(SEnroiimi Uldtdjinnn ToCAlTAJg STATU ITPasa ALISBUU Y MARKET. . ;! A,L; CST 1.. .VmIv TO a 83 I 1 7lft.' . . : .8.1 i, 3 ft 40 Sweet, $100. iog rounu. - A er doz. run'-1- 1 rV VTElKKH niw, 50. 1 j BlTTE-fi 20. ! do j peeled, 8 12 "iRLt CotkL'. Mr. C. W. Beaver, 'rilda rountv. Iiaala.don onr table eev- ral bfcll of retty opened new cotton. This is iu)te earljr for new cotton ia this tklii of jhe country. The crop ia very prooiiiing tlii year. - ' "J. Furrir We are indebted to Mr. p . h. Langenpnr, Fobtville, Yadkin Co, Xs 0., for a banket of tlie finest fruit we bare Wn tld season. II'ib pcicliea are really- ; magnificent large and luBcious. ! Mr. Langenour i"engaged in tba nursery tufineM, and pereonn deniring frail trees io will to ecnd liim tlieir orders. ! J ... , ,,. ; . ; . IJT Wc have pn file jar report of Lieut, dor. Brogdcri'a pprerti at Concord, on the night dt the 20tJi July, which we bhall re tire fjra dry ime. " durtis "j embalmed fcimsrlfj in the lremory of; " the boys" then rid tlicTw prcsnt, who will doubtless hand ! -dawn ii rtame and his brilliant speech to a gcacratioijet uulxrn. j ' HoN..IJr J lliCKMAN.-i-Owingtothe"ni- nets of. tliid diiiiingui!lit'd lecturer, hU mi to our city will be postponed for a - f. w dati. He will: not be here ua here ' tofore. announced -n the 15tli inst but will probably reach here next week.; Fur tber dt finite notice will be given. ; I F:pKRAl- CoiRf. Thin Court in in session lirre jliu.'week. HU Hon. Judge j Dick prei , Jinjr. A' goodly number of stranger are in at f tpnliincej , ; j Tlilnwill probably be the last Federal court held i(T (or Home time to Come.; It will be field htrwter Ht-8tatewyille!and Clarion . DtsnliACEFt'L. From all accounts I; totli froa white and bl uk, it renvined ! fur a drijmken rabble of Ilidical nej;roc, '..II; i ! i;mtijratd.nQ doubt by a ! few Iw kites, to fillet oni la?t Ttuirpday riigbt tho most ! p 'i . i -ii . . . uicgtiitt nu PcetHP ever wiuireea in ali- I buryj. jl'bey had been called together to I njoice 'iovcr tlio supposed (aldwell or 'tutji 1 1 1 14 in y jl ilia i i -j i PljWt I II g ;iJil tined iii, bind-(ires, speccbifyiiiig, holloo iiig profane and sacred' song mixed up in ilijo nU;t impious manner, the use of riufous a;k1 obscene language, promina (l!ng!ilii streets cursing and bowling like, demon?!! firing the eanon, marching to aud tbrough the various colored: churches, pBacliingMerrimon'e fi neral," and finally v goin through the farce of buiying him oh tle rJublic square. It U impossible to disenbe all lh disgracefulscenes enacted On tliis occasion. ' Vf wish vnrv 1k'hWr man Uowao county could have witness j en tlio whole proceeding. It f grae$ to the colored pe3ple as was a dis well as an outrage upon good morals ar.4 decency and we lave mo doubt the better portion of themjire heartily asliaraecTof it. Such . KeDCtijonia people who aspire to be leaders and rulers, or even cirillted, make otie iurji away with feelingsi' . of di.-gust ! siid ioi row. Hut mw are we to expect ny letff r, wbeti they follow iuch leaders tl-yjdo. j V'e wish the colored people ! rllf and wc tell them earnestly that their : leadfM are hastumg them to distruction. - The ! white people of thin counby are fast ; rwiiu! sick aiul disgusted with their condact,! ' We lell them to learn lessons irom' lb s! signs pf the tiiues. ! . --. lrt OrR I'KT'--Thi8 is the title of a bean eiglt page fucrary Journal publish d by Ars. Addie Paul, Charlotte, N. C, 6rst, immber1 of which is now before 's. . - i . i- ; . ,.- AjTierl the usual j salntatorj openin - .. . . 'p. in "ufn me uuurtea says ; . Iiy Ian experience of fur vears in a .rriutmoflicf , we consider purself to somejthe rook. "Oh ! white creatures, scream- 'fXtetit fittfd fur umedt and although we enter it with, fear aild trembling, we hejxj wc are prejiared .for tvery J?mergeicy,' and that our little ; pet WilFirieci a kind reception from all into whW hands ft may change to fall." She ijurfers to the snljecl of womans igla atid tbua d'scourselh; , s ''Wejara wjiman-rights-woman only a otie respect, whicli is that a woman has tlie righ't to employ herself in any ocenpa- '.iion euiabfe to her position and congen 1 to her taste. This she can do without .transcending ihe liiie of decency and ecmn Imaiked down in the strictest tijuett of every day life., ' will deny the fact that it is the . 