, ll-rr rosier. Mary Ftter, Sun Kj-ir, t3 Par thrnia KuMer, rhlldren and htir.f Nancr rjiur, wife ef Thomas rr; AlntT PjTit, Y ar'y Pav Jr Kran !U, Jr, J'hn F IjivU, yjptfoit ltytrly abj miU 1'annr, and W. E. Jolinaon. In thi cac it apprarii.j that JJ.n rfwa-fj-ld aivl lfe Natter, John MitcL a.4 '( i -in4ii. J1.n 1W-1I ard wife EnM:iie. JtA u Ifcx.tMt, Tl'otui. Iv.-id.it, l;oUn :'in!, !. rid iKitilliit, lV-l-r Ik.ull.it, Jittnr 1 1 mtt.it. rah IhHiiiii', MArrx-l lKuil.il, ill:,n J ..!, a, Ai.r.ic I il.it, John c r, Jiur 1 wut, Tiwruri l"--: r, ,-n.ti I FiMrr, Lr i 1 t, Wiilnui !'.iir, Irry hr.?tr,Kiriti f.Mr,stt4 I'ar'.lui.i.i 1 lfidr Im nd ihe l.Ut H f 1 1 i. !! : 1 1 i th rrf.n- crJ-r l tlat fmUkas !t- mrle in the arvdina Vat4.ti a j i-.tjurr Mil.J.-l,-i in S,h'.jrr. ..rth ( ' rx.Iii.r. nrtiifvin ihe jtid nt-reidni d-fn I.int. thai i iinh-w. ll,-v artar ard inxtr lh con t fil-d im sm-, uri or lc(or the lOilt dux ii Sr;.TiiU r 1"7 2. thr Htmf will bcl.car.l rtf,- r a to llu ta. and the r Ikf prayed ly ti.? jl.iiiiiff I frant'l. Wilnc. I- V.. .to:nr.n, clrrk of id Vt rl al otfice in Ixinn.i. il,r Zt Ur .f Julr L. 11 JOIINN-N, (Ivtk. V,: t.tz ffl-V) 1448 1019 1114 683 811 332 554 739 1456 42G 1683 433 547 693 647 693 jcikr Court. ul (o x I 1890 18S3 8-25 1750 662 1735 1474 3452 1475 927 754 1976 783 1673 795 479 1733 554 1431 1560 683 505 2655 944 3640 695 420 994 166 1374 2511 22C1 NORTH CAROLINA ,.,. YAI.KIS OH STY ' ' '"Of LXXin S. T. Spur Admr. of J. Sbcek dee PlT! agttM MillySheek, John V.Sheek, I I Vlition MilU C. Shi-t-k, and to fell 8. T. SiHir and wife I land for Nancy Jane Defendant j aeta. It appearing to the aatUfarlion of the Court that Miiea C. bheek one of the Pefendanta ahore named U not a reaident t.f thi fetate; It ia there fore ordered that publication be made in the "Carolina Watchman, a newiaiif r iuM in Salisbury N. C for aix weeka fuccwiTely, r" reouirine raid Defendt nU loarr car al the ofDte I ' of ihe clerk of th SuK-rior Court for the (Virt- 1 j-.r-t.', p 11m o Yankin at th o r; Howe in Ya dinil!e j o ,eei.. it Uy on the brat day of (let. next and anrwer the complaint of Plainliffor ihe ame will be heard ex parte aa to him. ThL 9lh dar of Anpnat 1872. J A M EH A. XI A KTI N, C. S. C. Yadkin Colkty. 43-tw NORTH CAROLINA, . H'EllY. COI STV. ' Henry N. Wolfe Adm'r. wilh iW of PariJ Tuiktr dtx'd. Brnean Tinker, Lrdia Tucker, JcJm Rae and hi wile CiLtnae, John MtKan, Nevtun CVuch and other. Special proecfrinf . Peiiltoai to laud. In thi cc it apj-irlnj lo ile taij.fat-tion of the court lhal C. Purkin anl hi wife Nancy, C. Canady and l.ia wife Polly, and pavid Tark er Wer at law of Sallie tirc-nri!! are iot-re-i Jen La of dU Mai It ia therefore order ed lluU puUicatitM) be madialkMWaJchiAaa"arw jajer rxiblihcd al SiliAmry, N. C. for ni c ifaive wctka, rcjuinng wd defeniaota to a ear at ihe Court-hHiK, in I n, oo the 5K, day of Angnot, 1M72, and aner pHilin of litioner. .r judgment in hi faror fr the relief demanded in rwilion will he eT.tcTed prvcoJr a to them- '1 hi June 21ih, 1H72. A. II. FREEMAN, C 8. C 43: 6t SPECIAL XOTICKS. Administrator's Notice. All perfon having claim afaint the estate of A. Judwn Maon dee'd are hereby notified to exhibit the Mnie lo th undersigned before the 8th day of Auut, . P. 1 873. And all pernor indebted to anid estate are renneMrd lo nettle promptly. JOHN S. H EN PERSON. AJaCr of A. JwUu Jawm, deed. Aug. 8, 1872. 