4uty oft-very woman!, n matter in what ntioti lf Uf0 or of hcjw much wealth pos- . fed, to ; make, herself useful in some ; and so long as jshe confines hertelf J-Clvil bfthe occupation should be of J'W own choHng, and such as she may think ber-elf best fitted for by the na'ur- "'irroundingsin which she may happen JJold:jced. In ibis view of the caee , I have adopted iur present occupation l.'H t0 suited to uf, and one in J,cn we can be of most seivice to those rn wphold dearest cn earth." Jl, V,mmpd most heartily this wor. Z7 'tri'e. and hope it will find its ' ZT 10 J'be fireside of every family in "ajv CfroHna' TrnM SIM pej-fnnum. AWrcss ihepablishcr, Mie Addic Paul. ; -I Salisbury,.' C. ED3. ViATC tl.Mi - Gentlenn: Having, Special Order from the War Department at Washing: vu,auMCrrcu irom tni post to the Nat Cemetery at Raleigh, N. C I desire to make oaiijDurT irom Whom I rmv A r,..i L,: Salisbury from whom I have , - - - - T . V. , lorm kindness, and to express my regrelt on being obliged to Bever a relatioh whrth jwas becoming more and morn Tlfaaanf t Li, ing leave of them I would; add assurance of gratetui remembrance of mv stav here, and expression of best wishes1 for-their future happiness and prosperity. '' , j Q. W. IIARBINSON, i - Superintendent. A CHARACTERISTIC LIE. e fiud in the Raleigh "Era" of the JOth ult ; an extract irom a prirate letter -uui mis couniy, io tae editor of that pa per, evidently rrit ten by James Sinclair, which contains an infamous but. ehnrat.- kistic slander upon the people of Blue spring lowusuip, i ne j extract is as W V follows : . j "The democrats have attemrited tn intimidate : our ifriends In Blue- Spriiiff . . I. ! ' ' .... i . . O lownsmp. warrants win be issued for the arrest of the offenders AVe shall carry iue couuiy oj iUU. - : No, it is well, known that the distur bance at Dlue Spring on the day the can didates spoke there, and to which allusion is here made, was confined exclusively to the colon dpeople, and if any intimida tion was attempted it was done bv tlwm alono. Not a solitary white man or uemocrni iook anv Dart whatever ; it. row that occurred? there that day, aud wnaierer violence or nisuit that may have been offered to Sinclair or his friends must have come from the colored people. Wc have-heard nothing of th vomm. referred to ; bat the people of the county arrested at the ballot last tho "principal ofTcnei"- in the per son of James Sinclair, who has done more than any other man to foment discord, hntred and strife among our people. llubesonian. Fearful Outrage.-- At Clifton's mills, Frankliiu couuty, ; on the day of election, Hal Young-, a man of color and a conservative ever since the war, exer cised bis right as a free man by voting for the conservative ticket. As soon as he had deposited bis ticket and before time was given him 1o leave the polls, Tom Spivey, another colored man, took a pitch fork and killed him where he stood. The murderer was arrested upon the-spot and is now in the Louisburgjail. No quarrel had taken n'ace, but the hellish died was perpetrated to graiify tbat hatred which scctns to Iuik in the heart of some of the colored race against those of their own color who dare vote independently and for persons of their choice. 'e' hope mtiited punishment will be visited-upon the malignant devil. Sentinel. " The OrjTLA-R-s.i-Sir.ee the killing of Tom Lowiy the two remaining outlaws, Stephen Lowrey and Andrew Strong, have disappeared from; their old hanuts about Back Swamp and Moss Neck. It is understood that they have established a new ba'se in a "settlement several miles above, and known as upper Scuffletc-wn, where they are keeping very quiet, and seem to be concerned only to keep out of the way of Mr. Wishart and his gallant little band of pursuers. The defeat of their friends in the election last Thursday is another source of uneasiness and fore- bodin&r to the new diiiniritd mwl iramki;n o r ...i. w. iu uiiuj outlaws, and we trust the good people of the county will soon have the satisfaction of burying their dead bodies beside the festering carcass of radicalism in the same dishonored grave. Iiobesonian. - J DAREZ is dead. He died of apoplexy at the city of Mexico on the 13th uli., hi the age f seventy years. Benito Juarez was a remarkable man. He was of pure Indian blood, and was born at the village of Ixtlan, near Oaxaca. He was educa ted in the college of that city, from which he graduated at tillage of "twenty eight. After being elected member of several learned societies, and appointed to many positions pf trust, he served as member of the Slate Legislature, and was then elected governor for four consecutive years. 11! was banished by Santa Anna in 1&53, ajid for two years resided iq Ha vana and jsew Oileans. He subsequent ly returned, and iu turn filled the offices of Secretary of State, Chief of the High Court of Justice, aud President of the Republic. ? o . - "MOTHER, mother," cried a young rook, returning hurriedly, from its first flight, "I'm4 Bfrightcn ! I've seen such a sight!" "What sight, my son?" atked ing and rnnn.ng, straining their necks, aud holding their heads ever so high. Oec mother, there they go! Geese, my son; merely geese," replied the 8;ip:.ut parent bird. Through life, chijd, observe, tlwt when you meet any one who makes a great fuss about himself, and tries to lift hihead higher than the rest of the world, you may set him down I at onc ' to be a goose." V elip Owe following from tlie Trov (N. Y.) Whiff: ' . : " "-ome three months sinceDr. R. V. Pierce, of Buflalo, N. Y., commenced advertiMng in the Whig, an article cailed "Dr. Sages Catarrh Remedy." We believed at that time it was one of the llianv cntch-wmiv armnnmnla in cu ;. tile people out ol their money, but during tlie past few weeks have become convinced to tlie contrary. We know of vfr.il izens who hare suti'ered from that loalhxiie disease '"Catarrh," and tliev pronourice Ir Siiiie's Remedy no humbug, and in re vend instances have ieen entirely cured. We dektre to give Dr. Pierce the benefit of the same, j Ecautie's Best Aaziliary. Ask the belle iifriha reason what apintiiieiit of her toilet-fable holds the highest place in her esteem, and she will reply, without a moment's rtflec tion. II agan'k Ma;'oi t a runr Ktli;t cl, is thoroughly avare, contributes so ! powei fidly to enhance jher charms and render her irresist ible as that;moj.f delightful and healthy auxil iary of Beauty. By using it ladies areenabfed, long after they have passed the meridian of life. their complexions, and where Nature has denied that superlative attraction, the Balm fully com pensates for her deficiencies. ,7! TTTP - Glorious and delightful- i the" Faimmer wtjather i, its tropical heat is a severe trial to the Vital iwa-frj ; Vnon 4t...- . Mliraes prositrated ly iu .efik-H. The 4mmon rrase appneu to Hits condition of the body is general jdetility.' Xovr., general debility arises frdm, and i6cf ude a variety ef ailment. Ihetlvcrls more or less affected, the bowels are euhericonstipatd or too; mnclij relaxit, the tomach but half perfbrmn the-workof Uiaestion, lum is what 1 Tb;is ih what is ealltjd generai deb lity. It is a ciai umarrangemeDt oi aJJ the pIijKical fune tiohs, antjl reunites 3(3 a remtUr Uiedicine Ibat wil regulate them (all. Hosteller's Stomach bitters specially adapted to this purpose. Its general Operation ijs not confined to a inde organ. If the liver u aflecied, it restoreslts lone. Jf the Btorqach is torpid, it regenerate iL If the nerves are tremulous and weak, it braces and reinforces themj If the mind, which ever fvinpathizea with ,the body, U gloomy and de fpondentiit relieve the difficult, and soon brings the; whole mjechanism of the bodv into harmony j with the laws of health. There is no civilised nation in the Western Ilemicphere in whih the utiJity of Jlostetter's fetomach IJiters as aj tonic, corrective, and anil bilious medicine, U fiot known ami appreciated, rhronghodt the Tropic4 it hi considered, both by the people and the nrnfmei nil tho ctanHnfl specific. -While ifm a medicine for all seasons and all climates, it Js especially suited to the complaints generated by the weather, being the rx . 1 r iT rjeiaoie sumuiant in tLe world. ' ;; j: .; Beware; of tlie! Bitters rande of acrid and dangerous niaterials,;whiph unscrupulous parties are endeavoring to rcir t Tb.m name is legion, arid the public has no guarantee tiiattney are not poisonous. Adh.re to tlie rriea remedr. Hnsrttnr'a uha glas and never in Mega or barrels. iXEW ADVEKTISEMEiiTS. Furnishedjto order, at Short Notice, at Steam Saw Mi on Western X. C. K. II., twenty miles from Salisbury. . J Price 4 mill Si. At Sallshnrv sti on Kiln !Jrid at Salisbury, $1,50. tTTERMS CASH. 47: tf: j R. II. COWAN. J. li. ELLIOT & Co. JIauuficturers of ttoli Gins. AVinnsiioro' l 41-3 m ; Wm. Rowzee. ! M. A. Ckingle. NATIONAL HOTEL, Salisbury, IV. c. A First ClasslHouse, situated m the center of the City. This well known Hotel Ina !,., anrlis now tn Tlmronyh Repair. The traveling l-uuni; iii.ij resi assure! tiiat lliey will receive rirst Class jAccomodations. The Piiees rccul.