47-6t: dminislrator's Oale. Haring obtained letter of administration on the Eetate of A. Judon Maaon, deceased, I will offer for aale at public auction, al hi late rci dence in the Town of Salisbury, on Wednesday the 28th day of Augiut, inntant, ihe following article of peraonal property, vix : One Milch Cow, one Hei'frr, Hog Ktove an VeaK one Gold Watch, Libra rr, Hooaebold and Kitchen furniture Ac., Ax. tirTeran Cah. JOHNS. HENDKRSX. Adm'r t( A. Jodon Miton, deed. Aug. 7, lb72. 47-Gu 16.56 727 646 1118 1013 1022 C3I ToUl, Bhippamaj.4,22L 87 643 83427 WOTICC Tlie Sale of the Note, Accoorita &c belons- iug to the etate of J. W. Liliinar, Rankrti l. i rirreioiore ao.Teriiu i rji,f,ov.i tai Mon day, Aujcut 12ih, al 12 al ihe Court Houae door in Slibtirr. J. K. BURKE, A-ignee. Jly 23, 1872. DH. J. F milPFlTIl, DENTIST. Haring located in Palbbarr, olicit a prac tice in the town and mrrounJinz coon try. CXXA2LQS3 SZOD2I2LAT23, JJcKeeljf Building, Km trance XcXteiys Hall. 45 3m pJJ ni Q mwi tm lTut Ma ea hel ' 4 c rnrmf-' tMl w'm bw Km. Xr IXr mpirOr' ' t lUf t lc If. Ti 'lJr. i V tiirr,. rlj luitti m ih tfw lrtr a. . rre:i 4 atlri4tc. l ttef ran t'n w l M t 4 VTa aT U&aua W tc A t' eW tM Uniaoeal. ar-l I W Or. TM V Hort I ia . twi bHlr 4 Dm IMlar. ft aru . C. Call. C.le. K , at, aar-aiHI r iVan ar -r. a44 t j tar Vntfm. D, t Placr, Sew Yartu carr CotFa A iwaa4 I C Vat Oii. c , ' iU.H If. hM i.an.t.d a fit wi - T-fml-. Ii natwaJ dipl- a-rr aUm im Imiiim i L JrKr a f turn a r-nt'. r tti. u ei inrM a f "ei to a i III; 1 1 t -lr U tfMll 4 y anv oth r frrfr U tta for ha: ay a I D(W1iii. MtOtC Ta MCTBL 04lfeea rrf'r ' ata is eurbauoef . cB.ca f fr. i a, a ftf ar' tT"a ' U- . a 4 rrtw" a.r w u ik tx-aia, auj iih Intact, tiuaa t " C latUtll). fater Inn Oil- Jr itf in'if fr M wtla. aaa In h aai r' a- 4. Ot .U.( f.. h rMiili.w U am Prt ri'O I. ' 4 t i arc.4"jt lhr If t r.rt f f'a War lej wr la4l a - K O.l H Cat ra", r.-i UImH I7T I Te T. P Xcr t C.Ck.iW, r - c"" Lm. A lrtm rtn, k m f ' c4 bf rtf a vr i ier 4 t-v ." ra T (Its lrcik, ava t.rb. s4 an tb-r Ur trma) Um aklr-. kiti e rl fcraattfal. !) BOnrrW'i. m i a' tir 1 Irrt (rtN ax. 7 t.a.ital 4i!rti h leaf ra t . TWi la Mr. "2 oMhitig ( rrafk, m far fear a e " 'trrrifm oW f talafai atcA. ( Kfc . "L- ra t rrr,.. I Hrt. m ' ' a" . ... . 1 . . . t 1 . ... . A a, a I " ! -J - ......... t tn tli- rt er ar4 ffur. M i' rr -t r. fcr T-r. r.vi.nrt4 f O-l ! r Ca,. I. I ,4 . Jt rt. : ' ' li.o I H. It ..,..r. a4 a l- '. ' 1" ' Kan ;t f,- i Ici C'tf.tt i ui " t.l l-ii .;a f r ' ..,. I a-a larar.t. kM a. tl rmr-rt -' ' t Ira aar i .a4e fc II. . E : lrrU I. M TmI. VrT. !( r ". Tfe Tw !" ,4 lr kuti r a 4 rrr tv m. KIM; iC , . f k li '.' f. C. Wrl lit . fcf tiiaxCUH emaMe4 a Ha riiatr ana ree aax, u'k r lii FiWvO er 'a r k . Ju r ar1 lr. C Wrf rr. JU T r-Baatvax lfmlr?a VI W ar I. r 1 W- hWn I a.l-rr. u aafe at.d ' la lUwt ; a,tt lall at rrt ' ' w,-w f tmf a m lar, at a4 a mn U tff. U MaMrW ta, wm T. Nrn Ofm wtte! tt lret.la a - . i a a,e, .7- MlaU . raa fzL ra tM f eelT- Jala fl.Cl ' ian ara