-itt.l tii suit t ti.. rj 1 1 -ll i - J imv lll.u.. J III' table will be siipt.Iifd with the Uvt the market uiurus. j ie r iirriiiTnrc nn, n..r - -- ------ ...... filing n;i- ,r." rut the rooms l:ireland airv. U()Oi)HT.U;Li:Hc.iillec!eI with tlie House. h-ti) wnmious and 1 lavage, tree of c!i:irge. I '. (-::-The und'eTslcrned would rnff.i! oi. 1.:.. - , - ji T " J ' 1 11 n ifiv illN triends to nut the e!hnne.- ns li.. 1. 1 - ing the Mafsiim Ilose f.-.rthe past t we! ve yea rs" . mi mat experience lie J.-eis w.irr-uUe.l in phv inxr entire ifttUfaetioti will hp tir.-n Hl ,.i,i customers are respejifully invited to call at the 14 t t "it 1 I ?; I tf : 41 W.n. IIOWZKE. W. A. HAYS. E. BKYCE SILL. NEW HAYS & SILL Druggist & Apothecaries. SAX.ZSQUB.3r, pi. c. - Having purchased the contents of the Drug Store formerly occupied hv Dr. Edward Sill. We resp ct fully call the at tention of the CUizens of Salisbury and the surrotWins country, to the new ar rangement, and nf)rm them that we will continue to carry on the business at the same plac, and, the same excellent way. We will eideavor to keep on hand all the various goods tj;e people may need per taining to our line, and therefore hope by strict jattention to business, to receive a liberal patroaage. Physician Orders Prompt : ly Attended To. Prescriptions accurately and carefully compounded by reliable and competent Druggists day or night. 43 l y Bevyare of Counterfeits ! JOB MOSES "WAmiES are extentivtly C0GXTirsiTsi. Dkhonett Drug, gut endeavor to te'l the counterfeits to make greater projitt. T$e genuine have the name qfj ob Slose 1 on each paekagei All othert are tcortMe imitation. The OBsriNK Pills are nnfailinjf in tlio cure ot aU those tHinttat fiadl dantrcrons dieeii.ee to whioh th Iemal eoaetitution w.pabjict. Tho.T uiodem tl excessp and ireiaovo all obstructions, from what ever cause, i j TO BIARKIED LADIES tU(jr are partteutariy iuit,L They via ia a f hort time tanfoft the monthly period with regularity : and althouph Vry Dowerful. contain nothinr hurt ful to th conftitution. Iu all crn of Nervon and Pd mat Afluctt, Pains in the Ilvk nnd Limb, rif.eae oa elieht esrnion, Palnitntioa of tho Ileait. Hysterica and Whitea. thoy effect cure when U otier means have fail-1. Tho cirr-rdarn arouaa aca packajre .rive full di-ertions and adyice, or win be tent ties to ail writing for them, scaled troTn obscrration. ''If here the OExnxs oimothe ootain1.0ne r.UareTicl)wd to tho Sole P.-pri-t.r. JOB M03K3, ,13 1 Cort-landt Su Xer York, will U,TPevn optt'Cthe genuine, cmtinin? Fifty RELIEF IN TEN MINUTESZ ui4.x-a.vsh rui.iioxir WAFnTlR JTnre Cocoas, Coi.pa. A?ti5jia, r.r.nscHiri, Son lHr.OAT. HiDARSKKESS. DlFKICl LT liUEATniSO. In- oir5T Cassry.fTioy ASD i,lSc Diseases. Tii" v hive no tate-of medicine, t.a I anv cliiii wilt u.k'a them. Tumt!Vls hiT )",.n T.tor'rd to health th it haltxcforeaeipired. Te'tinwvri n In hnndrrda c,vci A OHYAN'S l'l't.MO sIO WAFKR9. ?rl.rf,?3 tWis per box. J OC MOSKS, Proprie tOTjJ Oo.-tfciTHlt Street. N-.-w Yo. lr. THE GREAT" FRENCH REMEDY DELAHiRKE"8 SPFCTFTC TIL.I.S. Ftv Wed V J. GARAXCI KK., J.SlR30Lurab:ird, P.itj. TVf". E.11 f1 b!l!! reoommondd by th ratire Medical FacuSty Fran-e a theyerj best rempdr in all ease of Swrnarrhira. or Seminal W-ak-ifhtJrD;dlror Premature Emif?ioni; ex ? WlsDjoTi!jc.vcyf Wcnir-t arininpfrom , ecretHibiand Sexnal Exwes; Ees.ratiomonh GeiUtaJ 0-tn Wx Spine : "Oorit in thf Crine. fld Jl the rhatty tmln of DisvaKe arit-inr from ' uJropr Excewea, Thcyeure when all etherrrm uktafeil. Pamphlet of A.lvi in e-h box. or will be sent Frento any addrw. Prico St per Itax. Went hrmatU tcttrrlynmlril fmm e'l ohtervation on ceirtof priee. OSCAR G. MO? ES, 18Cotlhdt St-Jew YpaKBol Gtr.emi Apent for America. t . Saa3 14, T2. 43: ly. MACMAKOS SMUT MACHIKES THRESHING MACHINES HORSE POWERS- ': Several varieties, on wheels or without. : CIDeB ako vyihe mills- the handiest tbing out. " - . v . SPPLE AND PEACH PARERS, Corers and Slicerx labor -savers. ' We warrant all these articles togire satisfac tion or no sale. CRAWFORD & IIEILIG. 4J--tf THE AMERICAN BUTTON-HOLE. 0VRSEAMING AND Comphte Sewing MACHINE. The first and onlv BUTTON-HOLE AND SEWING MACHINE combimjd that has made iis advent in this or any other country. B2T" Thei following reasons are given why this i the bet j Fa m Utf Mad ine to Purchase. 1. Beeaose it will du 7. lUci.'n. ... everything that auy ma- quickly r.ise or lower the clitiijK CHit do, se-iug leed to adapt ittotbickor Hum mc ihioi m tiie im 11 cloth, coarsest material,! hem-j 8. Because yon have a ming. felling, cordinjr.lshon deep bobbin by braiding, onullng, gath-; which the thread Is con eriug and setring on, at sUntly drawn from the the same time raffling, centre; the tension ia quilting, etc., better than consequently eren and any other miShiue. jdoe not break the thread. 2 because the tensions) 9. Because the prewer a e more easily adjusted j foot turn back; that the than any other machine. Icloth can be easily re- 3. Because it ean work moved fter being Bewed a beautiful buttnn-hole j 10. Because the best making as fine d pearl ax mechanic pronounce it by the hand. ;tLe bet finished and 4. Because it will em-. made on the bei-t princi broider over the edge, p!c of any machine man making a ueat and beau-: uTactured. It has no tilulboitler on any gar-springs to break; hoth ment. 'inir to get out of order. 6. Because it will work, 11. Becau,e it is two a beautiful eyelet hole. ( machinesin one. A Bct- 6. BeRuse it can rio tos-boik Worsimi and over-band feamin?, by'SEwiNO Machine com wln'cli sheets, pillow ca.s- bitted, es atid the like are sewed i over and ?ver. I BS? Xrother Maehine can accomplish the kind of sewing Uted in Noa. 3, 4, 5, and (J. Parties upinjr a family sewing machine want a Whole Machine, one with all the improve ments. It is to last a LIFETIME, and therefore one is wanted that will do the most work nl !i !i tlie lest: and this maehine cm 1L1 u-v.r 1 kinds of dewing not done on any othrr ma(hine, besides doing every kind that ail others can do. Tie Aif:. ictni or Plain Sewing Machine. Without the huiton-hole parts 1, d.es nil that is oone on iiie i omuii.atiuii except button-hole and ovtrsearnin. MBKONKY & IHiO., Agts. Salinbury, N. C. Examine them before purchasing anv other Sewing Machine. I do not Instate to siy the Aineriran Cnmbina tion, surpassex all other ni.ieiiiiie. Bides doing all tlie work that other machines can. it overse am, and works button. liol.-s in any fabric, from Swiss muslin, to Heaver Hotk I have used Singer. loats Hon e' and the Weed machines, and And the American far superior to them all. Miss M. Rctledo. I have nsed six dinVrent Sewing Machines. The American surpasses them all. Mrs. A. L. Raixet. I hive ued The3tnger and other machine and would not exchange the Armrican for any. Mks. Jl. N. Bkixole. SAUSBrav, X. C, May 22.1. 1872. Mkrokey & Bro., Agt. American Com. S. 11. Pik : I have used tl e Howe. Singer, Wheeler Wilson, Wilcox & Cibhs Sewing machines, and would not give the American Combination for all or llieni. it will d-i alt that is claimed for it iu the circular. I consider it superior to all others I have evej- seen. Very Respectfully, Mrs. Geo. V. Harbiksow. Wethe undersigned take great pleasure in giving our testimony in favor of the American Pewinp Machine ir pie teii-i-re to any other, believing that is it truthfully recommended as the best machine made. Itis simple, durable, rnns very light and does not get out of order or drop stitclies. Mrs. Lavha M. Overman', " A . L. ForsT, " J. Allen Bkowk, " A . W. Northern. " A. E. Jones, " M. E. Tuomasox, We have seen flaming advertisement and heard much said by tgentsol other taachioes. We will forfeit ore hundred dollar to the con tending party, if after a fail trial bctore competent judges the American Machine will not do as well if not lietter, the work done on any other machine, and do valuable work that no other machine cau do. . We have been Agent for Sewing Machine since ia6. have soid Singer's, Lad Webster's, At waters' and Florence's, and Lave abandoned all Tor the American. - Kend and get samples of work 2T:ly MFR0XEy"& BRO.. Ai'U INSURE YOUR LIFE AMERICAN LIB INSURANCE CO.OFPILA.. S. E. Corner Fourth and Walnut Streets. ORGANIZED 1850. CHARTER Perpetual. Assetts, $3,638,864.88. GEORGE W. HILL resident, J01IX S. WILSOX, Secretary. BOAED OF TRUSTEES. ALEXANDER WHILDEX. Hon. .TA5. IOLI)CK, I. EDGAR THOMPSON, GEO. NUGENT, ALRERT C. ROHERT J, PHILIP B. MINGLE, HON. A. G. G ATT ELL, ISAAC HAZLKIIIJKST, L. M. WHILLDEN. HENRY K, HENNFT'' GEO. V. HILL, JAS. L. CLAG HORN, JXO. WAb'XAMAKF-l' Issues all forms of Life and Endowment Policies, LOWEST RATES POSSIBLE. ALL POLICIES NONFORFEITABLE. PRE AMERICAN has been in Act ire o Deration KI'TtrrUtHl Urifl tUlT I rtl -fn ItV far t lrr mm n firiniitiaKi.H r. tniv UnLiiiiij . w rrtATi " u ar.. commercial probity. and bas been eminently vucceful. " V "" "ungHiinn wiuivignAi j romptnena. anu in a mom iiucrai ptnt. smlnant mmA 1..:... ; 11 r 4 jl' j011111a11 Reliable Amenta wanfrJ whn uhnl,l a mrklv Vav - w . uifviiii k uii'ii. au a&i wi Mmaaiaii m k ia it a Or to Col. St. Ciais DkawXO, Sppt. Af cut. Threshlnti Mar.h : i - i'rt.g Store. 1 , PRESERVE vour FRUiri 11. u- . V r" ock ot jrrttlt Jar IMPROVED, and I'ORCELAIX UKCU. fll and cautioa our ladv tAA !frwlA Call before purcha.ing eWwhere. 41:lf) iulu. r. kluttz a Co.. Drngjrista. JELLY TUMBLERS UJJLTU SCILCTzr wnTiif 41tf)at KLUTTZ r CoV SPEAHS' Preserving Solution. One bottle to 136 lbs. Fruit, $1. Also, Aorny'a Preserving Powder, 60 eta. 4 tn TIIEO. F. KLUTTZ & Co'g. 41") Prog Store, STEWARD WA1VTED, For Davidson College. Apply to R. G. McDowell, Esq., or Itev. Wm. W. Pharr, Alt. Monrne, N. C, or to Prof. W J Jtarnn, iitirsir, at thp CoIlegP. WALTER A. wnnn Reaping and Mowing Machine. The lightest, most substantial and cheapest Implement made. Fully warranted. Threshing Machines aud Horse Powera of various oattent such ?jf Krvot,K-l...i 1 , . 1 ...vvvnuianuniaiuiDCe and Baltimore powers. Send in your order J- 11. alJUMl'SON, 41:3mo.. Tyro. Davitlson Co., N. C. J. P. RUECKERT, MASONIC HALL, 57 and 59 Market St., ViLMINQTOH, M. C. PIANOS , and ORGANS OF THE BEST ieadlny Factories in the United States. PIANOS of ALL STYLKS and PRICES to suit purchasers constantly on hand and forale. fcj? All inducement usually held out bv Northern Manufacturers can onl'v be had in the State at the nlnve place. GEO. WOOD'S dt CO'S. PAH IiOa and VESTSX.'Sr OZLQAUs ! They arc pre eminent for their Charm iffy Solo Stops, licnuty aud Purify of Tone. Elcgavt Design and Fin ish. In fuel they surjass AXY OltCrAX Heretofore known or introduced in thi city. Call, Hear and See Them! All JiiMrutnenta Wamnted for Five Y'earn. 63- PIANOS TL'N'Kl) AND RF.PA1REP. r A choice aelection of Sheet Music on han.l and for s.le. J. F. HL'ECKKIiT. may 31-37-tf Wilmington, N. C. DO YOU LOVE ME. 1 NEW and lasting perfume, with arrest V variety of other extract for the handker chief, including nil kind of toilect articles, at C. R. BARKER & CO'S Drug Su.re. UO y-u wish to enjoy a good smoke T Th"n try aonie of the gonaiue Havana Cigars just received a 0. K. BAGKER A CO'S Drug Store. Vl ) 1 TANNERS Oil, Magic. t'V'a 1 Trannoarpnt Mncliino Oil and low price at C. R. BARKER & CO'S Drug Store. at VK R I P I-X'f F I L L Y call ll.eallention of Physicians, Merchants and the public generally to our well sclet ted stock of Drugs, ChcmuaU, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, finishes. Dye Stuffs, Lamps, Lamp Fixtures, dc, dc. ALL GOODS warranted, pore, fresh and genuine, and price to anit the time. All orders promptly attended to. Epeti.il care and attention given to onr prescription de partment. C. R. BARKER & Co., Drugjri.t, (Successor to Jxo. H. ExmssJ 26nf Salisbury. N. C. for nearlr a auarter of a centurtt. hat Urn aisky &acr iiuiiui a uuujufiiiie uimii wa 1 .1 ..V, iajUMa. i. mil viiiiu a. .1 111 i ii a 1 atff v an 4 nsrwnn t . REV. L. F- WAT, GcnT Agrut- 8ta4eTiiia. N. C Wilmington, N. a Imaj-ly i 1 WSPP 1 iivsi Hi: l Georgia Home Insurance Ca Of COLUMBUS, Ga. iKCORPOBATtn, 1 CaTA1 $3-Vl,000 J. RHODIS BROWNE, VicjU. IX F. W ILLCOX, Stcrttary. All Losses Equitably Adjusted And Promptly raid in Full! ly mTT' deT,irin dUn reliable In turance will do ell to protect tlmselre Lr -ecunng a Policy n "Grgi, Home InMn SutheifS.C,telat rrminenl lK,,t1' in tU J. ALLEN IllIOWN, Agt-nt, Office No. 2, (iranile Row, April M, 72. It Salisbury, N.C. S A Li S A durable nrick Ilonse with r a ft7 "WTT out bouwa ; Hitnated in tie moist dehirahlrtnart T..- t, ... to purchase, can apply t ai office. R. R. R. Radway's Ready Reltel Curei the wors pain in from , -Mil II1.MTIJ. Not one hour after reading ihi adrertifene nt u""j wiFUUer witb t' A IN RADWAY'S KKADY RELIKK I a cure for every P.iu. u ,M the tirn and omy 1 ain uemetly that itiMuntl vU .p tu uio.t excruciatine tain, a lar 1. ihn,.i; .1 cuii-n v oiigefu.-nf.wLetlu rof the lur,K. tom ach . Rowcla or ftLw glar.da or t.rpai T ,v ne application, m from ne to twenty Uiitiu.V-.no matter how violent or eacru-itig the ,,iu Uheumatic, Bed ridden. I, fin,, Crind.d. ker- oo. fnrniirif ..r nr. 1 1 ...1 .1:.. . .... unffer. R A I) WAY'S HEADY afford infant eai. RELIEF iil InflatoumliuH of the Kiifu . , Iif'titHmatum i,t the Ehnhh-, InflamtiuUionff the c Tn . , .. . . isMi. 1'aUf tii'i.... ,.f 1). . ; ... lr 1 '.' ""in. IlyiiUnc, croup, D'pthtna, Cittrih, Ini?iifT,ti. lleatlacj,tt Toothache, . . Xcumlgiet Lhcuti.atirm, .1,1 rn :n. t J ' ' vvj n Siynr I. Hi lit. The application ol the I'tn-ln ?.'. ( to tl.( partorparU when- the pain or .1 lLt:l:v exi t will aflord e.ix- iil c infi.rl. Twenty drop in n half a lumlder of a' in a feu- iiMiiiiiit, ,u:i- rri,-j., Stomach, hcrlhuiH. ,rl; , ,',-,;., iljrtt,t,nj. c;l,c, iciihl i t;.- w U in ternal pann Travd-ri -h.nld alw. carrv a !oi:!.- ..r Kadwaja Riadv It.'iu l ' with lb. :n. A f w drop- iu wat. r will pn t:it -i. 1 1 .,- , . fn.uchai.ge..f r.!.-r. It if. U-tter tL.ia l; liramlv or Lit l-r ha h xt ivmlnrt. Tevcr and Arnc. Fever and Ague cured lor tilv t Th.r- i n t a renntlial agent in thi, tti.iid tl.nt cure Fover and ,vvu- au4 ail ..;).. r M.ii..,..j. Ri;i..ii.S.'arlet,Typh..id. V, !low m,.l ..if , r F.-. ver (a:de. by hativrai,' 1,11) M, ,,,. '1 . Radw.yV Ready Rtl,..- Full cer.t H., l-,t tie. 1 HEALTH! BEAUTY! ! Strong and pure rich l!loHlInciTe j llcsh and KIohJ Clear Shu, d iUau tiful CvMjJcjrion .-reared to all. DR. RADWAY'S Sarsaparilan Keholvcnt Has made the most astonishing Cures : so Quick, so ravid are thr channrs th Kl undergoes, under tie ir.ffurrre of thi truly Wonderful Medim.r, that EVERY IAN AN INCREASE IX FLESH AND WKKJliT Js SEEN AND l EIF. THE GRKAT III.OOD 1'iTlKIKK. Evry droji of thn SjrhMrilliau K. soJr.-r.i coniiounuat.'s through tb- llo i, saeat. uiine j and other UukU und jui. i- of tl..f f.i. m the; vigor of life, f..r it n-jtir the waiu oi the both j with new and iuiind material. Kcn.tu!i. an.i i li, coni.uuiption, glandular di-ea- s. ulcer in im: mi hi, uitiuiu. ibinorK, no.io.- iu the g!anl J and other tarti f ibn k Vail ('Til ki.rn a.i i. mi kfrt, 1 1 ff morou dihargt afrunt tlieearc.and thewort 1 K-pir IlMi.i-n. u mV- Curl. Switehea. Or form of hkiii ii--ae, eruption, fever. Koren, I naic-ntu and Jt-wtdi r Stt ; alx make fa mi- jM W .A m.1 .. . i . i . . . ... ... . .. at"lu -". uf worm, hniiriiei.in, eryMjKU. ache, bine k Kiia.r cirm. i 1 1 ft..), ..,,.. ' - ? - - itv.-ii, lu.urpj in the wouuih, ami all weaken-.r.g ar.d a:t:ful dischargef. nijrht swi-atr. la o! rj nn m il nil WiU-U'i of the life 1'riiiciple, are with.n th" cur ative range of thi Wonder of Uodem Ch.n it rv.and a few day' Uie will prve t' any pr aon wishing it lor either of tbce form, of di eae itn x.tt ?it power to cure them. it the patient, daily U-coining reduced ly the wate and deconi).ition that ia continually pngreRMi gucceedin arrehtir g the.-- a-.ef and repair the cauic ith new material ma-le ! from healthy bl.MMl and thi the Sar'apariilian ' will illltl do M'i:n ji ( tin- iv rim.,- (.., I wben once thin ren.ctly ..i:.inr:.c. i. it ok Iu ' purihea'ion, ur,d ucc, .U in ditn:r i -hing the ios oi wanee, n repnirs win roj i.l. and er- erytiay the patient will fe. l hmiM if gr-w-ig bt'ltcr iir.il Kltono.-i- ll. IimmI itn'-.t n, l,..n r 1 " ... r r -. - Cin! "S'Vl :id,fe:U,d .'U ixinnii I'xrri bii Know i; rein, uiai arrr.'. ;n ir.r euro .K'hn.uc. Scn f doDsCotiat,.., .1 ,Dd : sl;., -r....... i,,..;. :. n ,.,r; ,..;.!.. ' f, i-iiivi'v a. ii i.tii.1 i-.. vii. i i vr I nr;ary and womb (Ufa-.-, giarel, dube'.e . drt.psy. stoppage of water,?ticii.titiet,-- ( urir . . Ftrijrht'a di-ea-.-. A P.cmiiniria. n: d ir ail i - ' i i v a'. it u iiiiaii'iiii , jmrn a.-va l c . where there aie hiii K-.lr.-f tM.i or l! c ter i thick, doady. niiscd wit u n;ibt aiu - l.l. the white of am -gg, or thread' l.kt- !: ' -,,a r there i a rri ;d. datk. hi!i.u app'a -. and whi'e bi:e-l'jt il--j,"-it. a:.d h-n tlre h t.rii'kir.i. h.in i i : jg ,-et s-.' n w!,. ti j. i...: p eir. iv: d f ;ti ri in tl hi nil ! I !. .. . ! r.g ' hi- J.'iii-. DR. RAHW.Ws Vertvct Inrsraliir I'ilU, r ;t.- . r ' kat ''t ' i.l " v '1 i,if: n .r-'-. .'.'u'lit' f vi i!r c e .,!. i :.! riir'l. u . -I'.m J - . Ti ). t. ; i 1 4 i.f v' 1 lie ! i. r- ' i st'ima'h. I.r. 1 1 t i"1 l .!.'. Uiarai-a I t-aU. t !-' l a9.'. n . t.- . . . m-.lH.L. ot tl t i -k i i i a'1 i i !l.a tUrn . a-ra at 1 i ' r ii 1 "t t . T i ' a ' tiveae. 1'i.re'v verttt. c . n I U t r ; - v..- - r. rr e .r.tcm Iron I1 Ib'.-Ul nnii.il il ... ;6 rcnuu-- X. Mil l h 1 I t Itead - FatE aiP Trr fc." eo ui e I.'UmI irr ; to HAtlWtV .., 3J vfptren trrt Tr-r. ff' thurtb street. Nw V-tk. InfotMjt.on r-ort ; thuaad will be aeat joa. Juac J6-1tJ T- S. V. TERRELL: Auction aud Commission AND IlAU:i; IN BENEBAL MCnCilAHDISE Staple, Dry Goods, SWs, Hat,, Cffrt'tortrii,, Crvclcrg and GUss U'cir, PtxhJ EX KBALLY. Ileef. Tork. FrrL ai.d Salt n.Utter. ErgN Cbiclec. CabUgr. Btrj, M FW and MraJ. 8gar. Cr. Uolru jra and variety of th Coodt, - krtVrkie!711 kind,,f CwoT prodoc, at Ca,b iail !, lUg, acd ,Wn Gowd f mif l1 W ' " ooa- m mot, .04 . ron,pt retnrr. w.i,. CdftR. a tr.aj; one dr aUve R. A. CaldreU'.Uw ouie on Inui- .trwt. 8. W. TEllKZLxT "WEED" SEWING MACHINE. wait of a i' "Vfyoto M-chiwa. AUlm want of a tint cal Sowing MarLin ai u. darabditr. beauty .td .24. It raa.vSrr otbc Machine can exll tb. Ved ia a-ntVar both thread. th .,e. and Mkh alike oS orMdr. Read the follow ir.g l,m tcuux.rl S WTKRUELL.JiKaii. S Limv. March S5. IRi.' S. W. TaKKKLL, . V'l iT ref Srr,rg .Vflr. . Hnr MwiiuHinrfntirflyB, and w knowu in u,. p,.nii,n of the Stale.it affurd m pleasure to recimti.rr.d it to the lobhc. 1 Lara bad ill , niy nK.m for w,-k.. tb Uove. Amer Jean (iulinati..n and the -Weed" and rv tb.-n all. lair, impartial triad I rw r Int.l-MfatMw.v t .. r. . .1 . . ' . !" v-u tour j Mher.it run a.1er.n,.re ,i,rTi,. in mebaii. i m.ebii.e can d.. ' ' nj I think if !tr,,!;, !,v of con.trcr.- of munap-,,.. ux . I v ?J a'd?ifi? ly -wh ,tIi;, ', 'J,1 " 1 .1.:.... .. 1 urn dlM Ala x. d. Harris. national HOTEL, I ALi!.BrKt. April 10. I-T2 J W. Ti.nsr.Li.. ' iJt s Aft " irte.r .rria .Vachtme : I have rcl y.-ir V 4'lire M.fcjert Jertth .r timx t.. t-t r. meri'a. I t an rlrfLUr re . ..uini-i..l n to :i m ai.t .f Crl claa eh:ae. It n .n.j-.'e duiable. run rarer il an ary other, i- i-.i.r to ojrateon. and caa do all mr.y i.'hfT r. a. bu:r can do. . ., M- A Uai.it. Apnl 10. l-',2 THE ADVANCE" Mower & Reaper. FACTI UKD ijy iin: 11-. i J-r Mannf.cliiit,g ('.... Idltidr-r. N. J.; I.a t! r f.riLg (- r r..g u 1..1) all in an iron ra-.-. in j to -clud- !l gril. dirt. A'c tiniiy ti.-w a ijd valuahlr falu't-n uhicfi d. ii'.t -it in I'thi'r. rk well n sri..-th or ht..i.v land atd i cot liaUelO C-t out of ..r.l.-r. l'. r.n iut'uliri7 to boy mow er and R er. this uu,ii. r. would do well to el ami ue the 1 33 ANOE, ' b"'T" r"7'"'' f v I V't V 'TV "T7. ' 1 T.7 X U I;..,'! Stat,. Act. tor X. C. Fr. til. inc. F..fth- Co.. N. C Y. L. KISTLKR. aliburr. N. C. I mar. J Acnl f"r Rowan Co. FANCY HAIR YORK. TKKHKLL. will do any Hair WorL. MRS. S. W. WinJ ,f Tanrv ' !y hair into Wtath. and ll.iuH. I , , . . F.-r t. ru. raii at b-r r-id-iire ro Choreh Mre-i. Y.t .f the .Mfth.Miiat ChortL. 8a la r cm b.- a at h. Y. Tr.fcUI-LL'n Stora on It,iiii. itr--t. Mav l. 1-72. -Itf. NOTUK. The I'irn: It re to Core existing onder tke bb and title ot J. A. 1111 A Co. ia diwJved, an no onr- i aiiib.ri-d to contract anr detrta. riff ".r ,K,U' or r"li ny a.TCKir.t in i natr.e; a 00 ' autlioriz-d to ciaLe n rltlm eirf-f't mixlf. SalUljiiry, Jm.e 1, 1872 tf r -t-- a vnvTkvn ILL) P iLIllLN Gr. . .... . .M .. (string ,M' In r.c, I r.J.rxlla; l'raaoi, alfc- '.'Z Apple and IN a: h I'trtra, Sbrar. . ,. - , . .- . . . tluk1"!' " T ). f - Hioj. in tl rnr of (lf.ttrra rurwitua tore. 1 triu low. but cah on d. liTerv. J T. liF.I-L, JuK 2d 12 Im... TO CONTRACTORS. Tl on -rw!g';--d hate bea autl-ric-d Ia r..i tract f..r ti e building of a New Cbnrrk. in tl .- u f :.c..td. X. C. A pla add IM-c.t. i .' t ... i ,r..M.ed biJlUllf a? CAB if .H.e i: - . . . r ta . a ad e9 - i- .i' v 'ihia tire , , ; . I: n v '- ;i .'-1 ! l; i 1 i .! 1.1. LU f.i.l.LR. -: v i . i.'.i:. . a i:iig (out. I i.l.i : I i .-in.:. Drs. Smciaorell & Gaither's DAIIKLK (vrs Hm- Store vp sjAjns. Au-. ifi; In. Utf . m

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